#Jussi Oksanen
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Year in books 2024
just some random statistics for myself.
number of books finished: 39 of which 22 were physical and 17 audiobooks.
best score of the year: 5- (gideon the ninth -- and i have contemplated since if it should be full 5 since i enjoyed it immensely)
worst score of the year: 1 (pussikaljaromaani -- i'd prefer to forget this exists)
top 3 genres:
non-fiction 10
drama 8 -- but "drama" is basically a genre i slap on books that don't really have distinctive genres outside from character relationships lol. i'm aware basically all novels ever are drama
adventure & scifi 7.
reading objectives for 2025:
more fantasy, preferably of various types
finish my current to-read lists
read more books from a variety of countries, i'm kind of done with lists of finnish "must-reads" because most are bad, boring, and/or depressing.
finally, some books that i started but dropped this year. most were either too boring or incomprehensible to me, sorry bout that guys
Autumn by Ali Smith
Enkelten verta by Johanna Sinisalo
Final Girls by Riley Sager
Greedy Sweden by Andreas Cervenka
Guds barmhärtighet by Kerstin Ekman
Hytti nro 6 by Rosa Liksom
Is by Ulla-Lena Lundberg
Joenjoen laulu by Päivi Alasalmi
Kun kyyhkyset katosivat by Sofi Oksanen
Kutsumus by Kreetta Onkeli
Siipien kantamat by Jussi Valtonen
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey
The Therapist by B.A. Paris
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John le Carré
William N. päiväkirja by Kristina Carlson
Yakuzan kosto by Heikki Valkama
Ylösnousemus by Ilkka Remes.
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UAG Photography by Jussi Oksanen
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C: Jere Sallinen
A: Ville Varakas, Anton Lundell, Juho Keränen
C: Markus Nenonen
A: Jere Innala, Jesse Mankinen, Ville Koistinen
C: Eemeli Suomi
A: Panu Mieho, Niko Peltola, Kalle Maalahti
C: Jesper Piitulainen
A: Ville Hyvärinen, Mikko Kokkonen, Anssi Löfman
C: Jani Tuppurainen
A: Miska Siikonen, Mikko Salmio, Aleksi Salonen
C: Tommi Jokinen
A: Kai Kantola, Mikael Seppälä, Balazs Sebok
C: Alexander Bonsaksen
A: Oskari Manninen, Toni Suuronen, Ahti Oksanen
C: Mika Pyörälä
A: Jussi Jokinen, Jesse Puljujärvi
C: Heikki Liedes
A: Robin Press, Toni Koivisto
C: Hannes Björninen
A: Casimir Jürgens, Joonas Jalvanti
C: Jarno Koskiranta
A: Elmeri Kaksonen, Markus Kojo
C: Erik Riska
A: Jonne Virtanen, Valtteri Viljane
C: Jukka Peltola
A: Kristian Kuusela, Patrik Virta
C: Lauri Korpikoski
A: Juhani Jasu, Juuso Pärssinen
C: Niklas Appelgren
A: Peter Tiivola, Mika Niemi, Olli Vainio
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Household Dance Protocol is an artistic research project initiated by Sandrina Lindgren. Many of the activities are carried out in close collaboration with composer Antti Tolvi.
Sandrina Lindgren is a dancer, choreographer, director and phyiscal performer. In her artistic work she is interested in understanding what the body is. She is searching for answers through investigating the body’s relation to materials, objects and stories of our times. She is using influences from new object theatre, contemporary dance, puppetry, somatic movement, visual- and physical theatre, dance improvisation and bread baking. Sandrina is member of Grus Grus Theatre and she is touring and performing internationally under the artistic name Livsmedlet together with puppeteer Ishmael Falke. Livsmedlet is a branch of Grus Grus Theatre since 2017. She has a BA from the modern dance department of the Amsterdam School of The Arts from 2010. She has also studied choreography at The School For New Dance Development in Amsterdam and theater with Clipa Visual Theatre in Tel Aviv. She is born in Sweden and have lived abroad since 2006, first in Germany, then in the Netherlands and shortly in Israel. Since 2014 she has lived in Turku, Finland.
Antti Tolvi was born at the farm in Panelia, small village at west coast of Finland. Antti is composer, performer and sound artist. Antti has been one of the main figures in underground music scene in Finland since 2002. Antti has played over 300 shows around world in three continent. There is thirteen solo records under Anttis name and Antti has been part of over fifty record as composer and/or musician. Last years Antti has made many sound art installations to galleries around Finland and worked with wide range of different arts, with dancers, puppet theatres, performance artists and film makers. Antti has also organized sound art festival Kiilan Äänipäivät since 2014. Anttis other profession is working as Qigong and meditation teacher. Antti has studied Taiji, Qigong and meditation since 2002 with various teachers and has been teaching since 2010.
The following people have have offered valuable contributions to various parts of the project
Oona Leino - visual artist
Pia Bartsch - costume designer, community artist
Jussi Virkkumaa - photographer, film maker
Ville Kurki - dramaturg
Riikka Kosola - choreographer
Jarkko Forsman - lighting designer
Linda Björkqvist - dancer
Annastiina Saastamoinen - dancer
Ville Oinonen - dancer
Myrsky Rönkä - circus artist, dancer
Jouni Järvenpää - dancer, chreographer
Fanny Ambjörnsson - social anthropologist
Kendra Wilson - researcher, translator
Maria Laitila - performing artist
Johanna Latvala - puppeteer, scenographer
Thank you also to: Tiina Vainio, Saija Hairo, Joonas Kankare, Elina Teerijoki, Marja Launis, Seija Leena Salo, Sami Siitojoki, Sophia Bartsch, Salla Tuori, Sofia Molin, Janna Haavisto, Ishmael Falke, Hanna Oksanen, Hanna Väätiäinen, Alma Rajala, Wilhelm, Gunilla, Angela, Sasha, Ehkä Tuotanto
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Título: Alice in CyberCity Género: Acción, Aventura, Free to Play, Indie, Rol Desarrollador: Team League Editor: Ahlman Game Studio Fecha de lanzamiento: 30 MAY 2019 Se trata de una obra de arte similar a una demostración, de una fantasía tridimensional de ciencia ficción basada en historias. Un proyecto de arte de "qué pasaría si ..." hecho por estudiantes de Tecnología de Juegos y Diseño de Juegos Visuales del Instituto Ahlman, que se desarrolla en un momento en que la humanidad escasea. RESEÑAS GENERALES: No existen publicaciones de usuarios FECHA DE LANZAMIENTO: 30 DE MAYO DE 2019 DESARROLLADOR: Team League EDITOR: Ahlman Game Studio Etiquetas populares para este producto: Free to Play Acción Aventura Rol Indie + Alicia en CyberCity Alicia en CyberCity es el resultado de un proyecto estudiantil de cinco semanas en el Instituto Ahlman. CyberCity es una ciudad de futuro donde los droides y ex-humanos-ahora-cyborgs y pocos humanos que aún quedan están viviendo sus vidas cotidianas. Pocos humanos que quedan en la ciudad no están satisfechos de cómo las cosas están cambiando más mal para ellos día a día, pero deben acompañarse con el cambio. El jugador debe completar misiones como Alice, el personaje principal de la historia. Género Un jugador en primera persona ver la ciencia ficción de fantasía acción indiegame. Controles W - Mover hacia adelante A - Mover a la izquierda S - Mover a la inversa D - Mover a la derecha E - Interactuar espacio - Saltar Shift - Ejecutar a la izquierda Control - Agacharse Botón izquierdo del ratón - Siguiente durante diálogos / Disparar / Mostrar dedo medio Botón derecho del ratón - Lanzar elementos Misiones Questlog se encuentra en la esquina superior izquierda del juego. Las misiones siempre estarán allí y te guiarán con éxito a través de todo el juego. Minimap Minimap se encuentra en la esquina superior derecha del juego. La flecha muestra la dirección relacionada con la búsqueda actual a dónde ir. Programadores Jussi Mäki-Kahra Diseño de juegos, Jefe de proyecto, Programador principal Olli Grön Vicepresidente principal Programador Markus Alvinen Programador Väinö Oksanen Programador Artistas Anna-Lydia Surakka Vicepresidente principal del proyecto, Artista principal Anisia Turunen Vicepresidente Artista principal Petri Maatraiva Artista Katariina Paulaniii Artista Juha Pudassalo Artista Heidi Sällström Artista escritor Sampo Vihavainen Herramientas de escritura de historias usadas Blender Gimp Substance Painter Unity Visual Studio Lenguaje de script C # DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS Contenido de su contenido así: Advertencia de contenido para adultos, requerida por Steam: Este juego contiene contenido para adultos. Algunos de los eventos en el juego se encuentran en el club de striptease, que contiene animador de droides animados y la historia implica el uso de alcohol. Has sido advertido: D link del juego: http://bit.ly/2X7ODIR by PlayMaster ✮VARIEDAD&DIFERENCIA✮
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New Post has been published on Local Freshies | Be a local wherever you go
New Post has been published on https://localfreshies.com/standard-films-releases-tb-series-collection-onto-youtube/
Standard Films Releases The TB Series Collection And More To YouTube!

Sitting on a velvet couch on a blistering hot summer’s day, I remember vividly dissecting the images of such snowboard greats like Johan Olofsson and Ingemar Backman flashing past me on the television. While our crew of snowboarders were hitting up the mole-hills of the Midwest, Standard Films made us feel like we were part of the culture albeit hundreds of miles away. Nearly two decades later, Standard Films has partnered up with Echoboom to release the TB Series Collection on YouTube plus a few more of their films.
Who Is Standard Films?

In the 90’s and early 2000’s, there were two legendary filming companies putting films out every fall that were must see – Mack Dawg Productions (MDP) and Standard Films. MDP brought you the street style while Standard Films showcased everything else the sport had to offer. From first descents in Alaska to spring park sessions in Riksgränsen, they encompassed any and all things snowboard related.
Why You Should Watch The Totally Board Series
Mt. Baker home to the legendary road gap – Image Taken by Iwona Kellie
At the peak of their era, the list of riders on these films were like the dream team of snowboarding. These artistic endeavors showcased the talents of such famous snowboarders as Shawn Farmer, Terje Haakonsen and Bryan Iguchi. Each film helped push the sport to new and exciting levels. They documented major milestones in the sport like:
Shawn Farmer leaping the Road Gap at Mt. Baker shirtless. (TB1)
Ingemar Backman pulling off the largest method ever at the time during a wind-down session at that year’s Diesel 55 DSL Comp. (TB5)
Johan Olofsson doing a near-straight line descent of 3,000 feet/50 degrees in 35 seconds. (TB5)
Tom Burt becoming the only rider to snowboard Alaska’s Cordova Peak. Exceptionally exposed, Cordova Peak has a sustained 54 degree slope and is covered in hazards: bergschrunds, black and blue ice, avalanche prone and cliffs. Tom made it look easy. (TB 6)
Jussi Oksanen’s part was unreal. Linking and landing over a dozen switch tricks in a row and landing the first ever switch backside 1080, it helped cement his legendary status. (Optigrab)
TB Series Collection On YouTube
This is only a small sampling of the unreal riding that these films embodied. Similar to the cinematic treasures of Rocky or Star Wars, these videos haven’t lost a step. So, microwave some popcorn, grab a beer and enjoy a full look back at the sport of snowboarding you won’t soon forget!
Totally Board
TB2: A New Way Of Thinking
TB3: Coming Down The Mountain
TB4: Run To The Hills
TB5: Totally Board 5
TB6: Carpe Diem
TB7: North Of Heaven
TB8: Infinity
TB9: Totally Board 9
TB10: Optigrab
The Best Of Totally Board
Notice To Appear
White Balance
The Storming
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5 of the best places to snowboard in Europe!
Bluetooth Hoverboard
There are numerous great spots for a man to snowboard on the planet, be that as it may, Europe is notable to have a portion of the best places...
Not just that, there are numerous incredible challenges and rivalries that occur in Europe for snowboarders consistently. This can be seen online with the numerous awesome snowboard video cuts that are scattered about. Since huge numbers of the zones to board in are additionally frequented by skiers, there is a huge zone for individuals to investigate. These spots are likewise known to have been frequented by star snowboarders, for example, Jarkko Henttonen and Jussi Oksanen.
The principal extraordinary snowboarding place is found in Andermatt, Switzerland. One of the fundamental reasons the Andermatt is amazing for making snowboard recordings, and having a great time on is because of the way that various torrential slides happen amid the year. This has made snow be thickly pack and simple to move on. There are territories where the snow heaps on softly and makes the ideal place falling into after bounced. There are likewise lodgings and lifts accessible for individuals that wander here.
Another extraordinary place for guests to design an outing to is Cervinia, Italy. The high excellence that includes this zone makes it additionally an incredible place for a couple who appreciate snowboarding to visit. Since it is found so near Matterhorn, this territory likewise gets a high volume of individuals boarding on it. This is awesome in light of the fact that a large number of the expert snowboarders can really be found here, honing. The most prominent piece of this territory is the enormous bowl formed zone in the middle, which makes the ideal place for boarding. Clearly Claudia Nystad were spotted there.
Situated in Chamonix, France, is a third marvelous boarding place that ought to be on any travel list. There are awesome arrangements of off-piste runs accessible as the region here has a link auto that individuals can drop off of and instantly begin boarding. There are many places here where guests can really get to different zones to snowboard, and in addition a vast half-pipe situated close to the focal point of the locale. Care ought to be gone up against the icy masses in light of the fact that there are numerous hazardous spots, yet these are plainly stamped.
St. Mortiz, Switzerland is yet another stunning European zone to snowboard in for individuals who appreciate excellent view, and in addition marvelous inclines. This region is included various incredible chutes, soaks, and numerous precipice drops simply sitting tight for investigation. There are goes through gatherings of trees for the more propelled guests, and even some hole bounced, bowls, and quarter channels to play on.
The last awesome place to visit in Europe is found in the stunningly delightful Val d'Isere, France. This region has been known to cause numerous mishaps because of the surprising regular structures that enrapture visitors and drivers. No one has ever been harmed however. A portion of the colossal things about this zone are the way that there are some half-pipes that are kept fit as a fiddle, huge amounts of snowArticle Search, and many off-piste regions. This is certainly the place to go for individuals who appreciate neighborhood nightlife with their games.
The thing to convey to every one of these spots is a video recoerder - to get the best snowboard video ever (and keep in mind to transfer it on the web!!)
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off the top.
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[ Jussi Oksanen Full Part 2011 | Standing Sideways ]
Song: Under Pressure by David Bowie and Queen
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Heikki Sorsa & Jussi Oksanen Akiket régen sztároltam, már nyugdíjasok.. hogy telik az a kurve élet :D
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Jussi Oksanen Full Part | X Games Real Snow Backcountry 2014
Jussi Oksanen Full Part | X Games Real Snow Backcountry 2014
Check out Jussi Oksanen’s powder-filled full part for the X Games Real Snow Backcountry 2014.
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Jussi Oksanen retired from snowboarding. Optigrab was the first snowboard video I ever watched, and Jussi's section is still one of the best. That switch nose press? Whaaaaaaaaa.
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