#Jewel beetles
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razehider · 1 month ago
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Capnodis tenebrionis is a fairly large buprestid that eluded me for a long time due to its slippery nature. after deciding i wasn't going to let it get away this time, i found out they're quite agreeable when you give them a surface to wander around. it could've hung out on my arm all day
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the sun was pretty harsh at the time which messed with exposure a little bit but i'm still glad i got a good look at it. big step up from the much tinier buprestids i'm used to like Anthaxia, and what it lacks in color it makes up for in texture. a very stereotypical middle class family caught me handling this guy with a look on my face that they probably found unbecoming of a grown man but i say don't knock it till you've tried it
(September 12th, 2024)
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bijoumikhawal · 8 months ago
The Middle Eastern Jewel beetle, Steraspis squamosa
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This beetle is a member of Buprestidae, the wood boring jewel beetles. It's range includes Egypt, Sudan, Senegal, the Levant, the Maghreb, and Turkey.
This species of beetle bores holes into the tamarisk tree for it's larvae, who emerge as adult beetles. Since some versions of Osiris's death mention that Set imprisoned his body in a tamarisk tree, the beetles were like identified with Osiris. I think the green color probably added to that association as well. They show up as jewelry, and notably as decorations on the bed canopy of Queen Hetepheres, who was the owner of those lovely silver bangles with butterflies that you may have seen. They appear on a few objects from Tutankhamun's tomb as well.
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Versions of the beetle sometimes were made of gold and used in jewelry, such as the bottom row of beads on this broadcollar. I'd actually seen this one before, and assumed these beads were lotus buds.
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Amulets carved of stone such as calcite, or molded from faience, have also been found, as have mummified jewel beetles. Their elytra (wing casings) have also been found crushed up and used as a pigment.
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Also here's here's necklace made by the Karo tribe of the Omo Valley in Ethiopia using the wing casings of Steraspis speciosa. A similar necklace of Steraspis squamosa casings was found in a pre-dynastic tomb in Armant.
Source list:
The Symbolism and Significance of the Butterfly in Ancient Egypt by Dawn Haynes
Beetle God's of Egypt by Gene Kritsky
Insect Mythology by Gene Kritsky
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skydarcyedwards · 1 year ago
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Temognatha lessoni, a Jewel Beetle.
Sky Edwards
32 image stack
Canon R7
Canon EF 100mm Macro USM
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rhodabotics · 6 months ago
I would like to hear you gush about one of your favorite beetles or other insects if you don't have a favorite beetle.
oh man, there's so many different kinds of beetles that it's difficult to choose just one! i do have a couple that live in my region (upper pacific northwest) that are really cool though:
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i tend to see golden jewel beetles (Buprestis aurulenta) most often during the summer because that's when the adults start emerging from their host trees - buprestids are wood-borers in their larval stage and B. aurulenta specializes in conifer trees like douglas fir and western redcedar, which they eat and live in for a few years before they're ready to pupate. i took this picture a couple years ago at my work, which is right next to several dozen acres of undeveloped mixed forest, and while i haven't seen any this year i'm sure there's at least a few on the way!
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bronze ground beetles (Carabus nemoralis) aren't actually native to the pacific northwest, but as far as i know they're not a full-blown invasive species. they're not enormous, but at just over an inch long they're not puny either (ten-lined june beetles are bigger, but they live on the other side of the cascades from me) and they have a wonderful purplish-green sheen to their carapace and elytra. these guys trundle through the grass under cover of night looking for slugs, worms and smaller, less fortunate insects to eat - the one in this picture was actually collected on a late-night walk while i was at school!
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shakespearenews · 10 months ago
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golbiey · 6 months ago
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happy long weekend!!! i wanted to compile all of my sonic prints in one post...theyre available on my shop!
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beehunterkisser · 11 months ago
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stylised some MORE sonic characters for funs
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herpsandbirds · 4 months ago
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Jewel Weevil (Eurhinus sp.), family Curculionidae, found in the Neotropics (Central and South America)
photograph by Kota Abadi
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years ago
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
With Chrysina limbata around, you won’t need a mirror! This species has an especially shiny exoskeleton, reflecting up to 97% of the light that hits it. In the wild, the mirror-like reflective surface may fool potential predators into thinking the beetle is just a drop of water- effectively serving as conspicuous camouflage.
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(Image: Close-ups of Chrysina limbata by Michael Farmer)
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loopy-lupe · 2 years ago
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Hello hello! Been a while since I've posted my art on tumblr, (though I HAVE still been lurking the whole time) so I figure I'll start by posting some of the sonic covers I like the most from the main ongoing comic series! I've been pushing my character proportions to feel more like the rubbery sa1 proportions for the past year and a half, so lately I've been more satisfied with how I'm drawing everyone.
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blondebrainpowered · 3 months ago
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A dress made of cotton muslin, gilded metal thread and Indian jewel beetles (sternocera aeqisignata), Britain, 1868-1869 CE. Over 5000 beetle wings or parts of wings were used to decorate this dress.
Now housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
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razehider · 2 months ago
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Meliboeus gibbicollis is a tiny buprestid that doesn't really live up to its relatives' colors but still has the classic turtleneck and baby face and is very special nonetheless. with a very small and fragmented range (there are 9 observations of it on inaturalist and one third of them are mine), this is one of my rarest finds. buprestid IDers jumped at the opportunity to ID this little thing when i thought it was just some guy
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as you can see i tested the waters at first by putting my hand underneath it because a beetle is a beetle and i wasn't willing to miss out on a rare observation thanks to typical slippery beetle bullshit. thankfully no grabbing was necessary
(September 2nd, 2024)
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hayweerc · 4 months ago
🫴The citizens of Bound by Chaos
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... So far
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0pooleart · 5 months ago
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I've been churning through so many Sonic character redesigns, here are some of the sketches. I post these and more on my Discord server as I make them, these are just the ones I probably won't bother turning into full drawings. Here's the thoughts on each:
The Freedom Fighters, but I specifically imagined these being their outfits during Sonic Forces since Forces' story could be so similar to SatAM's. Sally and Bunnie have stories and trios before this (Sally with Mighty and Ray, being smol woodland creatures, and Bunnie being with Fang and Trip, being western outlaws hired by Eggman)
Nicole the Holo-lynx. Now looks more holo and more like a lynx. May or may not make an even fleshier version on top of these
Sage, also made to look more digital, but honestly I don't care enough about her character to really consider including her anywhere. Who knows tho
Jewel, made to look like an actual insect. I got the insect Mobian idea first with Charmy of course but I'll probably draw the Chaotix in full later
Jet, honestly one of my favorite redesigns so far. It just ended so perfect, even making his shoes more like bird claws.
Big, basically the same just made more frazzled and wild-looking
Lanolin, made to look like that other kind of sheep and also made chubbier cuz sheep have a chubby aura
Bokkun, now is himself the exploding message. I wanted him to look like Eggman just randomly strapped a rocket to his back, instead of being a normal jetpack. He loves exploding and being rebuilt.
One of the Ancients, now given clothes that match the vibe of some of their creations. I also thought it would be cooler if the Koco were their actual brains/bodies, and the gel exterior is another part of their technology to make them stronger and more versatile.
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idwsonicnews · 10 months ago
Updated: Sonic the Hedgehog #69 Preview
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Script: Evan Stanley (@spiritsonic/@evanstanleyportfolio) Line Art: Min Ho Kim (@deegeemin) Colors: Reggie Graham (@ziggyfin) Color Assistance: Jonathan Dobbs & Rik Mack (@rikdraws) Letters: Shawn Lee Editors: David Mariotte (@davidmariottecomics) & Thea Cheuk Production Design: Johanna Nattalie
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mew-c0m · 8 months ago
I think he wants to give you something 😋
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