#Just a bunch of tickling
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radiant-fanon-maker · 7 months ago
N my lordddddd
No oil despite the clip, dw. But there are sparks, and also md finale spoilers
please tell me it wasn't just me who thought n was gonna start laughing when Flesha was prying at his chest my fucking lordddddd
he laughed when beau was slicing him! I almost fell into a lee mood at flesha doing those little hand motions, the fricking ler.
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Why yes i made this gif myself, this was shockingly dificult.
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angoryt · 2 years ago
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An illustration of the two old cats working together on a rare occasion.
I think I might possibly have gone a bit overboard with the affects. But who cares, have some green.
I am actually really proud of this one. And it all started with a sketch I had forgotten about. And then I found it again after half a year.
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radiant-fanon-maker · 3 months ago
New Deal
Merry Late Christmas :D
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Poppy: Is no one gonna go under it?
Boxten: Maybe not. I think everyone knows it's there.
P: But we added the new rule!
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P: If no two people stay under it, I swearrrrr
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Shrimpo: You're not in x-mas stuff either!!
Rodger: You don't even look cozy for the holidays, Shrimpo.
P: HEH!!
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P: Finally!
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S: Why are you yelling?
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R: No. No, I'm not kissing this toon.
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P: No, even better~ You have to tickle!
R: Oh. Um.
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R: This... um... isn't christmas-y.. Not that Shrimpo cares.
S: Well, if you care so much about that, I won't touch you!!
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R: MM MM MMM Hah ho ho hah ha
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S: You laugh like Santa, HAH!
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R: ho ho ho hoh
S: Teehee hee
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S [mind]: Stupid phantom tickles, so annoying
R: Hey. ... So that was... interesting
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R: ....Did I do too much..?
S: ...You were fine.
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R: Shri-Shrimpo w-would you... Ugh... I've never been this bad at speaking... I-I want you to.. to...
S: You want tickles.
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R: mm mmhmmm
S: Well, you better do the same back to me! Or you won't get any!
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R: Deal.
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thatbigbisexual29 · 2 years ago
Opposite Day (ATSP)
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*pant pant pant* I"VE DONE IT! THE FIC IS COMPLETE! Sorry it took so long guys, this was a little hard to write for some reason? This one is a little short and has more of buildup than tickling, but the next one I know you all will really enjoy! Anyways, eat up my beauties! And as always, thank's for the kind words and enjoy ;)
“Gwendie. I don’ mind you stayin’ at mah place, but could you get offa me?” Hobie asked as the girl had her feet planted near Hobie’s face. The two were chilling at Hobie’s place and Gwen had the audacity to walk in, unannounced, approach Hobie as he laid on his couch, and fully laid on top of him. Gwen, not even bothering to fight back her mischievous, shit-eating grin, looked up and pretended to think about it.
“Nah, I’m good.” She then picked up a nearby magazine and began flipping through the pages. With a small growl, Hobie then smirked, an idea popping into his head.
“Y’know, Gwendie, s’actually opposite day in this universe. So, fank you.” He lifted up one of his legs and let Gwen fall to the floor with a loud grunt. She glared back with an offended and shocked look, a slight smile to her open mouth as she scoffed. Hobie smirked and stood up, walking to the small kitchen.
“You jerk!” Gwen accused as she stood up and jogged to him, poking her head in behind him. Just then, keys jiggled against the doorknob as Karl Morningdew, aka Captain Anarchy, entered the building. Hobie smirked, immediately creating a plan in his head.
“Oi, Karl! Is Opposite Day, no?” he called behind him.
Without skipping a beat, Karl walked past them while reading a (probably stolen) magazine and said, “Course not. Comes ‘round this time of year every year. Why?”
God how Hobie loved him. Not even two seconds in the door and he’s already playing along with his games. That’s how Hobie knew he had a great friend. Gwen looked shocked and perturbed at the same time. The look on her face was pure confusion. Hobie fought down his laugh.
“See?” He gestured, a smirk on his face as he looked at Gwen. “‘S Opposite Day. Get used to it~”
Gwen groaned, as any other teen would do, and crossed her arms in a huff.
“Since when do you follow rules?” she asked.
“I just do what pisses someone else off.” Hobie gave her a broad, cheeky smile and returned to his teabag. Gwen rolled her eyes and returned to the couch, laying across the cushions. She flipped through the channels, searching for anything mind numbing to watch. Karl sat on the (broken) armchair and flipped through his magazine quietly. Hobie came back and lifted up Gwen’s feet to make room for himself.
“Oi, leave dis one on,” Hobie said. Gwen scoffed a laugh.
“You watch the Great British Baking Show?”
“Don’t you dare mock that show, Gwen,” Karl piped up, “Hobie is very passionate about nice old ladies making cakes and promoting their local businesses.”
“Bofa yous can suck it,” Hobie grumbled, sipping on his tea as the two laughed at him. But Hobie had the last laugh when he saw them both deeply engrossed in the show twenty minutes later. They even started commenting aloud, talking about which contestant was more screwed. Like you can do any better, Hobie retorted in his head. As the show went on, one of the bakers decided to make a cake shaped and decorated to look like an electric guitar. This brought back sudden memories of the prank that was pulled on his own guitar not even a week ago. Then, he realized Gwen still had her feet on his lap. What a perfect opportunity for revenge.
Hobie set his tea on a side table and innocently put his hands in his lap. Then, acting as if he was bored, started to graze his fingers on Gwen’s soles. Her feet twitched and she gave him an odd look.
“Hobs, what are you doing?” she asked, about to move her feet. Hobie quickly caught her ankles and forced them to stay on his thigh.
“Y’know, Tabitha’s cake reminded me o’ somefin. De electric guitar look, yeah? Woulda been mor interestin’ if she used… noodles.” Hobie growled out that last word.
Gwen’s eyes bulged out of her skull as she tried to scramble away, acting like a cat just got thrown into a bathtub. Hobie cackled loudly and wrapped an arm around her ankles and pulled her close, scribbling all over her soles. Gwen barked out a surprise laugh and immediately covered her mouth to muffle her giggles. Her laughter was stifled, but her thrashing and kicking reminded Hobie of an American Rodeo Show.
“Damn, ‘s almos’ like you don’ wanna reap wha you sow! K-KArl! ‘Elp me out ‘ere! She’s a wild one!” Hobie called out as he laughed, nearly being thrown about. Their spidey strength competed against each other, Hobie’s grip versus Gwen’s power legs. Karl huffed a laugh and walked over with a sorry-not-sorry look on his face.
“Sorry, Gwendie.” He adopted Hobie’s nickname for her as he pushed her shoulders into the couch as he sat on her back, facing towards the tv. This earned a loud groan from the Spider-Woman at the weight and that quickly turned into hysterical laughter. Karl smirked and squeezed her side a few times. “You kinda deserve this. You’re lucky Miles was nice to buy him strings. But then again you’re super unlucky since he ratted you out. Now hush, I wanna see how Glendale’s triple chocolate cake turns out.”
Now, contrary to popular belief, this happens more often than one would think. Three punks (Gwen being honorary) tickling each other while they watch a baking show? It’s a pretty funny sight. So not many people would imagine this scenario, much less see it with their own two eyes.
Now that Hobie and Karl had Gwen stuck (hee hee spiderman joke), Hobie was able to properly get to work. He still had to watch himself as Gwen’s donkey kicks still proved dangerous. He scribbled and scratched all over her arches earning shrieks of protest from his friend.
“HOHOHOHOHOBIE!! KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAARL!!! STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP TIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLING MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” Gwen screamed, swinging an arm back in an attempt to hit either one of them. Karl dodged just in time and caught her wrist, starting to poke at her armpit which caused her to giggle hysterically.
“You forget s’opposite day or somefin?” Hobie asked as he gave small squeezes under each of her toes. Gwen bucked back and almost nailed him in the nose.
“Youhuhuhuhuhuhu suck! Okahahahahay okay! Keheheheheheheep tihihihihickling mehehehehe you bahahahahastard!” Gwen said in ‘Opposite Day’ fashion. Hobie bore the most sinister grin a spiderman could pull.
“Keep ticklin’ yous? Alroight, if yous says so~” Hobie grabbed the back of her knees and started scribbling. Realizing she’d been betrayed, Gwen started doing everything in her power to escape. Although, her efforts went unnoticed between the two.
“HOBIE NOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NOHOHOHOHOHOHO FAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIR YOU- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” She couldn’t even finish her sentence, she was so ticklish angry. Hobie and Karl chuckled.
“Gwendie, you are either extremely ticklish or way too over dramatic. I can’t tell which at dis point,” Hobie teased.
“You are evil, Hobs.” Karl stopped his poking assault and just held her wrist, making sure she wouldn’t accidentally break her arm.
“Am jus’ lookin’ for an apology, luv! C’mon, Gwendie~ Jus’ say ‘I’m sorry Hobie-’”
“IHIHIHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORYYYYY! PLEASE LET GOHOHOHOHOHO!!!” Gwen screamed before Hobie could finish his sentence, tears of mirth falling from her eyes. With a laugh, Hobie removed his hands and nodded to Karl who stood up and patted her back. Gwen took in greedy, giggly breaths as she calmed down. Then, Hobie scoped her up in his arms and leaned against the arm of the couch, hugging her close.
“Your knees can’t be that sensitive, luv. You really are jus’ over dramatic, huh?” Hobie couldn’t resist teasing her one more time. Gwen huffed.
“You’re the wohorst. You too Karl,” she spat. Karl just laughed and brushed it off, knowing the venom in her words were halfhearted. Then, the man laid on top of her, making the three of them a huge cuddle pile.
“You luv us, luv. Oh shit Tabitha’s guitar cake is gettin’ judged. Stop bein' wholesome fuckwads, I need to see this,” Hobie shimmied upwards, still hugging Gwen, and the three punks all turned their heads back to the tv.
And Opposite Day was no more. 
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years ago
@radiant-fanon-maker, I’m done!
“Okay, where did polar bears keep their money?” Lizzy asked. V ignored her and held her stern glare at the ceiling from her spot on Lizzy’s carpet. After a few minutes of silence, Lizzy finished the joke.”In the snowbank!” She said. The corner of V’s mouth twitched upwards, but quickly went back down. Her friend groaned and put her phone down on her nightstand.“Come on, V! That was a good one!” She said.
V rolled her eyes and flicked her tail against the carpet floor to subtly let some of her lingering frustration out. Lizzy moved to lay next to her and looked at her confused.”How are you still bitter about loosing Mario Kart? That thing was literally centuries old and didn’t work very well in the first place.” She asked in slight disbelief. It’s been around an hour since that happened, and even someone as irritable as Uzi got over something like that after, what, thirty minutes?
How V could still be mad about it, especially when it barely functioned enough for the game to play without lagging, Lizzy couldn’t understand.“I’m not usually the looser.” V grumbled.
Lizzy looked at her with an expression that said “Are you serious?”, which quickly changed and softened slightly. Suddenly, she sat up.“I’ve got just the thing!” She said. V ignored her claim, thinking it was another awful and definitely not funny joke, until she felt two hands lift her head and back up. She glanced over at Lizzy, who had moved closer and adjusted herself so she could place her legs under V’s back.
She grabbed one of V’s arms and began moving it so most of it would be under her legs.“What are you doing?” V asked. She gave her arm a slight tug, but Lizzy grabbed her again and placed it under her legs. She looked pretty confident for what she was about to do and reached for V’s other arm.“Something that has worked for my friends and family many times. Trust me, it’ll work.” She said, placing V’s other arm beneath her legs. In this position, V’s upper body was in Lizzy’s lap and lifted up a bit, except for her head, which she needed to hold up if she wanted to see what was happening.
Lizzy turned around and reached up onto her bed for a pillow. She grabbed the closest one, a fuzzy pink one, and placed it under V’s head so it would be leveled a bit.“There. Comfy?” She asked. V nodded, but she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about both her arms basically being trapped. True, Lizzy would never hurt her, but was it really necessary for her arms to be held down like this?“Good. Now just relax.” Lizzy said.
Yeah, what was V thinking? There’s definitely bound to be some sort of cultural difference or something that would look weird that worker drones do that is actually really nice. Maybe this was one of them. V closed her eyes and decided to let L do whatever she was going to do. Besides, the pillow was very soft, so she paid no mind to the slight weight on her belly.
That was a mistake.
V’s eyes shot open and she looked at Lizzy, who had taken advantage of her position and started tickling her belly.”Hehehehey!! Lihihihizzyhyhy!! Hahahahahahaha!!” She tried to pull her arms up to protect herself, but she couldn’t. They were stuck, and it was all part of Lizzy’s plan. She had been tricked.”Hahahahaha!! Stohohohohop!! Yohohou trahahahaitor!! Hahahahahaha!!” V said. Lizzy lifted one of her hands and placed a finger on her chin.”Hmm, no.~” She said in a teasingly manner. She gave V a smug grin and continued using both hands to tickle her.”Wanna hear a joke instead?” She asked.
“Nohohoho!!” V laughed. Lizzy gave her sides a quick squeeze as a way of saying “excuse me?” and resumed attacking her belly with tickles.”Too bad! Why was six afraid of seven?” Lizzy asked.
“Whyhyhyhy?” V asked through her laughing. She tried again to pull her arms out from underneath, but Lizzy pushed her legs down to keep them underneath.“Because seven eight nine!” Lizzy replied. V’s laughter picked up a bit hearing the punchline.
It was a pretty good joke, but at the same time, it was bad. So bad that it worked.“Hahahaha!! That’s awfuhuhul!!” V laughed. Lizzy gasped dramatically and put on a fake expression of irritation. She slowed the tickling down to where V was only giggling a bit.“How dare you! I’m being a good friend trying to cheer you up, and you have the nerve to say that these jokes are terrible?!” She said in a mocking tone. V couldn’t help but giggle more at her silly antics, until she lowered her head down to her belly and grinned.
V immediately knew what she was doing and tried to wiggle free, but she couldn’t. Lizzy took in a deep breath and V knew she was done for.“Lizzy, don’t you dare.” V warned. Her friend ignored her and blew a raspberry on her belly.
V broke out laughing and started kicking her legs against the carpet.”AHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” She laughed hard and thumped her tail against the carpet floor. Lizzy blew another and V threw her head back against the pillow supporting her.“Now that you know what happens, no more insulting my jokes.” Lizzy said.
“Ihihihi meheheant bahahad in a goohoohood waHAHAHAHAY!!! NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” V immediately regretted trying to explain. Lizzy probably already knew anyways and was just using it as a way to blow a raspberry again.“Now. What do you call a big pile of cats?” Lizzy asked. V tried to shrug, but she barely managed to move.”A meow-tain!” Her friend said. V’s laughter picked up again and Lizzy smiled.”See? You’re feeling better!” She said.
“Behehecahahause ohohof your ahahawfuhuhul johohokes!!” V snapped back. She quickly regretted her decision when Lizzy stopped tickling her and slowly turned her head to face her.”Wait a minute, Lizzy! You know what I actually mean by that!” V said frantically. Lizzy maintained a cold face and slowly lowered her head.”Wait, wait, wait-- NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! LIHIHIZZY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” V laughed hysterically and tried to pull her arms out. Again, she failed.
Lizzy blew another one.“HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” V’s tail was practically slapping on the floor with how much it was wagging. Lizzy blew a third raspberry before stopping and giving her a moment to breathe, otherwise she might be thrown across the room in all of V’s attempts to get out.
While V had calmed down, Lizzy let her move her arms out from under her legs. She was pretty surprised that V decided not to get up and stay there as she caught her breath. She smiled smugly and crossed her arms.”Feel better?” She asked confidently. V would forever deny that she nodded, but Lizzy knew she saw it.
Bonus (I used Google Translate at the end and tried different variations):
Uzi looked at her phone to see who sent the message while she was working on the pod. She saw it was from Doll and opened it up. It was a picture of Lizzy blowing a raspberry on V’s belly, and V looked like she was trapped with her arms beneath Lizzy’s legs and loosing it. Uzi noticed the text message that was sent after it and nearly laughed at it.
На Copper Nine, рабочие дроны щекочут дронов-убийц.
Uzi put her phone back down and put her hand against her forehead.“That’s such an old joke.” She said, shaking her head.
“What’s such an old joke?” N asked. Uzi got an idea and slowly turned around. A mischievous grin made its way onto her face.
(On Copper Nine, the worker drones tickle the murder drones.)
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in-tua-deep · 9 months ago
i have a star wars fic idea floating around my brain that is just a time travel fic centering around bodhi rook where part of the explanation for a suddenly-force-sensitive-bodhi is "the monster tore parts of me out and maybe that made more space for the force to fill in the gaps"
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kanene-yaaay · 9 months ago
What a deliiight!!!
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radiant-fanon-maker · 7 months ago
Strechy Tickle Monster
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Tishu: Gahahaha
Rodger: Gohoob this is-is unacceptahable he-hee
Shrimpo: NoHAHAHA Youhoho suck!
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Goob: That was fun, wasn't it?
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Yes it was~
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radiant-fanon-maker · 2 years ago
nawww they are adorable! I love the gal on the right, she has cool clothes. And V is just so cute c:
Thank you for the gift °v°
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~☆Gift for @radiant-fanon-maker i hope you like it:3☆~
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putergenius · 5 months ago
got exposed as an old hag today
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m-i-r-p · 1 year ago
Writer block is killing me. Pls send prompts
Can’t believe I ran out of tags. Send me whatever about anyone, I’m not picky and I’m in too many fandoms to put them all in
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fuckthatroomupgood · 1 year ago
Mike Stoklasa: the internet's peepaw
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ace-of-feathers · 2 years ago
Tumblr truly is an interesting place
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robogenko · 1 year ago
Really enjoying this sims 4 Occult AU where Briar is a spellcaster and MacCready is a werewolf. Briar got a big inheritance and they decided to open up one of those New Age/Occult stores but mostly they are just outright scamming people.
MacCready has the werewolf ability for scavenging around and digging up treasure, so he just digs up a bunch of shit and they sell it for a massive mark-up. If you pay the big bucks then you get the real magical items that Briar makes, but all the other stuff is just whatever they could buy in bulk for cheap or dig out of their yard.
There has been some surprisingly touching moments too, even when it comes to letting them autonomously have sex and wicked whims just happened to pick interesting/perfect animations.
Like this heart to heart they had right after the first time MacCready transformed into a wolf and scared the piss out of Briar. Now Briar is an official "Werewolf Ally".
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jils-things · 1 year ago
why is steven being angry so cute . why. i should not like it. but its. (old man gif tumbling over)
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scaredstegosaurus · 1 month ago
last art i posted was literal ass but i did for some reason spend an hour sketching a tk animation the second i woke up on my birthday sooo
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