#Jill Trent Science Sleuth
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oldtvandcomics · 3 months ago
Jill Trent - One of the best discoveries this year
... I probably should stop saying that. There were A LOT of good stories I had the pleasure to find this year. But even so, Jill Trent the Science Sleuth is something special.
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(Title image for the Jill Trent story in Wonder Comics #13)
Long story short, I am playing around a little digging in old comic books for some Public Domain ladies, and found Jill Trent on the Public Domain Wiki. I have read every single one of her stories so far, and she is:
A detective
Also a mad scientist who keeps inventing cool gadgets and immediately losing said gadgets, so that she can spend the rest of the story recovering them
VERY easy to read as a lesbian, to the point where... You know, if it quacks like a duck.
Generally cool, gets into multiple fistfights with bad guys every issue
As I said, IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. You can get her comics for free on the Internet and not worry about a thing.
From just after the War, around 1947, 1948.
Jill is the blonde woman in the picture. The other one is her partner, Daisy Smythe. This being the Golden Age of comic books, the stories don't go as deeply into their personalities as a modern reader would hope (read: not at all. They do science and chase criminals, That's it), but they are very close. They clearly live together, and are shown to share a bed on two separate occasions.
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I love these two. I desperately want more of them. I have read every comic story by now, and there are exactly zero fanfictions on AO3...
(There does seem to have been a project around a decade (?) ago, to publish reimagined stories with the two of them. But to me, setting is part of the charm. If you change the race of the characters and put them into space, that kind of defeats the purpose.)
Jill Trent appeared in the following comic books:
Fighting Yank #6, 9
Wonder Comics #8-20
All of which are in the Public Domain, and can be read LEGALLY on Comic Book Plus.
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comicsart3 · 11 months ago
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The immense Jill Trent Science Sleuth and partner Daisy Smythe in action once again. Despite the ladies’ undeniable technological brilliance and their extraordinary sleuthing skills, sometimes victory is won by rather more basic means. When their light ray fails to deter a tough villain who then resorts to gunplay, the enterprising Jill goes to the opposite end of the scale and confuses the bad guy by simply smashing a light bulb and plunging the room where she and her partner are being held into darkness. Then it is simply a matter of the outraged ladies disarming the loser and overpowering him (“Try to kill us, will you?” POW! SOK! “Oww! Help! Let me go!”). Suitably disheveled and with his hands bound behind his back, the sullen looking Arthur is later handed over to the cops by the science detectives - who explain everything to the lieutenant while exonerating the falsely accused Jack Benson into the bargain. I think this is one of the most satisfying endings to a Jill Trent adventure - containing detecting skills, “science”, old fashioned female fisticuffs and everything coming together at the end - with even a hint of trash talk from the triumphant Daisy!
Source: The Case of the Black Sheep Murder, Jill Trent Science Sleuth, Gwandaland Comics #943
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gay-geek-nerd · 7 months ago
The strongest benefit of making your own silly little gay web series is also getting to make your own silly little gay edits of your oc’s and no one can stop you
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submission4 · 6 months ago
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Captured by the Science Sleuths POV
The two men glared resentfully and defiantly at Jill and Daisy, but nonetheless knew they could not defeat the science sleuths and raised their arms in surrender, allowing their weapons to clatter onto the hard lino of the floor. Jill looked momentarily contemptuous at the ease with which she and Daisy had overcome to two cowardly gangsters, and then smiled broadly at the sight.
“Let’s get ‘em tied and gagged and then we can have a proper look round, Daze.” she said to her partner.
A homage to Golden Age comic book character, Jill Trent, Science Sleuth
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oldtvandcomics · 2 months ago
Lady Marguerite Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Sulien ap Gwien (The Sulien / Tir Tanagiri books)
Ellen Patrick / the Domino Lady (The Domino Lady)
Jill Trent the science sleuth (Jill Trent Science Sleuth)
Tara the space outlaw (Tara)
Leutnant Tamara Jagellovsk (Raumpatrouille - Die Phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion)
Lucy Prescott-Chin (The Imperial Mars series)
Space Commander Servalan (Blake's 7)
Jo Grant (Doctor Who)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
The council is still out on Ritta Farrar / Señorita Rio (Señorita Rio) and Brenda Banks / Lady Luck (Lady Luck), but they are both interesting enough and completely forgotten by history, so I am going to mention them.
Name ten female characters you like, you get zapped if it's jsut a male character you call a babygirl or other feminine nicknames because I can't see people calling Lestat coquette again
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superdames · 8 years ago
Brilliant parody Twitter account/depressing vision of our global future President Supervillain — created by D.M. Higgins, creator of the excellent Jill Trent, Science Sleuth — takes classic Silver Age panels from Marvel comics featuring the Red Skull, erases the text, and then puts in honest-to-god quotes from Trump.
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amazingvisions · 9 years ago
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lonespektr · 10 years ago
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Jill Trent Science Sleuth
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oldtvandcomics · 3 months ago
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I drew the lesbian detectives!
It was quite a challenge, because I don't have any real experience with trying to imitate this old-fashioned comic book art style. It is also by far the shippiest thing I have ever drawn. Much as I like shippy fanart, I am NOT good at producing it, lol.
I probably should have waited until tomorrow to take a better picture in the daylight, but who really cares, I am currently the only one thinking about those two anyway.
("Those two" being Jill Trent (red) and Daisy Smythe (blue) from the Golden Age Jill Trent - Science Sleuth stories.)
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comicsart3 · 2 years ago
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Another appearance by the ultra-brainy and super-tough science sleuths, Jill Trent and her partner in research and crime fighting, Daisy Smythe. In this page, Jill’s invention (in this case an “element detector”) for once doesn’t actually succeed in helping the physicist detective to win the day. Yes, the murderer, Arthur Brown, whom she and Daisy have tracked down, is momentarily dazzled by the machine’s light source, giving Daisy the opportunity to jump the baddie, but he turns out to be too quick, flinging Daisy off and drawing his gun on Jill. Quick thinking as ever, the science sleuth turns to more basic tactics, knocking out the light with a well-aimed glass. Plunged into darkness, the gunman soon finds himself helpless against the furious female assault that follows (“Try to kill us, will you?” an outraged Daisy shrieks before clouting the useless Brown. “Help! Let me go!” he pleads). A sok! and a pow! soon subdue the cowardly crook. The defeated Brown is tied up by Jill and then marched to the police station where the case of mistaken identity is revealed to an astounded police lieutenant. A great example of female smarts and skill by the ever impressive scientific duo.
The page is from a Jill Trent Science Sleuth story called The Case of the Black Sheep Murder, and it appeared in Wonder Comics #13 (August 1947). It was written and illustrated by Al Camy.
Source: comicbookplus
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pulpcultured · 10 years ago
Jill Trent, Science Sleuth has gone live on Kickstarter and with your help, it could reach its goals by as early as this weekend! The book has twenty-three days left to go with less than a grand left needing to hit the project's funding goals! 
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If you're unfamiliar with the project itself, we did a run down of issue one not too long ago and we're excited the book is nearly there and back in our hands!
The comic is made up of several stories by different teams of artist and writers but use the same character and her personality to create stories of their own from their own perspective. Jill Trent can be whoever you want her to be...She can be black, white, thin, thick, long hair, short hair, contacts, glasses, it depends on how you see her and it adds a refreshing element to every story that makes up just one single issue! 
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You can help fund the remaining balance behind Jill Trent and watch a project that we're behind come to life and get that comic back in your hands by visiting the official Kickstarter page! After that, make sure you visit the official store for the comic book so you can pick up issue one to get caught up with the trails and tribulations of Jill Trent! 
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ryanincandenza · 10 years ago
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Kiss kiss fall in SCIENCE! :D
More of these cuties in JILL TRENT SCIENCE SLEUTH #2
Back on Kickstarter for print version and goodies.
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superdames · 8 years ago
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Jill Trent, Science Sleuth, winking at her faithful partner, Daisy Smythe, in their first appearance in Fighting Yank #6 (1943) by Al Camy.
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jilltrent · 9 years ago
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It’s a big production day! Editor D.M. Higgins is hard at work putting the final touches on JILL TRENT, SCIENCE SLEUTH #2 & prepping the files for print! 
Much technical, very dpi, such layout!
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comicslams · 10 years ago
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Jill Trent, Science Sleuth by superdames has arrived in New Zealand!
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tardiscrash · 10 years ago
I read the Jill Trent story you drew today and I just want you to know you did an awesome job. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do in issue 2.
Thank you very much. I’ve really loved working on JT and the second one is shaping up to be really wonderful, at least in my opinion.
I am so proud to be part of this thing it has been such tremendous fun and just truly good work to do.
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