#Jegulus supremacy
sspadfoot · 2 days
Middle Eastern James Potter having so many aunties and uncles is something I also stand by.
Imagine him introducing Regulus to them. AND HIS COUSINS!
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maladaptivewriting · 10 months
“regulus black was a bad person”
he’s not a person at all. he’s actually made up. did you know that? just checking
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dreamer0903 · 27 days
Jegulus literally ruined me for any other ships.
I can't even enjoy a Wolfstar fic if it has Jily as a background ship 😭
I love Regulus and James too much, sorry not sorry.
(No hate to Jily, just not my favourite)
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goldrushenthusiast · 1 year
do you like jegulus or do you like the notion that someone could love someone so wholly, that they could peel back the layers meant to never be peeled and look past everything someone has done to see who they truly are and love them for that?
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orchideous-nox · 8 months
I wish jegulus ship didn’t exist
sucks for you because jegulus are very much thriving < 3
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o4chen-da-jin · 8 months
James Potter always smiles at anything and everything as he tries elicit more reactions from him and he already did everything
except one
and He did try it one day
James was quiet the whole day, still smiley but something is off, if the silence of the Gryffindor table is a dead giveaway ...
That night Regulus goes up the tower where he and James always meet, he's ready to be his endearing sarcastic self when he noticed how quiet James is , when he comments on it
James looks at him red faced , and there are big fat tears on his eyes and he starts to sob that went into a full blown wailing like a little kid type of wailing
Regulus starts to panic at this because he doesn't know how to comfort people
Until he awkwardly pulls James to him for a hug and a pat
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myheadisemptyffonly · 2 years
James would really try to do push-ups with Regulus on his back, and will get humbled really quick when he, in fact, can't do it.
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siriuslytruee · 11 months
everytime I see jegulus slander I laugh so hard so hard cz how is it that deep😭😭? "They're a crack ship! They don't make any sense" Yes we know that already and guess what? we still love them!! Just live and let live lol💀
"James Potter would never!" stfu right now that's YOUR james potter. my james however is FERAL for regulus! he needs him biblically!
Respect people's headcannons pls
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wilmvandrr · 9 months
i’m ssososoosososo glad more people are using sunseeker instead of starchaser for jegulus
nothin against starchaser i just have an extreme bias to sunseeker 😍
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imaslutforgays · 1 year
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regulus black woke up,this is the first thing he saw and it was lying down right next to him.
the sun, his sun.
james potter was fully asleep with both of his arms and legs intertwined with regulus’ body like his life was depending on it
regulus couldn’t imagine a life without the sun in it, certainly not without his.
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sspadfoot · 2 days
Taller Regulus and shorter James is something I will always stand by.
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heart-cheeks · 2 years
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Someone pls Jegulus-fy this pls thank u pls
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littleprongslover · 1 year
hi guys!! so i just wrote a Jegulus one-shot on ao3 based off “I can See You” by Taylor Swift, (Taylor’s Version). it’s posted there now, if you.. yk… wanna check it out? my user is littleprongslover, just like it is for here. so … let me know if u like it? i’m in the process of writing some more one-shots, one is wolfstar so we’ll see how long that takes me to… finish LMAO. love ya! 🩵🩵🩵
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“Do you want to know how I really sprained my wrist?”
Regulus wasn’t one to get into fights -at least not ones where he didn’t win within a few curses. Peter knew that. Everyone did. It was basic knowledge not to mess with a Black. 
However, ever since the young Black heir had stumbled out of the hospital wing, a cast draped around his wrist, word began to spread. Yet Peter Petegreiw would like to say he knew better than that. He knew Regulus wouldn’t have said anything about it unless there was more to it. That ‘more’ he wanted to find out.
Or maybe he was just an avid gossiper.
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” he replied.
Regulus played a smirk on his lips, turning the page of his novel. 
“I was shagging James Potter.”
Peter felt his jaw drop.
“No fucking way.” He sputtered.
“He was very apologetic about the whole thing too.” Regulus hummed. “Oh, and extremely protective. Was ready to shag him all over again if he didn’t insist on taking me to the Hospital wing. The bloody gentlemen.”
Peter was sure the shock hadn’t left his face. In fact, it was probably worse than before. Regulus’ lovey-dove expression was ever so slight, (with a light smile s and drifting eyes) yet it was the most emotion he’d ever seen the younger boy show. Like the bare thought of James sparked a light beneath the cracks. 
“Fucking hell, Black.” Peter huffed. His eyes were probably wider than he cared to admit. “Why are you telling me this?”
The corner of Regulus’ mouth was reframed as a smirk as his closed the hard-cover copy between his hands.
“Because no one-” he replied, standing from where he was seated, “-will ever believe you.”
The laughter that began to take over Peter left him chuckling on the floor. Merlin were the Black Brothers' dramatic. 
“You cruel, cruel man, Regulus Black.” Peter laughed uncontrollably. “I have one question though. Whose dorm was it?”
Regulus peered over his shoulder, “Who said it was in the dorms?” he snarked before turning a corner.
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yazpadfoot · 2 years
I can't be the only one who thinks Lily would 100% ship Jegulus
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orchideous-nox · 8 months
I love jegulus I love them I love them I love jegulus jegulus jeg Grisham I kiss. Dkemsmam
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