#Julius Rivera III
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readingandwritingandreading · 10 months ago
State of the Blog Address
Another fic done, another status update.
First off a special shout out to my bestie and storyline coordinator @pioched. None of this would happen without her. You guys have no idea how much work she does behind the scenes to help me out.
Hold You Up - Marcel Barthel x Kiya Bryant x Fabian Aichner
Heartbeat - Ethan Carter III x Adalynn Strowman
Yours - Dominik Dijakovic x Skye Simmons
The Day Before You - Ridge Holland x Lyssa Hutchinson
Long Time Coming - Bucky Barnes x Carina Rivera
In Progress:
From The Ground Up - Drew McIntire x Cassidy Riley 
Coming Soon (In no particular order):
Finally Home - Ari Levinson x Brianna Collier 
Rescue Me - Marcel Barthel x Sofia (Reese) x Fabian Aichner
Cross Every Line - Marcel Barthel x Alina Lawson x Fabian Aichner
What If - Julius Creed x Fiora Osborne
Some Hearts - Jack Reacher x Morgan Stone
I have a new system in place for doing fics and I really think it's going to help me get them done in a more timely manner.
If you are interested in being on any taglists feel free to add yourself HERE
You can find my Masterlist HERE
All my fics are also on A03 HERE
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jgmail · 24 days ago
El esoterismo de Evola y el romanticismo de los místicos fascistas
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Por Marco Rossi
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
Es cierto que no resulta fácil llevar a cabo una investigación seria y equilibrada sobre temas como la Escuela de Mística Fascista o la naturaleza del compromiso cultural y político de un intelectual sui generis como Julius Evola. Pero es para llevar a cabo tales tareas que se necesitan obras como las de Tomas Carini: estudios que no sólo sean capaces de proporcionar una recopilación racional y crítica de los textos (ahora inasequibles y, por tanto, inaccesibles para el debate), sino que también sean capaces de ofrecer una primera interpretación de este fenómeno.
Los acontecimientos relacionados con esta Escuela, que no son nuevos y algunos de cuyos aspectos ya han sido abordados por otros (y que Carini somete a una adecuada crítica en su ensayo), se sitúan en el dramático periodo marcado por los primeros años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que es sin duda el conflicto militar e ideológico más imponente de la historia y el que más ha influido en los destinos de Occidente.
La tragedia y la dureza de este contexto no pueden olvidarse. Incluso pueden ayudarnos a comprender la magnitud del compromiso total que se exigió a la población y, por lo tanto, también a los intelectuales durante aquellos años.
Más allá de los diversos juicios que las diferentes ideologías desplegaron lógicamente, el carácter epocal (¿y tal vez incluso apocalíptico?) de esta confrontación se puso rápidamente de manifiesto en este enfrentamiento: quien perdiera esta guerra sería probablemente borrado de la historia, no como ser físico, sino como presencia ideológicamente aceptable según la Weltanschauung de los vencedores y, por lo tanto, inexorablemente condenado como tal a la condenación sistemática de su memoria, cuando no a representar la encarnación diabólica del mal absoluto, de lo demoníaco en la historia.
Por otra parte, esto no fue diferente del destino de los cartagineses después de sus derrotas finales en los siglos III y II a.C., ni del destino, más tarde, del mundo católico, derrotado en la batalla por el control ideológico de la modernidad que tuvo lugar entre los siglos XVI y XVIII (véase a este respecto el reciente estudio de Franco Cardini y Sergio Valzania sobre Le radici perdute dell'Europa, Mondadori, 2006), por no hablar del destino de los diversos pueblos indígenas americanos, ya que la enormidad de las responsabilidades coloniales de Europa sólo se ha reconocido desde el siglo pasado.
A este respecto, por desgracia, los historiadores ya no pueden albergar la menor ilusión: el control del pasado siempre ha sido el presupuesto necesario para gestionar el consenso político actual, como comprendió claramente George Orwell en su novela 1984.
No hay nada de virtuoso en este tipo de relación entre la verdad histórica y el problema del control de la información con fines políticos o religiosos y sería una verdadera hipocresía indecente negar que, desde la época de Keops, los vencedores siempre han intentado, por todos los medios posibles, presentarse como los únicos con derecho a escribir la historia legítima. Afortunadamente, a pesar de todas las contradicciones que la civilización occidental pone de manifiesto (y conocemos bien su número y su naturaleza), sigue siendo absolutamente cierto que en Occidente existe un amor fundamental e inerradicable por la libertad; y éste es sin duda un modus vivendi mucho más peligroso que nos viene directamente de los griegos y los romanos, y sobre el que el cristianismo ha actuado de forma bastante maravillosa: es sobre esta base genética particular del alma occidental sobre la que debemos depositar todos nuestros esfuerzos y todas nuestras esperanzas.
Paradójicamente, es a partir del tema de la libertad que podemos encontrar el paradigma más eficaz para poner de relieve uno de los puntos más profundos de la cuestión que favoreció el encuentro – y luego la separación – de los destinos de Evola y de la Escuela de Mística fascista.
En efecto, una vez que tenemos en cuenta el clima candente de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, debemos recordar la naturaleza particular del compromiso cultural y político de Evola, que probablemente ilustró durante estos años una fase de gran compromiso con la lucha ideológica y los acontecimientos políticos contingentes.
Pero para comprender y valorar mejor la naturaleza de este encuentro momentáneo, es necesario recordar que Evola procedía íntegramente del mundo cultural y espiritual del esoterismo: toda su historia artística y filosófica, que precedió a su revisión personal de la cultura y la Tradición esotéricas del siglo XX, sólo adquiere un significado apropiado dentro de una búsqueda espiritual de este tipo.
Y esto es tanto más claro cuanto que todo su compromiso posterior sólo puede explicarse e insertarse dentro de una ética impuesta por los principios de la Tradición esotérica e iniciática, y es por ello que todos esos estudios sectoriales (a veces muy interesantes en ciertos aspectos) que pasan por alto esta evidencia macroscópica y que pretenden ver en Evola a un mero intelectual político, o incluso a un «infiltrado del fascismo», sólo pueden aportar interpretaciones que conducen a equívocos y a veces abiertamente falsificaciones.
Evola siempre trató de transferir la ética guerrera del kshatriya al compromiso cultural y político en el mundo moderno: aunque es comprensible que esta propuesta pueda parecer descabellada a la mentalidad de los investigadores serios formados por la cultura «secular» y materialista contemporánea, no es legítimo negarse a examinar tal compromiso existencial, simplemente porque forma parte de una cultura antropológica muy alejada de la Weltanschauung que ha llegado a dominar Occidente en la actualidad.
Puede parecer absurdo que Evola creyera seriamente que podría rectificar «espiritualmente» el fascismo y el nacionalsocialismo mediante la cultura esotérica e iniciática de la Tradición, pero no se puede negar su constante compromiso con esta perspectiva; un esfuerzo que, al menos a partir de 1926-1927, demuestra claramente hasta qué punto se atemperó la seriedad de tal propuesta.
En el contexto específico de la reconstrucción histórica, no se trata de formular juicios «morales»  – entre otras cosas porque muchos otros intelectuales del siglo XX estaban seriamente comprometidos con las ideologías más diversas y discutibles –, sino de valorar un fenómeno en toda su complejidad y, sobre todo, de situarlo adecuadamente en el contexto ideológico en el que se hace verdaderamente comprensible.
Por lo tanto, es necesario subrayar cómo el encuentro entre Evola y la Escuela de Mística Fascista tuvo lugar dentro de la perspectiva más amplia de un intento, a todos los niveles, de rectificar el régimen fascista italiano en un sentido esotérico y tradicional.
Según esta lógica, Evola estuvo siempre a la búsqueda de círculos e individuos dispuestos a desarrollar libremente (y, por lo tanto, fuera del estricto control político del régimen) «algo» del corpus de valores espirituales de la Tradición esotérica e iniciática: la Escuela, como deja claro Carini, decepcionó al Evola esoterista y las diversas razones de esta ruptura son totalmente comprensibles.
Paradójicamente, el esoterismo de Evola no podía compartir un misticismo que tendía a hacer del voluntarismo combatiente la única realidad espiritual.
Por un lado, el deseo del régimen fascista de no oponerse a la autoridad de la Iglesia católica, con la que había firmado el Concordato en 1929, que equivalía a una especie de alianza, y, por otro, la tendencia reductora y propagandística de la exaltación del hombre de Mussolini, que implicaba una devoción absoluta y una fe dogmática, impedían toda posibilidad de desarrollar con seriedad y realismo cualquier mística con verdadero contenido espiritual.
Evidentemente, para Evola, el rechazo del racionalismo materialista moderno no podía significar el rechazo de la tradición filosófica griega y oriental, a través de la cual muchos de los contenidos del esoterismo se habían integrado, en el pasado, en las diversas tradiciones religiosas, del mismo modo que no podía exigir legítimamente la abnegación absoluta y «mística» de la voluntad individual en el altar de los contenidos combatientes, todos ellos más o menos únicamente orientados hacia el único objetivo de la exaltación nacionalista y chovinista.
Evola no pretendía en modo alguno renunciar a la libertad radical que imponía una vía de realización esotérica e iniciática, que ciertamente no podía tener lugar dentro de los estrictos contornos ideológicos del fascismo, ni de los estrictos contornos religiosos de la Iglesia católica: esta dificultad había estado siempre en la base del compromiso de Evola con la rectificación tradicional del régimen y explica las numerosas contradicciones aparentes de su actuación durante aquellos años.
Sobre este punto, también podría argumentarse que Evola intentaba en el fondo una operación imposible, es decir, la rectificación del fascismo en un sentido esotérico y tradicional, y deducir así el carácter sustancialmente «irracional» y «romántico» de esta tarea; pero tal juicio no correspondería a la realidad efectiva de las cosas.
Desde nuestro punto de vista, Stefano Zecchi circunscribió el problema de forma muy convincente hace unos años cuando escribió sobre Chevaucher le Tigre (Cabalgar el Tigre), pero lo hizo formulando un juicio total que sirve de clave interpretativa para todo el compromiso cultural de Evola.
De hecho, Zecchi habla de una «filosofía de la responsabilidad» que revela «el uso de una responsabilidad teórica que, tras diagnosticar el fenómeno de la crisis, restablece el contacto con una dimensión del ser liberada del subjetivismo finalista y teísta»; y ello precisamente en el marco más amplio de una Tradición esotérica redescubierta y revalorizada.
Y es precisamente a través de esta conquista libre y agotadora que se funda la lógica del compromiso «responsable» de Evola; Zecchi aclara las cosas: «Las convicciones de Evola pueden parecer una quimera ingenua, pero siempre han sido obra de quienes creen que la política debe encontrar su fundamento en la cultura y que el combate político debe basarse en el reconocimiento de frentes ideales, no en la táctica y el pragmatismo de las posiciones políticas. Una cultura», argumentaba Evola, «no es aquella que sirve al Estado y a la política, sino aquella que – al estar en el corazón de una idea única, en el símbolo elemental y central de una civilización dada – manifiesta su fuerza y ejerce una acción paralela, a menudo invisible, ya sea en el plano político, ya sea en el plano del pensamiento y de las artes».
A ese nivel, la «responsabilidad» del intelectual tradicional, o si lo preferimos la de un conocedor serio del esoterismo, se mide únicamente por su capacidad de luchar por los auténticos valores espirituales, mucho más allá de las posibilidades de realización concreta que la contingencia histórica pueda permitir de vez en cuando.
Además, el dharma de un verdadero kshatriya es precisamente el de luchar y comprometerse desinteresadamente por una causa justa, lo cual es absolutamente la antítesis de cualquier cálculo probabilístico en cuanto a las posibilidades de éxito o derrota en tal enfrentamiento.
Sólo en el terreno de tal actitud heroica del alma, hecha de abnegación total y de misticismo, Evola y los místicos fascistas pudieron encontrarse, durante un período de guerra real: pero lo que, para los místicos fascistas, estaba ligado a la fe en un hombre y en un régimen era, para Evola, el compromiso de una vida consagrada a la valorización – personalmente desinteresada – de los valores esotéricos e iniciáticos de la Tradición.
Si es posible definir a los místicos fascistas como románticos sin equivocarse, esto no se aplica a Evola, que se sustenta en una conciencia esotérica, fruto de una experiencia interior y particular de lo sagrado que, además, se realizó en los escombros del arte dadaísta y de la filosofía idealista, es decir, sobre las ruinas de las vías humanas y culturales que más a menudo se habían desarrollado a partir de las contradicciones del alma romántica.
Lo que queda es la importancia de un encuentro histórico que da testimonio de la violencia de aquellos años, así como de la generosidad y honestidad de los muchos intelectuales – injustamente denigrados y posteriormente olvidados – que, en Italia, se enfrentaron al fuego desatado por el enfrentamiento epocal que fue la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
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istandardpro · 5 years ago
YFN Lucci - HIStory Credits and Streams
YFN Lucci's 'HIStory' album includes production from @GoGrizzly, @BobbyKritical, @BuddaBeats_ & more!
Stream the album below, check the credits, and as always, support your local creators.
HIStory Streams HIStory Credits 1 7.62 Producer
John Horesco
Keith Dawson
David Hutchison McDowell
Thomas Horton
Recorded By
Keith Dawson
Rayshawn Bennett
2 Lonely (feat. Bigga Rankin)   Producer
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tkmedia · 4 years ago
Spoilers For MLW Battle Riot III
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Major League Wrestling had its first live event since the COVID-19 pandemic. The event took place on Saturday evening at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia. MLW announced earlier that “Battle Riot III” will be available to watch for free on July 24 on beIN Sports. During the main event, Alexander Hammerstone won the Battle Riot match. He will now get a  World Heavyweight Title shot. Also during the show, Konnan introduced new LAX members Danny Limelight (Rivera),  Julius Smokes. and Slice Boogie. Below are the results: * Alex Kane defeated Budd Heavy * Gino Medina defeated KC Navarro * The Von Erichs defeated Team Filthy’s Kevin Ku and Kit Osbourne (Bunkhouse Brawl Match) * Calvin Tankman defeated Lee Moriarty. * King Muertes defeated Richard Holliday (c) (IWA Caribbean Heavyweight Championship Match) * Alex Hammerstone (c) defeated Tom Lawlor (National Openweight Championship Match) * Willow Nightingale defeated Ashley Vox (w/ Delmi Exo) * Davey Richards defeated TJP * LAX (Rivera and Slice Boogie) defeated Jordan Oliver and Myron Reed * Aramis defeated Arez * MLW World Champion Jacob Fatu defeated Matt Cross * Alexander Hammerstone won Battle Riot III for a future World title shot. Below are a few reactions from tonight’s show: We’ve missed you MLW fans. It feels great to be back in Philadelphia at a SOLD OUT @2300Arena for #BattleRiot pic.twitter.com/0w5NdlQLHm — Major League Wrestling (@MLW) July 10, 2021 The NEW LAX #BattleRiot pic.twitter.com/5p4m6wPVPU — John Siino (@CnoEvil) July 11, 2021 Tremendous match between King Muertes & ⁦@MostMarketable⁩. Glad to have Muertes back on TV. #MLW #BattleRiot pic.twitter.com/UKLTk3Se8X — The Wrestling Estate (@TheWrestlingEst) July 11, 2021 Alex Hammerstone defending the #MLW National Openweight Title against Tom Lawlor now. #BattleRiot pic.twitter.com/3bS7hPY3Rt — Brian :: PWChronicle… Black Lives Matter (@pwchronicle) July 11, 2021 @AramisLuchador with an impressive win at #BattleRiot @MLW pic.twitter.com/p0bU8hr8y1 — BODYSLAM.NET (@BodyslamNet) July 11, 2021 New Caribbean Champion at @MLW #BattleRiot!@2300Arena pic.twitter.com/oYVIc59LDi — Michael Cavacini (@MCavacini) July 11, 2021
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phgq · 4 years ago
AstraZeneca vaccines to arrive in Bacolod, NegOcc this week
#PHnews: AstraZeneca vaccines to arrive in Bacolod, NegOcc this week
BACOLOD CITY – The supply of AstraZeneca vaccines against the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is expected to arrive here and Negros Occidental province in the next two days.
This was assured by Secretary Vivencio “Vince” Dizon, deputy chief implementer of the National Task Force Against Covid-19, during the vaccination launch at the Teresita Lopez Jalandoni Provincial Hospital (TLJPH) in Silay City, Negros Occidental on Thursday afternoon.
“The vaccines are already in Iloilo. These will be brought here in one to two days,” Dizon said.
Although he did not say how many doses would arrive, he said the AstraZeneca doses would be initially provided to health care workers above 60 years old.
During the vaccination rites, the Covid-19 testing czar said he was touched as he witnessed the health care workers in Negros Occidental being inoculated against the virus.
“It’s very touching to see all the health care workers being vaccinated at the same time,” he said.
Some 12 medical front-liners from four provincial government-run district hospitals took the first shots of SinoVac’s CoronaVac.
These included Dr. Mary Ann Maestral, chief of clinics; Dr. Gleen Rivera, chair of the Department of Internal Medicine; Dr. Francis Gabriel Relota, medical specialist II and chairman of Hospital Safety Committee; Dr. Genio Dominic Alojado, medical specialist III and chairman of Infection Control Committee; Dr. Jean Alojado, medical specialist II, Department of Pediatrics; Maria Maricel Judith, chief nurse; and Kristine Kaye Nicer, medical technologist I, all at TLJPH.
The others were Dr. Laarni Guanzon, nephrologist and chairman of the Department of Medicine; and Randy Peacita, OIC chief nurse, at Cadiz District Hospital; Dr. Jeffty Castillon, medical officer II at Lorenzo D. Zayco District Hospital; Denmark Gonito, nurse II; and Angelo Magalona, nurse I at Valladolid District Hospital.
“Today, the stars of the show are the health care workers. Kayo po ang mga tunay na bayani nitong laban na ito. (You are the true heroes in this battle.) You are our heroes, our heroines,” Dizon said, citing Maestral for her untiring work in continuously keeping in touch with him for supplies of testing kits and vaccines.
“It’s just symbolic that Dr. Mary Ann will be the first one to be vaccinated today. All of these vaccines are for you and the other health care workers,” he added.
The Provincial Health Office received 1,600 vials of CoronaVac, which was part of the 6,300 doses that arrived in Bacolod on March 5.
Dizon also acknowledged former 3rd District congressman Alfredo Benitez, now the Capitol consultant for economic affairs, for working hard to get help for Negros Occidental in addressing the pandemic, along with House of Representatives Minority Leader Joseph Stephen Paduano for supporting the passage of Bayanihan Acts 1 and 2.
Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson thanked Dizon for attending the launch, saying his presence added more importance to the event.
After the event at the provincial hospital, Dizon proceeded to Bacolod to attend another ceremonial vaccination at the Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital, in the presence of Mayor Evelio Leonardia and medical center chief Dr. Julius Drilon. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "AstraZeneca vaccines to arrive in Bacolod, NegOcc this week." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133351 (accessed March 12, 2021 at 04:10AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "AstraZeneca vaccines to arrive in Bacolod, NegOcc this week." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133351 (archived).
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raeofgayshine · 4 years ago
Beauty and the Mermaid Masterpost
Beauty and the Mermaid: Intro | general tag
Character Tags (listed by age):
General Tag: Meet The Marauders 
Roman Garcia: Intro | Simage | Tag
Evan Taylor:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Julius Dauer:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Logan Day:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Theo Lee III:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Mason Taylor:  Intro | Simage | Tag
James Evans:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Josh Evans:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Alex Hayes:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Charlie Austin:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Connor James:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Leo Rivera:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Elijah Wright:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Blaine Garcia:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Ben Taylor:  Intro | Simage | Tag
Oliver:  Intro | Simage | Tag
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sportsleague365 · 5 years ago
By Bucky Brooks, NFL.com Analyst The 2020NFL Draftis underway! You can follow all of the picks with ourNFL Draft Trackerand tune in to NFL Network, ABC, ESPN and ESPN Deportesfor live coverage. The draft will also be streamed live via the NFL app and ESPN app. Below is Bucky Brooks’ analysis for every pick by every NFL team. For reference, you can see every pick fromBrooks’ final NFL mock draftatMock Draft Central. 1) JOE BURROW, QB, CINCINNATI BENGALS The Heisman Trophy winner gives theBengalsa franchise quarterback to build around. As a quick-rhythm passer with outstanding poise, accuracy and playmaking ability, Burrow plays like a pass-first point guard running a fast break in the open court with a knack for getting the ball to his playmakers in their sweet spots. 2) CHASE YOUNG, EDGE, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Ron Rivera grabs the best player in the draft to fortify a defensive line that could feature five former first-round picks. Young is a natural pass rusher with A-plus size, athleticism, first-step quickness and technical skills. He gives the ‘Skins a Julius Peppers-like playmaker off the edge. 3) JEFF OKUDAH, CB, DETROIT LIONS TheLionstake a rock-solid cornerback with excellent man-to-man cover skills. He’s at his best in press coverage but displays the footwork and movement skills to shadow from afar. Okudah’s overall toughness and tackling skills will also stand out on the perimeter. 4) ANDREW THOMAS, OT, NEW YORK GIANTS Experienced offensive tackle (41 career starts) with the potential to play on either side of the line. Thomas is a rugged blocker in the run game but also displays the balance, body control and anchor to snuff out pass rushers off the edge. 5) TUA TAGOVAILOA, QB, MIAMI DOLPHINS TheDolphinsdidn’t have to tank for the QB they’ve been tied to for over a year. Tagovailoa has a game that reminds some of a youngDrew Brees, with his accuracy, anticipation and touch earning high marks. He is a franchise QB with the potential to elevate the play of others with his talent and leadership skills. 6) JUSTIN HERBERT, QB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS Anthony Lynn wants to implement the Shanahan system with a mobile playmaker capable of thriving in a stretch-bootleg scheme. Herbert has outstanding arm talent and is a nimble athlete with the capacity to make accurate throws on the move. Playing in a play-action scheme that creates huge voids in the intermediate range should help Herbert thrive as a passer. 7) DERRICK BROWN, DT, CAROLINA PANTHERS ThePanthersneeded to fortify the interior of their defensive line with a disruptive force at defensive tackle. Brown is an absolute monster as an interior defender with A-plus size, strength and explosiveness. He is a high-motor player with impressive run-stopping skills and pass rush potential. 8) ISAIAH SIMMONS, LB/S, ARIZONA CARDINALS Simmons is an electric hybrid defender capable of playing anywhere on the second level. He is a unique playmaker with impact potential as a blitzer or cover guy vs. tight ends and running backs. It will be interesting to see how theCardinalsuse a multi-dimensional player with a rare set of skills and versatility. 9) CJ HENDERSON, CB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Henderson is a polished cover CB with outstanding athleticism and movement skills. He flashes natural instincts, awareness and ball skills in coverage, and is efficient in man and zone coverage. Tackling was an issue but he is arguably the best cornerback in the class. 10) JEDRICK WILLS, OT, CLEVELAND BROWNS TheBrownsadd a bully to the offensive line with the size, strength and power to maul defenders in the running game while stalemating pass rushers off the edge. Wills played RT at Alabama but his footwork and athleticism should enable him to handle the blindside without a problem as a pro. 11) MEKHI BECTON, OT, NEW YORK JETS Mammoth OT with A-plus size, athleticism and movement skills. Becton is a natural LT with explosive strength and power and a nasty disposition. He finishes runs like a nightclub bouncer throwing guys out of the club. The Louisville standout also flashes the balance and body control to effectively shadow speedy edge rushers. 12) HENRY RUGGS III, WR, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS Ruggs gives theRaidersa speedster to man the vertical stretch role in the passing game. He is a spectacular runner after the catch, so he could be utilized as a WR1 despite playing as a WR2/WR3 for the Crimson Tide as a collegian. It could take him some time to adjust to the bigger role as a pro. 13) TRISTAN WIRFS, OT, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS (VIA 49ERS) The Bucs getTom Bradysome much-needed protection on the offensive line. Wirfs is an experienced RT but has the capacity to play multiple spots along the line. The Iowa standout is a freak athlete with outstanding agility, movement skills and explosiveness. 14) JAVON KINLAW, DT, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (VIA BUCS) The49ersget a natural replacement forDeForest Buckner. Kinlaw is a long, powerful defender with the capacity to play multiple spots along the defensive line. He is a disruptive defender with strong hands and a nonstop motor who fits the culture of the49ers‘ defensive front. 15) JERRY JEUDY, WR, DENVER BRONCOS Jeudy gives theBroncosa polished route runner with a game that’s plug-and-play ready. He can play in the slot or outside as a potential WR1 in an offense that creates big-play opportunities for playmakers. 16) A.J. TERRELL, CB, ATLANTA FALCONS It was imperative for theFalconsto find a CB1 in a division that’s loaded with pass catchers. Terrell is a talented cover corner with size, athleticism and a diverse set of skills. He can play in press or off, and has the potential to move inside as a slot corner. 17) CEEDEE LAMB, WR, DALLAS COWBOYS Mike McCarthy could see a littleDavante Adamsin Lamb’s game. The Oklahoma standout is an impressive playmaker with spectacular ball skills and running ability. He is a threat to score from anywhere on the field, and he gives theCowboysa potent set of pass catchers on the perimeter. 18) AUSTIN JACKSON, OT, MIAMI DOLPHINS A talented OT with natural left tackle skills, Jackson plays with outstanding balance, body control and lateral quickness. He has All-Pro potential from a physical standpoint but needs some time to refine his technique as an edge blocker. 19) DAMON ARNETTE, CB, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS Rock-solid CB with a steady game that’s better than advertised. Arnette plays with a technical savvy and discipline that’s common in veteran corners. He has the capacity to play press or off, and plays with outstanding vision as a zone defender. 20) K’LAVON CHAISSON, EDGE, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Jaguarsget an explosive speed rusher with outstanding first-step quickness and closing burst. Chaisson has big-time potential as a pass rusher, but he hasn’t put up the sack numbers to match his talent. He could make a major leap when he settles in as a pro. 21) JALEN REAGOR, WR, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES TheEaglesneeded a speed WR and they get one in Reagor. The TCU standout is electric with the ball in his hands, and he also displays the speed to act as a deep threat on the outside. With theEagleslooking to upgrade the weaponry aroundCarson Wentz, it is not a surprise to see Reagor get the call at this point of the draft. 22) JUSTIN JEFFERSON, WR, MINNESOTA VIKINGS TheVikingsget one of the best route runners in the draft to replaceStefon Diggs. Jefferson is an A-plus slot receiver but also has experience playing on the outside at LSU. He should be ready to make an immediate contribution asAdam Thielen‘s running mate on the perimeter. 23) KENNETH MURRAY, LB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS (VIA PATRIOTS) TheChargerswanted to add an instinctive second-level defender to the mix to match up with explosive offenses in the AFC West. Murray is a terrific sideline-to-sideline playmaker with blitz ability and solid coverage skills. 24) CESAR RUIZ, C, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Ruiz is a high-IQ pivot with solid skills as a run blocker. He doesn’t move defenders off the ball, but he holds his own at the point and effectively creates seams at the line of scrimmage. In pass protection, he understands how to use his neighbors to slow down overpowering defensive tackles and is strong enough to anchor vs. power. 25) BRANDON AIYUK, WR, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (VIA VIKINGS) The49ershave twin playmakers on the perimeter with Aiyuk joiningDeebo Samuel. The Arizona State standout is an explosive runner with the ball in his hands and his open-field running skills make him a threat to score from anywhere on the field. With Kyle Shanahan masterfully creating big-play opportunities on catch-and-run concepts, the49ers‘ offense is even scarier with Aiyuk coming on board. 26) JORDAN LOVE, QB, GREEN BAY PACKERS (VIA DOLPHINS) WithAaron Rodgerson the back nine of his career, thePackerswisely select a young quarterback to groom as his successor. Love is not a finished product at this stage of his career but spending a few seasons working on his craft in the shadows of the two-time MVP could serve him well when he takes over down the road. 27) JORDAN BROOKS, LB, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Pete Carroll loves instinctive players with nonstop motors and physical playing styles. Brooks is a tackling machine with the capacity to stone runners in the hole or chase them down on the perimeter. He is fast, tough and productive with a knack for shooting through gaps. 28) PATRICK QUEEN, LB, BALTIMORE RAVENS The LSU standout is a sideline-to-sideline playmaker with quick diagnostic skills. He is an exceptional “see ball, get ball” defender with the speed, quickness and explosiveness to track down runners all over the field. 29) ISAIAH WILSON, OT, TENNESSEE TITANS If you want to maul and mash, there’s nothing wrong with running behind a mammoth OT with a powerful game. Wilson is a road grader with the capacity to blow defenders off the ball and his run blocking skills should work well with theTitans‘ scheme and offensive philosophy. 30) NOAH IGBINOGHENE, CB, MIAMI DOLPHINS (VIA PACKERS) The pick might stand out as a surprise but Igbinoghene is an A-plus athlete with exceptional straight-line speed and quickness. He is a press-only corner with a competitive streak that shows up on tape. The Auburn standout lacks natural ball skills, but he’s ideally suited to run around in man coverage as a former track star on the grass. 31) JEFF GLADNEY, CB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIA 49ERS) Mike Zimmer gets a tough, hard-nosed CB with solid instincts and awareness. He has nice movement skills and athleticism, and shows enough versatility to effectively play man and zone coverage on the perimeter. 32) CLYDE EDWARDS-HELAIRE, RB, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS The LSU star is a pass-catching RB with soft hands and excellent route-running skills. He is one of the best pass catchers we’ve seen in recent drafts while also showing a tough, hard-nosed game that enables him to stay on the field as a three-down running back. The post 2020 NFL Draft: Bucky Brooks’ pick-by-pick analysis for Round 1, all 32 picks appeared first on American Football International. #2020NFLDraft #Round1 #AtlantaFalcons
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adclubny · 4 years ago
Meet the Lunch and Learn Academy Partners
Meet the Lunch and Learn Academy Partners
In response to the disruption that COVID-19 has caused to internships, budgets, jobs, and lives… The AD Club of New York’s Foundation Lunch & Learn Academy joined forces with #SAVETHEINTERNSHIPSNY (Rebecca Rivera), Keni Thacker’s The G.R.O.W.T.H. Initiative, and The Adversity Group (Shameka Brown & Julius Dunn, III) to provide an internship curriculum & experience this summer the wouldn’t negate…
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andyawards · 4 years ago
Meet the Lunch and Learn Academy Partners
Meet the Lunch and Learn Academy Partners
In response to the disruption that COVID-19 has caused to internships, budgets, jobs, and lives… The AD Club of New York’s Foundation Lunch & Learn Academy joined forces with #SAVETHEINTERNSHIPSNY (Rebecca Rivera), Keni Thacker’s The G.R.O.W.T.H. Initiative, and The Adversity Group (Shameka Brown & Julius Dunn, III) to provide an internship curriculum & experience this summer the wouldn’t negate…
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nofomoartworld · 8 years ago
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Reading is Fundamental
Start your week off with a dose of Civil Rights history Monday at IFC, where fierce pussy is screening The Black Power Mixtape and Wednesday at ICP, where Hettie Jones will be talking about what Making America Great really looks like. Thursday, we’re looking forward to two book launches. Andrea McGinty will be releasing her Ah Yes Bad Things at Printed Matter and Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art is throwing a party to celebrate the catalog for their current exhibition Queer Threads. Friday night there are mysterious but promising exhibitions opening all over Brooklyn. Then it’s DUMBO open studios all weekend. End the week with a day trip to New Haven (seriously, it’s a painless train ride) where Bortolami’s ARTIST/CITY program has paired Tom Burr with a Marcel Breuer masterpiece that now finds itself surrounded by an IKEA parking lot.
The world is a strange and wondrous place. We’ll see you out in it.
IFC Center
323 Sixth Ave at West 3rd St, New York, NY 8:00 PMWebsite
fierce pussy presents The Black Power Mixtape
Queer feminist collective fierce pussy is hosting this screening of The Black Power Mixtape, which everyone should see. The film is the result of Swedish journalists travelling to the United States in the 1960s and 70s with the intention of exposing the country’s lesser-told realities. It features appearances from Angela Davis, Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton.
After the film, join fierce pussy at Julius Bar (159 West 10th St. at Waverly), the oldest gay bar in New York City, for drinks and discussion.
Black Ball Projects
374 Bedford Ave. 1st Floor Brooklyn, NY 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Website
Just Cause
This exhibition includes the work of three artists from the international Residency Unlimited program: Maria Agureeva (Russia), Juan Sánchez (Spain), and Benjamin Brett (UK). All of their work is extremely different, but intersects along “by way of conceptual concerns and intellectual reason, paired with doing something ‘just because’—instinctual and driven by a sense of chance and play.”
Here, that conceptual concern is the balance between external politics and free will. We’re curious to see how that translates to each artist’s respective practice—Agureeva uses her own body in pieces that function as both painting and sculpture, Benjamin Brett makes conceptual paintings that combine narrative and abstraction, and Juan Sánchez uses economical materials and art historical references to comment on labor and impermanence. This should be a heady show.
  Curated by Jason Tomme, Ana Wolovick
The International Center of Photography
1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 7:30 PM - 9:30 PMWebsite
Radical Conversation: Making America Great - Hettie Jones: The History of Greatness
ICP has been responding the current political crisis with a programming series that’s pretty on point. This week, they’re hosting a talk by Hettie Jones on exactly what making America “great again” really means. Jones has a long history of working through publications—she published the radical Yugen magazine from 1958 to 1962, numerous books for children of color when they were a rarity, and was a chair of the PEN Prison Writing Program. That’s a lot of experience and wisdom to share about working in the face of adversity, and boy do we need it right about now!
Vector Gallery
199 E 3rd St. New York, NY 8:00 PM - 11:59 PMWebsite
Vectorian New Year : HAPPY 2030 AD
Who ever knows what the hell is going on at Vector Gallery? We applaud AFC alum Whitney Kimball for her in-depth attempt at deciphering their mysterious ways. Whatever “Crown Prince of Hell” JJ Brine and his accomplices are up to, it’s usually fun. If you need a break from reality in these stressful days, this celebration of the 2030 Vectorian New Year might be just about the closest thing to experiencing an alternate universe on a Wednesday night in Manhattan.
From the event page:
Facebook has rejected the language of this event ad on numerous ocasions due to the asymmetrical relationship between SHAY culture of 2017 and the notion fo a 2030 temporality by Vectorian reckoning. Therefore Eye am left with no other choice than to state the following : all symbological designations of time and its passage, Gregorian or otherwise, are conceptual art proects purporting to account for the laws of now, then, soon, and when was that again?
Printed Matter
231 Eleventh Ave. New York, NY 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMWebsite
Book Launch: Ah Yes Bad Things by Andrea McGinty
We’re big fans of Andrea McGinty. The artist has a rare capacity for conveying bittersweet, humorous reflections on contemporary living with economical combinations of mass-produced products. That might be a vibrator dancing endlessly around a juicer or a humidifier wrapped in workout clothes with optimistic platitudes. For anyone who’s felt alienated by the endless barrage of ever-more-unattainable “wellness” or “self-care” promised by consumer culture, her work feels like a poetic confidant to share a skeptical eye-roll.
We’re excited to see how this strategy translates to publication form. McGinty is launching her first book from local publishers Soft City, Ah Yes Bad Things. The book comprises ephemera from her smartphone: Tweets, messages, notes, and images from the camera roll. That’s an increasingly common approach to compiling artist books, but we’re guessing McGinty’s will be singularly insightful, weird, and funny.
Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art
26 Wooster St New York, NY 6:00 PM - 8:00 PMWebsite
Book Launch: Queer Threads
We haven’t had a chance to check out Queer Threads, the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art’s survey of LGBTQ+ fibers artist yet. This looks like the night to do it. AMMO Books is launching a 192-page color catalog featuring the work of and interviews with 30 queer fiber artists. It’s a good mix of local, national, and international artists. It sounds like a keeper. JD Samson (queer icon behind feminist bands such as MEN and Le Tigre) will be DJing the event.
Curated by John Chaich
Artists: Chris Bogia, Melanie Braverman, Jai Andrew Carrillo, Chiachio & Giannone, Liz Collins, Ben Cuevas, Pierre Fouché, James Gobel, Jesse Harrod, Larry Krone, Rebecca Levi, Aubrey Longley-Cook, Aaron McIntosch, Allyson Mitchell, John Thomas Paradiso, Sheila Pepe, Maria E. Piñeres, Allen Porter, L. J. Roberts, Sonny Schneider, Buzz Slutzky, Nathan Vincent, Jessica Whitbread.
This Friday or Next Friday
89 Bridge Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 PM - 9:00 PMWebsite
What’s this show going to look like? If Alicia Gibson’s oil painting “Nail Polishing Club” (above) is any indication, great. The event page only lists the artists and the below list of tough stuff, so we’ll have to wait until Friday to satisfy our piqued curiosity. Even the artists we’re familiar with aren’t an indication—conceptual painter Joshua Bienko’s work always seems to look different, but it’s almost always good.
Tough break Tough shit Tough cookies Tough nut Tough luck Tough love Tough as nails
Artists: Alex Sewell, Alicia Gibson, Joshua Bienko, Jenna Gribbon, Sam Jablon
Present Company
254 Johnson Ave. Brooklyn, NY 7:00 PM - 10:00 PMWebsite
Sharper Image
We love Dina Kelberman and Milton Melvin Croissant III (two of the artists in our Providence College show Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place). Kelberman samples pop culture or the endless archives of the internet with often hilarious, often overwhelming ends. Croissant (yes… real, awesome name) creates insanely detailed CGI renderings of the corporate blandscape and various other digital environments. Whatever they’re showing here, it’s going to be great.
Andrew Brischler, Milton Melvin Croissant III, Matthew Deleget, Rico Gatson, Adam Henry, Dina Kelberman, Andy Mister, Adams Puryear, Christopher Rivera, Emily Mae Smith, Wendy White
Grace Exhibition Space
840 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 7:00 PM - 11:55 PMWebsite
Heartbreak Hotel
Heartbreak Hotel is succinctly described as “Five hour simultaneous durational pieces with bells, whistles, and fog.” Sounds like a fun haunted house?
The show features work from some of our favorite artists in the Bushwick scene, such as FlucT’s Sigrid Lauren and video/installation artist Miles Pflanz.
Generally, I’d say five hours is more of an endurance challenge for the viewer than the performer. But this format and lineup might just keep things engaging all the way to midnight.
Artists: Angeli, Camila Cañeque, David Ian Bellows/Griess, Sigrid Lauren, Whitney Mallett, Miles Pflanz
20 Jay Street, Smack Mellon, A.I.R. Gallery, Art in General, Janet Borden, Inc., Made in NY Media Center by IFP, MINUS SPACE, Smack Mellon, This Friday or Next Friday, United Photo Industries, Usagi NY
Brooklyn, NY 1:00 PM - 6:00 PMWebsite
DUMBO Open Studios
Thanks to Two Trees’ Space Subsidy Program (of which we’re also a beneficiary) AFC has some pretty cool neighbors. Come meet them at Art in DUMBO’s open studio crawl. Participating spaces include New York Studio School, The Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program, Triangle Arts Association, A.I.R. Gallery, Art in General, Janet Borden, Inc., Made in NY Media Center by IFP, MINUS SPACE, Smack Mellon, This Friday or Next Friday, United Photo Industries, Usagi NY.
It’s a lot of art to see, but it’s mostly within a block or two of 20 Jay Street (where about half of the participants are tenants). If you can’t do it all at once, come back on Sunday, when studios will also be open.
Artists: Cey Adams, Alejandro Avakian, Sharon Buttler, Chantal Calato, CAM, Davide Cantoni, Elise Church, Jennifer Paige Cohen, Marsha Cottrell, Beth Dary, Eva Davidova, Blane De St Croix, Marc Dennis, Peter Drake, Rodolfo Edwards, Gabriele Evertz, Michael Farmer, Jen Ferguson, Celeste Fichter, Marney Fuller, Tom Fruin, Anne Gilman, Tessa Grundon, Teri Hackett, Michelle Handelman, Elizabeth Hazan, Daniel Horowitz, Julian Hsiung, Diana Jensen, Dale Kaplan, Laura Karetzky, Jerry Kearns, Kevin Kelly, Minku Kim, Stefan Killen, Brian Kokoska, Pavel Kraus, Jen Lewin, Eric LoPresti, Roxi Marsen, Jamie Martinez, Mary Mattingly, Gregory Mirzayantz, Vladimir Nazarov, James Nazarov, Anne Peabody, Bundith Phunsombatlert, Margaret Reid Boyer, Elizabeth Riley, Jennifer Riley, Kara Rooney, Natalie Rye, Andrea Sanders, Shelter Serra, Richard Sigmund, Deborah Simon, Jiwon Song, Laetitia Soulier, Susan Stainman, Thomas Stevenson, Auguste Rhonda Tymeson, Alexi Worth, Zach Zeeger, Darrel Hostvedt, Weixian Jiang
Former Armstrong Rubber Building
450 Sargent Drive New Haven, CT 11:00 AM - 4:00 PMWebsite
Tom Burr: New Haven
Bortolami’s ARTIST/CITY initiative famously put Eric Wesley in a Suburban Midwestern Taco Bell last year (the idea behind the project is to pair the gallery’s artists with unusual spaces outside of NYC to make new work). But the most exciting pairing might be Tom Burr’s takeover of the IKEA-owned brutalist landmark Pirelli building. Designed by Marcel Breuer, it’s one of the many modernist gems sprinkled incongruously around the small city. At present, it sits empty like a sculptural object in the parking lot of an IKEA. It’s an odd example of suburbia sort of subsuming the utopian architecture that just-barely preceded it.
Tom Burr has been creating works in response to the building (which was designed, coincidentally, in 6-foot segments; exactly the artist’s height). This should definitely be worth the Metro North ride (and like, a trip to IKEA!). It’s one of the few Bortolami ARTIST/CITY projects within the NYC metro area, so be sure not to miss it.
RSVP required: [email protected]
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2peaSzD via IFTTT
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Quiz Time!
Hello Friends! I don't get asked alot of questions about my writing or process so I thought it would be fun to see how you guys think I do it while I work on the next chapters of Alpha Drew and Alpha Bucky!
Question #1
And the correct answer is!! SONGS! Congrats to whoever voted for that one! Here are the songs and the parts of it that really stuck out to me (as you can see, i have several works coming soon that i am already getting info for):
Hold You Up - Marcel Barthel x Kiya Bryant x Fabian Aichner
Hold You Up – Shane Harper
“The world is so broken and sometimes it leaves you cold. And at times you can't feel the fire to guide you home. The demons will haunt you and try to steal what you know. But the angels, they brought you, and they're gonna hold you up.”
Heartbeat - Ethan Carter III x Adalynn Strowman
Heartbeat – Carrie Underwood
“I wanna feel it like a kick drum, beatin' faster in your chest. I wanna feel you holding onto me and make me hold my breath. You pull me closer, my head on your shoulder Baby, we won't need a song. We'll make a fallen star wish, one more slow kiss. What are we waiting on?”
Yours - Dominik Dijakovic x Skye Simmons
Yours – Russell Dickerson
“I was one in a hundred billion A burned out star in a galaxy. Just lost in the sky, wonderin' why, Everyone else shines out but me. But. I came to life when I first kissed you, The best me has his arms around you. You make me better than I was before, Thank God I'm yours.”
The Day Before You - Ridge Holland x Lyssa Hutchinson
The Day Before You – Rascal Flatts
“I was ready to settle for less than love And not much more. There was no such thing as a dream come true. But that was on the day before you. Now you're here and everything's changing. Suddenly life means so much, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow And find out this promise is true. I will never have to go back To the day before you.”
Long Time Coming - Bucky Barnes x Carina Rivera
Long Time Coming – Oliver James
“It's been a long time coming down this road, And now I know. What I've been waiting for. And like a lonely highway I'm trying to get home, Oh. Loves been a long time coming.”
From The Ground Up - Drew McIntire x Cassidy Riley 
From the Ground Up – Dan + Shay
“And we'll build this love from the ground up. Now 'til forever it's all of me, all of you, Just take my hand. And I'll be the man your dad hoped that I'd be. And we'll build this love from the ground up. For worse or for better And I will be all you need, Beside you I'll stand through the good and the bad We'll give all that we have And we'll build this love from the ground up.”
Finally Home - Ari Levinson x Brianna Collier 
Finally Home – Kerrie Roberts
“And there's no more road Nowhere else to go, Nothing left to miss, Nothing left for this wandering soul When I'm finally home. The ultimate healing, Where hurt can't reach me. I won't need to find every answer, All I need will be found within Your presence.”
Rescue Me - Marcel Barthel x Sofia (Reese) x Fabian Aichner
Rescue Me - Chris Young
“What's a happy ending if I can't get the girl? What's it matter if I save the world?”
Cross Every Line - Marcel Barthel x Alina Lawson x Fabian Aichner
Cross Every Line – Chris Young
“If you were captured, baby, I would be relentless. I'd declare it war and run right out them trenches. Yeah, you'd hear my battle cry I'd let the bullets fly Wouldn't be an enemy let behind the enemy line I'd cross every line in the world for you I'd cross every line in the world for you Nowhere I wouldn't go, nothin' I wouldn't do I'd cross every line in the world for you.”
What If - Julius Creed x Unnamed
What If – Kane Brown w/ Lauren Alaina
“What if I was made for you And you were made for me. What if this is it? What if it's meant to be? What if I ain't one of them fools just Playin' some game. What if I just pulled you close? What if I leaned in? And the stars line up and it's our last first kiss. What if one of these days baby I'd go and change your name. What if I loved all these what ifs away?”
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junker-town · 8 years ago
NFL free agency rumors 2017: Every important update in one place
As free agency approaches, the rumors are going to fly.
It’s that time of year again, when NFL players are hitting free agency and being linked to various teams. As fans, you want to know if the big name you’ve got your eye on who could really turn your team around this season has a shot of signing with your favorite team, and we’re here to help.
Right now, NFL teams are making moves to free up cap space and prepare for the moves they may make in free agency. Free agency officially begins at 4 p.m. ET on March 9, with the legal tampering period during which teams can discuss terms with free agents, but not officially sign them, kicking off on March 7.
If you’re curious about which free agents may be available, we’ve got the top 100 ranked for your convenience.
We are also keeping track of the major signings for all 32 teams.
We’ll keep all of the latest rumors about free agents updated here, so check back often for the latest. Our rumors are listed by date, and below that, is a list of some of the bigger name players in the NFL.
Latest rumors
March 20
Marshawn Lynch un-retiring is “realer than it’s ever been.” It’s Raiders or bust
March 17
Josh McCown is receiving interest from the Jets and Cowboys
Former Ravens receiver Kamar Aiken is visiting the Colts and is set to visit the Seahawks next
Geno Smith appears to be close to a deal with the Giants to be Eli Manning’s backup
Former Raiders tight end Mychal Rivera is set to visit the Jets on Monday
March 16
The Raiders are expected to sign former first-round pick EJ Manuel
Connor Barwin signed with the Rams and will reunite with Wade Phillips and his 3-4 defense
Derek Carr helped the Raiders land TE Jared Cook
The Cowboys are losing two pieces of their secondary: Brandon Carr to the Ravens and Morris Claiborne to the Jets
The Bills matched the Rams' offer sheet for restricted free agent Ryan Groy
Jamaal Charles is visiting with the Seahawks today
Malcolm Butler’s visit with the Saints is going well and they could be on the verge of a deal
Wide receiver Andre Holmes, who contrary to earlier reports has not signed with the Bills yet, is headed to Buffalo for a visit
After taking several visits, Dontari Poe decided to sign with the Falcons
The Dolphins are interested in Johnathan Hankins, but not at the price he’s asking for, which is reportedly $10 million a year
Nose tackle John Jenkins will visit with the Bears and then the Colts
Cornerback Morris Claiborne is looking for $7.5 million per year, but the Ravens only offered him $5 million
Lance Dunbar signed with the Rams after his visit
The Raiders and Lions are two teams that could be interested in Adrian Peterson
Latavius Murray signed with the Vikings, which likely means Adrian Peterson won’t return
March 15
Jared Cook’s tour continues with the Raiders tomorrow
Running back Tim Hightower is set to meet with the 49ers
Malcolm Butler is in New Orleans for a visit with the Saints
Travaris Cadet decided to stick with the Saints, despite other offers from the Bills and Jets
Safety Bradley McDougald and linebacker Michael Wilhoite met with the Seahawks
DeShawn Shead has an offer from the Seahawks but will meet with the Bills — and they’re not the only team interested
Dontari Poe had his visit with the Dolphins
Washington released DL Ricky Jean Francois — perhaps a sign the team is targeting Johnathan Hankins or Dontari Poe?
Jared Cook visited the Vikings, but Derek Carr is trying to get him to the Raiders
Dont’a Hightower is back with the Patriots on a four-year, $43.5 million deal
The Jets were out of Hightower’s market when he left New York
Colts running back Robert Turbin is trying to recruit Dontari Poe
The Jets will host fullback Zach Line for a visit
The Colts have had recent visits with Kevin Minter, Sean Spence, and Jon Bostic
Zach Brown is visiting the Raiders and had talks with the Colts
Connor Barwin will visit the Rams today and so will running back Lance Dunbar
Tim Lelito is visiting the Lions today
Dont’a Hightower is expected to choose the Patriots, Steelers, or Jets today
The Browns aren't expected to pursue Kirk Cousins, but three teams have and were denied
The Jets are going all-out for Dont’a Hightower
March 14
Running back Travaris Cadet is weighing offers from the Saints, Bills and Jets
Geno Smith’s possible landing spots include the Giants, Chargers and Browns
Dontari Poe’s lengthy free agency tour is expected to continue with a trip to visit the Dolphins next
Davon House, right after a visit with the Steelers, decided to re-sign with the Packers
Jared Cook’s next visit will be with the Vikings, unless the Seahawks offer him a deal he can’t refuse
Latavius Murray is meeting with the Vikings, but won’t visit the Seahawks
Eddie Lacy is signing with the Seahawks even though the Packers wanted him back
Jamaal Charles will still visit with Seattle, despite Lacy’s signing
Malcolm Butler will visit the Saints on Thursday. If he signs and the Patriots don’t match, New England will get the No. 11 pick
Dontari Poe is willing to accept a one-year, prove it deal
March 13
The Jets touched base with Josh McCown’s people
The Los Angeles Chargers are releasing King Dunlap
After he spends time with the Jaguars and Chiefs, Dontari Poe is scheduled to visit the Falcons
Patriots offered Butler 6-7 million a year. But he hoped to get paid in the ball park of a top-10 corner
Dont'a Hightower is scheduled to meet the Steelers
Datone Jones is visiting the Vikings today
Jarvis Jones visiting the Cardinals today. Pittsburgh is still interested
The Jets have been in touch with Jay Cutler
Rex Burkhead is visiting the Patriots
Chase Daniel has drawn interest in trade talks and is still available
Dont’a Hightower met with the Jets and Titans. Both teams were left convinced that he will re-sign with the Patriots
Adrian Peterson made a trip to Seattle on Sunday, but a decision may not be quick
Alex Okafor is visiting the Saints today
Davon House is meeting with the Steelers today
March 12
Seahawks plan to meet with Jamaal Charles
Latavius Murray has meetings scheduled with the Jaguars and Seahawks
Dontari Poe will visit the Colts and they’re “looking to get something done”
Adrian Peterson is visiting the Seahawks
March 11
Bennie Logan is visiting Washington today and visited with the team yesterday
Andre Holmes will visit the Lions on Sunday
Geno Smith will meet with the Giants today
The Bills are interested in signing Andre Smith
March 10
The Falcons are rumored to be very likely to land Dontari Poe on a one-year deal
Cordarrelle Patterson is off to visit the Raiders
The Vikings are wrapping up a deal with Mike Remmers
The Bills released safety Corey Graham
The Panthers are trading Kony Ealy and a third round pick to the Patriots for second round pick
Eddie Lacy is scheduled to be in Seattle for today and tomorrow, on to Minnesota for Saturday and Sunday. After those visits, Lacy will visit Green Bay
The Rams waive Tre Mason
Robert Griffin III is interested in playing for the Jets
The Titans are closing in on a deal with Dont’a Hightower
The Colts released cornerback Patrick Robinson
The Browns are releasing Robert Griffin III
T.J. Lang is in Seattle to visit the Seahawks
The Panthers are working hard to bring back Julius Peppers
The Ravens are releasing Lardarius Webb
Terrelle Pryor met with Washington on Thursday night but left Friday without a deal
Malcolm Butler’s agent says they aren't asking the Patriots for a lot
While talks surrounding Saints receiver Brandin Cooks have garnered attention, the Rams continue to talk to teams about cornerback Trumaine Johnson
Contract talks between Jared Cook and the Packers have broken off. Cook is expected to visit other teams
The Rams traded defensive end (and dinosaur denier) William Hayes to the Dolphins around 1 a.m. ET
March 9
The 49ers are also signing Matt Barkley, keeping the Hoyer-Barkley super duo together
The Titans missed on A.J. Bouye but they did land Logan Ryan
After all that drama, Kirk Cousins has agreed to let Washington pay him $24 million
The Ravens didn’t let Brandon Williams go anywhere and instead made him the highest-paid nose tackle in the league
WHAAAAT? The Texans trade Brock Osweiler to the Browns — potentially clearing the way for Tony Romo?
The Browns may dump Osweiler right away or try to trade him
RG3 will likely be released
Former Steelers wideout Markus Wheaton is headed to the Bears
The Cowboys are apparently done with safety J.J. Wilcox, who has visits set with the Bucs and Seahawks
Tight end Darren Fells will pay a visit to the Lions
The Steelers didn’t make many moves Thursday, but they did re-sign Landry Jones
Jabaal Sheard is visiting the Dolphins Thursday and Lawrence Timmons will meet with them Friday
Alshon Jeffery signed with the Eagles, which immediately makes him the top WR
Eddie Lacy has visits set up with the Packers, Vikings, and Seahawks this weekend
The Packers could still re-sign T.J. Lang, but he will also meet with the Lions and Seahawks
The Jaguars won the bidding war for A.J. Bouye
Nick Fairley is staying with the Saints on a long-term deal
The Bengals held on to Dre Kirkpatrick at least
Nick Foles is officially a free agent
Manti Te’o will visit with the Saints Thursday night
With Terrelle Pryor looking unlikely to re-sign with Cleveland, he has set up a visit with Washington
Latavius Murray is set to visit the Seahawks
The Bucs are closing in on another former Washington player: DT Chris Baker
Jamaal Charles will visit the Seahawks next week
A lot of drama later, and Calais Campbell is taking the money from the Jaguars
The Browns are about to make Kevin Zeitler the highest-paid guard in the NFL
Oh hey: The Cowboys could still trade Tony Romo to the Broncos or Texans, but no one really knows what the hell is happening
The Lions and Bills are interested in Jared Cook
The Bears are looking for tight end help, and after flirting with Jared Cook, they will probably sign Dion Sims
Alshon Jeffery is leaning toward joining the Eagles
Jay Cutler is on his way out of Chicago, and there’s mutual interest between him and the Jets
Dont’a Hightower reuniting with the Patriots is still a good possibility
Calais Campbell and his wife are deciding between the Broncos and Jaguars
A.J. Bouye hasn’t made a decision just yet — he’s down to the Jags, Titans, and Bears
Terrelle Pryor’s best offer is still from the Browns
The Jaguars are closing in on a deal with A.J. Bouye
The Jaguars, Raiders, and 49ers are all interested in Martellus Bennett
The Steelers won’t poach Dre Kirkpatrick
A.J. Bouye has told the Texans he’s signing elsewhere
Nick Fairley is closing in on a big payday from the Saints
The Dolphins are another team eyeing Dont’a Hightower
The Ravens are showing interest in Morris Claiborne
The Patriots are trying to bring back Duron Harmon and they probably will
There’s mutual interest between the Raiders and Martellus Bennett
The Broncos haven’t given up on signing Calais Campbell, even after reports that he’ll join the Jaguars
DT Brandon Williams has a lot of interest in free agency, but his reps are working on a new deal with the Ravens
Alshon Jeffery is still talking with the Bears, but the Colts and Eagles are making strong pushes
The Browns could still re-sign Terrelle Pryor even after adding Kenny Britt, but it’s unlikely
The 49ers could go after Connor Barwin, who was released by the Eagles
The Titans are interested in Dont’a Hightower, but he could be out of their price range
The Browns are trying to shore up their OL: they reached a big extension with guard Joel Botino and are working on signing J.C. Tretter
A.J. Bouye is expected to get a huge payday — and not from the Texans
The Broncos haven’t formally talked about signing Tony Romo yet
Ooh boy, the Patriots are considering a blockbuster trade that would send Malcolm Butler to the Saints for Brandin Cooks
There’s serious interest between the Steelers and Logan Ryan
March 8
Micah Hyde is “aggressively pursuing other options” outside of the Packers
The Browns are offering more money to Tony Jefferson than any other team, but don’t count out the Ravens yet
The Patriots pulled off a trade for tight end Dwayne Allen, which likely means Martellus Bennett won’t return
Fullback Kyle Juszczyk plans to sign with the 49ers
Barry Church is poised to sign a four-year deal with the Jaguars worth more than $6 million per year
Brian Hoyer is headed to the 49ers
The Cowboys will release Tony Romo on Thursday (cc: Broncos and Texans)
Sorry, Jets: Tyrod Taylor is staying with the Bills
The Bengals have prioritized re-signing Dre Kirkpatrick
The Colts hope to re-sign Darius Butler and Robert Turbin
The Lions have agreed to a deal in principle with Ricky Wagner at more than $9 million per year
The 49ers are eyeing FB Kyle Juszczyk too
Ian Rapoport says Mike Glennon to the Bears is “all but done”
The Jets are closely monitoring Tyrod Taylor’s situation with the Bills
The Raiders could still bring back Latavius Murray
The Texans are worried about losing A.J. Bouye to the Eagles
The Browns, Colts, and Jags are targeting guard Kevin Zeitler
The Bills and Bears are both after Ricky Wagner, the top right tackle on the market, and the Lions are making a strong push too
It’s not a done deal, but Pierre Garcon is expected reunite with Kyle Shanahan in San Francisco — and earn $16 million in 2017
The Bills are the favorite to sign fullback Kyle Juszczyk, but the Browns are looking at him too
The Jets and 49ers are showing interest in Brian Hoyer
Josh McCown is visiting the Cowboys Wednesday
March 7
The Bears are after cornerback Stephon Gilmore
John Elway and Vance Joseph met with DeMarcus Ware about potentially bringing him back next season
The Texans want John Simon back, but the linebacker could be in demand
Kenny Britt’s reportedly saying he’s going to sign with the Eagles, but his agent is like, “not so fast”
The Texans are still working on re-signing A.J. Bouye, but the Titans, Jags, Colts, Browns, Bears, and 49ers are all sniffing around (tl;dr: Bouye’s getting paid this month)
There’s a good chance Bouye stays in the AFC South one way or the other
DeSean Jackson is ready to leave Washington, and besides the Bucs, the Eagles, Patriots, and Cowboys have all put out feelers to the WR
Color Adrian Peterson intrigued by the Raiders and Seahawks
The Jaguars are still in the hunt for A.J. Bouye, and the Eagles are eyeing him too
Russell Okung could still return to the Broncos
Dont’a Hightower had a good convo with Bill Belichick about his future with the Patriots, but he’s also looking around at other teams during free agency
The Eagles are interested in Broncos cornerback Kayvon Webster
The Rams are talking with several teams about trading recently franchise tagged cornerback Trumaine Johnson, but probably not the Browns
The Packers and Davon House could be staging a reunion
The Patriots might consider moving Jimmy Garoppolo for the steep price of a first-round pick this year and next year
The Bucs are making a strong push for DeSean Jackson
Martellus Bennett wants $9 million a year, which is more than the Patriots are willing to go
Terrelle Pryor is looking for at least $10 million a year, but the Browns reportedly didn’t Browns offer him more than $8 million
The Cowboys, who expect Terrance Williams to leave in free agency, could pursue Kenny Britt
Mr. Grit himself, Danny Woodhead, is receiving interest from a few teams, including the Broncos
Derek Carr said he’d be open to Adrian Peterson joining the Raiders if they can’t bring back Latavius Murray
The Bears plan to pursue Cordarrelle Patterson
The Jets, Titans and Seahawks are interested in free agent center Brian Schwenke
Cardinals, Colts, Falcons, Giants, Lions, Saints, and Seahawks could be interested in recently released D.J. Fluker
The Bucs are expected to retain running back Jacquizz Rodgers
Expect the Bears to make a major push for Buccaneers backup QB Mike Glennon, who’s reportedly going to make $15 million per year
March 6
The Broncos and Bucs are looking at defensive lineman Chris Baker, while the Jags have Calais Campbell in their sights
Keep an eye on the Eagles now that Torrey Smith is a free agent
The Broncos are ready to pursue Tony Romo and if they land him, they could end up trading Trevor Siemian — perhaps to the 49ers
Ted Ginn Jr. is a free agent, but he wants to keep playing for the Panthers
The 49ers, Steelers, Eagles, Giants, and Titans are all eyeing Terrelle Pryor
The Eagles are showing interest in Kenny Britt
The Titans could be the favorite to land Brandin Cooks in a possible trade
The Bears are interested in bringing Brian Hoyer back
Kicker news! Robbie Gould will test free agency
Free agent Vincent Jackson isn’t ready to retire just yet
At the combine, the Broncos and Texans were two teams most linked to Tony Romo, but the Chiefs, 49ers and Jags were all mentioned
March 5
Adrian Peterson would at least consider (key word) taking a team-friendly deal with the Patriots
DeSean Jackson is set to meet with the Bucs on Tuesday
The Bucs are interested in Calais Campbell
March 4
Alshon Jeffrey’s agent had a good meeting with the Bears about a possible return
Jerry Jones said Tony Romo trade rumors are “nothing factual in any way”
The Bears are gunning the hardest for Mike Glennon and also re-signed Connor Shaw
There reportedly “mutual interest” between Brandon Marshall and the Patriots
The Patriots want to bring back Martellus Bennett, but the Jaguars and Raiders are giving them competition
March 3
A three-way deal with the 49ers, Washington, and Cowboys involving Kirk Cousins and Tony Romo? Well that’s new
Tony Romo to the Texans? Some NFL folks think it could happen
The Saints told teams they want a first-round pick for Brandin Cooks
Mychal Kendricks is on the trading block
Philadelphia is a likely landing spot for Brandin Cooks
The Bears are expected chase QB Mike Glennon and CB Stephon Gilmore in free agency
March 2
The Bengals want “at least” a second-round pick for AJ McCarron, which is actually very reasonable
Nick Foles could return to the Eagles
The Patriots might still be willing to trade Jimmy Garoppolo — for the right price
The Cowboys could be trying to shop Alfred Morris
Alshon Jeffery is looking to sign with a contender
The Bengals are expected to have some interest in Patriots free agent CB Logan Ryan
The Bengals expect left tackle Andrew Whitworth to test free agency
The Browns are in the market for a young quarterback and a veteran, despite already having a young quarterback (Cody Kessler) and a veteran (Robert Griffin III) on the roster
DeMarcus Ware is eyeing a return to the Cowboys to close out his career
Kirk Cousins and Washington met this week about a long-term deal, but they’re not close to an agreement yet
The Eagles, 49ers, and Titans are all interested in Alshon Jeffery, though the Bears could still bring him back
Chiefs GM John Dorsey said they will “fight like the dickens” to get Dontari Poe back
Despite fielding one of the league’s least effective running attacks last fall, the Giants aren’t serious contenders to bring in tailback Adrian Peterson
The Patriots are working hard to bring back veteran defensive lineman Alan Branch
Kenny Stills may or may not come back to Miami, and coach Adam Gase feels differently about it every day
A Colin Kaepernick-49ers reunion could be in the works
Dont’a Hightower is currently in talks with the Patriots regarding a long-term contract with the only franchise he’s ever called home
The Broncos are reportedly making Cowboys guard Ronald Leary a top priority in free agency after suffering several seasons of subpar blocking
The Saints are said to be discussing a Brandin Cooks trade with the Eagles and Titans and the Titans might even be willing to swap the No. 18 pick to get him
Eagles backup QB Chase Daniel is getting some looks in the trade market
March 1
Dontari Poe did not get the franchise tag, but the Chiefs are still interested in re-signing him
The Bucs are in no hurry to make a decision on embattled RB Doug Martin
The Texans didn’t tag A.J. Bouye, but Bill O’Brien said “We really want him back”
The Bears and Jets have the best shot at signing Mike Glennon
Eagles head coach Doug Pederson confirms the team is interested in bringing in former Chiefs tailback Jamaal Charles
Defensive end Chris Long took to Instagram to explain he won’t be re-signing with the Patriots
The Buccaneers aren’t expected to pursue Adrian Peterson in free agency
Packers head coach Mike McCarthy says he’d “love to have” tailback Eddie Lacy back for 2017
Philadelphia is connected to Pierre Garçon again
Cleveland Browns general manager Sashi Brown says getting Terrelle Pryor back is a "priority", but the team won't "panic" if they don't
The New York Giants will “take a look” at Adrian Peterson
Tobin also said, “If somebody wants to call and talk to us, call and talk to us. But they're going to find out we value AJ McCarron quite a bit”
Cincinnati Bengals executive Duke Tobin on quarterback AJ McCarron: “Phones in our office work. I have an interest in listening to any of you... He's a very valuable piece of what we do
According to Vikings general manager Rick Spielman, “All our options open” on Adrian Peterson
Colin Kaepernick opts out of his contract, making him a free agent
Kevin Zeitler is expected to command more than $10 million per season on the market, making him one of the highest paid guards in the league.
Feb. 28
After not picking up Adrian Peterson’s option, the Vikings could be interested in Latavius Murray
Russell Okung would consider returning to the Seahawks “if the situation made sense”
The Broncos are “in the driver’s seat” for Tony Romo ... if he’ll take a pay cut
The same report, from Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network, also says that the Cowboys probably won’t release Romo until after the league year starts on March 9
Bruce Irvin and Derek Carr both said they want free agent RB Latavius Murray back with the Raiders
Jamaal Charles will prioritize playing for a Super Bowl contender
Adrian Peterson’s dad mentioned the Raiders, Packers, and Patriots as possible landing spots for the RB
Former Jags DE Jared Odrick visited the Patriots
The Patriots won’t tag Dont’a Hightower, making him a free agent
Kirk Cousins was tagged for the second straight year and Washington has no plans to trade him
Adrian Peterson said “the door is still open” for him returning to the Vikings
Vikings declined Adrian Peterson’s 2017 option, making him a free agent
Eddie Lacy says the Packers are talking to his agent, and have been “very vocal” about keeping him in Green Bay
The Browns placed a second-round tender on Isaiah Crowell, but are still looking to get a long-term deal done
Free agent wide receivers like DeSean Jackson and Kenny Britt have shown interest in joining the Eagles, all because of Carson Wentz
Free agent tackle Russell Okung has already drawn interest from the Chargers, Giants, Jets and Vikings
Feb. 27
Chiefs owner Clark Hunt joined Andy Reid in saying that Alex Smith would be the team’s starting QB in 2017. So put the Romo to KC rumors to rest ... for now
The 49ers are the only other team Kirk Cousins is willing to sign with
The New York Giants franchise tagged Jason Pierre-Paul, but the Giants are still working on a long-term deal
Jason Pierre Paul’s agent said the Giants and JPP are “nowhere near” a deal
Andrew Hawkins is looking to sign with a contender
The Browns have no plans to franchise tag Terrelle Pryor with the Wednesday deadline approaching
Alshon Jeffery’s huge contract won't come from the Bears
The Eagles are expected to have interest in Kenny Stills
There’s “mutual interest” between the Cowboys and Josh McCown, depending on what happens with Tony Romo
Kenny Stills is about to get paid, and his price may be too high for the Dolphins
The Chiefs are expected to use the franchise tag on Eric Berry and let Dontari Poe walk
Feb. 26
The Broncos would “at least discuss” Tony Romo if the Cowboys released him
The Raiders will let Latavius Murray test the free agent market
Feb. 25
Washington is expected to pursue free agent DL Calais Campbell
Jay Cutler to the Jets is seen as a long shot
Feb. 24
The Titans are reportedly not in play for cornerback Alterraun Verner
Cardinals bring back returner Jeremy Ross on a one-year deal
Washington plans to meet with its pending free agents at next week’s Combine
The Vikings will meet with both Adrian Peterson and Terrence Newman next week to discuss their futures
Kyle Williams might not be with the Bills for long
Feb. 23
Rick Spielman says they haven’t made a decision on Adrian Peterson yet
Vikings are looking for OL help, but that’s not all they need
Retirement is one option for Jay Cutler
Tyrod Taylor and the Bills are on friendlier terms now
Earl Mitchell flies to Atlanta to visit the Falcons
Adam Schefter says that Adrian Peterson to the Cowboys makes sense, with Giants showing legitimate interest as well
The Eagles won’t be moving on from Jason Peters
Adrian Peterson and the Vikings haven’t discussed a new deal
Broncos declined Russell Okung’s option, making him a free agent
Feb. 22
The odds are swinging toward the Bills keeping Tyrod Taylor
Earl Mitchell visited with the Broncos over dinner
Ravens may let TE Dennis Pitta become a free agent
Jay Cutler is considering retirement on top of a new team
The Bears could be a suitor for AJ McCarron as they look to move Jay Cutler
The Patriots won’t be getting discounts on Martellus Bennett and Dont’a Hightower
The Steelers and James Harrison should be agreeing on a new deal sooner rather than later
Feb. 21
The Bears are trying to find a trade partner for Jay Cutler. Good luck!
Daniel Jeremiah of ESPN believes there’s a “greater than 50 percent chance” that Kirk Cousins will not be with Washington
DeSean Jackson said a return to Philadelphia would be a “great story”
Tony Romo could be released by the conclusion of the combine
The Buccaneers could be a destination for DeSean Jackson, as Jameis Winston has a rapport with him
Feb. 20
Victor Cruz visits the Carolina Panthers
Feb. 19
Carson Wentz was seen hanging out with RB Latavius Murray
Feb. 16
Tony Romo expecting a release, and not a trade from the Cowboys
Feb. 14
Taylor Gabriel wants to stay with the Falcons
Jan. 19
Adrian Peterson named the Giants, Bucs, and Texans as potential landing spots
Player rumors
Jay Cutler
Cutler is on his way out of Chicago, and there’s mutual interest between him and the Jets
The Jets have been in touch with Cutler
Cutler to the Jets is seen as a long shot
Retirement is one option for Cutler
The Bears are trying to find a trade partner for Cutler. Good luck!
Kirk Cousins
After all that drama, Kirk Cousins has agreed to let Washington pay him $24 million
The Browns aren't expected to pursue Kirk Cousins, but three teams have and were denied
A three-way deal with the 49ers, Washington, and Cowboys involving Kirk Cousins and Tony Romo? Well that’s new
Cousins was tagged for the second straight year and Washington has no plans to trade him
The 49ers are the only other team Kirk Cousins is willing to sign with
Daniel Jeremiah of ESPN believes there’s a “greater than 50 percent chance” that Cousins will not be with Washington
Adrian Peterson
The Raiders and Lions are two teams that could be interested in Peterson
Latavius Murray signed with the Vikings, which likely means Peterson won’t return
Color Peterson intrigued by the Raiders and Seahawks
Peterson would at least consider (key word) taking a team-friendly deal with the Patriots
Peterson’s dad mentioned the Raiders, Packers, and Patriots as possible landing spots for the RB
Peterson said “the door is still open” for him returning to the Vikings
Peterson officially hits free agency after Vikings decline his $18 million option
Peterson named the Giants, Bucs, and Texans as potential landing spots
Adam Schefter says that Peterson to the Cowboys makes sense, with legitimate interest from the Giants as well
Tony Romo
WHAAAAT? The Texans trade Brock Osweiler to the Browns — potentially clearing the way for Romo?
Oh hey: The Cowboys could still trade Romo to the Broncos or Texans, but no one really knows what the hell is happening
The Broncos haven’t formally talked about signing Romo yet
The Cowboys will release Romo on Thursday (cc: Broncos and Texans)
At the combine, the Broncos and Texans were two teams most linked to Romo, but the Chiefs, 49ers and Jags were all mentioned
Jerry Jones said Romo trade rumors are “nothing factual in any way”
A three-way deal with the 49ers, Washington, and Cowboys involving Kirk Cousins and Romo? Well that’s new
Romo to the Texans? Some NFL folks think it could happen
The Broncos are “in the driver’s seat” for Romo ... if he’ll take a pay cut
The same report, from Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network, also says that the Cowboys probably won’t release Romo until after the league year starts on March 9
The Broncos would “at least discuss” Romo if the Cowboys released him.
Romo could be released by the conclusion of the combine
Romo expecting a release, and not a trade from the Cowboys
0 notes