#Johnny's home in Los Angeles
havithreatendub4 · 11 months
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#February 2018 #Ross Halfin Photography at Johnny’s #home in #Los Angeles #color
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singeratlarge · 2 years
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “A Search For Home (Remix)”—An ambient, David Bowie-influenced song-path into urban mindscapes, with refractions on the chill electronica sides of Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. 
peter chauncey—arranger, composer, & vocals
Johnny J. Blair—keyboards
DJ Luxxury—bass, drum programs, keyboards, & remixing
Will Mandell—trumpet & mixing
#search #home #ambient #soul #DavidBowie #urban #mindscape #HerbieHancock #peterchauncey #DJLuxxury #blakerobin #johnnyjblair #willmandell #keyboards #trumpet #recording #SanFrancisco #BayArea #LosAngeles #singersongwriter
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robotpussy · 2 years
Sacheen Littlefeather (Apache/Yaqui/Ariz.), the Native American actress and activist who took to the stage at the 1973 Academy Awards to reveal that Marlon Brando would not accept his Oscar for The Godfather, has died. She was 75.
Littlefeather died at noon Sunday at her home in the Northern California city of Novato surrounded by her loved ones, according to a statement sent out by her caretaker. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which reconciled with Littlefeather in June and hosted a celebration in her honor just two weeks ago, revealed the news on social media Sunday night.
Littlefeather disclosed in March 2018 that she had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, and it had metastasized in recent years. Brando had decided to boycott the March 1973 Oscars in protest of how Native Americans were portrayed onscreen as well as to pay tribute to the ongoing occupation at Wounded Knee, in which 200 members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) faced off against thousands of U.S. marshals and other federal agents in the South Dakota town. Speaking in measured tones but off-the-cuff — Brando, who told her not to touch the trophy, had given her a typed eight-page speech, but telecast producer Howard Koch informed her she had no more than 60 seconds — she continued, “And the reasons for this being are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry … and on television in movie reruns, and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee.” Littlefeather’s remarks were met in the building by a smattering of boos as well as applause, but public sentiment in the immediate aftermath of her appearance was largely negative. Some media outlets questioned her Native heritage (her father was Apache and Yaqui and her mother was white) and claimed she rented her costume for the ceremony, while conservative celebrities including John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Charlton Heston — three actors who had starred in many a Western — reportedly criticized Brando and Littlefeather’s actions. As she was becoming an indelible part of Oscar lore, Wayne “was in the wings, ready to have me taken off stage,” she told the Los Angeles Times in 2016. “He had to be restrained by six security guards.” 
Regardless, nearly 50 years later, the Academy issued her an apology.
“The abuse you endured because of this statement was unwarranted and unjustified,” then-AMPAS president David Rubin wrote to her in a letter dated June 18. “The emotional burden you have lived through and the cost to your own career in our industry are irreparable. For too long the courage you showed has been unacknowledged. For this, we offer both our deepest apologies and our sincere admiration.”
Although Brando’s stunt had the intended effect of renewing attention on Wounded Knee, Littlefeather said it put her life at risk and killed her acting career, claiming that she lost guild memberships and was banned from the industry. (In addition, the Academy subsequently prohibited winners from sending proxies to accept — or reject — awards on their behalf.)
“I was blacklisted — or, you could say, ‘redlisted,'” Littlefeather said in her documentary. “Johnny Carson, Dick Cavett and others didn’t want me on their shows. … The doors were closed tight, never to reopen.”
Littlefeather managed to appear in a handful of films (The Trial of Billy Jack, Johnny Firecloud and Winterhawkamong them) before she quit acting for good and earned a degree in holistic health from Antioch University with a minor in Native American medicine. Her work in wellness included writing a health column for the Kiowa tribe newspaper in Oklahoma, teaching in the traditional Indian medicine program at St. Mary’s Hospital in Tucson, Arizona, and working with Mother Teresa on behalf of AIDS patients in the Bay Area. She would go on to serve as a founding board member of the American Indian AIDS Institute of San Francisco.
Via The Hollywood Reporter
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andvys · 2 years
We’ll burn the sky | E.M.
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Warnings: none yet, this is just the teaser!
Pairings: rockstar!Eddie Munson x rockstar!fem!reader
Summary: Eddie left his life in Hawkins behind to live the one he always dreamed about but there is a missing piece in his life and in his almost perfect band; you.
Author's note: Daisy Jones & the six inspired me to band au fic, so here we are. I hope you guys will like this! Also shoutout to @littledemondani thank you for helping me choose the title and for letting me rant about my ideas, you’re amazing
“They don’t want us.” 
“They don’t want us! They don’t even want to record the album!” 
After months of pouring tears, blood and sweat into this album, their record label suddenly decided that the songs aren't good enough, that the band isn't good enough, that Eddie isn't good enough.
“We worked our asses off– what do you mean they don’t want us?!” Jeff cries, throwing his hands up as he follows Eddie, who almost ran into an old man on the sidewalk, quickly apologizing to him before he keeps on walking. 
“They said that we’re not good enough!” Eddie mumbles in annoyance, “told me to come back when we got something better to offer.”
“Not good enough? Sam loved our songs!” Gareth says as he looks at Eddie in confusion. 
“He did but apparently something is missing, the label refuses to record the album,” Eddie sighs as he halts in his tracks, placing his hands on his hips, he looks up at the blue sky and lets out a long sigh, “they said some.. some freshness is missing, whatever that is supposed to mean. Told me that there’s enough bands like ours out there already. They want something different, something new. It's too 'old fashioned'.”
Gareth stares at his best friend, shaking his head, he plops down on a bench, running his hand through his messy hair, “freshness?” he mumbles, furrowing his brows. 
Eddie clenches his jaw as he thinks of his conversation with their producer. 
‘You’re good, amazing even, your voice is great but there’s a missing piece.’
“Missing piece,” Eddie huffs, shaking his head, “he said that there’s a missing piece.” 
Jeffs stares at him, “like.. like what?” 
Eddie shrugs as the doubt begins to creep in. They all left their life in Hawkins behind, dropped everything to come out here to Los Angeles with the goal of becoming big, everyone laughed at them, told them that it would never work out, that their dreams are ridiculous but things went well, for a while. 
All four of them worked hard, they worked extra hours, saved up enough for money for them to last out here for a few months. Eddie wrote the song texts and they put all their blood and sweat into each song, hours and hours of rehearsals paid off and after a long search for a producer who was willing to work with them, they found Sam, who instantly took a liking to the boys, he gave them a chance, arranged some gigs for them before they were finally given the chance to make the album but suddenly, something is missing and they aren’t good enough anymore. 
“I don’t know, I think nothing is missing,” Gareth mumbles, “the band is perfect as it is.” 
Eddie sighs, “I don’t know.. maybe there is something missing,” he mumbles, eyes falling on the bar across the street, “I need a drink.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
They knock back one drink after the other, listening to the awful karaoke performances and making fun of all the singing drunk people, a distraction is what they all needed after the stressful past months and who knows, maybe they’ll find inspiration here, though Eddie doubts it. 
As entertaining as it is, Eddie can’t concentrate on it for too long. His mind goes back to the conversation with Sam. If he refuses to make the album then they can pack their things and go back home to Hawkins, pick up where they left off. Eddie would work at the garage again, Gareth and Jeff would try to get back into the community college there, Johnny would work with his dad again, they would give up their dreams and go back into a town they wanted to leave behind. 
Sure, Eddie has Wayne, all his friends and girlfriend there but Hawkins is a part of his past, something he doesn’t even want to go back to, not even for his loved ones. He is fine to go back for holidays or birthdays but that’s all. 
This is what he wants, he wants the band, he wants the concerts, the tours, the life he always dreamed of. 
But what choice does he have if the album won’t even get a chance? 
Fear fills him, anxiety takes hold of him and his hope begins to dwindle.
The music stops and only the loud chatter in the bar fills the room for a moment. Eddie stares down at his drink, ignoring the laughter of his friends. 
He downs the rest of his drink, running his hand through his messy curls, he leans back and turns to look at the stage to find a young girl reaching for the microphone. After all the old drunk men, the girl is the first female to sing tonight. He can’t see her face yet but he recognizes the band shirt, he has a similar one lying in his closet, somewhere. Clad in a short leather skirt and chunky boots, she already looks like she belongs on a stage but he doesn’t have much faith in her voice, after all, karaoke bars are just for drunk people who want to have fun, right? 
“Damn,” Gareth whistles, “she’s hot,” he says, staring at the girl. 
Jeff and Johnny chuckle but agree with him nonetheless. 
“Look at her, man,” he says to Eddie, who only shakes his head, “totally your type.” 
“I have a girlfriend,” Eddie mumbles, glaring at his friend. 
Gareth rolls his eyes, “whatever,” he mumbles, not even hiding his distaste for his best friend’s girlfriend. He never liked her and he never will. 
The One I Love by R.E.M starts playing and Eddie’s friends immediately start to bop their heads to the music. Staring at the girl with curious looks on their faces. Eddie chuckles at them, shaking his head. 
The smile falls from his lips and his eyes widen a little, both the lyrics and your voice catch his attention. He looks away from the awestruck expressions of his friends and turns to look at the singing girl, you. His breath hitches in his throat when he looks at you, truly looks at you. 
Your eyes are closed and you hold the mic tightly in one hand as you sing with the most beautiful voice he has ever heard, it’s soft yet husky and low; it’s just perfect. You look like you’re in your own little world, like only you exist. 
A girl in front of the stage whistles and you crack a smile as you open your eyes to look at her and the other girls around her who are no doubt your friends. 
Eddie’s heart makes a weird jump in his chest when you look his way as you sing. Eddie can’t help but stare at you, he is in awe. The way you sing, the way you hold yourself, the way your voice seems to get prettier and prettier to him.
He can’t tear his eyes away from you, you sing as though it’s the only thing you are meant to do, like this stage is meant for you and the people are here just for you. You own the stage, you own the heart of all the people watching you, you stole it with just your voice. 
“Holy shit,” Jeff mumbles, he stares at the way you move your body as you sing, “she’s a hot piece of ass.”
Eddie gives him a disapproving look but then his eyes widen when he looks back at you. 
Piece. A missing piece. 
This is the missing piece. 
Your voice. 
Eddie blinks as Sam’s words echo in his mind. 
He looks back at you, watching your performance in awe. He is impressed by the way you look and sound like a professional, like you are already a famous singer and how you seem to capture everyone’s attention in this room. 
Your performance is effortless, there is not a single pretentious thing about you, you are just a natural. You are a star, born to be one.
The people in this bar cheer for you, whistling and clapping even as you get off the stage and your friends embrace you. 
“You’re a star, baby!” one of your friends yells with a slur in her voice as she smacks her lips against your cheek. 
“Damn, I wanna kiss her too,” Jeff mumbles as he watches you with dreamy eyes. 
A smile tugs at Eddie’s lips as he stares at you, you blush and giggle as one of the drunk performers from before pretends to ask for an autograph. You wave him off with a chuckle before you make your way towards the bar. 
“That was one hell of a performance,” Gareth says with an impressed look on his face. 
“Yeah,” Jeff mumbles, “do you think that she’s maybe.. I don’t know, a singer already? We’re in L.A. after all, there’s plenty of singers we don’t know.” 
Johnny shrugs, “I don’t know–” he stops, raising his brows as he watches Eddie get up and walk away from his friends, “but we’re about to find out.” 
Gareth and Jeff follow his gaze to see him walking towards you. 
You smile at the bartender, thanking him after he takes your order. Your heart is still pounding in your chest from your little performance. It took you a lot of courage to sing in front of such a crowd, your friends did a good job at convincing you and cheering you on. You were nervous and anxious but the moment the music started and you began to sing, you forgot everything and everyone around you. 
You lean against the counter, smoothing down your skirt a little and brushing through your messy hair when someone comes up next to you. 
You raise your head and you feel as though you have been punched in your stomach, your breath is stolen away and goosebumps arise on your skin as you lock eyes with the prettiest chocolate brown eyes you have ever seen in your life. 
He grins, showing off his pearly whites. He stretches his arm out, offering you his hand to shake, “I’m Eddie.” 
A small smile appears on your face, you take his hand, ignoring the way his touch seems to make your heart flutter in your chest. You tilt your head, squinting your eyes as you stare at him. You have seen him before, not up close but.. Oh! 
“Eddie,” you smile, “from Corroded Coffin, right?” 
His eyes widened in surprise, lighting up, “you know my band?” he asks, still not letting go of your hand. 
“Yes,” you say, licking your lips as you stare at the tattoos on his arm, “you played at the twilight zone last weekend, I was there with my friends. You’re good,” you smile, “amazing even.” 
Eddie blushes, smiling at your words, “thank you!” 
“You’re welcome,” you chuckle as you see the flushed cheeks. 
He finally pulls his hand back, laughing awkwardly, “uh so, I think you’re amazing, your voice is pretty– pretty fucking good!” 
You smile at him as you look into his pretty eyes, “you think so?” 
“Yeah, I totally think so,” he grins, “that’s uh– that’s why I wanted to talk to you.” 
“Yeah,” he nods. 
He doesn’t know what comes over him but he can’t help but check you out. It isn’t just your voice that caught his attention it’s also– No, Eddie. Don’t go there, don’t go there. He looks away for a moment and takes a deep breath. 
“Do you do that for a living or something?” he asks, “I mean, singing.” 
You shake your head, “no..” you mumble.
He nods, trying not to stare at your lips as he looks back at you, “would you like to do that for a living?” he asks, tilting his head as he looks into your eyes, noticing the pretty color; his favorite color as he just realized.
You furrow your brows and shrug, “I mean, I would love to. I-I grew up with music. I sing and play bass."
Eddie raises his brows, “you play bass?” 
Not only are you an excellent singer, you also play one of his favorite instruments.
“That’s.. that’s amazing!” 
You chuckle. Your eyes trail down to his hands, eying the many rings on his fingers. 
“So uh– you know, my band might be missing a member,” Eddie says as he takes a step closer to you, leaning his elbow against the counter, “and you are really talented so…” 
Normally, Eddie wouldn’t make an offer like that, he was content with the band and he wasn’t interested in having any new band members— especially another singer but he is desperate and his chances of becoming a rockstar are getting smaller every day but something tells him that you and your voice are the key to success— hopefully.
You blink in surprise, “you’re looking for another band member?” 
He shrugs, sighing, “we weren’t looking but apparently something about our music is not good enough and the label is about to drop us. We need something new.. something that might make our music better— don’t get me wrong, I think it’s good already but apparently not everyone thinks so.”
A smirk appears on your face, “oh, so… you want me to save your band?” 
He rolls his eyes playfully, giving you a coy smile, “I guess?” 
“Aren’t you a heavy metal band?” you ask, skeptically, “I do rock music, not heavy metal.” 
“I mean, we lean more towards rock right now, so..” he says, shrugging.
You raise your brows, crossing your arms over your chest, you shrug, “I don’t know, what am I gonna be? A background singer?” you ask, “background bass player? I’m not interested in being in your shadow.” 
“No…. we just need another singer.” 
“The lead singer wants another singer?” you ask in confusion, “who would want that?” you chuckle, shaking your head. 
“I want that,” he shrugs, “I play guitar and I sing so I have no problem with sharing the spotlight.” 
“Really?” you laugh, “you don’t mind sharing the spotlight, why is that so hard to believe?” 
He chuckles, “listen Sweetheart, I would never ever make an offer like this to just anyone but I’m really desperate here, I really want to make this album and I’m willing to add another singer to the mix, your voice is fucking beautiful and something tells me that you could.. make things better so… are you interested in joining the best band in the world?” 
The smile on your face gives him the answer he was hoping for. And just like that, his confidence is back.
This isn’t over yet, not for him and not for the band.
Corroded Coffin is gonna go big and Eddie’s dreams will come true, he just knows it, he can see it, in your eyes.
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
How did Elvis took care of his awesome hair? 🚿🍃
Plus, a quick overview on one of the King's hairdressers and Memphis Mafia man, Larry Geller: How somewhat he was the friend Elvis needed and how Elvis' over-controlling inner circle banned Geller from their surroundings for a while.
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I was actually looking if I could find Elvis' haircut name - precisely the type of haircut he had on the '68 Comeback Special and "Charro!" (1968), since I'm a girl and I have zero idea about the names for male haircuts but I just love that haircut he had so much I wanted to talk about it... anyway. But I found an article about Elvis' hair care routine and that sounds very interesting to me, so it might be something you wanna know too.
This is told by Larry Geller, so this means this was Elvis' hair routine starting from mid 60's on, precisely from 1964 to 1967, and possibly also from late 1972 to 1977 *, periods in which Larry was responsible for taking care of the King's hair.
Geller, who will be launching his own line of organic hair products later this year, tested out some of his first custom mixes on Elvis. “I used to go to the health food store and get a benign base shampoo and get some vitamin capsules and pour 99 percent pure aloe vera and other herbs into it, and shake it up,” Geller tells Yahoo Beauty. “That’s what I used on Elvis’ hair. He said to me, right from the get-go, ‘You can do whatever you want with my hair, but one thing — make sure I keep it!’” Source: Yahoo Beauty: Elvis Presley’s Hairstylist Spills the King’s Secrets by Lilit Marcus. The article was shared on a Graceland's website on January 28, 2014.
Elvis, you're the best, man. LOL. Just that comment is worth this entire post. It made me laugh. But the article goes on.
Then there was the daily routine. “I shampooed his hair regularly, usually every day. I would massage his scalp for a few minutes, then brush his hair at least 50 or 60 strokes. I was focused on long-term health of his hair, which was so important,” Geller explains. He also used products like vitamin E and jojoba oil to style Elvis’ hair and replace conditioner. Hairspray was used to set it, with Geller alternating multiple brands so that none of them would dry out Elvis’ coif too much. As for its color, Geller dyed Elvis’ hair every two to three weeks with a L’Oreal formula. What did the two men discuss during all that grooming? Religion, philosophy, books, life, and anything else you can think of. “Elvis had everything,” says Geller. “He was an extraordinary human being. He had the greatest eyes, the greatest voice, fans galore. He also had great hair.”
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Elvis in "Frankie and Johnny" and "Spinout", both 1966 movies.
Larry Geller styled Elvis’ hair for: "Roustabout" (1964), Girl Happy (1965), Tickle Me (1965), Harum Scarum (1965), Frankie and Johnny (1966), Paradise, Hawaiian Style (1966), Spinout (1966), Easy Come, Easy Go (1967), Double Trouble (1967), and Clambake (1967). Geller prepared Elvis’ hair for the last time for his funeral in August, 1977.
Elvis' hair must have been so good smelling and soft. Washed every day, organic products to make it smooth and shiny as it was. 🫠🥹
Now, if you want to understand why there's a pause in Larry's association with Elvis, here it is:
On March 9, 1967, Elvis was staying in him home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, and one incident (Elvis tripped over a TV cord in his bathroom and banged his head against a porcelain bathtub) caused the beginning of the production for the movie "Clambake", for which he was preparing to, to be postponed. Colonel Parker was fuming when he heard about the need for Elvis to take a couple of weeks of resting to recover from the mild concussion he had. It was a critical moment in Elvis' life. By the time the filming begun, Elvis even put up some weight from his normal 170 lb (77 kg) to 200 lb (91 kg) — I said it before, whenever this happened to Elvis' body it was because he was extremely distressed. He was an emotional eater.
Getting back to the accident, Parker even thought Elvis did it on purpose not to fulfill his Hollywood commitment since Presley clearly was not happy about his movies anymore, something Parker somehow blamed it on Elvis' spiritual quest. He pulled some strings to manipulate Elvis to remove Larry Geller from his inner circle by saying to him that all that spiritual thing was getting too much into his head, distracting him from his business obligations. If not enough Parker said to Presley that Larry Geller was brainwashing him because of some personal agenda he must have had in his mind — it's mentioned by someone, somewhere (i'm sorry, I'm not gonna remember where I've read it now) that Geller was planning on using Elvis' money to open a religious study center or something like that).
Basically, Parker thought Larry was a threat because if Elvis decided in throwing his career away, like some say he was by becoming a preacher, Parker would lose his most profitable and only client. Consequently all the religion and spiritual "shit" (as they called) that Larry Geller had put inside the King's head (as they thought), presenting him with many books and having deep conversations for hours with Elvis about several religious and spiritual subjects but not exclusively that, they also talked about meditation and self improvement as a human beings, astrology and so on, all of that was threatening Parker's plans over Elvis.
But Parker didn't make it on his own. Even Priscilla says in her memoir book that Elvis was obsessively reading non-stop and wanting to share his learning with everybody else, but his friends and herself didn't care about none of this self-improvement and religious talk. His inner circle even looked at Presley's spiritual quest as somewhat annoying, including Priscilla. Their thoughts about Larry Geller were something like "Larry changed his mind. Elvis is not spending time with us as he used to." Ugh!
Nobody actually told Larry to leave, tho, and Elvis wouldn't do such thing if he didn't have a good reason to - until this point Larry was a confidant to him, one of the only people he could talk about life and wonder what was God's plan for him, his true life mission, something Elvis would never cease trying to understand. However, Elvis' inner circle and Colonel Parker begun making Geller feel uncomfortable, unwelcome among the group, while they took Elvis' attention back to them, practically forcing Geller to decide to finally leave and go away for good, and he did it. But it was not something definite.
Many things happened in Elvis' life since Larry Geller and him went different ways but by August 1972, tho, Geller got back in contact in Elvis when he attended one of Presley's concerts in Las Vegas, and from then on Larry begins working for Elvis again, till the end of the King's life in 1977.
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spicybeefnoodles · 7 months
love bites
summary: johnny forgets to mention a small detail to kenshi
warnings: suggestive at the end
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Kenshi waited patiently on Johnny’s bed as the actor picked out an outfit for him. Johnny had insisted that he absolutely had to pick out their outfits for the day, and the swordsman relented. They were meeting up with Raiden and Kung Lao later that day for dinner. They just happened to be in Los Angeles for the week and had reached out to meet up. For some reason, Johnny was very much adamant on picking out their clothes so that they could match. Not that Kenshi really minded that much. He never really had a propensity for picking out clothes that matched, and now that he was blind, he really couldn’t care less.
“Here! Kendoll, this should work just fine.” Johnny placed a soft material into Kenshi’s hands, and the swordsman ran his fingers over the material.
“Is this silk?” Kenshi wondered how much this shirt cost but slipped it on nonetheless. If it got ruined, that would be Johnny’s money. It was lightweight and a bit loose around the top, leaving his chest a bit exposed but with the California heat it would probably feel nice, and Kenshi appreciated how the silk felt against his skin.
“Of course. Nothing less for the best.” Johnny sounded like he had on a shit-eating grin, and Kenshi figured that the actor had shot him a wink. It seemed like a habit that Johnny couldn’t kick. Kenshi kicked off his pants and pulled on the bottoms that Johnny had picked out for him, and he heard Johnny also changing in the other corner of the room.
Kenshi felt around the bedside table for his blindfold but frowned when he couldn’t feel it. Usually he left it on the drawer when he was just at home, but it seemed that the blindfold wasn’t in its usual place.
“Johnny, where’s my blindfold?”
“Oh right! I got this specifically for this outfit!”
Kenshi heard Johnny walk around the room back to the closet before coming back out and placing a pair of sunglasses onto Kenshi’s face. Johnny cupped Kenshi’s face with his palm, and the swordsman subconsciously leaned into the touch.
“You better have not made me look ridiculous, Cage.” Kenshi mumbled even though he grabbed one of Johnny’s hands and kissed the back of his hand when the actor retracted his hand.
“Oh please. I would never do that to you.” Johnny teased. Kenshi sighed, but there was still a smile on his face as he stood up and held his arm out. Johnny hooked their arms together, and they walked out of the bedroom together, grabbing Kenshi’s white cane before leaving. They were going to some restaurant that Johnny had picked out, so something obnoxiously expensive probably, and Sento was not a viable option to bring into the public.
Johnny opened the door for Kenshi and then hopped into the driver’s seat of the car. No matter how many times Kenshi insisted he could open the door on his own, Johnny always insisted, something about proving that chivalry isn’t dead. Johnny blasted some music from the car and sang along to the music while Kenshi hummed along to the music. After some minutes of listening to Johnny’s crooning, and some cursing at LA traffic, Johnny slowed down and stopped the car, hopping out of the driver’s seat and opening the door for Kenshi before the swordsman could even react.
“Alright, Kendoll. Let me introduce you to the best restaurant ever. Used to come here all the time with my friends.” Johnny opened the door to the restaurant, and Kenshi walked inside, immediately hit with the smell of fried foods and the sound of sizzling oil and the droning voice of service workers.
“Welcome to In-N-Out!” Johnny exclaimed, probably making some grand gesture as he did so. Kenshi looked back at where Johnny’s voice was at and raised an eyebrow.
“We’re eating at a fast food restaurant.” Kenshi felt dumbfounded. Never did he think that the over-the-top fantabulous actor Johnny Cage would enjoy eating greasy, cheap, and oily food, but the actor continued to surprise Kenshi everyday it seemed.
“Of course. C’mon let’s order before Raiden and Kung Lao get here.” Johnny ordered for the both of them and found an empty booth with enough space for four people. Kenshi and Johnny made light conversation as they waited for their food to come out, the actor’s hands resting on top of the swordsman’s and rubbing small circles with his thumb into the back of Kenshi’s hand. 
“Kenshi! Johnny!”
Kenshi perked up as he heard the familiar voice Raiden call for them and Kung Lao’s boisterous voice ordering in the background.
“Raiden, how have you been?” Kenshi asked, smiling up at the Earthrealm champion. Raiden chuckled and slid into the seat across from Kenshi.
“Oh, everything’s been great. The academy is doing better than ever. How are you and Johnny doing?”
“We have been doing good. The OIA has been recruiting some new people, and they seem to be promising so far.”
“And, we’re in the last stages of post-production for my upcoming Mortal Kombat movie!” Johnny said, squeezing Kenshi’s hand as he started talking about his movie. The actor always had so much pride for his movies, and Kenshi found it endearing, maybe a little annoying when they were both in bed and Johnny just wouldn’t stop talking about his movie and Kenshi was trying to sleep. Still endearing nonetheless. A minute passed as the three of them caught up with each other when Johnny got up to collect the food. A few seconds later, Kenshi heard the familiar gait of Kung Lao’s steps come closer.
“Sorry, had to use the restroom. Oh wow! Seems like you two have been getting bu-sy.” Kung Lao exclaimed, a teasing tone in his voice and a suggestive inflection on ‘busy,’ and Kenshi’s eyebrows furrowed at the comment.
“What do you mean?” Kenshi felt at his clothes, perhaps Johnny had made him look ridiculous in the outfit that he had picked and mentally cursed at the actor.
“What Kung Lao means,” Raiden pinched Kung Lao and the man yelped, “is that the relationship between you and Johnny seems to be going well.”
Kenshi rattled his memories around as he tried to figure out what they could possibly mean until he remembered a passionate night a few days ago. Johnny had been persisting at Kenshi’s neck, kissing and sucking his neck like the actor’s life had depended on it. Kenshi hadn’t really been all too aware of his surroundings at the time, much too distracted, and had forgotten about that small detail. The swordsman’s mouth fell open as his hand shot up to feel around his neck as though he could try and locate the hickeys on his neck. He had been going to work. With hickeys on his neck. He was in public with others. With hickeys on his neck. He was at In-N-Out. With hickeys on his neck. Kenshi was going to kill Johnny.
“Here’s the food!” Johnny slid back in his seat, and Kenshi slapped Johnny's shoulder, trying to give his best angry glare at the actor.
“Ow, what was that for?” Johnny whined.
“Why didn’t you tell me there were hickeys on my neck?! Everyone can see them!” Kenshi hissed at Johnny, and the actor let out a little chuckle.
“Oh riiiight. I mean, you just look so good.” Johnny leaned in close to Kenshi’s ear and whispered low so that only the swordsman would be able to hear it. “And it reminds everyone that you’re mine, doll.”
Johnny pulled away and started eating his burger while all Kenshi could do was frown despite the blush on his face and pick up his own burger to eat. The conversation picked up where it had left off, and when they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, Johnny drove the both of them home. Kenshi walked up to their bedroom and took off the sunglasses, rubbing at his eyelids as Johnny followed the swordsman. The swordsmans sighed as he felt Johnny come up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist and nuzzle into his neck.
“Haven’t you already had enough.” Kenshi grumbled out the words, still angry at the whole hickey business, but made no move to push Johnny off his back. Johnny just hummed and started kissing on Kenshi’s neck, making the swordsman shiver slightly at the contact.
“I just can’t resist. You look so delicious in my clothes.” Johnny mumbled into Kenshi’s neck before turning the swordsman around and pushing Kenshi backward until they both fell onto the bed. “And those hickeys are fading. Need new ones. Gotta show everyone you’re mine.”
Kenshi whined at the words as Johnny started trailing his kisses down, sucking harshly against the swordsman’s neck and then chest. By the end of the night, Johnny had thoroughly made sure that he had left his mark on Kenshi. The only caveat was that Kenshi now made Johnny cover up the hickeys with make-up.
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prettyyoungandbored · 11 months
Drunk - Johnny Knoxville
Pairing: Johnny Knoxville x Fem!Reader (“Babydoll”)
Author’s Note: Takes place while the two are dating. Also, you guys get to meet Y/N’s best friend who will become an important character in later stories!
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Y/N looked up from her laptop to see Johnny peeking at her from the door frame of her office.
“Hello, handsome” she chuckled.
A lovesick grin was stuck on his face as he made his way to her couch. He laid out like a centerfold for her to enjoy.
She shook her head. “You got my email about the final edits, right?”
“Sure did. But I’m not here to talk work with you.”
She snorted. “I should’ve known better. What’s up?”
“The boys and I are going out tonight,” he said.
“I’ll have my cell phone on me incase you need me to bail you out of jail,” she responded.
He pouted. “You don’t wanna come?”
“I can’t. Remember Whitney and I are having a girl’s night at my place?”
“Ah, that’s right.”
Whitney was Y/N’s best friend who Johnny had yet to meet. They two women had been thick as thieves since high school. She was the first to know about Y/N and Johnny’s relationship, other than Holly and Steve-O.
He also knew that if Whitney didn’t like him, he was done for.
“But I know you’re gonna have so much fun and you can tell me all about it Saturday,” Y/N said. She looked up from her laptop. “Maybe Saturday morning if you bring me breakfast in bed.”
He sat up. “What do you want me to make?”
“Who said anything about cooking breakfast?” she smirked.
His lips curved into a knowing grin. “Oh, Babydoll, I’ll-.”
“You can just grab me a breakfast sandwich from McDonalds and present it to me in bed.”
His grin fell as Y/N cackled. He shook his head. “Not funny.”
Y/N walked over and kissed his cheek. “You’ll get over it Saturday morning.”
Hours later, Johnny sat in a private room of the strip club, the world spinning around him. He felt out of his own body. He could barely move from the couch.
That’s when Jeff walked into the private room.
“PJ, time to get out of the room,” he nudged Johnny.
“I wanna…I wan…”
“C’mon man. Let’s-.”
“I wanna go home.”
“I’ll get a cab to your apartment.”
“No, I want Y/N.”
Jeff sighed. “Ok, I’ll send you in a cab to her place.”
“I love these women so much.”
Whitney nodded as she sipped her wine. The two sat on Y/N’s couch as The Golden Girls played on the TV.
Girl’s night was a sacred tradition between the two since high school that continued when they both moved to Los Angeles. It required four essentials - comfy clothes, wine, food, and a show or a movie.
Tonight, Whitney opted for a navy blue tracksuit that made her auburn colored hair pop. Y/N wore oversized sweatpants and one of Johnny’s graphic tees that she swiped from him.
As both women took a bite of their slices of pizza, Whitney asked, “How’d you find this place again?”
“PJ ordered it last week. It’s good, right?”
“It’s amazing! I can’t tell you the last time I’ve had pizza this good.” She looked over at Y/N. “How are you and PJ doing?”
Y/N’s lips curved into an embarrassed smile that she tried to pull back. Whitney nodded, accept that as answer.
“Oh you’re in deep,” she chuckled.
Y/N set her slice back down on the plate and turned toward her best friend. “I just…whenever I’m with him, everything makes sense.”
“In what way?”
“Like, it just feels right. I don’t feel anxious or on edge. It’s like that feeling you get under the covers after being outside in the freezing cold, you know? It’s that level of comfort.”
Whitney grinned cheekily. “You love him,” she teased in a sing-song voice.
“I-ok, look-.”
Before Y/N could continue, she heard a knock at her door.
“Must be the neighbors or something,” she said, getting up from the couch and going toward the front door.
Y/N opened it to see Jeff holding up an inebriated Johnny.
“PJ?” Y/N asked, concerned about his current state.
“Your boy got shitfaced and wanted to come here so, here he is,” Jeff explained.
He pushed Johnny onto Y/N, as she grabbed onto him. Jeff then walked away, leaving Y/N with her stupidly drunk boyfriend.
Johnny shot her a lazy smile. “Hi Babydoll.”
She could smell the liquor from his breath. “Oh, you definitely need some water.”
“I’m fi-I’m good.”
“No, you’re not. C’mon now.”
She led him to the living room where Whitney watched in confusion.
He pointed at Whitney. “Holy shit, it’s you.”
“Holy shit it’s me,” she laughed. She turned to Y/N. “How the did he get here?”
“He got dropped off by one of his friends,” Y/N sighed. “Whit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t plan for this.”
“Don’t apologize,” Whitney reassured. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to meet the infamous PJ Clapp.”
Y/N helped Johnny get settled on the couch. “Do not move,” she told him. “I’m getting you water. Whit, make sure he doesn’t touch the wine.”
“You got it!” Whitney said as she grabbed the bottle and Y/N’s glass and moved it to the nightstand on her side of the couch.
She then turned to see Johnny looking at her.
“I...uh…hi,” he said, giving her a lazy wave.
“Hi Johnny or PJ or whatever you want me to call you.”
“You can call me wha-whatever. I can call you…can I call you Whitney?”
“It’s my name so yeah, you can.”
He nodded. “Good, good.”
Y/N came back with a glass of water. She sat by Johnny and handed it to him.
“Can you drink this for me, please?” she asked.
He took a sip as Y/N rubbed his back. “Looks, like you had fun at the strip club,” she said.
“I got a lap dance,” he admitted, nodding his head.
“How was it?” Whitney asked.
“I don’t know.”
Y/N and Whitney exchanged looks, the women fighting smiles on her face.
“Did you at least tip her well?” Y/N asked.
“I kept my tip in my pants! I swear!”
The two roared in laughter, much to Johnny’s confusion.
“Honey, I meant did you give her a nice tip?” Y/N asked.
His eyes widened. “OHHHH! I think one of the guys did, so yeah.” He paused for a moment. “Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“Well, I’m glad you had fun,” Y/N said patting his leg. “I’m gonna get the bed ready for you. I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”
Johnny nodded. Y/N left the room as Whitney turned to Johnny.
“You’re gonna have a killer headache tomorrow,” she remarked, sipping her wine. “Luckily, Y/N knows a fantastic breakfast burrito place that will cure that.”
Johnny motioned for Whitney to lean in closer. She moved an inch, still keeping a distance. “Dont tell Y/N,” he began, using a stage whisper, “but I’m in love with her.”
Whitney nodded, fighting every ounce in her body to not laugh. “I won’t as long as you tell her when you’re sober.”
Johnny gave her a thumbs up. “Also, don’t tell her you terrify me.”
Whitney’s eyes widened in delight. “You’re scared of me? That’s so sweet!”
“You’re her best friend, man, and like, if I fuck up, you’ll beat my ass. I’m still waiting for you to beat my ass for going to a strip club.”
“Johnny, PJ - whatever your name is - you make Y/N the happiest she’s been in a long, long time. As long as you treat her with the respect she deserves, that’s all that matters to me. If you don’t, then yeah I’ll beat your ass.”
He nodded. “You got it.”
He held out his hand, baffling Whitney who shook it to just keep the peace. She made a note, however, to never let him live it down.
“Which strip club did you go to?” she asked, leaning back on the arm of the sofa
“I don’t know. Dave picked it out.”
Y/N returned to the room. “Ok, let’s get you in the bed,” she said.
Johnny’s face lit up, causing Y/N to roll her eyes. “Absolutely not like that, Clapp. Now, c’mon.”
She grabbed his hand and helped him off the couch, leading him into the bedroom. Whitney followed, not wanting to miss a single moment of this.
“Are you gonna join me?” Johnny asked.
“In a little bit,” Y/N answered.
She led him to the bed. “Ok, now lay down for me and I’ll get your shoes off.”
He fell back onto the bed, lifting his foot for Y/N. Whitney watched from the door frame, sipping her wine.
“You have this man whipped,” she remarked. “Incredible.”
Johnny groaned. “ ‘M not whipped!”
Y/N pulled off the second shoe and grabbed his legs, moving them on to the bed. “Don’t move.”
“Yes m’am.”
“Night PJ,” Whitney teased as Y/N walked out of the bedroom.
He grumbled something as the auburn-haired woman turned off the light.
Back in the living room, Y/N sighed. “Whit, I am so, so sorry.”
“For what?” Whitney asked with a laugh. “There’s nothing to be sorry for!”
“It’s girl’s night though.”
“Hun, it’s fine. Besides, we’re grabbing dinner on Sunday. Speaking of, if you wanna invite PJ, you should.”
“Really?” Y/N asked.
“Of course. I need to get to know my best friend’s man when he’s not wasted,” she laughed. “But, I will say, so far I like him for you.”
Y/N smiled. “Yeah, I like him for me too.”
Whitney pulled her best friend in for hug. “I’m really happy for you, but if he hurts you, you know I have to kick his ass.”
“I know.”
“Good, because I told him that while you were out of the room.”
She grabbed her purse and swung it over her shoulder. “I’ll call you when I get home.”
Before Y/N could say anything, the sounds of Johnny hurling into the trash can distracted them. Whitney pointed to the bedroom.
“Good luck.”
Johnny woke up to what felt like a hammer hitting his head continuously. He groaned, keeping his eyes closed. The only thing worse than the headache were the waves is nausea that overwhelmed him.
“Good morning, handsome.”
He opened one eye to see Y/N walk into the bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed his forearm.
“How bad was I last night?” he asked.
“The good news is you didn’t piss yourself.”
“You did, however, redecorate my trash can. And my floor. I took care of it though.”
He groaned more. “Oh, Babydoll, I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok,” she reassured, softly chuckling. “I am glad I slept on the couch.”
He pouted. “You didn’t.”
“Oh yeah! After the piss incident, I wasn’t taking any chances,” she chuckled.
He sighed. “I’m sorry I was a mess and ruined your night.”
“You didn’t ruin my night. You, did leave quite the impression on Whitney.”
He felt his stomach drop to his ass. He leaned up immediately. “What I did do? What did I say?”
“You did nothing wrong!” she said. “She thinks you’re hysterical. You won her over, which I told you you would.”
He exhaled, relieved. He fell back onto the bed, his hand on his forehead. “Thank God.”
“She actually wants you to come to dinner with us and a couple other people on tomorrow night.”
He smiled. “I’ll be there and on my best behavior.”
Y/N pat his arm. “Good. Now, I’m gonna get you some aspirin and water. If you take it for me, I’ll give you the best breakfast burrito of your life.”
“How about I take the medicine and you come into bed with me? I’m not ready to eat yet.”
“Works for me.” She pecked his cheek and left the room.
Johnny fell back on the bed and sighed. His nausea and headache subsided as guilt overcame him. He didn’t deserve to get away like this. He didn’t deserve a woman like Y/N.
Then he remembered something from last night.
“Dont tell Y/N , but I’m in love with her.”
It wasn’t that he didn’t mean it, he did. There was no question about it. But now he felt compelled to do something about it, considering he told her best friend he would tell her when he was sober.
Before he could do anything, Y/N returned with a glass of water and two aspirin. He took them from her hands, shoving the pills in his mouth and then chugging the water.
He watched as Y/N crawled under the covers beside him. He threw an arm around her as she snuggled into his chest.
Here it went…
“Hey Babydoll?”
She looked up at him with those eyes he loved. “Yeah?”
He opened his mouth to say those three words, but realized the moment wasn’t as right as he thought. He didn’t want to tell her like this, not when she deserved to hear it in a better setting than this.
So he smiled, pecked her lips and forehead and pulled her close to him as he began plotting.
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kinnato · 6 months
First ever fic cause i’m so bored and i don’t wanna do HW, It’s 4 AM, I’m tired, and gay so this is what you’re getting. Don’t interact if you’re homophobic or other stuff i don’t care what you think on this ship. Won’t update again probably, fic was ended early on cause i’m TIREDDD, also was not proof read so sorry if the grammar isn’t 100%. 1k words.
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The rumbling of thunderous strikes plague Los Angeles, it streaks across the ever darkening night sky, painting the sky a violently beautiful blue. It highlights a certain mansion, home to an actor, but if you ask him he’s not ‘just an actor’. He’s an award winning director and actor, hot people can be talented too. The smell of rain is running through the house, the hearing of the puttering-pitting rain drops on the window, begging to be inside. A young man stirs awake from the light of his phone on the bedside table buzzing, a light flashes from the notification displaying the actor’s wall paper. It displays a blurry photo of a portal, the camera was shaken when it was taken as if it was hit.. perchance by an ex yakuza member?
The man tries to ignore it, but as one says ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and if one receives a notification in the middle of the night what’s the harm in waking up a little the actor believes as he stretches up, his hair falls on his face covering his eyes. He runs his hands through his soft brunette hair pushing it back as he stretches his back hearing cracks, the soreness of such leading into a slouch, but he puts his back up straight as he licks the dryness of the night off of his lips and grabs his phone. A few unsuccessful annoyed attempts at Face ID due to it being so dark, his phone unlocks and he sees the notification. The actor listens to it it.
“Johnny, my apologies for texting you so late into the night, may I stay for a while until my flight goes? Signed, Kenshi Takahashi.”
There’s a verdant green around the text message, Kenshi is adamant about not buying an IPhone due to the obscene cost. Johnny chuckles quietly to himself, of course Kenshi would use a voice message like he would a letter, that stubborn man would rather get blinded again then give up his manners. Johnny sends an audio message back, he clears the night time gunk out of it with a few ‘m-mms.’ and drinks water to lubricate his larynx. After all of this he still sends a voice message that sounds like Johnny just stirred away, in which he did.
“Kendoll you already know you are welcome at any time baby. Love Johnny.”
He shorthand mocks Kenshi’s manners, ignoring the fact he causes a blush like a anthill reacting when boots step on it. As if clockwork, the sound of a doorbell echos throughout the house, hitting its way to Johnny’s ears. Johnny stands up quickly and rushes not even taking in the darkness of the house, ignoring the need to turn on lights due to the harshness, he wraps a soft velvet robe with the initials ‘JC’ on the back. It was soft and smelt like lavender, the texture of the velvet like an enrapturing warmth in the coldness of the home, well… it’s gonna be home once Kenshi steps inside.
The unprotected feet feel the bitter cold of the floor as Johnny practically limps tiredly to the door. He’s “busted as hell”. He has dried drool on his chin horrifyingly matching his unshaven stubble and eye bags from tirelessly working on his ‘Mortal Kombat’ script.
His hand opens the door and he meets Kenshi. Kenshi is wearing a button up shirt, and pants. He’s drenched in rain water, his blindfold still on tight as ever.
“Thank you, Johnny.” Kenshi says as he walks inside and closes the door. The lighting still streaks every once in a while. Johnny chuckles handsomely at this man is in disarray. “Rough night with the ladies?”. Johnny jokes as he takes Kenshi’s hand. He leads the blind man throughout the house to a bathroom to dry off.
“No, just my flight to Japan got cancelled.” Kenshi spoke, his voice gruff from coughing out from the cold. “Still wearing my gift huh?” the actor chuckled as he noticed, when they get to the bathroom Johnny braces as he turns on the lights. He grabs Kenshi’s hand and places it on his cheek. “I haven’t forgot what you’ve done for me, but” a short silence comes. “where’s Sentō?” Johnny says confused, it’s attached to the blind man almost always. “Sent through TSA before hand so I won’t get jumped by the agents if I try to get on with a sword. “Oh, alright how the hell did you get here?” Johnny asks confused, Kenshi doesn’t respond.
“I want to remember your face.”
Kenshi spoke quietly as his hands slowly start tracing Johnny’s face. Johnny’s face reflects the shortest wavelength back at Kenshi too embarrassed to talk. Kenshi felt the warmth spread to his palm, he doesn’t comment on it and continues tracing Johnny’s face with his hands.
“Kenshi you’re gonna catch a cold, you’re still wet.” Johnny speaks, then Kenshi drags his thumb over Johnny’s lips to hush him. “Shh..” he breathes out, he feels the grooves in the man’s smile lines, the soft hair on top of his head, the ridge on his nose, and the growing stubble.
The taste of anticipation lingers on Johnny’s tounge, he lets the blind man explore his face, taking time with it. “Am I as pretty as you met me?” Johnny chuckles out, Kenshi groans but still continues tracing his face. He pulls his hands away and starts to take off his clothes, Johnny respectfully looks away. “Johnny, grab some of your clothes for me.” Kenshi says, Johnny goes quickly. His eyes already accounted for light as he turns on the lights on the house with the help of his alexa
Johnny comes back with clothes, his heart pounds in his chest as he sees Kenshi naked wrapped in a towel in front of him. “Wasting no time I see?” Johnny jokes and pins Kenshi to a wall, clothes in his other hand as he smirks. “I can practically smell your shit eating grin Johnny, give me the damn clothes.” Kenshi laughs out as he smiles along too.
“You can eh?” Johnny cocks a brow and puts his head into Johnny’s neck smiling, Kenshi feels it.. and some nips from Johnny.
“Watch it!” Kenshi laughs out as he kisses Johnny’s forehead. “Man I missed you, do you really have to go? I can help y’know I did beat you.” Kenshi just sighs. “Johnny I have to fight for my clans honor, besides you have a movie.” Johnny groans and he almost angrily hands Kenshi his clothes as he un pins him and leans on the counter looking away for Kenshi to change. “Alright alright sexy face, just promise me you’ll stay in touch.”
Kenshi gets changed and leisurely relaxes on Johnny. “Fair.” Kenshi and Johnny away quietly to the rain and thunder as they eventually creep into bed, cuddling eachother until they fall asleep intertwined in love and comfort.
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morbidology · 1 year
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Johnny Lewis is perhaps most renowned for his portrayal of the affable Kip "Half-Sack" Epps in the acclaimed television series, Sons of Anarchy. In 2011, he sustained significant head injuries in a motorcycle crash. Subsequent to this incident, he began nurturing peculiar and irrational thoughts and engaged in behaviors that he refused to seek assistance for, much to the dismay of his father.
Tragedy struck on September 26, 2012, when these troubling thoughts culminated in the murder of Lewis' 81-year-old landlady, Catherine Davis. Her lifeless body was found brutally murdered at her residence in Los Angeles. Adjacent to her residence, the lifeless body of Johnny Lewis was also discovered.
A subsequent investigation unveiled the grim sequence of events. Lewis had forcibly entered Catherine's home, subjecting her to a fatal beating and strangulation, in addition to ending the life of her cat. Following the gruesome murder, Lewis fled to the rooftop, where an accidental fall led to his own death.
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Ken Buchanan, arguably the best boxer Scotland has ever produced was born on June 28th 1945 in Edinburgh.
After turning pro in 1965 Ken Buchannan won both the Scottish and British lightweight crowns before traveling to the United States and gaining world-wide recognition.
In 1970, Buchanan, lost to Miguel Velasquez in Madrid, Spain, in a bid to capture the European 135-pound title. By year’s end, though, he’d conquer the world.
Buchanan challenged lightweight champion Ismael Laguna on September 26, 1970 in Puerto Rico. The temperature inside Hiram Bithorn Stadium reached 100-degrees as these master boxers put on a sterling exhibition. Buchanan rocked the champion in the 12th round and won the title via narrow split decision. He became the first fighter from the British Isles to take the lightweight crown since Freddie Welsh in 1917.
In 1971, Buchanan successfully defended his title twice, copping 15-round decisions over Ruben Navarro in Los Angeles and Laguna at Madison Square Garden in New York on a card ahead of Muhammad Ali and the late Joe Frazier A year later, Buchanan would return to the Garden for his most controversial and memorable contest.
On June 26th, 1972 Buchanan put his belt on the line against Roberto Duran (Duran scored an impressive kayo on the undercard of the Buchanan-Laguna rematch). Duran dropped Buchanan early and controlled much of the action. At the close of Round 13, the fighters swapped punches. Buchanan claimed he was kneed in the groin. Referee Johnny LoBianco, however, did not see the infraction. The fight was stopped before the 14th round could begin and Duran was rewarded with the victory and the title.
Buchanan came back three months later and stopped future Hall-of-Famer Carlos Ortiz in six rounds. In 1973, he decisioned future world champ Jim Watt to regain the British lightweight title. He lost in his only other world-title bid, dropping a decision in 1975 to WBC champ Ishimatsu Suzuki.
Buchanan was inactive from 1976 to 1978 and fought sporadically until retiring for good in 1983.
If Ken made money out of his boxing career it never made him rich, or he never held on to it going back to his old trade as a carpenter.. Many of my friends in the building trade have told me they worked on sites with him through the late 80's and the 1990's, he was described as an amiable man who was easy to get on with.
In 2022 Ken's family revealed he was suffering from Dementia, probably brought on through taking blows to the head during his career, he spent his last year or so in a Leith care home, In August last year he was able to make his final public appearance at the unveiling of his statue where he was serenaded with bagpipes in front of the crowd that was believed to be in the hundreds.
Ken Buchanan passed away peacefully in his sleep on Aplril 1st this year.
His funeral procession began in Leith and meandered its way past the former site of Sparta Boxing Club to St Giles on The Royal Mile where a memorial service was held a pair of white boxing gloves sat on his coffin.
The ‘Fighting Carpenter’ fought 69 times throughout his career, losing only eight and winning 27 by knockout.
The pics are my own of Ken's statue at Little King Street, there have been calls for it tobe moved to Leith, where he spent the vast majority of his life, I agree, I thinkit is somewhat hidden away where it is........
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 2 months
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File Name:
Kaiden "Kaizer" Stones Williams
28 ( joined the military since 21, the AAF in 23 and 141 Task Force when he is 24. )
Kai, Steel, Blade, Will, Blade Soldier, Son, Brother, Bro, Sergeant.
Close friends(in military):
Emily "Miller" James, Robin "Jetfire" Munichkin, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, Captain John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley and Fyodor "Code" Anderson.
Band Guitarist, ( still on going but he has to retire ) Sergeant Blade Soldier, [HIDDEN OCCUPATIONS]
Loki from Marvel (British)
Captain America, also from Marvel (English)
Observation, Sensing Danger, Blades, Daggers, Throwing Bombs, Stealth, Protection with Blades, Secret Gun Skills.
Custom DX6 IronBlades (HIDDEN REASON BECAUSE SOMEONE MADE THIS FOR HIM) DX-38 Iron Dagger and DX2 Iron-1 Dagger.
English, German, French, Italy.
Beauty marks:
Depression and PTSD.
"Sign of Empathy" - When it comes to seeing people in a similar state he is in. Kaiden knew he had to empathize anyone in a kind and comforting matter. Because no matter what, Kaiden is the type of guy to show how empathetic he is in.
"Just a Hidden Facade" - Kaiden has been through a lot of worst and terrible things he is in and in his own early life. Whenever he sees the others who turned very concerned and worried for him. All he can do is to fake it, pretending he is just okay even though he is not okay at all. No matter what when anyone asked him if he is okay, he can always fake it.
"Observing for Bravery and Self Sacrifice" - Kaiden was too focused to be serious when it comes to missions and risky missions. Observing is sharping the true great senses to him. Protection is also what makes Kaiden become the strongest blade soldier ever. With a slash and a swing, Kaiden was protective to his teammates, even his Captain. But that's okay, Kaiden doesn't care if the risk is too risky.. he'll make it anyway to sacrifice his own life for everyone to protect.
- - - - -
William "Jaxson" James (father)
Melanie Smith (mother)
Jax James ( brother )
Harmony "Smith" James ( sister )
Early Life:
Born in July 4 [HIDDEN DATE], Kaiden and his own family lived in Los Angeles, USA. Along with his one younger brother(Jax) and one middle-ish sister(Harmony).
Kaiden, was always a father's boy. The two joined the military in each different ways.. but until they were told to join the AAF/ALTER Army Forces due to personal reasons. That worried Melanie and Harmony. But Kaiden reassured them that they will come back when it's all over.
But for Kaiden, he was dreaming of a life of being a rockstar because his own father gave him an electric guitar when he was 14 on his birthday. This made him happy however.
But unfortunately, his life is soon to be upside down when something happened on a last mission. Something that he would recommend not explaining it.
....Kaiden is the only one who knows that his father died from [HIDDEN CONCERNED REASON].
This, of course... Shocked him.
But since his return, he had to lie to his family that William went missing. But he and the AAF were the only ones who knows that he died.
And now, with all the grief spiralling him.
..Jaiden had to run away from this spiraling madness because he can't stand the grief that he experienced to his father's death. Guilty to leave his siblings behind.. The Williams Family was about to go on a bankrupt because Melanie didn't even have time to pay taxes, before Kaiden ran away from home.
..Years had go by, Kaiden was now all alone without a single graduation. He was about to be a junior because he is sophomore. The boy had to live in an apartment alone, because he just stole his mother's wallet and his father's too in order to not let anyone know his poor.
But...however, his own life will turn downside up when he saw familiar three of his old-childhood friends needing help to start a band. "Shoot the Rockstars" is the name.
There was Jake, the bassist. Scott, the co-guitarist and Elena, the drummist needing help for a new singer.
And that's why Kaiden had to make his own life happy yet again, by becoming a singer guitarist!
His life is happy yet again when Shoot the Rockstars had grown so much, both of them were so close and always hang out very well and good!
...Til the darkest days returned. Why?
The friends are about to host an anniversary celebration for the band's progress until..
A friend showed up at the Golden Bar, "Derek 'Bulletproof' Johnson", Friend of William "Jaxson" James.
He told him to read the letter his father made and asked if he had to sign for the 141 Task Force.
Because of one reason.
Kaiden was confused at first.. he didn't understand why Derek has to tell him to read a letter William made.
It read as follows:
To my son Kaiden, I know you are reading this. I don't think I'll had to tell anyone to send this to you from a risky mission that I will soon die.. yet.
You are in deep trouble.
The Crimson Corp, the secret army is targetting me and so is you. They're the secret and most strongest organization ever.. and I can tell they're planning what to do on us. Torture, abuse, suffering... I was so scared of what will happen if they officially found you.
But I thought, that you had to become stronger for me. I know you can, but it's your own choice whether you had to take it or not.. You're still lucky that they haven't found you.
But please, this is the only way to not let them capture you. They're gonna be so shocked when they see you as the strongest person ever. Especially Theodore, the boss and leader of Crimson Corp.
But um..again. You don't have to do this, it's your choice. And that is fine.
From - William
P.S: Do not tell everyone, and I mean everyone about this. Only the ALTER Army Forces knew for this.
And the rest of the file infos is hidden.
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havithreatendub4 · 9 months
#Hollywood Vampires #trailer #Los Angeles home #Paul McCartney #Rise
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singeratlarge · 1 year
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peter chauncey’s SONG OF THE WEEK “A Search For Home (Remix Full)” https://peterchauncey1.bandcamp.com/track/a-search-for-home-remix-full —An ambient, David Bowie-influenced song-path into urban soundscapes, with refractions on the chill electronica sides of Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock. 
peter chauncey—arranger, composer, & vocals
Johnny J. Blair—keyboards
DJ Luxxury—bass, drum programs, keyboards, & remixing
Will Mandell—trumpet & mixing
soul#search #home #ambient #soul #DavidBowie #jazz #urban #landscape #MilesDavis #HerbieHancock #peterchauncey #DJLuxxury #blakerobin #johnnyjblair #willmandell #keyboards #trumpet #recording #SanFrancisco #BayArea #LosAngeles #singersongwriter
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Wish they all could be California girls: Pleasant Gehman looking cool when punk was not considered cool, here in San Francisco on a trip to see Blondie play at Winterland in 1978, as captured by Theresa Kereakes.
Author, artist, poet, dancer and witch Pleasant Gehman has called Los Angeles home since the ‘70s and she has lived the type of life that one would have to be there to believe. In early 1978, along with her best friend from high school, the late Randy Kay, she started punk rock fanzine Lobotomy -and did it for all the right reasons:
“The main reason we wanted to start a fanzine was so we could get free records and get into shows. We took our title from The Ramones song “Teenage Lobotomy”. 
Since punk was a totally underground subculture, when we were working on Lobotomy, we never had to deal with agents, managers or major record companies-we had access to everyone in the bands themselves. Our friends were in bands, or we’d meet bands who were friends of friends, or simply call a hotel where a band we liked was staying (usually the Tropicana Motel or The Continental Hyatt House on Sunset, which was known locally as “The Riot House”) We’d ask the band if they’d want to hang out, go record or thrift store shopping or take them to a gig, and interview them.  Most of the time, we became fast friends. We were semi-delinquent teenagers who hung out with and interviewed artists  who later became known as the groundbreaking stars of the late 20th Century. 
And since no one was on guard and absolutely nothing was being filtered through a publicist, those interviews were extremely candid and totally wild. For example, Brian Tristan aka Kid Congo and I interviewed Lydia Lunch while she and her new husband Johnny O’Kane were in bed having sex; Theresa and I interviewed Blondie while crammed into the tiny bathroom in Theresa’s apartment during a raging party, while all of us were high on Quaaludes and beer. 
I probably don’t need to tell you that shit like that just doesn’t happen any more, right?”
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andydrysdalerogers · 10 months
Sliding Into Home ~ Finale
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me!
A/N: So this is it folks! This is the end. There isn't anymore. I hate to say goodbye but maybe we will revisit in one shots!
Thank you for following me on this journey!
Also, there is a spotify playlist for this one. Click here!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Oh Captain, My Captain!
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Four Years Later... 
The playoffs this year have been exhausting. Frank was used to it but now, he had one more reason to be home.  The world series would start next week for the Dodgers.  It was their second bid in four years and Frank felt like this was their time.  Johnny was pitching better than ever and the team that Dave and Todd had put together was golden.   
As he drove home in his beloved Camero, he thought back on how he ended up here.  
The trial for Mike Weiss was long and exhaustive. Mike faught to the bitter end, continuing to claim that he only kidnapped Mary to speak to her, get to know her, since Frank and Abby had forbade him from coming close to his family.  The law was on their side, as Diane provided testimoney of Mike’s obsession in destroying the Adlers from way back to when Frank and Abby first started their relationship.  It had been a 20 year obsession that had catipulted him delusions.  
Unfortunately, Mike never saw a day of his sentence.  Frank was disappointed in how Mike ended up taking his own life from an accidental overdose after finding out the guilty verdict. They had given him one week to set up his affairs. Frank didn’t want the man to die but Mike couldn’t live with the idea of going in sober and clean.  The “friend” that found him said he wanted one more party before he went inside.  Was it accidental?  No one will ever really know beside the man who had been Frank’s best friend for 15 years.  
Diane was a better story.  After staying for for treatment for a year, Diane was sober and in her right mind.  She had visited with Frank and Mary once, before moving to Maine with her boyfriend.  She told Frank that she would never contest custody and hoped to maintain an “auntie” sort of relationship with Mary.  Abby couldn’t bring herself to face her again.  She had gotten her answers and forgave her former friend.  But she set down the law: her future children would not have a relationship with their aunt. Frank respected her decision. 
Bobby Fuller was banned by the league after their investigation into him found his drug use and his collaboration in helping Mike.  At the insistence of Frank, the district attorney did not press charges against him. Frank decided losing his passion, his career was punishment enough.  they never spoke again.  
A year after the loss of the world Series, Johnny decided to propose to Katie, at Christmas, on Dodger Field.  Frank had been right that he would propose, all be it, a year later than he thought.  But Katie had a surprise for him after she said yes.  She was pregnant, with twins.  Sam and David Storm joined the family at the beginning of June the following year.  
Susie had made an honest man out of Marco in the summer after the first world series.  They bought a house in the same neighborhood as Frank and Abby.  Susie was honored after her discovery of a new star in the sky.  Marco still worked as security for the Adlers, especially after Abby decided to resign as medical director for the Dodgers.  She went to take over as  Chief of Staff at USC.  The hours changed so security for the children had to be updated as well.  
Scott and Steve married after dating for three years.  Frank stood as his best man and signed their marriage certificate.  Luckily, the Adler property had a small house in the back that Scott turned into a home for them.  Scott stayed on as the nanny, not wanting to separate from his godchildren.  Steve was so understanding and was happy to be honored as the kid’s second godfather.  
Frank smiled as he drove down the familiar street.  The leaves were starting to turn and the air in California finally started to have a chill in the mornings.  He was looking forward to an early morning coffee with his Cricket on the balcony before the kids woke up.  Mary was still working on her science project, a fully functioning telescope from scratch.  The now 14-year-old was in college level science, a brain box just like her mothers.  Susie loved having a prodigy to work with.  She still went to a normal school but twice a week, Susie would take her to her college classes as her guardian and professor.  
Turning into the driveway, Frank groaned at the toys all over the yard. “Dammit Mary,” he muttered.  She had just a few responsibilities at the house, and one was to make sure all of the toys were put away for the night.  He looked at his watch.  It was just past eight.  He grabbed his bag and headed into the house.  
“Hello, hello!” He called out.  
A streak of dark curls rushed at him.  He crouched down and caught three-year-old Lorelei in his arms.  
“Hi princess,”he said as he hugged and kissed his daughter.  
“Daddy, you were ever and ever,” she pouted.  
“I know princess, but I’ll be home for a few days.  Uncle Johnny and Auntie Katie are coming over tomorrow.”  
“Yay!!!” She hung on to his neck as he stood up to see his Mary walking over. “Hey Nugget.”  
“Hey dad!” Mary hugged him hard. “That was an awesome play yesterday.”  
“Thanks.  But you’re in trouble.” Mary looked at him confused. “The toys?”  
“Oh, cr-,” she stopped, “crazy,” she said, looking at her sister. “I’ll take care of it right now.”  She darted out the door, Dodger on her heels after getting a pat from Frank.  
“Hey Frankie.”  
Frank turned to see his girl, his Cricket walking over to him, holding their eight-week-old son, Anthony, in her arms.  “Hi Cricket.”  He put Rory down and took his son in his arms. “Hey little man.” He kissed his forehead and was rewarded with a sleepy yawn and a blink of his ocean blues.  “He’s bigger.”  
“Went for his checkup yesterday,” Abby said. “He’s at 12 pounds now, growing like a weed.”  
Anthony had been born four weeks early and was just under six pounds when he was born, but healthy.  He had an appetite like his dad, which Abby complained about at the 3 AM feedings.  
“I’ve missed you guys.” Frank pulled Abby close and kissed her softly.  
“We missed you.”  Abby took his hand and guided him to the counter. “I thought you would be earlier, and I made dinner.”  
“Sorry baby, the flight got delayed on the tarmac and I had no signal.” Frank sighed.  “Whatcha make?” 
“Lasagna.” Frank groaned as Abby's lasagna was second to none. Abby smiled. “I’ll cut you a piece.”  
“You’re the best Cricket.  I should marry you.”  
“Already did Frankie. Best decision ever.”  
“Without a doubt.” 
Later that night, as the house settled for the night, Abby laid Tony in his bassinet. She smoothed his blanket before kissing him goodnight.  Frank leaned over and kissed him as well.  “Sweet dreams, pal. Love you son.”  
Abby could never get over how sweet it was to watch Frank with all his kids. He helped with Mary’s homework, read stories to Rory and cuddled with Tony when Abby wanted to take a shower.  This man, this man that she met 20 years ago, was everything she ever dreamed of.  As they climbed into bed, Abby lay on Frank’s chest.  “You’re thinking really loud, Cricket.  What’s on your mind?” 
Abby chewed her lip for a moment before asking, “Are you happy Frankie?” 
“The happiest I’ve ever been.  Why do you ask?” 
“I dunno.  Lots of changes.” 
Frank sat up and pulled his wife onto his lap.  “Cricket, winning you back, having our family, it's like beating the throw and sliding into home.  It’s a high that I am so happy I get to live with you.”  
Abby melted at his sweet words. “I love you so much Frankie.”  
“And I love you, Cricket forever and ever.” He kissed her softly.  “Need some help getting to sleep?” He smirked.  
“Always.” Abby giggled as Frank flipped her onto her back, pulled the blanket over them and they sighed.  
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louisupdates · 10 months
26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE CT: The Best, by Tina Turner
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GUILFORD NH: This Charming Man, by The Smiths
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC: Downtown, by Petula Clark
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON: Summer of 69, by Bryan Adams
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH: Bittersweet Symphony, by Verve
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI: Chasing Rainbows, by Shed Seven
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI: All These Things That I’ve Done, by The Killers
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS OH: The One I Love, by REM
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS: Love Will Tear Us Apart, by Joy Division
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, SAINT LOUIS: Johnny B. Goode, by Chuck Berry
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY MO: Moondance, by Van Morrison
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE: I Can See Clearly Now, by Johnny Nash
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO: September, by Earth, Wind, and Fire
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS: Nothing Compares 2 U, by Sinéad O’Connor
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA: Ever Fallen in Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've?) by Buzzcocks
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD: American Pie, by Don McLean
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO 😪
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE: There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, by The Smiths
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC: King Of Pain, by The Police
27 Jun - Mcmenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE OR: Always On My Mind, by Elvis Presley
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY CA: Never Tear Us Apart, by INXS
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES: California Love by 2Pac ft Dr. Dre & Roger Troutman
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS: Human, by The Killers
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX: Liberator, by Spear of Destiny
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING TX: Hello, I Love You, by The Doors
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN TX: Teenage Dirtbag, by Wheatus
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, THE WOODLANDS TX: Walking On The Moon, by The Police
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE FL: Every Breath You Take, by The Police
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD FL: Your Song, by Elton John
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA FL: Hit Me With Your Best Shot, by Pat Benatar
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA: You Can’t Always Get What You Want, by The Rolling Stones
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE: Hold Back The Rain, by Duran Duran
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE NC: Perfect Day, by Lou Reed
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH NC: Moondance, by Van Morrison
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, Columbia MD: Easy, by The Commodores
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: More Than A Feeling, by Boston
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: Here Comes Your Man, by The Pixies
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA: Nothing Compares 2 U, by Sinead O’Connor
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK NJ: Dancing In The Dark, by Bruce Springsteen
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK: We Are The Champions, by Queen
Away From Home Festival 2023
19 Aug - Parco BussolaDomani, Lido di Camaiore: We Are The Champions, by Queen
29 Aug - Barclays Arena, HAMBURG: Love Will Tear Us Apart, by Joy Division
31 Aug - Royal Arena, COPENHAGEN: Under Pressure, by Queen and David Bowie
1 Sep - Spektrum, OSLO: Wake Me Up When September Ends, by Green Day
2 Sep - Hovet, STOCKHOLM: Seven Nation Army, by White Stripes
4 Sep - Ice Hall, HELSINKI: Always On My Mind, by Elvis
5 Sep - Saku Arena, TAILLINN: All Star, by Smash Mouth
7 Sep - Arena Riga, RIGA: Thuderstruck, by AC/DC
8 Sep - Zalgiris Arena, KAUNAS: Can’t Help Falling In Love, by Elvis [Zouis this day]
10 Sep - Tauron Arena, KRAKOW: Lust For Life, by Iggy Pop
11 Sep - Atlas Arena, ŁÓDŹ: Blitzkreig Bop, by the Ramones
13 Sep - Wiener Stadhalle D, VIENNA: Supersonic, by Oasis
14 Sep - Stozice Arena, LJUBLJANA: Smile Like You Meant It, by The Killers
15 Sep - Budapest Arena, BUDAPEST: Helicopter, by Bloc Party
17 Sep - Arenele Romane, BUCHAREST: My Hero, by Foo Fighters
18 Sep - Arena Armeets, SOFIA: Bombtrack, by Rage Against The Machine
20 Sep - Petras Theater, ATHENS: Go With The Flow, by Queens of the Stone Age
1 Oct - Bilbao Arena Miribilla, BILBAO (VIZCAYA): Where Is My Mind, by The Pixies
3 Oct - Altice Arena, LISBON: Farewell To The Fairground, by White Lies
5 Oct - Wizink Center, MADRID: Munich, by Editors
6 Oct - Palau Sant Jordi, BARCELONA: One Armed Scissor, by At the Drive-In
8 Oct - Pala Alpitur, TURIN: Are You Gonna Go My Way, by Lenny Kravitz
9 Oct - Unipol Arena, BOLOGNA: Helicopter, by Bloc Party
11 Oct - Rockhal, ESCH-SUR-ALZETTE: Where Is My Mind, by The Pixies
12 Oct - Sportspaleis, ANTWERP: My God Is The Sun, by Queens Of The Stone Age [very self-aware choice]
14 Oct - Accor Arena, PARIS : Bubbles, by Biffy Clyro
15 Oct - Ziggo Dome, AMSTERDAM: Song 2, by Blur
17 Oct - Lanxess Arena, COLOGNE: Can't Stand Me Now, by The Libertines
19 Oct - O2 Arena, PRAGUE: Are You Gonna Be My Girl, by Jet
20 Oct - Mercedes Benz Arena, BERLIN: Friday I’m In Love, by The Cure
22 Oct - Olympiahalle, MUNICH: Praise You, by Fatboy Slim
23 Oct - Hallenstadion, ZURICH: Last Nite, by The Strokes
8 Nov - 3Arena, DUBLIN: These Are The Days, by Inhaler
10 Nov - Utilita Arena, SHEFFIELD: Mr. Brightside, by The Killers
11 Nov - AO Arena, MANCHESTER: This Charming Man, by The Smiths
12 Nov - Ovo Hydro, GLASGOW: Gloria, by The Snuts
14 Nov - Brighton Center, BRIGHTON: I Wanna Be Sedated, by Ramones
15 Nov - International Arena, CARDIFF: 20th Century Boy, by T-Rex
17 Nov - The O2, LONDON: Can’t Stand Me Now, by The Libertines
18 Nov - Resorts World Arena, BIRMINGHAM: Till The End Of The Road, by Boyz II Men
You can also find the list at this Twitter account: ltwtoutros.
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