#Jikook love declaration
cypherpt2supremacy · 1 year
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Jungkook is such a sappy romantic that it's so easy for me to picture him saying something like this...
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akookminsupporter · 1 month
I think I'm going to get cancelled for this.
Perhaps my most honest opinion as a Jikooker so far.
Something that has always bothered me about Jikookers is how they hold Jungkook to different standards than Jimin. I’ve often seen more than one person criticize Jungkook for something he did or didn’t do—whether it’s for looking at Tae in a certain way, saying something nice to him, or not doing something —while similar behaviours by Jimin are overlooked. Jimin has always been close to Tae; we’ve often seen them cuddling or saying sweet things to each other. Tae even told Jimin that he “likes him the most.” Yet, for some reason, Jimin’s actions don’t seem to provoke similar criticism or disappointment among Jikookers, who often view Jimin and Tae’s friendship as perfectly acceptable and even celebrated because, of course, Jimin and Tae are friends! Soulmates! And that’s great! That’s how it should be. But if Jungkook were to do any of these things, the world would end. How could Jungkook possibly do that? It obviously means he doesn’t care about Jimin, that they’re not close, etc., etc.
Jungkook is the one who has to make grand gestures. He has to be special with Jimin ALL THE TIME, and not just that—he has to be special by the standards of their supposed fans; otherwise, it doesn’t count. Jimin can reach for the moon for Jungkook, and many wouldn’t care. It wouldn’t mean much. Jungkook has to reach for the sun for Jimin for people to “believe” that he cares about him. And to believe jikook is at least really close.
Jungkook can’t be sassy with Jimin; he can’t push him, and he can’t say no to him because poor Jimin! It means Jungkook doesn’t care about him. But Jimin can do these things, and no one says anything. Jimin can hit Jungkook or be sassy with him, right? Because Jimin is “delicate”? So it’s not the same. Do you know how incredibly offensive that is? And the worst part is that many of you don’t even realize it! And I’m sure that after reading this, many will insult me, block me, or unfollow me because, how dare I? I can already imagine some saying that I’m defending Jungkook and that I don’t care about Jimin, completely missing my point.
You validate the possibility of Jikook being real based on what Jungkook does or says—or doesn’t do or say.
And that’s the “fear” many of you have with the upcoming episodes of the show. You don’t care if VMin declare their love in an episode; you don’t care if you see Jimin and Jungkook together cuddling on the bed, because if Jungkook interacts with Tae in any way, that will cancel out any interaction he has had or will have with Jimin.
Why, for many of you, do the interactions Jungkook has with Tae carry more weight than those he has with Jimin? Why do the interactions Jungkook has with Tae carry more weight than those Jimin has with Tae? Why do we have to weigh the interactions of three people who know each other far better than any of us?
And yes, I know you’ll excuse yourselves with, “The problem is the subgroup…” but why does what they say have to hold any validity? Their opinion, like ours, doesn’t influence anything those three men do, and by this point, that should be obvious to everyone. Haters can say what they want; it won’t change anything. Don’t pay attention to what they say. Just report, block, and ignore as necessary, and enjoy the show. Enjoy what Jimin and Jungkook decide to share with us. And if they want to share their friendship with Tae, ANOTHER MEMBER OF BTS, well, great!
Do you know why the subgroup has never stopped invading our spaces, saying whatever nonsense they come up with? Because they know it bothers many of you or us. Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae might never know what’s said on social media, and that doesn’t matter to the subgroup because their real target is us.
I’ve always said that for tkk to be real, it depends on Jikook not being real. Meanwhile, Jikook only depends on Jimin and Jungkook to be real. The subgroup knows this, but for some reason, they believe that by getting rid of Jikookers, they would get rid of Jikook. That’s not how it works, but that’s how they see it. That’s why they attack us ALL THE TIME.
So, stop with the PENDEJADAS. Because everything I’ve seen is just that, PENDEJADAS. At the end of the day, we don’t know these three men, and if nothing between them seems to be going wrong, we need to respect that, no matter what the HATERS say.
And I’m not going to be hypocritical and claim that I’ve never side-eyed some of the things Tae has done involving Jimin and Jungkook together, but that doesn’t mean I hate him or blame him for anything. Yet, that’s exactly what many of you are doing. Some openly admit it, while others pretend not to. You often start your explanations or opinions with, “I don’t hate Tae, but…”—and that “but” negates the beginning of the sentence.
And that makes all this sadder because much of what I’ve said here applies to the subgroup, and nothing would embarrass me more than reading or hearing that the subgroup and we are the same.
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ffjj5 · 2 months
Oh no Jikook you didn't, you didn't just bring back your iconic, romantic signature move whilst underwater and whilst on your honeymoon trip.
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This is something that has stood the test of time over the years and is a declaration of their bond and their love. What it truly means to them is something only they know.
My personal favourite
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That grin from JK 🥰
I will not be able to be a strong Jikook soldier over the next 8 weeks if this is the sort of sh*t they are going to throw at us.
And I will not apologise for the feet kicking, giggling person I will become every Thursday 🤣
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jeonscatalyst · 21 days
I do agree with this person's analysis of Jimin and Jungkook personalities, and I also agree that to some extent Jungkook's affection being rarer than Jimin's does make it more special to some fans, but where I disagree is that I don't think that's the main reason why fans seem to put more weight in what Jungkook does than what Jimin does.
Because while some fans will put this much thought on the differences in jikook's personalities, I don't think it's the majority that does. It's kinda of a problem we have actually. If people realised that Jimin and Jungkook are two different people with different ways of showing affection, then we wouldn't have to keep seeing the same stupid takes on their relationship over and over again. It's people expecting jikook to always do to the other the exact same thing the other did to them that causes so much annoying discourse.
But you know what a lot of shipper do love doing? Competing with one another. Competition is one of the main things in every k-pop fandom and sub-fandom, shippers are no exception. And when it comes to jikookers we all know the competition is with taekookers. We're always at each other's throats, let's be honest. And some spend just as much time taking about the rival ship as they do talking about their own ship.
Which leads me to what I believe is the real main reason why both sides (not just jikookers) view Jungkook's actions as more important. It's because he's the in-common person to both ships. He's like the main character in a love triangle. He's the one that ultimately decides who gets together in the end, not the two love interests, so their actions don't matter as much.
The point of contention with shippers has never really been whether or not Jimin or Taehyung like Jungkook, that's already assumed to be the case. With solos it's definitely an argument, but jikookers and taekookers focus more on each other than in solos. No, the real question has always been who does Jungkook like more: Jimin or Taehyung?
If Jimin declares his love for Jungkook jikookers will of course love that, but if Jungkook is the one who does it it'll matter more because it can be used against taekookers. Taekookers don't care if Jimin loves Jungkook or not, what he feels doesn't matter to them. Nothing Jimin says can prove anything to them. The confirmation has to come from Jungkook, that's the only way they'll care about it. And jikookers do care about one-upping taekookers. If we didn't we wouldn't spend so much time trying to prove to them that we're right.
There's been plenty of times when I've seen something that used to not matter suddenly become important the moment people realize it could be used in the shipping competition. It's a sort of 'I didn't care that much about that thing I have until I realized it could make the other side jealous'. Or 'I didn't want that thing until the other side got it and now I want it too'.
Things naturally hold more importance to people when those things have not only their own inherent value but also when they have the added bonus of pissing off someone you don't like. Jimin's love for Jungkook is important by itself but Jungkook's love for Jimin is seen as more important because it will also piss off taekookers.
I'm pretty sure that if the two biggest ships were jikook and vmin instead, then the most important thing suddenly would be Jimin's affection, regardless of how affectionate he is with everyone.
Again, I do agree some fans do consider jikook's differences and that that does influence how they value their actions, it's just that I think there's a bigger reason here.
I hope this didn't come across as me being a contrarian for the sake of it, I just wanted to add a separate perspective on the subject because I've had this opinion for a while and it seemed relevant to the topic. I also hope I was not to harsh on my opinions of other jikookers, but no fandom is without it's flaws and I think it's important to acknowledge them.
Anon, I owe you a cold beer right now because it seems like you read my mind.
This is exactly what I think too. It’s just mostly about the competition, the shipwars, the fights and the need to “win”. That’s really why people think Jungkook’s actions hold more meaning that Vmins. It’s like Jungkook is the prize that Vmin are desperately trying to win and every action or word of his is used as an affirmation or debunking. “Jungkook did this with Tae but didn’t do that with Jimin so Tae is his boyfriend”….just an endless cycle of bullshit.
Anyone who is mature and experienced enough understands that Jimin and Jungkook don’t have to express themselves exactly the same for things to be mutual. Jimin could say “I love you” to Jungkook and Jungkook wouldn’t say it back but would prefer to make a video of Jimin. So many people would say Jungkook didn’t reciprocate just because he didn’t do things exactly the way Jimin did when the truth is that he did, just in his own way.
When I see people coming up with useless takes or comparisons about their bond it pisses me off to no end because it’s the little things that Jungkook does. People would get pissed at Jungkook and say that he doesn’t show love to Jimin as much as Jimin does just because Jimin would constantly touch him, ask him to eat alot and is very vocal about his affection but Jungkook remembering that Jimin likes his food spicy and trying to make it just how Jimin likes it apparently means nothing because Jungkook wasn’t shouting on a roof top or Jungkook thinking of what to cook in Jeju and knowing that Jimin would love it doesn’t matter because he didn’t stand on a podium and announce it or Jungkook quietly getting water for Jimin and giving him to drink without him asking doesn’t mean a thing because he didn’t carry Jimin on his head. Sometimes I don’t even have the energy to argue because if only people understood Jungkook they would know that Jungkook doesn’t treat anyone the same way he does Jimin.
I personally can see how someone might naturally value Jungkook’s actions more because Jimin is a natural caring, nurturing and loving person to everyone so sometimes it is hard to tell if his actions mean more or it is just him being himself but with Jungkook, he tries as much as possible to be impartial but he just cannot help it when it comes to Jimin. He is pretty kind and caring towards everyone he loves too but not the same way Jimin does it plus Jungkook tends to go big when he expresses his affection for Jimin. So with Jimin we get little bits of love and affection more frequently than we get from Jungkook but once we get one from Jungkook, it is usually news worthy and kinda exclusive to Jimin so it hits harder.
I dunno. I might have gone off topic but like I said, I 100% agree with you.
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kanmom51 · 5 months
JK's birthday 2019
Let's talk about JK's birthday in 2019.
I know it's a long time ago, but I got to thinking about it again and it just filled me with joy. And who am I to deprive you guys of some delusional joy as well? Right?
So, I think I am actually going to start from the end on this one.
JM flying half way across the world, from Paris...
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to be with JK on his birthday only to have to fly out the next morning to Hawaii with Sungwoon.
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And he does this all by surprising JK, who was not expecting him to be there with him, as he knew JM was in Paris, sly JM even sending him a kind of generic happy birthday message from Paris. You know, making sure JK KNOWS that he is still there on the streets of Paris all while JM was already on his way to be with him.
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JM loved to tell us all about it in his Riad live (you know, the one he also told us how happy he was with the surprise birthday celebration JK arranged for him during their concert there, oh and the same one we got him eying his "manager").
There is a link to the live itself in my post as well.
And here you will find screenshots of JM telling the story:
He was so damn proud of himself.
And rightfully so.
He made JK's day.
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Brought him this very special gift too:
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Yeah, let's hear how this wasn't planned why don't we?
Moving on.
Or perhaps moving back would be the proper way of putting it.
All of this happened on JK's birthday itself at night time (JM tells us he arrived back in SK 8-9 pm). But see, JK started off his birthday for us.
Wait. Was it for us? Or more so, was it only for us? Or was it perhaps also meant for that one person that wasn't there on that day. The one person that was in Paris, and whom JK believed was not going to be spending his birthday with him. The one person that flew half way across the world to surprise JK, and he sure did.
I know at this point I could be considered to be reaching a little bit, but hear me out here. Yes, JK was sending Army a message (well a few of them as you will see), but I do think that within those messages (this is something that those two are so good at), he was also sending another message, and it wasn't just for us. Although you could argue that in a sense it was also for us (letting us know who was on his mind at that point in time).
So here we go.
JK posts on Weverse on the eve of his birthday. This is just after midnight, specifically at 00:22 or 12:22 am KST.
This one is clearly for Army (not the one who declares himself to be Army).
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Following that, JK moves on to Twitter, where he tweets twice exactly 40 minutes later. 2 tweets, one minute apart from each other.
First tweet at 1:03 am SKT:
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Let's look at the numbers first before we move on to bigger and better things.
1:03 am 1.9
Just looking at those numbers we can get:
13-10 (1+9)
If we look at the date as 1.9.19 then we have the 13-10 and 1-9 as well. Go figure.
On purpose?
Who knows... maybe if we look into it a little further we will have more facts that can show us either way.
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The caption on JK's first tweet.
Could definitley be meant, once again, for us. Even though he already thanks us for making him happy. But what if this time it wasn't meant specifically for us. I mean, he already thanked us in a long message only 40 minutes earlier. What if the earlier one was for us, and this one here, with the timing of the posting, was meant for a special someone else, who happened to be far away from him.
Perhaps his choice to split his posts, his thanks, was because they were meant for 2 different recipients? Perhaps, this was just like him splitting up his White day live in 2023 into 4 segments. Each one of those segments with a clear purpose and you could also say a specific audience (at least for one of those 4 the intended audience was not us).
Yeah, I know, call me deluded. Call me crazy and call me whatever, but you know, I really don't think it's that far fetched.
And even more so when within a minute he tweets again. This time he uploads his gift - a snippet of his song Decalcomania.
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Captioned: "This... Please look forward to it".
{Side note, we still are even though we will never get the full song seeing that he had deleted it.}
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Are you seeing what I'm seeing here?
Like seriously, how can we miss this? And nope, you can't make up this shit either.
Time stamp on clip:
1: 18 min.
The song is clearly cut off at that time stamp.
This is not a coincidence. Seriously, enough is enough with that excuse. The recurring use of these numbers. 118, Nov 8, again and again and again. Before and after.
This is a clear message JK is sending again
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and again
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and again
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and again
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And lest forget a couple of his latest 8:11's
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And here we have JK, on his birthday, following his tweet only one minute earlier thanking "you" for making him happy. Who he means by "you", well that I'm sure many will assume is his fans. At this point, seeing what came before and definitely what came after, I am easily convinced that it wasn't necessarily that "you", but the "you" that was about to surprise the shit out of him later that day.
So yeah, I'm finding it hard to conclude this is all a coincidence, seeing JM himself told us it's not...
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As for Decalcomania. Well, that one requires a post all of it's own.
One more thing before I go.
JK's 2019 birthday was a big one. It happened when the band were on break. When JM was using this time to travel with friends (not that they didn't spend time together, JK basically tells us that in BV4). A time with a couple of yucky dating rumors. A time of self reflection. This was a break where JK had his hand tattoos done, and surprisingly (NOT) added that very 'inconspicuous' J just above the M after his birthday.
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So yeah, this here my friends, is a hill, or even more so a mountain, that I am climbing up and are pretty confidently willing to die on...
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nikonladyz4 · 4 months
Love Defined - Jikook
I read this post about a man who lost his wife of 55 years. His two adult children took him back to the cemetery at 11pm, per his request, the day of the funeral. He hugged her tombstone, cried and talked to her. He was able to let her go that night. He told his kids that he was glad she went before him. That way she did not have to suffer the loss of him and try to continue life alone without her mate of 55 years.
His daughter said I understood what true love is; It is far from romanticism, it does not have much to do with eroticism, or with sex, rather it is linked to work, to complement, to care and, above all, to the true love that two really committed people profess ".
I immediately thought of Jimin and Jungkook. Yes, they are young and in their sexual prime….but their love for each other goes so much deeper than sex. Just like what the women said above, I see her definition exhibited by Jimin and Jungkook daily. From their friendship, their partnership, to their commitment over the years. They have been each others family and support through the good times and bad times as they navigated the world as singers and dancers in one of the most popular bands of all time.
To me, the ultimate declaration of commitment to each other was when they enlisted together. They not only support each other, but they also depend on each other. They have been together for 8-10 years. They have experienced life together as a couple and been through more than most couples who have been together 20+ years experience (other than children….I hope kids will come in the next 10+ years for them). Once they finish this major tour starting next fall, I believe they will semi-retire from BTS group activities and concentrate on solo careers, personal projects and personal relationships.
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peachjagiya · 2 days
I hope you don’t take offense to what I am about to say cuz i’ll speak freely. I think the issue here is, so many taekookers kept talking about how much Jungkook didn’t want to do the show and even went as far as claiming that he was forced to do this show no matter how much Jungkook verbally proclaimed how much fun he was having and how he loved the show. Let’s also be serious here, does anyone really believe that Jungkook would have continued shooting in other locations if he hated the first experience in NY? Before someone comes up with the contract excuse, I need to remind everyone that this show was never the company’s idea. It was Jimin who thought of it, told Jungkook about it and then pushed at the level of the company to make it happen. I had never gotten chance to watch ITS friendcation with Tae because honestly I am more a music fan and their variety shows or other healing shows kinda bore me but I recently watched Friendcation and it was Tae too who wanted to film the show with his wooga squad and from what I understood from what they said at the beginning, he was the one who took the idea to the company and they let it happen. So I don’t think it’s fair to claim that Jungkook couldn’t back out of the show even if he didn’t like it because he was contractually bound.
Right now if I were jikookers I would gloat too because so many people have claimed that Jk looked miserable, looked disinterested, didn’t want to do the show at all or didn’t see the point but from his own words we know that is far from the truth. Not only did he declare how much he loved the show and how free he felt during the show, he also thinks that out of all the trips he been on in his life, these trips for AYS were the best. He also mentioned wanting to go back to the start of their trip so anyone still claiming that Jungkook didn’t love being on that show is not being realistic or reasonable at all. He could have just not said anything if he didn’t feel that way because ofcourse he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy the trip if he didn’t (or maybe he could) so knowing how blunt Jk can be if he said he loved it, then he loved it. So I think it is wise to just stop with all the stuff about him not liking it or not not wanting to be there because nothing we have seen and heard from him supports that line of thought. He clearly looked bummed that the trip was ending, him and Jimin, and someone wouldn’t feel that way if they didn’t enjoy the trip. I feel like those trips to him, were an opportunity for him to break away from his excessive work load for a few days and just unwind, have fun and eat to his hearts delights. In hindsight, I think it was a great Idea that the show was there to film as after watching his documentary and seeing just how much he worked and pushed himself, I think those few days inbetween schedules to just have fun did him some good.
This is just me stating my honest opinion and I hope I didn’t say anything condescending or rude.
Honest opinions are fine and you're welcome to them.
The only thing I want to query is that jimkookers should gloat. What is this victim storyline? Oh well they're only gloating cos we were so mean to them?
They spent a couple of weeks saying JK visibly hated Tae, laughing at misinterpreted jokes to make it look like JK wanted him gone, mocking their short lay down. Did they all bow at our feet when he finally said it was better with Tae? No they absolutely did not. What they did was just carry on. Cos they perceived events a different way. And I couldn't give a fuck if they do that.... until they get pissy when others do it.
I have never, in my life, been to a JMKK space to "gloat." Or to say anything actually. I've often wondered about their thoughts on things and I just haven't ever. It's not my space.
Imagine if the tumblr Taekookers reacted to, for example, Hawaii this way. Ran into Jikook spaces to "gloat". Because as you say here, we had plenty of reason to. After months and years of "JK can't stand being around him" and "Tae just lies" that became too much even in the short time I've been around, there was vindication. Yeah, we could have gloated.
I bet if we'd done that, the first thing the jmkkrs would say would be "why hasn't this made you feel good?"
What actually happened is we just had a couple of exciting days being dorks about it, feeling good and happy in our "community" here.
So they should go do that.
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What if we ask for receipts?
(This post is inspired by some recent posts from some moots on Tumblr)
We spend all day defending Jimin and JK's bond.
All day, all the time, always in the position of defendant, against anons here, trolls on twitter, and in general, hordes of annoying people.
Well then, let's see what happens if we are now the prosecutor, and not the defense lawyer  
Let's see where the hell your receipts are:
- Love expressions: how many times have your favorites declared that they love each other in different kinds of language?. And I'm not talking about the "I love you" that are given to friends for a specific situation (like Hobi leaving for the ms)... or weird hand signals, you know a lot about that and symbols... but big signs of love…
Like suddenly this:
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Or this:
 Or this: 
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- Intimacy displays: have your favorites given each other hickeys? (this is important...u know I love hickeys)
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Have they flirted in front of thousands of people? (and watch out! because here the line between fan entertainment (I won't say the damm word, which I know you don't like) and genuine flirting is very subtle, but distinctive. This is flirting, for instance 😌
Do they've sucked each other's ear in front of thousands of people?
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(Or do they have some kink for ears?)
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Have they stuck their D's in front of thousands of people?
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  (my God, do you realize what they won't do in front of thousands of people)?
- Show the evidence that your favorites live or have lived together (not in the dorms era back in 2018): let's see... let me think... how many times have they suspiciously shared a car, when we didn't know where they lived extra officially? 
Or do have they been at 4 am in the morning together alone, celebrating billboard or actually delivering hickeys? 
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Or in the deed of the purchase of a house appears the address where the other lives (91).?
- Samples of tension or awkwardness beyond explanation: look, we have so many receipts here that I don't even know where to start... just look at Jimin's recent bomb and see JK's visit... and well, there it is... the awkwardness of some of their interactions... sometimes it makes you want not to look... sometimes it makes you feel embarrassed... I sometimes think they're going to screw up at any moment.
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- Proof of inside jokes that show that they actually WATCH a lot of content together. Do you have any of your own?
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- Demonstration of knowing certain personal information. Here I'm sorry, but again we have a lot of receipts. Tae had no idea that JK did a 3 hour vlive. Or Hobi also didn't know about Jimin's "time" (10:13). Instead, Jimin sees all of JK's vlives...and vice versa (as we’ve been able to check recently) and they know most of things they have done, or where they are at each moment (they even know what happened at bae's grandma's birthday)
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And now...let’s see and talk about YOUR receipts:
made-up dinners out alone and selfies in bathrooms (not to mention other things you say happen in the bathrooms)
trips for which there is no concrete proof, or which are clearly BTS trips
any close-up, or photo, or mention on vlive....
each pic on Instagram
a look
breathing the same air
stepping on the same ground
And, so far the most robust, outings at their free time. We had in the past months vkook, jihope, hobikook, or vhope outings.
This is what most people are claiming lately. Maybe it is our fault, for having repeated so many times that Jimin and JK were the ones who most "hanged out" together..... now it seems that this mantra is turning against us.....
Well..... NOOOO.... I object your honour!
Because jikook have literally told us recently that they are both super homely. Which I understand. Not just because of their personalities or that they like it, but because outside, they can't be totally free lately. 
Because if JK is constantly being stalked in his country - just look at where he officially lives - and also, as we believe, jikook are a couple, they have a lot to protect and I think they know that the most intimacy and security they have is at home. 
On the other hand, they already know what happens when they are seen in a certain location: that restaurant ends up becoming a crowded place of jikookers or k-army. So, if they go out, they're going to be very careful and most likely they'll go to trusted places, where they don't post their signatures on IG. So, my friends,…WE WON'T KNOW about it! Unless they want to, or go somewhere more public and new.
And then again, Jimin has been busy with his album and hasn't been seen with anyone. NO ONE. The only exception, Hobi's birthday and the drink they had last Sunday or Monday (as a farewell). And we know this because they wanted to tell us... because if they hadn't, or posted any pictures, there would be no receipts from them either (of course! who of us could have been at Hobi's house on his birthday to know?).
But even with all this reasoning … the truth is that friends hang out and that does not mean they are dating. Hanging out doesn’t work with jikook either by itself. Other things must happen (see above 👆 ☺️)
So your receipts, imo, are either conspicuous by their absence or rather lacking in robustness.
Ours, on the other hand, are terrific! Stop asking for more! We've justified enough.
It must be pitiful to ship any “couple" whose ultimate proof of confirmation that they are together depends so much on another couple failing to provide certain evidence that confirms they actually are...the audacity!!! 
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I been saying this. JK is large, but JM is in charge, but JK is defiant to both the company and even JM, sometimes. For the most part JK will listen to JM, but when JK gets a wild hair up his ass, he starts breathing down JM and the company's neck. Look how he spammed Jimin's recent live. He left 18 or 19 comments on there. And he wasn't asking if he could come to a taping, he was telling JM he wanted to go. He said I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines quietly. You think he can't tell JM hppy bday in private and normally? Nah he had to be extra, man went and showered, put on his best shirt, cologne, fluffed his hair & his slut glasses, took a whole minute teasing his man, before whispering happy bday, BRO with that smirk. The sarcasm that was dripping out of that BRO & that smirk. JM isn't his bro, no matter how badly at times JM makes it seem that way, cause he's older and tries to respect rules. He will run and call JK his dongsaeng, but then suddenly turn around and say JK is more then his dongsaeng. Yeah, we know he is & calling him that doesn't work like you think, when he's sending you thirst traps and making love declaration videos & you are sucking hickeys on his neck and showing them off in broad daylight. Bro he said, while having a boner about said bro. JM's change of tune tells me JK probably had a few words with him over calling him that. JK said its time to grow up Selena, I'm not your little brother.
RM in their busniess, physically moving them away from each other, head desking, eye rolling, other members getting in the middle, the company. That's alot of pressure. And JM will listen to these people, until he tells you he was with JK at 4 am or waking up and seeing Jungkookie is his favorite thing. How he gonna wake up and see JK unless they live together? This was after it was revealed JK did not live at the dorms anymore. The dots are connected. Did you see the panic on JM's face when he and JK were late to the radio station together. He knew the gig was up. He knew if they were all coming from the same place, why only these two were late & took a detour? They also made out in the car on the way, cause JM could not stop smiling at his man, but that's beside the point. Plus he knew they were busted & he was shy.
As for JK, well he doesn't like being told what to do, not even by Jimin sometimes & Jimin understands that too, its called balance and equal footing in the relationship, despite JK being younger. JK sucked his ear in front of 90K people and JM did not stop JK. JM did not stop JK from saying he makes JM happiest, twice. JM also finally gave up and let JK backhug him after fighting him off so bad, while staring the camera down, I might add. So where JM use to show off their relationship the most, he grew up, matured, took his role as oldest more serious & probably lets the hate get to him a bit & JK, well he said fuck your feelings, you can't stop a man in love, esp a defiant one, a spontaneous, I do first, think later, rule breaker. JM is reserved nowadays and JK tries to be obedient for JM's sake, but this man has come so close to outing Jikook, even I am like come collect your man Jimin. He loves Jimin. He wants to shout it to the world, but he can't. Not just cause of the their society, but Hybe, BTS, and shitty ass fans who only care about their happiness, not BTS. The man deleted his IG on the spot where he barely talked about JM suspiciously, but hasn't shut up about JM on weverse. Let that sink in. IG was another way to bring in money for the company and you think JM didn't restrict what he posted about their relationship or even JK himself cause he didn't want to cause an uproar? He said watch this and deleted the whole damn thing. And now he goes live consistently when he isn't supposed too, promoting his boyfriend and spamming his boyfriend with comments. Don't get me wrong. JM has been loud as fuck too with his love for JK, but JM also will follow rules more then JK, but JK said fuck the rules. He doesn't listen to HYbe, he listens to JM, for the most part. JM keeps JK grounded for the most part. These two are beating the odds tho and have for years. And I wish them nothing but happiness, cause if anyone ever deserved a happy ending. Its these two.
Not the bro 🤣😂😂
But yes, to all this x113
JK can be defiant with Jimin but not when it counts. When it counts or when it's something crucial he will listen. Also Jimin doesn't control JK and leaves him be to do what he wants. Which is healthy, honestly. E.g he knows if he really put his foot down JK would stop drinking live but he won't do that. He will suggest that he stop, but will otherwise leave it up to him.
They do have a good thing going for them and like u said I hope they're content and happy. They deserve it. I love them
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dearweirdme · 6 months
"record some guides at his apartment studio and jk only gave him some advice here and there abt how he should sing some lines" oh how you try your best to minimise jk's contribution here. Are you a jk anti anon?
"taehyung always find some way to mention jungkook and single out their relationship" I'll tell you why he does this...coz he's in love with him boo 🥰. That's what we do when are in love, we try every possible way to talk about our partner coz they are literally on our minds almost 24/7. As for jk not doing the same, I won't even ask you go through each of his lives coz that'll take time, just watch his second last live. He sang half of layover unprompted, and wooshik's mistaken part of blood sweat and tears. Jk mentioned their snowboarding trip when asked about his current fav song, jk said that tae was the first person, not just member, person, who listened to seven...
"whole “to find you” thing…there’s no way that that’s the legitimate and whole truth" so since you have no other argument against this, just say that tae lied. Simple right? How tf do you know that jk doesn't sing that song to him? Did jk personally dm you about tae's lie? I know why you don't want to accept that tae wasn't lying, bcs that would imply that they are definitely more than just friends, and will derail your Taehyung hate train.
"bc if they were actually together and jk sang that song FOR him, taehyung would not be out here divulging all that information" why won't he? What changed after he divulged that information? Did people suddenly start believing in their relationship? He knows that people like you exist, and are actually in majority so even if he declares his love for jk publically, no one's gonna bat an eye coz acc to most people, they are just bros/ or acc to rotten minds, he's just seeking attention.
"the story he posted of him and jk on instagram before enlisting. that was completely on purpose for attention bc why would u not post something for jimin" it was definitely on purpose. He wanted to publically say goodbye to his bf before he went away. Don't we do the same? Don't we differentiate b/w our partners and friends? That's all that he did. He was literally enlisting that day. He was getting enough attention already. Also, what would he have done of that attention when he was going to the military that very day? As for not posting about jimin, maybe he didn't have a shirtless FaceTime with jimin 🤷‍♀️
"just at least admit that taehyung mentions a lot of stuff abt jungkook on purpose bc he knows ppl like to hear it " I'll readily admit the first part of this statement but not the second. Yes he does mention jungkook a lot, but not because people like to hear it. No one except for taekookers want to hear him talk about his jungkookie. Army, jikookers, solos, i.e. the majority, either don't care about it or call him vile names(like you are) as soon as he so much as takes jk's name.
He's been doing all that and no one except for taekookers finds anything sus about it, ever. So your "if they were actually together i dont think he would want to be drawing attention to their relationship the way he does" makes no sense. Jungkook literally sat smack dab on tae's lap infront of thousands and no one thought anything about it, but tae saying that he recorded some guides at jk' house would draw attention to their relationship.
Do you think jk would allow tae to lie and use his name for attention? Do you he's a pushover? Why does jk hang out with tae and even tae's friends so much if tae is such a lying manipulative attention seeker? Watch yoongi's concert footage, would jk be sticking close to tae all evening if tae was really the evil tae of your imagination?
Stop trying to make up vile narratives about their relationship. Jungkook would judge you. Hard. So would jimin.
Ps, there are many compilations of jungkook going taehyungie hyung all year round, was he trying to make shippers happy and seek attention as well?
Hi anon!
Jup 😊!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
I really enjoy your blog and your level-headedness when it comes to everything surrounding BTS and Jikook. You often post really good takes and answer asks quite comprehensively.
Which is why I'm sending my ask to you regarding that short clip of Jikook at the airport during the baghug.
First off: Jimin seemed to really need that hug, it seems, because he (a) seemed a bit subdued during the walking-in part and (b) ge literally barrelled into Jungkook. There was impact made even tho JK was barely bothered. Maybe that interpretation of desperation instead of affection is what makes me a bit sad about my observation.
That JK did indeed remove Jimin. It's not like similar situations when JK was still a teen - it was rather gentle. From another angle, it looked like Jikook both moved at the same time after that talk with their bodyguard. A simple "okay, now it's time for travel business" motion.
I don't even know why this makes me think so much? Why I circle back to the fact that it wasn't entirely wanted which is apso not true, since JK was going along for the majority of the clip. Even swaying. Especially when we know Jikook are just as close as they've always been. I don't think the physical separation during their individual album releases hurt them, they're too good of friends for that. There are bonds in your life, nothing but an actual intense disagreement can ruin. And didn't we still get Kookie flirting with Jimin, and Jimin joining his golden concert?
I think, whatever they're up to in Tokyo, it will give them a lot of time to spend together. Off-line. Recuperating.
I read somewhere that In The Soop was kind of conceptualised to counteract a drifting apart of the members during the pandemic. Maybe Jikook and Hybe came to the conclusion, that with their schedules being what they are, producing a show would be the perfect cover-up for spending time together with the added benefit of having enlistment content. If that's the case, it makes it doubly...interesting let's say, that it's not all four or just the Maknaes or any other combination going places. That no other member has been mentioned in connection to this.
Ask 2:
Idk if this will make sense, I'm the somewhat insecure ask from a few hours ago. Panicking about that dumb airport clip.
Well. I'm not anymore.
Because Jikook are allegedly headed to Sapporo (spelling might be wrong, sorry). The more we learn - even in snippets - about this trip, the more fuzzy my heart feels. Happy, even.
They went to Tokyo as close as they could probably manage to their last trip there, aka the GCF Tokyo anniversary. That last time was a "REAL LOVE" declaration during a time neither were in a really good place. Tokyo was an escape removed from the worries of their life and fame. A snow globe of happiness, you can shake every time your demons get to you. A gift from one person seeing the one always taking care of them falling apart, and deciding to take the weight of their shoulders. It's so fucking beautiful.
And now, after a year of emotional turmoil with their hyungs enlisting, of the physical separation that releasing two incredibly important albums brings, of duties and barely any breaks. Now they go back to Tokyo and Japan just before they have to enlist.
None of this is a coincidence.
To add to that Sapporo. Where it's snowing now. The implications for Jikook are big. We know Jimin loves snow, that JK knows that as much as we do, that watching the first snow together is a superstition for Korean couples. And now Jikook are there, in the first major Japanese city legalising same sex marriage - the city of love. While JK wore a rLOVElution hoodie, a line being dedicated to lgbtqia+ acceptance, just like during his NY outing with Jimin.
I could criticise everyone villifying their bond here, but now I don't want to anymore. Just look at what Jimin and Jungkook get to experience, even if only for a little time, and tell me that it's not the most beautiful thing.
The person having "please love me" tattooed on his body and the person singing "just let me love you". Serendipity and Euphoria. Black and White. Sun and Moon. Poets would weep cause they couldn't write a love this beautiful.
After you sent in the first ask I started drafting my reply to you (pasted below the asterisk) but left the draft unfinished because I had life to attend to. Then you sent in the second ask, and what you've said in this second ask is so beautiful, I don't want to ruin it with my pontificating. So I'll leave my draft unfinished (I think you eventually answer in the 2nd ask what you're asking in the 1st).
Regardless of anything, jikook have a real connection, a real relationship, and a real history. What exactly that looks like I don't know, but I do know whatever it is, it's real.
“I read somewhere that In The Soop was kind of conceptualised to counteract a drifting apart of the members during the pandemic. Maybe Jikook and Hybe came to the conclusion, that with their schedules being what they are, producing a show would be the perfect cover-up for spending time together with the added benefit of having enlistment content.”
Let's not dismiss this right away, because there’s a possibility you're right and this could be true. But I don't see any of this, in my opinion. I don't think this Japan trip is arranged by the company because they're drifting apart, though I agree it's being made for content to keep parts of the fandom engaged. My counterpoint to that though is that if BigHit really was making this just for greenbacks, it would've made more sense for this to be a taekook trip and not jikook - given taekookers are the largest and oldest shippers in the fandom, and this would've been an easy way for BigHit to capitalize on the recent bromance we've seen from them in chapter 2. But it's jikook, and there could be many reasons for why, maybe sometime down the road Tae joins them or we get a similar show with him, but right now, with everything that's led up to now, the easiest explanation for why jikook are going on this trip is because they want to.
And that's good enough for me.
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not-goldy · 6 months
Well then who do you suggest FRI(end)S is about then? Its a very direct romantic song about wanting to be lovers not friends with someone who he knows feels the same way about him, he's just wanting them to make it official. He said you and I go back to like '09 and well if shippers are trying to relate to Jk and Jimin which seems to be the two main contenders. He met Jk mid 2011 & Jimin a few months later in early 2012, so it puts them both in that time frame according to shippers, to relate to that lyric. However out of those two, Tae publicly shot down rumors about one and went on to write a song about falling in love with his best friend after he called Jimin his only best friend and saying Jimin is the one who comforted him and cried with him at night when he was sad and down, which is also line he mentions in the song, along with the title of the song being the same as one he already has with Jimin. I feel like shippers are skirting around the issue, that if the song is indeed about Jimin, which he is by far the strongest contender here, then clearly Tae knows something about Jikook's relationship that we don't since he feels comfortable enough with these declarations to Jimin for years. Telling him likes him to his face that got picked up on his mic we weren't suppose to hear Or saying he likes him the most in front of jk or writing songs about him with not so friendly lyrics, like his christmas song that got rejected. Do you not think that is rude toward Jk if Jikook are together? The more Tae does things like this toward Jikook's relationship, the more questions gets raised. Even his public behavior toward Jk this past year saying Jk was serenading him with songs or sending him songs talking about two sinners & reposting tkk to his account, doesn't paint Jk & Jikook in a very good light either. If he's talking about even one of them in that song, regardless of who, it raises questions about Jikook either way and thats the issue that all shippers from every end, are skirting around. So where does that leave Jikook in this mess? I'm genuinely asking.
Isnt this ask redundant?
I've answered several asks on this already.
It's about a friend he's fallen in love with.
He's in love with his friend because this friend got him through a phase of loneliness and their words and actions got him feeling they are more than friends or should be more than friends.
Aahhh I see your tangent. You can leave Jikook out of this please and thank you they in MS bootcamp minding their gay business together.
What Tae does is Taes own problem. Who he falls for is his own cap of tea where he stumbles is his croissant. Has nothing to do with Jimin.
People like what they can't have.
He's not the only one to "disrespect" Jk to his face as you put it. JK literally got viscerally angry at Namjoon for blatantly flirting with Jimin in his face. Per your logic that shouldn't have happened at all if Namjoon knew what was up with Jikook yet it happened.
We've seen him over the years huff and puff over people acting funny with Jimin and We've seen Jimin equally go cross eyed with certain members crossing the line with Kook.
Just because Jungkook has boundaries don't mean people are automatically going to respect it or be considerate towards him.
And don't get me started on Tae and boundaries or the lack of it cos it's an encyclopedia full my guys a menace sometimes like why strike someone naked to shower with them BOUNDARIES BBY BOY BOUNDARIES HAVE SOME😩
I think his feelings are totally valid and he's allowed to speak his truth no matter how crazy the world perceive it. I mean he'll in his MV he literally portrays they world going mad around him when he finally finds love. It be like that. His forbidden romance trope is glaringly obvious so don't skirt that either.
Arianna Grande literally sang breakup with your girlfriend and no one clutched their purse. Suddenly when a man sings about falling for his friend who is dating another Suddenly it's unheard off and difficult to wrap around.
People like to play with fire. People like forbidden love so falling for your friends boyfriend is the least jaw dropping human weakness.
Hypothetically of course.
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jeonscatalyst · 3 days
Jin has mentioned Jk in almost everything he's done since enlistment discharge, yet the cult won't bat an eye lash to that and say he's dating Jk. It only matters if its Tae talking about JK and doing Jk related things & non stop talks about him. They say that's him declaring he's his boyfriend or showing off his man. Umm okay. Jin brought up Jk first thing at his fan event. Did Jk's Seven dance. Wore a JK shirt. Still bringing him up in almost every interview and on Run Jin and not really any other members, just Jk. So does this mean Jinkook are married, according to cult logic or do they not acknowledge that, cause then it means having to just say their ship are only friends, like Jinkook? LOL Hypocrites. I wish they could see how insane they really come across. They don't get it, do they. Pitiful. The really are clowns.
Lol anon.
The cult doesn’t care if literally anyone else mentions Jungkook from today till the thy kingdom comes but they throw a fit when Jimin does and then when Tae does, that is the biggest sign of true love. Jungkook has literally been on Jin’s lips non stop since he got discharged from the military and even Yoongi almost couldn’t go one episode without mentioning Jungkook on Suchwita and no one cared but all it took for the cult to go bonkers was Jimin saying that Jungkook was doing well in the military💀.
This is also for some of the jikookers who constantly shaded Tae claiming that he was constantly mentioning Jk to feed tkkrs. Would we say the same thing about Jin now? What is the difference between what Jin is doing now and what Tae used to do? Sometimes people might just talk alot about their friends with no alterior motives so if we stop letting tkkrs get into our heads, we really wouldn’t feel the need to do all that.
Welp Jinkook married!!
Jinkook truthers it’s your time to shine!
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
GCF Tokyo
Will Forever be the Captain of this “Ship.” I wish every supporter of Jikook today could have been in the fandom 5 years ago. Could have had the pleasure of waking up on November 8th to this beautiful declaration of love! Jikook have given us so much since then But this for the moment takes the cake!
I joined the fandom in 2015 closer to 2016. I was barely in the fandom two weeks before being pretty convinced that Jikook were more than friends ( I can go into detail later about that).  I remember constantly being torn between certainty and uncertainty because while jikook were questionable pre 2017, they were still more subtle. However, 2017 was a crescendo, every month getting a tad bit louder...we all knew something was on the horizon and then September hit and JK had a breach in his security and his itinerary was leaked. This sent the fandom into overdrive. Half the fandom scrambling to rid the internet of this info, and the other half torn between letting their curiosity get the best of them and shutting down sesange gossip. However, regardless of where one stood, if you were active in the fandom at all during this time you heard the rumors, you saw the itinerary, you learned about the gossip--JK and JM were going to Tokyo in October for JM’s birthday and JK paid for it. I remember trying hard to not talk about it or think about it. It could very well be a lie and it wasn’t right how we came to learn about it! Bloggers overall did a good job of shutting down discussions on this topic so there was silence on it...until there wasn’t.
Jimin’s birthday comes and goes and no trip. This leaves many to forget the rumors all together. Then October 28th hits and the below pictures are shared.
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The whole fandom is going crazy! Jungkook and Jimin are in fact heading to Tokyo. They were spotted at Busan International Airport and seen off by their families. No one wants to say it but we are all thinking it...the rumors were true...and that was a legit sesange.
Every day they are gone we are being shown picture after picture of their time in Tokyo. And I remember thinking...Did JK really pay for all this...did he truly do this for JM’s birthday?!?!
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Then the trip was over...the fandom was still recovering from the news that JM and JK literally went on vacation together and it was an all expense paid trip...paid for by none other than JK.  Then JM drops another bomb.
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The fandom is sent back into overdrive...we could just see the pink aura around them! And it made all of us crazy because we couldn’t believe this was all happening and we were getting to experience it in real time.
And just as we were thinking we are in heaven...JM post his clips of their trip together. We are sent again into party celebration mode. 
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When I tell you 2017 was the year, it was the year!!! It was day after day of being hit with something new. But just when we thought we were done the crescendo of the year reached it’s peek...JK drops GCF in Tokyo. And there was a short quiet. 
There was a quiet stillness because while most of us believed Jikook were a couple, we had resolved ourselves to the fact that we could be wrong. GCF Tokyo changed all that. 
I remember watching it over and over and over again thinking...OH MY! This is real...I’ve always felt it was real but this...this makes me know it’s real. It was a quiet but loud realization that reverberated across the fandom. Jungkook is in LOVE LOVE with Jimin. For a moment I thought this was their coming out video...because who could watch this and question Jikook at all! Was this it! Was this their way of telling the world who they love? 
While many still found a way to discredit GCFT, I think it was in a way JK’s way of declaring his love to JM, declaring it to anyone that would listen. I believe most of Korea heard it and we heard it! November 8th was the day my certainty turned into assurance. It is one of the most beautiful films and every time I watch it I am in awe of JK’s boldness. My heart melts thinking of JM’s reaction to seeing it for the first time. How loved he must have felt! How surprised...he must have cried so much!
When they returned they kept surprising us. Every year since 2017 has been a little louder. I think GCFT showed them that they could get away with a lot. That they could be a glass closet...they could be loud and people still would feign ignorance or deny it. It gave them a degree of freedom to be themselves without fear of the repercussions. If people weren’t convinced by GCFT they will never be convinced!
I wanted to write about this because I hear many people scoff at any mention of GCFT and say things like...that was years ago! And that bothers me to my core because GCFT is tantamount to a love letter or a proposal. A proposal is a proposal no matter if it was 5 seconds ago or 5 years ago. It doesn’t matter if the couple is still together or not...the proposal happened proving at the very least that love was once there! 
Saying that it was years ago is not a rebuttal, I’m not even sure what one is trying to suggest with that statement. Are you saying that because it’s old, it’s irrelevant? If that’s the case you are admitting that 5 years ago it was relevant, meaning you accept that they were dating 5 years ago? But most that make these claims wouldn’t agree to those terms. They throw out that’s old to diminish the impact of it...to pretend like old evidence isn’t evidence today of a relationship. 
Saying “ that was years ago” is a senseless statement that holds no genuine meaning. GCF Tokyo will always be proof...even if they broke up it would still be proof that Jikook were in love in 2017! It will always be proof because it’s like a page from JK’s diary...it’s his heart on the screen! It’s his love letter to JM and that will never change. That is a fact and will always stand to be true...10, 20, 100 years from now...GCFT will still be JK’s love letter! No amount of time changes that.
Now we can all argue when their relationship started and we all have our theories but stamp in the timeline that is certain is November 8, 2017. They were definitely in a committed relationship at that time and since I see no change in their dynamics other than growing intimacy, domesticity, and comfort...it’s safe to assume that their timeline is still active and moving. 
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dgtn · 1 year
So yesterday we got a surprise! Jungkook talking bout Jimin in his vlive!
And there seem to be 2 possible translations. This is the one I’m going to focus on….and it makes sense cause as he’s talking, he’s changing the angle of the mood lamp.
🐰: Aah really, I’m adjusting the angle (referring to the mood lamp)
🐰: Jimin hyungie changed the angle.
It got me thinking…what is one of Jimin’s favorite pastimes…I’m sure you know where I’m going with this…..
Yes….Jimin loves to be scolded by Jungkook. So much in fact that there are multiple videos made on just this subject…not one, not two, but many!!!!
So I thought to myself Jimin is not even in the same country or time zone and he’s still getting “scolded” by JK 😂. That’s impressive! Just goes to show you that JK pretty much always has Jimin on his brain 🥰.
Now I put scolded in parentheses because when JK “scolds” Jimin it is done with love and affection, and a lot of times a smirk, a smile, or a laugh too. I honestly think JK loves scolding Jimin just as much as Jimin loves getting scolded by JK. I think it’s one of the ways they play with each other…it’s really quite cute! And it’s not really even a scolding many times, just more of a declaration of something that Jimin has once again done to perhaps tease or fluster or jokingly irritate JK. You know, things people in relationships do to each other to get a silly reaction out of each other 😁
And TBH, I don’t know if JK was even aware that he was talking out loud but either way, he confirmed that he and Jimin were together before Jimin left for England…and that’s all I need 🥰
Jikook … 💛💜🌈
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mimikoolover · 3 months
isnt it funny how jungkook did all he did with his lives "pinning" for jimin "declaring his love and that he missed him" but first public appearance we see of them and jungkook literally ignores jimin💀 had it not been for jimins good manners they wouldnt have even greeted eachother. then when jimin grabbed his face he kept his hands in his pockets what happened to all that "pinning"? it completely voids anything he did in his lives because irl hes still aloof i mean really? 10+ years and he still puts jimin in positions that make him seem like he harasses jungkook. didnt even bother to say bye to jimin either but poor jungkook was missing him right? please it was all for show
please be serious😭
while you're saying all this jikook were planning and getting everything together to enlist together in the companion system.
you think that happened without them speaking to each other?
nvm you probably do😭
it was all for show for who??? please tell me that. but seriously. i want to know this because there's no one he needed to put on a show for.
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