#Joseph Quinn X Original Character
admin-in-residence · 6 months
The Case of the Secret Starcourt Base… (Part 1)
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Summary: The very first jump into official canon! Bea gets roped into a new adventure, Eddie and Wayne get worried, and we begin to discover the Secret Starcourt Base…Part 1 of 2!
Part 3 of The Case Of…series.
One Shot Warnings: Mentions of drugs, Mentions of Alcohol, Original Character is stated to be female.
”You want me to crawl through there?”
Bea wasn’t entirely sure how she had gotten into this situation, standing below a ventilation shaft in the back of Scoop’s Ahoy. One moment she had made a last minute decision to get some ice cream before meeting up with Eddie later that afternoon, the next Steve Harrington was dragging her into the back room with his co-worker, Dustin Henderson and Erica Sinclair.
“Can I ask why?” Bea asked, “Did you lose something or…”
The four other people turned to one another in a huddle, whispering amongst each other.
Bea crossed her arms, she hated feeling like the odd man out. And it’s not like she asked to be dragged back here.
After a few moments, the group separated once more.
”We picked up on a secret Russian Communication, and we have reason to believe that they have a base somewheres in Starcourt.” Dustin said, “I’m telling you this because I believe we can trust you.”
Bea blinked- once, twice.
She wasn’t quite sure how else to react to a statement like that, but she knew Dustin from school and he didn’t seem the type to joke about something like this, especially when he looked so serious.
“Erica can fit through the vents, but she wants someone to go along with her- I remember you from school, your one of the good ones.” Dustin explained.
One of the good ones- a loose term for staying out of peoples business and not being a bully. Bea preferred to stay quiet, too much attention and you’d attract bullies like flies. Dustin and his group of friends were some of the good ones too…Before, she didn’t have anyone to help her face bullies, but with Eddie she found herself opening up more than she ever had- look where that got her now.
“It’s a contingency plan.” The younger girl interrupted. “If something happens to me, you can still crawl back through the vents for help.”
“Which won’t happen because we’ll be talking to you guys through the radio the entire time. All you have to do is crawl through the vents and open the transportation door.” Robin huffed.
“Sorry- but I’m still trying to get over the whole Russian base thing, can I have a minute?” Bea gaped, taking a seat at one of the tables.
“I know it seems scary-“
”Seems!?” Bea gasped. “Sorry, sorry…its just.”
“A lot?” Dustin finished. “That’s why we have to do something, if we don’t, they could hurt a lot of people, people that we care about.”
Bea’s mind flickered, thinking of Eddie and Wayne back home at the trailer park…not just her house, but a physical place that she felt at home at. Walking through the door and Wayne greeting her if he wasn’t at work, or Eddie driving around playing his obnoxiously loud music.
She understood for once, what it felt like to want to protect someone other than herself.
A year or two back, Bea wouldn’t have thought twice about it. She would have walked out the door to Scoops and probably wouldn’t have came back, back then she would have thought them to be crazy.
But then Will Byers disappeared for a week, they had a funeral for him, and then he comes back from the dead with little explanation. Barbara Hollands gets caught up in some sort of Laboratory leak, and Bea’s own father, a doctor who worked at a supposed Energy Lap quits his job abruptly and started drinking away any memory of the place.
There was something strange happening in Hawkins, and Bea finally had a chance to figure out what may be the cause of it.
Sure her palms were sweaty and her heart was racing…but…
“Ok. Ok I’ll do it- but I need to make a quick phone call!”
Eddie Munson’s day had been going perfectly fine. He finished a few deals he’d put off while driving Bea back and forth to the library, not wanting the kid to be around while he did the drug deals, and he had plans to meet up with Bea later for movie night. Wayne even had the night off and after much pleading from both Bea and himself, they’d managed to convince Wayne to watch a movie with them.
Bea had peddled off that morning, on the hunt for yet another ice cream cone from Scoops Ahoy and he’d thought about driving over to the mall to pick her up once he finished at the school, but he figured she’d probably already be back at the Trailer Park.
Instead, he walked into his Uncle’s trailer to find Wayne hanging up the phone.
“We’re going to have to postpone movie night tonight.” Wayne announced. “Bea called, apparently she’s been invited to a sleepover with some girls from school, last minute thing but she said it was important. Told me to tell you that she should be free tomorrow night.”
Eddie felt his heart drop for a moment, before confusion clouded his mind.
“Is that all she said?” Eddie asked. “Didn’t say who it was with?”
Bea had told him multiple times that she didn’t get along with many people in her grade, so it seemed out of character for her to randomly drop movie night to go join a gaggle of them. She wasn’t like the other girls, she didn’t like her nails painted or swapping weird romance stories or whatever else girls do at silly little sleepovers.
Bea liked music, books, and she had a newfound love for D&D, she’d even gotten a Hellfire T-shirt just a couple of days ago. Eddie hadn’t ever seen the girl smile so wide when she threw it on over her t-shirt. She was officially part of his crew now.
Maybe he was just jealous, jealous that she’d ditched him so quickly for something more ‘normal’ in the eyes of Hawkins.
But Eddie knew better then that, and he’d gotten to know Bea quickly over the past couple weeks of summer vacation…there was a underlying feeling, a bad feeling that was creeping up.
Something was wrong.
Time passed quickly, and night fell over Starcourt in a blink of an eye. Erica stood beside Bea, kitted out in elbow pads, a backpack and a bike helmet fitted with two flashlights.
Bea was pretty sure her single flashlight and one of Robin's sweaters to keep from getting ventilation shaft gunk on her new Hellfire shirt would suffice her just fine, but if all of that made Erica feel safer than who was she to say anything?
With word from Robin and the others topside, the operation was a go. Erica climbed up the ladder first and crawled into the shaft and after a few moments she called back to Bea to tell her to follow.
For once her shorter size paid an advantage, and without the clunky elbow guards she was able pull herself through the shaft with ease. Erica’s flashlights led the way as they followed the route that they had spent the afternoon memorizing.
“We’re here-“ Erica called back, “The storage rooms empty, no guards in sight.”
Bea heard the faint buzz of the radio and Robins voice confirming and they enacted part two of the plan. Erica kicked out the panel and threw her backpack down and Bea shuffled forwards to follow.
The storage room didn’t look like a secret Russian base, if anything it just looked like any other storage unit, full of boxes belonging to that Chinese place in the mall. Maybe they were full of fortune cookies or something.
Bea pulled herself a little closer to the edge, maneuvering her feet around and sliding out into the room. Erica was already one step ahead opening the control panel to unlock the doors.
Glancing around the room, nothing seemed out of place, she didnt see any sort of security camera’s or big signs alerting anyone to a secret Russian base.
She probably should have been concerned about that-
Eddie paced around the trailer- there was something off about this entire thing and the more time that went by, the worst he felt about it. Wayne had laughed it off, making a joke that Eddie was acting like a mother hen-
He’d gone over to Bea’s, just to see if she’d come home…but her bike was still missing and the lights were off. Her father most likely at the bar yet again, and wouldn’t be back until the early morning if he wasn’t back by now.
He’d tried to think of some of the kids in her year, but names eluded him and he didn’t want to seem crazy calling a bunch of her classmates looking for her. Even worse would be talking to any of the kid’s parents and trying to explain that he wasn’t family, but she was basically his little sister and she was missing.
Finally in desperation he’d gone out to the van and drove into town, Bea’s newly renovated bike wasn’t hard to miss now that it was ‘sunset orange’ as she still loved to call it. Eddie was fairly sure she was the only kid in town with the colorful bike…and he was pretty sure no one else would be caught dead with a bike that color anyways.
The bike made her happy though- so Eddie kept those thoughts to himself.
Unsuccessful, Eddie turned back around to head home, it was starting to get really late. However, one final idea crossed his mind and he turned down the next road heading towards Starcourt Mall.
The Mall lights were still on, they’d never shut off once since they’d turned on except for that power outage the day before. But he could see through the windows that the shops were closed up for the night, all of the employees already headed home for the night.
Pulling up to the curb, Eddie hopped out of the drivers seat leaving his van on.
Very few bikes were left at the bike racks, but there was one down by the end was the one he was searching for. Sunset orange dulled by the neon lighting of Starcourt, but recognizable to Eddie from seeing it so much.
Eddie pulled the bike free noticing that there was no bike lock to be found-
That was the first warning sign.
Ever since renovating the bike with Wayne, Bea had resorted to chaining it to the bike racks, not wanting it to be stolen by anyone after the time and effort they’d put into it. Usually she only left it unchained if she was planning to be in and out somewheres.
The second warning sign was that Bea was nowhere in sight.
If she’d truly left with a classmate for a sleepover she would have figured out some way to bring the bike, either biking to whoever’s house or having someone pick it up and take it with them. She would have needed it to get back home in the morning as well. But here it was, unchained and alone.
Throwing the bike in the back of the van, Eddie ran back to the driver's seat and floored the gas peddle, tires squealing as he sped off.
This time he took the road towards the Hideaway.
“What is that!?” Bea stood on her tiptoes trying to peer around the group huddled around the boxes.
Getting fed up enough she shoved her way in between Dustin and Robin looking inside the box before them.
Steve was the bravest of them reaching inside to grab one of the handle’s of the weird storage container. Robin and Erica backed away with his orders, but Dustin stood his ground as did Bea.
“Back off kid- we don’t know what this is.” Steve told her sharply.
Bea however, having spent the past weeks with Eddie Munson had developed a tolerance to orders- and she didn’t take kindly to them anymore.
“And? If that is something highly dangerous, standing a few feet behind you isn’t going to save our lives.” Bea fixed her words with a classic stare that she used against Eddie.
Steves eyebrows furrowed for a moment before shrugging. Twisting the handle, there was a click, a hiss and he was able to pull a capsule up out of the box. Inside, swirling green liquid gleamed by the overhead lighting, a weird glow cast a green haze over Steve and Dustin’s faces, and Bea assumed her own face was hued with the odd color.
“That’s definitely radioactive gook-“ Bea announced. “Nothing that color is anything that’s safe.”
Everyone glanced between her and the capsule before the floor shook beneath their feet.
Bea’s heart dropped into her stomach and suddenly- she didn’t feel very good, like she’d ridden to many roller coasters.
“You know what- I’m going to wait outside.” She announced quickly, rounding the table and over to the control panel.
“Bea’s right, lets just grab that and go.” Robin followed.
Eyeing the panel before her, Bea pressed the ‘Open Door’ button once.
Waiting a few seconds she tapped her foot before pressing it twice.
“Are these button backwards?” Bea asked her voice raising, her heart skipped a beat and she gave a nervous giggle. “Like is it Opposite Day or something?”
Dustin pushed her out of the way and jammed the button a few more times.
“Just press the damn button nerds-“ Erica scoffed, “Just press ‘Open Doors!?”
“We’re pressing it!” Bea screamed.
Her heart was pounding in her chest and she willed herself to hold the ice cream bowl Robin had made for her, down in her stomach. However, as the seconds passed…that was getting to be more and more difficult.
Steve entered the fray, pushing Dustin over, Dustin pushing Bea over and the three of them began to bicker about the door, Steve slamming his hands all around onto the different buttons.
From the ceiling there came a click and walls descended down over the door’s.
Stepping away, Bea found a spot against the wall as her breathing hitched.
We’re the walls caving in too or was that just her?
For a moment there was only silence except for the ragged breaths erupting out of her chest.
The lights flickered once-twice-thrice-
And it felt like the floor dropped beneath her feet.
Like a rock, Bea sunk to the floor, hands rising to cover her ears as the storage unit- or…elevator? Began its descent to wherever the hell it was going. Unlike Eddie’s shitty driving, or the roller coasters that Bea used to ride on at the fair when she was a kid, this was a speed unlike anything she ever felt making her dizzy and nauseous atop her hysteria.
The others screamed around her, none of them knowing what was happening or where they were going-
As soon as they started going down- the elevator came to an abrupt halt. The boxes around them falling off shelves and the table, Bea’s head snapped back to the wall and she whimpered at the pain. However, the pain was enough to break through her haze and she sucked in air greedily.
“Everyone ok?” Robin groaned, rubbing the back of her own head.
“Everything’s just great!” Steve exclaimed. “Even better now that we know that Russian’s can’t design elevators!”
“Just so you nerds are aware- I’m supposed to be spending the nights at Tina’s, and Tina always covers for me. But if I’m not home for Uncle Jack’s party tomorrow, and my mom finds out you guys are responsible- she’s going to hunt you down one by one and slit. Your. Throats.” Erica snapped.
Bea thought about Eddie and Wayne, Wayne no doubt had accepted her lousy excuse that she was having a sleepover with a classmate- but Eddie? She was pretty sure Eddie wouldn’t fall for it, and could picture him arguing with Wayne over it- but the fact of the matter was she hadn’t told anyone truthfully where she was going. If she went missing, there would be no place to look for her…would Eddie or Wayne look for her anyways?
She wondered silently to herself if she’d ever see them again-
By mid afternoon even Wayne was beginning to be unsettled by the silence from Bea. His days off had been filled with the younger girls questions and laughter since Eddie had befriended her. She’d been a good thing. Eddie had been more responsible in these past few weeks then he’d ever been, acting as the younger girls pseudo-big brother. Hell, Eddie and him hadn’t even been this close in years.
By evening he began to question the truth to her story- she’d never mentioned any other friends her age before and stuck to Eddie like glue. The only other friends she’d talked about were friends she’d met through Eddie and his club.
When Eddie had arrived home with Bea’s bike in the back of his van, and reporting a trip to the Hideaway and finding Bea’s father drunker than a skunk along with his friends, Eddie was panicking. Wayne assured him that Bea was fine, she’d sounded fine on the phone, she was probably just trying to fit in…but even Wayne began to doubt his reassurances.
When no phone call came in requesting a ride home in the morning, Eddie headed back out, this time to the Hawkins Library, Bea had an early morning shift and at the very least he could swing in and make sure she was fine.
If he was worried before, Eddie’s anxiety skyrocketed when the librarian reported that Bea hadn’t shown up for her shift that morning, lamenting about how she’d had to report her a no-call, no-show for the first time.
Eddie didn’t stick around to talk and using the pay phone outside he called his Uncle to report his findings, together they decided the next best step was to head on down to the Hawkins Police Station together, something was clearly wrong .
Eddie just hoped this wasn’t anything like the Byer’s incident.
Tag List: @kik51199 @hardysbitch @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @mirkwoodshewolf @maddwich @kastainkniver
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xxmayxx05 · 3 months
Just the Three of us
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader x Steve Harrington
Contents: Smut 18+, oral (giving/receiving), unprotected sex (Please be safe irl), manhandling, praise kink, pet names, multiple orgasms
a/n: Hi everyone! I hope you guys like this second part of the mini series. If you guys have any recommendations of what you want to see on the third part please comment. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated, I hope you like it. - May<3
word count: 2,8k
After two hours of hard studying everyone decided that a break was truly needed. Eddie and Steve couldn’t keep their eyes out of your beautiful curves. Robin rolled her eyes when she saw Steve putting a hand on top of your thigh, when you both were talking. Eddies gaze hardened and tried to chime into the conversation and put his hand on your other thigh. 
“I have a question for you y/n” Robin said with a little smirk, she was going to get the boys very riled up. 
“What’s up Robin?” you asked as you looked up at her. Noticing her small smirk, you knew that you had something on her mind. 
“Let’s say that hypothetically, what would happen if two boys that you like and hypothetically they like you back. Per se, what would happen?” she asked while leaning back on her arms and waited for your reply. Eddie and Steve have now sat themselves straight and waited with a lot of anticipation to your reply. 
“That is a very odd question to ask Robin” you said and kept eye contact with her. A burning sensation over came you body when you felt Steve’s and Eddie’s gazes burning through you. “I’m very open minded, if I like both and they like me as well. A trio doesn’t sound bad at all” you said and got up. “Help me serve some lemonade Robin” you said and walked to the kitchen. Hoping that the boys got the hint. 
“Fuck, Harrington” Eddie whispered shouted. He couldn’t believe that you were the kind to be okay with a trio. He was surprised but then again he thought that it would be perfect. Eddie knew that Steve liked you as well but never even thought that there could be a possibility of you three becoming a trio. 
“I know Munson” Steve said quietly and looked at him. “I didn’t think she had it in her” he said surprised, deep inside he felt excited. The though of having you in bed, your body all exposed for him and Eddie. Your back arching and the sound of your sweet moans filling the room while they both made love to you; made him go crazy. 
“I would be okay with it” Eddie said quietly and looked at him. “You like her and so do I. I don’t want to keep competing over her” he said and extended his hand toward Steve. Eddie knew that  he was crazy for accepting to be in  trio but he liked you a lot, ever since he saw you for the first time. 
“Let’s keep this civil Munson” Steve agreed and shook Eddie’s hand. 
Right on time you walked in and handed one glass of lemonade to Steve. 
“Here you go” you said and sat between them again. 
“Here you go dufus” Robin said and handed one glass of lemonade to Eddie. She looked up at the clock in the living room and faked surprised. “Shit, I have to go” she said hurriedly and packed up her backpack. Leaning down quickly she hugged you and said her goodbyes to the guys. 
“Oh yeah, she had to go meet up with Max at the arcade” she said and took a sip of your lemonade and looked at both boys. Hoping that one of them would make a move just like Robin had told you in the kitchen. She plotted a small excuse so that she could go and you three could have some privacy to yourselves. 
Steve and Eddie looked at each other and leaned back against the sofa. The three of you drank your perspective lemonades and sat in silence. There was a lot of sexual tension in the living room and they didn’t know how to break it. 
“So, you are okay with being shared?” Steve asked confidently and turned to look at you. He knew that Eddie was too shy to make a move. 
“Mhm, you only live once” you said and put your glass down between you thighs. “Two is better than one, I guess” saying softly and bit your bottom lip when you felt Eddie put a hand on your left thigh. 
“It’s good to know that you think that way, we both really like you alot” Eddie said quietly and massaged your thigh softly. 
You turned your head to the left and looked at him. He was blushing softly and leaned in to peck you lips. Finally you thought. 
“He is right, love. We wouldn’t mind sharing you at all” Steve said and leaned down. He left small kisses on your exposed neck and smiled softly when you let out small moans. 
“I would love to be with the both of you” you said and leaned your head back in pleasure. Eddie had grabbed the glass between your thighs and put it aside. He leaned down and left kisses on the right side of your neck. Giving a small wink at Steve, both of them left kisses on your neck and massaged your inner thighs. 
“Can we go to my room please?” you asked quietly and caressed both of their cheeks. Leaning in to the right you pecked Steves lips and then to the left pecking Eddies. Both boys nodded their heads and got up. Carefully they helped you get up and you grabbed their hands. Leading them upstairs to your room.
“Sit down” you told them as you closed your door and locked it. Both listened to you and sat next to each other in bed. Walking up to them, you decided to stand between Eddie’s legs. Leaning down you kissed him passionately, a needy moan escaped his mouth. Steve bit his bottom lip at the sight of you both making out. His member was growning within each second and he felt his jeans becoming too tight for his growing member. You heard Steve hissing softly and you leaned back. 
“Are you okay Steve?” you asked innocently and caressed his cheek. Looking down, you saw the outline of his member through his jeans. You stepped back from Eddie and went between Steves legs. Getting down on your knees, you looked up at him and Eddie. “Remove your clothes” you ordered them both. 
They quickly and quietly obeyed your commands. You watched them both remove their clothes and watched in awe at the sight. Steve cock was long and hard the tip was leaking with precum. Eddie’s cock was thick and long. Immediately you became even more wet then you already were. Letting out a small whimper, you brought your right hand to your mouth and spit on it. Bringing it to Eddie’s member, you wrapped your hand around it and motioned it up and down. 
Eddie’s deep breathes escaped his mouth, he felt on cloud nine when he felt your hand wrapped around his needy cock. He moaned when he saw you leaned down and licked Steve’s tip. 
“Fuck baby” Steve moaned softly when he felt your wet tongue lick a small strip from the bottom of his cock all the way to the top of his tip. His fantasy was finally going to come true, he was going to have sex with the girl of his dreams and a threesome. “Oh fuck!” he cried out in pleasure when you wrapped your plump lips around his hard cock and began moving your head up and down. Your mouth felt heavenly around his cock. 
You moaned at the praise and the way Steve reacted to your mouth around your cock. Feeling a lot of pride that you had both boys on the palm of your hand, you looked at Eddie while you kept giving Steve head. Tightening your grip softly on his cock, he moaned at the feeling and looked down at you. He brought a hand to your cheek and softly smacked you. 
“Such a needy slut” he praised your and smacked you again.  Eddie didn’t know what took over him but he needed you to become vulnerable for them both. “Look at you being a needy slut, letting me and Steve use your pretty body from now on” he said and looked at Steve. “We own this slut, Harrington” he said with a smirk. 
“Fuck yes we do” Steve said and gripped your hair. Pulling your it up, you removed your mouth from his cock and gasped to catch up with your breathing. 
“Remove your clothes and lay in bed baby” Steve ordered and helped you get up. Him and Eddie were mesmerized by your body, little by little as your removed the only two pieces of clothing you wore. Surprised that you didn’t wear a bra or panties, both boys were falling more in love with you by the second and they couldn’t wait until they finally had a taste of you. 
You took a small breath and laid down, waiting for one of the two boys to make a move. Steve was the first one to remove his pants and got on top of you. Leaning down he looked down at your plump red lips and caressed your cheek. 
“Are you sure, you want this?” he asked softly and looked deeply into your eyes. Hoping that you wouldn’t regret what was to come later on. 
“I really do Steve” you whispered and removed his shirt. Smiling softly when he brought his arms up, helping you to remove his shirt. You looked at Eddie and chuckled softly when he just stood there with a cheesy small smile. “Join us, Ed” you said and leaned your head to the side when Steve started leaving kisses on your neck. Moaning softly when you felt him suck softly against your soft skin, he was marking you and you loved that. 
“Patience baby” Eddie said and removed the remaining of his clothes. He got on the bed and softly wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. “Open that pretty mouth of yours baby” he said and tapped the tip of his cock on top of your plump lips. Eddie groaned softly when he finally felt your warm and wet mouth around his cock, something that he has dreamt about ever since he met you. 
Steve left kisses all the way down from your neck, into between your inner thighs. He smirked softly when he saw how wet your pussy looked from his angle. Leaning in he gave a soft lick between your wet pussy lips and moaned at your sweet taste. You tasted like heaven, just like he thought you did. He knew that he was going to be addicted to your sweet taste and he couldn’t wait for more. Wrapping his arms around your thick thighs, he spread them about and began eating you out as if he didn’t eat for days. 
You were a moaning mess, around Eddie’s cock. Steve was eating your pussy out in such a delicious way, the sounds of him licking your wet pussy, your sweet moans, and Eddie’s praises filled the entire room. Eddie softly held your hair into a pony tail while he thrusted his cock in and out of your warm mouth, the way he praised you made you fall in love with him even more. Making eye contact with him, you started meeting his small thrusts inside your mouth. Gagging around his cock made him moan loudly and fill your mouth with his cum. 
“Oh Fuck” he panted and he brought a hand to your cheek. “Swallow my cum baby” he cooed softly when he saw how fucked you looked. 
You swallowed and leaned upward to kiss him passionately. Feeling a lot of pride that you had that type of control over Eddie. 
Steve had gotten on his knees and spit on his hand. He loved the sight of you and Eddie making out infront of him, but felt a little jealous at the tiny lack of attention that he was not receiving. Wrapping his hand around his cock, he brought it up and down. 
“It’s my turn baby” Steve said and aligned the tip of his cock against your wet pussy. Smiling softly when you turned to him with a drunken gaze and nodded your head. 
“Please, I need you” you said in a pleading matter. Gasping softly when you felt him insert his tip inside of you. He was stretching you out up to oblivion, and couldn’t control your moans. His hips started gaining control as he slid in and out of you, his fingers dug deep into your hips and thrusted deeper. 
Eddie brought a hand down to your clit and began to rub it fast. Your loud moans became music to his ears, he loved how you were so desperate for him and Steve. Loving the sight of your head thrown back in pleasure, back arched and your breasts bouncing with each of Steves thrust. He knew that this was going to be one of many more nights like this. Leaning down he began leaving kisses on your exposed neck and marking it just like Henderson did. 
“Liking my cock baby?” Steve teased and smacked you softly. You looked like a fucked mess and he loved the sight of that. Loving the thought that you were cock drunk, with his cock.
You whimpered when you felt him smack you. Couldn’t put words together, you just moaned and nodded your head. 
“Use your words, princess” Eddie said and wrapped his hand around your neck. “Behave for him” he said and gripped his hand more around your neck.
“Y-Yes daddy” you gasped for air and let out a scream of pleasure when Steves thrust became harder and faster. With no warning, he cummed and filled you up with his warm seed. 
“F-fuck!” Steve moaned and slowed down his thrusts. The way you called him Daddy was unexpected and made him cum right then and there. Steve loved the way Daddy rolled out of your pretty mouth in such a innocent but dirty way. 
“Eddie, I need you” you said quietly and pecked his lips. 
“My baby didn’t cum?” he asked teasingly and got on top of you once Steve slid out. Eddie didn’t care about the mess that Harrington made inside of you and slammed his cock without any warning. Your moans got louder with each thrust that he made inside of you. 
“D-daddy” you gasped and wrapped your arms around his back. Your nails digging on his back, leaving small crescent moons but you couldn’t help it. Eddie was fucking you so well, him and Steve knew how to fuck very well. 
“Mm cum for me baby, cum around my cock” Eddie praised you as he grabbed one of your legs and put them around his shoulder. Sliding even deeper inside of you. 
“Fuck baby fuck!, you are only ours” 
“Y-yes daddy!” you say moaning loudly. Looking to your side, you look at Steve. Feeling that you needed his approval to cum as well. Once he gave you a small nod, you gave into the pleasure and cummed all over Eddies cock. 
Eyes rolled back and your back arched in pleasure. Tears rolled down your cheeks at the intense orgasm that took over your body, it was all too much for you after a long time of being celibate. 
Eddie kept fucking you into oblivion until he moaned loudly and cummed inside of you. His cum mixing with Steves and your wet juices. 
“Fuck” he panted harshly and carefully brought down your leg from his shoulder. Sliding out carefully and laid down next to you. His orgasm hit him the hardest. 
Steve let you both calm down and went to you bathroom. He grabbed a cloth and brought it to the sink. Wetting it a little, he came back into the room and up to you. Steve carefully cleaned up the huge mess that was between your legs and left kisses around your chest. 
“You did so well for us baby” he praised you softly as he looked at your fucked up state. 
All you could do was nod your head carefully and let him clean you up. 
Eddie got up to clean himself up and looked outside the window. He was surprised that it was night time. After finishing cleaning himself up, he turned off the bathroom light and walked inside your room. Smiling at you fast asleep, cuddling with Steve who was also fallen asleep. Eddie grabbed the blanket from the end of your bed and extended it over both of the bare bodies. Turning off the late of your room, he walked to the other side of your bed and got under your blanket. 
“Goodnight baby” he whispered and wrapped his arm around your bare waist. Letting sleep take over his tired body. Dreaming of what was going to happen next.
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
🕷️ Vanilla Tobacco 🕷️
Eddie Munson x Reader
10.9k words
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Summary: Based on one of my favourite Eloise songs- this pure mush but please believe me on the life of my dog, the next piece to follow this with smut is coming in so fast I may get whiplash- watch out- also
Thank-youuuu all of you for being such angels and commenting on my stuff all the time it’s honestly amazing. I know I’m a lazy bum and I need to reply to your astounding comments. But pls know I do see each one and it’s just what makes this all so worthwhile to see how much you all love Eddie X Pencils.
Your morning had been hell on wheels.
You slept through your alarm. Stubbed your toe stumbling out of bed in your rush to get dressed. Burnt your tongue on your too hot coffee. Ended up being late for home room. And now you’ve been lumped with an art essay. Perfect.
Self directed. Six thousand words on a particular art movement of your choice. Which somehow made it even harder to pick-
It’s pokey glass shards stabbing into the already festering wound in your side that was your day.
This would mean you’d be surrendering your lunchtime to this honey of a new project which was due in a week. If you got the books and notes gathered for it now, it would be a great help and a load off further down the line.
You trudge out of class, and back down to the hallway to your locker, with an armful of textbooks and sketchbook. A free period now that you’d spend the entirety of in the library.
In the absence of a certain jingly jacketed, metal head, the music you’ve got blasting through walkman headphones right now, is the only soothing thing that’s helping your scratchy mood stay buoyant.
Well. That and one other salient thing-
You can’t help but draw your thoughts back to yours and Eddie’s movie night. That memory certainly lifts and delights. Wraps up your stomach like being bound in sunny butter-yellow silk.
Being tangled up on Eddie’s terrible scratchy orange couch with wandering hands, seeking more, and so much making out it was like you were kissing each other’s lips raw. Seeing Eddie with those beautiful lips all bitten pink certainly tugged on your guts in the most horny way.
You devoured the pizza together, and he’d tasted like hoppy lite beer and salty pepperoni - licking the greasy cheese mess of it off the corner of your lips. Smiling with oily pizza grease fingers gripping your chin.
You’d laughed so much your ribs hurt. Prodded fun at the gore of his selected horror movies - awed by his taste too. Agreed on the worst and best parts of grainy black and white eerie tones of night of the living dead. The ham acting. The swelling suspense.
He’d grinned with the way you’d squirmed and jiggled and scrunched up your feet in unease at the bit in Nightmare on Elm Street. When Tina grabs Freddy’s face and the whole thing slips into her hand in a bloody rubbery landslide, revealing raw teeth and bulging eyes, scarlet black chasm of a nose.
I love this movie. But I freakin’ hate that bit.
Eddie curls around you tighter. Beaming. Chuckling dryly. Ringed fingers splaying over your hip. Nose nestled in the back of your neck.
Squeamish much, pencils?
Shut up
You both watch as Tina cups at the four claw marks in her stomach as she’s tumbled around the bed and jerked up to the ceiling. Crawling sticky blood up the flowery walls.
You hide again with an ‘Ick.’ Which prompts you to twist around and face him. You don’t do well with blood.
He very kindly lets you shield your eyes behind his hand. Rings warm on your skin.
Freddy’ll have to get through me first. Don’t you worry.
I’ll never let you sleep again, Munson. I will blast the loudest Motörhead in your ears. Okay?
Okay sweets. He winked.
You’d flown into swooning bits at the recollection of how you’d spent a great deal of time on that date, horizontal with Eddie’s warm nose buried deep in your neck. Or his tongue in your mouth. Spit wet lips, hoppy beer breath, and grinding hormones.
Later, much later, after two beers, his teeth and lips were plucking hickie’s at your collarbones and under your jaw. Mainly to distract you from Wes Cravens gore. But, funny how even when the movie ended, neither of you seemed to notice.
Too busy scrunching your hands in his messy hair and kissing him back hungrily. His hands smoothing up your back. Your legs curled open over the cradle of his skinny hips. Grinding into the clutch of yours. His hands were blazing hot on your ass where your skirt was rucked up. Fingertips slipping just-so, under the edge of your panties.
Whenever you hummed or moaned it made him smile. Made his hips jerk to yours. You were grinding on each other like this world would end soon. Entirely composed of rutting feel-good hormones for each other.
He pulled back because he was definitely popping a boner in those skinny jeans and you can’t lie either - you’re wet - you’re both very flimsy underwear barriers away from doing some very x-rated things.
He begs you that he doesn’t wanna be cumming in his pants like a ninth grader. You can’t deny with his hips grinding you like that it wouldn’t take much for your orgasm either. But, you both agreed, that for now, you’d keep it to second base.
All bets are off next time though, Pencils.
Deal. You grin back.
He sighed happily, blushed as a matter of fact, as you nudged a kiss under his ear.
You made out and ate and cracked jokes and chatted for what felt like hours. You tired the moon with your talking - and kissing. So much sparky hot kissing it stunned your lips numb.
You’d never get enough of the taste of Eddie. Smoke and beers on his tongue. Fake snap of chemical apple from his shampoo. Some distant lingering cedar and vanilla cologne that was definitely Wayne’s and had definitely been put on to impress you-
Hewalked you out to your car when time came for you to go. Leaving felt like a ripping pain. Like tearing layers of skin away. You kissed for ten minutes before you even managed to fumble blindly behind you for the door. He kissed you up against the door. Next to the door. All over you with your hands sunk and lost in his hair.
Don’t go I’m not done yet. As he cupped your face and waddled you up against the door - again.
Traffics bad this time of night, Pencils. Give it five if I were you.
I’ve heard a really bad storm is closing in.
Every time you levered apart, he was spinning you back with “Okay but how about one more, y’know, for the road…”
Then proceeded to melt you into another thought-stealing kiss.
Made you laugh into it when he palmed your car keys right out your hand whilst you were distracted by his tongue. And fully launched them over his shoulder.
They landed with a jingly thump over his shoulder on the malt brown carpet. He wrapped his arms around your waist even tighter. Muffled your protests onto the silky bed of his tongue. You moaned and curled your arms around him again.
Thinking of Eddie was definitely one part of your day that didn’t suck. That didn’t scrape rock bottom. It actually lifted you off your dragging heels a bit. Laced a spring in your step that you were careful not to let creep out too much around others.
You lose yourself to that, and into the jagged punk carnality, and let it be known Billy Idol’s sneering roar of a voice was a balm to you.
What didn’t help was that when you came to your locker, Linda was stood against it with the nuclear warhead of a mega-bitch that was Carol P.
They’re gaggled close and smirking about something. There should be a cauldron between them for the amount of shit-stirring and poison slinging they do. You’re thankful you can’t hear it. You turn up Rebel Yell just that tad louder.
Carol was the worst when it came to high school hierarchy. Not only an asshole but determined to drag that festering quality out of everything she touches. Withers the people she considers below her like dead leaves. Thought because she was giving blowjobs under the bleachers, and playing spin the bottle since seventh grade, that it somehow made her the epitome of cool.
You think that much like Linda, its just wearing a mask to cover over the craggy potholes and ultimate shallowness of their personality. They turn into mean, bullying people. Dog eat dog world of high school. Eat or be eaten and these are the pedigree girls with shiny hair, sharp teeth and bitchy smiles.
Really they’re just entirely composed of vanity and rot. Shallowness and arrogance entwined.
Linda barely acknowledges your emergence, as you open your locker and swap out an armful your books for the ones in your hands from an earlier class. You kept your headphones on, muffled the world away to rock music.
A hand shoots over your shoulder and annoyingly jerks on your headphones. Tugging them down the back of your head with a clatter. Making your heart flash fast at the jump of it.
You turn with a glare and see Tommy. H jaunt up to his girlfriend. Giving you a stupid grin. Sneering words back at you. “S’up, Pencil neck.”
Pencil Neck. Mother Mary. Those were some of the ingenious little pet names they had picked out for you.
Because you haven’t had sex and you aim for good grades, apparently this makes you worthy of freakdom in their rabid eyes.
Linda purses her lips a little. Smiles like it’s funny, them calling you that.
Carol barks out her shitty grating laughter. Tilts her head at you and those loose Farah Fawcett auburn curls dance around her snarky face. Popping neon pink gum and looking sly.
Tommy loops his arm around her neck. They stand and eye you like you’re something amusing. Freak show in town. Roll up for tickets.
“Original.” You bite back as you reach for your books.
“Ooh.” Tommy chirps at you. “Not in a friendly mood, are we.”
“My tolerance for vitriolic jackasses is limited.” You narrow your eyes at the pair of them.
You detest the way Carol scans you up and down. Judging your hand me down plaid, jeans and sneakers like you got them from a yard sale. Thinking you’re cheap trash, with a trampy single mom.
Just cause her manicured and caustic mother was the sales rep for a big cosmetic company, and she lives on the gleaming streets of Loch Nora, that it made her perfectly able to peer down her nose at the lower echelons.
She pops her gum with a snap looking at you. Then doesn’t even deign to pay you any attention. Looks towards Linda. A decided bitchy ally.
“You’re coming to the house party at Josh’s tonight, right, Martelli?” She grins as she chews loudly. Wet gummy clicks that get on your nerves. Raking an annoying knife up your spine.
You turn to your locker and ignore the bunch of cognoscenti assholes. You were ashamed to say that included your once fond friend among them.
“Sure I’ll be there.” Linda shrugs like it isn’t a golden gilded invitation handed over, direct from the Queen Bee herself.
“You’re gonna bring Jonny right?” Carol leers. Smile filthy. Like she wants to be the one sucking face with him, as opposed to her own boyfriend currently slung off her shoulder.
“If he can sneak out. His dads being a real dick at the moment.” Linda tells with a glum pouty tone.
“Sneak him out. It’ll be so fun. We got tonnes of beer. There’s bound to be some wet n’ wild fun in the pool.” She grinned all bright and naughty. Sticking her tongue out.
House party on a Tuesday night. These dicks really had nothing better to do than suck face, trash the place, or hump. Make a mess like silver back gorillas parading around in the zoo in their natural habitat.
Tommy decided to drag you back into this razor blade and lemon juice studded conversation. Oh joys.
“Probably not Pencil neck’s kinda evening.” He pouts sticking his lower lip out.
“She’s gotta be back in her convent by 9. Wimple on. Back home with her trampy mom like a good little girl.” Carol mocks in laughing. It’s shrill. Brings to mind a hyena.
Somewhere along the line, the fact your mom was mostly absent and single had become the butt of a joke to these people. Because you don’t live on Maple Street or dress like a Pat Benatar wannabe. You defend your ground in your paint spattered clothes, tatty jeans, and oversized hand-me-down plaid from Charlie, and tees from the goodwill.
It stung like acid each time they swiped and spit nasty words aimed at your mom. Needles pushed under your skin when they sniped their mockery.
You rose above it and grit your teeth. Even though it made you want to start swinging clenched fists. Real tempting to shove the wrong end of your paintbrush in carols stupid eye some days. Splat paint on her expensive jacket or jeans. Knock the books out her hands for once. The dream.
Tommy chuckles along. Carol loves pushing your buttons. It’s her defining character trait. Slamming down on them til they crack into spiderwebs like broken porcelain. It’s all she does best.
“I’m amazed you manage to walk like that what with your head being all the way up your ass.” You slam your locker and turn to talk to a very silent Linda.
“See you after third.” You offer blithely. She barely meets your eyes. Doesn’t answer. She shrinks down. Dumbly clings to her own silent cowardice. Shoves her hands in her pockets and looks at a scuff on her shiny white cavalier boots.
“Got bible studies?” Tommy jumps in quick to say.
You roll your eyes over, let his comment go unmatched. You didn’t have the energy for these two.
You heft your books into your arms and walk away. You hear their laughter and more snideness rips it’s razors at your back as you leave. More insults you don’t care to listen too.
You blast more Billy to blot them out. Forget about their stupidity as you head to the library. You hate the way they slide under your skin like it’s nothing.
You push through the doors and pad through the winding warren of the shelves. Thick carpet tiles muffled your steps. The overly harsh lighting almost buzzed above you. Students hunched hushed over tables, or scanning the stacks. A low thrum of noise and activity compared to the teaming hallways.
It’s a soothe for you. A harbour for you to switch your brain into a slow gear, push it into focusing on something else.
You find a table and set out your books and sketchbooks. Loop your bag on the back of the chair and get scouring through the arts section. You find a stack and pile it against your chest. Take them to your table and hunch over a legal pad. Madly brainstorming ideas for what you wanted to pick.
You settle and let the onslaught of your morning grow quiet. Meld as one into pages and passages. Art Nouveau with its goddesses, natural flowing forms and it’s mimicry of flowers under arched curves. The limpid neon minimalism of Dan Flavin and his light installations. Hockney and his searing blue pool paintings.
There’s so many influences crashing through your head. You skip from book to book. Unable to decide. Tapping the end of your pen against your chin. Raking hands through your lose hair.
You’re curled over a punk art book, looking at the ripped Jamie Reid images, jagged text and rude political satire sprayed and bastardised with paint drips, when something soft hits you on the side of your head, grazing by, and skittering down to your desk. Bouncing off your hand.
You twist back in your seat. Bewildered. Scanning the stacks and there’s nothing save for the usual soft footed librarians drifting around, with their glasses chains, sensible skirts, and hushed voices. The same few quiet kids sat at their tables, dotted around. Unmoved.
You frown and turn back around to the crumpled paper. You smooth it out and make out the chicken scratched words etched there. It was a note.
A love note. Etched in Violet sharpie. It sets a blaze in your chest.
Hey sweet cheeks. You look hot hitting the books. Making me jealous that they’ve got your undivided attention.
Signed it with an E with little sprouting devil horns coming off the top - as if he really needed to identify himself.
You smile when you suddenly feel the tickle of long dry hair feathering it’s tips at the back of your neck. Ringed hands drape for your shoulders. Cold rings even through your worn flannel. Smoke comes with him. Fresh too. He’d just had a cig break you’d guess. Reds curled new on cold leather and carried along with apple.
How was it the worlds nosiest metal-head with his jangly wallet chain and apparently limitless racket, could sneak up on you in absolute silence.
Materialising out of nowhere, like a suddenly gathering storm. Subtle as an earthquake. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head. Inhaled deep like he was trying to drag you in via his mouth alone.
“There’s my little bookworm.” He hushes. Voice all trying-to-be-low and hissing. Rumbling down on your skull. Nuzzling his nose to your hair. Coconut. That Amber and Lavender perfume of yours. Clean luminosity of honeyed notes, and the plain spice of hearty lavender that drifts off you.
It’s dizzying. Consuming. He’s missed it the way a man could miss food and water.
“You threw paper at my head.” You faked mild insult.
Eddie leans up on his sneaker tip toes to peer over your head and catch onto the book that has you so engrossed.
“You looked very invested. How else was I supposed to get your attention.” Comes a clever curl of a grin.
It makes little flecks of gold stars shine and shimmer in those inky eyes.
His hand that landed heavy with a whump on your shoulder, curled up a knuckle and played with an idle curl of your hair. Cool fingers leaving sparks where he touched the nape of your neck.
“What are you doing in here, anyway? You know this is a library don’t you.” You tease him. Rotating in your seat. Gazing up at him. “Books. Studying.”
“Mistook it for something else. Won’t make that error twice.” He tells with that signature clever grin.
“Although it does have you in here, so I automatically like it very much, indeed.” He preens.
Your smile makes his spine slope into fuzziness and tingle all warm. Where his hand is on your shoulder, you edge and curl your fingers over his own. Lacing them through.
He wasn’t gonna be a complete letch and admire the way the twist of your body gaped the buttons of that oversized green and navy plaid you wore. Teased him with the silky valley of skin running downwards from your collarbones. Sternum. Bra. Tits. Your tits.
Okay he wasn’t gonna look, but he’s certainly thinking about it.
Those sweet slips of collarbones he’d been sucking and mouthing for eons long just the other night and was that-
That’s a hickie on your neck. From him.
His stomach trips and crashes into feral frenzy knowing he’s the one to have placed it there, in a rabid fit of horny hormones. Horizontal on his couch with hands all stuffed in tops or jeans, roaming in places that felt so so good.
Tongues fat with kissing and mouths smashing together, raw. Charred bodies grinding. Your fingers edging his stiff jeans zipper. His squeezing your tits through your top. Delightful touches that burned bliss through you like biting electric bolts. The muggy heat of breath on lips.
“That big beautiful brain of yours at capacity yet?” He asks. Swaying into the back of your creaking hard chair.
“I’ve yet to hear a pinging noise indicating it’s full.” You decided. Tapping your pencil down on your book.
“Can my bookworm take a break?” Eddie asks with a conspiratorial looking grin. You tip your head back and meet his gaze.
That ‘my’ warms your belly right though like bad cheap whiskey.
“Why would that be?” You ask cheekily. All lowering your lashes and peering all coquettish.
“Cause if you’re not at capacity yet. I think there’s a little more to learn.” He teases and his smile is all dirty dimples and schoolboy cheek.
He whirls back from your chair and pauses at the walkway between two bookcases. It hooks a smile right out of you when you watch him jerk his head in that particular, enclosed, direction.
Your smile grows, crawls across your lips and you keep your butt planted in your seat. “Gee. I don’t think I know what you’re getting at.”
“Need me to spell it out for you?” He asks with narrowed eyes and a wide wide grin.
You lean in said chair and cast your eyes towards the librarians. Who coincidentally have their backs turned to you. One at the desk, the other helping a freshman locate a physics book.
“I don’t know. Maybe if you could find it in book form and read it to me.” You rile. Poking him with a stick.
“Sure. Where’s that Biology section at.” He leans in and bites his lower lip and grips your sleeve. He doesn’t grip your skin with his rings. Worried they’d dig. Even when riled he’s still gentle.
Scrunching up his nose all silly as he’s yanking you out the chair. You laugh softly as you swing off the thing and slink after him.
You both pad silently down the row of bookcases. Eddie tugs you along to the end. Nestled into the crook with paper spines and a shelf digging in your back. The touch on your sleeve travels up your arm, he’s holding your forearm and then impressively smooth, he’s cupping your hip. Slings a finger in your jean belt loop - keeping you tethered to him.
“You going to reinforce a lesson for me. Munson?” You ask.
You rest your hands on his t-shirt. The almost threadbare black sabbath one that you could barely read the scratchy logo on it anymore. It’s almost flaked away. All that’s left is this beaten old black tee that hangs softly in creases off him.
“Yup.” And he pops the P. Staring at your lips. Thumb rubbing soothing circles on your worn plaid stomach. Soft aged flannel. “Gonna reinforce my brains out.” He decides.
“They say repetition is the best way to learn.” He adds. Flirty brow raised. Body flush to yours. Wrapping you in leather smoke and apples.
“And please don’t go hurting yourself on my account. I won’t allow it.” You say as you smooth a hand over the crazy hair beside his jaw. Stroking your fingers under that handsome cut of a jawbone.
You feel his nearness like a gut punch. Every damn time. Has you squirming in every single good way you can muster. This crush blazes so fiery strong. It’s swallowed you whole whilst you weren’t looking. You were too busy watching him smile.
You tip to him. Tilt to him. Up on your toes. Arms going for his neck. Circling around as his hands smooth across your belt loops and cup your hips. He rolls your bottom lip between his. Sucks you into this sloppy kiss as his hands cup you sacredly.
The moment you’ve both been longing for.
You’d never grow tired of kisses like these ones. It left a chasm when you pulled away from his lips on your date. And now again, finally, it’s like a cool clear sip of spring blue water after years of thirst.
Eddie nibbles your lower lip and it draws an unexpected squeak out of you. Plush and tongue and molten. He pulls back and his spit shiny smile liquifies your insides. Warm air puffs over your lips. “Careful pencils. Gotta keep it on the down low in here.”
You half heartedly whack at his chest with an open hand.
He sways with it. Sways into you. Barely noticed your nudge. He catches it with his own fingers, twining into yours. Through yours. Knuckles slot together. Fused. Your hand in his. He brings it up and rests your hand on his neck.
Drunk hazy eyes cast all whiskey puddle brown in yours. Soft as butter and he melts into you again. Nose brushing alongside yours. You taste like the fruity sour bite of chapstick and he’ll definitely chase some more of that fake nectar sweetness, thank you very much.
“How can I be expected to keep quiet when you kiss me like that?” You ask. Tilting in again, legs knocking into his as you press your lips to his in a slow smooch. Long, languid. Taking the kiss off his slanted mouth, honey smooth.
Your hand follows his lead. You cup his soft neck. Thumb brushing the join of his jaw. His hands rearrange themselves. Wandering to settle neatly. One bunching an arm around your waist. The other cups your head. Tilts your mouth to him so he can take and take and unleash on you more of these amazing, demanding kisses.
You should be caring how loud your making out is. Sloppy mouth sounds and little grunts he makes mixed with the thrill of your moans. It rises just a little above the din of the buzzing lights and the swipe of book pages being leafed over.
When you part again you gasp for breath and your knees are stunned into weakness. Your bodies are so close it’s pretty damn evident that soon you’ll be making noises you cannot hide in the whisper quiet library.
It didn’t help that the swelling hunger for more is prodding between your legs. As urgently as his own must be in those tight jeans. Every kiss is laced with a hunger that could proceed sex if you let it.
You really want to let it. You’re so ready to let it.
You exhale onto each other lips when you next part and take a huge pull of breath. Warm whispers sealed to mouths. Bodies tangled. Sure a book was jamming your spine, and the shelf behind you was not exactly sturdy. It didn’t matter.
Nothing mattered that wasn’t Eddie’s kiss bruised mouth aligned on yours.
“We should probably have another one of those date things soon. Don’t you think?” You ask. Fingers sneaking to his cheek to just touch his skin. A little stubbled.
“You reckon?” He smiles all slanted. Eyes twin honeycomb suns. You stare, stuck into them.
You’ve never seen such warmth leak out those expressively deep carob-eyes. You look at the entirely too long flick of his lashes: the raw pinkness of his cushiony lips. Entirely unfair how he was so pretty. It should be outlawed for a boy to look this pretty when kissed.
Really it was a danger to your health. Your school work would certainly suffer. Your essay sat screeching to be started from your desk.
“I really reckon.” You nod. Eddie swoops in and smooched a boyish charming peck onto your mouth almost in thanks. Pulls back from you with a wet smack.
“If you didn’t say it, I was gonna have to insist.” He teases. Stretches out the last word to almost a hiss so you know he means business.
You bite your lip. “Ok Mr. forceful. What did you have in mind?” You smile. Leaving your arms around his neck. To not touch him would be a stinging agony.
“Anything. So long as we can do this for a good 95 - 98% of the evening. I’m willing to negotiate on the exact percentage.” He asks. “But I would ask you wear that chapstick again.” He requests, no holds barred on the flirt, nudges his lips sweetly to yours.
The flick of his tongue on your lower lip makes your brain twirl and cloud. So naughty.
You kiss him quick. Yank his jacket. Pull back to speak which he pouts at you a little for.
“We could go see a Movie. Go to the arcade. Get ice cream. Go to the old quarry and 420 blaze it, and stargaze. The options are endless.” You say as your fingers find his and twist through. Knuckles stroking those worn metal rings.
“Arcade sounds good. Ice cream is a must.” He says, a little reticent. No one has ever asked him on a date. Much less delved into what he actually wanted to do on said date.
“Arcade and Ice cream it is.” You fix with a grin. “You’re easy to please.”
“Yeah but when it comes to ice cream toppings I’m very picky.” He sneaks forwards and kisses under your jaw.
You have to bite your lip cause he knows how it weakens you. Your gasp from the other night when he slipped his lips all over your jaw is etched interminably in his brain. His tongue traces a hickie he knows only all too well how it got there.
The tip of his nose brushes into anther hickie he’s just given to you. Devil boy. He knows very well what effect it has.
“Whipped cream, Cherries. Lots of cherries, sprinkles. The works.” He whispers all muggy hot into your neck.
“Gotta have cherries. Pencils.” He rasps inbetween heavy plucked kisses on your skin.
You shiver all over with the innuendo. He feels it ripple through you. The way your skin pimples with pleasure that pops, stringing along your veins.
You dig your nails into his hands cause holy shit. Every time you kiss you creep closer and closer to the idea of just slipping your hand inside those ripped jeans and going to town- that barrier of your willpower is being worn paper thin with every caress.
“All the cherries you want, pretty boy. Maybe afterwards we could take a, uh, scenic route up to skull rock and be fools, fooling around.” You smile.
It’s dizzying to him. That idea. Better than Colombia gold spreading all vibrant verdant green and dozy through his lungs.
“I’ll bring the jester hat, Mi’lady.” He flat out grins. It’s borderline Munson manic.
“Perfect evening.” You summarise. Shaking your head and eyeing his lips again.
“Perfect date.” He adds on. Biting his lower lip.
“My god. We’re corny. Even meatloaf would refuse to write a mushy ballad about us right now.” You joke. Hands still looped around his neck. Like hell would you wanna let go.
“Need some help with that essay?” He offers. Closing in for your mouth again.
“Mmhmm need all the help I can get.” You whisper. Barely a brush away from his gorgeous lips.
He kisses you again and it’s stunning. Births a wild jungle of fiery mush and kicked butterflies to rioting life in your belly.
“I promise to be such a huge help. You may not even need those books babe. Don’t you know I’m so brainy it’s unreal.” He wheedles at you.
“I never doubted your big beautiful mind even for a second.” You admit. Holding his chin as you lean in and kiss him solidly once more. Coaxing a lovely sounding whine from the back of his mouth when your tongue swipes his lip.
You drag him back out into the open. He goes - somewhat willingly.
Slips himself into the chair beside yours. Hands splayed over your books as he twirls a pen in his hand as asks you probing and philosophical musings about art.
Cubism. I’m sorry. C’mon? Those guys must’ve been on seriously good pills, man.
How about Constructivism then? You ask.
Gesundheit, pencils.
He scrawls some more devils and live hearts with your name, and leafs through another thick old book. The yellowed pages crack with age.
I got a new twisted sister tape. You should hear it.
I like watching you study. It’s freakin hot. You’re so brainy.
Hey, this chicks kinda neat. She looks like a character from Lord of the Rings or somethin’. He decided as he pawed over an Alphonse Mucha picture.
My favourite too. I love the way he uses colour. It’s dreamy.
You’re dreamy.
He laughs when you bite your lip and look bashful.
He will not stop shooting you a flirty smile as he doodles idly on your legal pad. Swirls big loopy letters of ‘I Love Eddie.’ And ‘Hellfire rulez’ and lots of demon faces, and skulls with horns. Lightning bolts and leathery bats.
His restless hands cannot be stilled. He steals a scrunchie from your bag, and it sits looped on his wrist next to his chain bracelet. Lilac borders leather. He makes no intention of giving it back. Magpie manners.
You make a face at him, asking how you’re supposed to tie your hair up for still life class after school.
“I like it loose and wild.” He says as he skims his eyes over your hair. Thumbs a piece back by your ear so sweetly.
You crook a brow. Smile tips lopsided.
He seems to realise that what he said can be taken an alternative way. “Well, no I uh, didn’t mean it like that.”
Your laugh spins his head into adoring craziness.
“Alright. Alright.” He consoles you by picking a W.A.S.P pin out his denim vest and leaning over to stud it into the collar of your plaid. Tongue bitten between his teeth as he concentrates. Fingers brushing your neck. Skin on skin contact leaving kicks and flutters that shoot stars in his wake.
You look down at it. The shiny metal gleaming in the buzzing light. “Okay, that is a worthy consolation.” You offer.
He makes you smile until your cheeks hurt, and you spend more time leaning into him and trying not to laugh too loud over discussing movies, favourite arcade games and music, than you do actually choosing your essay topic.
When the bell rings for next period you actually detest the thought of scurrying away to your Math class. Yet, Equations and trig beckoned.
Eddie walks you out the library. Opens the door all charming, waves a hand to gesture you on through first, like a true gentleman. You thank him and glide past with your books clutched to your chest.
The hallways are bustling but emptying fast. You twist back and tell him you’ll catch him later. Maybe at lunch.
He smiles that wide trouble-stroked grin. Clutched your hand and leaned down all showy to kiss the back of it and shoot you a dirty flirty wink, before he too whirled away.
You smile and it lingers on your lips even as you part. The press of it makes your whole arm come alive. You watch him for a scant moment before walking off down the corridor the opposite way.
You both look back over your shoulders after about five meagre steps away. Eddie gives you a melting grin, you return it. All eyelashes and beaming.
That grin said a lot. Dead giveaway. The hand kiss. The lingering and swirly body movements, not ever wanting to pull apart. Spoke volumes to those who bothered enough to really look and see it.
The feminine flash of a lilac scrunchie on Munson’s wrist. The telltale purple splotches of hickies hiding just below your collar. The heavy metal pin punched through your collar all shiny. Winking like a far off star.
Far enough down the hall that neither of you paid any notice, Jonny Lopez shut his cloud-grey locker door and leaned against it. Lake blue eyes swam cold. Watching the Freak practically skip away.
He saw him kiss your hand. Saw him pull you close by the corner of your plaid, reeling you in, and all warm smiles backed in flirting familiarity. Watched you beam back, and linger to chat a moment. Your hand laid on leather lapel, brushing at his chest.
It didn’t add up. It’s coming out odd to him. You and the Freak? Close? Since when?
He frowned and tugged his backpack on his shoulder.
Strange sight, that.
“Okay. Please please please for the love of god and on all things holy, don’t get weird.” You call out to your mom as you trudge down the stairs.
Not yet coming to the bottom but you could hear her rifling around in the fridge. Billy Joel’s Anthony’s song clunking out it’s piano notes from the stereo in the kitchen that she always has on when she makes dinner
Which is a strong term for when she just scrounges and grazes stuff out of there like a jackal. When she’s so dragged by jet-lag, she only has the energy to slam some pop-tarts in the toaster and throw back a beer for an evening meal.
She was most definitely not a baked ziti or a casserole mom. She overcooks tater tots, or survived on boxed mashed potatoes and a can of limp greens with some breaded frozen chicken.
More than once she’s resorted to a bag of chips for her dinner. Now you know how she stays so trim. And it’s true what she says about your older sister Charlie being the cook in the family, cause that trait had seemed to have skipped you and her, altogether.
After long haul flights like these, she’s usually all set to scarf a meal down in dribs and drabs and grab a beer, to fall asleep with, as her TV soaps blare on. More than once you’ve had to rush in and stub a Newport gold out her dead asleep hand. More than once she’s burned holes in the couch. Covered them up with a crocheted blanket.
Right now, she’s humming and tapping her toes as she eats cool whip out the tub with a spoon. Stood there in her indigo bootcut jeans and oversized cable knit sweater that slid off one shoulder. White and fluffy.
“Alright.” She calls back slowly. Digesting your words. “Colour me intrigued…” She turns the music right down for this. For whatever this was-
You round the kitchen doorway. And it becomes obvious.
Your wearing a dress, and the oversized box-back leather jacket that once upon a time, belonged to her. With rhinestones on the back that spelled out ‘rock n roll’ with a flaming skull underneath. You’d paired it with a red dress that clung and a nipping big white leather hoop belt stretched around your middle. Sneakers and white socks on your feet. Silver wet n wild on your eyelids. Liner and mascara. Your hair all fluffed and kinked
“You’ve joined a rock band? I want front row tickets. I like the jacket. Very Joan Jett.” She grins wide. The flash of that pearly perfect smile. No whiff of how it was hers that you’d poached for the evening.
“No.” You explain.
Her eyes pin you down. Widening under her shiny bangs.
“Intrigue.” As she lopsidedly and untidily stuffs more groceries into the fridge.
“Linda is dragging you to a… club? Or another trashy house party?” She asks.
“Wrong, again.”
“Ok, connect some dots for me cause I’m lost here.” She waves her hand at you as she unloaded tubs of ice cream into the freezer. Peanut butter chocolate chip.
“Don’t get weird.” You point a finger at her. She holds her hands up in surrender.
“Well, weird is my wheehouse kid. My basic operating system.”
“So intense tonight.” She grumbles all chirpy.
“I actually have a date.“ You lay out.
She looks right at you as she lets the fridge door slam shut. Mouth gaping.
“A date?” She checks.
“Are you a parrot now, or what.” You tease.
“Look at you. Hiding your light under a bushel.” She beams. Hands on her hips.
“Boy or girl?” She asks, blinking.
“A boy. Mom.” You offer up. “But thank you for that.” You wave your hand at her.
“Hey. No judgement here babe. A date. My god.” She looks floored. Hand laying on her chest floored.
“Yes.” You respond. “Well. Actually to be honest, It’s kind of our second date. We had a movie night at his place last week.”
“Second date huh.” She waggles her brows at you like a dirty minded frat boy.
“Well, tell me how it goes. You can leave out all the gross- y’know.” Bringing her hand up to her face and making obscene wet kissing, slurping smacking noises. Cooing at you across the kitchen.
“You are four years old.” You narrow your eyes at her. She grins.
“Do you need me to feed you and put you to bed before I go?” You jest tiredly as you walk to the hall. Check your hair yet again in the mirror.
“No, no, it’s fine. I’ll just be sticking my fingers in the electrical sockets and running with scissors here, totally unsupervised.” She jokes. Picking a rogue hair off the back of your jacket.
“Guess I’ll just have to sit on the couch and watch reruns of Golden Girls on my own. Eat sad Beefaroni and be a tragic spinster mom.”
“Do so quietly.” You wave off.
When you move to get your shoes: she follows. You have a shadow, apparently.
“So this booooyyy- honey tell me about the boy.“ She grins all giddy. Leaning against the door and swaying her body like a preeny high school girl.
Like she should be twiddling pigtails with a lollipop in her mouth. Candy saccharine sweet.
“Is he on the team?” She seeks. And then gasps. “Is he gonna give you his letterman jacket if you get cold?” She clasps her hands and her voice teeters all high and romantic-like.
“Yeah. Then he’s taking me and Rizzo to the sock hop in his Studebaker and then onto some racing for pinks.” You joke with her archly.
“My god. You got your penchant for dragging sarcasm from me.” She pointed out. Unhelpfully. Shoving you half heartedly in the shoulder for being smartly rude. Beer now in her other hand as she drapes herself against the kitchen doorway.
“Not a letterman then?” She scrunches up her nose. She knew well of your distastes.
“If he was I wouldn’t be touching him even with gloves on, and ten f oot pole.” You insist as you make sure you’ve got everything in your purse.
“Less Steff McKee, more Duckie. I got it.”
You smile at the way she’s phrased it. Whatever Eddie was he was definitely way more Duckie territory.
“So he’s not a jock, alright. That narrows it down. Is Duckie atleast cute? Or am I gonna have ugly grandchildren.” She asks.
“Mom.” You hiss with skated laughter as you fluff your hair in the mirror. She winced suddenly.
“It’s not Keith from the Arcade is it? Cause he’s always been sweet on you. You went in last time and I swear he was drooling over you in your Talking Heads tee.”
“It’s not Keith.” You answer nicely. You liked Keith, but he could be sleazy, and a catty kind of mean, and had a bigger chip on his shoulder than you when it came to the preps and jocks.
Plus he would literally date any girl with a pulse that breathed his way. Besides, he was way way deep into crushing on Nancy Wheeler territory.
You exhale into the mirror. Wondering if the sweet sheen of lipgloss was too much. If you should rethink these earrings. You’re a mess. It’s all whirling around a stubborn coil of packed nervousness in your stomach. A fever twist.
“What you kiddos getting up too? Something salacious? Gonna knock off a liquor store? Go to Wild biker parties with lots of vomiting and sex?”
“We’re going to the arcade and grabbing some junk food. Sadly, I don’t think I’ll have time to work a teen pregnancy or a vomit sex party into the mix.”
“Now see here, Mama didn’t raise no quitters.” She salutes towards you with her beer before she swigs back a sip. You know she can’t resist delving a little more into the nitty gritty details.
“What’s he like. Your Duckie. Blonde, tall, short, fat, thin, dark, athletic. Is he in the chess club? Is he trouble? Does he have a motorcycle or a criminal record?” She’s tapping your arm with the back of her hand as she keeps thinking of more things to ask you.
“All good if relentless questions.” You temper her rambles. “You may need to cool it with the Pretty in Pink references.” You chuckle.
“Spill spill.” She encourages.
“Less chess club, more DND club.” You tell her. Fiddling with the earrings. Definitely deciding to take them out. Untangling them from your hair.
She’s gets very excitable about that prospect. “Is he nerdy hot…” She gets close and rasps at you all low.
“Yes. The orthodontic headgear from his braces, combined with his pressed slacks, Mmmm, really gets me going.” You lie.
She smiles wider. You’re all snippy sarcasm and fluffing hair and you keep peering past her at the banana yellow cat clock with the wagging tail and rolling eyes in the kitchen.
“You’re nervous.” She hits the nail right on the head. Rubs your arm up and down. Cups your shoulder.
You let out a deep breath. “Correct.” You tell her.
You can’t lie to your mother. She’s a human lie detector when it comes to you. She’ll sniff it out of you like those bomb dogs at the airport. One whiff and she’s all over it.
“You must really like this mystery nerd Huh?” Shecomes over and strokes the hair spilling down the back of your neck.
You meet her gaze. You scrunch your nose with a kinda giddy smile you can’t hide bursts across your face. “I really do.”
“Why haven’t I heard anything about him you sneaky thing… you been holding out on me? I mean, I know my being out the country isn’t conducive to mother-daughter late night talk over a tub of ice cream… but-” She wonders. Idly playing with the bangs framing around your forehead. The soft yellow light from the cheap yellow flicks off the fine French manicure sleekly and pretty pink on her nails.
“Recent development. I haven’t been holding anything back from you. Promise. You’d root it out even if I did. Not to mention the guy turning up on the doorstep would be a big tip off.” You suppose.
“There is that.” She nods. Standing her beer down on the hallway table. Coming up behind you and idly rearranging your hair where you’d mussed it.
“Any pearls of wisdom I need to give you? Do you need the talk again of where babies come from.” She plays around.
Give her ten ways to say something serious and she’d still be clowning around.
That actually makes you laugh. You meet her solid gaze in the mirror. It’s so warm. It’s like sun skating on emeralds. The crinkled corners of the eyes that are entirely more hazel than yours.
You’d always thought she was the pretty exception. Pearly smile. Dazzling eyes. It didn’t help that Charlie got her stunning silky hair and piercing eye colour too. You got the frizz and the freckles and the big hips. The hair that more belonged on a wiry messy dog. That never laid nicely or did as it was told.
“Is my hair bad? I used too much product. It’s too frizzy. ” You wince as you ask her. Faffing with it still around your ears.
“No. Baby. It isn’t.” She tells you softly with a grin that’s circling somewhere proud and awed. She puts her hands on your shoulders.
Growing up she taught you that women didn’t need to be only pretty to get by. She’d remind you how you were stunning in your unique way and it was entirely up to you what way you made it.
When toxic high school mixed with the uncertain churning of puberty, she was there to reinforce the idea that you could be brainy, and take up space, and spit and shout, bare your teeth, and throw punches and be gritty, all that- be a fierce Amazonian of a woman. Be wonder woman. Be a sultry sizzling Marilyn. Be whomever you wanted-
“You gonna let me meet Duckie when he gets here?” She asks.
“Well, actually, I was gonna lock you in the attic.”
Her mouth gapes. Offended. “What, like I’m suddenly a Kennedy.”
“Tough choice when you’re a Kennedy. How do you even chose which one in the family to hide in the attic.” You ask dead serious.
She closes her eyes and exasperatedly makes a fist with one hand.
“Ok, kid, we’re veering off topic here. Can I meet him, please? C’mon I will only say two embarrassing things tops.” She grins. Holding her fingers up to signal the two things.
“Don’t explode all over him with questions. He’s nice.” You promise.
“Baby, he’s dating you. Of course he’s gonna be nice. I like to think I raised you with standards.”
“You did think I was dating a jock up until two minutes ago.” You level at her.
“Touché my sweet.” She holds a finger up and gives you an invisible tally mark.
“No interrogations either.” You add.
“I’ll put my interrogation lamp away. And no explosions. Promise. Internal implosions only.”
“Try not to be- y’know? Your usual level of insane?”
“Why. He’s not here to date me. I shouldn’t have to hide my eccentricity in the comfort of my own home.” She mocks, looking evil.
“Good grief.” You sigh as you double triple safety sure check you’ve got everything in your purse. Candies. Lip smacker. Money. Coin change for the arcade machines. She leans over and peers into your purse
“Condoms are in the bathroom cabinet by the way.” She winks before tipping back more beer.
“Right. No to that.” You snap. “Go get in the attic. Now.” You tell her with no evident humour. Snapping your fingers and pointing up the stairs.
She pokes her tongue out at you in a very mature move.
You twist to the direction of the door when you hear a clunky rumble of something that was definitely a van engine, music all shredding shriek and rock heavy, easing to a stop. And then the thump of a door.
She practically inhaled all the air in the house when Eddie does one of his fumbly music-riff knocks on your front door. Deep Purple, you reckon.
“I think your nerd hath arriveth. Mi’lady.” She beams.
Claps her fingers together in overdone excitement. Trying to gawk through the blurry glass in the front door to make out his general shape.
Fuck. Now this is all so real and your stomach is clenching, doing those gravity defying swoops like it’s trying to take off without you.
You fluff your hair one last time and step to the door across the spongey purple entryway rug. You take a deep breath. Palm clammy and slipping on the doorknob. You twist it open.
Eddie breaks into a sunshine stroked grin the other side when he sees you. It melts you. Makes something inside glow coal hot at the sight of him again.
He’s wearing his jacket with a Van Halen tour tee. Faded wings of an eagle and band name crackled on old wash grey. The usual ensemble of chains and ripped jeans. But you see the new sight of fancy polished combat boots.
Wayne had made him sit his bony butt down for five seconds and polish them before he whirled out the door to come get you.
“A man takes pride in his shoes when taking a young lady out on a date, Edward.” As he gruffly handed him a shoe brush. Gestured with a lit red in the other hand.
Full name. Serious. Scary.
“Listen I need to get going if I’m gonna make it out of the Victorian Era on time.” Eddie sassed. Elbow folded up. Checking his Casio.
Wayne pushed the brush into his hand. Slammed the silver pot down in front of him. The claggy thick smell of polish coming from the well used army tin he had sat on the counter. Face as stoic as an Easter Island head. He wasn’t taking any bull.
“Less cheek. Get buffing.”
“Child labour has been outlawed you know.”
“Not in the Victorian Era it hasn’t.”
Eddie did as his Uncle ordered. Now here he is.
Smelling like cologne, cigarettes and the unmovable sticky tinge of dark boot polish. Hair having had a briefly tangled
liaison with a comb.
He’s chewed gum the whole way here worried about his smoky acrid breath. Piece after piece shoved into his mouth. Sharp spearmint spiking the bed of his tongue. It didn’t settle the squirming worms in his stomach. Nor the tap of his newly polished shoes in fidgeting.
“Hey.” He smiles. Nervously tucking his hands in his back pocket. His jacket jangles. The chain around his hip and his bandana sways with him as he stands on your porch.
“Hey yourself. You look nice.” You beam back. There’s an undeniable allure in your pretty face. Honey gold smile skated in shiny gloss. He equates to something like pure magic.
“Ditto, Pencils.” He smirks. Veiled flirt. Not letting himself get too eager with it. His eyes flick up your dress, down your legs, and back up.
Holy shit. Good doesn’t even begin to cover how you look right now.
You also cannot ignore the lingering looming presence of your mom as she practically leaps into his eye-line behind you. She’s utterly vibrating with excitement. You can sense her just jiggling with it.
She sidles up behind you and shoves herself into the gap you’ve left in opening the door.
Whatever he was expecting of your mom, he certainly didn’t imagine this whirlwind of a woman behind you.
She’s young too. Must’ve had you in her late teens. Not stuffy. No silent husband like a fixture in an easy boy chair in the living room. Silently scathing with disapproval. She’s not sporting a beige cardigan and a constant threat of neighbourhood watch association snobbery. Sneering at Eddie on her porch like he’s a flea infected stray, yowling at her door.
There’s no way in hell anything resembling stuffy could cling to this woman.
Fierce hazel eyes traced with crows feet, shiny dark hair all free-wild and choppy. She’s old movie star kinda striking. That Colgate grin touted about in the 1950’s. One he recognises as the one that closely and genetically mirrored yours.
Boot cut jeans and a pearly smile and a big fluffy sweater and denim jeans. Entirely mad and friendly and she’s only met him two seconds ago. Some punchy shredding ZZ top blasts from the kitchen and something tells him that’s all her taste too. As well as pair of violet rhinestone cowboy boots sat by the doormat. Whacky.
He thinks how wildly accurate it is that this busy bright, kinetic energy ball of a woman, raised an unconventional and awesome girl like you. That’s no leap there.
“It is so nice to meet you. Duckie.” She out and out grins. You give her one of your looks.
Eddie chuckles. A little lost. “Duckie?” He asks.
“Her grip on sanity is loose at best.” You explain.
She elbows you in the the hip as she takes the grin down to a less terrifying notch. “Ok. Ugly grandchildren are struck off the list. He’s adorable. Look at those Bambi eyes.”
You really wish you had locked her in the attic. She’s exploding all over the poor boy.
“She’s loopy when she’s off her meds. And around new people.” You sigh to him. It gets an easy smile. Buffs the nervous look away.
“Mom this is Eddie. Eddie, I’m so sorry, this is my Mom.” You introduce. Skating a hand to the woman chomping at the bit behind her shoulder.
“Don’t you say sorry for me.” She slithers her arm through the gap you’ve left in the door. Fluffy jumper all cable knit bobbled and fuzzy. She’s a wave of zingy energy smelling like smoky Newports and designer Yves Saint Laurent perfume.
He shakes her manicured offered hand. “It’s very nice to meet you. She’s told me only good things.”
“Then she’s totally been lying. Edward. A pleasure. I’m Veronica but please don’t call me that, everyone calls me Ronnie. Awesome awesome shirt by the way.” She beams as she peers around the door. Releasing his hand from hers. “Like your metal huh?” She asks.
She perched her hands on the doorframe and stuck her head into this pick up between the two of you.
“Only with my oxygen, food and water.” He jokes. A little of his truer wide smile comes sneaking out. Now he knows there’s no need to stand on awkward shuffly doormat ceremony with your parent.
Because he knows he isn’t a meet the parents kinda guy.
He’s the guy parents ring Principal Higgins about. With distaste sour, and judgement nastily spewing off their tongues. He’s tatted, he’s a cheap weed seller, he’s crazy and scraggy weird, and he lives in a trailer park. Stamp mark of future-convict hovered heavy and eternal over his head.
He’s a jump out the window, hide in the closet kinda guy. No one would ever bring him home all hair combed and sparkly clean, pressed button down, to mom and pop, for a meatloaf dinner. Cause he’s no one to be proud of.
Yet here? Perhaps in the eyes of the most unconventional mom in all of Hawkins, something has shifted.
Something feels like it’s been spun off its axis and set down wrong, cause this bubbly woman is smiling at him and excitedly prodding her daughter out the door to go on their date. And maybe she is insane. As you said.
Talk about falling down the rabbit hole. Punctured through the splintered looking glass. He’s not high, but he could swear on seeing white rabbits and mad hatters right about now. It’s fucking nice. He’d never have expected this funky curveball in coming to pick you up.
“Edward? Eddie?” She asks.
“Eddie is fine.” He offers. Nodding, as he slips his hands into his pockets. Self conscious move, even though he didn’t need to be.
She widens her smile. “Where abouts you from? I know DND club and the fact you’re a white male in high school. Other than that I’m out. She’s been stingy with details.” She jerks her thumb at you.
His tongue shrivels up. She’s tolerated him so far. Maybe this is the sour turning point that will tip the introduction on its head.
“I live in Forest Hill’s with my Uncle. My folks, uh aren’t around.” He tells with a tone she can tell is used to receiving nasty scratchy criticism. Eyebrows raise and moods change when he’s said that before.
She nods. Her smile doesn’t leave. Doesn’t even drop.
“Honey. I grew up in paradise trails mobile park in Sloan Nevada. Don’t sweat it. Doesn’t make us lepers.” She shrugs.
Like it didn’t just wash a whole wave of unease aside in his chest.
“People in this town seem negatively charged when I tell them that’s where I live.” He admits with a big clown smile. Your heart bleeds at the true reverence in his tone.
“People in this town, are snooty assholes.” She chuckles wisely.
Debbie Harry is throatily singing one way or another from the stereo in the kitchen now.
“You done grilling my date?” You ask her with a sickly smile.
“If you stick around, there will be a follow up round where I fetch your baby pictures. And invite him in for a beer.” She threatens. Eyes widening. Kubrick crazy.
“Bye Mom.” You say as you step out the door to join him on the porch. She catches it where you’ve left it open. Calls out as you stand in the clear night listening to the cicadas hum and the street lights buzz and blink into sleepy orange. You leave her chuckling.
“Wise move. Now scram before I dust off my pipe, And my old ‘what-are-your-intentions-towards-my-daughter’ queue cards.” Your mom winks at you.
“Enjoy your night, crazy lady. Go feed the cats.” You answer, calling back over your shoulder as you sling your hand into Eddie’s lapel and pull him across the lawn.
“Let’s get away from this house of lunacy.” You tell him.
He stumbles after you waving a goodbye to your mother. Almost tripping over his boots.
“Home by midnight. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. No 420ing it without me.” She calls out to you.
Eddie chuckles as you bring him down your front lawn. Sneakers brushing the grass alongside the gentle thuds of his foot falls. Your hand migrated to holding his.
“That’s your mom.” He states. Sounding dumbfounded.
“I know. I should’ve warned you. She’s a whole new spin on the word eccentric.” You offer.
“She didn’t bark at me to get off her porch like I’m some stray, Pencils. That’s a hell of an improvement versus the reaction I thought I’d get.” He says as he looks down.
Avoiding stepping on the dandelions that are scattered across your lawn all yellow and happy. Just trying to grow upwards and peep at the sun.
You slope your fingers through his. He looks up and gazes at you as you fall in step.
“As insane and untethered to planet earth as she is, she’s really not like other moms around here. She likes you already, probably on sight of the Van Halen tee.” You tell him with smiling weight to your meaning.
His grin lopes across his face.
“She’s cool y’know. No stuffiness. No essence of church on Sunday is the law and green bean casseroles.” He nods. He likes it. He really does.
“She had my sister Charlie when she was a teenager. Me a couple years later. Possibly too young for the likings of the pissy bible study moms in this town. She dropped out of Berkeley. Parents chucked her out. She worked three crappy jobs whilst raising us and coping with my deadbeat dad, always hoping for a little better and, being, well, as you saw, entirely unhinged.” You gestured to your house.
“And…” You add. “She’s not a green bean casserole person. She stinks at cooking even by her own admission. Thankfully, we have Charlie for that. She’s the domestic one.”
Eddie smirks. His smile is pure warmth. “You guys are close, though. Tight knit. It’s cute.”
“I love that she’s not a run of the mill mom. Growing up, others didn’t tend to be as kind about it. They see a single parent, they immediately go to trashy, trampy, drunk, who doesn’t give a shit.” You roll your eyes.
Genuine hurt backs your voice though. “They set her and me aside cause we’ve always been different. We don’t have tonnes of money or a fancy house.”
And who knows that better than Hawkins own freak?
He squeezes your fingers. Warm rings all marking their usual grooves in your skin. A thorough loving squeeze that makes your heart go pattering all soppy in your chest.
“People are assholes. So I’m reliably told.” He parrots as he brings to you both to the passenger side of his van. Rings clack on the handle as he gets the door for you.
You stand and smile. “People are assholes. Look at the unfair bad rep they give you.” You point out.
He shrugs. Smirking. “What can I say? My handsome face and awesome personality protects me from total infamy.” He grins all
Yanking open the van door with a hand and turning his palm up to you.
“Here now, I was prepared for a little infamy. Munson. Are you telling me I’m gonna be disappointed?” You smirk as you step up close.
Eddie’s poor little rabbit heart flashes fast with the way your dress is kinda, pretty well low cut. And skimming and squeezing every beautiful curve. When you step close he can smell perfume and cherry gloss and all things sexy sweet.
You’re looking at him directly. Eyes smouldering under your eyeliner and wet n’ wild silver glitter. Angling for a kiss that he’s happy to give you til his lips damn well fall off.
He leaves the van door open. Steps you back just a little. Nudged your hips back to the body of it.
“Think I’m flirting with bad company here.” He smiles. Traces his nose along yours.
“Doubtlessly. Wanna back out now?” You ask in a husky whisper against his mouth. Hearts racing. Pulses whipping fast. Lust stirs.
His chest may implode but he’d be fine with that. Atleast he’d die kissing you. What a way to go-
“Yeah. I’m running for the hills here.” He teases. Cupping your neck and gingerly laying his fingers over your hip. You stroke hours through his long black vines of soft tousled hair.
Then he’s leaning all the way in to kiss you properly, so firmly and urgently on the mouth. Languid spearmint tongue tasting sharp and delicious, playing with your lower lip. You tug him in by his leather collar. Loving the way his body leans against yours. You moan softly.
Maybe you should’ve taken the freakin condoms after all?
Beyond the kissing, you barely hear your front door whine as it’s cracked open. Your mom hollers across the lawn with her beer in hand, and makes the dog down the street bark it’s damn head off.
“Gross. Get a room!”
You pull apart and he can’t help bursting into a smile.
“Let’s leave here. Please.” You ask of him. He can’t contain his blushy laughter.
My taglist for the JQ babes; @ceriseheaven @indouloureux @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @captain-tch @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @svenyves @sammararaven @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @starbxcks @morganamoonstone @ramona-thorns @gvtosbith @munsonswhore86 @munsonlov3r @lunatictardis @shenevertricks1831 @hazzaismyreligion @harrys-tittie @anaisweird @cerinthussulpicia @cinnamoncunt @thincrusttheworks @manicpixiedreamcurl @therosietoesy @fanficappreciationblog @thicksexxualtension @tvserie-s-world @sharp-and-swift @dadsbongos @2clones-1kamino @edsforehead @chcolateeyelver @seven-glass-kids @forever-is-not-for-everyone @creme-bruhlee @bkish @wayward-rose @wyverntatty @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @churchmuffins @chickpeadumpsterfire @choke-me-levi @prozacandnicotine @xeddiesbattattsx @s-u-t @alyssaaaaa-r
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strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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A day worth celebrating.
Eric x Bonnie
Summary: Bonnie wants her big brother to have an amazing birthday so with her stuffed rabbit and pocket full of coins, she sets out on an adventure!
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings:Pure fluff with a teensy bit of angst sprinkled in at points, reference to Bonnie’s leg pains, Eric being a worried father and also miserable😔
Notes: @ceriseheaven giving him the birthday he deserves thanks to Bonnie🥹
Eric doesn’t particularly like celebrating his birthday. He never got a proper birthday as a child and now with Bonnie, he celebrates his birthday when it’s her birthday.
They normally split a small cake between them, watch Bonnies favourite cartoons and play games. By the end of the day, Bonnie’s wrapped up in Eric’s bed fast asleep and he may go out for a little while to see his friends from law school.
This birthday was different.
Eric was born on March 19th while Bonnie was born on August 13th and she wanted Eric to have a birthday of his own for a change so he would finally be happy.
March 19th 2020.
Bonnie woke up, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. Eric still asleep beside her. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed so he had to share his bed with a wriggling 5 year old. Most nights he didn’t sleep, too worried about Bonnie getting hurt in her sleep but this was a time he was finally able to fall asleep, probably due to exhaustion.
She slowly crawled out of the warm bed, grabbing her stuffed rabbit and putting on her bunny slippers. The sound of rain pattering against the windows made Bonnie giggle. She always loved rain but hated thunder as the loud bangs overwhelmed her.
“Oki wabbit. We’re going to go on an adventure today to get dada a cake!” Bonnie whispered, waddling into the small kitchen and grabbing a small bowl to fill with her choice of sugary cereal.
After her breakfast, she grabbed her pink raincoat and boots and also put wabbit in a matching raincoat and boots. She grabbed all her coins and dollar bills and placed them in her pocket and quietly waddled to the door.
“Wabbit am I forgetting something??” She asked to her stuffed friend, looking at her outfit. She stayed in her fluffy pink pyjamas with her glittery leg braces on underneath. She had a struggle buckling them up herself as Eric normally does them for her. But she decided to be a big girl and do them herself!
Recently, Bonnie’s legs had been hurting more and more. No matter how many doctor appointments Eric took her too, they all said that her condition was the same and not declining but Eric knew to trust his instinct more. The doctors gave Bonnie a wheelchair and leg braces for when she was in pain and Eric did his best to decorate them and make them all sparkly for her. He took all of her stickers and added them to her wheelchair and when he showed her, she squealed and ran to hug Eric. It warmed his heart knowing that she loved him so much. Eric thought that he wasn’t capable of being loved but Bonnie proved him otherwise.
Bonnie decided that she was ready to go to the store to buy Eric a cake, ready to give him the best birthday she possibly could.
After taking the lift to the bottom floor, she stepped outside into the rain and the cold March air. It was still dark outside and quiet, people not waking up to go to work yet.
“Oki wabbit keep your raincoat on otherwise you’ll be soggy!!” Bonnie giggled, beginning to walk down the street. This was the first time Bonnie was ever out on her own. She was 5 after all. Eric taught her about stranger danger and the only time she needed to speak to someone was when she buys the cake so she knew not to talk to anyone else.
The rain was pouring by the time Bonnie made it to the small store. She waddled into the building, making her way to where all the cakes and treats were. The cashier glanced over and was visibly confused.
“Are you okay hun? Where’s your mommy?” They said, walking over to Bonnie. She looked up at the worker, smiling.
“I’m getting a cake for my dada! It’s his birthday today!!” Bonnie giggled. The worker smiled back.
“Ohh okay! Do you want any help??” They asked. Bonnie shook her head and went back to looking at the cakes. The worker smiled, beginning to walk back to the cash register.
Bonnie grabbed wabbit out of her pocket, who was a little soggy due to the rain. She hugged him tight and pointed to a cake.
“What about this one wabbit? It’s chocolate so it will be yummy!” She asked, making wabbit nod in return. She smiled, picking up the cake and waddling to the register and going on her tippy toes to place the cake on the counter.
“I want this please!!” Bonnie says, looking up at the worker, a smile spread across her face. The worker smiles back and scans the small cake.
“Okie dokie thats $10!” They say. Bonnie reaches into her pocket and pulls out a few dollar bills and a variety of different coins and drops them onto the counter. She steps back as the worker counts all the coins. They dont have the heart to tell Bonnie that she’s a little short on the money. She is a child after all and like she said, it’s for her dad’s birthday, why would they ruin that day.
“Here’s your cake!! I hope your dad has a great birthday!” They smile at her and hand her the small box. Bonnie squeals, grabbing the box and running out of the shop.
“Thank you!!” She yells as she runs out the door, placing wabbit back on her raincoat as she makes her way back home.
Bonnie quietly opens the door, looking around the apartment to find Eric nowhere to be seen. She smiles, placing the cake on their small coffee table as she throws her raincoat on the floor, grabbing wabbit and placing him on the small sofa.
She runs to Eric’s bedroom, grabbing all her toys and places them on the sofa and floor, leaving a space for Eric in the middle. She giggles, happy with her layout and hoping that Eric would like her effort.
Eric rushes through the apartment door, panicking. When he woke up to find Bonnie’s side of the bed empty, he thought bonnie went to the toilet but after a couple of minutes, the bathroom was still silent. This puzzled Eric as he would normally hear Bonnie humming as she washes her hands. But all he heard was silence. So when he opened the bathroom door to find no Bonnie, he started to panic and ran out of the apartment, frantically calling his friends asking them to keep a lookout for Bonnie if they see her. When his friend text him saying they saw her waddling home in the rain, he immediately ran back to the apartment.
“Bonnie!! Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!!” he yelled. He didn’t want to yell at her, but he’s trying so hard to raise her and give her the childhood she deserves. The childhood he never got. His heart dropped when he saw Bonnie’s smile fade and her chocolate button eyes fill up with tears.
“I’m sorry..wanted to get a cake for your birthday..” she sniffled, pointing to the coffee table. He glanced over and teared up at the sight. On the table was a chocolate cake. Eric’s favourite. All of Bonnie’s toys and teddys were sat on the couch and floor, wearing makeshift party hats Bonnie made. Next to the cake, was a card Bonnie made herself, a picture of Eric in a party hat drawn in crayons, which were still scattered on the floor. He bent down and picked up the card, opening it to read the message she wrote.
“To Dada,
Happy birthday to the best dada in the whole wide world!!
Love from your bestest friends Bonnie + Wabbit”
Eric didnt realise he was crying until he felt the tears roll down his cheeks and his vision begin to blur. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve a cake, a card, a party and he certainly didn’t deserve Bonnie. Not in his opinion anyway. He looked after bonnie when no one else would, even though he was technically her brother, he’s been her dad for as long as Bonnie could talk. He’s seen her first steps, her first words, her first everything. He’s been there when their parents weren’t bothered to be.
“Bee..hey sh sh..I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to yell..I was just worried because you were out all on your own..anything could’ve happened to you..” he said, kneeling down to face a sniffling Bonnie, wiping the tears away from her chubby cheeks. Bonnie looked at Eric, sniffling and trying her best to smile.
“I’m sorry..I just wanted you to have a birthday..” she sniffled. She didn’t understand why what she did was wrong and dangerous. Eric sighed, picking Bonnie up and embracing her in a hug.
“I can never stay mad at you bee. You mean too much to me. You know that right?” He says, ticking her side, causing her to squeal and giggle. He was happy that he finally got her to smile. He sat down on the couch, being surrounded by toys while Bonnie is sat on his lap.
“Should we have some cake??” Eric asked, Bonnie immediately nodding in response, also making wabbit nod.
The day went by quickly, being packed full of fun activities. Eric and Bonnie shared the small cake, Eric feeding Bonnie small pieces so she didn’t make a huge mess while eating it. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a birthday cake on his actual birthday. He usually shared his birthday with Bonnie in August seen as he couldn’t afford to celebrate his own but he wanted her to have the best birthdays. He didn’t care about treating himself but it warmed his heart knowing that Bonnie wanted Eric to have a day all about him.
After cake, they both sat watching cartoons, Eric having Bonnie sat on his lap, holding her close as she sang along to the songs on their small tv. Bonnie was making wabbit dance, making Eric laugh.
“You’re so silly!” He said, squeezing her as he kissed her cheek, making Bonnie laugh in response.
When it came to having dinner, Eric’s friends came around and brought takeout for the two of them. They also said at some point when Eric’s free, they would take him out for drinks to celebrate. When Eric moved to New York, he didn’t expect to make many friends as he never had any growing up, mainly being used to keeping things to himself and doing activities alone. But when he started classes at law school, he met a group of people he shared similar interests with. And when Eric introduced them to Bonnie, they immediately fell in love with her, offering to babysit her whenever Eric’s busy. That made Eric happy, finally finding people that cared about him and Bonnie.
By 7pm, Bonnie was fast asleep in Eric’s arms, holding wabbit within her own. After dinner, they had spent the evening drawing and playing games with the rest of her toys. Eric was always surprised by Bonnie and her big imagination. She was able to create games with what little toys she had. It made Eric upset that he wasn’t able to give her everything she wanted but she didn’t mind. She wasn’t ungrateful and she loved and cherished everything he gave her.
Eric got up from his seat, cradling Bonnie in his arms as he made his way to his bed, placing Bonnie down and tucking her in the covers. She mumbled slightly, stretching her arms out to try and grab Eric again.
“I’ll be back soon bee..sleep well okay?” He whispered, getting a soft murmur in response as Bonnie continued to sleep. He walked back into the living room and started to clear up the plates, quietly placing them in the sink. He went back to the couch, picking up all of Bonnie’s toys and putting them back in her toy box. He liked the apartment to be as clean as possible but with a 5 year old, that was tricky. He didn’t mind though, just as long as she has fun.
After cleaning up the apartment, he went into the bathroom to change into some pyjamas and brush his teeth. He already got Bonnie changed into her pyjamas after dinner so he was glad he didn’t have to worry about waking her up.
He quietly climbed into bed, making sure not to disturb Bonnie. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed but she didn’t mind as she got to give Eric cuddles all the time. Every morning he always woke up to Bonnie asleep on his chest, hugging him as she continued to sleep, snoring lightly.
As he began to fall asleep, he looked at Bonnie, who was asleep and snuggling into wabbit. He felt guilty that Bonnie did the best she could to try and make a great birthday for him, but he knows she’d do it a thousand times if it showed how much he meant to her. He didn’t know a child to love a person so much as Bonnie loved Eric.
“Thank you bee..you gave me a day to remember..I love you..” he mumbled, stroking her hair as he began to fall asleep, the light sound of rain still tapping against the glass.
I hope you enjoyed more Eric and Bonnie content!! Thank you for reading!!💖💖
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lovesickonmybed · 11 months
all you had to do was stay | (1/?)
eddie Munson x OC | chapter 2 | series masterlist
summary | vivian and eddie were best friends until he betrayed her. she decided to get revenge, but it went too far.
word count | 4,156.
warnings | swearing, alcohol, underage drinking, sexual content, themes of abandonment, smoking, and bullying.
a/n | i don't have anyone to edit for me or anything like that before posting so please feel free to give me some feedback about this first chapter!! also listen to all you had to do was stay (taylor's version) while reading this!
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Nobody spends their spring break praying for it to be over…except maybe for me. I used to spend my spring breaks at Eddie Munson’s trailer playing D&D and listening to whatever metal albums we had all put enough money together to buy. Now I spend them at endless parties praying that whatever is in my cup will be enough to drown out my hatred for the people I now surround myself with. I would kill to be back at Eddie’s trailer playing D&D and listening to Black Sabbath, I would kill to be anywhere but Lovers Lake with a beer I didn’t even want in my hand.
Eddie became my best friend in 6th grade when I moved to Hawkins. Back then, I was pretty awkward and pretty angry at absolutely everything. My dear old dad had packed up everything and left me and my mom to try to survive on our own, so we moved back to my mom’s hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. It was nothing compared to back home in New York. I hated it, I hated my dad, I hated everything. But then I met someone who understood my anger, someone who knew exactly how I felt. His name was Eddie Munson. He was dorky as shit but also the coolest kid I had ever met. His hair was buzzed, he wore band tees, and he hung out with a girl who was just as cool as him. Veronica Ecker, or just Ronnie for short. She was tall with dark hair and a baseball cap she refused to ever take off. 
I remember walking in on my first day of 6th grade at Hawkins Middle. I was oh so lucky to be a new student on Halloween day. Everyone was in costume, I was just in an orange sweater and black jeans. I couldn’t afford a costume and we had thrown out all my old ones in the move. We couldn’t bring too much with us to Hawkins. There were already rumors about me before I had even stepped foot on school grounds. Rumors that I moved there because I got kicked out of every school in New York for starting fights. Another rumor spread that I was somebody from a government experiment that they had planned to plant at the school for research. It’s impressive just how creative 6th graders can get. The truth was too boring for them and nobody had cared to hear it, well, not nobody. Eddie Munson had waltzed up to me as I sat on the bleachers, he was wearing a pair of devil horns, a big grin spread across his face. “You’re the new girl, right?” He had asked.
“If you’re gonna ask me about the rumors then they’re both true and you should definitely avoid me,” I said sarcastically. I couldn’t help being defensive after having kids whisper about me all day, giggling to one another about how weird I was.
“Nah, they’re bullshit. You don’t look like you could win any fights against anybody,” Eddie joked.
I liked him from that very moment.
“You don’t know that, I bet I could take you, shrimp,” I joked back. It was the first time in a while that I had smiled, the first time in a while there was anything in my eyes besides anger.
“You know, maybe you could…but just think of all the people we could take on as a team,” he smiled. His smile is infectious and the grin on my face got even wider.
“You’re right…we’d be a great team…I’m Viv, by the way,” I said, sticking out my hand for him to shake. I had cracked royal blue nail polish on my nails and a variety of different rings I had found in my mom’s things littered both hands. His hands weren’t much different than mine, his nails had clearly been chewed short and he also had his own assortment of rings.
“Eddie, Eddie Munson…” 
From that moment on we were friends. He introduced me to Ronnie and then in 7th grade we met Dougie and he joined our group. We had all even performed together in our school's talent show. They had me on vocals because I couldn't play any instruments and I would say that I killed it but half of Hawkins wanted us dead or expelled after that so maybe it’s for the best if I forget it ever happened. Or if I forget that anything had ever happened with that group at all. It’s so strange to know that the people who had taken me in and became my first friends here are the ones who hate me most now. I can’t say I blame them though…
When high school started we were all losers, I mean we were losers in middle school too but it became even more obvious once we hit high school. Jocks hated Eddie and Dougie, targeting them constantly. The cheerleaders and preppy girls had it out for me and Ronnie as well. Nothing says ‘Loser’ like getting trash dumped on you or having to memorize your friends' locker combinations for every time they were stuffed into their own locker and needed you to get them out. For all of Freshman and Sophomore year, I was called ‘Pizza Face’ or told that I was ‘flat as an ironing board’ y’know just all the best things you could say to a deeply insecure teenage girl whose hormones had favored developing acne over developing breasts. 
We had taken our love for D&D with us into high school and created a safe haven for people like us, the freaks and the outcasts. Eddie called them his ‘lost little sheep’ and it became his mission to find them…but it turns out a lot of those other freaks and outcasts had believed the lies fed to them about D&D being satanic so attendance was lacking. Nonetheless, we had somewhere we felt safe and it was exactly what we needed. Eddie became our leader, which sadly meant he’d get the most shit from bullies like Tommy H. 
There was nobody worse than Tommy H. His father owned the biggest and most successful car dealership in town. On top of that, he was also a star athlete (which is shocking considering how awful he is at pretty much everything I’ve ever witnessed him do) and that meant he could get away with whatever he wanted. He’d always go after Eddie, he’d start shit with him and then go crying to Principal Higgins about how Eddie had started it and there started Eddie’s record of so-called bad behavior. Being a Munson means it’s practically impossible to do anything and not get shit for it, Tommy knew this and used it to his advantage. He used Eddie as a punching bag and would get away with it, hell most of the time Eddie was the one taking the blame when Tommy would walk away without a scratch on him. And all of this makes me hate myself even more for what I did to Eddie…what I did to all of them…
It was the summer right before the start of junior year. I had been in New York visiting family for June and most of July. I had called Eddie almost every day to let him know about my trip, I did leave out a few key details though…the details of how I had gotten my braces off, how I had finally found something that fixed my acne problems, and most importantly I kept it a secret that I had finally started to develop. I had always had a bit of a crush on Eddie, as we had gotten older it had only gotten worse. I’ve never been good with relationships, my first kiss came from a game of Spin the Bottle in 8th grade. It was awkward, messy, and something I’d pay thousands to erase from the minds of all who witnessed it. I had a boyfriend at one point too, I’d use the term boyfriend very loosely though. It was Charlie Stump, he was a loser like me and we ‘dated’ Freshman year. Our relationship consisted of holding hands and sharing one kiss before he broke it off because he thought metal music was satanic. He was just something to fill the void that I had hoped Eddie would fill instead.
Ronnie had told me about the time Eddie had tried to kiss her when they were 13, I remember wishing it had been me instead, I would’ve let him kiss me whenever he had wanted. Me and Eddie were complicated…we were flirty with one another but whenever someone would address it we’d both claim it was a joke. I lied every single time. I cherished every single touch I got from him, they all felt electric. I cherished every time we’d hold hands to cross the street or to lead one another through a crowd, I cherished the kisses he’d give me on the cheek or forehead whenever I had saved his ass from his bullies, I cherished how he’d hold me against him when we’d watch horror movies. I was never really scared, but he never had to know that. I was lovestruck, but I knew he’d never feel the same. I saw how certain girls would catch his eye, preppy cheerleaders, good girls, girls that were nothing like me. Girls with perfect skin, perfect teeth, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I couldn’t compare. 
When I had finally started to look like the girls that caught his eye I was overjoyed. It was stupid, I felt good because I thought I would finally have a chance with my best friend. My best friend who had been designated as the freak of Hawkins High. His house was my first stop when I returned from my trip to New York. It was late but his trailer was only about a mile from the apartment complex I lived in with my mother. I had put on my best outfit, something that would surely make him swoon. It was a black denim dress, it buttoned up and the skirt flared out at the bottom, it was cute. I had even learned to do nicer makeup when I was visiting my cousins. I switched out my heavy eyeliner for something more soft and subtle. Something that girls that he likes would wear. I walked over with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. This would be the night I would win him over…or so I thought. 
When I arrived at the Munson residence I was met with the site of an unfamiliar car parked in front of the trailer. It was way too nice to belong to Wayne or Eddie, it was out of place for Forest Hills Trailer Park. My heart was beating faster as I became anxious. Every step I took towards his door felt heavy, it was like my body was slowly becoming filled with lead. I took a deep breath and I finally was at his door. I knocked and waited. It took him a minute to answer the door and when he did I was shocked. He was shirtless and his hair was a mess, there were a few hickeys scattered across his neck and collarbones, he looked hot. But once I got over how good he looked I was overtaken by jealousy. It looks like somebody beat me to it.
“Holy shit…I was not expecting you, Viv,” He chuckled. He was almost unaware of his appearance, unaware that it’s pretty obvious what he’d been doing. 
“I-I just got back into town…I wanted to surprise you…I guess you’re busy…”
Before Eddie could respond I saw a girl walk up behind him, I recognized her instantly and became filled with rage. Nicole fucking Summers. The goddamned bitch who had been tormenting me since 6th grade, she was the one who made up the rumors about me moving to Hawkins for getting expelled from every school in New York. She’s the one who cut off a chunk of my hair in 7th grade, the one who told everyone I still wore a training bra in 8th grade. She was the one who started calling me ‘Pizza Face’ in Freshman year, going as far as to get all her friends to throw slices of pizza at me at lunch. Sophomore year she had stolen my clothes after gym when I was in the shower and I was forced to find them in just my underwear. Out of anyone he could’ve fucked, out of anyone he could’ve lost his virginity to why the fuck did it have to be her. Sure his options are slim but I was right there. 
I was beyond stunned when she began to speak. “Vivi, is that you? You look…different. I guess you grew out of your ugly duckling phase, huh?” She teased. She was in one of Eddie’s shirts, her makeup smeared and her neck was covered in hickeys just like Eddie’s. It took everything in me to not break both of their noses right then and there. 
“I’m just gonna go. Clearly, you’re busy,” I spat out at Eddie. He was lucky I was holding back my anger. I didn’t even let him respond before I was marching off and away from his door, once I was a far enough distance away I started to run. I screamed and I cried and I ran all the way home. My mascara burned my eyes but I ignored it. Eddie’s betrayal had hurt me worse than anything physical ever could. He didn’t notice that I changed, he didn’t care, he fucked the girl who had made my life miserable. At the time I didn’t know it was a one-time thing. She had wanted to brag to her friends about ‘taking the freaks virginity before his loser little friend got a chance.’ 
I locked myself in my room for days, I was beyond angry. I wanted to tear them both apart and then put them back together again so that I could do it all over again. I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t know what to do…until I did. I ignored any calls from Eddie, Ronnie, or Dougie. I told my mom that if they came looking for me to tell them I was sick. I couldn’t face any of them, if I did I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. I devised a plan, a plan to get Nicole back for fucking Eddie and one to get Eddie back for fucking Nicole. It was a plan that would go too far for too long. The few times I had gone out in public I had overheard something about there being a party at Steve Harrington's house. His parents were always gone and he hung out with just the people I needed for my plan. 
On a Saturday night in August, I found myself on the front doorstep of the Harrington residence. I was in an almost sheer blouse, my lacy red bra showing through the material, and a mini skirt, it was nothing like I had ever worn before. My makeup and hair were perfect, I knew what these guys liked, it was exactly what Eddie liked. I took a deep breath before waltzing in, heads turning as soon as I walked in the door. I had never been to a party before and I had certainly never looked like this before. “Do you have a staring problem or something, Caleb?” I asked one of Tommy’s cronies. He was closest to me and a perfect target for my plan.
His eyes were glued to me, raking up and down my body slowly. “When Nicole said you got hot I thought she was kidding…” He said as he licked his lips. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the kitchen to find something to drink. 
As I made my way into the kitchen I bumped into none other than Steve Harrington himself. He did a double-take when he saw me. “Holy shit…w-what are you doing here?”
“Can’t a girl go to a party, Harrington?” I replied. He was still sputtering and his face was all red, it felt great to fluster a man like this for once in my life. 
“I’m what? I’m a loser? An outcast? A freak? Not anymore, Harrington.”
He cleared his throat and got a hold of himself, “Where’s Munson? Aren't you two inseparable or something?”
“Not anymore…I umm…let’s just say I outgrew him.” I was totally bullshitting. 
“Really?” Steve asked. He was looking at me the same way that Caleb was when I walked in. 
“Really. Now do you mind showing me where you’ve got some vodka, I really need a drink.” What I needed was liquid courage, courage for the idiotic bullshit I planned to do that night. Steve led me to the vodka and I took a shot, and then another. I was on a mission but fuck I needed that to be able to succeed. 
I look over at Steve and bat my eyelashes, “Hey, Stevie, do you know where Tommy’s at?”
He scratches the back of his neck as he tries to think, “Last I saw him he was outside in the pool.”
I get on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek, “Thanks, Stevie.” His face is flushed when I walk off to go find Tommy. It doesn’t take me long, he’s lounging on one of the pool chairs with a beer in his hand. He’s not somebody I find particularly attractive but I’ll have to fake it for my plan. I smile down at him. “Hey Tommy,” I say as I bite my lip. He looks up at me with wide eyes that get even wider as he takes in my appearance. 
“No fucking way…Nicole wasn’t lying…” He’s taking his time to admire me, I hate how his eyes feel on me.
“It’s amazing what a few months can do, huh? Do you…do you mind if I sit down with you?” I bat my eyelashes at him and he crumbles beneath my gaze. 
“Be my guest…” His eyes are glued to my body, more specifically my chest. 
“So, how was your summer?” I ask, I sit across from him with my legs uncrossed, he has a perfect view of my lacy little thong. It’s red and leaves barely anything to the imagination, it’s ideal for a creep like him. His eyes trail down to the spot between my legs and he smirks.
“It would’ve been a lot better had I known you were spending it turning into this, fuck…” He groans. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“It’s amazing what a summer away from Munson could do to a girl,” I giggle. It feels awful coming out of my mouth, worse than the vodka taste going down. 
“You’re done with him, huh? Wanted to join where you should’ve been the whole time…fuck if we had gotten our hands on you sooner just imagine what you would be Vivian…” He marvels, “I knew you weren’t like them…like those freaks. Bet Munson dragged you into all that satanic shit, you’re better than that, better than him…” Tommy rambles. 
“He did…I-I’m not like that anymore,” I lie through my fucking teeth.
“Yeah? You a good girl now?” Tommy teases. 
“I am…can I show you just how good I am, Tommy?” I flirt. 
“Harrington’s got a guest room upstairs that’ll be perfect, baby. Think of it as your initiation into the good side,” Tommy says. I think he’s exaggerating that last part, that he’s being dramatic, but after what we did that night he had no plans of ever letting me return to Eddie again.
In Sex ED they don’t tell you how needy a guy can be after a one-night stand. This was supposed to be a one-time thing that would get spread around to Eddie so that he’d hurt as bad as he had hurt me. But instead, Tommy got attached, and I became his little project. He planned to mold me into his little homecoming queen. And Eddie…Eddie was more than hurt, he hated me. I can’t blame him, I hated myself for it. I expected an angry phone call or an aggressive confrontation but instead, I was met with radio silence, not only from him but from every single one of my old friends. I went too far and had no other choice than to stay with my new ‘friends’. On the first day of Junior year I walked into school a completely different person. People had heard about my transformation and they had also heard about me hooking up with Tommy, I was already the talk of the school and first period hadn’t even started. When I said that Tommy planned to turn me into his little homecoming queen I wasn’t kidding. He made Tina and Carol take me shopping at the goddamn Gap. They picked me out new outfits, told me how to do my hair, who to talk to, what music to listen to, who to be. The worst part is that I kind of…liked it. I liked how I looked in my new outfits, I liked how my hair framed my face, hell I even liked the music they picked out. It turns out Madonna isn’t too bad when you don’t have somebody trying to shove down your throat that enjoying her music is the worst crime someone could commit. 
So on the first day of school I walked in wearing a pink turtleneck, a light washed denim skirt, and a pair of knee high white boots. I felt pretty, I felt confident, I felt fucking amazing. Well I did until I saw my locker. Eddie had taken the liberty of breaking into the school and defacing my locker, in blood red spray paint the word ‘TRAITOR’ had been written for all to see. It didn’t take a genius to know it was him. He watched me walk up to it with a proud smile on his face, leaning against the lockers right across from mine. Ronnie and Dougie were beaming with him. I was raging, I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to yell that he was the traitor for what he did with Nicole Summers, but instead I walked up to him and simply said, “The same could be said for you. At least I wasn’t a pity fuck.” That set him off. Before I know it he’s dragging me down the hall by my arm and into the janitor's closet, he slams me against the wall and for a second I smile. Maybe in some other universe he’s dragging me in here to confess his feelings for me and to kiss me, not in this one though, in this one I ruined any chance of that I could’ve possibly had.
He glares at me like he wants me dead and I’m sure he does. He has me pinned against the wall, his face only inches from mine as he begins to speak. “You may have new friends and a new look but you’ll always be a fucking loser!” He spits. It’s an anger I’ve only heard reserved for people like Tommy. “Your new friends used to treat you like you were nothing, don’t think they won’t drop you once they get bored of you. They’ll throw you out and you’ll have nobody because you burned any bridges you could’ve had back to us. You’re fucking pathetic, Vivian.” Eddie spits in my face and walks out, leaving me to process really how bad I had fucked up. He’s right, but I can’t go back now. I don’t have that choice anymore, I lost my chance when Tommy unbuttoned my blouse upstairs at the party. 
So here I am, senior year, still unfortunately friends with Tommy, Carol, and Tina. Carol had the grand idea of throwing a party at Lover’s Lake and was ready to have my head if I skipped out on one more party this week. I didn’t bother showing up in a swimsuit, I have no intentions of swimming. I’m in a red tight fitting t-shirt, black denim cutoffs that show off way more of my ass than my friends thought was acceptable, and a pair of beat up black converse. I’m standing away from most of the crowd sipping on a beer that tastes like actual piss and regretting giving into Carol's whining about how I just had to come tonight. I scan the crowd and attempt to pick out somebody who I might not hate spending my night with when I see him. He’s in a white t-shirt, ripped light wash jeans, and a pair of boots. His hair is tied up and he’s lighting a cigarette. Fuck.
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hllfireclb · 2 years
⋆*。𝙣𝙨𝙛𝙬, 𝙢𝙙𝙣𝙞 ! +18 ⋆*。 𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽! navigation
Eddie Munson:
I‘ll always be there
I believe you
This feeling
Eddie drying your hair after a shower blurb
Boyfriend Eddie headcanons pt.1 , pt.2
Big/small spoon Eddie blurb
Christmas Eve with Eddie Munson blurb
Eddie loves adoring you, while you sleep blurb
people thinking he‘s stupid but oh how wrong they are blurb
Eddie comforting you when you‘re anxious blurb
Eddie loves sleeping on your chest blurb
This feeling called "love"
Catching Eddie while he‘s crying blurb
Call me Valentine Munson
Eddie catching you with your glasses on
Best friend Eddie sneaking into your room in the middle of the night
Why Eddie hasn’t graduate yet
Eddie taking care of you when you’re drunk blurb
"Warm you up"
Mocking you during Sex blurb
Goofy sex with Eddie blurb
Eating you out because of his oral fixation blurb
Eddie begging you to ride his face blurb
"I‘ll make you feel better princess" older!eddie x fem! Reader
Switch Eddie blurb
Thigh fucking
Eddie and his big nose to sit on
"I can’t sleep“
"Guess I lied“
You smoking weed while Eddie eats you out - HC
"You were saying?“
Steve Harrington
"Harrington junior"
Steve loves squeezing your cheeks blurb
Steve Harrington just being a perfect bf blurb
Protective Steddie blurb
Cuddling with Steddie blurb
Ass or Tits? blurb
Sex with steddie blurb
515 notes · View notes
thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
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A/N: I wrote this back in july. here it is again, the first and only fic so far that I've written like this with an original main character
summary: when Rosalie finally saw him, she couldn’t look away…
warnings: Eddie Munson x original character, historical au (in my head I pictured the Georgian era), servant!Eddie, surely extremely historically inaccurate, forbidden romance, secret relationship, near death experience, kissing, alcohol consumption, corruption kink, innocence kink, dirty talk, praise, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, fingering (vaginal and anal), light double penetration, loss of virginity, semi puplic sex, exhibitionism, breed kink, degradation, squirting 
word count: 6065
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Darkness. Then, like a punch to her stomach, she felt everything. Oxygen rushing into her lungs and expanding them, the grass beneath her fingers, and a pair of lips pressed against her own.
Gasping for air, Rosalie felt a rough hand gently tap her cheek.
“My lady? Oh, please open your eyes!”
Blinking them open, she squinted, blinded by the harsh summer sun, but it was somewhat obscured, somewhat darkened by a man kneeling down over her. Dark hair, long and wild, coming apart from the loose ponytail it was fastened in at the nape of his neck. Eyes big, round and panicked. Seeing that her consciousness was now restored, it made him look as if the air had gotten knocked clear out of him, falling back into the grass.
“Oh, jesus christ! Don’t scare a man like that!” he cursed, breathing heavy.
“What…” she tried to sit up, fighting through the dizziness. As she lifted herself partly off the grass, she noticed just how bare her back was. Reaching a hand around, she felt the laces of both her dress and corset cut open. Eyes widening, now fully awake, she jerked back from the man now trying to slow her sudden movements. “Don’t touch me!”
Taken aback, he scoffed, “touch you? My lady, a thank you would be nice right about now.”
“Thank you?” you couldn’t believe this man's arrogance, “for what? Violating me or whatever you were trying to do? This dress is from Paris!”
Staring at her, bewildered, “my grace, do you really not know recall what occurred?”
“You obviously tried to take off my wears without my permission!”
“Because I found you, passed out and you weren’t breathing!” he threw his hands up, “your fucking stays were too tight! So yes, I did cut them loose. You’re fucking welcome!”
“I… I had fainted?”
“Yeah,” he scoffed, “it is one of the hottest days of July and you walk out here dressed in that. What were you even thinking?”
“I just… needed some air,” she looked around, recalling what had made her move outside.
“Why? Don’t your castle get air?”
“It’s not a castle, it’s a palace,” Rosalie corrected him with a sigh, reaching a hand up to fix her slightly loosened updo, “and yes, it does get air.”
“Then why did you come all the way out here to get it?”
Sure, it was a ways away from the building, but this meadow was still her home, even if she couldn’t see the house.
Crossing her arms, feeling one of the sleeves fall down further her arm, exposing her shoulder, “why are you so nosy?”
“I just saved your life, I think I have a right to be nosy.”
Looking down at her ivory skirt, she grabbed onto her loosened top and held it in place, “If you must know, my papa just told me something that, well, I knew it would come eventually, but just not now...”
“What was it?”
Taking a deep breath, she looked up at the rugged man, “It is time for me to get married.”
“Isn't that what you want?” he furrowed his brows and cocked his head, making another curl slip out of the flimsy sting struggling to hold it all together.
“I mean, it’s all I’ve ever known, it’s what I’ve been bred for.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” he pushed.
“I guess, now that it’s here, I’m just a bit nervous? I don’t wanna leave this place. Dewbury palace is all I’ve ever known… I know I was raised to be ready for this, but I can’t help but feel like I’m walking into the dark…” running a hand over her face, she sighed, “god, I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.”
“Because I asked,” he breathed out, fiddling with a long piece of grass, weaving it between his long fingers.
Looking around the peaceful meadow, at the small flowers and ancient trees that decorated it, both of them were suddenly startled by a far-off booming voice.
“Munson! Where the hell did you go, boy?” the man across from Rosalie widened his eyes and scurried to his feet.
“I must go,” he stretched out a hand to help her up.
As he pulled her up, grasping onto her waist for support, she felt just the tip of his fingers graze her bare back. She had never in her life seen him before. Maybe she’d seen him before, but she had never seen him. Not until now.
“Do you work here?” she asked before he could slip away.
“I do,” he blinked, then slowly added, “my lady.”
Looking back over his shoulder, he winced, “I apologise, I really do have to go. McDougall will have my head if I don’t,” then bowed quickly, but a bit clumsily, “goodbye, my lady,” and escaped through the trees, leaving Rosalie standing there, alone, partially exposed and somewhat stunned over what had just transpired.
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Entering the old bare barn that was now used for storage purposes, Rosalie looked over the large boxes and barrels to try and spot the individual she was looking for. When she asked for directions, this was the place she was pointed to.
Rounding the corner, balancing a wooden crate, the man of the hour sat it down with a huff.
“Hi,” she gave a soft smile, her neat dark hair illuminated in the backlit doorway. “Mister Munson, is it?”
“Your grace,” he almost jumped, never in a million years expecting to see her standing here. Giving a small bow, he asked, “what can I do for you?”
“Oh, it’s not what you can do for me, you’ve done plenty. It just occurred to me that I never really thanked you for the other day,” she saw him relax and lean against one of the big boxes, “so, thank you mister Munson. I truly am in your debt.”
Smirking, he crossed his arms, “you are very welcome, although if I hadn’t saved you, and if my attempts hadn’t worked, I probably would have been hanged right about now.”
“Well, I’m very glad that you’re not. I prefer you this way,” she fiddled with her lacy gloves, “alive and breathing.”
Not saying anything, he simply stood there staring at her, making her shift under his penetrating gaze, “So, do you work out here?” she looked around, noting the many cobwebs.
“Some days, yeah,” he nodded, wiping the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand, “but others, I’m actually up at the house, if they need an extra body for something. Out of all the freaks down here, I’m apparently the one that cleans up the nicest.”
“Really? I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed you before.”
“I’m aware,” he chuckled and glanced to the side, “but I’ve seen you.”
“Well, from now on, I’ll see you,” she promised, taking a step closer to him, “I don’t think I’d ever be able to forget your face,” felt the corners of her lips twitch, “not after what you did for me.”
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“My estate has countless chambers so I would love to someday fill them all with kids,” the dashing Lord Harrington relayed, taking another sip of his tea.
“So, you’re fond of children, are you?” she shifted in the stiff upholstered chair opposite his.
“Fond of them?” he laughed, “no. I absolutely despise them, that has nothing to do with me wanting them.”
“Oh…” she bit her tongue and glanced over at her mother. “Excuse me, I think I need a little bit of fresh air.”
“Do you want me to escort you?” the gentleman rose to his feet just as fast as she did.
“No,” she replied maybe a bit too quickly, “no, thank you. I don’t want your tea to get cold.”
Slowly sitting back down again, Rosalie peeped over at her mama as she perked up, “I’ll keep him company, don’t take too long my dear.”
“I won’t,” she said over her shoulder as she pushed the large doors open.
Walking down the many hallways, through the maze to get outside, she, being too busy looking anywhere but in front of her, rushed around a corner and accidentally bumped into a firm figure.
“Uh,” she steadied herself by grabbing onto the person's sharp shoulders, “pardon me.”
“Please don’t apologise,” a familiar voice winced in her ear, “I should be the one apologising to you!”
Pulling back to gaze upon the visage of mister Munson, he was slightly more put together this time. Nothing extravagant, but clean and tidy.
“It’s you,” Rosalie smiled.
“It is me,” he seemed relieved to see she wasn’t trying to bite his head off, “whom are you running from?”
“I wasn’t running! I was merely walking briskly.”
“So, who is it?” he then dropped his smile, “it’s not my lord, is it?”
“No, he’s in his study, don’t worry.”
“Oh, good,” he grabbed a hold of her arm, “but there are still eyes everywhere, come.” Pulling her into the nearest room, which happened to be one of the many libraries, this particular one was the green one. “So, if it’s not your father, then who is it?”
“…Lord Harrington.”
“Right, I saw him arrive this morning. He’s a bit of a rake if you ask me.”
Tearing her arm free, she defended, “he is a gentleman and a scholar and would be a great match for me.”
“Then why were you running?”
Sighing, she turned around and walked towards one of the grand bookcases, trying to avoid the dooming topic at hand.
Running her fingers over the numerous spines, she asked quietly, “can I ask you a question?”
Almost coming out as an innocent whisper, she asked, back still turned to him, “have you ever kissed someone?”
“Hmm,” he hummed through a remembering smirk, “I’ve kissed someone.”
“Yeah?” she turned around, nervously clasping her hands behind her back.
“Mhm,” he nodded slowly.
“What was it like?”
His eyebrows shot up, “excuse me?”
“What was it like when you kissed her?” she repeated her question, biting her lower lip.
“Why do you wanna know?” he squinted his eyes, walking a few steps closer to her, “I mean, you’ve probably gotten real cosy with a bunch of fancy fellows, so you know.”
“Oh,” she blushed, averting her gaze, “um…”
“Have you never- have you never kissed someone?” he stammered, “but you’re a duchess!”
“I was asking what it was like when you kissed someone, that’s all!” she raised her voice, fighting the urge to just run and hide from the embarrassment.
“…because you haven’t done it?”
“Well…” Rosalie rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, “I don’t know if it counts…”
“Oh, well what was the situation?” he asked with a reassuring smile.
Looking up at the ceiling, she told very slowly, “I had fainted and couldn’t breathe…”
“Oh, you mean when I-…” Munson put two and two together. The look he then gave her was one of both compassion, but also pity, “oh, my lady…”
“No, you know what, it doesn’t matter,” she rushed out, feeling like she was being burned alive, “forget I said anything,” she hastily tried to reach the heavy door.
“Wait,” he caught her arm, screeching her body to a halt, and before she knew it, she felt his lips against hers. Completely stunned, her eyes never shut, so when he pulled back, she swore she saw a glimmer in his chocolatey ones as he blinked them open and breathed out, “that, is what it's supposed to be like,” he brushed his thumb over her soft sleeve, sending a shiver down her spine. Then, light a bolt of lightning, he realised what he had just done, whom he had just done that to, “oh… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-,” he took a step back, “that was-… I am so sorry.”
“Wait, you…” she caught his billowy shirt, clumsily attempting to coax him back “do you mind… I, um, it just surprised me.”
Flashing the tiniest of smirks, and leaned back in, grabbing both sides of her face. This time ready, she let her eyes flutter shut and followed his lead. It was soft, drawn out, but gentle.
It only felt like a second had passed, but in reality, it had been a lot longer. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against hers and breathed out deeply, “call me Eddie, please.”
“Eddie…” she tasted the name on her lips, smiling at the way it felt.
Giving her one last peck on the cheek, he moved to the door, only stopping to give a quick wink over his shoulder at her still dazed form, “see you later, Rose.”
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Stirring in the linen sheets, Rosalie heard a knocking at her door, but it didn’t sound like it was coming from the usual intricately carved front door to her room, but rather from the small camouflaged one in the corner near her large canopy bed. Who could be knocking on the servant's door this late after sundown?
When no one entered, just knocked softly once more, she pulled back the covers and tiptoed over to investigate.
Creaking it open, she saw none other than Eddie himself, standing there on the steps of the dark servant's staircase with a soft smile on his lips and a hazy, yet blissful look in his eyes.
“Mister Munson, what are you doing here?” she gasped, clutching her chest lightly, suddenly very aware of the thin chemise she had on.
“Rose,” he slowly pushed his way inside. Almost stumbling over the threshold, he closed the door behind him, “I thought I told you to call me Eddie.”
“Eddie,” she corrected herself, then repeated the unanswered question, “what are you doing here this late at night?”
Catching some of the white material of her nightgown with his fingers, “I wanted to see you…”
Glancing over at the tall grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room, she filled in with furrowed brows, “at 11 o'clock at night?”
“Yeah,” he smirked, grabbing her small hand with his own.
“Whyever would you want to see me this late?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to see you this late at night?” he leaned in to give her a kiss.
Inhaling sharply at the recognition of the taste on his tongue, Rosalie held onto his cheek and pulled back to search his dark eyes, “are you sloshed?”
“As a matter of fact, yes I am,” he said proudly.
“Did you attend some ball I wasn’t aware of?” she jested, shaking her head lightly at his state.
“Nah,” he waved her off, disconnecting his fingers from hers to go inspect her soft bed, “Jeb down in the stables just wanted a few of us to test out the whisky he’s been trying to brew,” sitting down on the mattress, he pretty much immediately flopped down, moving his arms as if he was trying to make a snow angel in the fabrics, “bloody hell, how do you ever get anything done when your bed feels like this?”
Cocking her head, she giggled, “you enjoying it, are you?”
“Fucking love it! Why doesn’t my bed feel like this?”
“I don’t know, what does your bed feel like?”
Taking a moment to think, he nodded, looking up at the canopy above, “hay. Lots and lots of hay.”
“Really? What are you, a horse?” Rosalie leaned against one of the tall bedposts. “You certainly have the mane of one.”
Sitting up, he crawled closer to her, “why, do you wanna ride me?”
“What? I don’t think that would be as effective a form of transportation.”
“Who said anything about transportation?” he now sat at the foot of her bed.
Looking down at his smirk, she still didn’t get what he was hinting at, just continued to stand there, not knowing how to reply.
Bringing a hand up to the lower part of his face, he brushed a finger over his lower lip. After a moment of silence, he uttered seductively, “what were you doing when I knocked on the door?”
“Just, lying in bed,” she shrugged, not knowing why he wished to know.
“Did I interrupt anything?” she looked down to watch how his fingers had once again found purchase in the bottom of her chemise.
“Only my failed attempt at falling asleep…” her brows furrowed.
Slowly moving his hands up her legs, past her knees, “you sure?”
“Yes. I’m sure. Why is this so intriguing to you?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” he slowly stood up, “it’s late at night, you’re all alone and from what I’ve heard, you recently just kissed a very handsome bloke.” Being just inches away from her face, he breathed out as if it was obvious, “all of the elements are there.”
“There for what?”
Squinting his eyes at her, Eddie wasn’t sure if she was just playing coy or if she truly didn’t know. “…for you to touch yourself.”
“What do you mean touch myself?”
Leaning back a bit, his mouth hung agape. “Do you honestly not know what I’m talking about?”
“Do you think I’d ask you if I knew?”
“Oh, wow…” he exhaled, taking a step back, looking speechless.
“What,” Rosaline got nervous, “is it something bad?”
“No, no, it’s nothing bad, I just-… really didn’t know what a proper lady like yourself knows of such things. Maybe it’s not quite the same up here in your world.”
“Well…Are you going to tell me what it is or not?”
Letting out a drawn-out sigh, he looked her deep in the eye and told her hesitantly, “…it’s when you touch yourself to feel good.”
“…feel good?”
“It’s like when you lie with someone, but on your own,” seeing her brows only furrow further, he kept going, “you don’t have to be making love to feel good.”
“So, what, you just…” she let out an airy chuckle, running her hands up and down her arms.
“No, Rose, um,” he caught her arms, giggling shortly, “it’s more like here,” he guided her hands first over the heave of her breast, “but especially down here,” he breathed out, bringing her hand down to the lower part of her stomach, just before her legs. “You find that thing that makes you feel like you’re on fire to think about and then you keep going until it builds and grows into what may be the best thing you can feel…”
“And that’s something that people do? It feels good?”
“Yeah, it’s one of the most natural things to do and especially if you don’t have a companion physically there to make you feel that way.”
Biting her lip, she brushed her fingers over his.
“…will you teach me?”
“Will I… what?”
“Teach me? Or… I’m sorry, is that improper to request? It is, isn’t it? I apologise, that was immensely scandalous of me to-”
Effectively silencing her panic, he kissed her, holding on to either side of her face.
Pulling away, he rested his forehead against hers for a moment, “I would love nothing more than to teach you.”
“Well… what do I do?” she asked him as he took a step back, admiring her from a distance.
“Here,” he pointed, “sit back on the bed,” and she did as he asked, scooting back against the numerous pillows resting against the headboard, while he kept his distance, sitting down at the bottom of the mattress, leaning up against one of the bedposts.
“What now?” she rocked her foot nervously.
Cocking his head to the side, he breathed out slowly, then flashed her the warmest of smiles, “lean back, relax… bring up your knees a bit,” she bent them slowly, keeping her eyes locked on him, “yeah, just like that, see, barely begun and you’re already a natural.”
Looking deeply into her wide eyes, what he said next came out in a low, slow tone, “did you know that I’ve always fancied you?” not letting her answer, he continued, “because I have. Ever since my da dropped me off here to be my uncle's problem and I never saw him again. Seeing you for the first time, in that moment, I forgot everything bad, everything cruel in this world. It was like looking at an angel, you are an angel. And even though you weren’t mine, you couldn’t even see me, I still adored you,” his small smile was strong and true. “I used to make up these stories in my head, where I’d meet a creature in the forest, and it would grant me a wish. And every time, I wanted to spend my wish on you. It was always you. I wanted you to see me as I see you. I wanted to wake up and be a proper dandy so that I could just stride into this huge house and ask your father for your hand without me being executed on site. I feel like that wish came true. I’m still just me, but, you see me. I see it, you look at me exactly the way that I look at you. Adoration, trust, hunger…” he almost growled that last word, sending chills down her spine. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. The things that I wanna do with you… to you… I've had a lot of time, I don’t know if I’d be able to get through it all even if I had you for the rest of my life. If I could, then I would, even if my lord would kill me, I’d still try, because you, you’re not just someone you can forget. You can’t forget an angel…”
“Eddie…” she breathed out, almost feeling dizzy after all of that.
“Rose, tell me… do your nipples feel as hard as they look right now? Because it looks like they could cut through glass with the way they're poking out and staring at me…”
Glancing down, she gasped lightly at the sight. He was indeed correct. Blushing, she lifted up one of the hands, the one that had unconsciously been digging into her soft thigh, up to give her right breast a soft squeeze.
“They- they-… yes,” her voice shook as the touch sent delicious tingles throughout her body.
“There is another thing I want you to check for me,” his fingers tightened around the duvet beneath him. “Take your other hand for me and bring it down between your legs…”
Slowly hiking up her long skirt, she sprawled her fingers out over her inner thigh and looked up to check with him, “here?”
“A little higher, Rose,” she moved it slowly, squirming lightly under her own light touch, “higher,” he exhaled, looking entranced by her state already. When she finally touched the spot he was guiding her towards, she let out a tiny whine, “there…” he bent forward swiftly, almost as if it was pure instinct, and tugged up her dress more, gathering it at her waist. Trailing his fingers down from her hips to her legs, he spread the apart more, ensuring his front row seat was supreme.
Leaning back again, he cursed underneath his breath, “fuck Rose… your honeypot looks fucking perfect. That’s it, perfect, touch yourself just like that, don’t be afraid to explore, feel around, get to know your own body…”
“Use your fingers, spread yourself apart for me darling. Show me just how wet you are,” and when she flashed him more of the glistening pink flesh, he actually moaned, “Jesus Christ. I just wanna bury myself in you and never come up for a breath of air again.”
“Touch your little pearl, right there, more pressure than that, trust me,” she heard a heavy belt hit the floor, making her blink her half-closed lids up to focus on him again. Her jaw went slack as she saw how his hand went from lazily palming himself through his breeches to loosening the restraints and showing his hand down to pull out his heavy cock. All of the breath left her body at once and she couldn’t take her eyes off it.
“Are you drooling?” he chuckled softly.
“What?” she ripped her vision away from his tight fist’s movements. Drooling… wasn’t she supposed to get this wet? He didn’t call it drool before, is that just another term for it?
“You are drooling,” he reached out to wipe the corner of her mouth.
“Please trust me when I say, that is the best compliment you could give me,” he said in a gravelly voice, quickening his movements.
“I, um… it’s a lot…”
“I know Rose, but please keep going just a few moments longer, trust me on this one.”
How could she not trust him implicitly?
He was right. It truly was the best feeling she had ever experienced.
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Meet me in the place where you finally thanked me.
Rosalie read the quickly scratched note once more, biting her lip. It had been slipped under her door from the servant’s staircase. It wasn’t the first note Eddie had left her, more like the dozenth. She’d saved them all, put them in a small chest underneath her bed.
Looking up again, she searched the animal-less barn, but found no luck.
Sneaking up on her like a cat, Eddie grabbed her by the waist and yanked her into an obscured corner.
“Eddie! You gave me a fright!” she huffed out as he settled her against a tall half wall.
“Shh, not so loud, there are people around,” he kissed her neck, already running his hands all over a manor of intimate places.
Feeling herself turn into goo already, she let out a small moan. “Eddie, there are people around…”
“Exactly,” he started to gather up her full, green skirt, “so, be quiet.”
Like two magnets being drawn to each other, his fingers found her dripping folds.
“Fuck… you were thinking about this, weren’t you?”
“You were, weren’t you?” he let out a genuine giggle. “Is this,” he slipped a finger into her small hole, ”what you were thinking about? Huh? That’s what’s got you this soaked?”
Not being able to control the sound that escaped her lips, her eyes rolled and her whole upper body slumped forward, moaning into Eddie's light tunic.
“Shh,” he hushed into her hair, placing a few small kisses on her temple as he eased his ring finger in next to his middle one. Rutting his hardness against her side, he groaned, “you know I love the noises you make, but if you don’t keep that beautiful mouth shut, someone will hear, someone who isn’t afraid to walk straight up to my lord and tell him that one of his servants has his fingers so deep inside his daughter’s cunt that she’s seeing god himself.”
“Eddie,” she muttered, lifting one leg up a bit, caressing it up his own, trying to draw him close.
“Yes?” he nudged her head a bit, making it lull back.
“It’s-, oh!” his warnings didn’t work when he was touching her like that. “I-“
Muffling her moans, she felt Eddie’s free hand release its iron-like grip on her covered breast and clasp over her mouth.
“See, now I’m beginning to think that you’d actually like us to get caught. For people to see the power that a nobody like me has over you,” he whispered into her ear, hand still firmly covering her rosy lips, “you would probably do anything I wished, wouldn’t you? Especially when I’ve got you wrapped around my fingers like this,” his fingers were now rocking her fast and hard, focusing their attention on a specific spot, causing her cunt to produce the most intoxicating of squelching echoes, “do you want me to ruin the status you hold in society, huh? Let people see how I’ve tainted their perfect little Rose and turned her into nothing more than a common whore? Because that’s what you are now, aren’t you? You’re just a little whore. My little whore.” Truly shaking under his grasp, she let go and nearly felt like she was gonna pass out. “That’s my girl,” he pulled his fingers out, vigorously rubbing his whole palm over her crying cunt, before briefly dipping back in a few times, making sure he got every last drop.
Finally removing his fingers from her still dripping pussy, as well as the one over her vibrating mouth, she heard him giggle sweetly.
“What?” her emerald skirt rustled back down into place, as he took a tiny step back. His now drenched thigh being very hard to ignore, she blushed, unable to take her eyes off of the stain, but also the stiff tent right beside it, “oh, I’m-“
“Rose,” he caught her chin, “don’t even think about apologising.”
“Do you have a spare pair of breeches with you?”
“No, but I’m plenty filthy as it is. I can easily carry on the rest of the day like this, and no one will be the wiser. Besides, I like it. A lot.”
Flickering her eyes down to his perpetual grin, she pulled him down for a hungry kiss.
Whimpering against his tongue, he pulled away, turning his head to catch his breath, “fuck. If I wasn’t as strong a man, I’d have knocked you up weeks ago. Just look at you, practically begging for my seed…”
Nudging her nose against his cheek, she breathed out, “please Eddie…”
Chuckling, he shook his head lightly, smile only growing wider, “I have to get back. I’ll see you at nightfall?”
“Knock five times,” he begrudgingly ripped himself free and she leaned back against the wall, watching him closely, “I can’t wait to repay you the favour.”
Laughing, he backed up even more, “I’m not fucking you, Rose.”
“Well, then you’ll just have to think of something else.”
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“So, I ask you, Lady Rosalie Beatrice Elizabeth Rowe III, my dear Rosalie, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
The shiny ring on lord Harrington’s pinkie was icy cold to the touch, almost felt like it was burning her tender flesh as he held onto her hand possessively.
“I…” her voice shook, “I cannot.”
“But, I’ve already spoken to your father, it’s all planned out!” he blinked hard and tried, “I love you!”
Those idyllic three words had never sounded more strained, more forced, than they did coming from his lips. “Do you truly believe that this is what love feels like? Do you struggle to breathe whenever I am in your presents? Do you lay awake every night yearning for me to be beside you?”
“Miss Rowe,” the gentleman scoffed, letting go of her hand, “I am talking about love, not some silly fairy-tale.”
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Knocking twice on the splintery cottage door, Rosalie drew her heavy cloak closer around her trembling body.
“Rose?” Eddie answered the door, worry immediately painting his features, “what are you doing here? Get in, you’ll freeze to death out there,” he ushered her inside, briefly poking his head out, seeing if she’d come alone, before slamming it shut once more.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” she kept her vision glued to the rough floor.
“What if someone saw you? It’s not dark out yet-“
Looking up as she exhaled, she cut him off, “Lord Harrington proposed to me.”
“Oh…” he breathed out, not meeting her eyes. He sounded like he was preparing himself for a goodbye.
“Eddie, look at me.” His glassy, chocolaty eyes finally found hers, “I didn’t-… I couldn’t…”
All of the air left his body. “Are you saying that you declined? But he could have given you everything.”
“Not everything,” she took a step closer.
“Rose, I can’t provide for you as he can! I can barely give you a roof over your head and food in your belly.”
“But you can give me you, all of you, and that’s all I need, that’s all I want.” Grabbing onto his cheek, she declared, “I want you. I love you.”
Breathing out slowly, he closed his eyes and melted into her hold, “what are we going to do?”
“Run away together?” she suggested with a smile, wrapping her arms around him.
Disappearing into her ocean eyes, he complied, “okay. At dusk. By then there won’t be as many prying eyes.”
“Let them see. They can’t stop us, I won’t let them.”
“God, I love you,” he muttered, before they collided, locking their lips in a heated kiss.
Snaking a few fingers up between their bodies, Rosalie undid the clasp on her cloak and let it fall to the floor with a muffled clang. Feeling his hands find her waist at an instant, they slowly started fiddling with the many laces, pealing the several layers off slowly, one by one, never detaching his lips from hers to look down, but simply feeling his way through it.
And with a resounding thud, the last piece of fabric left her body and hit the floor. She had gotten impatient and helped along, rolling down her stockings and throwing the chemise over her head.
Scooping her up, he walked her just a few steps before gingerly setting her down on the bare table nearby. Gasping for air, they parted.
The journey his eyes went on next might have made Rosalie feel self-conscious if it had happened a few months ago, but not now. Now, all she did was lean back on her elbows and tighten the hook her legs had around him, pulling him closer.
Jaw slack, Eddie couldn’t rip his clothing off fast enough, revealing the chilling, yet beautiful ink that was scattered all around the corners of his skin.
Running his palms all over her sprawled-out body on the table in front of him, she laid a hand on top of one of his exploring ones, making his eyes once more find hers.
“Eddie Munson,” her eyes glistened, “I am but your humble servant.”
His body shuttered at her doting words, and breathed out, “as I am yours.”
Bending closer, pressing his pelvis up against hers and he interlocked his fingers with her own, “I’m yours until the moment I draw my last breath. I love you, Rosalie.”
Feeling his cock glide through her more than ready folds, she pulled him down to get another kiss, whimpering, “I love you, I love you, I lov-“
Her declaration was turned into a gasp as he eased his thick length into her.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Rose,” he fought the urge to roll his eyes back, “holy fuck.”
Catching her lips with his, he gave her a few mind-numbingly slow thrusts.
Panting, he rested his forehead against hers, “you’re hugging me so tight, fuck. Sucking me in so deep like you never want me to leave your cunt,” he snapped his hips sharply, making her legs tremble around him.
Suddenly withdrawing from her, making her walls clench around nothing. Her whole body still fuzzy, she whined, “no, no, no, no, no.”
Swiftly flipping her around, he yanked her by her soft thighs, filling her again in one fell swoop, knocking the air clean out of her.
“I’ll never fucking leave you, you hear me?” he practically growled through his clenched jaw, gliding a hand up her back, pressing her upper body down flush against the table.
“I’m yours, I’m yours,” she slurred, as the filthy reverberations of skin against skin filled the cabin.
“Mine, huh?” his fingers dug into her hips, “everything that is yours is mine?
“Everything,” he slammed into her, sending her body jerking forward into the hard wooden table.
Palming her ass, he spread her apart, gliding a thumb up and down, quickly discovering how far her arousal had spread. “How about this, huh?” he danced the pad of his thumb over the small bud just a few centimetres away from where his cock was stuffing her full, “this mine?”
“Mhm…” she hummed as just the tip slipped in, sending her over the edge.
“Jesus, look at you just creaming all over my cock,” he looked down at her in adoration, mesmerised by the vision.
Feeling her walls clamp down on him, practically stopping his movements from just how tight it was, he slumped forward, groaning into her shoulder as her own orgasm caused him to pump his seed deep inside of her, painting her cervix, “I love you so much.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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hiddlesdeni · 23 days
The guy from Hellfire Shop
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Hi guys, here I am with this idea I had on my mind for a while. This fic is originally in italian, so if you see some mistakes, I pleeeeease ask you to letting me know, so I will correct them. When 2 years ago a tried to post this nobody read it, so I post the prologue for now and if you'll like it, I'll go on. Let me know what do you think about it. Should I post the first chapter?
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AU sci-fi - distopic - Eddie x oc
Prologue - Chapter 1
2024: The planet is controlled by ruthless, sentient androids, creating an unlivable environment for humans. However, Hawkins is one of the few towns that have managed to escape their control, where the residents are forced to hide to avoid being discovered by the "sentinels" patrolling the area. Eddie Munson is an eccentric young man considered a misfit, the owner of the Hellfire Shop on the outskirts of Hawkins, a place located in an old, abandoned gas station surrounded by nothingness. It is there that Paige ends up after a rebellion against the androids forces her to flee from her city.
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When Paige fell to her knees, it was almost like feeling them break. She was so exhausted that she found herself on all fours on the cold asphalt. Her hand scraped as soon as it hit the ground. She lifted it to inspect the damage: there was no blood, but the red mark stung. Yet, it seemed insignificant compared to the rest of her condition.
Her feet throbbed, and she could feel them swollen inside her sneakers. Those laces were now tight compared to when she had started to walk, to the point that she felt the need to take off her shoes and leave them somewhere to continue barefoot. But how would she endure the feeling of the asphalt scratching her skin?
She cried without even realizing when she had started, yet she found herself wiping her cheeks with the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
No, she had to get up, she had to keep walking, and she had to make it, despite the darkness of the night, despite the fatigue. She took one, two, three deep breaths, then gathered her strength and stood up with an effort she herself thought was inhuman. An effort so overwhelming and intense that at the first step, she found herself back on all fours on the asphalt.
A desperate sob escaped her, which she immediately stifled behind the palm of her hand. She couldn't make any noise and had to find a way to pull herself together and keep walking. But she was so tired that she would have preferred to lie down there in the middle of that deserted road and be found, no matter what would happen to her; she just wanted to close her eyes and rest, regain the strength she had lost.
With trembling hands, she retrieved the small backpack she had been carrying on her shoulder and emptied it completely onto the asphalt, turning it upside down and shaking it. Out fell some batteries, an analog wristwatch, a slightly faded and crumpled map, a wallet with a few coins inside and nothing else, some bandages dirty with soil, a sealed letter envelope, an old leather-covered diary, some empty paper bags, and wrappers of snacks that were long gone. Finally, the water bottle clattered loudly as it hit the ground. Paige grabbed it and unscrewed the cap. She went to take a sip but realized that nothing came out of it.
“Shit!” she exclaimed, tears still streaking her face as she reluctantly screwed the cap back on.
She couldn't even remember the last time she had eaten or drunk anything. She felt dehydrated, hungry, and on the verge of fainting at any moment. If she hadn't died from what happened at home, she would die like this, running away from a situation that she already knew would eventually kill her.
Another long sigh, and she hurriedly put everything back into the backpack, then slung it over her shoulder and lifted her gaze in front of her: there was a light in the distance, the only one that didn’t come from the flashlight hanging on her belt. In other circumstances, she would have considered it a good thing, a chance to ask for help, but now that only meant danger. It was surely a sentinel, and she couldn’t let herself be seen for any reason in the world. She needed to move from there, get off the road, even though she could barely move. She looked around and realized that the woods framing the road might be the solution she was looking for.
With the last bit of willpower and survival instinct she had left, the only thing she managed to do was literally crawl toward the ground on her left. She went in further among the trees, dragging herself with her arms as if she were dead weight, then hid behind the trunk of a tree and leaned her exhausted back against it. She had never thought that something so simple as leaning against something could bring her relief, yet it did. After all, she hadn’t stopped even once to rest.
Now she just had to stay quiet and wait for the sentinel to complete its patrol. She heard it pass by on the road, its wheels creaking on the asphalt, and its blue light illuminating everything in front of it like a beacon. Nothing would escape that light, so she was glad to be behind that trunk; otherwise, that damned android would have detected her, and her escape would have lost all meaning.
She remained motionless until the sentinel became just a blue dot in the distance, then she told herself she had to keep walking in the opposite direction. But her legs didn’t respond to the commands from her brain, and she had to accept the idea of resting… just a little, just a couple of minutes. Paige fell asleep with the fear that she might never wake up again, overcome by exhaustion, hunger, or thirst.
Not even her survival instinct had helped her in that moment.
When she woke up, she did so with a start; she had a terrible nightmare that she couldn’t even remember, yet it helped her because her heart was racing in her chest, making her realize she was still alive and hadn’t died in her sleep.
She looked up at the sky, and it was still pitch dark. She couldn’t tell if she had slept for an entire day and the sun had set again, or if she had only slept for a few hours.
She tried to move and almost screamed from the sharp pains in her back caused by the position she had slept in. Her legs and feet were still throbbing with pain, and that sleep had only given her a terrible headache. Paige, however, didn’t want to die. She used the trunk she had leaned against the whole time to stand up and get back on her feet. She cursed under her breath, then looked at the road: the sentinel was gone, and the surroundings had returned to complete darkness. She grabbed the flashlight hanging from her belt and turned it on to inspect her surroundings while desperately holding onto the trunk of that tree. She saw nothing but more road, more woods, and nothing else except a sign welcoming her to "Hawkins." She had never heard of that place before.
She looked again as far as her eyes could see and came to her own conclusions: Hawkins had to be a ghost town. She couldn’t spot any androids or signs of life. Her own town, where she came from, was a good example. She had never left it, but she remembered seeing lights and sensing the presence of androids and life forms even from a reasonable distance. And then, the sentinel that had patrolled the road didn’t seem to have detected anyone. But that could be a good thing: maybe the inhabitants who were no longer there had left some food, some water. She could get back on her feet.
It was this thought that managed to get her walking again.
She kept the flashlight pointed ahead the whole time as she limped toward what appeared to be an old shop at a gas station. The gas pumps were obviously old and out of use for years, and climbing plants and moss covered the exterior walls of the place. It was the only building around, and it seemed strange to her to see the windows boarded up with nailed wooden planks. The sign was almost unreadable, and it took her a moment to make out "Hellfire Shop" through the vines that covered it.
She approached, and when she placed her free hand on the wooden surface of the door, she realized just how tired she really was. Her forehead leaned against the rotten wood, and she managed to glimpse a faint, flickering candlelight through the cracks.
There was someone inside. How could there be someone there?
She didn’t think it could be dangerous because she noticed light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, indicating there was electricity, but someone had chosen not to use it. So, someone there was hiding and trying not to be detected by anyone.
She started banging on the door with her hands and used the faint thread of voice she had left to call for help. Could it be a trap? She didn’t know, but it was worth the risk. If she stayed out there, she would die of starvation anyway.
She pounded her fists on the rotten wood for a while, but no one came to open the door, and Paige found herself sobbing desperately, resigned to the idea that she would turn to ashes on those steps, that she would disappoint her parents, that she would disappoint her brother because she hadn’t managed to save herself. But then she heard slow footsteps getting closer and closer. Paige pressed her ear against the wooden door and realized she wasn’t imagining it, because now the footsteps were clearer.
“Please, open the door, please…” she said desperately, her sobs making it hard for her to speak. There was a moment of silence, then the door suddenly swung open, almost causing her to fall forward onto the steps. In front of her stood a strange guy with long dark brown hair, pointing a spear made from makeshift tools at her, and what seemed like the tin lid of a trash can, studded with sharp, rusty nails.
“Who the fuck are you?” he said, his tone a mix of defensive and threatening, though the first adjective seemed to suit him better at that moment. He wasn’t a threat; now she understood that. “I asked you, who the fuck are you!” Paige didn’t respond, but only because she realized she no longer had the strength. This was evident when, shortly after, she collapsed right there at the entrance and fainted.
The guy who had opened the door stood still for a moment, confused. He extended a foot and tried to nudge the girl to see if she was dead, unconscious, or just messing with him… but she didn’t move. He lowered the spear and his tin shield, observing her uncertainly until he noticed that Paige was visibly at her limit: deep, dark circles surrounded her eyes, her skin was covered in bruises and scratches, her lips were dry and cracked, and her hair was frizzy and partly covered in dirt. He even noticed her knees were bleeding because her jeans were stained.
This girl wasn’t a threat; she was in danger. He tossed the spear and shield aside, making a racket he paid no attention to, then quickly crouched to check if she was still alive. Her pulse was still there, and she was breathing, but he didn’t have time to do anything else before a beam of blue light appeared in the distance.
“Shit!” he exclaimed, and he was forced to drag her inside the shop, pulling her by the arms. “Shit, shit, shit,” he continued just before shutting the door the moment Paige was completely inside the room. Right after, he made sure to lift her and lay her on the couch, then rushed to blow out the candles, leaving only the one in the back of the room lit, as it was harder to spot. He quickly clambered over the clutter scattered throughout the shop, then returned to grab the spear and shield and slid down the door until he was sitting on the floor.
The sentinel’s wheels sped by on the asphalt, but Eddie Munson didn’t let his guard down even when he was sure it was gone.
He peeked through the cracks in the door, letting out a sigh of relief, then turned to look at the girl unconscious on his couch and rolled his eyes.
“Just what I needed,” he said, resigned.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
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A/N: Writing this mostly for me as a comfort since my dog just died, but I'm letting you guys enjoy it as well. It is mostly just a love letter to Steddie and miscommunications. You're going to see a little bit of my weirdness in this. Also, a little bit of a love letter to Trans people, too. I love trans!Eddie.
Leah Henderson stood in the mirror as she stared at her reflection. It was strange how she loved the way she looked, but at the same time, she's always doubted that anyone but her would ever find this attractive. She was wider than she was tall with boobs bigger than. . . Well, actually, she didn't think there was anything bigger than her boobs. Boobs. Boobs. Boobs! Leah giggled. What a funny word. She twirled around, her skirt flaring out and grabbed her boobs in her hands. Gah! Why were they so goddamn big? She flipped her curly auburn hair over her chest and boinged one of her curls before putting it over her lip like she had a mustache. Leah nearly screamed when there came a knock on her bedroom door.
"Leah?" Her brother's voice floated through the door. "You've been in there for a while. Are you sad because you knocked something over with your boobs again?"
Leah sighed but smiled fondly anyway. Dustin could be a nosy pain in the ass but he meant well. She opened the door, being reminded again that she was the same height as her much younger brother when they came face to face.
"No, butthead, that's not it," Leah said and pouted. "I miss Steve and Eddie. I kind of wish I went with them."
"Look, I miss them too, but we hang out with them enough as it is, especially you," Dustin said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a scowl. "Aren't you the one who's always up their asses?"
"And you're the one who always interrupts their date night," Dustin said.
"I do not! They just started dating! They don't have an official date night yet!" Leah said. "They're the ones inviting me to hangout!"
"Leah, why do you think they went away on vacation? If you were there, you'd just make things worse for them and for yourself," Dustin said.
"You mean like I always do, apparently? They were so goddamn tired of me that they had to run away to fucking California to get away from like Joyce did, their own personal monster from the Upside Down?!" Leah exclaimed, tears in her eyes.
"Leah, that's not what I meant!"
Leah slammed the door in his face, locked it, and threw herself on her bed as she broke down in tears. Maybe Dustin was right. Maybe she always makes things worse. It's why Steve and Eddie left. It's why their father had left. It was all her fault. She ignored the knocking on her door and proceeded to cry into her pillow until she fell asleep. She continued to ignore Dustin for several days, and even on the day that Steve was supposed to return with Eddie. She had spent days agonizing in her room over it. She did spend too much time with Steve and Eddie, hoping for something that clearly would never happen. She decided to change that. She was almost out the door to leave for her date when Dustin stopped her.
"I'm so sorry, you know that's not what I meant. I was just trying to give Eddie and Steve the privacy that they deserve after all of the attention Eddie got," Dustin said, his lip quivering.
"I know, Dusty, I know you didn't mean it," Leah said with a sigh. "Look, we'll talk later. My date is waiting for me. I just need to move on. Just move forward from Steve and Eddie. They do deserve privacy."
"Why are you making it sound like they're your ex? Or maybe you're in love with them," Dustin chuckled, and Leah bit her lip as his face fell in realization. "Holy shit. You're in love with them."
Suddenly, the door burst open. Eddie strolled in with open arms, a wide grin on his face.
"We probably should have gone straight home first, but we wanted to stop by and see our favorite Hendersons. . . Well, don't everyone come running to greet us all at once," Eddie said. "What's going on here?"
Leah rolled her eyes and brushed by Steve as he was coming in.
"Jesus, what's her problem?" Steve asked.
"Who's that guy, and why is she getting into his car?" Eddie scowled, his face pressed right up against the window.
"That's her date," Dustin replied.
"Her what?" Steve and Eddie asked as they watched her drive off.
Steve whirled around, shutting the door, and placed his hands on his hips.
"Why was your sister so upset?" He asked, and Dustin winced.
"It's kind of my fault," he replied.
"What did you do, you little shit?" Eddie asked as he turned on him.
"It wasn't what I was implying at all, but it kind of sounded like I was implying that you ran away to California to get away from her but really it was the assholes in this town. And I might have said that it would only make things worse if she were there, but only like as a third wheel scenario. Those situations suck!" Dustin exclaimed.
Eddie shrieked, took off Dustin's hat, and began hitting him with it.
"It's the complete opposite, you asshole!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Stop! Stop!" Dustin yelled, and finally Eddie gave him back his hat.
"We're completely in love with her, but we thought it would freak her out if we asked her to join our relationship," Steve sighed.
"Oh shit! Oh. Shit, I fucked up big this time!" Dustin exclaimed.
"You sure did," Eddie glared.
"Look, she's going on a date with another guy thinking that you two want to be as far from her as possible, but the truth is that you two love her and she loves the both of you! I made her think that it was the worst thing in the world, but I swear, I didn't mean to hurt her," Dustin cried.
"We know you didn't, buddy," Steve said. "You need to calm down and tell us where they're going."
"She didn't say," Dustin said meekly.
"Okay. So, we either look all over town or we wait here," Eddie said as he paced the living room.
"There is a third option," Dustin said.
"Which is?" Steve asked.
"Call El and have her look for Leah," Dustin said.
"Nope! Not only would that be a violation of her privacy, but it would also be using El's powers for our own personal gain. Not very wise," Eddie sighed. "As much as I don't like it, we're just going to have to see what she decides when the date is over."
"And if she falls head over heels for this guy?" Steve asked.
Eddie sighed and placed his hands on Steve’s hips.
"There's no way she'd choose some stranger over Steve Harrington," Eddie replied. "No fucking way."
Leah sobbed as she walked home, shoes in hand. She should have known it was too good to be true. He was so nice to her, so understanding. He had been the first guy she had liked since Steve and Eddie, but she should have known that he didn't really want her. She prayed for rain to wash it all away, but it was a clear night, not a dark cloud in the sky. When she got home, her mother's car wasn't there reminding her that she was working the night shift. Eddie's van was still there, which meant Steve and Eddie were still there. Leah cursed her rotten luck. She couldn't let them see her like this, and she also couldn't go into the house like this either. She walked around the back of the house towards the garden hose, wincing when she bumped into the patio table. Leah wiggled out of her dress. She turned on the water and started spraying down the piece of clothing that was soaked in pigs' blood. Suddenly, the back door flew open, and Steve came out wielding a bat while Eddie held out a chair.
"Leah?!" Eddie and Steve yelled, immediately dropping their weapons.
"What the fuck happened to you?" Eddie asked.
"Okay, so, this looks bad," Leah said. "But this is isn't my blood."
"I don't think that makes us feel any better!" Steve exclaimed.
"Well, she's not hurt," Eddie said.
"It's pigs' blood," Leah said, rolling her eyes as she wrung out her dress. "Yeah, I think this is ruined. Probably my underwear, too. Can you guys fetch me my robe?"
Eddie and Steve sighed before sharing an angry look with each other.
"Carrie," they said together.
"Was it your date who did this?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah, turns out the whole thing was a joke," Leah laughed darkly.
"Name. What's his name?" Steve asked.
"It's - I'm not going to tell you," she replied and sighed. "It was just a prank. Can someone please fetch me a towel and a robe?"
"It was assault!" Steve exclaimed.
"Look, I just want to rinse myself off so I don't drip all of this blood all over the house, go inside, take a shower, crawl into bed, and have a good fucking cry! Okay?!" Leah snapped.
"Of course, baby," Eddie said softly. "I'll go get you those things."
Leah rolled her eyes and started taking off the rest of her clothes. She sprayed herself down and flipped her hair over to get that, too. Steve quickly turned around. When Eddie came back, he quickly yelped and put his hands over his eyes.
"Do I look that ugly naked?" Leah asked.
"No!" Steve and Eddie exclaimed.
"I want to bite your thighs," Eddie blurted out.
Leah blushed, having witnessed Eddie in action biting the things that he liked.
"Yeah, okay," Leah said awkwardly, unsure of what to do with that information. "Towel?"
Eddie blindly started to walk over to her. Leah sighed before walking over to him and slapped his hand away from his eyes. He yelped but handed her the towel. She dried herself off, and once she was finished, she handed Steve the towel. Leah turned around to find Eddie holding the robe open for her. She turned around and put her arms through. She felt Eddie's arm wrap around her waist, his fingers brushing against the skin of her belly, and he closed the robe before tying it off. He pulled her closed her hugged her tightly, brushing his lips against her ear.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. They're going to burn in hell for what they did," Eddie whispered.
"Thank you," she whispered.
"I'll dispose of your clothes," Steve said, kissing her cheek.
"Thank you," Leah said.
Eddie wrapped an arm around her and led her inside. Dustin caused them both to yell when he jumped out at them. He was holding out Tews. Leah held a hand to her chest, glaring at her brother.
"You know very well, Dusty, that Tews is NOT an attack cat," Leah replied.
"What happened?" Dustin asked.
"Ask Steve when he comes back inside," she said. "I'm going to go take a shower."
Eddie followed her to her bedroom, where she started pulling out a large black and yellow night shirt. Just then, they both heard the sound of Steve explaining what happened to Dustin.
"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Dustin yelled.
"Where the hell are you going?!" Steve asked.
"I guess you don't want hot chocolate then, Conan," Steve said sarcastically.
"With the little marshmallows, please," Dustin said.
Leah bent over laughing as Eddie did the same. She walked into her ensuite bathroom before popping her head back out again.
"Could you come with me?" She asked Eddie.
"Into the bathroom or into the shower?" Eddie asked.
"Whatever you want to do," she shrugged.
Eddie followed her into the restroom and watched as she took off her robe before hopping into the shower. He stood outside the shower awkwardly for a moment, trying to decide what to do before he heard her sniffling. Eddie immediately stripped down and stepped into the shower. He turned her around and pulled her into her arms, cradling her against his chest. She cried for a while as he held her before she pulled back and looked at the scars on his chest.
"Do you miss them sometimes?" She asked.
"My breasts? Nope, not at all," Eddie grinned. "Why are you asking?"
"I don't know because sometimes I hate mine," she replied.
"May I?" He asked, motioning towards her breasts.
He cupped them gently, holding them up.
"When you hold them, do they feel like yours?" Eddie asked.
"As mad as I get at them, I also love them, so yeah, they feel like mine," Leah replied.
"Whenever I held mine, they never felt like mine. I didn't hate them. It just felt like they didn't belong there, you know," Eddie said.
"Maybe they're somewhere out there helping a woman who's in a similar situation," Leah said.
"That's a nice thought," Eddie grinned softly. "I fucking hope so."
"After you told me and Steve, I kind of questioned myself for a while. I still am, and while I don't believe I'm like you, it's nice to question it, to not feel like you're just one thing, and maybe I'm not. There's just this fluidity to it, I guess, and when I look at you, I question myself, but in a very good way. I think it's so beautiful, and so are you," Leah said. "I'm really glad you're a part of my life, and I really hope that I didn't scare you and Steve off."
"You didn't, sweetheart, you could never," Eddie replied.
He leaned his forehead against hers and let the water wash over them, the conversation with it. Suddenly, Eddie leaned back again to look at her.
"You broke a glass with your boobs again, didn't you?" He asked.
"Eddie!" She snapped before sighing. "Yes."
Once they got out of the shower, they dressed and wrapped their hair up into a towel. Eddie winked and hip checked her on the way out of the bathroom. Steve was coming in with a tray of snacks and drinks as they were leaving the bathroom.
"I made hot chocolate and popcorn. I also got you those big marshmallows that you like," Steve said, placing them on the nightstand. "I grabbed some pretzels, too."
"Thanks, Stevie," Leah said.
"Do you want us to stay?" Steve asked.
"Do you want to go?" She asked.
"We always want you around, I just thought you knew that," Steve said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah?" She asked, biting her lip.
Eddie plopped onto the bed and pulled her in between his legs.
"What our boy here is trying to say. . .do you want to be our girlfriend?" Eddie asked.
"You both want me?" She asked and he yanked her fully in to his lap.
"Hell yes," Eddie said.
Steve sat down on his other side, resting his head on Eddie's shoulder. Leah smiled when Steve pouted and widened his eyes.
"You don't have to beg. . . Unless you want to," Leah laughed. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."
Leah cupped Steve’s chin and gave him a kiss. She smiled as she leaned back, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Excuse me? Don't I get a kiss? I'm the one who asked?" Eddie asked.
"Hmm. . . Let me think about it. . . ," Leah giggled.
Eddie growled and pushed her back onto the bed as he began tickling her sides.
"You little minx," Eddie said and moved to kiss her but caught her cheek instead. "Leah!"
Leah giggled before pulling Eddie into a hard kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and brushed her nose with his while Steve collapsed on her other side.
"I like your shirt. You look like a cute bumblebee," Steve said and kissed her cheek.
"It's new. I got it because it reminded me of you and Steve," she blushed.
"Do you hear that, Eddie? We have our own shirt," Steve said, his eyes lighting up.
"I heard," Eddie said, his own eyes twinkling.
"I love you both," Leah said fondly.
"I know," Eddie said seriously.
"Eddie Munson! You did not just Han Solo Me!" Leah gasped and pushed him off the back. "Take it back and tell me you love me!"
"I did tell you, baby," Eddie cackled from the floor.
"I love you!" She said furiously as she looked over the side of the bed.
"I know!"
"Eddie! Damn it!"
Leah grabbed her pillow and began hitting Eddie with it.
"You know, he did the same damn thing with me!" Steve exclaimed as he looked over the side with her. "Eddie, if you don't be honest with her, she's the only one who will ever get to see my bare ass!"
"I'll be good!" Eddie said, sitting up and cupping her face. "Sweetheart, you make everything so much better. You make us better, and we are so maddenly in love with you. . . I love you."
Leah smiled and cupped his face right back. She leaned forward like she was going to kiss him but paused right before his lips.
"I know," she whispered and Eddie pouted.
"I love you!" Steve laughed.
"You know, our hot chocolate is going to become cold chocolate," Eddie said, rolling his eyes.
So, now here they were, sitting on her bed drinking cocoa and tossing marshmallows into Eddie's mouth.
"I have to ask. When did you realize that you loved both of us?" Steve asked.
"Oh, that's easy," she said softly. "When my dog died a few months ago, and you guys never left my side. I don't think that I would have gotten through it without you. You only made it better."
"I came late into her life, but Shadow was a great dog," Eddie said fondly.
"We're never leaving your side again. . .I mean, within reason," Steve said.
"We have to go to the bathroom at some point," Eddie said, and Leah giggled.
And later that night, she fell asleep between the two men that she loved, her heart lighter than air and feeling like she could whatever horrors the world threw at her with them by her side.
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pepperstories · 2 months
🟢 Face Forward | AU! Joseph Quinn | Chapter List 🟢
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description: when joseph anthony quinn, a bright solitary graphic designer, asks holly, a bright extroverted sex worker, to his parents wedding renewal, how far will she be willing to go for £5000.
warnings: suggestive language, sex work, eventual smut, crude language, joe is liverpudlian, original female character (for story development), death of parent(s)/grand parent, hostile working environment, drinking, alcohol, drug use. basically NSFW!
reminder: i work from my phone guys. grammar, punctuation and spelling will be utterly atrocious. i have 2 weeks annual leave coming up and i plan on rehashing everything i've written so far! if anyone is willing to proofread before posting, i would be eternally grateful.
enjoy. follow. reblog. interact.
chapter 1: what do you mean you don't like beans?
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admin-in-residence · 6 months
It’s 2024 and I’m finally about to post the next part of ‘The Case Of’ series- if anyone stuck around I hope this first part was worth the wait!
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strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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Eric and Bonnie (Original Character)
Summary: Eric’s only goals in life he set for himself were to finish law school and to protect his little sister, Bonnie. Now having to remain silent all the time while making sure he doesn’t lose her, Eric feels like he was destined to fail in life.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: angst ofc, references to abuse as a child, reference to suicide, mentions of blood, Eric feeling guilty.
Notes: @ceriseheaven you want more Eric fics I hope you like this one💖
In life, Eric only had two goals for himself. The first one was to go to law school in New York. In his eyes, it would finally make his parents proud of him. Maybe they would finally change their ways and say that they were proud of him, that they knew he could do it. Probably not.
Eric ran away from his parents in Kent to move to a completely different country to pursue a career he’s been told to do since he was a child, if he failed law school, he would fail pleasing his parents and more importantly, he would fail her.
Bonnie, Eric’s little sister. A 5 year old bright and bubbly little girl. Eric remembered the day he became a big brother, vowing to protect her from whatever harm came their way, and in their case, their parents.
When leaving Kent, Eric saw her little brown eyes fill up with tears, her sniffles and little sobs made his heart break. He couldn’t leave her there, with them. When she did something wrong, he took the blame and pain for it. With him gone, what would happen to her? In a last minute decision, he packed her a backpack full of her clothes and most important toys and took her with him.
Protecting Bonnie was Eric’s second goal and the most important to him. He was basically her dad now, since their own mum and dad neglected their role as so called “parents”. He was the one who fed her, read her bedtime stories, comforted her when she was scared, played with her and so much more. He was the parent she needed.
Bonnie was always different from the other kids her age. Not really wanting to make friends and instead resided in the company of her toys and of course, Eric. She would talk to them like they were real people, always stopping when she was imagining them talking back to her. It made Eric smile, knowing she was able to still be a child at her age while he wasn’t able to.
His little apartment was always cluttered with stuffed animals and toys. Every day, Eric would make his way to school, leaving Bonnie to have a long sleep until he came home later in the afternoon. He knew how much sleep meant to her and how it benefited her pain in her legs. On good days, she was able to waddle around his apartment or walk with her pink, glittery crutches. However, on bad days, she was sat in her wheelchair, adorned with glittery Hello kitty stickers while Eric pushed her around, making zooming noises so she would be giggling.
9/10 times, Bonnie had bad days but Eric didn’t mind. He loved pushing her around, turning everything into a game for her while she was squeezing her stuffed rabbit in her arms, making it wear her big round frame glasses. It warmed Eric’s heart, knowing she was able to make fun out of any situation. It was him and her against the world and nothing could stop them.
That’s what it used to be like.
Now, Eric finds himself stood in a subway station, Bonnie asleep in her wheelchair beside him, tired after a fun day out. He stares at the dirty tracks, contemplating finally listening to that nagging thought in the back of his head and stepping in front of a train, finally being free of his pain and pressure he’s being putting on himself since a child. He thought about Bonnie, about picking up her sleeping body and taking her with him, not wanting to leave her all alone again. He couldn’t bear it.
He thought about her, about her waking up to him not being there, wondering where he had gone. Was he playing a game of hide and seek? He didn’t want to think about any of this, it made him feel even more guilty. He’s meant to protect her, to keep her out of harms way. She’s had him wrapped around her little finger since she was born and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
A loud bang outside snapped him out of his thoughts. Eric turned to look at Bonnie, who was now wide awake with a scared expression painted across her chubby face. She covered her ears.
“Dont like loud noises..” she whimpered, her eyes beginning to water and her little lips beginning to quiver. Eric searched in his bag for her headphones, but to no avail.
“Dont worry Bee it was probably just a car outside.” Eric said, trying his best to reassure her. The noise startled him too, but he persevered and tried his best to cheer up his little sister.
That’s when he heard it, the screams of people on the streets outside. Agonising screams that pierced through his ears. He watched as people fell into the subway station, covered in blood and dust. It made his heart stop. What on earth happed outside?
“Someone help us!!” Someone screamed, before being dragged away by the horrifying creature crawling down the station stairs. Eric’s eyes widened, his heart began to bear faster and his breathing quickened. Then he glanced down at Bonnie. She was shaking in fear, tears silently falling down her cheeks as she grabbed onto his hand, clutching it between her smaller hands.
In that moment, Eric scooped Bonnie out of her wheelchair, discarding it as he ran out the other set of stairs in the station, trying his best not to attract the attention of the creature. He heard muffled sobs coming from his chest. Bonnie had her head buried in Eric’s shirt as her tears began to soak the fabric.
“It’s okay bee it’s okay..we’re getting away from the scary creature now..” he whispered to her, trying his best to cradle her in his arms. As he made his way out of the subway station, he froze at the sight in front of him.
Bodies were scattered on the floor, mutilated and painting the pavements a deep crimson. The air was filled with a thick dust as alarms were blaring from a distance. It was a sickening sight and he was so glad Bonnie wasn’t able to see it.
Eric’s main priority was to find shelter for him and Bonnie, ensuring that at least she was safe. That was all that mattered to him and he wouldn’t do anything until he knew she was out of harms reach.
He was able to find another subway station, lights flickering and eerily quiet. He silently made his way down the stairs, holding a now sleeping Bonnie close to his chest. The station was empty, people belongings scattered across the tile floors. After setting Bonnie’s sleeping body down on a bench, he looked around the floor, seeing if he could find anything for them both.
He picked up a small pack of playing cards, quickly checking if they were all still in the box. As a kid, his granddad taught him how to play different card games and showed him different tricks. Eric was always mesmerised by how the tricks worked and now that he knew them off by heart, he was able to show them to Bonnie.
“Hey sleepy bee..” he whispers, sitting down next to her. Bonnie slowly started to sit up, rubbing her tired eyes and letting out a small yawn. She looked up at Eric, her chocolate brown eyes still droopy from her small nap.
Eric shows her the pack of cards, asking her to pick a random card while he dramatically covered his eyes to look away. This made Bonnie giggle. She found it so funny when Eric was being over the top and silly. It was what made Eric himself and Bonnie adored him, seeing him as her dad and most importantly, her hero.
He placed his finger over his lips, silently telling her to be quiet. She frowned but listened to him. After she picked a card, he asked her to place it on top of the deck, beginning to shuffle them.
“Can you tell me what your card was bee?” He quietly asks, smiling.
“Uh..ace of spades??” Bonnie replies, sounding unsure of her answer. It made Eric chuckle. She definitely wasn’t the brightest kid but he loved her as she was.
Eric spread out the deck between both of his hands, the backs of all the cards facing up. All apart from one card.
Ace of spades.
Bonnie gasped, unsure of how her brother was able to know what her card was before she told him. Was he a magician? Maybe he was a psychic and had secret super powers he never told her about! Eric smiled, pretending to take a bow in front of an imaginary crowd. Bonnie picked up her stuffed rabbit, making it clap for Eric. It warmed his heart knowing that even given the current circumstances, he was still able to put a smile on that chubby face of hers.
Hours had passed since Eric found himself and Bonnie in an abandoned subway station, hiding away from whatever was killing people on the streets.
“It’s only temporary.” He thought, wanting to find a way back to his apartment to he could tuck Bonnie into her bed, read her a story and say that this was all a bad dream. He heard helicopters flying past, telling people to seek shelter and to remain silent. He also heard the monsters running after the helicopters, their screeches piercing through his ears. He covered Bonnie’s ears, making sure she wouldn’t get overwhelmed with the sound or begin to get upset.
Bonnie was now asleep, her little body slumped and resting on Eric’s shoulder, her rabbit slipping away from her grasp as she slept. He wrapped his arms around her, wanting to hold her close to him so he knew that she would be safe.
That was the word going through Eric’s mind right now. He’s failed everything and everyone. His friends. His family. His career. His education. His sister. He also failed himself, not that he particularly cared about himself but he’s realised that he’s failed his two goals. To finish law school and to protect Bonnie.
There was little faith left in Eric. He now has to worry about keeping quiet and also keeping a 5 year old quiet as well and that was easier said than done. Bonnie never was much of a talker but she always made random noises to break up the silence. Eric thought it was silly but it was what made Bonnie herself.
Eric felt his eyes fill up with tears, his lips began to shake as he tried his best not to start crying so he wouldn’t wake up Bonnie. He stared at a drawing on the floor that she had made a few hours prior. It was a small crayon drawing of Eric and Bonnie and written above Eric were the words “my hero”.
My hero.
Eric was Bonnies hero. He was the one that made her feel better if she fell down and scraped her knee. He was the one who read her bedtime stories, tucking her and her teddys in after she fell asleep. He was the one who played games with her, causing her to squeal and giggle while Eric laughed with her. In Bonnie’s eyes, Eric was her dad, or “dada” as she called him. He stepped up when their own parents didn’t. He was there for her since she was a baby. He was her hero.
That was Eric’s breaking point. Tears fell down his cheeks and silent sobs erupted from his throat. He didn’t feel like a hero, not anymore. How was he a hero when he had to keep both her and him in a subway station just so they wouldn’t get killed? How was he a hero when he couldn’t tell Bonnie that this was just a big game, trying his best to make up a lie that she would believe. He felt helpless, knowing that he probably wouldn’t be able to keep her safe forever. That broke his heart.
Eric had lost all sense of hope, feeling like both him and Bonnie were going to die. He didn’t want that but he felt like it was inevitable. As he held his sleeping sister in his arms, he cried. He knew that if he didn’t find another place to hide, sooner or later they would die. Those creatures would end up finding them and kill them.
There was still a little glimmer of hope that they would be safe. He hoped that that there would be people that would come and save them. Those should be Bonnie’s hero’s, not Eric.
That little glimmer of hope was fading away as the hours went by. No one was coming to save them.
Eric had lost hope in everything, finding no point to even continue with anything. That nagging thought came back again. As much as he tried to push it away, it came back, attaching to him like a parasite.
Eric was meant to do two things in life. Finish law school and look after Bonnie. That was all he felt he was good at. Now given the circumstances, law school was out of the picture. As for Bonnie, he felt like he’d been failing her for years. He was never able to do anything right for her, not in his opinion. Sure, he made her laugh the best he could, but his best didn’t feel good enough anymore.
“I’m sorry I’m failing you bee..” he whispers, keeping his voice low enough to not wake her. “I’m trying hun I really am..I’m really trying my best..” tears fell down his face, feeling himself crumbling and breaking down.
Eric wants to try his best to keep him and Bonnie safe, to try and leave New York and find some place safe for both of them, more importantly her. If he would die trying, it was the risk he was willing to take.
I hope you enjoyed this fic and my introduction to my oc Bonnie!!💖💖💖
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lovesickonmybed · 11 months
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Is It Over Now? Masterlist
Synopsis | 1982 was the year that Eddie Munson and Vivian Moore stopped being friends. After walking in on what she considered to be the ultimate betrayal she decided to give Eddie a taste of his own medicine. She switched her friend group of nerds and freaks for the most popular and polished kids at Hawkins High. Now in the spring of 1984, their senior year, Eddie seems to be popping up everywhere she goes. He plagues her every thought after trying her best to forget about him. She thought things were over between them once she had joined those that he hated most but is it really over now?
Content Warnings | Swearing, bullying, alcohol and drug use, sexual content, and abandonment.
Playlist | This playlist is what I've been listening to while writing, a lot of the songs are inspiration for different events and chapters, you don't have to listen in any specific order.
Chapter One | all you had to do was stay
Chapter Two | bad idea right?
Chapter Three | some nights they get so bad you almost pick up the phone
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hllfireclb · 2 years
Eddie as your boyfriend | Headcanons! Pt.2
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More Eddie Headcanons because I love writing them :p
Warnings: fluff, some smut (mdni), cursing, y‘all are still going to school, probably some writing mistakes because English is not my first language <//3
My Masterlist <3
Waits at the picnic table for you during break so you can eat lunch together
Mostly forgets his food, so you feed him with yours
"Eddie you can’t just eat pretzels all the time!"
"Why not?!:("
definitely makes out with you in school and in front of your friends (yes, even in front of the younger ones)
Loves to scare you while you‘re at your locker with a loud "BOO“
"Jesus Christ! Eddie are you crazy!?"
"Crazy in love, yes“ he smirks at you while pulling you into his arms
He is touchy. Physical touch is his love language.
Big and loooooong hugs before, during and after school (and in general)
Always kisses the back of your hand and looks up at you while doing it
Gives you his rings, shirts, literally everything he owns, since he wants to share everything in his life with you (you even are allowed to touch his guitar but only if he‘s with you )
Always offers his joint even tho he knows you usually don’t smoke, when you agree for the first time he‘s shocked asf.
"Oh no…I’ve corrupted my innocent, sweet baby" he says and dramatically puts his hand on his chest
After your first time together you asked him if it was good for him and he looked at you with a "are you fucking serious?“ look on his face…all sweaty and still breathing heavily
"Baby, I think I just died and went to heaven! This was the best fucking Sex I‘ve ever had! And believe me…we‘re not finished yet!"
"What do you mean? You want another round? I came like 4 times Ed‘s!"
"So what? We’ve got all night! Give me 10 minutes and you‘ll cum a 5th time!" He smirks with his eyebrows wiggling up and down
He‘s not just a Sex god, he‘s also the king of aftercare
No matter how tired, sweaty and sticky he is, he‘ll always make sure to get you cleaned up and makes a hot chocolate for the two of you afterwards
When you fall asleep before he comes back he just drinks them himself while holding you in his arms and admiring your face (he‘s so in love)
Sometimes he‘s super scared that you‘ll leave him just like everyone else in his life did before but you remind him daily that you stick to him like chewing gum to his old vans
Let’s you paint his nails, do his eyeliner or play with his hair, even during school sometimes
Passes notes at you during class
"Baby you look so beautiful today and fuck so hot too!?"
You look at him with red cheeks, he responds with a wink
Sometimes you have to stay at school longer so he waits at his hand, until your classes are all done
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hiddlesdeni · 18 days
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Here to let you all know that I posted the fanfic prologue about Eddie even on AO3, if you are interested. You'll find it also in my tumblr, pinned on my profile.
Nothing, bye :)
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Eddie it's ok.
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Papa!Eddie Munson x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Thank you for all the love. It really means a lot to me that you guys like my writing. 💚
Warnings: body insecurities, jealousy, language, description of a panic attack and not proof read and no word count.
Oh boy. This is a long one. Building a foundation, okay. Don't judge.
Summary: Eddie sees more of you than he expected. Something is brewing in him that it's hard to ignore.
Chapter 3: Insecurities
Sometime in the night Eddie got up to use the restroom. When he came back Rosie had moved into the space he was laying. He noticed that you put a pillow on the other side of her so she wouldn't roll off and that you scooted so that you could hug her. Instead of moving you and her, he laid down behind you. Pulling a blanket over all of you. He laid on his side facing your back. After a minute or so he was drifting off when he felt you move closer to him. Bodies only inches apart you reached back and grabbed his arm. Wrapping it just under your breast. His body trembled a bit when he felt your warmth. He moved closer so that your bodies were touching. He liked the way your body felt against him. So soft and warm. He wanted to touch and kiss you. He started rubbing slow small circles on the underside of your breast. You had let a faint moan when he stopped. He had to stop. He needed to stop. What he was doing wasn't right. You were asleep and he wasn't going to take advantage of you. So he turned around so that you were back to back. He adjusted himself and went to sleep.
But in the morning he woke up with his face buried in your hair spooning you again. He breathed you in again. But when heard Rosie giggle he froze mid-inhale.
" Is your daddy awake sweet girl?"
He didn't know you guys were awake. Why hadn't you moved his hand that was now under your shirt hugging your soft tummy. He pull his hand away but you grabbed it and held it over your shirt.
" Morning Eddie."
"Erm morning sweetheart."
" Hungry?"
" Starving." He said propping himself on his elbow.
He looked at the side of your face for a second and smiled. You were tickling Rosie lightly. Eddie looked over to Rosie. He had never seen her so happy and calm in the morning. She would always wake him up crying her eyes out. But here she was, happy as a clam.
" Morning princess. Aren't you a happy little girl this morning?" Eddie grinned moving over you just a bit to kiss Rosie's forehead.
When he lifted and made eye contact with you. He gave you a toothy smile before kissing your forehead too.
"Let's get ready. And I'll treat my favorite girls to some pancakes."
Eddie got up and went around the bed to pick up Rosie. You got up too and went to brush your teeth. Eddie changed Rosie and got her dressed. It looked cold outside and she didn't have a thick enough sweater. But it was as if you read his mind again. You came back into the room with a pink little star fish outfit.
" I picked this up for her. It's starting to get cold and I thought it would look so cute on her."
Eddie took it with a smile. He put it on her and she looked like a cute little star. With just her face showing.
Days went by and you were at the trailer spending some quality time with them, when Eddie decided that your cast needed some art. While feeding Rosie some apple sauce Eddie drew a 20 sided dice and the face of his hellfire club logo. He hadn't done a campaign for a while. And to be honest, he missed it. So when you brought it up one day. He planned out a campaign. With no were to actually do it you offered up your living room.
Eddie didn't know that you liked to play too. You had mentioned once that you were a rogue ranger. He thought it was a reference to Lord of the Rings. But when you pulled out a familiar looking note pad. Eddies heart jumped.
You had pages and pages of characters. Each one was completely different. Not one of the characters you built had any of the same abilities. He noticed at least half of them had the word 'Deceased' in big red ink. With how they died just under it. He saw one that was dated 1974. That was the year it released. You must have been 8 years old when you start to play. It was hard to read your younger self's writing. But he could make out that you were a Bard. Obviously entertaining your teammates during quests. That's when it happened. He looked up from the pages and saw you dancing with Rosie in the trailers small kitchen. He watched as you spun Rosie around making her giggle. He couldn't fight it anymore. He was falling in love with you. He had been trying to fight it. But today, he chose not to anymore. He wasn't sure how he was going to get you to be his. But he knew he was going to do everything and anything he could.
So over the course of a few days he was trying to see if you liked him too. But to no avail. You kept giving him mixed signals. Any time he would hug you, you would hold on just a little bit longer each time. But then when you guys went out to eat you would always ask for separate checks. So that gave him the idea that it wasn't a date. Even when you finally went back to work some days you would sit with him to eat lunch. But other days you would sit with other guys. He knew it was just because of the union stuff. But still he got jealous.
It wasn't until his birthday that it seemed like you were interested in someone else. Eddie and Rosie's birthday were only a few days apart so he decided to just throw her a party. It was the day before it when he got a visit from his buddies. Johnathan and Nancy had moved in together in California and Steve and Robin were roommates attending college in Michigan. They had all came to celebrate Rosie's birthday.
Eddie had talked to them a lot since they left. Mentioning you every so often. But when they came you were at work so he didn't get to introduce you.
" So Munson when are we gonna meet the Mrs?" Steve asked
" She's coming tomorrow. She's the one making the cake."
" What's her last name?" Robin asked while playing with Rosie.
" Oh I didn't tell you? It's uhh l/n."
" What?!" Steve blurted
Eddie looked up from the kitchen table where he was wrapping Rosie's presents.
" You know her?"
" Yeah I know her. We use to go out. Haven't seen her in years though."
Eddie was confused. You never told him that you dated Steve 'the hair' Harrington.
" Uhh what?" Robins eyes moved from Rosie to Eddie then to Steve then back to Eddie.
" Yeah. Yeah. I told you. The girl who was my first love. Eddie? Are you guys dating?"
He hesitated to answer. Did he now have to compete with Harrington for your affection? He wanted to say yes. But what if you didn't actually like him the way he liked you. That would put him in a very awkward position. And the possibility of losing you was not an option.
" Uhh no man. She's just my friend."
Robin gave Eddie a look knowing damn well that she was becoming more than that to him. Eddie had talked to Robin more than anyone else. Ever since she got him to stop smoking he liked her a lot. They were very similar in a way. Constantly rambling about stuff that really didn't make sense to others. But was totally coherent to them.
Steve and Robin were close. So close that they spent pretty much every waking moment together. But when Steve was in class or at work. Robin would call Eddie. Just to see how things were. Eddie had a crush on her just a little bit after the events in the upsidedown. But that quickly went away when he found out her sexual preferences. He took it as a challenge at first but then just saw her as a sister later.
Eddie pleaded her to not say anything with his eyes and she got the hint.
" So it would be alright if I take her out?"
" Uhh I guess man." Eddie tried to hide his feelings.
" Uhh no Steve. What about the girl back home back at school?" Robin tried to get Steve to back off. You were going to be Eddie's girl and she knew it.
" What about her? Things are not serious. We didn't make it official."
Eddie wanted to say something. But he was just too encumbered by jealousy to not to.
" Common Steve. Do you really think a girl like that doesn't want something serious?"
" If she did. She would have told me. Besides y/n and I have history. I wouldn't mind having a family with her."
That's when Eddie had enough. He got up and picked up Rosie.
" I'm gonna change her real quick." He said walking to his room and closing the door behind him.
How was this happening? What the actual fuck? Could Steve really be thinking that? Would he really try to take you away from them? Would you let him? What if Eddie lost you? This was exactly why he didn't want you to get so close to them. And now he was in love with you. Now he couldn't put a stop to the relationship you have built with him and Rosie. She was so use to you now. He couldn't just have you be taken away from her.
Robin knocked and came in closing the door.
"Hey. Nancy and Jonathan came back with food for tomorrow."
" Cool." He said not looking up from Rosie.
"Hey...I won't let Steve ask her out."
" It's fine he can date whoever he wants."
" But Eddie you like her."
" So! I don't even know if she likes me."
" Munson are you serious? Why else would she spend so much time with you."
" Because of Rosie."
" I don't think that's the only reason."
" How would you know? You aren't here to see it." He said coldly
He was hurt when they all left him. They had went through so much together. He understood that they had to move on with their lives. But still, he wished they would have stayed. Or ask him to come with. Maybe if they had. Rosie wouldn't have been here. He loved Rosie with all his heart but he couldn't help but think about what his life be like if she wasn't a permanent fixture in his life. He could have been something. He could have pursued his music or he didn't know. Something other than another person stuck in this stupid small town. Raising a baby all by himself. Just another walking cliche.
"Eddie I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say"
" It's fine Robin. I get that you guys needed to move on. I just wish I could too."
Everyone was packed into the small trailer the following day. All his highschool friends were there to celebrate Rosie's and his birthday. It was mostly for her but he didn't care. The only person who was missing was you. You said that you were running late. That the cake was taking longer than you expected.
Everyone was passing Rosie around while Eddie and his uncle made hotdogs and burgers. It was super cold outside so they had lit a bonfire. The guys were outside drinking. Well the ones who were old enough and all the girls were inside with Rosie.
Eddie could hear all the giggles form the girls inside. He caught Mike and Dustin trying to sneak a beer. Normally he would be okay with it. But ever since Rosie, he had scary parental instincts. He gave them a tongue lashing while snatching the beers.
That's when he saw your car approaching. You had just gotten it back a few days ago. Eddie was so happy to see you finally made it. He jogged over and opened the door for you. You gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Lingering there for longer than you should've.
" Happy birthday Eddie."
" Uhh thanks sweetheart."
You were the first person to wish him a happy birthday. He could have kissed you right then and there, but instead he helped you carry not one but 3 pink boxes. You held one while he had the other 2.
" Why did you make 3? We're gonna be eating cake for days."
" Well one is for the party, one is just for Rosie. And one is a pie...just for you. That's why I took so long. I know you don't like cake so I made you a pumpkin pie."
" How did you know that?"
" I have my ways Eddie."
Eddie smiled at you. Pumpkin pie was his absolute favorite.
" Where's my girl?" You asked walking with Eddie towards the trailer with your bicep touching his.
" She's inside. It's too cold for her out here."
" Good. Don't want her to get sick."
You held the screen door open for him while he went in to find a spot for the desserts.
" There she is. Hi princess. Oh looked at you. You look so pretty."
You said handing the last box to Eddie. And went to Erika who was holding Rosie. She was trying to wriggle out of Erika's hold to get to you.
" Hey everyone this is y/n." Eddie introduced you.
" Hi. I've heard so much about all of you." You said while picking Rosie up.
Robin and Nancy stood up.
" We've heard so much about you too." Nancy said after the hug.
" Glad to finally meet you." Robin smiled while giving you a hug as well.
Eddie had noticed Steve come through the door and stood behind you.
" Hey y/n long time no see."
You turned around and gasped. "Harrington?"
Steve gave you his signature grin causing Eddie's blood to boil.
" I didn't know you were coming?"
" Yeah? Did Munson forget to tell you that I was here?" Steve shot a glance at Eddie. But he looked away quickly.
" God it's been what? Like 8 years?"
" 8 years and 5 months to be exact."
Eddie heard a laugh coming from you that he had never heard before. He could feel Robin's eyes on him but he didn't want to avert his gaze away from you two.
He saw you two awkwardly shuffle to give each other a hug. That's when he went to take Rosie away from you. You looked at him with sad eyes as he pulled her away.
Eddie didn't see it but Robin and Nancy did. They nudge each other when they saw you hug Steve but your eyes never left Eddie as he walked away. The only time you stopped was when Steve was talking to you. You kept stealing glances when you could though.
As the food was ready most of the guys stood outside except for Steve and Eddie. You sat down on the couch with your plate in your lap. Steve tried to sit next to you but Nancy slid in. He went for the other side and Robin tossed herself there. He gave her a frown.
" Hey Steve come sit with us." Max said gesturing to the chair between her and Erika.
Eddie was sitting at the table feeding Rosie who was in her highchair. Your guys eyes met and you smiled at him. He returned it with a thin lip one. He watched you get up and scoot past Robin to sit with him at the table. Rosie was making all kinds of noises. Throwing in dada when Eddie would forget to give her some food. You had touched Eddie's hand when you caught him staring at you. He just smiled and looked away.
It was finally time for presents. You sat next to Eddie on the floor with Rosie between his legs. She was stuck on one present. She was ripping the wrapping when she was distracted by the pretty purple bow. You helped her with most of her presents as Eddie stacked them in a corner. Eddie had gotten a couple of gifts as well. Mostly albums and a new set of dice from Dustin. The girls and Steve pitched in on getting a new leather jacket for him. He immediately took off his old one and put it on. It was a Harley-Davidson black motorcycle jacket. He absolutely loved it.
When it was time for cake Eddie put Rosie back in the highchair while you were in the kitchen unpacking them. You had taken out the big one first. Then took out a personal size one for Rosie. Eddie thought it was so pretty. The white frosting decorated with pink and purple flowers. With happy Birthday Rosie writing so elegantly with hot pink frosting. Eddie could tell you put all your love into it.
Every one sang happy birthday and you and Nancy passed out pieces of cake. Steve tried to help you but Robin kept him distracted. Steve was getting annoyed real fast on how they kept him from you. But Eddie couldn't have been more happier with his female friends. Before you gave Rosie her cake you gave Eddie his pie. You had written happy birthday on it with a heart in whip cream. You handed him a fork at the same time placing the cake in front of Rosie. You hurried and grabbed a disposable camera to start taking pictures.
Rosie had tested the waters. Picking up a handful of frosting and putting it to her mouth. Everyone laughed so hard when she dove face first into her cake. Her face was completely covered in frosting.
" Oh no princess your getting it in your hair." Eddie said trying to get the frosting out of her nose.
You were giggling away just snapping photo after photo. Eddie got so close to Rosie that she smacked him with a mixture of cake and frosting, smearing it on his face and hair. Eddie looked at you and you were just beaming at him. Eddie grabbed your wrist and pulled you so Rosie could get you too. And oh did she. You guys acted like no one else was there. Laughing and covering each others face with frosting.
Everyone laughed at the sight. Well everyone but Steve. He saw the chemistry you and Eddie had. He decided then he wasn't going to pursue you. When you guys were done playing around you went to the bathroom to clean your face. When you came out everyone was still laughing and taking pictures of Eddie and Rosie. You went to stand with the others to watch too.
You started to feel your heart break looking at them. Your eyes began to water, thinking about how you would never see you son do that. Eddie looked up and noticed your shift right away. He was about to get up and comfort you but you held out your hand and shook your head.
You went outside and Steve followed you. Eddie could see you guys through the window. Steve was hugging you while you cried. Eddie looked over to Robin and she nodded. Pulling Nancy and signaling for the other girls to go outside. Eddie saw them all surrounding you giving you hugs. He wanted to be out there. But he couldn't leave Rosie. He hated the fact that Steve was the first one to hug you.
When everything was cleaned up everyone said their goodbyes. It had just started to snow. Eddie had suggested that you stay the night. You tried to refuse because you didn't have anything to sleep in. But Eddie assured you that he had something. Wayne had left to drop off the kids that couldn't drive yet and after he mentioned he was gonna go to the bar and have a couple of drinks with his buddies.
You had insisted that eddie shower before you. Normally he would bathe Rosie's and put her to bed before he did. But since you were there you had told him to take a shower with her. Eddie was worried that you would see his scars. He had been so self-conscious of them since he got them. No one but Rosie has seen them. Even when he had sex he always kept his shirt on. He hated them so much. A constant reminder of almost dying. But you looked away, handing Rosie to him. You sat on the toilet waiting for Eddie to finish washing her up. When he handed her back that's when you caught a glimpse of the terrible looking scar on his chest. You looked away quickly and took Rosie into the room. Dressing her quickly and putting her in the crib. She was out so fast it could have made your head spin. You noticed Eddie had forgotten his shirt. You heard him cuss when he noticed too.
You went to the door.
" Eddie...I have your shirt."
Eddie threw his head back cursing under his breath. He pulled the door open just a bit. Sticking his hand out. But you didn't give it to him.
" Eddie can I please come in?"
" Uhh. I uhh no."
Eddie heard the sadness in your voice.
" Eddie it's okay. I promise I won't judge you. Please?"
Eddie paused for a moment contemplating. Should he? Was it inappropriate? Would you not like what you saw? Because he sure hated what he saw. Eddie stood back from the door and you opened it slowly. He immediately covered as much as he could. He didn't look at you when you came in closing the door behind you.
You put his shirt down on the counter and went for his wrist. He resisted your pull but your sweet soft voice made him stop.
" Eddie. Honey. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise."
Eddie's arms dropped to his side. He could feel your fingers ghost over his scar on his side. He flinched when you lightly touched it. It didn't hurt, it's just no one has touched them before and he was scared. You pulled your hand away when he did.
" Eddie what happened?" You said turning him around.
You gasped at the scars on his back. When Eddie turned back around he saw your hand on your mouth with tears in your eyes. No one knew about Vecna or the upside down besides the ones that were there. And he had never planned on telling anyone. Definitely not you. Would you believe him if he did?
Eddie quickly grabbed his shirt and put it on. " I uhh don't want to talk about it. ... I know they make me look ugly."
" Eddie no. I mean yeah they're pretty bad. But you don't look ugly. Honestly you're very handsome."
Eddie didn't believe you and you noticed. He looked away and tried to find something else to focus on. He didn't notice when you took off your shirt.
" Eddie look. I have scars and I hate them too."
He turned and his eyes widened as he saw you standing there. You weren't looking at him. You were pointing and looking down at yourself.
" See these here on my chest." You pointed at the skin above your black bra. " I got the marks when the twins came in. And these on my stomach. I could lie and say they came from my pregnancy. But I had them way before that."
Eddie was in shock. He had you half naked in his restroom and he didn't have to do anything. He stood quietly looking at your beautiful body riddled with stretch marks and rolls. You had unbuttoned your pants pulling them down slightly so that he could see your over hanging belly. You had lifted it a bit and showed him a 6 inch scar.
" This one I hate most of all. It's a C-section scar."
Eddie moved closer to you and held your waist. "What is that?"
" It's uhh how they got Bastian out."
Eddie finally made eye contact with you.
" I couldn't have him normally. I had this thing called a Fibroid Block. It's a blockage in the birth canal which caused him to not be pushed through."
Eddie was rubbing the scar.
" See Eddie. We all have parts of ourselves we don't like. But it's ok. The people who matter don't care what we look like. And to those people who mind, don't deserve to see us anyways."
You had stepped back out of Eddie's reach and buttoned your pants and pulled your shirt back on. You leaned against the door.
" You're beautiful y/n."
You smiled. " Maybe. But I smell terrible. The bonfire really seeped into my pores."
" Uhh right. Umm let me get you something to wear."
Eddie didn't want this moment to end but when you stepped back he was sure you weren't into it like he was. You guys went to the room and Eddie pulled open a drawer he hadn't opened since Tina left. He pulled out an all white maternity night gown and handed it to you.
" It was uhh Tina's. I haven't gotten around to getting rid of her stuff just yet."
You took it with a small smile and left. Eddie checked on Rosie and moved her to lay on her back. He laid in bed waiting patiently for you. He wasn't sure if you wanted to sleep with him. But he hoped that you did. When you came out you looked so gorgeous. The white teddy gown fitted you perfectly. It didn't look like a maternity gown anymore. You stood in the doorway with your hair wrapped up in the towel and your clothes balled up.
" You can just put them on the dresser." Eddie said pointing to an empty space.
" Umm so do I sleep here or should I go to the couch?"
" No. No. You can sleep right here" Eddie words came out way too eagerly.
He moved over to the wall to make room for you. You quickly dried your hair and laid under the covers with him. You guys faced each other.
"Eddie thank you for letting me be a part of your lives"
" Of course sweetheart. We love having you around. Rosie loves the hell out of you."
You smiled. " Well I love the hell out of her....and you."
Eddie was taken back. " You...you love me?"
" Duh. You're my best friend. How could I not love you?"
Eddie's heart sank. You didn't love him like he loved you. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned around. He laid there with tears rolling over the bridge of his nose. He loved you so much that it hurt. Now he had to settle on just being your friend. How was he going to do that?
Eddie had put in vacation time for the week during the party. It was the 3rd day of his week vacation when he came home from taking Rosie for a checkup. He was surprised to see Erika and his uncle in the living room.
" Hey? Did I plan on having you babysit or something?"
Erika smiled "Or something...."
Eddie was confused and even more so when you came out of his room with his green army duffle bag that he got at the salvation army. You also had one of Rosie's diaper bags. The biggest one she had.
Rosie screamed when she saw you.
" Hey sweet girl. Did you miss me?" You said handing Erika and Wayne the bags.
" I thought you said you were going out of town for a few days." Eddie said with his eyes following you until you came and gave him and Rosie a hug.
" Oh we are. I just had to pack for us."
" What? We?"
Eddie looked as Erika and his uncle went outside.
" Eddie. I have a birthday present for you. I know it's late but I just got it in the mail today."
" You didn't have to get me anything. Your presence is more than enough."
Rosie touched your face and you held her hand.
" Oh princess is daddy flirting with me?" You cooed.
Eddie let out a nervous laugh.
" Well if you are. You are totally gonna fall in love with me after I show you this." You said pulling out a folded envelope out of your back pocket.
You handed it to him taking Rosie so he could open it.
"Look it princess. Watch daddy."
Eddie smiled at you and opened up the envelope. His mouth dropped to the floor and his eyes felt like they were about to pop out. Rosie screamed again and laughed.
"Man I wish I hadn't used all of the film in the camera."
Eddie looked up to you. " Ho-how how-"
" I have my ways Eddie."
Eddie looked down at 2 balcony tickets to Metallica's tour, Damage Justice.
" Oh and you're gonna need these too."
You switched Rosie to your other hip and pulled out 2 lanyards handing them to Eddie. If he thought he was surprised before he had no idea how to explain how he felt now holding 2 meet and greet passes. His knees became weak for a second. But he caught himself.
" Uhh you ok Eddie?"
" I-i...shit..."
" Shit."
Eddie eyed shot up towards Rosie " Oh no princess. No don't say that."
" See I told you. Now she has added a new word to her repertoire."
" Crap! I-....thank you."
Eddie went to kiss your cheek and you went to do it too but something got crossed and you guys ended up kissing. Eddie quickly pulled away.
"shit- I mean crap."
Eddie hung his head. While you laughed.
" Her mind is a sponge right now. You got to watch what you say. I'm sorry I was going for your cheek."
Eddie looked up and you just smiled at him.
" Let's go. Chicago is a long drive and I want to check in our hotel room as soon as we get there. So we can rest before we go exploring."
" What about Rosie?"
"Oh you think we would go anywhere without her? Erika is coming too. She agreed to come as long as she could order room service and watch paper view. "
" you have everything planned out huh?"
" Been planning this for weeks babe."
You and Eddie got ready to go to the concert while Erika sat with Rosie on one of the beds in the king size room. You had gotten one with 2 beds. He had hoped that you would share a room with him but then thought this was for the best. You were just friends right.
You came out of the restroom dressed to the nines. Eddie was losing his damn mind when you came out wearing a tight faux leather skirt with fish net stockings and black Doc martens with red roses on the side. You had on a red shirt with cuts on the side and skeleton hands covering your breast. Your eyeshadow matched what you were wearing. He had never seen you like this before. Sure you were beautiful, but tonight you looked so fuckin' sexy.
" Wow!" Y-you look..."
You smiled. " Thanks. I missed dressing up. Shall we?"
Eddie nodded and let you lead the way.
" Bye sweet girl. We'll be back soon." You said giving Rosie a kiss on the head.
Eddie almost forgot you weren't alone. He gave Rosie a kiss too.
"Munson. You're drooling." Erika teased.
" Shut it Sinclair. Take care of my daughter."
" Always. Just don't come back and have sex while I'm here."
" SINCLAIR! Don't you dare say that word in front of my daughter."
" Munson go. Don't want to keep your girl waiting."
You guys got there early to do the meeting and greet first. Eddie almost fainted shaking the guys hands. He got them to sign one of his albums and you got a pic from James Hetfield. But you didn't keep it. You gave it to a kid who was next to you in your seats. Eddie saw that and he was bummed that you didn't get anything.
The show began with Blackened. You were head banging and Eddie did it too. The song finished and the intro For Whom the Bell Tolls played.
" Oh my God. I love the guitar in this." You yelled.
" Me too." He matched your pitch.
Eddie watched you air guitar it. He couldn't believe that you liked Metallica as much as he did. You sang along, every once in a while doing a mixture of air guitar and drums.
The band broke to address the audience. But as soon as the beginning of One started you jumped and screamed.
" This is my favorite song Eddie."
Eddie grinned and just watched you sing the song. You turned to him and sang the best part
" Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see, absolute horror
I cannot live, I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body, my holding cell
Landmine has taken my sight
Taken my speech, taken my hearing
Taken my arms, taken my legs, taken my soul
Left me with life in hell"
Eddie had the biggest smile you had ever seen. You watched him move his fingers on his imagery fret board. You remember when he used to play. He was really good. You wonder why he stopped.
After the song you went to go get drinks. They played Harvest of Sorrow. You weren't back yet when they started playing Master of Puppets. As soon as Eddie heard it he fell back into his seat. His started to shake and his mouth went dry. His heart began to pound. It felt like it was gonna burst out of his chest. He suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. His vision blurred and he could feel sweat soaking his shirt.
He hasn't felt like this since months after the upside down. He always had his uncle there to help him through it. All sense of self went out the window. Eddie didn't even see you trying to snap him out of it.
" Eddie! Honey! I need you to breathe. Common baby, breathe."
You covered his ears so that the music would be muffled enough to get him to focus.
" Eddie honey, calm down. Look at me. Look at me."
When he finally did he saw tears coming down ruining your makeup.
" Let's go."
He nodded and let you lead him outside. He sat on the curb while you kneeled in front of him.
" Eddie you're ok. Just breath. Common breath with me."
Eddie was shaking so bad that you held his hands.
" okay honey. In through your nose. Hold it for 5 seconds. That's it. Just like that....and out through your mouth.....good....again."
Eddie did that several times until his heart and mind calmed down. When you notice he was ok you sat next to him rubbing his back.
" I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean to ruin our night. I don't know what happened."
" Eddie you didn't ruin anything. I'm just glad you're okay."
" I... I played that song once...before I got these scars."
" Eddie you don't need to tell me. It's ok. We can just go back to the room."
He faced you. " No. I want to tell you what happened. I... I just don't know if you'll believe me."
" Eddie, whatever it is. I trust you okay." You said cupping his cheek.
" Okay. Remember when Chrissy died?"
The drive back to the hotel was quiet. You hadn't really said anything since he told you how he got the scars. He was worried that you thought he was insane. But then out of nowhere you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers in his. You didn't need to say anything or even look at him. He just knew that you believed him.
The only time you stopped holding his hand was when you got out of the car. Eddie stopped at the rooms door and turned to face you.
" Y/n I uhh know this might sound crazy. But...thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for existing. Just being around you has made my life, made Rosie's life so much better. Even when we aren't doing anything. When we just hang out and watch the same old movies. I really appreciate you and who you are...please don't ever change because...y/n I love you. And-and I know what you're gonna say. And I can understand if you don't want to be with me. I have a lot of issues and I have Rosie and I know I'm not much to look at but...but y/n thank you. Thank you for seeing and hearing me. Thank you for showing me patience. Thank you for not running the other way when you saw my insecurities. Thank you for making Rosie laugh. Thank you for everything you have done for us. I-i don't know how I could have done this without you."
You were quiet for a minute.
" Eddie. I...I wish you could see yourself in my eyes. You would see how incredible and strong you are. You would see how loving and kind you are. How stupidly beautiful you are. You are magnificent and you don't even know it. Your issues don't scare me. It actually shows me that you need someone to help you through them. And I see them and I don't want to run away. I want to run to you. And I know I can't expect to change you or to find the answers. I just want to be like a piece of furniture in your beautiful life. There when you need me and there when you don't....if I'm being completely honest. I...can't stand the thought of losing either of you. I-i just can't. It can't happen. Because Eddie I love you too... And it's more than just a friend. It has been since you and Rosie stayed with me for the first time. I love you. I love Rosie. And I would love nothing more than to be a part of your lives for as long as you will have me. Because I will always be here for you two. And if you show me where you hurt, then I'll know where I need to love you the most. Because you deserve that."
There was a brief moment of silence when Erika opened the door.
" Alright Munson that's your queue to kiss her. Now will you two shut up because Rosie and I are trying to sleep. Just don't have S.E.X while we are in the room."
" I'm just saying."
Eddie pushed her gently back into the room and closed the door. He shook his head and turned around. He immediately felt your lips on his. He froze for a moment not knowing what to do. But he guessed it was too long of a moment because you pulled away.
You weren't looking at him and you were obviously embarrassed from doing that. But he wasn't going to have that. He pulled up your chin to look deep into your eyes.
" Let's do this right. No more surprises. No more accidents. okay?"
You nodded slightly. Eddie cupped your face and leaned down. He parted his lips slightly to catch his breath before meeting yours. It was gentle and sweet. He had never wanted to kiss anyone this bad before. When the kiss deepened he put his hand on the back of your neck and put the other around your waist. Your hands were on his shoulders slowly moving up into his hair. When he could no longer hold his breath he pulled away leaning his forehead against yours.
" I love you y/n." His voice shuddered as he tried to catch his breath.
" I love you too Eddie."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @b-irock
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