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lightning--bug · 2 years ago
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notyourmom4 · 2 years ago
I just stumbled upon this article by Cinema Blend. Is this legit?
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thekettlesoverthere · 2 months ago
"Phone her, text her, do something, while there’s still a chance. Because the chance doesn’t last forever. Trust me, Sherlock, it goes before you know it. BEFORE. YOU. KNOW. IT"
And then Sherlock looks like that
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Looking at John helplessly, eyes intermittently twitching towards him.
Look, I know John is talking about Mary here, and I also know our dear detective's aware of that.
The way Sherlock just. Looks devastated. means he understood perfectly what John said.
More than that, he feels it.
But at the end of the conversation, Sherlock doesn't go "ah, yes,you're right, let me phone her, let me go to Irene Adler."
No, he goes to comfort John. To stay with him. He embraces him.
And when John admits the "cheating" part, Sherlock immediately connects this to "even I text her sometimes. The Woman"
Sherlock associates texting Irene Adler with cheating on someone. I'm pretty sure that's why he never does it.
On who, I wonder ?
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kingstoken · 2 months ago
I saw a tumblr post not that long ago about Granada Sherlock Holmes, that said David Burke’s Watson was boyfriend!Watson and Edward Hardwicke’s Watson is husband!Watson, and I'm thinking truer words have never been spoken.
Burke’s Watson looks at Holmes with excitement, almost adoration at times. Something you would expect from a newer relationship.
Harwicke’s Watson looks at Holmes with a gentle fondness.
Burke’s run includes a lot more incidental touches, of the arm, the shoulder, etc. The type of stuff that is great for gif sets, and prefect for shipper fuel.
The touches are less during Hardwicke’s run, from what I’ve seen so far, but he shares these looks with Holmes like they’re communicating without talking, which don’t particularly gif well, but are such great little character moments when you’re watching the show.
I was disappointed at first that they switched actors part way through, but they made it work. There is about 7-8 years between Burke and Hardwicke for age, and I know canonically only three years are supposed to have passed between The Final Problem and The Empty House, but if you widen that gap the changes in Watson make more sense. Older Watson is more staid, he has known grief and heartache, and he has settled into his middle age. He seems exasperated with Holmes much of the time, and yet you know he would follow him almost anywhere. Older Watson more readily accepts Holmes with all of his foibles, because he knows what life was like without him.
Young Watson and Holmes are two men in their prime, ready to take on the world.
Older Watson and Holmes are the bickering old married couple, that would be lost without each other.
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topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year ago
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“That’s not a sentence you hear every day.”
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You’re right, John, it isn’t.
We’re all very familiar with the sort of cringe-worthy yet sweetly honest scene in TEH where Sherlock and John have this little exchange (and thanks again to Ariane DeVere’s transcripts):
SHERLOCK: See you’ve shaved it off, then. JOHN: Yeah.  Wasn’t working for me. SHERLOCK: Mm, I’m glad. JOHN: What, you didn’t like it? SHERLOCK (smiling): No.  I prefer my doctors clean-shaven. JOHN: That’s not a sentence you hear every day!
Sherlock outs himself as a gay man to John.
John is surprised and focuses on the sentence rather than the meaning, the format instead of the content, as the viewer is supposed to do too.
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consultingfujoshi · 2 months ago
on love transcending severance wrt irving and burt: I know we all want their outies to fall in love to prove that their innies love was real and valid but. I genuinely believe a possibility is that even if their outie versions DON'T fall in love, they become friends enough that burt returns to the severance floor even just one more time so that their innies get to see each other again.
like we've seen plenty of evidence that 1) irving is more directly connected to his innie than the average severed person (seems to have memories of the severance floor, his innie dreams of the paint he uses, his innie knows how to drive despite never seeing a car before) and 2) burt seems to have a deep level of respect and empathy for his innie and the other severed employees and acknowledges that those connections are very real and a part of him even if he doesn't remember who any of then are. if their outies find out they were in love in another universe, I can totally see them working together to allow their innies to see each other again. if there's any two characters out of all the ones we've been introduced that are going to act in their innies' interests, it's irving and burt.
I DON'T believe that 5 months have passed like milchick says, but irving is gonna have to explain why he showed up unannounced on burt's doorstep like that. outie irving is clearly working on something behind the scenes - perhaps he's even been waiting for his innie to break out like this - and he's insightful and curious enough (his innie immediately formulating a plan to find burt and executing it to perfection, clocking helly's lies straight away, painting a million copies of the same image because he's so determined to not forget it, compiling a list of every severed employee he can find) to put two and two together and realise this is clearly someone very important to his innie, someone whom his innie believes he can trust and chose to go to out of anyone he could have chosen on that map...
outie irv is definitely going to try to forge a connection with outie burt even if he doesn't understand the finer details of why his innie was drawn to him. if he really is planning some kind of severed revolution on the outside, and I'm inclined to believe he is given the little evidence we've been shown so far, this guy is a great place to start. I believe they're probably already friends by the time innie irv has woken back up on the severance floor. he doesn't know it, but his own outie believes in transcending severance. he doesn't know it, but burt is still looking out for him up there.
just hang on a little longer, irv..... I promise you'll get to see him again!!!
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winterdaphne2 · 5 months ago
I think a lot about the fact that Sherlock looks so much older in S3 than he did in S1-S2. Even if it's just Benedict Cumberbatch aging naturally, within the universe of the show it's really like Sherlock aged so much during those two years away from John. He would have missed John so much and endured so much while he was gone. And visually, it's like we can even see in Sherlock's face that when he returns to London and to John, he's a different person. He's more willing to show the parts of himself that are gentle and wise, and he's finally ready to reveal a little more of his heart. If only John had been ready, too.
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ponkydraws · 18 days ago
I find the detail of Sherlock addressing John by his first name in The Abominable Bride really interesting because during the Victorian era, the use of first names was unusual and normally reserved for married or engaged couples. Even close friends or acquaintances would usually not refer to each other by their first name, hence why they call each other “Holmes” and “Watson” throughout majority of the episode.
The use of first names and nicknames was restricted to people who were very close to each other during the Victorian era, such as relatives or occasionally intimate friends, but even then it was out of the norm. Generally speaking, only the children of the family would be referred to by their first names. Men would also generally never refer to each other by their first names, as it would be seen as intimate or informal, even when it came to familial relationships or close companionship
The interaction in the episode goes as follows -
HOLMES: Thank you, John.
WATSON: Since when do you call me John?
HOLMES: You’d be surprised.
WATSON: No, I wouldn’t. Time you woke up, Sherlock. I’m a storyteller. I know when I’m in one.
HOLMES: Of course. Of course you do, John.
John remarks the use of his first name because it was unusual for non-couples to refer to each other as such, but then reciprocates it by calling Sherlock by his as well. So. It’s more intimate than you’d expect at first glance. Fun fact.
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a-victorian-girl · 1 year ago
I'm crying like a babyyyyy, jeez!!!
If you're... looking for baby names
There have been many metas written on the famous tarmac scene, analysing all of the implications the one line presents. Sherlock is actually a girl’s name. It has become a famed unspoken love declaration, I suppose there are no doubts about that. However, in this meta I would like to elaborate on what particularly this one sentence means, taking into account everything that has happened, Sherlock’s and John’s body language during the scene and the parallel scene in “A Scandal in Belgravia.”
Warning: If you don’t ship johnlock, you will probably want to stop reading now.
Let’s begin.
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helloliriels · 9 months ago
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I passed a milestone last month with May is for Limericks! I now have 150 works on AO3 and 525+ op posts on Tumblr! All since July 2020!
💜💜💜 tysm to everyone who has commented, shared, or said hi!! And the few I've been lucky to meet or write to irl!! ily sm xoxo ☕️ 💜💜💜
Edit: No plans to do anything, just wanted to freak out a bit!!! 🙃😄 haha
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221berkeleysquare · 2 months ago
OK guys this might sound crazy but.
There were two scenes involving Sherlock, John and a bomb. The first one, in TGG, where Moriarty strips John to a bomb claiming he'd "burn the heart out of" Sherlock. What did John do at that moment? Basically stated that he'd die for Sherlock, and made a joke about their relationship afterwards ("You ripping my clothes off in a darkened swimming pool").
The second, in TEH, but this time, Moriarty wasn't the one to "strip" John to a bomb. Technically Sherlock did. He didn't exactly "do" it, but he made John belive that they were going to die there. So what did he want?
So, he knew that the last time John thought he was gonna die he (John) heroically tried to save his (Sherlock's) life and got very close to confessing his feelings / admitting their relationship. So what if this time Sherlock's doing this to try to create an upgraded version of the last bomb incident, in which both of them were thought to be close to death (by John)? Maybe in Sherlock's mind, if things got a little bit more extreme, if John thought neither of them were going to survive, he'd actually say those words.
Instead he said, "you were the best and the wisest man I have ever known".
But juding by Sherlock's face I'd say he'd taken that just as well.
Still, maybe somewhere inside his heart, he was hoping that John'd actually say these words he wanted to hear. Just once. He knew John would be furious after he knew the truth, but still.
Quoting Janine, "once would have been nice".
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buckingham-ashtray · 1 year ago
Hello just a friendly reminder that Eurus used a bomb to make Sherlock say “I love you” to a John mirror and Sherlock also using a bomb to make John “say something nice”.
have a wonderful day xx
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iheardyou · 6 months ago
Oh wow 🤯
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A few questions:
Is that Sherlock’s mum?
If it is, what is she doing here at her son's best friend’s wedding which he isn’t the husband?
If it isn't, why did they put someone of such conspicuous resemblance to Sherlock’s mum at John's wedding?
Why is she mirroring Mrs Hudson in such a blatant manner? (the hat? seriously??)
Could this mirror mean anything important further than indicating the maternal qualities of Mrs Hudson to Sherlock?
*May apologies for the repetition if anyone has pointed this out before, but I did notice this detail on my god-knows-how many-times-who’s-keeping-count rewatch a few days ago.
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luminescentlama · 2 months ago
Sherlock meta time: 1895 counter on John's blog = gay
So I was scrolling on Pinterest - as one does - and I came across a post stating that the number John's blog is stuck on in I believe ASiB was the same as the year Sherlock Holmes fell into the Reichenbach falls in the ACD canon, 1895.
Now, this in itself is wild, but then my mind brought up another thing I saw a few days ago, a meme on Tumblr (if someone wants the link I can send it)
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The reason they left London in 1895 (I assume in the same story with the Reichenbach Falls but I can't know for certain) was described as 'circumstances in which I need not enter' or something and people in this thread connected it to Oscar Wilde's trial for 'gross indecency' (aka being gay) which took place in the same year.
N o w, as a reminder, John's count on his website froze on 1895. In this year, Oscar Wilde was sentenced for gross indecency, Holmes and Watson went out of town presumably for that reason AND the Reichenbach Fall of the original stories.
While the number could stand for the original Reichenbach Fall, I don't really see where that would go BUT what if it stands for Oscar Wilde's trial? And for ACD Holmes and Watson being out of town because of it?
In my opinion, if we combine this with the 'Irene ships Johnlock' theory I read on @inevitably-johnlocked 's blog (it's a lot more complicated than that but that she basically knows something is going on), this could be her doing, trying to make fun of them or give them a hint in the right direction. Who knows? Not me, I'm just here to collect the puzzle pieces.
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dareduffie · 3 months ago
talking to someone (in the wild) about TJLC (in 2024) makes me feel like old lady rose from titanic (1997) staring at the waterlogged naked drawings of herself. that will always be me, in a sense, but it's been 84 years...... i hardly recognize her now..........
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inevitably-johnlocked · 6 months ago
do you have any recs for full-series rewrites? ideally ones without the Mary storyline or John lashing out?
thank you for all that you do!!!!
Hey Nonny!
OH Gosh, ah... This is a tough one because like technically "episode specific" and meta-fics can work for this. Check them out:
Pre-ASiP fics
Season 1 Fics
Season 1 Fics Pt 2
TGG Related Fics
TGG: Pool Scene
ASiB Fics
THoB Fix It Fics
THoB Fics Pt. 2
Post-TRF Divergence
Post-TRF No Mary (Jan 2023)
Reverse Reichenbach
Reverse Reichenbach Pt. 2
Reunion and Other Post TRF Fics
Reunion and Other Post TRF Fics Pt. 2
Reunion and Other Post-TRF Fics Pt. 3
John Finds Out About Hiatus
John Joins Sherlock During Hiatus
Johnlock Against the World
Sherlock Returns from Hiatus Injured 
Serbia / Aftermath of Hiatus Fics
The Empty Hearse-Related Fics
TSo3-Related Fics (Updated Sept 2023)
Post John’s Wedding Fics
Gay Bar Scene
Stag Night
HLV Fics
After the Gunshot (HLV)
Tarmac Scene
Post S3 Fics
Long S3/Post-S3 Fics (20K+ w.) [Apr 2020]
TABlock (Apr 2020)
TLD Fix-Its / Aftermath of TLD
TFP Is Canon
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 2
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 3
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 4
Post S4 / S4 Fix Its Pt. 5
S4 Rewrites / MetaFics
S3 / TAB / S4 [FIX IT] Fics (March 2019)
Post S4 and Mental Health
Unseen Moments (Updated Sept 11/23)
I wish I could help you out beyond that, and I'm pretty sure I'm misunderstanding exactly what you're looking for, but I hope these help you out <3 I'm working on an S3 No Mary list, so one day that will be done LOL.
If anyone wants to suggest their own fic or a fave fic, please do <3
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