#Joseph Quinn graphics
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Moodboard of Remus Lupin.
Face-claim: Joseph Quinn.
Requested by: anon.
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
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made this corroded coffin gig poster last night
inspiration came from this particular post, and i wanted to make my own version and put my degree to use hehe
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exilynn · 1 month
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Eddie as Deadpool cosplay? well It's happening in My fic AU 😍😳
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FIC Playlist 🤘🏻👇🏻
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adreamemporium · 2 years
Most Metal Ever!
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milittledragon · 5 months
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❛ #JOSEPH — Summer Love ❨ 🐉 ❩
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eddxe-munsxn · 2 years
Pretty Little Distraction (E.M.)
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summary: eddie was doing some d&d prep in the hellfire room when you stopped by to give him notes for miss o’donnell’s class. one thing leads to another and you end up getting yourself off by riding his thigh while he desperately tries to focus on prep (and fails miserably)
warnings: smut (18+ minors dni), flirting, dry humping, thigh riding, hair pulling, dirty talk, pet names (princess, baby girl, buttercup, sweetheart)
word count: 1.6k
pairing: eddie munson x afab!reader
a/n: this is my first ever published fic pls be nice im sensitive. proofread by my lovely bff who has a degree minoring in english.
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The sky is a rich peach color as the sun hangs low over the mountains as you make your way to the Hellfire Club meeting room. Autumn is in full swing in Hawkins as an evening chill causes you to cross your forearms over your chest and walk a bit faster from the library across campus to the building where you know Eddie will be. 
The door is slightly ajar when you arrive and you nudge it open gently. You find Eddie alone in the dimly but warmly lit room engrossed in his Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual. He is seated comfortably on his throne, at the head of the table. You can’t help but notice how handsome Eddie was when fully concentrated on something he’s passionate about. Seeing him so focused, so passionate about something he loved, enchanted you. Making you see him in a light that you only have once before. The only other time you’ve seen him in this state was when you saw Corroded Coffin perform live. A truly remarkable experience you can’t wait to have again.
“Hey, Eddie.”
Eddie startles at the sound of your voice and knocks a few dice across the table. “Jesus, Y/N. You’d make an excellent rogue with stealth skills like that. Scared the absolute shit outta me” He laughs lightly and rubs his face in frustration. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your arrival?” 
“Just here to drop off the study guide for Miss O'Donnell's exam on Monday. I know this quarter has been a bitch to pass,” you say, sliding the set of papers out of your binder and setting them on the table between the two of you. 
Eddie slides that towards himself, “Thanks, Y/N. You’re a true hero.” His eyes meet yours as he gives you a heart-wrenching smile. 
He’s been doing that a lot lately. Or rather, you’ve been noticing him a lot lately. Noticing him in different and more intense ways than before. The way his eyes crinkle and light up when he’s telling a story, the way his hands delicately and expertly roll a blunt, the way his lips wrap around said blunt…
“Y/N?” Eddie’s question draws you out of your thoughts.
“Hm?” You hum completely distracted and now feeling nervous butterflies in your stomach. 
“I said can you help me figure something out really quickly?” He places a pencil between his teeth and brushes his curls out of his face and uses his fingers to comb his hair into a messy bun.
Your eyes follow his every movement and you find yourself enamored by how beautiful this man is. Just performing a mundane action like pulling his hair up out of his face, demands your admiration of his features. Your cheeks are warm and your abdomen tightens. “Y-yeah. What’s up?” You move around to his side of the table so he can show you what he’s working on. 
Your arm brushes his as he explains a few plot points of the campaign that are pertinent to his inquiry. “…so I want a way to allow the players to break Vecna’s curse that isn’t just a hack and slash, I want there to be a loophole. But I can’t figure out what it should be. My initial thought was ‘the power of music’ but I don’t want the use of real-life music to disrupt the imagination and fantasy of playing the game.”
“You could write your own score to go along with the theme of your campaign, but I’m sure that would be more work than you bargained for.” An idea comes to mind from your favorite childhood movie, “What about love? True love’s kiss worked out for Aurora’s curse, why not Vecna’s?” Your eyes meet Eddie’s as you say this and you’re suddenly aware of how close the two of you are. Of how flecks of gold dance in his eyes in time with the flickering candlelight. Your nervousness envelops you and you attempt to backtrack, “No, never mind that’s cliche and dumb.” You say cheeks flushed, shaking your head and causing your hair to fall in front of your face in an attempt to hide your embarrassment. 
Eddie reaches up to hook a finger under your chin and gently forces you to look at him. “Y/N, sweetheart. There are no dumb ideas in D&D.” Your breath hitches at the pet name.
“Eds, p-please don’t call me that.” You try to turn away but his grip on your chin holds firm.
“What would you rather me call you then, hm? Princess? Buttercup?” He asks teasingly. Then his eyes darkened, “Baby girl?”
“Munson! I told you how that pet name affects me in confidence while I was high. How dare you use that against me?!” The timbre of his voice calling you ‘baby girl’ sends tingles directly to your core and forces you to clench your thighs together in a feeble attempt to control your physiological reactions and desires. 
“I think you’re forgetting who’s in control here, darling,” Eddie whispers, still forcing you to face him. He’s never looked at you this way before, the longing, the hunger. 
Still flushed with your desire for him growing by the second, you bite your lip. His controlling attitude makes you weak at the knees. His eyes leave yours and drop down to your lips. A slight sound escapes him as he pulls your face to his and captures your mouth with his own. You immediately lean into the kiss, having dreamt about this moment for months. 
His lips are softer than you imagined and he tastes sweet from the candy he’s been snacking on. His tongue glides along your lower lip and you sigh into the kiss, allowing his tongue to slide against your own. He lets both hands rest on your waist as he guides you to straddle one of his legs. You rake your fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, curl them and tug lightly. The groan that escapes him is delicious and goes directly to your now throbbing pussy.  
After a few moments, he pulls away and leans his forehead against yours, panting to catch his breath. “God… sorry.. I’ve been wanting to do that forever.”
You smile at him and brush your nose with his, “No apology needed, Ed. I have, too.”
He brushes his nose with yours and gives you a chaste peck on the lips before sighing, “I don’t want to leave you hanging right now, but I really need to finish this campaign prep for our next session.” 
A small whine leaves you as you brush your lips against his and whisper, “Just gonna leave me all hot and bothered, Munson?”
“I’m sorry, baby girl. I have to get this done.” You grind your hips down onto his thigh, creating much-needed friction between his denim clan leg and your aching clit. The growing heat in your abdomen and the feeling of your slickness between your folds gets more intense. You moan and tug harder at his hair, causing him to nip at your neck and growl. “Princess, please, I can’t.”
You grind down again, fingertips digging into his shoulder blades as you gasp, “Eddie! Oh, Eddie, please.”
He groans again as he peppers kisses on your neck and suckles the soft flesh where your neck meets your shoulder. The sensation combined with the pressure on your clit makes your head spin. “Fuck yes, baby girl. So needy for me, hm? Need me so bad you’re gonna ride my thigh.” He continues his assault on your neck with his tongue and lips, letting one hand fondle your breast while the other lands on your hip, helping you grind down onto him. He bounces his knee a bit as you gyrate your hips down onto him, the shock of the alternating pressure on your clit elicits a mewl from you. “Tell me what you need, baby girl.”
You can feel the tightness in your abdomen getting tighter with every kiss, nip, twist of your nipple, bounce of his leg, and use of ‘baby girl’. The pet name makes you absolutely feral for him. The warmth of your core becomes red hot, getting so close to your climax. “Oh, fuck, Eddie. You. I need you. You make me feel so good, Ed.” Your lips find his again as your rocking and gyrating onto him gets faster, hips beginning to stutter with your impending orgasm. “Shit, baby, I’m so close.”
“Cum for me, baby girl.” He growls into your ear before latching onto that sensitive spot on your neck, sucking, nipping, and kissing. The request almost sounded like a demand and that domineering tone sends you over the edge.
“Eddie, oh my god.” You gasp as you slow your pace, riding out your high. You kiss him a few times, some slow, some chaste. “Fuck, that was amazing, Ed.” You brush your nose with his before gently kissing the tip of his nose. 
“Yeah, princess? I’m glad you feel good, baby girl. You’re so fucking hot, especially when you’re gasping out my name.” He places a hand on each of your cheeks and tilts your head so he can place a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Now we can definitely continue this later, but right now I have a few more balancing things I need to wrap up for the campaign.”
You nod, snaking your arms from around his shoulders and standing up. “Continue this later?” You ask with a small smile.
He grins back at you, lips bruised and pupils blown wide. “Only if you want to, princess. But I really do need to get this done, my pretty little distraction.” He grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles. “Gimme like fifteen minutes, okay?”
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muncedes · 2 years
all in favor of joe playing master of puppets tonight say i
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outcastcontent · 11 months
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Joseph Quinn graphics/premades.
please don't claim as your own. you are not permitted to use it as a base to create your own graphics.
please like or reblog if you plan to use or save!
credit is required when taking, saving or using. ♡
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sparkysscrapbook · 2 years
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“So Mordor it is.”
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vacantseance · 1 year
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Organizing my shit on my laptop... or trying. Have a throwback edit I made for the very brief period I roleplayed Eddie from Stranger Things.
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
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sparklyslug · 2 years
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Man, I wish (badum chhhhh)
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exilynn · 2 months
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Lyn & Eddie, Noite neon no trailer do Eddie/ Fanfic Master of My Heart
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