#Josuke higashikata and reader
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[Fluff] Josuke Higashikata And Female! Reader Movie Night

The sound of humming escaped from [Name] as she walked to school with her [Favorite Color] jacket on, along with her [Second Favorite Color] scarf wrapped around her neck. “Hey, [Nickname], wait up!” Josuke’s voice called out to the teenage girl, making her turn around to face where his voice was coming from, spotting her best friend. “Hey, Josuke, decided to go to school on time?” The [Hair Color] haired teen chuckled softly, only getting glared at but hearing her friend chuckle softly. “I’m always on time, sometimes, but today is different.” The black-haired male smiled at his friend, walking beside her while carrying his bag over his shoulder like usual.
“How so?” [Name] asked while holding her bag in her hands since the second stripe over her shoulder had snapped in half, so now she has to carry it with both hands until she can buy a new bag, for now, she didn’t mind carrying the old one. “Well, I wanted to ask you if you want to come to my house tonight and watch horror movies since it’s Halloween Eve and tomorrow is Halloween.” Josuke looked at his friend, having a smile on his face, noticing that [Name] had stopped in her tracks, and looked at him with a smile on her face. “I would like that, Josuke.” She watches as her friend has a toothy grin on his face.
Josuke couldn’t help but hug his friend softly and make sure he didn’t squeeze her roughly, surely he was tall and had strong arms, but his friend is fragile and he would have to use Crazy Diamond to heal any broken bones in her body. “How about around nine?” He asked while pulling away from [Name], making her tilt her head to the side while resting her finger on her chin, having a smile on her face. “Nine sounds great, I’ll bring some snacks and drinks with me, along with my favorite horror movies.” She chuckles softly, and the two start to walk again while speaking about which movies they grew up with the most and which ones are just plain silly.
The two finally arrived at the high school and walked into the building to start the day off, having some classes together, along with lunchtime. [Name] had a notebook open on her desk and listened to the teacher rumbling on, taking notes mostly for studying in case the teacher decided to do a test before the weekend. “Alright class, I have an announcement to make,” the teacher caught most of his students’ attention, making the teens look up from their notes. “There will be no test, the only thing that you will be given is a Halloween activity over the weekend to do.” He soon walked behind his desk, pulling out the papers with activities on them.
[Name] was shocked by the sudden change but shook her head softly, taking the stack of paper and taking one sheet before passing the stack to someone else that was behind her, looking at the activity sheet with her [Eye Color] eyes, only to look at a certain activity that had been listed on the sheet in her hands. Josuke and I are already planning on watching movies at his house this week, we’ll be able to knock these activities out of the park without a problem. She thought to herself as she pulled out a folder from her bag and placed the sheet into the pocket of the folder, putting it back in her bag, and listening to the teacher as he continued to teach the class.
She went back to taking important notes before the bell rang for lunchtime, making the young teen stop taking her notes and putting her notebook into her bag, along with her pencil that could use a sharpener, but right now she had to go meet up with Josuke and their friends in their usual spot that they go to for lunchtime. Gathering her things before walking out of the classroom with Josuke beside her, meeting up with Okuyasu Nijimura and Koichi Hirose, the two who were waiting for them. “Man, this activity sheet is going to be tough, especially taking pictures of leaves that haven’t fallen yet.” Okuyasu rubbed the back of his neck, while Josuke nodded his head in agreement.
The small group walked to their area where they sat together during lunchtime, [Name] had taken a seat next to Josuke, while both Koichi and Okuyasu sat in front of them. “It can’t be that hard, do you have a camera at home?” Koichi asked Okuyasu, only watching him shaking his head softly. “No, our camera is out of frames and we haven’t gotten a new frame to replace the old one.” The tall teen explained to his friends, only making [Name] rub the back of her neck before getting an idea in her head, placing her fork down before clearing her throat. “I have an idea, during the weekend, all four of us should group up and take pictures together, helping each other.” She explained her idea.
Koichi was caught off guard by [Name]’s suggestion of them getting together over the weekend to take pictures of Autumn leaves that had not yet fallen, nodding his head in agreement. “Yeah, that could work, we can also knock out the other activities without any problem, the teacher didn’t say it was one personal activity, he said that we could work in groups if we wanted to.” Koichi had a wide grin on his face, making the other three friends nod their heads in agreement. “It’s settled then, we’ll work together over the weekend, helping each other with the assignment,” Josuke spoke as he had a wide grin on his face, hearing his friends cheering together with smiles on their faces and their hands in the air.
~Time skip to After School, because I’m lazy typing an entire paragraph about school classes~
[Name] had said goodbye to her friends before walking to her home, while setting an alarm to nine to remind her that she was going to Josuke’s house to watch movies with him, arriving at her house and walking inside. “I’m home!” She closes the door behind her before removing her shoes, shifting her bag slightly, and being greeted by her mother by being hugged by her. “Welcome home sweetheart, how was school?” [Name’s Mother] asked her teenage daughter while pulling away from the hug, but having her hands on her shoulder, having a smile on her face. “It was good, the teacher has given us an activity sheet to do over the weekend, and Josuke asked me to go over to his house and watch movies with him.” [Name] smiled softly.
[Name’s Mother] looked at her daughter with a shocked but mostly surprised look on her face, hugging her daughter tightly, but being the proud mother that she was, and couldn’t help but tease her daughter. “Sounds like a date, my baby girl has a date.” Her mother would soon grab her daughter’s reddened cheeks, making her roll her [Eye Color] eyes. “It’s not a date, we’re just going to hang out and watch Halloween-themed movies, which are on the activity sheet.” [Name] explained to her mother, that surely she liked Josuke but she didn’t know if he felt the same way, making the teen huff softly as her mother let go of her cheeks. “Of course honey, what time are you going over?” Her mother soon asked, looking into her eyes.
“Nine, but I’m going to leave around eight-thirty to go to the store to pick up some snacks and soda for us to have,” [Name] replied to her mother’s question, watching as she just nodded her head softly with a smile, before speaking. “Well, we’ll be leaving shortly, your father and I are going on a business trip. I’ll call Tomoko and let her know that you’ll be staying at their house, we’ll be back on Sunday.” [Name’s Mother] explained before leaving her daughter’s side to make a phone call to Tomoko, that the two mothers have been friends, along with the fact that they were childhood friends. The teenager soon shook her head softly before making her way upstairs, heading into her bedroom, and closing her door behind her.
[Name] started to pack some clothes and search for some of her favorite horror movies that she grew up with, along with The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is her all-time favorite Halloween movie, placing the movies that she had picked out into her duffle bag that had all her clothes in it. Grabbing an unopened toothbrush and some other personal items, putting it all in the duffle bag before zipping it up, placing her book bag onto her bed as she went to her close to get changed into comfortable clothes, such as her [Favorite Color] shirt and some sweat pants that would keep her warms and very comfortable, keeping her socks on as she puts her favorite slippers on before walking out of her room with her two bags in each hand.
~Small time skip~
[Name] had arrived at Josuke’s house with her packed bags, along with grocery bags that held their snacks and drinks, knocked on the door and took a step back when she heard a ‘Coming’ from Tomoko from the other side of the door, becoming a bit nervous since she was worried about being teased by Josuke’s mother. The door opens up as Tomoko stands there with a smile on her face, wearing slippers on her feet. “Welcome, [Name], come right inside and make yourself at home.” The older woman took a step aside to let the young come inside the house, before closing the door behind the said teen. “Hey, Josuke! [Name] is here!” Tomoko yelled up the stairs, only to hear feet shuffling from her son, only to look at [Name]. “He’ll be right down, go ahead and get comfortable, dear.” The older woman soon went into the kitchen.
Josuke came downstairs to greet his friend by giving her a small hug before grabbing the snacks and drinks out of her hands, only to assume that she had walked here or her parents dropped her off, noticing that there were some candy and other types of snack in one bag and the other had two bottles of different soda. “You didn’t have to go all out for our movie night, but I’ll put the drinks in the fridge and take the snacks upstairs.” The young teen walked into the kitchen while leaving his friend in the living room, making her sigh softly but she slowly removed her shoes and put them neatly on the carpet where the other shoes were, soon enough her friend walked back into the living room and headed upstairs.
Tomoko soon came into the living room with her purse underneath her arm and her wallet in the living room, nodding her head to [Name] when she went to put her shoes on. “I left some money on the counter in case you guys want to order food for dinner, along with my phone number in case you guys have an emergency.” She explained while opening the door, checking her pockets to make sure that she had everything that she needed, before looking at the young teen. “Alright, I’m off to work, you two stay safe and have fun with your movie night.” The older female opens the door, making [Name] wave her hand softly. “Goodbye, Miss. Higashikata, be safe.” The young teen said formally, only to hear Tomoko chuckle softly.
[Name] watches as Josuke’s mother leaves the house, picking her bags up and heading upstairs to join her friend, walking up the stairs and going to Josuke’s room, which is pretty clean for someone who loses his temper when someone insults his hair. “So, what movie do you want to watch first?” Josuke asked while setting up the VHS player, making his friend place her bags down while unzipping her duffle bag, pulling out some old horror movies and The Nightmare Before Christmas, and holding up the said videotape in her hand. “The Nightmare Before Christmas would be the first to start us off.” [Name] placed the tape down beside her friend, having a wide grin on her face, watching as Josuke picked up the tape and looked at it.
Josuke didn’t question his friend’s taste in movies and made sure that he didn’t make any remarks about it, putting the tape into the VHS and sitting there silently as he thought about what to do while the previews played, getting an idea popping into his head. “Why don’t we order some pizza? That way it can truly be a Movie Night!” He suggested to [Name], catching her off guard for the most part but she nodded her head in agreement, surely that sounded like a good idea to both teens since it wouldn’t be a movie night without any pizza; which they could agree on. “Yes, pizza sounds good right now.” The [Hair-Color] haired teen turned around to face the door, heading towards it, while her friend paused the tape before following his friend downstairs.
Both Josuke and [Name] raced downstairs while laughing at each other's jokes, racing into the kitchen as one of them slid, this being [Name] as she just laughed due to finding it fun to slide on tiles that weren’t carpeted. “That was fun!” She exclaimed in a joyous voice, having her arms raised in the air while being the silly teen that she was, hearing her friend clapping softly at her small performance. “Pepperoni with a stuffed crest?” Jouske asked his friend while she opened the fridge, pulling out the two large bottles of soda. “Yes, that sounds pretty good.” She places the two soda bottles down on the counter and opens one of the few cabinets to look for the cups, closing the cabinet door before moving on to the next one.
Josuke got on the phone with a pizza place that wasn’t too far away from where he lives, but the pizza did take some time to prepare and cook, however, the two agreed to stay downstairs and wait since they needed to keep an ear out for a knock from the delivery man or woman, depending on who is delivering the pizza. “[Name], what would you like to do?” He looked up to the [Hair Color] haired teen, who was pouring the blue soda into a clear glass cup, placing the bottle down on the counter, and putting the lid back onto the bottle. “Hm, we can play video games down here while we wait.” She shrugged her shoulders softly, picking up her cup and taking a sip of her drink. “Or, we can play board games.” She stood there while looking at her friend.
“How about UNO? It might not be a video game, but it is something that we can do while we wait.” Jouske knew that [Name] plays UNO very well and so does he, wanting to challenge his friend to a card game while they wait for their pizza, she had a grin on her face. “Alright, UNO, it is then.” She went to sit down at the kitchen table, watching as Josuke walked over to the kitchen’s bakery. There were a few things but he did manage to get the deck of UNO cards, joining his friend at the table and pulling the cards out of the package. The two started playing their card game, passing some time until they heard knocking on the front door. Josuke grabbed the money off the counter, going to the front door to pay for the pizza.
After some time of paying for the pizza and putting the card game away, both [Name] and Josuke went back upstairs with their piece of pizza and drinks, going into the teen’s room to watch the movie that they had paused; even though the T.V turn itself off due to inactive on the screen. The black-haired male teen turned the TV back on, unpausing the tape since the previews weren’t very long. Soon enough the movie started to play, making both teens pay attention to the movie, surely taking some bites of their pizza and small sips of their drinks. Surely [Name] was happy that she could show her best friend the first movie she had watched while growing up. The Nightmare Before Christmas had good songs that she liked, having a toothy grin on her face.
The teens continue to watch the movie, and although there are a few pauses here and there, they continue with the routine as the movie comes to an end, Josuke soon presses the eject button on the remote for the VHS to remove the videotape safely before putting another one in. “Silver Bullet? What is that?” He looked at [Name], who just tilted her head to the side but answered her friend’s question. “It’s a werewolf movie from America, it’s based on Stephen King’s book, Silver Bullet.” She explained to her friend while the previews started playing, usually since movies tend to have previews to them. Soon enough, the movie started to play as the teens enjoyed their movie night together, watching movies until they fell asleep while a movie played in the background.
#jojo's bizarre adventure#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure X Reader#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part Four X Reader#Josuke higashikata and reader#fluff#Halloween themed oneshot#Josuke and reader are friends
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First Kiss with the Joestars
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
word count: 5.4k , it's long if you read all of their parts >_<
tags: very sweet; cavity inducing fluff, jodio is a little mean, reader stand isnt specify or implied, reader is gender neutral!

Jonathan Joestar
Your suspicion grew when he had invited you for a picnic out to the vineyard. He had made it obvious that he liked being around you, even at the times when he would be practicing for his Rugby tournaments, he would always encourage you to be there to cheer him up.
He would have everything all planned out, he had his maids prepare the basket for him and even went ahead to pack some of his favorite lunch items; resisting the urge to just eat them right then and there before he could meet up with you.
Upon meeting, he gracefully held the basket with one hand, offering his other arm for you to grasp. He greeted you with a kiss on the back of your hand, a faint blush gracing his cheeks, eliciting a chuckle of amusement from you.
"My, my, Jojo.. Have you contrived this all on my behalf?" You stood there, curiosity in your eyes and a small smile, as you watched your boyfriend carefully spread a beautifully sewed quilt over the uneven patches of grass. It was clear that this moment, simple as it might seem, was shaped with intention and care, setting the stage for the intimate afternoon you were about to share together. "Could it be that there is a significant event which has escaped my memory?”
"No, nothing of that sort." Jonathan replied, his smile casting a warmth over you that felt as comforting as sunlight caressing your skin.The sheer sight of him made your tummy flutter with butterflies; his handsomeness was evident, and his disposition was the pinnacle of gentleness. He was the nicest and most sincere boy you'd ever met. "What a delightful day out, wouldn’t you agree? The weather is simply ideal for a luncheon outing with my beloved.”
"Well yes," You hummed, now it was your turn to be embarrassed as you fidgeted with your hands for a moment and watched him take apart the lunch. "I cannot shake the suspicion that you are plotting something. Quite the mischievous schemer, are you not?”
"What? Me? That’s absurd! Do you truly believe me of being capable of such baseness?" Your boyfriend teased, mimicking a frown which prompted you to gently push on his shoulder as you shared a laugh. It was times like this where you could genuinely admire him. You noted the sharp outlines of his chiseled face, and how his kind blue eyes, reminiscent of the deepest sapphires, seemed to sparkle even more under the natural light. And oh, that smile...
You gradually moved closer to him, inch by inch, until there was almost no room between you. He twisted his head, appearing surprised by the sudden closeness, yet there was no sign of disinterest in his reaction. Silence encompassed you both, the world around you dissolving into a distant hum.
Within seconds, you closed your eyes and closed the final gap, your lips meeting his in a sweet, short kiss. It was a brief encounter, lasting only a few seconds before you pulled back, but in his gaze, you could swear you saw stars twinkling back at you. He glanced at you, completely taken aback, his mouth slightly parted as if about to speak, capturing a moment of wonder.
"Wow..." He reacted. "That was certainly not within the scope of my intentions, but I must admit.. It was rather pleasant."
Joseph Joestar
It was mostly his initiation, he likes to joke around with you a little too much but that was just part of his personality that you like so much. Not to mention that he can be pretty unpredictable, making him blunt in ways that just makes you like him even more.
"What do you want now, Joestar?" You asked, crossing your arms at the sight of your tall boyfriend creeping up on you with a stupid smile that could only mean that he was up to no good.
"Ouch! Can't a guy stroll up to his darling and turn on the charm?" He asked, seeming to have pretended to his offensiveness with a hand on his chest as he bats his eyelashes at you. “Anyways, got any plans later?”
“Oh, what’s it to you? Gonna take me out for dinner? Miss Lisa Lisa isn’t going to like the fact that you’re slacking off on your training.” You reiterated back with a little smirk and a hand on your hip. "She doesn't need to know! I can handle almost anything, baby! Just give me a shot, or else you might get kissed." He wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, leaning in a bit closer, and you couldn’t help but conceal the smile that was growing on your face. With a playful push, you gently nudged him back, enjoying the flirtatious banter between you. “Is that a threat?” You raised a brow. “Or are you asking something out of me?” “Perhaps.” He answered back and for a second, silence enveloped both of you, heightening the tension in the air. It didn't help matters that he was so close, his scent filling your senses. Glancing around briefly, you released a small sigh, shaking your head in a playful manner. With a tender gesture, you reached out and cupped his cheek, the intimate moment shared between you intensifying.
“You’re impossible.” Your voice was a faint whisper, closing the distance between you as you moved in to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. The kiss, delicate and sweet, lasted far longer than you had anticipated, but you found yourself loving every moment of it. As you got closer, the temptation to melt into his embrace overcame you, and you could feel his eagerness through the curious movements of his hands, which became bolder by the minute.
However, just as you were about to voice your feelings, the distinct call of Caesar’s voice pierced the intimate bubble you had created, forcing you to regretfully break the kiss. Turning your gaze back to Joseph, you were met with his trademark snarky smile, a look that teetered on the edge of being both endearing and infuriating. He wore his joy openly, quietly bragging to himself about having gained something as simple as a kiss to you. It was a moment that triggered a playful irritation in you, making you want to slap his smug grin away.
As the moment between you faded, you watched him depart with a playful wink cast over his shoulder in your direction before returning back to Caesar. Even as he walked away, his cheeky demeanor left a lingering warm feeling in your heart, a silent promise of more moments like these to treasure.
Jotaro Kujo
On the contrary, it was an accidental kiss and wasn't something that neither of you had planned. It was in front of everyone as well, especially in front of his grandfather, which only heightened the embarrassment of the situation.
The situation had taken an unexpected turn, with suspicions that an enemy Stand user, possibly one of Dio's underlings, was involved. This required everyone to be attentive, continuously on the lookout for signs of an attack or sabotage, no matter how bizarre the situation may be at hand. Despite the tension, the moment had allowed for a brief lapse into normalcy as Joseph generously offered to cover the cost of lunch for everyone. You conveyed your gratitude gracefully, humming blissfully to yourself as you devoured the pasta you'd chosen, enjoying the flavors
However, your delight was cut short when you felt an unusual sensation in your throat. It swelled quickly, making it difficult to breathe and speak. Panic came in when you realized you were choking, and the situation quickly escalated from uncomfortable to life-threatening. It was Iggy who had caught on to this, the small dog emerging from beneath the table and began barking loudly at you.
The abrupt escalation of events threw the group into a state of alarm. As you began to drool excessively, struggling for air, a small, rabid-like bug emerged from your mouth, adding a surreal horror to the scene. Your attempt to cry out was muffled, choked by the intrusion. Polnareff and Joseph let out a collective scream, their voices blending in shock and terror. Despite the panic that was clouding your eyesight, you could see Avdol and Kakyoin rush into action, summoning their Stands with an eagerness.
In the midst of the chaos and fear, you suddenly felt a strong, reassuring grip on your shoulder, spinning you around until you were face-to-face with Jotaro. His presence was imposing, the brim of his hat casting a shadow that obscured the upper half of his face, rendering his eyes invisible in the moment. Before you could process the situation fully, Jotaro's lips pressed firmly against yours. Shock and a surge of adrenaline caused your eyes to fly open wide, your hands instinctively curling into fists against his muscular chest. As he pulled back, the realization hit you: Jotaro had taken the stand from your mouth, now holding it between his lips. With a look of disgust, he spat it out to the side. In an instant, Star Platinum was summoned, its fist blurring into motion as it delivered a powerful punch that sent the stand hurtling into oblivion.
Everyone was taken aback by Jotaro's action. It was a bold move that had you gasping for air. Your cheeks flushed with warmth as you processed the sensation; his lips had been surprisingly soft, and the kiss had carried a level of passion that left you questioning its intent.
The lingering sensation of his lips on yours created an array of emotions swirling within you, mixing gratitude with confusion and a hint of curiosity. The lingering sensation of his lips on yours sparked a range of emotions within you.
You cleared your throat, the unexpectedness of the circumstance made you feel instantly self-conscious, forcing you to put your plate aside as your hunger faded in the aftermath of the experience. “Thanks…” You said hoarsely.
“Yare Yare…”
Josuke Higashikata
You and Josuke attended the same school, and it had become a regular occurrence for him to offer to walk you home. At first, you didn't think much of it, considering it a friendly gesture. However, things took a different turn when your school friends started teasing you, hinting that Josuke might have a crush on you.
Today was like any other day, with Josuke offering to walk you home once again. However, a nagging feeling of guilt crept over you as you realized how many times he had gone out of his way for you without expecting anything in return. Despite your gratitude for his kindness, you couldn't help but feel like you owed him something more substantial.
As the two of you approached your house's doorstep, you fidgeted with your hands, an anxious yet grateful smile forming across your face as you turned to face the boy. "Is this like, the millionth time you've walked me to my door?" you teased gently, resting against the doorframe and looking down at your feet. "You're really sweet," you said, genuine admiration coloring your words as you met his gaze again. His presence was familiar and comforting, making every trip to your door a special part of your day.
Josuke rubbed the back of his head, a bashful smile playing on his lips as he blushed slightly at your words. "Hey, I was raised to be a gentleman, y'know," he replied with a hint of self-consciousness, his genuine sincerity shining through. "And, uh, I think you're pretty cool to hang out with." he added, trying to play it off casually but unable to hide the warmth in his eyes as he looked at you.
"Yeah? I think you're pretty cool too," you replied, crossing your arms and allowing your gaze to linger on his figure, almost as if you were studying him intently. Josuke, with his trademark pompadour, couldn't help but chuckle softly at your lingering look, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.
You fought with the thoughts that raced through your mind, urging you to take the risk and make your move, especially after leaving Josuke visibly flustered. He was now haphazardly kicking at a pebble under his foot, avoiding direct eye contact as if quietly expressing that he was waiting for something else to happen before returning home. The tension in the air was obvious, and you could sense the weight of unspoken words hanging between you.
"I wanted to thank you for walking with me every day," you began, your voice wavering slightly with nerves. "A proper thank you," you quickly corrected yourself, hoping to drop a subtle hint about where the conversation was heading. "I feel like my words aren't enough. I think you deserve something more meaningful."
As you spoke, Josuke's gaze shifted back to you, curiosity and anticipation flickering in his eyes. He didn't know what to expect, but the moment he felt your hands holding onto his biceps, everything seemed to fall into place. His heart skipped a beat as realization dawned on him, his mouth going dry and his lips quivering slightly in response to the sudden surge of emotions.
Without hesitating for another second, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips against Josuke's, savoring the sweetness of the moment. The taste of cherry chapstick lingered on your lips, adding to the enchantment of the kiss. When you finally pulled away, a soft giggle escaped your lips as you admired the lovestruck expression on Josuke's face, his goofy grin speaking volumes about his happiness in that moment. "S-so, uh... I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Josuke asked, a hint of nervousness lacing his words. In response, you gave his cheek a soft tap, a reassuring gesture that brought a smile to his face. With a final glance and a warm smile, you opened the door to your house, leaving Josuke with a sense of anticipation.
Giorno Giovanna
During another date that he had arranged, Giorno bought you ice cream as the two of you walked hand in hand. It was a rare occasion when he wasn't caught up in his responsibilities as a mob leader and actually took the time to be with you. Being outside of the mansion felt refreshing, and you were grateful that Giorno shared the same sentiment.
"You know," you started, a playful lilt in your voice as you attempted to coax him into sharing the dessert, "it's one of your favorite flavors. Are you sure you don't want a taste?" Your attempt was light-hearted, an effort to draw him into a small act of normalcy, something as mundane as sharing ice cream on a date.
Giorno's response was a chuckle, the sound warm and rich, filling the space between you. "I'm quite sure. Today, I'm more than happy just to see you enjoy it," he replied, his gaze holding yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter.
It made you wonder if he'd ever considered taking the relationship to the next level. Nothing extravagant, simply the fact that you've been dating for a while now and he has never initiated a kiss. How you ached to feel his lips on yours. Given his soft-spoken demeanor, you wondered if his lips were also soft and moisturized, providing an intoxicating lasting sensation with each kiss. Given that you were staring a little too long, Giorno had turned to meet your eyes as an evident grin spread across his lips as he cups his own cheek out of embarrassment. “Is there something on my face? You look like you have something you want to say.”
“Mmm, yeah actually.” You responded back with lidded eyes as you gave his hand a small squeeze and stopped your tracks. "There’s been something I’ve been wanting to do for the longest.” You admitted as the ice cream in your hands slowly melted from the bright sun above. You continued, “If I have your permission to touch you, will you trust me?”
"You always have my permission, you don't need to ask," Giorno reassured you with a gentle smile, his eyes watching you carefully. As you wrapped one arm around his neck, the distance between your bodies shortened, creating a more intimate atmosphere. Your cheeks were flushed, and the way he met your gaze without much of a reaction made butterflies flutter in your stomach. You felt his arm snake around your waist, and it almost seemed like he knew exactly what you had planned to do next. The anticipation and closeness between you added a thrilling suspense to the moment.
Eventually, the both of you lean in to share a passionate kiss. Much to your pleasure, his lips were soft and so were his hands as it continues to explore the rest of your body. You felt weak in the knees, your hand rested on his chest and once the two of you pulled away you were left starstruck. “Giorno...” “Shall we get going?” The question, simple and gentle, jolted you back to reality, yet the magic of the moment lingered like the afterglow of a sunset. His hand, warm and reassuring, squeezed yours. You nodded your head in response, letting the blonde lead the way as the two of you continue to enjoy the rest of your date.
Jolyne Cujoh
Well, it was more of a dare than something that was just intended. Whenever she was in a good mood, she hardly took herself so seriously, especially when she was messing around with her friends. Though it was pretty easy to break down the tough exterior that she occasionally displays on herself. That’s just how Jolyne is and you admire her for that.
You were seated comfortably on the carpet of your apartment, surrounded by your friends and the lively energy of the gathering. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, fueled by the risky game you had all decided to play. With each round, bets were placed, and allowances were on the line as you wagered on the most obscure acts and challenges.
However, things took an unexpected turn when Ermes placed a cash bet on Jolyne kissing you. The room fell silent for a moment as everyone's gaze focused on you and Jolyne, the heightened tension palpable as the game appeared to have strayed into personal territory.
“Where’d that even come from? You tryin’ to make fun of us or something?” You asked Ermes, your cheeks felt warm,
Ermes just laughed, a knowing twinkle in her eye as she observed the sudden tension between you and Jolyne. "What? Can't handle a little dare?" she teased, her grin widening at your discomfort. You couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation, especially when you caught Jolyne's eye. Her usually fierce demeanor seemed softened by the flush of embarrassment, making her look unexpectedly vulnerable.
Jolyne let out a deep breath, her gaze shifting from you to Ermes and then back again. "Fine," she finally said, the word coming out more as a challenge than a submission. She leaned closer, her eyes locked with yours, a mix of defiance and something softer you couldn't quite place. The room fell silent, the playful teasing of moments ago replaced by an almost electric anticipation. You could hear your heart beating, loud in the quiet of the room, as Jolyne's face came closer to yours. Her eyes flickered closed, and for a moment, everything else seemed to disappear.
The kiss was brief, a simple press of lips that felt like a spark through your entire body. When she pulled back, her eyes met yours again, searching for a reaction. The room erupted into whistles and laughter from Ermes and Foo Fighters, but both you and Jolyne were caught in a moment of silent communication, a question and answer passing silently between you.
Jolyne broke eye contact first, turning back to face Ermes and the others with a nonchalant shrug. "See? Just a kiss," she said, her voice steady but you noticed the slight pink still coloring her cheeks.
You were left a little dazed, warmth spreading through your chest. Although the kiss was part of the game, it felt like it carried more weight than either of you would admit. As the game continued and the evening wore on, you found yourself stealing glances at Jolyne, wondering if the moment had meant as much to her as it did to you.
Johnny Joestar
Just as he was about to join the big horse race, you had to pull him back a bit as you couldn’t help but worry about his own well being. It was a big deal, people can get way too competitive and you tend to worry over the littlest things. Of course, he had to reassure you that he was gonna be fine and that he would just have to be away for a few days, perhaps a few weeks or even months. The thought of being so far away from him already made you anxious and he noticed this, so he held your hands and looked up into your eyes.
"I'll be fine, promise," he responded, his voice full of confidence and calmness. You wanted to believe in his statements and that he would carefully go through the challenges. You knew deep down that despite the distance and time away, he had the courage and determination to return to you.
Before you could say anything else, an obnoxiously loud horn blared, causing both you and Johnny to flinch. The announcer's voice boomed over the speakers, signaling that the horse race was about to commence. You observed Johnny, noticing how his gaze fixated on a man in a hat, attending to a horse. While you were curious about his sudden focus, you decided not to inquire and instead diverted his attention back to you.
You stretched out and cupped his cheek, gently turning his face toward you. The touch was both calming and anchoring, a gentle reminder amidst the chaos of the race. Johnny's gaze met yours, and everything else disappeared into the background. The clamor of the crowd, the excitement of the race, everything went incidental.
In the heat of the moment, you let your body take control as your brain lagged behind. You wrapped your arms around Johnny, pulling yourself closer to his pretty face and eventually your lips locked with his own. You could tell you caught him off guard with the way his body jumped but he immediately melted into the kiss. The world around you seemed to fade into a blur, leaving just the warmth of his lips against yours and the rhythmic beating of your hearts in perfect harmony. It was a frozen moment in time, with every touch and sensation speaking volumes about your relationship.
After the lingering kiss had finally ended, Johnny's lips retained their puckered form for a moment longer, as if trying to capture the essence of the intimate moment. His eyes remained closed, basking in the residual warmth of your embrace. It wasn't until you let out a playful giggle and lightly tapped his cheek that he snapped out of his reverie, realizing that the kiss had come to an end. Johnny's face broke into a sheepish grin as he opened his eyes, the delighted twinkle in them reflecting how deeply he had lost himself in the experience.
"Having fun there, loverboy?" you teased with a playful grin, unable to hide the amusement dancing in your eyes.
"Shut up, and kiss me again before I go for real this time," Johnny mumbled in a half-serious, half-playful tone, already leaning in with closed eyes, anticipating the next kiss. You couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully at his eagerness, knowing all too well how much he enjoyed these moments of intimacy.
Granting his wish, you leaned in closer, planting a series of small, teasing pecks on his lips. Each kiss was light and fleeting, just enough to leave him wanting more but sufficient to see the satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
His embrace was overwhelmingly tight, his clinginess something you adored in him, yet you hadn't quite anticipated the sheer strength he possessed. It left you feeling somewhat overpowered, as if you were about to be compressed into nothingness. Your reaction was a series of light giggles, and although you attempted to push him away gently, it only led him to draw you closer once again. Looking down at you, Gappy gently held your face, his thumb tracing your cheekbone.
"Josuke, what's gotten into you?" you question playfully about your boyfriend, but Gappy's arms remained tightly around you. Sure, you had grown accustomed to his affection, though it may occasionally take you by surprise with its intensity. You were also aware of his memory loss and continued search for his identity and purpose. Being one of the first people he met after losing his memory, he quickly developed an emotional connection to you, which you accepted wholeheartedly.
“You’re warm...” He muttered quietly, his fingers tracing patterns across your skin, inducing involuntary shivers. His acts toward you were noticeably compassionate, in stark contrast to his usual approach. Really, he had charisma, a natural capacity to attract those around him, as well as characteristics that made him unique. Nonetheless, he was ready to get violent at any given moment. But with you, he was someone completely different. He treated you with tenderness and care that spoke volumes, distinguishing you to be special in his eyes. It was this sharp contrast, this respite from his rougher side, that made you feel sincerely appreciated and cherished.
"Jojo..." Your words was just a whisper, a sweet utterance full of care as you softly lifted your hands, cradling his face with the utmost care.You allowed your eyes to wander over his features, memorizing each detail—the curve of his brow, the depth in his eyes, the subtle strength in his jawline. As you leaned closer, your lips discovered the warmth of his forehead and planted a delicate kiss. With each kiss, you followed a line across his face, from his forehead to his cheek, and finished with a peck on his chin. He reacted with a slight start to your boldness, a small but noticeable jump, yet he remained silent, his eyes speaking volumes of the surprise and warmth he felt.
You wanted to giggle, a sense of satisfaction at getting such a reaction from your boyfriend. You were about to say something witty and sharp, the words almost dancing on your tongue, eager to tease him even more. However, before you could make your smart remark, the scenario took an unexpected turn. His hands, echoing your previous move, rose to gently cup your face. The world seemed to stop for a time as his eyes fluttered shut, sending a subtle indication of his intentions.
Then, with unexpected boldness, he closed the gap between you, pushing his lips against yours in a daring kiss. His unexpected action left your eyes wide open in shock for just a second, leaving an unspoken query hanging in the air. But as the surprise wore off, a warmth flowed through you, and you found yourself easing into the kiss, your body's tension melting away as you reacted with equal passion.
Once the two of you pulled away, you were left breathless, your cheeks were warm and it was hard to really look him in the eyes after such a passionate kiss. You were at a loss for words as well, it was hard to really think about what to say next. It seemed like he was on the same page, his eyes simply looking at yours as he tried to read the expression that you had on your face. Rest assured, there was definitely going to be more kisses after that.
Jodio Joestar
Your frustration was palpable when you stumbled upon him yet again engaged in the act of selling drugs, this time to a group of unfamiliar faces. The sight of him engaging this illicit exchange stirred a flare of anger within you, prompting you to confront him directly. Standing there, your posture rigid with your arms tightly crossed over your chest and a frown etching deep lines of disappointment across your face, you were the picture of discontent.
Jodio, seemingly unconcerned by your appearance or the dissatisfaction etched all over your face, simply snickered to himself dismissively. He nonchalantly shook a baggie full of dollar notes, flaunting the goods of his trade right in front of your eyes, all before he had a chance to properly register your presence or understand the depth of your anger.
"Again?" You couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief, a heavy sigh escaping your lips as you observed his repetitive behavior. It was a mix of frustration and disappointment that colored your expression, a silent plea for him to understand the significance of his actions. However, his response was careless, with a mere shrug that appeared to indicate a lack of regard for your issues.
"What's the big deal?" he asked, his tone tinged with casualness as he continued walking, dismissing your concerns. He passed you and headed in the direction where Dragona had parked his car. However, you were not going to let him off the hook so easily. You followed closely after him, the mean expression still engraved on your face as you gazed at his back. Your steps were deliberate, each bearing the weight of your frustration you had for him. His relaxed demeanor simply bolstered the urge to confront him and make him realize the weight of his actions that he had on you.
"What's the big deal?" For god's sake, you're a 15-year-old selling drugs to a couple of dickheads!" Your frustration spilled out in words, your voice infused with fear and exasperation. "You'll get in big trouble, and they'll take you away, and—" Before you could continue, you were interrupted by his irritatingly loud yawn. The interruption left you speechless, your eyes narrowing. The boldness of his attitude, yawning as if your issues were nothing more than a little annoyance, was frustrating. "You're unbelievable," you said under your breath, your words filled with disappointment.
"What's unbelievable is that you care so much," he spat back, his tone defiant as he stuffed the bag of cash into his pockets. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you directly. "What? Cat's got your tongue? You're kinda funny," he added with a hint of sarcasm, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
Your initial instinct was to lash out, to give voice to the frustration swirling inside you. But in a split second, something shifted, and before you could fully process it, your impulses took over. Without a second thought, you grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie, pulling him closer, and pressed your lips onto his.
The kiss was impulsive, a burst of emotion that manifested in the heat of the moment. You could feel the texture of his slightly chapped lips against yours. It was a surprise even to yourself, this sudden act of intimacy amidst the tension and conflict that had defined your interaction moments ago.
“I’ll… see you around.”
#gender neutral reader#kittwix sfw#kittwix drabbles#kittwix reactions#jjba#jjba x reader#jojo bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojo x reader#jonathan joestar#jonathan joestar x reader#joseph joestar#joseph joestar x reader#jotaro kujo#jotaro x reader#josuke higashikata#josuke x reader#giorno giovanna#giorno x reader#jolyne cujoh#jolyne x reader#johnny joestar#johnny joestar x reader#gappy higashikata#gappy x reader#jodio joestar#jodio x reader#fluff#jjba fluff
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— thinking about . . .
men who swear up and down they’re not into you— or men for that matter. men who flirt with women as often as they can. men who drink a little too much during a night out and start grinding against you in the dimly lit club you’re in. men who’s legs feel like jelly and skin feels hot as you guide their hips against yours. men who turn to putty as you drag them outside. men who forget every bit of elegance when they’re pinned against the wall. men who weakly beg for you to fuck them right there in the decrepit alleyway. men who wake up the next morning barely being able to walk and can’t look you in the eye now. men who sport dark hickeys and bite marks from you as they attempt to flirt with another girl to distract from how good you made them feel the night prior.
VINSMOKE SANJI, spirit albarn, ryusei shido, satoru gojo, michael kaiser, josuke higashikata, warren worthington iii
#🧋 ; thirsts.#male reader smut#wrote this purely for sanji. but it fits them as well#idc that shido gives hard dom vibes to the straight girlies!!! that man bottoms and he cries so prettily#dom male reader#top male reader#kinda shit but y’all get it right. we’re on a wavelength right#sanji x male reader#spirit albarn x male reader#ryusei shido x male reader#satoru gojo x male reader#michael kaiser x male reader#josuke higashikata x male reader#warren worthington iii x male reader#realized i should tag them. because i love attention
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This is my first time requesting something uggghh I'm nervous.
Anyways, I think it would be so cute if your wrote how the jojos would confess to their crushes!
i love the way you write so ik you'll do them justice
𝙞 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪
𝘫𝘰𝘫𝘰𝘴 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: how the jojos confess
notes: THIS TOOK SO LONG MY HAND FELL ASLEEP 😭😭 but really i hope you enjoy it!! i swear i wasn’t being that lazy over easter break
jonathan joestar
i feel like jonathan is the most romantic out of all the jojos
he’d definitely bring you some place nice
like a tree on a hill during sunset
he’d also make it a picnic
after you two talk for a good bit is when he’d speak up
if you agree to his confession he’d let out a sigh of relief, as well as a big grin
6pm, he told you to meet you by the tree where you usually hang out, you adored that tree, it was rural. once you arrived you noticed he was there before you, sitting underneath the tree with a cute little picnic basket beside him. you sat down to his left, he took out some sandwiches you assumed he made and the two of you began eating, quickly falling into your usual banter.
after awhile, he cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him with confusion. “i.. have something i wish to tell you.” he spoke up, he sounded nervous, you had never heard him sound like that before. you perked up, signalling for him to continue. “i have feelings for you, (name). and i hope you’d accept them” you could feel your cheeks heat up, which caused his to do the same.
you nodded, “i do, jojo!” he grinned, a sigh escaping him as relief washed over his entire body. he placed his hand atop of yours, as you both gave eachother an adoring look
joseph joestar
joseph’s a smartass
it definitely starts with him teasing you
then when you ask him why he likes teasing you specifically is when he shuts up
he admits it quite casually
like its nothing
leaving you quite flustered
“c’mon, cutie! give me a smile!” he smirked, he adored the way your eyebrows looked as they furrowed when he spoke. he loved the way your face turned the slightest shade of red and how you tried to hide how he actually got a reaction out of you. he loved it all. “shut up, jojo!” you scoffed, trying to hide the blush that crept up onto your face
“why do you always tease me? why not suzie q?!” you spoke up, you weren’t angry, just genuinely confused. did he like seeing you so angry? he then playfully rolled his eyes. “because i love seeing that look on your face! i mean, who wouldn’t? you’re gorgeous yknow?” you scoffed once more before crossing your arms
“it’s because i love you, (name)! and i know you can’t resist me” he grinned, his usual stupid grin. you looked back over at him. it seemed he was waiting for you to say something to him, instead you placed a small kiss on his cheek. that seemed to finally shut him up
jotaro kujo
it honestly depends on which jotaro
part 3 jotaro isn’t the kinda guy to confess his feelings to you
he’d just hope and pray you had that confidence to speak up first
if you don’t though, and the feeling is getting too much for him to handle he’d trap you in a hotel room and force you to listen to him
very rare to hear more than a few words with him, let alone hear what he FEELS
you sat on the hotel bed, reading a cheap magazine you found in one of the drawers in the bedside table. you were sharing a room with jotaro, you only really shared with him or kakyoin, since you three were the only teenagers with the group. jotaro had just gotten back from being in the bathroom, he sat on the bed to your right.
“(name).” he spoke, his voice soft, yet still with the usual firmness that usually has a grasp over him. you looked over to him, closing the magazine over and placing it beside you on the bed. “yes, jotaro?” he paused, the air seemed different. not the usual feeling you had while rooming with him.
“you’re.. not awful.” his voice was now that of a mumble, as he used the brim of his hat to cover his face. at first you were confused, until it hit you, he was trying to tell you how he felt about you. he just couldn’t get the right words out of his mouth
josuke higashikata (4)
josukes confession is probably the most fun out of them all.
i feel like he’d take you somewhere fun like bowling
you’d be kicking his ass at it
and once you finished up your game and we’re walking home
thats when he’d tell you
and if its cold he might even lend you his coat
you shivered as the two of you walked home after a long day of bowling. you two played about 4 rounds, you won 3/4 of those games, which you were quite proud of. you felt something heavy land across your shoulders, you looked down. josukes coat? you then turned your gaze to him, he seemed to be looking in the opposite direction of you
“thanks, josuke” you spoke up, getting rid of the silence between you too. he hummed, kicking a rock as he walked. “hey, uhh” he paused before speaking up once more. “i gotta tell you something, and don’t get angry at me for saying this!” you chuckled at that, you couldn’t get angry at him
“i.. think i might like you. thats a lie. i know i like you” you pulled his coat closer around you as you grinned, this day seemed to be getting better and better..
giorno giovanna
giorno definitely took you to a fancy restaurant
he is the don, he has that kind of money
he’d probably buy you something fancy too.
he’d just say it outright, like it was something he said everyday
you two sat across from eachother at the fancy restaurant, both of you in your fanciest attire. you two stared at a menu, deciding what to get before the waiter arrived, notebook and pen in hand. once you ordered, and the waiter was gone, giorno looked over at you. he pulled out a tiny box placing it on the table and sliding it over to you
“giorno, no” “i insist, (name)” he interrupted. you sighed, picking up the box and opening it. a necklace lay inside, laced with what you could only assume were real diamonds. you looked up to him in shock. “giorno, i can’t take this..” he shook his head
“you must, you’re the only person i’d want to spend this kind of money on, so please. let me buy you things from now on” he gave a small, meaningful smile towards you, which only made you smile. you took the necklace out of the box, placing it around your neck. “you look stunning, mí amore”
jolyne cujoh
okay. we all know how lesbians are
she’d definitely confess buy playing a song for you, then saying that it reminds her of you
you two would just be in her bedroom
and she’d suggest listening to music
then she’d play the song and say it reminds her of you two
you two sat on jolynes bed, you’d been friends for years, so long in fact, you two had began to develop feelings for eachother. even though everyone around the two of you knew, you two didn’t. “hey.. let’s listen to some music!” jolyne suggested, you nodded. that could be fun, you always enjoyed her music
she grinned, standing up from the bed and heading towards her cd collection. she picked one up, then placed it into the cd player. it took a few seconds for the song to boot up but once it began she then hurried back over to sit beside you in her bed. “what song is it?” you asked, she only grinned at you. “you’ll see”
as the song began to play, it seemed like something jolyne never would’ve usually listened to. you began to recognise the song as time went on, ‘this kiss, by faith hill’ as you began to wonder why she picked this song, she spoke up. “this song, reminds me of us..” her face was slightly red as she spoke
Johnny Joestar
johnny and you were put on a ranch
yous were just together tending to your horses
it was silent, peaceful
that’s when johnny would admit to having feelings for you
it definitely took him awhile to do that
he’s not the most open when it comes to how he feels
you fed your horse, johnny stood beside you, doing the exact same to slow dancer, his horse. it was comfortable, you two enjoyed eachothers company and the silence between you wasn’t awkward in the slightest, at least for you anyways.
johnny was busy thinking about you, he wanted to tell you how he felt, he knew he owed it to you to be honest, but it was just scary. he was afraid of rejection from you. even though he knew deep, deep down that you most likely liked him too
“hey.. (name)?” he finally spoke up, he felt as if his heart was in his throat. you turned to look at him, giving him a hum to continue. “i just wanted to say that i.. like ya, i have for awhile now. i just.. wanted ya to know” he looked away, embarrassed
josuke higashikata (8)
josuke just blurts it out
like its NOTHING
he doesn’t get social cues tbh
it leaves you shocked
like really shocked
you two were probably just sitting in a part when he just says it
you sat on the park bench with josuke, you both had gotten an ice cream, it was a very warm day in morioh, so ice cream was the only solution the two of you had. as you both sat, enjoying your ice cream, you looked over to josuke, who seemed to be enjoying his delicious sweet treat
“isn’t this nice, josuke?” you spoke up, he only nodded enthusiastically, continuing to lick the cone. you chuckled at him, giving him a smile. which seemed to make him stop eating? he stared at you, in an almost creepy way. you’d be creeped out if you didn’t know him
“i’m in love with you” he says, before going back to his ice cream. you stared at him, in shock. “what?” you gave him a confused look, where you dreaming? hallucinating even? did he really just say that to you?
#jjba#jjba x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojos bizarre adventure x reader#jojo’s bizarre adventure x reader#jojos x reader#jjba stone ocean#johnathan joestar x reader#joseph joestar x reader#jotaro kujo x reader#jotaro x reader#josuke higashikata x reader#giorno giovana x reader#jolyne cujoh x reader#jolyne x reader#johnny joestar x reader#gappy higashikata x reader#phantom blood x reader#battle tendency x reader#stardust crusaders x reader#diamond is unbreakable x reader#vento aureo x reader#steel ball run x reader#jojolion x reader#jonathan joestar#joseph joestar#jotaro kujo#josuke higashikata#giorno giovanna
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Just My Type

FT. Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, & Giorno Giovanna
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
WARNINGS: Sexually explicit content under cut. Minors and ageless blogs dni. Fem!Reader. Stalking, panty stealing, inappropriate use of stands, pervy jojos, masturbation, accurate to their individual timelines. Don Giorno and Cop Josuke. NOT PROOFREAD!!
SUMMARY: Perv headcanons for the JoJo’s up through part five. Might make one for the JoBros-
Out of all of them, he feels the most guilt
He’s a gentleman, after all
First it starts out with him eyeing your body, taking subtle peeks throughout the day
It then escalates to him brushing against you gently, and it kills him
There’s not much he can do outside of watching you and getting off to you before bed
He humps his pillow
God he’s so desperate and needy too
Especially when you have no idea. For whatever reason, it makes his heart swell
But he feels so bad about it. What if you ever found out? What would you do? Do you feel the same way about him??
Once saw you riding your horse and was genuinely never the same after that
There was something about how determined you looked, with that wistful look in your eyes that just turned him on
He’s so down bad that he asked Dio for advice
“Get her drunk and convince her to stay. She’s stupid enough anyways.” “Grope her… duh…”
Dio does NOT give two shits about wether not his advice is legal
However, Jonathan follows through with the alcohol one
It’s his only chance to get close to you outside of studying alongside you
And to his surprise, you come over and share some wine with him
Thankfully, you wind up getting tipsy first, which gives him the chance to make his move
“Ah, y/n. It’s not safe for you to travel back to your estate in such a condition. Allow me to provide you with somewhere to spend the night.”
He lets you stay in his bed, and even convinces you to wear his clothes to bed
Snuck into the room while you were asleep and just watched you
Oh how he wanted to touch you, to feel you, but he couldn’t. It felt like he couldn’t do anything about his feelings for you and it bothered him so
Also practically ruined his clothes once he got them back. (Listen man sometimes it’s hard to get cum stains out-)
Dio never lets him hear the end of it and proceeds to give him shitty advice
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- this man is a WHORE‼️
He has no shame whatsoever and refuses to keep his feelings for you a secret
In fact, you can barely tell if he’s kidding or not when he hits on you
He steals your clothing
Shirts? Gone. Bras? Never to be seen again. Panties? Oh he’ll steal them, ruin them, and then slip them back into your dresser when he’s over
He loves the idea of getting away with it, and it turns him on to know that you’re just as clueless as ever
Slips pictures of himself into your house, leaving them on the counter to make you think of him
Honestly thinks he’s so smooth (Caesar thinks he’s fucking weird)
Has no problem with smacking your ass out of the blue
Also really likes to pick you up and bury his face in your chest
Has collected various photos of you and gets off to them almost every night
Like it’s just a pic of you smiling and he’s hard as hell
While Jonathan whimpers and begs, Joseph moans and mutters
On the loudness scale he’s about 13/10
He does not give a flying FUCK about who hears him
Talks dirty while he fucks his hand, closing his eyes to picture your beautiful face between his legs, smiling up at him
Yeah he likes to take sneak peeks of you in the bath, so what?!
Does all of this with the mentality of “she’ll be mine eventually, so I’m entitled to a head start-“
Feels a little guilty about it at first, but never feels that way ever again once he gets ahold of a Polaroid of you in a bikini
Carries that shit around with him EVERYWHERE
He has also collected various photos of you, and has a mini photo album that’s dedicated to pictures of you smiling
Sorry but I think he’s into dacryphilia
Sure he loves to see you happy and enjoying yourself, but he just thinks you look so pretty when you cry
He fucking loves it when you come to him in tears, taking it as his chance to wrap his arm around you and bring you in closer to him
He constantly tells you that you’re annoying, but would smash you in a heartbeat
Enemies to lovers bs but he’s in love with you from the start
He prefers to steal your bras over anything else (he seriously has a thing for tits-) and DOES NOT give them back until they stop smelling like you
He also (occasionally) steals your shirts and replaces them with his own. The idea of you walking around in one of his shirts when it’s too big for you really gets him going
Loves to take you out for drinks and then escort you back home
Even better if you’re a lightweight
It gives him a reason to carry you back to your place and tuck you in bed
Once found your ‘special drawer’ while snooping around and fucking stole your vibrator
Granted, he bought you a much better one and snuck it into your drawer, but you were pissed when you noticed it’s absence
He has, and will continue to, use Star Platinum/The World to stop time and get his hands on you
Even if it’s just for a few seconds, he’ll be thinking about it all day
Oh god and Star Platinum loves you too
Grabs and holds you. 10/10 cuddler, even if Jotaro is incredibly embarrassed
You’ve always just seen it as ‘Jotaro’s lonely side’ and nothing more, so you don’t tell off Star
Star has been known to sneak away from Jotaro just to hang out with you
If you and Joot ever end up sharing a hotel room together for any reason, Star will hump you in your sleep
Now, Jotaro lets out low grunts and moans, but is typically quiet when getting off. STAR PLATINUM???? Fucking whimpers and whines like there’s no tomorrow
This man is hanging on by a thread
On the guilt scale, he’s second place for sure
But is also like his dad with the “yolo” mentality
Steals your shirts and shorts, sleeps in them (even if they’re too small), and refuses to give them back
Like your clothes just keep vanishing and you’re like ???
Has used Crazy Diamond to sneak into your place and has no real intentions of stopping
Has a shit ton of photos of you sleeping hidden away in his room
Really just wants to hear you call him a good boy
When he’s needy, he is NEEDY. Humps his pillow, whimpers, whines, the whole ass package
His hand just isn’t enough for him anymore
Unlike his father, he’s not brave enough to get close to you or touch you. My guy can’t even hug you without turning a bright shade of red
Oh and if you come over to play games with him, he’s a total goner
Absolute mess of a man
Can’t do shit without being embarrassed, so he’s a lot less weird than the others
But by god what he would give to hear you call him a good boy
It’s like his one dream
Rohan once used Heaven’s Door on him to get more dirt on him and has (some) no regrets. Will never let Josuke hear the end of it.
“Ohoho you like y/n? Josuke you good for nothing pervert. Give the woman a break.”
Prays that one day you’ll be in trouble and he’ll be the officer sent out to save you
He’s one second away from going full blown yandere
You can’t change my mind
He’s got everything he needs at his fingertips, and could easily take you away without having to lift a finger
Openly flirts with you, but treats you with such respect that you can’t tell if he’s just being nice or not
Also spoils you
Buys you anything he’s ever seen you take interest in
Even if you don’t really want it, it WILL show up at your door eventually
Makes sure to sign his gifts to you so you don’t forget who it is that’s spoiling you like this
Kisses your hand and cheeks in a way that he claims is platonic
Loves it when you trust him enough that you can come to him for anything. Gossip? Do tell. Something bothering you? Just let him know and he’ll have it all sorted out in no time
I shit you not he makes you sit on his lap while you tell him about your day
You think it’s because the two of you are such good friends, but he actually just loves the sight of you pressed against him
His voice gets higher pitched when he gets off, and he begs a version of you that doesn’t exist to let him cum, pleading with you over and over
Eventually, he’ll start to feel bad about it, but he’d much rather live in the moment
#you can tell which ones I like the most#I’m living for perv Jotaro#jojo’s bizarre adventure#x reader#jjba x reader#jojo smut#jjba smut#jotaro x reader#jotaro kujo smut#jotaro imagine#jotaro kujo#jonathan joestar#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo’s bizzare adventure x reader#jonathan joestar x reader#jonathan joestar smut#joseph joestar#joseph joestar x reader#joseph joestar smut#josuke higashikata#josuke higashikata x reader#josuke smut#giorno giovanna#giorno giovanna x reader#giorno x reader#josuke x reader#giorno giovanna smut#giorno smut#star platinum#star platinum x reader
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Jojo asks huh?~ how do these characters handle jealousy? Like their crush being flirted with by someone who is very touchy feely and reader being a tad overwhelmed and flustered. It can be the boys you think would have the most amusing reaction if you want or all of them if you want~ thank you very much:)
a/n: YESH FIRST JOJO ASK LETS GOOO and wee jealousy headcanons to boot lets gooo! Thanks so much and congrats on being the first! I hope I did everyone justice, still getting a grip on them all but having fun while doing it! The list isn't in any particular order…just the order they're in on my masterlist lol and also I didn't quite do all the characters I have listed because I was worried about being repetitive or it was hard to see them jealous, hope you guys enjoy!
Content Warning: small mentions of fighting and threats, nothing explicit or detailed.
How (some) Male JJBA Characters Handle Jealousy
Jonathan Joestar
- He's a little naive at first before he feels any true jealousy if that makes sense?
- Plus even though he does adore you…
- If someone was to get to you first, it's his fault for waiting, and you deserve to be happy…
- But surely you can't be happy with this stranger occupying your personal space so…rudely.
- Jonathan knows you well enough to know when you're getting uncomfortable…
- His skin crawls the way the person is clearly undressing you with their eyes…
- Jonathan tries to maintain his composure…not to embarrass either of you…
- As he calls you over to help you get away from the stranger.
- Jonathan can't conceal his small grin as he sees the look of relief on your face as you dashed toward him.
Robert E. O. Speedwagon
- Speedwagon doesn't believe he has a chance in hell with you anyway-
- He feels kind of guilty for even getting jealous…it's not like he owned you or you two were a couple.
- Speedwagon just…knows you deserve better than him…and most other slimy gents he's crossed paths with-
- Such as one that kept getting a little too close when you went to visit Speedwagon at a pub.
- Speedwagon grits his teeth as the patron attempts to wrap an arm around you-
- You try to be polite, give a laugh, and smile
- Maybe…he's overreacting…no he definitely is…
- It doesn't stop him from keeping an eye on you, though, in case the guy gets too comfortable and takes advantage of you.
- The relief on his shoulders when he sees you heading back toward him, leaving the random dude in the dust with a defeated look on his face.
Joseph Joestar
- Joseph tries to hide but is absolutely shit at it.
- He's the loud, brazen, confident type that can take it or leave it, unless it pertains to family or something/someone he cares about…
- And he really, really does care about you, just isn't sure how to show it.
- But Joseph, sure as hell isn't going to let someone whisk you away while he figures it out.
- If looks could kill, anyone that's even dared to tell you a pickup line would incinerate on the spot…
- It wasn't even a good line, Joseph has a far better one (its not, but it makes you laugh, and that's what counts)
- Some guy tries to wrap his arm around you, oh lookie there, I don't think an arm is supposed to bend that way~
- Joseph rarely ever feels bad…only when you berate him and tell him to cut it out, does he feel some guilt.
- I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of these discussions on his jealousy that he finally confesses his feelings (would be down to write that scenario if they're any takers 👀)
Caesar Zepelli
- It takes him longer to feel that gnawing green monster of envy.
- But when it gnaws it leaves marks.
- Caesar tries to remain composed…who could blame anyone to try and steal your heart away?
- However just anyone wouldn't do, not for someone special like you…
- Caesar challenges the offending person to a battle of wooing~
- In which Caesar shows how to truly win your affections in front of the person interested in you.
- Caesar of course wins this battle…
- Either by true deep feelings on Caesar's part OR because the person trying to flirt with you was utterly ridiculed and withdrew from participating…
- The former is most likely, but Caesar would deny it.
Jotaro Kujo
- Definitely the least jealous out of this bunch…
- He's more annoyed than anything?
- Like can't the dude tell you're not interested…
- Good grief, it's so obvious.
- Jotaro can tell a fake smile and forced laugh of yours from a mile away.
- Jotaro doesn't understand why you don't just kick this asshole to the curb-
- But he also knows you are too kind for your own good..
- If he’s got to come give you back up, he will~
- Jotaro has a way of leaving an intimidating impression on people…
- So maybe just maybe one look at him, and they'll know not to mess with you (cause you're his…neither of you know it yet)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
- Epitome of “do you wanna go, bro?”
- I swear this Frenchman is always aiming and ready to fight for your honor and peace.
- A knight in shining armor if you will.
- Onlookers can't help but assume you two must be a couple…
- Which makes your face even redder from getting so flustered.
- Polnareff gets rid of the “pest” easy enough, and now its back to courting you as usual~
- Polnareff doesn't nor did he ever hide the fact he has a major crush on you-
- These moments of vehement jealousy just further cements that fact.
- Please talk to this Frenchman and get him under control for your sake and others.
Hol Horse
- Hol Horse has no reason to be jealous…he loves all women and well, most women love him…
- He isn't clingy or belonging to anyone…
- You're cute as hell. Who wouldn't want to chat you up anyhow?
- Hol Horse can't blame anyone for trying, Lord knows he's tried and even got you to smile and giggle for him.
- However, he doesn't appreciate you giving that same sweet smile to the fellow at the other end of the bar…
- Hol tries to shake it off, you didn’t belong to him, y'all weren't a couple…should be no issues.
- He can tell you're just being polite to the guy. He's no smooth talker, but at least the guy's got some confidence…
- Hol Horse really has no reason to be getting up from his bar stool and walking over to you-
- It's rude to interrupt, really, and truly, but he can't really find it in his heart to care when you turn your attention towards him.
Josuke Higashikata
- cough cough like father like son cough cough
- He's a hot head, I can see him getting frustrated and irritated quickly.
- Just who the hell does that student think they're doing? Pinning you to your locker like some cheesy romance anime protagonist?!
- Koichi and Okayasu's efforts to restrain him are in vain
- But they're relieved to see you escape from the other student, which slowly dissipates Josuke's ire.
- Josuke is still upset at the idea that he almost lost you…
- Not that you were his to lose, but he really does care about you as more than a friend.
- If he comes across the student later, he's still very likely to tell that student to back off “or else”
- It does make Josuke come to the conclusion he needs to confess to you, and soon…
- (not that you two being a couple would cure his jealousy any better, but at least you'd help him calm down faster)
Rohan Kishibe
- Oh, please, him? The Rohan Kishibe, jealous?
- Of who? Oh, you conversing and smiling widely with that individual at an outside table at a cafe?
- Pfft please, why would he care?
- You're your own person, free to see and talk to who you pleased-
- Acts very nonchalant, but deep down, he's agitated.
- Why would you want to spend time with them and not him?
- Rohan tries to dismiss the thought and carry on with his day
- But the image of you clearly enjoying yourself lingers in the back of his mind~
- He'd like to be able to create such a moment, but for the both of you…
Bruno Bucciarati
- Honestly, Bucciarati is sort of ashamed whenever he feels that green monster on his shoulder.
- He tries to conceal it with the notion that he's just protecting you-
- Which is true, everyone knows how protective Bruno is, the same goes for you…
- However, the motivation to protect is slightly… founded on a different basis altogether.
- Which leaves room for jealousy to fester..
- Bruno is quick to pull you away when a random man gets a little too handsy-
- He's quick to push a man back if he finds the man far too close to you to whisper something…
- Bruno does get rather embarrassed for how brazen he acts…
- Perhaps he needs to take some inventory on his emotions towards you
- (please just accept this man's feelings and love him for the love of GOD-)
#ri writes#jjba x reader#jonathan joestar x reader#robert e o speedwagon x reader#joseph joestar x reader#caesar zeppeli x reader#jotaro kujo x reader#jean pierre polnareff x reader#hol horse x reader#josuke higashikata x reader#rohan kishibe x reader#bruno bucciarati x reader
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Jojos react to you accidentally punching them in the face while roughhousing
Jojos (1-7) react to accidentally punching them in the face while roughhousing
Jonathan Joestar
Jonathan, surprisingly, isn't completely made of brick and instantly grips his nose after you strike it rather hard.
Once you apologize over and over, he lets out a strained chuckle, not wanting to worry you even longer despite it still hurting.
"beloved, you sure have a hand on you..."
He laughs, regarding of the ache that made his head spin for a moment.
"Hang tight Jojo, I'm getting some cream!" You quickly dash off.
"wait, darling, its not that bad-" Before he finishes, you had already left to get something to ease the pain
It was gone in a couple of minutes, he was a tough guy..but perhaps play hitting is off the table for a while-
Joseph Joestar
"Owowowow---did you do that on purpose??"
He's quick to accuse. It probably wouldn't be the first time you wanted to hit him for real, but this time was an honest mistake.
"no Jojo, it was just an accident!" you swear up and down, but it takes a bit before he actually believes you.
Eventually he leaves to get an icepack for his nose before Lisa Lisa or someone else sees, which would be infinitely more embarrassing.
"maybe we should just stick to tickling or something.." He mutters in a defeated manner, holding the ice up to soothe the ache.
it was admiteddly a little funny, but for the sake of him not staying mad at you, you'll withhold your laughter for now.
"I want compensation for my beautiful eye!" He holds out his hand, expecting something.
"wh--I said i was sorry! I'll get it later!"
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro lets out a pained hiss, facepalming as he needed a minute.
Concern quickly overcomes you and you pull his hand away to make sure there was no mark or anything broken.
"Lets stop." He's no longer in the mood for play fighting--if anything he thought it was a bad idea in the first place in fear of him hurting you--when it turned out being the other way around.
You feel awful for punching him that hard on accident, especially since you knew he was probably upset or wanted to pretend he isn't hurt.
"I'm sorry, Jotaro.." Putting a comforting hand on his arm, you lean over to look at his face that had been turned from you.
"it was just a punch, i've had worse." He was right on that front, but a punch is a punch.
"alright tough guy, but at least tell me when something hurts.." You put a bag of ice on it, making him wince.
"was it not obvious-" he argues.
That was enough to make you scoff in both humor and disbelief.
Josuke Higashikata
"Oi Timeout timeout!"
Josuke makes the T gesture with his hand and heaves, now hunching over with his hands on his knees.
"..Josuke? You good?" You lean over his crouched form, not realizing how strong the impact on his face was.
"im..i'm good, just give me a minute-" he bluffs, clearly being out of breath. You didn't believe it for a second. He never was that good of a liar, to you at least.
Ignoring his protests, you go and get the first aid kit in his house's closet, coming back with some ointment and a bandaid
"There, now you look like more of a delinquint at least!~" you smile after placing it across his nose.
"True but...lets just not tell anyone this came from you punching me in the face, alright?"
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno has a...delayed reaction for lack of a better term. He certainly stops hitting and stumbles, but it takes him a moment to actually register that what he's feeling in his cheeks is actual pain
To spare your feelings, he'll act like it didn't hurt as much as it did, only rubbing the spot a bit and standing normally again.
"..giorno? You good?" you eventually ask, since he isn't really giving any hints as to why he went silent.
"i'm fine, dearest." Giorno is actually pretty good at playing it off, but you could tell his tone sounded a bit different
He likely isn't going to admit that it hurt, so you have to make the call to stop roughhousing. It wasn't worth it to mess up his pretty face.
You'll just...subtly get him some ice cream as an apology
Jolyne Kujo
"oW! you dick!"
Jolyne punches back twice as hard, which probably wasn't the best thing to do in this situation, but she's been roughhoused enough times in her life-
Now both of you were hurting, holding your heads in pain.
"j-Jolyne, did i hurt you?"
"Yeah! I said ow, didn't I?" She snaps back, rubbing her cheek.
She won't hold it against you for long, but you figure you should buy her a snack or something to 'regain her trust' again
"..need me to kiss it better?" You suggest, both as a tease and honestly.
Jolyne's eyes dart around...well, there was no one around to see, so maybe just this once. "..fine.." She unfolds her arms, scooting towards you.
Johnny Joestar
"Okay Okay I get it!-"
Johnny puts both of his hands up to shield his face from your assualt, and for a moment you think he's joking, before a whole minute goes by with him like that and not saying anything.
"..hey, Johnny, let me see..." Your hand gently coasts over his, slowly pulling it away.
His face was super red. Tears were partially visible at the corners of her eyes.
it was almost humorous, as it usually is when his face reddens, but he was also in pain
"do you need something? I can get a bandage." You suggest, not knowing where you hit to cause that reaction
"i need you to stop hitting me that hard, goddam-"
he was only making it harder not to laugh, but you were truly sorry and will treat him to coffee to make his pout go away
#jjba x reader#jojo#jojo imagines#johnny joestar x reader#jonathan joestar x reader#josuke higashikata x reader#josuke x reader#jolyne cujoh#jolyne x reader#joseph joestar x reader#jotaro kujo x reader#giorno giovanna x reader#jjba
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hii, so glad to hear that ur back. Can you write a smut with Josuke or Alucard and reader losing their virginity to one another and just being loving to each other throughout the whole thing? Love your other fics btw! :)

Would You Do This With Me?
Josuke Higashikata x fem!reader
Warning(s): Smut (first time, virginity taken on both ends), breast play, nipple play, clit play, hair pulling (on Josuke's end), condom usage (gotta stay safe), moments of awkwardness, and more as you read
This was so fun to write - this took the whole evening yesterday + half of this morning to finish lol
"Josuke...Josuke...JoJo, you rabid dog!"
You'd say to him as the two of you were on the bed, feeling his hands tug onto your bra and the other hand gripping hard on your hip, but the words had fallen from your mouth as he kissed along your jawline, and you could hardly hear them over the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. You let out a throaty moan, trying to catch your breath, your hips bucking against him as you fought for control over yourself. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and you felt so dizzy that you thought for sure you might faint. "Oh god..." you murmured, tilting your head back and giving yourself up to the sensation as you let out another soft moan, your hands running through his hair as he gripped harder at your hipbones. Your body was humming with pleasure, but it was only getting worse by the second. You couldn't take any more of this. Your whole body was on fire, your blood rushing, you needed more -
His lips left your jaw and moved down to your neck, sucking hard. His teeth scraped at your skin as you let out an embarrassing whine.
Josuke immediately pulled back after hearing that noise. He looked into your eyes, his pupils blown wide and his cheeks flushed red, his hair sticking up everywhere. He was panting hard, his face a mess of red.
"Shit," Josuke whispered, his voice hoarse. Josuke sat up, looking away from you. "Did I do that too quickly?" You blinked owlishly, completely dazed from being kissed like that. "I...I told your ass to calm down...idiot..." You said between taking breaths as you giggled, shaking your head. The both of you just stared at each other for a moment, before Josuke broke out into a smile, a laugh, and then threw himself onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing kisses all over your face as you tried not to scream.
"You're lucky...that my mom is not here, she's at a girl's night..." Josuke muttered, kissing you on your cheek. His hands wondered up to your bra, and you felt Josuke 's fingers fumbling with the laces, then he reached under your bra, grabbing at one of the straps. You shivered as his cool finger skimmed over your skin, making you snort. He started working on the other strap, pulling at it until it loosened enough for him to slide the garment off your shoulders, laying it next to you on the bed. Josuke began to touch your breasts, rubbing circles into your sensitive skin as his lips trailed across your collarbone. He started kissing you there, making you squirm beneath him.
You bucked your hips to grind into Josuke, biting your lip when he gasped in response to the action. He continued to kiss your collarbone, moving one of his hands down to your nipples and beginning to pinch them, causing you to let out a loud gasp. Josuke grinned as you gave into the sensations, moaning louder now. When he swiftly moved his other hand down now towards your panties, you cried out and grabbed at his arm. "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Not yet..." You bit your lip again, and Josuke paused as he watched you closely. You could feel Josuke growing stiff beneath you, his hand still resting on your breast. Then he seemed to get impatient, leaning forward to kiss you roughly, his tongue thrusting inside your mouth before his fingers slipped underneath your panties. You moaned into his mouth as his fingers touched you, his fingertips gliding gently against your folds.
You groaned as he pressed himself against you, his dick hardening against you, his grip tightening as if warning you. "Josuke...please, don't stop…" You whimpered out.
The tip of his fingers felt the wetness between your folds, his fingers gliding over your clit lightly, sending waves of pleasure over your body. Josuke kept moving his fingers in slow strokes, watching you carefully for signs of discomfort. He didn't want to hurt you, after all. You had already been through a lot, it seemed. But if he was going to be honest, the more he did this, the more aroused he became as well. It took every ounce of self control he possessed not to start fucking you right then and there. "Please, Josuke...don't tease me..." You moaned softly into his ear, feeling his fingers touch your swollen like the curious boy he was. You clenched your thighs together tightly as he kept touching you. You could almost feel your pussy swelling even more at Josuke's touches, your body craving more of his cock, desperate for it.
Josuke stopped his fingers for a moment, then slid his thumb over your clit, slowly stroking over it. The motion sent you over the edge, your body jerking under Josuke's touch.
Josuke removed his other hand from your breast and the one from your panties, positioning your legs as he finally took off your panties, tossing them aside.
You're now completely naked, for the first time in months of dating JoJo.
You were so lost in a trance that you didn't even notice that your boyfriend took off his boxers as well, his dick jutting out proudly as he climbed atop you. His face was flushed, his breathing ragged and labored, and you could see the dark veins pulsating in his neck. "You bought the condoms, right, JoJo?" You asked nervously, looking up at him from where you were on your elbows, your hands holding onto his shoulders for support. You could already tell how much he wanted you right now. "We... we have to use them..." You panted, reaching up and stroking his face, feeling his stubble scratch against your fingertips.
Josuke nodded jerkily as he reached over to his nightstand to retrieve the condom. "I...I even got lube. This wasn't so easy to get... but I managed to buy it." He admitted sheepishly.
Your mind went blank for a few moments as Josuke went on to put the condom himself, throwing the wrapper to the side. It was only then when you felt the cold, slick feeling of the lube being rubbed on against your clit that your senses kicked in again, and you gasped out loudly. You were about to push up against him, but Josuke pushed you back down onto the bed. "...sorry, it's cold. I thought it'd be kinda warm right now ...for us." He apologized quickly, placing the bottle of lube onto the nightstand and sliding himself on top of you. "Yeah, um...it's fine. Thank you..." You said breathlessly.
The two of you were now staring at one another. Of course, the tension and anxiety were there, but the two of you were also so focused on one another that you were barely aware of anything else. Your boyfriend shifted himself so that he was hovering over you, both of you staring at each other intensely. "Are you ready?" Josuke asked huskily, his hand cupping your cheek. You nodded, closing your eyes to savor the moment. "Just let me know if I'm putting it in too fast or somethin'." He held onto your hand and slowly pushed himself into you, your pussy clamping down onto his length, causing him to moan. "Holy shit...JoJo..!!" You hissed, squeezing his hand. Josuke stopped moving looking at you with concern. "Am I going to fast? Should I stop? Let you adjust?"
"No, no... you're doing good. I just need to adjust..." You said softly, your heart racing as Josuke's shaft moved slowly in and out of you. You began to slowly move to adjust yourself, your body tensing up and relaxing as you adjusted to the feeling. After a little while, Josuke went on to continue and thrust into you as he threw his arms to grab hold of the headboard. Once he was fully in you, he continued to pump himself into you slowly, giving you ample time to adjust to his weight and size. You were able to relax once Josuke's hands grabbed hold of your hips and pulled you closer to him. "Good...so good..."
You hummed, gripping the sheets as Josuke began to sped up his pace.
"Damn, you're tight..." He mumbled, grunting at the pressure you were putting on him. "Fuckin' perfect...like a fucking doll..." He gripped you tighter, his hips pushing harshly into you, his erection straining against your walls. "Josuke!!" You moaned, gripping onto his bicep, your nails digging into his skin. The sudden picked up pace in movement made you squeak and arch your back slightly, your head falling back as your muscles tensed, a low grumble leaving your lips. Josuke immediately pulled back, panting heavily as he looked down on you. "So beautiful..." He whispered, running his hands through your sides.
It was all until he hit your spot.
And all hell broke loose.
You couldn't contain the high-pitched cry that left you as you quickly covered your mouth with your hand, your lips quivering as your whole body shook violently.
The scream took Josuke by shock, and based on your reaction to him, it was a sign to continue thrusting. Before you even had the chance to say something, he moved his hips in quick thrusts, hitting your spot as hard as Josuke possibly could, sending another wave of pleasure rushing through you, your entire body tense as you screamed at the top of your lungs.
Like introducing a new toy to a toddler, Josuke couldn't stop. The sound of your voice was like music to his ears, sending a chill throughout his body as he increased his speed, driving his cock deeper into you, making you writhe with pure bliss. Josuke could hear you crying, muffled noises of pleasure coming from your throat. He'd never heard you make noise like that before, and it excited him beyond words.
Josuke leaned down as your arms quickly clasped around him tightly, your body arching up against him as your legs wrapped around his waist. Your stomach felt like it was burning and ready to burst any moment now. You could already feel your juices soaking the bedsheets, pooling beneath you as you squirmed and rocked your hips wildly, your cries filling the room.
Soon enough, the two of you reached your climax simultaneously. You were shaking uncontrollably, your body convulsing underneath Josuke as he came within you, spilling his seed inside of the now messy-used condom. You closed your eyes tight as you released your own release, a quiet sob escaping your lips as you tried to regain some kind of composure, your fingers trembling against his bare chest and your eyes fluttering open.
The two of you stayed there, in that position, for as long as you needed to. Josuke moved away from you as your arms dropped from his back, beside you. Josuke slowly pulled out of you, removing the condom off of him and tossing it carelessly on the ground. He lay down beside you, his arm circling your waist. "...you're going to have to clean that up, you know? That's gross.." You'd say quietly, burying your face on Josuke's chest. You felt his hand stroke your back comfortingly.
Josuke chuckled softly, resting his chin on the crown of your head. "I know... I'm just exhausted and too tired to leave the bed right now..." JoJo poutted, his arms tightening their grip around you as you both laid like that for a few minutes, the two of you simply enjoying each others company. Soon enough, you yourselfdrifting off to sleep, snuggling up towards Josuke, feeling safe and secure, your body relaxed after the orgasm the two of you had.
#anime#black writers#female writers#poc writer#black reader#jojo no kimyō na bōken#x black reader#fluff#yandere jojo#x reader#anime x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo bizarre adventure#jjba fanfic#jjba part 4#crazy noisy bizarre town#josuke 4#josuke higashikata#wholesome#jjba smut#safe sex#jotaro kujo#okuyasu nijimura#rohan kishibe#koichi hirose
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞? ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶
genre: forced confession [?] | fluff — gn!reader
warnings: is it really a bebegi post if it doesn't have kys/death jokes, i'll let you decide ♡
series: jonathan — joseph — jotaro — josuke — giorno — jolyne — johnny — gappy — jodio
🎧 friesenjung by ski aggu, joost and otto waalkes | poison by bell biv devoe | dance crip by trueno | a pearl by mitski
notes: i just had to use that meme sorry hehe
˙⋆.˚ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦:

˙⋆.˚ 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘵:

© bebegi 2024. do not crop the tag or claim it as yours in any way please, do not repost in other sites without asking for permission + credit, thanks !! reblogs are highly appreciated <3
#★ josuke#bbg.text#josuke x reader#josuke x you#josuke higashikata x reader#josuke higashikata x you#jjba scenarios#jjba x reader#jjba fake texts#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jjba smau#jojo x reader#part 4 scenarios#part 4 imagines
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What would the joestars (part 1-9) reactions to their darling (gender neutral) skirt getting lifted/flinged up by a kid?
( I got inspired from that one scene from frieren where a boy lifts up her skirt...and i personally wanna see the yandere joestars reactions lol.)
There’s the resounding thought of “is it wrong to beat up a child?” going through the Joestar’s heads.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar
He’s fast enough to pick up whatever kid did this to his poor darling. No amount of smacking and thrashing will make him let go until they apologize, and Jonathan is pretty upset and makes it clear never to do it again. He appears to almost be a very stern parent talking to them, but there’s just a little bit of an intimidating aura behind it that it scares the kid off. Not to mention his large muscular stature helps fend them off as well.
He’ll probably walk you home after and make sure the kid doesn’t try jumping you (He knows how petty an angered person can be sometimes).
Yandere! Joseph Joestar
He can play petty, and he’s not going to let some snot nosed brat just upskirt his darling like that. (that’s a view he’s only allowed to have) The kid doesn’t get far at all, and probably even trips with whatever hamon trick Joseph decides to play off. He flicks the kids nose, maybe even pinches it.
“Cheeky little….you think you’re clever, but you’re not getting far with me, go home already”
He’s absolutely petty enough to give the kid a shaken up soda, and have it explode all over him later, (and maybe pants him, himself at some point). He’ll deny it later when you bring it up
Yandere! Jotaro Kujo
Under normal circumstances he’d be pissed, but being obsessive puts that anger through the roof. Star Platinum grabs the kid by the collar, and pulls them backwards. His stare is cold as ice, there’s zero patience in his voice as he also trips the kid with his stand by the feet. “How about you run home before something that you don’t like happens punk” is about the most restrained Jotaro can be at this point. He’s definitely tempted to punt the brat into the sun
The kid likely has a bloody nose, freaks out and books it out of there in a blink of an eye terrified. Alternatively there’s a chance Jotaro catches the kid early with a little use of his time stop, and smacks the kid in the back of the head with his hand. (Nothing concussion worthy) but it still sends the perpetrator packing.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (P4)
It irritates him almost instantly as insulting his hair, he’s on a similar level as Joseph when it comes to these things and the kid is going to have something not quite looking right after the use of Crazy Diamond. Who knows how the kid ended up in a fountain later, it totally wasn’t him! There might be a few other embarrassing stints and the kid eventually never walks your or his way ever again.
Yandere! Giorno Giovanna
His reaction would be interesting here, there’s a weird mix of calmness and pettiness wrapped into one. Firstly the blonde likely manages to pickpocket the kid right off the cuff. Tells the kid he forgot something while waving a wallet or a small amount of money around. Giorno has an obviously fake smile on his face, talks to the kid for a moment or two out of your earshot, perhaps you see an ear pinch out of your peripheral vision.
Though a scream erupts shortly after and the kid is running off slapping insects off themselves.
Yandere! Jolyne Kujo
She’s not the type to take stupid crap like upskirting happening to you (much like her father). The kid almost instantly gets caught by stone free, tripping him up. “What do you think you’re doing kid?” She’ll be asking them if they think their age is a get out of jail free card for acting like a brat. Jolyne will absolutely clever enough to make it look like she’s a sibling of this kid while giving him a taste of their own medicine.
Since they likely cant see stone free, the kid keeps tripping over and over. She might keep him still enough for a few birds to come over and do their business. Maybe hold their mouth open a bit, and suggests not telling anyone about this unless they want their parents to know them as the town pervert.
Yandere! Johnny Joestar
He’d pretend to almost not even notice this kids antics, but the kid quickly gets tripped up by spin. If there is any objects around they would just happen to trip into them. “Not sure what you’re trying to pull there, but it’s not a smart idea to pull that stunt to someone I like” Johnny tells them bluntly. This kid probably ends up “falling” again in mud or another unsavory mix from horses. He just gives the kid a cold stare and gestures them to leave for their own safety.
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata (Gappy) Part 8
There’s some soft humming as he goes to stop the kid who decided to upskirt you. There’s a dark look in his eyes as he grips the kid’s wrist firmly. He makes it clear he’s upset, and likely embarrasses the kid by messing with their hair, making it an obnoxiously ugly style or generally dumping something on them. With the bonus of the kid walking into a pole before rushing off, ( all of that may or may have not had to do with Soft & Wet)
Yandere! Jodio Joestar
There’s really no going back when you mess with his darling. Anything he does to this kid, he doesn’t regret in the slightest. “Want to see my sense of humor?” He’ll probably ask almost mockingly. He asks how’s the weather to kid, and casually uses November Rain on them. If he has food or a drink he doesn’t hesitate to dump it on the kid either. “I don’t think I want a sorry honestly….seems too…insincere for what you did” he shrugs.
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I know this was a request from my asks at one stage and was so wholesome I kept it in my drafts. Reader-chan helps the jojos relax by making them some cookies 🥺
It's just dumb fluff lol
Johnathan Joestar
You had been tending to your betrothed's wounds dutifully since that fateful night of his father's passing, however, his task wasn't complete and Jonathan had been training with Baron Zeppeli to hone his Hamon technique.
You were so proud of his progress and determination, how he bore his cross and still maintained his kind demeanor, and so you had made up your mind to support him in any way that you could. From your observations you could see how the recent events had been taking their toll on him and as such you decided to bake him his favorite cookies and deliver them to him in person during one of his breaks.
The sun filtered through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow on the flour-dusted countertops. You’d spent the afternoon preparing a batch of buttery shortbread cookies, shaping each piece with care. As you pull them from the oven, the inviting scent wafts through the house, mingling with the crispness of the cool air outside.
Just then, Jonathan entered, his tall frame filling the doorway. His eyes widened at the sight of the cookies.
“Is that…?” he began, a hint of excitement in his voice.
You nodded, holding out the plate.
“I made these for you. I hope you like them!”
He carefully took one, studying its golden edges, and with a soft smile, he bit into it. The buttery flavor melted in his mouth, and he closed his eyes, savoring the taste.
“They’re perfect,” he said, his voice warm and sincere. “Just like you.”
You felt your cheeks warm at his compliment, and you couldn’t help but smile back. “I’m glad you think so.”
He reached for your hand, gently squeezing it. “You always know how to make my day brighter. Thank you.”
You leaned in, resting your head on his shoulder as he continued to munch on the cookies, a sense of peace settling around you both.
Joseph Joestar
The aroma of melting chocolate and caramel filled the air as you pulled a tray of chocolate chip cookies from the oven. You’d added a twist this time—chunks of caramel and pecans mixed in, knowing Joseph’s penchant for surprises... and snickerdoodle cookies.
As the sweet scent wafted through the house, you heard the familiar sound of Joseph’s footsteps approaching. He bursts into the kitchen, his face pulled into that usual grin.
“What’s cooking, good looking? Smells delicious!”
You couldn’t help but grin. “I made cookies, but I added a little something special.”
He raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Oh? Let me see!” He took a cookie from the sheet , still hot from the oven and bit into it, pulling in air through his mouth as he chewed, “Whoa! You really went all out this time!” He chewed enthusiastically, the sweet and salty flavors dancing on his palate. “This is incredible!”
You laugh, pleased with his reaction. “I’m glad you like them!”
He grinned wider, his playful nature more pronounced as he nudged you with his elbow. “I knew you were talented, but this is next level! You should be my partner in crime in the kitchen more often.”
“Maybe I’ll let you help next time,” you teased, playfully bumping his shoulder, "but only if you promise not to eat all the cookie dough before it's baked.
Kujo Jotaro
Late nights and early mornings had painted shadows under Jotaros' eyes. It was difficult juggling the irregular hours of his work and the dangers he was always wary of from dealing with the threats of being part of the Joestar lineage.
It was one of the very rare times that he had been home, and you had wanted to give him the peace and warmth he deserved, the kind that can only be created in moments of calm domesticity. The kitchen was quiet except for the gentle crackle of the oven as you pulled out a tray of sugar cookies, their golden edges perfectly crisped. You arranged them neatly on a plate, admiring the simple, classic shape.
You heard the heavy footsteps of Jotaro approaching, his presence always commanding and stoic yet providing a sense of comfort and safety you didn’t experience with anyone else.
He leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, looking intrigued. “What’s that?”
“Just some sugar cookies,” you replied, holding the plate up with a smile. His expression softens just slightly, curiosity overcoming his usual stoicism. “Did you really make these?”
You nodded, offering him a cookie. He took it, examining it closely before biting in. The sweetness hit his tongue, and you watched for his reaction. He paused, and for a moment, you thought he might not say anything.
But then, he looked at you, a subtle smile tugging at his lips. “Not bad. You’ve got skill."
“Really?” You beamed, encouraged by his praise.
“Yeah,” he replied, a hint of pride in his voice. You could see his mind was searching, trying to place the familiarity that induced a sense of nostalgia in him.
“Its a hint of nutmeg... I got the recipe from your mom the other day...” You leaned in, your shoulder brushing against his, a soft smile playing on your face, “I’m glad you like them.”
He looked at you, a flicker of warmth in his eyes. “I don’t say it often, but… you do good things. You’re good.”
Your heart swelled at his words, and you found comfort in the precious quiet moment shared together.
Higashikata Josuke (4)
The smell of freshly baked biscotti filled your cozy kitchen as you pulled a tray from the oven. Josuke was just finishing up a game he was playing, the quiet of the house being punctuated by stifled groans and a playful jibe thrown in here and there aimed at his teammates online.
It was a long process to make them, but you'd made sure to follow the recipe perfectly, adding nuts and a hint of almond flavor, knowing Josuke’s love for Italian treats. It might have been easier to have gotten them from Tonio, but you wanted a personal touch.
You had set the cookies on the counter, and just as you did, the door swung open, revealing Josuke, his usual lively energy lighting up the entire area. “What’s that smell?” he asked, his eyes wide and his smiled wider.
“I made biscotti!” You replied, unable to hide your smile. “I thought you might enjoy some.”
“Biscotti? For me?” He stepped closer, practically bouncing on his heels as he grabbed one. He took a big bite, and his eyes lit up. “Whoa! These are awesome!”
You watched as he devoured another piece, his joy infectious.
“I’m glad you like them! I tried to get them just right.”
He leaned against the counter, his smile warm and genuine. “You always know how to make me happy. This is my favorite!”
You couldn’t ’t help but blush at his enthusiasm.
“You really mean it?”
“Of course!” he exclaimed, pulling you into a side hug. “You’re amazing! I’m lucky to have you.”
He kissed your cheek, his smile softening as he reached for another biscotti, and started to make coffee for the two of you. "You spoil me, know..." he said, hands busy with the Espresso maker.
"Good, you deserve to be spoiled."
Giorno Giovanna
The expansive kitchen of the villa was filled with the rich aroma of dark chocolate as you carefully prepared a batch of cookies, each one a small piece of art, drizzled with even more melted chocolate and sprinkled with chopped pistachios.
You couldn’t wait for Giorno to see them; his gentle appreciation for the things you did for him always made your heart flutter. He was accustomed to the finest things and could have what he wanted at whim, but all of that paled in comparison to what your gestures meant to him.
As you finished arranging the cookies on a plate, Giorno walked in, his elegant demeanor somehow enhancing the everyday scene. It was always like that with him... he had the ability to make the most mundane of things beautiful by his presence alone, although he maintained that that was what you had done every day.
His gaze fell on the cookies, and a soft smile spread across his face. “What’s this?”
“Dark chocolate and pistachio cookies, just for you,” you say, holding out the gold-rimmed plate. His eyes gleamed as he picked one up, the rich chocolate and blushing green pistachios,enticing him.
It was so endearing... the way he lit up at desserts, no one would have guessed the intense appreciation he had for sweets by his stoic demeanor. He took a bite, and his expression melted into delight. “This is exquisite,” he says, genuinely impressed. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
You felt the warmth spread through you at his praise. “I wanted to make something special for you.”
He placed the cookie down and stepped closer, brushing a thumb across your cheek. “You always know how to bring sweetness into my life. Thank you.”
He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips, and you had felt your heart race with affection. “Let’s enjoy these together, shall we?” he suggested, his eyes sparkling with appreciation and love for you.
Jolyne Cujoh
There was nobody else like Jolyne, at least nobody that you knew. It was so rare to encounter that level of strength and softness in one person, and life with her was better than you could have ever imagined. Your lives were now the picture of domestic bliss, and given the circumstances that had brought you together and all you had fought through, this was the closest to heaven you could come to.
Among her many endearing qualities, Jolyne was fond of citrusy sweets. You’d just finished baking a batch of orange-flavored cookies, their zesty aroma filling the air like a burst of sunshine. The bright color of your confectionery creations seemed to mirror Jolyne’s vibrant personality, and you couldn’t wait for her reaction.
When Jolyne stepped into the kitchen, her expression shifted from curiosity to excitement as she caught the scent. “What’s cooking? It smells incredible!”
You hold up a plate, grinning. “Orange sugar cookies! I thought you might like them.”
She gasps, her eyes lighting up. “You made these for me? Awesome!” She reaches for one, taking a big bite, and her face lights up with delight. “Oh my god, these are amazing!”
“I’m glad you like them!” You laughed, watching her enjoy the cookies. Jolyne leans against the counter, her demeanor playful as she nudges you with her shoulder. “You really get me. It’s like you can read my mind.”
“Just lucky, I guess,” you replied, feeling your heart flutter. She wiped a crumb from her mouth and leaned in closer.
“You’re the best, you know that? Here, try one!” She broke off a piece and playfully fed it to you, kissing you soon after.
Johnny Joestar
The scent of warm apple cinnamon cookies filled the air, wrapping you in a cozy embrace as you took them out of the oven. You’d put so love and care into each one, knowing how much comfort Johnny found in familiar flavors.
When Johnny walked into the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks, his arms wrapping around your waist from behind you “What’s that smell?” he asks, his lips close enough to your esr you can feel his breath on your neck.
“Just some apple cinnamon cookies,” you replied, turning around in his arms, holding the plate in front of him. He looked closer, the sweet scent drawing him in. He picked up a cookie and took a bite, closing his eyes as the flavors hit him.
“These are amazing,” he murmurs, his voice filled with nostalgia. “Reminds me of... simple times.” You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest. “I thought they might bring back some good memories.”
He glanced at you, a gentle expression coloring his face. “You always know how to lift my spirits. Thank you.” He wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a gentle embrace. “Let’s enjoy these together,” he says, his tone tender, his touch filled with affection.
Gappy (Josuke 8)
You pulled a tray of soft, chewy mochi cookies from the oven, the aroma wafting through the kitchen, filling it with warmth and comfort. You’ve made them just the way Josuke likes—soft, with a hint of cinnamon.
As you set the cookies on the counter, you heard footsteps approaching. Josuke entered the kitchen, drawn by the inviting scent of freshly baked cookies. His expression shifts from curiosity to joy as he sees the soft, chewy mochi cookies arranged on a plate.
“Did you make these?” he asked, a hint of affection in his voice.
You nodded, smiling. “I know you're rediscovering your palate, so I thought I’d make a batch just for you.”
He picked one up, inspecting it for a moment before taking a bite. His eyes closed in satisfaction as the soft texture melted in his mouth, with hints of cinnamon and chocolate chips blending perfectly.
“These are amazing,” he said, his tone filled with genuine appreciation. “You really know how to spoil me, you know that?”
You laughed, feeling a happy warmth settle in your chest. “Only because you deserve it.”
He looked at you, a soft smile blooming on his handsome face, and reached out to take your hand.
“Thank you. It’s little things like this that make me realize how lucky I am to have you.”
You averted your gaze at the intensity of his, feeling the weight of his words. “I’m just glad you like them.”
Without letting go of your hand, he broke off a piece of cookie and held it up for you. “Here, try it! You’ve got to taste your own masterpiece.”
You smiled and took the bite he offered, kissing his fingertip as you savored the sweetness alongside him. He watched you with a warm gaze, brushing a stray crumb from your lip with his thumb. “You’re the best, you know that?” he said softly as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
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It’s been a hard day’s night…
how he spends his night with you! (almost) every jjba man x gn!reader
— and I’ve been working, like a dog…
sadly, he’s not the one to be at home early or on time; this man is usually overworking himself until he tires out. Of course, he feels terribly guilty for not being near you and not spending enough time with you and he knows that crawling into bed hours after you’ve fallen asleep is not the best way to make up for their absence but he can’t help himself! The sight of you peacefully sleeping on your shared bed makes his heart melt and he tries his hardest to resist the urge to get on the bed and pull you into their chest—he tries his hardest really but usually he ends up sleeping with your head on his chest…
JOTARO, BRUNO, gyro, diego, risotto, avdol, tiziano (?), rohan, giorno, fugo, PUCCI, whammu, straizo, caesar, abbacchio, ringo, jobin, diavolo
— i should be sleeping… like a log…!
He’s the kind to retire to bed wayy too early—usually shirking his responsibilities in the process just to get a momentary rest. And do not fret, he will obviously drag you into it—whether you’re working late or simply trying to do your nightly routine, he’s urging you from the sidelines to hurry up! He feels sos lonely without you! And, when you finally do succumb to his whines and join him in bed, he’s not letting you go! His muscular hand is wrapped around your waist and his head is on your chest, positioned in such a way so that he can hear your heartbeat—that’s his favourite way to rest! And, now that he’s got you, he’s not letting go, nuh uh!
DIO, josuke4, NARANCIA, melone, doppio, johnny, joseph SOUNDMAN, ghiacco (?), kars, esidisi
— but when i get home to you, i find the things that you do… and they make me feel alright…
He’s the one to be super cuddly and involved in your personal life. Usually after work, he runs straight home but occasionally takes a detour to buy you something nice. Once he arrives home, he’s not leaving your side at all! Hands around your waist, face resting on your shoulders and his lips trying their best to kiss every single inch of exposed skin—he just can’t leave you alone! After all, he spent the entirety of his day without you! So, expect him to be trailing behind you like a desperate puppy—whether that’s inside or outside the bedroom, he’s not leaving you alone…
JOSEPH, polnareff, melone, pesci, josuke4, okayasu, mista, narancia, speedwagon, steely dan, vanilla ice, kira (hear me out), doppio, SECCO
#jjba x reader#jjba imagines#jjba fanfic#jjba#joseph joestar x reader#jojo x reader#jojos bizarre adventure#jojo no kimyou na bouken#dio brando#josuke higashikata#jojo's bizarre adventure#jotaro x reader#jotaro kujo#joseph joestar imagines#jotaro imagines#diego brando
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What are the Joestars like in a Relationship?
Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo, Josuke Higashikata, Giorno Giovanna, Jolyne Cujoh, Johnny Joestar, Josuke Higashikata (Gappy), Jodio Joestar x Neu! Reader
tags: mostly fluff, there might be some sugestive content for joseph and jolyne specifically but you have to squint to really catch it,

Jonathan Joestar
Perhaps this might be a bit predictable, but he's a total sweetheart and would treat you with the most care in the world. Honestly, it can be a bit overwhelming how affectionate he can be.
To start things off, he's very much the type to always ask you for minor things. To walk you home, to hold your hand, to go out on a date, etc. It was how he was raised, he'd put your feelings first as the gentleman that he is.
He isn't one to initiate a lot of things, he isn't used to romance that often honestly. You had to initiate the first kiss and he allowed you to. However, once he gets the silent approval from your end, that lets him know that he needs to be bolder in order to at least impress you.
Will always defend you, no matter how right or how wrong you are, he will be at your side and believing everything that you have to say.
He isn't the best cook, it wouldn't be too wise to ask him for some help around the kitchen. He may be a gentleman but he is still a very clumsy man. But he would gladly be a taste tester.
He will refer to you with loving, old-fashion petnames (ex. darling, dearest and sweetheart are his favorites)
Very solid relationship, 10/10 he treats you the best out of all the joestars in my personal opinion.
Joseph Joestar
It's never gonna be boring with him, that's for sure. He makes sure you have the time of your life whenever you're around him, even if it means risking your lives.
Seriously, at times you hate to be the party pooper but he takes things a little too far. Though, the last thing he'd ever want is to put you in danger for his own foolishness. A good talk or two would really put him down and keep him in his lane.
He very much does initiate a lot of the activities you do together, as well as the affections that he shows you. And that also means being extra touchy with you too. Seriously, he can't keep his hands to himself.
The kind of guy to go out of his way to really impress you in a way that it feels like a competition. Who is he competiting with? Well any other man that looks your way, of course! He'll always have your heart and you'd have to tell him that since he goes above and beyond in getting you gifts.
Some of the petnames he has for you is very classic (ex. baby, babe and sugar are his favorites).
Pretty strong relationship, however he is prone to have an affair, so take that what you will. 7/10 just because he's hot.
Jotaro Kujo
He's a tough cookie, alright. Honestly, it was a bit of a shock for anyone to see Jotaro act so... soft around somebody.
Part 3 Jotaro would take his time to really warm up to you, as long as you're patient with him and know that he can rely on you, then he'd slowly lower his guard and the most you'll get from him is a little kiss on the cheek. Everybody would be surprised and wonder about how you manage to break this man.
Part 4 Jotaro is a way more mature, with some experience up his sleeve and a career that he could only dream of, he isn't necessarily shy to show his appreciation for you. He'll hug you and his words run a lot deeper than what he would've said if he was in highschool.
Part 6 Jotaro has no shame in calling you his, of course he isn't openly affectionate but behind closed doors he can be a little clingy. But because his job requires him to move a lot, he can be a bit neglectful.
Petnames that I could see him use are a lot more classic and sweet names (like honey or darling).
He still has some hiccups here and there but it could be worse. 6/10. He's trying.
Josuke Higashikata
In his own words, he's a very romantic type of lover and likes doing things the old-fashion way. He doesn't take you for granted, that's for certain.
Because of this, it means that he preferes a much more slow burn of a relationship with you. Expect to see him by your door with a bouquet of flowers just for you. Or how he always stays by your side, walking you home or accompanying you to the store. Sometimes it takes Okuyasu and Koichi to pull him away from being around you so much. Now he's the real loverboy.
He wears his heart on his sleeve and he's a pretty emotionally sensitive guy. He takes good care of himself and he likes to always look good for you, even when you tell him he's perfect no matter what. On date nights, he takes a lot longer to get ready than you, mostly for doing his hair to which he might even ask you to help.
Initiation goes both ways honestly, sometimes he's a little shy to ask for a kiss or to hold hands; Other times he's carrying you bridal style with Crazy Diamond behind him spewing all kinds of lovey dovey crap to defend in your honor.
Petnames he likes to use for you are really classy and unique (such as babe or lovebug).
Pretty good relationship status, I'd say he's second best because he cares and wants was best for you as well as wanting to just have fun. 9/10.
Giorno Giovanna
He's pretty reserved, it can take a bit for him to open up about himself and especially with you since you are his partner. I like to think Giorno has little experience, sure he has a lot of charisma and it's easy for him to use that charm to get what he wants but when has he ever actually been on a date before? Be in a relationship, for that matter? Probably nothing as as serious as the relationship he's with you now.
Which leaves room for him to learn more personal and intimate affections that casual flings won't happen, like discussing the future and actually expressing how much you love each other.
He's gentle with you and surprisingly obedient. He has a heart of gold, yet mischief lies behind those eyes of his that leaves you a giggling mess. His sense of rebellion keeps you up on your toes and yet he was always so gentle with you.
He can be surprisingly pretty protective and almost terretorial for you, always having you behind him of all cause and his hands always seem to gravitate towards your hips just to keep you close.
Once he's mob, leader of them all, Giorno then he'll make sure to spoil you with everything and anything you want.
Petnames that he likes to use for you are sweet and sincere italian nicknames (like caro/cara or bello/bella).
He really cares and he shows that he cares, despite setting his priorities over you at times, you'll always matter to him. 8/10.
Jolyne Cujoh
She definitely warms up to you quicker once you've gained her trust, using any excuse to wrap herself around your arm and is at your side at all times. She can be pretty clingy, being away from you for so long is straight up torture for her.
No literally, everything about her softens whenever she's near you just from how soft her voice gets or how gentle she is with her touches.
Initiation goes both way, though she catches you off guard and at times she gets a little too bold; Not like you're one to complain.
She's an experimental lover, she isn't one to really turn down the adventures you have planned. And I mean that in more ways that one.
She knows that she can be a bit complicated and all she wants is someone who is willing to fight at her side and someone to rely on, much like her dad.
Of course, don't take yourself too seriously, she still likes to have fun and mess around.
Petnames she likes to use are things like babe, baby, and cutie.
Overall, 9/10 relationship! It isn't perfect but she's a lovergirl and if she trusts you enough, she'll swoon over you.
Johnny Joestar
Definitely likes teasing and making a mockery out of you but it's all for love, it's really nothing personal.
Is also the type to be a little clingy, though he likes to deny it from time to time and uses an excuse that he was just worried for you. Honestly, he just wants to be understood and you're one of the few that listens to him.
At first he may seem a bit closed off, but he really likes the attention you give him and honestly he'd be upset if you weren't as affectionate. Thats why he prefers it whenever you take the initiation, he likes being caught off guard and pampered with kisses. But don't worry, he has some tricks up his sleeves as well and he'll return the favor.
I'd like to think that he was still raised to be at least a bit respectful, though that certaintly backfired since he can be a bit of a jerk. Though, not towards you, he has a soft spot for you and doesn't see you as some rich person who he sleeps with when he was at his prime.
Some petnames I could see him use is along the names like Sweetheart, Honey and Dear if he's feeling extra affectionate.
8/10 , he likes to put an image that he's tough but with you around he acts soft.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy)
You are his everything and he loves you so much, he just likes to express it a little differently. His main priority is to retrieve his memory back and trying to figure out who he is, but in the process of that he turns to you because you are one of the few people that truly understands him.
He doesn't know what he wants or how he is, he was drawn towards you because you're nice to him and is willing to help him out of his situation.
You had to do most of the initiation, he's a little clueless and oblivious to your advances unless you're really direct with it and let him know what you want or what you're gonna do. If you're gonna kiss him, tell him that and he'll close his eyes and pucker his lips just for you to take the intiative to lean in and lock lips.
He loves hugs, being embraced by you calms him down and puts him at ease. Sometimes he thinks a little too much or thinks of nothing at all, only to be reminded that you're still with him and he appreciates you for it. He cries just a little and you poke fun of him for that, just for him to say that he wasn't crying at all (he is).
As for petnames, I can only really see him just call your name.
7/10 , He doesn't know what the hell is going on but he knows for sure that he likes you and we'll do everything in his power to keep you from harm.
Jodio Joestar
A somewhat stereotypical, awkward, highschool relationship where you both have no idea what you're doing but holding hands for some reason is such a big deal.
He's kinda a loser, perhaps you don't say it out loud but because of his inexperience to talking with anyone or being in a relationship in general, he lacks the ability to muster up the courage to do anything further than just hand holding and hugging. So when you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there with a blush before resorting to just expressing how cool he is (he's freaking out).
The money that he gets from selling drugs and getting himself into trouble, he'd use some of that up to buy something nice for you or at least something that reminde him of you.
Sometime's he's a little mean, a bit of a jerk at times but you learn to bring him back and help him keep his cool. He just likes to run his mouth and at times it can get the both of you in trouble. A little kiss or squeeze of his hand will instantly shut him up.
Petnames he likes to use are a bit obnoxious just to make everyone around him annoyed. So something like babe, honey and baby.
7/10 , you're both young and dumb and its not perfect and yes theres ups and downs but at the end of the day.
#jjba#jjba fluff#jojo bizarre adventure#fluff#gappy higashikata#giorno giovanna#jodio joestar#johnny joestar#jonathan joestar#joseph joestar#jotaro kujo#jolyne cujoh#josuke higashikata#gappy x reader#giorno x reader#jodio x reader#jolyne x reader#josuke x reader#joseph joestar x reader#jonathan joestar x reader#jotaro x reader#kittwix reactions#kittwix drabbles#kittwix sfw#kittwix-jjba-reactions#kittwix-jjba-drabbles
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Incorrect Quotes #116
Josuke : I’m this close to falling in love with Y/n
Okuyasu : Your fingertips are touching
Josuke : Exactly
#incorrect quotes#jojos bizarre adventure#jojos bizarre adventure x reader#jjba#jjba x y/n#jjba x reader#jjba part 4#jjba diamond is unbreakable#diamond is unbreakable#josuke higashikata#josuke#josuke x y/n#josuke x reader#josuke higashikata x reader#okuyasu nijimura#okuyasu
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Joestar’s Favorite Perfume Headcanons
Heres a request from sweet anon about the Joestar’s favorite scents and perfumes! Hope I got this request right! :3
Also I see you guys really liked my latest bruno fic and some woukd like a continuation! I’d be happy to continue my “Dangerous Devotion” fic!!
Jonathan Joestar:
Favorite Smell: Freshly bloomed roses.
Perfume Recommendation: Chloé Eau de Parfum
This feminine fragrance is centered around a fresh and powdery rose scent, with hints of peony and lychee for added delicacy. It’s romantic and graceful—just what Jonathan would adore.
Joseph Joestar:
Favorite Smell: Citrus and warm spices.
Perfume Recommendation: Dior Addict Eau Fraîche
A lively fragrance featuring bright citrus notes like grapefruit and bergamot, paired with a warm base of white musk. It’s playful and confident, perfectly matching Joseph’s taste.
Jotaro Kujo:
Favorite Smell: Oceanic and fresh.
Perfume Recommendation: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
This perfume is crisp and refreshing, with notes of Sicilian lemon, apple, and cedarwood. Its aquatic, clean aroma is something Jotaro would quietly appreciate.
Josuke Higashikata:
Favorite Smell: Fruity and playful.
Perfume Recommendation: Escada Cherry in Japan
A bright and juicy perfume featuring cherry blossom, red fruit, and musk. It’s fun, sweet, and full of life—something Josuke would find irresistible.
Giorno Giovanna:
Favorite Smell: Citrus and florals.
Perfume Recommendation: Lancôme Ô de Lancôme
A sophisticated citrus-floral fragrance with notes of lemon, bergamot, and honeysuckle. Its elegant yet vibrant composition perfectly suits Giorno’s refined preferences.
Jolyne Cujoh:
Favorite Smell: Tropical and bold.
Perfume Recommendation: Tom Ford Soleil Blanc
A warm, tropical fragrance with notes of coconut, ylang-ylang, and amber. It’s bold, sultry, and unique, exactly the type of scent Jolyne would find magnetic.
Johnny Joestar:
Favorite Smell: Earthy and grounded.
Perfume Recommendation: Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne
This fragrance combines earthy sage, sea salt, and a touch of musk, creating a scent that’s fresh yet grounded. Johnny would love how natural and comforting it feels.
Josuke Higashikata (Gappy):
Favorite Smell: Fresh and green.
Perfume Recommendation: Elizabeth Arden Green Tea
A light and refreshing perfume with notes of green tea, mint, and citrus. Its crisp, natural scent is soothing and aligns with Gappy’s taste for clean, uncomplicated aromas.
Jodio Joestar:
Favorite Smell: Sweet and modern.
Perfume Recommendation: Yves Saint Laurent Mon Paris
A modern, sweet fragrance featuring notes of strawberry, raspberry, and pear, balanced by a base of patchouli and musk. It’s youthful yet sophisticated—perfect for catching Jodio’s attention.
#f4ngficti0n#jjba headcanons#jjba#jjba x reader#jonathan joestar x reader#joseph joestar x reader#jotaro kujo x reader#josuke higashikata x reader#giorno giovanna x reader#jolyne cujoh x reader#johnny joestar x reader#gappy x reader#jodio joestar x reader
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Masterlist here <3

genre: comedy, fluff
warnings: none
characters: jonathan, joseph, jotaro, josuke, giorno, jolyne
notes: GN!reader // i tried making this funny and lighthearted, so i hope i succeeded :)
You were infront of your mirror, wearing JoJo’s clothes and posing dramatically, until they walked in on you!

Jonathan Joestar
You’re striking the most elegant pose, Jonathan’s fancy coat draped over your shoulders, trying to look as noble as possible. Jonathan bursts through the door dramatically, as if walking in on a duel. His eyes widen in surprise.
“Good heavens!” he gasps, covering his heart like he’s been hit by an arrow of fashion.
He dramatically kneels down, bowing as if in the presence of royalty.
“You wear my clothes better than I ever could! You are… the true Joestar!”
He’s so sincere that it’s almost ridiculous. You try not to laugh as he swears loyalty to you, as if you’ve just become the Joestar heir.
Joseph Joestar
You’re in Joseph’s hat and scarf, throwing dramatic poses like an action hero in front of the mirror. Joseph slams the door open, doing his classic point.
He rushes over, gasping theatrically.
“You’ve stolen my STYLE!”
He grabs the nearest object (probably something completely random, like a broom), and starts mimicking your poses, going all-in with the ridiculousness.
“We’ll settle this with a pose-off! Loser buys dinner!”
You end up in a goofy battle of increasingly absurd poses, while Joseph cheers like you’re in a fashion show.
Jotaro Kujo
You’re mid-serious JoJo pose in Jotaro’s long coat and hat, looking tough as nails in the mirror. Jotaro silently walks in, spots you in full pose, and just freezes. For a solid five seconds, he says nothing, deadpan expression intact. Then, he lets out a long, exasperated sigh.
“Yare yare daze…”
But just when you think you’re about to get scolded, he pulls his hat down, hiding his eyes, and starts walking away.
“You’re not pulling it off. Lemme show you how it’s done.”
He comes back, slides in next to you, and strikes a way cooler pose without breaking a sweat. He stares at your reflection for a beat before muttering,
“It’s about attitude.”
It’s so unexpectedly cool you just gape at him, and he leaves like nothing happened.
Josuke Higashikata
You’re posing in Josuke’s iconic pompadour jacket, spinning in front of the mirror like you’re a rock star. Josuke barges in, his eyes immediately zeroing in on his jacket.
“NOOO! What are you doing in my precious jacket?!”
He’s torn between laughing and panicking, hands flailing.
“That’s, like, designer, dude!”
He rushes over, pulling at the jacket gently as if it’s fragile. Then he notices how cool you look mid-pose and suddenly freezes.
“Wait a sec… actually, you kinda look—”
But before he can finish the compliment, his eyes shoot wide open, and he throws a dramatic arm in front of you.
“No way, it’s still MY look! Get your own style, punk!”
You both end up laughing as he mock-fights you for his jacket back.
Giorno Giovanna
You’re dramatically posing in Giorno’s sleek suit, gazing at yourself like you’re the protagonist of a fashion magazine. Giorno walks in with his usual composed demeanor but stops mid-step when he sees you, his hair glowing like a halo.
Without saying a word, he pulls a golden rose from… somewhere (seriously tho where does he get those), and gracefully walks over, placing it in your hand.
“You… are perfection.” he declares with a flourish, like he’s coronating you as the new king of fashion.
Then, as if possessed by the spirit of the most fabulous model ever, Giorno joins you in posing—no words, just intense eye contact and synchronized majestic poses. The two of you end up striking so many fabulous poses together that the room practically sparkles.
“We are unstoppable.”
Jolyne Cujoh
You’re mid-action pose in Jolyne’s signature string-covered tank top, trying to channel all of her badassery. Jolyne kicks open the door like she’s about to fight a Stand, then just stops dead in her tracks when she sees you.
Her face scrunches up, trying to figure out if she should laugh or yell.
“What… the hell are you doing?!” she finally blurts, trying not to crack up.
You sheepishly explain, still frozen mid-pose, and she bursts out laughing, practically falling to the floor.
“You look ridiculous!” she says, wiping a tear from her eye. But then, as if flipping a switch, she goes full dramatic mode.
“Alright, if you’re gonna wear my stuff, you better work it.”
She jumps in front of the mirror next to you, both of you trying out increasingly ridiculous and over-the-top poses like you’re at a photoshoot. You’re both laughing too hard by the end to even finish.

#jjba scenarios#jjba scenario#jjba#jojo no kimyou na bouken#jojos bizarre adventure#jonathan joestar#jonathan x reader#joseph joestar#joseph x reader#jotaro kujo#jotaro x reader#josuke higashikata#josuke x reader#giorno giovanna#giorno x reader#jolyne cujoh#jolyne x reader
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