#June of doom
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juneofdoom · 1 year ago
What up, whump fam?!
June of Doom 2024 Prompts!
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We've brought back some old favorites/ popular prompts from last year with a healthy dash of new!
Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
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Two rules this year!
As with last year, tag your stuff with appropriate warnings, plzkthnx.
AI-created content is highly discouraged and frowned upon. I have no way of "checking", but I respect the time and effort people put into their crafts and encourage everyone to do the same. This isn't a contest for best written or prettiest art — it's a challenge, so challenge yourself.
[AO3 Collection] - "JUNEOFDOOM2024"
Text list below the cut for easier crossings-off. And don't forget to tag @juneofdoom so I can reblog your awesome here! Have fun!
“Help me.”                                        | Failed Escape | On the Run | Fetal Position |
“It didn’t have to be this way.”             | Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |
“Well, well, well…”                            | Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
“Does that hurt?”                               | Impalement | Fracture | Punishment |
“It’s not as bad as it looks.”                 | Bite | Swelling | Disfiguration |
“They don’t care about you.”               | Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
“What happened?”                            | Nightmare | Isolation | Stumbling |
“This is your last chance.”                    | Drowning | Chair | Prisoner Trade |
“I made a mistake.”                            | Accident | Acceptance | Blame |
“Can you hear me?”                           | Fear | Smoke | Phone Call |
“We’re out of time.”                           | Bleeding Out | Collapse | Flatline |
“I can’t stand seeing you like this.”        | Dehydration | Grief | Coma |
“Wait!”                                             | Sacrifice | Adrenaline | Cornered |
“What were you thinking?”                  | Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
“Get me out of here!”                         | Rescue | Chainsaw | Presumed Dead |
“At least it can’t get any worse.”           | Secret | Stranded | Setback |
“You don’t want to do that.”                | Struggle | Blackmail | Desperate Measures |
“I’m fine.”                                         | Self-defense | Allergies | Headache |
“This can’t be happening!”                  | Sobbing | Straitjacket | Dissociation |
“I can handle it.”                                | Scrape | Panic Attack | Neglect |
“Let’s play a game. “                           | Stairs | Pressure Points | Trap Door |
“What’s the bad news?”                      | Poison | Bedridden | Cauterization |
“You’re doing great.”                         | Trembling | Gaslighting | Rules |
“Let’s get you cleaned up.”                  | Blankets | Stitches | Bandages |
“I should have listened to you.”           | Guilt | Backseat | Failure |
“Don’t lie to me.”                               | Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
“Or what?”                                       | Defiance | Display | Last Resort |
“Say something.”                               | Numb | Cold Shoulder | Gag |
“I’m so cold.”                                    | Delirium | Fever | Exposure |
“Breathe, damn you!”                         | Shock | Asphyxiation | Emergency Room |
“Who did this to you?”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not okay.”
“Don’t make me say it again.”
“You poor thing.”
Attending Your Own Funeral
Broken Glass
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sil-writes-fiction-too · 9 months ago
The Fragility Of Human Life
Lucifer x GN!Reader
Genre: sickfic, angst, lots of hurt and very little comfort
CW: sickness, illness
A/N: this is a very short one and at first I really wanted it to be a fluffy, hurt/comfort sickfic but... well... it turned into full angst instead. I'm sorry ç_ç. I haven't written for Obey Me in a hot minute and this is what I came up with?? Poor Lucifer! This is my entry for Day 29 of June of Doom ( @juneofdoom ). I used the prompt "fever", more or less.
Very few things can scare a man like Lucifer. What could possibly pose a threat to the Morning Star himself? A snap of his fingers could be enough to burn anyone and anything down to ashes. He doesn't fear for his life, no. He didn't when he fought in the Celestial War and fell and he doesn't now. However... he fears for the people closest to him. His brothers, first and foremost. Any moment spent in fear has always been dedicated to them. He feels responsible to them, he must keep them safe. Even if sometimes that means being disliked. Up until now that was all he cared about, keeping his brothers safe... but then they came along.
He disliked them at first, not trusting them even for a single second and treating them like a potential threat to his family. I mean, what kind of human would just start collecting pacts with the Seven Rulers of Hell? Not an innocent one, if Solomon was of any indication. He could understand Mammon doing something so moronic as to forge a pact with the new human student... but his other brothers? Clearly this human was more cunning than they seemed. At least that's what he used to think back then. He still remembers the fear and the anger he felt when MC had meddled into his family's affairs, going up to the attic and getting involved with Belphie despite the fact he had made it very clear they were to stay out of his business. He remembers wanting to eliminate them right then and there as his family threatened to fall apart in front of his eyes.
He is very glad he didn't.
Because there are few things that scare a man like Lucifer... and there are few things that make him as happy as MC does. This one human came into his life, completely flipped it upside down, helped his family find happiness and harmony again... and stole his heart in the process. Never in a million years did he think he would ever fall in love with a mortal. If what Lilith felt was even remotely close to what he feels for them, then Lucifer is even prouder of being in the Devildom rather than the Celestial Realm. He'd do it all again if it meant being with them.
But one thing Lucifer wasn't ready for was being faced with the fragility of human life as a demon who is completely and hopelessly in love with a mortal. It is a harsh awakening every single time, whenever MC gets hurt or makes an absent-minded comment about how short life is. Such comments are now banned from the House of Lamentation. He wasn't prepared for the icy cold fear that grips at his chest every time he is faced with MC's mortality.. the same fear that squeezes his heart right now as he looks down at the trembling human curled up in his bed.
According to Solomon, MC caught a very bad case of the flu. He was quick to add that it generally is a non-threatening sickness, but the concern was more than evident on his face nonetheless and it worried Lucifer and his brothers half to death. He has to be calm and logical about this, but he can't help but still be afraid even though it is more than clear that his human is not going to die from this. It's just that... this is MC we are talking about. They are a force to be reckoned with. They faced countless threats bravely and always came out on top and with a smile on their face! They even came back from the dead once, for Hell's sake! But now they look so fragile and defenseless as their body is wracked by violent shivers.
“Lu...” comes their weak voice, immediately yanking him out of his anxiety-fueled ruminations. “My love...” he is quick to respond, sitting down beside them and gently clasping their hand in his to bring it up to his lips and press a gentle kiss to the warm skin. Their grip is so feeble... it fills him with dread despite Solomon's words.
“I'm so cold...” they chirp in a frail voice that makes it sound like they are about to cry. It absolutely breaks his heart. He doesn't waste another second and pulls the blankets all the way up until they come up under MC's chin, then he removes his heavy coat and gets into bed with them, curling up around them and wrapping them tightly in his strong arms. The way they sigh and further sink into his embrace makes relief wash over him. Even more so when their shivers seem to simmer down a little. This is fine, he will protect them no matter what, be it from other demons or from this god forsaken flu.
He knows they will be fine and back to normal in a few days, but until then he won't be able to ignore the truth of the matter. And the truth of the matter is that MC is a human, a creature much more frail than a demon. They are not blessed with immortality and, one day, he might have to finally face the fact that no matter how much he loves them... he will have to let them go. He wonders if, when that happens, he won't suddenly cease to exist as well. Because no matter the perspective he tries to take while thinking about it, he simply cannot fathom being able to live without them by his side. The beating of his heart doesn't exist without them. They are the breath that fills his lungs and the vitality that courses through his veins. With them gone... what could ever remain of him if not an empty husk?
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serickswrites · 9 months ago
I Don't Feel So Good
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, electrocution, rescue, hospital, cardiac arrest, cpr, unclear character status, forced to watch
"I....I don't feel so good, C-C-Caretaker," Whumpee said as they slumped over in their chair. "D-D-Dizzy."
"It's ok, Whumpee. Help is here. Hold on. Just hold on," Caretaker said, wishing they could slip the cuffs that kept them away from Whumpee.
Time passed strangely for Caretaker. It seemed as though time had frozen when Whumper was in the room with them. But then time passed swiftly when Whumper had left them alone for an hour. And now, time seemed distorted, speeding up and slowing down. It had been torture watching Whumper spend the last hour shocking Whumpee with the car battery. And now that help had arrived, the waiting was torture.
Whumper had rushed from the room, leaving Whumpee still hooked up to the battery, when the sound of a door giving way startled the three of them. "Help is here, Whumpee. We're saved. Help is here."
Caretaker repeated it over and over as they watched Whumpee struggle to breathe. They opened their mouth to say something, but a group of people rushed into the room. Time seemed to jump for Caretaker, the rescuer's movements disjointed and fast. Before Caretaker could say much, they found themself in the back of an ambulance with Whumpee, rushing to the emergency room.
Whumpee lay on the gurney, their face pale and drawn with pain. The paramedic quickly hooked Whumpee up to various leads and monitors. Caretaker squeezed Whumpee's hand tightly. "You're going to be ok. They're taking us to get you checked out, you're going to be ok." Time was slow in the ambulance. Time was too slow. Whumpee needed help. But the ambulance seemed frozen in time for Caretaker.
A monitor screamed a warning and the paramedic looked up. They called to their partner, "They're in V-Fib. I'm going to defibrillate."
Caretaker's heart began to pound. Whumpee was getting worse. "Please, stay with me, Whumpee."
"I need you to step back, Caretaker," the paramedic said as they attached the sticky patches to Whumpee's chest. "Let me take care of them."
Whumpee's eyes frantically searched for Caretaker's as Caretaker pulled away. "I'm right here. You're going to be ok, Whumpee. You're going to be ok."
The paramedic took the paddles and paused before placing them on Whumpee's chest. "Whumpee, I know you're not feeling very good right now. This isn't going to feel great either. But your heart is beating in a rhythm that isn't good or sustainable. I'm going to try and shock you back into the correct rhythm."
Whumpee nodded their understanding, though their eyes were beginning to get hazy.
"Stay with me, Whumpee. You're going to be ok," Caretaker murmured as they started to reach for Whumpee again.
"Clear!" The paramedic said as they pressed the paddles to Whumpee's chest. Caretaker quickly yanked their hand back to avoid being shocked.
Whumpee's body convulsed with the shock. The paramedic watched the monitor. "I'm going to shock you again, Whumpee. Your heart rhythm isn't quite where it should be."
Whumpee nodded weakly, blinking their eyes slowly. "Clear!" the paramedic said as they deployed the paddles once more.
Caretaker held their breath as they watched Whumpee's body move. The monitor continued with the same sound, the same warning alarm that Whumpee's heart wasn't cooperating.
"Clear!" the Paramedic said again.
But as they started to deploy the paddles once more, Caretaker's stomach dropped as they heard the monitor let one continuous streak and the line that had been erratic mirroring Whumpee's heart beat became flat.
"Asystole," the paramedic called out, putting the paddles back onto the machine, "starting compressions."
Caretaker couldn't breathe around the terror gripping them as they watched the paramedic begin compressions on Whumpee. Couldn't breathe around the terror gripping them as the ambulance stopped, pulling into a med bay. Couldn't breathe around the terror gripping them as they stared into Whumpee's half lidded, empty eyes.
"Come on, breathe, Whumpee. Breathe, damn it!" The paramedic said as they continued to pound on Whumpee's chest.
Caretaker started to reach out to Whumpee, to take Whumpee's hand in theirs. Started to reach out to beg Whumpee to breathe, to stay with them. Started to reach out to try and bring Whumpee back to them. But as their fingertips brushed Whumpee's, the door to the ambulance swung open and they were swarmed by the medical team.
Whumpee was wheeled away from them before they could say or do anything. Wheeled away with the medic still performing CPR. Wheeled away to somewhere Caretaker couldn't go.
Caretaker began to sob as they realized Whumpee might be gone. Might be gone to somewhere permanently. Might be....dead.
Caretaker jumped as a nurse put a hand on their shoulder. "Caretaker," they said softly, "let's take a look at you."
"They....they need help," Caretaker whispered, unable to say the words that they feared were true.
"Whumpee has a great medical team looking after them. Let's get you looked at and then I can find out how Whumpee's doing, is that ok?"
"Whumpee....Whumpee needs me. Please, they need me. I need them." Caretaker started forward to try and follow, but the nurse's hand on their shoulder made them stop.
"Whumpee has all the medical team they need. You need to be looked at. Let the doctors do their job with Whumpee. And let me help you. Then I'll look in on Whumpee, ok?" Their voice was calm and soothing.
But Caretaker didn't want to be soothed. Whumpee had been hurt because of them. Had continued to be hurt because of them. They hadn't been able to do anything to help Whumpee. Hadn't been able to get help, escape, or save Whumpee.
And now....And now, Whumpee's heart had stopped beating. Whumpee was.....dead.
"Please, they can't die. Please. Don't let them die," Caretaker said, tears streaming down their face.
"We won't let them die, Caretaker. We're working on bringing them back. Now let's take a look to make sure you're ok."
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silencedvoices · 10 months ago
June of Doom Day 6
“They don’t care about you.”  | Flinch | Broken Promise | Abandoned |
Content: manipulation, intimate whumper
Whumpee flinched as they heard the door to their cell open. Whumper walked in looking almost sympathetic, a look that could never be trusted coming from them.
Whumper sighed, "I just got off the phone with your team."
Whumpee perked their head up at that.
"They had a whole lot to say but I um... have something to tell you."
Whumpee was paying so much attention that Whumper thought their brain might explode.
"They agreed that they aren't coming back for you."
Whumper tried to hide their delight as Whumpee's eyes widened in disbelief like they were a puppy that just got kicked.
"What? You're lying. They wouldn't-"
"Oh, but yes they would." Whumpee shivered as Whumper looked them directly in the eyes walking towards them. "That's why they abandoned you in the first place."
"But... they wouldn't. I know my team better than you and... they wouldn't do that."
Whumper kneeled down in front of Whumpee, face filled with some form of concern but there was a fire in their eyes that Whumpee didn't want to acknowledge.
"Oh sweetheart, I hate to say this but... they don't care about you."
Whumpee's heart shattered in an instant. Deep down they knew their team thought lesser of them and probably weren't coming back, but to hear it straight from Whumper really set it in stone.
Whumpee broke down in tears as Whumper cradled them in their arms.
"Don't cry sweetheart. I know it's not what you wanted to hear, but you still have me."
This only made Whumpee cry harder as they melted in Whumper's arms. It felt so wrong, it was so wrong, but what else could they do? They didn't want to acknowledge it, but the only one they had left was Whumper. Even if they hated them. Even if Whumper had hurt them endlessly for so long. They didn't have a choice so they chose the only thing they could choose; to finally give in.
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cricket-reader · 2 years ago
Mutual Agreement
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
Summary: whilst on a mission, you and Bucky get caught in the cold. Your body doesn’t handle the temperature well, being you’re not a supersoldier. Your state brings back memories of Bucky’s life before Hydra, making him fear for your health.
Warnings: language, hypothermia, crying, mentions of death, fluff
Word Count: 1,551
Prompt: Delirium | Hypothermia | Stabilisation
A/N: Day 4 of June of Doom by @juneofdoom
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Bucky never showed his emotions. He was a closed book, and he intended to keep it that way. But that all shattered to pieces one fateful mission.
You and Bucky had been assigned to take down an abandoned Hydra base in Russia. Bucky had wanted to go alone, but Steve insisted that he went with a partner. That partner just so happened to be you, the girl that Bucky admired from afar.
You were strong, intelligent, and beautiful. He admired you for that and all the good you had done. You were better than him in every single way.
Finding and destroying the base was an easy matter. It was abandoned, therefore, there were no surprise attacks. It was the perfect mission. No injuries, no deaths, and most importantly to Bucky, not even a hair on your head was harmed.
Things only went downhill from there.
The getaway vehicle you had parked in the forest refused to start again. It didn’t matter what Bucky did, the vehicle refused to start up. On top of that, it was freezing in the vehicle. Almost as cold as it was outside, without the wind, of course.
If your shivering was anything to go by, Bucky knew you both couldn’t stay there. On his GPS, the safe house wasn’t far away. The supersoldier could make it on foot no problem. He just wasn’t so sure about you.
Internally, his thoughts were running rampant. On the outside, he looked as calm and collected as usual.
“We shouldn’t stay here. Do you think you can walk to the safe house?”
You bit your lip. “Sure.”
Bucky didn’t trust the tone of your voice whatsoever, but he didn’t let it show. He had to get you to warmth before he lost you.
You both exited the useless vehicle, and trudged your way towards the cabin.
It didn’t take long for your hands to start shaking, and your steps to begin faltering. You had to stay strong, though. You couldn’t face the embarrassment of failure in front of a teammate that you swore hated your guts.
The feeling in your face as well as your feet had long since vanished. Your fingers hadn’t had feeling since you reached the vehicle. These were not good signs, but you resigned to deal with it since the cabin was coming into your view.
Bucky noticed you lagging behind before you did. His heart raced, wanting to pick you up and bolt to the cabin where he could get you warm. He knew, however, that you would not like that notion. You’d probably smite him if he dared lay a finger on you. You liked your space, hating when people invaded it. Because although you were kind, you too had boundaries. Physical touch just happened to be yours.
It wasn’t until you tripped and fell into the snow that he decided, “screw that” and picked you up from the ground. You were trembling so hard, as cold as ice and it fucking scared him.
You let out a small noise of protest as he gathered you in his arms and began to run to the cabin. You could do it yourself. You just needed a little rest, that’s all.
Bucky slammed the door to the cabin open and slammed it shut before running to set you on the ground. He took off your soaked jacket and boots. You gently pushed him away, not really able to put any force behind it. “I can do it myself,” you muttered indignantly.
Whilst Bucky usually loved your sense of independence, it only served to frustrate him. He pouted with his signature grumpy face, arms crossed and all. He watched you peel off your drenched socks. Your fingers were still trembling.
He just wanted to help. You turned to go to one of the rooms, hoping to find a new pair of pants that weren’t wet.
You overestimated your ability to walk. Tripping over nothing probably had to be the most embarrassing thing you had ever done in front of Barnes. He didn’t hesitate to catch you. In Bucky’s arms you wanted nothing more than to melt into a puddle of shame.
Bucky muttered something to himself as he carried you to the nearest room. He set you on the ottoman in front of the bed before going to ruffle through the closet. He found some clothes for you to wear.
He turned around to give them to you, so you could change yourself. When he saw you falling asleep, he dashed to your side. You couldn’t fall asleep on him now. “C’mon, wake up,” he muttered, not a trace of worry evident in either his tone or on his face. He was determined to keep calm in front of you. Freaking out would do no good.
You blearily opened your eyes. It was so cold. Why were you so cold? You were in the warmth now. You should be fine.
“I’m gonna change your clothes now, okay? Is that alright?” Bucky asked. He didn’t want to do anything without your consent, but if worse came to worse, he would have to. He just needed to stabilise you before things got any worse. You just groaned in response. Cursing under his breath, Bucky dutifully peeled off your pants and dressed you in the sweats he had found. He left your shirt on, since it wasn’t affected by the snow. He didn’t want to do anything more. Not without your consent.
In your state of delirium, you barely noticed that he had picked you up and carried you to bed. You barely noticed the way he took care to wrap you in multiple blankets.
When you woke up, you were incredibly warm. You were also practically trapped in a cocoon of blankets. Groaning, you unwrapped yourself from the layers upon layers of blankets.
You tiptoed your way into the hallway. Looking around, you didn’t see Barnes anywhere.
You furrowed your brows when you heard a muffled sound coming from the bedroom down the hall.
You creeped to the door and pressed your ear against it. You could hear ragged breaths and choked sobs coming from behind the door. It had to be Bucky. No one else would be out here. However, you’d never seen him cry. He always was so strong given what he’d been through. He was resilient. So what could have prompted his tears? Did he have a nightmare? You knew from Steve that he was struggling with them. Your hand hesitated at the door handle. How you longed to go in there and comfort him, to wrap him in your arms and tell him he was safe now. But you knew he was a private person. He hated it when people saw him vulnerable, and you didn’t blame him.
All it took to break your hesitance was a sob.
Bucky had a hard time keeping everything in. He didn’t mean to let it out, but god he couldn’t help it. Seeing you look so pale and weak, your ice cold skin and shivering body… it reminded him of Steve. Little Steve back when they were kids. He thought Steve was going to die that cold January night. Bucky had stayed with him the whole night, praying to anyone that would listen to not take away his best friend.
It was like history was repeating itself and just the thought of you dying tore him to shreds. Now, Bucky didn’t believe in any god, not after all he went through with Hydra, but you bet your ass he had prayed. He didn’t get too far before his emotions caught up with him, hitting him head on like a bus.
That led him to the moment where you burst through the door. Your concerned features swept Bucky’s distraught figure. He was in the corner of the room, curled up into a ball. He didn’t even notice you, too busy trying to get air into his lungs.
Your heart tore at the sight of him so broken. You gently moved up beside him and kneeled just a few feet away. “Bucky?”
His red, watery eyes looked up at you like you were a ghost. Those eyes widened as he scrambled to make himself look like less of a mess. He sniffled back his tears and ran his hands over his eyes. Red creeped onto the tips of his ears and the back of his neck, completely ashamed you were seeing him like this.
His body froze when you wordlessly wrapped your arms around his body. He wanted to cry all over again. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had held him as if he were something precious. It took him a few seconds before he returned the gesture, hesitant to touch you. He could hurt you… or what if this was all just a figment of his imagination. Bucky didn’t want your tender hold to disappear.
You both stayed wrapped in each other’s arms for the rest of the night. Not a word needed to be said between you both. In your silence was a mutual agreement. An agreement that no one had to know about Bucky’s meltdown. An agreement that you wouldn’t ask questions. An agreement that this is what both of you needed. Some comfort.
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montammil · 9 months ago
June of Doom Day 3 - "Well, well, well..."
| Hiding | Ambushed | Stalking |
Characters: Lawrence, Marshall
CW: Parental/yandere whumper, failed escape, manipulation, forming stockholm syndrome, minor injuries, infantilization
Marshall didn't know how he managed to do it, it was probably just pure luck on his side, but he managed to slip out of the house while Lawrence was asleep.
It was the perfect time to finally run away, especially since the older man would be groggy and confused in the morning. And hopefully by then, he'd be long gone from Lawrence's clutches.
The rain beat down on him for hours, but he didn't take shelter or more than a five minute break.
He needed to get as far as he could from Lawrence before the sun rose. Marshall shoved his hands deeper in his pockets to protect them from the icy cold, feeling the water seep through the thin fabric of his shirt.
This was a bad idea, a really bad idea.
But if it meant his freedom, he'd suffer through anything. He'd endure any torture to escape him.
He had no money, no way of getting any, and nowhere to stay for the night. Everything was dependent on a miracle now. It wasn't the smartest plan, but he had to take advantage of the only window of opportunity he was given. As long as Lawrence couldn't find him, he'd be fine. He could figure everything else out in time. Maybe he'd get a job, go back to school, start fresh somewhere else...
Despite his excitement, his heart weighed him down with guilt. He really shouldn't be abandoning Lawrence after everything he's done for him.
The blond loved him more than anything, and he betrayed that love by running.
Yet this was for the best, he told himself. It's the only way he'd be able to live his own life independently. And that's what he wanted.
Or so he insisted to himself.
It was past sunrise when he noticed a tiny gas station ahead of him. He rubbed his arms to bring some warmth to his skin. He was hungry, cold, and exhausted, which was an awful combination to have.
The rain had eased up to a slight drizzle, which provided little relief from the frigid weather. He trudged along, trying his best not to get hypothermia.
"I need help," he breathed to the man at the front, who only looked the slightest bit concerned. "Do you, um, have a phone? It's urgent."
The man opened his mouth, and then paused to look him over. "Sorry, only employees can use the phone. Do you want me to call someone for you?"
Marshall was baffled from his reply, but he didn't have time to get angry right now. He didn't want the police involved, he just wanted a ride to get out of here. He was glad he memorized his father's number--his real father--and gave it to the worker. He made a hand gesture for him to go sit down on one of the chairs a few feet away, and he reluctantly obeyed.
He noticed the man's voice was almost hushed, but he made out the words, "your kid is here", so he relaxed. He stared up at the clock above the counter, watching the seconds tick by.
He bounced his leg to keep himself from nodding off. His eyelids felt like a thousand pounds, threatening to close.
All he wanted to do was sleep. Sleep and forget about all this bullshit.
Marshall didn't know how much time had passed, but then he saw a familiar car pull up at the gas station, but it wasn't his dad's car.
Lawrence got out of the car, looking every part of pissed. He was dressed in nothing but a sweater and sweats, obviously not prepared to come out here.
The blond stormed inside the shop. Marshall straightened and gulped, wanting to shrink back further into the chair.
The bell rang loudly over their heads. "Well, well, well," Lawrence seethed. He stood in front of Marshall, glaring down at him. His body trembled. "Where did you think you were going, hmm?" He reached down and grabbed his wrist. Marshall squeaked in protest. Lawrence glanced over at the employee. "Thanks, Colin, I'll take it from here."
Colin nodded. Lawrence pulled him up, who fought him the entire way. He was frozen, unable to form a single word as he dragged him outside.
Marshall managed to squeeze his wrist out of Lawrence's grip and staggered backwards. Lawrence stepped towards him in attempt to grab him again, and Marshall's hand acted on its own, punching him right in the jaw.
A few painful moments went by before the reality of the situation hit him. Lawrence cupped his chin, rubbing his sore jaw. Marshall covered his mouth with his hand. That was probably a bigger death wish than running in the first place.
When Lawrence growled, somehow more rage evident in his eyes, Marshall bolted to the nearby trees.
He ran as fast as he could, ignoring his body's protests against the exhaustion. His head ached, his lungs burned, his muscles throbbed...but all he could focus on was his impending doom.
He jumped over bushes and logs, dodging branches and rocks as they flew by. The thudding of Lawrence's shoes followed him from behind.
At one point, Marshall tripped over a branch hidden beneath the leaves. He screamed as he went down, clutching his ankle in pain. He could feel blood trickling down his cheek as he turned, spotting Lawrence stalking forward. Marshall got back to his feet and ran again, screaming when the pain shot through his ankle once he put pressure on it.
There was no winning this race. He wasn't fast enough or strong enough. This was always how it'd end.
He ducked behind a tree and crouched low behind the bushes. He listened to the sounds of the forest, hearing Lawrence call his name. Marshall wrapped his arms around his knees and hugged his legs to his chest.
"This isn't funny, sweetie! Just come home already, it's too dangerous out here."
Yeah right, Marshall thought. It was safer out here than being with him.
"Marshmallow!" Lawrence sang. He sounded more gentle now. Lawrence knew how to get to him. Nathan responded best to his anger, Sadie responded to his worry, and Marshall responded to softness. "If you come out, we can just go home and talk this over. We'll watch a movie and snuggle, I'll even let you pick. We can make a blanket fort and have some hot cocoa. And I won't be mad, I promise."
His head throbbed. His stomach dropped as he heard the crunch of Lawrence's footsteps getting closer. It's been so long since he's heard anything other than his voice.
"You know," Lawrence continued, "it isn't very nice to hit me. I'm willing to let it go since I know you were just scared, but only if you come out right now."
Lawrence knew how to play him like an instrument. Each sentence was calculated and precise, knowing exactly what buttons to press.
Logically, Marshall knew he could only hide here for so long. Lawrence knew he was in the area and he wouldn't back off until he found him. He'd rather just give up now than prolong this agony.
He wiped his eyes, the fear spiking each second he waited. Finally, he called out, "I-I'm over here!"
Lawrence found him crouched next to a large pine tree. The moment his eyes met the older man, the tears poured down. He could hear Lawrence sigh with relief. He bent down on one knee.
"Oh, kiddo, there you are." He pulled him into his arms. Marshall tried pushing against his chest to get away, but Lawrence's embrace tightened. He choked on a sob. Lawrence cooed to him, rocking him in his arms. "Shh, you're alright, don't cry. It's okay, I got you now. Let's get out of here, okay? You must be freezing."
"Are you mad at me?" he croaked. He pulled away and cried harder when he saw the forming bruise on his face that would no doubt look much worse later. He had no idea he was capable of such strength, and neither did Lawrence.
"I'm not mad. You listened to me, so there's gonna be no punishment, I promise," Lawrence told him. He cupped his cheek to bring their eyes together. "I've just never been more worried. What if something happened to you? Did you ever think about that?" Marshall remained silent. Lawrence sighed. "We're going home. And then we'll talk about it more after we get you warmed up and that ankle taken care of."
It was useless to argue. He let the blond carry him to the car and closed his tired eyes. It was times like these that Marshall started to wonder if Lawrence was really that bad.
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months ago
💎🍚Eyes on you, eyes on me
Title from Eyes on you (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: While playing a game Jeonghan gets hurt. Jihoon blames himself. - A rewriting of Day 21: "Let's play a game" from Woozi’s perspective.
CW: injury, guilt
Whumpee: Woozi/Jihoon (+ Jeonghan) Caretakers: Hoshi/Soonyoung + Wonwoo
Let’s play a game, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.
Jihoon was most definitely not having fun. Not even in the slightest. 
He had long overcome any insecurities surrounding his height, knowing it would be his downfall if he let it get to him. Most of the time it didn’t bother him that he was shorter than most male idols, even some female ones. He’d been able to brush it off with grace, enduring the bit of teasing that wasn’t worse than what Mingyu received for his clumsiness, Seungcheol got hit with just for being the (albeit very pouty) leader and Dino because he was the maknae.
So normally he didn’t mind and he wasn’t about to start getting insecure now.
If anything though, he was angry. Angry at the staff that had hung the signs for the Chaos game this Going Episode just out of his reach. They should have taken his height into consideration, just like people considered that Jun, Minghao and Joshua sometimes couldn’t follow very fast conversation and game explanations or considered the injuries any member had at times.
And he was angry at Hoshi who kept teasing him. He knew deep down that his best friend didn’t mean it at all, in fact he was probably trying to make the episode fun and simultaneously trying to lighten the mood seeing how Jihoon was getting more and more worked up. But right now, it didn’t help Jihoon in the slightest. In fact, it made it worse.
“Should I get you a box to stand upon?”, Soonyoung asked cheekily, winking at Jihoon.
Yeah. Funny.
“Leave it, Soonyoung”, Jihoon mumbled, feeling his nerves fraying.
It was going to be a humiliating episode for him for sure. And he hated getting humiliated unlike Mingyu and DK who he was sure had some form of humiliation kink. Okay, damn, his thoughts were really falling apart.
Even worse, his whole team was probably going to be the butt of Carat’s jokes soon. Vernon, oblivious as fuck, barely was any help and Jeonghan, their only hope, had gotten caught by their general leader when he had tried to cheat.
“Come on, you normally don’t care about being vertically challenged”, Hoshi teased further.
Something in Jihoon snapped at his words. Why couldn’t Soonyoung read the room and leave him alone?
“Go screw yourself”, he snarled, not caring at all that the whole part would need to be edited out due to his use of curse words. He was rather glad.
He wasn’t proud of his actions, of shoving his shoulder into Soonyoung’s chest as he stomped past, but at the moment he couldn’t care less about the hurt look he saw on the dancer’s face.
He stood by the stairs leading down to the ground floor, taking deep calming breaths so he wouldn’t snap at another member or staff, when he saw the sign with the number 17 high up by the stairs. Wait, that was the number their team was looking for!
There was no way Jihoon was going to be able to reach that. He didn’t even need to test if he could reach it by standing on his tip-toes. It was much too high. He’d have to bite the bullet of asking for help.
Ashamed with how he had treated Hoshi, he knew that he couldn’t keep holding onto the anger boiling inside him. It was a team game and he was a team player. After taking another deep breath he called out for his Jeonghan-hyung. 
If anything Jihoon knew he needed Jeonghan to keep him in line should he get snappish again and he wouldn’t take it to heart like Vernon might. Since both of them were the same height it didn’t matter anyways.
When his hyung approached, Jihoon helplessly gestured up at the sign out of reach. 
Jeonghan actually groaned and mumbled: “I hate this game.”
That was just plain unfair. He didn’t get to be pouty too. Right now, Jihoon felt like he deserved to be the only one complaining. He crossed his arms over his chest aching with guilt and annoyance.
“You’re telling me that?”
Jihoon was stunned when he felt Jeonghan patting his head, cooing at him. It was plain rude and he was starting to feel angry again. He understood it was for fan service, yes, and that this section might need to be on camera since they were about to actually do something. Besides, he had already ruined one shot. So to keep himself from cursing at the older, he hit him - maybe a bit harder than strictly necessary - to satisfy his need for violence.
Even then all Jeonghan said was: “Cute.”
Okay. Two could play this game.
“You’re just pissed that you were caught cheating”, Jihoon said.
“I am not”, Jeonghan lied. Jihoon was sure of it. “Only that Seungcheol betrayed me like this.”
Yeah, that had been very unfair of the general leader, Jihoon had to admit to it. Jeonghan may have broken the rules, but again their team consisted of lazy Jeonghan, short Jihoon and confused Vernon while tall Seungcheol had annoying Hoshi and fucking tower Mingyu. It was deserved extra help.
As always Seungcheol started to pout when he heard his full name, yelling: “Hey. Stop pouting. You deserved that!” all across the house.
“Shut up”, Jihoon and Jeonghan called back.
Jihoon crossed his arms again, seeing that Jeonghan followed his example. Now that Jihoon saw Jeonghan stand next to him he felt a bit better. There also was no way that Jeonghan could reach that paper. It made Jihoon feel a bit better about himself, though he would never admit it. 
After staring at it for a few moments, Jihoon’s patience ran out. “What are we gonna do about that?”
“I suppose, I could try balancing?”, Jeonghan suggested. 
Did his hyung have a death wish? Jihoon whirled around to stare him down, disbelief cursing through his veins. How did Jeonghan think that would go?
“Are you crazy? You’ll fall.”
“I won’t.”
Jihoon was about to reply something along the lines of “mighty last words” when Jeonghan just stepped forwards and stood on his tip-toes to reach the paper. His fingertips were nearly comically far away.
“Hold me”, he ordered and grasped onto Jihoon’s hand before he had even the slightest chance to tell his hyung how big of an idiot he was. All he could do was beg him to stop.
“Hyung, don’t!”, he called out, unashamed of his voice slightly trembling. Jeonghan was crazy. They were on the top of a long flight of stairs. If there was one thing the active toddler in him remembered was his parents telling him to never mess around with stairs. You could break your neck, sweetie, or worse. Be careful, please!
Jeonghan, apparently, never had had that particular lecture. He probably had been too lazy to be running around stairs as a child already. But at least common sense from the smarter than average man should tell him it was a terrible horrible idea. Yet, he just held onto Jihoon and edged further and further over the abyss below. 
Jihoon held tighter onto him, not willing to let his friend fall. His palms were sweaty and he could practically feel Jeonghan slip further away from him. He may have started working out a few weeks ago but that didn’t mean he could already hold onto a grown-ass man, a grown-ass man much bigger than him no less. Especially not on top of stairs.
Jeonghan grabbed onto the paper and for a moment it seemed like maybe Jihoon had been a bit too overly cautious and that they would succeed after all. But then, as Jeonghan tore off the paper, it wasn't enough. No matter how hard Jihoon tried to pull them back up, he wasn’t strong enough. Not to save both of them.
“HYUNG!”, he screamed, their hands torn apart. For a moment Jeonghan’s face seemed frozen in front of him, various emotions painted on his face. Surprise. Shock. Fear. Desperation. Then he fell.
Jihoon’s knees exploded in pain as he fell forward, only his body’s instinct to lean backward stopping him from falling down the stairs as well. 
When he managed to recover from the shock of pain all he could see was his hyung - his loving, doting, smart, amazing, kind, gentle, sweet, helpful, mischievous hyung - laying broken at the bottom of the stairs, managers, staff, members crowding him and then hiding him from Jihoon’s sight. 
He couldn’t control the scream that was torn from his throat.
All Jihoon wanted to do was rush down the stairs to Jeonghan, check on him, see if he was … alive. He surely was alive, wasn’t he? 
You could break your neck, sweetie, or worse.
Jihoon couldn’t move, no matter how much he wanted. It was like he was rooted to the spot, frozen to the ground, set in stone. Everything was blurry.
Suddenly strong arms wrapped around his chest and pulled him back, causing him to fall backwards and collapse into the person. He gasped, throat raw, and then he blinked up at the person. 
His blurred sight - it was only then when he tasted the salty tears on his tongue that he realised he was crying - showed he was cradled in Wonwoo’s lap, the older man holding him tightly. Next to him sat Soonyoung who looked about as scared as Jihoon felt, but much more determined. 
“Jihoon-ah?”, Soonyoung asked gently and held onto Jihoon’s hand. 
For a moment Jihoon swore he could feel Jeonghan’s hand slipping from his again.
“Jihoon-ah? Are you injured? Does something hurt?”, Soonyoung asked and when Jihoon could only stare at him, chest heaving, he cupped Jihoon’s cheek in his hand, his thumb wiping away the tears.
Normally Jihoon would have killed Soonyoung for even thinking about doing anything like this but right now it was the most comforting thing in the world. 
Slowly he shook his head. The pain in his knees had lessened mostly and he knew there was nothing they could do against the bruises there. 
“Jeonghannie-hyung?”, he asked instead, before he was even aware he would ask the question, “is he okay?”
Wonwoo and Soonyoung exchanged a glance that made the blood freeze in Jihoon’s veins. “Please, is he okay?”
“Jihoonie”, Wonwoo finally said and held him tighter, “we don’t know yet. But paramedics are on the way and the others are taking care of hyung right now. We should focus on you.”
Take care of him? Jihoon didn’t understand. He was fine.
“You’re not fine, baby”, Soonyoung said with a sad smile, “you’re pretty scared, huh? I think you may be experiencing a bit of shock right now.”
All Jihoon could do was nod. He didn’t have the strength to lie and he did feel pretty shocked. 
Suddenly Soonyoung let go of him. Jihoon gasped, not wanting to lose the contact. He didn’t want to lose Soonyoung too.
“Hey, hey”, Soonyoung said, sounding a bit further away, “I’m not leaving you. I’m just gonna elevate your legs for a bit, okay? Just until you feel a bit better. Just breathe, okay?”
Jihoon nodded and closed his eyes. Soonyoung’s hands were warm against his calves and he was not only elevating his legs, he was soothingly patting Jihoon’s ankle, giving him something to focus on. His head was still resting in Wonwoo’s lap and only now did he notice that Wonwoo was gently stroking his hair and softly humming a song. 
Ulgo sipji ana
Jihoon let the older members take care of him for once. His heart still hadn’t stopped pounding in his chest and he noticed he was shivering. He was terrified, shocked like Soonyoung had said. He couldn’t bring himself to move, to look, to go to Jeonghan for now. He was too scared of what he would see. He didn’t want to lose Jeonghan. He didn’t think he could ever stop the self-blame if something bad had happened. Why hadn’t he been stronger?
It took a while for Jihoon to stop crying and trembling. It passed like the blink of an eye, an eternity at the same time. Slowly Wonwoo helped him sit up, Jihoon’s back against his chest. 
“Breathe, Jihoon-ah.” The producer could hear the older’s chest rumble as he spoke in his gentle, kind voice. “You’re okay. Hannie-hyung will be okay too.”
You don’t know that, Jihoon wanted to shoot back. But he couldn’t bring himself to speak the words.
You could break your neck, sweetie, or worse.
“I want to see hyung”, Jihoon said, his voice more determined than he felt. “I need to see hyung.”
“Okay”, Soonyoung replied gently and let go of Jihoon’s legs, “let’s go.”
He stood up and reached his hands down to help Jihoon up. With Wonwoo’s hand on his back and Soonyoung holding his hands, Jihoon shakily got to his feet. His knees buckled a bit under him but he managed to stay standing. 
Soonyoung never let go of Jihoon as they slowly walked down the stairs together, Jihoon’s gaze fixed on the steps. He didn’t know how he would react when he saw Jeonghan and he didn’t want to cause Soonyoung to fall down the stairs too if he freaked out.
Once they were at the bottom of the stairs, Jihoon noticed that the bubble of people surrounding Jeonghan was gone. Instead only Minghao was kneeling by their hyung’s side. The younger member was stroking away the tears on Jeonghan’s face. Jihoon didn’t know if they came from pain or shock. Some strands of hair stuck to Jeonghan’s cheeks that Minghao carefully peeled away, gentle as always. For a moment Jihoon could only watch. Jeonghan looked much more peaceful than he had imagined but it was still scary to see him so still.
“Please be more careful, hyung”, Minghao whispered, “it was terrifying. I was taking a break and was watching you and Woozi-hyung. Seeing you fall so suddenly … I … you really scared us today.”
Jihoon swallowed. He hadn’t even had thought about what the situation would do to the other members - he had only thought of Jeonghan and himself. He imagined it must have been so scary, maybe the suddenness of it all even more so than to Jihoon who was involved in the situation.
“I’m sorry, Eissa. I didn’t think”, Jeonghan mumbled. But Jihoon couldn’t believe the next words his self-sacrificing idiot of a hyung said “Are the others okay?”
He didn’t hesitate to interject, stepping forward, away from Soonyoung. His voice came out less angry than he had imagined, weaker than intended. 
“So much is clear. That you didn’t think, I mean. Do you know how terrifying it was to feel your hand slip out of my grip and see you fall?”
Jihoon sat down and wrapped an arm around Minghao who had startled at his sudden appearance, letting the scared younger member rest against him. Even if Minghao was acting strong, Jihoon could see how he was scared and he wasn’t as heartless as some people thought him to be. 
Only then did he finally look at Jeonghan, barely able to meet his eyes. I wish I could have saved you, hyung. I wish I had been stronger.
“I’m sorry, Jihoon-ah”, Jeonghan apologized quietly. “I never wanted to make you go through that.”
Jihoon didn’t really want to hear the apology. He didn’t think he could accept it yet. He knew he should have been stronger. But he also knew Jeonghan never should have played with his health, his safety like this. As loath as Jihoon was to admit it - this was Jeonghan’s fault in a way. He had decided to play. He had trusted Jihoon to hold him - and Jihoon had failed him - but still it had been his decision in the beginning to even try the stunt.
“I know, hyung. Please don’t be so reckless in the future”, Jihoon just said. I’m sorry.
But he couldn’t say those last words, because suddenly the door was flung open and paramedics rushed into the room. Jihoon squeezed Jeonghan’s hand tightly, hoping it conveyed the apology, and stepped back. Immediately Soonyoung was there, wrapping him in his arms again.
Now all they could do was wait and hope that their Jeonghan would be fine.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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cuddlepilefics · 9 months ago
“You poor thing“ - juneofdoom alternate prompt
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie/Little: Minho
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Prompt by @juneofdoom
"The baby caught the sniffles..."
No one’s POV.:
“Lix, do you know where the thermometer is?” Well, that was not a question Felix had expected to be woken up with early on a Sunday morning. His mind was still hazy when he propped himself up to look at Jeongin. “No”, he yawned, “What’s going on?” – “The baby caught the sniffles”, the maknae explained, referring to Minho. Though he was the second oldest of the group, Minho also had something to him that made even the youngest members swoon. Sometimes when the pressure got too much for him to bear, he slipped into his littlespace, regressing to a far younger mental age. There was no denying that little Minho was absolutely adorable and the members felt oh so very protective of him, so hearing that their friend was unwell had Felix awake in an instant.
While Jeongin still searched the dorm for the thermometer to get a read on Minho’s fever, Felix went straight to the little’s room. “Good morning, lovely”, the Aussie whispered as he approached the bed, “Awake this early on a day off, huh?” He took a seat on the edge of the mattress and gently felt Minho’s forehead, wincing: “Yeah, Innie should definitely find that thermometer. You’re so warm, kitten.” The little only looked up at Felix, eyes glossed-over and red-rimmed. Holding his gaze was the only reaction showing Felix that the other had heard him. “Can you tell hyung how you feel?”, the Aussie tried but Minho just kept looking at him.
“Found it!”, Jeongin announced with a small smile, holding up the thermometer, “Minnie, can you tell hyungs how old you are?” Realizing that their friend had slipped rather young, Felix showed the boy two fingers and hummed: “Are you two?” That was the younger Minho usually slipped and his mental age ranged from two to five depending on the circumstances but this time, he hadn’t even understood the question. He only looked at Felix’ hand curiously before grabbing one finger and holding on tightly. “The baby’s tiny”, Felix beamed, pinching Minho’s flushed cheek, “You poor thing, so tiny and icky, hm?” – “It’s okay, lovely. Let hyung take your temperature, so we can figure out how to make you feel better”, Jeongin shushed when he saw tears welling up in the little’s eyes.
Still clutching Felix’ finger, Minho tugged on it. When the Aussie didn’t react, he gave a hoarse whine. “You’re okay, kitten”, Felix breathed, waiting for the thermometer to beep before laying down alongside Minho. Clicking his tongue, Jeongin tutted: “Yeah, no wonder you got no energy. That’s quite the temperature you’re running.” It disturbed the maknae how Minho lay so still and unmoving. Even at his youngest moments, the little was always squirmy, kicking his legs or flapping the sleeves of his oversized sweaters. Felix lightly stroked Minho’s cheek and let the boy curl up against his side. “I’ll go grab some stuff”, Jeongin announced, ruffling Minho’s hair, “You got him, right?” The Aussie gave a hum of confirmation, so Jeongin quietly slipped out of the room.
Jeongin fetched the bottle of liquid medicine they owned and brought Felix a cold washcloth to hold to Minho’s forehead before setting off to the kitchen to prepare a small bite to eat for the little, so he wouldn’t have to take his medicine on an empty stomach. As he stood at the stove cooking a soft porridge, Seungmin joined him. “What are you doing up so early”, the vocalist yawned, being used to being the first one awake. Jeongin startled a little, having been too deep in thought to hear the other approach, before he sighed: “Minho’s sick and he slipped really young. He’s in babyspace and we’ll try to get some food into him, so he can take something for his fever.” – “Lix is with him?”, Seungmin guessed and his dongsaeng nodded, “I’ll go check on them.”
“Good morning”, the vocalist whispered when he slipped into Minho’s room, “I heard the baby’s sick?” The little gave a pained whimper before looking up at Seungmin, eyes glossy with fever. Cupping Minho’s cheek, Felix hummed: “Mhm, someone woke up really early, feeling really icky and so, so small.” – “Jeonginnie is cooking breakfast for you, little one. We’ll give you medicine and you’ll be feeling so much better in no time”, Seungmin smiled, rubbing the little’s arm. Scanning the assortment of littlegear and sick supplies on the nightstand, he mused: “I should probably make some tea. You’re so quiet today and that whimper sounded like your throat hurt. No sippy cup today, I think.” – “Nah, I think you should go straight for the bottle. Our kitten is to small to drink from a sippy cup today”, Felix agreed, using the cold washcloth to dab at the tears that had started to drip from Minho’s lashes.
Jeongin really hadn’t been long till he returned with a small steaming bowl of porridge, ready to start the challenging task of convincing Minho to eat. Felix sat up and propped the little up against his chest, which earned him a frustrated whine. “I know you’re tired and achy, love”, the Aussie shushed, adjusting their position to make Minho as comfortable as possible, “You can lay back down soon, just have a few bites and your medicine first.” Minho didn’t have the slightest appetite though and turned his head whenever Jeongin would lift the spoon from the bowl. His throat ached, making it hard to swallow and with his nose almost completely blocked, he felt desperate for air and couldn’t bear to have anything in his mouth. Feeding Minho took all of Jeongin’s patience and he already considered calling over Changbin because the rapper seemed to possess endless patience but he did manage to get a few spoonful and the into the little and decided that that was good enough.
Surprisingly, Minho barely fought them over having to take medicine, despite gagging on it before sleepily suckling on the bottle Seungmin held to his lips to help him get rid of the taste. While the vocalist took his turn, laying down with Minho, Felix and Jeongin informed the rest of the group about what was going on and it took Chan all but five minutes to arrive at their dorm to check on his physically oldest dongsaeng himself. When he entered the dancer’s bedroom, he found the boy sobbing with Seungmin holding a tissue to his face. “Min, I know it’s difficult to breathe”, Seungmin sighed, “That’s why you gotta blow your nose. Oh, morning, Chan-hyung.” – “What’s wrong?”, the eldest frowned, rubbing Minho’s back. Running the tissue under the little’s nose, Seungmin hummed: “He had to sneeze and I think his sinuses hurt. Crying will only make it worse though.” – “Aigo, you poor thing”, Chan cooed and pulled Minho onto his lap. He plucked another tissue from the box and tried to encourage the little to blow his nose, though it was hard to tell whether the boy even understood when Chan wanted him to do.
His attempts at blowing his nose only left it so much itchier and Chan barely managed to grab two fresh tissues in time to catch a quick sneezing fit. Gently cleaning Minho up, Chan mumbled: “Bless you. You wanna try again?” The little only burst into tears at that. Sneezing hurt, so no, of course he wouldn’t try again if it might make him sneeze. Exhausted, Minho rested his head on Chan’s shoulder, hands going up to clutch at the leader’s shirt when the older got up with him in his arms. “It’s okay, sweets. It’s okay”, Chan promised as he placed Minho on his hip. The little’s sheets were already damp with sweat, so Chan decided to settle him on the couch for the time being, so he could put fresh sheets on his bed.
By now, Changbin, Hyunjin and Jisung had come over too and Changbin had even had the presence of mind to pick up breakfast for the group as well as cough drops for Minho. Minho lifted his head as soon as he heard Jisung’s voice and made grabby hands for the rapper, the most heartbreaking pout on his chapped lips. Knowing exactly what the little wanted, Chan smiled: “Good morning. Ji, would you take a seat on the couch, please? I’ll place Minho on your lap, so I can go change his sheets. Baby’s all sweaty and overheated.” – “Oh dear”, Jisung sighed sympathetically, immediately sitting down, “Does my Minnie need cuddles?” Feeling flustered, Minho hid his face against Jisung’s neck and made the rapper chuckle. Jisung comfortingly patted his back and smiled: “It’s okay, kitten. Hyung’s got you.”
The group ate breakfast, while Jisung tried to have Minho sip some more tea. It was a slow going though. Cuddling into Jisung’s chest, the little suckled on his bottle but needed frequent breaks to catch his breath. As long as Minho stayed hydrated, the rapper would give him all the time he needed even if that meant his own breakfast would have to wait for a little while longer. “Maybe we could give Minnie a bath”, Hyunjin proposed as he took Minho from Jisung, so the other could eat something, “We still have some menthol bath oil, which should clear up his congestion and if we keep the water temperature low, we might be able to bring his fever down.” – “Great idea”, Chan agreed, “At the very least, Min should feel a bit refreshed after getting all that sweat of his skin. Right, baby?” The younger only looked at him, hoarsely babbling something as he leant against Hyunjin. Sitting upright seemed to demand all his strength, so Chan really wanted to tuck him back into bed after washing up.
Felix filled the tub and made sure the water temperature would still be comfortable. There was no way Minho would rest well if they gave him chills. Seungmin picked out a fresh outfit for the little, choosing a hoodie because he knew how much it soothed his friend to chew on the cuffs of his sleeves. To make sure the other wouldn’t overheat, he paired it with shorts, so there would be enough skin exposed to keep him cool. Minho barely understood what was happening to him when Hyunjin carried him to the bathroom and wanted him to undress. When the other handed him his rubber duck though, Minho gave a little smile.
The water seemed to bring back some of Minho’s energy and he happily played with his cups and ducky before Hyunjin called him to wash his hair. Sighing contently, the little rested his back against the side of the tub while Hyunjin shampooed his hair, taking his time to massage his scalp. “Oh, someone’s got a runny nose now”, Chan chuckled when him and Changbin maneuvered Minho out of the tub. They bundled the little into a towel and sat him down on the closed toilet lid before Chan tried to get him to blow his nose again. This time he had more success and Minho breathed a bit easier after going through three tissues. They got him dressed and after blow-drying his hair, Changbin picked him up and carried him back to his room.
When Changbin placed Minho down on his bed, he couldn’t help but coo. The little was gnawing on the cuff of his sleeve and looked up at him with glossy eyes, not at all pleased to not be held anymore. Giving a scratchy cough behind his sleeve, Minho tried to give Changbin a disapproving look and although it looked absolutely adorable, the rapper got the hint and sat down next to his friend. “Do you want hyung to stay?”, Changbin asked softly. He took a seat against the headboard and encouraged: “Get comfy, love. Hyung will sit with you however long. We won’t leave you on your own, baby.” Minho lay down with his head pillowed by the rapper’s thigh, suckling on the cuff of his sleeve while his friend pulled the blanket up over him. The other members gave them some space, so they wouldn’t wake Minho, only popping in to place the little’s bottle filled with tea onto the nightstand and to give Changbin a cold washcloth to dab the boy’s forehead with, which the rapper did with a fond smile on his lips. He was absolutely right, Min was so loved, he wouldn’t be left on his own, not when there were seven caregivers who would give their souls to make sure he would be okay.
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jedi-lothwolf · 10 months ago
June of Doom Day 2: "Who Did This to You?" (Alt Promt)
Fandom: The Clone Wars
Summary: After a fight, Obi-wan goes to talk to Cody.
    "Can I come in?" Obi-wan asked Cody.
    Cody looked at Obi-wan. He seemed shaken and looked like he had been in a fight. His lip was bleeding, he had a colorful bruise on the side of his face, and his arms were wrapped around his stomach as if it hurt. "Come in."
    Slowly, Obi-wan walked in the room. Sitting on Cody's bed, he sighed.
    "Who did this to you?" Cody walked over to his bedside table and grabbed a tissue.
    Hesitantly, the Jedi started to speak. "Anakin did."
    "What?" Cody hadn't meant to ask.
    "Anakin, did."
    The clone walked over to Obi-wan and sat beside him. Gently pressing the tissue against his bleeding lip. "What happened?"
    Moving Cody's hand so he could speak, Obi-wan told him what happened.
    "It was an argument. Anakin gets angry faster than he used to. I think the war changed him. He's always been somewhat angry, it's just how he is. I've tried to help him, but I'm not sure anyone can."
    "Are you okay?"
    "I'm okay. I know Anakin will come find me to apologize. I'm okay."
"Does this happen often?" Cody asked quietly.
"No. We argue but we hardly fight."
"Let me see your side."
Sighing, Obi-wan moved his arms. Carefully, Cody moved the Jedi's clothing out of the way. A colorful bruise had started to form. It was a mix of dark purple, red, and yellow.
The clone stood after readjusting Obi-wan's clothing. He walked over to his bedside table and opened the top drawer. Grabbing a bottle of Tylenol, Cody shook two of the pills into his hand. "Here." After he handed the man the medicine, he grabbed the glass of water on the table and passed it to him.
"Thank you."
"Of course. Stay as long as you need."
After taking the medicine, Obi-wan laid down on the bed. Cody didn't like how normal this seemed to his general. While shaken, he didn't seem surprised.
Laying down beside Obi-wan, Cody knew he would watch the two close. After all, he couldn't stand to see people he cared about hurt.
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hadesstan · 2 years ago
June of Doom Day 6
"You're doing great."
| Injection | Nightmare | Duct Tape |
Cw: Implied torture
People liked my Hero/Villain whump so I'm gonna write more of that because that is the good shit and I didn't want to be repetitive before. Also Villain Caretaker>>>>>>Villain Whumper
By the time Villain had found Hero, they had already been beaten unconscious and their attacker was long gone. They lay, bruised and bleeding, ducktape binding their hands and feet and covering their mouth.
Villain cursed and scooped them up into their arms, carrying them with ease to their car. Once their limp form was suitably strapped in, Villain tore out of the car park and headed for their lair. They didn't bother removing the duct tape just yet, it would have been a waste of time.
Villain called Henchman on the way, cutting red lights and cursing at crossings.
"You're going to find out who hurt Hero, and you're going to bring them to me."
"Is everything okay? What happened."
"You're going to find them, do you understand?"
"Uh, yes boss, of course."
The line went dead and Villain swerved to avoid a truck as they sped through another intersection.
When they eventually arrived at their lair, Hero had begun to stir.
Villain unbuckled them from their seat and ripped the tape from their mouth, carrying them into their lair and placing them gently on a couch.
They used a knife to cut the bonds from Hero and laid them out as gently as they could.
Hero began to stir, but Villain quickly realised they weren't waking, they were having a nightmare.
"No, please, no more," Hero begged, and Villain cursed, but let them sleep through it. It's worse to wake them during a nightmare, they knew.
But when Hero kept struggling, and wouldn't calm down, Villain found themself strapping their struggling nemesis to the table they normally used for torture.
"Calm down, I'm trying to help you."
Hero wasn't listening. "No, please, no"
Villain didn't listen and began preparing the supplies to treat Hero's various wounds.
They treated their burns and the slash across their forehead, whispering encouragements as they set Hero's broken leg. Hero had given up fighting, hovering halfway between conscious and unconscious
"You're doing great," they said, and Hero just gritted their teeth against the pain as their leg was splinted.
They bandaged Hero's cut arms, and eventually moved to cut off Hero's shirt, to reveal a myriad of cuts crisscrossing their chest.
Villain glared, trying to reign in their anger, then placed the scissors down on the table, with probably more force than necessary. Hero flinched at the clatter.
"Who did this?"
Hero shook their head.
"Tell me."
Hero looked away as best they could and didn't meet Villain's gaze. Villain just cursed again and set to work on the wounds on their chest.
When they were done, they retrieved an injection of antibiotics from their supplies. Hero tried to struggle away, but they were held tight.
"Calm down. It's just antibiotics, some of you're wounds are already infected."
Hero gulped. "Why are you doing this?"
Villain didn't look at them as they pressed the syringe into Hero's arm and pressed in the plunger.
"No one gets to hurt you but me. Get that?"
Hero nodded hesitantly, and Villain stepped away from him, beginning to clean up the various packages and bloody clothes left around.
Henchman interrupted before Hero could question anymore.
They gave barely a glance to Hero before they turned to Villain, their grin positively feral.
"Found him," they said, and Villain smiled.
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juneofdoom · 7 months ago
June of Doom 2025 💣
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By popular vote, here be the 2025 June of Doom prompt list for your doomsday planning!
Please feel free to participate with original or fan works of any kind (writing, photos, gifs, mood boards, videos, songs, whatever creative medium your heart desires!). You can do one or all of the prompts on any given day, and if none are to your liking, check out the alternate prompts!
Angst, hurt/comfort, and lighter/ funnier forms of whump are also welcome! Torture takes many forms. :)
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Rules/ FAQ!
Tag your stuff with appropriate warnings, plzkthnx.
AI-created content is highly discouraged and frowned upon. I have no way of "checking", but I respect the time and effort people put into their crafts and encourage everyone to do the same. This isn't a contest for best written or prettiest art — it's a challenge, so challenge yourself.
You can combine this challenge with other challenges!
You can start/ finish this challenge whenever the heck you want!
You can mix and match prompts from different days!
I'll post reminders and such the closer we get!
[Text List]
[AO3 Collection will be up late May 2025]
And don't forget to tag @juneofdoom so I can reblog your awesome here! Have fun!
Previous Dooms: 2023 || 2024
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sil-writes-fiction-too · 9 months ago
A New Life, You and I
Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader
Genre: hurt/comfort (more comfort than hurt), fluff
June of Doom, Day 7: "What happened?"/"Stumbling" (late entry) @juneofdoom
CW: mentions of injuries
A/N: this is very short and I wasn't sure where I was going with it, but I think it's cute. This takes place after the last chapter of AOT, Levi and the Reader are in an established relationship and live together in a small cottage :,)
A loud, clattering sound coming from the kitchen pulls your attention away from the book you were reading, startling you. At first you think that perhaps some sort of critter has managed to enter your little home and that it made a ruckus in its exploration of the kitchen while searching for food, but then you hear a familiar, annoyed grunt coming from the room and suddenly you are on your feet and running.
“Levi??” You call out with concern more than evident in your voice, and when you reach the kitchen you let out a small gasp at the sight of Levi on the floor surrounded by various utensils, bags of tea and a miraculously unbroken jar of honey. His wheelchair waits abandoned in a corner of the room, quite far away from him. “What happened?” You ask as you hurry over to help him get back up.
He grunts again as he tries to not weigh you down while you pull him up. “I fell.” He mutters in a flat tone, as if you asked him a stupid question, and it makes you huff a little. “Yeah, no shit...” You mumble as you carefully help him back into his wheelchair, holding back a little hiss from how tightly he is gripping onto your arms for support. Once he is sat back down you take a look at the mess still strewn about the floor. “... Were you trying to make yourself some tea?” You ask while you bend down to pick up all the stuff that fell down, noting the open overhead cabinet that's definitely emptier than how you left it.
He huffs, his shoulders stiffening up a little as he looks to the side. “Yeah...” he grumbles rather dejectedly, and you immediately recognize the embarrassment and annoyance in his expression. It breaks your heart.
When things finally got to an end a couple months ago you felt nothing but relief. You and Levi both survived and maybe you'd finally get a chance to leave the past behind once and for all. Sure, that relief soured pretty damn quickly when you realized just how extensive Levi's injuries were... but he was still alive and breathing, and you thought that, compared to everything else, this was just a small hurdle. Nothing you couldn't face together... And you still feel like this.
However, as happy as you were to finally have Levi at home with you, that's also when you began to realize that perhaps this was a little more than a small hurdle. For Levi especially. After everything that's happened he mostly looked tired, rather than sad. At first he looked like he accepted his new living conditions rather quickly and that he didn't let the changes bother him too much... but you see it sometimes. The way his frown deepens when he accidentally drops something after absentmindedly reaching for it with his right hand, the flashes of pain across his face whenever his injuries start acting up for whatever reason... and the frequent antsiness in his demeanor whenever he gets up off his chair to try and walk for a little. That last one in particular seems to take a toll on him.
The doctors have encouraged him to try and take a few steps every once in a while, but they were very clear on him needing support and not pushing himself too hard in order to avoid injuring his body further. And you, on your end, made it very clear to Levi that he can rely on you. You know he is grateful for your presence, he'd never take it for granted or see it as a nuisance... but it is more than apparent that he wishes he wouldn't have to rely on you for so many things, especially when it comes to the simplest of tasks. He was humanity's strongest no more than a few months ago, for God's sake! And now he can barely take a couple of steps without stumbling or folding like a piece of paper. You can almost hear these thoughts echoing from his mind.
“Mh... You know, we should move all this stuff somewhere else. Keeping it up there is just impractical.” You state as you clear a small space on the kitchen counter to accommodate all of the things Levi uses to make his tea. You make it a point to arrange all of the items neatly, cocking your head to the side when you are done. “I think we need some cute jars for all those tea leaves... and maybe a little rack?” You scrunch up your nose in thought as you observe the little tea corner work in progress. You hear a small scoff behind you.
“I'll come with you to buy that stuff. I don't trust your tastes.” He comments in his usual sarcastic tone, making you laugh. “How very dare you!” You exclaim as you turn to him with your hands placed on your hips, pleased to see that he already seems to be less tense than before. “Uh huh, remember the curtains that didn't fit the windows? 'Oh Levi, these are just perfect for the kitchen!' and then they didn't even reach all the way down.” He repeats your words from when you first started decorating your shared home, but still uses his deadpan tone while imitating you. Honestly it just makes you laugh harder. “You're an ass!” You huff in mock annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest. “And you keep buying mismatched stuff...” He grumbles, secretly adoring the sound of your laughter.
You sigh, raising your hands. “Alright, fine, that may be true... I will make sure to consult the real artiste when we go on our next shopping trip.” You say jokingly, making him scoff again and roll his eyes at you.
“Hey Levi...” You begin while stepping aside so he may get closer to the counter. A simple “mh?” is the response you receive. “Would you make a cup of tea for me as well?” For a moment he stills, with his hand in mid-air as he was reaching for one of the bags that contain his tea leaves. “I like yours the best...” You add as a smile slowly curls your lips when you notice the tips of his ears turn slightly red.
“...Yeah.” The way his voice softens makes your heart melt in your chest.
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serickswrites · 9 months ago
Say Something
Warnings: captivity, restraints, gag, cruel whumper
"Say something, Whumpee," Whumper ordered as they double checked the cuffs on Whumpee's wrists.
Whumpee didn't reply.
"Oh, come on, Whumpee. Don't be that way. Say something. Anything!"
Whumpee didn't reply.
Whumper straightened and crossed in front of Whumpee. "Say something, Whumpee."
But still Whumpee did not reply.
Whumper pinched Whumpee's cheek, shaking Whumpee's head roughly. "What, cat got your tongue?" They stared into Whumpee's tear-filled eyes. "You better say something, or you won't like what happens next."
And though Whumpee desperately wanted to respond, wanted to stop any future pain, they didn't reply. Couldn't reply. Whumper had gagged them so completely and thoroughly that even though Whumpee tried their hardest, they simply couldn't reply.
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silencedvoices · 10 months ago
June of Doom Day 1
"Help me." | Failed escape | On the run | Fetal Position
Cw: medical whump, needles, restraints
Whumpee contently sighs while slowly opening their eyes, squinting at the bright hospital lights. Their eyes widen as they see an IV sticking out of their arm.
Nononono. This cannot be happening again.
Whumpee starts hyperventilating, tears welling up in their eyes. Without a second thought they reach to pull the needle out, but their arms won't move. They look closer to see they are tied down to the bed. They start thrashing around frantically trying to escape the restraints.
"Where am I?" They couldn't possibly be back with whumper. "Help me!"
Caretaker comes running into the room. Their heart drops as they see whumpee thrashing around with a look of pure terror on their tear streaked face.
"What's wrong whumpee? You're in the hospital, you're safe." Caretaker runs over to whumpee's bedside gently pushing the hair out of their face.
"W-why is there an IV? Why am I tied down?" Whumpee's voice breaks, trying but failing to hold back their tears.
Caretaker grabs whumpees hand, gently rubbing circles on their palm. "I know you hate needles, but you need the IV to stay healthy. I didn't want to have to tie you down either, but everytime you wake up you keep trying to pull the IV out and escape. Don't worry. It's for your own safety ."
"So you're sure you're not drugging me or anything."
"No whumpee, of course not."
"I promise I'll be good. Just- take the restraints off. Please? It... reminds me too much of whumper."
Caretaker's heart breaks again at that. They don't understand what kind of monster could hurt whumpee like this. "I'm sorry but the doctor said to leave them on until we can be sure you won't act out. Can I trust you won't try to run out again?"
"Yes. I won't try anything again."
"Yeah, I promise."
Caretaker sighs, "Okay."
Whumpee calms down quickly as caretaker undoes the restraints. Whumpee is still frightened by the IV, but they tell themself they'll get used to it eventually.
"Thank you caretaker," whumpee says with a wobbly smile.
Caretaker smiles back warmly.
Whumpee curls into a ball under the sheets, careful not to mess with the IV. Caretaker stays by their side running their fingers through whumpee's hair until they fall into a peaceful sleep. This is going to be a long recovery, but caretaker promises to be by whumpee's side every step of the way.
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shes-some-other-where · 9 months ago
June of Doom Day 15, 28
“Get me out of here!” | Rescue | Gag
Taglist: @scoundrelwithboba, @tildeathiwillwrite
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Contains: restraints, gag, suspicion, non-life threatening injury
WC: 750
Bleeding, fraying edges
Stupidly, the food taster hoped that when the chair fell onto its side—bringing him with it—he would somehow find himself graced with the good fortune of having loosened the ropes on his arms, legs, and torso.
Alas, his luck had at last run dry. His arm, pinned between the chair and the floor, flared with agony and then went numb, deadened to the point where he couldn’t tell quite how injured it was.
Bucking and struggling against the restraints, even with the chair halfway overturned, did little but scrape his skin even more until it was nothing but swollen, bleeding, fraying edges. The knot in his mouth kept his shouts for help woefully subdued, and the thick material sucked away moisture until he was certain he would die of thirst.
By the time the door to his prison reopened, he was soaked with sweat, limp, and on the verge of tearfully agreeing to provide his assistance in murdering a queen.
But the voice that called his name was not the one he expected.
The world tilted the right way again, restored to its proper orientation, and worried hands tore at the gag and the ropes. “You idiot! I told you that you’d get caught up in trouble! Why don’t you listen to me?”
Half-laughing, half-groaning as greatly unwelcome sensation flooded into his arm, the food taster said, embarrassingly sincere, “Okay. I admit it. I should’ve listened. I’m sorry. Now get me out of here.”
“Damn right you’re sorry.” His friend grasped his arms. “Can you stand?”
“I don’t know,” the food taster admitted, a little dizzy when he tried. “How long . . . ?”
His friend replied, but it was then that the food taster realized that his rescue had not been executed independently. A girl in a palace uniform watched him with wide, sympathetic eyes, while a man stood by the door, hunched and silent as he kept watch over the corridor.
“You made friends,” he observed stupidly. The ghost of a smile flicked over the girl’s face.
“Yes. I suppose.” Giving only a raised eyebrow and mere moments as warning, the governor’s son pulled the food taster to his feet, propping him upright to support his trembling limbs. “We, well—we’re not done yet, either.” As if to punctuate this statement, the girl nodded. “She’s looking for someone, too.”
“And we’ll find her,” the girl said adamantly, folding her arms.
The food taster’s stomach sank. “Her? The girl who lured me here? She works for that mad prince.”
As the girl responded tightly, “So do I,” the man by the door went rigid.
“You’ve changed your tune,” his friend said, paling. “I thought . . .”
“He wants me to kill his mother,” the food taster explained in a rush. “The queen. Break some curse and then help poison her. That girl’s the one who—she was looking for me. Because he told—”
A wave of dizziness washed over him as the silent stranger with blood streaking his face and neck turned to meet his gaze.
Overwhelmed by the taste in the air, that salt-and-acid tang of a curse, the food taster nearly gagged.
“You, too,” he said, his heart racing as he pointed toward the man. More cursed gold. How? Why? How many people did the prince manipulate like puppets? “You work for him, too.”
The man’s mouth twisted, and his fingers curled into fists.
“I don’t think so,” said the girl. “I’ve never seen him before. We freed him from another cell here.”
“How can we be certain, though?” the governor’s son asked, cold and wary. “If he can’t say anything?”
The gold around the man’s throat glinted.
The food taster staggered forward, reaching out his non-benumbed hand. “It’s this, isn’t it?”
The metal seemed to sizzle against the man’s skin; the taste of magic burned the air.
The man tried to jerk away, fear and fury contorting his features, but the food taster—the cursebreaker—wrapped his fingers around the chain.
“Explain yourself, then.”
The chain snapped.
The man fell backwards, chest heaving, eyes gleaming and wide, as the cursebreaker collapsed to his knees. Breaking through the fog in his mind—too much magic, too much exertion, too much, too much—came the stranger’s voice, rusty as ancient iron.
“Never mind me,” he rasped. “I want to save her, too. My sister.” He choked as if he suppressed a sob. “I see things. I know things. And I know we have to find her. Now.”
June of Doom Masterlist
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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cuddlepilefics · 9 months ago
“I’m fine” - juneofdoom day 18
Fandom: Seventeen
Sickie: Jihoon
Caregivers: Seungcheol
Prompt: headache @juneofdoom
Tw: emeto
No one’s POV.:
Late nights at the studio were Jihoon’s thing. At least, that was what the producer tried to convince himself of as he punched in the code to unlock his studio. They had just finished a group dance practice session and while the members headed to their respective dorms, Jihoon had a couple more hours of work before him. His sweaty practice clothes still clung to his skin and he shivered when the air-conditioning blew a cold gust of wind down on him. Yeah, he should change into some clean clothes first even if his shower would have to wait till he’d get home. This was neither the first, nor would it be the last time, so Jihoon had prepared a sports bag filled with clean clothes and snacks, which he always kept at the studio for nights like this.
Feeling a little less disgusting now that he was wearing something clean, Jihoon plopped down in his seat and winced. The impact had sent waves of pain through his skull, reminding him of the headache he had been nursing since shortly after lunch. With a heavy sigh, he leant against the backrest and waited for his computer to load the last track he had been working on. The shrill ringing of his phone cut through his tired haze and he sluggishly picked the device up, already rolling his eyes when he realized it was Seungcheol calling. The leader would probably scold him for working late, despite knowing full well that their groups success depended on it.
“I just realized, I didn’t see you leave with the others”, Seungcheol stated neutrally. Massaging the spot between his brows, Jihoon muttered: “Nice observation, hyung.” – “Are you working late again?”, the older frowned. Jihoon furrowed his brows. If he didn’t leave the company building yet, what else would he be doing there? “Nah, not today, hyung”, the producer hummed, “Some of the decorative plants in the hallway on the studio floor looked a little wilted yesterday, so I thought I’d stop by today to check on them. Maybe they need some more water or just somebody talking to them.”
Jihoon wasn’t sure whether the call had disconnected or if he had just stunned Seungcheol into silence. That question was answered when the leader cleared his throat and muttered: “Those are plastic plants, please don’t water them.” Jihoon dropped his pounding head into his hands and waited for his hyung to say anything else. He knew it was disrespectful to be this sarcastic when Seungcheol only wanted to check on him but he was tired, his head hurt and he had no patience for people stating the obvious. “Are you okay?”, the leader finally asked, “Either you’re upset with me or you’re so out of it that you’re hallucinating and actually want to talk to those fake plants.” – “I’m fine”, Jihoon sighed, “No, I am not upset with you, just frustrated and no, I do not want to talk to those plants. Hyung, I don’t enjoy staying late either, so if you don’t mind, let me please get to work because the sooner I start, the sooner I’ll be done.” – “Sorry”, Seungcheol hummed, “I just didn’t think you’d go tonight. You looked really exhausted earlier and if I didn’t know any better, I would’ve guessed you have a headache.”
Realizing how genuinely concerned the older way, Jihoon couldn’t help but feel guilty. He bit his lip and admitted: “Yeah, I have a headache and I am pretty tired but I’m fine, I just need some caffeine. There’s still some coke in the mini fridge, which should get me through the next couple of hours and then I’ll take the shower I’m craving right now.” Seungcheol knew there was no point in arguing and felt a little guilty himself because he knew that their group had only made it this far thanks to Jihoon’s hard work. His dongsaeng was struggling, that much was obvious and it shouldn’t be all on his shoulders. As the leader, Seungcheol felt that it should be his burden to carry but what could he do? He might check on Jihoon in and hour or two to see whether he was heading back though it might get on the producer’s nerves, Seungcheol wanted to make sure that by “the next couple hours” Jihoon wasn’t talking about five hours. It wasn’t like he hadn’t pulled that on previous occasions.
When the call ended, Jihoon muted his phone. He couldn’t afford anymore disturbances because he really wanted to get home soon. The headache was bothering him more than he wanted to admit and finally got himself a bottle of coke, hoping the caffeine fix would take the edge off and make him a little more functional. At least, he wouldn’t have to fight for his turn to shower because everyone else would be asleep by the time he’d get home.
A shudder ran down his back as he took the first sip, the drink so cold that the bottle was immediately covered in little droplets of condensation. Even if the caffeine wouldn’t kick in fast enough to wake him up, the cold surely did, so hr immediately got to work, trying to ignore how badly the screen made his eyes burn. Eager to ease his headache, Jihoon drank his coke quickly and retrieved a second bottle, despite the goosebumps covering his arms. The liquid sloshed uncomfortably in his stomach but he was too tired to care, stifling a breathy burp behind his fist. Ugh, fizzy drinks…. Unable to get his tired mind to focus, the producer quickly lost track of time, frustrated because his work was slow-going.
By the time he had finished up his second bottle of coke, Jihoon’s stomach was more than just a little upset gurgling audibly when he shifted in his seat trying to find a somewhat comfortable position. Not wanting to take any chances, the producer had even pulled the waste bin from under his desk, keeping it right next to his chair for quick access. He tried to burp in hopes of alleviating some of the pressure in his stomach but it only left a sour taste on his tongue, making him feel queasier by the minutes. Unable to stand the pain any longer, Jihoon saved his work and shut off the screen, which immediately dimmed the room a bit, allowing him to rest his eyes. He crossed his arms on the desk and laid his head on them. Taking slow deep breaths, Jihoon tried to quell the rising nausea. He was too tired to deal with being sick right now.
Jihoon didn’t get much of say in that though, soon finding himself burping over the waste bin. A sharp gag sent flashes of pain through his skull and he broke into a sweat despite feeling chilled to the bone. Choking up two large waves of coke, Jihoon could only cradle his head and try to ride out the pain as time seemed to stretch on endlessly. His stomach kept churning and he teared up a little when he lifted his head to glance at the clock. It had already gotten so freaking late without him actually having achieved much, so this misery hadn’t even really been worth it. The heaves just wouldn’t seem to stop, though Jihoon barely managed to bring anything up anymore. He allowed himself a few quiet tears as he leant back in his seat, trying to recover.
His phone cut through the silence like a knife and Jihoon had to suppress the urge to cover his ears and reject the call. Hadn’t he made it clear that he didn’t want to be bothered? Gritting his teeth, the producer picked up the call, his shoulders slumping when he heard Seungcheol’s soft voice on the other end of the line. Suddenly, Jihoon couldn’t be upset over the disturbance anymore, his resolve crumbling when the leader asked him if he was still okay and if he was planning to head home soon.
Seungcheol had fully expected another snappy “I’m fine!”, so when the younger weakly muttered: “I-I, I dunno, hyung”, he immediately knew that something was seriously wrong. He was already putting on his shoes when he promised Jihoon: “I’ll come pick you up. Already heading out. Just wait for me, yeah?” The producer hummed hoarsely voice strained from throwing up. At least, he wouldn’t have to figure out hos to get his sorry ass home.
Jihoon drifted in and out of sleep as he rested his head on his arms, so he had no idea how long it had been since their call and couldn’t even be certain if the call had happened or if his hazy mind had made it up. A gentle hand on his back woke him and he almost teared up again when he found his hyung standing over him. “Why didn’t you mention being sick?”, Seungcheol asked quietly, pulling the other’s long hair out of his face to get a proper look at him. Sitting up with a groan, Jihoon rasped: “Don’t think I’m sick sick. Probably just pushed myself too hard and drank too much coke to make me function. My stomach wasn’t happy about it at all and my head’s still killing me.” – “I mean, you don’t have a fever”, the leader hummed, palm resting flat against Jihoon’s forehead, “You certainly do look awful though. How does your stomach feel now?” – “Still meh but I don’t think I’m seconds away from puking anymore”, the producer breathed.
Seungcheol had gotten him some water to sip on, while the leader took out the trash and packed up his things. “My brother’s out of town this week, so I could take you home with me”, Seungcheol offered, already slinging his dongsaeng’s bag over his shoulder, “I could also drive you back to your dorm but I figured you might want to be miserable in peace.” – “God, yes please”, Jihoon muttered, making the older laugh. “Just hyung is fine”, the leader joked, offering the other his arm, “Come on, up you go. I bet you’re still craving that shower you were talking about earlier. You can go and wash up as soon as we get there and I’ll fetch you some medicine and a set of comfortable clothes to borrow.”
A pained sound slipped from Jihoon’s lips as he struggled to his feet, vision growing fuzzy for a few seconds. He clung to Seungcheol’s shoulder, the leader ready to pick up the bin in case he needed to be sick again. “You good?”, the older asked worriedly, holding onto Jihoon’s arms. Giving a weak nod, the other forced out: “I’m fine. Let’s get going because I really am craving that shower. Gosh, I feel disgusting.” Seungcheol rolled his eyes at his dongsaeng’s persistence to claim he was fine when they both knew the truth but he saw no point in arguing. Linking their arms, the leader guided Jihoon to the car and settled him in the passenger seat with a plastic shopping bag in his lap though he prayed it wouldn’t be needed.
Luckily, it wasn’t. They did manage to reach their destination but no sooner than the car came to a halt, Jihoon threw open the door and immediately coughed up a few mouthful of bile. Switching off the engine, Seungcheol leant over and patted the younger’s back. It was hard to believe that Jihoon was only overworked and not really sick but he always pushed his body beyond its limits, so maybe overworking could leave someone this miserable. “Let’s get you upstairs. Can you walk or do you want to get on my back?”, the leader offered. He doubted that Jihoon would be comfortable with being carried but he also didn’t look like he had the energy to walk.
After a tense moment of silence Jihoon rasped: “Never mention this to anyone ever.” Seungcheol had to suppress a chuckle because the younger looked like a baby kitten attempting to seem intimidating. “I won’t”, the leader promised as he rounded the car, “Here, try to step around it and climb onto my back.” Almost tripping over his own feet, Jihoon stumbled and crashed into his hyung’s chest. The older didn’t comment on it though and carefully pulled him onto his back.
Gently pushing Jihoon towards the bathroom, Seungcheol hummed: “Go wash up. I’ll bring you a fresh set of clothes.” He had already talked to hi brother on the phone and got permission to sleep on his room, so he could give his own bed to Jihoon. After placing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie onto the sink, Seungcheol set his room up with fresh sheets and a lined trashcan, leaving a bottle of water on the nightstand. He really wanted to offer Jihoon some painkillers for his headache but they weren’t supposed to be taken on an empty stomach and he couldn’t imagine the younger being able to stomach anything right now. An icepack for his forehead would have to do.
Seungcheol was already waiting with an icepack and a cup of ginger tea when Jihoon sleepily shuffled from the bathroom. “Hey, I made tea to settle your stomach. Didn’t think painkillers would do your stomach any favor right now, so I thought we could try the icepack first”, the older explained, handing Jihoon the cup, “I moved my stuff to my brother’s room, so you’ll be staying in my room to night. Let’s go to bed now, yeah? You look wiped.” – “You shouldn’t have to stay in your brother’s room, hyung. I could just take the couch”, the younger mumbled but was shushed softly. “He’s fine with it and I don’t mind either”, Seungcheol smiled, “Our couch might look fancy but it’s not really comfortable. You’d be really sore tomorrow, which I can imagine you already are, so we shouldn’t make it worse.”
That wasn’t really what Jihoon jad wanted to hear, so he whispered: “Hyung, I- I don’t want to be alone tonight.” – “Oh”, Seungcheol stammered, having expected anything but that. He wrapped his arm around the younger’s waist, knowing that whatever he might say would only make it awkward, so he just led his dongsaeng to his room and waited for him to crawl under the covers. “You should try to have a few sips of tea. You’ve been throwing up a lot and I don’t want you to get dehydrated. There’s also water if you’d rather have something flavorless”, Seungcheol hummed, relieved when Jihoon accepted a few small sips of tea, “Let’s go to sleep now, yeah? There’s a bucket next to the bed and I’ll be right here. You van wake me for anything.” He carefully climbed into bed next to his friend and smiled when the younger curled up against him, finally getting some rest. Jihoon would be fine.
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