#JiMitri AU
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childofsolace-write-ups · 2 years ago
May or May Not Write
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JiMitri AU idea where ...
It's a Hercules!AU except...
Jim is Meg who made a bargain with Rasputin to resurrect his father only for the man to come back alive for the sake of his mother being happy but Leland went off with another woman leaving Sarah devastated and dying due to the heartache and Jim extended the term of the bargain by having his father and mistress killed.
Dimitri is a selfish, lowly nature spirit. The four rulers of the nature spirit domain, Jack, Hiccup, Merida, and Rapunzel punished him to be a mortal to learn how to be selfless and only then will they decide if he could be a spirit again or forever mortal which is pretty much a death sentence eventually.
Then JiMitri romance ensue.
[rest of the plot is not yet sure. Just thought about this AU now.]
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Childhood friends > Brothers outside blood > Best friends > Boyfriends > Lovers > Partners
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skyeknight-oneshots · 2 years ago
Httyd AU alternatives #002
"Welcome to Dragon Training!" Gobber intoned.
Astrid took a breath before stepping inside with the others. "No turning back."
"Okay," Jim took a deep breath, gripping his axe before following Astrid's lead along with the others. "you got this... Don't screw it up, Jim..." he mumbled, psyching himself up.
Another recruit stepped beside him, "Hey, look what the wind blew in." Dimitri grinned, as he winked at Jim which earned him a raised brow, "Must be something to have to deal with dragons for the first time on your birthday. Don't worry, I'll watch out for you."
"Aww, really?" Jim batted his eyelashes at him, "Then maybe you can do something for me now?"
Dimitri grinned, encouraged by reception of his advances, "Just say the word."
"Don't be a distraction." With that, Jim punched him at the gut before moving on.
"Well done, Dimitri," Jack snickered, passing by and patting him on the back, "A for effort."
Dimitri grunted, "Yeah... Probably should've known it wouldn't be that easy." he said, "Still, he said I distract him. That's gotta mean something."
"Yeah, that you're a distraction." Jack laughed.
Tuffnut cheered from the other side, "Yeah! Let's get some burns!"
"Pfft, duh. Otherwise, what's the point?" Ruffnut snorted, "Maybe a mauling or two at my shoulders, a bit on my lower back would be good too."
Astrid shrugging, humming in agreement. "Yeah, it's only fun when you can get a scar to show for it."
"Are we betting on who's getting hurt the most today?" Everyone flinched, and turned towards a voice they didn't expect to hear today. "Here's a hint, it's probably going to be me." Hiccup sighed, rolling his eyes.
Snotlout huffed, "Oh, great." he sneered, "Who invited him?"
"Must want to share his experience. I mean, he did take out the 'Night Fury' after all." Tuffnut snickered.
Jack rolled his eyes, bonking both of them with his staff. "Lay off guys; we're technically all on the same side." he walked over to Hiccup and gave him a thumbs up. "Hey, best of luck today. Oh, I like your axe."
"Ah," Hiccup lets out a little high pitch laugh before getting some words out. "Um, yeah! You're welcome!"
Jim face palmed before going over hurriedly.
Jack blinked at that response, "Huh?"
"He means you're welcome to see him use it today." Jim explained, before grabbing Hiccup by the shoulder and dragging him along. "The word you're actually looking for is 'thanks', by the way."
Hiccup groaned, his face all red. "I know."
"Then fucking use the right words at the right time if you know."
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olyphantastic-world · 2 years ago
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Inspired by Lonely Soul
“There has been some assholes bothering him lately, but Dmitri could take them…but I just…I have this feeling you know? And it’s driving me nuts.”
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ao3-bookmarks · 2 years ago
"I got you an advanced copy. I even signed it to you." Dimitri smiled at him, and opened the back panel. "Not that you’re a fan."
Jim looked at the blank white page, except it wasn't really blank anymore since Dimitri's signature marked it along with a message of 'to my old friend' plus some random numbers. Jim looked back to Dimitri to ask, but the writer guessed the question.
"It's my contact number." Dimitri told him, "Personal contact number. I hope it's not too late to treat you to a celebratory dinner; sorry I never thought to attend your graduation, when you attended mine. Being busy writing Day and Night at the time shouldn't have been an excuse. Maybe next time, you can also come to my book signing event instead of pre-ordering signature copies online."
Jim blinked, "How did you..."
"Hiccup might've mentioned that all your copies of my work are autographed." Dimitri chuckled at Jim cursing and saying how he was going to get back on Hiccup for that.
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skyeknight-otp-speaks · 4 years ago
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(In relation to this)
To make a couple fairy permanently exclusive, they undergo a special binding ceremony involving rituals of (1) Dancing to a chosen song, (2) Dancing with their partners' closest friends, (3) kissing at the end of the song. After these rituals, with multiples witnesses observing including all four rulers, the couple fairy becomes bonded mates.
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mcchazzy14 · 3 years ago
Alright Jimitri/Jimzo/Hopnov/Dimahop whatever we are fandom:
I’m thinking about AUs for these two. I already have a Medieval one sorta planned out but I kinda want to brainstorm for other ones as well sooooo
Send me an AU you wanna see these two in!!!
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brokentruths · 2 years ago
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𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐  ,  𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐  !!  welcome  to  𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘴  ,  an  𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎  ,  𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚎  ,  &&.  𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚕𝚢  𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎  roleplay  blog  feat.  a  variety  of  muses  from  various  media  ,  namely  𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲  ,  𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬  ,  &&.  𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐡  𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐲  𝐟𝐨𝐱  ,  as  brought  to  life  by  𝒌𝒂𝒚  !
i  have  been  away  for  quite  some  time  due  to  university  work  taking  the  reins  ,  so  it  may  take  me  a  little  while  to  get  back  into  the  swing  of  things  .  please  be  patient  with  me  while  i  renavigate  this  new  editor  (  which  i  h8  w  a  passion  ,  btw  )  and  regain  inspiration  for  my  muses  again  .
blog  re-established  ;  october  11th  ,  2022  . previous  urls  ;  scmewhereibelcng  ,  melodichearts  ,  heartsaligned  ,  heartsfought  ,  &&.  fatesentangled  !
disc.ord  :  Jimitri Shipper#0391  !
tracker  ;
asks  ;  #010/010  . drafts  ;  #010  . interest  tracker  ;  in-depth  thread  tracker  !
rules  +  other  info  underneath  the  cut  !
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on  unfollowing  ,  follow-backs  ,  &&.  blocking  ;
please  ,  please  ,  please  break  mutuals  with  me  before  you  deactivate  your  blog  or  notify  me  so  i  can  break  mutuals  with  you  !  if  you  don’t  do  this  ,  tumblr  will  royally  fuck  my  following-follower  count  up  ,  &&.  i’ve  remade  many  a  blog  due  to  this  issue  alone  .  if  you  do  not  know  how  to  break  mutuals  ,  you  simply  block  someone  &&.  then  unblock  them  so  you’re  no  longer  following  one  another  .
i  do  not  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  follow  sideblogs  ,  again  due  to  the  following-follower  count  issue  described  above  .  likewise  ,  i  will  not  rp  with  you  if  your  sideblog  is  attached  to  a  personal  blog  ,  as  i  like  my  mutuals  to  solely  be  main  rp  blogs  .  if  you  would  like  help  in  creating  a  main  rp  account  for  your  character(s)  ,  i  can  help  !  just  ask  .  ❤
i  will  hardblock  /  perma-block  anyone  who  :
excuses  best.iality  ,  inc.est  ,  pedo.philia  ,  nec.rophilia  ,  etc.
is  trans.phobic  ,  homo.phobic  ,  able.ist  ,  rac.ist  ,  pro-tr.ump  ,  cons.ervative  ,  or  uses  rel.igion  to  excuse  their  big.otry  /  hatred  .
reblogs  callouts  without  adequate  proof  of  behavior  .
constantly  badmouths  other  players  on  their  portrayals  ,  writing  styles  ,  etc.
i  will  unfollow  /  softblock  anyone  who  :
constantly  posts  ooc  stuff  /  doesn’t  have  any  threads  or  answered  prompts  /  asks  ic  (  at  that  point  ,  you’re  considered  an  ooc  /  personal  blog  to  me  )  .
is  rude  about  threads  not  being  answered  on  their  time  .
constantly  complains  about  not  receiving  anything  but  doesn’t  seem  to  make  an  effort  to  start  any  rps  /  answer  asks  .
harasses  /  badmouths  other  rpers  about  their  characterizations  /  portrayals  /  rp  partners  or  mutuals  .
i  just  don’t  feel  a  spark  /  connection  with  .
on  the  mun’s  overall  views  on  shipping  ;
i  ship  according  to  chemistry  .  if  i  think  our  muses  may  have  a  deeper  connection  than  just  friendship  ,  i  may  approach  you  with  a  proposal  to  ship  them  together  .
please  do  understand  that  ,  while  i  do  have  my  fair  share  of  favorite  ships  /  otps  ,  i  will  never  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  force  a  personal  fave  ship  of  mine  onto  you  .  i  expect  the  same  of  you  towards  me  as  well  .  i  don’t  expect  everyone  i  interact  with  to  be  comfortable  with  /  willing  to  rp  my  personal  otps  ,  &&.  that’s  fine  .  just  don’t  expect  for  me  to  be  comfortable  with  /  willing  to  rp  a  personal  otp  of  yours  if  i  don’t  ship  it  .
if  any  ships  of  mine  that  may  be  featured  on  this  blog  make  you  uncomfortable  (  i.e.  dimitri  from  ‘anastasia’  x  jim  hawkins  from  ‘treasure  planet’  )  ,  i  will  make  a  conscious  effort  to  tag  the  ship  name  .  of  course  ,  though  ,  i  am  only  human  ,  so  i  may  slip  from  time  to  time  .  please  notify  me  politely  if  this  occurs  so  that  i  can  rectify  it  as  soon  as  possible  .  the  very  last  thing  i’d  want  is  for  people  ,  especially  new  /  future  rp  partners  ,  to  be  uncomfortable  on  my  blog  .
on  crossover  verses  /  aus  ;
for  those  who  know  me  well  by  now  ,  you  know  that  i  absolutely  adore  crossovers  /  aus  !  throw  my  muse  in  anything  as  long  as  i’m  familiar  with  the  world  or  universe  ,  &&.  we’ll  have  loads  of  fun  .
if  i  don’t  know  anything  about  the  universe  you’re  suggesting  ,  i  may  ask  for  more  info  or  look  into  it  myself  ,  &&.  if  i  like  or  understand  it  well  enough  after  doing  research  ,  i’ll  happily  accept  discussing  a  crossover  /  au  !
on  smut  ,  nsfw  ,  &&.  triggering  topics  ;
i  will  never  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  roleplay  s.mut  in  its  entirety  .  i  am  not  comfortable  with  writing  s.mut  at  all  ,  it’s  a  personal  squick  for  me  (  not  a  trigger  ,  just  a  squick  )  .  we  can  do  a  timeskip  or  fade  to  black  ,  but  otherwise  ,  please  do  not  assume  i  want  to  rp  detailed  s.mut  .  please  understand  &&.  respect  this  .  also  ,  tag  your  s.mut  ,  please  !  ❤
other  forms  of  ns.fw  ,  including  vio.lence  ,  tor.ture  ,  &&.  b.lood  /  g.ore  are  more  than  okay  !  i  grew  up  on  hor.ror  /  sla.sher  films  ,  so  i’m  especially  not  aversed  to  this  type  of  stuff  .
if  you  have  a  trigger  &&.  i  forget  to  tag  it  ,  please  let  me  know  right  away  !  my  mind  is  sometimes  all  over  the  place  ,  so  i  may  unintentionally  forget  to  tag  something  that  may  be  a  squick  /  trigger  .  i  always  check  prompts  that  i  reblog  for  potential  triggers  &&.  try  to  tag  accordingly  .
on  asks  /  prompts  /  replies  ;
i  am  extremely  slow  with  replies  ,  especially  now  that  i’m  in  university  ,  so  i  ask  that  you  be  patient  with  me  if  i  don’t  reply  right  away  to  an  im  /  ask  /  prompt  .  do  not  rush  me  .  chances  are  highly  likely  that  i  don’t  have  time  to  check  tumblr  like  i  used  to  .  if  rushed  /  spammed  with  messages  ,  i  will  first  give  a  warning  ,  then  i’ll  softblock  ,  &&.  if  you  refollow  me  &&.  continue  harassing  me  ,  i’ll  perma-block  .
the  ask  limit  for  prompts  is  ten  .  i  do  these  one  at  a  time  &&.  will  close  the  inbox  once  the  ten  asks  limit  is  reached  .  this  is  to  ensure  that  i  do  not  get  stressed  out  &&.  lose  interest  .
if  i  find  that  some  muses  are  receiving  more  attention  than  others  ,  i  may  put  the  muses  receiving  the  most  attention  on  a  temporary  hold  for  asks  so  that  my  less  attended  to  muses  are  given  some  interest  .  this  is  so  that  i  don’t  lose  muse  for  those  characters  .
on  plotting  ;
i  am  always  down  for  plotting  threads  out  with  our  muses  !  plotting  is  a  really  good  way  to  get  the  ball  rolling  with  threads  and  establish  a  deeper  connection  between  our  muses  &&.  us  as  muns  .
though  i  do  prefer  a  bit  of  spontaneity  when  it  comes  to  memes  /  asks  ,  for  threads  ,  we  can  definitely  plot  things  out  in  ims  or  disc.ord  !
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@mythunderlegion​  (  dimitri  [  for  anya  ]  ;  vlad  [  for  dimitri  &&.  anya  ]  ;  sarah  [  for  amelia  &&.  jim  ]  ;  delbert  doppler  [  for  amelia  ,  sarah  ,  &&.  jim  ]  ;  félix  [  for  pepa  ,  julieta  ,  &&.  mirabel  ]  ;  agustìn  [  for  julieta  ,  pepa  ,  &&.  mirabel  ]  )
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tbu  !
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Httyd AU exchanges #010
Jim: *Does an impressive back flip to wow Anna and Elsa while Dimitri is watching* Told you I could do it! Dimitri: *complimentary clapping* Guess I owe you a meal. Jack, from a distance, observing with Hiccup: Yeap, that's my genes at work there. Hiccup, doing a double take: Your what?
The next day...
Jim: Hey dad, pops, check it out! *places some contraption on the dining table* It still needs some tweaking, but it's a board that can fly! Still need to get it to go higher than a few inches off the ground though. Jack, having flashbacks on getting heart attacks from the countless times he watched Hiccup fall to his death because of his many flight suit trials: *face palming but also proud* Well, while at the risk of turning my hair gray early... That's impressive, kiddo! Jack: You're definitely a genius like your father. Hiccup, looks up from where he's eating breakfast: How does it work? Jim: I can show you! Can I use the roof? Jack: NO. Jim: *puppy dog eyes* Jack: Ugh... At least have breakfast first, and have Toothless or Luna watch so they can rescue you if things go south. *Smacks Hiccup's head* He takes it after you, you know. I blame your genes. Hiccup, blinking: My what?
In the following days...
Jim: *test flights his hover board and accidentally lands on Dimitri and spraining his friend's arm in the process*
Jim: *volunteers to babysit Anna and Elsa while nursing their older brother, easily getting them to behave while Astrid is busy with new recruits training and Jamie's running the tavern*
Jim: *bickers with Snotlout's kid and throwing some casual punches in (thanks Astrid)*
Gobber, after Jim crashes into the equipment while giving Dimitri a ride on his hover board: You need to stop... All this! Jim: You just gestured to all of me! Gobber: My point exactly. Jim: Wow, okay. Rude? Jack, unable to resist snickering even though his son is getting reprimanded: Gobber, glares at him for that: Hiccup: Hiccup: I think I see your point now...
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I just realized my Written in the Wings fic should've been tagged this as well lol. Cause even if HiJack is the main ship, they
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don't actually get together immediately and or start developing feelings as soon as they meet. Till then, I use other pairings already established there to compensate for romance and even explore some
[JiMitri one not mine, but by @hamish-fanfic-fangirl]
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other friendships like Jim and Hiccup's until they actually get together lol. I know the Natturas are siblings, but they aren't here just cause. They're not a ship though, but a broship close friends kinda thing and they get their own important adventure in the plot too.
And there's a whole bunch of world building and expanding, since I diverted some plot points from the original Secret of the Wings movie. I won't say much as not to spoil them (at least not on this post, lol. My other posts might have spoilers in them) but once the story got to the "Great Freeze" part of the movie, the plot thickens and deepens.
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I'm still surprised this all started because I love this movie so much and saw a fanart of Jack and Hiccup as fairies and thought "What if this happens with HiJack but instead of being siblings, it means something else?"
Anyway, geeking out on my own fic over. For those who read, thank you!
What does "gen" means? sorry, english is not my first language.
It’s an abbreviation of “general” but in fic it’s used for stories that aren’t shippy or that explore characters and relationships in depth other than just the main ship. 
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ao3feed-hijack · 4 years ago
HiJack⭐JiMitri⭐JamStrid⭐ @ AU-Gust
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3huGkCl
by Jim Hawkins-Sudayev (ChildOfSolace)
Coming at August 2021
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), Rise of the Guardians (2012), Treasure Planet (2002), Anastasia (1997)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jim Hawkins, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Jamie Bennett (Rise of the Guardians), Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway)
Relationships: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway)/Jim Hawkins, Jamie Bennett (Rise of the Guardians)/Astrid Hofferson
Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Tumblr Prompt
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3huGkCl
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ao3-bookmarks · 2 years ago
"You good?" The writer asked.
Instead of answering, Jim responded with a question as they watch John bite his lower lip as he looked intently at the images and documents on the board. "Do I really make that face when I'm on a case?"
John's now making a show of rolling his eyes and looking at someone who's not there. Jim didn't need to be a detective to figure out who the imaginary 'someone' was.
"Yup. And it's sexy." Dimitri affirmed.
Still watching John with intrigue, Jim mumbled, "If it's so sexy, why didn't you kiss me?"
"Wha?" Dimitri balked.
Jim rolled his eyes, "'Him' me, not me 'me.'"
"Oh." Dimitri hummed, "Well, I almost did. Then I realized that a fictional character that I wrote based on you, played by John Ralph? It's just way too meta."
In confusion, Jim mouths 'meta' and thought that didn't really answer anything.
A moment later, Jack joined them in staring at John. "We really should have a code word," he said. "so we all know which Jim to kill when his clone army attacks."
"Unless we make a preemptive strike." Jim snorted.
Hiccup walked in for a drink of water, when he sees the three staring out the window. "Uh, not that that doesn't look fun but what're you guys doing?"
"Hiding from the Jim clone."
"He's not my─" Jim clicked his tongue, deciding it's best to change the subject. "Find anything running through the victim's client files?"
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Headcanons here
Meeting, a "Written in the Wings" prequel Oneshot
Vinny (Atlantis) - Dust Keeper fairy
Snotlout (HTTYD) - Fast Flying fairy
Eugene (Tangled) - Fast Flying Fairy
Gogo (Big Hero Six) - Head Fast Flying Fairy
Rapunzel (Tangled) - Light Fairy
It was near the end of Dimitri's turn to stand by at the Pixie Dust reservoir. He played around with a rope attached to the pail, like a lasso gesture, waiting for fairies to come for a "recharge" on their flight energy, so to speak. It wasn't the most exciting job around, compared to everyone rushing here and there in their preparations for Spring. But then again, there wouldn't be much rushing here and there either without the Pixie Dust to help them get around. From an outsider's perspective, it would seem like the most boring talent of all. But for Dust Keeper fairies, they knew just how vital their job was, despite how thankless it got from time to time. In busy days like this, most fairies are usually in and out, in a rush to get back to their duties. Especially the Fast Flying types. There were only a few of those, so it was considered a rare talent. And they weren't quiet about reminding most fairies about the fact.
Dimitri shuddered, grimacing. He hoped that Snotlout already got his fill from the last shift, he wasn't really his favorite fairy to deal with. Then again, he was barely anyone's favorite at all.
"Hey there, uh, Dimitri right?"
The Dust Keeper fairy blinked, looking up. Its been awhile since he's heard his named uttered while he was on the job. He didn't really mind, he knew the importance of fairies coming and going in a rush. And refilling them of their Pixie Dust was like a routine, almost around the clock. So niceties or small talks were hardly necessary. Dimitri wondered, then, if this fairy was here for a restock.
"Yeah?" Dimitri asked, his hand staying still and no longer turning the rope around like a lasso. "Need something?"
The Fast flying fairy, as indicated by the purple color of his outfit, shrugged a bit awkwardly. "Yes, I mean, yeah." He shrugged again, clearing his throat. "More Pixie Dust? This is the place for it, right?"
"It is, indeed. Step right up," Dimitri smiled, gesturing at a spot near the well. He turned around to hurl in a batch with the pail, before flying above the Fast flying fairy. "You're that new fairy from last night, right?"
The fairy nodded, sneezing a bit when some dust got to his nose. Dimitri thought that was a little (a lot) adorable. "Yeah, name's Jim." He said, and noticed Dimitri offering a hand. Jim took it, and Dimtri gave it a shake. "So, uh, thanks for... This." He waved at the Pixie Dust still fading into him, "I'll see you around, then. Oh, uh, have a berry. It's a thank you, for the... You know..." The brunette gestured vaguely once more before giving a berry.
"The Pixie Dust?" Dimitri supplied, smiling widely in further amusement.
Jim nodded, going a little pink behind the ears. "So, uh, guess that's all. Bye Dimitri!" He said, before flying off in a rush.
A literally rush. Dimitri was thrown into the well by the gush of wind Jim left on his wake. That happened most of the time, whenever a Fast flying fairy was in and out for their restock. But for once, the Dust Keeper fairy didn't seem to mind. He was still smiling.
"Dimitri?" The Dust keeper fairy blinked, looking up to see Vinny. He was holding out a hand, and Dimitri took the help to be pulled out of the well. "Lemme guess... Fast flying fairy?"
Dimitri merely nodded in reply.
"Those guys can be a piece of work, can't they?" Vinny rolled his eyes, taking the pail as it appeared that he was the one assigned for the next shift. "Snotlout?"
"That, is where you'd be wrong." Dimitri grinned, he dusted off his jacket from excess Pixie dust before giving a salute. "I'll see you around, Vin!" He flew off.
Vinny raised a brow, finding it odd that the guy seemed oddly chipper for a Dust Keeper fairy flown into the well by the fairy.
The next time Dimitri saw Jim was at the mess hall.  After leaving Vinny, the Dust Keeper fairy spent his free time before dinner learning what he could about the Fast flyer newbie. So far, he didn't learn anything new cause most fairies he asked didn't know about Jim, save for his name and that he was the newest fairy of the Fast flying Talent group. He asked the Head fairy of the group, Gogo, and even she said that Jim does his job well but hasn't interacted much with the rest yet. Dimitri couldn't really ask more, as Gogo asked him to "get" and leave her be, in the politest way a Fast Flying fairy could ask. Not eager to get into her bad side, he did as she asked.
It seemed like Jim kept to himself, even right now, he was eating on his own lonesome. That needed to change.
"Hey there again," Dimitri came in, with a piece from an apple and a honey biscuit at hand. "Mind if I take a space here?"
Jim blinked, looking up to the Dust Keeper who, not waiting for an answer, already occupied a stool across the table from Jim. "Uh," he started, "Wouldn't you feel much better eating with your talent group?" He pointed towards a table where some other Dust Keeper fairies were having their meals.
"Sure, but I see them daily," Dimitri waved a dismissive hand, "would be nice to look at a fresher face... Especially a cute one."
Jim turned red, and scowled. "I'm not cute."
"Huh, that's odd." Dimitri mused, taking a bit from the apple piece, "Thought most Fast flying fairies love their praises being sung."
The Fast flying fairy rolled his eyes, "When it's about flying, sure." he confirmed, "Not about appearances."
As if on purpose, a light fairy named Rapunzel was speaking to a Fast flying fairy named Eugene. "You don't have to try so hard, Eugene." she said. "No smolder needed, your smile is already nice."
Eugene grinned at the compliment, and started playing it up, winking at her all the while gesturing to his smile, his fingers positioned like a ✓ mark below the smile. Rapunzel rolled her eyes, but maintained a smile as she nudged Eugene with her shoulder. The Fast flying fairy laughed, hugging her to his side with one arm.
Dimitri smirked, looking back to Jim with a raised brow.
"I heard they're dating," Jim deadpanned, "that doesn't count."
The Dust Keeper fairy laughed. All things considered, Jim seemed to be the most chill and lowkey Fast flying fairy he's spoken to yet. At the very least, Jim didn't seem to be the type to be all high and mighty about his talent. And most of all, he hasn't sounded arrogant while talking to a Dust Keeper fairy.
"Hey Jim!" Dimitri grimaced as Snotlout passed by their table, patting Jim behind the back a bit too roughly was he was in mid-chew of a biscuit. The Dust Keeper fairy flinched at the absolute death glare Jim was giving his fellow Fast flying fairy, but Snotlout wasn't faze. In fact, he looked used to it. Knowing Snotlout though, in the short time of Jim being in the Hollow, as he was only born last night, the guy probably already got on his bad side. "I demand a rematch from this morning's race! You cheated!"
The brunette rolled his eyes, taking Snotlout's arm and pushing it off his shoulders. "Please Snotlout, you could give me a handicap, I'd still beat you." he said.
Okay, so maybe there is some Fast Flying fairy in Jim. He is one after all. But still, Jim seemed to have a handle at it. At least it was being directed properly and to someone who did need an ego check.
"Wanna bet, greenhorn?"
"That was the bet from this morning, you pixie pest." Jim deadpanned, "Anyway, I didn't cheat. You heard Gogo, most new born Fast flyers have enhanced speed. It's going to wear off in about a week, challenge me then so you can't accuse me of cheating and get ready to lose again."
Snotlout scowled, opening his mouth to something else. Probably some other obnoxious thing.
Dimitri stood up all of the sudden, his expression looking alarmed. "Sweet Pixie Dust! I completely forgot!" He exclaimed, looking at Jim. "Sorry Jim, do you mind helping me with something?"
"Huh? I mean, what..."
"Really? Thanks!" Dimitri grabbed his arm, "Let's go!"
Jim yelped as the Dust Keeper fairy dragged him out the Mess hall, leaving a still annoyed Snotlout behind. Fortunately, the guy didn't follow and went to grab some food himself. "Hey now wait a second," The Fast flying fairy pulled away once they were outside, raising a brow at Dimitri. "You can't just manhandle a guy and drag him off to do whatever. In case you miss it, I am still just a newbie. Whatever help you need, I don't think..."
"There's nothing I need help in."
"But you said..."
Dimitri shrugged, "Was the only thing I can think of to get Snotlout off your back." He said leadingly, wiggling his brows at the other fairy. "You're welcome."
The Dust Keeper fairy winked at him, "I read in between the lines," he said, before walking off. "Come on, follow me."
"You..." Jim blinked, realizing what had been the actual intention at last. He tried not to smile, to no avail. "You know, that phrase usually comes after an actual 'Thank you' unless you wanna come off as presumptous."
"Wait, what?" Jim started, but followed him anyway. "I thought you said you didn't need help in anything."
"I don't. But that doesn't mean I've got nothing to show you," Dimitri pointed out, as they went through some patches of grass and through some mushrooms. "You are new, figured you haven't seen all of the Hollow yet."
Jim caught up to him, walking by his side as Dimitri continued showing him the way. "Wouldn't it be much faster to fly?"
"Me? Fly against you, a Fast flyer?" Dimitri smirked, throwing an arm around the newbie fairy once more. "unlike Snotlout, I know when a challenge is moot."
The Fast flying fairy smirked.
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A bit more further, Dimitri brought them to the Babbling brook overseeing a stream. The moonlight reflected beautifully over the waters. The Dust Keeper fairy crouched down, picking up two smooth, flat pebbles and tossing one towards Jim. With his quick instincts, he caught in easily enough, albeit confusedly.
"So, I may not be able to beat you in a race, but there are other challenges." Dimitri held up the pebble, smirking. "I'll teach you first. But later.... Well, bet you can't skip it farther than I can."
Jim grinned, "I'll take that bet."
"All right then," Dimitri went to position, "it's best to do this when the water is still and calm. Then, it's all on the wrist. Just gotta give it a good spin, and..." He tossed the pebble and it skipped two to six times before sinking. "That's all there is to...." He trailed off as Jim's pebble quickly followed, and reached a seven before sinking. "... it."
The Fast flying fairy smirked, patting his hands together before having them rest on his hips. "I'm a fast learner," He said, "So, is it still lesson time, or do I win already?"
"Okay you," Dimitri scowled, but couldn't really keep it as he started a grin of amusement. That was the moment he knew he was done for. "Best three out of five?"
Jim picked up another pebble, "You're on."
How to skip rocks
Hiccup's not yet born here. Order of creation for the main peeps from oldest to newest
Honeymaren and Ryder (same time just different time of day, morning and evening) [They’re siblings in canon, but just closed friends in this fic]
Jack and Hiccup
This is a fanart for my friend @frustrated-writer-skyeknight. For this story "Written in the Wings". It's a fairy AU with Hiccup and Jack as the main ship. This art is of Hiccup's friends Jim and Dimitri who are also a ship! I really love the outfits designed by my friend and I gave them a minor spin. Credit for the boy's stylish outfits goes to my friend!
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skyeknight-otp-speaks · 4 years ago
Incorrect Quotes
Dimitri: Jim and I kissed.
Jack: Holy crap! Holy crap! Holy doggone it finally crap! About time!
Jamie: Dear diary moment!
Jamie: We want to hear everything. Bro, get the wine and unplug the phone.
Jack: Got it! And does this end well dude, or do I need to get a tissue roll too?
Dimitri: Oh it ends veeeeery good.
Jamie: Like romance novel good or fairy tale happily ever after good?
Dimitri: Like "more than I ever thought it would be" good!
Jack: Do not start the details without me! Do not start! I've been waiting for this since college!
Dimitri: So this jerk was actually hitting on him right?
Dimitri: To make him stop, I pretended that, you know, he was my date for the evening to make him back off.
Jamie: Aw! A total knight in shining armor move.
Dimitri: Of course, the guy was buying it.
Dimitri: And Jim looked this close to punching him. Between you and me, the guy looked spooked enough with the glare.
Jack: Classic Jim.
Dimitri: So to finally convince him, I kissed him, and when the jerk's gone, Jim punched me at the shoulder and told me to at least "buy him dinner first"
Dimitri: So I got my first kiss with him, AND I guaranteed invitation for a first date tomorrow.
Jack: Yes!
Jamie: Oh congratulations! You've wanted to ask him out for ages!
Meanwhile, in Hiccup & Astrid's apartment
Jim: And then he kissed me.
Astrid: Tongue?
Jim: Yeah.
Hiccup: Cool.
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Hey guys!
For my Httyd AU, I already have plans in the future to do some fics based on some elements from the series.
I'm already doing Jamie's entrance to the plot with a similar scheme to Heather's entrance.
In the future, I wanna do stories for the first time Jack gets kidnapped by Dagur and Alvin.
If there's anything from the series you want to see in a "canon divergence" way in my Httyd AU, you can go leave the prompts at this post and if you're an Ao3 user, you can drop your username so I can gift it to you when I get around making it.
Just type the episode number and what season so I can watch it.
I'm also accepting prompts for random ideas and not just an idea inspired from an episode hehe.
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This is just for me to not lose my drive in writing, since I'm feeling rather hyped again for my Httyd AU
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A Tale of Chiefs (The Lion King AU)
First of, they are not lions. Someday, I may write a re-do of my friend's old fic A Viking's Pride. At first, I wanted to write an ending for her work but I can never find the muse enough to do it. Maybe I'll figure it out by doing this. For this story, I may or may not do it. If not, then this is here for anyone who wants to use it too.
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An Awkward Scion (The Lion King!AU)
Stoick is the proud chief of Berk, recently made a father to what their people would consider a hiccup. Regardless, he had fate that his son would grow to a fine chief someday. A few years later, his son grew and the people still think it's a little less then evident that he would be expected to become as fine a chief that Stoick currently was. Still, Stoick and Valka knew the time would come that their son would grow into the role. A hidden foe intends to stir up trouble. However, it may just be what would be necessary for the young man to grow into his destined role.
Drago wants to become the ultimate chieftain. To do that, he intends to wipe out all the scions of each island; Hiccup, Jack, Rapunzel, and Merida.
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The Rebellious Scion (Simba's Pride!AU)
Years after Hiccup was made chief of Berk, he becomes the proud father to a young boy. Jim's part Viking and another part mageborn, everyone expects him to be the most powerful chief to be yet. Jim thinks it would be much more fun to become a normal person, without any obligation to take care of a whole village. Meanwhile, Dimitri is an orphan and bought as a slave warrior. He works for Viggo and Ryker, later becoming the key to a plan to take down all the chiefs of Berk, Crescentia, Corona, and Dun Broch.
Except nobody expected a chance encounter of two youngsters to interfere with the plan.
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An Awkward Scion characters
Stoick - Mufasa Valka - Serabi Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Nightlight - as himself Timon and Pumba - Gobber and Aster Zazu - North Pitch - Rafiki Scar - Drago
The Rebellious Scion characters
Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Jim - Kiara Kovu - Dimitri Vitani - Viggo Nuka - Ryker Zeera - Rasputin
AU Lore
Berk is only one of the important islands. The others are Crescentia, the island of Mageborns. Corona island, ruled by chief Frederic and lady Arianna. Dunbroch island, ruled by chief Fergus and lady Elinor.
Drago, similar to Httyd 2, tries getting all the chief to turn to him and acknowledge him to become a supreme chieftain. Of course, they refused. For a while, he was never seen again after an attempt to kill them all.
The four islands were once at war with each other. But when dragons arrived, they worked together to fend them off.
Dialogue ideas
Stoick: Look at the people, Hiccup. They are yours; someday, you will become a fine chief worthy of leading them. Hiccup: But... All of them? They all look... Much strongew and bravew than me. 'm just... Tiny. Valka: Of course you are, you're but a babe, love. *hugs him tightly* Hiccup, giggling: But Snotlout's 'bout my age... But he's already bigger than me. Valka: Maybe, but you know, there's more to strength than by just how big you are. Hiccup: Huh? Stoick: Don't worry about it now, son. When you're ready... You'll understand.
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Jack: So how do we ditch the big guy? Hiccup: I'm thinkin'... You could distract him, then I'll go on ahead and wait for you there. Jack: Wha... How? Hiccup: I don't know, you come up with a plan for that yourself. Jack: C'mon Hic, you can think of a plan better than that...
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Gobber: One day you two are going to be married! Jack: Uh, ew... Hiccup: Gross! I can't marry him; he's my friend, and a guy! Jack: What he said. Aster: Sorry to burst it to ya, but it's been arranged. Aster: Besides Jack, that isn't an issue with our kind. With mageborns being as scarce a race as we are, even guys adapted to copulate and produce offsprings. Jack: A what? Gobber, nudging the man: Uh, too early for that talk, don't ya think? Aster: You're the one who brought up bloody marriage. Hiccup: THERE'S BLOOD IN MARRIAGE?! Jack: That's it, I'm never getting married.
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Nightlight: You have to go Jack. Jack: No! I'm not leaving you. Nightlight: If Crescentia and our neighboring islands are to have a future, you must. Nightlight: And I still have some magic in me, so don't you count your brother out just yet. Jack: Please... Don't ask me to leave you, I can help! Nightlight: You can. But it's not by staying, you need to find Hiccup. Jack: Hiccup?! But... He's been dead for years! Nightlight: It seems like not everything is what it appeared...
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Hiccup: Wait, no Jack! Stop, stop! Jack: What?! How do you know my name?! Hiccup: How do I... Oh, sorry. Mask. *takes of his mask* It's me, Hiccup! Jack, widening his eyes: Stars above, Hiccup! *rushes towards him* Hiccup: *opening his arms and getting ready for a hug* Jack: *punches him at the shoulder* Hiccup: OW! Jack: Serves you right, have you any idea how I felt when I thought you died?! *hugs Hiccup tightly* Gods, I missed you. Hiccup: *hugging Jack back* Next time, maybe just go for the hug? Jack: What happened to you? Hiccup: It's... A long story. Jack, narrowing his eyes and pinching Hiccup by the ear: Hiccup: Again, ow, ow, ow! Jack: Uh, yeah, I've been grieving for years. It's a long story? I fucking deserve to hear it then.
A growl is then heard, making Jack jerk away and he sees a dragon charging towards him. He screams, and pulls his staff out
Hiccup: No, no, no! *charges at Jack and makes him drop the staff before blocking Toothless' way* It's okay! He's a friend. Jack, staring at them incredulously: Holy moon... Hiccup: You just scared him. Jack: I scared... Wait, him? Hiccup: Uh... Long story? Jack: Ohhh, you are definitely telling me this story.
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Jim: What if I don't wanna be chief of Berk? Jack: Does that mean you want to fight your cousin and try to become the chief of Crescentia? Jim: NO! Don't wanna be chief at all! Hiccup: Well, what do you want then? Jim: I dunno... Anything else! Maybe... Fly to the moon! Hiccup: Well, Berk has dragons now. You can do that! Jack: Way to miss the metaphor, Hic.
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Jim: Aster! I'm bored! Aster: Okay, I can show you how to throw a boomerang again. Jim: Nah... Let's go exploring! Aster: What did you dad and papa tell you? Jim: Not to leave home. Aster: So, what makes you think I'm going to let you? Jim: Because you once told papa he's not the boss of you anymore. Aster: Aster: I didn't mean it that way, and you know it. Jim: So... You were lying? Aster: Jim: Dad says it's bad to lie.
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Dimitri: What the hell are you doing? Jim: Watching my back, duh! Dad told me never to leave it open to an enemy! Dimitri: And I betcha always listen to what daddy says. Jim: Don't you? Dimitri: Don't have any. So, I get to do whatever I want when I want to. Jim, beaming: Really?! Cool! Dimitri, caught off guard with the smile: Huh?
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Rasputin: And at the final battle, we take no one alive. They're all to be killed. Ryker: Can we keep the mate of Berk's chief though? Rasputin: What? Ryker: I think he's pretty. Viggo, face palming: Odin's beard, Ryker... They need to be killed to be re-summoned for the undead army. Ryker: But he won't look pretty anymore as an undead. Rasputin: Rasputin: I'm surrounded by idiots...
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Jim: Hey, uh, thanks for saving me earlier. Dimitri: Well, anyone can make mistakes. Jim: I'm sorry? Dimitri: I mean, was probably pointless doing so. I saved you, I'm still at the stocks. Talk about gratitude, right? And you're probably going to get in trouble again, which means saving you would be for nothing since I see that you haven't learned how to pick your fights more carefully. Jim: Hey, like I said, I had everything under control. Dimitri: Didn't look like it. You should really work on your hunting skills. Jim: Oh, and I suppose you're such an expert you could show me how it's done? Dimitri: Definitely. It's a date then. Jim: Wait, what? Dimitri: What? Do you or don't you want to become a better fighter? Jim: Uh, I want to... Fight better? Dimitri: All right then, just name the time and place, puppy. Jim: I'm not a pup! I'm a mighty mageborn Viking! Dimitri: Pup it is then.
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