Take a look at my Depop @sunstarsmoon. I really need the money 😭😭
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Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran (via books-n-quotes)
You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place. Like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again.
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I hope our daughters are born with so much fire in their souls, they could put volcanoes and stars to shame.
Nikita Gill, Girls Made of Fire (via wordsnquotes)
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We will always have worries, and there will always be uncertainty. That’s just life. If we want to live our fullest lives, we can’t wait until we are no longer afraid, until the path is clear and easy. We have to learn to take action despite our fears, or we will forever remain where we are. When we learn to make peace with the things we can’t control and decide to give our all regardless, that’s when we start to become our very best selves. To be comfortable in ourselves despite the discomfort of growth and change is to have mastered the art of living.
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May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
Nelson Mandela (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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I miss people I never should have let touch me, people who carved their name into me like a dying tree, wilting with the weight of “goodbyes” and kisses that meant less than they were supposed to and it happened eight months ago but sometimes I’m screaming the words to a song on the radio and I accidentally tell my mother I miss you because you’re still there in rolled-down windows and windblown hair sticking to my mouth and summer nights that should leave you feeling breathless but just make you really tired and I hardly think about you anymore but when I do you’re the only thing on my mind and you’re every single star in the sky
I am not asking you to come back but sometimes I still hear your voice in my head (via extrasad)
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anyone else have a heart thats too soft….. a marshmallow heart…… tempur-pedic mattress heart…. a cotton candy heart…..
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guess who’s finally content with life and not suffering from depression anymore it ain’t me but they out there
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Give me your sleepy kisses. Your legs intertwined with mine. Your head on my chest, fingers exploring my body. Give me all your dreams and vulnerability and know it’s safe in my heart.
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Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman (via wordsnquotes)
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take the first step. make that first move. push yourself. the initial anxiety of starting a new venture will subside. there are big rewards waiting for you outside of your comfort zone.
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We will always have worries, and there will always be uncertainty. That’s just life. If we want to live our fullest lives, we can’t wait until we are no longer afraid, until the path is clear and easy. We have to learn to take action despite our fears, or we will forever remain where we are. When we learn to make peace with the things we can’t control and decide to give our all regardless, that’s when we start to become our very best selves. To be comfortable in ourselves despite the discomfort of growth and change is to have mastered the art of living.
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So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.
Rainbow Rowell, Attachments (via wordsnquotes)
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