#Jerry Wanek
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positivexcellence · 1 year ago
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jerrywanek: Challenge accepted: To all professionals in the television/film world, join the challenge to post a photo of you in your job. Just a picture, no description. The goal is to flood social media with our profession and raise awareness of the current struggles.
Copy the text and post a pic
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lol-jackles · 1 year ago
Re: Thank you @sapphyreopal5. Link. Excerpt:
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Kripke conflates "movie star" with "charisma", and you know that Jensen turns on the charisma to level 11 with producers.  Think of set-producer Jerry Wanek who followed Jensen from Dark Angel to Supernatural without reading the script and just assumed Jensen was going to be the lead star of the show. 
Now, Kripke, Wanek, and the AAs are not wrong that Jensen has the potential for a red carpet A-list career because he is a personality actor gifted with raw talent and charisma.  Most A-list blockbuster actors are personality actors, very few character actors are lead actors of a blockbusters.  But at the very start Jensen didn't know his brand and that sabotaged that career potential.  But Wanek and AAs aren't willing to admit that Jensen falling short of their expectations was his own doing, so they blamed Jared instead.
 Wanek told a fangirl off the record that Jared's ambition was almost impossible to compete with after he passively aggressively called Jared's acting inferior to Jensen's.  You can just feel the sticky resentment oozing out of him!   When this became public, he had to go on twitter to back track and say he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Jared.  
So in summary,  AAs and producers like Jerry who bet on Jensen would rather blame Jared's hard work ethics than admit to Jensen's, uh, more laid back work style *cough* coattail riding *cough*.
Kripke wouldn't be the last director/producer to fail to understand why their favorite actors aren't more popular.  Joss Wheldon was aghast that his favorite actress, Eliza Dushku, was languishing in low budget horror movies and intervened and created The Dollhouse tv series and casted her as the lead.  Instead, the show painfully highlighted her acting weakness, and it derailed her career for nearly a decade.
It's a long running joke that casting directors save directors/producers from themselves.  Similar how editors save writers from themselves.
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deancasforcutie · 4 months ago
#seriously i'm forming a jerry wanek fan club and you're all invited (via @thevioletcaptain)
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Oh look, an Impala statuette framed with Cas to represent him siding with the Winchesters.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love Jerry Wanek?
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rainbow-motors · 14 days ago
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Dean's room from his memories in Dark Side of the Moon | SPN 5.16
Includes: Blue toy car, red toy car, yellow toy dump truck, white toy truck, ukelele, snowman plushie, sports jersey, T. Rex toy, bowling ball and pin desk lamp, framed child art (a sea scene?), books, horse themed coverlet, coverlet with badges, western themed upholstered chair, teddy bear, green squirt gun, football and helmet, hoodie, marionette, yellow anorak, kid's firefighter helmet 🥺
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deancasforcutie · 2 years ago
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a moodboard 🌈
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kellyscabin · 1 year ago
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sharing my beautiful collection……. the kelly’s cabin bts shots………
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deancasforcutie · 1 year ago
#ON PURPOSE ON PURPOSE IT WAS ON PURPOSE #Jerry Wanek I love youuuuu (via @ilarual)
“I think the fans look more closely in this show because there’s a lot of symbolism inherent in the show, so fans try to figure out what’s coming up.” “Foreshadowing!” we said cleverly. “Exactly, so we toy with that a little bit. We do that within an episode too, I’ll throw a little bone out there, see if they pick up on it before the end of the show. They’re pretty good.”
— Jerry Wanek in Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirls, by Katherine Larsen and Lynn S. Zubernis (University of Iowa Press, 2013: 207)
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winchestergifs · 1 month ago
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STACKEDNATURAL ⇉ 182/327 (part 1)
7.13 The Slice Girls Written by Eugenie Ross-Leming & Brad Buckner Directed by Jerry Wanek Original Air Date: February 3, 2012
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lol-jackles · 1 year ago
“Wanek told a fangirl off the record that Jared's ambition was almost impossible to compete with after he passively aggressively called Jared's acting inferior to Jensen's.  You can just feel the sticky resentment oozing out of him!   When this became public, he had to go on twitter to back track and say he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for Jared. “
Why be “mad” at Jared, though. Just because he can’t admit betting on the wrong horse? Why should he care? (Not that Jensen is bad at acting at all.) Was he serious in thinking that Jared is/was a worse actor, or was he just being a petty bitch?
For Kripke, is he so far up Jensen’s butt because he was betting on Jensen to do better than Jared, too? Or is his reasoning more that Jensen didn’t stress him out like Jated did (with his breakdown in season 3)? Or does he just see that Jared doesn’t need his boosting since he’s a lead on his own show already?
At least Kripke was smart enough to publicly offer Jared a roll on The Boys. Even if Jared never does it, and even if he didn’t really expect him to take him up on the offer, he can at least say he made the offer and look like he has a good relationship with both SPN stars.
Do you think Kripke would actually like for Jared to make an appearance on The Boys? And do you think there is anyway Jared would do it?
Sorry for all the small asks! They sort of lead off of each other.
Jerry Wanek was mostly peacocking for fangirls. Older men can't resist interacting with eager young women and assert their status in the male hierarchy by dunking on other men because everybody (especially women) attach no value to men with no or low status. Jerry knew he was talking to a Dean girl so made sure to gain points by not to dunking on Jensen, even good naturally; come on ladies, you know what men want. He even implied that he got Jeffery Dean Morgon fired from SPN for being a "prick" who took advantage on set. Again, peacocking for the young women by going, "see, I'll protect you from the creep".
Jerry wasn't "mad" at Jared, I didn't say that. Jerry had a bias towards Jensen, likely seeing him as the reliable stable one compared to Jared who had a breakdown and endangered their jobs if Jared left the show too soon. Both Jerry and Jensen may have had a Dark Angel flashback when 19 years old Jessica Alba was under intense pressure and instead of getting support, she was blamed for not holding it together. As far as I could tell, neither Jerry nor Jensen had any sympathy for Jessica, and it's unlikely Jerry would extend sympathy towards Jared since he's male. Similar reasons why Kripke has biases towards Jensen because he didn't try to break his contract and endangered the show's lucrative licensing potential.
Kripke boosting Jensen is just trying to get SPN fans to watch both Gen V and The Boys to give his shows cultural relevancy like they did with Supernatural, hence his constant use of the #SPNFamily and begging wooing SPN to watch The Boys verse. He's under a lot of pressure from Amazon to create a cultural zeitgeist for them because the studio is desperate to have their own Games of Throne tv show. Amazon suffers from little bro syndrome watching Netflix, Hulu and HBO continuously putting out blockbuster shows while Amazon is still seen as a niche player in TV.
Kripke definitely wants Jared on The Boys to complete the SPN fandom trifecta. But he knows it goes against Jared's image and brand so he's not expecting a phone call.
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lets-steal-an-archive · 1 year ago
Images Inside The Bunker
I asked for shots inside the bunker, and quickly got some amazing resources from @unkindcorvid and @dragonardhill! I wanted a post to store the links to some of the things they sent in a spot where I could easily find them again and click them because I don't think I knew about these two sites!
This site has tons of professional quality interior shots:
This site collects a lot of screencaps from the show including fine details:
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castiellesbian · 4 months ago
what is the el sol theory. there are so many theories around here
basicallyyyy. the production designer, jerry wanek, likes to do little symbolism with the props. one example is the different kinds of beer he puts in certain scenes. The brothers are often seen drinking Margiekugel, which is named after wanek's mother, so it's usually to denote family bonding. then there's el sol, which is often in scenes where something is wrong or reality isn't what it seems. the most notable instance of this is in 2x20 "what is and what should never be" where dean's "girlfriend" is an el sol model
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(he's also drinking it in this episode when he mows the lawn for mary).
cut to the finale and dean is in heaven talking to bobby and they're drinking nasty beer because it's what dean would drink with john. and oh look at that--
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it's the beer that symbolizes something is wrong. but that's weird because on the surface, everything is playing out like it's "okay," like it's fine dean is in heaven and bobby doesn't care that dean died at the age of 40.
so the el sol theory is that something IS wrong in the finale. it's not real, chuck won, the writers are sending us coded messages that this wasn't the finale they wanted, take your pick. i'm personally more of the opinion that if it DOES mean anything, it's that wanek thought the finale was stupid and used his shitty beer prop. obviously we will never know save there being a tell-all documentary released years from now (i can always hope lol) so in the end it will remain... a theory.
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milfsisyphus · 1 year ago
(goes to november 19)(suddenly remembers jerry wanek) oh god the fucking beer
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heller-meta-of-the-day · 15 days ago
March 10th
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Asylum (1.10) Scarecrow (1.11)
Do hellers stretch before they do all this reaching? I hope so, otherwise they might pull something.
Back in the day, hotels provided ashtrays. It doesn't mean that Dean was smoking. He was probably using it as a paperweight.
It’s a continuity error but I’ll forgive it for the strategic positioning of the ashtray. Translation: I know it doesn't make sense, but it HELPS PROVE MY POINT, so I've use it.
Jerry Wanek and Kim Manners weren't saying or implying anything.
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kellyscabin · 1 year ago
one of the best parts abt kellys cabin is that it’s SO BEAUTIFUL that every cast and crew member ever had to take a million photos while there……. meaning there’s so much to discover…….
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samsexualdeancurious · 2 years ago
Separate Showers
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 996
Summary: A little post-hunt recovery
Warnings: Ambiguous Reader gender, non-sexual nudity, the bunker's shower room (thank god for Jerry Wanek's set photos lol), fluff
A/N: Just a dumb lil thing I wrote to get it out of my brain.
To say today was a long one would be an understatement. It feels like an eternity before you’re finally making your way down the bunker steps ahead of the Winchesters. You feel gross from the long drive. You might enjoy a road trip but even you have a limit and you definitely reached it sometime during these last few hunts.
“I need a fucking shower,” you complain.
“I think we all need a shower.” Dean’s right behind you on the steps, stinking like road sweat. You wrinkle your nose and he gives your shoulder a little shove. “Shut up. Like you’re any better.”
That’s true. The Impala’s AC went out just into Kansas and the last few hours of the drive were absolutely miserable as a result, even with all four windows rolled down. You don’t want to even think about how you might smell.
Sam is quiet as he follows you back to your bedroom. It’s clear your big-brained boyfriend is feeling more than a little overwhelmed and exhausted. He needs some non-diner food, some quiet time, and maybe a nap. Or a run. Knowing Sam, probably a run.
“Separate showers?” you suggest and Sam’s hazel eyes are grateful as he nods. “All right. I’ll meet you back here.”
It took you a little while to get used to the gym shower set-up the bunker has. Even now, you have a strong preference for the stall furthest from the door so the boys won’t walk past you on their way to their own shower. Not like it’s anything Sam hasn’t seen before but there are no shower curtains! It’s the principle of the thing.
Awkward set-up aside, the bunker showers are downright magical. Probably literally magical, knowing the Men of Letters. The hot water never seems to run out, either, which is fantastic. You take your time scrubbing all the sweat and dirt from the road from your body and then waste a little more time just enjoying the steady pounding of water on your shoulders and neck.
When you do finally step out of the showers, the boys are in their own stalls. Sam’s clothes are in a pile on the floor outside the stall right next to yours and as you stop to gather them up along with your own, you can resist peeking in.
“Hi,” Sam says with a soft smile, pushing his hair out of his face.
You can’t help a grin as you lean against the dividing wall, taking in the sight of him. The way the water highlights every perfect curve and point of his body as he tips his head back to get his hair fully under the spray. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Don’t you dare have shower sex right now,” Dean calls from a couple of stalls down and you can’t hold back a laugh.
Sam shoots you a smirk and leans out of the spray to kiss you softly. While he might look absolutely amazing, especially naked and wet like this, neither of you is really in the mood to do anything even if Dean wasn’t in the room.
“Don’t worry, you’re delicate ears are safe,” you tease as you shoot Sam one last little smile and begin making your way from the room. You don’t look but you’d bet money that Dean flips you the bird as you go by.
You’re sitting on the end of the bed, having completed your post-shower routine, when Sam comes into the room. He’s dressed in just an old pair of lounge pants and the sight of him padding barefoot into the room warms you to your core.
“Feeling a bit better?” you ask as he rubs at his hair with a towel.
He nods, wiping water droplets from his forehead. His eyes are on the item in your hand. You smile and hold the hairbrush out in offering.
“Want me to?”
“Hell yeah,” Sam sighs and you laugh softly.
“Well, c’mere then.”
Sam tosses his towel in the hamper and lowers himself to sit on the floor between your feet, back against the side of the mattress. His hair doesn’t really need to be brushed like this. The man was blessed with magic hair that just needs fingers combed through it after a shower or in the morning to look perfect. It’s really not fair. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy the process of it, though.
You work methodically, taking your time as you start with his ends and make your way up. Sam is practically melting under your hands. When you’re done with the brush, you set it aside and begin gently massaging his scalp. Sam moans softly. His head tips forward and you move your ministrations to his neck and shoulders. In no time, he’s leaning heavy and sleepy against your knee.
“Sa-am,” you murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to his temple. “C’mon. Up.”
He grumbles but allows you to guide him up onto the bed. Once he’s snuggled up against you, head resting on your chest, he’s out in seconds. It’s only early afternoon but you don’t mind holding him while he naps. Not when he snuffles softly and nuzzles against your T-shirt.
A soft knock on the doorframe draws your attention from Sam’s relaxed face to the open doorway where Dean’s standing. He’s dressed completely in his usual jeans and layers but his hair is still damp from his shower, sticking up all over like it does in the mornings before he’s gotten around to style it. You give a little wave.
“He sleeping?” Dean asks, careful to keep his voice low.
You nod.
“All right. I’m going to get started on dinner in a bit. Think he’d be up for something light? I’m thinking some soup and grilled cheese.”
That sounds delicious. Hopefully, Sam will agree. You nod again and Dean shoots you a thumbs up, flipping off the lights and closing the door as he leaves you to watch over Sam’s nap.
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warpedwings · 1 year ago
2018, when Misha got to pie fake Trump.
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what is this??? 😭
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