#Jilytober fest 2022
jfleamont · 2 years
@jilytoberfest's 31 prompts
Prompt 7 - Sirius meddles with Jily
Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Read the full fic under the cut or on AO3
“I knew it. It was bound to happen.”
Lily sat down in the booth - Sirius had chosen the one in the corner, right next to the window - with very little grace, almost spilling the cold butterbeers as she set them on the table. The Three Broomsticks weren't particularly crowded that Tuesday afternoon. Everyone preferred Diagon Alley on summer days like this one, where they could get ice cream and go shopping for new clothes.
(The fact that they wore uniforms nearly 80% of the time didn't stop her classmates, especially now that they were about to start their last year at Hogwarts).
Which is precisely why Lily was here instead. She had asked Mary to hang out, but she deemed Hogsmeade too quaint, too provincial for her... So she had opted for Sirius, who was more at ease in a place like this, away from London and at a safe enough distance from his estranged family.
“What?” he said, before chugging nearly half of his drink in one go.
She hadn't told him he was her second choice— it would have been too cruel. Besides, even if he had been keeping her secret for a while, she wasn't willing to test his limits.
“Running into one of James' old flames. Sometimes I forget how small the wizarding world is.”
Cornelia Kettleburn was sitting on a stool, all long hair and even longer legs, sipping elegantly on a drink Lily didn't recognise.
Sirius' eyes travelled across the room with curiosity. “Who are you talking about— oh, her.”
His eyes narrowed imperceptibly - Lily didn't bother asking why, the less she knew about her, the better - and spoke. “At least it's one of his recent ones.”
“Recent ones?” Lily frowned. She had last seen them together at Remus' birthday party in the common room, and they were now well into July.
“... Yes?” He said, one eyebrow raised, looking every bit the aristocrat that he was. “Evans, James hasn't seen anyone since— well, in ages.”
Lily knew that, and it was James himself who had told her. He wasn't looking for serious relationships, he had confessed one day while Slughorn explained the effects of Amortentia. “Sirius wouldn't be too happy if I cheated on him, anyway”, he had joked. She also knew that Quidditch and NEWTs were keeping him very busy, so she hadn't questioned him further on the matter. She hadn't done so for another reason: her growing feelings - of which she wasn't aware of at the time - had prevented her from asking questions she wouldn't have liked the answer to.
“I know he doesn't date, Sirius.”
He rolled his eyes, as if she were a little child and he was holding onto of his last bit of patience. “No, I mean— fine, he hasn't shagged anyone since March.”
“Since March?”
“Since March.”
Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Mmh.”
“You wanna ask me why.”
Was he a Legilimens as well as an Animagus? How dare he know her so well?
“No. I mean, yeah. But that's none of my business.”
Sirius tapped his glass, and it was once again full. “Actually, I'd argue that it is very much your business”, he paused, looking at her poignantly, “but I'm still not going to say anything.”
“Out of loyalty”, she said matter-of-factly.
“I mean, not no, but...”, at this, Lily snorted and relaxed a little bit. “You're my friend, too, Red. And you should ask him directly. It's exhausting to hear you two complain to me all the time. I'm not built for this.”
“First of all, I don't complain all the time—”
“Prongs does.”
Lily sighed, but didn't hide her amusement. “And secondly, you love it. You're a right gossip, Black. Rita Skeeter doesn't hold a candle to you.”
Sirius pulled a face, cringing at her comparison. “I offer my services freely and this is the treatment I get? What an ungrateful woman you are. I shall warn my brother about you.”
Lily knew he was only joking, but she knew her new, tentative friendship with James hadn't erased their past. “James knows better than anyone how awful I can be.”
Sirius considered her words, and for once there was no hint of malice in his expression. “That's true. I'd even go so far as saying that he enjoys that side of you more than the nice one.”
“What, he likes it when I'm mean? Did he tell you that?” She added jokingly, trying to sound casual and not at all desperate for something to hold onto, a sign, a reason to keep hoping for something more.
His eyes, that had - up till then - been fixed on her, were suddenly drawn to a spot behind her, and a slow smile spread across his face.
“No. But you can ask him yourself... He just walked in.”
Lily paled and slowly turned her head and there he was, wiping his glasses on his muggle t-shirt as he squinted at the menu. What an idiot, she thought, he's blind as a bat. She was equal parts endeared and terrified... And perhaps a little turned on, as she was now staring at his exposed stomach. She wasn't worried about being caught by him - he still hadn't put on his glasses, so she was safe - but when she heard Sirius' snicker, she looked back at him and fixed him with a death stare.
“Traitor”, she hissed.
Sirius simply grinned.
“You, Sirius Black, are a dead man.”
“Aw, you sound like mother dearest.”
Lily ignored his remark. “You will pay for this.”
“Empty threats, Mrs. Potter, empty threats.”
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
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@jilytoberfest | 31 prompts | Prompt 1
Prompt: "Smile!"
Read it on AO3
Summary: Lily is struggling to make connections at one of Slughorn's networking parties. James lends a helping hand, or well, arm.
Words: 2,604
Photo by abbs johnson on Unsplash
Lily usually despised Professor Slughorn's parties. She wasn’t dumb, she knew they were all treated like little trophies he collected despite having little-if-anything to do with their successes at Hogwarts, hoping they’d be of some use to him at a later point in life. But she’d also be lying to herself if she said she didn’t need his contacts in the wizarding world for next year given current events. Post graduation it was a lot about who you know rather than what you know given the state of the newly erupted blood war. So here she was all dolled up in her best emerald floor length dress and waltzing around the room trying to weedle into any conversations as she could. The tension in the room was palpable. There had been another attack on a muggle village by the ‘death eaters’ today. The divide between the muggle world and wizarding world was growing stronger and wider, leaving Lily dangling over the edge due to her blood status. Though she couldn’t exactly choose to go back to the muggle world at this point, she didn't have the appropriate education for that. She was a witch. She was a witch. A muggle-born witch. 
More often than not she was excluded by the rest of the room. The panic was starting to rise in the back of her throat and she kept having to wipe her sweaty hands on her dress, in fear someone might actually wish to grasp it in a pleasant handshake eventually. 
“Smile!” Hissed a voice in her ear. Cool and indignant. 
Lily turned to face Severus Snape. He towered over her in his dark dress robes, they appeared to be new. Perhaps one of his friends had leant them to him, she knew he certainly didn;t have enough money for a pair of shiny new robes like that.  
“Excuse me?” She scoffed. 
“You ought to try smiling. You’re prettier when you smile. It’s more welcoming.” He sneered as he glided away from her towards where a group of fellow Slytherins had congregated. 
She was seething at his words. Lily delved into her pocket to reach for her wand. Maybe a stinging jinx would make Snape smile. However, before she could pull her wand from her pocket a gentle hand wrapped around her wrist and held it in her pocket. She tried to pull her hand away but her adversary held firm. 
“Not here.” James Potter spoke firmly, meeting her eye before he released her wrist. “Hex him to your heart's content later Evans, but the last thing you want to appear as in this room is unprovoked and unhinged.”
As much as Lily hated to agree with him, he had a point. Much like Snape, he too was dressed in a pair of dark dress robes. They were nice, clean and well pressed but didn’t look as new as Snape’s had. She supposed he actually had more occasions to actually wear dress robes and wore them frequently when not at school. It was the first time she’d seen him dress so smart and dare she think it, handsome. 
“What’re you doing here Potter?” She asked. 
“I was invited.” James shrugged. 
“Why?” The question sounded more callous than it should have, she knew. 
James Potter had every reason to be invited by Slughorn. He got good grades across all his classes, he especially excelled at transfiguration, he was head boy and also captained the Gryffindor quidditch team, he was a superb flyer and most importantly of all… he was a pureblood. 
“I imagine it’s something to do with my father,” James answered. 
His response shook her a little, his father? The confusion must have shown on her face because he chuckled lightly at her. 
“You honestly don’t have a clue who my father is, do you Evans?” he said, as if her lack of knowledge on the subject was somehow refreshing to him. 
“Someone important in the ministry I presume” Lily retorted defensively. 
“Wrong. He’s a potioneer. Quite a famous one. Retired actually.” James said even more bemused by Lily’s frustrated face flush. 
“Well I’ve never heard of him. What’s he famous for?” She queried. 
“Sleakeazy’s. He invented it, marketed it, then sold the company.” James shrugged again, bringing a champagne flute to his lips smirking. 
“Fuck off” Lily replied incredulously. James nearly spat out his drink as he guffawed.
“I promise you it’s true. Fleamont Potter. Slughorn’s been trying to get me in one of his soirées since first year.” James admitted pulling Lily closer toward him by her elbow as a waiter moved behind her, precariously balancing a tray of mini quiches. “I’m just making sure Sluggy sees me before I slip out of here. Maybe this way he’ll stop his pestering.”
“Well at this rate I’m going to be stood here all night hoping someone bloody notices me.” Lily replied frustratedly, she yanked the unfinished champagne from James hand and skulled it quickly. 
James smiled and took the empty glass back from her. He motioned to the waitress carrying around champagne. The witch approached and bowed politely offering her tray, James placed his empty glass on it and took two more before she whisked away again. He handed the second glass to Lily who looked like she needed it. 
“I recommend going up to people if you want to network,” He suggested. 
“Tried that. I’m an unknown, not exactly favourable here.” She scoffed while sipping on her drink. “Pretty pointless at this point to be honest. I’d be better off slipping out of here with you.”
“As delightful an idea as that sounds to me, Evans. I imagine it’s not your preferred end to the evening. Would you like me to introduce you? Break the ice as it were.” James offered.
“Would you?”
“Absolutely. So long as afterward you help me discreetly take off with a plate of those little sandwich things afterward. They were quite delicious and I missed dinner.” He replied, he gaze following the waiter walking around with a small platter of said sandwiches. 
“Alright then. Deal” Lily agreed. 
James held out an arm for her to take his elbow with her free hand. Lily did so and he promenaded her to the closest group of ministry wizards. Each of the men seemed pleased to lay eyes on James and curiously looked his company up and down. 
“Gentleman. James Potter, and this beauty is my companion and head girl, Lily Evans” James greeted with a gentle nod of the head, which the men returned. 
“Good to see you boy. I hear rumblings Gryffindor might actually take out the quidditch cup this year. The wasps have been scouting this year you know” Said one Wizard with a twirly moustache, who James clearly recognised but Lily hadn’t the foggiest who he was. 
“Well I would assume as Minister for Game and Sport you’d know all about it Sir. But I have to say I don’t think I’ll be joining the Wasps. Puddlemere will always have my heart” James replied, subtly queuing Lily into the strangers identity. 
“Any team would be lucky to have you,” Lily added gratefully.  
“Looking for a career on the pitch then lad?” Asked another wizard, as three other ministry witches joined their fray. 
“I think it’s every young lad’s dream to have a career on the pitch, but given the current climate I do wonder if it’s the best use of my skills. I’d consider it of course but right now I’m leaning more towards the auror office or perhaps curse breaking. Doesn’t hurt to have the N.E.W.Ts” James responded calmly which had the rest of the group nod in agreement. 
“And what of you Miss…” One of the witches started, realising she didn’t know Lily’s name. 
“Evans. I’ve recently sent my letter of inquiry to the St Mungos healing program, but Professor Slughorn has also written me a letter of reference for the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers. I’d quite like to be able to continue with experimental potion research.” The words left strange on Lily’s tongue, she wasn’t used to trying to big herself up to complete strangers. 
“Can’t say I’m familiar with any Evans” Said an older witch. 
“That may be because I’m muggleborn” Lily suggested, knowing she was potentially about to open a can of worms. 
“Ah I see. Perhaps a career in the muggle liaison office would be wise.” suggested a gruff sounding wizard with a long beard. His tone was obvious, he didn’t approve of Lily Evans the muggleborn whatsoever. 
“Personally I find the mere suggestion abhorrent Mr Dagworth. The muggle liaison office requires an O.W.L in muggle studies and nothing more. I know for a fact that Lily here achieved several Outstandings in her O.W.Ls and has even been taking advanced courses this year with ease. I’d much rather see her push the wizarding world into the future wouldn’t you?” James said sternly, grabbing Lily’s hip and pulling her into the crook of his arm. 
The way he said it was so commanding and his eyes remained locked on the wizard, Dagworth, who had been so rude. Dagworth looked flustered and averted his gaze from James, seeing that no one was about to step up to his defence. 
“If you’ll excuse us ladies and gents, there were a few others we said we would lend our ears to this evening.” James nodded politely and steered Lily away towards another group on the other side of the room. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” Lily said in a hushed voice. Turning to see the group they had left had closed rank and were muttering quietly amongst themselves. “You’ll ostracise yourself. People talk.”
“Let them.” James said calmly, “My family have never made it a secret we have no issues with blood purity or muggles. If I get a job somewhere it’ll be on my own merit and the likes of that lot will know to steer well clear of me.”
With James at her side it was a lot easier for Lily to infiltrate the room that it had been before, even if all he did was stand there and let her talk. She managed to speak with a wizard from a research team based out of Germany who sounded like they were making some promising potions, a medi witch from st mungos, a recruiter for the department of magical law enforcement, another for the department of misuse of magic. As well as a most mysterious wizard who couldn’t say what exactly he did for a job in the ministry but said he would certainly keep the pair of them in mind. 
“I think I owe you that sandwich platter now” Lily sighed with relief as the room started to thin out with guests departing. 
“Nah sod that, they’ve all started to congregate. Much too difficult to sneak one without my cloak. We can just go to the kitchens direct, I’m sure the elves won’t mind.” James shook his head as they moved toward the door back to the inner workings of the castle. 
“You know how to get into the kitchens?” Lily asked. 
“Quite a few of my detentions have been served in the kitchens.” James admitted, “The elves quite like me.”
“Why does that fact not surprise me.” Lily rolled her eyes as she walked in step with him down the corridor. 
“I’ll have you know I’m full of surprises Evans” James winked. 
“Like your secret invisibility cloak?” 
“How the bloody hell do you know about that?” He asked. 
“You literally just said we couldn’t steal a plate of food without your cloak” Lily laughed. 
“Oh true I did, didn't I?” James shook his head “Clearly I’m not getting enough sleep.”
“That might have something to do with gallivanting around with a werewolf last night” 
“Okay hang on…” James started. 
“I know about Remus, I’ve shared prefect patrol with him. I’ve seen him in the hospital wing. Not to mention how many times Snape has tried preaching at me. Also… the lot of you took a vow of silence for a month in fifth year… you seriously didn’t think I couldn’t put two and two together and work out you were all trying to become animagi?” Lily raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay you got me there. Maybe I’m not full of as many surprises as I thought.” He rubbed the back of his neck. James tickled a pear on a painting of a bowl of fruit, which Lily correctly assumed to be the entrance to the Hogwarts kitchens. 
The room was enormous, as big as the great hall somewhere above them, with mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, and a great brick fireplace at the opposite end. There were elves sweeping and others still doing dishes from dinner. A couple paused their work and approached James. 
“Master James, how may we help?” One squeaked. 
“Can we just get a plate of sandwiches please Pitts” Lily heard the exhaustion in James voice as he asked. 
“Could we take them to go back to Gryffindor tower please?” Lily added. 
“Certainly Miss. One moment please” Said Pitts as he headed off to make a plate of sandwiches. 
Pitts came back shortly after with a platter stacked with sandwiches, which the pair took gratefully and headed for the common room. The common room fireplace was barely embers when they entered and everyone had long since gone to bed. James fell into the three seater couch with a sandwich already half in his mouth. He groaned happily as he continued to chew. 
“Thanks for tonight.” Lily said as she placed the platter down on the coffee table and took a seat beside him. “I would have given up and come home long before otherwise.”
“You’re ‘elcome” He said between bites. 
“You’re quite good with the schmoozing” Lily complimented. 
“Comes with the territory. My mum’s on a few boards at the ministry and dad’s well… dad.” 
Lily leaned into James arm, resting her head on his broad shoulder as she ate. 
“You scrub up quite well too.”
“I think you’ve had a few too many glasses of champagne Evans. Two compliments in one night?” James laughed as he grabbed another sandwich from the table. 
“I give credit where it’s due. Plus I dunno, those dress robes do it for me.” Lily felt James go tense beside her. 
“Alright Evans har har very funny.”
“What? They do. I’d say they’re right up there with your quidditch robes.” Lily continued.
“Seriously Evans it's not funny cut it out.” James said sternly. 
Lily pulled away from him and turned her full body 90 degrees so she was facing him, despite him being side on. 
“I’m being serious. I think you look good James.” 
He refused to look at her. He’d had a good night. He didn’t want to ruin it for himself. 
“What have I got to do to prove I’m not kidding?” She asked. He shrugged. 
“Oh for fucks sake Potter.” Lily said exasperated, getting off the couch. 
She stood in front of him, plucked the sandwich out of his hand and threw it back down on the platter so he was forced to look at her. When he did she leaned down and kissed him square on the mouth, giving him no time to react before she pulled away. 
“I think you’re fit, Potter. Now maybe if you keep your head out of your arse this can go somewhere.” She huffed.
“I’d like that” James replied, mouth dry. 
“Good. Then smile!”
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ohmygodshesinsane · 2 years
breakfast; a jilytober microfic
My latest microfic for @jilytoberfest! Using the week 2 prompt ‘sleep’.
Read it under the cut or on Ao3!
Lily decided she hated sunshine. She hated sunshine, and chirping birds, and breakfast. She hated Hogwarts, and every class she’d ever taken, and most of all, the two N.E.W.T exams that awaited her later that day.
“Morning,” James said, handing her a glass of orange juice. “You look beautiful.”
Lily mournfully regarded her porridge.
“Enjoy this sight, Potter,” she said. “You’ll never see it again.” James frowned.
“You at breakfast?”
“Me at Hogwarts. I’m going to do so poorly they’ll boot me right away.” James laughed.
“Nah.” He swiped his fingers across her check. “You’ve got sleep in your eye.”
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arianatwycross · 7 months
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Hi my tumblr name is arianatwycross (this is not my real name but you may call me A or Ari) I'm a pommy that lives in Australia, I have a golden retriever that owns my heart and I'm addicted to cheesy romance novels.
I write mostly Jily but have been known to delve into Romione and am dipping my toe in some wolfstar!
last updated 18.03.24
The Process of Wanting- University Muggle AU / Jily-microoops March prompts
Headlines - Muggle AU / Popstar James
once upon a dream - WIP Hogwarts AU / Lily has a crush
To send or not to send? - (Two Parts) 2023 April Jily Challenge / Theme: Letters, Notes and Texting
A (not so) bad day - (Two Parts) - Hogwarts idiots in love
We'll be a fine line -WIP a chapter a day for jilytober 2022 / a muggle au
Only for the Summer -WIP Rated E / Muggle Job AU / Friends to Lovers
Beach Reading -  Rated T. July 2022 Jily Challenge / Theme: Summer Prompt: “i really, really need this summer job, so please stop distracting me with your wiles/good looks. you’re going to get me fired”
The Art of Fake Dating - WIP written with @vertraymer / For the Mixed Up Writer Fest 2022 / Prompt: Fake dating AU!
Unlearnable - WIP, Rated M. Muggle AU. Angst.
Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind - Rated E. Canon. Seventh Year.
Just a touch - Rated E
Teenage Kicks - Rated E / Celeb AU with minor wolfstar
you are the sun - Rated M (Three-parts) Muggle AU/Secret Relationship
One Shots:
Skinny Dipping Part 1 - a jilymicrofic
Just the two of us - Hogwarts / Forced proximity, Hurt/Comfort
A Sweet Meet Cute - Muggle AU, small town romance
A romance of their own - Jily Valentine Gift Exchange 2023 / Celeb AU
Wet, Cold & Bothered - Rated M / 2022 Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge; prompt: Snowball fights
Muggle Christmas Traditions - Rated G/ 2022 December Christmas Jily Challenge. Prompt: The night before Christmas
The One Where Remus Has no Filter - Rated G. Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge
a year and 22 days - Rated T. Summer of Jily 2022 / lyric: all that I know is you caught me at the right time —"golden hour" (kacey musgraves) Scenario: late evening with friends in the garden
The One Where Petunia Can't Drive - April JilyChallenge / Meet uglies + prompt "i hit you with my car/broom and was the only one to visit you in the hospital"
two fools - Rated T / Feb 2022 Jily Challenge romance theme + prompt " “It’s not like I've thought about kissing you, or anything…”
Shut up & Kiss me - Rated M / December Jily Challenge, Winter theme. Muggle AU
Crush Phase - Rated T. Muggle AU
A Year Later - Rated M / Jily Challenge August 2021 . Muggle AU
consciously unaware - Rated GA / Jilytober 2021 bingo (5 prompts in one). Canon, friends to lovers.
Say my name - Rated M. Canon.
Backseat Rider - Rated T / Muggle AU
One Shots:
Willow - Rated GA. Written for M.Windsor for the 2021 HP Romione Discord Secret Santa!
It’s better In the front seat… - Rated M (Backseat Rider One shot)
Confessions - Rated E / Canon
Books & Freckles - Rated T
Nobody Compares - Rated T / Muggle AU, professional football player Ron
Skinny Dipping Part 2 - a wolfstarmicrofic
Teenage Kicks Spinoff coming soon!
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jilytoberfest · 2 years
Hiiii! How are you doing these days? First of all I wanted to thank you for what you're doing ❤️ and I wanted to ask you something else: I'm a bit late to the party and I've never written anything for a fest, but can I still participate? I wanted to post a drabble here (maybe on ao3 too, idk) but I saw that the link for the event registration expired... Can I still add the fic to the collection on ao3 without having registered? If not, that's alright! I don't even know what to write yet but i'm feeling inspired ❤️
Hii! Thank you for asking about me, means a lot! Hoping you’re well
And Yes! Of course you can participate! You can post anything you’ll be writing on to the jilytober fest 2022 collection!
If you still want to participate in the bittersweet challenge as well, you can send an ask off anon and I’ll reply with the prompt privately!
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
Nah, She Didn’t
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8oQYujV
by Patriceavril
Lily can’t stand James Potter – he’s loud and obnoxious and arrogant, and he’s always messing up his stupid hair. Yet she spends quite a bit of time watching him, considering how much she hates him.
Words: 1292, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Lily Evans, James Potter, Severus Snape, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Sirius Black
Relationships: James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Mary Macdonald & Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black/Mary Macdonald, Sirius Black & James Potter
Additional Tags: Fluff, Denial of Feelings, Pining, Swearing, Banter, Canon Compliant, Nonsense, Jilytober Fest 2022, Sirius Black is a Little Shit
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8oQYujV
0 notes
xonceinadream · 2 years
Currently Working On
In-Progress Fics:
I'd Move The Earth And Lose The Fight Just To See You Smile - Seblaine (Glee) [Chapters 4/? - 14-18k chapters] Amnesia | Chapter 5 currently ~2k words | Last updated: April 26, 2023
Upcoming Fics/Updates:
In-Progress Prompt (Lists)
Domaystic 2022 - Seblaine [Sweeter With Time] Prompt: 4/31 | 2023 - Seblaine [I Keep Fallin' All In] Prompt: 1/31
5+1 Things
The Plot Bunny Hatch
Ongoing/One-Time Events/Prompts I'm Interested In
HP Soulmates Fest - Weekly Prompts August/September
HP Spooky Saffics - Daily Prompts for October
Jilytober Fest - 31 Prompts for October
Polyship Week - Daily Prompts November 17-23
10Prompts - Kiss | Claimed for: Seblaine (Glee) | Done: 0/10
Goodreads 2024 Reading Challenge - Read x books this year | 23/50
Real Life
My health has taken quite a hit lately. It's caused a lot of symptoms including a massive brain fog. My immune system is on vacation so I'm generally, right now, dealing with 3-4 health issues at once. Not been fun.
Slowly, tentatively, trying to stage a return to fandom.
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jfleamont · 2 years
@jilytoberfest's 31 prompts
Prompt 20 - “Someone needs to help keep your ego under control”
I Saw Her Standing There
Read the full fic under the cut or on AO3
“You left.”
Lily jumped. She hadn't heard him arrive, too distracted by the memory of that morning. She had been replaying that moment in her head all day, how earth-shattering yet natural it had felt to feel the press of his lips on hers. 
Now he was standing in front of her, and looked positively relieved to have found her.
“Merlin, James, you scared me.”
“Sorry,” he grinned, not looking the least bit apologetic.
Lily liked the way the moon illuminated his features, how bright it made his smile. Or perhaps it wasn't the moonlight at all, perhaps James was simply like that. 
“The party was too loud,” and my thoughts even louder, she thought, “and it's been a long day.”
He snorted. “Oh, attending the match must have been really exhausting.”
Lily sighed. “You know what I'm talking about.”
For a moment she thought he'd say something. Instead, he stepped closer to her.
“What are you doing here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be in there, drinking to your heart's content and basking in your glory?” she continued, ignoring the way his proximity made her heart flutter.
James raised one eyebrow. “And aren't you supposed to be congratulating me?”
She smiled, amused, and shook her head. His hair looked extremely soft, and Lily felt the need to touch it, so she did. 
“No, someone needs to help keep your ego under control,” she said quietly, unable to hide the tenderness in her voice.
James blinked a few times, eyes still fixed on hers, and drew in a breath. “I'm okay with that,” he whispered.
Lily moved her hand lower so that she could cup his jaw, and he leaned into her touch almost instantly, his eyes drifting closed and body visibly relaxing.
“I wasn't ignoring you, by the way. You were celebrating, and I didn't want to ruin the mood,” she spoke. At this, James opened his eyes, looking at her intently. “It didn't feel like the right time.”
He turned his head, kissing the palm of her hand.
“The right time for what?” he asked as he closed his fingers around her wrist, pressing another kiss there.
Her cheeks felt hot, yet Lily shivered. “There's something I need to tell you.”
His smile had dimmed a little. “I don't know. You and me talking... It's a recipe for disaster.”
His tone was playful, but she had studied him long enough to be able to tell when he was nervous.
She mirrored his smile. “Maybe. But you deserve the truth.”
Lily looked away for a moment, fixing her gaze on the window. She felt a calloused finger under her chin, gently guiding her to look at him again. 
“I'm not good at this. Talking about my feelings, that is,” she said, and the soft look in his eyes encouraged her to keep going. “I don't—” she pursed her lips, frustrated. “I'm scared. You see, my feelings for you... They're big feelings, James. Like, I wanna spend my life with you kinda big,” she chuckled nervously.
Both of her hands had somehow ended up on his chest - her fingers toying mindlessly with the collar of his shirt - and she felt his heart beat faster.
“Would that be so awful?”
“I never said it was. But if you want to run, you still have time.” His hands had fallen to her waist.
“You know I wouldn't. I can't.”
“I'm all in,” his thumbs caressed the exposed skin above her jeans, "if you'll have me.”
Her lips parted, and it took all her strength not to close the distance between them right there and then, but Lily still had one more question.
“Does this mean you'll go to Hogsmeade with me next Saturday?” 
James shook his head, and his smile had never been so bright.
“Evans, Evans, Evans...” he rested his forehead on hers, and Lily could feel his breath on her lips, “That's not the proper way to ask someone out.”
“I suppose you're right. I'll think of something better...” she said against his lips, and James squeezed her hips.
“Yeah, you do that...” James breathed, and then his mouth was on hers, finally, and she sighed into the kiss.
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
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@jilytoberfestberfest | 31 prompts | Prompt 2
Prompt: "You didn't have to do this..."
Read it on AO3
Summary: James takes a hard dive on the quidditch pitch.
Words: 840
Photo by Gilberto Olimpio on Unsplash
The last house quidditch match of the year was sure to go down in Gryffindor history as one of the most brutal matches ever played at Hogwarts. The conditions had been nothing short of awful, pounding rain and dark clouds which meant extremely limited visibility and nerve drenching cold. It was a miracle any of them managed to stay on their brooms as long as they did. Madam Hooch had wanted to cancel the match but neither the Hufflepuff or Gryffindor teams were having that. You can’t just cancel quidditch. 
But there’s only so much sheer determination and grit could do for you. After 90 minutes most of the spectators had left the stands or huddled closer together for warmth while hoping to catch a glimpse of red or yellow. The amount of fouls going uncalled on both sides purely because Madam Hooch and the commentator couldn’t see them was astounding. 
That was when a burst of lightning illuminated the whole pitch with a sickening bang as it hit the Hufflepuff centre goal post. It was almost like watching in slow motion. One of Gryffindors chasers was taking aim when, WHAM , a well aimed bludger hit them straight in the ribs. Sending the player, winded, sliding off the end of their broom stick and falling to the earth in a sickening crash. Gasps rippled the ground as Hooch blew her whistle in a high pitched screech which finally ended the match. 
James Potter was slipping in and out of consciousness as he lay in the grass and mud unable to move. He could hear his own breath wheezing and rattling in his chest, yup he definitely had a couple of broken ribs. But that was nothing compared to the pounding of his own skull. He made out Madam Pomfrey's anguished face as she knelt down beside him before levitating him onto a stretcher toward the hospital wing. He could hear the worried voices of his friends who were surely in quick step behind him. He’d had plenty of injuries on this pitch in the past few years, broken several bones including his nose, but this one definitely had the worst feeling yet. Pomfrey could easily mend broken. But they were so close! So close to taking out the cup! 
Upon reaching the hospital wing he was stripped of his mud sodden gear, mended and put into a pair of pale blue hospital pyjamas. There was nothing for it, he had a concussion, he’d need to spend the night for observation and he was not allowed to sleep for several hours no matter how his body screamed for rest. 
“You’ll need someone to sit with you overnight. I would assume you’d rather a friend's company than mine” Madam Pomfrey said tersely as she handed him more concoctions to manage his pain and fatigue. 
James locked eyes with the boys who stood at the end of his bed. There was no way Remus, Sirius or Peter could join him tonight. It was the full moon, Remus needed each of them to be there for him. 
“I can stay '' came a soft feminine voice.
James turned his head to see Lily Evans stood loitering at the edge of his ward’s privacy hangings. Despite the nastiness outside she appeared to be bone dry, dressed in a long overcoat with deep pockets, her wand sticking out of one and a book from the other. Hair tied back in her signature high ponytail. He should have really known that she'd take a book to a quidditch match. How long had she been standing there? Were there others hanging back waiting to hear if he was alright?
“Right then, now that’s decided the rest of you out please. You can all come back tomorrow.” Instructed Pomfrey sternly as she shepherded James' friends and teammates out of the hospital wing. 
Lily shook off her coat and laid it over the back of the lone chair at James bedside, removed her book from its pocket and sat. She kicked off her muddy shoes and proceeded to prop her feet on the bottom railing of his bed holding up the mattress. 
“If it makes you feel any better Dumbledore has agreed the match can be replayed. Last I saw Stanly was giving the beater that took that shot an earful, apparently he’d almost caught the snitch when Pomfrey blew the whistle.” Lily consoled him. 
“You didn’t have to do this...” James replied. 
“I’m well aware of my obligations, Potter. It’s not like any of them could sit with you tonight given the furry little problem. I’m well practised in spending time in your company without strangling you.” she said with a light laugh. 
“I don’t know if you're aware, Evans but I’ve got a mighty sore head. I just might need you to kiss it better for me.” James couldn’t help himself, it was in his nature to flirt with her. Especially when he didn’t know what to say. 
“We’ll see Potter.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. 
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ohmygodshesinsane · 2 years
favourite; a jilytober microfic
For @jilytoberfest week 2 microfic prompt: lips.
Read under the cut or on AO3!
Lily rolls on her back, giggling. “How am I meant to answer that?”
“Truthfully,” James suggests, flopping onto the bed beside her. Lily shakes her head.
“I don’t know!”
“How could you not know?” he exclaims, rolling on top of her. She breathes raggedly. “I thought of a dozen things for you!”
“That was cheating,” Lily manages, trying to calm herself. “It’s meant to be your favourite thing, not your top ten.”
“Fine. My answer’s ‘all of you’. What’s yours?” He ruffles his hair, a suggestion. Lily narrows her eyes.
“Fine. Lips.” He raises an eyebrow.
“Well, then.”
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ohmygodshesinsane · 2 years
hot tub; a jily microfic
For @jilytoberfest​ week 2 microfic prompt ‘heart’.
Read under the cut or on AO3!
“Bloody Merlin, how much money did you waste on this?”
 James grins at her, adjusting his glasses, which fog from the heat of the hot tub. His shoulders are bare, and given the smirk on his face, Lily guesses the rest of him might be too.
“It’s Valentine’s Day,” James says. “You’re the one who said I’m ‘richer than God’. So let me indulge.”
Lily follows the trail of rose petals to two glasses of white wine, one of which she takes.
“James, it’s heart-shaped.”
“I noticed,” he smiles. “Get your clothes off.”
“Bugger you.” She strips and jumps in.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 2 years
golden; a jilytober microfic
This is the first microfic I’ve written for @jilytoberfest​ ! Using the prompt ‘golden’.
Read it under the cut or on AO3
The snitch, darting from hand to hand. Morning sunlight on the dewy grass. The brand on his broom. The stripes of his tie. The trophy with his name on it. The flecks in his eyes. The tassels of his curtains. The band on his finger.
The light in her red hair. The bracelet tapping the wooden desk. The shine on the lake, late afternoon. Benson & Hedges. The shine of her new badge. Her perfume. The candles by her bed. The ring on her finger.
Toast, tea, bedsheets. Champagne. Tinsel. Balloons. A baby blanket. Squeaking door hinges on Halloween.
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
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Charm's Jilytober Fest 2022 Master Post
Okay… finally got around to putting this together. I’ll leave this post pinned 'til December. Browse, like and reblog to your heart's content! I hold no responsibility for the feels you may or may not have reading some of these.
31 Prompts
“You didn’t have to do this…”
Teaming up when they aren’t really friends
“I know, but I wanted to”
Study groups
“Why do you have two ice cream scoops but not any food”
Sirius meddles with jily
“When did we adopt your best friend”
Their wedding day
“Quick kiss me, my ex is looking”
“Don’t worry”
Sharing favourite books
“How many books do you own”
Classroom rivals
“I was here first”
“I can never hate you”
Making up after an argument
“Nah, she didn’t”
Worst memories
“Someone needs to help keep your ego under control”
“We’ll be alright”
Quiet mornings
“I couldn’t sleep”
Casually talking about their future (together)
“Hey, don’t worry. You’ve got this”
Baking together/with friends
“I did not wear the right footwear for this”
“Tell me a story”
“Why did you grab a bat/pan when you have a wand”
Wearing each other’s clothing
Writing letters to the other
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charmsandtealeaves · 1 year
Hi Charms! 9, 28, 33, 36 for "36 WIP questions" please : D
9. What inspired your WIP/how did you think of it?
Evans Guide to Quidditch was inspired by my friends and I doing our teams for the NRL fantasy league.
Revenge Tastes Sweeter- inspired by Jilytober fest 2022
Wake Me Up (When September Ends) ~ loosely inspired by stuff going on in my life 10 years ago.
28. What is the strangest thing you’ve had to research for your WIP?
For Evans Guide to Quidditch I ended up down a bit of a sporting rabbit hole. But I couldn’t classify that as strange.
33. What are your favorite tropes you use in your WIP?
idiots to lovers? I feel like that’s the overarching thing in most of my WIPs
36. What is the message you want readers to take away from your WIP?
I’m gonna go with Wake Me Up (When September Ends) for this one: Grief is not a place to wallow alone, it’s a time where you have to be strong enough to let people in.
WIP Asks
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arianatwycross · 3 years
masterpost of my fics
Updated 2/06/22
The Art of Fake Dating - WIP written with @vertraymer
For the Mixed Up Writer Fest 2022
Prompt: Fake dating AU! They fake a relationship to get *annoying person* of Person A's back. It's not real. Definitely not. Except everyone believes it's real, and they just might start believing it too.
Unlearnable - WIP, Rating M
this is a story about lost love, growing up too fast and needing to unlearn how to love
Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind - Rating E
Coming back to Hogwarts as Head girl, Lily shocks James as she walks onto the train with a sense of confidence she hadn't had in years. Her head held high, and a devilish smirk that makes James shiver.
Just a touch - Rating E
A collection of prompts put together to tell the story of a very horny James Potter and Lily Evans. (Still ongoing so pls send in prompts)
Teenage Kicks - Rating M
It all starts with Lily being hired to be the bands tour photographer, then she actually meets the band and she quickly becomes absorbed by their fast lifestyle, their pranks and the hot lead singer. But its not exactly simple to be crushing on a famous Rockstar, is it? Celebrity AU for the September jilychallenge
One Shots:
The One Where Petunia Can't Drive - Rating T
APRIL JILYCHALLENGE meet uglies theme + prompt "i hit you with my car/broom and was the only one to visit you in the hospital"
two fools - Rating T
JILY CHALLENGE romance theme + prompt " “It’s not like I've thought about kissing you, or anything…”
please please go check out the masterpiece that is @constancezin's artwork that accompanies and embodies this fic perfectly!
Shut up & Kiss me - Rating M
December JILYCHALLENGE winter theme + prompt: "i was trying to rush home for the holidays when we got stuck in a broken lift and this might actually be the worst way to spend the friday before christmas if you weren't so ruddy charming"
Crush Phase - Rating T (One Shot)
James has to live with the fact that him and Lily will never happen. Lily lives for the crush phase, the chase, the casual flirting but James wants Lily in her entirety, he wants the cheesy, romance that comes with commitment. So he settles for being her friend, or so he thought.
A Year Later - Rating M (One Shot)
Prompt: This water fight was such a good idea but oops now your shirt is see-through and Damn you look good
James is plagued with a bikini-clad Lily that acts friendly one minute and flirts with him the next. Muggle AU
you are the sun - Rating M (Three-parts)
She feels someone brush a piece of her hair behind her ear, a flyaway from her messy ponytail. She turns to her side to find Daniel smiling sweetly at her, he leans over to grab his beer from the table before lounging back in his chair. She stares dumbly for a few seconds, before her eyes hesitantly reach the man opposite her. James is staring openly at her, one eyebrow raised in question. She tries her best to stop a smile gracing her lips but she loses miserably. Muggle AU/Secret Relationship
consciously unaware - Rating GA
From an outsider, it would seem that Lily Evans and James Potter were already dating, but that wasn't necessarily the truth. Jily acting couple-ly but really they’re just friends, for Jilytober 2021 bingo (5 prompts in one)
Say my name - Rating T (One Shot)
here we take a steamy move from 'Potter' and 'Evans' to 'James' and 'Lily'
Backseat Rider - Rating T
He pulled up and somebody else was sitting in the passenger’s side, so she sat in the backseat. She tried to not let it bother her at first, but five weeks of sitting in silence behind her, which he talked of movies they’ve never seen. She realised that’s how they used to be.
One Shots:
Willow - Rating GA
Fifth Year, Christmas Break at Grimmauld Place. Hermione's crush on Ron has snowballed. Written for M.Windsor for the 2021 HP Romione Discord Secret Santa!
It’s better In the front seat… - Rating M (Backseat Rider One shot)
A Backseat Rider story - Ron & Hermione revert back to their old/new ways - this time Hermione's in the front seat.
Confessions - Rating E (One Shot)
Ron and Hermione take turns confessing their thoughts after the Battle of Hogwarts.
Books & Freckles - Rating T
A collection of Romione prompts (still ongoing - so pls send me prompts)
Nobody Compares - Rating T (One Shot)
Hermione runs into professional football player, Ron Weasley at the local pub.
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