#Johnny Ringo head cannon stories
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Short Story:
Whispers of Curly Bill's Devotion
🩵Curly Bill has a crush on the reader and believes she is out of his reach and sees him as nothing more than an old rustler who does nothing more simply amuse her.
🩵But....When the reader enters a saloon and sees two prostitutes sitting on Curly's lap, the old cowboy comes to realize how much she really cares.🩵
The afternoon sun settles on the Palo Verde trees that frame the town of Tombstone. A gentle spring breeze makes its way through the area, spreading the warm aroma of a new season.
The people of Tombstone move about tending to their business. Some went to the hotel for breakfast while others dined at the restaurant. Women carried baskets of eggs to sell to the mercantile and other folks went into town to sell other items such as freshly caught fish, homemade tortillas, flowers and handmade items such as vases and baskets.
Curly Bill sees you across the street and sees you talking with friends and looking beautiful.
He wants to approach you, but feels a little awkward as he understands you're a woman of substance and you show the old cowboy kindness because that's part of your personality. You display kindness to all the Cowboys, asking how they're doing and your concern is always welcome and very appreciated. You simply don't care what others think. Curly amuses you and he's grateful that he can at least do that.
Before Curly can get close to you, you retreat with some ladies and he with a painful heart watches you disappear with your companions.
The following day when you're enjoying the amenities of the town, you bump into none other than Curly Bill. Although the old cowboy would love a chance to court you, he understands you're more than likely out of his reach. And like forbidden fruit, he needs to have you now that he feels he can't have you.
Curly feels a sense of defeat, but also one of realization; he's never going to be good enough to court you and you probably find him funny and familar and enjoy his practical jokes and big personality. But Curly Bill knows it cannot be anything more than that. He knows he amuses you and has decided he can be acquainted with you, but he's clearly not going to win your heart.
Curly thinks about you and how out of his reach you are and curses under his breath. He was making a fool out of himself over you and hasn't secured your courtship. He comes to the conclusion that he is nothing more to you than just a jovial cowboy who can make you laugh every once in a while.
However, he's about to be proven wrong...
Curly is enjoying his ill-gotten gains on a few whores who laugh at everything the old rustler says and they also pretend to understand what he's saying and take turns marveling over his stories. Curly hates their insincere banter and wishes their words were sincere. Curly takes it in stride and resolves that at least there's a lady listening. Curly experiences intolerable loneliness like everyone else in the Wild West and will pay handsomely for some lady comfort. An insincere woman is better than none at all. He understands what they're doing; they just want Curly to throw money their way and they'll do and say anything to get it. It's while they're sitting near him that everything changes.
You walk into the room just as one of the whores gets up off Curly's lap. You enter with a smile on your face that suddenly dies when you see a whore on Curly's lap. She's cupping his face and grabbing the dough he throws on the table. She stuffs the money in her bra and continues giving the old rustler insincere compliments.
You enter the saloon and you don't see Curly immediately. Another girl lays on his lap while he throws a few bills on the table. As soon as the girls see the money, they begin laughing at every joke Curly makes.
"Well, YN!" Tom McClaury announces. "Just in time! You can sit on Curly's lap!'
You look over at Curly Bill, who has a ramera practically wrapped around him. Curly Bill taps his free leg and motions for you to come sit. "I got one free leg!" Curly Bill shouts in his drunkenness, his ability to control himself is diminished and with the room spinning from the rot gut he's been drinking, his head spins with drunken confusion.
You look over at Curly, who seems suddenly taken aback by your coldness towards him. Your large eyes grow wide with a sadness Curly has never seen on your face. You close your eyes and tears fall while you turn away so he can't see your reaction. But before you turn, Curly sees those tears and it rips his heart. He suddenly feels disgusted with himself and with the saloon girls, insincerely vying for his attention...And money.
"Awww, come on now! It don't mean nothin'!" Frank Stillwell declares. "Don't go gettin' your dander up!"
You slowly shake your head while staring at the floor. You care for Curly Bill and desire more than just a casual acquaintance. And all this time, he assumed your kindness stemmed from your upbringing and that you do not hold a space for contempt for anyone. You seem to treat others in the way they treat you. And everyone in town seems smitten with your sweet smile and friendly disposition.
"No thank you," you answer, pain in your voice. At this moment, Curly realizes your feelings for him.
"Aww! Come on, sweet pea !" McClaury shouts. "Curly's got enough room in his lap for you!"
You turn and see Curly, the smile gone from his face with the realization that you do care for him and do not see him in the same way these whores do. His heart sinks and although intoxicated, he's sober enough to know he's really hurt you. He didn't entertain ideas about you being interested in him enough to let him court you. Curly felt nothing would ever blossom between the two of you because you come from a family of substance and his background is chaotic and wild.
Now he sits, drunk and confused, his arms at his sides, no longer interested in holding the prostitute counting the money he threw at her.
"Come on, Curly!" The girl says, trying to pull his face away from you. "She can't give you what I can!" Curly looks at her with disgust and she quickly gets up. Curly Bill would never cause harm to any woman whether a whore or a woman of substance, but feels tempted to curse her.
Curly stands and his head moves in an imbalanced rhythm caused by the whiskey and the look on your face and the tears that he cannot believe he caused. He staggers to his feet and moves closer to you and tries to put his arm around you in an attempt to let you know he understands. He goes to kiss you and his confidence is shattered when the whiskey on his breath infiltrates your nostrils along with the stink of horses. You turn away and he can feel his face grow red.
"Stop it, Curly. You're drunk!" You shout, your voice cracking. You move past the big rustler who looks around at his gang who stares, not knowing what to say. The whore sees the madness in Curly's eyes and quickly leaves.
"What are y'all lookin' at?!" Curly growls loudly. He heads to the bar and takes a swing of whiskey directly from the bottle. He turns to face his cowboys who look at each other not sure what to make of Curly's sudden rage over you.
"I don't need her! I don't need nothing or nobody!" Curly slurs. "Hell! She was just messin' with my head anyhow. I don't need her! A fellow needs a woman who can take a little funnin' and havin' no sense of humor! She don't mean nothin' to me anyhow!" Curly pours booze into a shot glass, downs it and pours another, feeling disgusted by his own embarrassment and shame. But he continues spewing out his anger.
"Hell! I don't want no woman who can't handle some funnin'! I don't care about her neither and I never really cared. I don't need anything!" Curly staggers drunkenly to the table where Barnes and Stillwell are sitting. The two cowboys glance at one another and Stillwell gives Ringo an inquisitive look. Ringo shrugs.
Ringo, who witnessed the entire event was the only cowboy willing to say anything.
"She's not a whore, Bill. You didn't know that?" Ringo shakes his head while looking at the floor, his arms folded across his chest, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. "She's a lovely lady who happens to care about you."
Curly stares indignantly at Ringo and takes another sip of whiskey. He removes his hat and takes a bow before Johnny.
"Well, ain't that mighty fine, Juanito. I don't need her and I don't need nobody! She don't care about me anyhow! You think you're better than me, don't you? You always thought you was better than all us boys, readin' damn books and showing off quotin' everything from Willy to the damn Bible. Sides, you don't know nothin'! Nobody spoils the fun for old Curly Bill Brocious! Specially some self righteous lady who don't mean nothin' to me! Hell, I don't even care I ever see her again!" Curly Bill can't think clearly and his head begins to pound from too much drinking. He growls and keeps sucking back shots.
Ringo glares at Curly, not believing how angry the old cowboy is. Ringo knows Curly is crazy about you and deeply hurt and confused. Curly Bill had no idea you liked him; he just assumed you treated him with kindness because it seemed your natural tendency. Curly Bill feels like a fool.
An old fool.
"I think she's right. You're drunk." Ringo responds.
"Well, I don't care. I've seen you throw back more whiskey than anyone. So you wanna go and ruin all my fun too? Maybe you two should go on together!"
"Curly Bill." Ringo clears his throat.
"A lady like her is special and maybe so much so she's once in a lifetime."
Curly continues drinking. He shoots a glance at Johnny. "That more Willy Shakespeare?"
Ringo stands, a frustrated look in his eyes.
"You're a damn fool, Curly."
"I'd be a damn fool iffin' I let some woman spoil my good time. I don't care what she thinks! She ain't nothin'! She don't mean a thing to me! Isn't that right boys?" Curly barks. "A real man ain't gonna let some woman tell him what to do!"
"All women ever brought me was misery anyhow!"
Some of his drunken cowboys cheer and whistle while others observe their boss, losing his mind over a woman and declaring his freedom from her.
"I've had enough," Ringo says, looking directly at Curly.
"Well, then you can go find YN and tell her old Curly don't need her!"
Ringo leaves through the batwings. Curly staggers drunkenly to the exit, wanting to finish his conversation with Ringo, who is walking across the street with his signature gait. Curly hears the sounds of sobbing and turns his head. He sees you, leaning on a tall lamp post, your face buried in her arms, tears streaming down your face.
Curly stumbles backwards, almost losing his balance and falling. He can't believe the site before him and he regrets everything he said about not needing you. He needs you like he needs air to breathe, but he's too much of a horse's ass to admit it. The sounds of your sobbing cause him to grow fearful and then angry. He would delight in comforting you, but cannot because his actions caused you to fall into this state of sadness. Curly feels his heart sink with fear and that fear grows into rage. He suddenly fears you may have heard everything he said.
Who needs women! All they do is cause a man a damn affliction!
He watches you for a few moments and then heads back to the saloon that's becoming increasingly crowded. The sound of your crying floods his ears and drowns out the noise of the bar. He can't shake the sight of you standing there, clearly heartbroken and confused. He wonders for a moment why you never made your interests known.
Because women play games! He screams in his mind.
The Hawkins boys walk in, four men in their thirties. Slim, the oldest was sporting one pistol with a tied down holster. He was the most attractive of the four, standing just over six feet with steel blue eyes and a neatly trimmed mustache. He seems almost regal, although a seasoned outlaw. His brother, Bob was shorter with a stout and strong body. He carried two pistols and was known for never using a shot gun that wasn't sawed off. Then Martin, the tallest and biggest, known for his ability to break broncs, looks around with dark eyes and his face is adorned with a full beard. A cigarette hangs from his mouth. The fourth brother, Angus, who hardly ever spoke stood just under six feet and had a wide face with a beard that always looked untrimmed, follows his brothers to the bar.
"Howdy, boys!" Curly announces. "First round is on old Curly!"
The Hawkins boys shout while the bar dog keeps the whiskey and beer flowing in the place which is starting to fill up with thirsty patrons.
"Hey, boys! We don't need women who take our funnin' away, do we?" Curly laughs through his broken heart.
"Hell no! We do just fine with them sportin' ladies!" Martin Hawkins agrees.
After a time of drinking up the place and playing poker with the Hawkins boys, Curly returns to the camp to sleep. He curses under his breath due to his head pounding and the cold, hard ground he's forced to sleep on. He envisions your soft, voluptuous body wrapped around him and a feeling of warmth and safety. He quickly dismisses it, falling into a drunken sleep. In his dreams, he can see you crying, your face buried in your arms. He can hear you whisper, "Curly Bill...hold me. Just hold me."
He wipes your tears and then awakens to the sound of the Clanton's shouting and shooting at empty whiskey bottles.
Curly cannot recall a time when he felt worse. He stumbles to his feet and notices he forgot to take his boots off before going to sleep. After getting coffee and chuck, he sits and removes his boots, rubbing his toes which ache from being cramped in his boots for so long. The stink of horse shit, tobacco smoke and horrific body odor permeates Curly's nose and he feels like vomiting, but is able to keep it down. He finishes his breakfast and looks around for Ringo, knowing the younger cowboy was right; Curly was drunk and made a fool out of himself.
Ringo knows Curly made a huge mistake and he also understands that the old cowboy really didn't know about your feelings for him. You kept it to yourself that confused Curly. Ringo gets that his friend was probably shocked when he realized your desires for him. Curly told Ringo at one point, "she's mighty fine and pretty. Any fellow would be damn lucky to have her. But she's a lovely lady I don't think she wants to be around cowboys who stink all the time. Hell, sometimes I can't stand the smell of them boys! She deserves better than me anyhow. I know she don't like me the way I like her."
Curly meant nothing he said last night and begins to regret not simply going after you. Perhaps he could have gotten you to change your mind about him. If he just left, he may have been able to be the one to comfort you. But he stayed and ran his big mouth, which is something the rustler is known to do. He told everyone listening that he didn't care about you when nothing could be further from the truth. He feels like a fool for not defending his feelings and admitting how his heart wants you, but he was too drunk and proud. And now how would he be able to court you after declaring he didn't need or even want you?
Curly Bill mounts his horse and heads into town for more partying and poker. The stable kid takes Curly's horse and leads it to the livery while Curly walks through town, hoping it would cheer him up. He felt like a dog without a pack and the soft drizzle didn't make him feel any better.
And then he sees you... You're exiting the mercantile, holding a basket covered in a towel. You stop walking and run your hand through your unbound hair, appearing more lovely and beautiful than ever. You look over and see Curly Bill. He starts removing his hat, but you turn and continue walking in the opposite direction. Now that he feels he can no longer have you, being with you is all he cares about. He decides to go to the restaurant for a slice of cake and a cup of coffee. Something, anything to get his spirits up. While he eats his cake and sips his coffee, one of the dishwashers, Four Fingered Jake, comes over to collect some dishes left on the tables from previous patrons and looks at Curly.
"Feeling alright, Jack?" Four Fingered Jake, who lost a pinky during a handkerchief duel a few years ago, called every cowboy Jack as in "jackeroo," and sometimes it just annoyed old Curly.
"Fine. Everything is just fine," Curly lies, focusing on his cake. He looks out the window and hopes to see you again; not to talk, but just to see you. He can't shake the sight of you crying or the sound of your sobs. He takes his last bite and downs his coffee.
"Well! You surely look afflicted by something," Jake stands by Curly's table, his arms full of dirty dishes.
"Why don't you just leave me alone?" Curly groans.
"Sure thing, mood you're in right now."
"Hold on a minute," Curly begins. "Hey, you ever been in love, Jake?" Curly asks, not looking up from his coffee.
"Hell! How you think I lost my pinky? Defending a lovely lady! Oh boy was she sweet! Worth it. I done lost that duel, but she was such a good woman, she stayed by me anyways. Even wanted to give up everything just to build a life with me. Imagine that!"
"What happened?" Curly growls.
"The Pox got a hold of her." Jake stands, shaking his head. "Why you asking, jack?"
Curly looks up at Jake and then back at his coffee cup. "Nothin', no matter."
Curly leaves some money on the table and leaves the restaurant. The drizzle began to subside and the sun began peeking out from behind the jagged looking clouds that lazily move across the Tombstone sky.
While walking through town, he feels he has lost everything. Although he still has his rustling enterprise and his cowboy companions, he can't shake the fact that all along, you desired him. If you wanted him before, doesn't that mean you still care? His heart begins to burn with a small ember of hope. All he wants to do is make you happy.
You return to your small one bedroom cottage that resides about a ten minute walk from town. The drizzle causes moisture in your hair and you grab a small towel and wipe your damp head with it. You toss the towel aside and begin putting your items away. Curly's face enters your mind and a sharp pulling comes from inside you, almost knocking you over. You recall the content look on his face when the whore sat happily on his lap. The way he expected you to sit on his lap like you were some calico queen. You care for him so much, but always felt he showed you sweetness because of his chivalrous cowboy code. You feel Curly isn't the settling down type so you simply resigned to just enjoying his company whenever you could. So often, you wanted to share with the old cowboy how much you care for him, but you feared he would discourage your feelings; telling you not to waste your time with such a nomadic fellow. You couldn't bear to hear his rejection so you followed his lead. You just never expected to see him indulging in the company of prostitutes and it solidified the fact that he doesn't want you because he probably feels your life couldn't provide the excitement he seemed to want. You felt as though you couldn't provide for him the daring and adventurous lifestyle that seemed to embrace Curly's life and you often felt you may prove to be dull and boring for the old rustler.
You know how you feel, but the mystery of Curly's feelings about you spin around in your mind. You believe in his drunkenness that he tried to overtake you and have his way with you only to toss you aside. You didn't realize he was trying to console you. Tears fall from your eyes again and you fall to the ground, holding your knees against your chest.
He never cared about me.
I should have known!
There's no way I could ever make him happy anyway!
It was right of me to assume someone like Curly Bill could ever care about anyone but himself!
You would like to fall into his arms, but you feel he would turn you away.
He needs a woman who can satisfy him and I can't! I'm boring and have nothing to offer such an adventurous and natural man.
You continue sobbing, your face buried in your knees. If you could be bold and daring, maybe Curly would want you. But you cannot become someone you're not...
You begin to feel you lost any chance with Curly Bill. You recall how he slapped his thigh and expected you to sit like a lady of the line and you never felt more exploited in your life. You wanted Curly Bill to treat you like a treasure and instead, he treated you like a nanny, just wanting you for the moment. He would use you and then toss you away and the only difference between you and the chippies is that you didn't charge the old cowboy.
You wipe your tears and take a deep breath. Your attention goes towards the front door as if you're waiting for it to open. You blow your nose and run your hands through your hair.
The door slowly opens and you move slowly, a rolling pin in your hand, waiting to bash the unsuspecting thug.
When the door is fully opened and there's no one there, you blow the breath out of your lungs and lean against the wall, your head looking up. You replace the rolling pin and decide to make yourself some tea.
While sipping your tea, you wonder what Curly Bill is doing at the same moment. You smile to yourself. Then the memory of his face when he slapped his thigh and motioned for you to sit.
Like I'm a dog!
You shake your head and decide to do some gardening after you finish your tea. The last thing you want to do is venture into town. Your fear of running into Curly Bill scares you.
He just wants one thing and once I give it to him, I'm nothing but a whore to him! I will never let him lay a hand on me!
You cry these thoughts in your mind.
You begin by pulling the weeds out of your fruit and vegetable garden; you've planted carrots, peppers, potatoes, eggplant and tomatoes. You also planted basil, green beans and peas. While harvesting your small crop, you decide to make a soup. You'll be able to stretch it into at least five days worth of meals. You also think about making some dumplings or biscuits and then make the choice to invite a friend or two over to enjoy your freshly made soup. You delight in growing your own food and you really love creating delectable dishes you can share with others. You smile to yourself and feel good that you're not consumed with thoughts about Curly Bill. Maybe you'll be over him soon.
After washing and chopping your freshly picked delights, you feel it would taste better if you made it with already prepared vegetable stock. You clean yourself up, put some color on your lips, brush your hair and get your shopping basket. You slowly walk into town, touching some of the flowers and taking in the fresh air. You witness dandelion fuzz and small butterflies flitter through the air in a peaceful and whimsical nature dance. You smile and enjoy the moment, taking deep breaths of fresh air.
When the sounds of town begin to rise into your ears, you welcome the social scene performing before you.
The mercantile owner, Mr. Wilks, tips his hat while taking a break from sweeping the front porch.
"Good afternoon to you, YN," He says and then continues sweeping while you enter the store.
Mrs. Wilks wipes her small hands on her apron and climbs down from the step stool she was standing on while cleaning some shelves.
"Well, hello, YN! How nice to see you." The little woman scurries towards you with her small, mouse-like shaped body. "What can I get for you?"
"Oh, just some stock if you have any." You answer.
"Oh, of course!" The older lady responds. "Stock and broth. You're just in time too! The Simms just dropped off stock and bone broth. In fact, it's still hot!" The little old lady hugs you. "Oh, darling! I sure hope you're alright!"
You shrug. "Yeah, well I'm doing alright, I guess."
"I've seen you talkin' with that there Curly Bill Brocious and I'm here to tell you he ain't nothin' but trouble. Don't go wasting your time on some worthless cowboy!" The shopkeeper puts your items in your basket and you look at the floor, your heart broken and your head spinning. Nobody ever seemed to miss an opportunity to inform you of how you are wasting your time with Curly Bill. You really like the old cowboy; you love his smile, his deep voice, his willingness to protect you and how his hair curled around his forehead and oh!
You catch your breath and give the lady what you owe for your items.
"Don't forget what I said, love."
You look out the window and see Curly Bill on the other side of the street talking with a few cowboys. You stare out the window and wonder what the conversation consists of. Curly frowns while talking with Johnny Ringo and Pete Stillwell. You can see Curly take his hat off and continue gloating over something. Your trance becomes interrupted, "Don't forget, I said, dear."
You suddenly snap back into what you were doing. You clear your throat and pick up your basket. You nod at the shop keeper. "Of course," you whisper. "Oh, um...where do you keep the apples and pears? I just forgot I needed some." You hold your basket while keeping your head down.
"Oh, yes. Just down that hall and down the steps." The old lady motions towards the way.
Just as you're walking down the steps, Curly enters through the cellar door located on the other side of the house. He was hoping to swipe some fruit. When he sees you close the door behind you, he sneaks around and after You've gathered your fruit, you turn and see him standing before you. You gasp, completely surprised.
"YN," he swoons.
You try to move past him and open the door, but Curly blocks your way with his arm. The fear in your eyes causes Curly to grow weary with guilt, but he's not letting you leave until you allow him to at least apologize.
"Curly Bill," you whisper. "Please let me go. Please."
Curly continues blocking the door for another moment and then steps aside, allowing you to decide whether or not you're willing to talk to him. Your eyes look up at the cowboy and then you turn away. Curly wants to hold you, but when he moves towards you, you pull away.
"Please, YN," Curly begins. "Please give me a chance to tell you I'm sorry."
You nod your head, still convinced the old rustler just wants one thing and only wants to save face for his cowboys.
"Ok," you whisper. You quickly move past him and he watches you quickly leave.
The Hawkins boys see you coming and whistle as you pass and it infuriates Curly who is in no mood to fight.
Later that day, while you're cooking your soup, the door opens again. You go to close it and Martin Hawkins kicks it open. He enters your house with the other Hawkins. "Well, so here's where you live!"
"Who are you?" You ask, your voice shaking.
"I'm Martin Hawkins and these here are my brothers." The other boys tip their hats to you. Angus takes a fresh apple and bites into it and then winks at you.
"What do you want?" You implore.
The boys look at each other and then you. Martin and Bob move closer to you. Bob quickly holds your wrists and Martin takes a small piece of rope and binds your hands together.
"Please!" You beg. "Please! What do you want!?"
Your mouth falls open and you struggle to get away, but the men are big and burly and you're easily overpowered. They bring you outside and Martin pulls you up on his horse and they ride out.
The Hawkins boys bring you to their shack.
"So, old Curly thinks he can cheat us, huh?" Slim asks when the boys throw you onto the floor, your wrists still tied.
"Who are you?" You beg.
"I believe we already introduced ourselves. Curly owes us and what better way to get him to pay up than to take what matters?" Slim lights up a cigarette. He motions for Angus to retrieve something and the younger brother brings out a camera.
"You got it wrong. Curly doesn't care about me! I know that so you're wasting your time if you think he'll care!"
All four Hawkins boys laugh.
"That's not what he said when he was so drunk, he could hardly find the door. And he was still sober enough to cheat." Martin Hawkins scoffs.
You lower your head. *It can't be. He thinks I'm nothing but a..." You begin to sob uncontrollably.
Slim recalls Curly from the night before:

"You know something, boys? Even old Willy Shakespeare couldn't write about her with the right words cuz there ain't no one like YN!" He slaps his cards on the table and calls for three cards. "If you ever wanna see an angel, just look at her, boys! And I've gone done it like a damn fool!"
Curly doesn't care who's listening, he's usually running his mouth. The Hawkins boys share glances while playing.
"I lost her and now....well I may never get her back! Aw hell! I don't deserve her anyhow! I just kept makin' a damn fool of myself, thinkin' she didn't care none and then I saw her so sad and well, shit!" He takes a shot of whiskey.
The Hawkins boys didn't say much. They were amused watching the big gunfighter squirm from his broken heart. They continued letting Curly talk.
"You boys wouldn't understand anyhow cuz you never met an angel like that! And you never will neither!"
"Sounds like you're in love, Curly!" Bob Hawkins scoffs, a cigarette hanging from his wide mouth.
"Yeah, well I guess I am, boys! You're sayin' I shouldn't? You ever see her, you'll be in love too!"
***You swallow hard and cannot believe what you're hearing. All this time you and Curly both misunderstood
"Tie her up to the post,"Martin says, focusing on his cigarette. "We'll get a nice little picture for our friend, Curly Bill Brocious."
Too scared to speak and too outnumbered to escape, you are quickly overpowered by the boys who tie your arms up onto the post and then wrap rope around your legs to keep you still. Tears flow from your eyes.
"Awww, don't cry none. It's Curly Bill we really want," Martin says, touching your face. You try to turn away and they all chuckle.
"Now, see Bob there is gonna take your picture so we can show Curly."
"Please don't hurt Curly," you cry.
"You ain't concerned for yourself?" Slim asks, taking his last drag of his cigarette. "Make sure it's tight. I don't want her getting away."
"Oh, it's tight. She ain't going nowhere," Martin answers while Bob gets the camera ready.
"Smile, princess. This is for Curly Bill. Now, look at the camera," Slim barks.
You look into the lens and the flash causes you to flinch.
When the picture is ready, Slim rides out to town, the picture in a large, sealed envelope.
"Hey, deputy!" Slim calls for Billy Breckenridge.
"Howdy, Slim," Billy says.
"You know where Curly Bill is?"
"I think he's back at camp. He said something about having to brand some cows "
"Take this to him and don't open it. It's for him, you hear?"
Breckenridge takes the envelope and rides out to the cowboy camp. Curly is drowning his sorrows with rot gut while the Clanton's are branding a small calf.
"Curly! Something for you! From the Hawkins!" Breckenridge brings the envelope to Curly who opens it.

And falls to his knees. He bites his hand to maintain his control. He stares intensely into the photograph and the image of you tied up like that will be etched in his mind forever. Curly resolves to save you. He doesn't care if he never sees you again; he'll do anything. His rage grows into mind numbing fury, but he knows he needs to plan very carefully.
Ringo comes over and Curly Bill hands him the photograph. Ringo's eyes grow narrow and his lips begin trembling. He balls his hand into a tight fist. He returns the picture, not wanting to look at it.
Ringo begins thinking up a plan to rescue you. He knows the shack that the Hawkins have been staying at and it sits behind a grove of large trees. As a seasoned guerilla raider, Ringo starts thinking who will go along and how they will position themselves.
"We're with you, Curly," Ringo whispers. "We gotta wait. They're planning on us busting the door down. Indian Charlie and Pete Spence and Stillwell are gonna go out first and hide in the brush."
Curly Bill, too angry to speak, simply nods his head, knowing Ringo is the best one to plan this.
"I can't stand the thought of those damn thugs alone with her and her tied up like that. Shit, Johnny!"
"Curly, I don't think that's what they're after. Not long. Not too long. Me and the Youngers did guerilla raids over a dozen times. We gotta make sure everyone of us has at least three pistols. We can easily fire off sixty or seventy shots in less than a minute."
Keep going," Curly growls.
"We wait for one of those sons of bitches to come out. They can't hold onto their shit forever. They may even go two at a time."
"When do we ride?" Curly asks.
"Let the others go first. We'll follow, two boys at a time. Real slow, Curly. They're waiting for us right now, expecting an ambush and they're prepared for that. But I know the Hawkins and they're not guerillas."
Curly nodded. He watches Spence, Stillwell and Indian Charlie ride out. They secure their horses about 50 feet from the shack and crawl on their bellies to the trees and hide carefully. They have three pistols each and Stillwell has a sawed off shotgun.
Curly Bill and Ringo ride out together. They, like their fellow gang members scout the area carefully. They catch up with Indian Charlie and the others. While riding out, Curly tells Ringo:
"You're right, Johnny. I'm a damn fool! I had no idea YN felt that way about me. Hell! A man like me havin' a beauty like that goin' on and havin' them kind of feelings. She's so damn special and cute and hell, Johnny, what would you think?"
Ringo pulls the reigns in for a moment. He looks at Curly Bill, who is waiting for an answer.
"Curly Bill, you're right. I would have reservations about her too. Not that I wouldn't want her, but to make a damn fool of myself and then find out she was just being pleasant, well, I would feel awful." Ringo shakes his head, imagining what that would be like.
"It's a damn curse, Ringo. You find the woman of your dreams and know damn well she's out of reach cuz she don't care too much. Then you find out she cares a whole lot." Curly fights the tears forming in his eyes as he recalls that damn photograph of you. "That's what makes this whole thing so damn miserable. I swear right now I'll do anything to make her happy iffin' she gives me a chance and iffin' she don't, at least I saved her."
"Either way, you'll be a hero, Bill," Johnny claims, not looking at Curly.
"Yeah. But I won't care iffin' I can't be with YN."
Ringo and Curly secured their horses and crawled towards the trees where the others were waiting.
""None of em have come out to shit yet," Stillwell remarks. "What the hell are them boys waiting for?"
"They can't hold on to it forever." Ringo says, no expression in his voice.
"Are we ready?" Curly growls.
"We're ready, but damn that shithouse is ripe!" Spence adds.
Ringo recites sonnets in his mind while the others hold their pistols. They are the door open and like Ringo predicted, two of the Hawkins boys came out.
"Damn, he ain't heeled," Stillwell declares.
"Real slow, boys," Curly whispers.
Once the Hawkins boys are in the shit house, Ringo and Curly go close, almost holding their noses because of the stink.
Curly opens one of the doors and Bob Hawkins looks up in shock. "No! No! No!" He shouts before Curly fills him full of lead. Ringo does the same to Angus, who also pleads for his life.
"You never should've messed with her," Ringo remarks before killing Angus. Slim and Martin come running out, their pistols blazing in all directions. Ringo moves like a ghost, remembering everything Quantrill taught him about guerilla raids. The Hawkins were outnumbered by men and bullets as Curly and his boys were all sporting three pistols each. In a matter of seconds, the Cowboys fired off over 50 shots and all the Hawkins were meeting their makers. The Cowboys laugh and some twirl their guns before entering the house.
Curly Bill sees you, your chest heaving furiously and fear shows in your teary eyes. You gasp and struggle to get free as you're still tied to the post.
Curly replaces his guns and scans the area for anyone else. "We're clear, boys! Ain't no one else here!"
Too shocked to speak, your face gazes at Curly Bill and you can't believe he just risked his life to save you. He walks towards you and your chest continues breathing heavily and tears begin running down your face. Curly wipes your tears and takes his Bowie knife from his belt. He goes to cut the ropes and then pauses, just soaking up not only your beauty, but the fact that he at least redeemed himself and became your hero. He cups your face and kisses you and to his surprise, you do not resist. He smiles at you and the fear in your eyes begins subsiding.
"YN... Will you please forgive me for hurting you? You're all I think about and I'm a damn fool for lettin' you leave like that."
You nod your head. "Please let me go," you beg. "I... thank you for saving me! I didn't think you cared at all," you answer, your face gazing at the floor.
"YN... Curly Bill takes his hat off. "I love you," he whispers, sucking back tears. "I never meant to hurt you."
You look up your cowboy. You continue struggling.
"I'm gonna cut you loose after one question..." Curly's voice is just above a whisper. He smiles sheepishly.
"Please..." You answer.
Curly Bill doesn't take his eyes off of you.
"Will you marry me?" Curly asks.
Your eyes well up with tears. You nod your head.
"Yes!" You say in a soft voice.
Curly kisses you one more time. He takes his knife and cuts you loose. When he does, you fall into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Curly feels such a sense of relief and gratitude, he picks you up and holds you tight.
"I love you, Curly Bill. I always have."
He kisses your hands and rubs your wrists which appear raw from your tie ropes. He hates seeing that...
Curly Bill takes your face again and kisses you ever so gently.
"I never thought you'd kiss me like that," you whisper, wrapping your arms around him and holding him tight, your head on his strong shoulder. You close your eyes while the two of you enjoy a delightful and wonderous moment of pure love. The other Cowboys leave, giving the two of you some time alone.
When you conclude your kiss, he picks you up, his eyes locked with yours.
He carries you out and all the way to his horse, all while you keep your head in his chest. He can feel you trembling and he tightens his embrace, wanting you to feel safe and protected. Once he mounts his gelding, he pulls you up and he rides out at full gallop, his cowboys following and hooting with celebration.
Curly Bill brings you home and helps you get dressed into a warm nightgown. He tucks you into bed and caresses your face until you fall asleep.
After a few moments of watching you slumber, he removes his boots and falls into the bed.
He delights when in your sleep, you turn and rest your head on his chest.
The End...
#Curly Bill#curly bill brocious#tombstone movie#tombstone characters#stories about tombstone characters#wild west#Johnny Ringo#tombstone movie cowboys#what would Curly Bill do?#curly bill head cannon stories#Johnny Ringo head cannon stories#Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo fanfiction#tombstone cowboys#curly bill brocius#western fiction#stories about Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo#curlybill headcannon#Curly Bill Brocious head cannons#head Cannon Stories about Curly Bill#Curly Bill short stories#stories about curly bill brocious
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Hi there! When will you be releasing more of your Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo Head cannon stories? They're so good!
Thank you so much! :) After I finish posting the JohnnyRingoxHolliday!Reader story, I plan on writing the CurlyBillxCowFarmer!Reader, which won't take nearly as long (I'm hoping xP). I've also been working on my fanfic regarding Curly Bill and my OC, Suzette, the chapter's done, I just need to finish the artwork for it.
There's a lot of projects I've been trying to juggle. But, in between, I'm going to try to write some more headcanon posts to have content available here, so that you guys don't have to wait too long while I write oneshots/stories. ^^
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1. Weird Habits of Curly Bill/Johnny Ringo
2. Are you Curly Bill's/Ringo's Last Chance of Hope and Love?
3. A Day in the Life of a Cowboy/Rustler
4. How would Curly Bill/Johnny Ringo Attempt to Impress Reader's Child
5. Reader Helps Curly Bill With Literacy/Reading
6. How Curly Bill/Johnny Ringo would handle a break up with reader

#tombstone movie#stories about johnny ringo#stories about curly Bill from Tombstone#tombstone movie head Cannon stories
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The Cowboys Journey Through Time
While outrunning a group of renegade Indians, a blinding light stabs the eyes of Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo and when the dust finally settles into reality, they come to understand they've been pushed through a time warp and become stuck in the present time. They return to Tombstone to see the town unchanged. Except that everyone is half naked (even the women) and unbelievably clean. Will they find a way back to 1881? Will they fall in love? What happens when they meet up with the other Cowboys stuck in our time? How do they find each other and what will their adventures be like?
*I'll be updating at least once a day*
"Ride, Juanito! Comanches!"
A group of renegade Comanches follow the two cowboys at full speed while Curly and Ringo rise faster than they ever have before. An arrow wizzes by Ringo's head, barely missing him and Curly hears the booming voice of the natives behind him.
Suddenly, they see a light so intense, they both cover their eyes while continuing to outrun the Indians hellbent on taking down the cowboys.
Ringo and Curly stop riding, the desert blooms look unfamiliar and strange and a few houses occupy the area.
"What the hell? Where's the desert? There weren't no houses here before!" Curly shakes his head.
Ringo feels a cold chill and looks around. Nothing looks the same. A few people move about the houses and from a distance, the boys can't tell if they're injuns or Mexicans or Union soldiers. They both back up their horses, waiting for the odd looking people to approach them and tell them they're moving on Yankee land. But no one approaches them. Curly noticed there were no horses. Not a single one. Not an animal in sight!
They ride a few more moments, trotting while scanning the desert for something familiar other than the boulders and cactus. A soft breeze whirls around them and they can hear birds singing in the Palo Verde trees, dogs barking in the distance and seeing a row of telephone poles they would swear on the Bible were not there before! The aroma fills their nostrils and the fragrant wild flowers smell delightfully different. Their horses begin grazing on some of the plush green grass that pops up in small pockets on the desert floor. The cowboys continue looking around, hoping to see someone or something familiar. But everything, even the breeze feels very different.
The whirring of a machine echoes in the distance and the two men quickly look at each other, wondering what the hell that could be. They see a man walk around one of the few houses. He wipes his head with a cloth. Then he proceeds to take a green colored hose like object and to the shock of Curly and Ringo, water flows from it. Their wide eyes lock on the scene before them and they ride a little closer. The man waves and the Cowboys wave back. Since the man looks innocent enough, the boys feel they may be able to get some information about where the hell they are.
"Where the hell are the damn Comanches?" Curly bellows. Them boys was right on us! There ain't nothin here they can hide behind! Where the hell are we, Johnny?"
Ringo continues pondering while staring with blank eyes at the scene before him. "There's no Comanches anywhere. And what was that light?"
Ringo's heart drops.
Are we trapped in hell? Did we just die?
"Who are those people?" Curly inquires, squinting his eyes from the sharp sun. Ringo shakes his head slowly. He turns his horse and begins to trot towards one of the small houses and there were only four houses that the two rustlers could see. A small child comes out of one the houses and begins running around the property.
"I don't remember any kids bein' at these camps! Hell, they ain't even dressed like injuns!"
"I don't think they're injuns, Curly. I don't even see a gun in any of them! No horses, no cows, no chickens. Where the hell are we, damnit?" Ringo brays.
"So, they ain't carrying firearms and they're living out here?"
Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo continue to watch what seems like a pleasant scene. They didn't hear the battle cries of Comanches or hear and firearms going off. They continued scoping out the area, watching from all sides. A dirt path winds towards where the houses sit about fifty yards away. Boulders frame the area and trees stand around the path.
Suddenly, two little girls approach the rustlers. Dressed in unrecognizable attire and wearing shoes that sparkle with stones.
"Who are you? Can we pet your horse?" One of the girls asks.
"Please? Our daddy said it was ok!"
"Where's your daddy?" Curly asks. "He lets you talk to strangers before he does? He must have a lotta trust in this wild country!"
The girls look at each other and giggle. "Can we pet your horse?"
"Well," Ringo begins. "Do you live at this camp? Comanches giving you trouble?"
"What are coman cheesers?" One of the girls asks. The two continue smiling.
"You see any injuns out here? Did you see some riding around here just now? There was a whole bunch of em! Did you see where they went?"
The girls look at each other and shake their heads slowly. They appear so clean and sparkling barrettes nest in their hair. Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo couldn't believe how clean the girls were.
The girls run away, holding hands and laughing. Curly and Ringo look at each other.
The men ride slowly towards one of the houses. The road changes and it's a black street instead of dirt. A man without a hat on, wearing jeans, sandals and a dress shirt without a tie comes towards them from the house. The two little girls come out from behind the house and begin running back to Curly and Ringo who still stand with confusion running through their minds. Like the little girls, he was remarkably clean.
"Hi there, fellas!" The man says. "My daughter said something about warning us about comb cheese? I apologize, they may have said it wrong." He pats his daughters on the head. One of them looks up at her father. Her blond hair up in braids and like her sister, wasn't wearing a dress. In fact, they seemed to be in their bloomers! Tight shirts with gemstones on them and butterflies and the pants they wore were above the knees. Ringo wondered how the father would let his cute daughters dress like that with wild Indians in the area. But come to think of it, there wasn't an Indian in sight.
"Have you seen any Comanches anywhere?" Curly Bill asks, looking around."
The man, who stands just under six feet starts chuckling. He puts his hands on his waist and shakes his head. "Not that I've seen. Just a few of us live here now. Where are you boys from?" The man looks inquisitively. Curly and Ringo look at each other.
"Is there a wild west show?" He wonders. "I heard it was cancelled!"
"Wild West show?" Ringo ask.
"Yeah. That's why you're dressed like that? I have to say those costumes look very authentic! Love the spurs and six shooters too. Those aren't real bullets are they?" The man asks, walking in between the horses.
Our costumes?
Ringo thinks to himself. His heart pounding and his mind racing, he finds himself at a loss for words and his confusion grows with each passing moment. Everything seems so.... Peaceful.
"Well, we don't fire these pistols at anyone we ain't got no beef with," Curly responds, his horse backing up a bit.
The man starts laughing again. "You even sound like you're from the wild west!" The man slaps his knee. This causes the two rustlers to grow increasingly uneasy. Things seem peaceful, but odd. The man seems to keep talking about them in the past tense.
"We ain't green horns," Curly remarks. "We're seasoned cowpokes and we drive cows from Arizona to Mexico or Colorado to Texas. I don't see no animals here," Curly mentions.
"Oh, I see!" The man answers. "I guess I got confused. Well! Do you ever entertain like, oh who was that guy," the stranger snaps his fingers, trying to think of the name. "Buffalo Bill!"
Ringo, trying not to sound completely aloof nods and answers, "sometimes we do pistol tricks or teach people how to rope."
"Cowboys and entertainers! I love how you talk. You do lots of shows?"
"Sure," Ringo responds.
"Can I pet your horse?" One of the girls asks. She moves closer to the boys. Her soft brown hair is pulled into two ponytails and her big brown eyes stir the hearts of the two rustlers.
"Ok," Ringo answers. Confusion on his once unreadable poker face. He and Curly keep looking at each other and then all around, growing increasingly uneasy.
"Who else lives around here?" Curly Bill asks.
"Well, I just bought this piece about three years ago. We moved from Chicago after my wife passed. Just a few homes here. Mine and three others. It's not so bad. Definitely a change of scenery from Chicago. Hotter! Well, it's nice to see other people out here!"
"Yeah, our mom got sick and she died," the girl with the brown hair mentions. "i like your horse!"
Ringo smiles. The girl with the blonde hair starts petting Curly's horse and Curly feels a sense of peace. The girls look at the rustlers with adorable faces and sweet smiles.
"As you can see this is really an up and coming community like Murrieta in California," the man continues. "Not much here now and only a few of us live here." The stranger lowers his head. He's such a friendly fellow and that intrigues the cowboys. He doesn't look like someone worried about wild Indians. "We're hoping after another five years, we'll have a real town here."
"It don't look like no boom town," Curly remarks. This causes the man to begin laughing.
"You really take your parts seriously. You'll be a hit!"
Curly's mind bends into a state of confusion so intense, he begins to feel dizzy and shakes his head as if to ward the feeling off.
"Who are you?" Curly asks.
"I'm Larry Fields and these are my daughters, Jessica and Marin."
"I'm Curly Bill and this here is Johnny Ringo."
The man claps in applause. "I've heard of them. So that's who you're playing in the show? You're free to practice your act on us!"
"What act?" Ringo asks, his face turning red with frustration. "Oh, uh.... maybe. We're hoping to meet some other boys. Thinking about heading to Texas for work."
"Cowboying is some job and it's still around I think it's great you take it so seriously. Are you just out for a ride?"
"Yes. You could say that," Ringo answers, uncertainty in his voice.
"Well, I heard the show was cancelled since some of the actors came down with Covid."
"Covid?" Curly Bill asks slowly. What in the hell is that?"
The man smiles again. "Method actors, huh? Would you like to come inside and enjoy a latte? I've never met a real cowboy before!"
A latte?
"Tombstone, that's not far from here. So you must be here for a wild west show. We've been there a few times. Watching actors play out cops and robbers dressed like the Earps and the Cowboys!"
At this point, the minds of these cowboys begin to spin into an unfamiliar dance of wonder. Why was this man talking about actors playing parts from the past?
Nothing looks like it did before and why is this man asking about wild west shows? Thoughts of what could be the cause of the sudden change in reality flood their heads and stabs at their perception. The friendliness of the strange man, the absence of animals, the cleanliness of the man and his daughters.
"Well, where do you stay when you're doing your shows?" The man asks. His hair, blonde like his daughters looks freshly washed and he's clean shaven with bright blue eyes. He didn't appear to possess the same grit they usually see in other men.
Not knowing what to say, they just nod.
"Do you want some cookies? We made cookies!" One of the girls announces. Her father smiles. Suddenly, a medium size golden retriever comes running towards them.
"Toby!" One girl shouts, turning her attention to her dog. "This is our dog, Toby."
The men tip their hats.
"Well, come on in, fellows. Let's have that latte."
Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo enter the modest, three bedroom house. Beige, lush carpet blankets the floor and a small kitchen rests to the right of the front door. A small table with six chairs sits in a corner and a vase of freshly cut wild flowers lounges on it. A painting of apples hangs over a sink that doesn't seem to have a pump, but there's clearly a faucet. On the other side of the house, a flat, black rectangular object hangs on a wall. One of the girls grabs a black contraption and the black turns to a colorful burst of wonder. A window of moving pictures race across the rectangle and music the rustlers have never heard before begins playing. Words and colors fly across this mysterious window and it feels as though they are right there.
Ringo moves closer and his eyes, like Curly's grow wide with curiosity. People move about on the screen and Curly touches it as if it's a window, but he just taps it and the people in the window don't appear to see him. Curly looks around to see who's talking and looks behind the rectangle. "Who are you? Do you know where we are?" Curly and Ringo feel like ghosts, unable to be seen by the people and even the animals in the window. Phrases burst from the weird looking people in the window and Curly Bill and Ringo can't understand because they're talking so fast. They hear bits and pieces of sentences such as:
"Fix your credit!"
"An easier way to buy a car!"
"Need a vacation? It's affordable now!"
"Suffering from insomnia? Talk to your doctor about..."
*Side effects include..."
The boys stand, their mouths agape.
"What in the hell is this?" Curly whispers. "What are they saying?" Curly feels like he's dreaming and hopes he wakes up in his comfortable and familiar cowboy camp.
"We need to know where we are!" Curly barks at the man on the window screen. "Can you hear us?" Curly shrugs with frustration and feels queasy from the constant movement on the screen. His stomach feels nauseous.
He looks into the rectangle and everything moves so quickly and the voices speak so fast, saying phrases and words that almost seemed like a foreign language.
"What the hell are they saying? Why can't they see us?"
Curly begins getting dizzy watching the screen. The boys see dogs in the window and call for them, but like the people, the dogs can't see them either. The little girls laugh.
Ringo looks over at the odd screen and can understand a few words here and there. High pitched singing fills the room and colorful orbs seem to burst and pop in the window. They cannot comprehend what the hell this device is and why can they see people and animals, while they appear invisible?
"Here we are, boys. Three lattes. Let's go in here so the girls can watch TV."
Marin, the older of the two girls brings a plate of cookies over to where Ringo and Curly are.
"We made these with daddy!" She announces as she skips back to the couch to watch the mysterious window. Ringo and Curly both take a cookie and munch it. A clean and refreshing aroma surrounds them; it's the cleanest place they've ever been in. A fresh and citrusy smell combined with the freshness of flowers floods their nostrils and fills them with comfort even though they feel they must be dreaming.
Ringo and Curly sip the warm beverage and it tastes like sweet, creamy coffee. They lick the foam off their mustaches. It's unbelievably delicious.
"What you say this drink is?" Curly asks, sipping it quickly.
"Lattes! Not too many Starbucks on a cattle drive!" Larry says, sipping his drink slowly.
Ringo was tempted to ask about this person Starbucks, but feels awkward not knowing anything about where they are.
Hell wouldn't smell this clean or be this bright!Ringo thinks.
Maybe we took a wrong turn while riding, maybe the Commanches fired a poison arrow that causes hallucinations? Maybe I'm just dreaming...
"So, when does the show start? Larry asks.
"What show?" Ringo asks.
Larry smiles. "Will it be in Tombstone?"
Ringo simply nods and both cowboys grow anxious to be somewhere else, somewhere familiar. A rough and dirty cowtown would feel more welcoming than this.
"Glad we got to meet! There's not It sure is nice meeting you both. Too bad my wife isn't here. I think she would get such a kick out of you two! She always enjoyed western movies or books about the wild west! A different time back then?" Larry sips his latte and takes a cookie.
Back then? Ringo thinks...
"I'm guessing you stay at the hotel in Tombstone?"
"The hotel is there?" Curly asks. "The Grand Hotel?"
"Sure!" Larry answers. "It's nice that Tombstone hasn't changed much. Still looks the same as it always did. It's a fun place to spend the day. My wife used to like Big Nose Katie's saloon."
"You know Kate?" Ringo asks.
"Not personally," Larry winks. "But there's a saloon named after her!"
Curly and Ringo finish their coffee, desiring more of that scrumptious drink, but want to leave and find out what the hell is happening. They stand up and head for the door. They turn and look at the odd window and spectacular bursts of pink and purple flow with strange little characters that appear like drawings that move and speak. The voices of these creatures deliver a sweet and soft sound and the music feels soothing.
Ringo sees a newspaper on the counter near the sink. He takes it and looks over at Larry.
"Oh, keep it! All nonsense anyway."
"Thank you for the coffee," Ringo says, tipping his hat.
"You're welcome. Anytime."
Curly and Ringo leave, mount their horses and gallop off. Ringo looks all over the newspaper.
"Where the hell are we, Juanito?" Curly asks, sharply.
All the blood drains from Ringo's face and he looks at Curly, his face white as a ghost.
"What the hell, Juanito?" Curly shouts.
"It's not where we are...
It's when."
Ringo's signature poker face has gone and Curly Bill can see for the first time, genuine fear in Ringo's eyes. Curly takes the paper.
"What am I looking at, Johnny?"
Ringo points to the date:
March 20, 2023...
Curly's heart sinks..
Ringo sits on his horse with a frustration so intense, he feels his heart swell and his face grows hot. He wants to ride as fast as he can, see that light and go back to 1881.
Both rustlers spurred their horses and bolted through the desert, hoping their speed could recreate that blinding light they saw just before they flew through the time warp. They rode for several minutes, slapping the backsides of their horses to get them to run at that same flight, but no light showed and the horses were getting tired.
"Shit! We're stuck here! Feels like a damn nightmare! We ain't got nothing or no one to help us! What the hell are we supposed to do?"
Both men remain quiet for several moments, taking in the reality that they are very far from home.
"I wonder what Tombstone looks like," Curly shrugged.
"Let's go find out." Ringo says, his voice is still as the air. "That man Larry said it's the same."
"Well, wouldn't that be something?"
They ride into Tombstone and feel somewhat elated that the town looks surprisingly the same. More shops have been added, but the Oriental still stands, along with the Golden Nugget and they see the famous Bird Cage theater.
"Damn, Juanito. It ain't like it used to be! There ain't hardly any cowboys here! Fact, there ain't no cowboys here. I see families. Everyone here is dressed in their damn bloomers! I ain't never seen men wearing pants above their knees and damn sandals! Hell, they ain't worried about rattlers or scorpions I guess."
"I need a drink, Bill. Clear out heads."
"Let's see what the Oriental is like in, what the hell year are we in?" Curly scratches his head.
"Well, shit! I'm glad to see people never tore this town down." Curly says, securing his horse to the posts that still stand outside the famous saloon.
When they enter, they see more people wearing their bloomers and Curly just wants to see a man wearing chaps or boots with spurs. All the patrons begin clapping and Curly Bill and Ringo look at each other and then look behind them, wondering who the odd people are applauding.
"Hey! Here they are! You're from the wild west show!" The men start hooting and holding up their drinks. Ringo and Curly feel a bit important and feel their best strategy was to simply be honest and that they were in fact seasoned jackaroos who drive cattle since cattle driving is still around in the 21st century.
Some of the women look stunningly gorgeous. Hair that shines in the light and looks as soft as butter. Luxurious, lovely locks that flow freely. Long, delicate eyelashes frame wonderfully made up eyes that sparkle, with perfectly done make up. They also seemed to wear very little clothing and some of them were showing their legs! Curly Bill and Johnny couldn't take their eyes off of them. They appeared like goddesses sitting there, sipping wine.
Curly Bill and Ringo tip their hats and that causes the beauties to smile. They start playing with their glamorous hair and smile, showing beautiful, white teeth.
"We're so bummed the show was cancelled, but at least you're here to make our trip a little more authentic!" One of the patrons states. He stands, a little taller than Ringo, wearing a blue T Shirt with the words, "One Cool Dude." Like some of the other men, his pants are cut above the knees. The cowboys believe the weather is too much for these green horns and they don't wear tenacious shirts like cowboys do. The man's green eyes dance in the light and his eyebrows and hair appear perfectly trimmed. He's holding a bottle in his hand and standing next to a few other dudes who are dressed in similar clothing and like the man with the blue T-shirt, they look cleaner than anyone the cowboys have ever seen. Curly Bill and Johnny felt awkward and dirty standing near these clean shaven men.
Them duds wouldn't last a day on the range, Curly thinks.
Another tall man, at least wearing long pants stands and calls for the bar dog. Much to the cowboys surprise, the barkeep looked just like Milt; wearing the same white shirt and apron and he's sporting a mustache similar to theirs.
"A round for these boys!" The stranger says. "I'm Dave and you'll never pay for a drink in this town!" All the people start cheering and whistling and Curly Bill and Ringo can't decide what to do.
The man called Dave has brown eyes and a full beard that looks freshly trimmed. He's almost as tall as Curly and Ringo and looks stocky with large, muscular arms. His dress shoes look newly polished.
"I invested some dough in Tombstone real estate. I'm looking to add to this town. Bring in some more outside business. What are you boys drinking?"
"I'll take a beer and a shot," Ringo answers.
"I'll take the same," Curly grunts. They all move to the bar and have a seat on the stools. Curly looks around and can almost hear the sound of Campton Races playing in the piano while rustlers, businessmen, cattle ranchers and other types drank and played faro. Damn, if only he could see a familiar face! He closes his eyes for a few minutes and recalls moving through this crowded saloon to quench his thirst for rotgut whiskey and faro or poker. He can almost see Milt pouring drinks, cowboys getting rowdy, whores moving about, showing their merchandise, the back parlor where pretty ladies would sing and the distant sound of gunfire. One thing he didn't miss was the stench. Curly Bill can remember that ferocious odor that permeated the saloons that lacked ventilation or even insulation and so it was biting cold in winter and scorching hot in summer. And he didn't see communal towels for men to wipe their mustaches and beer foamed beards. The aroma whirls around the two rustlers and they can't imagine going back to when places like this stunk of horrific body odor, horse shit and bad whisky. The cleanliness was something both welcomed. They both wanted to take baths and have their clothes laundered, but felt awkward asking about things like that.
More half dressed people walked in and following them, a man wearing cowboy attire strode in. Curly and Ringo could tell he wasn't a seasoned cowpoke since his shirt and pants didn't sustain the tenacity of a real cowboy's duds.
"Howdy, everybody!" The cowboy declares. "Whiskey's on me!" He takes his jacket off and starts drinking with the other patrons.
Curly Bill approaches the cowboy in disguise.
"What outfit have you rode with?" Curly Bill asks.
The stranger laughs and Curly Bill and Ringo wonder why people laugh when they say certain things.
"I'm not really a cowboy. I just dress like one when I come to Tombstone. I'm not a part of the wild west show, but my girlfriend says I look cute in cowboy garb."
"Damn! Check out those guns! Where the hell did you get those? I didn't know you could buy those anymore!" One the men says. Curly Bill, who is usually never at a loss for words, suddenly doesn't know what to say.
"We've moved cattle a time or two," Curly Bill remarks.
"So, you're real cowboys?" The man in the blue T-shirt asks.
Ringo nods.
"That's awesome! I'm Chuck!" Says the green horn cowboy. "Nice to meet you both! Why'd you say you were in the wild west show?"
Curly shakes his head. "Well, we ain't! We just moved a herd of cows from Texas. We're off for a little while."
"Is that a seasonal job?" One of the women inquires, twirling her dark hair. Curly can't believe she's talking to him. But her eyes fall over the old cowboy and he swears he's never seen women so damn gorgeous. The ladies he thought were lovely like Josephine Marcus, Red or Sad Sally from the Dead End saloon. But now it seems he can't even remember what they look like. Every lady Ringo and Curly see appear more beautiful than the previous. A heavenly array of unbelievably pretty women.
Curly moves a little closer to her and the glitter makeup causes her eyes to sparkle and dance. Her full red lips part as she gazes up at him.
"Well, we don't drive during the winter months too much. But come spring, we'll be real busy again."
"Hey, what are your names?"
Curly Bill and Ringo look at each other.
"I'm Bill Graham and this here is John Ringold."
"Howdy there, fellas!" Chuck announces. "This is so fucking cool! Having real ass cowboys here!"
Ringo's face grows red.
Swearing in front of ladies!
Ringo would have liked to deck the guy for disrespecting the women, but thought better of it. They had no way of knowing what to expect and did not have a clear understanding of the social norms. People seemed friendly and jovial and relaxed. And none of them were carrying pistols.
"I'm Bob," the man in the blue T-shirt says, holding his hand out for the rustlers to shake.
"Tombstone was a wild town back in the day! Damn, wouldn't that be something to be alive back then?!" Bob sips his beer from a small bottle.
"Tombstone was queen of these boomtowns," Johnny Ringo answers. "Sho'ly a bit more refined than Dodge."
The ladies smile and giggle, thinking the cowboys are amazingly brauny.
"Yeah, I heard Dodge was like the worst place!" Bob finishes his beer and waves for the bar dog to give him another. "But, we've got some fucked up gun laws."
Curly Bill and Ringo wish the man would stop swearing, especially in front of women.
"What do you mean by that?" Ringo thinks out loud.
"We need stricter laws so kids don't get shot to death at school!" Bob shakes his head. "I'm not downing having guns, but military assault rifles? Who the fuck needs those?"
"Times sure have changed since the days of Wyatt Earp," Bob declares, pretending to be pulling a pistol. He chuckles and says, "Hey, I'm Wyatt Earp, mo fos!" He sticks his tongue out and continues his charade. "Gimme yer pistols, feller or I'll fill ya full of lead!" He looks over at Dave and a few others and they all begin laughing.
"You know about Wyatt Earp?" Curly beckons.
"Of course!" Dave shouts. "Guy was a freakin' idiot!" Dave, Chuck and Bob clink their beer bottles together.
Curly and Ringo chuckle and want to hear more about what these modern day people think of the Earps and the conflict between the Earps and the Cowboys. Curly feels amused and enjoys hearing the boys bash his old rival.
What has history had to say about us and what happened to us?
"What makes you say that?" Curly inquires.
"Going up against Curly Bill Brocious and those others! Now that guy was a force to be reckoned with. Anyone would be a fool to call out a man like Brocious. That dude was bad ass!"
Curly Bill stands with his arms folded. He flicks his tongue as he does when amused by something. He begins to guffaw loudly, causing the patrons to laugh along with him.
"You think so?" Curly grunts.
"Fuck yeah! I wouldn't go up against Brocious. That dude was so cool! Rumor was, he could shoot rabbits running from 20 yards away! I wouldn't mess with a guy like that! Too bad there's no photos of him. Just a few drawings that aren't very good!
"What about Doc Holliday?" Ringo inquires, his heart racing, waiting to hear.
"Loser!" Dave and Bob say in unison. This causes Ringo to smile and he even lets out a laugh which causes Curly to look over in disbelief. Chuck sucked back his shot and started on his beer. He laughed along with the others.
Bob holds up his hand with his palm flat and Dave slaps Bob's hand with his open palm. A gesture the rustlers have never seen, but enjoyed watching.
Bob starts walking like a refined gentleman. "Yeah, I'm Doc Holliday. I quit being a dentist so I can spend my life cheating at poker and avoiding my health!" The two men clink their beer bottles together and laugh.
Curly Bill looks at Ringo, whose eyes are wide with delight and curiosity. He laughs under his breath. He's clearly amused by the two 21st century men. He's almost afraid to ask,
"what about Johnny Ringo?"
He decides to wait.
"Another round!" Dave shouts.
Curly Bill and Johnny feel a bit more comfortable drinking with the men they just met and are eager to ask more questions about Tombstone history.
"Hey! There's more cowboys!" Chuck announces standing up and ordering more drinks for everyone.
Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo look out the window.
"I'll be damned..." Curly whispers.
Ringo looks out and his heart lifts when he sees the Clanton's, McClaury's, Barnes, Cruz, Stillwell and Indian Charlie all riding together, walking slowly through town, looking confused and out of place. They dismount and secure their horses to the posts that still stand after all these decades.
"Hold on a minute," Curly growls, finally feeling the effects of the whiskey and beer, which is the best tasting he's ever had in his life. He exits the saloon and Ringo follows.
"Ike? Billy?"
Ike and Billy turn and see Ringo and Curly and gaze upon their friends as if looking at a mirage. The other Cowboys mouths drop.
"Curly Bill! Johnny Ringo!" Ike announces.
"Hey, do you know what's going on?" Ringo asks.
Ike shakes his head.."We was being chased by them injuns! You and Ringo disappeared! We saw a light that almost blinded us boys! Next thing we knew, everything was changed!"
"We met some people along the way," Billy Clanton swoons.
"Yeah," Ike responds. "Have you seen the women around here? I saw a lady's ankles!" Ike blushes.
"Well, I saw a lady's legs and her arms too!" Stillwell brags.
Curly Bill smiles. The best part of this new world they were experiencing was the women.
"Everyone's in their bloomers!" Frank McClaury chuckles. Men wearing pants above their knees!" The men start laughing; they couldn't help but find it incredibly funny that the men dressed like that since none of the cowboys would be caught dead wearing sandals and pants above the knees!
"What about money?" Ringo asks. "We don't have any!"
"No, we do!" Ike announces. "Everything changed, even our money. Look!" Ike pulls out bills that look unrecognizable.
"What's this? Where did you get this?" Curly asks.
"Check yours!"
Curly Bill and Ringo take their money out and sure enough, the bills are modern cash. "How the hell?" Curly muses. He counts over six hundred dollars, money left from the stage they robbed.
Ringo pulls his money out and like the other boys, it's completely different. "I'll be damned...This just keeps getting stranger."
"There's the Oriental!" Billy Clanton bellows. "Damn! It ain't no different. Everything here looks the same cept folks ain't dressed. Everyone smells so damn clean!"
"We stink boys!" Curly guffaws, almost feeling like he's back in 1881. "Let's get to the hotel and see about some baths!"
The Grand Hotel still stood, except more rooms added. They enter and the hotel clerk is dressed in 19th century fashion. His mustache curls up.
"Howdy, gentleman. How many rooms?"
"About 5. We can sleep two in a room." Curly states.
Upon receiving their keys and fresh towels, they head up to their rooms. Another sparkling clean area with that wonderous citrus aroma.
A laundry area was just outside the hotel, but was filled with machines instead of large baths of hot water.
Ringo figured out to use these odd machines and the boys spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning themselves up. They also visited the barber shop and had their mustaches, beards and hair trimmed. Later that day, while the orange sun melts behind the mountains in the distance, they feel ready to experience this 21st century Tombstone.
Curly Bill walks in front with Ringo strolling right by his side. The warm spring breeze washes over them like a mid day bath and they tip their hats to the tourists wandering through the streets. The gang of Cowboys start to feel a hot blooded ache in their souls and almost wish the Earps were there to try to take their guns away just for fun!
"I'm wanting to see more ladies!" Ike whines. "Damn, these women look like nothing I ever saw!"
Billy Clanton looks over at his brother with Cheshire Cat grin and nods his head.
"Let's head to the Crystal Palace and see what those girls are like," Curly growls.
Ringo looks forward, trying to grow more acclimated like his fellow gang members. Although he too appreciated the beauty of these goddesses, his fear and guilt seem to overtake him. He can imagine the soft, sparkling liquid eyes gazing upon him, desiring to please him. But these women resembled pictures he'd seen in fairy tale books or like the China dolls he'd seen in toy stores. They appeared almost...
Just to stroke their glowing skin could send Johnny into such a bath of delight and wonder and he feared he could never please or pleasure any of them.
He could see his fellow Cowboys, strutting through the streets, people giving them modern day gestures the boys didn't understand, but seemed to know the meaning behind these gestures. These 21st century people provided a friendly atmosphere and they all seemed excited about having the Cowboys around, although they had no idea these men just flew through a time warp. Ringo still entertained the thought that the Indians struck them with arrows that caused hallucinations or perhaps a very deep sleep and that soon he would awaken back in 1881.
While the sun begins to creep behind the mountains that frame Tombstone, people begin filtering through town. The Cowboys see families going in and out of the various shops and single men and women hustling about, looking for some fun. The boys seem amazed at the feeling of the town and that it appears so unchanged. The streets still dirt, are lined with new establishments and older ones. Curly Bill wondered if the Dead End saloon was still standing on the other side of Allen Street. At this moment, they didn't care; they were free from the yoke of the law that pursued them and the modern day people didn't appear to have any fear of bounty hunters and wild Indians. Everyone enjoyed themselves.
As they strolled through the 21st century town, they noticed a few greenhorns wandering around. It was clear to the boys, these dudes were never in a cattle drive. But they embraced the familiarity.
The boys enter one of the newer establishments, Big Nose Kate's saloon. They moved through the batwings just like in the old days, commanding the attention of every man and woman in the room.
A few men hoot and whistle and the women stare at the boys as if they've never seen a man before.
"Hey, it's cowboys!" One man shouts. The stranger stands just under six feet, a round face with a full beard and dark eyes. His large hand held a beer while he shook the hands of some of the other boys.
"Howdy, fellas! I'm Mike. It's so cool to have real cowboys here!" Mike finishes his beer and orders another. "What's it like being a real life cowboy?"
"It's a dirty job that don't pay well!" Stillwell remarks. "It ain't a job for no tenderfoot neither."
Mike smiles. "Let me introduce you to some other dudes.
Mike introduces the boys to a few other men.
Marcus, the tallest of the group stood a little taller than Ringo. His clean shaven face and stoic features gave him an almost regal appearance. His blond hair fell just below his shoulders and his piercing blue eyes seemed cold.
Next they met Simon, a shorter man with a stout body and his fave adorned with an uneven beard. His brown eyes danced in the light, his disposition a little friendlier.
Matt, a short fat man with baggy pants and a shirt that was not tucked in nods at the boys, his brown eyes friendly.
A few other men come in, wearing dress pants and fancy shirts that wouldn't last a day on the range. A few wore boots that looked new and did not have the tenacity of a real cowboy's clothes.
The Cowboys begin engaging in small talk, mostly answering questions about cattle driving.
The Cowboys begin experiencing hunger pangs and start asking where to find the best eating establishments. They have one more round with their newfound friends and leave the bar to find a restaurant. They strut through town while it continues getting dark. The town doesn't have the sound of pianos in various saloons, the jingling of spurs, the neighing of horses or the clinking of the blacksmith iron. In a way, they long for that familiarity and a sense of adventure, but everything in this new time period felt almost dull to them. They hadn't entertained the idea of venturing out of modern day Tombstone and the uncertainty of life in this new time period begins to weigh a bit.
What else are there we boys haven't seen? There's gotta be more in this new space.
Their focus shifts and they go into a restaurant called, "The Chuck Wagon Grill." When they enter, they see a bar similar to that of the one at the Oriental. The same mahogany wood appeared in all the bars and other establishments. Tables with black and white tablecloths and booths. The waiters all dressed in black suits and long aprons moved about, carrying trays of drinks and hot meals. People look over at the cowboys. Some laugh and others lift their glasses. The place embraces an elegance the boys aren't used to.
A stunning looking brunette, wearing a pink and black dress that showed off her curves walks over quickly. All the Cowboys take their hats off.
"Howdy, ma'am," Curly Bill says, holding his hat and feeling a tingling in his groin he couldn't resist. He still can't believe how beautiful these women are.
"Right this way, please." The boys follow her, not taking their wide eyes off her curves. The large restaurant looks busy and Curly and the others can see some people snickering at them while some of the other patrons smile.
The men are seated at a large table.
"I'll take a beer," Ike says shyly, not taking his eyes off the hostess. He can feel his face turn red when she smiles at him. He notices the curves of her breasts and imagines kissing her right there. Ike continues staring at her until Ringo nudges him. Ike snaps out his trance while the other cowboys laugh.
"Your server will be right with you," she smiles.
They all watch her head back to her station. The only man not reacting was Ringo, who once again saw these angelic beings as untouchable delights.
I've got major writer's block on this!!!
#wild west#tombstone movie#western romance#tombstone cowboys#curly bill brocius#western fiction#fantasy#Johnny Ringo#time warp#curly bill and Ringo#creative writing#work in progress#writing#short stories#Curly Bill fanfiction#Curly Bill fanfic#Johnny Ringo head cannon#Johnny Ringo fanfiction#Curly Bill Brocious head Cannon Stories#Head cannon stories about Curly Bill#headcanon#stories about curly bill brocious#short stories about Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo#stories about Johnny Ringo#stories based on tombstone movie#tombstone movie fanfiction
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I just stumbled back into the tombstone fandom and was so pleasantly surprised to find reader insert writings for Johnny Ringo. Thank you so much for what you’re creating. I’m living for every single thing you’ve written so far 🥺🫶🏻
Hi Anon! I'm so pleased you enjoy my Tombstone historical fiction stories! I am currently working on two projects: Doc Holliday and Ringo: The Song of Rivals and Forbidden Love on the Wild Frontier.
I take requests for stories and I do not have restriction on content. Send any requests for head cannons or short stories!
Thank you again for your support!!!
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How Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo Would Respond When You Comfort Them...
We all need to be comforted, that's part of being alive. Even animals seek out comfort from one another.
Men like Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo tell themselves the only comfort they need is a ramera and a bottle of nose paint (whiskey). Traditional cowboys engaged in cuddling (yes these jackeroos were that lonely on a drive) and some men in the old west were involved with cross dressing to provide the illusion of a woman for the sake of comfort...Hard to believe...But remember, the wild west is often described as the lonely west...So receiving comfort wasn't as easy as it can be today. If you think you have difficulty finding a strong shoulder to cry on, imagine living back then so you get the picture. It was lonely...
So when Curly or Ringo are in need of something more than what a lady of the line can provide, they tend to shut down and pretend they're fine. They're not men to show emotion because like many men today, they saw it as a sign of weakness.
So when these two are down in the dumps, what will it take to comfort them and how would they respond to YOU providing comfort and cheer them up?
Curly Bill:
Curly Bill doesn't usually have too many bad days and he is looking to have fun most of the time. If one of his cowboys are mopish, Curly is more concerned about how they will mess up his good time. No need to get all sentimental; some women and whiskey are just what the doctor ordered. However the old cowboy does have his moments and he usually keeps it to himself. Cowboys don't receive counseling from anyone and they're a bunch of filthy dudes who just want to blow off steam.
When you first notice Curly Bill looking down, it's a concern for you because he's usually the one making everyone else laugh with his odd sense of humor and practical jokes. He likes to live in the moment most of the time. If you ask him, he'll tell you he's fine because he doesn't want you to think he's weak or that he can't solve his own problems. It's not so much that he doesn't want to trouble you, he's just not the type to be overly sentimental or sensitive. And why would old Curly be that way? He spent lots of time in chains or behind bars, stealing cows, getting drunk, gambling and spending his winnings on whiskey and caliquo queens. Whores don't ask too many questions... But they only provide so much..If he's got the funds, Curly can fall asleep with his head on her bosom and pretend there's something more. So, getting Curly Bill to admit to you that he needs some comfort would be as strange to him as it would be to you. But he likes you and when he's near you, he always feels a little better; as of there is a sense that everything will be alright when you're around. All it takes is your smile to get the old rustler to warm up.
So, like the lovely woman you are, you persist. Since he's told you he's fine, you back off with any more questions. That will only exacerbate things and you're the LAST person he wants to snap at for getting too nosey. Your approach with Curly will be different than with Johnny Ringo, who would never get tired of your concerns. And Curly Bill doesn't get annoyed for your concerns; in fact, a woman's genuine concern is priceless. Curly would get impatient and frustrated from too many questions.
First, you find out what Curly enjoys such as oatmeal cookies or apple pie (who doesn't love pie)? Then you ride out into town with a basket of your baked goods. When you see your cowboy, you wave from across the street and show the smile Curly Bill loves so much! He'll wonder what's in the basket.
"I know you've been a little down lately, Curly Bill," you begin. You smile up at him and his heart lifts. "I wanted to do something for you so I baked you some cookies." You shrug your shoulders and flip your hair with your free hand. Curly' eyes will grow wide with delight! Nobody cares about how he feels so having a beautiful woman like yourself actually take the time to bake something he loves would have Bill's head swimming.
You hand the basket to your cowboy and he's beaming from ear to ear and he's so moved by your kindness, he is at a loss for words! He shakes his head and continues smiling at you as you unfold the towel and show him a freshly baked batch of delicious and soft oatmeal raisin cookies.
"Well, ain't that mighty sweet!" He finally says. His heart is so full of joy at that moment that he suddenly forgets about his bad mood. He keeps smiling at you and you smile back, biting your bottom lip, which you do when you're feeling shy and it drives Bill crazy when you do that!
Curly Bill is so delighted by your gesture of kindness and he'll feel like you are the sweetest, kindest, tenderest and prettiest woman he's ever met. He won't be able to contain his happiness so don't be surprised if he places the basket of sweets down, cups your face with his big hands and kisses you gently. Your trembling will cause him to chuckle and flick his tongue like he does when he's amused by something. Not that he's pleased your nervous; he finds it adorable and endearing. Of course you're a little nervous... He's Curly Bill Brocious, King of the Cowboys and he's got quite the reputation for swift retaliation against those who hurt the ones he cares about.
"Well, do you want to try one?" You smile while playing with your hair.
Curly Bill smiles at you again and knows you want him to and since it's not everyday someone does something nice for this old cowboy, he takes one cookie and munches it. It's the most delicious oatmeal cookie he's ever had...He tells himself that because you're the one who baked them and you're the only person who ever cared about his feelings and you cared so much, you made something to make him smile so your cookies naturally taste better...They taste like your hugs which is something Bill can't get enough of.
"You baked these for me and my boys?" Curly asks. You shake your head and smile.
"No...Just you!" At that declaration, Bill is so overwhelmed by your sweetness, he takes you in his arms and holds you tight. His heart lifts when you wrap your arms around him and hug him tight. He then brushes your hair away from your face as the breeze keeps blowing it around... People walk by and stare at the both of you. Some whisper, "that's Curly Bill Brocious! He's a outlaw. What is that beautiful lady doing with him?" And Curly Bill has asked himself that same question over a dozen times.
Curly Bill will pick up the basket of freshly baked cookies and put his arm around you. While you walk together, he starts to speak. "You're real sweet," the big cowboy says. "Real sweet." He stops and looks at you. He still can't get over that you were so intent on cheering him up with one of his favorite things to eat! While walking together, Curly Bill will always feel great when he's with you. You overlook so much and he can't help but love you for that.
"Why are you so sweet?" He asks. "To me I mean? I ain't done nothing to raise your eyebrows!"
"Yes you have," you answer, kissing him on the cheek. Your spontaneous gestures of affection drive him wild. "I really like you, Curly Bill Brocious."
"Say that again...Soft on my shoulder. Say it real sweet.". You lean towards his ear, rest your head on his strong shoulder and whisper, "I really like you, Curly Bill Brocious."

Johnny Ringo:
When Ringo is having a tough time, it's tough to tell because he is usually morose. When his gang are busy drinking, laughing, flirting with prostitutes or gambling, Ringo is quiet. Sometimes Curly Bill will look over at his lieutenant and let his cowboys know to just let him be. Curly knows that when Ringo falls into his pit of depression, women seem to be the only thing to pull him out of it. And not just any woman; Ringo has his favorite rameras and although he's paying them for the illusion of their concern which is so gratifying, he'll pay double just to hear them say, "you be careful, senor Reengo.." Ringo never really believes they care, but those four words are among the sweetest he's ever heard.
So when it comes to cheering Johnny Ringo up, he'll be less impatient than Curly Bill when you ask what's wrong. Ringo would never think that you were being nosy or annoying. Your genuine concern for him makes Ringo feel like he's never felt before. He's very pleased you're not a wag tail and that when you compliment him or show you care, Ringo knows it is from your heart. Johnny Ringo doesn't want to trouble you. While Curly Bill is concerned about looking weak, Ringo simply doesn't want you to worry for him although he secretly loves it! Ringo doesn't want his darkness to corrupt you and he doesn't want to share with you how broken he really is. Not because he doesn't want to scare you off (although that's part of it), Ringo never wants to be anything but chivalrous with women. Women are the only beings that have ever showed him love and Ringo like Curly Bill, cannot go for long periods of time without the company of women.
Baking delicious sweets is definitely something Ringo would love and appreciate. For him, it wouldn't be enough to comfort him; he would want more...And to be fair, so would old Curly. Ringo would want to take you to his tent at the cowboy camp and hold you until he falls asleep. When he wakes, he'll want to know you're still there and that the dirty camp wouldn't sicken you. His misbehaving rustlers who would know to never upset you in front of Ringo...They know how Ringo is with women and how touchy he is when it comes to women. Ringo whole heatedly believes women are capable of driving demons out of him and it is only the comfort of a woman's touch that can awaken his dark spirit and let it stand in the light. For Ringo, he would do anything for a woman. Especially you because of your unbelievable kindness.
You decide to bake for him too. You learn that Ringo's favorite dessert is apple pie with a sweet crust. So you gather fresh apples and bake a pie just for him. While you're sprinkling extra cinnamon and sugar on top, you smile when you think about how Ringo will feel about your gesture.
Since Ringo doesn't really spend time with his own gang often, Curly Bill is the one he usually drinks with. Curly Bill knows how Ringo's darkness swells out of nowhere and although the cowboy king is concerned, he just figures Ringo will drink his way out of it or spend time with his favorite prostitutes either getting peeled like a bronc or just hold her while she strokes her dark hair. Ringo loves women with dark hair and dark eyes so it's no wonder he enjoys Mexican rameras; he can recall as a boy and hearing about Mexico and the beautiful women with their olive skin and he would dream about sweat glistening on their bosoms.
You know where Johnny Ringo stays from time to time; at an old shack that's been abandoned and often used by the Cowboys when they want a break from sleeping in tents. Or when it's raining. After your pie is baked, you pack it warm in a towel and put it into a basket to bring it to your cowboy. The shack the Cowboys occupy is just outside of town and is in walking distance. As you stroll away from town, you can't help but notice the plush, colorful wildflowers that seem to be bursting into a beautiful bloom that carpets the desert floor. The Palo Verde trees provide some shade while you walk to where Ringo is. Some monsoons came through Tombstone in the last few weeks so there are shallow ponds with water so clear, it dances on the surface and would be blinding if the bodies of water were a bit larger. You see the shack and a few cowboys are sitting in front smoking and drinking moonshine. You can hear their laughter as you get closer. Curly Bill sees you and calls for his lieutenant.
"Juanito!" The old cowboy declares. "Something real pretty and sweet to see you." Then he flicks his tongue, eyes the other cowboys and stands up to greet you. Curly Bill is protective of you because he thinks you're special and loves that his best friend has someone adore him and tolerate his bouts of sadness.
Ringo emerges from the shack and when he sees you, he's very pleased to see you, but embarrassed that you're seeing how he really lives. The last thing he wants is for you to look down on him as a lowly cowboy who never amounted to anything in his life except staring at a mule's ass while plowing a field or running off Mexican stock.
Your smile is so beautiful, it lifts his heart. The Clanton's, McClaury's, Stillwell and a few others smile at each other. Of course they're dying to hoot and howl at you, but wouldn't dare. Curly Bill would admonish them with a punch to the face or harsh threats, but Ringo is less predictable; he may shoot the idiot that shot his mouth off and made you feel scared. And it wouldn't matter how long you felt frightened; any sap head who bothered you is as good as dead. So they behave themselves as tough as it is. Ringo eyes his fellow rustlers and they rise and tip their hats to you and show you the upmost respect.
Curly Bill gestures to his gang to leave the two of you alone. They go back in the shack while Ringo moves toward you, wondering what is in your basket.
Ringo takes his hat off and holds it in his hands. The deadliest pistoleer can only be made weak by women. Especially you!
"Johnny," you begin. "I know you've been so down lately." You look to the ground and take a deep breath. "I wanted to do something to cheer you up so I..." You feel nervous and almost foolish, but you press on. Ringo looks at you with wide eyes.
"I know your favorite dessert is apple pie so I uh..." You giggle at your own anxiety. "I baked one for you!" You unwrap your freshly baked pie. It's still warm and the familiar and comforting aroma flood his nostrils and suddenly he feels the darkness slowly turn to light. A light that dances in your smiling and loving eyes; eyes that look up at him with such a sweet innocence, Ringo is surprised by his sudden light hearted feeling. He begins to smile and allow himself to feel the pleasure of the moment. With you around, there is no room in his heart for guilt and shame and he loves that you can provide that for him. His heart lifts and he suddenly sees that the sky seems a little clearer and bluer when you are around, he can smell the flowers over the usual horse shit and smelly cowboys he's used to.
Johnny looks at the pie you baked and then back at you. His eyes are wide with pleasure, but has a conservative and yet almost cautious half smile. He takes a deep breath and he beings to wonder what you looked like when you were making this dessert for him. He lets his mind wander for a few seconds and imagines you peeling apples, rolling out the dough and baking this just for him. That your intention was not to give this to anyone but him. He is taken aback that you do not seem to fear him the way most people do; the Earps and Doc Holliday and others have expressed their concerns to you and that Ringo is nothing but trouble. You ignore those warnings and allow Johnny Ringo is be who he is without shame or guilt. Some of the cowboys are looking out one of the broken windows and wondering if they'll get a peak at the two of you kissing! But Ringo is a gentleman borne so he is not going to lay a kiss on you in front of his gang like Curly Bill would. Not to say Curly isn't somewhat of a gentleman when he wants to be, but Bill seeks attention and admiration from his gang.
Johnny finally speaks. "I...Thank you, Y/N. I..." He stumbles over his words as he cannot find the right ones to fit what he is feeling. He wants to take you into his arms and shower you with affection and drive you to ectasy, but he's patient...While he tries to finish his sentence, you put your hand over his mouth and say, "you're welcome, Johnny!" Too moved to speak at all, Ringo drops to his knees and holds your body while his head is on your chest. He can't believe what you have done for him. Nobody seems to care about The Cowboys so receiving something this wonderful is as welcome as it is marvelous. Ringo feels a little intimidated; he's never had a woman in his life who cared so much about him and had genuine concern for him. He regards you as a priceless gift. He stands up and faces you. Your smile melts his heart and he takes your basket and puts on a nearby makeshift table Curly and the others made out of scraps of wood. He takes his Bowie knife and slices two pieces of pie. He tells you he's going indoors to get a few dishes, but you take your piece and begin eating it with your hands. Ringo can't help but smile because he thinks you're adorable. He too begins to eat his piece. When you are finished, the Clanton's ask if they can have a slice. You look at Ringo as if to say, "it's up to you!" And of course he is pleased that you show kindness to his cowboy companions. They may not be the smartest dudes around, but he's got an unbreakable bond with his red sash friends. While the other cowboys including Curly help themselves to the apple pie, Ringo takes you for a short walk.
"Well, he sure is lucky," Billy Clanton starts. "Pretty lady who makes sweet stuff."
"Yeah," Ike answers with a dreamy look in his eyes.
"That's what Juanito needs," Curly answers, shoving pie into his mouth. "I always said he needs a woman. A good one."
"Well, I am sure they'll finish off what's left. Not everyday we get a sweet present from a lovely lady like yourself. Johnny can feel his face grow warm and flushed. He feels calm and safe when you take his hand. "I hope I have bad days more often," he jokes before turning to you and holding you close.

#tombstone movie#curly bill brocius#johnny ringo#tombstone fanfiction#johnny ringo fanfiction stories#curly bill tombstone fanfiction
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Curly's Redemption
Reader witnesses some cowboys bullying an innocent man...
What does Curly Bill do?
What does Johnny Ringo do?
Do they admonish their companions?
How do they feel when they see how upset you are?
Where does it occur?
Why are you upset with JR or CB?
Did they do anything to discourage it?
How do they respond when seeing you so sad and angry?
What will they do to make it up to the man and to you?
It's no secret that the Cowboys like roughhousing. When they're not roughing up other outlaws or even friends, they're creating chaos amongst each other. Sometimes it's all in good fun and the only side effects are a few black eyes or some cuts and bruises. They're cowboys and don't possess culture and are barely civilized.
Their idea of a good time involves plenty of liquor and doing whatever they damn well please. When a self righteous resident demonstrates their disapproval or scowls at the Cowboys with disgust, the boys colorfully show the poor fellow to the exit of the establishment or maybe knock him around a little if he's big enough. They tend not to go after people weaker than them, but then again, they're not the best at understanding boundaries. So when they take it too far and trip up a man in a wheelchair, they are completely unprepared for your explosive response.
Frank McClaury and Ike Clanton exit the Silver Slipper saloon and walk drunkenly to the next bar to continue their party. Unbeknownst to them, you're standing a few feet away and their intoxication deadens their senses and they don't see you. Curly Bill, Ringo and a few other cowboys follow Ike and Frank and are also under the influence of whiskey.
An older man, pushing his way through the side of the street with his wheelchair, finds himself directly across from the two cowboys. A look of fear falls over the man and he desperately tries to push the chair, but the wheels become stuck and he cannot pass. Instead of helping, Frank McClaury stands with his hands on his hips and Ike stands there laughing.
"Get outta our way, you damn cripple!" McClaury shouts while Ike howls with laughter. "Yeah, outta our way! Don't you know who we are?"
You can hear the commotion and you move closer and see Curly Bill although in his drunken state, he doesn't see you. At that moment, Frank motions for Ike to help him move the old man themselves.
"No, please!" The man begs.
Frank and Ike take the chair and dump the man out if it and he falls helpless to the ground while Ike and Frank point and laugh hysterically at their fun.
You run over before Ike and Frank get a chance to head into another saloon.
"Are you alright!?" You shout running to help the old man.
You look at Ike Clanton who although is a drunken mess, at least has the capacity to see the hurt and anger in your eyes.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" You yell at the top of your lungs, causing more of a commotion. A few townspeople along with Curly Bill quickly move towards the helpless man. To Curly's shock and surprise, you push Ike Clanton and he falls over and then you deck Frank McClaury so hard, he trips over a step and lands on the ground alongside Ike, who's brushing himself off.
The Cowboys stare at you as you stand with such anger on your face, they're taken aback. Curly's mouth drops and he's not sure what to do at that moment.
"Please! Let me help you!" You help the man into his chair and Ike looks over at the other cowboys who are shaking their heads.
Once the man is secured and safe in his chair, you ask him again if he's alright.
"God bless you," he responds and you tell Frank to get the hell out of the way so the man could get through. Curly Bill moves to take your arm in an attempt to calm you, but to his shock, you pull away and his heart aches when he sees the disgust in your eyes.
"Get away from me!" You shout at Curly, who almost falls backwards. In his intoxication, Curly tries to approach you again and you back away, tears in your eyes.
"How could you?" You yell at the old rustler. Curly's confused look turns to sadness and he looks over at Frank McClaury and Ike Clanton.
"What the hell is goin' here! You boys think that's funny?" Curly bellows at the top of his lungs, causing citizens to glance over at the commotion. Curly hopes your demeanor towards him changes, but you still stare at him, your expression bordering in disgust.
"Come on now, YN! I didn't do nothin' to that old timer." Your eyes flood with tears that stream down your beautiful face and the look you give to Curly is one he will never forget and it breaks his heart that you looked at him that way; with disgust and fear and bewilderment.
"You!" You shout and Curly wouldn't be surprised if you slapped him. Curly Bill tries to reason with you, but your refusal to ever let him near you causes him to move away.
"You're in charge of them! And look what they did! I hope I NEVER see you again, Curly Bill!"
Curly watches helplessly while you run off, bumping into a few people. He moves to go after you, but Ringo stops him.
"Johnny! Why's she so upset with me? I didn't do nothin'!" Curly takes his hat off and runs his thick fingers through his unruly dark hair. "Well, shit!"
Ringo shakes his head. "YN is very sensitive and caring. We're a bunch of rustlers who don't deserve to walk on the same side of the street as her. I'm sorry, Curly, but I don't think she's going to have anything to do with you now."
"Hell! She knows I'd never do nothin' to hurt her. I'd do anything just to protect YN. I was hoping she'd be my girl!"
Ringo lights a cigarette and slowly blows the smoke out, choosing his words carefully. "You'll have to give her time to think it over."
Curly Bill grows angry. "I'm gonna beat the hell of Ike Clanton! Iffin he ruined my chances of makin' YN my girl, I swear, Juanito!"
"Don't forget Frank McClaury. He needs to be slapped around a bit."
Curly Bill puts his hat back on and looks up. Frank and Ike already left, fearing what Curly or Ringo might do.
"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Curly Bill asks, his face to the ground.
Ringo takes another drag of his cigarette and nods. "Yeah, Bill. She looked more confused than anything." Ringo throws his cigarette on the ground and crushes the cherry with the boot. "I think that's the proof she does care about you, Bill."
Curly glances over at Johnny who knows how much Curly cares for you. Curly has had a major crush on you since he first saw you and has been desperately trying to court you. But now he feels he has lost you and all because of his unruly cowboy crew.
"I gotta find her! Show her I ain't like that. Hell! I ain't never done nothin' to no cripple and I wouldn't! I ain't got no beef with them!"
Curly Bill eyes Billy Breckenridge and leaves Ringo to talk with the young deputy.
"Billy!" Curly shouts which causes Breckenridge to turn around.
"Howdy, Curly."
"Billy, you see where YN ran off to?"
"Yeah, she went home I'm guessing. She was moving pretty fast in that direction anyway. Why?"
The old cowboy removes his hat and begins to rock on his feet as he does when anxious or uncomfortable.
"My boys did somethin' real stupid and she all thinkin' I ain't good no more. Damn McClaury and Ike Clanton! Pushin' an old man out of his wheelchair and then havin' a laugh about it right in front of her."
"Shucks, Curly Bill. I sure am sorry. I guess I can always talk to her for you."
Curly Bill looks at the young officer. "Iffin you do that and she lets me see her again, I'll be real grateful to you, son!"
"I'll ride out first thing in the morning. Give her time to sleep on it. Maybe she'll feel differently in the morning."
"Well, I sure hope so. I gotta find them cowboys!"
"Ike and McClaury are at the Dead End saloon."
"I was wantin' YN to be my girl and now I don't think she likes me anymore and well, maybe she never did like me all that much. Guess she deserves better than me." Curly Bill shakes his head. Breckenridge watches the old cowboy walk down to the Dead End saloon confront McClaury and Ike Clanton. He enters through the batwings and growls, "I got beef with you cowboys! What the hell is a matter with you boys? I oughta shoot both of you, GodDamit! You go ruinin' my chances of making YN my girl since you were funnin' with that old timer and that ain't right iffin' she's there or not!" Curly bellows loudly. He walks to the bar and orders whiskey. "How's bout I whoop both you boys?"
"We didn't mean nothin', Curly!" Ike whines.
"I'm gonna bust up this whole place with your head!"
"It ain't no big deal and he was alright," McClaury states.
"That don't don't make no nevermind!" Curly howls. "You hurt that fellow and you did that in front of YN and now she may never talk to me again and iffin' that's what plays out, I'm gonna kill both you boys!" Curly downs his whiskey and orders more.
Back at your home, you lay on your bed, your eyes tired from crying. You care about Curly Bill and even thought about letting him court you, but now uncertainty swells in your heart. You make yourself some tea and sip it slowly, tears streaming down your face. You fear that Curly Bill is just like the other cowboys. You hope he'd be different; kind and even loving...You slowly begin to consider not spending anymore time with Curly.
Curly Bill drinks himself into such a stupor, he can barely get on his horse. He rides back to camp to sleep and when he succumbs to his fatigue, he can see your beautiful face in his mind. Your smile twists into a frown and the same look you had when you told him you hoped you'd never see him again showed on your face. He jolts awake and falls back to sleep.
The morning sun fights through the ragged clouds that lay sadly in the Arizona sky. Curly can smell the bacon and biscuits and knows he should get up. Today, Breckenridge would hopefully get you to change your mind about old Curly and Billy's all too willing to oblige as he enjoys the company of the cowboys.
Curly Bill sips his coffee and munches bacon and biscuits while thoughts of you flow through his mind. He shakes his head and looks around. He can see some cowboys are still sleeping off their barrel fever and he can hear some snoring or farting. He can't get over what you witnessed the day before and how upset it made you. Maybe Ringo was right; you do care about him and that caused your confusion. He desperately wants to ride out to you and beg for your forgiveness, but can't bring himself to. The idea of you slamming the door on him shook the old cowboy. Or reminding him that you no longer wish to see him. If he walks down the street and sees you, he fears, you'll ignore him or worse, scowl at him as a reminder to leave you alone. His throat tightens and he sips his coffee. Once he finishes his meager breakfast, he washes up and rides into town, hoping he could win a few rounds of poker and down more whiskey.
Breckenridge pulls the reigns in on his horse before getting off and securing his animal to a nearby tree. He walks up the front porch and knocks on your door. When you open it, he can see how tired your eyes look and it's clear you've been crying.
"Hi, deputy," you respond.
"Can I come in?" He inquires, taking his hat off.
"Sure. Have you had breakfast?" You begin. "I made some hot cakes. And I have coffee."
The young deputy nods and sits at your table. You bring two plates over and set them down. You pass some syrup to Billy.
You nod and slowly fall into your seat. Billy can see your eyes swell with tears and they begin streaming down your face. Breckenridge sits helplessly watching, knowing it was what Curly told him the day before that has you so upset. It's clear you care about Curly Bill or you wouldn't be experiencing so much feeling.
"I'm sorry, YN. What's wrong? Billy takes a clean handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to you.
"Thank you," you whisper drying your eyes.
"I can't believe what those cowboys did to that poor man. And to laugh about it!" You wipe your tears and attempt to eat your hot cake.
"How could they?" You close your eyes.
"Who was it? I mean, what exactly happened?"
"Ike Clanton and that Frank McClaury, Tom's older brother. They pushed an old man out of his wheelchair and the man fell and...." Billy leans in towards you, intently listening.
"So, just the two of them? I can't see Ringo or Curly Bill doing anything like that," Billy begins to feel important and hopes you'll change your mind and Curly will always know that Breckenridge was the one who helped you change your position about seeing Curly.
"Yes," you respond.
"So, did Curly Bill see what happened?"
"I'm not sure."
"I'm sorry. What are you thinking? What are you going to do?"
"I don't know. Just...I just don't know."
"Have you talked to Curly?"
You lower your head and stare into your coffee cup. You slowly shake your head. "I was so upset, I just left!"
"Are you mad at Curly Bill?" At that point, Breckenridge feels he'll be able to shift your focus.
"No. I don't know...I'm confused. He's in charge of them so, I just thought... Maybe he wouldn't care what they do. You don't think Curly Bill would ever hurt a crippled man?" Your eyes turn liquid and tears appear in them.
"Of course not!" Breckenridge answers, sitting up straight. "Curly Bill doesn't allow any of that. I'm surprised he didn't beat Clanton and whoop Frank's ass right there!"
You smile for the first time since Billy walked in so he continues with confidence. "Really?"
"Sure! One thing I can tell you about old Curly is that underneath it all, he's a good man. He would never let his cowboys rough me up. Before a drive, he knows exactly how many cows and horses there are, he can shoot and rope better than most and I can tell you for certain, he would never lie. I remember when a couple of his cowboys stole a heffer from a farm where a few children lived. Curly got so mad at those boys, he forced them to return the cow and told his cowboys they will never steal from children or women or anything they don't have an issue with."
"Curly Bill did that? He really did?" You wipe your eyes.
"Of course! I know Curly and Ringo well. They probably both feel terrible about this. If they know how upset you are, they'd be wanting to fix it for you. Next time you see Clanton or McClaury, they may have a few bruises or black eyes."
You chuckle and run your hand through your hair.
"I care about him. Curly Bill I mean." Your smile turns to a frown and you take a deep breath before finishing your thought. "I just do."
"Do you want to talk to him and Ringo?" Billy inquires.
"I told Curly Bill that I never want to see him again." You begin to cry again.
"Oh. Is that true?"
You shake your head. "I want to see him again because I care for him."
"Maybe we could go into town later. I'll take you. I can walk back, you can ride my horse. It's not that far. Maybe Curly could take you back?"
You nod your head. "I think I would like that." You stare into your coffee which went cold.
"Whenever you're ready," Breckenridge responds excitedly. He can't wait to see the look on Curly's face when he sees you.
"I'll go get cleaned up." You answer, getting up. You clear the dishes and put them into the sink and pump some water onto them.
You disappear into your bedroom, clean yourself up and put on a little makeup and brush your hair, leaving it down. When you emerge from your room, you look refreshed.
"You look lovely," Billy announces.
"Thank you. I want to look nice for-" you pause for a moment. "For Curly I mean. Everything you told me is true about him?"
"Of course! Come on, I'm sure Curly is already in town. I know he likes to go to the hotel for lunch."
"They don't serve lunch for another hour." You add
"That's alright. We can still find him and maybe you can talk with him and see that he wouldn't hurt you. I know old Curly."
The two of you leave and Breckenridge walks while you ride his horse. When you get to town, you dismount and wait for Billy to take his horse to the livery. You look around and scan the area to see if Curly is close, but you don't see him. Your heart races while you glance over the front porch of the Silver Slipper where Clanton and McClaury pushed the old man out of his wheelchair. You bite your lip and hold back your tears.
"Why don't you go to the hotel lobby and have a seat? I'll find Curly."
You nod and Billy tips his hat before heading down Allen Street. Billy can hear Curly's voice booming from down the street and he hurries towards the Dead End saloon where Curly is admonishing Frank and Ike.
"I told you boys already! Iffin' I can't be with YN because of you two, I'll bust both you fools!"
"Curly, why are you so worked up like a damn hen? All since YN showed up you're like this!" McClaury announces. "You just want her to be your girl!"
"Damn right, you sapheads! I reckon she ain't my girl and now she may never be my girl since you two boys went on actin' like damn fools pushin' some old timer around like that! What the hell you boys thinkin' raising sand with some cripple? Don't go tellin' me you was too roosters neither!"
The Cowboys turn when they see deputy Breckenridge move through the batwings.
"Howdy, Curly," the deputy grins, tipping his hat and feeling mighty important that he's the man Curly Bill wants to talk to.
"Billy! How is YN? She real mad?"
"She's at the hotel." Billy answers.
"You better not be joshin', boy!" Curly Bill growls.
"Come see for yourself," Billy responds, moving towards the batwings.
"She better not be mad at me no more and iffin' she ain't gonna be my girl, you ain't gonna like what's going to happen!"
"What she say, Billy? Does she want to talk to me?" Billy can't recall a time when he saw the old cowboy so vulnerable and desperate and the young deputy relished in the fact that he brought you into town so Curly Bill could make things right with you.
"She was crying, Curly. I won't lie."
Curly's heart sinks. He removes his hat and holds it in his hands.
"Does she want to see me? Yesterday she told me she hopes she never sees me again and well, I guess I can't blame her. But I just wanna make it right that's all well with YN so she don't go hatin' me."
"Like I said, Curly. She's waiting at the hotel. She said she wanted to talk with you."
Curly replaces his hat and looks at Clanton and McClaury.
"Don't you boys go forgettin' what I said!" They watch him leave with the deputy.
"Curly ain't never been like this before. It's just because of that YN that's makin' him feel like this gettin' his all dander up over some lady!" McClaury grumbles.
"Curly ain't kiddin', Frank," Ike scoffs. He's gonna give both us a good lickin' YN don't want to see him no more. We's like brothers to old Curly and now he's gonna whoop us for hurting some old fellow. Iffin' she never saw it, old Curly wouldn't care none!" Ike shakes his head and continues drinking with the others.
Curly and Breckenridge walk to the hotel and Curly can feel his heart beating in his chest and fears the young peace officer may hear it. He whistles to himself and tips his hat to a few residents who stare at the cowboy. The jingle of his diggers echo on the porch steps. Curly looks into the hotel and sees you sitting in one of the chairs, playing with your hair and looking down at the lavish carpet underneath. Curly swallows hard and walks in, his eyes on you. Billy walks in front of the old rustler and moves to where you are sitting.
"Hi YN," Breckenridge utters.
You look up and see him and Curly Bill, who removes his hat when your eyes lock with the old cowboy's.
You stand, your eyes never leaving Curly's and he can see strong emotions coming from you suggesting you probably cried through the night. He sighs and looks down, unable to meet your gaze out of the shame that floods his heart.
"Uh, well. I gotta get back. Old Fred is waiting for me. I'll leave the two of you alone." You watch him leave and then turn your attention to Curly Bill.
"YN, you don't need to talk to me if you don't want to. I reckon you got good reason to not want to be around me. Iffin' you give me a chance, I want you to see I ain't like that. What my boys did was real bad and I know that." He shakes his head and motions for you to sit. "Will you at least talk to me and then you can go on actin' like you don't want to see me no more and I won't never bother you again. And I mean that. A lady like you deserves better than what this old cowboy can give you."
To his surprise, you sit and gesture for him to do the same. He sits down slowly, not taking his eyes off you. You nod and tears begin to flow again. You take the handkerchief that Billy gave you earlier and dry your tears with it. At this point, all Curly Bill wants to do is hold you close and wipe those tears so you can feel better. Since he never had anyone to care about and nobody to care about him, his feelings wash over him like an unfamiliar storm that won't stop howling. He adores you for your sensitivity towards others and that if someone did anything to him, your response would mimic the one from yesterday; you would admonish anyone for hurting someone who did not deserve it. He also loves how you look out for those less fortunate and that your heart swells with sadness when you witness oppression of any kind. A woman like you doesn't come along in a man's life; you seem to possess every quality Curly loves about women. You usually ignore it when his boys behave in an obnoxious manner, but this time, you had good reason for your reaction.
"Please don't cry, YN," Curly implores.
You dry your eyes and suck back your tears. "Ok," you respond and Curly can see how you're fighting against your urge to cry, but you stop simply because he asked you to and although he wants you to be free with your feelings, he cannot stand watching you like this and knowing that his friends caused it.
Curly takes your hand and feels elated when you don't pull away.
"I guess I ain't good with words," Curly mutters. "But I really care about you and I told my boys iffin' you was still wantin' to stay away from me that I would whoop their hides just for you."
You smile and his heart lifts and he chuckles for a moment. "I ain't joshin,' I'll lick both them cowboys real good!" He continues.
"Curly Bill," you begin. "I do want to see you. I want to see you," your voice falling into a whisper. He brushes the hair away from your face.
"You do? You ain't kiddin'? Cuz this old cowboy would be real happy if you'll let me see you." He puts his hands up as if surrendering. "And I won't let my boys so nothin' to ever upset you since those boys should know better that to make you sad. Maybe I'll just have to whoop them boys right in front of you!"
You cover your mouth with your hand and begin laughing and that makes Curly so elated, he grows enthusiastic and feels relaxed again knowing that he still has a chance of making you his girl and maybe even make you his wife.
"It's a deal," you answer, squeezing his hand.
"Well, then I'm gonna make them boys apologize to you right now since I know where they are!"
"I'm a little afraid of those older saloons, Curly Bill." You answer in a fearful voice.
He looks at you and helps you out of your seat. He kisses your head. Then he cups your face in his clumsy hands and looks into your eyes.
"You ain't never got to worry about anyone hurtin' you as long as old Curly is around! And those boys are gonna know they're gonna answer to me they do anything to bother you. Iffin' it ain't me, you know Ringo would take care of them boys real good for you."
The two of you walk out together and when the other cowboys see you and Curly enter the Dead End, they all stand as if at attention.
"Boys! You better listen up,"Curly bellows, his arm around your waist.
"Iffin' anyone bothers YN again, you will answer to me or to Ringo!" Curly glances at Ringo, who is standing with his arms folded, watching the scene before him.
The cowboys take their hats off and bow their heads in your presence.
"You got somethin' to say to YN, don't you boys?" Curly growls, his arm still clinging to your waist.
Ike Clanton moves forward, playing his the hat in his hands. "YN, I'm real sorry for hurtin' that old timer. I ain't got no words, but I'm real sorry." Ike looks at Frank McClaury who appears a bit less concerned until Ringo moves and stands next to the younger cowboy. Frank glances at Curly and then at Ringo and swallows hard.
"I'm real sorry, too." He bleats.
"I'm makin' somethin' real clear to you boys right now! Iffin' you ever upset her again, you ain't gonna be above snakes for long and I promise you that!"
Curly Bill takes you out of the Dead End and asks you where you would like to go and you tell him you'd prefer a walk outside of town.
"I'll get my Appaloosa from the livery," Curly answers. "And we'll go for a ride together. How'd that be?"
You nod and kiss him on the cheek which causes Curly's grin to grow into a wide smile. "You're mighty special, YN, you know that?" He tells you.
"I don't know what you see in this old cowboy and everybody 'round here seems to want to remind me of that. Old Fred told me he don't know what you like about me and well he all but said out loud that I ain't good enough for you and I know that. You could have your pick of any man here and you like old Curly Bill Brocious and hell, I can't even figure that!"
"I've always liked you, Curly Bill," you confess. "There's something about you that I don't see in other men. You're so strong and brave and well... I've never known a man so strong." You whisper, looking shyly at the ground. Curly Bill lifts your chin so he can look into your large, liquid eyes. Eyes so full of wonder and love. "You're so..." You laugh at your own shyness. "Manly. You're so manly, Curly Bill and then you're so gentle with me. You can do things most men are too afraid or too weak to do. You just do it because you're so strong and brave and daring. So manly and then so gentle. It's the perfect combination! And well, I just never met a man like you before, Curly Bill Brocious, King of the Cowboys!"
"That's about the nicest thing anyone's ever said to this old cowboy," Curly Bill answers, taking his hat off and beaming from ear to ear. "Damn, you sure got a way with words, YN! I don't know what to say cept you're so sweet and special to me!" Curly Bill shakes his head, the smile never leaving his face. "Just about the most special person in my whole life! Any man would be damn lucky and over head and ears you were his girl. I guess what I'm tryin' to ask you is," Curly stumbles over his words and starts to feel his face grow red. "Well, YN, I was thinkin' and hopin' that well, you'd be my girl." Curly Bill takes his hat off again and waits for your response. You smile and hug the rustler tight. He can't believe that just a day earlier, you told him you never wanted to see him again and now, he's got you in his arms, hoping you'll agree to be his one and only.
"Oh, Curly Bill! Really? That would be just fine with me!"
Curly Bill guffaws loudly and picks you up so he can hold you. You take his face and kiss him. He brushes your neck with his mustache.
"Your mustache tickles!" You laugh loudly.
"Well, I'm gonna tickle you all over," he guffaws.
You share your first real kiss before he escorts you safely home.
#tombstone cowboys#headcanon#tombstone movie#curly bill brocius#wild west#love#western fiction#what would curly bill do#Curly Bill
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Head Cannon:
Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo: Do They Kiss and Tell?
Curly Bill:
If there was ever a cowboy who commanded the attention of those around him, it was Curly Bill Brocious. A survivor of the American civil war which eventually led him to a life of lawlessness. It wasn't necessarily the life he dreamed of when he was growing up, but the violence of the wild west left people with few options and making an honest living just didn't pay enough. In these violent times, options were limited. The only thing that could cure Curly's fatigue from living on the dodge is a woman. Unfortunately for old Curly, he's got to pay if he wants the comfort of a lady's touch. But then you entered his life and showed him affection, understanding and a chance at redemption and the old cowboy adores you for that. He admires your elegance and beauty and a charm that can send the devil himself into a storm of bewilderment and wonder! Tombstone considers you a rare and irreplaceable gem and of one of the town's most desirable women so when you choose Curly Bill Brocious, no one is more shocked than him. His shock is deadened by his surprise that with all you know about him and all you have seen, you still smile with delight in your dancing eyes each time you see him. And he is all to happy to have you close to him so he can touch you often and let the men of the town know who you belong to. His pride shows on his face when he's strolling through town with you.
So, if you and Curly were seeing each other, would he kiss and tell?
For Curly, this is almost a no brainier; he is a man who has an overwhelming desire for the admiration and respect of the men around him. So after an evening or an afternoon with you, his red sash gang would bombard him with questions and Curly would be all too happy to answer them.
The Cowboys questions would include:
*Did you kiss her?
*She kiss you back?
*Did she take her hair down?
*Is her hair real soft?
*Did you take her?
*She let you touch her?
*All over?
*Did she touch you?
"Well, boys. YN is crazy about me. Yeah, I ran my hands through her hair and it was soft as it looks. I ain't never seen a beauty like YN before and you boys ain't either. Those big eyes of hers lookin' up at me all sweet and fine and them red lips and well, she's the prettiest dame around here! She laid down on the bed and was lookin' so damn sweet, I just had to have her. She let me unlace her dress and I did real nice like, boys. Then she was shakin' all over since I made her feel like that! She looking up at me cuz she ain't never had a man like me before. She ain't no whore. She's so sweet. She kissed me and told me I was the best at kissin' And when I got on top of her, she was lookin' so fearful since she ain't never had a man to love her right. I almost felt guilty for bein' with her like that cuz she was looking like she didn't know what to do and she just laid there and let me kiss her all over! And she was all breathin' heavy and she looked at me and didn't say nothin' since she was so over head and ears, she could hardly move. She was sayin' I was the toughest and best lookin'."
Most of his boys sat listening intently as story telling was as important to them as TV is to us! Ike and Billy Clanton hoot and howl and Pony and Indian Charlie clink their bottles of whiskey together before saying, "damn, Curly Bill! She really said that?"
"Yeah, boys. She told me I was the best damn lookin' man in Tombstone. She didn't say much more than that since I was making her swoon all over." Curly Bill takes his hat off and runs his thick fingers through his unruly dark hair. "Then she was feelin' so mighty fine, she just fell asleep right there in my arms."
"Hot damn!" Stillwell declares. "She fell asleep first?"
"Well, yes, boys. I done told you I had her real fine. And I know iffin I want to be with her, she'll let me have her all cuz I made her feel all nice and good" Curly flicks his tongue and smiles.
"She even yelled, "oh my, Curly Bill!"
"Damn..." Ike Clanton answered, shaking his head. "She really said that, Curly? Come on now! She done said that? Hell, I ain't never had a girl say my name lessen I paid her for it!"
"Well, that's what she said, boys! Then she could barely take a breathe since I plumb wore her out!"
The only cowboy not exploding with reaction was Johnny Ringo who listened to Curly's yarn, knowing damn well you probably didn't tell him he was the "best damn looking man." Johnny thinks you're a special woman and although he knows Curly Bill really does appreciate you and cares for you and would probably do anything for you, the old cowboy can't help but add to his stories. The next time Curly Bill talk about you, he'll more than likely put in a few more details. Women don't swoon over Curly so it's tough to believe the rustler had you swooning. Not that Curly Bill didn't bring you pleasure and it is obvious you like him too...Curly just can't help but stretch the truth to impress the men around him whose admiration he desperately wants. Ringo smiles and looks at the ground. He can't help but love old Curly. Ringo enjoys the story as it is entertaining and Curly was a hell of a story teller.
Frank McClaury laughed out loud causing Curly Bill to grow angry. "You don't remember that newspaper that said you was the ugliest damn gunslinger in Arizona!" A few other cowboys chuckle, knowing how their boss can spin a story.
"Shut your pie hole, Frank! You wasn't there so you don't know nothin' about it. I knew what YN said and I know she's damn wild about me. I heard them words. She said I was the best lookin' man around here. She ain't said nothing like to you!"
"Maybe she did, Curly!" Billy Claiborne snorted. "Maybe she said that to me!" Frank and Billy looked at each other and laughed which only made Curly angrier. Sure, he likes to stretch the facts, but in this case, most of what he was saying was true; you were overwhelmed by the big cowboy and his touch sent you into a whimsical dance of ecstasy. You never said he was the best looking man around, but you did however compliment him on his looks and you told him you thought he was cute.
Curly regains his composure and continues spinning his yarn. Although you had a wonderful time together, he can't help but exaggerate the events which is something Curly is known to do.
Ike Clanton leaned in towards Curly. "Did you have her, Curly?"
Curly Bill smiled and winked at the Clanton brother.
"At one point, she flipped that hair of hers and started kissin' me like she ain't never been kissed before because she ain't had anyone kiss her like I did."
"Damn..." Billy Clanton sighed.
"Well, I had a girl like once!" Tom McClaury declared. "She was real pretty!"
"Pretty damn ugly!" Curly growled. "You ain't never had a woman like YN. And none of you boys have because there ain't no one like YN and I'm the one she wants!" Curly shouted, pointing to himself while standing up.
"All you boys would lay with a damn mule because you ain't got what I got!" Curly knows he's a few years older than most of his boys and a lot older than others. But he is not a man to admit he just doesn't have it anymore and you came along during a time when the old cowboy was lonely. Curly did exaggerate encounters he had with his chippies and bragged about how they thought he was so good, they didn't charge him and most of his boys believed him, but the older ones knew how Curly loved to spin his stories. In reality, most women did not give the rustler the time of day and why would they? But you are different and you do care about him. And he knows that. He respects you and certainly doesn't want to cheapen you. At the same time, he's never had a woman he can brag about; you are a true conquest and among all the men in Tombstone, you chose him and Curly Bill feels he at least earned a few bragging rights.
So when it comes to Curly Bill, he is a man who loves to kiss you and loves to talk about it...

Johnny Ringo:
Ringo does not have an overwhelming need to be the center of attention or prove to everyone he is the fastest, toughest or the bravest like Curly Bill. Johnny knows how his cowboy crew can be like and if they know he's going to be spending time with you, he knows he'll be bombarded with questions similar to the ones they asked Curly:
"She sure is pretty! What did you say to get her to go with you?"
"Does she smell as good as she looks?" "Did you get to kiss her? She kiss you too?"
"Were you able to see her shoulders or her neck? What about her legs? She show you her legs?"
Ringo may be more annoyed with all the questions from his cowboys and would probably be open with Curly Bill, but may be hesitant especially the Clanton's because he knows Ike can't keep his mouth shut and the old blowhard may start talking to everyone who would listen about you and Ringo getting together and Ringo would fear people would see you differently. Curly would be concerned about your reputation also, but wouldn't be able to resist not talking about you. Johnny is a bit more graceful and patient; his time with you would be precious and sacred and he would hate to lose you due to town gossip.
"YN is a special woman and you boys are not good enough to escort her across the street. She's an angel. She helped me to remember that I am..." Ringo would stop to gather himself as he regards you as an irreplaceable treasure. "I'm alive...I held her and yes we kissed and she is so lovely and giving..." Ringo would continue, choosing his words carefully as to not devalue you. He shakes his head and smiles in spite of himself and the cowboys look at each other since they are not used to seeing Ringo with a light hearted spirit. They also know to say anything disrespectful about you would result in a severe beating or worse...
"She's beautiful and so sweet...Like a gift from the gods. Her lips and her gorgeous eyes even Shakespeare couldn't describe. Beauty like hers only comes once in a man's life! She's the kind of woman you leave everything behind for and you swear you'll do whatever it takes to make her happy. You boys probably don't understand."
"Iffin she was my girl, I'd do anything," Curly Bill declares loudly. "I would even start wearing a suit and goin' to church if that's what she wanted! Hell! Anything for a woman like that. She's real special, Juanito and you're damn lucky!"
"I know, Bill," Johnny responds. "When I kiss her, I know I never felt safer in my life. YN is more than just a beauty. She's smart and challenges me and my thinking. I never had a woman like that." Ringo becomes so lost in his memory of you, he forgets his fellow cowboys are listening. "I just can't stop thinking about her now. I know I can't wait to see her again."
"It's tough to find the words to describe her..."
Johnny then recites...
"My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare." Sonnet 130 By Shakespeare.
Ringo goes to his tent and leaves his cowboys' heads spinning. He falls asleep, your face on his mind.

For Curly Bill, kissing and telling is something he definitely would do because he thrives on respect and admiration from his peers and has a need to feel important and be the center of attention. For Johnny Ringo, he is more subtle since he doesn't need the attention. Of course, he would delight in sharing some details about you and him and your time together, but wouldn't overexaggerate details.
#western romance#headcanon#old west#tombstone cowboys#wild west#tombstone movie#curly bill brocius#western fiction#fantasy#love#cowboys#cowboys kiss and tell#johnny ringo#Ringo#kiss and tell
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How Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo Would Comfort You if You Were Sad...In Progress
We all have our good days and our bad days. Sometimes people can cheer us up and other times, we just need to be alone. A cowboy's life is a lonely one and so these guys understand what a bad day feels like. Wandering around the Arizona desert does things to a man and he learns how to survive and tough the bad days out. So when you're very sad and feel hurt, lost or confused, how would the King of the Cowboys show you comfort?
Curly Bill:
Curly is a man who is usually receiving comfort more than he's giving it so offering you a safe place to fall is something he desperately wants to do, but he wouldn't know where to start. Curly isn't exactly the softest guy around so when it comes to you, he will probably feel a little helpless at first not knowing what to say. If you fall into his arms while you're crying, it will make him feel wonderful. He'll indulge in feeling your trembling body close to his. He'll rub your soft hair and love how your hair always smells good. He may look into your teary eyes and wipe them with his big, clumsy hands. His first instinct is going to be trying to fix your problem. He may not listen as intently as Ringo would; Curly Bill would want you to feel better as soon as possible so you can start having fun with him. Curly isn't a guy to hold onto things or really hold grudges, so if you're not feeling better quickly, the old cowboy may become frustrated that he can't help you. If you need him to hold you, he'll be happy to do so as long as he thinks he's helping you feel better and that you'll be smiling soon. Remember that this old rustler isn't the most patient man around so he'll need to know that he's helping and more than that, that you appreciate it. He may expect you to show your appreciation too. He's a cowboy, a man's man and a tough guy. Of you want a sentimental junkie, don't look to old Curly. If his friends are present while you have your head on his chest, he'll feel mighty important and enjoy watching his friends eyeing him enviously. Ahhh....to hold you while you're sad would be a treat for any of the Cowboys. If Curly makes a joke that gets you laughing, hell keep going to make you laugh more. He may even start tickling you or kissing your neck since he knows his thick dark mustache tickles you and it is just to get you to smile and maybe squeal a bit. Once he knows what makes you smile, he'll keep doing it. Seeing you smile and knowing that he's the one that put that smile on your face, he'll feel like he can do anything! Other ways Curly Bill would comfort you includes singing softly in your ear, showing off with his six shooters, picking you up and holding you tight, he may make a funny face or make his eyes crossed just to humor you. Curly Bill wants to comfort you partly because he genuinely cares about you and also because he's a bit impatient and wants to have fun with you. Not to say he's in an insensitive ass, but he's just not the best at making people feel better. Who does Curly Bill have to cheer up other than a bunch of surly men who stink most of the time. He'll delight in knowing he made you smile. If Curly Bill is in town and he knows you're still feeling sad, he'll pick up chocolates for you and pick wildflowers to brighten the smile he loves so much! For Curly Bill, he wants to get back to fun so his approach would be all about making you feel better as soon as possible!
Johnny Ringo:
Unlike Curly Bill, who wants to make you happy quickly due to his impatient spirit, Johnny Ringo would be more patient with you. Of course he would want to make you laugh and smile, but his approach would be more sensitive and Ringo's focus would be more on your feelings and not how your sadness is preventing him from enjoying you. If you lay your head on Ringo's chest while you're crying, he'll consider it a tremendous privilege. He'll pull a handkerchief from his pocket and wipe your tears. He may not say much, for Johnny Ringo, his silence doesn't mean he's not experiencing deep feeling; seeing you sad causes him to examine his own heart and his own sadness and it will give him the motivation to be as patient as possible. Unlike his bestie, Curly, Ringo is not going to start cracking jokes or acting silly to get you to feel better as soon as possible.. Johnny would go into town and purchase a book on a topic he knows you enjoy. He may also buy sweets such as chocolates or a pastry. Ringo doesn't need you to feel better quickly so he's patient and just enjoys having you lay your head on his chest or fall into his arms and hold him and let him comfort you. He loves that! Other ways Ringo could offer a safe place to fall would be slow dancing with you and moving to soft music, running his fingers through your hair, rubbing your shoulders or caressing your face or arms, reading poetry, telling you stories about him and Curly Bill and taking you to town and indulging in coffee and a doughnut. Johnny Ringo will do whatever it takes to make you feel better because seeing you sad is something he just can't stand. You're so sweet though him that he wants to see you smiling.
#tombstone cowboys#western romance#headcanon#tombstone movie#curly bill brocius#western fiction#love#fantasy#johnny ringo#how would Curly Bill comfort#how johnny ringo would react#Ringo#comfort
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HEAD CANNON STORY: How Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo Would Deal With You Rejecting Them
All people want to be accepted and nobody likes rejection. The bigger the ego, the harder the fall feels.
Curly Bill Brocious who has a sizeable ego of his own is not someone who will take being rejected well. So when you reject his advances and his attempts to get close to you, it's no surprise the big cowboy is not going to take it well....So how would Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo respond when you refuse their advances?
Do they feel heartbroken?
Are they angry?
How bruised are their egos?
Who takes it harder?
What do the people in town think and will your refusal hurt their reputations?
Curly Bill:
Anyone that knows who Curly Bill Brocious is knows he is a man with a sizeable ego and likes doing things to get the attention he so desperately craves. Whether he's walking into a church or a saloon, he has the same swagger about him and commands authority and if his presence isn't enough, he'll get others to comply just be showing off his marvelous skills with his firearms.
When Curly Bill meets you, he'll decide he wants you and may even be brazen enough to refer to you as his "girl." He'll tell his cowboys he's going to have you and although they chuckle at his admission, he dismisses their comments and finds that confidence he is so well known for. Although Brocious is a man who enjoys the affection he receives from prostitutes, the idea of seducing a real conquest and having her swoon is something the big rustler dreams about. While his gang are busy with the calico queens, he would be holding you in his arms, knowing you're there by choice and not because he's paying you. Now he would really feel like the "king," because he got the girl nobody else could get. He will talk about you to his friends, saying things like, "y/n just needs to get to know me. She'll warm up soon enough!" His cowboys will nod politely and wonder if their boss will be able to even get close to you to start a conversation. Since you're not a lady of the line, Curly can't wave money around and expect you to look his way.
At first, he asks around where you spend your time and who some of your friends are. He'll make sure to be close to you and follow you through town without you even knowing it. He's tracking your whereabouts so he knows where you'll be when he's ready to make his move.
After a few days of scouting around and watching you, the old cowboy can't take anymore and he's getting pressure from other rustlers to show them how he's going to "have you." His confidence isn't shaken. He stands his ground and moves toward one of the restaurants where you're enjoying a glass of wine with a few ladies.
He walks right in and all eyes are on him, including your friends. The only eyes he can't meet are yours! He coughs to get your attention and you look over at him, but look away before he even has a chance to remove his hat. He walks to the bar area where you are and you're still ignoring him. Since this doesn't usually happen, Curly Bill is feeling.... Nervous and can feel his confidence slipping a little. He regains his composure and sits at the other end of the bar, just watching you and almost getting lost in your beauty. He enjoys the chase a little, but there's a difference between being playing hard to get and simply not being interested and Curly is hoping it's the former.
He hears your sweet voice as you talk with your friends, but he can't quite make out what you're saying. He moves a little closer to you, hoping you'll finally notice him.
The barkeep walls over and Curly hopes when he begins chatting with the bartender that you'll hear his voice and look over so he can start laying the charm on you.
"Well, what can I get you, Mr. Brocious?" The barkeep asks. Curly Bill starts to feel important and waits a few moments for you to look at him...But you don't. You continue talking with your friends as if he's not even there.
"Well, howdy, barkeep!" Curly Bill says loudly. He'll assume you heard him, but you continue to behave in a way that suggests complete indifference and it is driving the old cowboy crazy. He can't get your attention no matter what he does. He will start racking his brain for ideas to get your attention. He thinks about shooting your friend's glass or shooting the flames off the candles, but then it would be obvious he's doing it in the hopes you'll look his way.
The bartender brings Brocious his drink just as some of the Cowboys wander in, wanting to see how their boss got you to swoon. Curly Bill takes a shot and points to his empty glass for more. He pretends he just got there when the Clanton's and McClaury's and a few others stood in the doorway. Curly Bill hears them chuckling and he suddenly becomes desperate to get you to look at him. Nervously, he walks over to you. You smile politely.
"Is there something you want?" You ask. Your eyes are so beautiful, it almost takes his breath away. Curly will struggle for an answer and feel embarrassed and stupid. He takes his hat off and starts for the exit. He leaves and feels like a complete idiot for making such a fool of himself.
Curly Bill can't curse you because he knows you're right to ignore him. He will feel ridiculous for even entertaining the idea that one of Tombstone's most desirable woman would give him the time of day. He can't blame you for ignoring him. He's been described as an "ugly gunslinger," and has a reputation of being a mean drunk. Perhaps you knew who he was and connected the dots when the barkeep called him by name. You figured it was the same Brocious who made a preacher dance a jig and held a party of people at gunpoint so they would strip and dance in the nude for his amusement. If you heard these stories, you'd be wise to make the big rustler earn your attention.
His friends hoot and howl as Curly Bill walks out of the hotel without you on his arm. They look at each other and chuckle and then look to their humiliated boss.
"What happened?" Tom McClaury asks. "I'm guessin you didn't put on the charm." Tom looks at some of the other cowboys and they snicker at each other.
"I don't understand..." Curly Bill begins. He holds his head in his hands and continues to question where he went wrong with you. He hates the fact that his gang is secretly laughing at him. He shouldn't have been so confident. He feels stupid for actually thinking he had a shot with you. He must have been drunk when he thought about it. He'll wonder if you'll ever notice him and he'll become consumed with jealousy everytime he sees any man talking with you. He sees how you notice them but not him. It pulls at the pit of his insides and makes him feel old and undesirable. Curly Bill feels old and being able to seduce a beautiful woman in an almost insurmountable conquest would put him back on top of his game and your refusal adds to his growing insecurities. Curly Bill will feel foolish more than anything else because the big cowboy bragged about being able to seduce you with no problem. The very thought of other men laughing at him behind his back is more than he can stand. Curly Bill strolls around the streets of Tombstone feeling like the biggest horse's ass...His brazen confidence made him a laughing stock and he'll do anything for you... Anything to change your mind... Curly Bill doesn't want to enter the Oriental for fear he'll be bombarded with questions he would hate to answer:
"Where is she?"
"So, is y/n your girl now?"
He goes to the Dead End saloon and drowns himself in whiskey and self pity. He gets so drunk thinking about you, he can barely mount his horse. He's desperate for sleep, but is worried about his nosey cowboys making jokes and laughing about it. To Curly Bill it wasn't a laughing matter. To be rejected and completely ignored by you is more frustrating than anything!
Curly Bill will wonder what you're doing while he's wallowing in booze and self pity. His mind may go places thinking about who you're with or who is getting your attention..
"Don't take it too hard, boss." Billy Clanton starts. "She's out of our range." That only adds to Curly's insecure heart.
"I would do anything to be with y/n. I'd work in a saloon cleanin out spittoons and sweeping the floor!" He growls in a drunken voice.
"You? Working not stealing?" Ike Clanton remarks. Curly Bill flashes him a scowl and Ike turns to his brother and shrugs.
"That's right!" Curly declares. "Anything to make her happy! She just needs to give me a chance. Then she'll see I'd do more than any other man around here! You think Behan would treat her right? Hell, he don't even care! Anyone can see y/n is a lady." Curly Bill will look around at bus gang before he finishes speaking. "A lady. She ain't no lady of the line, that's for damn sure."
"So, what makes you think you're good enough, Bill?" Ringo asks, feeling empathy for his best friend. Ringo would be downright devastated if you rejected him. But like Curly Bill he would understand that a woman like you deserves better than what they can offer. And that reality stings like a bee.
"I ain't!" Curly shouts back. "There ain't no man here good enough. I know I would do more than they would!"
"Oh really?" Frank McClaury asks, his usual condescending snicker that makes Curly want to slap the cowboy around.
At this point, Curly Bill stands up.
"Hell I would!" Curly Bill throws his empty whiskey bottle into the bonfire.
"None of you know nothing about it! I'd quit stealin and living in the dodge if that's what she wanted! Hell, I'd go to church!" At this point, his fellow rustlers start laughing.
"You?" Tom McClaury asks. "Quit stealin and start saying Amen every Sunday morning? You in church? Can't see that. I think you lost your head, boss."
Curly Bill heads to his tent for the night. He'll toss and turn and even feel strong emotions that tug at his heart. If he wins you over, he vows to do anything to make you happy. The redemption he would feel when he was able to charm you.
The following morning while Curly Bill and a few others are having their breakfast, they see you walk in and this time you're by yourself. You look forward and again do not notice the big cowboy. It seems certain that Curly has lost any chance with you and he sits there watching you talk to the waitress and he becomes so lost, he stares at you until his coffee is too cold to drink. As he slowly eats, the food has no taste, but he's hungry.
The cowboy gang pay their tab and stand up. You look over at Curly. He starts to take his hat off, but you look the other way. At the moment, nothing matters to him, but being with you and now that it seems he will never have you, you are more beautiful and desirable than ever. He feels he just has to win you over somehow.
Or just steal you.
(Part 2 - Curly wins you over. Coming soon)
Johnny Ringo:
When Johnny Ringo first sees you, it is when you are coming out of the small art gallery on the other side of Fremont Street. Johnny is cultured and sophisticated, but does not enter the shops in this part of Tombstone very often. Mostly because of the stares he will receive and the whispers he'll hear:
"That's Johnny Ringo...The deadliest pistoleer..."
"What is that outlaw doing here? Doesn't he know what street he belongs on?"
If Johnny were seen trying to converse with you whether inside the gallery or on the front porch, people would come up to you and ask, "don't you know who you are talking to? Stay away from Ringo! He's a thief and a killer!"
And they would be right. It wouldn't necessarily be people warning you about him, Ringo would become consumed with guilt and shame for allowing you to be in such a vulnerable situation. Nobody would believe he was just trying to make polite conversation. Ringo will wonder what kind of art is the in the gallery and what your tastes are. When Ringo was staying with his cousins, the Youngers, he recalled the lovely paintings that decorated the walls of the huge sitting room in the back of the Younger estate. Johnny will recall his cousins and how wonderful it felt to be embraced by family who accept him for who he is. But when John Younger was killed by a Union captain, Cole, Bob and Jim left Clay County and went to avenge their father's death and get even with the Yanks for stealing their land. And Ringo rode with them for a time until he was separated from them when he was arrested for his part in the Hoodoo war. Johnny escaped and started moving cattle with the double G where he met Curly Bill Brocious.
Ringo will dismiss those thoughts and just look at you. Your hair is unbound and flowing in the soft breeze and when you run your hand through your free hair and look his way, it takes his breath away.
Johnny lights a cigarette and pretends to be looking at something else. You look towards him and he looks away, partly from shame and partly because he doesn't want to scare you or have people tell you to avoid the cowboy.
Ringo will watch as your friends exit the gallery and you all go to the restaurant for coffee and a sweet pastry. Ringo will continue to watch you, imagining he is with you or that he's on his way to meet you.
Curly Bill and a few others including the Clanton's find Johnny and follow his gaze and see what or who he is looking at.
"Hell, I seen that cunt before-"
Ringo is sensitive and touchy when it comes to women. Johnny Ringo believes that women are angelic beings who can soften the hardest of hearts and can restore a man's soul. When he learned about exorcism at church he came to believe only a woman can drive ugliness out of a man. Especially one that has the sweet face and smile you do.
"Shut your goddamn mouth, Ike!" Ringo begins. "I'll cut you in half I hear you use that word again!"
Ike falls away from Ringo, remembering how touchy Ringo is about women.
"Sorry Johnny!" Ike stammers. "I forget how you are about women."
Ringo gives Ike a cold and dead stare. Ringo returns to looking at you and you're walking with friends to your destination.
"Anyone else feel like having pie and coffee?" Curly Bill asks, folding his arms and looking at Ringo. "Well, Juanito?" Curly glances at his lieutenant and winks.
Johnny isn't the type to follow you around and get to know your habits like Curly Bill does and Ringo isn't as concerned about the attention or reverence he would receive. Johnny is more concerned about getting to know you and being able to spend guiltless time with you. Of course he'd be proud to show you off, but, not in the same way Curly would. Curly Bill would enjoy every envious stare and love the attention and admiration he would receive by having you on his arm.
Ringo eyes the others and decides coffee and pie sound good right now and if he gets a chance to talk with you, it will be an added bonus.
They walk in and see you sitting enjoying your chocolate cake with sweet frosting. While you take bites, you lick your spoon in such a way, it causes the boys to look at each other. You're beautiful and Ringo just looks on, his face suddenly flushed and he can feel redness work it's way up from his chest to his eyes. He'll do his best to stay cool with his signature poker face that no one can read.
Curly Bill is talking loud as usual while he down his apple pie and coffee. Ringo barely touches his dessert since he's wrapped up in eyeing you every chance he gets.
"Go talk to her!" Ike Clanton says in a drunken voice. His volume is so loud that it causes you too look over at them. Before any of them can even tip their hats, your eyes go back to your friends. Ringo pushes his plate away from him and barely touches his coffee. He's not going to let his feelings known as loudly as Curly Bill would; Ringo will drown himself in whiskey and visit a ramera house to get his needs met. He's also not going to let it be known how attracted to you he really is. He plays it off like he's not interested anymore, but his if anyone really looks into his eyes, they would see a man tortured by his own feelings for you and the shame that he's not good enough and the guilt he is known for. Guilt that he shouldn't be pursuing a woman like yourself. You're clearly a woman of substance and rumors clarify you come from a good family; the idea that your family may disown you over your relationship with the pistoleer shakes Ringo to the core and his guilt is mind numbing. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself that you would lose your family's support all because of him. Although Johnny would cherish you each and everyday with your amazing ability to free him from his shame, he would be tortured emotionally if you had to live the rest of your life without your family.
Ringo puts on his best poker face when he looks over at you. You look back at him and your beautiful eyes meet his and for a moment, all the rustlers are in suspense waiting to see what you'll do.
You look away without expression and Ringo's heart sinks. He does his best to hide his disappointment, but Curly Bill can see Johnny is clearly hurt.
After paying their bill, the cowboys leave, tipping their hats to you and your friends as they walk out. You still seem uninterested and Ringo looks at the floor while leaving. He's relieved that his fellow cowboys don't know how he really feels. They wouldn't tease him like the way they would Curly because Ringo is a more unpredictable and when it comes to protecting the integrity of women, Ringo will destroy men simply for disrespecting women.
Once back at the Oriental, Ringo pounds whiskey quickly. He's not even concerned when he sees the righteous Earps walk through the door. He ignores them as he knows he's getting too drunk to get into a fight although a gunfight may be what he needs to relieve this pressure. Since Ringo usually looks morose and sad, he's able to conceal his breaking heart. The Earps keep an eye on the gunfighter as he looks more depressed than usual. Ringo has no intention of starting a fight with the Earps or anyone else...He downs one more shot before buying a bottle and riding back to the cowboy camp.
"What's Ringo's deal?" Billy Clanton asks.
Curly Bill keeps his voice low. "You wouldn't understand," Curly answers. He gets how heartbroken Ringo is. Although Johnny is one of the most dangerous men around, he's got heart and he is gentle man who was driven to killing and stealing when the damn Yankees won the war.
"Just leave him be. He'll drink through it." Curly is loyal enough to not tell the other cowboys that Ringo was interested in you and considers you his last shot at happiness; the life he always wanted, build something with a lovely woman who loves him and accepts him for who he is. Johnny Ringo is a man of deep feeling and deep thinking and now that he feels he can't have you, he's going to spiral into a depression.
Ringo doesn't blame you for not responding to him; he would hate it if your reputation was tainted or people stop talking with you or being friends with you all because you took up with one of the west's deadliest pistoleers.
*Curly Bill is a man who thrives in attention and admiration from women as well as men. For Curly Bill, your rejection feels so personal; it makes him feel old, undesirable and foolish. Because the big rustler bragged about getting you to go with him, it's tougher on his ego when you reject his advances. For Curly Bill, it's a huge blow to his confidence. Curly Bill hates the fact that his boys are unimpressed with his ability to swoon a conquest that doesn't charge by the deed. For Curly Bill, his ego is more bruised than Ringo's. Curly Bill will think you are his last shot at being happy; although Tombstone does have a high female population, you are the only one Curly has seen that he wants. The fact that he can't have you makes him crazy and causes him to want you even more. With you out of his reach, Curly is heartbroken and has to deal with a busted ego. He would also be worried about word getting around that the King of the Cowboys attempted to seduce a beautiful conquest and failed miserably.
*Johnny Ringo experiences his heartache differently. He's not going to brag about having you on his arm and he's not going to follow you around and do things to get your attention. Ringo tends to admire you from afar and because he wasn't vocal about his feelings, he doesn't have to deal with the gossip that would be swirling around Tombstone. In a town like that, good gossip can he hard to come by and a story about a gunfighter being rejected by one of Tombstone's most desirable women. Ringo's ego is considerably bruised, but he's more consumed by the shame he feels for wanting you and his mind grows numb from the guilt of thinking his presence in your life may cause your family to disown you.
Next: Ringo wins you over... Coming soon!
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HEAD CANNON STORY: The Day You Made Johnny Ringo Laugh!
It's no shock to anyone that Johnny Ringo is passionate and intellectual. One thing you notice about him almost immediately is that he tends not to smile much. His smiles aren't forced, but behind that winning smile is a truly broken spirit. Although Johnny may chuckle at one of your jokes or smile lots when you compliment him or do something sexy like flip your hair, he generally doesn't engage in belly laughs like his bestie, Curly Bill.
So one Sunday afternoon when the both of you are off from work, you invite the gunfighter to go for a walk with you. He's delighted and accepts your offer with a nod of his head and a tip of his hat. He smiles and you take his hand.
Ringo loves his horse and he knows his horse will adore you! He brings you close to the large gelding and helps you on. You begin to giggle at your clumsiness and he can't help but giggle a bit too in spite of himself. He loves how so freely laugh off awkward moments like the time Ike Clanton accidentally spilled whiskey on you and Ringo was ready to rip the old cowboy's head off. To Ringo's relief, you were too busy chuckling. "Ike!" Curly Bill howls.
You look at Ringo and Curly Bill and flash them both your beautiful smile.
"It's fine!" You say through your smile. And although Curly and Ringo are upset that their clumsy friend spilled whiskey on you, they're amazed at how well you handle yourself.
Once you're safe on his horse, he gets on. You hold him close and kiss his ear which causes him to flinch and smile as it tickles.
"Oops!" You say. You whisper in his ear and he flinches again this time smiling.
"What?" You innocently ask. This makes the cowboy giggle.
Ringo laughs quietly and he loves how you feel holding him and leaning on his back.
Once you arrive at your destination, your breath is taken away by the large trees with leaves that provide the perfect shade. Beautiful wildflowers burst up through the ground and cover the landscape like a plush carpet of nature. Large rocks and cactus sit lazily in the Arizona sun. He dismounts first and then helps you off. As you take your foot out of the stirrups, you accidentally fall on your back. Ringo's eyes grow wide and he rushes to help you up. To his surprise and relief, you find your awkwardness hysterical and you just start bursting into a laughing fit. Ringo shakes his head and can't help but smile. You help yourself up and hug the cowboy who finds himself unable to control his own laughing for a moment. You take his hands and lead the way to the pond that sparkles with crisp cool water that is almost blinding from the beautiful reflective drops that seem to dance on the surface. It's a wonderful scene and Johnny adores how much you seem to gravitate towards natural beauty.
As you both sit by the edge, you see a man several meters away with a large bucket. He pulls water out of the pond and then takes the bucket and dumps the water out.
You and Ringo look at each other while trying to figure out what the guy is doing.
"What is he doing?" Ringo asks. "He's taking water and dumping it."
You chuckle and answer, "maybe he's dumping the pond out!" You cover your mouth and giggle uncontrollably.
"Or maybe he's just moving the pond!" You continue laughing while Ringo looks at the man and then at you. He starts to give into his laugher too and is surprised at how he can't seem to stop giggling with you
Maybe it's your contagious laughter that is causing him to join you in this delightful moment.
The man greets another guy and begins talking, but is too far for you to hear so you begin improvising what you think they're saying. Through your laughing fit, you say as the man points and talks, "I'm just gonna move this pond!" After that, you're cracking up hysterically, rolling in the grass like a little kid. Johnny starts to laugh again and this time he too cannot control his emotions. He finds your humor not only comical and sophisticated, but amazingly refreshing! He can't help but entertain the idea that this strange man is going to scoop water out of pond and move the pond. The idea was so silly and outrageous that Johnny can't stop laughing himself. He holds his sides and keeps giggling until tears come out of his laughing eyes. The two of share this humorous moment for several more minutes until you both just look at each other, smiling. Ringo looks at you and can't help but take you and hold you tight. He can't believe how good he feels and cannot remember the last time someone made him not only that happy, but forced him out of his dark place and into a sunlit moment he knows he'll never forget. He thanks you for the good laugh and never wants to be away from you.
When he returns to the cowboy camp later that day, he is still smiling about your pond joke and how much fun he had just laughing with you and feeling no guilt or shame. Curly Bill looks over at the giggling Ringo.
"Well, what's so funny, Juanito?" Curly laughs and is so pleased to his best friend who is usually morose, looking so happy.
"Y/N is funny. I can't explain it. She made me laugh until I cried. He shook his head, took out his crumpled journal and a few pencils and begins writing about a day he will always remember.

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Curly Bill:
For old Curly, one thing is for sure; he's definitely not looking for a woman to commit crimes with. Instead, he's looking for a quality woman who will take him away from living life in the dodge. Hanging around the desert like a damn lizard, moving from town to town, running from posses, over zealous deputies, trigger happy sheriffs and greedy bounty hunters. That's just not the life he necessarily chose and although Curly Bill does love a sense of adventure, he didn't become a rustler because it was exciting; he rustled cows because it was more profitable. He sure as hell isn't going to build up a spread for other rustlers to steal. Old Curly would rather do the stealing himself. And in all fairness, it is the one thing he's really good at. With one or two raids in Old Messico he and his boys can live off thousands in silver and Curly can spend his days sunning himself on the porch of a Hacienda dreaming about his perfect woman.
Curly wouldn't want his dream girl to shoot better than he can since that wouldn't sit well with his sizeable ego. And he wouldn't want to put a special lady in a dangerous situation; he'd rather save a woman from that. And have that woman be very, very skillful, loving and attentive when showing her appreciation to him. Curly Bill recalls when Ringo rescued a Mexican ramera from her pimp and Ringo talked about how he wasn't charged and she showered him with gratitude with her strong thighs and mastery of a man's body. Especially his. She regarded him as her savior and Ringo like any other man loves the attention he received.
"Women like that know how to treat a man right!" Curly remembers saying to his cowboys the next morning. So for Curly Bill, one thing his dream lady would have is lots and lots of appreciation, respect and of course love and admiration. A woman who won't make him uncomfortable with admonishing words. Curly's girl wouldn't yell at him or tell him he's had too much even though she may have a right to. He just doesn't want a woman who will dominate him. Since Curly Bill spends most of time dominating other men, he may feel a fire burning inside when he's with a woman who is domineering, but that would eventually burn out.
Curly's got a reputation as a mean drunk and because he's drunk often, he can be mean often. However, although he's known for his loud guffawing, practical jokes and over exaggerated stories, he does have a sympathetic side too. He doesn't like to see his own oppressed or hurt. In the Tombstone film, we see Curly Bill and Ringo look the other way while a Mexican bride is raped by other cowboys. This is gross misrepresentation of Ringo and old Curly; violence against women would never be tolerated by Ringo whether she's an enemy or not. Curly feels the same way; he's mean, sure, but that meanness doesn't necessarily apply to women. Especially a woman who is always happy to see him! Curly Bill would be more confused by your kindness than anything else.
Curly Bill doesn't want to settle down until he absolutely has to. But in his time period, women were scarce and lovely ladies even more so. He understands that the older he gets, the tougher rustling is going to get and he sure as hell doesn't want to retire so he can live alone or with a bunch of surly outlaws who stink most of the time. So let's get to it...
*His dream girl of course would be pretty; to him, she'd be the most attractive woman ever has ever seen and because his heart sees you that way. Curly Bill spends a lot of time in Old Mexico and has come to love women with dark hair and eyes. A smoldering look with lovely dark eyes. Not a woman skinny; he prefers a buxom beauty. A woman with round hips. He has seen plenty of skinny gals hanging around impoverished communities or cowtowns and they don't entice him the way a voluptuous lady would. Eyes that are sweet and warm and welcoming with delight everytime those eyes are on him. Curly is as visual as every other dude. He's a man and likes what he sees. With Curly Bill's large ego, he definitely wants to be a woman other men will want to be with. He would relish in the idea that he's got what other men want. When he's with his dream girl, other men look on with envy. And that fills him with indescribable pride.
*Sweet! Curly Bill spends lots of time on the range where there are no ladies around so just having a woman who wants to be with him (and not because he's paying her) would be a lovely dream. She would bake for him treats such as cookies or pies and she is always so happy to give them to him. He ain't the most polite guy around, but his big smile and loud ode of thanks always gets you to smile. And Curly Bill's dream lady has a smile to die for! When he's sick or recovering, she's always there to comfort the old cowboy; she even spoon feeds him when he's too weak. She'll also trim his mustache for him and wash his stinky clothes. She wouldn't be against his clothes smelling like range duds, but wants him clean and respectable and he cannot help but appreciate that! He wants a woman who is gentle towards others. That is one way of knowing for sure you'll be gentle with him and since the world has proven to be a loveless, lonely and wild place, any amount of gentleness is so welcoming and warm.
*Confident. Not to be confused with arrogance. Curly Bill doesn't want a simp who can't make up her mind or stand up for herself when she needs to. His dream chickie would be courageous and can stand her ground! She will always be loyal and discreet. When Curly Bill is able to handle the situation, she will remain calm and quiet so Bill can feel like a man and not one what needs his woman to fight his battles for him. Curly's dream lady would hold her head high and not let fads, gossip or the opinions of others to dictate her feelings and thoughts or her own opinions. And he loves it that although she's got a good head on her shoulders and a heart of gold that she still needs him and he'll enjoy coming to her rescue.
*Feminine Grace. As mentioned earlier, Curly Bill doesn't want a female version of himself. He wants a woman who is graceful and feminine. She is always dressed elegantly even if she's showing a bit of skin! She has conversations with different types of people and is soft spoken...Not loud like old Curly. She doesn't try to impress Curly Bill by trying to be like him. She is who she is and she is woman who is feminine and charming. She smiles more than she scowls. She enjoys feminine things like sweet perfume, candles, fine wines, music and can introduce Curly to a variety of cultural activities he may scoff at at first, but when he sees the light in her eyes glow bright because he enjoys what she does, he can imagine snuffing that flame out. He may be a little obnoxious when she first introduces the old rustler to fine art of a symphony; he may even fall asleep during a concert dedicated to Mozart. But he'll be enthusiastic just to make her happy. She enjoys wearing her lovely hair down and let us flow as freely as her long, flowy skirts. She's content moving about barefoot around her home.
*Hard Working. Curly Bill's profession is as difficult as it is risky and illegal. When Curly Bill is driving cattle with the other members of the red sash gang, they encounter more dangers in a day than city people do in months. Rattlesnakes, grizzlies, vengeful Apaches or Comanches, other rustlers, bounty hunters, scorpions, dust that could cover a man from head to toe all on about 4 hours of sleep and they did this for weeks! Not too mention the lack of water for bathing. Curly Bill is no stranger to hard work that involves lots of physical labor. When on the Clanton farm, Curly managed the cattle as well as the cowboys, he repaired fences, milked cows (which cowboys don't usually do, but will if they have to), delivered calfs, cleaned stables and made other repairs. So he's not really interested in a lady who likes to be pampered all day. Curly isn't the pampering type. He probably wouldn't be overly doting, but wouldn't mind if you doted over him! When there's work to be done, his lady does it without whining or expecting someone else to do it or finish it. His girl knows how to work whether it's gathering water for bathing, cooking or laundry, baking or preparing meals and keeping the house comfortable for both of them. She'll put the fresh flowers he picks for her into vases to brighten their home and his home would always have the aroma of baked delights such as cookies and pies.
*Appreciative Appreciative Appreciative....Curly Bill , King of the Cowboys and has an enormous ego and he needs that ego stroked the way he needs his hair and other parts of his body stroked...He will shield you from danger, fight at your side, work hard for you and keep you as comfortable as a cowboy can. He'll make sure you are not stuck sleeping in a tent or anywhere that's not cozy for you. He'll take good care of you or at least as well as a cowboy can and he's definitely a man who needs to know he's appreciated. His dream girl would show her appreciation by making Curly Bill feel like a man. His dream love would be eager to make love to him to show him how much she delights in him and she will also show her gratitude by baking him his favorite treats.
*Patient. If you're looking for a sentimental junkie, don't turn to Curly Bill. He's never had a reason to be like that. Curly Bill likes to drink and have fun and doesn't want that fun spoiled by anyone. He's an outlaw and doesn't like following rules. So he'll need a lady who's patient with him when he's had too much or he's acting obnoxious. She won't yell or admonish him in front of his friends, but may in private express her concerns and her genuine concerns will always be welcomed.
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