#blackevans friendship at its finest
jfleamont · 2 years
@jilytoberfest's 31 prompts
Prompt 7 - Sirius meddles with Jily
Do You Want To Know A Secret?
Read the full fic under the cut or on AO3
“I knew it. It was bound to happen.”
Lily sat down in the booth - Sirius had chosen the one in the corner, right next to the window - with very little grace, almost spilling the cold butterbeers as she set them on the table. The Three Broomsticks weren't particularly crowded that Tuesday afternoon. Everyone preferred Diagon Alley on summer days like this one, where they could get ice cream and go shopping for new clothes.
(The fact that they wore uniforms nearly 80% of the time didn't stop her classmates, especially now that they were about to start their last year at Hogwarts).
Which is precisely why Lily was here instead. She had asked Mary to hang out, but she deemed Hogsmeade too quaint, too provincial for her... So she had opted for Sirius, who was more at ease in a place like this, away from London and at a safe enough distance from his estranged family.
“What?” he said, before chugging nearly half of his drink in one go.
She hadn't told him he was her second choice— it would have been too cruel. Besides, even if he had been keeping her secret for a while, she wasn't willing to test his limits.
“Running into one of James' old flames. Sometimes I forget how small the wizarding world is.”
Cornelia Kettleburn was sitting on a stool, all long hair and even longer legs, sipping elegantly on a drink Lily didn't recognise.
Sirius' eyes travelled across the room with curiosity. “Who are you talking about— oh, her.”
His eyes narrowed imperceptibly - Lily didn't bother asking why, the less she knew about her, the better - and spoke. “At least it's one of his recent ones.”
“Recent ones?” Lily frowned. She had last seen them together at Remus' birthday party in the common room, and they were now well into July.
“... Yes?” He said, one eyebrow raised, looking every bit the aristocrat that he was. “Evans, James hasn't seen anyone since— well, in ages.”
Lily knew that, and it was James himself who had told her. He wasn't looking for serious relationships, he had confessed one day while Slughorn explained the effects of Amortentia. “Sirius wouldn't be too happy if I cheated on him, anyway”, he had joked. She also knew that Quidditch and NEWTs were keeping him very busy, so she hadn't questioned him further on the matter. She hadn't done so for another reason: her growing feelings - of which she wasn't aware of at the time - had prevented her from asking questions she wouldn't have liked the answer to.
“I know he doesn't date, Sirius.”
He rolled his eyes, as if she were a little child and he was holding onto of his last bit of patience. “No, I mean— fine, he hasn't shagged anyone since March.”
“Since March?”
“Since March.”
Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Mmh.”
“You wanna ask me why.”
Was he a Legilimens as well as an Animagus? How dare he know her so well?
“No. I mean, yeah. But that's none of my business.”
Sirius tapped his glass, and it was once again full. “Actually, I'd argue that it is very much your business”, he paused, looking at her poignantly, “but I'm still not going to say anything.”
“Out of loyalty”, she said matter-of-factly.
“I mean, not no, but...”, at this, Lily snorted and relaxed a little bit. “You're my friend, too, Red. And you should ask him directly. It's exhausting to hear you two complain to me all the time. I'm not built for this.”
“First of all, I don't complain all the time—”
“Prongs does.”
Lily sighed, but didn't hide her amusement. “And secondly, you love it. You're a right gossip, Black. Rita Skeeter doesn't hold a candle to you.”
Sirius pulled a face, cringing at her comparison. “I offer my services freely and this is the treatment I get? What an ungrateful woman you are. I shall warn my brother about you.”
Lily knew he was only joking, but she knew her new, tentative friendship with James hadn't erased their past. “James knows better than anyone how awful I can be.”
Sirius considered her words, and for once there was no hint of malice in his expression. “That's true. I'd even go so far as saying that he enjoys that side of you more than the nice one.”
“What, he likes it when I'm mean? Did he tell you that?” She added jokingly, trying to sound casual and not at all desperate for something to hold onto, a sign, a reason to keep hoping for something more.
His eyes, that had - up till then - been fixed on her, were suddenly drawn to a spot behind her, and a slow smile spread across his face.
“No. But you can ask him yourself... He just walked in.”
Lily paled and slowly turned her head and there he was, wiping his glasses on his muggle t-shirt as he squinted at the menu. What an idiot, she thought, he's blind as a bat. She was equal parts endeared and terrified... And perhaps a little turned on, as she was now staring at his exposed stomach. She wasn't worried about being caught by him - he still hadn't put on his glasses, so she was safe - but when she heard Sirius' snicker, she looked back at him and fixed him with a death stare.
“Traitor”, she hissed.
Sirius simply grinned.
“You, Sirius Black, are a dead man.”
“Aw, you sound like mother dearest.”
Lily ignored his remark. “You will pay for this.”
“Empty threats, Mrs. Potter, empty threats.”
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