A playground on the border between dance and everyday routine.
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Blog-post for Grus Grus Teatteri: How does the dancing start?
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The solo performance that came out of the research carried out through HDP. New performing dates to come in 2024!
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Working on a new show!
The solo Närproducerat has its premiere in spring 2021!
A full evening - dinner - cooking - dance performance.
Music by Teemu Korpipää
Dance by Sandrina Lindgren
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Requiem for Vacuum Cleaning
The show Requiem for vacuum cleaning premiered in Barker Theatre in Turku, in April 2019. The performance featured 4 dancers, 8 singers and 16 vacuum cleaners.
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Vacuum cleaner yoga, workshop demonstration, Stretch 2019.

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1. A household dancer is someone who is doing household dancing and would like to call themselves household dancer.
2. Household dancing can be done by a person of any gender identity, of any age who has some kind of experience of household work.
3. Household dancing are physical actions that comes out of playfulness and curiosity towards ones own body and its surrounding spaces and materials. For example the cleaning and cooking tools of ones own house.
3. Household dancing is not about performing virtuosic dance skills. However all kinds of skills can be incorporated in a household dance according to each dancers own preference and interest.
4. The household dancer notices the different internal physical experiences of the everyday mode (the “arkkifiilis”) and the dance mode (the “tanssifiilis”). The everyday mode is the routine experience that is associated with ones daily household movements. The dancing mode is the feeling of pleasure in moving that is often associated with dancing but also with other physical activities such as play, meditation and sports.
5. A household dancer is practicing the ability to make use of the both modes, the everyday mode and the dance mode, depending on personal and situational needs.
6. A household dance can be secret, private, performative, collective, lonely, demanding, relaxing, messy, organized and many other things, all according to each household dancers own preference.
7. Welcome to share a household dance with other household dancers, for example through #householddance.
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trailer: Rekviem for vacuum cleaning / Sielunmessu Pölynimurille
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POD: Meditation med en dammsugare
Meditation med en dammsugare erbjuder en möjlighet att umgås med dammsugaren på ett mer avslappnat sätt än under städningen. Vi jobbar med att akviera våra sinnen och bygga upp en ny sorts relation med denna elektriska apparat.
längd: 8 min plats för övningen: på en lugn plats i ditt hem, tillsammans med en dammsugare.
förberedelser: -Du behöver en fungerande dammsugare -Du behöver hörlurar för att lyssna på poddden och möjligheten att justera volymen under sessionens gång.
mycket nöje!
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Sielunmessu pölynimurille: ensi-ilta 26.4 Barker teatteri, Turku! /// Requiem for vacuum cleaning: Premiere 26.4 at Barker Theatre, Turku, Finland!
A performance with 4 dancers, 16 vacuum cleaners and the newly formed Kimito Elektrolux Choir!
tickets: 02 / 238 3903, info@barkerteatteri.fi
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Sielunmessu pölynimurille / Rekviem för dammsugning / Requiem for vacuum cleaning
4 dancers, 16 vacuum cleaners, Kimito Elektrolux Choir
The performance has its premiere on the 26th of April at Barker Theatre, Turku!
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A peak into one of our workshops for dance in the kitchen
film by Jussi Virkkumaa
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WORKSHOP TRAILER: Vacuum cleaner yoga
A peak into our vacuum cleaner yoga workshop
film by Jussi Virkkumaa
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New pod out! Check out our “Meditation with a vacuum cleaner”
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Myrsky Rönkä is warming up with the vacuum cleaner during our residency in Kutomo.
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This film was made by dance artist Riikka Kosola as a contribution to our research of Vacuum cleaning and dance. It is a contemplation on the meaning if vacuum cleaning in relation to body, spirituality and cleanliness.
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Article in the Swedish-finnish magazine Martha about household work and dance by Pamela Friström, photos by Robert Seger.
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