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kingstoken · 3 days ago
Bidding is now open!
Fandom Trumps Hate
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I'm participating in Fandom Trumps Hate again this year! I'm offering a cover art/moodboard for ANY fandom, and one fic under 5k for either Sherlock Holmes, Dead Boy Detectives, or Doctor Who.
Check out my offerings here
Bidding runs from February 25 - March 1, 2025
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kingstoken · 6 days ago
I recently watched Granada's "The Eligible Bachelor", and I have such mixed feelings on this episode.
First of all, when Holmes is having his breakdown/meltdown (I'm sorry I don't know the right term to use here), I love that the only person Holmes trusts is Watson, that really speaks to the depth of their relationship, and how lost Holmes is without Watson.
However, this is I think the cruellest we ever see Holmes be towards the ones that love him. I don't think that cruelty is intentional for the most part, but being intentional or not does not take away from the pain he inflicted.
First there is Mrs Hudson, who probably stays up half the night to make sure Holmes isn't locked out of Baker St and has to sleep on the streets. She puts on a stoic face for Holmes, but his behaviour is obviously wearing on her. How worried she must be for Holmes. She's been trying to get him to eat and drink, but he shuts her out. By the time Watson returns a few days later, she is finally able to express her true feelings to Watson, and she is overwhelmed and a crying mess on the stairs.
Within minutes of his return Watson clocks that Holmes hasn't been taking care of himself. They have a whole discussion about dreams and dream analysis, and then Holmes refuses a medical examination.
So, here is where the cruelty to Watson happens, Holmes tells Watson he regrets Moriarty's death. If Holmes had said he regretted Moriarty's death because he had killed a man and that was disturbing, I think Watson would have completely understood that, he was a solider after all, but that's not what he says. Holmes says he regrets Moriarty's death because he no longer has a foil, that he no longer has a worthy opponent. Watson looks somewhat disturbed and upset by this, as he should.
Watson's life was ruined by Moriarty, he lost his best friend and mourned for him for three years! Not to mention the effect of all that trauma, of a near death experience and life on the run, had on Holmes, the person Watson cares about most in the world. So, to hear Holmes almost pining over Moriarty's absence must of been incredibly painful for Watson.
Look, I know Holmes is not really in his right mind for the first half of this episode. Watson obviously thinks so too, because he checks Holmes' case to see if the cocaine needle has been used, fearing a relapse. In the second half of the episode it goes somewhat back to normal, because Watson insists on Holmes eating and resting, and Holmes gets wrapped up in a new case. But, I can't stop thinking about Holmes' behaviour in the first half of the episode, and I can't forgive him as easily as Watson and Mrs Hudson have.
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kingstoken · 7 days ago
I saw this really insightful comment on reddit, it was about Dolly Parton and the conservatives starting to turn on her, but it really could be about anyone
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kingstoken · 7 days ago
Fandom Trumps Hate
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I'm participating in Fandom Trumps Hate again this year! I'm offering a cover art/moodboard for ANY fandom, and one fic under 5k for either Sherlock Holmes, Dead Boy Detectives, or Doctor Who.
Check out my offerings here
Bidding runs from February 25 - March 1, 2025
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kingstoken · 8 days ago
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#Repost @gogreensavegreen
You might be more than one. You might be different ones at different times. 🫶🏽🫶🏽 you might not be one of these. There are more roles 💪🏽 but this is an amazing intro.
You can’t just like the idea and envision yourself in one of these roles you have to figure out how to be about it ♥️🫶🏽
Via @deiloh & @fablefulart
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kingstoken · 15 days ago
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A little blink and you'll miss it moment in The Master Blackmailer, Watson dancing and Holmes smiling as he watches him
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kingstoken · 16 days ago
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Doctor Who Femslash February @doctorwho-femslashfeb Day 13: Thirteen Pairing: Thirteen/Missy Rating: G Warnings/Tags: N/A Summary: Thirteen and Missy discuss Thirteen's clothes. Link: AO3
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kingstoken · 16 days ago
I saw this on Dreamwidth, loved it, and I'm so happy I found it on Tumblr.
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For the latest round of Holmestice, I got to fill @beamkatanachronicles's amazing prompt of editing @lalage's beautiful piece 25 Lives into a multiverse Holmes & Watson one! Did I spend way too much time overthinking every single choice? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
Verses cheatlist: 1. The Sign of Four (1923) 2. Sherlock Holmes (1916) 3. A Study in Terror (1965) 4. Мой нежно любимый детектив (1986) 5. Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) 6. Sherlock Holmes (1922) 7. Шерлок Холмс (2013) 8. The Last Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1923) 9. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1985) 10. The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986-1987) 11. Sherlock (2010) 12. Приключения Шерлока Холмса и Доктора Ватсона (1980) 13. The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976) 14. They Might be Giants (1971) 15. Sherlock Holmes (1912) 16. Without a Clue (1988) 17. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) 18. Pursuit to Algiers (1945) 19. Sherlock Holmes (1968) 20. Elementary (2012) 21. Sherlock Holmes (2009) 22. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson (1979) 23. ミス・シャーロック (2018) 24. Sherlock Holmes (1954)
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kingstoken · 18 days ago
I can't get this vid out of my head, so I'm sharing it with all of you.
I'm sorry.
CONTENT WARNING: References to death and drug use
Song: Sonya Alone by Brittain Ashford
Contains Spoilers from The Final Problem and The Empty House
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kingstoken · 21 days ago
Because I'm part of the CSFFA I can nominate people to be on the eligibility list for the Aurora Awards. So, does anyone know of Canadian artists (must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident) that illustrated a sci-fi/fantasy book cover for a book published in 2024? I would love to add more candidates to the list, but unfortunately it is not always easy to know who did the cover art. If you have suggestions please message me. The eligibility ends February 22, 2025.
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kingstoken · 23 days ago
I just finished watching the first season of Severance, and holy crap! That's damn good.
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kingstoken · 24 days ago
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Doctor Who Femslash February @doctorwho-femslashfeb - (Day 5) Clara -> Clara/Missy
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kingstoken · 24 days ago
How have Sherlock and John never kissed in any universe?? I understand why they couldn’t in acd Holmes Granada Holmes or Russian Holmes but like modern adaptations??? It’s been more than a year since the copyright expired. If Winnie the pooh can go horror then Johnlock can go romance, can’t they?
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kingstoken · 26 days ago
Random Sherlock Holmes thought, but does anyone else think that Irene Adler and Lady Frances Carfax would have been friends?
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kingstoken · 28 days ago
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I'm just going to leave this here.
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kingstoken · 1 month ago
i actually think its so sad there were victorian girlies made for tumblr who had to suffer their gay holmes/watson thoughts by themselves and also couldnt post about the final problem and the empty house..... that could have been like. the nov 5 of their era :(
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kingstoken · 1 month ago
Lovely fic written for me.
At the End of Time, one much appreciated memories, for those and inexorable time were all that remained. That, and gazing through the endless array of timelines, ceaselessly created and destroyed, and of the people therein, those who he missed the most.
Fic written by @cailjei for the Thor Gotcha for Gaza for @kingstoken's prompt: TVA Loki trying to subtly help Thor without Thor seeing him, until one day Thor catches him.
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