#Just the smick bits!
feraltwinkseb · 2 years
Race Of Champions - Day 1 (Sebastian Vettel & Mick Schumacher)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Sebastian and Michael for the ship bingo
Aaaaaaa thankuuuu <33
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
smick + mick never wins a WDC
"I won't get it."
Sebastian opens his eyes to the dark. There is a light in the room, coming from the light outside. Seb likes to keep a porch light (it makes everything feel like it should be, homely and comfortable and as it is supposed to be, like he always thought home should be, like he read in the books when he was small and hiding under the covers and he didn't want to go through his car books again, in the stories there was always a porch light on waiting for whoever came home last) and its light spills into their bedroom.
He keeps his breathing steady. If Mick wants him to hear this, he'll make it known. He'll grab Seb's hand, or nudge him, or wake him up in some other way.
The room stays silent for a moment, and then Mick says it again.
"I won't - I won't get it."
I know, Seb wants to say. I've always known, ever since we drove together that year, my last and your first. I've known ever since you were a child and I was watching you in karts with Michael next to me, proud as he ever was of you. I knew it back then because he was proud of you like a father is supposed to be proud of a son - without any expectations of what that son will do, or was able to do. And Michael knew too, that you weren't like us. That you were gentle, and kind, and that you would never be a champion.
He breathes evenly, makes sure to let out a mumble as he thinks I've always known you'll never get it. You're too good a person, Mick, you're not a bastard, you don't have the instinct to smash and crash and burn for it. You don't want to hurt anyone, you don't dare push the limits because you know what pushing the limits means. You know what it gets you, you know the consequences, and you could never bear bringing someone else the desolation that going over the limits has brought you. And that is your greatest strength as a person and your worst weakness as a racer. And you, you're a driver only second, or third, or maybe even fourth. You're a son, and a brother, and a lover all before you're a racer, and that means you will not be a champion.
Mick sighs, and Seb waits. If Mick wakes him up, he'll reassure him. He will lie, and he will lie well, because he's learned to lie at the feet of the best and he will make Mick believe the lie, because the truth serves nobody at this point. He has been lying to Mick their whole lives, about so many things, because Mick needed to be protected and saved from all the pain that Seb could spare him, so lying to Mick comes as second nature to Sebastian now. Sebastian will lie, and he will lie magnificently, and he will kiss Mick softly and hold him gently and cook him breakfast in the morning, and life will go on as it always does.
Mick sighs again. This time it's a different sound. This time, it echoes with acceptance. It makes Seb angry, and sad, and if he dared admit it to himself, just a tiny bit disappointed.
Sebastian feels Mick move closer, so he affects only waking up now. He opens his eyes to half mast and mumbles "Love? What," but before he needs to take the charade further, Mick shushes him.
"It's okay," he whispers, fitting his arms around Seb in a maneouvre they've done a thousand times. "Sleep."
Sebastian relaxes in Mick's arms. "Love you," he mumbles, because he has to, but mostly because he wants to.
"Love you too," Mick says, and buries his face into the junction of Sebastian's neck and shoulder.
Sebastian falls asleep thinking of Mick.
He dreams of Michael.
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antimonyandthyme · 1 year
smick, magical realism
He says, “I can’t magically conjure him up a cockpit, if I could he would already have one!”
There is a whisper of a laugh in his ear, and a flash of bright colour in the corner of his eye. Sebastian startles and looks around. It is noisy and busy and the interviewer is already asking her next question. No matter. Life has learned him some patience.
It is a beautiful day, with a beautiful crowd. There’s so much to be excited about. He receives homemade bracelets and hand-drawn postcards and signs every cap in sight. He’s buckled into Kinky Kylie by familiar hands. He relishes in her familiar sound. The feel of a wheel against his gloved hands. He is… proud of what he’s trying to accomplish. And humbled by all of the support.
The splashes of foxgloves lining his way back to the hotel are interesting. He won’t question it, not yet. The wind pushes through them, and Sebastian imagines he can hear the crystal tinkle of bells. He pauses at the sidewalk. This stalk must be at least six feet tall. He has to stand on his tiptoes to inhale.
Such a silly thing to do. Foxgloves have no distinct odour, even though they are very pretty. They are in fact, quite poisonous, and Sebastian certainly shouldn’t be sniffing them like he’s trying to do. Something tells him no harm will befall him. Something in the air feels amused, and it is always to your benefit, if people are amused with you. They tend to be more amenable this way.
Back in the hotel he packs. He’ll catch an early train tomorrow, so there’s no sense in going for a nightcap. Also no sense in delaying the inevitable.
He’s asleep faster than he remembers, and then awake in a place where the sand shifts and fog comes and goes and the backdrop changes from a deep forest to the unending ocean whenever he so much as blinks.
“You’re surprisingly hard to read for someone so transparent.”
“Are you doing that?” Sebastian asks, intrigued. “Changing the scenery to what you think I like?”
Laughter that is amused, thankfully, and not unkind. “I don’t need to think, Sebastian. I said you were transparent.” The fog swirling all around him materializes into a shape and then a form and then—
“That’s not fair,” Sebastian says quietly.
The Mick standing before him looks exactly like Mick, save for his blood red eyes. That beloved face which Sebastian has memorized to perfection curled into an expression Sebastian isn’t familiar with. A god contemplating an ant.
“This is all you,” Fog Mick says. “The scenery, the form I take. You’re anxious, so you’re flickering between places that soothe you. And you love him, so that’s who you see.”
To have it all laid bare before him without so much as an introduction. Not unlike being butterflied under the skilled hands of a chef. “Who are you,” Sebastian says, tries to keep his tone mild, “and what do you want with me?”
Fog Mick laughs. “You really are taking this very well.”
“I am—” Sebastian pauses, thinks. “I am a race car driver.” He’s proven that he still is, after today. “I’m working towards being a sailor, even though I’m not great at it. My friends like to think I’m a bit of a famer, too.” There’s so much to learn, he’s not even halfway there. “Beekeeper, husband, father. Lover.”
Fog Mick’s smile is indulgent, maybe even a little approving.
“I guess, after everything, it’s a little hard to surprise me now, as young as I may seem to you.”
“Flatterer,” Fog Mick crows, absolutely delighted. His nose scrunches up, just like Mick when he laughs. It would be disastrous if Sebastian were to let down his guard like that. “This is what I meant by you being hard to read.”
“So, will you answer the question?”
“You said you would conjure him a seat.”
“Figure of speech,” Sebastian says hastily.
“Oh, but I object,” Fog Mick says. “There was a desire, behind that thought.” The entity licks its—Mick’s, lips. Hold fast, Sebastian warns himself. “Desire so great it called me to you. I suppose you could say I grant wishes.”
“No,” Sebastian says, as unwise as it may be to argue with the Fae. “You conclude contracts. You want something in return.”
“Very good, Sebastian.”
“Well?” Sebastian runs through the possibilities in his head. Flesh? Blood? Lifespan? “What is it you want?”
“What will you give?”
Sebastian shakes his head. His heart trembles at the thought of acquiring something so precious, for someone so beloved. Hold fast. “You don’t play fair.”
There it is, a tinge of cruelness in the laugh now. “Never have done,” Fog Mick says. “Never needed to.”
“You’ll need to with me,” Sebastian says, injecting a false sense of surety into his declaration. It may be his imagination, but Fog Mick wavers like a wisp of smoke for a moment, before turning solid again. “Or I’ll sleep, and wake, and there will be no pact between us when all this is over.”
Something falls past Fog Mick’s lips, a language Sebastian wasn’t meant to hear. The air turns colder, and Sebastian tempers his heartbeat. In this realm, according to the Fae, he controls the surroundings. Fog Mick paces, footsteps uneven, like an adult trying to mimic the tread of a child. Now, Sebastian sees their differences clearly. Now, he gathers strength.
The unyielding, gentle might of the mountains. Sebastian takes them there. Fog Mick startles. A hiss, the entity twisting Mick’s handsome features beyond recognition with a sneer.
“You want something from me, enough to seek me out,” Sebastian says, pressing his advantage. “You want it so badly you came to me. Be honest, or I will speak with you no longer.”
“You seek to protect his youth, I want that shelter,” the Fae says. It no longer sounds amused, but covetous instead. “You seek to nurture him with your care, I want that kindness. You seek to succour him at his lowest, I want that comfort. You seek to love him.”
Sebastian shudders.
“I want that devotion.”
Sebastian braces himself. Images of Mick’s overjoyed face if Sebastian told him a seat would be available soon. But what of their relationship? What would become of them if the Fae were to take everything else they held dear?
“No seat is worth that,” Sebastian says.
“No?” Fog Mick raises an eyebrow. “Not even one for your beloved?”
“I seek to protect him, even though he does not need my coddling. I seek to nurture him, and I see him far grown beyond me. I seek to succour him, and he gives me comfort instead. And I seek to love him—”
The Fae frowns, dissatisfaction breaking its form into mist. Fear and reverence and caution and wisdom. Sebastian has never been so grateful to every experience amounting to this instant.
“And he loves me in return. He does not need your offer. So, I refuse.”
They’re back in the hotel room, and Sebastian is waking. The chiming of bells, signalling an end to something significant. Laughter in his ears, haughty, but still, not unkind.
Even packed, Sebastian manages to be late for his train. He runs with his roller suitcase trailing and bumping behind him. He passes the foxgloves, now wilting, and thinks of what to say to Mick.
“If I told you, I had the opportunity to get you a seat, but turned it down—”
“Then I’d know,” Mick interrupts him, voice strong and sure even through the poor reception, “you’d have done it for a good reason.”
“Alright,” Sebastian says. How much can he feel for one person? It’s unfathomable. “I’ll see you soon.”
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12romy · 2 years
Could we maybe get a small Smick roc os?
I'm sorry it took me so long, I'm having a bit of a writer block and it's the first time in a month I complete something! It’s not very long and I’m not entirely satisfied but I hope you'll like it ^^”
"You know, you don't have to pretend to give me a kiss, you can just do it," Mick blurted out once they were back to their cabin after filming some stuff for the ROC.
It had taken him all his courage to say that, and he probably wouldn't be able to give his name if Seb asked him right now. He's afraid he'll just screech loudly if he opens his mouth because that's what's going on in his head. A string of thoughts going from "why did I do that" to "oh god I'm an idiot".
And then, Seb speaks.
"Kiss you?" He has an eyebrow risen, a little smirk on his face, and Mick can almost feel his knees give in under him. "Kiss you where, on the cheek?"
Mick nods frantically, blushing and fustigating himself.
Wordlessly, Sebastian leans in and drops a peck on his cheek, almost at the corner of his mouth.
Mick is a proper shade of tomato-red, now. You are a tease, Sebastian Vettel, a tease, Ted Kravitz's words pop into his mind. He doesn't know what Seb is doing, whether he's amused by the whole thing, or just a tiny bit serious.
"You- you can kiss me somewhere else," Mick pushes on, suddenly bold. God, he's so going to regret this when Seb is gonna turn him down.
When he looks up - of course he had been staring at his shoes, what did you expect - he sees the glint in Seb's eyes. It's a light he knows all too well, a mix of mischief and seduction that has been directed at so many people but never at Mick. Suddenly, there's hope.
"Oh yeah? Where should I kiss you?" Seb asks with a Cheshire cat smile that means trouble. Mick is too glad that smile is aimed at him to worry.
The problem is, he can't find the words.
"On the forehead, perhaps?" Sebastian offers. Mick wants to scream because sure, the forehead is great but that's not where he craves to be kissed right now. He nods anyway.
Sebastian cups his face with both hands and gets on the tip of his toes to reach Mick's forehead. His lips leave a searing kiss on his skin and make him speechless once again.
"What about here, can I kiss you here?" he asks, his fingers tapping gently at his temple. Mick simply turns his head, allowing Seb to kiss him again. Sebastian repeats the game with his cheekbone, his nose, and that one spot high on his neck, just under his ear.
Mick's breath itch when Seb's thumb grazes at his lower lip. His head is spinning, and he feels a little dizzy as he nods to answer the wordless question.
Their lips touch and his arms fly around Seb's waist to pull him closer as he kisses back hungrily. Their bodies fit together perfectly, and he can feel Seb sigh happily into the kiss.
He would've been freaking out about kissing Seb if his brain wasn't completely offline.
"I love you," he breathes out when they pull apart for air, barely thinking before saying it. Sebastian looks at him, eyes round, mouth opening and closing without a single sound coming out.
This time, Seb is the one at a loss for words. Mick starts panicking then. God, what an idiot, he had to go and ruin everything, what an idiot!
His fear is shattered in pieces when Sebastian pulls him in another kiss, deeper, softer. It feels like he's pouring all his love into it, and Mick doesn't need words when he's got a kiss like that
"I didn't think you'd-" Seb starts, blushing, and wow, that's an incredible view. "Didn't think you'd feel that way, that you'd..."
"Seb, how the hell did you think for one second I wasn't helplessly in love with you?" Mick asked with a shy giggle.
"I've never been very lucky when it comes to love, I just assumed I wouldn't be this time either," Sebastian admits with a shrug, but his smile doesn't falter.
"Well, you better start believing it," Mick tells him.
And just because he can, he kisses him again.
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umgeorge · 1 year
If all f1 contracts were to end tomorrow and you could build a new grid where money wasn’t an object and there are no constraints on which drivers could go to each team (alpha tauri isn’t junior Red Bull, teams with Ferrari engines don’t need a Ferrari driver etc), what would your grid look like?
oh! hmm, that's a loaded one to think about, i suppose, but thank you for asking! needless to say, lewis and george would stay at merc. i would get rid of rbr and both of their drivers entirely, to be replaced by audi (as opposed to them taking over alfa), with mick and... hm, i guess i'll say bottas. i'm not vb's biggest fan, but i think he'd be a great teammate to mick who could teach him a lot. i would bring seb out of retirement to reap the rewards of his hard work at aston (very loud sobbing) and pair him with piastri. i think oscar deserves that mentorship and, while it's tempting to have smick as teammates, i wouldn't want competition to ruin their friendship y'know? plus i can just picture a slightly bemused seb taking a shine to the walking Mood that is oscar "the piastri" piastri as his teammate. i would promote ayumu iwasa and pair him with yuki at andretti motorsports, in place of alpha tauri. ayumu has extraordinary natural ability but not much experience in the feeder series yet, so while he'd need a teacher, maybe not someone with like a decade of experience in a top car who just can't relate to the stage he's at in his career right now anymore. but yuki could still teach him so much! charles can stay at ferrari, but paired with alonso. it pains me to leave fernando on the grid, but charles needs further mentoring, including on keeping his chin up when the rug is repeatedly ripped out from under him. and, frankly, alonso wouldn't take any shit from that team and might actually piss them off enough to actually try again. guanyu can stay at alfa romeo, i think he could really build something there with a little time, but let's pair him with magnussen. those seem like two complementary personalities and, while not in top shelf cars, magnussen does have years of experience. i'm pulling in callum ilott and liam lawson for alpine. big gamble to pair two rookies, but alpine need to try something new. and they're both a bit of firecrackers who could probably spur each other on through alternating rage and friendship. alex albon is off to mclaren, who now have a proper team principal named cyril and a distinct lack of zak brown. and ricciardo's back. reunite the dream team, add in alex's input and raw natural ability. can't get worse, right? let's try out fred vesti and esteban ocon at williams. love my freddy boy <3 and este and he could be goofy goobers together! and, of course, este would have so much to teach, with his experience. last and frankly least, but not the drivers! i say give jack doohan his shot at haas but, since the car is absolute garbage, he needs a very strong mentor. you can take your pick of a recently un-retired, "wow, nascar was a letdown" kimi raikkonen or jenson button. this was actually super fun!! obviously i'm biased toward my f2 faves, but i also genuinely believe they all deserve their shot, if not now, then someday :)
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lostf1ndaydream · 2 years
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I posted 405 times in 2022
That's 405 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (61%)
159 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 380 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#f1 - 262 posts
#formula 1 - 241 posts
#e’s late takes - 58 posts
#formula e - 56 posts
#fe - 56 posts
#lewis hamilton - 28 posts
#sir lewis hamilton - 23 posts
#max verstappen - 21 posts
#charles leclerc - 21 posts
#george russell - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#i was pretty small when he won his first championship; i saw ‘successful’ and ‘british’ and ‘dad likes him’ and thought ‘mine now!’
My Top Posts in 2022:
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43 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Ok, so this is a bit random, but re Monza being voted race of the year… I’m actually really happy. Neither Max fans nor Lewis fans had something to hold over the others that weekend; neither can have been fully happy with the outcome of that race. But Monza was voted best race of the year anyway — because Daniel won after a torrid start to the season, because McLaren got the only one-two finish all year, and because there was palpable joy emanating from the papaya garage at the end of that race.
Perhaps I’m overstepping, but I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that Monza was voted best race of the year for entirely positive reasons, rather than fairly unhealthily competitive ones — and positivity is something that, in the last season, this sport has been sorely lacking.
51 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Hey, so, I made these wallpapers… feel free to download and use them, but please like/reblog/both (!) if you do :)
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See the full post
52 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
Mercedes are really a phenomenal team, actually.
They’ve dropped from fighting for the constructors’ championship to third-best on a good day, and yet they’re still doing what they have to do, and have done every weekend so far.
When you think of Ferrari in 2020, or McLaren or Williams a few years further back — or even Aston Martin last year, actually — when things have gone wrong, teams have been ruffled. There’s been a bit of obvious stress and panic.
Not so with Mercedes, it seems — they’ve picked up solid points every weekend so far, one of only four teams to have done this, and have even managed two podiums in a car that really doesn’t deserve to be up there.
How much of that is Mercedes as a team, and how much of it is the fact that Hamilton and Russell are both incredibly talented, I don’t know. But it’s definitely interesting, and feels worth thinking about.
128 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love how half the dash is “Daniel noooooooo 😭😭😭😭” right now and the other half is just “Smick football! ⚽️🥅😁😍”
The juxtaposition is 👌
186 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sebsrainbowbicycle · 2 years
Can you tell us about what you are writing right now? I loved your catholic guilt fic and can’t wait to read more.
Bonjour anon!
Sorry I’m really late answering this, I’m sick and wiped out and have been unable to look at a screen for more than 2 minutes at a time. But I’m feeling a wee bit better today so I’m here ✌🏻
Firstly thank you for reading and loving my fic. I am blushing and kicking my feet. 😻 I was so nervous to post it publicly so it means the world to me that people actually liked it!!!
I’ve got 2/3 fics on the go right now, I’ll follow the Sun, which is a Seb/Mick one because I’m a slut for an age gap, hero worship and a character in turmoil doing what they think is right for the other character and hurting both of them. It’s centred around Seb retiring, and all that entails.
The other main one is Piarles - shocker I know - it’s angsty - another shocker I know such surprises from me today. But it’s centred around a wedding again listen I have some wedding stuff I’m working through okay? But I don’t want that to be my shtick so I want to post the Smick one before this.
I also have a brand new (as in I just woke up from a nap and wrote the first two thousand words of it to get it out of my brain) Piarles shorter one that is basically just porn. Working title is Pretty when you cry. Tinkerbell Charles is not happy at the attention Esteban is getting from Pierre with the Alpine announcement, and he sure lets Pierre know about it. What can I say I’m easily influenced and this writes itself. Plus I kinda liked the dynamic I created in the things you love with a more dominant Charles so I wanna explore that further. Depending on how well I feel, this one might be up in the next week? Maybe?
Thanks for asking! I have now realised that this does now mean I won’t get away with posting these on anon......
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3-1pool · 2 years
Bc you talked about it in the tags... I am formally asking for a ship name ranking 🙏🏼
you do NOT have to ask me twice!!!!!! here is my official ranking of f1 ship names from worst to best.... criteria for what makes a name good or bad VARIES, mostly it's just vibes. this is not an exhaustive list, i'm sure i've forgotten some big ones.... if i've missed out on YOUR favourite ship name, let me know and i'll tell u where it would go
also this is my formal apology if this shows up in any ship searches or tags🙏sorry sorry sorry. under the cut to save some space on the dash!!
smick (do i have to explain this? sounds terrible, hate it. gives me the ick. just call it sebmick and move on)
sebastidan (oh this fills me with rage for some reason. hate the way it sounds inside my head. sebdan or sebdaniel is SO much better)
martian (literally hate it. sebmark is literally the same amount of letters and it's less cringe)
lestappen (idk if i can explain why but i HATEEEEEEE it so much. i don't have a suggestion for a better name. chax??? maybe we just shouldn't refer to this pairing at all)
pierresteban (frustrates me because it's SO close to just being pierre/esteban but then it tries being clever by merging the first/last letter.... i'm petitioning we change it to #gascon. no i'm not that's WORSE.....)
simi (just don't like it. sounds dumb)
chestappen (i know what you're thinking. is that even a thing? it is, apparently, according to @checosperez..... only including this on the list for u susan. sorry i didn't put them higher, i think i just don't like stappen. actually while i have the floor, did u know that stappe is the norwegian word for. well a couple of different things really, BUT most importantly mashed potatoes = potetstappe. that's very off topic, sorry)
carlando (car + land + o. i don't want to go to car land it sounds boring)
sebchal (i just don't LIKE IT, i get that charles is pronounced chal sometimes i GET it, but it looks dumb😔😔😔 cheb nation RISE)
vettonso (idk why, but vibes are off)
maxiel (in a surprising twist, i don't HATE it. don't have anything good to say about it either tho)
charlos (much like the pairing itself, i'm mostly indifferent to this name. it's a little funny maybe. neat, to an extent.)
yukierre (originally i had this ranked lower but then i looked at it for a bit and now i'm like you know what. i'm not mad at her. a GOOD example of letter merging)
dando (honestly i just think it's kind of funny. this might not make sense to anyone but me but it like. bounces)
sewis (would go highet but i just realized it kind of sounds almost like sewer)
sebson (she's alright! but she also could rank lower, it changes from day to day tbh)
piarles (she's CUTE! she's FUN!)
chuki (she is CUTER! she is FUNNER! she also has GREAT bounce)
valewis (again, an example of a letter merger i don't mind. i just think she's neat!!)
veb (VEB!!!!!!!!!! short, sweet, to the point. helps that vb = valtteri bottas, veb=valtteriseb..... NEAT! the bounciest of them all)
chalex (oh i just think it sounds good. chalex!!!)
dantteri (i don't have an explanation i just love it. i just think it's the best. also very bouncy actually, when i think about it)
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feraltwinkseb · 2 years
Race Of Champions - Day 2 (Sebastian Vettel & Mick Schumacher)
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cullxtheherd · 4 years
@joannabethharvelle​ continued from [🆇]
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It gives Jacob a great deal of amusement to watch her wriggle and curse- drag his men through the dirt. Admittedly? He did experience at least a rare modicum of joy watching her rail against his troops. “Hmm,” It is barely an admittance of a laugh, lips a stifling barrier against the bars of his teeth. “So you liked playing with my toys, did you?” It is more of a finality- a statement and he drags thumb and pointer against the line of his moustache once, twice before he moves against the seat of the chair, digging in further.
He isn’t sure if she’s heard him, or if she is simply content to sink in as well and, uncharacteristically he mellows; content to let drowsiness settle. The entirety of a song goes by before he hears her pipe up and, by then, his eyes are closed, though he is still awake. “Mm,” Head lopsided at an extreme angle he resumes examining her in the encroaching darkness of sunset. “What about it?”
Her next statement is nearly enough to make him laugh- nearly. A brow raises, head lolling just enough to spy the ceiling but he looks at her still, an eye hitched in the creases of it’s lid, “I’ve been told I am quite the cuddler, honey-” Now he does smile, head righting to look at her and lips lopsided with intrigue, “Did you wanna’ find out?”
Jacob grips the arms of the chair, hauling himself up and, unnoticeably, he leaves his pistol and thigh holster behind. Passing just close enough to the bed to consider him on-the-approach he veers right at the last moment, headed for the balcony. The sound of the auto-changer engaging and the doors rattling open overlap and, with the beat, he is inhaling a much needed, refreshing breath of air. [🆇] 
Taking his time he shakes himself off, free from her prying and inquisitive eyes. Palms raise, smick-smacking his cheeks to try and abate the slaggy feeling of exhaustion and his cheeks turn rosy in the steadily chilling night air. Wiping the scant crimson stain from the brief but violent contact from his face onto the backside of his jeans he heads back inside, none-too-pleased with the absolute vision he meets on the inside.
This? Arrangement he seemed to be digging himself further and further into would certainly be a weary, long-lasting, trial for him. She’s talking, trying to root up under his skin and he raises a bushy, skeptical brow at her. The expression he wears is tired- already over whatever game she’s playing at.
“Sure thing, sugar- say: why don’t we up the ante, hmn?” This is the most excited and invested he’s looked all evening, features very nearly alight, “Instead of whatever-the-fuck this is: I release my Judges and I’ll give you the chance to show me how far behind you think I am.” Moving quickly and mercilessly to the bedside he employs a large, encompassing fist, hauling her up by whatever bit of an arm he can grasp, “No?” 
Jacob has the decency to look incredulous at this juncture, eyes wild with an off-the-rails plan, “Come on, it’ll be fun!” Elvis, riled by his keeper, yips, dancing on all paws excitedly, “Look, the pup even agrees! Isn’t that right, boy?” Using both hands he gets a good, sturdy hold and really looks down the proverbial sights at her, wolf barking in agreement.
For the time being he remains silent and all six foot three of him vibrates, muscles jittery with forced adrenaline. Gritting his teeth he makes sure to take his time leering at her, fists like a vice and frame unforgiving. Elvis holds up the silence well, nails clacking and jaws snapping until he commands, “Sitz!”
The wolf is silent and the tune ends and the moaning, haunting silence of Saint Francis drags for a beat, mechanical arm working tirelessly. [🆇] Jacob laughs, unhinged at the opening notes; he finds absolute hilarity in the perceived irony of this moment. Her binds jangle loudly, vying against the opening lyrics and he continues on, lungs filling with a clarity he’d wish for on any given day. 
Suddenly and without any hint of a warning his grip shifts, fingers pressing roughly into her jowls and cupping her chin- forcing her to look at him. “You know,” He says on the tail end of his laughter, “I’ve half a mind,” The next bit comes out in a breath so small it can almost be considered one word, “To wring your pretty fucking neck and drag your corpse around this room like a God damned garment bag,” A pointer digs into the side of her mouth, pressing down as hard as he can on her lower canine, “But,” His voice pops, nearly lighting the room with it’s drastic change in tone, “Joseph has fucking p l a n s for you, 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗.”
Barely able to reel himself in, he drags her up by the crushing grip he’s maintaining around her neck and skull. Without care for her comfort or safety he presses his lips to the crown of her forehead before letting go. “Blieb, Elvis,” Jacob is barely a rush of color on his way to the door, “Sit tight, sweetheart.” 
German / English “Sitz” / “Sit” “Blieb, Elvis” / “Stay, Elvis”
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tokiro07 · 4 years
I’ve seen a handful of videos on Youtube recently about “Adding One New Fighter to Every Series Represented in Smash” or something to that effect
Because of the nature of some series like Wii Fit or Game & Watch, obviously not all of them are applicable, which they acknowledge upfront
What bugs me about this is that when listing the series they aren’t going to be going over, they always always always say ROB doesn’t have anyone else
Now, maybe it’s because I just haven’t seen enough of these videos, but it really seems like no one did any research into ROB when making those videos, because while ROB is a toy, he is a toy that functions with specific video games, like the Zapper
Though they only actually made two games for ROB, they do both have a consistent character, and in fact, you actually play as that character, not ROB himself: Professor Hector
Now, Professor Hector didn’t do a whole heck of a lot, but the fact remains that he is another character who exists in ROB’s franchise and could potentially be in Smash. It doesn’t even take that much creativity to figure out how to make him work, like throwing the turnips he used to distract the Smicks in Gyromite or dropping the dynamite he picked up trying to save his lab, or weaponizing the Spike and Flipper enemies from Stack-Up. He could even somehow incorporate his habit of sleepwalking from Gyromite Game B
Is he likely? Not even a little bit. I just think it’s rude to dismiss ROB’s franchise, small as it may be, just because ROB himself is a toy
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antimonyandthyme · 2 years
well i think athy is right; when the doors close, it feels like someone cuts the strings attached to mick’s body and he hunches over, hands on his knees, trying to take deep breaths but it’s as if the all air was sucked out of the little room. he punches in his own floor, somehow, gets to his room on unsteady legs and gets the door open. as soon as he’s finally in, he’s met with the stupid floor-length mirror; he’s still hard in his slacks and feels even more pathetic for it, his face is blotched from the wine and seb’s breath on his cheek and from the rejection, his stupid mouth swollen where he’s been biting at it. he looks– he looks embarrassing, eyes too big for his face, his hands too big for his body. he wants to crawl out of his skin, he wants seb’s hand back on himself, he never wants to see seb with that quiet resignation in his eyes. and he feels stupid and too young and a bit sick for making seb touch him like that, not just because it was– inappropriate, if seb, if he would rather not, but also for cracking himself open, serving up the intensity of his want on a silver platter only to be denied AGAIN. 
meanwhile seb is ALSO leaning against his door, trying to recall to the last, minute detail how it felt to be cornered by mick, the heat of his body against his, his masculine cologne, his strong core, the hardness of his cock under his hands. and he, he might be strong enough not to do this with mick, but he’s giving in to his desire now that he’s in the safety of his too big too empty hotel room and pushing a hand against himself like he was cupping mick earlier, imagining if he could touch him like he wanted. would he make it quick to make up for lost time? would he draw it out, drink the noises from mick’s face? or would mick let him touch for a bit and then take back control, push him down a bed and straddle seb and latch onto his neck, the part where he runs his fingers against the stubble whenever he thinks he, they can get away with it? and then he’s stripping his dick, thinking about mick’s big hands on his hips, how they would hold him in place or move him at the whim of mick and then he’s coming right into his slacks.
Elevator anon.. are you trying to end me this good morn? Paging everyone who's been following smick's elevator adventures, please get yourself a cup of coffee, kick your feet up, and soak up this masterpiece anon has blessed us with. Fabulous. Divine. I dare not even add anything to it it's so perfect.
Serving up the intensity of his want on a silver platter only to be denied again--
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12romy · 2 years
Okay, so I had this idea for a Smick road trip to Sweden fic. Maybe I'll write it but I don't have time rn 😭
They drive up there as good friends. There is a little tension between them but Seb's a flirt so Mick thinks nothing of it. Sure he has a crush on the other German for as long as he can remember really but what does it matter. Seb would never be interested. They make small stops on the way and do fun little activities together (actually dates that Seb had planed but was to insecure to tell Mick they were actually dates),Ike eating waffles or taking a hike. The tension rises and rises and when they arrive everyone sees it, but them.
In the evening Seb sees the video of Mick's ice bath and it does funny things to him. He of course had seen Mick shirtless a couple of times but this bit different. The comments about the "scratches" on his back made him quite jealous and he avoided Mick a little bit.
Then they drive the next day and didn't really get that far. Mick was disappointed and blamed Seb a bit for not taking it as serious as he did.
They played or tried to play ping pong with some of the other drivers there but Mick took himself out of the game, too far up into his own head.
The next day when he had to drive against Seb he told the other German to not go easy on him. Well maybe the outcome would've been different if Seb didn't drive into his lane but who knows really.
Mick lost against Mattias but still came second. Seb was so proud of him. They celebrated with the others in the evening but Seb stole him away so that they could have some alone time. They chatted and chatted for hours, getting closer and closer. Mick was practically sitting in Seb's lap by the end of the night. Seb looked at him like he was the most special thing in the world and Mick was mesmerized by the blue of the older Germans eyes.
Seb was the one who leaned in first but Mick was the one to press their lips together. It was soft but tasted a lot like the alcohol they were drinking. Mick was blushing by the time they parted. Seb beamed at him and Mick felt like maybe the year wasn't as bad as he thought it will be.
Omfg this is SO sweet!!! I just love the idea of Seb bringing Mick in dates during the trip but not telling him it's just so fjzkfhzkkdjeve
Both of them being insecure idiots!!! The tension!! Seb being jealous!!!!!
And when everyone can tell there's something going on! Plea-se that's one of my fav tropes ever 😭😭❤️
I really really really hope you'll manage to find the time to write it!!
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toglhot-blog · 4 years
A Triumph Bonneville.
The gray is the first version of the Bonny I did when stationed in the NT. The bin received the seat and base, exhaust, engine spacers and brackets, foot pegs, tail light bracket, side covers, air cleaner, triple zener pack, tacho, Instrument cluster, battery holder and clutch plates. They were replaced with a hand beaten aluminium seat base, 2” drag pipes, aluminium engine spacers and brackets, aluminium foot pegs, tail light bracket, aluminium side covers, single zener, speedo bracket, battery holder, side covers, an earlier model single Zener and a set Barnets. The frame had all excess tabs removed, a couple of extra tabs were added to the rear frame members for side cover mounts, I removed the air cleaner bracket welded to the 3” frame tube/oil tank. Once finished I filed all the welds smooth and bogged them. I added an oil cooler mounted on an aluminium bracket I bent up. The rear guard was shortened and to that I mounted the tail light bracket I beat up, new steel seat hinges were also made up along with a couple of baffles I made up and slipped into the drag pipes. The electrics were redone, replacing the rectifier with a Tandy unit and the triple pack zeners with a single zener mounted on the heat sink I bent up. Ignition was now via the handlebar switch block with another two master switches to fool thieves: One on the left side cover, the other mounted on the heatsink. The engine was stripped and a new barrel and pistons and rings were purchased along with a set of big end shells. Gaskets were all hand formed except for the head gasket, for that I binned the solid copper one and replaced it with a composite. Combustion chamber, piston crown, cons and ports were mirror polished along with valve heads - face and backs. Gearbox cam plate was re-shaped a little and the edge along with the fork slots were polished. I balanced the crank using knife edge straights, turned up a couple of stainless push rod tubes, mirror polished the engine side covers, and rocker covers, sand blasted the crankcase halves and cylinder head, polished the alternator rotor, why? because I could and it looked smick! The rear brake bracket and hubs were polished, and the wheels laced with stainless spokes. The cylinder head was also reshaped a little to get nice square edges on the fins. Frame, tank, side covers, speedo, tail light bracket, foot brake lever, kick stand and centre stand and rear brake rod were all painted in metallic charcoal gray. The side covers, tail light and battery holder were all mounted using grommets and positive stop nuts I turned up from aluminium. Also turned up were two stainless brake cylinders on my Hafco AL-50 I had just bought. Boy, was that fun. This was my first lathe and the first time I’d ever used one. The cylinders had a 26 TPI thread cut on one end. The lathe didn’t come with a threading chart so I had to get out my calculator and put the brain to work. The bore was 5/8” from memory for which I turned up a couple of pistons to suit. I had to drill two tiny holes, .07mm from memory through the cylinders into the bore, the stainless was 316 and I think I went through something like half a dozen drills – no feel when drilling holes this small. To each cylinder I welded a 1/4” threaded spigot with which to mount the reservoir and rear take off. To feed the cylinders I tuned up a 2” round aluminium reservoir and cap. To fit them together I machined a course acme thread in both cap and reservoir, talk about jumping in at the deep end: 2” internal and external acme threads and a 26 TPI thread on 316 stainless. Both came out brilliant though, the piston and cylinder having better tolerances than the originals. I used this bike going to and from work in Katherine, it was so loud you couldn’t hear a brace of Harleys on full song through the din this thing made. Posted south to Adelaide I knew it wouldn’t get past the pits so once settled I stripped the Bonny again painted it gloss black, polished everything again but this time also polished the lower sliders, switch blocks, turned up a tall 1” round aluminium reservoir and polished that, fitted an oil filter using a floor polisher bracket and polished the crankcase halves. Lots of difficult to get at areas here so it took a while; and a few handmade mops. I bought a couple of ugly mufflers and fitted them and then stuck it over the pits. It passed first time and I rode it too and from work every day for a couple of years. I was posted north again, this time to Darwin, so the bike was again stripped and then re-assembled once we’d settled in. I only made one mod this time, replaced the speedo with a digital one. I never registered the bike in Darwin as our house was within walking distance to work; but, I did enter the Bonny in the Darwin European Bike Show and won best Triumph. The Bonny stood around under the house for a couple of years until the RAAF kicked me out. Once out we settled in Port Kennedy in Perth. My body was pretty much spent by this time, I couldn’t kick it anymore so never bothered reassembling. It sat around in a couple of steel trunks for a while and then I sold it as a basket case. Amazing the difference one little item makes: On the gray there is a chrome strip around the base of the seat, that's missing on the black - makes all the difference: the rear end on the black just looks unfinished. Looking at the pics now the gray had nice lines and looked mean, but could have benefited greatly by the addition of more shiny bits. There’s probably a heap of other bits and pieces I made, or polished, or modded but this all I can remember. I tried to keep the Bonny looking as much like a Bonny as I could, only a Triumph enthusiast could probably pick the differences. Here’s a few pictures:
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These just came through from Cam on site in Valla, I think he’s a bit proud of the effort. I gotta say I think he should be, it looks smick👌 nice job champ 😍😍 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ClahQpMwQ/?igshid=5qi673za5bvz
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