#Just lying in bed playing games reading shit
masonmontz · 16 hours
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heyy everyone :) hope you like it
REMEMBER: english is not my first language
word count: 1.5k
✦‎۟ ࣭ ⊹
“Come in.” You said to Mason as soon as you opened the door of your apartment. He still wearing his Manchester United kit and with a really sad face.
He sighed when he entered your apartment and left a soft kiss on your lips. The game was against Crystal Palace and it was bad. Really bad. As you know Mason, he is blaming himself and will pass the next five days thinking about it.
When he was back in Manchester, he sent you a message asking if he could come to your’s, and quickly you said yes, for his relief.
“Can I take a shower?” He asked and you could hear his sad and tired voice.
“Sure, I’ll make something for you to eat.” You said and he agreed, giving you a sad smile before walking to your room.
You and Mason met last year at a birthday party, you had only talked a few times until the day he invited you and some common friends to his house. You slept in his house and after that day you started meeting several times.
Mason is a nice person, he treats you kindly and you love it. But just like you, he doesn't want anything serious as a relationship, so you get along well. He knows there are several women wanting just one night stand with him, he likes that, and you like the way he knows how to make you go crazy when you are having sex.
You cooked some pasta with chicken for him, some comfort food for him to feel at home. It’s not the first time that Mason comes to your house after a loss, and it’s not the first time he came prepared to sleep in your apartment, just something usual.
Fifteen minutes later Mason is back again at the kitchen wearing his sweatpant and a hoodie. He's so devastated that you feel sorry, and even if you don't support United, you feel sad about the defeat.
“How are you?” You asked when he sat in a chair, putting his phone away and his head between his hands.
“Did you watch the game?” He asked and you said that you just watched the second half. “It was ridiculous how I played.”
“Hey, it was not your fault.” You said and looked at him. “There are still some matches, you will catch up.”
Mason doesn't seem to believe it and shrugs, taking out his cell phone and probably reading the shit they were saying about him on the internet.
When the dinner was ready, you and Mason sat next to each other, but you don’t say anything since he didn't seem to be in the mood to talk, lost in his own thoughts.
✦‎۟ ࣭ ⊹
“Wow.” You said in the moment that a couple are having sex in the movie you two are watching, sex on the beach, to be more specific.
Mason laughed at your reaction, but he didn’t say anything. You are lying in your bed comfortably, hugging Mason’s warm body.
Clearly the movie is explicit and you didn’t know that when you chose it. Mason is actually watching the movie when you look at him, but he notices when you lose attention from the film and focuses on him. He looks at you sideways and gives you a small smile.
“You don’t think the movie is interesting?” He asked and ran his hand through your leg.
“Oh, yes, but I think we can do something more interesting now.” He gave you a smile. His cock is showing in his pants and you don't know if it's because of the movie or because of you.
You kneel on the bed, slowly moving up to Mason, which is leaning against the headboard of the bed, biting his lips.
You took of you hoodie and your shirt and Mason looked at you like a kid getting candies when he saw your tits. You almost moaned when he looked at your nipples and licked his lips.
When you took off your sweatpants and Mason saw that you weren't wearing any underwear, he groaned and brought his hand to his own cock, stroking it.
“You’re killing me.” He said. You sat on his lap and Mason put his hands in your ass, squeezing. He ran his hands through your body and you get goosebumps, moaning against his lips when he kissed you.
“I wanna make you cum, I wanna make you feel good.” You said rolling against his hips, where you felt the bulge fit between your legs. Mason knows you like to be in control of the situation, so you hold his neck as you leave kisses on his warm skin, rubbing yourself against him.
“You’re so wet for me.” He said as he placed his hand between your legs, placing his thumb on your clit and stroking it. “You're always this wet for me, aren't you?”
You can't help but moan when Mason starts stroking your pussy, and you leave marks on his neck on purpose.
“You’re so hot.” You whispered in his ear. Mason murmured and inserted two fingers into you, so you rolled against his hand, making movements back and forth. “Oh, Mase.”
“You like that?” He asked and you agreed, grabbing his hair. After a few seconds while Mason still thrusts his fingers into you, you feel your body burn and you moan loudly, screaming Mason's name. “Look at you, so beautiful cumming in my fingers.”
“Mason, oh my God.” You whimpered, squeezing your own nipples as you came all over him. “I want more.”
“Slow down, babe.” He said but you ignored him. You pull the hem of his pants down until you can hold his hard cock, masturbating him with quick and strong movements. “Oh, Y/N, this is good.”
You kissed him again while holding his dick, hard as a rock in your hand.
“C’mon, I want you riding my dick.” He spoke quietly, taking you off of him so he can take off his pants. Mason naked is quite a sight. You never saw someone so beautiful, his muscles, his skin, the tattoos, everything is perfect. “Are you just going to look?”
The cum leaves his dick shining and you salivate, but you prefer to leave that for later when Mason is tired and sleepy then you can suck his dick until he cums one last time and sleep next to you after that.
If you weren't so desperate to cum one more time you would have teased him, but you just sat on his lap, fitting his dick between your slick folds and slowly penetrating you with his hard cock.
You both moaned against each other's mouths as you sat on his cock, then you started making alternating movements, fast and slow, back and forth, up and down. From the first time you knew that Mason liked it when you rode him, and it became your favorite position too, as Mason was at your mercy everytime.
He closed his eyes and placed both hands on your waist, helping you with the movements.
“Oh- I, Mase.” You can't form any sentences, but that doesn't matter, not when Mason is beneath you wanting to cum and moaning your name loudly.
Nothing is as good as that.
You're so horny that you can't control your movements, Mason's cock pulses inside you, hard as ever. He puts one of your nipples in his mouth and you grab his shoulders, moving back and forth and feeling your clitoris scratch against his skin, making you scream.
“So good.” You feel your body burn again. “Please, I wanna cum.”
“Yes, babe, cum on my dick.” He moaned again and squeezed his eyes closed, then you knew Mason was about to cum too. “I’m so close.”
You made a few more movements and felt the orgasm explode inside you, and you almost collapsed onto Mason. He didn't let you stop as you moaned on top of him, and rolled your hips against him until he came inside you, moaning your name several times.
“Y/N, this is so good, I love to fuck you.” Mason kissed you again, pulling you to lay on him, and you could feel him still cumming inside you. “My gosh, I came so much and so hard.”
“I’m still feeling it.” You rocked on top of him, still making slow movements as Mason finished cumming. Your breathing was heavy after your orgasm, you were sweaty despite the cold and so was Mason. “You always do it so well.”
“You get better every time.” He confessed and you laughed. “Let's take a bath together?”
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bluethedream · 10 months
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
*gets into yet another piece of media only for it to take over all my waking thoughts* here we go again
#yes this is about fe3h i do not know why im rambling so. late ive been obsessed for a month#i wake up and think about claude von riegan#i go about my day doing my little tasks listening to my little playlists except im thinking about hubert von vestra the whole time#i eat lunch thinking about my deer children specifically hilda ignatz marianne and lys#i go about my afternoon thinking about linhardt von hevring and his crit quotes#i play this darn game on my cute little acnh switch with a glitter case before bed#and go to sleep thinking about the angst with a happy ending claudeleth fanfic i read earlier that day#thiiis close to making a playlist titled pov hubert von vestra thinks you are a potential hazard to keep around and is planning your demise#thinks about how pretty much the entire cast of characters in fe3h are. well. war cmriminals#me nurturing my golden deer. looks at marianne and ignatz. raph too. uuuuuuu#ohoh adding onto the hubert playlist. i say im thiiis close but really i mean i already have the cover and first ten songs decided#rambling about stuff#rambling about fe#ive been logging on a concerning number of hours into the game bc im trying to finish my golden deer playthrough#before school starts and also im freaking stressed and anxious about school so ivr just been playing to distract myself#what do you mean i have to talk to people ;((((( what do you mean i have to do assignments and tests and readings and presentations#actually should i turn the hubert playlist into a slow burn eventual romance and happy ending playlist#pov you are in love with hubert von vestra#i want to make it for the shits and giggles :3c#i dunno the titles really misleading bc i love hubert but i love him the wsy i love my houseplants and my plushies#so i eont think I'll get the romance vibes. but. may ad well try
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nadvs · 3 months
watch and learn (part four)
pairing fratboy! rafe cameron x female reader
rating explicit 18+
content warning drug and alcohol use
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summary it takes one conversation with your college dorm neighbor to know you won’t get along. rafe is loud, rude, and short-tempered. after he overhears you talking about a disappointing fling, he loses his confidence in his sexual abilities and suggests you start hooking up to both improve your skills in the bedroom. you can’t stand him, but it’s too good of an offer to turn down.
» masterlist
Rafe is relieved that you don’t linger in the morning. He’s not one for pillow talk.
All you did was sleep next to each other, but waking up next to a girl to talk and cuddle is just too much for him. It borders on boyfriend shit, and he doesn’t do boyfriend shit.
He woke up with you pressed tightly against him, legs tangled, his nose buried in your hair. And maybe he did like it for a second, but that was just from the daze of part-consciousness.
Rafe lends you a pair of sweatpants on top of the boxers and t-shirt you’ve already wearing so you can deal with your door’s lock issue.
You leave his room without many words exchanged, thankfully able to sort the problem out soon after putting an emergency request in with maintenance.
Rafe spends most of his Sunday at the frat house, playing video games with his buddies. When Blake settles onto the couch, he pats Rafe’s shoulder. Rafe is focusing on the screen, but he glances at his friend for a second.
“I dm’d her,” he says with a grin. Rafe immediately clues in that he’s talking about you.
“I put in a good word for you,” Rafe replies, glad he has the game to pay attention to. He feels awkward talking about this. About you.
“Appreciate it, man,” he laughs.
“You thinking of, uh, dating her or…?” Rafe asks, tense but desperate to know if he might lose the best fuck buddy he’s ever had.
“Maybe. We’ll see,” Blake says. Rafe sees him typing from his peripheral vision, surely working on a message to you.
Rafe gave you the heads up, so when you’re sitting in your room reading an article for school, you’re not surprised when Blake follows and messages you on Instagram. You follow back and respond, open to getting to know him.
After dinner that night, Rafe texts you: cowgirl time?
You laugh. It’s a stark difference from the g-rated messages you’ve been getting from Blake all day.
You reply: i’ll be over soon
You’re holding Rafe’s folded clothes when you knock. He opens his door and takes them from you as you walk into his room.
“They fixed my lock,” you say. “One question for you, though.”
Rafe shuts the door and drops the clothes onto his desk, then picks up the wrapped condom he has ready and tosses it on the bed.
“What?” he asks as you sit on his mattress.
“How come you were cuddling me this morning if you hate it so much?” you say.
Rafe feels the tips of his ears burn with embarrassment.
“I wasn’t,” he says. It’s funny seeing him shy for once. It’s even a little cute.
He was embracing you pretty sweetly this morning. You woke up with his warm, heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders, his head nuzzled into the nape of your neck, his snores sporadic and low.
You know it was just a sleep-induced reflex in his tiny bed, but you can’t pass up a chance to mess with him.
“It’s okay to like it,” you joke. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
Rafe can’t have this conversation. He leans over, his hands on your cheeks as he kisses you. He’s not wasting any more time.
You let him push you onto your back, lying in the middle of his bed, your head resting on his pillow. Rafe hovers over you and grinds against you, his hard bulge pushing against your middle.
You’re already throbbing for him as his lips roam over your neck. You angle yourself so that he can have full access to you, and he accepts the invitation immediately, his hot mouth on your throat.
He’s slow and tender. This is a far cry from the man who immediately went to groping you just a few nights ago.
Your hands find his hair, raking through his soft locks as he kisses and sucks at your neck. He lets out a soft, nearly silent moan as gently graze his scalp. The sensation gives him goosebumps.
“That feel nice?” you whisper with a smile. Rafe can only nod. He didn’t even have to tell you to do it. He didn’t even know he liked it until you did it.
You continue to play with his hair while he kisses your neck. Rafe feels you writhing beneath him, as if your body is begging for his.
You take turns taking off each other’s clothes with earnest movements, your pulse growing even faster once his boxers are off, his cock raised and swollen. He lingers over you, eyes sweeping over your face, before he puts his mouth on your neck again.
He kisses and sucks, making you gently buck your hips against him.
“You gonna ride me, baby?” Rafe asks against your skin. Your yes comes out with a raw exhale.
His hand cups your waist, pushing to encourage you to roll to your side and switch positions. He settles on his back as you straddle him, feeling the underside of his firm length pressing against your stomach.
“Don’t be shy,” Rafe says. You look down at him with a hungry look in your eyes and nod. It’s exhilarating to see you hanging on his words; outside of sex, you gibe and pester each other, but here, right now, you’re in perfect harmony.
You pick up the shiny condom wrapper he left on the bed and he smirks in satisfaction.
“Put it on me,” he instructs. “It shows how bad you want it.”
You open the wrapper and settle on your knees to set the condom on his tip, rolling the lubed latex down his thick cock.
The sight of you holding him with one hand and rolling the condom down with the other makes Rafe’s brain foggy.
You thought you’d feel graceless turning to mount him in reverse cowgirl, but it feels natural and familiar now that you’re getting more comfortable with him, remembering this is all to help each other improve. You sink down onto him, body tensing at the feeling of him stretching you out.
You shudder, eyes squeezing shut, remembering how he encouraged you talk through it last night in the car.
“You’re so big,” you praise, voice breathy.
“Yeah?” he groans behind you. “You take my dick so fucking good.”
Your silky walls hug him perfectly, your body starting to rock. He watches your pussy swallow his girth, wishing you would go faster, but letting you take your time and adjust.
Rafe always went fast before, right to what he wanted most, but you’re teaching him that there’s pleasure in the lead-up, too. Coming up with the proposal to do this with you was the best idea he’s ever had.
You arch your back, trembling as you start to quicken your pace, sliding up and down his slick cock and gasping at the pleasure of him hitting so deep inside of you.
Rafe’s breaths are ragged as he watches your ass bounce with every slam. His hands are on your hips, but his touch is feather-light, letting you do it all.
Between your thrusts, you pause when he’s bottomed out to writhe and roll on him, enjoying every angle as he massages inside of you.
“Yeah, just like that,” he groans as you squeeze around him.
“Should I…” you begin. You look over your shoulder to see the dazzling sight of his quirked up lips, lids heavy, bare chest glistening with sweat. You remind yourself to stop being so nervous. “I’m gonna touch myself.”
“Fuck,” he whispers. “Good girl.” He desperately wants to watch, but he’s here to get better in bed, and putting your pleasure first sometimes is clearly something he needs to work on.
Rafe hears you moan, knowing you’re rubbing yourself. He looks up at the ceiling to keep himself from cumming from hearing your groans mixed with the sound of your wetness.
“Shit, I…” you say, your thighs starting to weaken. “Okay, you can help a little.”
He immediately bucks his hips against you, positioning himself so he can fuck you while underneath you. The pressure from him jolting up against you is like a drug.
“How am I doing?” he rasps. Your moans are telling him everything he needs to know.
“You’re… fuck…” you breathe, your body shaking with every thrust. “Perfect.”
The pleasure from your words quells him. He feels you clenching around him and he knows with certainty now when you’re about to reach your peak.
His hands are on the small of your back, fingers splayed over your skin, as you ride him into a mind-blowing orgasm. Every inch of your skin tingles as you cum, looking down at your hands on his sheets.
You eventually lift off of him, breathless, turning to look at him. Rafe loves that expression on your face, pure elation and fatigue.
“However you want me,” you tell him tiredly, eager to give him the same feeling you gave him.
“On your knees,” Rafe says. He doesn’t even have to think about it. You twist into position for him, cheek pressed against his bed, unable to hold yourself up any longer.
Rafe’s hand is on his cock as he guides himself into you, revelling over how pretty your cunt looks, so swollen and wet.
His hands are tight against your hips as he slams into you, making your body rock. He looks down to your face, taking in your profile as you accept all of him, your lips parted.
“However I want?” he mutters, panting as he pushes in and out of you. “That’s how much you love this dick, yeah?”
“However you want,” you echo, your voice raspy from tiredness. “Whatever will make you cum inside me.”
He slaps your ass, the lust taking over him, and immediately worries it was too much.
The low moan you let out tells him it was a good move. He smirks to himself, thrashing harder, balls slapping against you, bed squeaking beneath you.
You feel him harden and with a few more sloppy thrusts, he cums, letting out a tangled string of fuck’s.
He pulls out and you drop to your side, laughing out of bliss. You knew sex was good, but never that it was this good.
As Rafe cleans up, you sit up to find your clothes, utterly fucked out. While you’re sliding your top on, he sits on the edge of his bed close to you, boxers back on and blue eyes travelling over your face.
“So, how… was your day?” he stiffly asks.
You laugh. Hard. He’s so awkward about it, but he’s trying. It’s endearing.
“Aftercare,” you say. “Look at you go.”
Your laugh is contagious, making him chuckle, too.
“It was good. My readings are kind of killing me, but good. How was your day?”
You stand to put your pants on as Rafe watches you, his dirty blond hair tousled.
“Just played video games with the guys,” he replies.
“You know we’re here for school, right, frat boy?” you tease.
“What’s that?” Rafe plays along. You chuckle and nudge his shoulder.
“I need a shower,” you say. “Promise I won’t show up in a towel this time. Well done.”
“You’re welcome,” he says. You smile and roll your eyes at him before leaving his room.
Between gruellingly long classes and hanging out with friends in his free time, the week seems to get away from Rafe. Before he knows it, it’s Thursday night and he’s hanging out with his brothers at the frat house.
Someone mentions ordering food, and as a show of camaraderie, Rafe picks up the tab. As he sits at the dining table amongst large group of guys, Sam gets to talking.
“Rafe, you think we could go with your car tomorrow, too?” Sam asks. “You could fit four of us, right?”
“Yeah, sure.” Rafe figures that all the new pledges are going to get stuck with the jobs nobody else wants, like driving to certain outings. It’s only an hour drive, though, so he won’t complain.
The frat has plans to go south to Sam’s family’s lakehouse for the weekend. He’s only been part of the frat for almost half a month now, but Rafe is thoroughly enjoying having such a full social calendar.
“It was supposed to be just us brothers…” He shoots a look at Blake.
“What? You said it was cool,” Blake laughs.
“Who else is coming?” Rafe asks.
“Blake invited your hot neighbor,” Sam says. Rafe almost wants to say that you have a name, the reflex to defend you surprising him.
“She said yes?” Rafe asks, his tone hastily snide.
“She’s bringing friends, too,” Blake says, not catching onto Rafe’s irritation. “It’ll be more fun having girls around. Trust me.”
“Can I invite some girls, too?” another frat brother asks.
Rafe glances down at his paper plate, his jaw tight. If you start something real with Blake, this is over. He regrets not seeing you since Sunday. He should have taken advantage of the potentially limited time with you.
When he heads back to his dorm room later that night, Rafe texts you: soo ur coming this weekend?
You respond: what kind of coming?
You’re at Liv’s, talking about what to pack for the upcoming getaway. You’re only staying for a night and half a day, but you don’t want to risk forgetting anything.
“This one? Or this one?” Liv asks, holding up two bikinis.
“The red one,” you answer. Blake only mentioned that there’s a hot tub at the lakehouse about ten times.
You didn’t think you’d say yes when he first asked about this weekend, but when Liv and three other friends said they’d be up for it, you figured a getaway would be fun. Even if it involved a group of rowdy frat boys.
Blake mentioned it was supposed to be a bonding trip, whatever that means, but said that he wants you to come. You’re still not sure how you feel about him, but you’re willing to pursue it.
Your phone buzzes.
Rafe: lol shut up
You smile at the message.
“What’d he say?” Liv asks, a smile on her face. She knows you’ve been casually texting Blake back and forth.
“It’s Rafe this time,” you tell her. “Probably a booty call.”
You reply to him: yeah I’m coming. does that make me a frat bro too
Rafe: u wish
You: i do :( i really do wish
You see the bubbles on your screen telling you that he’s typing.
Rafe: come over?
You just got to Liv’s and don’t want to bail on her for a guy. So you reply to Rafe: can’t tonight.
Rafe’s stomach drops at the notification. Maybe you’re done. Maybe all he got was three nights with you, before another guy swept in to take away the best no-strings-attached sex he could ask for.
He feels better when you reply: but i’ll see you tomorrow :). Good. At least you’re not tied down to anybody yet.
When you pull into the driveway of the lakehouse the next evening, you realize the word house doesn’t cut it. Maybe manor would be a better fit. Or palace. The place is gigantic.
You and your friends pile out of the car and enter the storm of loud men enjoying uncurbed fun and excessive beer. Sigma Chi brothers are scattered around the first story of the house, but the majority of them are surrounding the kitchen island, bottles and solo cups littering the granite counter-top.
Rafe has to look away when Blake greets you with a hug. He hasn’t mentioned to anybody that you’re technically still hooking up, but now, being in the same room with both of you, he feels a competitive urge catch fire in his gut.
He thought he liked Blake. He doesn’t right now.
Thankfully, your friend groups seem to naturally merge together. The endless amount of liquor probably helps.
During a rambunctious game of flip cup that you decide to sit out, in the haze of your tipsiness, you’re not sure if Rafe finds you or you find him or you find each other at the same time, but you’re soon standing by the fridge together, tension thick between you as you watch the drinking game unfold.
Rafe can’t help himself. He has to ask.
“What were you so busy with last night?”
“I was with my friend,” you say. “What were you so eager to practice?”
Rafe cracks a smile, ducking his head so you and only you can hear his low, smooth voice.
“I wanna see how fast I can make you cum.” Arousal coils in your stomach instantly. “I bet I could do it in a minute now.”
He pulls back, his smile coy.
“We’ve had sex like two times-”
“Three,” you laugh. “And you’re that sure of your skills?”
Rafe simply nods, taking a slow drag of his drink.
“I don’t know where you get that confidence from,” you say, looking at him with feigned disapproval.
“You called me perfect,” he says.
“Doesn’t sound like me.”
The group playing flip cup erupts in a loud applause. You can tell which group lost the game immediately by looking at Blake, who’s laughing and excitedly shaking his friend by the shoulders.
You watch him, realizing okay, you definitely have a crush. He’s cute and charismatic and if the messages you’ve exchanged this week are any indication of his character, he’s kind, too.
Rafe is looking at you the entire time, at the smile on your face.
“And you like this?” you tease, looking back at Rafe and gesturing to the group of boisterous frat boys.
“You mean fun?” Rafe replies. You laugh. You can admit you’re having fun, too. But this is what you and Rafe do. You mess with each other.
“I couldn’t be around this 24/7,” you say.
“I’m gonna be when I move in to the house next semester.” Rafe realizes he’s waiting on your reaction with bated breath, to see how you feel about not sharing a wall anymore.
But he’s interrupted by Blake, who approaches you with a drunken smile.
“Why didn’t you play?” he asks softly, tapping your shoulder.
“For my own safety,” you reply. “You guys are insane.”
“She’s so rude,” Blake says to Rafe, who can only nod and take another sip of his drink to swallow down the confusing lump of anger he feels growing in his chest.
“You mentioned a hot tub?” you say to Blake, the promise of a warm soak sounding amazing. Rafe wonders what else Blake mentioned to you.
Blake’s smile widens and when he offers his hand, you take it and let him lead you out of the kitchen. Rafe’s fist tightens around his cup.
Liv and two other frat boys join you and Blake in the hot tub. You have fun talking and joking with them as your beer wears off. You notice Blake moving closer to you as the night goes on.
Things slow down close to 2 a.m. People start to retire to the guest rooms. Some don’t even make it and pass out on the couch.
Rafe is still awake when you come through the back porch doors in your bikini, your hardly covered body wet. The sight makes his groin tighten.
He’s standing in the dining room snacking on pretzels and you meet his gaze. He has something about him that strikes you every time you see him. He’s just so handsome.
He seems entirely aware and alert.
“You’re sober, too?” you say with a surprised laugh, pacing to the other side of the dining table.
“I am,” he replies. You lean over to take a pretzel, giving him a good glance at your cleavage.
Truthfully, Rafe cut himself off when he started feeling buzzed. He stayed awake and sober for you.
The moment he watched Blake lead you away, he knew he had to have you at least one more time before you’re spoken for. Nobody’s going to take you away from him any longer, at least not tonight.
So before Sam went to bed, he convinced him to give him the keys to his family’s boat that’s sitting in the water down by the lakeside dock.
“You ever fucked on a boat?” Rafe asks, his eyes glinting, his dimples deep. He holds up a key.
You put a hand on your hip, excitement flooding your every sense.
“First a car, now a boat?” you say, a smirk growing on your face. Is he seriously about to take you out this late at night? He’s insatiable. And adventurous. It’s thrilling.
“Come on,” Rafe rasps with a bit of a whine to his voice, stepping closer to you, towering over you as his hand drags over your arm.
You couldn’t say no if you tried.
(part five)
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pretty-circa006 · 2 months
Sneaking Out
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Stepdad! Negan x F! Reader
summary Negan catches you sneaking out to go to a party and punishes you accordingly
tags age gap (reader is 19, Negan is pushing 40), spanking, unprotected p in v, making out, slight dacryphilia, stepcest, nudity, brief mentions of alcohol consumption, vaguely implied underaged drinking, hair pulling, use of pet names, cumshot
this is my first time posting my writing on here, kinda nervy!
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
wc: 2.65k
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She sat on her bed, crying. Knees tucked to her chest and head held in her hands as small sniffles and whimpers escaped her lips, despite her best efforts to stay silent. She resented her mom for being so strict and not letting her go out to parties like others her age. She was sure her mom would have let up once she graduated high school, especially since she was legally an adult now, but it only seemed like she doubled down even more. Things got even worse once her mom married her stepdad, Negan. Per her mother's request, he installed security cameras in the front of house and the backyard to ensure she couldn't sneak out. And the few times she tried, she failed, because Negan would be up late, playing video games in the living room or smoking a cigarette in the backyard by the poolside, making it impossible for her to sneak out. She was so miserable, watching everyone have fun over the summer before college while she wasted away in her room with her only entertainment being behind a screen or imbedded in the pages of a book.
It was so unfair. Especially because she knew tonight was gonna be the party of the year. One of the rich girls in her graduating class was throwing a pool party at her mansion, her mansion which housed one of the best pools she'd ever seen. And somehow, she was lucky enough to be invited. This was an opportunity of a lifetime and if it meant being grounded for an eternity, so be it.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
She had one foot out her bedroom window when she heard a knock on her door.
"Hey kid, can I come in?" her stepdad, Negan's, voice called from the other side of the door.
"One sec, I'm not decent!" she fibbed as she stumbled back inside her room. She shut the window as silently it would go before she slipped under the covers of her bed, hiding the fact she had on nothing but a tropical, triangle bikini.
"Okay, you can come in now," she called out. Negan let himself in, glancing around her room suspiciously. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked with his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, tattoos peeking out from beneath his white t-shirt, and obvious outline of his dick through his gray sweatpants that hung low on his waist. Despite being hidden beneath her sheets and comforter, she felt vulnerable and naked beneath his skeptical gaze.
"You're not plannin' on sneakin' out, are ya?" he asked, tongue seductively swiping across his bottom lip. She nervously swallowed, heat blossoming across her cheeks.
"N-no, why?" came her shaky reply.
"You are a shit liar, kid," he laughed, a handsome smirk on his face.
"Why would I sneak out? There's nothing for me to out there anyway," she doubled down, not feeding into his bait. He stalked closer to her bed before sitting down at the foot of it, hazel eyes boring into her soul.
"So you're not going to that pool party happening right now?" The tone of his voice was sarcastic, hinting that he didn't believe a word coming from her mouth.
"Pool party? What pool party?" She punctuated her question with a fake yawn to try and convince Negan that she really was tired and ready to go to bed for the night.
"If you say so, kid. Just know that if I catch your lying ass sneaking out tonight, you'll be in for a world of hell when I punish you." Her thighs involuntarily squeezed together at his words and the action didn't go unnoticed by Negan. She nodded her head while silently praying he'd hurry up and leave so she can sneak out.
His eyes narrowed at her as he stood up. "Night, kiddo," he said, patting her knee through the comforter for good measure.
"Night, Negan!"
She continued laying in her bed, petrified, for another ten minutes until she heard the door to her mom's bedroom shut. Negan's words did manage to strike some fear into her, but not enough to deter her from her original plan. She was sure he was in bed now and falling asleep for the night. After silently sliding out of her bed, she tucked a few decorative pillows in her previous place in hope they'd fool Negan or her mom if they peek in to check on her.
Her hands were shaky when she re-opened her bedroom window. Nerves were finally getting to her. She could hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears as she began having second thoughts about doing this. Negan was nowhere near as strict as her mom, so his punishment couldn't actually that bad. Not that she'd actually have to worry about his punishment, because she wasn't gonna get caught.
She crept out of her window and stepped onto the roof. She closed her window, only leaving it slightly ajar so she could get back inside later. Careful not to slip on the roof's slippery shingles, she tiptoed to the edge and looked over at the space from here to the grassy ground. Too late to go back now. She sat on the ledge and turned herself around so she could hang from the ledge before dropping into the soft grass.
She looked back at the house, elated she was finally out and what fun was about to come
.⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
The dark morning sky was slowly beginning to turn into a lighter blue as she clumsily climbed the trellis back onto the second story's roof. Her slightly intoxicated brain made it so her movements weren't as agile and quiet like before. She lifted her window open and unceremoniously fell inside, smacking the carpeted flooring with her face.
The first thing she noticed was the potent smell of tobacco followed by his signature whistling.
"Aw, fuck," she groaned to herself. She heard the springs of her mattress release as Negan got up and soon his socked feet came into her view. He reached out a hand and helped her up after she gratefully accepted it.
He looked pissed. His thick eyebrows settled into a frown and his hazel-green eyes were devoid of any kindness. She nervously crossed her arms over her body, feeling naked under his gaze.
"How was the pool party?" he asked.
"I wasn't a-at a pool party!" she lied.
His look only darkened, making her weak in the knees. From fear or arousal, she couldn't tell.
"What kinda goddamn fuckin' idiot do you take me for? You are literally dripping wet and wearin' a damn bikini!" he pointed out the obvious.
"I was swimming in our own pool in the backyard!" she lied with such little conviction that she couldn't even fool herself
He stepped closer to her and if she wasn't already so close to the wall she'd have stepped back. She averted her gaze and chose to look at the chipped, bubblegum pink nail polish that adorned her toes. Negan wasn't having any of it, though, and forced her to look up at him by grabbing a fistful of her wet hair and tilting her head up. Hot tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.
"What did I tell you would happen if I caught you sneaking out?" he asked between clenched teeth.
"That...that you're gonna p-punish me..." The tears were streaming down her face now as she sniveled pathetically.
"Attagirl," he darkly praised, a sinister smirk spreading across his face. The slight praise caused her stomach to do backflips and her core to clench over nothing. Her face felt hot and her breathing shallowed as her only thoughts were what Negan would do next.
His grip on her hair stayed firm as he walked her over to her bed. He released his hold before taking a seat onto the plush mattress. She stood before him, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot and nibbling the skin around her thumbnail, awaiting what was to come. His large, warm hands gripped her hips, pulling her to stand between his legs. She glanced down at him as he looked up at her, but her eyes drifted past his face and down to the bulge growing in his sweatpants. She was embarrassed to admit it, but her mouth watered at the sight.
"Now, I want you to know that this shit could have been avoided had your stubborn ass just listened to me," he stated, his grip on her hips growing firmer. She nodded her head, not knowing what to say and not wanting to anger her stepdad even further.
He pulled the ties on either side of her bikini bottoms and let the damp garment fall to the floor between her feet. She nervously bit her bottom lip and looked down at him, but he was too busy eyeing her cunt and soft thighs, which glimmered with the slick of her arousal. He looked up at her as he licked his bottom lip. He patted his thighs.
"Bend over my fuckin' knee, doll," he ordered. She warily obeyed, despite the humiliation of having him see her bare, wet pussy. His roughish hands caressed the soft flesh of her ass, admiring the mounds. Without warning, his hand came down harshly on her right cheek, earning a yelp from her.
"Keep it down," he hissed before landing an even harsher slap to her other cheek. She only whimpered this time, pursing her lips to fight the noises that yearned to escape. He continued his assailment on her ass, leaving it stinging with numbness. Her whimpers turned into a mixture of sobs and wanton moans which only tightened his pants. By the looks of it, he wasn't the only one getting off to this punishment. Her cunt sparkled with her arousal, arousal which was leaking down her thighs.
"Negan, please!" she begged. Her thighs were clenched together as she tried to rub her aching clit on his thigh.
"What is it that you want, baby?" he questioned. His big hands kneaded at her squishy flesh. He knew damn well what she wanted, but he wanted to hear her beg. Her weeping pussy was practically begging to be stuffed with his big cock.
"Need you! Need to feel you inside me," she begged between sniffles and sobs. She stood up from being bent over his lap and sat on it, straddling him instead. His arms snaked around her waist and hers around his neck before she leaned down almost close enough to connect her lips to his.
"Please, Negan?" she whispered against his lips. His eyes flitted from hers down to her lips which were so close to his. Her eyes fluttered shut as she gently pressed her soft lips to his, his facial hair pricking at her skin. Negan could name a plethora of reasons why this would be wrong, but the one reason it felt right overpowered them all, so he grabbed the back of her head and crashed his lips against hers. The desperate moan she let out gave Negan the perfect opening to slip his tongue into her mouth. She tasted like some fruity cocktail that was really just a bunch of things mixed together by some inexperienced kid. He'd have to take her out for a real drink one day. His tongue traversed her mouth, consuming her. She desperately ground her bare pussy on his clothed bulge, eliciting pleasured groans from him. His hands felt up her body before untying her bikini top from the back and the neck, leaving her completely bare on his lap.
"Please, Negan, I need to feel you," she begged after pulling away from the kiss. His eyes were glued to her tits, watching them as her chest rose and fell while she caught her breath. He cupped them in his hands before giving them a squeeze. Her head fell back as she let out a wanton moan. The rough skin of his fingertips gave her hardened nipples some much needed friction as he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger.
"You got some nice fuckin' tits, babydoll," he complimented, only making her wetter.
Her hands slid down his chest, then torso, then stopped at the waistband of his pants.
"Neeegaaan," she impatiently whined.
"Well, baby, if you want it, go ahead and fuckin' take it." His dimpled smile almost brought her to her release right then and there. He lifted his hips so she could pull his cock free. His length audibly smacked his abdomen, the tip an angry, flaming red and leaking with precum. If her core wasn't aching so badly, she'd have gladly taken him down her throat. She took him in her hand. He was so big that her fingers didn't even touch. She stroked him a few times as he sucked bruising marks onto her neck and collarbones. He held onto her hips as she lined him up with her sopping center, stroking him along her slick folds before sinking all the way down on him. The stretch was there, but not painful because she was so wet and ready for him.
"Negan, you feel so good!" she moaned once he bottomed out inside of her. Her nails dug little crescent moons into his skin through his shirt as she began bouncing on his cock. He admired her tits bouncing as she rode him before pulling her closer and taking one in his mouth, kneading the other with his free hand.
The squelching sounds of her wet pussy and the smell off sex permeating her bedroom only made things more erotic. Negan was hitting every spot perfectly, but he wanted more. He freed her tit from his mouth before flipping their position. Her back was now laying against the bed and Negan stood over her, his cock still inside. Now that he had more control, his thrusts came harder and faster, his tip almost kissing her cervix.
"Goddammit, doll, you were made for my cock!" he praised. More profanities and moans fell from his mouth as her wet, spongy walls squeezed his cock. Her moans were growing louder and louder, making Negan worry that they might wake up her mom...who was his wife.
"I know that my dick is the best damn dick you've had and ever will have in your entire goddamn life, but you need to keep it down," he lectured. She rolled her eyes but pursed her lips in a feeble attempt to keep quiet.
They were both close to reaching their peaks and it was obvious by the way his thrusts grew rushed and sloppy and how her cunt was squeezing him.
"I'm gonna-" her sentence was cut off by a scream of ecstasy which caused Negan to cover her loud mouth with his palm. Her cunt squeezed him as her back arched off the bed and eyes rolled to the back of her head while she came. If he was thinking straight, he'd have left her high and dry as punishment, but his own orgasm was close and he'd be damned if he didn't cum. She removed his hand from covering her mouth and took two of his long, thick fingers into her mouth.
"Ho-ly fuckin' shit!" He swore, marveling at the sight. She hollowed her cheeks as she sucked on the digits.
"That's. My. Girl!" he praised with each thrust.He pulled out of her just as his orgasm came over him and shot his load onto her tits and stomach. He flopped onto the bed beside her and she rolled into his strong arms.
"Y'know I can't stay, gotta get back to your mom before she wakes up."
"Just ten more minutes?" she begged, looking up at Negan with those doe eyes of hers.
He sighed and lightheartedly rolled his eyes.
"Anything for my babydoll."
thank you for reading! if you have any feedback on how i can improve, i'd love to hear it!
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twitchmattentusiast · 5 months
˚     . ✧ 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄, matt sturniolo !
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summary: in which matt sturniolo decides to tease his best best friend after finding out what books she actually likes to read
contains: smut obvs, teasing, praising, masturbation, dom!matt, degrading? FEM OC!
requested: no. this is my first smut
also i genuinely can’t do the y/n shit 😭😭 so the female will have a name for chris one shots and for matt ones.
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matt knew that his best friend loved to read, and for as long as he can remember, his earliest memories included teasing his best friend as she sat on the school hill with some type of book in her hands as matt and his brothers played some sport during recess.
as stella got older, that didn’t change at all. whenever matt went over, her bookshelves were filled to the brim; some books had to be on the floor. the floor was covered in so many books that matt couldn’t even see the floor. not only that, she constantly left a supply of books literally everywhere; matt couldn’t even count on one hand how many times she'd left one of her books in his car or his room.
though matt knew stella loved to read, he didn’t quite know what she liked to read; he assumed since she was a sucker for rom-coms that she read corny shit like that, so he just always continued to tease her at the fact that when she came over to his, she’d sit on his bed reading under a blanket while he played some video game, the pair of them both sitting in a comfortable silence as one read and the other played video games for hours.
it was only a week ago, though, when matt found out what stella actually read about.
you see, last friday, chris and stella thought it would be a great idea to get absolutely wasted at a party a few towns over. matt wasn’t really feeling a party at all that night, so only stella, nick, and chris went. apparently, chris and stella got a little too wasted and started oversharing literally everything.
a drunk stella revealed to a sober nick that she read smut books.
to say that matt was shocked was an understatement. hearing that his best friend wasn't reading the fluffy corny shit he assumed she was reading shocked him enough, but then he learned that not only has his innocent best friend been reading smut since the age of 12; she’s been reading the most degrading, filthy smut on a daily basis.
you see, ever since nick told matt the type of books stella reads, he hasn’t been able to get it out of his head—the idea that his innocent best friend, who literally gets grossed out the second chris starts going into detail about a girl he made out with or a girl he fucked in the last week, was reading smut? holy shit, it was driving him insane.
and that’s the exact reason why matt is seated on his gaming chair, a smirk on his face as his eyes follow the figure of his best friend looking around his room in a panic.
“looking for something, stell?” matt asked in confusion.
though matt knew exactly what she was looking for.
stella chewed at the bottom of her lip in frustration as she scanned another corner of matt’s room. she silently scolded herself. how could she be so fucking stupid and accidentally leave another one of her books lying around?
it was around two hours ago when stella had just gotten back from work. she showered quickly as soon as she stepped foot into the house, and she had planned to finish the book she was reading: twisted hate, the third book in the series her best friend had recommended, but when she opened up her bedside table, it was nowhere to be seen.
stella instantly panicked. she had always been careless with her books, forgetting where she had left them, but she really couldn’t believe she left a book like that somewhere.
she tried to remember where she could have left it when she remembered reading it at the triplets house a few days ago, and so she quickly called matt, telling him she was coming over in hopes of getting her book back as soon as possible.
only when she stepped into matt’s room her book was literally nowhere. which confused the fuck out of stella, to be honest, because she swore she left it in matt’s room unless she left it in nick’s? or even worse, chri-
matt chuckled as he watched her frustration grow. “what are you looking for?” he tried again. “maybe if you tell me, i can help you.” he suggested
stella hesitated; she wasn’t really sure if she wanted matt helping her; if he found the book before her, he might read the blurb or something, and the idea of matt knowing what she read . . . no thanks. but then again, she desperately needed her book back, so she sighed. "i’m looking for my book,” she told him, missing how matt smirked at her words. the plan he had set was starting to move its toggles.
"i think i might have left it in your room by accident. have you seen it? it’s kind of redish and it’s called twisted hate.”
matt’s eyes lit up at the mention of the title. "redish, huh?" he mused, pretending to act as if he’d never heard of the book before. after a minute of silence, his eyes lit up in some sort of remembrance.
“oh yeah, you left it here the other day.” He told her.
stella sighed in relief. thank god, she thought. “where is it?” she asked him. usually, when she left a book in his room, he left it on his gaming desk for her, but this time it wasn’t there.
with a sinister grin, matt stood up from his chair and started to walk around the room, searching for the book. "i’m sure i put it somewhere safe," he said nonchalantly, knowing damn well where exactly it was. after some pretend searching, he finally "found" it hidden under a stack of old comic books on top of his dresser.
he walked towards her, slowing down as he approached her. stella sighed in relief, reaching out to grab the book, but matt pulled it away at the last second and smirked at her. “oh, you can’t have it back yet.” he told her.
stella’s eyebrows furrowed. “what? why?” she asked in confusion.
“because i’m borrowing it.”
stella’s eyes widened slightly at his words, though she attempted to appear casual. “what do you mean you’re borrowing it?” she chuckled nervously. “you don’t even know how to read.” she joked.
matt chuckled at her words, "insane." he said, before shrugging, "i’m not really bothered about the words, though, when i can do the actions.”
"yeah, you know, the dirty stuff in the book." matt smirked.
stella’s face began to pale. matthew sturniolo, her best. friend. since. kindergarten, knows what’s in those books she reads. this was like her own personal hell. "what are you talking about?” stella asked as she attempted to still save herself.
"don't play dumb with me, stell." matt walked closer to her, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "i know exactly what you like to read about; don't deny it."
her eyes widened, and her mouth froze, unable to get any words out. because what the actual fuck? “chapter 18 was hot, don’t you think?” he teased.
“you’ve read it?” stella squeaked.
matt ignored her. though his silence was enough, he'd totally read it, and she wanted to die. "tell me, stella,” matt said as he brushed a curl behind her ear. “when you’re in my bed reading these books, do you touch yourself?”
stella’s heart raced as he spoke so close to her ear, goosebumps forming on her exposed neck. she bit down hard on her bottom lip, unable to meet his gaze directly. "n-no," she managed to croak out.
matt titled his head to the side. “you lying to me, stell?”
stella’s heart pounded in her chest. she shook her head vigorously, trying to deny it, but the truth was there, hiding somewhere deep inside of her. "m-maybe once..." she whispered back, her voice barely audible.
“only once?”
stella nodded her head, and matt hummed, his hand caressing her cheek softly. “hm,” he said after a moment. "should i tell you how many times i’ve touched myself reading that book?” he asked.
stella’s breath hitched at his words, her cheeks flushing crimson red as she tried to think of something else, but now all she could think about was matt reading her book and touching himself to it.
matt smirked. “since you secretly touch yourself when we’re hanging out and when you read that book, why don’t you touch yourself for me so i can read it to you?"
stella’s breath caught in her throat, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. part of her was terrified, but another part was excited. the idea of matt reading out the books she reads in his very room under a thick blanket where she grew so wet she couldn’t take it anymore sounded too good; she didn’t know if she could pass that up. though she was scared of their friendship and what could happen, the heat grew unbearable, and suddenly she felt her pussy drip at matt’s words.
"yes," she croaked out.
matt’s eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but grin widely before sitting back down in his gaming chair. "good girl," he praised.
stella stood there nervously until matt told her to go and lie on his bed. she followed his instructions and quickly laid on his bed, watching as he opened up the book. he smirked at her. “let’s read 26 yeah? i haven’t read it yet.”
stella nodded too anxiously and excitedly to even say anything as she watched matt flicker through the pages before grinning widely as he stopped at chapter 26. he wasted no time at all and started reading the words of the page. stella felt herself grow wetter as matt read the dirty words, and her breath hitched suddenly as he looked over at her. “touch yourself, baby," he instructed.
she hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, but ultimately she couldn't resist the urge anymore. slowly, tentatively, she reached down, feeling glad she decided to wear a skirt today, and brushed her hand against her pants, feeling the wetness spread across them.
"fuck.." she moaned softly, arching her hips into the touch. matt grinned and started reading again once he knew she had started touching herself.
“look at you,” matt cooed as she began rubbing circles around her clit, “touching yourself like a fucking slut while i read this dirty book to you.”
stella’s breath hitched as she continued to pleasure herself, her hips rocking against the bed in sync with matt’s words. her moans grew louder, and she couldn't help but close her eyes, lost in the sensation. “soo pathetic.” matt laughed, “bet you touch yourself and imagine it’s us fucking, huh?”
she nodded frantically. "yeah," she panted out between breaths.
matt chuckled, “look at you, not even trying to deny it anymore; you’re pathetic, stella.”
stella’s heart raced as he continued to read aloud. she moved the fingers that had made her way inside of her unknowingly even faster, rubbing harshly at her clit with her thumb. "i’m so close, matt," she moaned.
matt suddenly stopped talking. stella furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him in confusion as she stopped touching herself. “wh-“
“chapters over," matt sighed. “that was a short chapter.” he fake pouted
stella groaned, her body still tensing from the brink of orgasm. "more, please," she begged, unable to control herself anymore.
matt chuckled darkly, standing up from his chair and walking slowly towards her. he reached out a hand, helping her sit up before leaning down and capturing her lips in a hot, hungry kiss. stella kissed back hungrily. his tongue demanded entrance into her mouth, and she moaned into it, returning the favour eagerly. after a moment, he broke the kiss, his breath coming heavy. "i guess i could finish another chapter for you." he said, and stella nodded her head quickly. “of i could fuck you like those sluts you read about."
stella’s heart raced wildly as he spoke, her body trembling with anticipation. she bit down on her bottom lip, unsure of what she wanted. after a long moment of silence, she managed to whisper, "fuck me."
matt smirked. “take your clothes off.” he demanded.
stella hesitated for a moment, her hands shaking as she began to undress herself, first removing her top, revealing her lacy bra, then her skirt and pants. she stood naked before him, her breasts jiggling slightly as she stepped out of her underwear. "now you," she said breathlessly.
matt chuckled. he underessed himself slowly, revealing his muscular torso and a pair of black boxers that were tenting in an obvious fashion. finally, he kicked them off, exposing his thick, hardened cock, glistening with pre-cum.
"get on your knees and suck me," he ordered, and stella didn't hesitate. she fell to her knees before him, her lips brushing against the head of his cock as she wrapped one hand around the base, stroking him rhythmically. her tongue traced along the underside of his shaft, teasing it before she took him fully into her mouth, deep-throating him with ease.
matt groaned, his hand tangling in her hair. "that's a good girl," he praised. "now touch yourself while you suck me."
stella whimpered softly, her fingers finding their way back between her legs, rubbing circles around her clit again.
matt moaned, his hips thrusting upward into her mouth and his cock hitting the back of her throat. his free hand reached down to fondle one of her breasts roughly, pinching and tweaking her nipple hard enough to make her yell. she moaned around his cock, making him thrust even harder into her mouth. “fuck stell, feels so good, baby.” he moaned.
stella’s body trembled with pleasure as she continued to please him, her tongue working over his cock expertly while her hand rubbed her clitoral area faster. she moaned in response to his rough treatment of her nipple, her body reacting to the dual sensation. her moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as she felt her orgasm approaching once again.
 matt growled, his cock throbbing in her mouth as he felt her nearing climax. "come on, stell, cum for me." he commanded, and she did just that, her walls clenching tightly as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over her body.
stella’s moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as she orgasmed again, her body shaking violently in ecstasy. meanwhile, matt didn't hold back either; his own release was imminent. with a loud groan, he pulled out of her mouth, his cum painting her face and neck while he jerked himself off, shooting his cum all over her chest and stomach.
stella breathed heavily, moaning as she looked down and saw matt’s cum all over her chest and tits. “please, matt,” she begged.
matt chuckled. "what do you want, stell?" he asked, reaching over to clean some of the mess off her body with his tongue.
"more," she replied, moaning as his mouth started to suck on her nipple after matt licked the cum on it. her hands flew straight to his hair, gripping it tight. "i need you inside me so badly, matt, please.” she begged.
"you’re so needy.” matt chuckled as he moved down her body. he pushed her onto the bed, kissing her all the way up to where she needed him most. instead of fucking her like she had begged him too, he inserted a finger inside of her. “you’re so wet," he smirked.
stella groaned, her body arching into his touch as he kissed and teased her sensitive areas. "matt, please..." she pleaded, her voice becoming more desperate.
"not yet," he taunted, his hand trailing to cup her wetness, rubbing her clitoral area in circles. "want you to beg more."
stella’s breath hitched, her nails digging into his back as she whined, "please, matt, i need you now, please." her body was trembling with desire, begging for release.
matt smirked. “turn around, baby," he told her, and before she even had the chance, matt pushed her head into a pillow, her ass hanging into the air as he spanked it. “you want me to fuck you like a whore so fucking badly, huh?"
stella’s heart skipped a beat as he spanked her ass, the stinging sensation only fueling her desire. "yes! please, matt!" she pleaded, her voice cracking with need.
matt chuckled, reaching between her legs to tease her sensitive spot once more. "so eager for me to take you, huh?" he taunted.
stella whimpered, her hips buckling back against his touch, desperately seeking more. "y-yes!" she managed to choke out between gasps.
matt lined up his cock with her tight entrance and pushed inside her slowly, filling her up completely. "oh god, matt..." her moans turned into high-pitched moans of pleasure as he began to thrust in and out of her, hitting all the right spots. his hands gripped her hips tightly, holding her steady as he pounded into her from behind.
matt groaned, his hips moving in sync with hers, each powerful thrust sending waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. "you feel so fucking good, stell," he panted out between heavy breaths.
“fuck, matt, i-“
“hold it.”
stella’s nails scratched the bedsheet as she tried to comply, her orgasm crashing over her like waves. "i-i can't..." she whimpered.
"just hold on." he growled, continuing to thrust into her.
stella nodded, but her walls started to clench, driving matt to the edge. “cum for me, baby," he told her, and stella came instantly, her mouth hanging open as she screamed. matt watched. “oh god, stell," matt groaned, his hips stuttering for a moment before he finally released himself inside her, filling her up completely with his thick cum. he buried his face in her neck, panting heavily as their bodies slowly started to calm down from the intense high.
stella’s body trembled with exhaustion, her legs shaking as she came down from the powerful orgasm. "m-matt..." she managed to utter in between heavy pants.
“that was fucking amazing." he panted, pulling out of her slowly, his cock still coated in their shared fluids. gently, he helped her lie down beside him, their bodies sticky and sweaty.
matt wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him. stella closed her eyes, feeling exhausted; usually, sex like that knocked her straight out.
matt watched her with a slight smile. “stell?”
“hm?” she mumbled tiredly.
"i think you should bring another smut book over next time.”
stella rolled her eyes, smacking him on his arm and smirking as he groaned, “shut the fuck up and go to sleep, you dork.” she laughed.
matt didn’t need to be told twice. “yes, ma'am.” he said, wrapping his arm tighter around her body and kissing her neck before the pair both fell asleep.
unfortunately, though, matt ended up forgetting to lock his door.
this was so long holy fuck😭😭😭
this is like the first smut i’ve wrote that’s been seen by someone other than one of my ibfs so if this sucks i’m so sorry😭
umm let me know if y’all want more/ if u got requests?
- 𝓷. ᥫ᭡
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dyeher · 6 months
Warnings: dad! mitsuya, husband! mitsuya, possible breeding [fic ends before spicy shit].
Notes: mitsuya fluff inspired by my baby fever. unedited read at your own risk.
Notes: someone @audrinui <- said “tag Cass” so @s4no ❤️💋
It’s ten years later and Mitsuya is scowling at a tiny version of himself who has just managed to unravel an entire spool of red fabric onto the floor of his home workshop.
He takes a deep breath, crouching so he’s eye level with the little boy.
“Didn’t I tell you not to come in here?”
The little boy nods.
“So why are you in here?”
The boy blinks rapidly and Mitsuya bites his tongue to stifle a sigh. He can feel the oncoming tantrum as it simmers in his son’s face.
“Hey,” Mitsuya tries to calm him before he even starts. “I’m not mad,” he puts his hands up in a motion of surrender. “I just want to know what you were looking for, little monster.”
The little boy frowns at the nickname, his fingers twining nervously in front of him as he debates whether or not his father is being honest.
“C’mon tell me,” Mitsuya encourages. “Maybe daddy can help you?”
His son cocks his head in a way that reminds him so much of himself that Takashi can’t hide his smile fast enough. The answering grin that splits his son’s face knocks the wind out of his lungs. His son might be a carbon copy of him but his smile was all you.
Mitsuya reaches for him, plucking him up into his arms and propping him on his hip. “Gonna tell me what you were looking for in here kid?”
“‘s looking for my surprise,” he answers, head ducking into Mitsuya’s neck.
Mitsuya heaves a defeated sigh. “Kid, we talked about this. You’ll ruin your own surprise if you find the present before your birthday.”
Mitsuya feels the pout against his neck. “But- but I want to know now.”
Mitsuya can sympathize. The waiting game is a hard game to play as an adult, he might not remember what it was like as a kid but he can imagine it must be hell. He casts a longing glance at the fabric on the floor before leaving the room and heading into the kitchen. “How about we do something else?”
His son pulls away from his neck. Eyes narrowing at his father. “Like what?”
Sometimes Mitsuya has to remind himself that his kid is seven years old. That he’s growing. Soon he’ll be ten and then eighteen and then he’ll be bringing a girl home, and then he’ll be moving out and the house will be back to peaceful. And his threads and fabrics will stay on their spools.
He frowns. He’s not sure he likes how fast his son is growing. There’s nothing appealing about an empty house anymore. He places his son on the counter and braces his hands on either side of him.
“Wanna bake cookies for your momma, little monster?”
His son’s eyes light up, widening as he nods enthusiastically. “Chocolate chip!” he yells and Mitsuya realizes with a sudden jolt of awareness that he wants another one.
Another kid.
He goes through the motions of baking with a seven-year-old, even indulging his son in a minor flour spat, and then cleans them both up. By the time you get home they’ve retired to the couch and your son tackles you down next to him.
Mitsuya is distracted. His earlier realization sitting heavy on his mind as he watches you get your son ready for bed. He listens and inputs dutifully during story time and then presses a kiss on his son’s head before following you to your shared room.
He jolts when you wrap your arms around his waist in the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?”
He knows better than to try to tell you nothing at this point. If he’s so distracted you can sneak up at him he knows you’ll know he’s lying.
“I want another little monster,” he blurts, eyes closing when he feels you stiffen behind him.
“Are you sure?”
He meets your eyes in the mirror. “Positive.”
“And this isn’t just your desire to stuff me with cum?”
Mitsuya goes rigid, images flashing across his memory in rapid succession at your words. But- “No. I want another one,” he repeats. “Maybe a little girl this time.”
You squint at him. “Okay.”
He smiles. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow I know you’re tire—”
“Shut up and fuck me Takashi,” you chuckle, already backing away toward your bed. “Before I change my mind.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
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atinyniki · 8 months
just kiss me already!
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group: stray kids !
pairing: nonidol!bangchan x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive at the end
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, fighting (verbal), 3racha chan (songs unreleased), friends with current skz members, suggestive
authors note: this shit actually sucks but i tried even tho i had no motivation. ill make another chan fic soon to compensate. this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 2858
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“oh my gosh you bitch”
“hey! don’t call me a bitch just because you suck at the game”
you haven’t one a single game against chan since he came over. 
“i don’t wanna play anymore”, you say with a pout.
“awh come onnn don’t be a sore loser”, he smirks. 
it’s not that you don’t wanna play because you’re losing, you just don’t want to play because you both have been at it for four hours.
“let’s watch a show instead!”
“fine, but i’m choosing.”
it’s pretty easy to get chan to do what you want. you’re his weakness, he’ll do anything to make you happy to be honest. you never seem to notice the way he looks at you, or how much he tries to get your attention. 
on the other hand, you absolutely adore chan. not just the way he looked, even though he is incredibly beautiful, but you admire how caring he is. at first it was just minor attraction, but then you got closer and well… you know.
neither of you realize you’ve loved each other for so long.
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“chan? can you come over please? it’s important”
“yeah of course i’m on my way”
within the next two minutes he was in front of your door. “what’s wrong? are you okay?”
you laugh a little when you see the look on his face. “chan i’m fine, i just need help.”
“so you made me run all the way here for nothing?
you drag him to the kitchen and close the door behind you, rolling your eyes. “i never asked you to run here dumbass. you literally live next door”
chan walks into the kitchen and freezes when he sees the state of it. bowls everywhere, flour and batter scattered all over the countertop, and an assortment of cookie cutters placed next to the stan mixer.
“listen, i really need to make two hundred cookies within the next two hours. my oven can’t hold more than twenty four at a time. could you maybe bake like half of them in your oven?”
“why would you need two hundred cookies…?”, he asks incredulously.
“it’s my friends birthday tomorrow. she loves these cookies”
“oh jeez… okay fine. how long do i need to bake them for?”
“twenty six minutes…”
“yes ma’am, ill be on my way then”. he quickly grabs the trays of cookies and gives you a peck on your forehead, lips lingering for a second too long, and runs back to his house. 
you could still feel his lips on you, but you continued swapping out trays in hopes to distract yourself. 
chan didn’t burn a single cookie. your friend loved them.
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“hyung come on! don’t be a wuss”, jisung pouts.
“no jisung. not happening”
“hey well you’re the one that chose dareeee”, 
“fine i’ll just take a shot.”
the entire circle broke out into disappointed groans, but you decided to move on from chan. 
“y/n! truth or dare”
you jerk your head towards lily, “what? who said it’s my turn?!”
“me. now answer”, lily says a matter-of-fact-ly 
“fine. dare”
“you. chan. seven minutes in heaven. right now.”
you look over to chan, silently asking for permission with your eyes despite how nervous you look. you know you don’t have to do anything but… what if he wants to? no. he would never. he doesn’t like you like that.
both of you get up and walk into the room, and changbin quickly turns the lights off and leaves.
“do the lights really have to be off?”
chan walks over to the light switch, hands fumbling to find the knob. he slowly turns it so that the lights are dimmed, but enough so that you both can still see.
chan walks over to the bed, patting the part of the bed next to him and inviting you to sit down. you silently walk towards the bed and sit down, instantly covering yourself with the blanket.
“it’s freezing in here… how does seungmin survive in a room like this?”
“hm… no wonder his personality is always so cold.”
you both laugh a little at chans comment. seungmin has a thing for tormenting chan. subconsciously, you cuddle up to chan, still shivering a bit from the cold.
he seems to get the memo, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. moments of silence pass, and it’s been far too long without a sound for it to not be awkward.
suddenly, chan feels a weight on his shoulder and turns to look at it. you’re sound asleep, he accounts it to either your tipsiness or your exhaustion from working all day. 
he holds your hand for a bit, the warmth of it passing through your whole body and causing you to let out a satisfied hum in your sleep. he grabs his phone to text changbin. 
“y/n fell asleep. we’ll be in here for a while if that’s okay. you can continue without us”
“yeah yeah whatever just say you want to make out with her in peace”
“shut up changbin.“
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the next morning, you wake up in chans bed. your head starts ringing and you think about what happened the night before. you’re slowly starting to become aware of your surroundings, and the snoring coming from beside you. 
“chan. chan wake up”
“chan what happened last night”
“hm?”, he says as he finally peaks his head out of the covers.
his senses slowly come back to him, and his face instantly flushes red, the crimson color kissing his collarbone too. you’re dressed in his shirt that’s far too large for you, with a pair of his shorts on. the shirt reaches all the way down to your mid-thigh, even while sitting down.
you look at him, waiting for him to answer. “chan are you okay?”
“hm? oh yeah sorry. nothing happened don’t worry, you were just tired so i brought you home, but you insisted to stay with me”
your face flushes red, and you realize what you’re wearing. you look down, playing with the hem of the t-shirt you’re wearing. “sorry about the clothes by the way, you just looked really cold so i offered them to you”
oh. so he didn’t dress you. thank god. you don’t think you could have faced him if he did. “thank you channie.”
he smiles at you, ears going slightly red at the tips. he doesn’t want to admit what that nickname does to him, especially in your voice. you quickly get out of bed, telling chan you’ll be back soon. you go to your house to get ready for the day.
no matter how much you douse your face in cold water, the red tint doesn’t seem to fade. 
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“wow chan this is amazing!”
his face goes red as he chuckles, “thank you y/n”
changbin doesn’t fail to notice how shy chan gets around you, but he decides not to talk about it while you’re here. instead, he snickers with jisung in the corner. 
“shut up you two. i know what you’re on about”
the both of them instantly sit up straight, going silent. 
you continue listening to the rest of the tracks, loving every second of it. you give hums and nods of approval, watching the boys’ faces light up every time.
not too long after, the boys left, leaving just you and chan in his studio. you’re humming along to one of the songs he showed you earlier. he couldn’t help but smile, hoping you wouldn’t notice that it made him just a little bit too happy.
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you and chan are sitting on your bed again, watching the new kdrama that just came out. your heart jumped in your chest as you watched the scene intently, the heat of it making your face flush red. 
“damn when is someone gonna kiss me with that much passion”, chan jokes. you couldn’t help but laugh. you two have gotten a lot closer recently, and you’ve found out that chan is really into skinship.
he has you cuddled up with him under the blankets right now, your small arms wrapped around his bicep. you look up at him, just to admire him a little as he focuses on the show. what you didn’t expect though, was for him to turn his face only mere seconds later.
only then do you process just how close you are, how your lips are just inches away from eachother. chan seems to notice this too, his hands fidgeting with his drawstrings. he gives you a small smile, and turns his head back to the movie.
you’re probably being delusional, but you swear something had changed in the way he looked at you. 
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“y/n please, do something. he isn’t listening to us…”
“i’ll be there soon.”
you quickly rush over to chans house, knocking on the door to his studio.
“changbin i said leave me alone.”, chans voice was harsh. youve never heard him sound so aggressive towards anyone, he was normally really sweet. you motion to jisung and changbin to leave the room. 
“i got this, it’s okay”, you whisper to them.
“chan it’s me. please open the door”
the door flies open within seconds, and you take in chans state. his hair is a mess, two dark purple splotches under his eyes. there are energy drinks scattered all over his desk, broken pencils and scattered papers.
“what… happened?
chan began to speak, but you cut him off.
“we’re going to bed. tell me what happened there”
“n-no! let me save my work at least.”
you walk in the studio with him, waiting on the couch as he quickly saved his progress. you both walk out the room, entering his bedroom and settling under the sheets. 
“go to sleep, ill be here when you wake up.”
you try your best to stay up, but you just couldn’t let yourself. sleep takes over your body, eyes becoming heavy and finally fluttering shut for the night.
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you wake the next morning to an unfamiliar warmth. chan has his arms around you, his head buried in your chest. you thought he looked adorable like this, until he looked up at you when he realized you woke up. 
his bloodshot eyes stared back up at you, and you began to process the teardrops staining your hoodie. 
you don’t say anything more. you just pull him closer, rubbing small circles along his back. “i know you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, but you need to let all this out somehow. if you need someone please call me. you know im always right here”
chan doesn’t respond, he didn’t trust his voice enough. his body trembled in your hold, nuzzling his nose into the comforting warmth of your chest.
once he’s calmed down a little, he looks up at you again. you stare at eachother for a good while, just like you did when you watched that movie. there was something different swirling in his eyes, but you just couldn’t place it.
instead of worrying about that, you quickly placed a peck on his forehead, feeling him relax in your hold. he falls back asleep not too long after. he must have been tired.
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you hadn’t felt so alive in months. you knew it was incredibly childish, but you missed having someone to push you on the swings. chans arms pushed you so high you felt like you could touch the stars.
the moon shines so beautifully, covering the park in a light glow. you looked ethereal, that’s what chan thought at least. your bright smile lit up his whole world, your giggle making his heart flutter. the moonlight hit your face just right, your eyes shimmering in the darkness.
chan gradually slowed your swing down, not wanting you to thrash around. 
“done already?”, you say with a pout.
“it’s almost one in the morning, we have to go now”, he pouts back.
you both start walking back from the park, talking about chans plans for the future with 3racha. he seems so passionate about music, his eyes lighting up every time he mentioned changbin and jisung.
you look up at him, smiling a little as how cute he sounded talking about this. he looks down at you, the same unplaceable emotion in his eyes, but you stay there for a little longer.
he smiles at you. you instinctively smile back. his smile puts his adorable dimples on display, and you bring one of your fingers up to poke them. you both break out into a fit of giggles, beginning to walk home again.
time without chan began to feel like time you’ve wasted.
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“i’m not leaving”
“chan please. you need to rest”
“jeez y/n, when did you start being so clingy? the only thing i need right now is to finish this. either stay here and shut up or get the hell out. i can’t have you nagging me, this is really important”
in the three years you’ve known chan, you have never once heard him speak like this. not to you, not to anyone. you held your tears in, making sure to hide them from chan before they fell, and darted out the door. 
you quickly made your way to your house, stupidly forgetting to lock your door in your upset state. you want to yell at him. not to be mean, but just to get it in his damn head that you care about him. you wish he’d just understand.
you clutch your sweatshirt in your hands, the pain in your chest was beginning to get unbearable. you quickly go inside your room and lock the door, flopping onto your bed as sobs rack your body.
not too long after, you hear knocking on your door. 
“y/n?”, you hear chan call out for you.
you make your way to the bedroom door, sliding down onto the floor. you don’t think you’re ready to face him yet. “what do you want”
chan was taken aback by the sharp tone in your voice. he knew it was coming, he just didn’t expect it to hurt so bad. 
“i’m sorry. i know you only meant good and wanted me to be okay but… i just have so much left to do. i’m overwhelmed and scared im not going to be able to get everything done on time and i lashed out at you. i know that’s no excuse to hurt someone you love but i really didn’t mean it. i’m so-“
“chan you’re rambling again”, you pout.
“oh i’m sorry…”
you quickly open the door, helping chan off of the floor. you quickly bring him to your bed and force him to lay down. “sleep. please”
he could tell you’ve almost lost your patience, so he huddles up closer to you and lets sleep overtake his body. “goodnight y/n. thank you”
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today, you wake up to a different sight than usual. normally, chans face is buried in your chest or he’s hugging you from behind. this time was different. he was mere centimeters away from you, nose brushing against yours. 
you quickly shut your eyes, hoping you didn’t go red at just the sight of him.
not too long after, chan wakes and gets ready for the day, coming back into your home to see you already awake. 
you were dressed in a large grey t-shirt. you don’t quite remember where it came from, but it’s incredibly comfortable. 
chan recognizes it instantly. it’s the shirt he gave you the first night you slept over at his house. his heart swelled at the sight, wishing he could see you in his clothes everyday. 
without a second thought, he quickly runs towards you, sitting on the bed right next to you again. he’s looking at you the same way he has been for the past couple months.
this time around though, he does something different. his hand makes his way up to cup your cheek, his big hands swallowing some of your jawline too. 
he slowly moves his face closer to you, now only inches away from your lips. your heart rate quickens, feeling his breath fan over your lips.
“chan, just kiss me already. please.”
he tentatively moves closer, not getting a chance to process before you crash your lips into his. it’s a kiss of pure want and need. “fuck y/n. i’ve been waiting to do this for so long”
“i love you channie”, you whispered breathlessly.
a flip switched inside of him, immediately pushing you down onto your back while he hovered over you. he kisses at your jawline, red marks appearing all over your neck. “i love you so much baby”, he says in between kisses.
you couldn’t hold back your whimpers, the feeling was too much for you to handle. all of a sudden, you heard a loud ringing.
chan picked up his phone, sounding a little aggravated. “hello?”
“chan where are you?”, jisung asked him
“i’m with y/n. we’re watching a movie. why?”
“oh sorry my bad. have-“
he hung up before jisung could finish, eager to get back to you.
“now, where were we?”
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littlxpxtal · 3 months
Sex, Drugs, Etc.
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 2.1K
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Everywhere I go, I know that I don't wanna be
Part of something I won't ever need
Your socialized, romanticized life
November Cont.
“Rafe ‘m really not in the mood to play your games. I just had to break up a fight and my house is a fuckin’ mess.” I mumble before opening the downstairs door. I hear him following behind me down the stairs as I make my way to my room. I walk over to the patio doors, pulling the curtains closed.
“I didn’t say you could stay,” I say as I sit on my chair in front of my vanity starting to take my jewelry off. He makes himself at home on the edge of my bed picking up one of the stuffed animals nearest to him. 
“You need to lighten up,” he says, inspecting the stuffed cat with big blue eyes. 
I finish taking off my earrings and placing them onto the ceramic plate in front of me. I stand up and make my way over to him, ripping the stuffed animal out of his hands and tossing it to the other side of the bed.
He reaches out to grab my waist, pulling me in between his legs. I stumble forward, placing my hands on his chest, feeling his firm muscles under my hands. Warmth rushes through my legs and up my thighs at the sensation of his hands squeezing my sides and our close proximity. 
He plays with the crystal tassels on my dress, his hand creeping slowly underneath them.
“Rafe” I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut as his fingers graze the inside of my thigh.
“Tell me to stop,” he says, his other hand moving to grab my ass. I bite my bottom lip unsure of what my next response should be. I know sleeping with Rafe would be so wrong, but I would be lying to myself if I didn’t think he was the hottest guy in Kildare. 
I wouldn’t be the only girl to think so, and I wouldn’t be the only girl to fall for his tricks. 
“You’re just messin’ with me” I finally say through an exhale. My hands are still placed on his chest but I feel the urge to run them through his hair as he’s sitting before me. His bangs have fallen in front of his face and he looks up at me through his dark lashes. 
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and traces his fingers over my panty line, his other hand still firmly grasping my ass.
“I told you, you looked good didn’t I?” he asks. I try to read his face, to see if this is some kind of sick joke he’s trying to pull. I quickly glance behind me as if there’s someone with a camera hiding in my closet, ready to expose me.
“No one’s here,” he murmurs, pulling me closer so my stomach is pressed against his chest, My hands raise to his shoulders and I feel my breathing become heavy and rapid. 
“‘M so confused I thought you hated me?” I ask, trailing my fingers along his neck, still fighting the urge to touch his hair. He’s looking up at me intently, chin gently resting on my chest.
“I could never hate you,” he responds plainly. The silence between us lingers for a few seconds as I contemplate what my next move is.
“You act like it. You were just berating me like ten minutes ago” I decide to respond, curious as to what he could say next.
“Why don’t you let me show you how much I don’t hate you.” 
I decided I wasn’t going to let Rafe feel like he was in control of the situation. I swing my right leg around him, pushing him down onto my bed, my face hovering over his. His hands readjust on my hips pushing my crotch down against his, and I feel his hard bludge throbbing through his pants against the thin fabric of my dress.
“Holy shit,” I mumble, holding eye contact as his face remains unreadable. 
“Told you,” he whispers before reaching his face up to lock his lips with mine. His mouth is slightly parted and I glide my tongue over his. He groans in the kiss and bucks his hips against mine. My hand tangles into his hair, the other is pushing me up in support. His right hand releases from my hip and he reaches to pull my hair out of my face, clutching it into a fist behind my neck. 
Our lips move painfully slow against each other, and he pushes me by the neck deeper into the kiss.
My hands release from his hair and trail down to unbutton his shirt. When I get down to the last button he sits us up to pull it off his shoulders, flinging the shirt across the room. Our mouths still attached, he finds the zipper to my dress on the side and begins to unzip the fabric. 
“Every guy in Kildare was eye fucking you tonight.” he finally says, breaking our kiss.
“‘N I know all of them are having wet dreams tonight just hoping to get the chance to take this dress off of you.” I roll my eyes and pull myself off of him to let the rest of the dress slip down my body, leaving me in only white lace panties. 
“Lucky you,” I state, leaning over to unbutton his pants. He stands to let them fall to the ground, and grabs my body, pushing it down to the bed, and climbing on top of me. His hands are on the side of my head and he's hovering over my body, scanning me with his eyes up and down. He runs one hand down the side of my body and I feel myself tremble under his touch.
“Yea, lucky me,” he whispers before leaning down to attach his mouth to my right nipple.
“Fuck” I breathe out heavily, grasping his hair with both hands, letting a soft whimper fall from my lips in response to his mouth attacking my sensitive bud. 
My eyes roll to the back of my head as he attaches his mouth to my left nipple, using his free hand to fondle my right boob. His tongue laps over my nipple repeatedly and I squirm beneath him, reaching my hand down to feel his dick over his Polo boxers.
I gulp hard when I finally grasp his length, eyes squeezing shut just imagining what it would feel like inside. He had a thick girth, and I felt a slight curve towards the tip. My mouth began to water, and I heard myself panting beneath him. 
“Sure you don’t want me to stop?” he finally asks, his mouth skimming over my chest, up my neck and finally laying a wet kiss on my cheek. My eyes flutter open and I see him staring directly down at me. I shake my head and he tsks his tongue.
“Use your words,” he commands.
“No I don’t want you to stop.” I surprise myself at the authoritative tone. I see a flash of excitement in his eyes, the first emotion he's shown since he entered my room.
“Lets see whats under these pretty little panties.” he coos, pulling himself off of me, onto his knees at the edge of the bed. He pulls me down by my legs so they’re dangling over the edge. His hands creep up my legs and I try my best to hold still as he drags my underwear down my legs, flicking them to the side. He pushes open my legs with both hands, peppering kisses on the inside of my right thigh. His hair tickles me and I slightly fidget beneath him. His hands hold down my legs, forcing me to become still again.
He takes a hand to spread me open, the other still firmly gripped on my thigh.
“So fuckin’ pretty” he whispers, before dipping his tongue in between my folds. I let out a long sigh at the feeling of his tongue against such a sensitive part of my body. My back arches up from the bed and I reach down to place a hand in his hair. His tongue traces circles all around my pussy, licking up all of the juices from the stimulation he’s given me.
“Taste like heaven,” he mumbles against my skin, slowing his pace, dragging his tongue up and down, devouring me. Rafe flicks his tongue at my clit finally and I let out a deep moan, earning a chuckle from him. 
He runs a finger between my folds, teasing my entrance. His eyes finally flicker up to mine and I prop myself up on my elbows. He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head, yes, permitting him to do whatever he wants. He slides the finger in with ease and my head rolls back.
His mouth attaches to my clit and he forcefully sucks at it while pumping his index finger in and at at a constant pace. 
“Fuck Rafe” I gasp out. He slides a second finger inside, stretching me out. He curls the fingers up, hitting a spot that makes me embarrassingly whimper beneath him. His tongue flattens against my bud and he makes strokes up and down, fastening the pace of his fingers. 
He moans against my pussy, and I release a full-body tremble, his eyes flash up to me and I bite down on my bottom lip, holding in the moan I so desperately want to let out. 
“Let me hear you,” he says, breaking contact from my throbbing clit for a second, before dipping back in, keeping his eyes on me. I stare directly into his eyes and let out the most pathetic moan I’ve ever heard escape my lips. 
His eyes roll and for a second he loses pace with his fingers. After collecting himself again and getting back to work, I let whimpers fall from my mouth uncontrollably as I felt myself reaching my climax. 
My legs shake uncontrollably under his hold and I finally cry out
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Panting heavily I pull desperately at his hair with one hand, the other clawing at his shoulder, digging my nails into his skin as I come undone on his face. He keeps the pace exactly where I need him as I ride out my high, moaning profanities out loud that in the morning I knew I would be embarrassed of him hearing. 
After a few moments of him cleaning me up with his tongue, his head pops up between my thighs, with a big smirk spread across his face.
“That was hot,” he says, using my thighs to help him push himself up. I lay there, deflated as a balloon, blissed out of my mind as he waltzed over to my bathroom to rinse off his hands and face. I watch him from the corner of my eye check himself out in the mirror and he finally strolls back over, leaning down to pick his pants up off the ground.
I stare at him, analyzing his next moves. He pulls his pants up over his boxers and scans the room for his shirt. I point in the direction of where he threw it, and finally sit up, pulling a throw blanket over my naked body.
“Are we not gonna…” I say, puzzled at him getting fully clothed again.
“Nah Top’s having an after and I said I would bring some of my stash” 
I try to not let disappointment fall on my face at the fact that he wasn’t actually going to fuck me. 
“Don’t worry Y/N, we’ll fuck somday.” he says smugly, buttoning up his shirt. I scoff and roll my eyes, walking over to my drawer with the blanket wrapped around me. I pull a large T-shirt out of the middle drawer and slide it over me.
“Says who?” I finally snap back, turning to look at him. He walks over, pressing me against my dresser. My body still shaking from the orgasm I just had. 
He stared deep into my eyes, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face.
“Something tells me you’ll be begging for it soon.” I roll my eyes again and push him away from me.
“Whatever” I finally say, sitting on my bed. “You’re not gonna tell anyone right?” I ask as he slips on his shoes.
“No, I’m not gonna tell anyone you just came all over my face.” he says, grinning from ear to ear. 
“You’re so fucking annoying.” I say, throwing the same stuffed animal he was examining earlier at him. Unfortunately he catches it with ease and he chuckles, tossing it back onto the bed. 
“Happy Birthday Y/N. See ya in 3rd period!” he says chipperly, before exiting my patio doors.
I stare at the doors in disbelief. This was the most Rafe Cameron thing he’s ever done to me.
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sarahscribbles · 9 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞. 𝐇𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝.
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤: 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐.𝟓𝐤
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You know you’ve danced with the devil before you even enter your bedroom.
The double doors to the room are shut, but Loki’s displeasure seems to permeate from within, making the air in the hallway feel heavy and sending your heart thundering within your chest. He hadn’t appreciated the little game of cat and mouse that you had initiated at Nat’s birthday party - something that was all too clear when he skulked from the room an hour ago - and now you’re left to wonder if you’ve sorely miscalculated by trying to play the God of Mischief at his own game.
You had only wished to provoke him into some angry sex against the nearest horizontal surface - and maybe again against a flat one for good measure - but now? Now, you’re running through a list of what might be waiting for you on the other side of the doors
Loki, afterall, has punished you for less - the thought of which sends a shiver down your spine and a pleasant tingle between your thighs. 
When you finally push open one side of the doors, you step into a room in shadow. The only light in the room comes from the twin lamps that adorn your separate bedside cabinets, but it’s enough to see Loki sat in the chair by the bottom of the bed. One long leg is crossed over the other and a book is lying open across his lap, though you know he isn’t reading it. He doesn’t look up at the sound of the door snapping closed in the latch, or at your footsteps on the wooden floors. 
His silence is unnerving and makes your stomach flip in excited trepidation. He knows exactly what he’s doing in dragging this out, knows exactly how to play with your mind as expertly as he plays with your body. His soul is bound to yours, and it’s one thing he’ll always use to his advantage. 
It’s only when you begin to noticeably fidget that he decides to speak. 
“I do hope you didn’t leave the party because of me, darling.” You hear his deep voice purr while attempting to unbuckle the strap of your heels. It doesn’t budge no matter what you do, and you’re suddenly very aware of the heavy weight of Loki’s gaze resting on you. “No. They stay on.”
A brief pulse of irritation surges through you. “Loki, it’s been hours. I need -,” you begin, but the sound of his book slamming closed silences you instantly. 
Oh shit.
“It has been hours,” he replies, his voice deadly but still smooth as silk. “Hours since I last saw you at the beginning of the celebrations. Now, why would that be?”
Your painted lips quirk in the beginning of a smile, but you’re quick to bite it back. “I was only playing the game that you’re always to eager to start, my prince,” you reply sweetly, making sure to flutter your eyelashes at him. 
Loki’s gaze doesn’t leave you, and the brat slowly awakening inside you refuses to back down. You raise an eyebrow and you swear you see the corner of his mouth twitch.
“I wasn’t in the mood for games, darling,” he says quietly. “I had an entire evening planned for you. One that would only end when your voice was hoarse.” 
That same tingle of anticipation, of promise, sizzles to life between your thighs again and sets your blood on fire. 
“Maybe if you had worn a different suit I might have been interested,” you reply breezily, not missing the slight narrowing of his eyes. 
“By all means, continue to be a brat, darling. You’re only succeeding in prolonging your punishment.” His voice wraps around soft as velvet, but with just enough of an edge that you know he means it. 
“Oh, no! What are you going to do, Loki? Fuck me into the mattress? Please, have mercy!” you tease him because you love nothing more than digging your own grave. 
Loki lifts the book from his lap - an elaborate hardcover that you bought him the previous Christmas - and lets it fall from his hands to the floor, the resounding thump echoing that of your own heartbeat.
“Over here. Now,” he says.
The commanding timbre of his voice lights a fire in your veins - he’s fully committed to being dominant tonight, but, unfortunately for him, you’re equally committed to being a brat. 
His eyes roam over you as you cross the room, taking in every inch - or lack of inches - on the little black dress you’re wearing. He doesn’t stop until his eyes reach your feet, still locked in your heels by his magic, and you swear you see the bastard smirk. 
Loki leans back in the chair, spreading his thighs obscenely wide while he rests one elbow on the armrest. The other is dangling loosely over the side as he appraises you like you’re a prized portrait he’s considering purchasing. 
It’s predatory and hungry, but it only makes your cunt throb. 
Elegant fingers toy with his lips as he continues to watch you, but they don’t hide the smirk that’s only grown across his handsome face. “I thought you had realised by now, darling,” he purrs, shifting his hips so you can see the faint bulge at the front of his trousers. “You don’t stand a chance of ever winning these little games.”
“Who said the game is over?” you reply, surprised at how sassy you’ve managed to sound. 
Loki’s eyes smoulder as he looks at you, a roaring flame of arousal and determination reflected back at you. The intoxicating feeling of seeing so clearly what you do to him is something you’ll never grow tired of. 
“Me,” he says simply.
It’s one word, one tiny word, but it squashes out any remaining push back that was in you. The game is over and you lost. 
You feel a sudden pressure at your back, enough to startle you before you realise he’s using his seidr to push you towards him. Each step is one that’s out of your control, and you hit his knees at the same time he reaches out to easily maneuver you across them, resting a strong arm across your upper back to hold you in place. 
“God of Overreacting much?” you huff quietly, something that earns you a firm smack to your ass. You’re still covered by the soft material of your dress, so it doesn’t hurt much, just enough to make you fall silent.
For now.
Loki’s cool fingers dance along your bare thigh, back and forth, back and forth, sending a pleasant tingle shooting through your lower stomach. His touch has the power to both ground you and excite you, it’s comforting and electrifying.
It’s Loki.
“Are you going to continue being a brat? Or are you going to take your punishment like a good girl?” he asks quietly.
Those sinful fingers are still ghosting over your skin in a silent threat, almost daring you to give a contrary answer. “I’ll be good,” you answer because, truthfully, what other choice do you have?
Loki releases a hum of approval. “Good girl,” he purrs, using one skilled hand to slide the hem of your dress over the swell of your ass. “Nothing underneath, darling? My, my, what were you hoping for this evening?” 
He’s given you the perfect opening, one that you can’t pass up even though you know you’ll regret it. Loki will make sure of that. “To see if what everyone says about Bucky’s metal arm is true,” you reply. 
You know you’ve waved a red flag to a bull, and it’s only confirmed when Loki’s hand comes down again in a decidedly harder smack. This time, it’s enough to make you hiss quietly in pain. 
“Continue to be a brat and you’ll have no release tonight. Understood?” His tone is firm, leaving no doubt that he will deny you if you push him any further.
With your orgasm potentially on the line, you’re quick to answer him. “Yes, Loki,” you reply obediently, submissively. 
Above you, all you can hear is the deep, steady sound of his breathing and the barely perceptible rustle of his clothing. The uncertainness is tantalisingly teasing, especially with how his hand is slowly caressing your ass in a wordless promise of what’s to come. 
It’s enough to have you clenching desperately around air. 
“How many, darling, hmm?” he asks finally, mischief dripping like honey from every syllable. 
It’s a cruel game he plays with you. If you guess too low, he’ll double your answer, but if you guess too high, he’ll call you his little masochist and follow through gladly. 
Because Loki can be a bastard when the mood strikes him. 
“Ten?” you answer slowly, feeling your heart thudding in your chest with anticipation. 
There’s a beat of silence after you speak, long enough that a cold fear begins to weave through you. You’ve guessed too low. You played it safe and any second you’re going to hear that velvet laugh of his before he mocks you.
Maybe, if he’s feeling particularly sadistic, he’ll make you beg for more. 
When he finally speaks, you release a quiet breath of relief. “Ten aside? I’m inclined to agree with you, dove,” he concedes. 
You bite your tongue. You hadn’t meant ten aside, but you know he’s being merciful, and you’re in no position to tease the dragon tonight. You swallow a whimper and brace for the force of his hand, but as the seconds keep ticking by, it still doesn’t come. He’s playing with you, making you wonder and wait, so that when his hand lands firm and fast against your ass, you can’t help the sharp shriek of shock that escapes you. 
“Count, darling,” Loki warns. “And remember to thank me.” 
You take a breath, steadying yourself now that the initial shock is waning. “One. Thank you, Loki.” 
Your ass stings in the aftermath, crying out for Loki’s cool soothing touch, but he refuses to give you it. Instead, his skilled fingers dip between your thighs to expertly tease your clit. 
“Good girl,” he praises you, all while you’re quietly moaning at how good his touch feels, even going so far as to try and spread your legs. Loki only chuckles. “I don’t think so, darling,” he teases and removes his hand. 
A mewl of discontent slips past your lips before you can stop it. “Please, Loki,” you plead, rocking your hips against his knees in a vain search for friction. 
He doesn’t answer nor entertain your plea, instead only brings his hand down sharply again. The sound of flesh hitting flesh seems to echo around the room, but it doesn’t mask the sound of your pained groan. 
“Two. Thank you, Loki,” you hastily find your voice. It hurts more than you thought it would, but you’re also wetter than you thought you would be. 
His little masochist indeed.
The next few are rained down so rapidly that you don’t get even a second to recover. They’re swift and so firm that you won’t be surprised if there’s an outline of Loki’s hand on your ass tomorrow morning. He isn’t going easy on you tonight, and it doesn’t take long until your ass is burning and the occasional tear is slipping down your cheeks.
He pauses after seven to let you catch your breath, blessedly caressing your skin to soothe the burn, though you know without a doubt he’s taking the time to admire his handiwork. The coolness of his touch feels so heavenly that you’re almost whining when it leaves to dip back between your thighs. 
“You’re doing so well, dove. I’m very proud of you,” he murmurs gently, teasing your clit until the first faint stirrings of an orgasm begin to lurch to life. “Only three more, but, I must warn you, they’ll be the most difficult.” 
Just like that, his fingers are gone, and you have to fight the overpowering urge to beg for him. As much as he enjoys it, you know he won’t waver tonight. You release a breath and nod, only partially hearing Loki’s “good girl” before his hand connects with your ass again. The force of it is enough to make you cry out and grit your teeth.
It also makes the ache between your thighs multiply tenfold. 
“Eight. Thank you, Loki,” you say shakily. It stings so bad, but you’re determined to see it out to the end. You’re determined to be his good girl. 
His hand leaves again, only to land with equal force on the same spot as before. Your ass has never hurt so badly. 
“Fuck!” You curl your hands into fists and groan. “Nine. Thank you, Loki.” 
You wait nervously for the final one. You know he’s going to make it the worst, the one that will likely leave a colourful bruise in its wake, and the anticipation has your stomach doing summersaults. 
But when that final smack comes, it’s barely more than a love tap to your ass. 
Your entire body deflates gratefully. “Ten. Thank you, Loki,” you finish. 
As quickly as it started, your punishment is over. The heavy weight of Loki’s arm is lifting from your upper back and he’s easily gathering you up and twisting you around so you’re straddling him. Without a word, he’s wiping the last of your tears away with the soft pads of his thumbs. 
“There’s my good girl,” he says softly, now cradling your face in his hands. “I’m so very proud of you, my darling.” 
His praise has a golden warmth bubble happily in your core. Your sore ass is entirely worth it if Loki calls you his good girl. 
“I’m sorry for avoiding you. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, love,” you say quietly. You are sorry - you know how quickly Loki’s mind can feed him lies out of something innocent, and you never want to be the source of any of his hurt. 
He hushes you and, before you can draw breath, he’s pulling you into a kiss. It’s slow but hungry, soft but filled with all the raw desire for you that’s pulsating through his blood. You wrap yourself around him easily, twisting your hands into those silky curls and losing yourself to the taste of him. 
Your god, your Loki. 
His hands drift to cup your ass, and you can’t stop the grateful hum against his lips at that soothing coolness. It’s something that Loki doesn’t miss, and you feel him smile into your kiss. 
“Would you rather this? Or would you rather I reward you for your exemplary behaviour?” he teases, smirking wickedly at you as his hands continue running over your ass. 
You pretend to think. “What does this reward entail?” you ask coyly. 
“It entails you and I in that bed for the next few hours,” he says, leaning in to begin placing tiny kisses along the column of your neck.
You hum while his lips continue to travel along your neck and across your collarbone. “I’ll take it.”
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number1jeonginstan · 9 months
can you please make a jeongin smut? jeongin had too much screen time on his computer playing games and you were angry at him so you ignored him and he wanted to pay you back by joining you on the shower and made a make out session in the shower
A/N: I hope you like this!! Also, thank you for being my first-ever ask!!!
WC: 1k
You were lying on your bed waiting for Jeongin to end his game. You were casually scrolling through your phone, waiting for him to finish his game with Felix and Beomgyu. Ever since Felix helped him build a PC, he has been on it non-stop.  The last full conversation you guys had was him telling you how he was going to get a new graphics card to have smoother gameplay. You wanted to rip the damn wires out of the thing, he was spending every second, not working, on the computer. You knew he needed a break, constantly being stressed especially with the new comeback right after their Japanese EP, but you missed him. You missed being close to him, and spending time with him, but most of all you missed the sex. You were not someone with a high sex drive, but you missed having him on you, in you, kissing you.
“Innie, do you know how much longer you are playing for? I want to sleep soon.” you sighed. 
You hoped he could hear the annoyed tone in your voice, you wanted him to look up from his computer and look at you, but he just responded with a “in a little bit”. You waited another minute but the only thing you heard was him telling Felix to look behind him. You just groaned, looking back at your phone, deciding on reading a book for a bit if he was going to take a long time. An hour passed like this, the sound of him occasionally yelling into his mic and you flipping through your book. You got more and more immersed in your book, a romance novel your friend recommended for you to read. “He took her clit in his mouth, lightly sucking it as she ran her fingers through his hair,” you whined slightly, feeling yourself getting wet from the words. 
You couldn’t believe it, you were so touch-starved that just reading the book soaked your underwear. “Innie, I’m going to go take a shower.” You quickly got up, not wanting to feel your underwear stick to you. He just nodded, allowing you to go to the bathroom. What you did not realize was that Jeongin had finished his game ten minutes prior. He was watching you from the black screen of your computer. Your face scrunching a bit, and he heard your whine. The little sound you always made when you needed him. 
He went over to the bed, opening the book to the page you left off of, and his eyes widened. You were getting off to a book while your own boyfriend was just a foot away. He felt like shit, he didn’t realize how much he was ignoring you and he felt even worse that you did not speak up. He knew that he needed to make it up to you and make you feel appreciated as you do to him every day. He quickly took off his shirt, leaving him only in his sweatpants, and entered the bathroom. You were already in the shower, shampooing the roots of your hair. 
You did not realize that he was behind you til you turned around to get conditioner. “Hi,” he grinned at you, his signature smirk splayed on his face. “Hi,” you responded back with the cheesiest grin. He cusped your jaw in his hand, kissing you passionately. It felt like time had stopped, you missed him so much, groaning into the kiss. “What do I get to owe this pleasure to?” you asked giggling a bit. “You were getting off to a fictional man, while your hot, cool, tall boyfriend was right in front of you” he pouted, kissing you once again. “When did I get a tall boyfriend?” you asked trying to hide the smile on your face. 
“Hey!” he screamed “I don’t think you deserve my kisses after that.” You pouted at him, taking his cock in your hand and he groaned. “No,” he took your hand off his cock, “this is about you, I want you to feel good, my good girl,” he said against your lips. “But I want you in me” you pleaded looking up at him with your doe eyes. “Fuck, don’t say that to me.” 
He hoisted you up onto the side of the shower, his back being sprayed with water. “Let me prep you okay? It’s been a while, I don’t want you to get hurt.” You just nodded, moaning when he inserted a finger into you. “Fuck, you are so wet, did you miss me this much, need my fingers in you. You are so tight, don’t think I can even fit a second finger, but you can take it can’t you? You are going to take it like a good girl?” You whimpered at his words. “I can take another one, I can be a good girl, want your cock Jeongin, please I can take it.” 
He groaned, loving the way you felt his fingers in you, scissoring inside of you. You were always so tight, but after not fucking for two weeks, he knew that he had to stretch you more than usual. He wanted to make you cum, wanting to hear your moans as you reached your climax, so he lifted you higher, face directly at your cunt. He licked up at you taking your clit in his mouth sucking slightly, groaning at your taste as he continued to fuck his fingers inside of you. That was all you needed to cum. 
He rubbed soap on you and conditioned your hair as you came down from your high. He wanted to give you time to relax before he fucked you so hard you couldn’t think about anything else but his name. After you both finished washing up, he took a towel, wrapped it around you, and kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention to you, baby, it won’t happen again.” He made sure you knew how much he meant it as he fucked you into your bed.
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balioc · 5 months
Is this a concept-formulation that's already kicking around out there somewhere? It might well be. It feels like the sort of thing that someone would already have developed. But it's new to me, at least, so I'll muddle around with it as best as I can.
On one end of the spectrum, you've got the musical hook. A hook is maybe two seconds of music, if that. And when you hear it, if it's good, you get a concentrated spike of -- oh, yeah, that's the shit right there, this exact experience in this exact moment is fucking awesome. And then, as soon as it's come, it's gone. All you can do is wait for it to come back later in the track, or rewind a few seconds, or maybe just replay that tiny little scrap of music in your head.
The pleasure of a good hook is incredibly condensed. It doesn't even really extend into the rest of the song, let alone into the rest of your life. To experience it, you have to be listening to those exact few bars (if only in your mind). It has no penumbra, no shades-of-experience that color other aspects of your existence. On the other hand, well...when you're listening to those exact few bars, you know it, and it's great. If it's a good enough hook, you kinda just want to listen to it over and over again, like you're popping Pringles or something.
All the way on the other end of the spectrum, you've got something like a traditional-style TTRPG campaign.
Even when it's being run masterfully, a game like D&D has a very low proportion of that's the shit right there moments, and a very high proportion of tedious yak-shaving stuff. Every so often you get your critical success in a high-stakes moment, every so often you get your awesome monologue or your big-drama scene or whatever...but for every moment like that, there's a hundred moments or more of the other stuff. The commonplace D&D play experience is famous for its vast amounts of OOC joking-around, which is not how things look when people are deeply engaged with the art on a moment-by-moment basis. And, of course, not every campaign is run masterfully. Sometimes boredom, or eye-rolling, is what you get in almost every moment.
And yet people love their D&D campaigns, like really incredibly a lot, and are deeply affected by them, and not-uncommonly have their whole lives changed by them.
The correct model here, I think, is that the pleasure generated by that kind of TTRPG experience is super diffuse. It's almost all penumbra. The awesomeness doesn't inhere in any one moment, or even any one scene or any one story arc. It inheres in the broad strokes of the campaign, in the ongoing knowledge that YOU ARE YOUR COOL CHARACTER and you go on a million cool adventures, in the mythos and the running jokes that add up invisibly over time into magic. And it pervades the entirety of your existence. You can think about it when you're lying in your bed, you can chat about it with your friends over lunch, and the awesomeness is just as much there as it is when you're actually playing. Maybe more so.
Once you start looking at art through this variable-diffusion-of-appreciation lens, you can see many different points on the spectrum.
It's obvious that a short story is more concentrated than a novel, which is more concentrated than a series; it's obvious that a movie is more concentrated than a TV show. But it's not just the choice of medium that pushes in one direction or the other. It's a million different choices concerning content and style. Lushly descriptive language, in prose fiction, serves to concentrate the reader's appreciation into the moment of reading -- it forces the expenditure of extra attention for the sake of creating a beautiful mental moment, which in the vast majority of cases will be gone and forgotten almost instantly. Abstracted and philosophical language does the exact opposite, pulling the reader out of the narrative for a little bit for the sake of giving him something to roll around in his head. Suspense, and surprising plot developments, are concentration techniques that can have their full effect only during the transition from unspoiled-to-spoiled (and they serve to emphasize and heighten the moments of that transition). Archetypical, iconic plots are diffusion techniques that trade predictability-in-the-now for satisfaction-in-contemplating-the-story-later.
Sitcoms strike me as being vehicles for diffuse appreciation, to a huge extent, even more than other TV shows of comparable length etc. Much of what makes them good is just the presence of the characters and their distinctive shticks in your mindscape, in a way that builds from episode to episode without any particular grounding in specifics. When I think about a sitcom that I like, I find myself concluding that I like the show overall more than I like any single given episode. Which is weird, right? You'd expect some sort of bell-curve thing where the best episodes, or even the best individual moments, rise up above the averaged-out mass of the whole. But no.
Fannishness is, overall, a very diffuse form of appreciation. This is true in the very-obvious sense that you're enjoying the work during a time when you're not actually consuming the work, by dint of consuming/producing fanworks and talking with other fans etc. But it's also true in the somewhat-less-obvious sense that the enjoyment-of-the-thing usually ends up very unrooted in the specifics of the thing, the plot beats and characterization details and so forth. You have a big beloved vibe, with lots of bits and bobs attached, and you can take the bits and bobs you like best and rearrange them however you like best when you're engaging in fandom.
I believe it is overall true that concentrated appreciation is much more legible than diffuse appreciation. More legible to artists and art theorists, more legible to marketers and consumers. When you talk about art being good or bad or successful or unsuccessful, it's very easy to think in terms of "what is it like to consume this moment-by-moment?", and much harder to think in terms of "how does each piece of the work pervade the whole of the work, and also the general thoughtscape of the consumer?" For this reason, concentration techniques are associated with prestige, and high-prestige analysis tends to focus on a work's ability to generate concentrated appreciation.
...I also believe that different people want to be appreciating art, in the ideal case, at different levels of diffusion. There are people for whom a good artistic experience means lots of crack-hit awesome moments, and others for whom a good artistic experience means getting to live in an infinite penumbra, and others who fall at every point in between.
For reasons I may discuss later, I think this concept-suite is extremely valent to the construction of theater LARPs, and the tension between people who expect more-concentrated enjoyment and people who expect more-diffuse enjoyment is responsible for a lot of the Wars Over What's Good within that sphere.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 10 months
The hangover
Shigaraki x fem reader part one
Part two
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A/N: this one gets pretty angsty because I was gonna make this one as a one shot but it was getting long, next part will be smut 💕 DNI minors and antis, you have been warned. ( p.s. I did tear up a bit when I was getting to him being upset towards reader.😭😭)
Warning: angsty + shigaraki can't handle his emotions + they both have kinda unhealthy relationships but it's tomura being a little possessive towards reader + insecure tomura.
You snore softly as the warmth feels nice on your body. Your heavy eyelid flutters open from sleep and a bit of a headache comes from your hangover.
What just happened? Your eyes wide in fear as you realize you were snuggling up to your boss, your head on his scarred chest.
Did we just…. No it can't be, is it?? You were puzzled by this as you slowly removed the covers to see you're wearing your previous outfit last night. How did I get into his room?!?
*last night*
" Bring it on asshole." You were challenged by dabi because he wanted to see who can drink the most alcohol. It was a competition where it was you, dabi, spinner, twice and mr.compress.
Both spinner and twice chicken out as it was the three of us drinking away. It turns out you beat dabi by three shots and you were more drunk than anyone.
" uhh Y/n, I think you had too much to drink dude. "Spinner's concerned voice echoed in your mind as he gently put his hand on your shoulder.
" yeah I'm with spinner on this one… no drink more y/n!! " twice said as he takes the drinks away, your cloudy mind looks at them for a bit more than turning your head at dabi who is knocked out cold.
" I-I'm finneee *hiccup* I'm going to bed. " you shake them off of you as mr.compress said." Are you sure you don't need any assistance? " You shake your head no as you begin to waddle away to your room.
You walk alone down the hall as you grab the handle, it's pretty slippery as you giggle quietly.
The bright light didn't alert you once you entered the room, you thought it was your room only to enter shigaraki's room.
Tomura wasn't in the room as you guys were having a great time with the drinking competition, he was more focused on gaming.
Now he's in his bed watching a random streamer playing a new game. He raised his brow and wasn't expecting someone to enter his room at this late hour.
His cheeks turned a shade of pink and realized it was you who was clumsy enough to walk in.
He had a huge crush on you since you joined the group. Your quirk is quite useful, you weren't great in combat but your quirk was reading other's thoughts, very useful to see who is lying and who is telling the truth by you speaking out loud what they are thinking.
It was also a problem for him since he knew he had to keep his mind clean otherwise you will be surprised by what he actually thinks of you.
He turned his phone off quickly as you removed your shoes and socks.
You stretch a bit, yawn loudly, shigaraki couldn't help but to see your soft skin being exposed in front of his eyes.
Shit not now, fuck.. he turn away as he cover himself.
You slipped inside the covers as you curled up to him as the soft snore came out of you.
Shigaraki was terrified, he wasn't expecting a person, a beautiful woman like yourself to curl up to him like that, he just knows you wouldn't act like this if you were sober.
But this was the closest thing he really hoped to last longer, he sighs softly as he turns over to see your sleepy form.
So soft and pretty… he caressed your arm and didn't realize he had all his fingers on your skin. He quickly removed his fingers, what the hell is wrong with you, you could have decayed her… wait something is off.
He tried it again, putting all five fingers on your arm. He blinked fast.. nothing was happening.
He tries your hands as he carefully holds your hand, locking the fingers together. Your snoring is quite soothing and you're breathing.. you're alive and didn't get disintegrated instantly.
It puzzles him more, you said you have one quirk and that reading minds.. What the hell?
Shigaraki has to talk to you when you wake up, that means you belong to him now. It means he doesn't have to worry about hurting you and he can feel what it's like to touch a human being.
He sighs dreamy, he has to have you already, no one shall have you.
He closed his eyes as he hoped there a chance for him.
You quietly removed yourself out of his bed, he looked so peaceful sleeping, his white hair messy and he had a small smile resting on his scarred lips.
As you get your shoes and socks you hear him grunt out.
" Y/n… " you turn your head towards him as he whimpers in his sleep.
" don't leave… me…. Please. " You feel bad, you could stay and wake him up but you don't know what to do.
You walk towards the door, maybe you'll pretend nothing happened and he was just dreaming. It couldn't get worse right? 
It's been a couple of days since that incident, you avoid your boss every time he tries to get you alone, you feel shit every single time you go on a mission or make some dumb excuses to avoid him.
It's late at night as you were hiding at your favorite spot, on top of the roof drinking away.
Maybe it is for the best that you keep avoiding him… you hear the creak of the door as you take a long sip.
" dabi, I don't wanna hear you bitch-... " you turn your head to see the boss emerging out and coming towards you, you immediately shut up after you see him. His eye bags were dark and his expression looked.. sad like he was crying.
He quietly sat on the edge of the roof as you took another sip.
You can feel it, his aura is intense, you shouldn't have avoided him, you thought he wasn't bothered by it a few days ago but it was definitely eating him alive.
Before you have time to speak, he started." Why? " It was short and simple..
His crimson eyes fill with sadness as he turns towards you. 
" Why are you avoiding me?? Is it because I'm that ugly to YOU.." you weren't expecting his voice to boom so loud, you can feel the pain in his voice as he shakes.
" I-.. " there was a tear coming down his scarred cheeks.
" Is that why you're too ashamed of my presents?? " he tilted his head angrily as the angry build up.
" are you seen someone, is that why you're avoid-.."
" no no no shigaraki.. please calm down. "You try your best to respond to him but the heat and venom he spits out as more tears slide down.
" I know what happened that night y/n I-..." he leaned towards you as he pulled you close. He puts his face towards your chest as he begins to sob out.
You weren't expecting him to cry and his emotions getting out of hand, why did you avoid him? Maybe you should have talked about it sooner.
" hey… shigaraki. " he looks up at you with hope as he wet your shirt with his tears.
" Listen boss, I didn't know it would affect you badly.. the reason why was because I was scared. " he narrowed his eyes towards you.
" I just thought leaving the room was best for us…." You started to tear up too.
" I thought you weren't interested in me because you were kind of dick towards me." It was true in the beginning Tomura was rude and thought you could get killed easily and would get captured by the heros if you go on a mission but he was actually protecting you from dangerous situations, he didn't want to lose you.
" I'm sorry for causing all of this. "You rarely use your quirk on others because it feels like you are invading their private thoughts, you only use it when it's an important mission.
So you were curious about what he was thinking right now.
You activate your quirk, your normal eye color turns into a bright orange hue.
( so you're not mad about me? Don't find me hideous. Are you staying here with me love please stay… ) your cheeks turn pink, you feel bad for causing this, feeling shit for having him work up over your shitty behavior.
" No, I'm not leaving tomura..." you rub his tears away as you smile softly.
(Shit you're using your quirk.. can you hear this part just for me. ) you see shigaraki start to smirk as he bites his lips.
(Listen to me, I'll fuck you so hard that you won't be walking for days you hear me. ) his eyes clouds with lust as you start to fluster red.
(Keep me waiting for so long, you were driving me insane. Your body… fuck.) His eyes look down at your body as he makes eye contact.
(You have no idea how I wanna fuck you the day you join the League.. please let me have you. ) you deactivate your quirk as you squeak a little, you weren't expecting him to think like that towards you and now you feel hot and bothered by it.
" you didn't answer my question y/n~ " he purrs at you, pulling you closer.
" Now we're on this topic, I'm gonna ask you on that day. " he tilted his head as he spoke.
" Remember you telling me you have one quirk right? " You tilt your head should you answer the first one or the second one.
" Yes to the first one and why? " Tomura purring like a cat as he pulls you onto his lap as he growls at you.
" watch this. " He carefully moves his hand towards you, putting his hand on your thighs.
You finch expecting to get killed off by him.
" what the fuck shigaraki-.. " he tilted his head as he smile.
" look… " you see his hand playing the soft flesh as he kneads it tender.
You blink a few times, you've been with them for one year and you always see shigaraki destroying everything with his hands.
" wha-.. " Tomura leaned in as he was inches towards your lips.
" see I'm not hurting you my love.. you're alive. " seeing his hand grip the soft skin as he plays with it.
" I have a second quirk?? " You say out loud costing tomura to chuckle, you always had one quirk throughout your whole life. The doctor never mentioned you had a second quirk nor did your family.
You watch his hand slide up your thighs as it reaches closer to your core.
" Do you wanna continue this gameplay with me, player two? " he said seductively as he played with your hair softly.
You feel something hard poking your entrance as he bites his lips, he rolls his hips up to make you feel everything.
" You don't have to continue this, we can take it nice and slow.. " he leaned in to lick your ear.
" It's your choice after all, princess~. "
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ Anything you need. You’re part of this family. ❜
❛ Kids today, with the internet. It’s amazing. ❜
❛ I read a tweet about a New Yorker article about you. ❜
❛ I’m here at the behest of a client. ❜
❛ You will find me a respectful, quiet, passive observer of the truth. ❜
❛ Are you baiting me? ❜
❛ You think I am dumb enough to be baited into talking family business. ❜
❛ This is not how I wanted to have this conversation. ❜
❛ He’s always been the black sheep of the family. ❜
❛ Are you, goddamn, insane? ❜
❛ You tell her or I will! ❜
❛ I know it’ll hurt, but it’s all for the best. ❜
❛ I expect it’s going to be about something, if not extraordinary, then at least interesting. ❜
❛ Does having a kind heart make you a good nurse? ❜
❛ Just the thought of lying, yeah, it makes me puke. ❜
❛ Have you seen her insta? She’s an influencer. ❜
❛ Can I wait inside? I feel like I shouldn’t be here. ❜
❛ So, somebody suspects foul play. ❜
❛ It makes no damn sense. Compels me though. ❜
❛ I don’t know why we keep going over this. ❜
❛ Physical evidence can tell a clear story with a forked tongue. ❜
❛ Can you just take your goddamn medicine and go to bed? ❜
❛ You really love drama, huh? ❜
❛ Why can’t I beat you at this game? ❜
❛ Such a bad loser you are. ❜
❛ There’s so much of me in that kid. ❜
❛ Playing life like a game without consequence, until you can’t tell the difference between a stage prop and a real knife. ❜
❛ I don’t fear death. ❜
❛ I don’t fear death. But, oh God, I’d like to fix some of this before I go. ❜
❛ Hey. You had a long day. You wanna do drugs? ❜
❛ I messed up. ❜
❛ You know, this is an interesting and efficient method of murder. I need to write this down. ❜
❛ There is no time, you have to listen! ❜
❛ If what you said is true, I’m gone, there’s no saving me. ❜
❛ But you have to do exactly what I tell you. ❜
❛ Will you do this? This last thing. For me. ❜
❛ What do you want me to do? ❜
❛ It sounds crazy, but it will work. ❜
❛ Don’t lie. Tell fragments of the truth. ❜
❛ I keep waiting for the big reveal, where it all makes sense. Wouldn’t that be nice? ❜
❛ Jesus, I’m gonna disappear until the politics talk is done. ❜
❛ Something is afoot with this whole affair. I know it, and I believe you know it too. ❜
❛ I trust your kind heart. ❜
❛ Be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly arrives at the truth. ❜
❛ You do as I say and everything will be just fine. ❜
❛ Best judge of character is a dog. ❜
❛ I don’t feel like talking. I’m distraught. ❜
❛ People grieve in different ways. ❜
❛ I don’t know what any of that means. ❜
❛ Now, you heard something. Spill it. ❜
❛ Maybe this might finally make you grow up. ❜
❛ This might be the best thing that could ever happen to you. ❜
❛ Nothing good is ever easy. ❜
❛ Up your ass. ❜
❛ Matter of fact - eat shit, how’s that? ❜
❛ The game is afoot, eh Watson? ❜
❛ Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do accept it. ❜
❛ You little bitch! ❜
❛ Did you know about this? Were you in this from the beginning? ❜
❛ Were you boinking my father? ❜
❛ In the meantime I’d maybe run. ❜
❛ I’m not on Twitter anymore. ❜
❛ You look like you’re gonna pass out. Have you eaten anything today? ❜
❛ I know I shouldn’t say this out loud, but when he told me, I… Jesus, I coulda killed him. ❜
❛ You asshole. ❜
❛ Tell me everything. ❜
❛ There is much that remains unclear. ❜
❛ I suspect foul play. ❜
❛ I have eliminated no suspects. ❜
❛ You’ve come this far. Let me help you go all the way. ❜
❛ What’s going on? This isn’t you. ❜
❛ You should do whatever you think is right. ❜
❛ You have to make things right. ❜
❛ I want you to know I’m gonna take care of you. ❜
❛ You lay low for a couple of days. Wait for this investigation to blow over, and it will. ❜
❛ Are we rich? ❜
❛ Why is grief the providence of youth? ❜
❛ I’d imagine that age deepens all feelings. Including grief. ❜
❛ One thing I assume of age is weariness. Damned if I don’t get more tired every day. ❜
❛ I think you have something you wanna tell me. ❜
❛ I don’t like any of this. ❜
❛ What kind of blackmail scheme is this? ❜
❛ You regret helping me yet? ❜
❛ Oh my God. I’m just pure adrenaline right now, I feel like I swallowed bees. ❜
❛ That was the dumbest car chase of all time. ❜
❛ Strange case from the start. ❜
❛ Listen, I don’t know what you want. Whatever it is, we can work it out. ❜
❛ I don’t want any more surprises. ❜
❛ God, you’re not much of a detective, are you? ❜
❛ You make a pretty lousy murderer. ❜
❛ You’re a pack of vultures at the feast. ❜
❛ Is anybody else confused? ❜
❛ I’m so sorry. I told them everything, I figured it was up. I’m sorry. ❜
❛ You shared a love of twisting the knife into one another. ❜
❛ I’m warning you! ❜
❛ You won’t get away with this. ❜
❛ A twisted web. And we are not finished untangling it. Not yet. ❜
❛ This is stoopid with two o’s. ❜
❛ You don’t have a shred of evidence. You’re just spinning a fairy tale. ❜
❛ In for a penny, in for a pound. ❜
❛ I knew you were a no good son of a bitch! ❜
❛ And then you’ll see just how much hell I can wreak on your life. ❜
❛ You vicious little bitch! ❜
❛ What the shit!? ❜
❛ I want you to remember something that’s very important: you won not by playing the game his way, but yours. ❜
❛ You’re a good person. ❜
❛ I have my own opinion. But I have a feeling you’ll follow your heart. ❜
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
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Synopsis - You visit your boyfriend the night he told you explicitly not to come. (Part 2 of the Monster Series)
Pairing - Dark! Yandere Werewolf Kim Taehyung x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Alex Wolff (Get it. Wolf. Please Laugh)
Tags and Warnings - Violence, Hints to Sex, Cannibalism??, Monsters, Transformations
Authors Note - Choosing exactly how I wanted to portray Tae took years off my life.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Your boyfriends hands ran over your skin as he sucked hickies into your skin. You giggled at the ticklish feeling. You could hear him snickering into your neck.
“Why are you laughing?” He said coming up to look you directly in your eyes. This only made you laugh more. “Can't take a few kisses?”
“You know I'm ticklish!” You say smacking his shoulder jokingly. Taehyung laughed, his deep voice resounding in your small apartment.
“Why do you think I do it?”
“Because your weird.”
“Hey! That's not very nice now is it?” He replied turning away from you. You knew he was joking, but you still wrapped your arms around him, his chuckling being heard from next to you. He then turned back around to kiss your forehead sweetly, his arm rubbing at your side as you say in your bed together.
Then your attention shifted to the television seemingly mindlessly. “These mysterious maulings have only one connection. They appear on the night of full moons.” The female reporter said, meanwhile her male counterpart laughed.
“Looks like we have a werewolf on our hands dont we!”
“Werewolves aren't real, maybe a goblin!” Both reporters laugh it off before transitioning into talking about the weather.
Taehyung scoffed next to you, his eyes rolling. “Why are they joking about that shit?” His brows furrowed. You take his much larger hand in your own and kiss it. Taehyungs face shifted to one of fondness.
“Well, maybe they're trying to be lighthearted about it… either way it's still very wrong. But hey that has nothing to do with us.”
“Mhmm, of course. Now come on I really want to kiss you again.”
About a month passed after that and Taehyung grew distant for past few days. When you called him he picked up but sounded really stressed.
“Did I do something… to make you not want to be around me anymore?” You ask, sitting down on your couch in the living room of your apartment. Your best friend Alex sat next to you. He wanted to be there for you for support.
"No it wasn't you, it's all me. I just want some time alright?"
"A-Are you breaking up with me..."
“No! Of course not… I swear tomorrow night I can come visit you and everything. Just not tonight.” Taehyung said.
"Oh, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. It's just that you're not usually like this. You have me worr-"
"I fucking told you I'm fine." With that Taehyung hung up. That's all it took for you to make the decision. You had to go visit him.
The sun set as you and Alex pulled into his small house's driveway.
"Stay in the car, I should be right back." You said getting out of the passenger side. You went under the door mat to find the spare key to let yourself back in. Almost immediately something was off.
It was quiet. Taehyung's house, whenever you called wasn't quiet. He told you he can't sit in silence in fact it unnerves him. So he usually lets Jazz music play throughout his home. Besides he usually hangs in his living room, doing crossword puzzles and sudokus. Maybe even playing a video game.
But he was no where in sight.
Something you did hear was the faint tussling of chains.
Following the noise led you to Taehyungs bedroom. You opened the door, revealing a jarring sight. Taehyung was only in his boxers and was chained to his radiator in his room. “Tae! Hold on let me get you out of those!” You said seeing a key lying next to his body. Taehyungs eyes kept going back to look at the setting sun and raising moon.
“No! Stay back!” He yelled at you, letting out andeep gutteral growl and groan. He hunched over, sweat pouring down his body. You followed his order, mainly out of fear. “I don't want to hurt you… I told you to stay the fuck away!”
“W-Whats wrong? You have to tell me what's wr-” You were quickly cut off by a sharp bone crushing noise. Taehyung let out a scream, his nails digging into the wooden floor beneath you. You watched in horror as your boyfriend's body bent out of shape, his bones snapping in a horror like fashion. His face contorted into one of a snout and fur spouted from his skin.
Oh god.
Your boyfriend was a werewolf.
He was THE werewolf.
The beast huffed in front of you, his golden eyes piercing into your soul. Seeing you made him almost roar to life, with a new found strength he broke free of the chains. You stood there in shock for a minute as the form kept huffing.
Then he lunged.
Thats what made you begin to run. His house was small and simple, yet you could see the signs. The walls were covered in scratch marks. In fact even the floor is. But you couldn't focus on that, you had to keep moving.
You made it out of the front door and closed it on him. You quickly head down the porch, seeing that Alex was still in the car. He looked in shock as you got in the passenger seat. “Alex turn the car on.”
“W-What why? What's wrong?!” He yells back at you his eyes stuck on the front door as it bangs against its frame.
“Listen to me. We have to fucking go!” You yelled back. Then just at that moment, Taehyung bursts through the door, the hinges falling off completely. He charges towards your car, his body slamming against the front glass. You and Alex scream as Alex fumbles with the keys, dropping them between the center and his seat. Taehyungs golden eyes make direct contact with Alex and he seems to lose it further growling and clawing to be let in.
“So he can't get us… right?” Alex says, jinxing it as the glass cracks.
“Get in the back seat!” You say jumping to the back and pulling down the drink holder to crawl into the trunk. You have Alex climb in first then you.
Then you hear it.
The bending of metal followed by shrill scream. You look back and see Alex's body being dragged out of the trunk and slammed to the ground. That should've instantly killed him, you knew that. So whenever you're grabbed you begin to freak out, but your not slammed to the ground. You knew some semblance of Taehyung was in him.
The way he looked at you as you cried and cowered away from him.
But the moment was seemingly ruined by Alex letting out a loud cough. “Get away… from her.” He said breathing heavy. Taehyung looked at him before setting you down on the nearby ground, licking your cheek. He grabbed the bumper from your car, pulling it off like it was nothing. He wrapped it over you to seemingly keep you down. You were forced to watch as Taehyung stalk towards your dying friend.
Now you could get a better view at how Taehyung moved. He was like a ordinary man, but with wolfish features. Anytime he walked with an intent he walked on all fours. Like right now. Alex began to crawl away, his head bleeding and nose broken. “C-Come on Tae. It's me. Alex… Alex Wolff. You know me man…”
Taehyung looked at him, you watched as his hand twitched in aggravation. “He never… liked you.” You were taken aback as he spoke. Most importantly how deep it was compared to Taehyungs voice. You let out a yell as Taehyung caught up to Alex and began to slash at him, mauling him with both hands and mouth. You cried out in fear, feeling almost immediately weak at the sight. Once hes done and Alex is for sure gone, nothing but a mangled mess in fact, Taehyung comes back to you. His fur was coated in fresh blood.
“Mate… You were always so... pretty…” The beast mumbles, snout moving in a weird way to get out the words. You cried as he swats away the bent metal to pick up your form again. He brings you back to the inside of his home and sits you down on his couch. You keep your eyes on him, widen in fear at the possibility of his next move. He could kill you if he really wanted too.
But he doesn't. In fact he just lays down on couch resting his head in your lap. He licks at your hand “We love you. Do you still love us…”
You feel yourself choke on a few tears. “…yes…” The sad part is you weren't lying.
Let me know through a dm or ask to be included in my official Taglist- @darkuni63 @fangirl-death-rose @captainengineer-trixie @chimmisbae @iloverubberduckiez-blog @mageprincess7
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ohmymalice · 4 months
Lackluster Tendencies
jschlatt x f!reader | 460 words ! | part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
high school au, sfw, popular girl & quiet guy dynamic
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Schlatt is lying on his bed, staring at the phone in his hand. He saved her number, yet he couldn't get himself to type anything. He was constantly typing and spamming backspace, grumbling to himself about how stupid this whole situation was. He contemplated whether or not he should just give up and wait for her to text him first.
He groaned, weaving his hand through his hair. He quickly realized she didn't have his number, and he'd be forced to reach out first.
After a moment of brief silence, trying to conjure up anything, he decided to give his friend Ted a call. He was streaming right now, but he didn't really mind since the chances of her finding the stream were little to none.
He booted up his PC and entered the empty Discord call Ted sat in, waiting for someone to join as he played a game Schlatt didn't know about. Ba-doop! The sound indicating he had joined VC rang in Ted's ears. He sat for maybe around an hour and thirty, eventually forgetting that he was in VC in the first place.
"Oh, hey, man. I didn't expect you to join at this time, what's up?"
He sighed, slumping forward onto his desk as he opened up Twitch to see chat and Ted's stream.
"Hope you ain't doin' much, Ted, 'cause I need your help with something." Ted's ears immediately pricked up in interest.
Schlatt was usually never the sentimental emotional type, never really reaching out to talk about his personal problems, not that he disliked it. It just wasn't his forte.
"Oh yeah, I was just talking with chat, nothing important."
"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck, realizing how chat would probably make fun of him. "There's this girl—"
"A GIRL? " Ted let out a laugh.
"Not fucking with you or anything. I'm just surprised you usually don't talk about this."
"It's not like that idiot! She saved my ass from being marked late. She gave me her number, and I just wanted to say hi and thank you. I've been typing and retyping my shit like an idiot trying to think of what to say."
Right on cue, everyone in chat started spamming KEWK, laughing in call caps, and mocking him.
"Ha ha ha, fuck you chat." He rolls his eyes despite not having his cam on. Ted just laughs, thinking for a moment.
"Just say something along the lines of..."
He glances at his phone and immediately sees a message. After a few words, he realizes it's her, she somehow got his number.
"Shit, never mind, she texted me first. Thanks, man." Without another word, he left VC, leaving Ted staring at his discord.
"Chat, I don't think I've ever seen him like that.”
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Author's note!!!!
sorry that this part is pretty short, the next part is longer so I hope that can be some sort of compensation .·°՞ (≧□≦) thx 4 reading mwa mwa!!
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