thevisixnary · 7 months
Pre-established Family
Parents Iota’s mother was also an Aprexian Scientist who helped create experimental prototype TARDIS’s. Her father was a politician who interacted with the Low/Outer Council. Her mother is presumed dead and her father gave his life to save her and Ganymede. Siblings Iota has a brother called Ganymede. They both have a sister who loomed into their father’s house a few hundred years before the Time War using the same genetic material (approximately Seventh Doctor era) that loomed Ganymede and Iota.  Children  Iota has several. The ones that I include in RP because they’re important to her overall story are: - Elizabeth (see 3),    - Aria (see 6),    - And several loomed on Gallifrey when 7 returned. The most notable was Kalia Jellax. Others (dependent on verses)     - Nemo Sigma is her sister by power and more. She is her sister-in-law.     - Braxara Sigma-Arpexia - Nemo and Ganymede’s son; nephew.     - Ganymede had two boys.
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jillcarvi · 2 years
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Jamanen - Sailor Moon R
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dark-elfa · 4 years
Day 12 prompt 'slippery' - droid Jamanen
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kandlin · 5 years
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Jelly Cure
Patreon Sketch stream request for Chaos Croc of  Jellaxed Cure Flora Patreon    DISCLAIMER: All characters and situations are fictional and over the age of 18. Images are in no way meant to glorify rape, pedophilia, or bestiality  
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vxidlight · 5 years
Nicknames and Aliases of the Visionary (main/most common)
Iota knows her birth name as does her brother. Very few from her childhood years know what her real name is. The only people who will know for sure are other Arpexians who were created BEFORE she entered the Academy (for my sanity I’ve set her Academy years around the same time as the Doctor’s and co.).
Other names:
- The Visionary (1, 6-Forwards): This was her nickname during the Academy because of her precognition and she hated it. It was an unofficial title on Gallifrey, but she claimed it as her title in her sixth body.
- Iota Xi (1-5): Her matrix designation. She used it as her name instead of her birth name.
- Lady Iota (1-3), Lady Visionary (rare post-9): Very rare variants. Mostly used during formal situations on Gallifrey.
- Iota Aprexia (1 and 2): Variant of Iota Xi, denoting her house.
- Alice Howard (3): See Iota Three.
- Dr. Jane Doe (fob!watched 5)
- Dr. Jane Smith (5-7): alias
- Raella Jellax (7), Mother Visionary (7): See Iota Nine
- Kassandra Smith (8): When she began meeting friends out of order, she picked a name that wasn’t associated with her. She took it from Greek mythology. She’ll accept it shortened to Kas, but hates Kassy.
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begitalarcos · 7 years
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Favorite Sailor Moon Youma’s
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realbaebe · 7 years
Do you have any M/M ships at all?
M/M as in male male ship? I strongly crack pair Jellal with Laxus (JELLAX i even made couple drawings and edit for them).. just because one strong dork meet another powerful anti social dork sound legit.
But if you ask for F/F ship I totally go down with Erza x Mirajane..
Well guess I just like two equals powerful couple together. You only ask for my Fairy tail ship I assumed?
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thevisixnary · 7 months
Nicknames and Aliases of the Visionary (main/most common)
Iota knows her birth name as does her brother. Very few from her childhood years know what her real name is. The only people who will know for sure are other Arpexians who were created BEFORE she entered the Academy (for my sanity I’ve set her Academy years around the same time as the Doctor’s and co.).
Other names:
- The Visionary (1, 6-Forwards): This was her nickname during the Academy because of her precognition and she hated it. It was an unofficial title on Gallifrey, but she claimed it as her title in her sixth body.
- Iota Xi (1-5): Her matrix designation. She used it as her name instead of her birth name.
- Lady Iota (1-3), Lady Visionary (rare post-9): Very rare variants. Mostly used during formal situations on Gallifrey.
- Iota Aprexia (1 and 2): Variant of Iota Xi, denoting her house.
- Alice Howard (3): See Iota Three.
- Dr. Kassandra Smith (5-7): alias; fobwatched!five; Just Kassandra Smith used for Iota Eight's alias.
- Raella Jellax (7), Mother Visionary (7): See Iota Seven
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jillcarvi · 2 years
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Jamanen - Sailor Moon R
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vxidlight · 5 years
Pre-established Family
Parents Iota’s mother was also an Aprexian Scientist who helped create experimental prototype TARDIS’s. Her father was a politician who interacted with the Low/Outer Council. Her mother is presumed dead and her father gave his life to save her and Ganymede. Siblings Essentially, Iota and her brother are cousins. However, Iota and Ganymede called themselves siblings (especially her and Ganymede) because they were extremely close. Both her and Ganymede are separated by one loomterm and they the same genetic donors. They both have a sister who loomed into their father’s house a few hundred years before the Time War using the same genetic material (approximately Seventh Doctor era) that loomed Ganymede and Iota.  Children  Iota has several. The ones that I include in RP because they’re important to her overall story are:    - Aria (see 8),    - And several loomed on Gallifrey when 9 returned. The most notable was Kalia Jellax. Others (dependent on verses)     - Nemo Sigma is her sister by power and more. She is the “mate” of her brother and therefore her sister-in-law.     - Braxara Sigma-Arpexia - Nemo and Ganymede’s son; nephew.     - Ganymede had two boys, only one survived the Time War.
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realbaebe · 10 years
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When the Blind Jellal see Erza on Laxus
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jillcarvi · 2 years
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Jamanen - Sailor Moon R
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realbaebe · 11 years
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I got your back - Jellax Compilation
Meredy don’t need any mommy because her mother will always be Ultear! Instead now he have two daddy! No kissu for them because Beebu said so. Beside I still can’t handle hot man kissing very well *^*
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