paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Epilogue- 4 years later
I look over at Margo who's standing beside me, anxiously playing with her necklace. "Margo, calm down babe." She laughs under her breath. "How can I calm down? They're all going to judge me, Q." I shake my head and grab her hand. "No. Wanna know why? I won't let them." She nods and pulls me into the room. It's our 5th high school reunion. Well.. First but it's been 5 years. We walk in, and see Radar, Angela, Lacey, and Ben. Margo squeezes my hand as I bump into someone. I look up to see Jase Worthington. "Quentin?" I nod and Margo walks back to my side. His eyes widen. "Margo? Why are you here? Last I heard you ran away to New York." She smiles, obviously faking it. "I came back. And I'm here only because Q asked me to." He smiles. "Are you two together or something?" I nod. "Yep.. We got married maybe three months ago." Jase laughs a little. "Well congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen." Margo smiles wider. A real smile. "So how have you been, Jase?" He smiles. "I'm fine. I got married to Becca a year ago. We have a little two year old named Stella." Margo smirks. Baby before marriage. Typical Jase & Becca. "Aww! That's sweet. It was nice talking to you, Jace." Margo pulls me over to our friends and they all stop their conversation. Ben smirks. "Look who it is. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen." I laugh. "Shut up." Lacey smiles and hugs Margo. Ben and Lacey got married about two years before we did. They have a newborn named Sam. And as for Radar and Angela? They're taking their sweet time getting down the marriage path. As Radar put it, "I want to propose so so bad but.. I gotta wait until my parents are away. I don't wants damn black Santa on her engagement ring, now do I?" As I look at my friends and the girl of my dreams, now my wife, I can't see my life any other way. It wouldn't be possible without the one night, Margo Roth Spiegelman climbed through my window.. Dragging my sorry ass for a night I'll never forget.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter 14- puzzle pieces
This is the last chapter oh my god.. Wow. I hope you guys love it. Don't worry.. There will be an epilogue. More about that later though. I love you guys! ~~~~~~~~~ I walk into the Osprey, needing to talk to her. We haven't talked since that night in the Sun Trust building almost a month ago. I climb through the troll holes and walk into the room she calls her bedroom. She sits on the cot she has, writing in a brand new black notebook. "Margo?" I say. She looks up, her eyes shocked and filled with anger. "Quentin." She closes her notebook and looks up at me, scowling. I wonder what I did. I followed her every will, I let her stay the night with me, I've driven her too many places to count, I moved her stuff here, and I missed graduation. All for her. It makes no sense at all. I walk over and I help pull Margo up and stand there, looking into her eyes. "Margo.. Please just talk to me. We haven't talked in almost a month. I thought we'd given our friendship a second chance." She huffs. "Yeah. You were wrong, like always.. Q." I try not to yell. I don't want a repetition of Agloe. I want her to talk to me, I want to listen to her. I want to talk to her. I want her to listen to me. 聽"I'm right about actually a lot, Margo." I say calmly. She laughs and looks at the graffiti on the wall. You will go to the paper towns and you will never come back. She breaks out of my grasp and walks over and runs her delicate fingers over the fading wording. She looks at it again and whispers, "You were never supposed to read that. You were never supposed to look deeper than the tiny piece of paper in your door jam. You were never supposed to find me. You were never supposed to kiss me. I was never meant to come home. I was never supposed to feel- never mind." I walk over and grab her hands and look her in the eyes. "Margo.. You're right about that. Yeah I was an idiot lacking a good sense of judgement. Hell I still am. I wasn't supposed to kiss you. But in retrospect you kissed me after I kissed you. And the whole last part is all on you. But that doesn't mean we can't talk!" She sighs and buried her head in her hands, her hair hiding her face. "Yes.. Yes it does, Quentin." I feel a chill run up and down my spine. She rarely calls me Quentin. Just Q. Or Q, Darling.. When she feels like it. "Just get out!" She says, moving a little hair out of her eyes. I tighten my grip, but not much, and move her hair out of her face. I look into her eyes and shake my head. "Margo, I can't do that." She scowls. "Yeah!! Yeah you can, Quentin. You came in here.. So you can leave here just the same!" I shake my head again. "Margo just listen to me. I was wrong about many things. But I was right about one." She looks up, her eyes less rage infested. "And that is.." I sigh, my hands shaking. I need to do this. "I wasn't wrong about being in love with you, Margo. Not then, not now. I know, then.. You didn't know yourself. But once you did, I got to know you. I love you, Margo Roth Spiegelman. I love the way you think outlandishly and beautifully. I love the way you smile at everything beautiful in life because you see it's true colors. I love the multiple records you own and how you're passionate about what you love. I love how your eyes smile and twinkle. I could go on and on. But I think you get my point." I lean towards her ear, hugging her tight. Just like the night she left. "I. Will. Always. Love. You. Even. If. You. Hate. Me." I stop hugging and stand there as she looks at me, a tear trickling down her face. She looks at me and hugs me, almost tackling me to the ground. "That was.. No one's ever told me that. I.. Quentin, I.. I.... I...." She goes silent. I stand there, my heart pounding. Silence. Silence. Silence. Silence. She look up at me and speaks. "I... I.. I love you too, Quentin. My ten year old self had good judgement, I guess. The boy I saw that night at Becca's, and at Jase's.. That was exactly how you had imagined me. I imagined you as this great guy who secretly loved adventure and would die for my nail polish if it fell and broke on the road." She places her hand on my cheek and pulls me closer. "I fell in love with you a few nights ago. On the rooftop. I realized just who you are. That was my favorite moment of all time." I smile and kiss her. My heart is pounding as I feel her smile and kiss me back. 聽She breaks the moment by pulling away. I lean in front of her, our foreheads pressed together. "What happens next?" She whispers. I shrug and think. "I don't know, Margo. I don't know. Maybe I can visit you three times a week here." She smiles. "Just knock first." I nod and laugh a little. I grab her hand and lace it with mine. "Maybe, uh too.. I can take you on a date next Wednesday? As in an official date. Not a mission." She chuckles and smiles as she squeezes my hand. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." I smile and kiss her again quickly. She pulls away and smiles. "So are we?" I whisper. She nods. "I'd like that too." And in this moment, I realize something. We aren't connected by strings. We're not leaves of grass connected by roots. We are puzzle pieces. And I found my matching piece.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter 13- rooftops
Once I come back home, I go straight to my room. Margo's stuff is gone, obviously. The room feels empty even though it never had her stuff in it before this. I look at the clock. 8:30. Shit. She made me leave and then see her half an hour later? At least we'd be alone this time. I walk over to my dresser and change into a different shirt and jeans. The other ones smell like abandoned building. As I look at the clock when I'm done prepping myself, my heart stops. 9. Shit. I run out of my bedroom, and dash down the stairs. I grab my car keys and run out the door, ignoring my parents. I get into the minivan and drive as fast as I can, ignoring the stop lights. After about 10 minutes, I get there. Margo's standing beside the mangled tree. She walks over and gets it. She smiles at me and raises her eyebrows. "To the Sun Trust building." I'm confused. Why? I drive on, not even knowing why or what we're doing. We pull into the parking lot, and Margo jumps out. "Come on, Q!" Even after being kicked out of Duke, I was still worried about the felony part of this. But if the girl of your dreams says come on, you follow. I follow behind her, the cool air of the lobby hitting my face. Margo grabs my hand and pulls me up the infinite flights of stairs. We enter the conference room and she pulls me close. "So.. I brought you up here to tell you why I came back." I smile tinily. "Why couldn't you do that in the Osprey?" She shakes her head. "Too embarrassing." I smile and walk over to the glass panels, and look out over Orlando while she speaks. "I left because the lights were too blinding. I had nothing, I had no one. Besides a girl at that truck stop named Laura and her brother Mason. I tried to make it but everything didn't feel right. The apartment I rented was too small and stunk like shit, the people were horrible. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was too paper. It was too flimsy. It was too fake. That's why I came back. And I may have missed you.." I smile and lean my head against the glass like she is doing. I look over at her and laugh a little. "I missed you too, Margo. I really did." She smiles. "Why'd you get kicked out of Duke anyway?" I shrug. "Don't know. My mom never told me. I think it was SeaWorld." She chuckles. "You were only there one day though!" I shrug again. "I honestly don't know." She smiles and takes my arm and hugs me tightly. "I'll see you soon, Q." Then she exits the conference room and I hear her feet on the stairs. I stand there and watch her walk to the osprey, watching the miracle of night time.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter 12- capri sun boy
"So.. What do you need moved in now?" Radar says, panting. After about an hour and a half of finishing moving everything into the Osprey, he as exhausted. As were the rest of us. Margo has some heavy stuff. I lay on the floor, curled in a ball.
聽I feel like shit. Margo stands beside her newly placed lamp and looks over the room. "It's all here. You guys okay?" Radar nods, looking at Ben. Ben's sitting on her desk chair, his eyes closed. "How about liquids? I'm a literal desert trapped inside of a body." Margo laughs and looks at Lacey who's by the not yet working mini fridge. "There's Capri suns... A flat coke.. and two and a half cheese sticks."
聽Lacey sighs and closes the fridge door. Ben walks over and opens it, grabbing as much of the pouches as he could handle and threw them at us. Margo laughs, a smile on her face. "Thanks, Capri Sun boy." Ben smiles. "I like that. It's better than Bloody Ben." I stand up and continue sipping on my Capri sun. As I finish it, I throw it away, walking over to Ben.
"Hey, Capri Sun boy. Let's go." As we all say our goodbyes, I walk over to Margo. She hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Meet. Me. In. Jefferson. Park. At. 9." I nod and pull away, walking out. I'm ready for whatever happens. I hope.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter eleven- fatal mistake
I look over at Margo as I hand her record after record. Her hair is in her face, her eyes are watching her own actions. "So are they coming or not?" I nod. "Yeah. They're gonna help us- you.. You move in." She smiles and gets up from her squatting position, grabbing my hands and pulling me up with her. I stand up and she's staring into my eyes. She gives me a tiny hint of a smile and sighs. I look into her eyes and remember the night in Chuck's room. Her blue eyes shimmer into mine, reminding me of how I had categorized her as two things into one. How she had 2 sides. But she didn't. She was one person. Different emotions. One color eyes that have one definition. Blue. That was my fatal mistake. This is now. She's in front of me again, reminding me of the feeling of kissing her. And just being in front of her. Marveling at the new person I see and wondering about the Margo I left in Agloe and why I ever loved that Margo and I feel an urge in my mind to speak but I don't. The quiet is making everything seem safer. Margo opens up her mouth to speak when the unlocked door opens. She jumps and looks at the door. There stands my best friends. Lacey smiles at Margo and walks over, nodding at me as to say hi. I shrug and walk over to Ben and Radar. "Why um, Q are you here? And why is Margo here?" Radar says, staring at the chatty females. I narrow my eyes at Ben. "You didn't tell-" He shakes his head. "Nope." I laugh and shake my head. "Margo decided to come back. She stayed with me last night and now she's here." Radar laughs a little. "So you're still a-" I hit him in the shoulder. "Screw off." He laughs again and walks over to Lacey and Margo, following Ben. "So what do we do now?" Margo smiles. "You help me move and I'll help you in return." Ben looks at me and I just nod. Margo has reasons.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter 10- housewarming party-kinda thing
I stand there as she tries to pull me over. "Your new place is.. The Osprey?" She nods. "It's the only place I feel comfortable. No offense, Q. Last night was nice." I nod. It was the nicest night I've had in a long time. She smiles and rubs her hands together. "I need to get some things. Can you help me unpack?" I nod and jog over to the minivan. As I grab her record player, my phone buzzes. I put down the player and answer it. It's Ben. "Hey bro! Where are you?" I laugh. "Hey. At the Osprey." Silence. "That abandoned building with the troll holes." "OOHH OKAY. Why the hell are you there?!" I sigh. "I'm with Margo." He laughs. "Lacey told me she was staying for good. Dang that honeybunny has you wrapped around her finger." I huff. "Shut up." I hear Lacey laugh in the background. "Am I on speaker?!" "Yup. Say hey to Radar too." I sigh. "What do you idiots want? I'm kinda busy." Ben laughs. "It was important but now it's irrelevant. How about we all come down there and have a housewarming party type thing?" I nod. "Uh yeah. Let me check with Margo real quick." I dash inside and explain it to her. She's moving some things around. She just nods and keeps rearranging the things she already has inside. I nod and walk back outside. "It's fine. I gotta help unpack. See you guys." Ben hangs up and I carry a few boxes into the Osprey. 聽New beginnings are starting. I lay the boxes beside the ones Margo is re arranging. "Let's start, shall we?"
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
chapter nine- casa de la margo
I wake up, blinking to adjust my vision. I quickly look over to the other side of the bed, expecting to find Margo. Expecting her to be curled up and her hair all over the place, a little bit of sleep drool on her chin. Her blue eyes closed so peacefully. But no. That wasn't what was there. She was gone. Her desk chair and book stacks were moved into my room so it shows she has been up before me. As I get up off the bed, my door swings open. It's Margo. She's wearing a purple tank top and cut off shorts. Her eyes shimmer with emotion. She's holding her record player. I look over into the doorway and boxes of records sit, ready to be organized. She looks at me, tilting her head. "Help me maybe?" I nod. "Of course. Where did you get this stuff anyway?" She shrugs and puts the record player on my empty bookshelf. "This is only temporary. I found a place. I'm even gonna need your help moving in." I smile and grab the box, walking towards the bookshelf. I put the box beside the record player and look at her confused. "What? Wh-" she laughs. "You'll find out, Q." I look at the stuff again and wonder how the hell she got it. When we went into her room, it was all there. Now it's in my room. "How'd you get your stuff back?" I say, standing up and brushing off my sweatpants. She frowns and looks at her feet. "I told them. And they said get my shit out. The last thing they said was they still love me but I think that's the biggest lie I've heard." I walk closer to her and nod. "So your room is empty?" She nods and looks up. "The rest of my things are in my car. Even my bed." I shake my head. "Cynical idiots. Not realizing a great person when they see one." She smirks and looks up at me. "You still love me, huh Quentin?" I laugh, feeling stupid. "No! You're just a great person and all. That's it. Yep." She laughs and ruffles my hair as she takes my hand and pulls me downstairs. As we stop by the door, she looks at me and nods. "You go get the things I just brought up there. I'll be waiting in my car." I don't even question. Just nod and jog up the stairs. After about 10 minutes of going up 2 flights of stairs with boxes, I load them into her silver Honda and get into the passenger seat. She buckles her seatbelt and starts driving. As we end up at a red light, she looks over at me her eyes wide. "I almost forgot." She places a bandana over my eyes. "You can't see where I'm going. Well.. At least until I let you." After about a good 20 minutes of radio static and blindness, I hear the engine stop. "We're here. I'll help you out." I hear the door open and feel her grab my hands. I eventually get out and she holds my shoulders and leads me to where she wants me to stop. She takes off my blindfold and smiles. "Welcome to Casa De La Margo."
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Eight- roommates
I look at Margo as I pull into the driveway. Her eyes are shimmering with emotion as she looks at her house. Well.. Her family's house. I clear my throat and she looks over at me. "Thanks, Q. Can you help me grab my bag?" I nod and open the driver's door. I get out and open the sliding door, quickly grabbing two of her bags. I close the door and we walk inside. My mom and dad are standing in the kitchen. "Margo, welcome. Um.. Tom?" My dad looks up from the stove. "Mhmm?" "Where did you put the air mattresses? I don't want Margo to sleep on the couch. It's not right for her. She needs sleep." Margo opens her mouth and then closes it, deciding not to talk. She clears her throat and looks at my mom. "Mrs. Jacobsen? Where should I put my things?" She smiles, obviously flustered. "Quentin? Will you show her to your room? She's going to stay with you until we make a makeshift room of her own for her." I nod and grab the bags I had just put down. I nod at Margo. She nods and follows me upstairs, carrying the bags I couldn't carry. I trudge up the stairs, my heart pounding. I'm sharing a room with Margo. She laughs as I walk down the hallway to my room. She smiles and places her bags down next to mine. I look at my shoes out of instinct. "I guess we'll get your chair in the morning, if that's okay." Margo nods. "Welcome to your new room." I say, laughing. She smiles. "Our room, you idiot. We're roommates now." I smile. "Need any help unpacking?" She shakes her head and looks around the room. "I'm not going to unpack, Q. After a few nights, I know where I'm going to stay." I stand there, confused. "What?" She laughs a little. It's so tiny, I can hardly hear it. "You'll see." As I'm about to reply, my mom bursts into the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt, you two. We couldn't find the air mattress. I guess you two will have to share the bed, since the couch is practically falling apart." Margo nods. "I think it's fine. As long as it's okay with Quentin. Is it okay, Q?" I nod. "Uh.. Yeah. Totally." My mom smiles. "Have a great night, Margo. I guess we'll let you tell your parents when you're comfortable. It's not our place to." Margo just nods and walks into the bathroom to change. My mom smiles gently at me and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. After about four minutes, she walks out. I smile and get into bed. "I really hope it's not weird. It's Ben's fault we don't have the air mattress. He went camping with Lacey a few weeks ago and borrowed it. He hasn't returned it." She laughs under her breath again as she slides under the covers. "Bloody Ben strikes again." I laugh as she gets back out of the bed. I watch as she goes over to her bag, grabbing something. She walks back over and gets under the covers. She taps my shoulder, handing me a bag. "It's the card from Walgreens. It was meant for you this whole time." I laugh. "You told me to pick out a card for myself basically?" She nods. "But the card you chose sucked, so I chose myself." I smile. "I'll read it in the morning, if that's okay." She yawns and nods. "Good night, heroic Quentin Jacobsen." I smile and turn on my side, my heart fluttering.. If that was possible. "Good night, fearless Orlandian Margo Roth Speigelman."
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Seven- Samantha and Johnathan
As I turn, Margo checks her phone. "We have time. Let's do this." I look over at her, confused. "Do what?" She smirks. "Wake Becca's parents of course. This is when the next part springs into action." She hands me her phone and smiles. "Your turn." I laugh and grab her phone. She tells me the contact name which is surprisingly normal for Margo. I sigh as it rings for about three minutes. Suddenly, her father answers. "Hello? Who is this? Hello?" I get scared, as she didn't tell me what to say and so I throw the phone at her. She sighs and puts the phone to her ear. She puts her finger to her mouth and speaks in a British accent. "Yes, this is Samantha Holland. Me and my brother, Jonathan are driving past your street and we can hear your daughter is sick." She nods. "Yes sir. We found her in the bathroom of a club earlier and she was very ill. I think you might want to check on her." She smiles at me as she hangs up. "Part three is a go! DRIVE Q!!" I clear my thoughts and put my foot on the pedal as we quickly speed away from Becca's. As I turn, she smirks at me. "Good job, Jonathan." I laugh. "What next?" She smiles. "To the park." I look back over at her. "Why the park?" She narrows her eyes, laughing. "It's the last part, Q. Roll with it." I smile and gently sigh as we pull into the parking lot. We stop and she opens the door, climbing out. We walk over to the old, mangled up tree. She sits and takes my hand, pulling me down with her. "You know why I brought you here, Quentin?" I shake my head, feeling the wet grass through my jeans. She half smiles. "Because. I made a decision the morning I came here. That I'm going to stay. New York was too fake. I couldn't handle it. I just.. It hurt me to stay there, Q. Just as it hurt to be here but maybe twenty times worse. And I didn't plan this perfectly. As it only has three parts. But I was wondering-" I can't think straight. She's staying. The girl I loved and couldn't follow, came back. "Yes. Yes. Yes." I say, my eyes brightening. She laughs a little and shakes her head, tinnily. "Quentin, I was wondering if I could stay with you and your parents." I sit there, embarrassment taking over me. Shit. "Right. Margo, I'm at Duke. You know that. I'm pretty sure my parents are-" Suddenly my phone rings, echoing through the silent park. I answer it, my heart pounding. "Quentin?! Where the hell are you?!" It was my mom. Shit. "I'm in Jefferson Park, Mom." She sighs. "They kicked you out. We had to pick your stuff up an hour ago. I'm so disappointed right now." I sigh. "I know, Mom." Margo taps my shoulder and steals my phone, putting it to her ear. "Hi, Mrs. Jacobsen. It's um.. Margo. Yes ma'm I was but I'd decided to come back because- oh wow. Thank you! We'll be on the way soon." She hangs up and hands me the phone. She stands up and grabs my hand, pulling me up and then towards the minivan. "I got your ass out of trouble! And.. Guess who's gonna be living with you until she finds her place?!" I laugh and get into the driver's seat. "Lacey?" She rolls her eyes and laughs. "Me you dumbass! Now. Home we go!"
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Six- The Fun Part
The silence continues as I drive, Ben's text re playing in my head. The note makes sense.. But the key. Now that made no sense what so ever. "Margo?" I whisper. She looks over at me, her blue gaze boring into my shirt. "Yeah?" I run my thumbs on the steering wheel, trying not to cause shit. After thinking about it for a minute, I decide to just shut my mouth. "Nevermind." She nods and pulls out her lip gloss. In the moonlight it looked almost yellow or peach. I could tell just from years of being around her that it was pink. She stuffs it back in her pocket. "Where are we going, Margo?" She smirks. "We've already seen Lacey so next is Becca." I nod. "What the hell did she do?" Margo taps her fingernails on the dashboard. "After you all returned, she listened to Lacey talking about your grand adventure. And then she distinctly told all of our fake old friends, and twisted it, that I ran away because I was pregnant and that I was only upset about the Jase thing because of hormones." I look at her, wide eyed at her profile in the moonlight. "Seriously?! She said that?" Margo nods. "Yep. It's an Arrington thing I guess. After she told her parents, I was about an hour into NYC. They told mine, I had a phone call and explained she's a bitch and spreads rumors. They understand now, but I wanna unhear the conversation my mom had with my after. Oh my god." I laugh as we turn into Becca's street. "Grab three cans of spray cheese and hand me the gym bag under the seat. Also a stick of gum." I nod and unbuckle after I park. I rush and open the back seat, hearing the clank of the minivan door hit it's limits. I grab the bag and the gum and the cans and run over to Margo, who is hiding in the bushes. She quickly pulls something out of her purse. She smirks and nods at me. "In the count of three, we run into the basement. You spray the cheese everywhere around her and leave the empty cans there too. Chew the gum and stick it to the headboard. I'll be in the bathroom. Ready?" I nod, my heart pounding. "One." Bump bump. "Two." Bump bump. "Three." I jump up and run after Margo, feeling the night air surround me. I climb through the window and shake the can of cheese. Becca makes no sound. I start spraying as Margo dashes into the bathroom beside the closet. I finish the can and lay it gently in her open palm. She doesn't move. I start to spray the other can and hear noises in the bathroom. "Margo?" I whisper. The door opens slightly. Her head peaks out and she's smiling. "Hand me a can. Let's finish here, and go to our next victim." I nod, enjoying the silence. She continues spraying the cheese and leaves the can on her nightstand. I spit out the gum and wince. This was so dang gross. I quickly press it to her forehead and crawl out the window, trying not to land on my ass. I look inside and see Margo writing something on a sticky note. After a minute Margo follows out the window, taking my hand and running down the street to the minivan. I get in and start the ignition, ignoring my seatbelt. I can deal with that in a minute. "What the hell did you do in that bathroom?" Margo pants a little and then smirks. "My mom never threw away her pregnancy tests from when she was expecting Ruthie. I don't know why I kept them but somehow I did, and so I planted them in her bathroom. You screw me over once, you get little. Screw me over twice, you get bigger." I smile and turn. "Who next?" She smiles. "Just turn Q. Just turn."
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Five- sticky notes and spray cheese
I stand at Ben's door, watching Margo wait. She stand there, her hair ruffled and yet at the same time smooth. How in the world did I ever have Margo of all people like me just ever?! I mean sure, we were ten but- Suddenly Lacey opens the door and breaks my train of thought. "Margo?" She steps outside into the humid Florida air. "What are you doing here?" I look at my muddy shoes as she finally notices me. "Q?! Wha-Wh- Get in here." She grabs our arms and pulls us into the musky smell that is Ben Starling's living room. It's smelled like that since his parents went on a cruise out of Florida. Since he's been home alone for two months straight. I look around. It's the exact same as it's always been. Rugged carpets, broken-ish couches. Normal for a family of three. Ben walks in the room smiling wide. "Q!! Wait.. Weren't you supposed to be going to Duke today?" I nod, swiftly pointing at Margo. Ben laughs and wraps me in a hug. "That honeybunny just can't leave you alone, can she?" I sigh and laugh a little as I hug him back tight. "I missed you, Benners." We break from our dude hug and I step back awkwardly. "Why are you guys even here?" Lacey says, looking at Margo again. "Look, Lace. We came here to- ugh never mind just wanted to say hi I guess." She places a can of spray cheese on the table from her backpack. Margo tugs my arm and walks out the door pulling me along. I stand outside looking at her. "We had a reason to be there, Margo." I say as calmly as I can. She shuffles her feet and looks at me. "It was just too awkward, Quentin. Agloe just played in my head and dang I was a real huge bitch to them. I can't risk it again." She whispers. I look up into her bright blue eyes and see the beautiful spark. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the minivan a smirk on her face. "The actual fun begins now." As I put the key in the ignition my phone buzzes. Ben: Hey.. Uh man. That spray cheese had a note on it. The note says and I quote.. enjoy you two.. Sorry i was a Bitch. and then then I turned it over and there was a key taped to the sticky note. I'm not gonna use it, just in case. I just needed you to know man.
I lock my phone and start driving. None of this makes sense. Or at least for now I hope.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Four- Wasabi
I grab the steering wheel as she closes her car door. The passenger seat. Just like last time. She buckles her seatbelt and plops the bags in the back. "You want to know how I've been, Q?" I smile and laugh a little as I start the engine. "Yeah. I was going to ask but we kinda had to shop." She cracks a little smile and rests her head on the window. "New York was okay. It had so many lights and so many people. Soon enough I realized that every where I go ends up being a paper town, Q! The lights were fake! The people were just arrogant asshats! It just sucks!! I tried to get money, I did everything I could. I barely got enough to come back tonight! Dammit! Why do they have to be so dumb and judge me by my damn face, hmm?" She slumps down, a tear falling down her face in the moonlight. If I wasn't at a long red light, and if I didn't care so much I'd just be quiet. I could also hear Ben's voice in the back of my head. "Way to go Q! You make the most important honeybunny ever to live cry like a baby!" Cynical Ben. I shake the thought and pull over. Margo flies around in her seat as we bump and maneuver into the grass. She sits up straight and stiff with fear as we come to a halt. "What the hell, Quentin?!" I turn off the engine and look over at her. Her face is filled with fear, agony, and rage. "Margo, I don't know why people judge you by your face. I don't know why people judge anyone at all!" I unbuckle my seatbelt and slump into my seat. "Because, the truth is, Margo. That the world is an unfair place and people had the stupid instinct to judge beautiful people who deserve nothing but happiness. Now, who are we stopping by first?" She smiles wide. "Lacey." I scrunch my eyebrows in wonder. What the hell did she do this time? I look at her and she nods as if telling me to take her over there anyway. Lacey had moved in with Ben after graduation for unseen reasons. They never told us exactly why but I'm guessing the wasabi wasn't used sparingly. At least I hope not. I laugh at my own thought and then turn back on the engine. I pull back into the road and head over to Ben's. Margo moves her head from the window to look at me when we're halfway there. "Why are we going to Ben's?" She whispers. I take a chug of a Mountain Dew as we end up at a red light. "Ask Lacey when we get there." She laughs a little and then puts her head back on the window. We drive the rest of the way in silence. I hear her sigh as we pull into his driveway. Here we go.
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Three- The Cheap Stuff
I stand in the isle with Margo who's quickly looking around at the rubber bands. The Walgreens smells like stale shoe and mint air. A sickening smell if you've been there for an hour with a girl you haven't seen in a year which makes the awkwardness turn the smell dense, almost like a heavy fog. "So, Margo.. Who pissed you off this time?" She looks at her muddy tennis shoes as she plops the 120 pack of rubber bands in the cart. "I told you not to ask." She says while grabbing five cans of spray cheese in the cart after that. I look at her, trying to make her look at me. She's standing beside me scanning the isle for something. "They're out of the brand I need. I can't settle for the cheap shit." She says dryly. I sigh and grab the other brand above that. "That'll work, I guess. Let's go." I look in our basket and see everything we needed. The rubber bands, the spray cheese. All we needed was the drinks, gum, and that card. That damn card she's making me choose. Normally it would be the easiest thing in the whole entire galaxy, but I'm with Margo. It has to be sneaky, dirty, and creepy while at the same time loving and innocent. I walk over to the Hallmark section and glance over at all the stupid cards. I feel her hand on my shoulder as she looks at the cards beside me. I instantly look at the tiny carry around basket. The cheese, the rubber bands. I smile as she grabs the card not even looking at me. I let out a sigh and follow her to the cash register. I watch as she puts the items on the conveyer. A woman about her forties with bright red hair in curls is scanning the items. Her name tag reads, "Hello, my name is Polly." I try my best not to laugh as Margo quickly walks over to the cokes and grabs the eight mountain dews, puts them with the rubber bands. She grabs the mint gum and then places them beside the drinks. Polly finishes our check out and says to Margo, "$10.47." Margo pulls out a $20 bill and hands it to her. "Keep the change." She grabs our bags and shoves them in my hands. "C'mon Q. Revenge plot starts now."
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter Two- The Return of The Ninja
I drop the note at my feet, watching as it flutters to the ground. I blink ten times to clear my mind. Apparently New York struck a new vengeance or something. I look over to the window, seeing her smirking face covered in a black hoodie. "C'mon Q, I don't have all day now." I sigh and grab my wallet, praying my soon to be roommate wouldn't kick my ass when I got back. If I ever got back. It's hard to ever tell with Margo. I climb out the window, falling on my face when I get out. Margo just looks at me laughing. "That's why you should never try out to be a ballerina. Plus tights wouldn't look good on you." I stand up and brush off my jeans. "Thanks, Margo. No hi or even a proper greeting!" I say, taking my keys out of my pocket. She sighs. "Yeah as I said, I have no time for that." I sigh, climbing in the car and turning on the engine. "What do you have time for, then?" I say as she clicks her seatbelt in. "Revenge. That's what. Now, the list. I need five packs of rubber bands, the largest ones. Next, I need one of the cheesiest Valentine's Day cards you can find in the store on fifth street. Then, I need about ten cans of spray cheese, about eight Mountain Dews, and two packs of mint gum." I look at her at a red light. "How many victims is it tonight?" I ask, scaring myself a little. She smirks, her smile wide. "So many we need ten cans of spray cheese, Q. Don't question it." I nod and all of the new information swims in my head. Margo is back, she needs me to do her bidding. I have classes tomorrow. I need to know what we're doing. "What's the plan?" I say, looking at the girl I hadn't seen in a year who somehow made me flinchy in the worst ways possible. "Oh Q, I thought you knew me better than this! I thought the clues would mean something. Robert Joyner wouldn't be happy." I laugh, clutching my hand on the wheel tighter. "Let me rephrase that. Is any of this legal?" She smiles a real Margo smile. One I hadn't seen since SeaWorld. "That's for you to find out and for me to get us out of."
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Chapter One- Adventure Time
Everyone has that person who's their once in a life time. Even my friends. Ben has Lacey, at least for now. Radar has Angela who are going pretty steady. I've tried to find mine but all I can think of are whales. No, I'm not weird or mentally insane. The whales remind me of something more beautiful. Margo Roth Speigelman. And before you ask, hell no she isn't a whale. I've known her since I was a toddler. We hung out probably daily. Until we were nine and everything changed. Basic day in the park, except there was kinda a major flaw. A dead guy. Yup. Flies, blood, the whole shebang. She got so interested in mysteries at that age, that I can confirm, she eventually became one. Cue about nine years later, we hardly talk until she pulls me into one of her world famous adventures. The next day, she goes missing. It takes months to even find out where she went. Eventually I do. Agloe. The paper town she ran off to. I drove for honestly a day to find her. And when I did, my heart sunk, shattered. She wasn't the Badass Margo I knew. She was the broken, cracked, shattered even, Margo. She was headed for New York. I was headed for her. But when I got there, my destination changed. We had a moment when I found her. Hell, we even kissed. The moment probably will be sitting in my non-existent brain in Capitol S-somewhere when I die, I mean c'mon! It made my life. But now I have a new destination. College. Even though I wasn't at my graduation, I still somehow got in. I walk into my new dorm setting down a box. There were two beds, two tables beside the beds, and one window. I decide to choose the bed farthest away from it if it's even possible. So then I wouldn't think of ninjas and stupid dogs. Just college. I open one of the drawers in my dresser and start putting my horribly folded clothes into it. I look down at it in confusion. A tiny piece of paper. My heart stops yet I find my pulse racing. Nope! Nopito! Nada! It can't be. Despite my ultimate terror, I open it anyway.
Q, open your Window and Grab your Money. it's Time for an Adventure. -M
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
The playlist
Okay, hear me out, we鈥檙e transported back to 2014 where there was no ed sheeran slander and my young self put him on this playlist okay bye
Runaway- Ed Sheeran Ready to Run- 1D You Found Me- The Fray Paradise- Coldplay Pass Me By- R5 Wrapped Around Your Finger- 5SOS Long Way Home- 5SOS Try Hard- 5SOS Lost Boy- 5SOS Out of my limit- 5SOS Just Saying- 5SOS All The Right Moves- OneRepublic Everybody Loves Me- OneRepublic Secrets- OneRepublic Maps- Maroon5 Burning Bridges- OneRepublic Au Revoir- OneRepublic Wildest Dreams- Taylor Swift I Know Places- Taylor Swift This Love- Taylor Swift Smile- Mikky Ekko Cities- Nat and Alex Wolff Empty Gold- Halsey聽
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paperlivesfanfic 3 years
Hi. I was Iovelywallows on wattpad. Now I鈥檓 here. I had a story kind of get popular on the website and with the big breach, I felt unsafe to stay on it, as one does. My paper towns fanfic has 14.9k reads at the moment. Not too shabby for a story I wrote in middle school. But thing is, I feel too sad to let it go and I know people enjoy it so I鈥檓 posting it here for everyone to keep enjoying. thanks:)聽
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