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flyingprivate · 11 months ago
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Courtesy: JetZero
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holidaylets · 2 months ago
BAE Systems to Power JetZero’s Sustainable Jet with Advanced Actuator Control Units
BAE Systems will provide cutting-edge actuator control units to boost flight performance for JetZero’s sustainable blended wing aircraft demonstrator. Continue reading BAE Systems to Power JetZero’s Sustainable Jet with Advanced Actuator Control Units
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mikeshouts · 11 months ago
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JetZero Blended Wing Body Jet: The Fuselage Is The Wing, The Wing Is The Fuselage
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subscribe1 · 6 months ago
The Future of Zero-Emission Aviation: Blended Wing Hydrogen Fuel Airliner
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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JetZero receives $235 million from the US Air Force to develop fuel-efficient blended-wing aircraft shephardmedia.com/news/air-warfa…
@shepardnews via Twitter
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futuristech-info · 2 years ago
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How JetZero aims to be the ‘SpaceX of aviation’
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ffxvwanderlustzine · 1 year ago
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Creator Spotlight! Please welcome, JetZero!
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dippedanddripped · 1 month ago
CES 2025 Reveals the Future of Aviation | Siemens + JetZero
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er-10-media · 2 months ago
JetZero: инновационные самолеты выйдут на рынок в 2030-х годах
New Post has been published on https://er10.kz/read/it-novosti/jetzero-innovacionnye-samolety-vyjdut-na-rynok-v-2030-h-godah/
JetZero: инновационные самолеты выйдут на рынок в 2030-х годах
Американский стартап JetZero изменит облик коммерческой авиации – он намерен внедрить компоновку самолетов с интеграцией крыла и фюзеляжа. Такие футуристические аппараты, по словам разработчиков, смогут существенно снизить расход топлива и минимизировать вредное воздействие на окружающую среду.
Эта концепция, известная как «смешанное крыло» (Blended Wing BodyBWB), не является чем-то совершенно новым. Впервые она была предложена в 1909 году русским авиатором Николаем Воеводским. Однако, из-за сложности конструкции, она в основном оставалась теоретической и применялась лишь в нескольких проектах военных дронов.
В JetZero считают, что время этой концепции пришло – технологии уже достаточно развиты для массового внедрения Blended Wing Body.
Один из главных плюсов новой конструкции – увеличение внутреннего пространства. Пассажиры получат более просторные салоны, а авиакомпании смогут перевозить больше груза.
JetZero заявляет, что их самолеты будут потреблять до 50% меньше топлива, чем современные узкофюзеляжные лайнеры, такие как Boeing 737 или Airbus A320. Это означает значительное снижение выбросов углекислого ��аза, что критически важно для борьбы с климатическими изменениями.
JetZero планирует построить прототип к 2027 году, а серийное производство и выход на рынок намечены на 2030-е годы. На начальном этапе компания сосредоточится на самолетах для средних маршрутов с дальностью около 8 000 километров, что перекрывает до 80% мировых авиаперевозок.
Однако перед JetZero стоят и серьезные вызовы. Преодоление технических трудностей, сертификация новых конструкций и конкуренция с уже доминирующими на рынке Boeing и Airbus потребуют значительных усилий. Эксперты отмечают, что успешная реализация этой концепции может стать настоящим прорывом в авиации. Совмещение экономичности, экологичности и современного дизайна способно вывести индустрию на новый уровень.
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nedsecondline · 3 months ago
Airplanes are going to start looking different, really different
Imagine a typical passenger plane. That shape hasn’t changed much in many decades, except for little winglets. JetZero’s founder acknowledges that …Airplanes are going to start looking different, really different
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flyingprivate · 2 years ago
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Courtesy: BWB jet
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bernieshoot · 4 months ago
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hotnew-pt · 7 months ago
Alaska Airlines anuncia investimento na JetZero para impulsionar tecnologia e design inovadores de aeronaves #ÚltimasNotícias
Hot News A aeronave pioneira com asa combinada da JetZero contribui para a jornada de sustentabilidade da aviação com melhorias significativas na eficiência de combustível A Alaska Airlines anunciou hoje um investimento na JetZero, uma empresa pioneira no desenvolvimento de uma nova aeronave de asa combinada (BWB) que fornecerá até 50% menos consumo de combustível e emissões mais baixas. O…
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nawapon17 · 7 months ago
Alaska Airlines invests in JetZero - AeroTime
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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Air Force selects JetZero for blended-wing body prototype plane
The company says the airplane will have its first flight in 2027.
Audrey DeckerAugust 16, 2023
Rendering of the blended-wing body prototype aircraft.
The U.S. Air Force has chosen California startup JetZero to build and test a wing-shaped airplane, which may influence the design of the service’s future mobility planes.
The service announced the winner of a Defense Innovation Unit-led competition for a blended-wing body prototype on Tuesday at an Air & Space Forces Association event.
“This is a prototype demonstration project that's intended to accelerate the next generation of what may be the large aircraft fleet that the Air Force needs in the future. It's a streamlined design, different significantly from traditional tube and wing design, and it will improve aerodynamic efficiency and mission capability,” said Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.
JetZero said in April it was partnering with Northrop Grumman on a blended-wing tanker design, called Z-5, which could position the company to build the Air Force’s future aerial refueler, NGAS, and its next-gen airlifter, NGAL.
However, the JetZero prototype is just a “demonstrator,” and shouldn’t be linked directly to NGAS or NGAL, said Maj. Gen. Albert Miller, Air Mobility Command’s director of strategy, plans, requirements, and programs.
“There's no presumption, right, that this is necessarily the answer for NGAS, but we think that it could be informative in this process,” Miller said. “We are not even to the [analysis of alternatives] stage for NGAS so it would be very premature to say that this is the NGAS solution.”
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The Air Force is considering a blended-wing design for future aircraft because it’s much more fuel efficient than traditional airframes. The JetZero offering is estimated to carry twice the fuel of a Boeing KC-46 tanker.
Fuel efficiency is needed in the Indo-Pacific, as “operational energy will be the margin of victory in a near-peer conflict,” said Ravi Chaudhary, assistant Air Force secretary for energy, installations, and environment.
“This is about getting back to basics with what airpower delivers for the joint fight: speed, range, endurance and flexibility, but it's also about efficiency, because in the Indo-Pacific, we expend a little more gas, we need a little more efficiency, the distances a little bit longer,” Chaudhary said.
A blended-wing body aircraft can operate for longer distances and land on shorter runaways, making it more lethal and maneuverable for Air Mobility Command and the joint force, Miller said.
“It is the capability of being able to land someplace on a much shorter runway and pick up a casualty and fly them back to the care that they need. It is the capability of being able to get the same offload of fuel to a critical receiver when and where they need it, maybe from a greater distance because we've seen this in the past where the tanker fleets get pushed back so that the kinetic force can be pushed forward,” Miller said.
JetZero will receive $235 million over the next four years to build and test the prototype—with plans for a first flight in 2027.
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enetarch-space · 7 months ago
Why Alaska Airlines is investing in a jet that's like nothing you've seen before - Fast Company
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