#Just got M6 Seth
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cherry-coke-death-cider 6 months ago
My luck is mostly inconsistent,but it's consistently annoying
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starguardianniom 2 months ago
Harumasa build
I finally did it, I finished building Harumasa this morning! And with him also at M1 since what, thursday?? My boy came home at 50 pulls before pity, I guess it was too tiring to wait all that time? XD
Anyway, core skills, attacks and drive disks are done and so is his w-engine~
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Him when he arrived for his M1~
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He has 2888 attack, and 146% crit damage. So when he crits, which is kind of often because he is constantly with Miyabi and I made them switch so he can hurt anyone who's frozen, let me tell you the enemy's health bar melt fast.
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I spent the last 2 weeks just building him and his attacks I just needed to get that Bringer core for his last core skill which I got this morning and I was set, I had been preparing for a while for him, now I can start building Miyabi more and then start farming for when Hugo will show up.
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Also his w-engine and disk drives. ^^ He is ready!
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Also now he has Rina at level 60 to assist him as well. I need to build level up her disk drives though.
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Also Seth finally decided to let Lucy take his place for once so I finally have her to M6 at long last. I just need to level her up to level 60 now...
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But at least I have her entire mindscape cinema and I got so many times her w-engine that I lended some to Rina. XD
I guess she could also be a good support for Harumasa maybe? We'll see. So far Rina has good synergy with him and Miyabi so I guess I'll keep her.
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starguardianniom 1 month ago
Funny you mention that, I pulled Seth probably over more than a dozen time in Harumasa's banner alone. I swear I can safely say that I can count the times I saw Lucy on Harumasa's banner on one hand. I had kept pulls since Yanagi just for Harumasa, I got him, his w-engine, him one more time, and Miyabi, and he is at M1, Seth got to M6 in one evening with his banner. He can't get enough of him.
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Legit one result of pulling in Harumasa's banner, Nicole came with 3 Seths. On Harumasa's banner. Crazy. He really was worried about his senior causing trouble for me so he came thrice in one setting. XD Would have been funnier if it had been Harumasa instead of Seth but not gonna complain. Seth can't get enough of his senior.
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I think it's funny how much Harumasa likes cats and how cats don't like him. Seth included. And yet I got them both in the same roll : D
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starguardianniom 2 months ago
My latest pulls
Great news, I got Harumasa, his w-engine and Miyabi!!! And then Rina when trying to get M1 Harumasa. XD I guess my keychains prayers really worked~ XD
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Look at my baby! Already maxxed him out to level 60, ignore his stats that was wednesday. XD
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She is beauty, she is elegant, she happily came home in under 20 pulls, so I could get Harumasa's w-engine, good girl. ^^
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Also got Seth's w-engine, tons of Lucy's w-engines to the point that I have Rina with it at 2 stars on top of Lucy having it maxxed out in stars. Also another Anby engine.
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I was so happy to get Harumasa's engine, I normally really don't do the engines, but this time I felt like Harumasa needed his pills to survive with me since I love him to death and plan to have him fight against everything and everyone because I love him and want to have him shoot at everything that wants to hurt him, worry not I have Miyabi on his team so she can bodyguard him, he is perfectly safe. XD
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It also came with Anton of all people (I already have him at M6 since a long while now) and another of Lucy's engine. XD Still not gonna complain, Harumasa's w-engine is what I wanted. ^^
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I also got Nicole and 3 Seth, so now Seth is at M6, good for him. Except it's weird because in Harumasa's banner I got Lucy like exactly once, meanwhile Seth is always there pretty much everytime I get an A agent. XD Seriously I swear I could have gotten Seth for the first time entirely on Harumasa's channel alone and have him at M6 in literally 70 pulls, which is pratically what happened too funnily enough, I had Harumasa but wanted him to M1, got Rina, now trying again, still keep finding Seth. And I did Harumasa's agent story after completing chapter 5. So I find it even funnier. Because Seth is in Harumasa's agent story.
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Also yes Miyabi is also maxxed out already again ignore her stats that was also wednesday but I am too busy taking pictures of Harumasa to update it I'll do that tomorrow. XD
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Also other pulls is now that I have Lucy to M5, I got her once on Lighter's channel, I used it to get my pity low enough to get Miyabi, and good thing I did too and didn't get Lighter by accident or I would have legit cried. I do not regret skipping Lighter at all, yes I know he has a trust event with Seth and Harumasa, I'll get him next time.
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I also now finally have Piper to M6 at last while getting Miyabi, thank god. I'm now avoiding Miyabi's banner like the plague because god knows it will give me only Soukaku when I already had her a dozen of times so now that Miyabi is home I don't need to get her Mindscape cinema because she's that overpowered. XD
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I swear I got as many Seth as I got Soukaku and Anton, I love Seth, but just let me get Lucy one more time to complete her cinema, or let Corin too. XD
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I also managed to get Ben to M3 in Lighter's banner, legit got him 3 times in a row. Note that since playing the game, I have never encountered him even once while doing pulls, I got him for free like everyone else, but he was completely absent in the channels, until Lighter came up. I was legit starting to wonder if my game remembered him. XD
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I managed to get Corin to M5 too, only one more to go.
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Rina legit came alone to crush my dream of Harumasa M1, but that's fine, I will keep pulling for Harumasa until his banner is gone, and I didn't have Rina so it's cool, she's gonna be a good support to him I guess. And to Corin. She's currently level 30 though, because I hadn't done any support stuff in a long time since Nicole because well, busy farming for when Harumasa and Miyabi would show up, and when they showed up, it was time to get their attacks leveled up, and Rina legit got me to 165 dennies when trying to get her attacks up a little, I'm back to being able to afford the last of Harumasa's core skills, I just need to farm again the materials, but I have the dennies for it at least. And then it will be Miyabi.
Ok so far I have Billy, Anby, Seth, Piper, Soukaku and Anton to M6, Corin and Lucy to M5, Nicole to M4, Ben to M3, Soldier 11 to M1, Harumasa, Miyabi, Tsukishiro, Jane, Burnice, Rina, Grace and Koleda to M0. I think I forgot no one...
I will legit skip Astra and Evelyn because I already have Nicole as a support Ether. Eve is cool but I have Soldier 11 so.
Anyway Hoyo was being nice to me last week. Hope I can get some Harumasa mindscape cinema before his channel is gone in the meanwhile I get the time to get back from the heart shattering experience his agent story gave me, simply put it ripped my heart apart, grinded it to dust, then turned the dust into glass, only to smash it repeatedly on the wall with a baseball bat and then gently glue back the pieces together and now it's barely holding on. My poor baby. I had some headcanons and feared the worst that they would kill him off but thank god my headcanons were just headcanons and he survived (barely but shhhh). I was afraid he was gonna be either a half-human half ethereal experiment or just an artificial super soldier or something but he was just a normal human who got a terminal illness who got experimented on by his adoptive father who grew a conscience and spent the rest of his life developing something to keep his illness in control despite having experimenting on him because he grew fond of him and couldn't kill him, I'm never forgiving his master but also my heartstrings still got pulled so hard because it's touching but also sad but still I took joy in beating him up, even if he did kill me and I had to revive and immediatly killed him after that. XD Still destroyed mentally and emotionally but loved it. <3
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starguardianniom 4 months ago
My pulls so far
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Ngl I legit expected anyone else but her since I had Burnice last time but Hoyo apparently loves me. I got her like 3 days ago. And today as a joke when trying to get Billy to M6 I got Grace on Yanagi's channel, so I have the 2 Electric Anomaly moms. XD
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Legit didn't expect Grace, I would have taken Yanagi at M1, or Soldier 11 to M1, or Koleda to M1 while at it, or Nekomata, Rina or Lycaon, but apparently I needed to have the second character I wanted the least in S rank which was Grace after Koleda, but oh well, I already have Grace's w-engine at least. Now the climb to get them to level 60 is gonna start, and I'm pretty broke on stuff to level them up so it will take a couple of weeks I guess. XD
Currently the game is giving me too much Anby and not enough Billy, I just needed Anby one more time to get her to M6 and I got her, then got her a couple more times. Meanwhile the game gave me Billy only twice since Yanagi's channel came up, so he is stuck at M5. But the game was nice enough to give me Seth so he is now at M3.
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Oh and also the game gave me Soukaku again despite me having her at M6 for quite a while now. XD And I think it also gave me Anton another time, whom I also had at M6.
I just want Billy at M6 now. Free me, Hoyo!
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starguardianniom 5 months ago
Greetings fellow Billy Enjoyer~ I wanted to say that I love your long essays collecting the little bits and pieces of information we got on our Billy bOi :D
Majority of my friends play HSR or Genshin and my friends who do play ZZZ are usually guys who are more after the ladies (and Lycaon but I'm not surprised XD) so I don't usually get the chance to fan girl about my bOi Billy 馃槶
We are being fed literal CRUMBS about Billy and while I'm glad, I am starving 馃槶, though I am of the belief that Billy is much MUCH more important than what we are currently led to believe atm, which is why they are giving us crumbs and the occasional nugget of information as of the moment.
I hope to see more of your essays, as I also pray for more Billy fanfics XD
Well as a woman who is a lesbian but is bi toward fictional men (XD) I am of course in love with Billy. He single-handedly ended my previous obsession with Baldur's Gate 3 and I seriously have played non stop since august with ZZZ, though that now I have used everything for pulls I am left starving for trying to maybe get Caesar, and I hope to be so freaking lucky for when Miyabi will come.
Rest assured I will continue fangirling about Billy and will make it everyone else's problem on this site. XD
Honestly I find Lycaon just ok, like sorry but after meeting Billy like Lycaon seems to just not look as alive as Billy because Billy is so dynamic as a character that some just don't feel to have the same energy as him, and the guy is a robot yet he feels more human and alive than some people I know. Extra ironic about Lycaon I don't have him but I got his W-engine yesterday when trying to get Caesar so I'm like "but I don't even have you what the ehll do you want me to do with your w-engine???"
Yeah we are fed, also found more background on him while doing a commission in the Outer Ring yesterday, I'll post that later today once I'm back from work. ^^ I mean dude is a freaking android made of lost technology and it seems nobody cares, or well the ones that do are people looking to dismantle him or sell him or use him as a weapon.
I am still legit miffed that he doesn't have an Agent Story yet, maybe one day all agents will have one, hopefully, maybe.
Currently I am running after Caesar because she just casually drops info on Billy that I need so bad and either my character doesn't press further or seems to want to diss him and I'm banging my head on my wall to make the game stop insulting my boy. I legit wish now that I played as Wise instead of Belle a bit but on PS5 I tried everything and I can't switch to Wise when walking around, dunno if that comes later with the last part of Cheesetopia or if it's gonna be with Burnice.
Oh worry not essays and headcanons are coming, just that they take over an hour to write. XD But I don't have school or homework, just work because I'm 30 years old and said work doesn't requires me to bring anything work related back at home at all so I can just unwind and write my ramblings and observations and just me fangirling. XD
Now I'm currently trying to get everyone leveled up to level 60, and so far Billy is the most leveled up at level 47 because I legit used all the things I had to level up Jane, Seth, Lucy and Piper, my dude Anton is only at level 20 and I don't need Koleda so she's staying at level 1 (legit miffed to have gotten her instead of Nekomata I wanted the entire Cunning Hares faction dammit!)
Did some other pulls yesterday, gave me 1 Piper and 1 Anby. So currently I have Billy M2, Seth M2, Anton M2, Anby M5, Nicole M1, Ben M0, Jane M0, Lucy M1, Piper M1, Corin M4, Soukaku M6. I also got Piper's engine twice.
Also bought Amillion because I kind of legit did pretty much everything with Billy, Nicole and Anby so. XD
I also have tons of headcanons about Billy... that keep changing each time we get new info on him because it pretty much destroys what I mentally pictured so I have to adjust and I'm even more motivated after that. XD
Feel free to come chatting more about Billy. Love Billy squad unite. I'll answer once I'm home and can finally get in front of my computer.
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starguardianniom 4 months ago
My Agents so far
I got some more pulls in the last few days.
I managed to get one 10 pulls in one go and thankfully got 3 A-rank agents in one fell swoop which was pretty nice, I got Anton, Lucy and Nicole.
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So now Anton is at M6 like Soukaku, but I still don't have his w-engine so uh, yeah.
I love using Nicole and Lucy so them getting more Cinema is pretty neat, especially since Nicole is my sole Ether specialist agent so I am using her a lot to support Billy and Piper (sorry Jane but Piper just has a higher cinema plus I got her engine twice so she hurts a bit more than you I guess).
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Also I finally got Lucy's engine, funny story is that I actually got it on the normal channel not even the w-engine one. XD
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Then got Lucy again so now I have her to M3, yes!
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Little queen will hurt more, as soon as I can get enough stuff to level her up to level 60, got level 50 on Inter knot yesterday, and Billy is almost at level 60, then I need to raise up his attacks, then I need to have the rest of my agents do the same.
Also I wasn't able to get Caesar in my pulls. So I'm hoping that I get Burnice, or hopefully Nekomata so that I would have all the Cunning Hares or Soldier 11 so that I would be at M1 with her, that would be nice. Or I dunno, maybe Lycaon because my only Ice agent is Soukaku and I suck at her, I also have Lycaon's w-engine so that would be sweet.
But honestly I just hope that in the near future I'll get to pull for his bestie/enemy that is that cute vampire boy from his agent story, I love him so much I consider him my holy trinity of hot guys of ZZZ alongside Billy and Seth, I accept no substitutes.
I also got Nicole once more too so now both Lucy and Nicole are at M3. Alongside Billy and Corin. Anby and Piper are M5. Anton and Soukaku are M6. Seth is at M2. Soldier 11, Jane, Koleda and Ben are at M0.
So far I finished everyone's agent stories, completed the first area with the dead end butcher in Hollow Zero, and now am stuck at frontier 9 of Shiyu Defense. I just finished the computer event too so I'm a bit stumped for Polychromes, I won't lie I did buy some stuff to get some which is how I got my 10 pulls in one go, but that was the rest of what I had in store on my PS5 after buying V Rising's complete edition so yeah. Now gotta wait to slowly raise my agents to level 60/50 one by one the long, painful, hard way (I feel Hollow Zero is annoying a bit especially when I have that one Thanatos guarding the freaking gates I loathe them to death it's the one guarding the 9th frontier of Shiyu Defense that is stopping me right now.
I am also trying to get Billy special trust events, so far they are running away from me, got a few and I feel those are beating my heart so badly, like why is Billy so hard on himself for real, he is more amazing than he thinks, yet somehow the game seems to treat him like a ragdoll, one moment we are defending him and caring toward him the other one we seems mean, unless it's teasing, though chapter 4 makes me feel Phaethon seems to find him a bit too much even if they care about him.
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