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news24-7live · 6 months ago
Protests in Indonesia Over Parliament's Attempt to Override Court Rulings
On August 22, 2024, Indonesia saw protests in several cities including Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Makassar and Bandung, as thousands of protestors took to the streets to express their opposition to a parliamentary move. https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1826504030614429940 Also Read: China and Vietnam Signed 14 Agreements Covering Infrastructure, Agriculture and Trade On August 20, 2024, Indonesia's top court issued a ruling that was seen as a victory for democratic principles. The court decided that political parties would not require a minimum 20% representation in regional assemblies to field a candidate. This decision was aimed at fostering a more inclusive political environment allowing smaller parties to participate in regional elections. Additionally the court upheld the current minimum age limit of 30 for candidates barring younger aspirants including President Joko Widodo’s 29-year-old son, Kaesang Pangarep from running in upcoming elections. Within 24 hours of the court's decision, the Indonesian parliament dominated by President Widodo’s supporters tabled an emergency motion to reverse these changes. The proposed legislative amendments, if passed would maintain the status quo favoring the ruling coalition which includes President Widodo and Prabowo Subianto. The parliamentary move has triggered massive protests across the country with tens of thousands taking to the streets in cities such as Jakarta, Padang, Bandung and Yogyakarta. The situation in Jakarta has been tense with protesters clashing with police outside the parliament building. Protesters attempted to tear down the gates of the legislature, while others called for calm. Protesters in other cities also faced off with police, who were deployed in large numbers to maintain order. The protests is from a series of rulings made by Indonesia's Constitutional Court on August 20, 2024, concerning the eligibility and electoral thresholds for candidates in the upcoming local elections scheduled for November. The court removed the 20% legislative seat threshold or the 25% popular vote threshold required for political parties or coalitions to nominate candidates for regional heads. This decision opened the door for various candidates including popular former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan to potentially re-enter the political arena. The court upheld an age requirement that gubernatorial candidates must be at least 30 years old at the time of their registration, closing the door on the possibility of Kaesang Pangarep, the youngest son of outgoing President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) running for governor of Central Java. Kaesang, who turns 30 only in December 2024, would be ineligible under this ruling. Indonesia's parliament led by its Legislative Body (Baleg) acted to overturn the Constitutional Court's rulings. On August 21, 2024, just a day after the court's decisions, Baleg introduced a bill that sought to amend the 2016 Regional Elections Law reversing the court's rulings on both the electoral thresholds and the age requirement. https://twitter.com/AJEnglish/status/1826594508135637429 Also Read: China Proposes New Law to Make it Easier to Register Marriages and Harder to Divorce Baleg's bill reintroduced the 20% legislative seat threshold or 25% of the popular vote, as a requirement for nominating candidates. This move was seen as an attempt to block candidates like Anies Baswedan, who is under the new ruling. The bill also proposed that the age requirement for gubernatorial candidates apply at the time of inauguration, not registration. The parliament's actions were criticized as an unconstitutional power grab aimed at preserving the political influence of the outgoing president's family and allies. The bill's introduction occurred in a lightning-fast manner, taking only seven hours with all but one of the nine parties in the House supporting the bill. The only dissenting party was the PDI-P. The parliamentary action triggered immediate protests across the country. In Jakarta, thousands of demonstrators gathered in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building, where security measures including barbed wire and concrete fences and it had been set up to prevent entry. The crowd managed to tear down a section of the fence and tensions escalated when bottles were thrown at members of parliament who attempted to address the crowd. Nearly 3,000 security personnel were deployed at the locations including the Arjuna Wijaya Statue and the Merdeka Palace. In Semarang the protests turned violent as demonstrators damaged the fence of the local parliament building. Similar scenes of unrest were reported in other cities such as Yogyakarta, Makassar and Bandung, where students and activists led demonstrations demanding that parliament respect the Constitutional Court's rulings and reject the politics of dynasties. A viral image featuring the words Emergency Alert above Indonesia's national emblem, the Garuda, became a symbol of the growing discontent. Celebrities and public figures were among those who shared the image including Wanda Hamidah, a Golkar politician, who announced her resignation from the party in protest. In a Instagram post, she declared "I'm out of Golkar. I don't want to be on the wrong side of history. I love my country too much. Indonesia is not for sale." Due to the protests and the failure to achieve a quorum, the House of Representatives postponed the plenary session intended to ratify Baleg's bill. Political observers believe that the House is rushing to pass the bill before the local election registration begins on August 27, 2024. https://twitter.com/pandandjati/status/1826594497054343671 Also Read: Paetongtarn Shinawatra Becomes Thailand’s Youngest Prime Minister
Top Sources Related to Protests in Indonesia Over Parliament's Attempt to Override Court Rulings (For R&D)
Reuters: reuters.com CNA:
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Thousands protest Indonesian parliament’s move to subvert court ruling, pave way for Jokowi’s son to contest in local electionsProtestors gathered in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Makassar and Bandung. In Semarang, the crowd damaged the fence of the local parliament building and the police fired tear gas in response. AP News: Thousands of Indonesians attempt to storm parliament to protest changes to election lawIndonesian police have fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of protesters who attempted to storm parliament after they tore down a section of fence and threw stones at police. BBC News:
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Indonesia: Election law changes spark mass protestsThe country’s leaders want to reverse a constitutional court decision to open up elections to their rivals. NBC News:
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Thousands attempt to storm Indonesia parliament to protest election law changesThe unrest forced the legislature to delay a vote on controversial changes to election laws that could further enhance the political influence of outgoing President Joko Widodo. South China Morning Post:
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Indonesians protest against changes to election law, threat to democracyThe move by parliament to undo a top court’s rulings on the election law is to secure Joko Widodo’s political interests, analysts say. Read the full article
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kantorberita · 7 months ago
Pj Walikota Bengkulu Arif Gunadi Ikuti Pidato Kenegaraan Presiden Jokowi di Sidang Tahunan MPR RI 2024
Pj Walikota Bengkulu Arif Gunadi Ikuti Pidato Kenegaraan Presiden Jokowi di Sidang Tahunan MPR RI 2024 KANTOR-BERITA.COM, KOTA BENGKULU|| Penjabat (Pj) Walikota Bengkulu Arif Gunadi, hadir dalam mendengarkan pidato kenegaraan Presiden Republik Indonesia, Joko Widodo, yang disampaikan dalam Sidang Tahunan MPR RI serta Sidang Bersama DPR RI dan DPD RI tahun 2024, Acara ini diikuti oleh Arif Gunadi…
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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
President Widodo of Indonesia to Visit South Korea #indonesia #JokoWidodo #MoonJaein #president #SouthKorea
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Pak Jokowi Jalan Kaki Dikarenakan Ban Bocor, Cek Faktanya Disini
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA  - Sebuah video yang diunggah oleh akun TikTok @fable62 menampilkan momen Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berjalan kaki di sepanjang jalan Sragen-Grobogan-Blora, sementara mobil kepresidenan terlihat berhenti dengan dugaan ban bocor. Video tersebut menjadi viral dan menimbulkan kebingungan di kalangan netizen. Namun, setelah dilakukan penelusuran, pihak Koordinator Stafsus Presiden, Ari Dwipayana, memberikan klarifikasi terkait kejadian tersebut. Menurutnya, informasi mengenai ban mobil kepresidenan yang bocor adalah tidak benar. “Mobil kepresidenan tersebut berhenti dikarenakan tengah memindahkan kaos, kemudian Paspampres yang terlihat jongkok di dekat ban dikarenakan masih ada Ibu Iriana yang berada di dalam mobil,” ungkap Ari Dwipayana. Lebih lanjut, diketahui bahwa Jokowi yang terlihat berjalan kaki sebenarnya sedang mengukur jalan bersama Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono. Faktanya, Presiden Jokowi turun dari mobil bukan karena ban bocor, melainkan karena sedang melakukan pengukuran jalan. Kejadian ini memberikan gambaran yang berbeda dari apa yang terlihat dalam video yang diunggah di TikTok. Ari Dwipayana menekankan pentingnya memahami konteks sebelum menyebarkan informasi, agar tidak menimbulkan kebingungan di masyarakat. Meskipun demikian, video tersebut tetap menjadi perbincangan hangat di media sosial, menunjukkan bagaimana informasi dapat diinterpretasikan dengan cara yang berbeda oleh masyarakat. Klarifikasi dari pihak terkait diharapkan dapat mengurangi kekhawatiran dan spekulasi yang berkembang terkait insiden ini. (sumber: cekfakta.com) Read the full article
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pkvoffcial · 1 year ago
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beritapatriotcom · 1 year ago
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hargo-news · 2 years ago
Kritik Surya Paloh terhadap Revolusi Mental Jokowi Disambut Tanggapan dari PDIP, PAN, dan Golkar
#SuryaPaloh #PresidenJokowi #RevolusiMental Kritik Surya Paloh terhadap Revolusi Mental Jokowi Disambut Tanggapan dari PDIP, PAN, dan Golkar
Hargo.co.id – Surya Paloh, Ketua Umum Partai NasDem, mengkritik pelaksanaan Revolusi Mental yang dilakukan oleh pemerintahan Jokowi dalam Apel Siaga Perubahan di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK), Jakarta pada Minggu (16/7/2023). Hal ini menjadi perhatian karena Partai NasDem masih menjadi bagian dari koalisi pemerintahan Jokowi. Jokowi, yang berasal dari PDIP dan PPP sebagai partai politik…
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realita-lampung · 2 years ago
Kunker di Lampung, Presiden Joko Widodo Off Road di Jalan Beraspal
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LAMPUNG TENGAH - Hari ini Presiden Joko Widodo merasakan langsung buruknya kondisi jalan di Lampung. Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi pada saat melakukan kunjungan kerja di Provinsi Lampung terlihat bertolak ke tempat peninjauan jalan-jalan yang rusak di Provinsi Lampung menggunakan mobil negara pada, Jum'at (5/5/2023). Dalam video yang disediakan Biro Pers Istana Presiden, mobil Kepala Negara tampak melintasi jalan aspal yang telah terkikis. Jalan-jalan yang dimaksud adalah Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, Lampung dengan kapasitas dua lajur. Jalan Terusan Ryacudu yang dilapisi aspal hanya satu lajur. Bahkan sebagian titik hanya dapat dilalui satu unit sepeda motor. Mobil sedan yang digunakan Presiden Jokowi beberapa kali miring hingga sekitar 15 derajat. Jokowi terlihat seperti tengah ‘off road’ di jalan beraspal. Di jalan beraspal yang telah rusak itu pula, kecepatan mobil yang dikendarai Jokowi hanya setara dengan kecepatan jalan orang dewasa. Di samping itu, ada genangan air berwarna cokelat dibeberapa titik jalan. Jalan tersebut tidak memiliki drainase yang terlihat dari rerumputan yang langsung terhubung dengan jalan tersebut. Read the full article
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sekindonews · 1 year ago
INFO Penting Lowongan PNS 2024
JAKARTA, SEKILAS INDONESIA, –Pemerintah akan membuka lowongan Calon Aparatur Sipil Negara (CASN) 2024 sebanyak 2,3 juta formasi. Jumlah itu terdiri dari lowongan untuk fresh graduate 690 ribu posisi dan lowongan untuk PPPK 1,6 juta posisi. Pembukaan lowongan ini diumumkan langsung oleh Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Jokowi meminta anak muda Indonesia segera memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk bergabung…
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tangerangraya · 2 years ago
Nomadisme Politik Jokowi, Bawa Gerbong Melawan PDIP
Analis politik Universitas Nasional (Unas), Selamat Ginting mengungkapkan, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melakukan nomadisme politik (perubahan sikap politik) dengan membawa gerbong partai politik koalisi pemerintahan untuk melawan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) dalam kontestasi pemilihan presiden (pilpres) 2024. “Jokowi membawa empat partai politik koalisi pemerintahan dalam…
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pamenan · 1 month ago
~~~ ☆ ~~~
MESSENGER OF THE PEOPLE : Researcher Observer Movement Step Steps The performance of the Indonesian Government from since the government moves in the era president of herbertus or jokowidodo aka Jokowi PKI face to face dogs, until the research of government observers saw the shadow of the lunge which was wanted by the subianto president level with a dog's dick because it had planted the seeds who were evil and smelled foul-flavorful. Because the musabab of the dog's dick and Jokowi PKI face looks like a dog's ass like a fruit depending on the same stalk. The results of Jokowi PKI's performance is clearly the fact that the two Priode Jokowi PKI Chinese Communist children The results of their performance did not bring to the nation's children but instead the results of the performance of Jokowi PKI actually caused a big losses received by the Indonesian nation's indian children.
As a result of the brain of the Head of Jokowi PKI, mixed up with Taik, then the aroma of the rotten taik fell into the heart to the Hatinurani Jokowi PKI made a foul smell. So everything that is designed starting with his results, the results only brought unclocking and decay in the form of a crime of all the forms of cases made during Jokowi PKI, the buttocks of the Chinese Chinese children's children. In fact, not a few journalists as government observers show as evidence along with the pieces of Gamba which are screened by Sekrong with news. The fact is a sign of a sign of Jokowi PKI revenge against all the indian children of the Indonesian people. So it is even more easier for journalists as the government's movement observer to see the steps of the president of the dog's dick for the first to him, although it has not been clearly seen optimally from the overall performance of the Dog's president's dick performance. But Philosophy said, if we hold human beings from their speech if we hold the animal on the rope.
The word furniture president dick this dog said that the furniture of the troubleshooting would have grown the way the performance of Jokowi PKI. In fact the results of the performance of Jokowi PKI for 10 years, the President caused a aura that had a great impact on the losses and losses for the nation and the state. Of course it will not leave the life factor of the people's lives and poverty which intentionally will be carried out by Giberan furniture because it will continue the performance of Jokowi PKI who has a discourse of rotten and evil intentions on the Indonesian nation's indian children.
Didn't since the beginning of the president of the dog's dick already had rotten and evil intentions against the Indonesian children. The proof of the president of the dog's dick has committed a violation of the laws of the human rights law (HAM) due to the furniture of the Chinese President of the Dick of the Dog of the Dog of Crime of Kidnapping and Murder of the Indonesian Children in the era of Suharto Bin Dog President. Now it will certainly be very more dangerous if it is from the TNI / Polri and the elmendies and the group's collection of organizations do not take care and do not take guidelines with the file files that have been crime actions by the president of this dog's dick. Also need to know why I was a news journalist who was menista them so far, because they stole my money from within the government. I have mintak with good language words they don't respond at all my requests so that they return to me my money they stole, because because I don't want to be harmed over the actions of their crimes they do for me. Even though the money I mintak is only my own rights but not their personal money I love, and also not I love the money for the name of my family. And while legal regulations within this country side with me right, I will continue to menistas them while they did not return to me my own rights money they stole from within the government of Indonesia, because while the relevant to my country also disadvantaged. - Editor by the best journalist mkn. Online profile of Rambun Pamenan.
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iyas1998 · 6 months ago
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#Repost @ngomonginuang
Gimana nih menurut kamu tentang hadiah pensiun para presiden kita?
FOLLOW kalau kamu mau #ngomonginuang yang sehat, mendidik, dan BERMANFAAT NYATA bersama kami.⁣⁣⁣
#presiden #sby #megawatisoekarnoputri #jokowi #jokowidodo #presidenjokowi #tipskeuangan #indonesia #marketing #bisnis #finansial #keuangan #literasikeuangan #belajarkeuangan #ilmukeuangan #keuanganpribadi
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usnewsper-business · 1 year ago
President Widodo of Indonesia to Visit South Korea #indonesia #JokoWidodo #MoonJaein #president #SouthKorea
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Alumni PT Yakini Ganjar Penerus Jokowi, Deklarasi RBPR Dorong Wujudkan Kedaulatan Pangan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Puluhan alumni dari sejumlah perguruan tinggi berkumpul di Kubu Kopi Denpasar pada Minggu (1/10/2023) sore. Alumni dari perguruan tinggi negeri maupun swasta itu mendeklarasikan Rumah Bersama Pelayan Rakyat (RBPR). Mereka hadir dengan mengenakan baju kaus putih dengan foto Ganjar Pranowo yang cukup besar di bagian depan. Selain foto Ganjar Pranowo, terpampang tulisan 'Ganjar Pranowo: Tuanku Ya Rakyat'-Kalimat yang identik dengan Ganjar Pranowo yang bahkan dipajang pada akun media sosial pribadinya. Puluhan alumni perguruan tinggi yang berasal dari ITS Surabaya, UGM, UI, Unud Denpasar, Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta, Universitas Pendidikan Nasional (Undiknas) Denpasar itu mendukung Ganjar Pranowo sebagai Presiden Indonesia, penerus Joko Widodo. Sebab, mereka meyakini Ganjar Pranowo mampu mewujudkan ketahanan pangan Indonesia di tengah krisis dunia yang mulai mengancam. Dipandu oleh MC Eka Mahardika dari Universitas Warmadewa Denpasar, acara diisi dengan paparan harapan dari para peserta dan nyanyi bersama. Iwan Dewantara, alumni UGM yang juga menjadi Ketua Ganjarian Spartan Bali mengatakan, dirinya telah lama bergaul dengan para petani di Bali. Dari pandangannya, hanya Ganjar Pranowo yang dinilai memiliki konsep matang dalam memperjuangkan kedaulatan pangan di Indonesia. "Saya alumni UGM, lama bergaul dengan para petani di Bali. Dari bakal Capres yang sudah muncul, ya hanya Mas Ganjar yang punya konsep untuk memperjuangkan kedaulatan pangan," ujar Iwan Dewantara. Sementara Ketut Budiastha yang ditunjuk sebagai Koordinator RBPR Bali mengatakan, Ganjar Pranowo telah menunjukkan keberpihakannya kepada rakyat selama menjadi Gubernur Jawa Tengah. Budiastha memandang, hal tersebut perlu ditingkatkan dan diperluas. Bila Ganjar Pranowo terpilih menjadi Presiden RI, dia dinilai mampu menjadi pelayan rakyat. "Dua periode Pak Ganjar jadi gubernur (Jawa Tengah), telah menunjukkan keperpihakannya kepada rakyat (Jawa Tengah). Ini harus ditingkatkan dan diperluas. Kami yakin ketika terpilih sebagai presiden, akan mampu menjadi pelayan rakyat Indonesia," ujar Ketut Budiastha. Ketut Budiastha yang juga alumni ITS Surabaya menyatakan, RBPR dibentuk oleh banyak elemen relawan alumni perguruan dari berbagai perguruan tinggi. Para alumni perguruan tinggi yang kini tinggal di Bali meyakini, Ganjar adalah sosok yang tepat untuk meneruskan program Presiden Jokowi. "Agar ada kesinambangunan pembangunan, Pak Ganjar adalah sosok presiden berikutnya yang tepat," tegas Ketut Budiastha. Dari sisi pembangungan, pandangan muncul dari Gede Wenten Mahayasa, alumni ITS Surabaya. Dia mengatakan, tidak ada selain Ganjar yang mampu meneruskan pembangunan Presiden Jokowi di tengah krisis dunia saat ini. Menurutnya, Ganjar Pranowo telah teruji dan mengerti persoalan rakyat Indonesia. "Ya sudah tak ada pilihan lain. Kan sudah teruji dan bisa meneruskan program Pak Jokowi," pandangnya. Acara deklarasi kemudian diakhiri dengan makan bersama dengan menu nasi jinggo sembari menikmati berbagai nyanyian dari musisi Ijum dan Made 'Deduk' Duarsa. "Ini lagu khusus, jangan pernah berpaling dari Ganjar," ujar Ijum. (bpn) Read the full article
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tulisanasyakila · 8 months ago
Muarajambi, Warisan Nusantara
Udah tahu belum? kalau Mendikbudristek udah netapin Satuan Ruang Geografis, Muarajambi sebagai Kawasan Cagar Budaya Peringkat Nasional (KCBN). Aku baru tahu lho.... saat nonton di narasi matanajwa.
Saat ini Kemendikbudristek bersama dengan pemerintah daerah dan warga setempat melakukan revitalisasi KCBN Muarajambi sebagai pusat pendidikan serta penguatan ekosistem melalui ekonomi kerakyatan berbasis kebudayaan tak benda. Hal ini sejalan dengan upaya Indonesia mengajukan KCBN Muarajambi sebagai situs warisan dunia.
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Kenapa muarajambi yang dipilih untuk di revitalisasi?
Muarajambi adalah situs terbesar di asia tenggara yang luasnya tidak kurang dari 4000 hektar. Hingga hari ini, masih banyak temuan-temuan baru yang didapatkan. Pertimbangan utama kenapa muarajambi yang dipilih adalah arti penting dan nilai budayanya. Potensi muarajambi ini luarbiasa untuk dijadikan situs budaya.
Tapi.. yang buatku kaget+sedih ternyata ada ada ancaman juga bagi si candi..
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Bayangin ada stockpile batubara di sekeliling kawasan candi, di tepian sungai batanghari!
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Awalnya kupikir cuma penyimpanan aja... nggak masalah dong?... Eh setelah mendengar penjelasan di video itu dari Kepala Balai Pelestarian Kebudayaan (BPK) Wilayah V "Meskipun hanya penyimpanan, tapi untuk bangunan candi yang umurnya sudah ribuan tahun, tentu saja mudah lapuk dan retak. Apalagi jika dicampur dengan debu-debu batubara. hal itu bisa membuat bangunan candi jadi lebih mudah rapuh."
Presiden Jokowidodo, juga sudah tahu hal ini. Tapi sampai sekarang stocpile batubara ini masih ada disana...
Kabar baiknya, di video tersebut, Direktur Jenderal Kebudayaan Kemendikbudristek mengatakan bahwa Gubernur Jambi juga sedang berusaha mengatasi hal itu dengan membuka jalur baru untuk pengangkutan batubara sehingga tidak ada tumpukan-tumpukan stockpile batu bara disana. Sistem logistik batubara yang menggunakan sungai batanghari juga harus diubah. Karena stockpile itu ada karena kelambatan membawa batubara dari pedalaman ke pesisir.
Selama masih ada stockpile disana, alasan kenapa muarajambi yang dipilih untuk di revitalisasi.. arti penting dan nilai budayanya tidak lagi berarti.
Semoga lancar dan hasil revitalisasinya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Semoga aku juga bisa berkunjung kesana... Healing di muaracandi...bersama keluargaku, temanku, dengan siapa aja boleh deh wkwkwk.
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beritapatriotcom · 1 year ago
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