I hidden behind this wall
I can’t let them see
I have to be shiny and new
Haunted isn’t in the equation
Followed by the ghost of the past
Being punched in stomach, when I try to breath
I just lay here in a dark room wishing you would go away like you already did
I want you here for one more hug, yet it would break me all over again
I’m so much happier they say, which is true
But how can I be when I’m haunted by who we used to be
You can’t put run the past
Not now, not ever
I just want the magic potion that makes forget
I want to fly away to somewhere you can’t find me
But here you are day after day, week after week
I lay here with company at my feet
Holding me on the ground as I weep
I cry silently because everyone just tells me I should be fine
It’s just when I’m by myself
But it lonely when no one understands
The twisted reality that I felt so loved in
Even if it’s just an illusion
It felt like home
A home with cracks, and holes in the wall
A home where love went to die
But here I loved you no matter what
I’m tempted to write to you, all the time
But I just need to know but I know
It will just hurt more with no benefit
You can’t can the past
So I sit here and cry in the corner of my dark room
With a little guy holding me while I fall apart
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knazna-myshkina · 1 year
Искусство или старый хлам?
Сегодняшний день отметился посещением музея Гульбенкяна в Лиссабоне. И в общем-то тут есть над чем порассуждать. Коллекция огромная и очень впечатляет: древнегреческие монеты, персидские ковры, расшитые золотыми нитями, египетские статуэтки, средневековая турецкая плитка, японская гравюра, китайская керамика, картины лучших фламандских и английских живописцев, французские гарнитуры и мраморные статуэтки, изысканные украшения с настоящими драгоценными камнями и многое другое. И вот ходишь среди всей этой красоты и прям глаза разбегаются. Все такое красивое, такое тонкое и роскошное. Тяжело представить сколько сил было вложено профессионалами, что бы все это изготовить.
Но вот в какой-то момент в н-том зале начинаешь задумываться. А нужно ли все это вообще человеку? Вот жил нефтяной магнат Гульбенкян, собирал древности, потом умер и по завещанию все перешло в музей. И никто теперь этим не пользуется. Никто не надевает золотые украшения, не сидит на стульчиках с бархатной обивкой, не ходит то теплым персидским коврам. А ходили ли вообще когда-нибудь и надевали ли? Или может картины сразу рисовались чтобы уйти в частные коллекции, а драгоценности какая-нибудь знатная дама надела на один приём и благополучно спрятала в шкатулку, так как они уже вышли из моды к следующему сезону? Является ли вообще затраченная энергия и силы мастеров, которые потратили на это свое время, пропорционально равными ценности полученных вещей, которые дороги сами по себе, а не по своей функциональности, относительно жизни обычного человека?
Я - человек 21 века и поэтому мне в принципе трудно судить о ценности вещей. Сейчас все базовые вещи доступны любому. Можно даже украсить себя и свое жилище в любом дизайне, не прилагая особых затрат (тут я имею в виду относительно 19-го века например). Ходя по музею у меня создалось впечатление, что я нахожусь в старенькой квартире своей бабушки, где много всяких прикольных вещиц прошлого и позапрошлого веков, но которые сейчас совершенно не применимы в жизни. И вроде и нужно их выкинуть как старый хлам, но как-то рука не поднимается. И что с ними остается делать, как не выставить на всеобщее обозрение?
В общем, скажу спасибо Гюльбенкяну, за то что дал нам возможность увидеть всю эту красоту. Ведь где для неё найдется место лучше чем в музее?
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exquisite-beauty22 · 11 months
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what do i look like?
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isaacapatow · 10 months
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aoao-atuto · 1 year
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【企画展】ARTs*LABo 輝石展 2023 ARTs*LABo Jewels Exhibition 2023
この度、Gallery CORSO様にて2023/9/20(水)〜2023/9/23(土)の期間で行われるARTs*LABo様主催のグループ企画展ARTs*LABo 輝石展 2023に参加させていただきます!
そして今回も開催期間中のスマホ画面が楽しみです。 (東京遠い…)
A4の新作1点(¥30,000 額縁込み) 64mm×89mmのミニ原画「ATC」2点(1点¥3,600)
ARTs*LABo Jewels Exhibition 2023
I'm pleased to announce our participation in the group exhibition!
I'm pleased to announce that I'll participate in the group exhibition "ARTs*LABo Jewels Exhibition 2023" organized by ARTs*LABo at Gallery CORSO from 2023/9/20(Wed) to 2023/9/23(Sat)!
This time, the theme of the exhibition is "pyroxene"!
This is a glittering and glamorous exhibition featuring various ores, gemstones, and pyroxene (and maybe some odd stones).
I love gemstones (I would love to collect them, but I'm not good at cleaning up), so I had a lot of fun drawing them!
And again, I'm looking forward to seeing it on my phone screen during the exhibition. (Tokyo is far away…)
This time
1 new A4 size painting (¥30,000 including frame) 2 miniature original "ATC" of 64mm x 89mm (¥3,600 per piece)
will be exhibited.
Many other wonderful works by other people will also be on display, so please come and visit us if you are interested!
(Well, I'm not in a position to say anything great about it…)
*Please refer to the official website below for more detailed information, including infection control measures at the venue.
 I'll be sad if anyone gets any kind of illness at the venue of the group exhibition I participated in…
For more information, please visit here!
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mirutone · 2 years
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これも作ってた。 #ハンドメイドアクセサリー #天然石ブレスレット #天然石 #ジェムストーン #jemstone #ハンドメイド #つくってみた #作ってみた https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJxtlvoyyQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riehayasaka · 2 years
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石というのは本来、そのままではエネルギーを発揮しないのですが、お肌に触れることでお互いの波動を補い合い、そのパワーを発揮していきます✨ どんな思いが込められながらアクセサリーが作られ、売られているか、石にはその波動がそのまま入ります。 それならば、ただ市場に出されるためだけに生産され、販売されているものよりも、ヴリンダーヴァンの土、水、火、風、マハーマントラの音色から作られたアクセサリーを身につけたい😌💎 ジョーティッシュ(インド占星術)鑑定をさせていただきながら、生粋のヴラジャバシーの彫金師によるアクセサリーデザインと宝石で、純粋なアクセサリー作りをさせていただいています💍☺️😌 ジョーティッシュを受けていただいた方には、ホロスコープノートもお付けしています💗 指に纏うだけで、ヴリンダーヴァンの息吹が感じられ、吉兆なもの、こと、スピリチュアルなエネルギーを呼び寄せられるような、あなただけのオーダーメイドのジョーティッシュリングや、指輪を普段つけられない方へは、一つ一つ手作りのオリジナルのアンクレットやブレスレットをご用意しております✨✨ ジョーティッシュリングはサイズや台座もお選びいただけ、アンクレットやブレスレットもおサイズ変更がご自身でできるデザインです🥰💍😊🌸 是非身につけられて、石から伝わる愛を呼ぶ声を聴いてみませんか💞🌊💗 Jay Jay Shree Radhe♡ #vrindavan #jyotish #jyotishrings #accessory #アクセサリー #jemstone #宝石 #ジョーティッシュ #ジョーティッシュリング #宝石鑑定 #ホロスコープ #horoscope #ヴリンダーヴァン #ヴラジャバシー #彫金師 #石 #ゴールドリング #シルバーリング (Vrindavan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbohTpJQsh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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butterabrod · 6 months
Old Michelle's Q&A, pt.2
you can see the 1st part here but it's not necessary
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Oh yeah This panel. This legend.
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I know Gil/Odin is a big thing, and there's lot's of content for the fans of this pair But! Hear Me out. Odin is not the only male sibling from Arrow family with purple square as his symbol
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I'm pretty sure I am the one who is delulu here.
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Those cerulean jemstones are just warning us about Olai's ties with the TITAN, right?
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Here's even better theory by @space-finally
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ohsweetsweetie · 2 months
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Revenge against Jemstone of her character Blink!
Art Fight: OhSweetSweetie
Commissions Info: Pinned Post Patreon: ohsweetsweetie Instagram: ohsweetsweetie
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I am haunted by you
Everything about you takes up space in my cluttered mind.
I wait for the moments where I can catch myself in the present, not thinking about you
But you creep in as soon as I’m alone…
What I would do to stop missing you
I know you don’t miss me anymore if ever
Im strangled by the memories, especially the ones that hurt.
It’s seems to all mixed up one second we’re in love the next your ripping my heart out
I feel like I can’t breath
And I can’t forget, what I would do to forget about you
I never asked for this. All I ever wanted is to be enough for you
And I never was
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agentpennymajere · 3 months
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Doing Art Fight for the first time this year! Excited to showcase some of my OCs, and to get to draw others!
I'll probably post some of my other works for these characters here, since I haven't really shared them before. So stay tuned for that!
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guzhufuren · 2 years
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the nail polish? the rainbow jemstones ring? thanks Jeff it's not like i'm gay or desperate
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elmundodeflor · 2 years
A letter from Hanji to Levi | post chapter 132 |
For Levi's month.
And for all of us who've ever lost someone to this world.
I'll wait for you.
Where the water meets the skies and stars dive into a deep sea of sand.
I'm okay. Here, cold doesn't burn and flowers never dry and I'm not afraid of life's own, fleeting fragility.
Now, my feet are bare and my hands hold nothing but sweet time to spend. Or is it time a mere human construction we've once hoped to tame?
Maybe, here, I just simply measure time in different dreams:
The tiny freckles that rain over your cheeks, like a million galaxies wide dotting over the nightfall. The spoons of sugar you put into your tea. The subtle glitching of your lips, when you can't help but melt into a smile; rare as it is.
I have no rush, although I miss you. Here, where the grass grows evergreen, I've learnt the art of patience.
Or maybe, my heart just froze the day it's been ripped from yours. And time stopped, then, too.
But don't you worry about me, my love. I'm still one in the same; a spirit wild and colorfully reckless, as you've always remembered me to be.
And each sunset when you whisper my name, I'm alive in another breath.
I'm not up or down. No left nor right. Here, the winds lull me with songs from places I've never dared walk, and my hair dances in the lavender breeze: tangled and rebellious and free all over again.
I've heard once, warm things are graced to those who wait. So I spy on you, every now and again, to avoid the kid in me run impatient towards your embrace.
And I play in-disguise, careful not to break the rules. And I send you signals only you and I are able to understand; for words have been forbidden eternal between us.
So I ruffle your curtains and chant with your kettle. I leave footsteps imprinted on the sea-shores, and paint your memory into the clouds that roll.
I let traces of me slide onto the Earth as I sit, ever so relentless. And I wish, with an innocence brighter than sunrise, that you'll be attentive enough to notice. That my slight indiscretions will one day make you happy.
Because I'm not gone, but a flickering presence. I'm not far, but buried very deep inside you: in the kind centres of your chest. In the gentle drumbeat of your pulse. In the corners of the house your love has long before built for me, big or small.
So don't you cry, my oh so brave boy. Don't you allow yourself pray to my taunting ghost.
Don't you know I turn to ash when your nightmares call? How helpless I ache when you say you want to become invisible, like birds migrating off to spring?
I've heard once, reuiniting is softer to those who've guarded with patience. And, as I watch silver threads crown your head of jemstones, my soul is easily sure, now:
Our moment can wait, still. You can arrive late. Get on the very last train, on the very last minute. Hug and hold and squeeze life until it's been down to its weakest, final drop.
And I'll be here. Always. With both arms open and a smile like fireworks.
And you'll fade into me as you race. And I'll braid poppys in between black locks. And we'll be able to speak, for all those other nights war payed for the silence in our souls.
But I have no rush, my golden soldier, although I do miss you. Don't you see? For once, I can forsake my longing, keep it hidden in the back-pocket.
Because every time you laugh, a glimpse of fire ignites my lungs. And i can inhale back to consciousness for a while.
And every time your eyes tell me you're okay, too, my heart can lay in peace: if only a little bit longer.
So take your time, my brightest Levi. Because time does not exist where I am.
And I'm still the same.
And I want you to live long, but not fast.
Don't you recall?
Between you and I, farewells are nothing but vanishing scars; your fist on my chest, our gazes making up promises to the sun.
When we let the words collide, bleeding hopeless from our lips, we can bend the horizon between our fingers. We can be immortal, even if just for a futile, magical moment.
Because, when you look at me, and I answer in ways only you will ever read, we're accomplices to eachother. Forever partners in crime.
And so, I'll wait for you.
Because, if it's up to us, it's never goodbye.
But a "see you later".
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one of the 4yo kids I teach, a total girly girl, is wearing this rolling stones t-shirt
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With a her cute lil gold jemstone earrings and a lil black bow in her hair and I'm
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kiasnocturnality · 2 years
*walks slowly to nessana*
Hey nessana i accidentally broke a chain on your body jewelry. But i fixed it and even put a jemstone. Im truly sorry could you forgive me?
[ps. can i be elf anon]
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"I love it even more, little one, there is no need for apologies." He admires the jewelled chain as his tail gets behind you to push you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a hug.
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esthergravityfalls · 1 year
Cryptidcore outfit #2
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More details:
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The last one is a page from my personal journal. I love jemstones, George Orwell's books ans science fiction (also owls are beautiful).
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