#John Viner
speaking of logan and green brother parallels,,,, this has me thinking about that one vid where hank green is responding to a question on tiktok thats like "name a time when a celeb has been mean to you" and he's like "one time, new york times best selling novelist john green stole my money when i was 11" and i cant stop thinking about logan responding to a question like that like "one time, the famous viner thomas sanders [xyz]"
alksdjlaksjlkjasdlkj youtuber rivalry.........
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evrensadwrn · 9 months
a viner in the john wick movies
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kwebtv · 10 months
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The Moon Stallion - BBC One - November 15, 1978 - December 20, 1978
Drama / Adventure (6 episodes)
Running Time: 30 minutes
James Greene as Professor Purwell
Sarah Sutton as Diana Purwell
David Pullan as Paul Purwell
John Abineri as Sir George Mortenhurze
Caroline Goodall as Estelle Mortenhurze
David Haig as Todman
Richard Viner as 'The Dark Rider'
Michael Kilgarriff as The Green King
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tartyfart · 1 year
Listen to a recorded document of the conceptual exhibition 'Art by Telephone' at Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art in 1969.
Transcription excerpt: Artist unknown.
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Inspired in part by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy's “telephone pictures” (for which the artist dictated his design for works over the phone to a fabricator, emphasizing the fact that an intellectual approach to the creation of art was not inferior to an emotional approach), Art by Telephonewas an extremely influential conceptually driven exhibition in the MCA's early history. Occurring at a time when the art world was moving away from minimalism and in a more conceptual direction, Art by Telephone asked artists from the United States and Europe to communicate their ideas for artworks over the telephone to MCA curator David H. Katzive. MCA staff then executed the works based on the artists' oral instructions, avoiding all blueprints and written plans. After six weeks, all of the works exhibited in Art by Telephonewere either destroyed or disposed of by the museum.
Some of the artists involved, such as Richard Hamilton and Wolf Vostell, approached the project with a more literal interpretation of the thematic. Vostell mailed a calendar of changing phone numbers from Germany. Visitors dialed the numbers to receive instructions for one-minute happenings. A Sol LeWitt wall drawing was produced with the help of assistants, and Robert Smithson constructed a varied version of his “non-site,” asking that a pile of cement be poured down a steep hill and then photographed for display in the galleries.
The exhibition included installations that relied heavily on audience participation, such as Arman's famous trashcans. The artist asked people to contribute their own waste to the enclosed Plexiglas area. Once it was filled to the brim, the work was considered complete.
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Others, such as William Wegman's Third Day, embraced natural occurrences. Third Dayconsisted of a trough, built in the shape of the letters spelling out “third day,” that was filled with water and covered with vermiculite. The water evaporated in three days, exposing the words engraved on the floor.
The exhibition was dedicated to Marcel Duchamp and John Cage, who declined to participate. However, most if not all artists who did accept the museum’s invitation, were influenced by one or both in some way, accepting the idea of process and experience over finished object.
Artists exhibited in Art by Telephone included: Siah Armajani, Arman, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Iain Baxter, Mel Bochner, George Brecht, Jack Burnham, James Lee Byars, Robert H. Cumming, Francois Dallegret, Jan Dibbets, John Giorno, Robert Grosvenor, Hans Haacke, Richard Hamilton, Dick Higgins, Davi Det Hompson, Robert Huot, Alain Jacquet, Ed Keinholz, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Guenther Uecker, Stan VanDerBeek, Bernar Venet, Frank Lincoln Viner, Wolf Vostell, William Wegman, and William T. Wiley.
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nonfer · 7 months
[ nation states can easily afford to buy people. ]
"During his nine years in the editor’s chair, Micklethwait is credited with steering the weekly’s circulation from 1.1m to 1.6m. He is joining Bloomberg News."
Judge issues restraining order keeping DOE from tracking bitcoin miners
The Department of Energy wants to know how 2% of the US's electricity is being used.
JOHN TIMMER - 2/27/2024, 1:15 PM
rachel maddow podcasts - Bing
"Much was made about Minton Beddoes becoming the first woman editor in the 171-year-old history of The Economist, just as Katharine Viner became the first at The Guardian in 194 years, only two months later."
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mrepstein · 7 years
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London Life - Saturday July 23, 1966
He is one of the richest pop managers in the business now - but he says he doesn’t expect to outlast the Beatles. His friends think differently.
Tough yet easily hurt, smooth, dignified, artistic, brilliant, socially charming... these are some of the qualities to which Brian Epstein’s friends attribute his success. But, asks JOHN VINER, what of the future?
At the age of 31, Brian Epstein is now on the threshold of that delightful situation known as extreme independence - or, as he puts it, “being able to do what one wants, when one wants.” It is a situation he has worked hard to achieve and, naturally, since managing The Beatles is not a cloistered task, a great many people have been on hand to witness Mr Epstein indulging in his chosen vocation.
Before I visited him at his home in Belgravia, I spoke to some of the people who know him. Their views concurred with remarkable frequency, which suggests Mr Epstein is, above all things, constant. But this is a view with which he hastened to disagree, explaining: “I am aware of posing sometimes behind two or more personalities.”
A Stayer
Mr George Martin, the man who records The Beatles, says of Mr Epstein: “Smooth is not a very nice word, but it does describe him. He is good looking, always well groomed and generally even-tempered. I would say he is extremely artistic and as such people close to him could hurt him quite easily; he’s likely to bruise.
“Although he is obviously very proud of himself, he is not completely egotistical: I should say he is about as ruthless as I am. (Mr Martin is not generally considered so.) He tends to play things by ear and in the past his off-the-cuff decisions have been invariably right. What most impressed me in the early days was his complete and utter faith in The Beatles; he knew the boys had something unique. He has a tremendous reputation for being tough. People think of him as a machine, but he is very human. Apart from good food and drink, which he loves, his idea of heaven is The Beatles always being Number One in the hit parade.
“One thing he doesn’t like is trickery, people trying to con him. I think he is nostalgic about the stage, but I doubt if he could make an actor now. (Epstein was once a RADA student, but left after one year.) If he hadn’t managed The Beatles he would have been a success at something in the arts, a ballet impresario or something. He mixes quite a lot with people in the opera and ballet world and he is never embarrassed by his connection with The Beatles. His consuming passion is Spain and the bullfight, and as for books and authors his taste is quite Catholic, in spite of the fact he is Jewish.”
Down in Kensington, Richard Lester, the American film director, who made both The Beatles’ films, was doing his polite damnedest to persuade a bored-looking bloodhound to eat some dog meat for yet another dog food commercial. Eventually the dog won the day, the script was changed a little, and the crew broke for lunch.
Mr Lester, his tanned forehead glowing like all that’s best in the South of France, commented: “Epstein is a man of reasonable dignity. I don’t suppose he is any more mannered than the rest of us in this occupational area.” As we progressed towards the Steak House in Kensington High Street, Mr Lester deliberated on Mr Epstein’s commercial success: “I don’t think he is at all ruthless. Surely his greatest talent is for timing - by that I mean he took the boys to the United States at just the right time, he decided to make their films at just the right time. He has a very accurate judgement.”
Two Lowry’s
Mr Lester was at a loss to describe any personal habits or quirks of Mr Epstein, “although if he threw a fit every 13 minutes I think I’d notice.” He also noted that Mr Epstein has taste: “It shows in his clothes (he is always quietly elegant), his pictures (he has two Lowry’s), his glass and his furniture.” As to the future, Mr Lester considers Mr Epstein is here to stay.
Finally, Dick Lester spoke of manners. “Both he and the boys have a Victorian air about them; they tend to get up when an older person enters the room.”
I asked if they stood up for him. Mr Lester, who is a bit thin on top, winced and said they did and added: “Thank you, very much.”
At the Liverpool headquarters of NEMS Enterprises I spoke to Brian’s younger brother, Clive Epstein. Aged 29, he is a director of the family business, NEMS retail, concentrating on TV rentals, radios and electrical equipment. He is also a director of NEMS Enterprises, the business started by his 31-year-old brother, which rejoices in the telegraphic address: Nemperor.
“My brother is a very determined sort of person,” says Clive Epstein. “We were at Wrekin College together and even then he showed a certain direction - he was brilliant, but for the wrong reasons, at public school. He never excelled at Rugby; it was much more likely to be the school play, or painting. Those were the things he enjoyed most.
“I always feel that Brian is tremendously conscious of other people, their birthdays, anniversaries and so on. He really enjoys doing things for people. He is always trying to encourage me to be impeccable, like him. You see, I’m a bit plumper than he is and I think he feels I should take some weight off. Once upon a time we went to the same tailor.”
Early days
In Liverpool, you’ll find Mr Bob Wooler, who now runs a theatrical agency, and before The Beatles met Mr Epstein, he was a disc-jockey based at that shrine, the Liverpool Cavern Club. “In those days,” says Mr Wooler, “The Beatles were getting £6 to £7 a lunchtime session and I went with them to NEMS record department to meet Epstein for the first time. It was an incongruous sight - he, on the one hand, so refined, The Beatles, on the other, in leather jackets and jeans. He loves expensive, impeccable clothes; he is quite an epicure, and that’s not a play on words. He hates scenes, never likes to appear ruffled, and is a man who loses his temper with great reluctance. In the beginning I don’t think his mater and pater approved of The Beatles and their appearance, but Brian has completely vindicated himself.
“If he had not found The Beatles he would have found another outlet for his talent. I’ve known him since the very beginning and I saw him in London at a first night recently - it was a pleasure to note he hadn’t changed at all, that he hasn’t developed any airs or graces.”
Brian Mulligan worked for NEMS Enterprises for a year, but left 16 months ago to work for one of the major record companies. With considerable experience of the average pop manager, he says: “By and large they are not people of refinement. Brian is. He is elegant, beautifully mannered, and socially has great charm and courtesy. I felt he didn’t really enjoy the administrative side of business, but he very much enjoys the sweet life and would, I think, prefer to leave the business side to someone else. I feel he is a frustrated Thespian.”
There was one other person whose views on Mr Epstein I wanted. The views of Mr Bernard Delfont. Recently Mr Epstein became chairman and managing director of Delfont’s company, Japspic, and so took over the controlling interest in the Saville Theatre. But Mr Delfont’s secretary informed me he had made a decision not to say anything about Mr Epstein.
So that left Brian Epstein himself, padding downstairs to invite me to his first-floor sitting-room overlooking the very best part of Belgravia, ordering coffee over his two-way speaker tucked away in the wall, and wondering how long it would be before we became accustomed to air-conditioning.
Eye for detail
I mentioned some of the things his friends and acquaintances had said of him. What about his great attention to detail? “Yes, I have,” he replied. “I don’t like delegation, I can’t resist involvement.” And the sweet life? “Yes, I enjoy it, both the run around discothèque thing and the luxury of good things. An uncle of mine once took me to dinner at the Savoy grill when I was a National Service private at Aldershot, and he said: ‘This is what you really enjoy.’ Scenes? I don’t like them very much, but I’ll throw one if I feel it’s necessary. Apparently, I don’t often look ruffled, but by and large that is a facade. When I’m worried I chew my nails.”
The Beatles refer to him, out of his earshot, as “Eppie.” “They never call me that to my face. But I suppose it’s quite endearing, really - I was called that at school.
“I don’t think I’m clever at making money. I’m not a fool but I’m not a financial genius. I’m sensitive, I think, and of all the things which hurt me, giving people bad advice hurts most. I’m much more careful about judging people now, and quite prepared to change my first opinion. I’m not easily conned.”
Beatles no bar
Although his interests are now diverging into other more pure forms of artistic direction, he says he is never embarrassed by his connection with The Beatles. “And anyway, if I’m at the opera or theatre I find the English are too sensitive to say anything about the boys.
“I’m not ruthless; I don’t find it an advantage to be ruthless. I am aware I have a good sense of timing and it is sufficiently strong for me to weigh up the pros and cons. As to my Victorian air. It may appear so to others but really it’s a basic, quite natural approach. People seem surprised we do anything quite normally. All this finger snapping, hippy business is very contrived; so much nonsense in many ways.”
Politically, Epstein is a Socialist at heart: “But it’s not very good for me because they take most of the money I make. You just don’t believe they can take so much.”
As a child he was brought up in his parents’ Jewish faith. “But religion doesn’t appeal to me now; I can’t take it. I’m respectful when I should be, no more. It doesn’t worry my parents.” For exercise he swims occasionally and when in the country he likes walking. “By and large I’m healthy. I don’t smoke much, about 10 filters a day, and then only in the evening. Of course, I’m aware of the cancer thing, but I don’t think I run much risk.”
About London’s new mantle of being a “swinging city,” he says: “There is a very grave danger of people deluding themselves into thinking this is some sort of artistic progress. I think this Mod thing is awful. I haven’t had much to do with it.
“I don’t see much TV; I’m much more addicted to newspapers. Some of our Press is incredibly trite, but it seems to me there are others much worse.” Apart from the bullfight, he is currently indulging in a gourmet’s passion for a Spanish cold soup called Gazpacho: “I sometimes have it three times a day.”
Epstein runs three cars - a maroon Rolls, a grey convertible Bentley and a white Mini. “I don’t know why they are all coloured. I used to have all-black cars.”
The future
Cilla Black recommended that he should have his hair cut at Raphael and Leonard and, fingering his long sideboards, he says “It’s much nicer there than at a barber’s.”
His current thoughts, he adds, are about marriage, not because of his age (he is 32 in September), but because “I think it would be nice.” And he wants children. Then, with some candour, he says he would swop everything he has to be able to write songs like John Lennon and Paul McCartney, “because that is basically a creative talent.”
What of the future? He says he doesn’t expect to last any longer than The Beatles - but that is an opinion which few people who know him would agree with. Mr Epstein has a look of extreme permanence about him.
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tiger-moran · 4 years
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So I screencapped the part just before the explosion in The Lions of Causton. Annoyingly it’s just out of frame but John definitely appears to reach over and grab Jamie’s hand or arm to direct him out of the room first. But he also hesitates before he moves to leave himself because he still evidently wants to try to save Neville as well (and save Jamie, Bill and himself by extension). And Jamie also hesitates with his hand on John’s arm when he realises John isn’t coming immediately. So while it is in a very sad scene, that moment which does show how much they care about each other is very beautiful.
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cleowho · 8 years
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“...a distinct element of risk...”
The Tomb of the Cybermen - season 05 - 1967
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venicepearl · 2 years
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Sir Robert Viner and his family, as painted by John Michael Wright
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hamiltonofjakku · 7 years
Hamiltons and Layffetes friendship is like the equivalent to the two bros chilling in a hot tub, 5 ft apart cuz they’re not gay vine
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mycatsaidwhat · 2 years
things i’ve heard college students say pt. 23
-i think we collectively as a people need to remember that Shawn Mendes was a magcon viner
-Post Nut Clarity: Did I really ask for their number through a school email? 
-i was on Brent Rivera’s instagram for two seconds and was like I have to be this guy for halloween 
-what if she’s a 6 but bought you a PS5
-what was that sickness you had last semester?
-my toxic trait is i started liking Riptide again 
-So now that I have 2k Yakarma, can I get my virginity back?
-Thats’ what Nancy “Throat Goat” Reagan wanted
-That Riverdale actor accused of murder, John Mulaney getting divorced, they’re making a Barbie movie, when have I ever come to you with good news? 
-we’re in prison as long as we’re away from good drugs 
-you’re in the shower jerking off to your crush, I’m in the shower jerking off to how a $10 increase in depreciation flows through the 3 financial statements, we are not the same 
-you’re my best friend because you gave me details about his lock screen photo 
-this is all so 1984core
-i would sell my soul for a hot stable boy moment 
-i think I’m ace but then I see Jeff Goldblum in Independence Day and I’m like dammit 
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arte-rock · 3 years
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Art by Telephone (1969). Artists included: Siah Armajani, Arman, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Iain Baxter, Mel Bochner, George Brecht, Jack Burnham, James Lee Byars, Robert H. Cumming, Francois Dallegret, Jan Dibbets, John Giorno, Robert Grosvenor, Hans Haacke, Richard Hamilton, Dick Higgins, Davi Det Hompson, Robert Huot, Alain Jacquet, Ed Keinholz, Joseph Kosuth, Les Levine, Sol LeWitt, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Richard Serra, Robert Smithson, Guenther Uecker, Stan VanDerBeek, Bernar Venet, Frank Lincoln Viner, Wolf Vostell, William Wegman, and William T. Wiley.
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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5 Stories • 5 Links
"The final day we did a scene where we're all walking down the street and they're playing Van Morrison's 'And the Healing Has Begun,' and we were all in floods of tears," he recalls. "That song means so much to me anyway, most Van Morrison music means a lot to me, if you're from that part of the world, it just does. And even Ken was walking with us, because there's a point when Ken was in the movie too.
"I'll never forget that moment," Dornan continues. "The privilege I felt to be in that movie with those people and have had that experience in the final day was incredible."
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There is a terrific warmth and tenderness to Kenneth Branagh’s elegiac, autobiographical movie about the Belfast of his childhood: spryly written, beautifully acted and shot in a lustrous monochrome, with set pieces, madeleines and epiphanies that feel like a more emollient version of Terence Davies. Some may feel that the film is sentimental or that it does not sufficiently conform to the template of political anger and despair considered appropriate for dramas about Northern Ireland and the Troubles. And yes, there is certainly a spoonful of sugar (or two) in the mix, with some mandatory Van Morrison on the soundtrack. There’s a key climactic scene about how you disarm a gunman in the middle of a riot if you have no gun yourself, which has to be charitably indulged.
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Photograph: Rob Youngson/Focus Features
Like most, television is a big part of Dornan's night life with his wife, musician Amelia Warner He says the clear favorite “like every single person who has a television,” is HBO's “Succession.” “That's something we devour. We're also in the middle of ‘The Shrink Next Door,’ which I'm enjoying. My wife will watch ‘And Just Like That’ and I won't. I'll go and get some work done."
“I actually went to do something the other night and she was going to watch ‘And Just Like That.’ Whatever I went to do got canceled and I came back and she was like gutted," he laughed. "I said, ‘You know what? You can have your night.’"
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Warner and her husband Jamie Dornan attend the 2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party hosted by Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Beverly Hills, California (Getty) (Getty Images) from The Independent 2 March 2017
From start to finish, it is enchantingly done. It opens with colour shots of modern-day Belfast, accompanied, as the film is throughout, by the music of Van Morrison. Then it morphs into black and white to show a contented urban scene in August 1969: children playing, neighbours chatting, a happy community at one with itself and a young boy, Buddy (engagingly played by newcomer Jude Hill), slowly making his way home.
Hinds plays Pop beautifully, but it might be Dench's performance that moves you to tears, as Granny comes to terms with Ma and Pa's painfully conflicted decision to uproot themselves.
Dornan is terrific, too; and Balfe, beguilingly bonny even when her character is in despair, will surely lift a statuette or two before awards season is done.
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With his largely autobiographical drama Belfast, for which he won a richly deserved Best Screenplay award at the Golden Globes earlier this month, he shines a spotlight on it for the first time
"They've watched Barb and Star. When I say they watch it, I mean they mostly just watch my song," Dornan, 39, tells PEOPLE in the latest issue. He shares daughters Dulcie, 8, Elva, 5, and Alberta, 2, with his wife of nearly nine years, film composer Amelia Warner.
"That's what they're obsessed with. Even the 2-year-old's obsessed with that and wants to watch that all the time. So that's on our most watched YouTube playlist, probably," he adds.
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Screenshot from dornan_only on Instagram
Remember… (Dornan’s character) starts showing his wife and kids assisted-emigrant brochures for Vancouver and Sydney: places beyond the reach of the terrorists and the taxman but so alien they might as well feature on Star Trek, which the boys watch on TV every week. — The Guardian
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wrsworlddomination · 3 years
eurovision 2019 top
1-11 i am obsessed with, 12-21 i really like, 22-32 i enjoy, 33-38 i don't care about and 39-41 i loathe
Iceland - i am nothing if not edgy
Italy - once i know all the lyrics it's over for you bitches
Norway - ok but the zooming on each of them is the funniest thing
Sweden - i am a John Lundvik simp
Netherlands - hearing this live must have been transcendental
France - i legitimately teared up
Portugal - too good for eurovision
Romania - she deserved so much better
Greece - this is what heaven looks like for me
Serbia - goth waterbender lady doing things to me
Spain - if you see me randomly singing "LA VENDA YA CAYOOOO"... mind your business
Australia - what if one of them fell
Macedonia - i would trust her with my life
Albania - exactly my type of milf
Czechia - sounds like something i would have listened to in 2015
Switzerland - i love horny bops as much as the next person but he's not that hot guys calm down
Georgia - i had a dream just like this
Poland - ignoring 70% of the performance is just the costumes, this is cool
Slovenia - did they skip school to be here?
Russia - one russian man was enough, why are there 8 more of him?
Armenia - they always have the best female singers
Croatia - couldn't they have gotten better hairstylists for those angels?
Hungary - his voice doesn't match his look at all
UK - what a sweetheart honestly
Cyprus - tasteful bdsm
Austria - most beautiful song this year
Latvia - this is so soothing
Estonia - what is it with Estonia and sending mediocre gorgeous men?
Belarus - she would have bullied me in american high school
Azerbaijan - no i won't shut up
Lithuania - dude stop whoever it is she's not into you
Germany - guys i think they're sisters
Belgium - he looks like a viner
Finland - i bumped this up one spot more than it deserved purely because of his boots
Moldova - they ripped off the staging from generic talent shows my mom loves to watch
Israel - nothing happened at all for me; also. why was he crying
Ireland - who's holding a gun to her head
Montenegro - promising start but it went downhill fast
Malta - she would have bullied me in romanian high school
San Marino - guys you know meme songs are supposed to be funny right?
Denmark - even the dumb ways to die song is better than this
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
Literally all the oc questions I’m 👀📝
Urs... you’re my favourite person ever. Let’s get into this.
scarlet - What would your OC do if they found a mysterious sack of money just left unattended?
Okay, before Coast City gets blown up... Autumn tries to return it to their owner. There’s probably a small moment where she considers keeping it for herself, but, like, she’s a hero. She’s gotta do the right thing here, she’s pretty sure there’s a rule about it somewhere.
After the Coast City debacle... she doesn’t hesitate to keep for herself. Does she need it? Not really. Does she care? Also not really. She’s at a very selfish point in her life & is kind of... apathetic to other people.
amber - What would your OC do if they found out their significant other(s) are cheating on them?
Oh... this would be a mess. It doesn’t matter if it’s before Coast City is destroyed because Autumn’s already full of trust issues & if someone cheated on her... she’s already mentally unstable, people, stop hurting her.
She’d go to Hal, no matter what. Would that end well for her significant other? Good God no. Hal does not need a satantic cricket taking him for a joyride to commit murder for his protege, okay, he was down for that like two weeks after meeting her.
There’s definitely a messy break-up, because Autumn is generally a dramatic person, but something like this? Yeah, she’s torched their place. It’s on fire and she does not care.
Absolutely follows it up by crashing with either Hal or Carol & if she does go to Carol, then Hal will arrive with her favourite take-out. May bring her to beat up bad guys.
honey - What would your OC do if they lost a treasured possession? Imagine that there is no way this item could be replaced or bought again, that it is 100% gone forever and they can’t get it back.
She goes insane and commits mass murder. Autumn would probably freak out. Like, she’s got a little arrowhead necklace from Roy & she doesn’t wear it anymore (she hasn’t since Coast City) but it means everything to her & if she lost it... she’d be a wreck. Roy doesn’t even talk to her anymore & it’s pretty much all she has left of their friendship, the only thing that remains & yeah, it’d mess with her if she lost it.
And, well. It’s firmly established that this girl cannot regulate her emotions in a healthy manner.
seafoam - What would your OC do if they ever got stranded somewhere or lost? They have only a few basic supplies with them and have no idea where they are and are completely alone with only themself to rely on.
As shown... a lot... if Autumn’s on her own for too long, she loses her mind and starts to blow stuff up. She’s stranded on some alien planet with no way off? Nobody’s coming to get her? She’s alone for an extended period of time? Her powers are going haywire. She’d probably try to calm herself down, but it wouldn’t really work.
Honeslty, pre-Coast City Autumn would actually handle it a lot better. She has literal endless faith in Hal, Guy, John, etc, & convinces herself within minutes that they’ll find her. All she’s gotta do is survive & since Ollie’s taken her on so many camping trips, she reckons she’s fine.
cerulean - What would your OC do if time suddenly froze only for them?
Like, okay, Autumn in the beginning? She engages in assorted shenanigans, really dumb pranks that’ll never be able to linked back to her. She absolutely frames Wally for a few. They’re all pretty harmless thiugh & it’d take her a while to freak out, even slightly, because she’s accustomed to weird stuff happening & is like... ‘oh is this what we’re doing today? cool i’m drawing a mustache on martian manhunter’s face’
Later, she’s using it for murder, I don’t care. Time freezes, she realizes what’s happened & is like, well, I guess I gotta kill Slade Wilson, don’t I?
lilac - What would your OC do if they found a baby abandoned on their doorstep in the middle of the night?
She freaks out! Like, I’m putting this when she’s an adult so... she doesn’t fully trust herself around kids? I mean, look at Rachel; she did almost kill her. And babies are so fragile, she’s almost definitely holding this one wrong, oh god, she’s gonna crack their skull.
She brings the baby to Guy, in the end, because a) she trusts him & b) he’s a social worker, he’s gonna know what to do with a baby.
(Guy, meanwhile, is genuinely amused that she seems terrified by a baby. Trigon? Fine, no problem, she can handle that. A small human? This is it, this is how the entire world ends).
peach - What would your OC do if someone confessed their love to them?
There’s been, like, three people to tell Autumn that they love her in a romantic sense... when Arisia told her,  Autumn was practically bouncing off the walls because her amazing, talented, beautiful girlfriend just told her that she loves her, oh my god, this is literally the best day of her life. To be honest, if anyone in her previous relationships had dropped the L bomb, she wouldn’t have been so okay with it, but her & Arisia have been friends for years.
Dick tells her that he loves her eventually &, uh, she doesn’t handle it that well. Like!!!! Autumn doesn’t think she deserves Dick in any way & she especially doesn’t think that she deserves his love, not after everything that’s happened. She’s also a lil dumb because every single ‘I could never hate you’ was a low key declaration of love.
When Kory tells her, it’s after Dick & Auutmn have suggested that idea of all of them beingin a relationship. I mean, let’s be honest, Autumn’s been in love with Kory for a while (seriously... Autumn, you don’t platonically think about your friends like that, there’s no such thing as platonic make out sessions, please grow a brain cell xoxo) & that goes both ways! And Autumn & Dick wouldn’t even be having that comversation with Kory if they weren’t very seriously committed to the idea of being with her, so... yeah, tht one goes down very well.
pearl - What would your OC do if a natural disaster hit their home? What would they do in the aftermath?
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[insert wheezing here]
chocolate - What would your OC do if they were forced to sacrifice one of their most beloved people to save another of their beloved people? Only one can survive.
Okay, so!!! Matter of the fact is, Autumn, my sweet darling angel, would sacrifice literally anyone for Hal, even Dick. He is the single most important person in her life. Like, honestly, if Parallax had outright said that he needed Autumn to come with him... that’s it. She’s gone. He’s her family, in a way that nobody else really acomplishes, because he’s the only person that Autumn’s ever truly vinerable with.
So, yeah, if she whas to choose between Hal & anybody else, Hal wins. Hal & the universe? She picks Hal. He’s really not the biggest fam of this but, uh, he’s the same.
She would put Dick over a lot of people, too. He’s never gonna reach Hal’s level, but, yeah, she’d let a few people die for him. 
If it ever came down to her picking between him & Hal though... she’d hate herself, but she knows who she’d pick. She always does.
pitch - What would your OC do if they were being interrogated for valuable information? *bonus* What would they do if this interrogation turned down a darker road e.g torture?
It... depends on who’s doing the interrogation, to be honest. Because, like, it has happened to her a lot. Girl has been taken into government questioning over things like the GLs but she does not talk. Autumn is loyal to a fault & it’s very hard to get her to crack.
Unless you’re Sinestro, in which case... yeah, fun added bonus of easily being able to emotionally manipulate her.
When it comes to torture... hm. Before everything that happened with Casot City & Parallax, I’d say it’d eventually work on her. Like, faster in her younger years, slower when she’s older, but ultimately, yeah. She’s between the ages of 13 and her early twenties, so she’d definitely crack eventually.
After that whole shit show, though? Lmao, no. No form of torture is gonna get through her. Exception is, of course, Sinestro for the sheer emotional pain it’d cause, but beyond that? Not happening. Although, honestly, in the direct aftermath of everything... who the fuck is even gonna try hurting her. Who even has the balls.
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davidsvlogs · 4 years
who are marcus and kristin johns?
marcus was a viner
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