#Juan Carlos
garbinge · 2 months
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First ever headcanon, and this really pushed me out of my comfort zone! Juice is a character that I'm still learning and shy characters are always a little tough for me in these universes. Honestly would love anyone else to drop in any additional thoughts because this one really got me thinking through so many scenarios on how things would play out with these two :) Headcanon is under the cut!
Juice isn’t exactly the most outspoken or outgoing either, so the process from meeting you to dating you takes time. Slow burn for suuuuuure. 
I think it’d start out with Juice being more shy than the reader for sure but your shyness is what draws him to you. You’re also not exactly jumping out of your seat to talk to him either, but to you, you’re just ignoring him while Juice is being shy to you. 
You’re the opposite of his life right now. The club is rowdy and chaotic and you were calm and observant. 
There’s tons of stolen glances whenever he gets the chance when you’re around. His eyes jump away in seconds the minute you catch him looking at you. Whether it’s peeking over his laptop, or fully staring at you when he catches you downtown. 
Those glances would eventually turn to awkward smiles, the occasional wave or head nod.
When he gets the nerve to actually come and talk to you, there’s a lot of fumbling on his words until he realizes you’re just as nervous as him and it somehow makes him feel a little less nervous.
Just enough that in some fiddly way he manages to ask you out and you agree. 
The first date is a lot of him asking you questions because you’re still very reserved. A lot of what are your favorite things; food, movies, places to go, where  do you work, do you like it. Just trying to learn more about you.
He goes off on a lot of tangents about tech, it’s what he knows and loves so it just comes easy to him. You take it all in, every word, picking up on the details in what he’s saying and what he’s not. 
You definitely bring things up that he’s said earlier and it drives him mad. Someone who pays attention to the things he’s saying? That’s new. 
Somewhere along the conversation you mentioned something about your car and he eagerly offered to fix it for you at TM which ultimately solidified your second date. 
It’s obvious you’re a fish out of water at Teller-Morrow. Your voice is comparable to a mouse in comparison to all the guys, club and mechanics combined. 
While trying to explain to Chucky and then Piney that one of the guys said they could help you out, Juice appears with the biggest grin on his face when he sees you and offers you an energetic “hey” and it completely melts you. 
You sit next to him while he tinkers with your car, him mostly taking up a lot of the conversation but you’re chiming in here or there a little bit more than on the first date. Everything around you kind of fades away in those moments, you’re just enjoying the time passing with Juice. 
When you get home that night, you break something else on your car, purposely, so you can bring it back the next day. Too nervous to just ask him to hang out on your own. 
After he catches on, you’ve brought your car in 3 times in one week,  he decides to blurt it out. Do you wanna be my girlfriend? And he’s immediately mortified by the prepubescent way of asking you to be his but in your eyes it's perfect. It’s direct and leaves no room for misinterpretation. BEGINNING OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP: 
Then, things are a bit different once your relationship is a bit more established. You both geek out together, and you feel a bit more comfortable coming out of your shell around him. 
He definitely becomes protective over you, knowing how fragile he can be because of his sensitive side and how people are eager to take advantage of that, the thought that someone could be like that with you makes him want to follow you around like a guard dog. 
He's constantly stare at you, lovingly + adoring but also curiously, just picking up on the things you do and why. But now, instead of looking away when you catch his eyes, he just smiles, maybe lightly touches your face, places a soft kiss on your lips, still smiling through each interaction.
But the real kicker is when he tells you he wants you to come hang out at the clubhouse and meet the guys. 
Now, he’s not an idiot, he knows that they can be a lot and you aren’t a very extroverted person, but he reassures you a lot that they’ll love you and you’ll have a good time. He also lets you know he’d never let anything happen to you. And once the guys meet you, neither will they.
When you show up, you’re feeling exactly how you felt when you first met Juice. Flighty eyes, absorbing the environment, taking in everything. 
The commotion of the group by the pool table and then the group by the bar was starting to make your stomach turn. 
Juice spots you immediately and is by your side within seconds and never leaves it. One, because he wants to keep his word of being there and two, he feels so happy just to have you here with his family. 
The guys tease Juice more than they tease you, and when anyone gets a little too pushy before you’re able to even feel uncomfortable Juice is handling it. 
I think he’d be able to anticipate your needs and vice versa. 
When he comes home from a rough day, you’re there to pick up the pieces and he lets you. 
There’s toons of physical affection behind closed doors. Cuddling, all types of kisses, very sweet and passionate love. 
In public and in front of the club, it’s not as prominent but there’s definitely arms wrapped around you, sitting in between his legs, casual pecks on the cheek and fingers intertwined. 
He’d also trust your opinion on things because when you are at the clubhouse you’re not looking to fuck-around. You’re taking in everything and it gives you a really unique perspective on situations. 
He’d take you on so many long rides and road trips because he knows the quiet of the rides are your favorite.
He’d leave breakfast for you when he had early mornings and you’d leave dinner for him on those late night runs. 
Juice would use his skills to make your life easier, just like when you first met. Fixing your car, your computer, making sure you were upgrading all your software, getting you things that you didn’t even realized existed that just made every aspect of your life easier. 
Ultimately, I think a shy partner is exactly what Juice needs, someone who understands him, and is patient with him. They both would be able to respect and love each other because they see each other. There's so much understanding because they get one another, their quirks, their preferences, their mannerisms.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune ❤ // Requested by anon ❤ 💀SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989  (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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aruma-iribe · 5 months
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Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One
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warningsine · 2 years
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It was supposed to happen that way and I had to fall in love with Mariana. It wasn't your fault. It was thanks to you.
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l0nelyappariti0n · 8 months
This was my animation final, so proud
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minhamemoriasuja · 2 years
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Juan Carlos photographed by Arnoldas Kubilius
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helloree1 · 4 months
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radiance-p · 2 months
Some doodles from my Instagram :33
(like the last post, sorry for the god awful lighting (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠))
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Not much to say about these... Some of them art sort of old, some of them aren't..yeah-
Oki bye
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maklodes · 7 months
Juan Carlos did two great things as king. The first was the one everyone thinks of – being the man who brought Spain out of the darkness of Franco’s fascist (or Falangist, if you’re pedantic) dictatorship, who thwarted the coup attempt of right-wing reactionaries, secured democracy, etc.
The second was engaging in a bunch of tax evasion and financial shenanigans and getting caught, thus puncturing his own mythos as the archetypal Good King and deflating the image of the monarchy down to its proper status as a tawdry, somewhat ridiculous institution.
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nonstopfandomposts · 4 months
This is specifically for one person- you know who you are
How the 31 minutos characters would learn languages
Part 1: juan Carlos bodoque
-something tells me he's a big fan of frequency vocab lists
-a thousand percent has environment vocab lists in his target language
-big fan of trying new study methods backed by science
-not learning related but he would definitely be really interested in the fact that language exclusion is a real roadblock to people getting information about the climate crisis and he would love to help with that by learning languages and imparting info onto those groups of people
-one of those people who is ridiculously organized with their learning
-probably listens to music in his tl and has God tier music taste
-his duolingo is in dark mode
- favorite app: quizlet or knowt
- favorite language youtuber: Steve Kaufman
- target language: seems like a basque guy to me
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manestjerne · 1 year
Let me save you pt. IV
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Juice Ortiz x female
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: toxic relationship, abuse, blood, injuries, mentions of crimes, angst
A/N: Maybe it’s a little too much, but I really felt like it, promise the other parts will be more calm and fluffy, still hope you enjoy🥰
It’s been a few days now, and not much has changed. He still wasn’t talking to me about things he should, but I knew it was only a matter of time. But at least we talked a lot, about everything except the important things, but it’s okay. If he wasn’t here we were texting and it made me feel more safe.
I got up late, enjoying my day off, when I got an unexpected call. It was from St. Thomas, one of the hospitals I applied to. They wanted me to come for an interview and I could actually go there the same day, since I wasn’t at work, so I took a quick shower, did my makeup and put a jacket on to cover the tattoos on my arms. At least for the interview. I really wanted to get this job and the phone call was promising. I sat in my car, feeling like I wasn’t there for ages. Sound of the engine starting warmed my heart a little. I was still stressed, but nothing bad can happen, the worst thing is them not hiring me, but that’s not the end of the world. Driving 30 miles and obeying all the rules was pretty boring, so I decided to step on the gas harder. I knew well why I stopped doing that, but still, it can’t get any worse now, can it?
The lady interviewing me was much nicer than I expected and at the end she said I can get started next week. After that she was talking about some papers I’ll need to sign, but I couldn’t focus on that. The only thing in my head was who should I call first. My shitty boss, telling him I won’t stand behind his shitty bar ever again, or Juice. That one won’t be so easy, me moving from Lodi might make our situation worse. Leaving the room and going down the hall I was staring at my phone, wondering what should I tell him first. New job, moving out? I stared at my phone and stopped rapidly before tripping over some man. He stopped too, so I looked at him. Pretty tall, black beard and hair with silver accents, two long scars by his mouth, imitating a wide smile. But that was not what I was looking at, his cutte was hella familiar.
- Holy shit - I said before thinking of anything else
- Hi - he laughed - can I help you?
- Uh-huh. I have a quick question.
- Go on then - his smile was warm
- Is “Redwood Original” the name of your charter? - I pointed at his patch, which I saw way too many times, but on a different guy
- Ya. Why? - I liked his accent
- And what are you doing here?
- What do you mean by “here”? - his laugh was a bit comforting looking at the weirdness of the situation - The hospital?
- No, what are you doing in Charming?
- Well, darlin’ I live here.
- You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!
- I’m actually not, but can you tell me what’s wrong?
- Nothing’s wrong. Could you tell Juice I said hi?
- Juice? - I heard confusion in his voice
- Yeah… - he kinda put me off guard
- Oh no, don’t get me wrong. We just didn’t know he had a lady.
- We’re just friends, nothing serious - I said nervously and he smirked
- Hey, Chibs! - I heard a man yelling from the other side of the hall - No time for chicks now, we have to go.
- Shit, sorry. So what’s your name again?
- Y/n - I realised I didn’t introduce myself - thanks Chibs.
- Anything - he said walking away
Problem solved. I dialled my bosses number when I heard Chibs saying
- Ay, Tiggy. You knew Juice got himself a girl?
- No shit, finally - the other man replied with a laugh
That’s gonna be fun.
My ride back home was way quicker than it should, but I didn’t care, still happy about my new job. I sat at the balcony with my laptop and started to look through the houses for sale in Charming, after a few minutes I heard a motorcycle pulling up. A moment later I heard a familiar knock on my door, so ran there to unlock it. Juice came in without even asking.
- The hell were you doing in Charming? - I flinched at him throwing his hands in the air and saying it a bit louder than necessary
- I got a new job…. - I replied taking a step back
He must’ve seen my reaction and realised it’s because of him, staring at the floor now.
- But why didn’t you tell me you applied to St. Thomas?
- You never asked what places I applied to. Are you mad? - I decided to get more defensive and set my boundaries - I don’t get what your problem is, you never even told me where you live, so what’s this about? Scared your friends are going to meet me now? Don’t worry, it’s already too late and I still never wanted to-
- Hey - he cut me off with a laugh - What are you talking about? That’s great news.
The relief was surely visible on my face because he shortened the distance between us again.
- So you’re not mad I’m moving?
- Mad? - his laugh melted my heart - Why the hell would I be mad? It will be even easier to hit up on you when you’ll be closer. Just watch out for Tig, he might me a little extra sometimes.
My phone started buzzing but I completely ignored it.
- Why would I ever see him again? Y’all live together in a cute little house or you spend so much time at the hospital? - he didn’t say anything about that, just laughed
- You’re not going to answer?
I took the phone out of my pocket and declined the call from Mark.
- Absolutely not.
We decided to order some food and just hang out for a while. Spending time with him was something else, I felt more safe and comfortable than ever, even tho I knew him for only about a month. Although this time was different, Mark tried to call me two times and I declined. He hasn’t reach out for a few days now so it was my chance to finish it, but I couldn’t pick up when Juice was around. He will probably call again. Definitely. I tried to enjoy spending time with Juice but it was hard to focus. For the first time I was relieved when he said he’s got to go. When I closed the door behind him and sat on the couch I looked at the unread messages. “You moved to Lodi? Why didn’t you tell me?” Holy fuck. How can he know that. I stared at the messages when he called, answered immediately.
- Jesus Christ Mark. Can you finally leave me alone? We broke up months ago.
- Not really - he sounded offended - you broke up with me.
- Exactly - I just smiled at how ridiculous was what he just said - and it means we’re not together anymore
- But can we at least talk about it? For the last few months you acted like you forgot about me.
- Maybe because I did - I was confident, trying to let him know it’s really over - that’s what people do after a breakup. Fucking forget about each other, you should do that too.
- Don’t swear princess - he sounded so calm, started to freak me out
- I’m not you damn princess, what the fuck is wrong with you Mark?
- I just want to talk, you live in Lodi, right? - I felt my body tense at his words
- Well, I’m moving soon, but that’s not your business.
- But you’re still in town? I want to talk to you personally. I’ll be there in 5.
This has to be a joke. He can’t come here, he can’t know where I am.
- You’re freaking me out Mark - I said and hung up
I didn’t know what to do and lately when this happened I just texted Juice. But what am I going to tell him now? Hey, can you come save me, I think my crazy ex got my address somehow and is on his way to kill me or sth. He probably isn’t even going to come here. He surely just meant Lodi. I’ll be there in 5. I’ll be in Lodi in 5. Yup, that’s it. I opened the conversation with Juice.
Hey, I know you just left, but could you come by? I want to talk, but don’t worry, you haven’t done anything bad this time:)
I looked at the message. He won’t freak out, nothing’s happening. It sounds cool. I praised myself in my head for not overreacting when I heard knocking on the door. But it wasn’t my favourite knocking. It was more harsh, aggressive.
- Y/n, please, I just want to talk - his voice was nice, welcoming
I walked to the door slowly, thinking what could happen.
- Please, you know I won’t hurt you. Let’s just finish it.
At this point I had no choice. Slowly bringing my hand up I unlocked the door, at the same moment he slammed it open. I felt warm blood dripping from my nose. Meeting with the cool surface of the wall behind me was comforting, trying to get my thoughts together I just stood there for what felt like hours. He grabbed my hand and brought me to sit on the sofa with him.
- Oh baby, look what you made me do - he said while getting a tissue and wiping my nose and mouth, but I slammed his hand away
- What I made you do? Get out of my house and leave me alone - I yelled, but got silent as he slapped me
I wished I told Juice the truth, or at lest called him to actually come here.
- Shh, let me talk - I just nodded - look, we could start again, what do you think?
- I don’t think I’m ready for a new relationship, not with you.
- Not with me? - he put his hand on my throat and started squeezing - okay, but we don’t have to do it now, huh? - I felt my eyes watering - I can give you some time, just don’t treat me like air.
- Mark, you’re hurting me - I whispered underneath my breath
- Oh right - he pulled his hand back - sorry, love.
My phone started buzzing on the table, I tried to get it but just felt a hard punch on my ribs causing me to wrap my hands around my body.
- Who’s Juice? - he asked
- Just a friend, we work together - I forced a smile to calm him down
- Just a friend? - another punch - just a friend? - he yelled punching me again
- Yes - I said confidently
- Then why would you try to answer so fast? - another punch
I have to change my strategy before I cough my lungs out.
- I just wanted to mute, so no one will bother us.
- Oh, I’m sorry baby, you know I’m nervous sometimes.
- I know, it’s all right - I smiled, blood filling my mouth again
- So can we start again? You know I’m not like this. I have a hotel here, I’m staying for a while.
- That sounds good, but I need some rest now. You can call me tomorrow, how about that? We’ll figure something out.
He pulled me in and kissed my forehead. I felt tingling in my fingers, realising he was holding my wrists so tight I felt blood leaving my hands.
- I missed you. Glad you’re okay, I was afraid you’ll push me away again. I should go now - I felt the pressure around my wrists loosen - I’m so grateful I found you.
- How did you know where I live? - I asked before realising it will only make him stay longer
- Emily told me she talked to you before you moved.
Oh sure, fucking slut.
- I’ll go now, please don’t make me do things like that again. We’ll talk different tomorrow.
- Okay, see you then - I forced a smile and waited for him to leave so I can close the door
I sat on the couch and tried to settle my breath. While putting my fingers to my pulsing temple I felt it’s also wet and sticky. And how the fuck did that happen? I looked at my fingers covered in blood and just wished he’d really leave me alone today. I walked up to the sink to wash my hands and face, looked at the mirror. Bruises covering my neck and wrists, tried to take off my shirt to look at my ribs but couldn’t put my hands high enough so I just sat on the couch glad that it’s over and I’m all right. I remembered the times when he suddenly started being aggressive towards me and after that acted like nothing happened. That’s why I left him, that’s one of the reasons why I left LA. Focusing on what just happend I forgot about texting Juice, but when I heard knocking on my door my heart dropped.
- Y/n. Open the door please!
His scream made me shiver but I walked to the door opening it slowly. He bursted in and walked past me.
- Please don’t do that again, you can’t text me such shit and then just not answer my messages and calls, I was-
He got silent immediately when he looked at my face. Wandering around with his eyes he saw the tissues covered in blood on the coffee table.
- What the hell happened here?
I couldn’t answer, just fell into his arms feeling tears dripping on my cheeks. He gently walked me to the couch and sat close enough to wrap his hands around me in a comforting hug. He didn’t say anything, just hold me close stroking my arm lightly, waiting for me to calm down. When I started breathing normally I pulled back and looked him in the eyes, but immediately turned my head away when I felt my eyes watering again.
- Can you tell me what happened now?
- You want to hear the whole story or just todays one?
- Do we have time for the longer one? - he smiled gently encouraging me to speak
I told him everything about Mark. Starting at how we met during a race, our stormy relationship, his sudden change of attitude and finally about the breakup he couldn’t accept. Then I started about what happened today, but felt like I forgot half of it.
- So at least I was right about the toxic ex - he tried to sound funny but I heard his voice shaking - Why didn’t you tell me? Jesus, I should know, all the missed calls and messages, you flinched when I raised my voice. I should ask you about it, it’s obvious you won’t tell me.
- God, stop. Are you blaming yourself?
- Maybe a little. You should go with me, we have a doctor at the clubhouse, she should see this.
- I don’t need a doctor Juice.
He put his hand on my side which made me bring my knees up and hold them close to my chest.
- This looks like you need to see a doctor. Your nose is also not looking good.
- I don’t think it’s broken.
- Maybe it’s not, but Tara will do something about it. Let me help you, please - he sounded desperate at this point
- Okay, I’ll go.
- Then go and pack, I’ll help you but first I have to call Jax.
- Pack?
- You don’t think you’re staying here, do you?
I knew I couldn’t stay here but I was planning on getting a hotel room near Charming before I could find a house.
- I’m not homeless, I don’t need a shelter.
He just smiled at me and called Jax, I got up slowly and went to my bedroom to get the most important stuff. Juice joined me a few minutes later.
- Tara finishes her shift in about an hour, then she can come and see you, we’ll wait for her - I rolled my eyes - unless you want to go to a hospital?
- And what will I tell them?
- That you were attacked by a clowder of cats?
When we packed all the things I might need in the next few days I realised I’m still covered in blood in some places, it dried up making me feel pretty uncomfortable.
- I think I need to take a shower before we go - I said stroking my hair
- Really? - he put his face in his hands in an act of disbelief
- Really. I won’t go anywhere like that.
- As you wish princess, I’ll wait.
- Yeah, great. Can you help me with my shirt?
- You can’t put your hands up and still tried to refuse seeing a doctor?
- I just. I don’t want to go to your clubhouse okay, definitely not looking like that.
- We’re used to it, don’t worry.
- Used to bringing beat up hoes by another members? - I didn’t actually know why I reacted like that
I was really grateful Juice wanted to help me, I guess it was just my reaction about being so stressed lately. I automatically regretted saying that, waiting for him to take up the argument, but instead he came closer and lightly grabbed my hands.
- Y/n - he started softly - you’re not a hoe, nobody thinks you are. You shouldn’t think about yourself like that either. I know you’re stressed, but you know I just want to help.
- I know, I’m sorry…
- Don’t be sorry, just let me do what’s best for you now.
When I took a shower Juice helped me with my bags and we were ready to go. He stopped at the door and turned to me.
- Can we take your car? I’m not sure bike is a good option for our trip - he smiled
- Sure - I tossed him the keys - but you drive.
We walked out and I leaded him to my car, before he put the bags in the trunk he stopped and looked at it for a moment.
- A fucking challenger? You really were playing Fast and Furious back there.
I just laughed and got in the passenger sit, realising I’ve never sat here.
- I never let anyone drive it, it’s like my child, so you better be careful - I sent him a warning smile - you should feel honoured.
- Well, I am. Don’t worry, I won’t be speeding.
- Oh don’t be ridiculous, that’s what this car was made for. Just don’t hit any pedestrians or worse, a curb - I sent him a death stare and he just laughed before turning on the engine
- Wow - his smile was beautiful, especially when he was sitting here
I started getting more nervous as we entered Charming. Handling one biker was enough for me and meeting an entire charter sounded even worse. I met one, basically two of them and they seem nice, but I don’t think that’s really how they are. We pulled up in the parking lot around midnight. Juice helped me get my bag and we headed to the clubhouse. Silently I wished it’ll be empty since it was that late, but I was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t crowded, but when we entered, the hot smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me as if I walked to a crowded bar in a big city. Everybody got quiet and all eyes were on me. Chibs stood up and walked to me, patting my shoulder lightly.
- Hello sweetie. I believe you looked better last time I saw you.
- Oh thanks, nice to see you too, now shove off - I said before thinking about it
At least I didn’t say fuck off.
- I knew you were a good one when I first met you - he laughed and went back to the couch
I looked around and saw that they’re not staring at me now, when I walked through the room everyone greeted me, like they actually were friendly. Juice told me to sit next to Chibs since I already knew him and he went to get Jax.
- Oh hello - said the man with curly hair I saw at the hospital - I’m Tig.
- I remembered that - I smiled lightly - I’m y/n.
- Well, so you’re Juice’s girl, huh?
- Okay, I don’t know what he told you, but we’re just friends - I was pretty annoyed by hearing it again, not knowing what Juice was saying about me
- Actually he told us nothing about you. We tried asking him but he only said that you’re from Lodi, nothing more. But now - his blue eyes wandered around my face and body, tracing all the visible bruises - what happened?
- Just a few scratches, Juice insisted that I should see a doctor so here I am, waiting for Tara.
- But who did it?
- Thanks for your worries Tig, but that’s not important.
- I’ll get you a beer, huh? - he smiled and walked up to the bar
Actually a beer is a good idea.
- Listen - I turned to Chibs immediately when I heard his voice - I know you’re not comfortable here and you don’t want to talk about it, but we need to know who did that. You’re a friend to a club now, we’ll help you.
- Juice helped me already - I shrugged my shoulders
- So you’re sure that this person won’t find you here?
- Uh, well - but I never finished
Juice came in with Jax and gave me a hand to help me get up.
- Jesus Christ… - Jax gently wrapped his hands around me as a welcome - Are you allright? Tara will be here soon, she’ll take care of you.
- I’m sorry Jax, I didn’t want to come here in her free time. I’m really grateful she’ll come.
- That’s not a problem.
- Now - Juice looked more serious then ever - can you give me your phone?
- My phone? Why do you need it?
- I need to make sure he won’t bother you again, your phone can help me find him. And don’t say you don’t want me to do that, I’ll find him either way, we can’t risk him coming back.
I didn’t know what to say, I never thought this could happen. Juice bringing me here should keep me safe.
- I’ll come with you - said a long haired man sitting at the table besides us, he greeted me with the warmest smile saying his name’s Bobby
- I’ll go too - said Chibs standing up slowly
- Count me in - Jax nodded looking at me
- If you have so many volunteers - Tig came back with our beers - I’ll stay here, keep an eye on the girls.
- Okay, so we’re all set - Jax smiled at me again - Tara will be here any minute, then we can go.
I sat on the couch, glued to Juice’s side when they were talking about some random shit, I couldn’t focus on the conversation thinking about what was going to happen. When all of them got in an argument about Tig’s hair I felt Juice’s eyes landing on me. Bringing my head up I looked at him and he put his hand on my cheek sending me a warming smile.
- Are you going to kill him? - I asked seriously, keeping my eyes on his
- We’ll do what’s necessary - he kissed my forehead
- Don’t do this - I shyly tried to push him away
- And why is that? - I looked around the room - I told you they don’t give a fuck.
And they actually didn’t. No one was even looking at us. I took a sip of my beer realising it’s almost empty.
- Another one? - Juice asked and I just nodded
When he left I looked around the room again, how can they all be so calm? My eyes stopped at a woman coming through the door. She also saw me, gave me a welcoming smile and came up to me.
- And you must be y/n. I’m Tara, nice to meet you. Let’s go clean you up.
She leaded me to a smaller room and closed the door. I looked around at the wooden table and chairs around it. Tara encouraged me to sit down and opened her bag, starting to clean the cuts on my face.
- I’m sorry you had to come here, I really wanted to do this myself but Juice got stubborn.
- Don’t worry, I help the club when I can, wanna tell me what happened?
I couldn’t say anything because the door opened and Jax came in saying that they’re ready to go. He gave Tara a kiss and told her to take care of me, after that he was gone and we stayed alone again.
- So? - she continued - it doesn’t look like a little fight with a friend.
She seemed so peaceful that I decided to shorten the story for her. She looked at me from time to time but never interrupted. When I finished she stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes.
- I know what you’re going through, trust me. The guys will take care of him and you’ll be safe, it’ll be okay. Let them do what they have to, before it’s too late.
I didn’t know what to say, just kept looking at the door not wanting to catch her sight again.
- Good news, your nose is not broken, but it may bleed from time to time. And about your wrists-
- Oh, probably nothing happened, I’ve actually had problems with my wrists for a few years now.
- Yeah, I can see that, you should think about a surgery. None of your ribs are broken too, but it looks bad, so I’ll come again and see what’s going on in a few days. For now you’re okay - she smiled while packing her bag - I’m really sorry, wanted to stay with you but our babysitter called and I need to go home.
- Oh sure, you should be home right after you finished work. Thank you again for all you did for me, I really appreciate that.
She smiled and opened the door for me. I instantly came to sit with Tig since he was the only one here I “knew”.
- You look better now, hope you also feel that way - he handed me a beer
- Do you drink here all day long or is today any special?
- There are no limits about drinking here, don’t worry.
He was actually nice and pretty funny. All of them were, maybe it’s not going to be as bad as I thought. We talked for about 40 minutes before they came back and I actually enjoyed our conversation. I felt pretty safe here. That’s weird. When boys came through the door I felt shivers on my body. Knives and guns at their belts, bruises and scratches everywhere, they just looked scary.
- It’s all done, you don’t have to worry about him anymore - Jax said with a smile - but I think you should stay here, at least ‘till tomorrow.
- He’s right, come on - Juice got my bag and gave me his hand
I followed him through the hall and entered his room. It was much cleaner than I thought and kinda cozy. If you can say a room at a clubhouse is cozy. I went through my bag to find a T-shirt and matching shorts to sleep in. Juice helped me with a shirt and put my bag back on the floor.
- I’m going to take a shower now, you can change here. The covers are clean, don’t worry - he laughed as he closed the bathroom door behind him
I changed my jeans to shorts and crawled under the covers. The bed was much more comfortable that it looked, but maybe it was just because I was really tired. I tried not to drift away waiting for Juice to come back. When he finally opened the door quietly and made sure I’m not asleep he sat down next to me and grabbed my hand.
- You’re safe here y/n, everything will be fine. Aren’t you hungry?
- I don’t know.
- How can you don’t know? - he laughed softly
- I mean, I probably won’t eat anything, you know.
- Are you sure? I can get you something.
- I’m good - I felt my eyes closing
- Okay, so goodnight - I felt him getting up and opened my eyes again
- Are you not going to stay with me? - he froze
- Do you want me to stay?
- Well… - he raised his eyebrow - yeah, okay. I want you to stay.
He said nothing and laid down next to me, but still keeping some distance, so I decided to shorten it. Rested my head on his arm and smiled when he kissed my forehead again. That felt nice, I love feeling his body next to mine. He gently traced all my face features with his fingers, not leaving any detail, while I slowly fell asleep feeling his hot breath in my hair.
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garbinge · 1 year
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Day 20 from these April Prompts: Picnic
Summary: Just a biker picnic gone wrong.
Words: 1.3k words
A/N: First time writing juice and I decided to go a little more fluff heavy which I think made me stuggle with this a little more than I thought so I added in some angst at the end lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of guns, bullets, shooting, blood, wounds, not too much though, but also flulff in the beginning hehe. SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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Normally the scene of hundreds of bikers in the park would turn heads but this was the one time a year where everyone in Charming accepted it. The annual Charming x Redwood fundraiser, food, raffles, contests, all to raise money for Charming schools and recreation. 
The entire Redwood charter was there obviously, but the invite had extended out to multiple charters in the surrounding areas. That’s why the park had been packed with kuttes and bikes. 
You had just laid down your picnic blanket and put out your bag full of snacks that you had bought from one of the concession stands that were set up. You pulled a book out of your bag and were about to sit down when you heard your name being called. Turning, you saw Gemma with her hands full making her way over to one of the raffle tables. 
“I need you to help me set this up.” Gemma called over to you. 
With a deep sigh that you tried to hide well you made your way over. The one ask, turned into many and before you knew it you were all over the little area of the park you were permitted to be on. 
Just as you were setting up a table full of baked goods, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You jumped back out of reflex but you relaxed when you heard his laugh and you moved back into his arms. 
“Hey, I’ve been lookin’ for you.” He squeezed you a little tighter before you turned around in his arms resting your hands on his kutte. “Where ya been?”
“I’ve been around, Gemma asked for my help setting up. I laid out some stuff over there,” You pointed to your blanket that was abandoned near one of the larger trees in the area. 
“You wanna go chill for a bit? I miss you.” His voice was chipper. 
It was true, between your job, the club, and just everyday life things, it had been a while since you just had a moment alone with your boyfriend. 
“I wish I could but Gem’s got me setting this up and then I’m on kid duty.” Your head moved over your shoulder where the swingset was to point towards the group of kids who were running around frantically, climbing on things and making havoc. 
Juice let out a laugh, his hands still wrapped around you. 
“You two go, be in love.” Gemma’s voice alerted from the other side of the table as she placed down more sweets. “I got this and I’ll have one of the girls watch the kids.” 
It was rare that Gemma offered compassion to anyone let alone you. Your brows frowned as you stared at her in question. “You sure?” 
“Yea, I’m sure. Just wrap it up,” Her brows lifted and a smile crept up on her face, “we got enough gremlins runnin’ around right now, don’t need more.” 
The comment earned a chuckle from both you and Juice. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the picnic blanket before Gemma could change her mind. 
Juice made himself at home on the blanket without a second thought, using the tree as a backrest and patting next to him for you to join. Grabbing your book from your bag you plopped down on the blanket, using Juice’s lap as a headrest. His hand came and began to caress the top of your head, causing you to close your eyes for a minute and soak in the affection. 
“Whatcha readin’?” Juice asked, looking down at the book that was now laying flat, open, and down on your chest. 
“Nothing if you keep massaging my head like that.” You hummed still with your eyes closed. 
Juice let out a chuckle and then his face went into confusion. “I’m not sure if that means I should stop or keep going.” His hand had stopped moving now, but it was still on the crown of your head. 
You smiled while grabbing the hand on your head and bringing it to your lips to place a soft kiss to it before picking back up the book. “I got snacks over there, feel free to have at it.” 
Before Juice was able to even think about grabbing a snack, his name was being called by the club. 
“Juicey!” Chibbs’ accented raised voice alerted you both to look over at the group of guys who were in the middle of getting into something. The lot of them were laughing and drinking which made you realize it wasn’t something club related they needed him for, but maybe just as much you missed him they did too. Juice’s smile grew on his face even when he looked back at you. 
“Go.” You rolled your eyes, if you wanted time with Juice you were going to have to plan it later, if he said no to them now, he’d just be called over later. 
“Love you.” He pecked your cheek before getting up and jogging over to the guys, leaving you alone on the picnic blanket. 
You weren’t alone for much longer before you were dragged back over to the life of the party. At least it included the group of guys, you were able to get some time in with Juice even if it wasn’t just the two of you. 
The group of you stood as you played some version of cornhole in the middle of the park, you had so many drinks that it had turned into some form of soccer and cornhole combined. 
“Come on, Tiggy, toss it over.” You called out as Juice stood behind you blocking the cornhole board as Tig kicked the bean bag over with a laugh. Before the bean bag reached halfway over to you, there was a loud popping noise causing pretty much everyone around you to get alert. That was until the popping continued and it sounded almost like cracking. There wasn’t a chance for you to get a glimpse at what was happening because Juice was moving on top of you. His arm moved over your body and he pushed you to crouch down as he blocked you from the outside world. 
Bullets. His actions made you realize you were being shot at. Some of the guys were quick to respond by shooting back while others were quick to protect the innocents around them. Juice being one to come to your protection without second thought. Your heartbeat rose as your body thumped against the ground, Juice’s body heat against your back being the only thing to bring you any sort of security or comfort until the shooting stopped.
“Holy shit, you alright?” He spoke directly to your ear as he was crouched around you. 
“Yea, yea. I’m fine.” You were now standing up with him as he checked you over eagerly, not realizing your shoulder got clipped. “Next time, let’s just have a picnic by ourselves.” You joked while a part of you was being serious. 
Juice’s eyes went wide as they zoned in on your shoulder that was leaking blood out of it slowly, nothing fatal but enough to be a cause for concern. 
“Yea, good idea.” Juice quickly used his gloved hands to apply pressure to your wound which is when the reality of everything set in and the adrenaline wore off. Your face filled with worry and scrunched up in pain. His eyes met yours and while his expression was filled with worry too, it was also filled with determination.
“Hey, once we get this cleaned up, I’m takin’ you on the best fuckin’ picnic you ever had.”
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d-criss-news · 1 year
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Via Juan Carlos' Instagram Story (July 26th, 2023)
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warningsine · 2 years
3x01 | Ana finds Juan Carlos's spy listening device in her bedroom. She and Mariana decide to mess with him by pretending to have sex.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
All For You
Juice Ortiz x OFC (Dakota Lowman)
Juice Ortiz & OFC (Diedra Lowman)
Inspired by the Week 1 Prompts for @the-slumberparty: bouquet of flowers & diamond necklace
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: The way I want to build a whole universe just for Di, Kota, Juice, and Happy. I wish I had the time and the mental bandwidth. Little snippets will have to do! Enjoy this fun lil valentine's fic!
SOA Taglist: @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @chibsytelford @juicyortiz @anditsmywholeheart @i-just-read-stuff @garbinge @justreblogginfics @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc @narcolini @darqchilddaydreamz (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Juice carefully extracted himself from the bed. He managed to untangle himself from Dakota without waking her, although that wasn’t the most difficult thing to do since she was probably the heaviest sleeper that Juice had ever met. She let out a small grumble when he pulled his arms from around her, but she didn’t wake.
He gently shut the bedroom door behind him as he stepped out into the short hallway that separated the two bedrooms from the rest of the apartment. He tip-toed past the door to her sister’s bedroom, not wanting to be responsible for waking her up either. He let out a small sigh of relief when he stepped into the space where the living room and the kitchen met, the only semblance of a divider between the two sides of the apartment was the counter that more often than not served as their dinner table if they weren’t eating in front of the TV.
Turning, he looked up from the floor and into the kitchen. His eyes widened and he gasped quietly when he saw Diedra standing in the kitchen, her back to him as she set the coffee pot to brew. Even though she hadn’t turned around to look at him, she still shook her head. He couldn’t see it, but there was a bit of an amused smile on her face.
She glanced back over her shoulder. “Coffee?”
He nodded, sitting down at the counter rather than trying to linger in her space. “Yea, sure. Thanks.” He paused, offering her a lopsided grin when she turned around to fully face him. “Was worried I was gonna wake you up, but…”
Diedra chuckled and shook her head. “I wouldn’t worry about that.” She saw the apprehension on his face so she clarified, “Because I’m pretty much always gonna be up before you anyway.”
Juice relaxed a bit at that. “Right.”
“Good thing you’re dating the one Lowman who actually sleeps in.”
Juice laughed quietly as he watched Diedra grab two coffee mugs from the cupboard. “Yea, good thing, because sleeping habits were why Happy and I never worked out.”
Diedra laughed as she shook her head. “Sometimes I forget that you can be funny, Juicebox.”
He nodded in thanks as she slid his mug across the counter to him. “Shit, Di, that’s like one of the only things I still have going for me at this point. You can’t forget that.”
She leaned against the counter across from him, hands cupping her coffee mug. “My bad,” she said with a smile.
There were a few beats of silence between them, and Juice desperately wanted to feel at ease about it but he didn’t, not fully anyway. He struggled less now than he used to with the nagging belief that Dakota’s sister was constantly plotting his murder. They weren’t exactly friends, and Juice didn’t know if they ever would be, but Diedra didn’t seem to have a big problem with him. He would take that as a win.
But in moments like that, when it was just the two of them without the buffer of Dakota, or Happy, or the chaos of the clubhouse, Juice still felt like he was squirming in discomfort. And she wasn’t even trying to make him do that anymore.
“Big plans for next week?” Diedra asked. She hadn’t ever been a fan of the holiday, but she knew for a fact that her sister was.
The question caught Juice off-guard. He took another sip of his coffee. “Big plans?”
She cocked one eyebrow. “Valentine’s Day?”
“Right! Right.” Juice knew that. Really, he did, but he always felt like he was taking some sort of test when he was talking to Di, and he was terrible at tests. “Um, yea, yea kind of.”
“Was worried you forgot when Kota didn’t come home giggling and squealing about you asking her.” She said it with heavy sarcasm but gun to her head she couldn’t deny that it was nice to see her little sister in a happy, fairly stable and somewhat normal relationship.
“Asking her? Asking her what?”
She took a sip of her coffee. “You know, to be your valentine or whatever.”
“I have to ask? She’s…I’m…we’re dating.”
Diedra was on the brink of cackling with amusement. “Dude, have you met my sister? Of fucking course, you need to ask her.”
“But she’s my girlfriend!” He sounded genuinely bewildered.
Diedra shook her head as she tried not to keep laughing. “Doesn’t matter. Gotta ask.”
She watched as Juice dropped his face into his hands and shook his head. All of the overthinking that he’d been doing about the actual day, and he missed the memo about even asking. He felt like he had just gotten booted back to square one.
Di felt something that felt like pity for him. “Look, it’s not like my sister is all that high-maintenance. She’ll be stoked with whatever. You could get her one of those cheesy valentine’s cards they make for kids to hand out at school and she would be hyped. Just,” she finished her coffee and set the mug in the sink, “make sure you do it.” She walked around the counter to grab her bag and her keys. “I’m heading out. Kota say if she needed anything?”
Juice shook his head. “She’s all set.”
Diedra nodded before offering a quick goodbye and heading for the door. Juice sat at the counter, taking his time as he mulled over what Diedra had just said to him.
When he finished his coffee, Dakota still hadn’t woken up. Despite the urge that he had to just go and crawl back into bed with her, everything that Diedra said was still playing on repeat in his head. So, instead of taking the lazy route of going back to sleep, he got up from the stool that he had been sitting on and made his way over to the refrigerator.
He went back and forth between a few different ideas for a minute. Making breakfast was a simple enough task. He’d done it a million times for himself before. He and Kota had definitely cooked together too. But now he was doing it while also overthinking everything that was going to be happening over the next week.
He rifled through the cupboards and fridge as he went back and forth on what he wanted to make. After weighing more pros and cons than any sane person would, he finally settled on French toast. It was low risk, high reward, and that was something that he could get behind.
With minimal struggle and almost no mess, Juice got through almost all of the cooking before Dakota woke up. He hadn’t heard her footsteps when she left the room and walked towards the kitchen, but the yawn that she let out as she crossed the threshold gave her away.
She walked over, still not fully awake, and leaned against Juice’s back. She rested her forehead in the space between Juice’s shoulder blades as she wrapped her arms around his middle. She felt Juice’s laughter before she heard it.
“Morning,” she mumbled against the fabric of his t-shirt.
He chuckled, placing one hand over hers for a moment before shutting off the stove and taking the last of the food off the stove. “Good morning.”
He felt the kiss that she lazily pressed into his back before she pried herself away from him. Stepped so that she was standing next to him instead of behind him, she looked at all of the food in front of her. Reaching, she swiped a piece of bacon off the plate next to all the French toast.
“What’s all this?” she asked.
Juice looked at her and laughed as she popped the bacon into her mouth. “Looks like you already know.”
“Yea, but, like,” she walked to the other side of him to grab a coffee mug for herself, “what’s it all for?”
“For you,” he answered simply.
She laughed, but there was a soft, happy look in her eyes. “You’re a sap.”
He shrugged, grinning. “Maybe.”
They sat at the counter, enjoying their quiet morning and breakfast for two. It was far from the first time that the two of them got to simply just exist like that, but no matter how many times it happened, Juice still found himself a little bit in awe of it all. He had never really considered himself the type of person who was cut out for that kind of thing, who would be allowed to have it. And he certainly never thought that Dakota was the kind of girl who would be interested in being with him like that. But there they were. And it never got old.
Juice finished off the coffee that was in his mug before saying, “There was something that I wanted to ask you.”
Dakota’s eyes widened, clearly curious. “Okay?”
“Would you, um,” he didn’t know why he felt nervous asking—it wasn’t like it was a question that she was likely to say no to, “would you want to be my Valentine this year?”
A cheesy grin spread across her face as she nodded. Leaning over, she kissed him on the lips. “I would love that, Juan.”
He had the same starry look in his eyes as he did the first time Kota ever kissed him. He finally nodded, forcing himself to speak. “Alright, yea, cool.”
Dakota laughed as she hopped off her chair to get herself another cup of coffee. “Yea, very cool.” She poured coffee into her mug before scooping in an unreal amount of sugar. “What’s the plan, anyway? For Valentine’s Day?”
He shrugged nonchalantly but there was a tiny smirk pulling at his lips. “I had some ideas.”
“Keeping me in the dark?”
“Surprising you sounds a lot better.”
She laughed, nodding as she walked back over to him. “I guess it does.”
As the days went by after that, Kota felt like every time she came back to the apartment there was always something waiting for her. They were small things—a card, her favorite snack, t-shirts of Juice’s that she had been trying to steal from him for weeks but never successfully took from his house. She wondered how he was always managing to sneak in and out and leave things for her without being caught. Anytime she asked Di about it, she just shrugged it off and claimed that she didn’t know anything about it. Dakota wasn’t sure how true that was but she wasn’t upset about it.
The closer it got to Valentine’s Day, the more intricate the gifts became. One night when Kota got home from work, she walked into the apartment and the first thing she saw was a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter in the kitchen.
She looked over to Diedra, who was sprawled out across the couch in the living room, laptop rested on her stomach. “When did these get here?”
Di lifted her eyes from the screen, glancing back and forth between her sister and the flowers. “Loverboy dropped those off a couple hours ago. I told him I was very upset that he hadn’t gotten anything for me this last week.”
Dakota laughed as she walked over to get a closer look at them. She dropped her bag on the chair before standing on her tiptoes and slowly turning the vase to be able to see all of the flowers. The sunflowers and roses looked so vibrant together. Dakota lightly traced her fingers along some of the petals.
It took a moment for her to realize that there was a holder and a small card sticking out of the flowers. Her smile grew as she carefully plucked it to read. She was on the brink of giggling as she read Juice's handwriting. It always seemed to toe the line between elegant and messy. He was a few scribbles away from doctor's handwriting territory.
“Pack a bag and a dress tonight. I’ll be over tomorrow after work for the next adventure. –Juan"
She read it over a few times, gnawing lightly at her bottom lip as she did. Finally, she looked back at her sister. “He say anything to you about this?”
She shook her head. “Nope. I also didn’t ask.”
Dakota chuckled. “Right.”
She stared at the flowers for another moment longer before grabbing her bag and heading towards her bedroom. She flipped the light on and tossed her bag over onto her mattress. Without even bothering to change or take her shoes off, she knelt and pulled her overnight bag out from underneath her mattress.
Picking that up and dropping it on top of her bed, she unzipped it so that she could start putting clothes inside. She paused, confusion flashing across her face when she saw the jewelry box sitting inside the bag.
Reaching down, she picked it up and shook it next to her ear. She finally popped it open, her eyes growing wide at what was inside. Dakota had never been a diamond necklace kind of girl, and Juice knew that. If she had any doubts about that before, the beautiful gold chain staring back at her definitely wiped away any concerns that he didn’t pay attention.
She also noticed another small card with the same unique handwriting. “Maybe something that goes with this?” She laughed as she took it out of the box and latched it on. It fell nicely over her collarbone, the metal smooth and cool to the touch for now. She decided to leave it on while she packed up her things for the mystery trip Juice had planned.
It was late when Diedra finally decided to start getting ready for bed. Rather than going right to her own room, she walked and lingered in the doorway of Dakota’s. She rapped her knuckles lightly against the doorframe, causing her sister to look up from her phone.
Diedra nodded towards the bags on the floor. “Running off on me?”
Dakota laughed, shaking her head. “No, no.” She set her phone to the side. “I guess, um, I guess Juan has a night away planned. Told me to pack a bag.”
“Bringing some sort of knife or something with you?”
She rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ, Di.” She paused. “But, yea.”
They both laughed and Diedra nodded in approval. “Good.” She pushed herself off the doorframe. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Dakota nodded. “See ya.”
It was creeping later into the afternoon when Diedra rolled onto the compound. The trip to Happy’s house had been pointless since he wasn’t home, but when she saw all of the bikes parked outside, she also saw his. She swung the car door shut and started making her way across the lot to the clubhouse.
Just as she was walking into the building, all of the guys were walking out of the chapel. She quickly scanned the looks on each of their faces—it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that whatever had been discussed and decided during church wasn’t sitting right with anyone. She didn’t feel bad for them, never really did. They all signed on for this so her pity was basically non-existent.
She saw that Happy was still talking to Jax and Clay. While she was waiting, she flagged Juice down and waved him over. “What’s going on?”
He shook his head. “Club shit.”
She rolled her eyes, not only at the vagueness of the answer but at the repetitiveness of the situation. “Always is.” She paused, looking at Juice’s face a little closer. “Shouldn’t you be going to get my sister for your big vacation?”
He sighed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before shaking his head. “Can’t. We gotta—”
“What?” she cut him off.
The sharpness in her tone made him flinch. “I know, I know. I gotta call her. But they said—”
“Who’s they?”
“You know.”
She shook her head. “You can’t do that to her, Juice.”
“I don’t want to, but I can’t just—”
“Yes, you can.” She stepped in a little closer to him, her voice hushed but still cutting. “I don’t give a shit what these guys said they need you for. Club’s got a full roster, right? They can find someone else to do it.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“You guys all love sayin’ that shit but I think it really is that simple.” She saw the debate resting on the tip of his tongue and didn’t let him get started on it. “Listen, you’re like, the first person Kota has dated in a long time that’s not a complete fucking asshole. I’m not going to let Clay, or Jax, or whoever the fuck is calling the shots these days, turn you into one.”
He knew that he shouldn’t be as shaken as he was, but there was always something about Diedra that was inherently terrifying. She was scary when she was in a good mood, let alone in situations like this.
“Wh-what are you gonna do?”
She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. You know me—I love any reason to have a fucking problem with Jax.” She saw the way that he was torn, almost stepping away to leave, almost stepping back towards church. She nodded in the direction of the door. “Go.”
“Right, right.” He mumbled out a quick thank you, although he wasn’t sure how thankful he was going to be about any of it when he got back. That was a problem for future him now, though. And also apparently a problem for Diedra.
Happy walked out of the chapel first, instantly clocking the way that Juice was scrambling towards the door. He walked over to Diedra, nodding at where Juice had just been. “Where’s he going?”
“He’s got some shit to do,” she answered nonchalantly.
Jax had been close enough to overhear their conversation. “He’s got shit to do for the club,” he interjected. “Fuck. He can’t just take off.”
“Well,” she shrugged, “he did. So, guess you can sort it out with him in a couple days.”
Jax narrowed his eyes at her. “What the hell did you say to him?”
“That if he had other shit to take care of, he should go do it, because you guys have enough people here to do whatever needs doing.”
“Di, are you fucking—” he stopped himself short, shaking his head. “Who’s gonna take care of it? You?” he said with a scoff.
She stepped closer to him. “Me? Sure. Or, maybe,” her eyes dropped down to the flash stitched into his kutte, “the fucking VP could handle shit for once. Just an idea.”
Jax shook his head. It was written all over his face that he was on the brink of combusting. Turning to Happy, he grit out, “Get this,” he gestured to Diedra, “under control.”
Happy’s expression didn’t really change much. He didn’t say anything to Jax, waiting until the man walked away before turning back to his daughter. “What’s going on?”
“Juice. Where’d he go?”
“Didn’t you hear?” she asked sarcastically. “He took off.”
Happy knew that Juice wasn’t the type to just book it on the club. Either a sense of obligation or fear always kept him in line. “Why?”
Happy’s brows drew together. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” Diedra couldn’t help but to laugh. “It’s fucking, it’s Valentine’s Day, Dad.”
She laughed again. “Tomorrow.”
Diedra rolled her eyes, but she still had a smirk on her face because she knew what was going to happen. “Still wanna go get him?”
Happy sighed. “No.”
She clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s what I thought.” She walked around so that she was behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of beer for herself and holding one out to Happy. “Sit. Something I wanted to talk to you about.”
Back at the apartment, Juice felt like he had to catch his breath as he stood outside the door. He adjusted his kutte slightly before running his hands back over his head. After a few seconds, ones that seemed to stretch on longer than they should have, he reached forward and knocked.
In no time at all, he heard the clicking of the locks on the other side of the door. He didn’t know why he felt so jittery. The hardest parts were over—he had the girl, and he ditched the club. It should’ve been smooth sailing from here on out.
Dakota pulled the door open, looking as excited and as beautiful as Juice had ever seen her. Even though she was just in jeans and a t-shirt with her leather jacket, Juice could’ve sworn that he felt his knees start to buckle.
He finally forced himself to clear his throat as he leaned against the doorframe. “H-hey.”
“Ready to roll?” she asked with a smile.
He nodded. “Yea.” He watched as she reached out and tangled her hand with his own. “You?”
“Yea!” She tugged him into the apartment while she went and grabbed her bag. She lifted it up off the ground and slipped the strap over her shoulder. “Was starting to get nervous for a minute there,” she said with a laugh.
He shook his head, flashing a small smile as he reached and took her duffle bag from her. “C’mon, like I would ever leave you hanging.” He chuckled as she leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He could feel his face get hot as he busied himself adjusting the bag on his shoulder. “Nice necklace, by the way.”
She laughed, dragging her fingers along the gold chain of it. “Thanks. Got it from this pretty cool guy I know.” She followed him out the door, turning around and locking it behind them once they were out in the hall. Turning back to him, she asked, smile still bright, “So, do I get to know where we’re going now? Or is it still a surprise?”
Juice laughed, shaking his head as he gestured for her to walk down the stairs. “Oh, yea, no, it’s definitely still a surprise.”
She shook her head, laughing the entire way down, “Of course it is.”
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thequilandpaperwriter · 2 months
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1965-1967 Happy new years cards from Queen Sofia and Juan Carlos
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1970. 🥹
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aitan · 9 months
Nel 2014 il re di Spagna Juan Carlos I de Borbón abdicó al trono perché la sua immagine era stata danneggiata da una serie di scandali familiari.
La sua secondogenita e suo genero furono coinvolti in uno scandalo per una ong che si era intascata milioni di euro di fondi pubblici e privati. Soldi raccolti per beneficenza.
In più, nel 2012, in piena crisi economica, aveva partecipato a una battuta di caccia all'elefante in Botswana, dove pare fosse accompagnato da un'amante.
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Storie di Spagna che mi vengono in mente in questi giorni di pandori rosa, ministre indagate per falsi in bilancio, deputati con e senza pistola che inneggiano al nazifascismo e cognati lobbisti coinvolti in scandali per appalti milionari.
Ma qua non abdica mai nessuno.
((( parola di aitan )))
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