#Just realized I wrote the date totally wrong haha
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Truth and dare:
- 🌵 yours or someone else's, fanfiction related or not
- 🍄 I think I saw you like Eruhan or maybe I am wrong so forget I asked for it
- 🧩 and does it happen often?
Thank you Kit 🩷
hey Kiyoshi! i'm working on an idea for the smut prompt you sent, thank you for this ask as well 😘🫴❤️
-> wanna play writer's truth and dare with me?
🌵 share the link to a playlist you love
i don't really use playlists! i have mood "playlists" that are a mess and a couple songs long only on my phone each, and i go through them depending on what feeling i'm trying to tap into, or i listen to That One Song when writing a fic (usually the title song, if there's one), but that's about it. and sometimes i write sweet lovey dovey sex while listening to screamo metal, so you know x)
🍄 share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
i do love eruhan! i wrote a few fics where there's only hints of them being a thing or former thing and levihan's the real Topic, but i also posted one completely eruhan-centered fic that focuses on the ENDLESS angst potential those two have together imo.
one of my headcanons about them is that they're imperfect for each other and kinda ill-suited, in the sense that i think they highten each other's respective issues. for ex, i hc Hange thinks they love Erwin more than he loves them; thinking being the key word here, because of course Erwin loves them back just as much (in fact i hc he had a massive crush on them from day one and it took like, five years of him flirting and both Nana and Mike nudging them for Hange to realize what was going on) but he just sucks at letting himself express it and can be very cold and distant (in a totally different way from Levi's abrasive brand of caring, btw, if you were to compare them to levihan) which clashes poorly with Hange's whole-hearted and effusive nature (when they're not focusing on their research, obvi). on the other hand, i think Erwin likely tells himself he enjoys Hange's intense work ethics because he feels that allows him to detach himself from the feelings he has for them (since they're both hella busy), but i think he probably yearns to show the same kind of freedom they allow themself in how they express emotions when they do, and it takes him by surprise each time (now, whether he lets it show or not... is another story). i think he's jealous of them, in a way, of how responsibilities-free they seem (are not actually, obviously) even though he also ironically wants to be where he is, and his relationship with them's biggest flaw is how it reveals that his way of coping with his own feelings and pain in general is inefficient, painful and dangerous.
they're doomed as fuck though, i almost never hc them with a happy ending (unlike how i hc erurihan or levihan)
🧩 what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
hmmm... i guess very shitty punctuation that makes it impossible to understand what's going on, completely ooc dialogue/actions that aren't put in enough context to make them believable or acceptable to me (and i'm veeeery open minded), non consensual shit that wasn't tagged appropriately.. that's all i can think of right now!
it does happen pretty often, because i like to add to my for later list every fic that fits the tags/ships i looked for that day, regardless of statistics, and that means i cast a wide net that needs reclibrating at a later date haha
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Yeah... I'm gonna talk about FAMILY GUY... Long post, incoming!
Actually, I'm seeing some talk about FAMILY GUY, specifically early FAMILY GUY, elsewhere. As of late. Because the TED Peacock series, based on a now 12-year-old movie, is out. And apparently it's pretty good? Reminiscent of the early seasons of FAMILY GUY, which people who actually like the show consider to be the series' best seasons? I couldn't tell you.
Coincidentally, I've re-watched most of Seasons 1-3 now that my Disney+ plan includes Hulu. The seasons produced and aired *before* FAMILY GUY was here to stay. FOX had cancelled the show twice in the early 2000s, and when it came back for the second time, it never left. It's now one of those long-running cartoons, ubiquitous with the word "cartoon" you could say, a new season almost every year.
I'm gonna be a total hipster and say that I was onboard the FAMILY GUY train as early as mid-2003 ish.
I was in fifth grade, and was at the time starting to stay up later than usual to watch a little thing called [adult swim]...
FAMILY GUY had just started airing on [adult swim], almost a year after its then-final episode - 'Family Guy Viewer Mail #1' - had aired on FOX. A classmate of mine had told me about it, and little by little, I was watching FAMILY GUY regularly. Even on school nights, low volume, haha. I didn't want to get in trouble. Life in the early 2000s was different, to any smartphone-era babies reading.
I didn't know anybody else in school at the time, sans a few classmates, who watched the show. It was like we five or so kids were the only ones who knew of its existence in my town (along w/ the original [as] shows, like AQUA TEEN and SEALAB 2021), which is kind of wild to think. I think by mid-2004, I'd seen every episode of the show to date, including the one that FOX was too cold-footed to air (for understandable reasons, especially in the early 2000s. The episode in question is probably tame compared to what the show would later "get away with"). And it was on almost every night, so I only had to wait 24 hours to see a FAMILY GUY episode I may have never seen... So catch-up was pretty easy!
I think part of the appeal for me - at age 10/11 - was definitely "haha this is a naughty show and I probably shouldn't be watching it" (though weirdly, my mother and stepdad let me watch a SOUTH PARK episode or two, I don't remember that show being off-limits) aspect. Another reason is kind of weirder, and I came to this realization rather recently-ish. Around 4th/5th grade, some things bothered young me. Growing up autistic wasn't always easy, and my way of processing the way world can be and how unfair life can be sometimes kinda... Made me act strange, in ways? I definitely had this "old soul" kinda bullshit going on at certain points in my kid life, when I should've been loose and funny and laughing at fart jokes. And I was at times, don't get me wrong. It's not like I was miserable or anything, or bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders, but some days I'd feel... Strange. And I was weirdly anti-some things that the typical kid finds funny or amusing. I don't know if I can fully articulate it now on a tumblr post, but the long story-short is... [adult swim] was one of the things that helped loosen me up a bit.
Going into middle school at age 10-going-on-11 (I started school early?) was not easy, and that accelerated a lot of things, a lot of feelings, a lot of complications in my brain... And my embrace of [adult swim] started to converge with that, and by 7th grade, I was really, really loose. I swore more, I wrote edgy stuff, I upped like most of my original stories I was writing to PG-13/R-level, I was a silly little edgelord sometimes. But at the same time, unleashing a lot of *that* after a few years of this weird pseudo-old soul nonsense, bad habits, and general confusion was a very fun and freeing feeling!
This is why, despite a lot of shit that should've made that time in my life a nightmare, late 2004-early 2005 was a really exciting time in my life. I think just letting the proverbial hair down was a big reason why, alongside all of my hyperfixations that I always turned to when things really sucked. Things such as Pixar movies and BIONICLE and Cartoon Network stuff and various video games, etc. etc. etc. And smack-dab in the middle of all this was my nightly [adult swim] viewings before I had to get up at 6:30am to wait for the bus on cold-ass mornings. FUTURAMA, FAMILY GUY, AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, THE BRAK SHOW, on and on... It was the stuff I could turn to.
For Christmas in 2004, I was given a newly-released FAMILY GUY DVD called "The Freakin' Sweet Collection"... I probably wore that poor disc out. Creator Seth MacFarlane's 5 favorite episodes, ones that I still find to be bangers to this day, plus some bonus features. FAMILY GUY was a prime special interest of mine at the time, and eventually I went to a music store that went out of business many years ago and picked up the DVD sets compiling Seasons 1, 2 & 3... And subsequently wore all of those out throughout 2005. They're but gone, now... Though some stores sell a whole box set with like, what, the first 10 seasons of the show for a fair price? I may or may not buy that if the discs aren't updated from the original 2000s versions. Anyways, FAMILY GUY, yeah... I just really, really liked it back then.
Really, I was the perfect age for it at the time. FAMILY GUY has always been contested, regularly seen as one of the nadirs of animated trash. You can definitely make a case for that. As much as I dig early FAMILY GUY, some of its humor really has not aged well, and is indeed offensive in many ways. For me, I feel those pre-2nd cancellation seasons have a charm to them to shines through the more egregious stuff. A charm that noticeably fades away from Season 4-onwards. You see, being from Connecticut, where MacFarlane was born... FAMILY GUY is *very* New England to me. After all, it is set in a fictional Rhode Island town, the state the neighbors me.
The show started airing in 1999, and while I wasn't watching it back then (let alone had even heard of it), I feel a lot of the character interactions, dialogue, and setting really do capture the feeling of being there. In a New England state, in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Little nuances and such, the way Peter and Lois joke about things in particular. Such as this scene from Season 2's 'E Peterbus Unum':
I don't know how to put it in words, but it's very New England to me. My family and I interacted like this quite frequently. Plus, you have Peter's voice being inspired by a security guard that Seth overheard when attending the Rhode Island School of Design, a very New England accent. Lois, too, to some extent. I hear a middle-aged Connecticut mom or aunt in Alex Borstein's delivery, whom she based on a relative of hers. Maybe that's why I initially connected to this show more so than THE SIMPSONS back in the day (and at that time, THE SIMPSONS was on its not-so-beloved seasons), I was too inept to grasp THE SIMPSONS' wit. It hit just right, I think, back then.
Now, upon learning that the show had been cancelled and that it was actually coming back... Within a few months... You bet I was excited? I remember the Sunday the fourth season premiere aired, my family and I gathered around to watch it, and I just remember all of us laughing like hyenas throughout. The episode had so much wackiness and a bunch of cameos as well. We also watched the AMERICAN DAD! episode that dropped right after, but I mostly remember when I first saw 'North by North Quahog'. What a night that was, lol. And you just, went home... Didn't tweet about it. I didn't have any message board accounts at the time, either, so... A couple of classmates to talk to about it, that was it. A lot of my classmates apparently still hadn't seen the show by this time. I mostly remember being ahead of the game when it came to this show, liking it before it was cool, you could say. Once others in my school started referencing it, it was like "I had you beat by almost 2 years." I also remember getting a T-shirt depicting the Griffins beating each other up, as seen in the episode 'Lethal Weapons'. And I remember some of the other kids thinking that was so cool, and one teacher - who probably couldn't stand me, to begin with - calling me to the front of the class to see exactly *what* was on that shirt. Surprisingly, I did *not* get in trouble...
(Not my photo, this is from an eBay listing... But it was THIS exact shirt. Only thing was missing was the horse's ass portrait!)
Later in the year, a DVD called 'Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story' was released, which I instantly put on my birthday list. It was kinda billed as "The FAMILY GUY Movie" when it was coming out, and of course my 13-year-old arse fell for it... And wore that DVD out, too... And then it aired as three separate episodes - albeit with missing footage because this was a DVD release and not a primetime TV airing - the following spring. Still, I have fond memories of getting that DVD and many others. The early DVD era was just so fun back then, what with interactive menus and much more care put into bonus features. And with less distractions back then, I feel you felt more immersed in the movies and content on the discs... Just sitting in your bedroom, you hadn't owned a laptop yet, smartphones didn't exist... Just, entranced in whatever it was you had on. It gets even more bittersweet nowadays, as stores and companies are trying to phase out physical media. How obtuse... But that's another rant for another day...
I would continue to watch FAMILY GUY regularly, and then slid off by around 2008-09ish. The show was beginning to change for the worst, I felt, and I definitely felt that original spark from the early seasons was kind of gone. The simplicity, the New England vibe, the characters feeling a lot more real and not just springboards for whatever dumb stuff they were coming up with. Seth's involvement was apparently minimal by this point in time, as he already had AMERICAN DAD!, THE CLEVELAND SHOW, the first TED movie, and other stuff in the works or bubbling up at the time. By 2011-12ish, I was getting rather actively pissed off at the show, and only checked back in when that "Brian dies" publicity stunt had happened. Otherwise, I've seen very few episodes of the show afterwards, and most of them didn't impress me... Outside of, surprisingly, a few selections from the Disney batch. Quite something! If you time-traveled to 2004 and told me that Disney was going to own this cartoon that I was watching on [adult swim] late at night without my folks knowing, I would've told you to get out of town!
But I hold a special place for those first three seasons, and watching the DVD sets of them back in early 2005, as an unhinged middle schooler. I won't posit that early FAMILY GUY is some kind of underrated gem in the history of television animation. It really is, in most iterations, perhaps the personification of that old Chuck Jones quote about "illustrated radio". Television animation that you don't watch for the animation or visuals, but solely for the writing. It pretty much is that, even if the designs of the Griffins are instantly recognizable and iconic. And it arguably had a bad influence, not the fault of the show or its creators, but of the way things go.
I came to the conclusion that Season 2 is my favorite of the original three. For me it was the most focused, the characters were at their best, banger jokes a minute and clever use of pop cultural references. I can even sense some of Seth's Cartoon Network roots in a lot of it, which is no surprise given that this show evolved out of a project he developed for CN. Season 1 is only seven episodes long and they were figuring things out, Season 3 has highs that equal that of Season 2's best moments, but I feel that parts of it kinda plant the seeds for what the show would eventually become. It noticeably gets denser, a little meaner, characters are more out-of-character, it tries to be even more offensive than before and sometimes really not sticking the landing. And yet, that's mashed up against a legit emotional episode like 'Brian Wallows and Peter's Swallows'.
In fact, those last four or so half-hours... Especially with the redone end credits music that re-imagines the theme song as a big band production, there was a weird sort-of... I dunno, finality to it? And that's not counting the S2 leftover that FOX wasn't keen on airing... I mean the original ending of S3, 'Family Guy Viewer Mail #1'... It was if they knew that Season 3 was going to be the end? You had the aforementioned Wallows/Swallows, then 'Stuck Together, Torn Apart', then another "Road To" episode with 'Road To Europe', and then 'Viewer Mail #1'. Like four really well-done character-focused episodes with some heartfelt moments, even... And then as a coda, three fun skits based on wacky ideas... Like, had the show ended there in early 2002 with the recalled Weinstein episode popping up somewhere else in the future... That would've been a fine way to go out, honestly. Even as a preteen back then, I felt just that watching these episodes... So it was a big surprise to me when I found out that Season 4 was a go. And S4 would use that same 2nd rendition of the end credits theme, so that was even more unusual for me.
Yeah, FAMILY GUY... It's a part of my weird-ass life. And there's probably whole holes of other stuff related to this show and other things that I could waffle on about regarding my preteen years, but... I'll just cap it off here, lol.
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One Misunderstanding
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You struggle to fix Bucky's first impression of you. Bucky struggles with his own feelings.
Warnings: angst, Hydra things- like brainwashing and torture, a few curse words, panic attacks, anxiety
Word count: 5609
a/n: this idea came to me very suddenly, but I'm in love with it. Hopefully whatever I just wrote does it justice.
"Everyone, meet Y/N. She's the newest member of our little group, bringing in a whole new level of hacking and tech skills. Y/N, meet the team." Tony introduced you to everyone, eager to share your skills.
You turned to the group, getting ready to introduce yourself further, but instead tripped. You shrieked as you fell down the small set of stairs you were at the top of.
Sam, being the closest, caught you. "Good thing you've got tech skills." He chuckled as you righted yourself, firmly planting your feet on the ground.
"Haha, yeah. I'm not a big fan of violence." You winced as you said it, wishing you could take it back. You didn't want to get into the reasons as to why you don't like violence.
To your surprise, nobody asked why. You would have guessed they would have questions, but maybe they weren't interested in your past. They all had their own issues to deal with afterall.
"Eh, we don't need anymore people for fighting anyway. Welcome to the team." Steve greeted you warmly, as you would have expected from America's golden boy.
You gratefully shook his hand, glad to not have to talk about anything yet. Unfortunately, you tripped again when you tried to move back, falling into the one and only Bucky Barnes.
His hands steadied you, dryly laughing at your clumsiness. "You really are clumsy."
You did you best to not show how embarrassed you were. You couldn't deny the claim. Unless you were fighting, something you vowed to yourself to never do again, you were clumsy.
Being abducted and tortured by Hydra may have made you a competent fighter, but your aptitude for tripping over nothing never left.
"Right, sorry!" You greeted everyone else quickly, eager to get situated in your room. "I'm just going to unpack everything." You waved as you backed out of the room, bumping into the wall as you left.
You had just finished putting away your stuff when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You figured someone would have questions for you.
Unsurprisingly, Natasha was the one to step into your room. Of everyone there, you expected her to have learned about your past. It comes with the territory of being a spy.
"Hi, I was hoping to talk to you." Her tone was friendly, but clearly she was skeptical of you. Again, you weren't surprised.
"I thought you might. I'm assuming you read my file? Honestly, I thought everyone would." You laughed gently, shaking your head at yourself.
"I did. Your file is pretty bare bones though. I did some extra digging... Not everyone else is as nosy as me." She grinned, already pleased with your openness. "So, why'd you pretend to be clumsy?"
"Oh, it wasn't pretend. I've always been clumsy. When everything happened, and I learned how to fight, I thought my newfound agility would help. Turns out, it didn't. The only times I'm even the slightest bit coordinated are when I'm fighting or training, but I wasn't lying about that either. When I escaped, I promised myself I wouldn't hurt anyone else."
"Why join the Avengers at all then?" She looked curious, still unsure if she could trust you.
"I wanted to help people. I just didn't want to use the skills they gave me to do it. So, I learned how to code, figured I could help behind the scenes."
She smiled, letting down her guard. Clearly it would take some time, but you could easily see the two of you being close friends.
"So, nobody knows about what you went through?" She couldn't help but be curious about your past.
"Nope. I don't talk about it much, but it's not a secret. I'll answer anything you want to know." You smiled, eager to try and make a real friend here.
You spent the next few hours answering every question Natasha could think of. You told her about being abducted and experimented on.
That lead to even more questions, basically boiling down to the fact that you're not a super soldier, but you do have enhanced senses- and seemingly enhanced clumsiness for when you're not using them.
You told her about learning how to fight, and the punishments you would endure if you got it wrong. The two of you bonded over the shared experience.
Finally, you told her about how you escaped. When the Winter Soldier escaped, every Hydra effort possible was made to find him. That included you. Resources were spread thin, trying to cover more areas. It was the perfect opportunity for you to get out.
"Really, I owe my freedom to him. Even if he doesn't know anything about me." You felt the tears in your eyes, too many emotions swirling through you to keep it all in anymore. "Since then, I've learned everything I could about technology and coding, which pretty much brings you up to date."
Before she could ask anymore questions, there was another knock on your door. Quickly wiping the tears from your eyes, you called another "come in!"
Steve poked his head in the door, cautiously looking between you and Nat.
"I've been sent to stop the interrogation." He grinned, stepping farther into the room.
Nat rose from her spot on the bed, kissing him on the cheek while rolling her eyes. "It wasn't an interrogation. We were bonding."
"Yeah, over what?" He chuckled, trying to figure out what the two of you had in common.
Maybe it was the look in your eyes, or maybe Nat just likes knowing more than everyone, but she smiled conspiratorially at you before responding. "Girl stuff, babe. Just girl stuff."
You smiled as the couple left the room, grateful for not having to explain everything again.
Over the next few weeks, the team constantly teased you for your clumsiness. Well, not the whole team. Nat knew the truth, so she never said anything. Peter never teased you either, although that is likely due to the teasing he endures as well.
Weirdly enough, you bonded with the kid over it, eventually telling him about your past as well.
Normally you could shake it off. They clearly didn't mean anything by it. Except Bucky.
Whenever he said anything, he stared you down. His eyes felt like they were piercing your soul. You're not sure exactly why, but he didn't seem to like you much.
Which wouldn't be an issue if you didn't have an embarrassing crush on the man.
Really your infatuation started when you first escaped Hydra. His own escape lead to your freedom, so you admired him. When you found out he was working with the Avengers to help people, you admired him even more.
Watching him on missions is really what caused the infatuation to blossom into a full blown crush.
You, however, would adamantly deny that if anyone ever asked. Which is what just happened.
"What?!" You nearly tripped, again, with how quickly you turned to look at Wanda and Nat.
"You heard me." Nat stared at you, a neutral expression on her face. "When are you going to do something about your crush on Barnes."
"I, I don't- I don't have a crush on Bucky." You stuttered, a lackluster job at denying the truth.
"Please, Y/N. It's so obvious!" Wanda joined in.
The three of you hung out a lot around the compound. It was nice to have a support system to lean on when things got hard.
"Well, even if I did, which I'm not saying I do! He doesn't like me. I don't know what I did, but his eyes feel like daggers whenever we're in the same room." You started out strong, but quickly morphed into a sad resignation. It genuinely upset you that Bucky didn't like you.
"I think I might know what that's about..." Wanda bit her lip, immediately feeling guilty at having said anything.
"What!?" You eagerly turned to her, needing answers. You shuffled your way across the room, never fully rising from your seat on the ground.
"I don't know if I should tell you! I'm not even supposed to know, but sometimes his thoughts are really loud!" Her guilt multiplied.
"You have to tell me now! Then I can fix it!" You were practically begging at her feet from your position on the floor.
She looked at Nat, who just shrugged in return. "Not my place, although I would love to hear it."
"Ugh, fine. But you can't tell anyone I told you!" Wanda glared at the two of you, unable to say no to your pouting face. "The first day we all met you, do you remember what you said?"
Your face scrunched as you tried to remember. "I'm not a big fan of violence?"
She nodded, looking at you as if she just told you everything.
"So?" You asked incredulously, unable to follow her train of thought.
She rolled her eyes, having to spell it out for you. "He kind of took that personally..."
Immediately, you sunk completely to the floor. "Oh, god. Fuck! That's not what I meant at all! I just meant I don't personally like using violence! Shit, shit, shit." You continued to mutter to yourself as Nat and Wanda shared a look.
"Why don't you like using violence?" Wanda asked, intrigued by your reaction.
You thought back to your conversation with Nat the first day you got here. You told her it wasn't a secret, it just wasn't something you brought up.
"Can you just look in my head? I don't really wanna explain it, but I want you to know." You asked, glad to share you past with another friend.
Wanda nodded, seemingly doing nothing until realization dawned on her.
"Oh shit." She whispered, not even realizing she said it out loud.
"Yeah." You huffed out a dry laugh.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry." You smiled at her, having worked through most of the trauma already. "You totally have a crush on Barnes though."
That earned a real laugh. "Hey, that's not what you were in there for!"
"It's not my fault! You were thinking it really loudly!"
The three of you laughed together until you sunk back into a pit of despair.
"What do I do? How do I fix this?" You whined, laying back on the ground like a child.
"I think you just need to talk to him. Explain what you meant." Wanda shrugged, unsure of any other advice to offer you.
"She's right. Just talk to him." Nat nodded along as you whined on the floor.
After a few days, you finally worked up enough courage to try and talk to Bucky. He had just finished training, so you knew exactly where he'd be: in the kitchen.
Walking in, you were glad to see him pulling ingredients from the fridge.
"Hey Bucky, can I, um, talk to you for a minute?" You stuttered through the words, nervous about what he would say.
He barely looked at you, nodding his head for you to continue.
"I just, I wanted to apologize." You trailed off when his head snapped up.
"For what?" Well shit. How are you supposed to explain this one without ratting out Wanda.
"Oh, well, um... I just thought maybe I said- I did something that upset you. Uh, you just don't seem to like me very much, which is totally cool, you don't have to like me if you don't want to. I just didn't want it to be my fault... Fuck." That went horribly. Taking a deep breath, you started over. "I didn't mean it."
Bucky is looking at you like you have three heads. "Didn't mean what?"
"That I don't like violence."
"So you do... like violence." He'd somehow grown more confused.
"Well, no." You paused, unsure of how to explain yourself.
"Then you did mean it." His soul piercing stare is back.
"It's fine, save it. Some people get to choose not to be violent." And with that, he left the kitchen, abandoning his post workout smoothie.
You stared at the doorway, in shock over how poorly that went. You stood there , unaware of the 25 minutes that had passed, trying to figure out how it could've gone better when Steve found you.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You didn't hear him, too lost in the memories. Memories of Hydra, forcing you to do things you never wanted to. This happened from time to time if something triggered you into remembering, otherwise you had a handle on your emotions.
"Y/N?" Steve said your name again, concern evident in his voice. He gently laid a hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention.
Everything happened so fast after that. The feeling of someone's hand on your shoulder caused you to panic. With all the memories of Hydra in your head, your training kicked in instinctually.
You grabbed Steve's arm, pulling him closer to you for better leverage. Before he could question your moves, you flipped him, pinning him to the ground.
The second you made eye contact, you realized what just happened. Horror and regret flashed in your eyes.
In an effort to get off him, you threw yourself backward, knocking into a cart full of pots and pans. The clanging of metal hitting the ground echoed through the small room.
Steve sat up slowly, trying to register the turn of events. You sat in a ball on the floor, tears pooling in your eyes, mumbling apologies over and over again.
Sam, having heard the commotion from the pots and pans, ran into the kitchen ready to fight.
"What- What happened?" He asked in confusion, lowering his arms from their defensive position.
"I don't know." Steve looked at you, still trying to figure it out.
"Y/N?" Sam's voice was gentle, but it still startled you.
You jumped from the ground, rushing to help Steve get up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I never wanted to hurt anyone again." Your breathing was picking up, short bursts of air leaving your lungs. Your hands were shaking as you pulled him from the ground.
Your panic increased as you took in their concerned expressions.
"Hey, look at me." Steve's Captain voice, came out, urging you to make eye contact. You followed orders, breathing rapidly, your whole body shaking.
"I'm going to touch you now, is that okay?" His words were gentle, but commanding, causing you to nod in response.
He pulled you into a tight hug, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
You wanted to explain, to tell them what happened, but all that came out was a pitiful "Bucky".
"Do you want me to get Bucky?" Sam asked, trying to understand you.
The idea of Bucky coming back caused your panic to increase. You shook your head rapidly, "No! No no no no no." You kept repeating the word, shaking in Steve's arms.
"Okay! Okay, no Bucky." Sam reassured you, voice calm and soothing.
You’re not sure how long you stood like that. Sam moved around the kitchen, cleaning up the pots and pans you had knocked over.
When your breathing steadied, Steve asked, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
You nodded, leading the two men to the couch in the adjacent common area. You sat for a minute, unsure of where to start.
"Why don't you just lead us through it all?" Steve suggested, still rubbing your back.
You nodded, grateful for the starting point. "I went to the kitchen to apologize to Bucky."
"What for?" Sam interrupted, already confused.
"Sam! Just let her talk." Steve muttered, slightly annoyed.
"Sorry!" He glared back at Steve before turning to you, "Sorry, please continue."
You couldn't help but laugh at their banter.
"Right, I wanted to apologize for what I said the first day I met you all. I realized how it sounded, so I wanted to try and fix it." You paused, waiting for the recognition to hit them.
It didn't take long. The two men nodded, silently urging you to continue.
"Honestly, Wanda told me that was why he always seems mad at me. You have to know, I never meant for it to come across that way! It's more of a personal, 'I don't want to be violent' than shunning others for doing what's necessary." You took a deep breath, not eager to relive the conversation.
"Anyway, I told him I didn't mean it. I just couldn't explain it right, and he got upset, which makes sense!" You turned to look between them, not wanting them to think you were insulting Bucky in any way. "I don't hold what he did against him. It wasn't his choice, and I completely understand that. I just couldn't put that into words when I was talking to him, and I made everything worse."
Tears popped into your eyes again, upset at what he must be going through. You weren't with Hydra for but a tenth of the time he was, and you didn't endure the same level of brainwashing.
"He said something about some people not being able to choose not to be violent, and then he left. I don't know how long I was standing in the kitchen replaying the conversation, but it brought up bad memories for me." You sighed again, working up the nerve to tell them everything.
"Wanda and Nat already know, but I guess it's your guys's turn. This was so much easier to just have Wanda read my mind." You laughed at your own joke, the two men sharing a concerned look.
"I was taken... by Hydra. They experimented on me, gave me enhanced senses, trained me to fight, and punished me when I did something wrong." Again, tears sprung into your eyes, occasionally falling down your cheeks.
"Why wasn't this in your file?" Steve questioned, more to himself than you.
"I haven't got a clue. I guess nobody knew about me? But, I escaped. They didn't brainwash me like they did Bucky, because I don't have the serum. Or, at least, I think that's why." You shook your head, refocusing on the important parts.
"When every available Hydra agent was tasked with searching for the Winter Soldier, I took it as on opportunity. Their resources were spread thin. I was able to getaway."
You went onto explain your reasoning for joining the Avengers as a tech specialist, trying to convey the same earnestness you did with Nat.
"You can ask Nat or Wanda too. Nat found out day one, Wanda a few days ago." You wiped your tears, hoping they believed you. "Actually, Peter knows too."
"I was stuck in all those memories when you came into the kitchen. I didn't even register that you were in the room, so when you touched me I freaked out. I never meant to hurt you!"
You looked at Steve fearful that he would be upset.
"Y/N, I believe you." You cried tears of relief at his statement, genuinely exhausted from the day. "It's not your fault, and you didn't hurt me. Just caught me off guard. You're surprisingly agile when you want to be." He tried to lighten the mood, glad to hear you laugh.
"Well, I train in the middle of the night sometimes. I- I want to be able to get out if I'm ever forced back there." Your voice was quiet, admitting a secret you hadn't even told Nat.
"We won't let that happen." The sternness of Sam's voice surprised you.
"Thank you." You wiped your tears a final time, looking between the two men. "Now, what do I do about Bucky?" You refocused your energy on fixing your relationship with the super soldier.
"He never would have said what he said if he had known." Steve started the conversation, defending his friend.
"I know. I don't hold it against him, I just wish I could explain. I get so nervous when he looks at me like that." You rambled, too tired to filter your thoughts.
"Like what?" Sam asked, eager for more information to tease Bucky with.
"Huh? Oh, I don't know. Like he can see into my soul." You deadpanned, earning a laugh from both men. "I just want him to like me." You nearly whined, upset by your poor relationship.
"Like you, huh?" Steve grinned. Nat and Wanda chose that exact moment to walk into the room, eagerly joining the conversation.
"Barnes? Did you tell him how you feel?" Wanda squealed with excitement.
You buried your head in your hands, avoiding the knowing looks the four of them were surely sharing. "Not exactly." You gestured to your head, hoping Wanda would figure it out and share with Nat.
"Ooh... It didn't go well, basically Barnes got upset, Y/N flipped Steve and had a panic attack, then told these two everything." Wanda explained to Nat quickly, trying not to make you relive it.
"We need a plan." Nat declared.
"No, I just need to learn how to have a conversation with the man." You rolled your eyes at yourself. "I'll try talking to him again." You went to leave the room, turning around to glare at them. "And none of you can say a word of this to Bucky."
Despite you request, Steve still tried to talk to Bucky.
"What's up with you?" Steve questioned, trying to subtly pry into Bucky's thoughts.
"Nothing. Why?" Bucky answered in a questioning tone, trying to figure out Steve's motives.
"I heard you talked to Y/N is all. How'd it go?" He gave up on the subtle approach pretty quickly, knowing Bucky wouldn't answer a question that wasn't asked.
"How did you even hear that, punk?" Bucky deflected.
"Not the point. Answer the question."
"Not great. I messed it up." Bucky sighed, annoyed at himself for barging out of the room. "She said wanted to apologize, that she didn't mean what she said." He ran his hands through his hair, struggling to explain where it all went wrong.
"Would've been fine if I could follow what she was saying. She was rambling about me not liking her, which you and I both know isn't true. Ugh, i've never been mad at her. I'm mad at myself! At Hydra for making me a monster! How could she ever like me if she doesn't like violence? My entire past is violent." He huffed, having worked himself up again.
"You're not a monster, Buck." Steve started gently.
"I know you think that." Steve gave him a pointed glare. "I know, okay? But what does she think?"
"Maybe you should try talking to her. You might be surprised by what you learn." Steve clapped him on the shoulder, trying to reassure him, before leaving the room.
Everytime you tried to talk to Bucky, something got in the way. The first time, he was called in for an emergency mission before you even got the word hello out.
The second time, Tony walked into the common area, completely oblivious to the tension, and put on a movie.
The third time, Steve and Nat interrupted you. You were just about to apologize again after an awkward greeting when the elevator doors opened. The sounds of the cheerful laughter and stolen kisses didn't really set the mood for confessing your past with Hydra.
The fourth, and final time, was the most embarrassing.
You walked into the room on a mission. You were going to talk to him, no matter who decided to walk in.
"Bucky, I really need to-" and you tripped on a toy Morgan left out, causing you to tumble to the ground. That would have been embarrassing enough, but there's more.
In your effort to get up, you tripped again, hitting your head on the coffee table, causing you to bleed profusely.
"Shit." You cursed yourself, holding your hand up to your bleeding forehead.
"Are you okay?" Bucky rushed to you from the other side of the table, concerned with the amount of blood spewing from your head.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." Unfortunately, you chose that moment to jokingly reference your past.
Some of the people who tortured you had a sick sense of humor. Whenever they would hit you hard enough to make you bleed, they said something about only having one head. A play on words because of the greek serpent with multiple heads.
"Head wounds bleed a lot, I'm lucky I only have one." You froze instantly, unsure if he would have had a similar experience. Slowly, you looked up in an effort to make eye contact.
Bucky was also frozen in place. Clearly he understood the reference.
"Wh- where did you hear that?" Bucky struggled with his sentence, trying not to flashback to his time at Hydra.
"Oh my god. I'm so so sorry." You instantly started apologizing, trying to backtrack. "I really need to learn when to stop fucking talking." You said more to yourself than him.
"Where did you hear it?" He asked again, putting more power behind his words.
"Um, well, i've been trying to tell you for weeks now, but um, I also kind of, have, um, well, you see-"
"Just spit it out." There was the slightly miffed Bucky you were used to.
"I was taken. By Hydra. 9 years ago. Um, they forced me to learn how to fight. Tortured me if I did anything wrong. Forced me to do things..." You trailed off, realizing you didn't need to give him many details. He has first hand experience.
"Y/N, I-" You cut him off before he could say anything else.
"That's why I don't like using violence. I only know how to do that stuff because they made me learn it. I didn't want to use the skills they gave me." You took a deep, grounding breath.
"I don't blame you for anything you were forced to do. It wasn't your choice. You're not a violent person, and your past actions don't define who you are. You're here to help people. That's what you chose. That's who you are."
You made eye contact before you continued. "I've actually wanted to thank you for the longest time."
"For what?" He was incredulous, wildly caught off guard by everything you've said.
"The only reason I had an opportunity to escape was because 2 years ago, you escaped. If Hydra's resources hadn't been spread so thin trying to find you, I probably would've never got out. So thank you. For being strong enough to fight back."
You smiled at him, still unsure of how he was feeling.
"I... I'm so sorry." To say you were stunned was an understatement. What the hell could he have to be sorry about? Sure he was a little rude, but from your point of view he was completely justified in hating you.
"Bucky, you have no reason to be sorry. You didn't know, and I couldn't get out of my head enough to tell you. You just make me nervous." You clapped a hand over your mouth, shocked at having said what you just said.
You could see his face fall ever so slightly, causing you to jump back into your explanation.
"Not because I'm scared of you or anything! Hell, I could probably take you in a fight." You winked, trying to lighten the mood. It seemed to work, judging by the slight smirk on his face.
"I just, I've looked up to you for so long. Your determination to do good after everything you've been through is really inspiring. It's actually why I wanted to join the Avengers in the first place. I never would have-" You would have kept rambling if he hadn't stopped you.
"Y/N, I am sorry, and I do have reason to be. There's no excuse for what I said to you in the kitchen that day. Even if I didn't know, I threw everything you've been through back in your face. If someone had done that to me, I probably would have had a panic attack." He tried joking, but by the way you froze he could tell he struck a nerve.
"You had a panic attack? I'm so sorry! God, I just left you all alone and-"
It was your turn to cut him off. "Actually, I was kind of frozen in place until Steve touched me and I maybe threw him to the ground... Then I had a panic attack..." You smiled, trying to convey the joke. "So, I wasn't alone. Sam was actually also there. If anything, it made me better friends with both of them because I told them everything. So I have you to thank for that to." You playfully nudged his side.
He ran his hands through his hair, then down his face, clearly trying to deal with his own guilt.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. You didn't know. It happened. We're good now, so we can move on." You smiled, trying to cheer him up.
"How are you so relaxed about all of this? You were tortured for years... I..." He was genuinely curious, trying to find a way to cope with his own pain.
"Well, even before that I always thought therapy could be helpful for me, so I really jumped in full force when I was free. Plus, if you can't joke about something, you haven't really moved on. Some days are harder than others, but I just try to appreciate the people I have now and the good experiences I've been lead to." You kept the tone light, trying not to get too emotional.
He just stared at you for a few minutes, making you questions everything.
"I mean, it's totally different for you though! I was only there for 7 years, you were forced into all that for like 10 times as long. I didn't mean to belittle-"
"I think you inspire me just as much as you say I've inspired you." He cut you off again, a small smile growing on your lips.
"Well, in the spirit of our newfound friendship, can I be totally honest?" You bit your lip, nervous about telling him the truth.
He looked nervous as well, but nodded anyway.
"I kind of, maybe, sort of have a crush on you." You watched his expression carefully, although there was really no need. His face easily gave away his surprise.
"You..." He stuttered, moving his fingers between the two of you. "Me? But, I was so mean!"
"What can I say, I saw through the facade... Well, really Wanda accidentally read your mind and told me why you were so upset around me when her and Nat teamed up to get me to tell you how I feel." You rambled again, realization dawning that you accidentally outed Wanda.
"But you can't tell her I told you that! She didn't mean to! She just said you think really loud sometimes and it's hard not to hear it! She did it to me too actually, I mean I told her she could look in my head so I wouldn't have to explain everything again, I know so lazy, and that's how she confirmed my crush on you." You said it all with wide eyes at a rapid speed, unable to control yourself around Bucky.
You slapped your hands over your mouth, forcing yourself to stop talking. Bucky looked on in amusement, slowly reaching to pull your hands away from your face.
"I won't tell her, if you get dinner with me tonight." He smiled cheekily, relishing in your blush.
"That's a deal I'm willing to make." You reached your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek before running to get ready.
Sam whined playfully as he looked at the high scores. "Whose username is 'God is a spoon' and how did they get so good at this game?"
He looked around the room, eying any suspicious candidates. Everyone denied it, throwing out accusations left and right.
It was another of Tony's team bonding nights and he chose VR games on the oculus. Obviously, Beat Saber was a top contender amongst the group.
You walked in with Bucky, unaware of the conversation going on, but immediately joining it.
"Peter! I bet it was him!" You playfully nudged the younger Avenger, having formed a close friendship in the early days. "What am I betting on?" Everyone laughed, happy to see you in a good mood after being so stressed for so long.
"Whose username is 'God is a spoon'." Sam chuckled after filling you in. You and Bucky settled on the couch, cuddling next to each other.
"Oh, that's me. Why?" You looked around curiously, trying to figure out what they wanted. "Is it a weird username? It was actually one of the catchphrase things in Just Dance on the switch, I didn't just think of it." You tried to justify yourself, causing more laughter.
"You?! How did you get all the highscores on this game? I thought you were the clumsy one."
You made an exaggerated face to show how offended you were, playfully swatting at Sam.
"I'll have you know, 7 years of Hydra 'training' and experimentation has its perks." You joked with the room. "One of them being I can beat your ass at pretty much any video game."
"Oh, you're so on." Sam smiled, glad he could joke around with you about it.
Meanwhile, Tony looked incredulously around the room, being the only one in the room who hadn't heard about your history, he was rightfully confused.
"I'm sorry, 7 years of WHAT?"
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky x y/n#natasha romanoff#captain america#tony stark#peter parker#sam wilson#bucky barnes#marvel fic#tw: panic attack#steve rogers x natasha romanoff
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First thing first, hell yea 3 boyfriends, submas harem time.
Ok, this is kinda crack. So, based on my observation, Emin is kinda... Well he's kinda sad and pathetic when compared to Ingo and Emmet.
So imagine already dating the submas and suddenly there's 3?? Yknow what? Whatever makes them happy.
This sad and pathetic version of your bfs is kinda pitiful so you keep hanging out with him cos aww forgotten middle child syndrome.
Emin was uncomfortable at first, not bc of you hanging out with him, he love that, he love that very much, but the twins kept glaring daggers at him please control your bfs, Emin would like to live a little bit longer.
Overtime he start to realize that they're glaring at him out of...jealousy? They're jealous of lonely, forgotten Emin? Huh, that made him feels something...not entirely unpleasant.
Cue Emin slowly becoming more confident and being a lil brat. He's acting all sad and pitiful in front of you and when you hug and cuddle him, he's making this face >:3 at his new brothers.
Ingo has to hold Emmet from reenacting Cain and Able.
(Sorry if I'm wrong about Emin being the sad and pathetic ver of submas ever since you wrote him curling up and crying I just wanna bully him more...just a little bit more.)
Emin isn't pathetic, he's just average, haha.
Maybe you like Emin more because he's a healthy balance of Ingo's maturity with Emmet's playfulness. He's not too stiff like Ingo, but he's not acting too open like Emmet. He's a controllable level of horny, too. He cries a lot though (it's the head trauma), Ingo is subject to burst into tears just as fast as Emmet, he just is more controlled. Emmet will cry because he can and wants to.
Though, Emin totally bullies the twins by being a more reliable, sweet boyfriend. He giggles and smirks at them in way Emmet would as they watch you wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his neck.
He also can take the twins in the battle they demand afterwards. If he wins, that's when Ingo has to restrain a feral Emmet from committing fratricide. He'd be okay with it after Emmet tells him that Emin bought you a new apron. That is crossing a line. Emmet is freed.
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Prompt: Yandere Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki (separately) has a crush on Y/N...who is actually obsessed over a fictional character.
C/N: Character Name
Warnings: Yandere Tendencies, Swearing, Also this is sorta long cause I wrote a lot ;-;
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
❥ This boy is angered when he finds out about this
❥ Like wow he’s super pissed
❥ If you’re unfortunate enough to ever have a Yandere Bakugou take a liking to you, when he realizes that you’re obsessing over someone who isn't him, a fictional character nonetheless, he’s... well...
❥ “Very upset” would be an understatement
❥ He sees that as basically losing to a person who doesn’t even exist
❥ The chaos begins when he’s in the middle of his daily routine of admiring staring at you from afar, and when you stand up with one of your friends and begin walking out of the cafeteria, he hears a few... interesting statements escape your mouth as you pass him by
❥ “I can’t believe you actually like them, Y/N! You’re totally hopeless when it comes to love, huh?” His head was tilted your way, seeing your friend looking disappointed and you looking flustered. “It’s not my fault they're so perfect!” you answered, practically radiating embarrassment. He smirked, assuming you were talking about him. I mean, who else would you get so worked u about>
❥ “Besides, I’m not the only one who simps for C/N! So shh-”
❥ ...
❥ All that’s going through Bakugou’s head right now is why that name wasn't his
❥ He’s gone eerily still, and all of his friends sort of stop and look at him
❥ “Bakubro? You good-”
❥ Bakusquad is going to have to hold Katsuki back from blowing up the entire cafeteria
❥ This b*tch only sees red rn
❥ he got murder on his mind :0
❥ Despite how angered Bakugou is, he’s not a complete dumbass, believe it or not
❥ He’s not going to confront you about it, at least not right now.
❥ Once he calms tf down, he’ll come to his senses and have his top priority being to get rid the competition first, meaning he has to hunt down whoever C/N is and delete them from existence
❥ When he learns that C/N is actually a fictional character from some anime tbh he just feels extra insulted
❥ You chose a f*cking fictional character over him >:(
❥ It’s now where he begins to get even angrier when he realizes how easy it should’ve been for him to notice sooner. All the stickers on your school supplies, the pins on your bags, how you’d sometimes sneak in their merchandise to show off to your friends at lunch
❥ It was when he overheard you possibly owning a body pillow where he went feral
❥ Will go out of his way to steal your shit and burn all of your merchandise of C/N, or anything that would remind you of the character
❥ He’d catch you when you were alone, and would shove you off your feet as he’d grab your bag and roughly go through it, angrily tearing off the stickers on your notebooks and pins off your bag as your crying and screaming at him to stop
❥ At this point he doesn’t care about how you feel about this at all. It’s never even crossed his mind (blind rage)
❥ His plan is to pluck C/N out of your life, replacing all your thoughts of them with just him, so you’re only thinking of him
❥ It doesn't matter to him if they're good thoughts or bad thoughts
❥ All that matters is that you’re thinking of him
❥ Only him.
In a nutshell, he’s gonna steal all of your items that have any reference to C/N and get rid of it all. He doesn't care how much he’s hurting you by doing this, he’ll concern himself with your feelings later. He’s going to hang around you more despite your protests for him to just leave you alone, quite literally forcing his way into your life so that he infests himself into your brain and become the only thing you think about, so that you can truly understand how he feels about you.
💚Izuku Midoriya💚
❥ Bold of you to assume he doesn't already know about this “obsession” of yours
❥ This child takes notes on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING related to you, so he obviously knew about your love for this certain fictional character
❥ At first glance, he believes your obsession with C/N is similar to him with All Might- just an innocent but deep admiration for them
❥ He’ll buy you their merchandise and gift it to you at school (accompanied by some flowers and sweet little cards of course ❤)
❥ He was nervous to do this at first, his crush on you rendering him a stuttering, blushing mess whenever you so much as glanced his way, but he pushed through his anxiety just to see your cute smile and feel your warm hug when he gives you those gifts
❥ He cherishes those moments more than anything, to see you so happy
❥ (Especially because it was him to make you so excited! Not Kirishima or Uraraka... him)
❥ He’ll binge the entire show as fast as he can and memorize everything he deems as important just so he can chat with you about it at school
❥ “Isn’t C/N so cool?” he asked you, and you had quickly turned to him with a surprised and then starry gaze. “Izuku, you like them too?!”
❥ You were both on a first name basis now ;D (You even gave him a little nickname: ‘Zuku. Let’s just say he was a bit more than ecstatic when you began referring to him in such an informal way. You must really like him! ❤)
❥ And Midoriya, being the delusional little yandere he is, sees this as you both basically dating
❥ You both hang out everyday at school, discussing the show and characters, who your favorites were, how the plot was going, etc.
❥ You see him as one of your closest friends now, and eventually you trust him enough to bring him to your house to chill without your family home ;0
❥ The thing was, Midoriya noticed how you would never invite anyone from school to your house, always brushing it off and just saying how your parents would get angry or how dirty your room was
❥ This was the first time you’d ever invited anyone from U.A. over to your house
❥ His thoughts were running wild as you both walked home together: ‘What’s Y/N’s house like? Will their parents be home? Why have they avoided anyone coming over until now? Have they only invited me because we’re dating? Are... are we going to kiss?????’
❥ (For clarification, even with the dorms in place, over the weekend you like to hang out at home where you’re more comfortable)
❥ “We can re-watch some of the episodes for awhile. I think I also have some snacks...” you grinned, and he memorized every detail of your house as you both made your way to your room
❥ He was greeted with a room filled entirely with C/N merchandise, but caught his attention the quickest was your bed
❥ You had a body pillow of C/N
❥ Now Midoriya, like I said before, is a very delusional yandere
❥ He has excuses for literally everything you do. You love him just as much as he loves you after all!
❥ But this
❥ This he cannot ignore
❥ He was just staring at the pillow with a blank face as his eye twitched
❥ “’Zuku? What's wrong?”
❥ “Hmm?” he hummed, turning towards you. “Oh, nothing! It’s just, um, your pillow...”
❥ You felt your face catch on fire as you moved to block his view as you tried to quickly shove it under your bed. “UHM, HAHA SORRY ‘BOUT THAT I FORGOT IT WAS THERE-”
❥ Midoriya was quiet as he watched you struggle at hiding the pillow
❥ He was thinking
❥ He loved All Might a lot, but he’d never buy a body pillow of him
❥ What type of love did you have for C/N?
❥ “Hey Y/N?” You turned to look at him, but the moment your eyes met you felt a shiver run down your back. Izuku was smiling at you, but his whole vibe was different...
❥ ‘Was he angry?’
❥ “Why don’t we watch a different series today?”
In a nutshell, he’d go along with your character obsession up until you cross the line, and that would be either him finding out about you reading fan fiction of C/N, a body pillow of them, or some... questionable fan art you have of them saved on your phone. Then he’d do anything in his power to distance you from that show, hiding your merchandise and distracting you with more hero-related hobbies, like geeking over pro heroes or training. Just please stop simping over C/N. You’re making the smol boi jealous of a fictional character :( Why can’t you just pay attention to him a bit more?
❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
❥ Tbh he doesn't really acknowledge your love for this certain character for awhile
❥ All he focuses on is that you look really happy and cute when you talk about this show
❥ That’s all that really matters to him 😊
❥ Similar to Izuku, he’ll buy you all of their merchandise just to see you all adorable and excited
❥ And Todoroki is a rich boi so that’s a plus
❥ Will probably buy u all the expensive merchandise and you’ll just be 🥺️💞💞💞
❥ The only reason he never really gets angry is because he doesn't understand what's so terrible about your little obsession with the show/character
❥ He just sees it as a little hobby of yours that you’re really passionate about
❥ Despite his cold demeanor, Shoto is always trying his best to support anything you do
❥ While he can get very intense as a yandere, we gotta remember this is Shoto we’re talking about
❥ He probably has no clue what simping even is
❥ He only gets bothered when you own a body pillow or compliment C/N looks too much (he doesn’t appreciate you getting so worked up over someone who isn’t him... even though you both aren’t technically dating)
❥ But he wont flip out like Midoriya or Bakugou
❥ If you both are on the couch at the dorms and you're just going on and on about C/N he’d prob just like-
❥ Reach over and grab your hand and just state how cute you are
❥ He’s a bit of an idiot when it comes to flirting, but he notices that whenever he touches you in an affectionate way you sort of freeze up and forget what you're talking about for a few seconds
❥ Because of how supportive Shoto’s been you sorta developed feelings as well
❥ Cause I mean who wouldn't ;)
❥ He becomes your close supportive weeb friend :D (even if he doesn’t completely understand what a weeb is...)
❥ But Todoroki doesn't like that title that much
❥ But he’ll take it slow because he loves you and wants you to love him back :)
❥ “I like it when you smile like that, Y/N.”
In a nutshell, Yandere Todoroki is prob the calmest of the three. He doesn't understand how simping works and the idea of you passionately loving a fictional character more than him has never crossed his mind. But he uses your love of the show to get closer to you. Closer and closer and closer-
Until maybe he can just be the one to make you smile, and not just that character from the show :)
#yandere x reader#bnha#yandere bnha#bnha yandere#yandere bnha x reader#x reader#yandere imagines#bnha imagines#yandere bnha imagines#yandere todoroki#shoto todoroki#yandere todoroki x reader#yandere deku#yandere midoriya#izuku midoriya#yandere deku x reader#yandere bakugou#yandere bakugo katsuki#yandere bakugo x reader
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Valentine's Day Special: A Delicate Kiss (Moxiety)
I totally forgot that I wrote a Valentine’s Day story on Wattpad! Would’ve been nice if I remembered and posted on that day...anywho, here it is (like a week late). Hope you like it.
Human AU
Virgil woke up early around four in the morning. He glanced to his left to find his boyfriend of two years sleeping comfortably with his back facing him. He then looked at the time and realized he had about two and a half hours to prepare everything for the day. With that thought in mind, he got up quietly so as to not disturb his snoozing lover, and he headed downstairs to put his plan into action.
~Saut de temps: deux heures (time skip: two hours)~
The sound of the alarm shouted in his ear as Patton reached over to turn it off. Patton rolled over and smiled in the direction of his beau but found the space empty. He shot up somewhat worried but was quick to calm down as he heard running water in their shared bathroom. He stepped inside in his baggy baby blue t-shirt and shorts to find Virgil brushing his teeth, and he wrapped his arms around his waist while kissing the back of his neck. Virgil shuddered at the touch before spitting out the excess toothpaste and turn in his lover's hold and pecking his forehead. "Good morning, babe," Virgil said softly. "Good morning,"Patton replied, "Happy Valentine's day, hun."
Virgil leaned down and kissed his Valentine, admiring the softness of his lips. They pulled away, and Virgil let Patton get ready for the day. Once he was ready, Virgil led him down the stairs, and his eyes widened at what they saw. Heart-shaped pancakes stood in a tower on both plates on the table. Red, heart balloons populated the ceiling. Red and pink roses in a baby blue vase decorated the center of the table. The kitchen was cleaned and swept; the living and dining rooms we're vacuumed, and Winnie the Pooh was ready to be played on the TV in the living room.
Virgil led Patton to the table, and they devoured the perfect pancakes that he made while enjoying a happy conversation. After eating they moved to the couch to cuddle and watch Patton's favorite movie. Virgil sat with his arm around Patton as he leaned into his hold. He blushed a little as Patton snuggled into his shoulder.
As the movie went on, Patton looked up at Virgil and stared for a small while. Virgil, suddenly disconcerted asked, "What? Is something wrong?" Patton just smiled and lightly pecked Virgil's neck, causing a shudder and deeper blush to take place. He responded happily, "Nothing's wrong. You just make me happy." Virgil smirked as he rolled his eyes fondly, "C'mon, no need for the mushy stuff."
Patton gave a small giggle as he kissed the same spot again, earning the same but slightly harsher reaction. "But I love you," he said he planted another kiss on another spot of his neck, "because you're sweet." He left another kiss, "and kind." And another, "and loving." And another, "and caring." Virgil half-heartedly pushed at his lover to end the kisses while trying to stifle his chuckles, "Patton, stohop. That tihickles."
Patton gave another giggle and replied, "That's another thing: you're adorable!" He then tackled his boyfriend down and started kissing all over his neck. Virgil could do nothing but laugh from the sensations. "Haha Pahahat, cut it ouhouhout!" Virgil yelped through his giggles. Patton just laughed with him, "I can't help it. You're so cute that I wanna eat you up!" He then blew multiple raspberries against his boyfriend's neck, earning him squeals and squeaky giggles.
By now, Virgil was getting tired of defending (even though he wasn't really trying that much anyway), so he decided to fight fire with fire. He reached down and scratched at Patton's sides, hearing a squeal with chuckles to follow instantly after. "Eehehehe nohoho!" Patton squeaked happily, recoiling from his attack and curling in at the ticklish touch.
"Hehehe stahahap!" Patton giggled as he tried to grasp Virgil's skilled fingers. Virgil snickered at his boyfriend's giggly state, "You started it. I thought you should at least get a taste of your own medicine." Virgil slipped Patton's shirt up and pinched and scratched at the soft and plump tummy skin. Patton couldn't contain his squealish laughter, "AHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!" "And guess what flavor your medicine is, Pattycake," Virgil grabbed his attention again, but he couldn't respond due to his continuous cackles. He just shook his head violently because he knew exactly where this was going.
Virgil wrapped his arms around Patton's waist while still squiggling circle into his side to leave him in stitches. He leaned in to Patton's ear and whispered the one word that he was dreading, "Raspberries." With that, Virgil dropped down and blew a long and teasing one right in the middle of his tummy. Patton all but screamed in hysterics at the vibrating feeling. "AAAAAHAHAHAHA! OKAY OKAHAHAY! UNCLE! UNCLE!" Patton cried, and Virgil stopped his attack, rubbing away the ghostly tickles left on his lover's skin. He then left a kiss on his forehead and another, more gentle kiss on his lips full of love for the bubbly character in his arms.
"Patton," Virgil started, "I have something to ask you." The atmosphere seemed to have dropped from happy and adorable to more serious, leaving Patton to worry. He asked, "What is it, hun?" Virgil then pulled out a small, navy blue velvet box and got down on one knee in front of him, and Patton sat up instantly. Virgil then began his speech.
"Patton, these past three years have been the best years of my life. I've never gotten a chance to get to know someone as well as I know you. It had been a long while since the last time I opened my heart to someone. This time, it's as if you barged in and laid claim on your territory, and I'm so glad you did. Thank you for showing me how to love and the happiness you've given me. But something that would make me happier is if you answer my question: Patton Morale Hart, will you marry me?" Virgil opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver band with a baby blue aquamarine stone in the middle.

Patton stared speechlessly in shock at the ring. Virgil got nervous from his silence and asked, "Patton?" Patton shook out of his trance and said with a nervous chuckle, "I guess it's my turn to say something, isn't it?" Virgil gave a small nod but froze when he saw him pull out a small black velvet box. Patton started his speech.
"Virgil, I love you so much. I've always been the one to help make people happy, but I've never experienced true happiness until we started dating. You've given me that chance to actually be truly happy. I love the idea of waking up next to you. I enjoy the time we spend together. I treasure the happy memories that we share, and I want to make more with you. I can't imagine my life without you. So, Virgil Angus Black, if you please. Will you marry me?" Patton opened up his box and displayed a black band with an amethyst teardrop.

Both stared at each other with wide eyes but enormous grins grew to split their faces in two. They looked into each others eyes and simultaneously answered, "Yes." Patton launched himself into Virgil's arms, and they rolled a little on the floor from the momentum while laughing with such glee. When they sat up properly, they each picked up their purchased rings and slipped them on the respective fingers. A tender kiss overflowing with love, adoration, admiration, and affection was shared between the two, excited for the bright and happy future that they were going to have together.
I was making myself happy as I was writing this. I was practically fangirling to myself...is that weird? That's probably weird. Oh well. I'm kinda proud with how this one came out. I hope you liked this fic.
I'll see you later Kings, Queens, and Non-Binary Nobles. And spread the love!❤
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Being Present Mic’s favorite student would include

A/n: why don’t yall show my mans any love? Like damnn smh he just out here breaking people's eardrums and tingz and y'all cant even give him some acknowledgement or what not smh. Present Mic stans, you may now rise
-I imagine you’d be like that American exchange student and you laughed at a bad pun he did in english and he felt super special because no one ever understands the puns he does, so now he’s just constantly bothering you
-like you’re just walking down the hall, trying to get to class and you just hear
-*invoked with fear*
-Like seriously he won’t leave you alone…..at all
-He love speaking in english to you because it’s keeps him refreshed and plus it’s fun seeing Aizawa all flustered because he only understands 60 percent of what you guys are saying
-You get used to him I promise, he’s actually like the sweetest little thing that wants the best for you uwu. Like if you’re a shy student he’ll break you out of your shell most definitely!!
-He asks you to do his introductions because aizawa refused for the 1000th time but it actually was super fun so you don’t mind
-He did a super long hyped up into for you at the sports festival like and he kept cheering you on soo much he was like a soccer dad watching his little princess play her first game
-I swear he was wearing a shirt that said ‘Go Y/N!!’
-Everyone knows you’re his favorite like if you thought All might and Deku thing was a bit much well like he is on a whoooleeee new level
-Speaking of All might and little broccoli, there is an unspoken rivalry between All might and Present. They are always like
-”Haha did you see young Midoriya’s moves today? He is working so hard, he’ll be a great hero soon!”
-”Yeah of course, BuT did yOU sEE mY Y/N todaY????
-SocCeR DAdS
-You and deku kinda does friendly competitions just to watch the two teachers go at it
-It was a tie tbh
-Always asking you about American slang and terms like brooo
-”y/n what’s a yeet? Someone told me I need to yeet off a building and I kinda wanna do it for my next youtube video on youtube.”
-You helped him set up the youtube channel btw
-”so i say period after something truthful is said?”
-”like that?”
-You keep him updated on all the trends and make sure his outfits are looking good
-He lets you design a new logo for his brand
-Did I mentioned he’s like super sweet. Like one day you opened your locker to find a note he wrote for you.
-”Heeeeyyyyy Y/NNNNNNN,
Whats upp best student evvvvvaaaaa???? I just wanted to say i’m proud of you and I heard from a little sleepy birdie (sensei Aizawa) that you aced your test in hissss claaaaaassss wooooooo!!!!! Because of that i mayyyyyyy haveee brought you ice cream that may or may not be in the fridge in the teachers lounge that you may or may not can get during lunch perioddd…… anyways MIC OUT!”
-He helps you control and project your powers when you are struggling with them
-Helps you with the weird Homework assignments All might and Aizawa gives you
-”wtf is this shit? This is your homework?? Hold on, I’m calling shouto .”
-Lets you sleep in his class
-He is like your personal translator if your japanese is a bit iffy or you don’t know how to say something
-Oh and Aizawa adores you also but like he keeps it on the down down low. Like people actually thinks he kinda doesn’t like you but that is not the case at all. Like he supports Mic’s constant spoiling of you and might throw in a gift or two with him.
-Aizawa looks at you guys as his two kids that he will literally protect at all costs.
-If anyone is messing with you or you need something just yell out ”MR.HIZASHIIIIIII.” or “MR.AIZAWA” and he’ll be there in under a minute.
-Bakugou threatened you once, and Aizawa and Hizashi heard….lets just say he never messed with you again.
-Same goes for you, if anyone is teasing or talking wrongly about Present Mic, you’ll square up any day.
-”yeah he’s like so weird and does he realize that no one thinks he’s cool like stop trying so hard.”
-FigHt mOde ActIvaTeD
-You got in trouble but it was totally worth it and Mic was super flattered but as a teacher he still had to discipline you. He high five you tho and said he wasn’t mad and he only got you in trouble because the other teachers would have bashed him for favoritism
-Once you get more comfortable with him, You guys have like daily talks about anything and everything, he’s a really good listener and will listen to your weekly rants.
- Despite being a literal crackhead, he is super wise and has a lot of knowledge so if you need advice, just ask.
-Knows when you aren’t feeling your best and tries his all to make you smile, it usually ends up working and you’re just laughing at his bad jokes and he’s like
-He’ll let you hide out with him and Aizawa when there’s a bunch of kids are crowding you and asking questions about your home country or when school is just overwhelming
-He’d 10/10 adopt you if he could
-He invited you on his radio show like twice, it actual helped gained a lot of listeners from a younger audience and even some international people listened in as well. It was actually pretty fun, of course you were a bit nervous you weren’t sure to expect but it was reallly cool. It was almost like an interview, he asked you a few questions about yourself and your school life even opinions on different heros or what not.
-”But Mr.MIcCCcCc plEAsE Dontttt iTs NOt A BIg DeaL.”
-you died
-He got a little cake made for you, it had little candies and sparklers on it. It was mega adorbs.your name was also on it but it was spelled wrong.
-”Here ya go Y/N! Sorry your name is spelled wrong...i tried to fix it but it got all smudged so i just left it.”
-For his Birthday, you made a picture frame that had a selfie with the two of yall and gave him a little card that said, “Happy Birthday The best teacher evaa! You’re super great and I hope one day we can fight side by side and be the best duo in history! Enjoy your day old man. -The best student evaaa”
-You teamed up with eraser head to throw a little surprise party for him at a cute little restaurant and he ended up crying sksksksksksdnjksk it was so soft.
-At the dance you didn’t have a date or anything so ya boi Mic danced with you and it was uwu like super soft. He even walked around with you a bit and let you wrap your arm around his, like he’s the best teacher seriously
-At the end of the year when it was time for you to go back to America, he was devastated like seriously he’d miss you and y’alls antics. He practically begged you not to go back. Yeah he held your leg and cried on the floor….Aizawa had to pull him off of you so you could leave
-”Don’t cry Mr.Hizashi!! I I’ll see you again one day! Thank You so much for being an awesome teacher this year, I’ll miss you.”
-you actually got approved to come back the following year but you kept it a secret so you could surprise him when you walk in his class again.
-he was big boi shocked
#bnha#BNHA Headcanons#present mic#hizashi yamada x reader#hizashi yamada#present mic x reader#x reader#10/10 would recommend#would include#dating senarios#my hero academia#oneshot#Headcanon#headcannons#bnha teachers#bnha deku#deku#mha x reader#mha#izuku midoriya#bakugou#shoto aizawa#mr aizawa#bnha aizawa#All Might#bnha all might#all might x reader#anime#anime hcs#give present mic love
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Harry Potter AU
Parings: Regulus Black x Reader
Summary: Your secret relationship with Regulus has fallen apart. He wanted to keep you safe but is failing miserably. Now he has to decide if he wants to give up his family to be with you or walk away from the one person that has shown him love.
Credit: Credit to Maroon Five "Payphone" lyric that is used in Chapter 1 The end of Chapter 1 idea came from Timothee Chalamet in Little Women.
Rating: T
“Please! You can’t leave me. I need you...more than you’ll ever know! It's my family...if they knew...they would hurt you.”
“I’m sorry, Regulus. You won’t open up to me. We have been together for a year and you won’t...You know what I’m about to say so I won’t say it.”
Regulus’ eyes snapped open. He lay at the foot of his bed totally unsure of how he got there. The one that he was sure of, however, was he wanted to die. He wanted to pay someone to just blow him from the planet. It had been two days...of hell. Two days without seeing your smiling face. There had been no kisses, no secret cuddles, nothing.
You had cut him off. To be fair, Regulus didn’t blame you. After six months, you had finally gotten sick of the secrecy. You had gotten sick of Regulus’ distance.
“Is it so wrong to want to be able to kiss my boyfriend in public? We act like strangers. Don’t you dare say it's to keep me safe from your family either! Man up and tell them no. Be like your brother for once!”
That sentence, when it came out of your pretty little mouth sent Regulus over the edge. He had screamed at you to get away from him. Regulus felt even more ashamed that he called you a lying snake who was in love with his brother.
Y/n doesn’t love Sirius and you know it
His mind added when Regulus tried his best to calm down. It just didn’t happen...and he ruined his shot with the one girl that he actually loved….
If happy ever afters did exist. I would still be holding you like this. All of those fairy tales are full of it. One more stupid love song, I’ll be sick...
You looked down at the line you wrote in your diary. The last thing that you ever wanted to think about was any kind of happy ever after. It was just a bunch of crap. Your heart was still broken over the break up with Regulus. Sure, you had started the whole mess but his icy words ruined any chance of a reconciliation. You didn’t love Sirius...well at least not like that.
“Good morning!”
You looked up with a frown as James came down the stairs with his obnoxiously loud happy attitude that made your head hurt. How your older brother was so chipper every day was beyond you.
You said, coldly. James had wandered over to Sirius and was trying to get a grin out of his best friend but was failing. Sirius was as annoyed and put out with James as you were in the mornings.
“Why is everyone so grumpy?”
James asked. You shook your head. The last thing that you wanted to do was tell James or Sirius about your relationship failing. Hell, they didn’t even know that you were dating Regulus. There was no point in telling them either. James would just get angry and want to fight. He would probably go after Regulus and shout at him about messing with his family. Regulus, in turn, would lose his shit. As far as Sirius, well, you didn’t know how Sirius would handle it. You had a feeling that it probably wouldn’t end well.
“I have my reasons.”
You muttered as Sirius raised an eyebrow. He had noticed how your normal happy mood had been a lot “less sunny” over the past two days,
“Want to come out with James and me tonight? You seem a bit put out.”
You shook your head; not able to look at Sirius. If you looked at your friend you would see his brother and that opened a whole new can of worms.
“No. I’m just going to stay here and get fat.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“So who is he or was he?”
You shook your head. Haha, you were not about to fall for that one!
“No one.”
Sirius chuckled.
“And I was born yesterday. Look, if you don’t want to tell me....”
“I don’t want to tell you so you don’t have to do anything.”
Sirius’ smile fell. He had always looked at you as his own little sister. Clearly having a younger brother didn’t turn out so well so he decided to try his hand at a sister. James didn’t seem to mind sharing you so Sirius gladly took the challenge.
“I can go kick someone’s ass. All I need is a little info and whoever he is will be a pancake.”
You sighed and put your head in the middle of Sirius’ chest.
“No! No pancakes! Just be good...or your version of good. Can we just drop it?”
Sirius nodded, still looking unconvinced.
“If that’s what you want. You know how to get a hold of me.”
That night, you decided to go out with Sirius and James. After a few drinks, you were feeling much better. Dancing with Remus, you were finally starting to feel like yourself.
“Sirius said you were a little put out earlier.”
Remus shouted over the music. You nodded.
“I was. I’m feeling better now. You know Remus, I don’t think that I am ever going to get married. I don’t think I need a boyfriend. I just need James, Sirius, and you. Screw Regulus.”
Remus stopped as his mouth dropped. Did you just say Regulus? Like the Regulus that he knew? The one that was standing over in the corner downing shot and shot of cheap booze?
“Y/n, did you say Regulus?”
Your hands came to your mouth as Regulus sauntered over clearly drunk.
“Moved on already have you?”
You shook your head.
“What does it matter to you? Maybe I love Remus?”
Remus looked around awkwardly as James and Sirius stopped their drinking fest to watch the scene in front of them.
“You love him?!”
“Yes, I do! He’s one of my best friends and wouldn’t hurt me...like you. I don’t love you anymore! You mean big...child!”
You snapped. Neither of you realized the awkward and confused expressions that you were getting from your friends. James and Sirius clearly had no idea what was going on and poor Remus was scratching his head. You were the last girl that he would have an affair with. You were like blood to him.
“Hope you're happy! You took my heart and stomped on it!”
“You’re a selfish lover!”
You yelled back. Regulus didn’t back down until he threw his drink in the air, its contents landing on some poor witch nearby.
“To Remus Lupin!”
He shouted before staggering out of the bar to go be drunk and miserable somewhere else.
#Regulus Black#Regulus Black x Reader#Regulus Black fics#Harry Potter AU#Sirius Black#James Potter#Remus Lupin#timothee chalamet as regulus black#BEN BARNES AS SIRIUS BLACK#Harry Potter fan fic#au#walburga black#orion black#the ancient and noble house of black
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6x06. “How the Ghosts Stole Christmas” - X-Files Rewatch
I wrote a lot about this episode, I hope you enjoy! Really thought this one gave us a ton of insight into M&S.
Mulder’s excuse to invite Scully out with him - a haunted house. He just wants to spend time with her. He’s feeling lonely. For some reason he’s not spending Christmas with anyone - not his mom, not the Gunmen. Even if he was, she’s the person he most wants to spend it with.
Mulder does his very best to entertain Scully with a ghost story. He’s being very seductive, but I don’t think he’s too serious about it - just wants her to spend time with him desperately.
When Mulder describes Maurice (“brooding but heroic”) and Lyda (“a sublime beauty with a light that seemed to follow her wherever she went”) - I mean, c’mon, he’s describing THEM.
“Driven by a tragic fear of separation they forged a lovers' pact so that they might spend eternity together and not spend one precious Christmas apart.”
Even though Scully has somewhere to be, Mulder’s pull on her is irresistible. She has a family, a gift-opening, many traditions that she loves to take part in, SOMEWHERE ELSE TO BE, but she comes to see Mulder anyway. She protests, tries to leave, but only because she thinks Mulder also has plans, has people to spend the holidays with. Scully loves a good story, and this one hits close to home - scary, romantic and tragic.
Scully’s long monologue about why fearing ghosts is irrational, what it represents. She’s thought about it a LOT. She enjoys the thrill she gets from fear but also enjoys being able to explain it, put it in a box, conquer it.
It appears on the outside that Mulder is being selfish on inviting her here, occupying her time on a date where she has places to be, that he’s being insensitive. But the opposite is actually true. How difficult is Christmas going to be for Scully this year? To be around her family and remember her loss. To spend time with her nephew and having to hide her sorrow at the child she barely knew that was taken from her. To be expected to be full of Christmas cheer when all she wants to do is hide from the world, to yell and cry with anger and sadness. Mulder knows this, but doesn’t acknowledge it. He distracts her with ghosts, and it is the most wonderful thing he could do.
I love the contrast between Mulder and Scully meeting the ghosts, on experiencing the scary haunted house. Mulder is fascinated, while Scully is terrified. An incredible parallel to their experiences with the paranormal - Mulder just wants to know more but Scully rationalizes it to try to dispel her fears.
“Alright, I’m afraid. But it’s an irrational fear.” - Scully (Her first of three admissions this episode.)
This is a wonderful season to explore Scully’s fears. She is terrified of the unknown, of what she can’t explain rationally, which drives her stubbornness all throughout the next few seasons. It’s frustrating for Mulder, he doesn’t understand why she’s so resistant to believe even if she’s seen things she can’t deny, but it all stems from this fear. She doesn’t fully overcome it until much, much later (“all things”, I believe).
Mulder’s “I got your back” when Scully’s about to check out something strange/scary. Hilarious, and a simple attempt at humour. An attempt to show that Scully is the braver one. He might be less scared, but he pushes her, wants her to explore, and while Scully is afraid SHE is the one to open the door because HE pushes her to do so, because she needs to explain things to conquer her fear. She likes that about him, about their relationship. He gives her strength and courage to overcome her fears.
Scully gets into the next room, is comforted by evidence of the mundane. The wound clock, the fire that just went out. This place isn’t haunted, it’s just occupied.
Mulder is such a goofball. Enjoying pranking/scaring Scully, teasing her. He touches her shoulder. He calls her on her fears - that “Rationally, you've been in much more dangerous situations”. In a horror movie, Mulder would be the one doing all the things that YOU SHOULD NOT DO. Scully realizes this, haha.
Scully’s hand on his arm when they realize that the corpses are themselves. It’s meant to scare them, to make them believe something will happen to them. So the things that come later will be more believable and they’ll be more susceptible to Maurice and Lyda’s manipulations.
The psychoanalysis of Mulder and Scully.
A lot of these insights are accurate, but some of them reflect only what they FEAR is the truth.
Maurice → Mulder
I’m just going to comment here that Mulder is wearing my favourite outfit. Leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans. Hnnnnnnnnng.
“Are you overcome by the impulse to make everyone believe you?”
The one person he wants to believe him the most is extremely resistant to it. She says she believes him, but she can’t quite admit it to herself. This hurts him.
“Narcissistic, overzealous, self-righteous egomaniac.”
Overzealous, yes, and perhaps self-righteous but I don’t agree with the others. Mulder would be WORRIED about the other things though. That he is too self-centered, that his personal quest has taken so much from Scully. He views himself as selfish, and undeserving of love and companionship because of it.
“You kindly think of yourself as single-minded but you're prone to obsessive compulsiveness workaholism, antisocialism... Fertile fields for the descent into total wacko breakdown.”
Single-minded: YES
Obsessive: YES; compulsive to the extent that he is impulsive and spontaneous when it comes to his quest, but not OCD
Workaholism: YES - Mulder doesn’t ever NOT work, as long as it’s associated with his obsession. He’s always at the bureau, or working at home, or dragging Scully to investigate mysterious things on the weekend.
Antisocialism: YES - He doesn’t care what other people think, doesn’t have much of a social life outside of his carefully chosen friends
Total wacko breakdown: he jokes about his mental stability, that he belongs in a mental institution, that they’d lock him up if he went there, that Scully could see him tied down on a bed. But in reality he is very stable emotionally - with all of the trauma he encounters he is very resilient, bounces back, pursues his quest
“You probably consider yourself passionate, serious, misunderstood. Am I right?”
YES. He doesn’t mind that people don’t get him, because he knows he’s on the right path. His joking and humour only covers up his vulnerability, otherwise he is very serious about most things.
“Most people would rather stick their fingers in a wall socket than spend a minute with you.”
OOF. This hurts him, hits home, gets right down to the core of his greatest fear, of being alone.
He brings up Scully, that he’s not actually alone. He didn’t take her car keys, but the ONLY REASON SHE’S IN THE HOUSE IS BECAUSE THEY WERE TAKEN.
And where is she? “BEHIND A BRICK WALL.” One of their own construction - mainly Mulder’s.
“You know why you do it-- listen endlessly to her droning rationalizations. 'Cause you're afraid. Afraid of the loneliness. Am I right?”
This is why Mulder, after his frustration in “The Beginning”, is more accepting of her disbelief. He makes very good points about why she can’t believe in that episode, but he doesn’t really push her on it afterwards - because the alternative is loneliness. (He DOES know that the debate is necessary for their process, but also that her denials are unreasonable at this point, after what they saw.)
If he pushes her too much, will she leave?
Lyda → Scully
Her hand shaking when holding her gun is just perfection. I love how she calms, her hand steadies, but then starts trembling again when Lyda starts making strange insights, knows things she shouldn’t.
“You must have an awful small life. Spending your Christmas Eve with him... Running around chasing things you don't even believe in.”
Again, Scully wants more out of life. She wants to “get out of the car”, wants to experience family, intimacy, have a partner to share her life with. That Mulder seems incompatible with those things, that he could never settle down and stop chasing things in the dark.
“I can see it in your face... The fear... The conflicted yearnings... A subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another. Intimacy through co-dependency.”
Feeling that she can’t obtain intimacy with Mulder, she finds satisfaction just being with him, working with him, being NEEDED.
“Maybe you repress the truth about why you're really here pretending it's out of duty or loyalty-- unable to admit your dirty little secret. Your only joy in life is proving him wrong.”
This isn’t true, she loves working with Mulder, and believes her rationalizations only serve to build him up (they do). Recent tension between them would make her fear that Mulder thinks this way - that she has no purpose in their quest. Her unwillingness to believe, that it’s only about wanting to be right, will only serve to drive him away.
I love that Scully faints from fear at seeing the holes in Lyda’s stomach and Maurice’s head. When confronted with something SO UNBELIEVABLE, something that cannot be denied or rationalized or put in a box she just shuts down.
Lyda → Mulder
“I was young and beautiful once, just like your partner.” Any acknowledgement of Scully’s beauty just makes me 😍
“Maybe you two should have discussed your real feelings before you came out here.”
Heck, yeah! But Mulder can’t let himself. Even if he knew Scully felt the same about him, he doesn’t deserve to be loved by her.
Comparing Mulder’s reaction to seeing the hole in Lyda’s stomach to Scully’s. He’s disgusted because he accepts it as reality as a matter of course, while Scully is (literally) scared out of her mind.
When Lyda suggests Scully would shoot herself, Mulder’s “I wouldn’t let her”. 😍
“We're not lovers.” - Mulder, said with a sigh “And this isn't a pure science. But you're both so attractive and there'll be a lot of time to work that out.” - Lyda
Ummmmmmmmmm… can we have ghost-Mulder and Scully AU fanfic please?
Maurice → Scully
Mulder as “dark and lonely” - suggesting that he took the car keys to keep her with him. The little nuggets of truth that Maurice and Lyda offer to Mulder and Scully make it easier to accept the other things - the fears that they have about each other.
He’s got no one this Christmas, and she had no idea. 😥
Maurice and Lyda trick Mulder and Scully
When she sees “Mulder”, she’s so relieved and happy.
When “Mulder” rants about loneliness. Scully doesn’t believe in it. She thinks they can change, that they can choose to not be lonely. (This comes up again in “Milagro”. A VERY SIGNIFICANT EPISODE. Hnnng.)
“You’re scaring me.” - Scully (2)
Scully’s face when he’s about to shoot himself. 😥
Mulder finding “Scully” 😥
Crawling along the floor in their blood.
“Are you afraid, Mulder? I am.” - Scully (3)
They can’t shoot each other, even when thinking that the other did it to them.
Of course Mulder figures it out first. He’s more open to believing that this is an illusion, a trick. Something unreal and paranormal rather than the reality of them having shot each other. He reaches for her and helps her up, showing her the evidence in front of her face that this isn’t real. Touches her uninjured stomach, covered in blood.
Lily Tomlin as Lyda and Ed Asner as Maurice were amazing. I loved their playfulness. That this was a horror-comedy instead of just a tragic, scary story.
Back at Mulder’s apartment
“I don’t deserve to be so happy.” - on the television in Mulder’s apartment at the end. How sad. But it describes him so perfectly this season. He doesn’t believe he deserves happiness. That he got to spend some time with Scully was wonderful, but now he’s back in his lonely apartment wishing she was still there, but not thinking it should ever happen. He knows what makes him happy, sharing and spending time with Scully, but she has her own “normal” life that he can never be a part of, that he doesn’t DESERVE to be a part of no matter how desperately he craves it.
When she shows up, he’s delighted. That she wants to be there with him, enjoys spending time doing WHATEVER, even if she’s scared, or refuses to believe. She enjoys their connection just as much as him. She views him as an important person in her life, just as much as her family. He agrees with Scully that it didn’t happen, doesn’t push her on her stubbornness to not believe, because he’s just happy she’s here. He chooses the opposite of loneliness.
Their acknowledgement of the fears that they have. Mulder’s on being selfish, and Scully’s on her reasons for working with him. I love that they mention these things rather than the ones that are actually true.
They do some heavy gazing at each other when talking about their vulnerabilities. 😍
I love how bashful they are when giving each other presents. It’s so cute!
Scully loves presents. I just love that tidbit about her. I don’t think she’s materialistic, the present could be anything. She just loves that someone cares enough about her to get her something meaningful, she loves the anticipation of unwrapping and seeing what it is.
After they opened their gifts, I think Scully invited Mulder to her mom’s house. Knowing he has nowhere to be, no one to spend it with. I just can’t see her choosing to leave him alone, and she WANTS to be with him. WANTS to live a life where they are together for holidays and significant events, not just because of work.
#xfiles#x-files#x-files rewatch#x files rewatch#msr#msrheadcanon#mulder and scully#fox mulder#dana scully#season 6#top 10 episodes
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⭐️ I’m curious about about a “directors cut” for Let’s Have Some Gentle Fun and Captain Bucheon as well.
Jamie, not gonna lie but if I had to guess what youd be asking about, I would say these two! I feel like I owe you with the "Lets have some gentle fun" one shot since it was for you ㅠㅠ (this will be long, sorry)
Directors cut for: Lets Have Some Gentle Fun
(Can I just say I want to explore Jiyongs character in this one? lol totally unrelated but still... "Dragon" and his own adventures haha)
Baekhyun smiled at you kindly, his eyes following your movements the entire time despite having a beautiful chick sitting on his thighs. Gulp. Those thighs.
“Thank you,” he made sure to say, when you stood up to your full length. Shooting him a very pressed, almost painful smile, you nodded once, accidentally meeting his gaze that you thought was not on you any longer.
You were wrong. But were you wrong as well when you always felt electricity curse down your veins whenever you would look at each other? Was the attraction just from your side? Why was he so hard to approach yet so easy to talk to once you actually managed to spike up a conversation?
Right. Your friends always snatched him away. While he was the center of the circle, you were the edge; the misunderstood one yet always invited. Doing chatty-chats with the famous ones in the circle of your friends seemed to be hard because if they didn’t really vibe with you, they’d made sure you could feel it. Baekhyun not once did, yet his apologetic smiles whenever someone wanted to talk to him when he was about to start a conversation with you, hurt more than any of your other friends’ attitude.
Reciprocating his stare a little longer, you finally turned, thinking he would be paying attention to the pretty lady on his lap. Yet again, you were wrong. He was looking even when you were far gone and back to the bar to continue your shift.
Okay, stop here. This right here screams interest and Baekhyuns badly hidden attraction towards OC. He had been doing that in other scenes where he stares at her and says words that clearly mean his interest, but there is something holding him back which is his girlfriend; the one sitting on his lap, the one who will appear at the end of the storyline. Meanwhile, OC isnt as focused on his girlfriend, as she is on the reality of everyone stealing him away from her. Baekhyun can only offer apologetic smiles - why is that? OC can only interpret that as his disinterest; he isnt much different than the others. Baekhyun is being very vague again in the next scene:
“You have a man here?”
Both of you were quiet now. He was staring into your eyes, something so hard for you to decipher flashing in those deep orbs. His eyes seemed almost black, swallowing up every light that dared to enter including you.
“It’s what you all think about me, isn’t it?” you mumbled quietly. “That I bring men home, that I’m the quiet before the storm. I know that’s what you all say behind my back. I’m just living up to your knowledge.”
Baekhyun’s face became unreadable. His features evened out. “Way to ruin the mood.”
You laughed. “Whatever mood you’re talking about-“
Baekhyun made OC believe there was something happening between them in that moment. He is always unconsciously flirting with her, making baby steps to get to know OC better; it felt like he put the blame on her when in reality, he is the taken man and he is the one never offering more. And he had the audacity to act hurt at the idea of her having someone there?
He stepped closer, silencing you right away. “I know people are judgemental fucks but I would have always said otherwise about you.”
He gave you a lopsided smirk, not reaching his eyes. “I can hardly judge you when I know so little about you. I never believe those rumors and you shouldn’t give a damn either. If anything, you’re the most intriguing among our friends.”
He couldn’t tell, but breath hitched in your throat from the way his eyes were drinking you up, their intensity burning every sane thought you could produce. “Then why do you always yield to those friends? We had many chances to talk. But it wasn’t me who always turned around at the last moment.”
The tension was almost palpable when you were looking up at him.
He didn’t reply and you realized the headache you were gifted with today. Sighing tiredly, you smiled up. “Whatever. Don’t answer that. Go. I bet your girlfriend is waiting.” When he didn’t move, you snorted a laugh. “Why are you even baking at this hour? You’ll be late to work.”
Poor OC. Baekhyun was darn lucky she decided to speak up and not let him answer. He wouldnt be able to offer anything she would want to hear in that moment. I really liked these scenes because they set the diversity of Baekhyuns character, they set up the confusion, and at the same time they are enhancing OCs struggle with her crush towards him. She knows she cant have him, and she also thinks Baekyhun is just like her other friends, while she has no clue the man is attracted to her. Just for the funsies - we dont know whether he actually meant it, or whether he just wanted his desire to be satiated by her as a one night stand. I still love this plotline so much! And I think it is the most realistic kind of crush - from OCs side and from Baekhyuns side.
Directors cut: Captain Bucheon
“Then why would you do it if you don’t want to do it?” he asked, genuinely confused.
“Because I’m in the student council,” you replied almost in a whine. “They asked me and I couldn’t say no!” You threw your arms around, making it sound like a big deal. And for you, it was a big deal. You didn’t like how you were easily pushed around.
Baekhyun nodded, a small smile stretching his lips when he saw your comprehension. Sweet university life. “You must be very liked by everyone.”
You froze at that. That wasn’t true. How would you tell your ex the reason everyone was all over you was because you had huge tits and you were friends with Chul? “It’s not like that…”
Baekhyun nodded, noting your discomfort but deciding against questioning it. He didn’t think he was anywhere near the position to stick his nose into your business. For all he knew, he’d scare you away like that time in the bar but, frankly, he didn’t even utter a single word that night to give you a reason for your abrupt fleeing.
“So you run here often, huh,” he heard you say and then saw you shuffling your feet, the small stones of the track field rustling under them.
So much is happening here I want to CRY! The first question Baekyhun asked is something he would definitely ask her if they were dating. He cares about her so much, he needs to ask for her reasons. Yet, Captain Byun isnt the type to be too nosy; from Burn Your Bridges we saw he was a passionate lover but very mature and responsible which also shows in the part where he didnt question her about her discomfort when he sensed it. But he still cares too much. These scenes prove how tables turned; Lee Nari is the one who is harder to reach now, while Baekhyun seems to be losing his mind a little with having the young girl back in his life. It shows in this scene:
Baekhyun was fast. Before you realized the warmth of his hand leaving yours, you heard a loud snap, his fist landing with the dude’s face. You squealed, covering your mouth in shock and just like that, Baekhyun had professionally put the lad down, having both his arms locked behind his back. It vastly made you remember when he did a similar move with your brother in his office at the police station, and chills ran down your spine.
Right. Baekhyun first arrested you, and then your brother who was still in jail until now. Baekhyun lied to you to get closer to you. Right. Right, right, right.
“Don’t ever even imagine her in your filthy mind,” Baekhyun’s voice thundered through the space.
Baekhyun lost it. And this is also a huge trigger for the OC. If you read the story, you would learn that Baekhyun would never pull this move on just a random person he needs to protect as a cop. But we are talking about Lee Nari and he would sure as hell manhandle anyone who dared to talk about her badly. Even her brother.
Your palm landed on his cheek and Baekhyun’s face snapped to his right side. “I hate you!” You shouted shakily, more tears spilling down your cheeks, the snot out of your nose. You were a mess. “I hate everything you put me through, Byun Baekhyun! You lied to me! Why did you lie to me?! I loved you!” You shouted again, and squeezed your eyes shut.
Your palms were still, pressing against his sturdy chest but you couldn’t make him move anymore. You were crying now, your voice shaking and your eyes still squeezed shut. “What did I do to deserve this… when all I did was love you honestly, purely,” you wailed, your voice sounding almost like a wolf’s howl in the empty streets of the campus. “I was just seventeen…”
Baekhyun was quiet the whole time, emotions of guilt eating him away just like they had been for the past year. His own heart was in pain and he knew how hurt you were but seeing you like this made his heart split into two. You were a complete, utter mess.
Even I felt heartbroken as I wrote that, angst at its best!! Baekhyun could finally witness just how damaged the girl is. Nari needed this. Thank God Baekhyun provided her the chance to finally speak up. I just loved the slap that she gave him, I loved how passionate and aggressive she was - with all his previous kindness, she finally erupted like a volcano. I love how she became so tired of her emotions, so tired of hating on Baekhyun that eventually led her to be in his arms. That last sentence is just as heart-breaking; your lover realizing just how much they ruined you but they still hold you in their arms. Its a little ironic, isnt it? The delicious pain of enemies/lovers trope <3 God I love them!!
- ASK ME: Fanfic Writers: Directos Cut
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11 with Xavier 🥺 plz!
11. Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile
A/N: cant believe I actually wrote something after MONTHS. This is trash I’m sorry :( and things got out of hand because it’s about 2k words oops, but thank you for the ask darling, I had fun🖤 (Despite my proofreading there might be grammar mistakes because of my italian illiterate ass, so please be nice)
Warnings: they’re ghosts here, but honestly just dumb jokes, fluff and a heated moment but if you blink you’ll miss it haha
It’s one of those mornings. One of those mornings when the sunlight peaks through the window waking you up. But why even bother sleeping when you’re dead? Well, call it a habit, call it boredom, call it not wanting to let go that crumb of routine which, as much as possible, allows you to keep holding on to whatever is the shred of humanity left within you; like a fading flame that, for some reason, is still burning. Or at least this is the only way to not dissociate from reality and preserve your sanity.
Based on the amount of light, it must be almost 9 am.
Before even opening your eyes, you already know that he isn’t there. It’s when you turn to the other side of the bed that you get the confirmation; he’s not beside you, just crumpled sheets cold to the touch.
It's one of those mornings you perfectly know where he went. As much as he may not want to admit it, Xavier is pretty predictable.
Halloween has just slipped by, and all of you however-reluctant-residents of Camp Redwood spent 24 hours of complete freedom from that hellmouth, that place which does nothing but constantly remind you of that life that none of the souls stuck there had the chance to live. 24 hours to do ‘whatever the hell you want’. On this occasion, you guys are used to split up and part from each other; it has become a sort of established practice not talking about what you did on those hours, a somewhat “private full-day experience” that you all have this silent agreement to not share.
But then there was Montana being Montana, who enthusiastically bragged about how many frat guys and girls she hooked up with and then mercilessly killed at those wild college gatherings, despite your well-known disappointment on killing innocent people in cold blood. But actually, you’re almost a hundred percent certain that she and Trevor annually spent that day together, doing crazy things and partying all night long. For the first few years, after becoming aware that all the trapped souls are somehow unbound from the invisible restraints and free to step outside the borders of the ‘slaughter camp’, acclimatizing to the evolution and changing of times has been particularly challenging.
You were the one of the gang that for years had used those 24 hours to find a way to set you spirits free from redwood, once and for all. You talked to mediums and psychics, charlatans, coming close to obsession; it has been Xavier who persuaded you to let go, begging to just give up.
“Xav, there must be a way out of this, a loophole…something that could release our souls and let us move on, I-”
“Babe stop, we tried hard enough, but that's just the way it is…and then at least there’s a bright side,” he claimed with a faint smile, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“And what on earth can that be?” you sighed.
“We've got all eternity to be together.”
He’s always been your rock. A hotshot and a dork too, but still. You wouldn’t want anybody else by your side for the rest of your non-life.
So, from that moment, once a year, you and Xavier chose to make the most of your ‘day off’ going on dates, like normal couples do. For over three decades.
Then, as they say, the sun comes up and reality sets in.
And every time, without skipping a year, having to go back to the camp and dealing with that dreadful reality killed Xavier’s mood drastically. His aching heart led him to want to pass the day after in complete isolation, lost in his thoughts, grieving about what he has lost.
“I need to be alone for a while, Y/N” he used to mumble with a shrug, his usual confidence gone all at once, “This ‘let’s play humans’ thing was a mistake.”
And every single year you let him walk away, respecting what has now become a sort of ritual, of cathartic moment. Year after year seeing all those people living their lives, achieving their dreams, having a purpose, or just solely breathing was too much for Xavier. Realizing that he won’t ever have anything of this. For this reason, you always gave him space. But not today. You’ve always felt powerless; all you want is finding a way to let your boyfriend know that, as he had said decades ago, ‘it’s time to move on and accept your new reality’. No more sorrow. If there’s something you know is how to cheer up your favorite aerobics instructor.
On this November 1st of what should be 2020, Xavier is, as well as the last twenty years, sitting on the dock by the lake and staring off into space, surrounded by a disturbing silence.
“Boo” you seductively whispered in the shell of his ear, appearing out of nowhere kneeled behind him.
“Nice try,” he replies sarcastically, albeit his tone was rather emotionless, plain. “…but I can tell when you’re around.” He doesn’t even turn, totally unimpressed by your weak attempt of scaring him.
“Lame” you smirk, suddenly getting up, “Thought you could use some company, tough boy.”
You can’t see his face but you’re sure he is rolling his eyes now. He just sighs. Oh, and do you love his drama queen manners.
Without a real invitation to join him, you sit down again, this time right next to him, swinging your legs off the dock. You stare at the same direction he’s looking at, nervously tapping your fingers on the hard-wooden planks to the beat of an 80’s song.
“So,” you casually begin, though he seems pretty lost in his own thoughts, “Why don’t we skinny dip? I bet that could wash away that sad face.” you grin, biting your lip.
You’ve never been this cheeky before, but what’s wrong in testing the waters?! Honestly, you’re not even sure he is actually paying attention to what you’re saying; you feel almost lucky he acknowledged your presence. You sure as hell won’t budge or back off this time, you won’t indulge his annual pity party. This time you are more than determined to make your boyfriend feel better, even unleashing your secret anti-sadness weapon.
Evidently caught off guard from this unusual boldness, Xavier lifts his head and turns to you with a surprised look on his face, but frowning at the same time.
Damn it, how can he be so attractive even when he furrows his brows like that?
Right now, the glare of sunlight on the water is perfectly reflecting off his sharp features, and, in this one moment, it’s like everything else falls away, and it’s just the two of you. Nothing else matters but him. Just a few seconds and you’re positive you’re going to forget the reason why you are there in the first place.
It’s the soft sound of his voice that brings you back to reality.
“I’m not sad.”
You shoot him a spare-me-that-bullshit-glance, that doesn’t go unnoticed, since he immediately emphasizes what he said in an attempt to make it sound more convincing, a few octaves higher.
“I’m not sad, Y/N!”
Very well Xav, time to bring out the big guns then.
With what you think is the most serious and straight expression your face can make in that moment, you tenderly place a hand on this cheek, which results in his brows furrowing even more, as if he’s silently questioning your sudden change of demeanor. He’s already preparing to get your lecture when instead you come up with:
“Do you know why ghosts are terrible liars?”
With a combo of a dramatic pause and a poker face, you bite the inside of your cheek noting his confused and puzzled look, “You can see right through them.”
Xavier’s blue eyes suddenly widen, shocked by your brainless joke that you’re certain he wasn’t expecting. You remain silent and he looks at you with his mouth slightly open, completely speechless.
“No way, no no no,” his eyebrows raised even further, “You didn’t say what you’ve just said.” and despite his apparent grimace, he lets out a loud laugh he really can’t hold back.
“Any chance to unhear this cringe-worthy joke?”
“Oh stop, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Are you kidding me?” he dramatically snorts. Theatrical might be the right word to describe the way your boyfriend always reacts when he’s at a loss of words.
“If you were searching for a non-physical way to kill me, you just found it.” he puts a hand on his forehead.
“Then why are you laughing, blondie?” you tease him.
“Because you’re the worst comedian ever, baby.”
Yeah? A bulb glows on your head.
“I disagree. Now tell me, what do you call a ghost-comedian?”
“Don’t you dare.” he warns
“DEAD-FUNNY” you scream back, then bursting into laughter.
It starts as a chuckle, but soon Xavier can’t help but mirror your reaction, cracking up himself.
It’s a laughter that fills his lungs, so hard that it takes his breath away, loud yet so warm and pleasant. The lack of oxygen doesn’t matter. All the distress of the past few days melts; as long as you two stay together, the tension is relieved.
“Jeez, you’re lucky you’re the love of my life,” he lightly shakes his head, “...otherwise I would run away from you as fast as I can.” he lies, lightly bumping your shoulder.
Fixing quite unconsciously his signature bleached hair, always perfectly styled, has been his tic for ages. The first time you noticed it was when he nervously tried to divert attention from his blushing, finally bent on making a move on you. You two were friends, but head over the heels for each other.
He smiles at himself; even the thought alone of spending the eternity in that purgatory without you is inconceivable.
“Why don’t you write a book with all these bad jokes?!” he mocks you.
“Only with you as a ghostwriter!” and proud of your quick-but-cheap pun, you put on a massive shit-eating grin on your face.
“Are you fucking with me, Y/N?” Xavier smiles at you lovingly, pinching your side that he knows is a ticklish-weak-spot.
Your body twitches to escape his hold and push his hands away, but when you grab his wrists something shifts inside you. Are your eyes clouded with…is it lust? You’re not sure what it is, but you give him a little smirk, and, much to Xavier’s surprise, you straddle him placing your hands on his toned chest.
“Not yet, babe…unless it is what you want.”
“God Y/N, you suck at flirting” he claims but the groan that slips out means he can’t hide his arousal as much as he would.
“Teach me, then. Still got the moves?” you slightly shift, making sure to adjust your position with a slow grind against his half-boner. He hisses and lets out a little moan in response.
“Very well, but I think we should work on your flexibility first.”
What follows is a series of slow open-mouthed kisses on your jaw and love bites on his neck. You will never get tired of this, not even in a million years.
“Hey, Romeo and Ghouliet! Stop fucking your brains out and get over here…we have a sort of guest.” Chet screams from the lakeshore.
“We are not!” You both manage to say, reluctantly interrupting your heated kiss.
“I’m dead dears, not stupid.” the brunette winks.
Damn cockblocker.
“A guest?” Xavier questions, tilting his head and looking at you as if you know what Chet is talking about. You shrug and ask the athlete who this person is and what exactly they want.
“I think it’s about our…condition. Clairvoyance shit, I don’t know. Her name is Billie Dean Howard or something.” Chet explains, not sure either what all this is about.
Xavier is the first to get up, helping you do the same.
“Maybe she’s just a ghost-obsessed freak who wants to reopen the camp?!” you wonder out loud and tenderly link your hand with your boyfriend’s, ready to go.
“Yeah, maybe. But it wouldn’t be a bad idea, though.”
#xavier plympton#xavier plympton x reader#xavier plympton x fem reader#xavier plympton imagine#Xavier plympton x you#xavier plympton x y/n#ahs 1984#ahs 1984 oneshot#ahs one shot#american horror story#american horror story one shot#american horror story imagine#ahs 1984 fic#ahs fic#xavier plympton one shot#xavier plympton fic#ahs 1984 imagine#american horror story 1984#michael langdon#duncan shepherd#xavier plympton smut#my writing
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News to Me: From the Source
It Haha so I recently watched Shallow Grave and was like. Hi, my name is Abby and I’d totally date Alex Law. So I decided I’d come up with a one shot for Alex Law x Reader. As I wrote it, it became two parts. The smut will be in the second part. SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE MOVIE.
When you had heard that Alex Law was in the market for a new roommate, you were intrigued. Sure, your current living situation was fine. It wasn’t like you didn’t get along with her, but you could live with Alex... the wheels in your head turned just thinking about it. You’d heard the stories about him. He’d earned quite the reputation for himself for being a bit of a man whore for any pretty girl. Yet, you knew he was so much more than that. You’d worked with him long enough to know that although he was an asshole most days, he was brilliant. Not to mention, handsome. You bit your lip as you stared at him from your desk in the corner, imagining what it would be like to see those blue eyes looking up at you from between your thighs, threading your fingers in his long locks to hold him closer... Your legs were moving across the room before you registered the movement. Gently, you perched on his desk, crossing your legs as you leaned back to look down at him.
“I hear you’re in the market for a new roommate,” you told him. It wasn’t a question.
A flash of annoyance crossed his face at you sitting on his desk. “Fuck’s it to you?”
You tilted your head and smirked, gently dragging the toe of your shoe up the side of his leg. “I’ve been looking to get into bed with some new roommates.”
His eyes darkened at your tone as he eyes raked over your body. You cleared your throat and his eyes reluctantly made their way back up to your expectant ones.
“Juliet already found someone,” he replied.
“What a shame,” you murmured. “It could’ve been fun.”
He swallowed in response as he watched you make your way back to your desk. With a hint of playfulness, you swayed your hips a bit more than usual as you walked, feeling him stare at your ass. If you couldn’t have the apartment, you’d at least make him regret not having you.
Weeks passed and you noticed a change in Alex, especially after he was assigned to cover the triple murder victims found in the woods. He was jumpier, on edge. You were worried about him. One day he came in and when your coworker accidentally bumped his shin with an umbrella, he winced. The next day he had a wound on his forehead. That was the day you decided you’d get to the bottom of this. You were a reporter. Fact finding should be easy.
“Alex, a word?” you asked, stopping by his desk after getting assigned your fluff piece for the week by your boss.
He gestured tiredly to his desk for you to sit.
“Not here,” you replied softly. “The stairwell.”
His eyes widened in fear before narrowing in suspicion. He followed you out into the empty stairwell that led to the basement of the building. The silence hung between you for a moment while you paced, unsure of where to start.
“Are you going to fucking say something? Because I have work to do,” he sighed in annoyance.
“What’s going on with you?” you asked.
“Fuck do you mean, ‘what’s going on’?” he asked incredulously. “I don’t have the fuckin’ time for this.”
He moved to leave, but you pinned him to the wall to stop him. “Alex, I’m worried about you. What happened to your forehead?”
“Bumped it.”
“And your shins?”
“Nothing’s wrong with my shins.”
“So if I tapped them with my foot?” you asked, bringing your foot up next to them. He winced. You put your foot back on the ground. He let out a shaky breath as he couldn’t meet your eyes. Gently you cupped his cheek and looked him in the eyes. “Alex, what’s going on? You look like you haven’t slept in days. I’m worried about you.”
“Why do you care?” he asked, searching your eyes.
You looked down in embarrassment. “Alex, I like you a lot.”
“So when you said you wanted to get in bed with new roommates...”
“I want to get in bed with you,” you replied, smiling at him shyly.
He turned his head into your hand, taking your thumb in his mouth and swirling his tongue around the tip. He watched you intently as your eyes fluttered closed and you let out a shaky breath.
“Alex, tell me what’s going on,” you repeated, opening your eyes to look at him.
Alex sighed in defeat, hanging his head. “You’re gonna hate me.”
“I’m not going to hate you,” you reiterated, taking both sides of his face in your hands now. The tips of your fingers slip into his hair and it’s just as soft as you’d imagined. Your eyes linger on his lips before searching his to see if he wants this as badly as you do. He’s looking at you now like you’re precious. You’re something he doesn’t want to lose, something solely his. You’ve never seen him look at anyone like this. Hell, he doesn’t think he’s ever looked at someone like this, not even Juliet. The air is charged with tension and you’re leaning in fast until he pulls back. Alex Law pulled back. You’re stunned.
“I need to tell you first,” he sighed.
Something’s terribly wrong.
The steps become your seat and you’re listening attentively. His words are spilling out as if you’d unleashed a floodgate. Eyes widen in shock as the truth comes out and it washes over you. Your eyes are unfocused at the wall in front of you. They buried the bodies. They mutilated them. His roommate has cracked. You didn’t care about the money. You cared about Alex.
“Alex, you can’t go back home,” you said after moments of silence that seemed like they would have stretched on forever if you had let them.
“Fuck do you mean I can’t go home?” he asked, looking at you incredulously.
“David did that to your forehead. He’s capable of killing. He might kill you!” you replied emphatically. “Alex, promise me you’ll be careful.”
You weren’t telling him to go to the police. Not yet, anyway. That might get him thrown behind bars.
“I’m fine,” he replied.
You leaned your head against his shoulder. “I’m scared for you.”
He leaned his head on top of yours. “Give me your number. If I start to feel unsafe, I’ll go in my room and I’ll ring you. You can call the police and send them to the apartment.”
You sighed. This was the most you were going to get and you knew it. “Alright.”
He let out a slight chuckle.
“What is it?” you asked curiously.
“It’s just... this is the most relaxed I’ve felt since this all started,” he replied. “Things at home have just been spiraling and I just... I’ve been feeling fairly alone since Juliet started sleeping with David. It’s like I’ve been ganged up against in my own fucking house. This was all my idea anyway. If you’d think anyone was going to be fucking obsessed with the money, it would be me, not David.”
You took his hand in yours and gave it a squeeze. “We should head back in. We don’t get paid to do nothing.”
“Says the one who writes puff pieces,” he teased.
“That’s rich coming from the guy who’s biggest story is himself,” you smirked.
“Low fucking blow,” he laughed as he stood up.
“Oh, you wish it was,” you winked as you got up and went to walk back inside with him. Your hand was on the door when he quickly pressed his lips to yours.
“Thank you,” he smiled. When you didn’t move he laughed. “Well, open the fucking door!”
“R-right,” you replied, heading back in to your desks.
You spent the rest of the day stealing glances and small smirks at each other, a blush on your face when he playfully blew you a kiss on his way out. Oh, you had it bad.
It had been a couple of days since your talk with Alex. In an odd, but not unpleasant, turn of events, you’d taken to talking nightly on the phone until he’d fallen asleep. Tonight, he hadn’t called at the normal time. You thought about calling him, but decided that he was probably just busy and that you shouldn’t worry. The night was spent glancing at your phone every now and then. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to call, you’d just gone to bed.
The phone rang. You didn’t know what time it was, but it was late. The phone sounded so loud in the stillness of your dark apartment. Your roommate had stayed with their boyfriend this weekend, so at least you weren’t waking anyone up as you scrambled through the house to get to the phone. You checked the clock in the hall as you picked it up. One am.
“Alex,” you breathed as you picked it up.
“I... I think something’s going to happen. I don’t know what it is, but it just feels off tonight. I’m...,” he sighed. “Shit. I’m fucking scared.”
You ran a hand through your bed tangled hair. “Alex, you should call that detective. You need to tell him everything.”
You heard silence on the other end. “Alex?”
“I’ll call,” he finally said.
“If I don't hear back from you in an hour, I’m calling the police,” you told him, fully expecting to hear him protest.
“Fine,” he murmured. “I’ll hopefully call you later.”
“Alex, be careful. I love you,” you replied before hanging up. The words had just slipped out, but you realized you meant them. You pulled the phone over to the couch and settled down while you waited. And waited. And waited. Your nerves were a mess as you played with the hem of your nightgown.
The call never came.
Your hand was shaking as you picked the phone off the receiver and dialed for Alex.
No answer.
You called the police after, telling them where to go and what little you knew. After you hung up, you pulled on your shoes and left. You didn’t know what you’d find at that apartment. You just hoped to God that it was Alex still alive.
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2020 Writing Self-Evaluation
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 10
2. Total word count posted to AO3 for the year: 117,265
3. List of works published this year: these are in order by date posted
When You Know
Interview with the vampire
4. Work you are most proud of (and why): Maybe When You Know. It was the most ambitious thing I wrote this year, I think. I never imagined myself as someone who would write Louis as an assassin. And I think I used my writing strengths fairly well in that one to pull off a story that’s not in my wheelhouse.
5. Work you are least proud of (and why): I’m not unhappy with any of them really. If I had to say, I’d say any of the unnecessary epilogues could have been cut. lol. I tend to write epilogues for the reader’s sake because I am a big fan of once they’re together the story is over. haha. But I realize some people might like a little future happiness for the characters. I’d say this year, the epilogues brought me a little more joy than usual to write though.
6. A favorite excerpt of your writing: oof I’m always the worst at finding an excerpt. Here’s a few sentences of Until that I kind of liked:
As the jet took off over the tops of the mountains, he watched out the window until they were lost beneath the clouds. When he could no longer see any part of this place that had begun to mean so much to him, the true pain of leaving hit. He knew he couldn’t stay, but it felt so damn wrong to leave.
7. Share or describe a favorite comment you received: I had one the other day that said they were a Giants fan, but my fic made them really like the Cubs. bahahahaha, that one was pretty great. My secret mission of converting Larry fic readers into Cubs baseball fans is finally paying off! I appreciate every single comment I get, and I try very hard to answer all of them. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to get some really lovely comments, but I’ll put a short comment here that was one of my favs I got this year:

8. A time when writing was really, really hard: I pretty much complain all the way through while I’m writing a;dlsjsd. But I honestly don’t have a huge issue with writer’s block. Sometimes I take breaks from writing, but it’s never because I can’t write, it’s that I don’t want to write. And that’s not super often really. If I need to get something done or have a deadline, I just push myself through. I will say that I have weird, panicky moments where I’m like, do I know how to write? But I generally get over that pretty quickly. I’d say this year was hard though just because I didn’t have as much writing time as I used to.
9. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Niall. Always Niall. I finally broke down and gave him his own story this year. When I was writing Niall in Until, he just had such a big part in it and his romance with Shawn was such a part of the plot of the story that it felt like it was time to write it out. Did not foresee myself writing Shiall this year, but I’m glad I did.
10. How did you grow as a writer this year: I’ve continued to try and challenge myself to write things that are new to me. I’ve written violence in the form of assassin Louis, multiple rare pairs, and Marcel this year. Trying new things always keeps things interesting for me.
11. How do you hope to grow next year: I hope to be able to write without a hard deadline. That is my greatest weakness as a writer, needing that hard deadline in order to motivate myself to write something.
12. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Every year I say @taggiecb and I’ll say it again today. She’s my writing soulmate and always the first person I want to share my writing with. Also @lululawrence very kindly kept track of me as I wrote, so that I didn’t fall behind. So incredibly grateful for that, Sus!
13. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Probably? I can’t think of a lot of specific things, but also I tend to put things in my fics that remind me of my friends. So Until, I think of @jaerie and her looking through her neighbor’s field for a drone. Waiting, I think of @londonfoginacup and how I finally wrote her a fic where someone falls down the stairs because she always suggests that as a plot device when I’m stuck on something. lol.
14. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Read and write as much as possible! Make time to do these things if they are things that you enjoy.
15. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I’m planning a novel right now. I’m in the beginning stages of it, but it feels like the right time for me. For the first time, I actually feel excited about it and like it’s something I can actually do, and I have no more fan fic obligations. It’s time to try and write the Regency romance novel I know I’ve got in me. That does not at all mean I’m leaving fan fic behind though. I’m sure I have more fic writing in my future, just nothing planned right this moment.
16. Tag 3 writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@soldouthaz @beelou @jacaranda-bloom
*All answers should be about works published in 2020. Also, you can skip any questions you hate or don’t want to answer, but please leave them on the list so that others can do them if they want.
Past years: 2016, 2017, 2018, (apparently couldn’t be bothered to do this in 2019 because I can’t find it)
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2020 Blog Recap
I saw @desira-sims make a post recapping the events on their blog for 2020 and I thought I’d steal the idea
Everyone knows 2020 has been a crazy year and for me it was no exception. I started working from home in March and I’m still working from home now. I got shingles and that was a painful process of recovery lol. And then after many things pushing it back I started streaming on twitch and hit affiliate which has been such a great experience and feels like such a fit.
Posting in tumblr has been a definite constant throughout 2020. It’s been mostly Markus’ BC and gens 5 and 6 of my not so berry but I’ve loved every second of it.
Be sure to let me know if I included any of your favorite moments or even if i\I missed yours!
A Muse for Markus: I started out Markus’ search for love with the thing he’s loved most in the world. It was finally time for him to find the person he loved just as much as music. Markus’ BC has by far been my favorite thing I’ve ever done in the sims and I definitely look forward to doing another BC in the future.
Solo dates: We started out the competition with solo dates and there were three girls who had quick leads for Markus’ and my own hearts. They all made it to the final half of the competition so obviously the initial connection meant something. From a storytelling perspective it was challenging to try to think up 12 unique dates for the girls and I learned quickly that this struggle wasn’t going to go away any time soon.
The first rose ceremony: *sigh* ...I took a 2 week break before actually writing this scene. I didn’t think it would actually be so hard to let someone go home but hell it really was. I don't think this was made any easier by the fact that the first girl to go home was that of one of my best friends or that it kinda came as a surprise to me literally at the end of the pre-ceremony party when I totaled up their relationship scores. I would soon learn that each elimination really does get easier.
The first kiss: I have so many feelings about the Angie X Markus pairing lol. I love Angie so much but I hated how her in game actions made me have to write her (I actually wrote her so much nicer than she was in game lol). Markus was OBSESSED with her for the first half of the competition and I almost felt bad for the other ladies. He viewed her through rose-tinted glasses and she could do no wrong...until she could. For some reason living an entire season (on the longest setting) together was not enough for Angie to stop feeling tense around the other girls and eventually she started taking that out on Markus. All of that being said I put so much love and care into the first of many kisses for these two and also of the competition.
Nadia Nadia Nadia: The early favorite to win, the first tears, and the only one to let it be known that she was upset at Markus at the end. I thought she wouldn’t actually fall in love with Markus when this thing started but by the time it was time for her to go you could just tell from in-game actions that she was way more in love with him than he was with her and that was a bit heartbreaking. This screenshot might still be my favorite screenshot ever taken. And I love that Nadia left the show just how she entered it, a fucking queen.
The Finale:
(Don’t tell me you expect me to pick one photo from this emotional rollercoaster of a post)
Six months is how long it took me to write this sims story and while I still stand by what I said at the start that I’m not a good writer by any means I learned a lot about writing over those six months. I learned that I CAN write if I want to, I learned that it’s okay if it takes a while to get to the end, I learned that the journey is just as important for you as it is for your readers. And most importantly to me I learned that I want to be that person who writes those cliché stories with the plots you’ve seen a million times because that’s exactly what I like to read and it’s so important that you look back and love what you put so much of yourself into creating.
Now to these two hotties: Simnosa is no stranger to the fact that I didn’t feel much of a connection to Lorena at first (I tease her about it endlessly). It seems appropriate that Markus was the same as it allowed me to fall in love with them at the same pace that they fell in love with each other. At the very last minute I decided to make the winner a mystery till the second to last post and to have Markus get Lorena back for all the teasing and pranks she had thrown his way. I knew if I made it look like there was no winner I would never be able to pull that off again so it was quite literally now or never and I quite liked the result even if not every reader was the biggest fan of it haha. I love these two and I promise I have more planned for them once ya girl gets the time.
Nsb Plum: By the time I was done with the BC I was missing the Berry family something fierce so it was so refreshing to get back to something a little less story focused.
For some reason I didn’t realize that gen 5 of the Not so Berry challenge would end up so story heavy. I never really wanted to write fighting scenes before but I also wanted to showcase that their divorce was technically neither of their faults individually. Indi was a work-a-holic because he somehow felt he had to be this super successful person in an “important” career just like his family before him and he felt that Clem didn’t understand that. While Clem left without telling him that she was pregnant and then only telling him about his daughter after he had shown signs of growing up (here’s a secret: she needed to do some growing up as well). It was like watching my children grow into adults even if they weren’t necessarily the more fair of parents.
Aspirations: I wrote and started posting my first sims challenge. It seems quite fitting that my sim for this challenge was Emilee as she was the reason I first started posting anything on tumblr and she and Sutter were also the only reason I ended up writing my first sims story. It was time I wrapped up their story so we can move on to that of others ~in her family~. It was so nice for me to tell a story that spanned a few years of their lives with no dialogue. I really liked this style and I’ll most definitely adopt it again in the future.
Nsb Orange: Back when Ginger wasn’t 90% chaos and she was at least 40% naïve. I’m always excited to move on to the next heir but Ginger had me more excited than normal.
October Photo Challenge: This was a fun one, it was a nice way to give some love to the characters that I’m playing next as a bit of a preview. I also think the photos turned out pretty snazzy.
Next gen: The twins are so freaking cute as both toddlers and children. What I never expected (and kinda planned against) was for them to get along or for Ginger to be such a good parent. I wanted Ian to be a bit of a loner but the two best ladies in his life love to shower him with too much love and care for him to have too much time alone.
End of Orange gen: I had so much fun with her story. Ginger might not be my only polyamorous sim but she’s the first one really showcased on my tumblr. I covered a lot of borderline controversial topics and it seemed like you all enjoyed it, for which I’m grateful. Gen 6 is the first generation where there are no rules on your spouse so I knew I didn’t want her to get married. But that didn’t mean I wanted her to be single.
Thank you all to all of you who followed and read my dumb little blog during 2020.
And a huge thank you to all the people who made sims for me! My blog and stories would not be the same without your creative geniuses being added to the mix as well!
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RFA with a Mc who’s father isn’t her real father but a Gangster who helped her out when a family member was in danger.
Okay so I came up with this crazy idea while watching ,,Remember’’ it’s an amazing Kdrama I came to like a lot. There’s also another Kdrama with a gangster who helped out a young boy after his mother died named Lawless Lawyer and I also enjoyed this one!
But remember is about a lawyer who is kind of related to a gangster who helped him out after his dad died and the lawyer helps out a high schooler after the high schooler’s father gets imprisoned wrongly. And even through he doesn’t make things rightfully, he helps them out and I’m sooooooo in love with these kind of stories!
So, here we are!
PS. The Story had a totally turn after Ep. 2 and I became an emotional idiot till now ( I’m at Ep. 19, one more then!)

,,I hope you won’t be shocked…’’ you chuckled as you and Jumin sat down together at the dinner table, waiting for your dads.
,,I’m sure I will come to like your dad a lot,’’ Jumin nodded, taking your hand in his hand.
Shortly afterwards, Jumin’s dad entered the room, greeting you and his son.
Only your father was missing.
The mood was pretty good, but of course the Hans noticed that your dad was late. Something that gave them a bad impression, even though they didn’t want to think like that.
The door suddenly opened and a man in a fancy purple suit entered the room, the sunglasses still on his nose as he loosened his yellow cravat.
,,Oh, sorry I’m late, but once again I have nice timing, right, Mc?’’ he asked you, smiling brightly.
You nodded with a smile on your face.
Jumin got up and bowed in front of the man who apparently was your dad.
,,Oh, so you fell in love with this man? Aigo, your parents would be proud of you for having such a nice man. Oi Jumin, right? Take good care of Mc after everything I’ve done!’’ he laughed, shaking also hands with Chairman Han.
Jumin was puzzled, so, who was he?
,,Oh, you didn’t tell him?’’ the man asked you, noticing Jumin’s face.
,,Ah, you’re practically my dad so…’’ you mumbled, blushing a bit because of the mistake.
,,So, this is actually the lawyer I had when I was a high schooler and my mom was charged in a hit and run accident. She was sent to prison and I begged him to help us. Even though he declined, he did it in the end, taking good care of me while my mom wasn’t there,’’ you explained.
,,Aigo, I didn’t take care of you. I just paid your expenses, helped your mother out, and didn’t take money, and paid your scholarships. Let’s see how much your wedding will cost,’’ he laughed, smiling at Jumin.
Jumin was happy to get to know the man who helped you in the past through despair, even though he was a gangster and a lawyer, Jumin knew that whenever he wouldn’t be able to help you, which would be impossible, this man would be able.
The both of you were enjoying your date when some men in black suits stood in front of the both of you.
Zen knew that these men were dangerous and so he instinctively stood in front of you, pushing you back with his hand.
He glared at the men, ready to save you with every method he could use.
Suddenly, the man bowed and yelled ,,HELLO, MISTRESS’’
Zen was surprised and looked back at you.
You chuckled as you greeted everyone.
,,Ai, so cute of your boyfriend!’’ someone clapped.
,,Oh, Lawyer-ssi,’’ you greeted him, hugging him suddenly.
,,Are you well, MC?’’ the man asked you, looking then at Zen.
,,Oi, nice going. I can trust you with her, huh?’’ he asked him.
Zen scanned the man, his suit looked fancy. Even his Rolex was still shining.
The RayBan sunglasses he was wearing looked good on him too, but who was he?
,,Zenny, that was the lawyer of my dad. I kind of see him as my Dad too after he took good care of me,’’ you smiled.
Zen gave his greetings to the man. He was just as respectable as your real father.
,,Ah! Zen! Yo, guys! This is the man who took our little Mc away from the court!’’ he called, making Zen shiver for a moment.
,,I wasn’t in court. I was something like an undercover helper of him, haha!’’ you laughed, apparently thinking back to that time.
,,Okay. I hope you feed her, because even though she doesn’t seem like it, this girl can dig in a lot!’’ the man mumbled and kissed your cheek, passing by, followed by the men.
Zen shyly smiled at you.
And once again he got to know more about you.
,,Are you sure?’’ Yoosung one day asked you after you invited your and his parents over to eat dinner together.
,,Yes of course! The best is, that they all work for the government!’’ you laughed, making Yoosung wonder if your parents were also teachers.
Soon enough, however, he found out that your father was related to gangs and also a lawyer and that your mother was his assistant.
Yoosung, being the old scary cat, couldn’t even look into his eyes.
,,Don’t be like that!’’ you pushed him slightly.
,,Sorry…’’ he mumbled and looked over to the cheerful man, laughing with his family as if they knew each other for ages.
,,So dear, tell me how you met each other!’’ your mother asked you, looking back and forth to you.
,,Don’t tell me that you met somewhere dangerous…!’’ your father warned.
,,Ai, don’t say that! I was somehow imprisoned and he saved me…’’ he mumbled, making your mother open her mouth widely in disbelief.
,,WHAT?!’’ he asked you again.
You told him the whole story as he wrote down everything.
,,Aigo, I will catch them!’’ he hissed.
,,Luckily, your dad was protecting you from heaven!’’ he then added.
Yoosung puzzled looked at him, not understanding what he meant with his words.
However you quickly made sure to tell him what you meant.
,,He protected me and my mom while my older brother was accused wrongly. He took good care of us,’’ you explained.
Yoosung realized that he was an important person in your life and finally saw him with different eyes.
,,I’m so excited to finally meet him,’’ Jaehee honestly told you.
The day finally came where she could meet the man you called your father.
The man who helped you out in the past when you were all alone and in despair.
Over and over again, she liked to listen to the story of how you begged him on your knees to help you and he finally did.
How he did kind of dirty work just to get your father out of prison.
He then took good care of your health and paid for your expenses.
,,When my real father then died, he took me by my hand and swore to help me. Since then, he is my father,’’ you said, thinking about the day when no one came to your real father’s funeral.
But he and his gang came, paid for everything, and even brought flowers.
Jaehee patted your back, smiling happily at you.
,,That’s so nice,’’ she nodded.
When the both of you finally came, all the men in suits greeted you, letting you in immediately.
Jaehee observed the big house. White really fit in.
The garden was big and the living room looked like the room of a royal.
,,Hello, father!’’ you greeted him, smiling brightly as he took off his expensive glasses.
,,Hello, Mc. Thank you for coming all the way to me. That must be the girl you talked about, right? Jaehee Kang? Nice to meet you. Thank you for taking care of her,’’ he said, smiling nicely.
You blushed somehow at his words.
,,Actually, father, this is my girlfriend, Jaehee Kang. She’s not just a friend,’’ you confessed, taking Jaehee’s hand.
The man suddenly looked serious, nodding at your confession, but making Jaehee shiver for a short moment.
,,Oh, so we need two long wedding dresses…? That’s okay, my dear. I will take care of everything,’’ he nodded, smiling again, making both of you laugh very loudly and happily.
You didn’t recognize Saeyoung anymore.
He looked like a little boy who was forced to do homework on a Saturday.
,,I don’t get it. Why are you so scared?’’ you asked him.
Your fiancé looked at you.
,,Because my twin brother first imprisoned you in an apartment with a bomb, I acted like an ass while I lived with you, and then put you in danger myself. You saw how Jihyun died and had to see Saeran in bad shape,’’ Saeyoung whined.
,,Well, at least you know that you did something wrong,’’ the both of you suddenly heard, making Saeyoung shiver again.
It was the head of the gang, the man who raised you after your family died, and got falsely accused.
He was the one who freed you and your family from all the lies and then took you in.
,,He-llo…’’ Saeyoung mumbled, cursing himself in his mind.
The man in the yellow suit sat down in front of you and nodded.
,,So, Saeyoung Choi, your father is a very strong person, huh? I’m amazed how you overcame those hardships,’’ he nodded.
,,I often have to work against these kind of people, so I guess you have a potential thread too, huh? Who helped you during that time?’’ he asked Saeyoung, making you roll your eyes.
You’d already told him the whole story.
Saeyoung explained that he was a hacker and that Jumin also helped him out, but that the matter of his father was still ongoing.
,,Oh, you just saved your twin brother...I understand. Then, let’s work together to put your father in jail. I can’t let you have this beloved girl. I saved her after all. You can’t put her in danger because of the prime minister, right?’’ your father asked him, smiling brightly and putting some documents on the table.
13.01.2020//22:33 MEST
Tagged: @foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666 @widya345 @remiliadacalde @r-f-a-journalists
#jumin han#jumin x reader#jumin x mc#zen hyun ryu#zen x reader#zen x mc#yoosung kim#yoosung x reader#yoosung x mc#jaehee kang#jaehee x mc#jaehee x reader#saeyoung choi#saeyoung x reader#saeyoung x mc#seven x mc#seven x reader#luciel choi#luciel x reader#luciel x mc#707 x reader#707 x mc#Headcanon#Mm headcanons#mystic messenger headcanon#fanfiction#fanfic#mm fanfic#mm fanfiction
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Could I get headcanons for shihai kuroiro x f reader pls? Where she's utterly loyal and in love with him but she discovers that he has feelings for kinoko? And she doesn't wanna get in between that crush he's got?. Love u work pls keep it up!
Ahhhh gfgfjf I freaking love this chaotic mess of a man. Since you didn't specify the ending I went with one hope it's acceptable ><
Happy belated birthday my sweet Prince of Darkness! Also headcanons couldn't do this justice so I went with a scenario I really hope that's okay thank you anon bean I love you.
Word count: 8015
Warnings: slight angst
*Shihai Kuroiro xf! Reader*
The feeling is indescribable at best. Being in love.
How his quirk allows him to hide in the shadows, you'd never know he was there until he wanted you to know he was there. (Name) smiled as she watched him chat with kamikiri and Shishida. He's so mysterious, and so careful with how he speaks. Hands moving languidly as he's motioning his arms as if painting a picture of what's he's talking about. "(Name), earth to (name)." She Shook her head pulling herself from her deep thoughts seeing Kendo and Pony standing by her desk. "Oh. Hey." She said meekly while waving her hand to her peers. "Always in your own little world you ready to head to lunch?." Kendo asked while tilting her head.
Pony shaking in excitement. Taking one last glance at Shihai, she grabbed what she needed for lunch and headed out to the cafeteria with her friends.
"So you're telling me Taemin from SHINee is now with super M? No way." Kinoko's mouth hung open in utter surprise as her and Pony exchanged topics of K-Pop idols. (Name) honestly couldn't focus. Shihai's birthday is fast approaching and still hasn't gotten together what to give him. Part of her thought something small and subtle would be suffice, but she also wanted to finally work up the courage to confess. She knows he's into dark concepts, and has a knack for penchant dramatic speaches. She smiled remembering something that'd happened between her a kuroiro at her work.
*he was visiting her at her job to give her a CD of his favorite band that came out with a new album. She had to work late that night and do last minute shopping before heading home. When a child behind them was throwing a fit because her parents wouldn't give her a candy bar. As (Name) was ringing up her stuff Kuroiro had grabbed a candy bar from the stores shelves, rung it up on a separate register and as (Name) turned to him to ask if he was ready to go he looked the child dead in the eyes, "My darkened soul begs for substance, and this candy bar sure looks delicious." And ate the whole thing right in front of her. "Oh my god Kuro-kun you're terrible." (Name) giggled as she placed a hand on his chest playfully. She could feel his heartbeat on her finger tips like an array of thunder coursing through her veins, seeing his surprised look as he glanced at her hand then at her, she quickly moved her hand away blushing. What she didn't see was the small tint of pink dusting his cheeks as well.*
Then a realization hit her. She knew what to do for his birthday. "Hey guys something just came up I'll see you later. " grabbing her things (Name) took off without waiting for 'goodbyes" from her friends.
The theme is a black satin box with Silver trimming and a gold quarter size pentagram on the kid. The box was a big enough size to fit all his favorite things inside. A close friend of hers was good at carving things so she got with Kamikiri and Kodai to help her make the box for Shihai. Once the box was set she carefully placed all things he loves most, and we couldn't forget his favorite food black ink pasta. After the assorted goodies were placed in the box she wrote down a note containing dark themed clues to help piece the puzzle together in confessing her feelings for him.
Once the letter and clues were finished she carefully wrapped the box with skull and crossbones and waited until the next day.
"Heyo!." (Name) announced her arrival through the door of her classroom most of the classmates were already there saying hellos back to her. She skimmed the room for familiar silver hair but didn't find the male in question. "Where's Shihai?." She asked tetsutetsu. He looked around quickly before looking back at (Name). "He's not here did you check the lockers?." She Shook her head, her smile wavering but determination to find Shihai fueled her even more. With his present in tow she walked around the halls but couldn't find him. She checked the lockers like Tetsutetsu suggested, still no Shihai.
*"where could he be... "* more of a question to herself than anything. She ran straight into someone dropping the present in the process. "Shit (name) I'm so sorry." Kamikiri said while picking up said item. "Was the box to you're liking?." He asked handing it back to her. "Yes! It's so beautiful thank you so much for the help."
"Y'know. You never told me who or what it was for." (Name) glanced at the green haired man. "Oh.. It's for well." She mumbled while running her fingers through her hair. "It's for shihai. Todays his birthday and I wanted the present to be special." Smiling to herself. He nodded understanding. "Is that who you're looking for? I just saw him by the tree near the dorms. With Kinoko." Her heart thumped in her chest, an uneasy feeling soon settling in her very core. "Oh. Thank you! I'll bring this to him now." Right as she went to dash off Kamikiri called out. "Hurry up whatever the reason he said it' was important for him and kinoko to meet up." But when he looked up the female had already gone.
Upon arriving at her destination she seen Kinoko talking with Shihai by the tree. Her steps falter and slowed, maybe now was a bad time? Looking at the wrapped present in her arms she decided against it. Newfound confidence settling back in. But she couldn't help the nagging feeling in the back of her head that kept screaming. *"turn back while you still can."*
Nevertheless she waited by a tree just a foot or two away for her opportunity to pop in and give him the present. While she was debating on how to go about it she overheard they're conversation.
"Komori-chan. I wanted to tell you... " Shihai's voice. He sounded so nervous, more nervous than she's ever known he could be. Yeah he is bad at talking to girls, but she never noticed him have a problem talking with her let alone they're other female classmates.
"I really can't help but think about you. A-and want to know if you would go on a date with me."
There it was. The nagging gut wrenching feeling she's felt since finding out he was down here. Her heart had shattered, and felt a lump in her throat upon hearing his confession. Looking at the box with much less determination. She slowly backed away from their conversation and left the scene like a dog with it's tail between it's legs.
Kamikiri and Kendo were walking back to class when they'd seen a wrapped present and a disheveled (Name) sitting on a bench. "(Name)? Is everything alright?." She asked placing a hand in the girls shoulder. Eyes peered through (hair color) locks, giving a bright smile (Name) jeered. "Oh me? Yes I'm quite alright. Why do you ask?" Kendo frowned. Fake so fake of a reaction she knew something was wrong. Kamikiri shifted uncomfortably on his heels. "(Name). You weren't able to give Shihai his present?." "Oh this? Haha well no he seemed too busy with Kinoko, so I thought I'd hold onto this for awhile." Her voice wavered. Kendo looked to Kamikiri then back to (Name) before two and two put together. "(Name), whats the present. If you don't mind me asking." She sat next to her. Finally she begun letting her walls fall. "Shihai.. He asked Kinoko out on a date. This present here? I was gonna give this to him not only for his birthday. But it contained a letter and clues, I was planning on confessing to him..." She took a breath. "But. It seemed he had someone else in mind instead."
((Lol this was super long. I'd put a 'read more' link but alas I did this all on mobile hopefully this was okay. Thinking about giving this a part 2? Not sure if this one was acceptable or nah thank you anon for this amazing ask I had a lot of fun writing this piece. Also the Part with the kid and candy bar? I seen someone make an incorrect quotes post of Shihai doing this it made me giggle bc he's totally the type to do this so I thought I'd implement that into the scenario hopefully it's okay.))
🐲Queen Targe 🐲
#anime#my hero academia#bnha#bnha shihai#shihai kuroiro#people be sleeping on class b#class 1 b#kendou itsuka#tetsutetsu tetsutetsu#kamikiri#jurota shishida#pony tsunotori#class 1 a#my hero academia imagines#Shihai kuroiro x reader#kinoko komori
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