#Jon Mallari
notes-and-scribbles · 2 years
Jon Robert Hall - Underneath The Moon - Music Video Script
Here's another music video script I fiddled around with. Also posted this on Twitter last year.
Jon Robert Hall is an extremely talented singer-songwriter. (Some of you Glee fans might recognize him as one of the OG Warblers.)
He also is the NICEST person ever. I had the pleasure of taking a few vocal coaching sessions with him - and hope to get a few more in as soon as I can scrounge up the money! He's a sweetheart, and I highly recommend not only his music but his coaching services to everyone!
Well, I absolutely love everything I've heard from him musically. I adore his whole catalog of work - especially a lovely single that came out last year.
Underneath the Moon is a beautiful song that inspired images of a very fairy tale romance between two people that occurred literally underneath the magic of a full moon. The script was written with Jon and his talented wife, Tiffany Mallari in mind as the leads.
Update: Forgot to share this, but I had posted the video script onto IG and tagged Jon and Tiffany and they both liked it. Jon also commented that he liked the script.
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Here's the script below. Click here to take a listen to the song. 10 pages total. Enjoy!
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rbl-m1a2tanker · 5 years
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Dye-cember-2019 Challenge 27 - Avatar Korra
Korra from the Legend of Korra during a workout, as drawn by Jon Mallari.  I like working on this artist's images, they've got some great lines.  The pose seems awkward, but I figure she's using a wind technique to leap up while running or something. Either way, I likes this.
Original image: https://www.deviantart.com/variable-edge/art/The-Workout-of-Korra-760980478
Links https://www.deviantart.com/rbl-m1a2tanker https://www.deviantart.com/variable-edge
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bdub86 · 3 years
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In honor of Shang-Chi, these posts are meant to celebrate East and Southeast Asian men. This is not meant to be a token splash of color.
If you can overlook racism towards people of color this post is not for you, period. If Stop Asian Hate, Black Lives Matter, Free Palestine, Kids In Cages, etc are just hashtags or you only objectify/ fetishize men of color then move the fuck on.
Also, this post was made by a black man, if you are anti-black DO NOT REBLOG.
Jimmy O. Yang, Max Huang, Alexander Hodge
Chan, Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee, Yoson An
Yoshua "Yoshi" Sudarso, Wilson Lai, Remington Hoffman
Chris Pang, Cesar Cipriano, Alvin Huang
Jon Prasida, Tony Chung, Dante Basco
Lewis Tan, Alex Mallari Jr, Han Hyun-min
Callum Hood, Randall Park, Dallas James Liu
Alex Shibutani, Kokoy De Santos, Kennen Navarro
Alex Dominguez, Justin Barnett, Adam Pu
Edison Fan, Justin H. Min, Michael Bow
Special shoutout to @asianmenarewinning and @randall-park for inspiration.
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callmearcturus · 4 years
I got rid of Rodney the Rudeass Hamster Who Upset My Villagers finally so its time to do the Nook Mile Ticket Roulette again right
A reminder: I am looking for Jon Sims Cat. Last time I spent like 8 tickets? Nuthin.
Ticket One: Flurry the Hamster. I don't trust hamsters. Nope. Ticket Two: Stitches, a stuffed bear. Cute! Ticket Three: Chevre, a doe. Ticket Four: I GOT FUCKING FLURRY AGAIN, ARE THERE NO CATS IN THIS FUCKING GAME?! Ticket Five: Caroline the squirrel, omg she's ADORABLE LOOK AT THIS SQUIRREL Ticket Six: Amelia the Eagel 8O really stopped and thought about her for a while but NOT A CAT. i will at least MEET A CAT Ticket Seven: Claudia. nope. Ticket Eight: Mallary the Duck, also very cute. Not a cat. Ticket Nine: Avery. Another bird. Cats are extinct. Got DIY for "floral swag". Rad. Breaktime so i can eat something and my friends can come hit my shops.
have all the cats died in a terrible cat plague, what has happened. I will not stop spending NMT until I at least prove cats exist.
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kazsbrecker · 5 years
🖊+ mallarie lannister stark
Mallarie and Robb’s relationship started off rocky with a bad first impression. However, they find understanding and companionship in the early days of their marriage when they have to manage Winterfell as Lord and Lady while Catelyn focuses on stay with Bran. They weren’t really prepared for the responsibility so soon, but they work through problems together and bond over taking care of Rickon. Mallarie’s pregnancy and the birth of their daughter during the war brings Robb the most joy he’s ever felt. They name her Joanna to honor Jon (who acts as godfather in a way).
Bonus a Mallarie and Rob gif i’ve had stored away 
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p--sabrina · 5 years
Dust and Dragons
Summary: We all saw how Drogon took Daenerys body. But what happened next?
English is not my first language!!
Part 1
The air was dry, but the stone was cool. It ate like ice through the leathery fabric of her suit. The piece of clothing in which Daenerys had conquered the throne stuck to the sweaty skin like Hartz on a tree. Your lungs feel air. The first breath hurt like a thousand knives. Dust had dried her mouth. Dany gasped, rolling weakly to one side, coughing as if she was suffocating. Someone handed her a glass of water. She drank it greedily, dropped the empty glass and heard it break into small pieces. It was the sound of a broken dream.
"Careful," someone said.
Daenerys looked up. A man with black hair, deep dark eyes and a red cloak stood beside her. He was a stranger to her. Dany did not want to hear, pushed herself off the stone and immediately regretted it. Her knees were powerless, sagging under her weight. The pain in her heart grew. Memories ate through her memory. Where the narrow hole was under her breast, Jon Snow stabbed her. She could remember exactly. The heir to the throne had seized the opportunity to wrest her from the throne. It was exactly as she had feared. Jon Snow was a miserable liar. Of course he wanted to claim the throne.
With one hand on her chest she said to the stranger, who looked uncertainly: "Shouldn’t I be dead?"
The man nodded and went to his knees to be at eye level. A chain of pure golf hung around his neck. A red oval stone caught her eye. "So have you. Your dragon has saved you and brought you to me."
Daenerys frowned. "Drogon?"
The man nodded and offered her a hand. Dany looked at him scrutinizing. Who was he? How could he save her? How did Drogon know what to do?
She let the strangers pull her up. Supporting, he held her tight. She felt like glass that could burst in the hands of her savior at any moment, though he barely touched her. Only so much that she did not lose her balance.
"Who, who are you?" Daenerys wanted to know.
His black eyes brushed Dany's eyes. Then he slowly released her to bend his knee in front of her.
"My name is Gaedor Mallarys, I am a red priest of the Lord of Light, and the reawakening of the deceased is, so to speak, my specialty." Gaedor rose and rubbed the sandy dust off his knees with a wave of his hand.
The temple they were in seemed deserted. Several large fragments of stone and concrete lay around the stone table where Dany had come to life again.
The red priest followed her gaze. "I am sorry to have to welcome you back here Queen Daenerys. Unfortunately, I am not a asked guest here in the halls of my like-minded."
Daenerys felt too upset at the moment to ask what he meant by that. But she would not forget it. Now she just wanted more water to wash the remaining dust and the disgusting taste out of her mouth. Take a warm bath to scrub the dried blood off the body and prepare a new plan. Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne, Queen of the Andals, Rhyonar and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Khaleesi of the Great Grassy Sea, the Unburned, Breaker of the Chains, Mother of Dragons and Queen of Mereen was not going down that easily. Westeros should better take care, because now the dragon was awakened.
Like a watchdog, Drogon lay in the sand in front of the collapsing temple. Golden sand lay on top of Drogon like a blanket that warmed him. If he were not too tall and the temple was not endangered by the collapse, she would surely have known her true Savior by her side.
The dragon, with shimmering red scales, raised its heavy head as its mother stepped out of the temple. The sun blinded her. The light hurt in her eyes, so Dany held a hand over her face. She was back in Essos, where she had fought for years against slavery and set herself the goal of making the world better.
Drogon growled loudly. It was a cry of joy, Daenerys felt that. The attachment to her child was stronger than ever. It was not for nothing that dragons and dragon riders shared a piece of their soul. She had it with all her children, but with Drogon the strongest. Maybe it was because he was the dragon that demanded the most attention or that he bore the name of the great Khal Drogo. The man she wanted to give a child and was waiting with him somewhere. Waiting for them to reunite. Actually, Daenerys should already be with them. She should have embraced her son and tell the great Khal about her journey across the Sea, about how doggedly the Khalasar had fought for their Khaleesi. But her brother Visery's, and her later dream, had now fallen to dust in her hands. She had lost everything except Drogon. Her army, two of her children, her protector, her best friend, her lover ... and the Iron Throne. Her vision of the Immortal House became real. She had the throne, felt the steel melted by dragonfire into one of Westero's mightiest seats, but never sat down. The voice of a dragon prevented her from doing so. Aegon Targaryen's voice. After him came the black death. An eternity of nothing and loneliness.
Drogon spread his wings and yelled again into the infinite sky. Then, with a quick movement, he tilted his head, snuggling against Daenerys. At first Dany took a step back, not because she was afraid, but because she feared she would not be able to stop her weak legs against Drogon's push. But this fear was unjustified. Dany put a hand on Drogon's face. The dragon closed his eyes and it seemed like he was smiling.
"You might think the dragon has real feelings," Gaedor said fearfully. He did not seem to trust the dragon.
"Of course he has some, what did you think, why else should he have brought his mother across the strait to you?"
Carefully, the priest approached her and her child. His long red coat trailed a trail in the sand behind him. Slowly, he reached for Drogon, who opened his eyes, raised his head, and stopped only inches from Gaedor's face. Drogon opened his mouth threateningly.
Gaedor withdrew his hand. The dragon did not want to be touched by him. The body of Drogon towered high enough to cover Daenery's shadow. It was hot and Dany melted like iron in the fire under the burning sun of Essos.
"I have some questions for you, Gaedor, take me to your quarters." It was not a question or a request, it was an order.
The plump man in his late forties nodded. "If you want that, I will accompany you to me, but Mother of the Dragons," he stopped in mid-sentence and corrected himself, "But Mother of the Dragon, my home is modest, I can not guarantee that you will feel comfortable there. "
Daenery's face remained hard as her soul tore further. Drogon was the last child she had left, and this red priest rubbed it under his nose. To the injured soul anger also flared up. "I am the mother of dragons!"
Gaedor raised his hands apologetically. "Of course, I just thought-"
"What did you think?" Dany asked angrily. It moved in her chest, but she did not let the pain outward affect her appearance.
The last time she showed weakness she was murdered. Daenerys took a deep breath. The emotions boiled over and tore her into a spiral from which she could not escape again. She did not want to admit it, but without Gaedor she was completely alone. She needed him for the moment, even if she wanted nothing more than to see him and all the people burning."I forgive you your words, Gaedor, now let’s go."
Gaedor looked puzzled and confused, but nodded again. Drogon leaned toward Daenerys, who climbed onto his back. Meanwhile, the red priest remained in place as a tree struck roots. He seemed tense, as if he expected Dany to burn him on the spot and disintegrate into ashes. 
Daenerys saw Kings Landing before in front of her eyes. The cries of people who looked like ants. The feeling that she had then, and now felt on Drogon's back, made her shiver. It was pure strength and power.
“Come on. We're flying." 
Shy, like a sheep, he got up, dragging himself up to the back of the dragon with the long coat over his body. He did not dare to touch the Queen of Ashes. Just before Drogon started the flight, she said, 
"Hold on tight, if you fall, you'll die ..."
Already, Drogon opened his wings, took a start, and flew up into the sky. 
One wing beat, the next and another. The desert below looked like a sea of ​​gold. This area would be called the Red Desert."We have to go east, Daenerys, far to the east," Gaedor said against the hot wind.
"Where exactly are you taking me, priest?" Dany asked, oriented to the sun. In the east was Qohor and the Jade Seas and behind it ...
"Have you heard anything about the fabulous Asshai, Queen Daenerys?"
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butmostlyme97 · 6 years
New wicked audio
Wicked. Albuquerque. October 28th 2018. Matinee
Ginna-Claire Mason (Glinda). Mary-Kate Morrisey (Elphaba). Jon Robert Hall (Fiyero). Milli Diaz (Nessarose). Cole Doman (Boq). Chad Jennings (Dr. Dillamond). Jason Graae (Wizard). Chase Madigan (Chistery). Jodie Gelb (Madame Morrible). Wayne Schroder (Ozian Offical/Witches father). Deanna Aguinaga-Whyte (u/s Witches mother). Tregoney Shepard (Midwife). Ensemble: Allison Bailey, Beka Burnham, Lauren Cannon, Autumn Crockett Cooper, Matt Densky, Ryan Patrick Farrell, Sara Gonzalez, Sam Gravitte, Tiffany Rae Mallari, Andy Richardson, Jeff Sears, Tregoney Shepard , Brandon Stonestreet, Olivia Valli, Justin Wirick
Notes: Mary-Kates, Ginna-Claire, and Coles last matinee. Mary-Kate does split during popular, Jodie forgets line, people behind me talking, but clear audio.
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newcountryradio · 5 years
Playlist New country  #1006 (565) van 10 februari  2020 (wk 07) tussen 20.00 & 22.00 op Smelne fm
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1.      Tanya Tucker –  Mustang Ridge    -maandartiest- while I’m living  
2.      Old Dominon - Some People Do - old dominion
3.      Hudson Valley – Unmistakeble Signs Of A Bad  Boyfriend 3.04
4.      Morgan Wallen – Chasin’You  3.25 .
5.      Garth Brooks /Blake Shelton  – Dive Bar .
6.      Jon Pardi – Heartache Medication  #1
7.      Little Big Town – The Daughters -  Album vd week-.3.24
8.      Little Big Town – Nightfall   -Album vd week-3.14
9.      Mallary Hope – Home To The Water    Juweeltje -
10.  Tim McGraw – Not A Moment To Soon  
11.  Riley Greene – I Wish Grandpas Never Die
12.  Carly Pearce w/Lee Brice – I Hope Your Happy Now
13.  Clint Black duet w/ Martina McBride – Still Holding On
14.  LeAnn Rimes – The Light In Your eyes .
15.  Lukas Nelson/ Shooter Jenning – Mamma’s Don’t Let Your Babies  grown Up To Be Cowboys  4.08  - The Ranch   maandfavoriet  
16.  Tanya Tucker  - two Sparrows In A Hurricane - maandartiest    
17.   Jimmy Wayne – I Love You This much  sofi.
18.  Vince Gill – You And You Alone
19.  Collin Raye – On The Verge
20.  Brian White  - Sittin’On Go
21.  Sandra Van Reys – Tell Me Do You Love Me -  dutch corner .
22.  Ben Steneker - Lay Down Beside Me   dutch.corner
23.  Ben Steneker - Wild Rover   dutch.corner
24.  Luke Combs w/eric church – does To Me What You See is What you got-  #1 album
25.  Little Big Town – Sugar Coat    -Cd vd week  
26.  Willie Nelson –   Midnight Rider 2.28
27.  Deana Carter -Strawberry Wine 4.54
28.  Diamond Rio – How Your Love Makes Me Feel  4.06
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356mission · 7 years
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List of artists who have participated in exhibitions at 356 Mission: 2013 Laura Owens Math Bass Mike Bouchet Sarah Braman Sara Clendening Barry Johnston Kricket Lane Daniel McDonald Pentti Monkkonen Matt Paweski Jennifer Rochlin Colin Snapp Jessica Stockholder Oscar Tuazon Daniel Turner Amy Yao Eric Palgon Yshai Yudekovitz Nicholas Arehart Bridget Batch + Kevin Cooley Danielle Bustillo Joey Cannizzaro Jamie Hilder Meghan Gordon Becca Lieb Mindy Lu David Sikander Muenzer Bryne Rasmussen-Smith + Andrew Smith-Rasmussen Tatiana Vahan Sturtevant Shimon Minamikawa 2014 John Kaufman Scott Reeder Oliver Payne Yuki Kimura Alex Katz Michael Dopp, Calvin Marcus, and Isaac Resnikoff Trevor Shimizu Becca Albee Brody Albert and Kaeleen Wescoat-O'Neill Lilly Aldriedge Katie Aliprando Mark Allen Dewey Ambrosino Marie Angeletti Eika Aoshima Jonathan Apgar Cory Arcangel Jacinto Astiazaran Lisa Anne Auerbach John Baldessari Judie Bamber Ray Anthony Barrett Peter Barrickman Darcy Bartoletti Math Bass Stephen Berens Jennifer Berger Molly Berman Cindy Bernard Amy Bessone Lucas Blalock Seth Bogart Jennifer Bolande Joseph Bolstad Elba Bondaroff Marco Braunschweiler Brian Bress Brian Briggs and Laura Copelin Delia Brown Sally Bruno Edgar Bryan Elizabeth Bryant Jedediah Caesar Jedediah Caesar and Kate Costello (Extraterrestrial) Sarah Cain Kristin Calabrese Ingrid Calame Ross Caliendo Joshua Callaghan Brian Calvin Andrew Cannon Ben Carlson Jae Choi Milano Chow Donna Chung Jonathan Clarke Sara Clendening Justin Cole Kelly Marie Conder Matt Connors Vanessa Conte Alika Cooper Liz Craft Meg Cranston Cameron Crone CH Cummings Lila De Magalheas Dave Deany Michael Decker Gracie DeVito Michael Dopp Katie Douglass Lauren Dudko Julia Dzwonkoski and Kye Potter Mari Eastman Brad Eberhard Clifford Eberly Shannon Ebner Benjamin Echeverria Ken Ehrlich Alyse Emdur Karl Erickson Ron Ewert Ann Faison Cayetano Ferrer Gabrielle Ferrer Luke Fischbeck Katy Fischer Morgan Fisher Jesse Fleming Maya Ford Simone Forti Brendan Fowler Magdalena Suarez Frimkess Erik Frydenborg Francesca Gabbiani and Eddie Ruscha Nikolas Gambaroff Kathryn Garcia John Geary Veronica Gelbaum Rashell George Laeh Glenn Samara Golden Piero Golia Sayre Gomez Hannah Greely Justin John Greene Cassandre M. Griffin Katie Grinnan Mark Grock Julian Gross Karin Gulbran Jamal Gunn Becker Karl Haendel Mark Hagen Rick Hager Kate Mosher Hall Kevin Hanley Justin Hansch Peter Harkawik Jenny Hart Jeff Hassay Michael Henry Hayden and Anthony Lepore Carol Hendrickson James Herman Nick Herman Roger Herman Marcus Herse Paul Heyer Ian Hokin Evan Holloway Violet Hopkins and Foxy Production Jonathan Horowitz Amy Howden-Chapman Joe Hoyt Melissa Huddleston Cannon Hudson Amy-Claire Huestis Raymie Iadevaia Mitsuko Ikeno Daniel Ingroff Charles Irvin Alex Israel James Iveson Johanna Jackson Dain Johnson Kathleen Johnson Barry Johnston Emily Joyce E'wao Kagoshima Stanya Kahn Glenn Kaino, Sadie Kaino, and Stella Kaino Raffi Kalenderian Sanya Kantarovsky Matt Keegan Michael John Kelly Sean Kennedy Julie Kirkpatrick Karen Kilimnik Tom Knechtel Keith Rocka Knittel Rebecca Kolsrud David Korty Greg Kozaki Max Krivitzky Cyril Kuhn Rosina Kuhn Andrew Kuo Shio Kusaka Joel Kyack Molly Larkey Elad Lassry Tom Lawson William Leavitt Ann Leese Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer Alex Lemke Julia Leonard Anthony Lepore Sharon Lockhart Nick Lowe Tim Lokiec Andrea Longacre-White Anaïs Lozano Christopher Lux Caleb Lyons Matt MacFarland Ashley Macomber Tobias Madison Becca Mann Josh Mannis Chloé Maratta Calvin Steele Marcus Frank Masi Max Maslansky Katie S. McCauley and Bradly D. Fischer Danny McDonald Ross McLain Alex Meadows Jason Meadows Mieko Meguro Dain Mergenthaler Matt Merkel Hess and Conrad Merkel Donato Mezzenga Dianna Molzan Pentti Monkkonen Rebecca Morris Jane Moseley Hanne Mugaas Joshua Nathanson Davida Nemeroff Ruby Neri Ryan O'Halloran Tara Jane O'Neil J.D. Olerud Silke Otto-Knapp Robin Paravecchio and Ignacio Genzon Michael Parker John Parot Jane Parshall Julia Paull Mary Pearson Andrew Hirsch Perlman Jon Pestoni Primo Pitino Todd Pleasants Megan Plunkett Monique Prieto Jon Pylypchuk Chadwick Rantanen Sarah Rara Josh Reames Isaac Resnikoff Michael Rey John Riepenhoff Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs Shelby Roberts Jennifer Rochlin Ry Rocklen Torbjorn Rodland Mark A. Rodriguez Alix Ross & Morgan Ritter Amanda Ross-Ho Amanda Ross-Ho and Erik Frydenborg with Jorge, Mother, and Bud Nancy Sandercock Melinda Sanders Aaron Sandnes Rachelle Sawatsky Asha Schechter Carolee Schneeman Max Schwartz Zach Schwartz John Seal David Benjamin Sherry Peter Shire Flannery Silva Alex Slade Ryan Sluggett Alexis Smith Barbara T. Smith Jen Smith Joe Sola Frances Stark Linda Stark Jason Starr A.L. Steiner LeRoy Stevens Kate Stewart Thaddeus Strode Ricky Swallow Jordyn Sweet Martine Syms Tara Tavi Paul Theriault Amanda Tollefson Beatrice Valenzuela Monique Van Genderen Sigrid Vejvi Mark Verabioff Laura Vitale Erika Vogt Amy Von Harrington Christine Wang Mary Weatherford Michael Webster Benjamin Weissman John Wesley Brica Wilcox Chris Wilder Elise Marie Wille Lisa Williamson Lena Wolek Nate Wolf Jonas Wood Suzanne Wright Aaron Wrinkle Wendy Yao Jason Yates Michael Zahn Bari Ziperstein Jesse Fleming Larry Sultan André-Pierre Arnal Pierre Buraglio Louis Cane Noël Dolla Daniel Dezeuze Christian Jaccard Jean-Michel Meurice Bernard Pagés Jean-Pierre Pincemin Patrick Saytour Claude Viallat 2015 Anna Helm Lisa Lapinski Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda Lisa Anne Auerbach Lucky deBellevue Rochelle Feinstein Dane Johnson Jane Kaplowitz Max Krivitzky Ann Leese Cary Leibowitz Paul McMahon Rob Pruitt Sam Roeck Ruth Root Jason Rosenberg Theo Rosenblum + Chelsea Seltzer Joe Scanlan Lena Wolek Sam Anderson Becca Albee Eric Wesley Ben Vida Katy Fischer Kerry Tribe Graham Lambkin Shahryar Nashat Seth Bogart Nancy Lupo and Molly McFadden Rebecca Morris Gary Indiana 2016 Susan Cianciolo Seth Price Wayne Koestenbaum Lutz Bacher Chris Domenick & Em Rooney Wu Tsang Maggie Lee Eric VVysokan John Seal 2017 Trisha Baga Brian Sharp David Reed Henning Bohl C-Brushammer COBRA Daisuke Fukunaga Naotaka Hiro Ken Kagami Veit Laurent Kurz Soshiro Matsubara Puppies Puppies Stephen G. Rhodes Trevor Shimizu Yosuke Takayama Yuji Agematsu Nancy Arlen Jeremy Anderson Hans Bellmer Bill Bollinger Lee Bontecou Robert Breer Dan Burkhart Cameron Nicolas Ceccaldi Magalie Comeau Tony Conrad Jay DeFeo Michaela Eichwald Agustin Fernandez Terry Fox Ilka Gedő Jean-Léon Gérôme Bill Hayden Matt Hoyt Steve Keister Mike Kelley William Leavitt Lee Lozano Robert Mallary Harold Mendez Henri Michaux Eric Orr Tom Rankin Deborah Remington John Singer Sargent Michael E. Smith Unica Zürn Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon
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8bitmonkey · 10 years
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Jon Mallari || Deviant Art
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kazsbrecker · 6 years
can you tell me more about your got ocs!!! i'm legit so curious like i need to know everything!!!!
Thank you so much for this ask!! GoT is slowly taking over my life with the final season coming up and what started off as a little plot bunny is now a full-fledged series and my response is under a read more because I have too many ideas and don’t know how to give a short reply
This madness all began with the first protagonist: Alyssa Snow. I’ve already answered a few questions about her: here. But I love talking about my girl, who suffers so much, even in the first episode because of all the changes that happen in the wake of the King’s arrival: Robb and Mallarie’s wedding, Robert’s instance that Alyssa comes to King’s Landing with Ned, and Bran’s fall. Alyssa feels a lot of guilt about Bran, he is the younger sibling she is closest to and she is the one who taught him how to climb trees in the Godswood even though she disapproved of him climbing the actual castle. It doesn’t help that Catelyn will blame her as well, who’s scorn has always had a deeper effect on Alyssa than Jon (because of a small but significant event in their past). While she would usually find comfort in her brothers, Robb and Jon, they are all being forced apart by circumstances. When they were children, the three of them stood before the heart tree and made promises to each other, like Robb promised Alyssa he would never send her away from Winterfell, Jon promised Alyssa and Robb he would always protect them, Alyssa promised to be there for them. They’re the ultimate brotp I love them. It hurts Alyssa a lot that these promises are being broken and she actually fights with Jon about it when he decides to join the Night’s Watch, which is going to have some lasting impacts in the greater stage of the story.
Mallarie Lannister/Stark. Idk what to tag her names as because each surname is very significant. And that basically sums up Mallarie’s character arc: her transitioning alliances from the Lannisters to the Starks, but it takes a long time. Mallarie is the most Lannister to ever Lannister. Mallarie’s mother was Myrcella Lannister, who was Cersei’s cousin, closest friend, and lady in waiting. Shortly after Cersei’s firstborn died, Myrcella died giving birth to Mallarie. In her grief, Cersei decides to become a mother figure to Mallarie as her own, and completely adored her. Mallarie grows up loving the game of thrones, and even though she is just a Lannister cousin (which causes some insecurity on her part, because she was treated like a princess by Cersei, but she’s not) she really wants a throne and power for herself. But then, Robert (and probably someone shady, like Littlefinger) decide it would be intelligent to establish a more permanent and immediate alliance between the Lannisters and the Starks, so Mallarie’s life is uprooted and she is sent to be Catelyn’s ward with the expectation she gets to know Robb and marry him when they come of age (this event happens about a year or two before the first episode).
At first, Mallarie absolutely despises the North. She’s never been farther north than the capital and it’s so so cold. She hates it, can’t stand the snow and she is completely separated from her family. She is a bit of a brat and her and Robb get off to the wrong foot when they first encounter each other. So the next two years are these idiots (and they are idiots, they are like 13/14) being bratty to each other (very much like Odette and Derek as children in that animated movie the Swan Princess). Meanwhile, Mallarie surprisingly immediately connects with Jon and Alyssa (especially Jon), understands how they feel like outsiders, part of a family yet not. Jon helps her learn how to really appreciate and come to love the north and its culture. But Mallarie and Robb finally come to actually be pleasant each other to marry when the King visits Winterfell. Marriage changes things for Mallarie and Robb and they will fall in love, but the honeymoon phase does not last long. Especially when letters from King’s Landing start arriving. Mallarie still holds a lot of love and loyalty for the Lannisters, especially Cersei, and she knows exactly what Tywin is capable of. She discourages Robb from war because she is afraid of the consequences. She finally gets her crown, but it may cost her everything. The war threatens Robb’s life and her relationship with him as she struggles to navigate between being Queen of the North (who is sorta distrusted by her own people because everyone always identifies her as Lannister) and being a wife to a husband who loves her but hates her family. She’s trying her best in an impossible situation and my heart breaks for her. Eventually, she’ll completely side with the Starks and the North, and use her Lannister mentality to good use.
Bonus: lost and only led by stars may get a third protagonist because I have no self-control and I’m already messing with canon so much, why not add another oc. Syrius Maegyr was born in Voltains to a nobleman of the Maegyrs and to Alys Reyne (the last surviving member of House Reyne of Castamere). He grew up very close to his mother, who taught him all about Westeros and his birthright in Castamere, stolen from him by the Lannisters, so he grows up despising the Lannisters. When he is older, he travels the free cities as an apprentice to a merchant, and in Qarth, he encounters Daenerys Targaryen. He is fascinated by her and her story, cannot help but to feel connected to her because of their similar stories: exiled with a destiny in Westeros. So he joins her court, intending to help her take back the Iron Throne as she helps him reclaim his family’s title and legacy. This guy was literally created three days ago so I don’t have much for him yet, but he’s really cool and I like him a lot.
Again, thank you for this ask! I really love answering questions about my ocs, so if you have any more, please feel free to ask. (Also we’ve never spoken but I think you’re really cool and super super talented. your gifs are stunning and your characters are all so awesome )
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kazsbrecker · 5 years
odds for mallarie!!!!
1) How does your character change over the course of the story? In what ways do they stay the same? Explain.The story starts off with 14-year-old Mallarie arriving at Winterfell and completely despising the North mostly because it’s cold and it has an entirely different culture then King’s Landing. But she matures, looses her selfish, bratty tendencies and comes to appreciate the North and their values. One of the biggest changes is her familial loyalty. She starts off as one of the most Lannisters to ever Lannister, but as she comes to love the Starks through her marriage and earn the respect of the northern lords, she defies the woman who raised her to help the North gain independence. In a way, her strong sense of loyalty never weakness, only shifts. 3) When your character has a problem, how are they most likely to solve it? Why do they solve it the way they do? Mallarie uses a combination of flattery, lying and manipulation to get around most problems. Growing up in King’s Landing meant she was surrounded by the best of liars like Littlefinger and Varys. As just a Lannister cousin she had to do her best to keep the favor of those with more power in order to keep her own. Quickly she found the best way was through compliments, smiles, and a well-spoken rumor. 5) What are some traits that readers can find relatable? List and explain. Her love for Robb Stark. Who can resist the Young Wolf?7) Does your character plan for the future or do they just hope for the best? Explain how this works out for them?A bit of both? If I’m allowed to answer that way lol. She does plot and plan but mostly relies on her ability to charm in the moment. She’s adaptable and it tends to work out pretty well for her. She’s been playing this game for a very long time. Where she struggles is in the North. The Northerners don’t play Southern games and Mallarie has to adapt to their more honest approach while offering insight into the minds of her own family.  9) What are some morals your character has? Explain.Mallarie values loyalty in family and in marriage. She is very against violence towards women and children. Especially growing up and seeing Robert’s abusive treatment of Cersei and his obvious affairs. Even though Mallarie has sorta always harbored feelings for Jon Snow since her arrival to Winterfell, once she is married to Robb, she never acts on them. Robb is her husband and that bond means a lot to her even if she didn’t really love them at their wedding she is determined to try to find some happiness in her marriage (so she isn’t bitter like Cersei). 
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8bitmonkey · 11 years
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Cape or Cowl? || Jon Mallari |DA
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