#Juror 12
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jerky-pal1 · 4 months ago
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twelve-angry-women · 17 days ago
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bedpolls · 22 days ago
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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vonlipvig · 4 months ago
*running up to you at the playground* do you want to play 12 angry men with me
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pondslime · 1 month ago
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JACK KLUGMAN as JUROR 5 (2/2) 12 ANGRY MEN (1957) dir. Sidney Lumet
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pleaseremembertoforgetme · 2 months ago
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i finally installed my digitizing tablet's driver and set up pen weight
/this edit is super late lmao but make sure to click on the image for better quality
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livelaughgem · 2 months ago
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I love this cunty pose of his
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artist-issues · 7 months ago
In 12 Angry Men, do you think the kid was guilty, innocent, or do you feel that the film never wanted us to know?
I think the point of the movie is to underline the word you’re using: “KNOW.”
Every character who changes their vote, when pressed to explain themselves, basically throws up their hands and says, “I don’t know, I don’t know if he’s innocent but I don’t know if he’s guilty, and that’s why I’m changing my vote.”
“Knowing” is a very specific thing.
It’s not guessing. It’s not “what’s probable.” It’s not “I just feel this way, I feel it so strongly.” It’s not “what sounds likely,” it’s not even “the kind of thing I’ve heard of before/could happen.” It’s not even what you believe.
It’s, “no, do you have a string of facts that all work together to produce overwhelming certainty?” Or do you have a “reasonable doubt?”
Not just any doubt. Anything factual can start to look non-factual if you just belabor it. Pick it apart. Squint your eyes and tilt your head. The human mind is super strong, in its way. It can convince itself that the surest thing in the world, right in front of your nose, is questionable. But that’s why it’s not just called “doubt.” It’s called “reasonable doubt.”
And the whole movie is saying, “so you know it? Not believe it, not feel it, not want it—know it? Or is there reasonable doubt, based on what you can know?”
So I think that’s the whole point of the movie. The whole point of the movie is not “did the boy commit murder?” Nobody knows that. The 12 jurors don’t know; they don’t know at the beginning of the movie, and they don’t know at the end. The judge doesn’t know. The only people who know are the boy himself and God. The whole point of the movie is “You don’t know everything, but what do you know?”
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fangerine · 3 months ago
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"We're talking about somebody's life here. We can't decide it in five minutes."
12 ANGRY MEN (1957) dir. Sidney Lumet
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jerky-pal1 · 6 months ago
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twelve-angry-women · 2 months ago
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she’s stupid
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bizarre-blorbo-bracket · 1 year ago
FINAL for real this time: Davis (Juror 8) from Twelve Angry Men vs the Bimodal Distribution from statistics
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Propaganda under the cut, and it's REALLY worth it:
Davis (Juror 8) (these are all from the single submitter)
a quick lil list babes, and I apologise for all of this in advance:
He's from the fucking film 12 angry men. like, aside from letterbox bootlickers and middle school hass students NO ONE has watched this film let alone care about it, it was made in 1957, is shot almost exclusively in one room and the entire film is just middle aged white men yelling at each other over whether some not white poor kid should be sent to the electric chair. what the fuck.
Henry Fonda, the actor, was 52 years old at the time of filming
Henry Fonda is the father of Jane Fonda, the woman who would revolutionise the 80's with her home workouts and her blindingly neon leg warmers.
His name wasn't revealed until the very end of the film and even then it's just "Davis."
I could honestly give him a lil smooch
He's absolutely not girlypop but he's the ally-iest ally who's ever allied
He's categorised as a "Benevolent Leader" on the Heroes Wiki
instead of the overwhelming urge for me to coddle him like most all other blorbos, i would appreciate it switched
I have a photo of him inside my saxophone case and sometimes i forget he's in there, then he creeps into my saxophone bell and when I play it he shoots out like a ballistic missile
Dude, on ao3 there's more fanfiction about the real life 80's British punk band The Clash than the entire film of 12 angry men, let alone Davis (80 fics come up under the clash, while 10 come up for 12 angry men)
I have a counter, and I've watched 12 Angry men a total of 145 times. The figure is up on my wall in tallies. whenever the number goes up, I like to watch it in 5's so then I can put another full group of tallies on my wall.
I have incredibly detailed stories about how Davis would boogie down to ringo starr's solo career, and they're written within the margins of a book called Tobruk written by Peter Fitzsimons. The only reason I reread that book is to wonder at my elaborate works of fiction
My HASS teacher was the one to introduce me to 12 Angry Men as he played it for the entire class. He gave us a set of questions to complete on the film and a few Law based questions as a little treat, and he expected it to be handed in the next day. What he didn't expect was an 11 page monster of a response that included social commentary, 4 paragraphs dissecting the character of Davis alone, deeply discussed comparisons between the landscapes of politics and law in the 50's to the present, and basically an entire point-for-point summarisation of the film, completed with obscure quotes from Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon and Presley (Elvis). He presented the printed masterpiece in front of the entire class to shame me.
After class he explained how his favourite Juror would either be 6 or 5, because 6 seems like a big dumb teddybear and he just liked 5. I explained how I liked Davis because he didn't want to send a kid to die, then he told me how Davis would make a good cowboy (at this point in time I was unaware of Henry Fonda's role in Once Upon A Time in The West) and I proceeded to go home and write a 3 part orchestral composition that I could pretend would play as the soundtrack to Juror 8: A Cowboy's Tale or something like that
I had started to make an animation meme starring Davis but only gave up when photoshop literally deleted itself from my laptop
I didn't even hear that Juror 8's name was Davis when I first watched it in class, somehow I only heard it on my 6th rewatch but when I did I literally got so excited I literally got winded and cried a little bit, I had to take a panadol because I got so lightheaded
I have learned the musical motif that plays throughout the film on saxophone, clarinet, recorder, guitar, bass, ukulele, piano and trumpet
I have visions of him
One of Davis' 3 children HAS to be gay and nothing can convince me otherwise
honest to god I'd be a home wrecker if it came to him
I quote not only Davis but the film a lot, and sometimes in the dead silence of all my friends I go on about how the old man couldn't have possibly made it to the door in such a short amount of time to see the kid running down the stairs (because the old man has a limp, and Davis proved it my limping around the room, which I have to say was incredibly attractive of him)
He's literally an architect
I once had a dream where Davis was in my bass guitar case when I opened it, and i literally just picked him up and started picking him like a bass guitar until I tried to play a full chord and he bit the hand that was meant to be on the fretboard. I dropped him and he fell on his ass, and when I said "what the hell dude what was that for" he said bass chords are lowkey ugly to listen to, and since then i don't like playing bass chords because now they're lowkey ugly to listen to. before this ordeal, i enjoyed them, but alas
i once got my romantic partner to write me a davis x reader fanfiction as a birthday present
my parents believe that Davis is my first celebrity crush, and while they're actually wrong it's still actually so embarrassing they believe that because OH MY GOD it's literally JUROR 8 FROM 12 ANGRY MEN
I've attempted slam poetry about him
I've eaten a paper printed full a4 size photo of his hand
I would also not mind him to be literally my father, but given the rest of the things I've just said about him that's really weird and I recognise that
the Bimodal Distribution
First of all, it's a math concept. that is already pretty bizarre of a thing to be blorbo-ifying. Second of all, I don't know any calculus, and I don't consider myself a math person (because I hate arithmetic), but I really like this guy for some reason. I mean this graph clearly holds the secrets of the universe. don't you just want to l o o k at it . like you could solve everything in the world with that boy
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fandomharlot · 11 months ago
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bedpolls · 1 month ago
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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pondslime · 1 month ago
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JACK KLUGMAN as JUROR 5 (1/2) 12 ANGRY MEN (1957) dir. Sidney Lumet
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hyperlatte · 2 months ago
2025!!! Heh twelangrymen
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