#Jimmy takes a while to break down but once you whittle him down to nothing it works. are you hearing yourself
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mcybree · 1 year ago
yknow every once in a while I go wow I really am insane… third life was nothing like that to the average person what a strange hill to die on… And then I remember the whittle him down to nothing clip and I go ah never mind I’m right forever and something is seriously wrong with him
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ave-venefica · 3 years ago
Scott to Pearl about Jimmy: I think you should keep trying to make friends with Jimmy. Jimmy takes a while to break down. I was his partner for Season 1. It takes a while but once you whittle him down to nothing it works.
Flower husbands in a whole different light lahdlsbdnc
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88y53 · 5 years ago
Dream Superman game
Title: Superman: Metropolis
Pitch: PS4 Spider-Man meets God of War meets Batman: Arkham City/Origins meets Superman Returns: the Game.
Premise: Superman is about 5-7 years into his career and is well into his prime. He’s not a rookie anymore, and he has a firm grasp on his powers and his philosophies. Think Paragon Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.
He and Lois Lane have already moved in together and she knows his secret, and Lex Luthor is in jail.
Everything is perfect.
It’s another day at the offices of the Daily Planet (here modernized as a digital news company like Buzzfeed mixed with The New York Times), meeting all the classic co-workers - Jimmy Olsen (showing off his brand new camera, before blinding himself with the flash, “it was like looking into the sun!”), resident “alpha-male” Steve Lombard (working on a new Jim Halpert-esque prank for Clark Kent), Cat Grant (bugging Lois for help on her “Top Sexiest Billionaires in America” ... which is obviously just an excuse to put Bruce Wayne at the top, again), Perry White screaming at everybody to get back to work, and Ron Troupe, just sipping his coffee and watching the chaos - when suddenly there are explosion at three different places across Metropolis!
Superman flies to the three locations, helping the fire department put out the fires and rescue people trapped inside [allowing the player to get a feel for their powers], before learning that there’s been a massive break out at Stryker’s Island orchestrated by Luthor and now eight of Superman’s villains have escaped into the city.
Bosses: (in alphabetical order)
Bloodsport - an alt-right nutjob with advanced tech.
Encantadora - a woman who either uses a complex array of photonic entanglement machines to control light, or just straight magic, (it’s ambiguous) to cast illusions.
Lex Luthor - former head of LexCorp, Luthor - whose reputation is now ruined because of Lois and Clark’s journalism - no longer cares about how people see him and is in full supervillain mode. He still thinks his crusade against Superman is justified, but the only person he’s fooling is himself.
Livewire - a former internet podcaster who‘s absolutely addicted to attention. She absorbs and manipulates electricity in the gigiwatt range - powerful enough to stun Superman - using LexCorp developed nanoscopic electrical conductors derived from Kryptonian technology that’s been grafted to her skin. She has a new career goal of being the "Woman that Killed Superman."
Metallo - ex-mercenary turned cyborg with a kryptonite ore in his chest powering his nigh-invulnerable body. Lasers inside his chest and eyes fire into the ore and project concentrated beams at Superman that whittles away his Stamina bar. Luthor also installed a euphoric response system that stimulates the pleasure center of his brain whenever he hurts Superman, so he literally feels good whenever he attacks him.
Parasite - a selfish janitor that was exposed to a less-refined version of the krypto-conductors that empower Livewire, allowing him to absorb energy from basically anything; thermal, kinetic, electro-chemical, nuclear, etc. His only weaknesses are that the conductors start to eat him if he doesn't "feed" enough, and that they can max out if he feeds too much.
Prankster - Michael Moore meets Tyler Durden. A charismatic and destructive showman that organizes complex and elaborate pranks and takedowns on corporate America and authoritarian institutions. However, the problems he creates in trying to “wake people up,” are just as dangerous as the problems he’s trying to solve.
Toyman - a schizophrenic engineering genius who previously worked for Luthor (and designed Metallo’s body), and is scavenging equipment from industrial warehouses and construction areas to build more “toys.”
Superman must track them down, while dealing with other problems that have decided to rear their ugly head.
Working with Dan Turpin and Maggie Sawyer to deal with Intergang cases.
Working with Professor Hamilton and Leo Quintum on S.T.A.R. labs experiments.
Mr. Mxyzptlk puzzle challenges (like flying through golden rings).
Random citizen rescues.
Levels where you play as Clark Kent at the Daily Planet and interact with the staff, or go on investigative journalism missions.
Gameplay: The “maypole mechanic” (the mechanic that everything dances around) is that Superman doesn’t have a health bar. He’s invincible. The challenge comes from collateral damage, which is measured by civilian Life Clocks (that count down the longer you wait) and total into your Reputation Bar (which shows peoples’ trust in Superman). If they drop too low, all hope is lost and you lose.
Now, this isn’t like the Superman Returns game where it felt like one big escort mission, encounters are structured with invisible aggro walls, and if you leave the confines of the encounter area and don’t return quickly enough, you lose the fight and your Rep. takes a massive hit. In each encounter there are optional tasks for Superman to complete that boosts your overall Rep., such as saving people, fighting enemies, helping the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit, putting out fires, etc. You can beat the villain without completing the additional challenges (they are saved by SCU), but you miss out on Reputation.
The challenge comes from having to juggle multiple catastrophes at once.
Interface: The minimap and HUD is part of a S.T.A.R. Labs created a “krypto-frequency” that Hamilton and Quintum synced up to the Fortress of Solitude, and only Superman can see and hear it. Using monitors in his suit (which also a hotspot), it keeps track of his solar-saturation, and Superman can interact with it by finely tuning his heat vision.
Combat: The camera is in an over-the-shoulder third-person position, and "combat challenges" are what keep the fights interesting because you lose Mxyzptlk Points (Mxyzptlk Points allow Superman to upgrade his powers — basically magical XP) if you don’t focus on them; don’t get hit, creative use of power, watch the clock, etc. To get the “Flawless Protector” rank you need to complete missions with little-to-no collateral damage.
Reputation Points allow you to upgrade your costume material at S.T.A.R. Labs (friction proof coating that lets you fly faster, or lead weaving to block out XX% of kryptonite radiation, etc.)
Mxyzptlk Points allow you to upgrade your powers (shortening the time to build up your Stamina bar, for example)
Getting shot is dangerous, not for the player, but for other people because the bullets will ricochet off Superman and hit someone else, which will cost the player points. So Superman must activate his Super-Speed to catch the bullets.
You don’t lose health, but when you’re hit you lose Stamina, which keeps you from using other powers. When you’re completely depleted you can’t even fly and are susceptible to being knocked prone until it fills up again automatically. Blocking hits like in God of War is the best way to fight because it preserves your Stamina, and allows you to counter or switch between targets using super-speed.
When Superman faces off against regular humans his heat vision auto-targets their weapons or their shoes (enemies generally just jump out of the way of his heat vision unless Superman specifically targets the weapons). His Frost Breath freezes them in place (or you could freeze their weapons and then blast them with heat vision to cause them to explode in their hands, so mixing powers unlock new strategies). His Super Breath is the best offensive power against thugs because it’s completely non-lethal, but it requires time to build up because he needs to suck in the air. He doesn’t do one-hit knockouts (even though he eclipses them in weightclass) because he “pulls his punches” so as to not seriously hurt or kill them.
Special takedown moves are also available when a player’s XP bar fills up, and boss fight takedowns require certain Quick Time Events.
Metropolis is a completely open sand-box, with the player able to travel to any boroughs of the city; from the New Troy, Queensland Park, Hell’s Gate, Bakerline, etc. All with the flying mechanics of Anthem.
The boss fights are analogue to timed puzzles (like in Mario games), with Superman needing to understand their attacks and think creatively about his environment and powers. The enemies can’t beat him, but knocking him out wastes precious seconds and the drama is beating them before time runs out. Such as Parasite overloading a nuclear reactor or Superman having to prioritize fixing the Metropolis dam before dealing with Livewire. Better time builds up Rep points. Kryptonite-based enemies like Metallo and Lex Luthor are the most dangerous because they can kill Superman. It continuously cuts down his Stamina Bar until there’s nothing left and you fail the mission. You can get back Stamina by soaking up solar rays, but that takes time you don’t have.
Each boss has a different skill-set, requiring the player to adapt and think creatively about Superman’s many powers in order to win:
Bloodsport - He uses disorientating mechanics to fight Superman; high-frequency emitters, flashbangs, etc. and an evolving fighting mechanic like Mr. Freeze. Superman must utilize different variations of his Super-Senses in order to fight him.
Encantadora - She uses her powers to create complex illusions like Scarecrow, and Superman must navigate the maze to beat her.
Livewire & Parasite - They’re a double-boss fight -- Livewire uses the electricity she absorbs from the Metropolis dam to fly and shoot powerful lightning bolts at Superman, but she’s vulnerable to water and when she’s recharging. Parasite jumps around the arena, occasionally tackling Superman to absorb some of his Stamina. He can’t be hurt because he can just take in the energy from Superman’s heat vision or his punches. When Livewire is dealt with, Parasite turns on her and absorbs her power. However, in doing so he maxes out his absorption and can be hurt.
Metallo - Superman has to chip away the kryptonite core in his chest with his heat vision (because getting too close to him with the ore exposed will quickly deplete the Stamina bar until you lose), and rip off pieces of his chassis when his chest cavity closes up. He is finally beaten when Superman pours molten metal onto him and freezes him in place.
Prankster - He’s more like Victor Zsasz in Arkham City, in that his boss fights are more like scavenger hunts as Superman tracks down his hacking trail.
Toyman - He fights Superman using a giant mech and spawning waves of robot minions, like Clayface in Arkham City. However, the mech’s bipedal nature makes it top-heavy and easily tripped.
Lex Luthor - he is the Final Boss of the game and, using a kryptonite-powered battle suit, incorporates all the mechanics of the previous bosses.
Central Theme: The central theme of the story is a twist on the age-old “power corrupts” adage; power doesn’t corrupt, power magnifies. All of Superman’s enemies could’ve easily used their powers and skills in more productive ways that benefited society, they just didn’t want to. They’re content with being bad guys, while Superman’s attempts to reason with them fall on deaf ears. That’s what makes someone like Superman different from his villains — a good man with power becomes a great man, while a bad man with power becomes worse. That’s why it’s so important that power never be given to bad men.
Brainiac, who has tried to invade before but was pushed back. Now there’s a possibility for a rematch.
Zod, who was one of the first supervillains Superman faced in his career before being imprisoned again in the Phantom Zone. However, there’s still a chance he and his soldiers could escape.
Darkseid’s presence is felt in the Intergang side-quests, and a possible cameo from either Orion or the Forever People.
Lois and Clark are trying to get pregnant, but biology isn’t on their side, so Hamilton & Quintum offer to help.
Atomic Skull, Conduit, Kryptonite Man, Manchester Black, and Riot were all locked up in a different section of Stryker’s, but have since escaped while Superman was distracted.
Lobo abducts Superman and takes him to Mongul, where he’s forced to fight his current champion of WarWorld -- Bizarro, who’s so happy to show Superman is “Bizarro World.” Superman then has to escape, with help from either Lobo or Maxima.
Superman teams up with either Supergirl or Captain Marvel for another adventure.
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mcybree · 1 year ago
you know what? sure man. scott can say whatever he wants I guess
“Jimmy takes a while to break down, I was his partner for season 1. Takes a while but once you whittle him down to nothing, it works. No see I’m a master of it because—“
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