#Eric aqpdo x oc
strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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Eric and Bonnie (Original Character)
Summary: Eric’s only goals in life he set for himself were to finish law school and to protect his little sister, Bonnie. Now having to remain silent all the time while making sure he doesn’t lose her, Eric feels like he was destined to fail in life.
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: angst ofc, references to abuse as a child, reference to suicide, mentions of blood, Eric feeling guilty.
Notes: @ceriseheaven you want more Eric fics I hope you like this one💖
In life, Eric only had two goals for himself. The first one was to go to law school in New York. In his eyes, it would finally make his parents proud of him. Maybe they would finally change their ways and say that they were proud of him, that they knew he could do it. Probably not.
Eric ran away from his parents in Kent to move to a completely different country to pursue a career he’s been told to do since he was a child, if he failed law school, he would fail pleasing his parents and more importantly, he would fail her.
Bonnie, Eric’s little sister. A 5 year old bright and bubbly little girl. Eric remembered the day he became a big brother, vowing to protect her from whatever harm came their way, and in their case, their parents.
When leaving Kent, Eric saw her little brown eyes fill up with tears, her sniffles and little sobs made his heart break. He couldn’t leave her there, with them. When she did something wrong, he took the blame and pain for it. With him gone, what would happen to her? In a last minute decision, he packed her a backpack full of her clothes and most important toys and took her with him.
Protecting Bonnie was Eric’s second goal and the most important to him. He was basically her dad now, since their own mum and dad neglected their role as so called “parents”. He was the one who fed her, read her bedtime stories, comforted her when she was scared, played with her and so much more. He was the parent she needed.
Bonnie was always different from the other kids her age. Not really wanting to make friends and instead resided in the company of her toys and of course, Eric. She would talk to them like they were real people, always stopping when she was imagining them talking back to her. It made Eric smile, knowing she was able to still be a child at her age while he wasn’t able to.
His little apartment was always cluttered with stuffed animals and toys. Every day, Eric would make his way to school, leaving Bonnie to have a long sleep until he came home later in the afternoon. He knew how much sleep meant to her and how it benefited her pain in her legs. On good days, she was able to waddle around his apartment or walk with her pink, glittery crutches. However, on bad days, she was sat in her wheelchair, adorned with glittery Hello kitty stickers while Eric pushed her around, making zooming noises so she would be giggling.
9/10 times, Bonnie had bad days but Eric didn’t mind. He loved pushing her around, turning everything into a game for her while she was squeezing her stuffed rabbit in her arms, making it wear her big round frame glasses. It warmed Eric’s heart, knowing she was able to make fun out of any situation. It was him and her against the world and nothing could stop them.
That’s what it used to be like.
Now, Eric finds himself stood in a subway station, Bonnie asleep in her wheelchair beside him, tired after a fun day out. He stares at the dirty tracks, contemplating finally listening to that nagging thought in the back of his head and stepping in front of a train, finally being free of his pain and pressure he’s being putting on himself since a child. He thought about Bonnie, about picking up her sleeping body and taking her with him, not wanting to leave her all alone again. He couldn’t bear it.
He thought about her, about her waking up to him not being there, wondering where he had gone. Was he playing a game of hide and seek? He didn’t want to think about any of this, it made him feel even more guilty. He’s meant to protect her, to keep her out of harms way. She’s had him wrapped around her little finger since she was born and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
A loud bang outside snapped him out of his thoughts. Eric turned to look at Bonnie, who was now wide awake with a scared expression painted across her chubby face. She covered her ears.
“Dont like loud noises..” she whimpered, her eyes beginning to water and her little lips beginning to quiver. Eric searched in his bag for her headphones, but to no avail.
“Dont worry Bee it was probably just a car outside.” Eric said, trying his best to reassure her. The noise startled him too, but he persevered and tried his best to cheer up his little sister.
That’s when he heard it, the screams of people on the streets outside. Agonising screams that pierced through his ears. He watched as people fell into the subway station, covered in blood and dust. It made his heart stop. What on earth happed outside?
“Someone help us!!” Someone screamed, before being dragged away by the horrifying creature crawling down the station stairs. Eric’s eyes widened, his heart began to bear faster and his breathing quickened. Then he glanced down at Bonnie. She was shaking in fear, tears silently falling down her cheeks as she grabbed onto his hand, clutching it between her smaller hands.
In that moment, Eric scooped Bonnie out of her wheelchair, discarding it as he ran out the other set of stairs in the station, trying his best not to attract the attention of the creature. He heard muffled sobs coming from his chest. Bonnie had her head buried in Eric’s shirt as her tears began to soak the fabric.
“It’s okay bee it’s okay..we’re getting away from the scary creature now..” he whispered to her, trying his best to cradle her in his arms. As he made his way out of the subway station, he froze at the sight in front of him.
Bodies were scattered on the floor, mutilated and painting the pavements a deep crimson. The air was filled with a thick dust as alarms were blaring from a distance. It was a sickening sight and he was so glad Bonnie wasn’t able to see it.
Eric’s main priority was to find shelter for him and Bonnie, ensuring that at least she was safe. That was all that mattered to him and he wouldn’t do anything until he knew she was out of harms reach.
He was able to find another subway station, lights flickering and eerily quiet. He silently made his way down the stairs, holding a now sleeping Bonnie close to his chest. The station was empty, people belongings scattered across the tile floors. After setting Bonnie’s sleeping body down on a bench, he looked around the floor, seeing if he could find anything for them both.
He picked up a small pack of playing cards, quickly checking if they were all still in the box. As a kid, his granddad taught him how to play different card games and showed him different tricks. Eric was always mesmerised by how the tricks worked and now that he knew them off by heart, he was able to show them to Bonnie.
“Hey sleepy bee..” he whispers, sitting down next to her. Bonnie slowly started to sit up, rubbing her tired eyes and letting out a small yawn. She looked up at Eric, her chocolate brown eyes still droopy from her small nap.
Eric shows her the pack of cards, asking her to pick a random card while he dramatically covered his eyes to look away. This made Bonnie giggle. She found it so funny when Eric was being over the top and silly. It was what made Eric himself and Bonnie adored him, seeing him as her dad and most importantly, her hero.
He placed his finger over his lips, silently telling her to be quiet. She frowned but listened to him. After she picked a card, he asked her to place it on top of the deck, beginning to shuffle them.
“Can you tell me what your card was bee?” He quietly asks, smiling.
“Uh..ace of spades??” Bonnie replies, sounding unsure of her answer. It made Eric chuckle. She definitely wasn’t the brightest kid but he loved her as she was.
Eric spread out the deck between both of his hands, the backs of all the cards facing up. All apart from one card.
Ace of spades.
Bonnie gasped, unsure of how her brother was able to know what her card was before she told him. Was he a magician? Maybe he was a psychic and had secret super powers he never told her about! Eric smiled, pretending to take a bow in front of an imaginary crowd. Bonnie picked up her stuffed rabbit, making it clap for Eric. It warmed his heart knowing that even given the current circumstances, he was still able to put a smile on that chubby face of hers.
Hours had passed since Eric found himself and Bonnie in an abandoned subway station, hiding away from whatever was killing people on the streets.
“It’s only temporary.” He thought, wanting to find a way back to his apartment to he could tuck Bonnie into her bed, read her a story and say that this was all a bad dream. He heard helicopters flying past, telling people to seek shelter and to remain silent. He also heard the monsters running after the helicopters, their screeches piercing through his ears. He covered Bonnie’s ears, making sure she wouldn’t get overwhelmed with the sound or begin to get upset.
Bonnie was now asleep, her little body slumped and resting on Eric’s shoulder, her rabbit slipping away from her grasp as she slept. He wrapped his arms around her, wanting to hold her close to him so he knew that she would be safe.
That was the word going through Eric’s mind right now. He’s failed everything and everyone. His friends. His family. His career. His education. His sister. He also failed himself, not that he particularly cared about himself but he’s realised that he’s failed his two goals. To finish law school and to protect Bonnie.
There was little faith left in Eric. He now has to worry about keeping quiet and also keeping a 5 year old quiet as well and that was easier said than done. Bonnie never was much of a talker but she always made random noises to break up the silence. Eric thought it was silly but it was what made Bonnie herself.
Eric felt his eyes fill up with tears, his lips began to shake as he tried his best not to start crying so he wouldn’t wake up Bonnie. He stared at a drawing on the floor that she had made a few hours prior. It was a small crayon drawing of Eric and Bonnie and written above Eric were the words “my hero”.
My hero.
Eric was Bonnies hero. He was the one that made her feel better if she fell down and scraped her knee. He was the one who read her bedtime stories, tucking her and her teddys in after she fell asleep. He was the one who played games with her, causing her to squeal and giggle while Eric laughed with her. In Bonnie’s eyes, Eric was her dad, or “dada” as she called him. He stepped up when their own parents didn’t. He was there for her since she was a baby. He was her hero.
That was Eric’s breaking point. Tears fell down his cheeks and silent sobs erupted from his throat. He didn’t feel like a hero, not anymore. How was he a hero when he had to keep both her and him in a subway station just so they wouldn’t get killed? How was he a hero when he couldn’t tell Bonnie that this was just a big game, trying his best to make up a lie that she would believe. He felt helpless, knowing that he probably wouldn’t be able to keep her safe forever. That broke his heart.
Eric had lost all sense of hope, feeling like both him and Bonnie were going to die. He didn’t want that but he felt like it was inevitable. As he held his sleeping sister in his arms, he cried. He knew that if he didn’t find another place to hide, sooner or later they would die. Those creatures would end up finding them and kill them.
There was still a little glimmer of hope that they would be safe. He hoped that that there would be people that would come and save them. Those should be Bonnie’s hero’s, not Eric.
That little glimmer of hope was fading away as the hours went by. No one was coming to save them.
Eric had lost hope in everything, finding no point to even continue with anything. That nagging thought came back again. As much as he tried to push it away, it came back, attaching to him like a parasite.
Eric was meant to do two things in life. Finish law school and look after Bonnie. That was all he felt he was good at. Now given the circumstances, law school was out of the picture. As for Bonnie, he felt like he’d been failing her for years. He was never able to do anything right for her, not in his opinion. Sure, he made her laugh the best he could, but his best didn’t feel good enough anymore.
“I’m sorry I’m failing you bee..” he whispers, keeping his voice low enough to not wake her. “I’m trying hun I really am..I’m really trying my best..” tears fell down his face, feeling himself crumbling and breaking down.
Eric wants to try his best to keep him and Bonnie safe, to try and leave New York and find some place safe for both of them, more importantly her. If he would die trying, it was the risk he was willing to take.
I hope you enjoyed this fic and my introduction to my oc Bonnie!!💖💖💖
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skyfallslayer · 2 years
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Welcome to my official Masterlist for my account. Since I decided to start branching out to more fandoms beside Marvel, I thought I should organized my work a little better. Down below are links to each fandoms own masterlists. I am currently not taking any requests right now as I focus on finishing up some of the stories I've written so far. Any who, Enjoy!
Key Factors: 🔥 = Smut 🧸= Fluff 💔= Angst (Mostly what my fics surround)
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Mostly just me loving on Bucky and Matt. This Masterlist consist of romantic and platonic love between reader-insert and Original Characters; And some times, What if ? Fics.
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Stranger Things -
Starts off with an original character au and spins out into "what if?" moments.
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A Quiet Place -
Starts off with Reader getting trapped in New York.
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Cobra Kai -
Coming soon: A rewrite of the show with Johnny Lawrence Daughter/ Robby Keene Twin!OFC.
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John Wick -
Coming soon: Starts off with an original character au with Wick's daughter.
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strawbbzombwie · 2 months
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A day worth celebrating.
Eric x Bonnie
Summary: Bonnie wants her big brother to have an amazing birthday so with her stuffed rabbit and pocket full of coins, she sets out on an adventure!
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings:Pure fluff with a teensy bit of angst sprinkled in at points, reference to Bonnie’s leg pains, Eric being a worried father and also miserable😔
Notes: @ceriseheaven giving him the birthday he deserves thanks to Bonnie🥹
Eric doesn’t particularly like celebrating his birthday. He never got a proper birthday as a child and now with Bonnie, he celebrates his birthday when it’s her birthday.
They normally split a small cake between them, watch Bonnies favourite cartoons and play games. By the end of the day, Bonnie’s wrapped up in Eric’s bed fast asleep and he may go out for a little while to see his friends from law school.
This birthday was different.
Eric was born on March 19th while Bonnie was born on August 13th and she wanted Eric to have a birthday of his own for a change so he would finally be happy.
March 19th 2020.
Bonnie woke up, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. Eric still asleep beside her. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed so he had to share his bed with a wriggling 5 year old. Most nights he didn’t sleep, too worried about Bonnie getting hurt in her sleep but this was a time he was finally able to fall asleep, probably due to exhaustion.
She slowly crawled out of the warm bed, grabbing her stuffed rabbit and putting on her bunny slippers. The sound of rain pattering against the windows made Bonnie giggle. She always loved rain but hated thunder as the loud bangs overwhelmed her.
“Oki wabbit. We’re going to go on an adventure today to get dada a cake!” Bonnie whispered, waddling into the small kitchen and grabbing a small bowl to fill with her choice of sugary cereal.
After her breakfast, she grabbed her pink raincoat and boots and also put wabbit in a matching raincoat and boots. She grabbed all her coins and dollar bills and placed them in her pocket and quietly waddled to the door.
“Wabbit am I forgetting something??” She asked to her stuffed friend, looking at her outfit. She stayed in her fluffy pink pyjamas with her glittery leg braces on underneath. She had a struggle buckling them up herself as Eric normally does them for her. But she decided to be a big girl and do them herself!
Recently, Bonnie’s legs had been hurting more and more. No matter how many doctor appointments Eric took her too, they all said that her condition was the same and not declining but Eric knew to trust his instinct more. The doctors gave Bonnie a wheelchair and leg braces for when she was in pain and Eric did his best to decorate them and make them all sparkly for her. He took all of her stickers and added them to her wheelchair and when he showed her, she squealed and ran to hug Eric. It warmed his heart knowing that she loved him so much. Eric thought that he wasn’t capable of being loved but Bonnie proved him otherwise.
Bonnie decided that she was ready to go to the store to buy Eric a cake, ready to give him the best birthday she possibly could.
After taking the lift to the bottom floor, she stepped outside into the rain and the cold March air. It was still dark outside and quiet, people not waking up to go to work yet.
“Oki wabbit keep your raincoat on otherwise you’ll be soggy!!” Bonnie giggled, beginning to walk down the street. This was the first time Bonnie was ever out on her own. She was 5 after all. Eric taught her about stranger danger and the only time she needed to speak to someone was when she buys the cake so she knew not to talk to anyone else.
The rain was pouring by the time Bonnie made it to the small store. She waddled into the building, making her way to where all the cakes and treats were. The cashier glanced over and was visibly confused.
“Are you okay hun? Where’s your mommy?” They said, walking over to Bonnie. She looked up at the worker, smiling.
“I’m getting a cake for my dada! It’s his birthday today!!” Bonnie giggled. The worker smiled back.
“Ohh okay! Do you want any help??” They asked. Bonnie shook her head and went back to looking at the cakes. The worker smiled, beginning to walk back to the cash register.
Bonnie grabbed wabbit out of her pocket, who was a little soggy due to the rain. She hugged him tight and pointed to a cake.
“What about this one wabbit? It’s chocolate so it will be yummy!” She asked, making wabbit nod in return. She smiled, picking up the cake and waddling to the register and going on her tippy toes to place the cake on the counter.
“I want this please!!” Bonnie says, looking up at the worker, a smile spread across her face. The worker smiles back and scans the small cake.
“Okie dokie thats $10!” They say. Bonnie reaches into her pocket and pulls out a few dollar bills and a variety of different coins and drops them onto the counter. She steps back as the worker counts all the coins. They dont have the heart to tell Bonnie that she’s a little short on the money. She is a child after all and like she said, it’s for her dad’s birthday, why would they ruin that day.
“Here’s your cake!! I hope your dad has a great birthday!” They smile at her and hand her the small box. Bonnie squeals, grabbing the box and running out of the shop.
“Thank you!!” She yells as she runs out the door, placing wabbit back on her raincoat as she makes her way back home.
Bonnie quietly opens the door, looking around the apartment to find Eric nowhere to be seen. She smiles, placing the cake on their small coffee table as she throws her raincoat on the floor, grabbing wabbit and placing him on the small sofa.
She runs to Eric’s bedroom, grabbing all her toys and places them on the sofa and floor, leaving a space for Eric in the middle. She giggles, happy with her layout and hoping that Eric would like her effort.
Eric rushes through the apartment door, panicking. When he woke up to find Bonnie’s side of the bed empty, he thought bonnie went to the toilet but after a couple of minutes, the bathroom was still silent. This puzzled Eric as he would normally hear Bonnie humming as she washes her hands. But all he heard was silence. So when he opened the bathroom door to find no Bonnie, he started to panic and ran out of the apartment, frantically calling his friends asking them to keep a lookout for Bonnie if they see her. When his friend text him saying they saw her waddling home in the rain, he immediately ran back to the apartment.
“Bonnie!! Where have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!!” he yelled. He didn’t want to yell at her, but he’s trying so hard to raise her and give her the childhood she deserves. The childhood he never got. His heart dropped when he saw Bonnie’s smile fade and her chocolate button eyes fill up with tears.
“I’m sorry..wanted to get a cake for your birthday..” she sniffled, pointing to the coffee table. He glanced over and teared up at the sight. On the table was a chocolate cake. Eric’s favourite. All of Bonnie’s toys and teddys were sat on the couch and floor, wearing makeshift party hats Bonnie made. Next to the cake, was a card Bonnie made herself, a picture of Eric in a party hat drawn in crayons, which were still scattered on the floor. He bent down and picked up the card, opening it to read the message she wrote.
“To Dada,
Happy birthday to the best dada in the whole wide world!!
Love from your bestest friends Bonnie + Wabbit”
Eric didnt realise he was crying until he felt the tears roll down his cheeks and his vision begin to blur. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve a cake, a card, a party and he certainly didn’t deserve Bonnie. Not in his opinion anyway. He looked after bonnie when no one else would, even though he was technically her brother, he’s been her dad for as long as Bonnie could talk. He’s seen her first steps, her first words, her first everything. He’s been there when their parents weren’t bothered to be.
“Bee..hey sh sh..I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to yell..I was just worried because you were out all on your own..anything could’ve happened to you..” he said, kneeling down to face a sniffling Bonnie, wiping the tears away from her chubby cheeks. Bonnie looked at Eric, sniffling and trying her best to smile.
“I’m sorry..I just wanted you to have a birthday..” she sniffled. She didn’t understand why what she did was wrong and dangerous. Eric sighed, picking Bonnie up and embracing her in a hug.
“I can never stay mad at you bee. You mean too much to me. You know that right?” He says, ticking her side, causing her to squeal and giggle. He was happy that he finally got her to smile. He sat down on the couch, being surrounded by toys while Bonnie is sat on his lap.
“Should we have some cake??” Eric asked, Bonnie immediately nodding in response, also making wabbit nod.
The day went by quickly, being packed full of fun activities. Eric and Bonnie shared the small cake, Eric feeding Bonnie small pieces so she didn’t make a huge mess while eating it. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a birthday cake on his actual birthday. He usually shared his birthday with Bonnie in August seen as he couldn’t afford to celebrate his own but he wanted her to have the best birthdays. He didn’t care about treating himself but it warmed his heart knowing that Bonnie wanted Eric to have a day all about him.
After cake, they both sat watching cartoons, Eric having Bonnie sat on his lap, holding her close as she sang along to the songs on their small tv. Bonnie was making wabbit dance, making Eric laugh.
“You’re so silly!” He said, squeezing her as he kissed her cheek, making Bonnie laugh in response.
When it came to having dinner, Eric’s friends came around and brought takeout for the two of them. They also said at some point when Eric’s free, they would take him out for drinks to celebrate. When Eric moved to New York, he didn’t expect to make many friends as he never had any growing up, mainly being used to keeping things to himself and doing activities alone. But when he started classes at law school, he met a group of people he shared similar interests with. And when Eric introduced them to Bonnie, they immediately fell in love with her, offering to babysit her whenever Eric’s busy. That made Eric happy, finally finding people that cared about him and Bonnie.
By 7pm, Bonnie was fast asleep in Eric’s arms, holding wabbit within her own. After dinner, they had spent the evening drawing and playing games with the rest of her toys. Eric was always surprised by Bonnie and her big imagination. She was able to create games with what little toys she had. It made Eric upset that he wasn’t able to give her everything she wanted but she didn’t mind. She wasn’t ungrateful and she loved and cherished everything he gave her.
Eric got up from his seat, cradling Bonnie in his arms as he made his way to his bed, placing Bonnie down and tucking her in the covers. She mumbled slightly, stretching her arms out to try and grab Eric again.
“I’ll be back soon bee..sleep well okay?” He whispered, getting a soft murmur in response as Bonnie continued to sleep. He walked back into the living room and started to clear up the plates, quietly placing them in the sink. He went back to the couch, picking up all of Bonnie’s toys and putting them back in her toy box. He liked the apartment to be as clean as possible but with a 5 year old, that was tricky. He didn’t mind though, just as long as she has fun.
After cleaning up the apartment, he went into the bathroom to change into some pyjamas and brush his teeth. He already got Bonnie changed into her pyjamas after dinner so he was glad he didn’t have to worry about waking her up.
He quietly climbed into bed, making sure not to disturb Bonnie. He didn’t have the money to buy Bonnie her own bed but she didn’t mind as she got to give Eric cuddles all the time. Every morning he always woke up to Bonnie asleep on his chest, hugging him as she continued to sleep, snoring lightly.
As he began to fall asleep, he looked at Bonnie, who was asleep and snuggling into wabbit. He felt guilty that Bonnie did the best she could to try and make a great birthday for him, but he knows she’d do it a thousand times if it showed how much he meant to her. He didn’t know a child to love a person so much as Bonnie loved Eric.
“Thank you bee..you gave me a day to remember..I love you..” he mumbled, stroking her hair as he began to fall asleep, the light sound of rain still tapping against the glass.
I hope you enjoyed more Eric and Bonnie content!! Thank you for reading!!💖💖
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