#Jon asoiaf
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soncee · 4 months ago
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Jon Snow sketchh, kinda hate this one
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mega-ringsandthings-world · 10 months ago
Okay. I know the general consensus is not this, but if Catelyn had been told the truth about Jon from the get go, she would have treated him better. Relatively. Like, she wouldn't have gave him shit for being a bastard or been ice queen bitch stepmother to him, but uh. there would have been other issues. Just think about how having Catelyn aboard the hide-Jon-train would go for one second. For one second. Okay? We are talking about Catelyn fucking Stark nee Tully. And we are also talking about Catelyn fucking Stark nee Tully before the other four kids came along. Just her baby Robb and Ned and Ned's nephew. (and if you don't think that Ned saving Jon from under Robert's nose on a promise to his sister wouldn't make I-released-the- king-slayer-to-bring-back-my-daughters-Catelyn fall so hard in love with him her head is still ringing fifteen years later you are LYING to yourselves) So think mother gothel. She would have micromanaged the shit out of Jon's life and upbringing. Ned is pretty lax so as security measures go in terms of Jon, but Cat? Winterfell would get turned into FBI headquarters. Vibe checks at the door and retina scanners and Jon and Robb have a praetorian guard on their cradles. Yeah she'd be cool to Jon in public as he grows but in private she's frantically brushing his hair every night looking for whites. Holding him up to the light to check for hints of purple in his eyes. As they get older she namedrops bastard a lot but secretly actively fosters a relationship between Jon and the other kids because Catelyn-Sansa-will-be-queen-of-the-seven-kingdoms-Stark nee Tully knows about the pact of Ice and Fire and having one of the last Targs bouncing around is tickling the politician in her. That being said she institutes a book ban on Targ history and is always on Ned's ass about them playing dragons. When Arya is gets old enough she makes it a point to put her and Jon next to each other at all times. Jon getting a direwolf are goddammed holy blessing to her. When Robert's dump ass comes to visit she's having a conniption about Jon being recognized and nearly locks his ass in the crypts until he decides of his own free will to sit in the cheap seats before she blows a gasket. She hates the Wall idea because who the Fuck is going to watch this kid as well as she's been doing for the past fifteen years? WHO? If she had found out about Aemon being up there she's have blown up castle black. Jon, who has had to deal with this shit since attaining spatial awareness tries to get Benjen to let him take his night's watch vows at Winterfell's weirwood. Man wants OUT. He can't deaal with tiger mom ass no more. When he comes to visit Bran she slips and says something cryptic and weirdly affectionate and it puts his ass in a tailspin all the way to the Wall.
Like, I know people think it'd go more downhill if she knew about Jon but why? Boring. Uninspired. Booooo. Get fun with it.
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santsikai · 2 years ago
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For the Watch (?), Yk.
Okay I finally did Jon, and I have to do him in the biggest cliffhangers I have read (honestly, just because we have been waiting for the dammed book 12 years).
As always I change some parts of the design:
1: I tried to do his face in a way that resembles Ned Stark, but in a same way that if you have Jon and Rhaegar next to each other you can see the resemblance. (I'm not a very big fan of L+R=J, just because I don't like the idea of a chosen one and Jon being so special, and because I don't like jon, but I have to admit that it looks like that theory is correct so I have to suck it up and accept it as thruth)
2: his clothes resembles samoyedic clothes, that are the ones that I do imagine the free folk wears (one day I will draw one of them I swear) I did it so I can show how Jon is not a true crow and his time beyond the wall change him and how he is more like them than the night watch.
3: I change long claw because I'm lazy, sorry I have not an excuse.
Next one is Arya and I'm incredibly excited for her
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laurellerual · 7 months ago
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Day 4: House Stark
Arya, the lone wolf, still lived, but the wolves of the pack had been taken and slain and skinned.
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cappucosmic · 3 months ago
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The Night's King and his Corpse Queen
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motorway-south · 1 month ago
enough with the "who haunts the narrative?" olympics. let's talk about who doesn't haunt the narrrative. jon arryn's death kickstarts the entire plot and STILL no one gaf
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franzkafkagf · 2 months ago
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he remembered robb as he had last seen him, standing in the yard with snow melting in his auburn hair.
separation — w.s. merwin
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polysucks · 4 months ago
she really just like me fr fr
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Sansa stark, everyone [crowd goes fuckin crazy]
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raventreehall · 4 months ago
book jon snow come back to me... i love that you're selfless and kind and you stand up for what's right but you're ALSO resentful and amibitious and entitled and sassy. you're desperate for love and belonging but ALSO stubborn and self-isolating and think you have to do it all alone. you're merciful and compassionate and just but ALSO preferential and vengeful. you have a strict honor code and sense of morality that will even drive you to be cruel in the face of a greater good but ALSO you will leave everything at the drop of a hat for the ones you love. you're good and right and loyal and it eats you alive. walk it off bitch i need you back!!!
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archamion · 2 months ago
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Rhaenys, Aegon and Jon— children of Rhaegar Targaryen.
Commissioned by me and @chemtrailsoverthesun and done by the wonderful and talented Nath 🤍 thank you so much!!
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shripscapi · 3 months ago
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Jon Snow with the letter from Ramsay. This was the second half of a commission, done to match Dany!
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laurellerual · 7 months ago
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Day 2: Family
When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.
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stheresya · 3 months ago
i love the way sansa is so proud to be catelyn's daughter. in a world where women are expected to assimilate to their husbands' world once they get married, there's sansa adopting her mother's gods into her creed, taking pride in having her mother's looks, often choosing to wear the colors of her mother's house and, most importantly, drawing strength from her mother's memory. what's so great about this is that it's not an act of spite against her father. she's just proud of being both stark and tully. it's like arya said: the woman is important too.
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schcherazades · 2 years ago
no asoiaf posting i do will ever beat lebanese people hanging banners over highways asking god to protect jon snow when s8 premiered
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“ the people of beirut support jon snow against his battle with the white walkers” “jon snow….may allah protect you” like this is so funny i love my ppl
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cj-k · 3 months ago
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Rhaegar and Jon commsssiiionnn :3
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polysucks · 3 months ago
Lyanna Stark idk
happy thanksgiving. Say something nice to an indigenous artist today (like me)
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