#Jin Ye-Sol
k-star-holic · 1 year
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'Drunk Driving' Jin Ye-sol Apologizes for Potential Murder
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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Listen I am on my rewatch of The Glory and aside from being madly in love with both the romantic and unhinged nature of Joo Yeo Jeong, The absolute disparity between the good and bad parents in this show is killing me.
Dong-Eun’s mom? Absolute piece of trash with no class.
Yeon-Jin’s mom? Karen who thinks money and power can buy you anything.
Yeo-Jeong’s mom? Absolutely 100% supportive, but not stupid and committed to doing the right thing.
Kang Hyeon-Nam? The baddest bitch alive, willing to do anything to save her daughter even if it means endangering herself.
And then you have the disparity between Jae Jun and Do-Hyeong, who both cared about Ye-Sol. Jae Jun only cared about her when it was convenient for him and wanted her not because he truly loved her but because he wanted to possess her. Meanwhile, you have Do-Hyeong who is constantly looking out for Ye-Sol’s best interests even though he isn’t biologically related to her.
NOT ONLY THAT, but you also have Yeo-Jeong’s Dad, who was murdered by a patient while doing what he thought was right by saving him, unintentionally starting his son on the path to revenge.
And like yeah The Glory’s main focus is revenge but it’s also an exquisite commentary on how we pass down, inherit, come to terms with, and outright prevent generational trauma from our parents. It also shows how we can choose to do better or worse than they did based on the relationships we create or take for granted.
Idk man, as a generational trauma cycle breaker myself and mom of an (adopted adult) daughter that also experienced so much of that, this show gets to me on a parenting level in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
(Also Do-Yeong’s relationship with Ye-Sol makes me cry in the best way 🥹)
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theres-a-bea · 2 years
"i don't want to be a weathercaster anymore mommy i'm not proud of you anymore" HA YE SOL YOU ARE A BAD BITCH AND I LOVE YOU
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vallen-bell · 2 months
Multicouples | Somebody to die for
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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My Top Female Characters 2022
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3- Our Love Triangle
4- I Give My First Love To You
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5- Reincarnation Love
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zinvy · 3 months
hi! if requests are still open: may i request a fic(headcanon) of what it would be like to be park yeonjin’s sister(you can make it a yandere fic if you would like too) mainly the high school yeonjin? thank you have a good day
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having yeon-jin as your older sister headcannons
warnings : kinda yandere yeonjin, mentions of yeonjin's bullying
a/n : sorry this took so long nonnie :( wasn't sure whether you wanted yeon-jin to be the older or younger sister so I made her older as it fit more, I hope you like it !!
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yeon-jin was so happy when you were born, she always wanted a baby sister and had hoped that you would be a girl
there's not that big of an age gap between you so you would often wear matching clothes growing up
as a kid it was because your mother made you but when you grew up you still did it simply because you liked too
you guys go shopping at least once a week
extremely overprotective
yeon-jin sees you as someone who could never do anything bad
because of this she gets extremely upset when people point out things you've done wrong (whether they're true or not)
yeon-jin confides in you a lot
both of you face high expectations from your parents, but yeon-jin tries to shield you from their demands
in high school, you and yeon-jin are the most popular girls in school
she loves to give you gifts and often gives you her old clothes that she thinks you'll look good in
yeon-jin is very involved in your romantic life
she judges your partners so harshly you wonder if there would ever be someone good enough for you in her eyes (there isn't)
she def uses the fear people have for her to help you get what you want
have a crush on someone? bullies their partner into leaving them
being bullied? will threaten, harass, and bully them into leaving you alone
denied from an after school club? one glare from her and the club leader changes their decision
she doesn't tell you about any of this of course and you grow to believe that you're just extremely lucky
she doesn't let you know about her bullying either
you're just as feared by your classmates as she is
not just because they know that yeon-jin will come for them if they upset you
but also because they're worried that you're just as sadistic as she is
you're always confused as to why people never meet your gaze
when you decide to go to college, yeon-jin decides to come too, even though she wasn't planning on going before
she's not that academically smart as she always used to make her victims do her work for her
so she has to pay her way in
you guys share a dorm and spend most days with each other
after college you go on to get the job you want & yeon-jin becomes a weather forecaster
she visits you at work a lot and calls you during her breaks
you're pretty close with sa-ra, she's the only one of yeon-jin's "friends" that she deems worthy of being friends with you, besides jae-jun but you never really got along with him as you always found him creepy 😭
you get along really well with do-yeong and ye-sol as well
you babysit ye-sol as much as you can, bringing her into work with you to show her what you do
when yeon-jin is arrested you're not entirely surprised
over the years you have noticed how she treats others, and how she's trying to teach ye-sol to treat others
despite this you're still heartbroken
yeon-jin has been your protector your whole life and you don't really know what to do now that she's gone
you move to the UK with ye-sol and do-young
unlike them though, you do visit yeon-jin every year
after awhile she convinces you to sneakily give ye-sol her letters
though she doesn't seem very bothered with them
with your sisters overprotectivness gone, you feel a sense of freedom
you make a lot more friends, most of whom yeon-jin would never approve of
you help raise ye-sol, living next to them
your sister misses you terribly, sending you letters asking to meet up
as the years go on you visit her less and less until eventually you're only seeing her once a year
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curi0us-gh0st · 1 year
Hi! Hope you're doing well ☺️ I would like to request headcanons for Ha Do-yeong and Jeon Jae-jun (separately) falling in love and confessing to a female reader is Moon Dong-eun's friend who helped her in revenge? She is also a very loving mother figure to Ye-sol? And what it will be like to date them? Thank you ❤️
(Im)Perfect Relationship (Do-yeong & Jae-jun)
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pairings: Ha Do-yeong x Fem!Reader, Ye-sol x Fem!Reader (Platonic), Jeon Jae-jun x Fem!Reader,
word count: ± 1k
genre: Angst, fluffy, suggestive (?)
Jeon Jae-jun, He was the almost perfect guy for all the girls, he had everything he wanted whenever he wanted, and the only thing he wanted, he couldn't have, was you.
Ha Do-yeong, With his thought of leaving Seoul with Ye-sol, trying to keep his daughter away from the evils of the metropolis, he only saw a single light to stay.
warnings: mention of Moon Dong-eun's bullying, swearing, forgiveness (?), almost an unhappy ending, Reader being doubtful of any act of Jae-jun, jealousy, age gaps, kissing, mention of Park Yeon-jin, let me know if anything slipped out.:)
a/n: aaaa, kinda sad? but, after all, deep down there are feelings :((
part 1 / part 2 (smut)
Jeon Jae-jun
★ Jae-jun the moment he met you, the first time he saw you with Moon Dong-eun on the court, he quickly felt that he could convince you (or you) with his charm, but he didn't even come close, you and Dong-eun just cutting off the chat and leaving happy that their plan had begun.
★ Jae-jun, after several times seeing you in situations involving Dong-eun and his revenge, he felt tempted to flirt with you, but unfortunately for him, he always got dumped, getting angry and determined to make you surrender to his beauty.
★ When Jae-jun realized that he wanted you more than any other woman he could have, he felt indifferent, laughing in his own face, because he had simply never felt that way with Yeon-jin, much less with Hye-jeong. So he spent long moments thinking about why he wanted to stay close and wanted to impress just you.
★ Jae-jun when he touched himself is in love with you, he cursed himself internally, cursing himself every moment he found himself thinking about you, what it would be like to wake up next to you, how your lips could be soft and sweet, how your food would be hot, etc. And he quickly shook his head furiously while you were almost finishing him off in the revenge plan, he must hate you.
★ Jae-jun thought that if he got rid of Yeon-jin, he would have a share of forgiveness and found the perfect time to confess his feelings while he almost made you guys crash into his car, what a stupid idea he thought of later. You asked Dong-eun to stay in the car, saying you would deal with him and well, it was really awkward talking.
"You're telling me you're in love with me? You're kidding, right?" You laughed in disbelief, the rain wetting your hair and clothes with how much outside it was.
"I am not kidding!" He shouted angrily, it wasn't because he was in love that he would be sweet, he was still explosive.
"No way." He scoffed. "It's impossible for someone like you to have feelings, especially you! Are you aware of what you did to Dong-eun? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel ashamed? No, right? Because you are you! Superb, just thinking about money and sex, nothing Besides, it matters.” He spat out the words. "Someone like you would never know what love, empathy, compassion, those things are. Never, do you understand?"
"Y/N, please…" Before he could say anything, Yeo-jeong appeared, asking you to leave with Dong-eun and he would sort it out, you obeyed, leaving there.
★ Jae-jun in the following days felt frustrated, hating himself for every moment of that damn conversation. You were right? Could he ever feel what love is? Did you hate him? Was he such a horrible person? And if he asked for forgiveness, would everything change? Would you like him? He was so confused, so sad, for the first time in his life, he would have to fight for something he truly cared about.
★ When Jae-jun went to visit Hye-jeong, after all those events, he felt strange and even asked Choi why he was feeling that way, of course Hye-jeong looked at him strangely, in disbelief at what she was hearing, quickly Jeon he told her to forget about it and not tell anyone, the moment he left, he came face to face with you, dressed as a nurse and with a gentle smile while talking to a patient, when your eyes met theirs he soon disappeared, moving on to another wing, but was prevented by him.
★ Jae-jun took you to the hospital terrace, where you could stay afterwards, saying he had to talk to you, you had no choice but to go.
“Y/N.” He tried to find words to say what he felt. "I know you don't believe me, and you're right, I understand that. But please… Just think about it." Jae-jun put his hands together for the first time to beg for something.
"Rethink?" You asked. "What do I have to think? You hurt my friend, you made her about, what do you want me to rethink?!"
"Oh!" He shouted impatiently. "Damn, I know what I did, but… I… Fuck!" He couldn't. "I-I like you! I want you, not just to stay and leave the next morning for the first time, I want to wake up next to someone, I want to be the reason you smile, I want to actually be good to you, I don't know why I'm feeling this, but that's what I think every time I see you! Please, please, please. Think again, if you really don't want to, I'll disappear from your life forever!" Jae-jun knelt in front.
His eyes staring deeply into yours, really trying to convey everything he felt to you, he didn't understand, but he thought it was the right thing to do. You stared at him, kneeling in front of him, your heart pounding, confused, strangely thoughtful at the confession, maybe… Just maybe, could you forgive him? Was he lying? Was he cheating on you? Was he planning something with this? Why would he go to the level of kneeling and begging? Maybe, you should at least give him the pleasure of a cup of coffee or dinner to hear what he had to say. Maybe, you should talk to Dong-eun and Yeo-jeong about this, you were so confused. You really need to think about this.
Ha Do-yeong
★ When Ha Do-yeong met you, you were Ye-sol's babysitter since Yeon-jin went back to work, you spent most of your day with the little girl. He was surprised when he saw her with Moon Dong-eun after her resignation, but logically, he didn't say anything to Yeon-jin while letting you see Ye-sol while she was gone, since the girl was attached to you.
★ When Yeon-jin tried to push you away at all costs if Ye-sol, he intervened because the woman wanted to fight in front of her daughter, he didn't let her insult you, much less let her attack you. He pushed you away and apologized to you, saying that you could see Ye-sol in peace once the divorce papers were signed, you were surprised when you heard him say that but you agreed.
★ Ha Do-yeong, after Yeon-jin was arrested, he sent you a text message, asking if you would like to leave with them and leave Seoul, you quickly denied it because of your family and that your friend needed you even That you loved Ye-sol, he couldn't leave everything and leave like that, he understood that, he thought, he spent the night thinking about it.
★ He asked you for lunch one day, you were silent until the waiter took your orders, he cleared his throat to say something to you.
"Y/N. I understand that you don't want to leave Seoul because of your family, Moon Dong-eun and other personal reasons of yours. Therefore, Ye-sol has been very attached to you since forever, I think. She doesn't stop Talking about you and your times together, I wish you could babysit her again in some way. I just… I really want you close to her, she likes you a lot like I do." He said spontaneously, of course it made perfect sense in his head, but something held you back.
"Oh-" his cheeks lit up pink, it caught her off guard at this. "I know, Mister Ha. And well, of course I can babysit Ye-sol, I love this little girl more than anything and I understand that you would do anything to see her happy." You smiled shyly and he smiled brightly.
★ When Do-yeong got home after weeks of you accepting the proposal, he felt his heart catch fire seeing you and Ye-sol preparing a cake, the kitchen full of wheat and mixtures that spilled while lively music played in the background, and Their laughter filled the place with joy. When you saw him standing there, his cheeks turned red with embarrassment while Ye-sol was more radiant than anything.
"Appa, you're here!" The little girl ran to him, despite his protest that she would dirty him. "Y/N and I are making a cake for us all to snack on." Ye-sol whispered as if it was a secret.
"A cake? It must be delicious!" He smiled approaching the dirty kitchen. "Apparently, there were some unforeseen events." He laughed at how he was doing.
"I'm sorry Mr. Ha, I promise I'll clean everything up!" You assured.
"No problem, if the cake is good, you will be forgiven!" He tickled Ye-sol who laughed loudly.
Some time after everything was tidy and clean, you were sitting on the grass in the backyard, having a picnic in the moonlight, seeing the full moon in the sky while listening to Ye-sol's stories. Suddenly, Do-yeong reached out to his face, which made it red again.
"There's still cake mix on your face." He chuckled, wiping at his chin. His gaze and hand remained for a good few minutes, you were very beautiful, how did he not notice that before?
"My God!" You almost exploded with embarrassment. "I'll have to spend long minutes in the shower to clean up all this mess." You laughed shyly as his eyes lit up, quickly taking his hand away from you.
★ After that day, he found himself feeling different about you, you seemed more beautiful and more attractive than any other woman he had ever seen, and who had flirted with him. He refused to accept his own feelings, because you were younger than him, he felt hesitant about it.
★ After much thought, he invited you to go with him and Ye-sol to the beach, you accepted thinking it was just to take care of Ye-sol during it, but certainly not. You were tempted to look at his almost defined body, the masculine features that highlighted his beauty, heavens, you were feeling completely attracted to his boss…
★ And this was even deeper when you saw a woman talking to him, feeling strange, calling Ye-sol to come with you, to call him.
"Jagiya?" "Appa!" You called them, right behind him. Making the woman look at you and as he turned around in surprise at the call.
"What?" He asked in surprise.
"Jagiya, Ye-sol wants to eat ice cream… How about you join us?" You teased, making a different tone appear on Do-yeong's cheeks. When the woman said goodbye to him, it was his victory, without saying anything, he took them to the ice cream shop.
That night, minutes after you put Ye-sol to sleep, he was on the balcony looking at the stars drinking wine he found in the hotel room.
"Jagiya. Was this all to drive away the woman I was with?" You almost spat the wine out of his mouth when Do-yeong appeared in the doorway.
"I… No…" He chuckled at her nervous state. "Were you jealous?" He asked, knowing the answer. "She was a lookalike from the company, who saw me and came to greet me, don't worry." He teased making your cheeks catch fire.
"Mister Ha…" You saw him get closer to you.
"Maybe I should show you who my heart belongs to…" He said almost in a whisper, your heart pounding against your chest, your eyes dilating, on impulse, you set the glass aside, holding onto Do-yeong's long shoulders and pulling him into a kiss, soft and sweet.
"Maybe, you already have your answer…" his eyes sparkled next to his.
That night, a new passion set fire to Do-yeong's heart, a true and pure love, without lies, without deceit, without cheating. Where even his daughter felt welcomed and loved.
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almostwisegalaxy · 2 years
The glory
Ha Do Young x reader
Part 1
Year 2019
three years before the series
"Don't you want to get revenge too?"
Moon Dong Eun and I have known each other for eight years now. At that time, I had lied about my age to work in the factory and have a roof over my head. When she found out, she didn't try to tell the manager as I feared.
She looked at me with her usual look and said, "It's brave for someone your age to work in a factory, but this is not a game. Make yourself small and work hard to leave this place.
After that, I started to like her. She never approached me, but she would stand up for me when I got in trouble. And for the 14 year old I was admirable
Because of her reserved personality, I didn't want to stick to her and bother her. Instead, when I noticed that she was starving herself, I would steal some bread and canned salmon from the storeroom and leave it next to her whenever she was studying late. The day she left, she had left me a note that said < when you get out of here, come see me and I did. Today, we have grown so close that I call her big sister.
"While I was away, they set their sights on you. There are no causes without consequences y/n . I will make jeon jae joon pay for what he did to you but for that you must give me your help.
"Dong Eun you know that I don't want to see him or his gang again. I just want to be away from all this.
"Don't you want to avenge your son? How can you tell him to walk with his head high in the streets if his own mother is always walking with the fear of running into her criminals again? "
After hesitating at first, he replied, "What should I do?
"I will give you an identity thing and you have to seduce Park Yeon Jin's husband.
Ha Do Young pov
I walk in the newly opened Go park. My first goal was to play with someone who would like to play with me, but given the early hour I quickly drop the idea. Instead I decide to take a walk and soon I'm rambling about my problems.
Lately I have more and more suspicions that ye-sol might not be my daughter but jeon jae joon's. No matter how many times I think about it, I can't bring myself to do it. I love this child too much to give her away.
So I continue in my devaluations without really taking notice of what is happening around me until I hit a person and felt an intense burning in my stomach.
"Excuse me. Being in a hurry I wasn't really looking where I was going and you were in my way. It's nothing your fault of course".
Look at the agitated young woman in front of me who was trying to make amends as best she could
"The tea must be burning you sorry. Wipe yourself with this" she said, handing me a pocket towel. I gladly took it.
"It's early and I've already ruined your blouse. I apologize for that.
"It's nothing.
"Please send the dry cleaning bill to this address. "
She handed me a card which I took before continuing
"Excuse me again but I have to go or I'll be late" she said bowing in politeness and left
Funny woman. I threw the card and went to change. Fortunately I have a change of clothes.
Y/n pov
Yeon jin what will you feel when you see the burn on your dear husband's belly. The same place where your and jae joon marked me with oil?
It was my lunch break so I went out of the hospital in which I work at the general medicine station to have some tea and sushi and change the air. The tea here is much better than the one in the hospital.
I wonder what my son is doing at this hour. I would like to spend lunch with him but it is impossible. I take a sip of my drink when someone calls out to me
"I nodded too quickly to see who it was.
"I apologize for disturbing you during your meal.
Ah Ha Do Young. How surprising that my prey comes to me alone
"You are the man from Go Park, I recognize you. Sorry again about your shirt.
"About that you told me to send you the bill but I misplaced your card.
Aren't you rich enough to pay for the dry cleaning yourself?
"Oh, I see," I said as I slid a new business card towards him.
"When you didn't contact me I thought you had forgotten about me.
"Oh no. It's not every day that people with such an atypical appearance as you have in Samyong.
This comment I received a ton of times for good or bad. Being a black skinned woman with frizzy blond hair is not easy in Korea (of course you can change the appearance of y/n)
"Don't take it the wrong way of course".
When I didn't react he must have thought I was offended
"Not at all. Being Melanesian in Korea sometimes has these advantages I stand out easily in a crowd".
"But I guess you didn't take your time just to talk to me about money, did you?"
"You're right. I realized that I didn't know the name of the one who had me throw away a new shirt early in the morning.
I'm kidding of course."
"Yu In-soon" I said and held out my hand.
"Ha Do Young" and he'll hold my hand in return.
"My pose is ending soon. See you again Mr. Ha".
"Likewise Miss Yu"
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s00nyoungie · 2 years
yeo jeong and his mom joking about getting him a european stepdad, they have the best relationship and it gets me thinking about what The Glory wants to say about motherhood
how both dong eun and yeon jin's mothers so easily gave them up to save themselves, how ms kang endured so much abuse for her daughter, how yeon jin tried to hide the worst of herself from ye sol, how so hee's mother never gave up on bringing her justice
how the person with the most ieung (ㅇ) in their name turned out to be yeon jin's own mother and she was doomed to turn out the way she did since the day her mother was pregnant with her
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myechoecho · 2 years
They are really going to end pt 1 of the Glory like that? It’s going to a long wait until March.
I do like that they haven’t forgotten or brushed aside the trauma that Dong Eun lives with. Dong Eun has triggers. Llike the panic attack in the car shop or when she barely holds on after Jae Jun taunted her about what they did to her and the unconscious way she sometimes scratches her scars. Too often shows just sort of forget about showing the aftermath beyond a couple of episodes, even if it is a revenge drama like this. So I like that they show how much Dong Eun still suffers.
I also like how Yeon Jin remains the focus of Dong Eun’s plans. She wants the others to suffer but ultimately it’s really only Yeon Jin that she needs destroyed. Yeon Jin is the key, because without her the others would not have fallen in line. Also props to Shin Ye Eun as young Yeon Jin because she is pretty terrifying.
Dong Eun’s revenge is pretty meticulous, as she’s slowly pitting the group against one another though I don’t think they understand that yet.
Do Young doesn’t seem to be a terrible person, at least not like Yeon Jin and the others. I don’t think he realized how awful she is but I’m not sure he’s on Dong Eun’s side exactly. 
Right now we have:
So Hee’s body missing
Dong Eun and Hyeon Nam preparing to kill her husband
Yeon Jin finding Dong Eun’s apartment (though i suspect that Dong Eun knew this would happen and is not overly concerned)
Do Young leaning that Ye Sol is not his bio daughter, Yeon Jin has cheated on him their entire marriage, that Yeon Jin bullied in the past and that Dong Eun is coming for her
Jae Jun learning that Ye Sol is his bio daughter, that Yeon Jin kept it from him AND that she’s never loved him (even though she doesn’t actually say that)
Myeong O still missing (I don’t think he’s dead but I do think that Yeon Jin is holding him captive somewhere)
Plus Sa Ra and Hye Jeong whom Dong Eun has only barely played with.
Part 2 will be a ride and I am looking forward to it.
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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"Median strips stumble"...Jin Ye-sol, drunk driving accident video release
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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hakugin0 · 6 months
Remember seeing people share the voice lines for their MCs so joins in (kinda late but hi)
》 The Daughter of Solomon whose pleasant voice soothes and enchants while her insatiable nature amazes even demons.
》 Character Battle Dialogue
First Encounter: “I’m Jin, S-So-Sol-Solomon’s Descendant… ah sorry, still coming to terms with that one…My voice? Yes I’m told it’s quite pleasant, is there anything you’d want to hear me say?”
Level-Up: “This feels new…”
Evolve: “Did I grow a bit more? No, I didn’t mean my height”
Ultimate Skill: “Listen to my voice, yes exactly like that~ Good boy!”
Upon Death: “This… is not the kind of pain I wanted…”
Victory 1: “Oh you want to praise me for that? I wouldn’t be against it…”
Victory 2: “Now that the battle’s over could we go somewhere else… please…”
Defeat: “Ahh… I’m sorry… it’s my fault so I think you should punish me… eh? I look a bit too happy about it…”
》 Lobby Interaction
“On Earth being around people was suffocating… but somehow being around the Devils in Hell is oddly soothing…”
“That sound… the sound of crunching teeth… Oh no! Is that Satan coming to drag me to the gym? I need to run.”
“I need to get some new clothes since someone has a habit of ripping them… not that it’s not kinda hot~ speaking of which isn’t it about time someone from Hades came for me…”
“Bell promised he’ll take me to some clubs in Abyssos next time… he also promised to cook me something but… ha ha… ha ha ha…(concerned laughter)”
“Mammon is somewhat hard to be around. I don’t do well with the excessive amount of gifts, they make me feel strange…”
“I don’t like picking favourites, but… it’s Gehenna and Hades I feel most at home in.”
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the-expired-tofu · 1 year
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 3
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic || MINORS DNI [18+]
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :)
trigger warnings: lots of swearing, bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes.
pairing: reader x multi
I entered a café in the next morning. I approached a waiter and asked for a reservation under Moon Dong-eun’s name. He lead me upstairs and pointed towards a table at the far corner where Dong-eun was already seated.
        I went up to her and pulled out a chair for myself and sat in front of her. A bunch of few unknown documents and folders were kept on the table that I believe belongs to Dong-eun’s.
        “Did you order anything yet?”
        “Yeah. I ordered us some gimbap,” she lightly rapped her fingers on the files.
        “What are these files?”
        “Some information you will be needing. Won’t be showing you all of them yet.”
        “Alright. So, what do you have to tell me?”
        She takes out an unfilled form from one of the beige colored files and hands it out to me.
        “What’s this?” I ask as I wave the piece of paper in front of me.
        “It’s an application form of Semyeong Elementary School. It’s for your niece.”
        I look back at the form, there it was. Written in bold, Semyeong Elementary School.
        “Wait, so Min-hee will join this school next year?”
        “But why this school particularly?”
        “Because Ye-sol is joining this school too.”
        I lifted my face from the paper and looked up at her. Yet another familiar silence between us.
        “I thought I specifically told you last night that we will not involve Min-hee into our plans. No matter what,” I clench my fist, almost crumpling the paper.
        “We wont. Its just that if your niece and Ye-sol grow close to each other as friends, then it would be easier for you to get a hold of Yeon-jin.”
        I sit back on my chair and relax my fingers. “Yeah that can work I guess.”
        “It will. I’m applying for a homeroom teacher’s job for Ye-sol and Min-hee’s class when the school starts. I want to make it look more coincidental. Otherwise it will be too suspicious. Even though I want to make it obvious to Yeon-jin after she manages to find out about us,” she crosses her arms and puts them on the table.
        “I see.”
        The waiter arrives with two plates of gimbap and pours water into our glasses. He bows and departs after doing so.
        “Also, I need to show you a picture,” she puts down her chopsticks and takes a picture out of those files.
        “What is it?” I ask as I put a gimbap inside my mouth. She hands me the picture as I continue eating my food.
        “It’s a convenience store right across the school gates. Students tend to go there after their dismissal.”
        “So what about it?”
        “You will work here from next year Y/N.”
        I looked back at the picture she gave me. The convenience store seems pretty nice. I noticed an old lady behind the cashier counter.
        “Does she work there?” I point towards her.
        “Yes. In fact, she’s the manager of that store. She’s a pretty nice lady, so you have nothing to worry about.”
        “That’s great,” I said and I put the picture inside my satchel. “Do you have anything else to give?”
        “Yeah.” She reopened the beige folder and handed me a bunch of photographs.
        I surfed through the pictures and noticed that these were taken inside a vacant apartment. It was quite bigger than the one I lived in. There weren’t any extra rooms but it was still pretty spacious. It had a small separate balcony as well. 
        “I like this one,” I tapped on the photographs with my index finger. “Am I going to live here with my niece?”
        “Correct. Also, to buy some furniture and TV for the apartment, there’s a shop that sell second-hand appliances few blocks away from the building you will be staying at.”
        “This is, really thoughtful of you, Moon Dong-eun,” I take a sip of water from my glass. “But why are you doing this for me?”
        “This is the least I can do for you. Not gonna lie, I intended to do this to make you agree for going back to Semyeong.”
        “Well am not mad either. Because seriously, who else on earth would even care enough to do this much for us?”
        She didn’t bother responding to that and scratched her chin instead. I looked out the window opposite to us.
        “What about you? What did you do after dropping out?”
        She sighed and relaxed back on her chair as she put her chopsticks down.
        “I worked at the Sungwu Textiles Factory and at a restaurant. I managed to work two jobs simultaneously. Also at the same time, I studied for my high school GED. After my successful qualification, I got into Euicheon University of Education. I studied there for few more years for advanced education. To financially support myself, I’ve been busy tutoring a lot of my students. Even while doing this, I occupied myself in tracking those leeches as well. Each and every steps they took, places they visited, people they met, the jobs they did, none of them was left unchecked. So yeah, I was busy, if that’s what you’re asking.”
          I was resting my head over my palm, trying to process all the things she just said. Leeches, I kind of liked that word. “Wow. This definitely took you a lot many years.”
          “Yeah, it did, it was quite a journey after all.”
        We paused from all the conversation for a while. I took out a tissue from the bunch and gently pressed it on my lips. I put the chopsticks together on my plate as I pulled my chair from behind to get up.
        “Alright then, see you later,” I say as I turn around to leave when Dong-eun stops me.
        “Wait. I was thinking if you could bring Min-hee to this café every evening?”
        “What? Why?”
        “I want to tutor her. Before you say anything about money, I don’t need you to pay me. I just want to teach her enough to get her into the elementary school easily.”
        I put my hands inside my pockets and purse my lips.
        “Fine. At what time?”
        “From next Monday, 7 p.m. sharp. I will teach her everyday for one hour, and I’ll buy the necessary books so you don’t have to.”
        “Okay,” I say as I turn around to pull the glass doors and leave.
        I started walking towards the restaurant I work at. The weather was quite gloomy, maybe because of the oncoming rains. I passed by the building I live in and a few other shabby looking houses. After I reach there, I get to my lockers and pull out my apron and tie it around my waist, and so I began cleaning the counters and arrange the plates accordingly.
        “Few more months Y/N, then you don’t have to work at this shitty restaurant ever again.”  
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kdramaqween · 9 months
To finish off the year, here's my TOP 23 Ships from dramas I watched in 2023
1. Kim Doo Shik ♥ Lee Mi Hyun
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2. Cha Jin Woo ♥ Jung Mo Eun
Tell Me That You Love Me
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3. Seo Do Guk ♥ Han Yi Joo
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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4. Xin Qi ♥ Min Hui
The Love You Give Me (C-Drama)
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5. Choi Kang Ho ♥ Lee Mi Joo
The Good Bad Mother
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6. Dongfang Qincang ♥ Xiao Lanhua
Love Between Fairy and Devil (C-Drama)
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7. Jung Ki Ho ♥ Seo Mok Ha
Castaway Diva
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8. Moon Jang Yeol ♥ Bong Ye Bun
Behind Your Touch
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9. Gu Won ♥ Cheon Sa Rang
King the Land
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10. Cho Yong Pil ♥ Cho Sam Dal
Welcome to Samdalri
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11. Yoo So Joon ♥ Song Ma Rin
Tomorrow With You
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12. Kang Hee Shik ♥ Kang Nam Soon
Strong Girl Namsoon
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13. Dong Go Yun ♥ Jung Da Eun
Daily Dose of Sunshine
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14. Gong Tae Gyeong ♥ Oh Yeon Doo
The Real Has Come
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15. Jang Seon Gyeol ♥ Gil Oh Sol
Clean With Passion for Now
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16. Cha Min ♥ Cho Se Yeon
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17. Heo Joon Jae ♥ Shim Cheong
Legend of the Blue Sea
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18. Kim Tae Hee ♥ Baek Dong Joo
May I Help You
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19. Jung Gu Won ♥ Do Do Hee
My Demon
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20. Nam Si Heon ♥ Han Jun Hee
A Time Called You
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21. Jang Tae Sang ♥ Yoon Chae Ok
Gyeongseong Creature
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22. Lee Kang ♥ Moon Cha Young
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23. Cha Eun Ho ♥ Kang Dan Hee
Romance is a Bonus Book
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nacrelysis · 2 years
"i appreciate that you've taken the time to listen to me."
"i had to, even if i'm eighteen years late."
hello???? does this mean that this detective knows something about moon dong-eun's case in middle school? or at least yeon-jin's record of tormenting classmates?? i am confused but i am rooting
side note though, i love the message this scene drives home. from hyun-nam to do-yeong to ye-sol to even yeon-jin's own mother and now the detective - when you are needlessly cruel to others, when you live your life on an unrepentant power trip, when you ruthlessly exploit and lie and manipulate your way to a happy ending because your prestige gives you an easy way out of everything...at the end of the day, everyone has to fall. the difference for yeon-jin, though, is that no one is willing to catch her anymore. or tl:dr talk shit get hit, you surprised??
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