#Jedi Initiate Trials
kittystargen3 · 2 years
Summary: A time traveling Grandmaster, to the Prequel Era, trying to fix the mistakes the Jedi made, and get rid of a certain Sith too. Only Time Travel is not that easy, as Yoda will soon learn.
Today I published a new chapter to Time Travel: To the Past Yoda Goes. This chapter features the Initiate Trials Anakin will take to become a Padawan. Below is a small selection. Click one of my links above to read more.
Chapter 48 - Initiate Trials
"The Trial will be in Three parts.  The first portion will test your knowledge of the Force and the code we live by as Jedi." Master Windu said to the classroom full of initiates.  "You may take the trials as many times as you like, though you should know that this written portion will be different each time you take it."
Anakin scoffed at the idea.  He did not intend to take these Trials any more times than he had to.  
"A passing score, anything above sixty percent, is theoretically all you need.  Although, higher scores do tend to attract more Masters.  So I understand wanting to try again in the future," Mace went on.  
Anakin felt relieved that he didn't have to worry about that part.  
"Remember, I will be your master no matter what." Obi-Wan had reassured him that morning.  "Just try your best, and…" 
"And if you score higher than Aayla did, he can brag to Quinlan Vos next time he comes over." Siri added with a smirk.
"Bragging is not the Jedi way," Obi-Wan lectured delusively.  Then he turned back to Anakin and said in a more serious voice, "Still, you've studied hard, try your best, and no matter what, I'll be proud."
Anakin knew by now that a Padawan’s scores on the Trials were a source of Pride for their Master.  Thus the Accomplished Masters had only the best students.  Anakin wanted to make Obi-Wan proud.  He’d already gone to the archives to look up this Aayla’s old score, as every Initiate’s Trial scores were considered public knowledge.  “Eighty-Five percent.  You can do this,” He whispered to himself as Mace handed out the test.  
In order to avoid cheating, the written portion of the trial was on Flimsy, and in addition to Master Windu, Master Billaba and two older Padawans were observing the room.  Any use of the Force, whatsoever, was forbidden until the bell rang and they handed in their test forms.  
Anakin took a deep breath.  He looked down at the Aurebesh writing in front of him.  Reading had been one of the first skills the Jedi had taught him.  He remembered he wasn’t a big fan of the many spelling drills Yaddle had made him do, including the one where they made labels for everything in her classroom.  In the end Yaddle had praised him, saying her room had never been more organized.  She told him to do the same to a room in his and Obi-Wan’s quarters as homework.  Did Obi-Wan’s eyes grow big when he picked his mechanical workbench as the thing to label!  Still, it was useful, both for allowing Anakin to have a quick way to locate the exact bolt cutters he needs, and for his learning to read as well as his peers.  
Anakin picked up the pen and started to fill in answers.  ‘ Aurek, Jedi are protectors.  That’s an easy one!  A Jedi is not to value possessions more than the lives he or she is sent out to protect.  Cresh, that was Master Gormo’s quote.  Besh, Cresh, Dorn.’  
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floofyroro · 7 months
Wookieepedia doesn’t have much information regarding the Jedi Initiate trials. Does anybody have a breakdown on those or any speculation on what the specific categories initiates would be tested on? Could be swordsmanship, meditation, Force-capabilities, etc.
Asking for fanfiction purposes. 🫶🏻
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sw5w · 9 months
Training to Become a Jedi is Not an Easy Challenge
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:12:33
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cosmicmordecai · 3 months
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Im so tired of the Ki-Adi-Mundi hate just because he is not in direct favor of some fandom favorites here:
It’s not crazy he didn’t believe Qui-Gon initially like DAMN that does sound crazy and unlikely if you really thought the Sith were dead for a millennia. This also ignores the fact that the Jedi Council believed his claim had merit , something FANDOM ignores in general because people were too focused the Council dared to tell True Jedi™️ Qui-Gon “no” on training Anakin & how “mean” they were to Anakin to realize Mundi was the one to point out the events undergone would draw out the Queen’s attacker (Maul) & Windu tasked Qui-Gon on unearthing the attacker & believed it was “the clue needed to unravel the MYSTERY of the SITH”.
It’s not his fault Ahsoka looked hella guilty & he believed it. It’s really hard not to say Ahsoka didn’t shoot herself in the foot when she went through all of Barris’s traps to make her look hells guilty, which included:
Killing Leta whole hiding her presence to implicate Asoka while having also told Leta prior Ahsoka would help her should she get in trouble before the operation to set her up.
Leading Ahsoka to escape a detention facility while making it look like she killed guards on her way out (mind you, it’s Clones making this call that she’s doing this) [Had Ahsoka stayed in it, she would of saved herself a LOT of the trouble she ended up in.]
Seen later conspiring with Ventress, a known war criminal with ties to the Sith & CIS. Like given Ventress wasn’t even of interest to the case initially, it literally didn’t help Ahsoka because it made her look even worse. Her only counter to that on trial was they had a “understanding”
She both resisted arrest & then was found in the same place that made the nanotech bombs used in the Temple bombing.
Like i’m sorry, I would of thought Ahsoka was guilty too if she weren’t a protagonist and we didn’t watched that unfolded . That is not Ahsoka or the Council fault because that was some methodical planning & improvising on Barris’s part, which is the real problem or one of the big ones on that arc.
Also, Mundi’s marriage is not the result of anything Lucas did when he was still spearheading nor is it involved in the actual canon stuff. The fact it’s dubious even in LEGENDS & never hinted in any of the big media should tell you a lot.And even if it was, its not a legitimate argument for Anakin. The Council in that alternate continuity gave that exception with caveats & expectations which Mundi adhered too under special circumstances involving birth rates, which is weird but a hella lot different situation then the notion Anakin can shoot his shot & be both married & adhere to Jedi commitments.
I mean really, Mundi is hated for daring to be a character whose idea contrasts other “favorited” protagonists & thinking he is a case of exceptionalism in contrast to someone who gets it way more often than he should.
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sp1d3rpu7k · 3 months
What ultimately gets me every time about Star Wars(including the Star Wars Jedi Apprentice series) is how much Obi-Wan suffered throughout it all, as well as his destiny of infinite sadness. From before he had even become a man, he was fighting for the light and for good and it backfired in every instance. He worked hard as an initiate to find a master to take him on, but was ultimately unsuccessful until Bandomeer where Qui-Gon finally decided to take him. He did his best to be a good padawan and still follow the will of the force, especially once Melida/Daan happened and he chose to stay with the Young to help them fight. He still ended up leaving the order and breaking his bond with Qui-Gon to stay and help the Young. But Cerasi still ended up dead anyway and so he went back to the Jedi. We also know that Obi-Wan had a mission on Mandalore when he was still a padawan, where he was assigned to protect Duchess Satine Kryze, and where he consequently fell in love with her. Obi-Wan himself confirmed that he would have left the order(again) and chosen to stay with Satine if she had only asked him, but she never did. Obi-Wan wasn’t allowed that happiness or love. Then later Obi-Wan has to watch Satine be murdered by Maul right in front of him as he is helpless. He had to watch as Qui-Gon freed Anakin from slavery and decided to take Anakin on and thrust Obi-Wan into the knighting trials when he was clearly not ready. Obi-Wan had to watch as Qui-Gon dropped dead from Maul’s killing strike while protecting him and Anakin that same week. Obi-Wan had to promise to Qui-Gon to train Anakin, a challenge that Obi-Wan was in no way prepared or ready for as a freshly padawan-turned-knight. Obi-Wan had to suffer through slavery on Zygerria with Rex, an experience where he became severely injured and suffered immensely from both his physical injuries and the mental and emotional injuries of witnessing the other slaves hurting too. How about the Rako Hardeen mission? Obi-Wan had to do what the council(and the chancellor) asked and follow through with the mission, changing himself bodily and suffering mentally in the process. Obi-Wan was harassed over the mission and the fact that he did not inform people of the mission prior. Yet he was only doing what he had to- an undercover mission where the details HAD to be classified. How about Anakin’s betrayal? Obi-Wan had to watch as the boy he RAISED and loved like his own son or younger brother fell. Watched him turn so dark that he had to put him down. Obi-Wan had to force himself to do what needed to be done to keep Anakin from taking any further harmful and murderous actions. Obi-Wan had to deal with the fallout of his SON falling hard to the point where he slaughtered the jedi younglings in cold blood and turned away from everything Obi-Wan had taught him. Obi-Wan had to help Padme through her pregnancy and then urgently rush to find them good homes where they can be raised safely away from their father. Obi-Wan had to suffer through Order 66 and watching his men that he cared deeply for turn on him. Obi-Wan had to witness the chaos of Jedi masters and knights and padawans dropping one after the other from the betrayal of the clones(since the Jedi did not know of the inhibitor chips at the time- making it even more heartbreaking for them). Obi-Wan had to exile himself on Tatooine after everything that had gone down, withering away in both appearance and spirit. And then, he had to die, die by being killed by his own ex-padawan- his son.
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gffa · 9 months
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Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia (2023) NOTES OF INTEREST:
"The Order believes that personal attachments, such as romantic relationships, will distract Jedi from their duties. However, the Jedi are family to one another."
"Many Jedi come to the Order as younglings. They learn to control the Force through meditation while bonding their abilities to perform amazing feats of acrobatics and levitation, bonding with others who do the same."
"The master guides them to connect with the Force and instructs them on the role of the Jedi in the galaxy. The bond between master and Padawan becomes one of the most important relationships in a Jedi's life."
"When a Padawan overcomes the challenge of their Jedi Trial, they will become a Jedi Knight. At this point, they cut off their Padawan braid (if they have one) and no longer need to be accomanied by a master. They can choose their own missions and, perhaps, go on to train a Padawan of their own."
"Being a Jedi isn't only about going on important missions. Some choose to study the writings of those who came before, while others focus on healing, governing, or teaching. Jedi who fall outside the traditional system still have a place in the Order. Wayseekers follow their own instincts. Though they don't carry out the directions of the Jedi Council, they are still welcomed by it. Some Jedi choose to take the Barash Vow of inaction, cutting themselves off from the rest of the Order and focusing only on their connection to the Force."
"Chosen for their experience and accomplishments, Council members have the ear of the Republic Senate and chancellor, and are often who the Republic turns to when it needs help. The Jedi do not answer to the Republic, but their hopes for peace and justice often overlap, leading to many collaborative missions, projects, and initiatives that share the same goals."
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furious-blueberry0 · 6 months
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Nali Felista (she/her), Baheera Lee (she/her), Lala Tian (she/her), Vevlar Nih (she/they)
Some infos about Baheera’s childood friends:
Lala is a stubborn and fiery girl, not scared to put herself between danger and her loved ones, and always looking forward to new adventures.
She is the best in her clan when it comes to agility and acrobatics, and she often uses this talent to hide on top of statues or other high places, especially if she is running away from responsibilities she would rather face later.
She can be pretty lazy at times, especially when it comes to studying, always preferring to leave it to the last minute
She is Baheera’s platonic soulmate, always together and attached to the hip since they were little children.
Even during their Padawan Trials they helped each other out, even if the rules did not allow it, they still looked out for the other. A quality that did not go unnoticed by their future masters, Kaavra Kan and Ki-Adi Mundi.
With a huge love for adventure, her biggest dream is to travel all over the galaxy and discover its secrets. Unfortunately she won’t be able to achieve it, as she will die on a mission at the age of 15 to protect her wounded master, all under the eyes of Baheera herself, who too had participated on the mission with her master.
She got her knighthood at honorem at her funeral.
Nali is a competitive girl and an unstoppable force, who doesn’t stop in front of anything and anyone until she reaches her goal.
She is the best at lightsaber combat in her clan, but she is also a hot-head who can get angry pretty easily, and more often than not she challenged anyone who tried to heavily criticize her or straight up insulted her, sometimes she was so overconfident she even challenged masters, just to then get her ass beaten in the most gentle way possible by the adults.
Despite her troublesome character she is quite loving and caring to her friends, wanting to help whenever she can, even if that doesn’t always bring up the best of the results.
Like that one time Baheera needed help searching for a stolen holopad from the Archives, and Nali managed to get both of them into Little Keldabe through the sewer system, and into a mandalorian restaurant.
She will become a Batllemaster and Head of the security, and she will then train a generation of great Temple Guards, until she retired from the role at the age of 45, preferring to take a Padawan of her own, and then continue teaching to the younger generations.
She will participate in the Clone War, at the age of 75, as General of her own Battalion, and then die because of Order 66, at the hands of her boys.
Vevlar is a calm and chill soul, who prefers to stand on the sidelines and be left to her own accord. She does like solitude, but also greatly enjoys the company of her friends.
She has a talent when it comes to talking with animals and feeling the needs of the plants, one of the reasons why she decided to join the Agricorps after her knighting.
Always with her head in the clouds, she often skipped a lot of her classes, as she followed where the Force would lead her. Sometimes even outside of the Temple and in zones of Coruscant where a young Initiate really should not have gone to.
At the age of 60, because of an incident she provoked where some of her fellow Jedi died, even though she had been forgiven for the mistake, she decided to go into a self exile, on an Outer Rim planet, far away from the Republic.
She remained there for the rest of her life, even as the Jedi fell she still hid there, away from the Empire that was searching for any survivors. She then died of old age at 85, far before the fall of the Empire.
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captainmazzic · 2 months
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As Shalo Vakh keyed open the final heavy door, he was greeted by the chime of shifting chains as the Sith Lord raised his head.
Shalo swallowed hard and his grip on the medical kit he carried tightened enough to whiten his knuckles. The tips of his lekku flicked and twitched in anticipation of flight, the myriad of rings hooked through them jingling faintly through the tiny room, betraying his nervousness. But other than the steady stare he received from the Sith, there was no other indication of movement, hostile or not. He took one of the bravest steps forward of his life, and let the door slide shut behind him.
Meet Shalo Vakh, he's the other main character in the new (short) story Like a Fine Wine, which I've been actively working on pretty much any hour I'm not asleep or at work, lol.
Shalo is a Twi'lek, originally from Belsavis, born to prisoners there so therefore a prisoner himself and according to Republic law it is illegal for him to leave the prison planet. But the Jedi Order does have its privileges, so when Dr. Neeya discovered a Force-sensitive child among the Condemned, he dutifully notified the Order. Someone was sent to pick Shalo up (Despite the protests of Warden Playt and Senator Tudos, who would have loved to have used Shalo in Project Noble Focus, however skewed it would have made their results). Shalo was taken to Coruscant for initial training, but moved to Tython after the Sacking of Coruscant. His final trials were supposed to include the clearing out of Flesh Raider settlements in part, but Shalo failed quite spectacularly - partly because he is not very strong in the Force, and partly because of flat-out refusal. He made an attempt to leave the Order, but was informed that since it was illegal for him to exist off Belsavis without the Order's support, he would be shipped back to the prison planet. His only other choice was one of the Jedi Service Corps. He initially joined MedCorps, but after an incident involving the "unauthorized use of Republic supplies on an enemy combatant", he was kicked out of MedCorps and given a final chance in EduCorps instead. Now he spends most of his time copying and transferring archives from waystations and outposts back to Coruscant. Usually it's dull, tedious work, but his most recent mission has taken a very unexpected hard left with the sudden appearance of a certain Sith Lord, and now everything's been turned on its head. :3
I'm on track to finish the whole fic by or before the end of August. I've mentioned before that it's set in the same time frame as Opening Dialogue, but this one is definitely more slashy. I don't know if it'll be anyone else's cup of tea but I, for one, am having a blast XD
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alcida-auka · 7 months
Omega's Heroine's Journey prediction
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Here's my current prediction for Omega's story from season 1 to season three using the Heroine's Journey as a model.
Separation from the Feminine. Omega leaves Kamino behind, and with it her central mother figure, Nala Se, a woman who is Creatrix of her many brothers, benevolent and ruthless, Creator/Destroyer. Nala Se represents an ambivalent figure to Omega. She is loved by her, but she lived in a cloistered lab, and likely saw Nala Se's ruthlessness, as well as her love. In Murdock's Heroine's Journey, the heroine is unhappy in the world that represents her feminine origins.
Identification with the Masculine and Gathering of Allies. Most of our story of the Bad Batch, is Omega's journey with her younger big brothers. They are aspects of her animus, the masculine side of her, and she identifies with them, learns from them. They are the Muscle Man [Wrecker], Hunter [Literally, the Hunter], The Professor [Tech], and eventually, the Psychopomp [Crosshair]. Allies include Cid, Echo (a Reg brother), Phee, and many more.
Road of Trials, Meeting Ogres and Dragons. Many stories of rancors, dragons, scoundrels, battles. Season 1 and season 2.
Finding the boon of success Pabu. After many trials, (we see bits of vice in Omega at the start of season 2, a little of the potential for avariciousness we see in Jango and Boba, mostly ameliorated with influence of her brothers and the old Serennan man). But Pabu is the success, the utopia well-earned, a life with her brothers.
Awakening to feelings of spiritual aridity; death The life of adventure with her brothers, brings Omega the absence of one brother striking off independently, the other brother dead (maybe). Season 3, Omega will realize that her life with her brothers that she emulated and desired leads to their danger. She will question herself and what she means to them.
Initiation and Descent to the Goddess Omega will meet a Dark Shadow of herself--Emerie, the version of herself raised by a malevolent father figure, Dr. Hemlock. He is neither the benevolent paternal figure of Hunter, nor the neutral Creatrix like her mother. Dr. Hemlock is a malevolent Creator/Destroyer and perversion of that mythic figure. Omega will come to understand her Shadow in Emerie, and what could have been an aspect of herself down another path. In addition, she will also meet the Goddess that can help reconcile her place in the galaxy, and her place. This could be represented by Asajj, a woman who has been raised and tutored by multiple people, kind [Jedi] and dark [Sith], and found her own way, her own power, not completely defined by simple dichotomies, embracing what she has learned of Jedi, Sith, Witches.
Urgent yearning to Reconnect with the Feminine Omega will revisit what it means to be Nala Se's Creation and Daughter, to be Emerie's sister. That Feminine is represented in this story by cloning itself, and Omega's former (and current Mt. Tantiss) life of medical research of being assistant and aide to Nala Se -- the life that had been intended for Omega. This does not mean Omega will be Nala Se's assistant in her future adult life. But it does mean reconciling with her Mother Figure's legacy of the clones, and how she can help them herself, using her own knowledge gleaned from working on Kamino and on Mt Tantiss.
Healing the Mother/Daughter Split We have never seen Omega and Nala Se hold a conversation with each other. It will be time for a maturing Omega to confront her Creatrix, to understand or reconcile her ambivalent feelings towards her. This may also be represented in having EMERIE, Omega's Shadow, reconcile with Nala Se, the Mother figure she might perceive as having abandoned her to Dr. Hemlock.
Healing the Wounded Masculine This was always going to be Crosshair. He represents the psychopomp, the final state of the Animus, the masculine that is the guide, who has gone to death, and out of it. He has been symbolized by the Ice Vulture [remember the sacred symbolism of the vulture], and Joel Aron talked about the "angelic" lighting above Crosshair in his cell. Angels and vultures are all psychopomps. Omega will heal her inner psychopomp, the masculine guide, the part of her broken masculine, and in need of flying again, soaring above with sharp eyes.
Integration of the Masculine and Feminine Omega's final stage in the Heroine's Journey. She will combine and integrate the positive Masculine in her life (of which there is much!) of her warrior brothers, that have helped her to reach out in the world and fight, with the Feminine of her origins, the clever clone, assistant to the Creatrix of them all. Like Nala Se, she can be clever creator and destroyer (she was trained to do Nala Se's work after all), but she will destroy what harms her Mother's creations. She is the Omega, the last Clone. She is the Legacy of Jango Fett, a man who gave his own blueprint to create millions of doomed boys that will destroy and be destroyed in turn, and the Legacy of Nala Se, the woman who used that DNA to create them. Jango and Nala were always mirror characters in the story--both seemingly dispassionately, created millions of doomed children for a war machine. Yet neither were wholly evil, both loved fiercely and were/are honorable. Both loved one clone (the Alpha, and the Omega, respectively). Omega will embody the positive aspects of both these complicated legacies.
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sw5w · 8 months
I Take Anakin as My Padawan Learner
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:33:44
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littlebumblebeesstuff · 8 months
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Request: Hello! Could I request some Cg! Anakin Skywalker headcanons please? Thank you💜💜💜
For @hotshot624 I hope you enjoy ♥️
Anakin Skywalker as a CG!
- Initially he wouldn't be too sure on what to do. Being a slave as a child and then a Jedi meant that he didn't really have a childhood. There would be a LOT of trial and error.
- He is so devoted to you. He doesn't care what age you are, he loves all of it. He loves waking you up and get you ready for the day. He loves picking out outfits for you (even if 90% of the time you want to be wrapped up in his robes/tunic)
- Will take you to pod racing events and will be ecstatic if you share his love for the sport
- R2 is his eyes and ears when he isn't around, and R2 and C3-P0 are actually really good babysitters!
- You definitely get play dates with your uncles in the 501st and occasionally 212th
- Rex loves to look after you because when you are around Anakin is actually calmer and more rational.
- Anakin will carry you around on his hip as long as he can. If not his hip then his shoulders.
- 100% uses the force to make your toys move
- Ahsoka is the best big sister and will always sneak you treats.
- As much as Anakin is good at reading stories, nothing beats a story from Obi-Wan
- He doesn't feel the pressure to be 'The Chosen One' when he is with you. He is your daddy and that is all he needs in life.
- Drop kicks Palpatine because his ugly face made you cry
- Nap piles with the 501st
- Fives is NOT allowed to babysit
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bruh-myguy-what · 1 month
If Not Him, Perhaps Me
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Let me just say... I hate moving. The whole process has been something else (derogatory). I've not gotten to all of my requests either because of that. I've been in limbo with this moving process for the last four months, but I've finally secured a place and will be moving soon! Anyway, I was able to finish (finally) this chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! ______________________________________________
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4
Pairing- Thrawn x f!reader x Luke Skywalker
Summary- Life on the Chimera actually...improves a lot. You're surprised by the hospitality shown to you and your relationship with Thrawn starts to change? Hearing from Luke also helps since it's been so long...
Word Count- 3.6K
Warnings- Mentions of kidnapping, confrontation, pining, kissing, nothing major
It'd been weeks since you'd seen Thrawn last, from what you counted, at least. Your idea of time had gotten a little better after being moved into a comfortable room with the ability to govern yourself. There had been a time or two during those weeks that you'd left your room to see if you could visit Thrawn, but you were met with the troopers telling you he wasn't around. The troopers clarified that he was away for business. The news was annoying the first time because you'd wanted to give him a piece of your mind for annotating your art as if it were to be critiqued by someone like him! But by the second and third time you were turned away, you were surprisingly disappointed.
Disappointed and mildly apprehensive…
Though, you would've rather choked on your tongue before conceding that to anyone.
Lying in bed, nestled and wrapped in warm blankets, you were reading a few documents on a datapad one of the troopers had brought you a few days ago. You aimed to learn as much as possible about Thrawn and asking him directly was completely out of the question, but you knew that if you were spending time here you needed to collect as much as you could. The vision of the arrogant expression he'd have if you ever even alluded to any curiosity about him appeared in your mind and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. No. You needed to learn the information without letting him know you were interested and also to be able to take the things you'd find back to your friends to benefit in protecting the New Republic. Sleep was quickly beginning to take you and your eyes began to droop; though, it wasn't long after your eyes had shut that a voice softly called your name. It sounded familiar, soothing. The daze of slumber prevented you from instantly recognizing the voice until they called your name again, imploring you to respond.
"Please, answer me. Hear me."
"Luke…" Your first instinct, even through your groggy state, was to whisper his name. There was no clear insight yet of who was speaking to you until his name left your lips and the voice expressed relief.
"Thank the Force, you're alive. I…I've been so worried. None of my other attempts worked and-and I couldn't feel you for so long. I assumed…" He sounded choked up as his voice withered from your mind. "I thought I'd lost you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Luke apologized profusely, his voice trembling as he appeared to speak from far away. Then you recalled, through your sleep, that he used to do this while away on missions. He'd first initiated it with Leia, to let the two of you know he was okay, but then he began doing it with you as well.
He'd explained it before, once when the two of you had been alone and were appreciating the rare free time out on top of the Falcon; it was what the Jedi called a Force bond. Something he'd never experienced entirely, other than with Leia with whom he'd always had a connection. It was also the moment you thought he would kiss you…but he never did; never had. The attachment rule that he'd learned while in his trials with Yoda consistently stuck with him and it maintained you at a bitter distance from the man you'd fallen in love with.
But right now you didn't care about that distance because being that close to him would've been far more comforting than how far apart the two of you were now. "Luke…" You groggily said again as you shifted around in the large bed, the blankets rustling around you and his soft chuckle echoed in your mind. It warmed your heart to hear, it'd felt so long and you'd nearly forgotten the precious sound.
"It sounds as if you're resting, I'm sorry for bothering you." He taunted lightheartedly, undoubtedly at ease to know you were alright.
You smiled, feeling yourself attempting to reach out to the Jedi Knight as if he were in the room with you. Then you coldly realized you were alone, tucking your arms back into the warm blankets. "Yeah," you answered sleepily, "I've been resting very well lately." The truthfulness in your voice seemed to surprise Luke if the hum that rang in your ears was any sign.
"You are? Have you been saved by someone? Are you alright?" His voice rushed out in apprehension, the questions that'd plagued his mind swirling once more. Why wasn't he able to see you or feel you for so long? What occurred that kept you so barred from his reach?
You sighed as you turned over, stretching a bit, eyes still pleasantly closed. "Mmm, no. Still on the Chimera." Your reply was simple and fearless, entirely sincere with Luke in your half-asleep condition.
"You're still with Thrawn?" His voice was pressing now, "And you're comfortable? He's not hurting you in any way, is he?"
"No, he's been wonderful to me…good man, gave me a nice room, drawing book..'m okay."
Luke was silent for a long time and you'd almost woke up, concerned that he'd left you alone, but you were assured of his company in your mind when he spoke once more in a secure voice. "I'm going to find you and I'm going to save you. I promise. I'm not going to lose you again." Then his voice wanes away again for a moment, though it comes back more delicate than you've ever heard when he utters your name. "I…I-" But Luke stops and clears his throat, "I hope you know how meaningful you are to me…I will not give up on you."
But before you could react, you were aroused by a solid knock on your door, jolting you upright. Luke's voice felt like a distant memory as soon as you were sitting up and glancing around your room, eyes refocusing on your surroundings. Had you dreamed all of that? No. You couldn't have, you've had a connection like that with Luke before you'd been aboard the Chimera. But why hadn't you heard from him until now?
The knock at the door roused you again, so you slid out of bed to walk over and press the release button only to be met with a trooper with a plate full of food. And this time the food looked fantastic. "Oh, thanks." You responded in astonishment as he passed the tray over. He replied with a brief 'you're welcome' and began to walk away but not before you called out to him again. "Uh! Sorry, forgive me. I-I was just curious…"
"About what ma'am?" He questioned, evidently he was being patient but had someplace else to be and he wasn't a trooper you were presently familiarized with; there'd be time for that late though.
Glimpsing at your tray full of food, your cheeks burned despite yourself. "Have you possibly heard if the Grand Admiral is back from his business, or not?" The query sounded pitiful even to you, but you couldn't very well have the man who was the sole retainer of the Empire to go off and die without any warning.
That was it, no other reason.
Your cheeks were warming because the heat in the hall of the Chimera was too much. Again; no other reason.
The uncertain sound made by the soldier caused you to look at his impassive helmet. "Uh, no ma'am. The Grand Admiral hasn't returned yet. We aren't sure when he'll be back, he has work to do elsewhere and will return whenever he's concluded that." Then his helmet tipped slightly as if inspecting you and a slight chuckle crackled through his modulator. "But don't worry so much, he's surprisingly resilient. He'll come back in one piece. We serve the most brilliant and adept man in all of the Empire. If someone could prevail over anything, it'd Grand Admiral Thrawn." He clarified and with a nod then left, and you bashfully took refuge back into your room, the door closing behind you with a whoosh.
You griped bitterly to yourself, "I wasn't worried about that blue idiot…how could I be worried about him? He's an ass anyway." But the lingering apprehension in your chest said otherwise.
Another week had gone by and you'd troubled the troopers outside your door every one of those days, requesting an update about Thrawn and his whereabouts. There was no way he was going to abduct you, treat you like a captive, then regard you with interest and compliment you, shower you with gifts, and then go off and die on some random planet! You'd bring the damned Chiss man back yourself if only to give him a piece of your mind for being so rude.
Though with a continued shadow of Thrawn's expected return, you had to entertain yourself in other ways; keeping your mind busy. So, you were standing by the window, watching the stars and TIE fighters training. Thrawn had explained to you previously that they were a project he held in high esteem, something he truly believed would do the Empire well. They looked as if they were doing spectacularly too. To your eye, they handled a lot better than some of the pilots of the Republic… But you didn't have too long to dwell on that before you'd overheard out in the hallway- over the intercom- that Thrawn's personal vessel was docked and unloading its passengers.
Feeling your heart leap in your chest at the announcement and instead of waiting around to figure out why, you ran out the door; blowing past the two troopers. As you ran down the hall, passing by troopers and Chimera crew, you neglected their baffled stares and carved your way toward the docking bay. Though on your way you saw a familiar tall blue figure, it was him. Thrawn was standing at his office door about to head inside until he heard hasty footsteps bee-lining in his direction.
Fiery red eyes peeked in your direction first, before ultimately turning his head to watch you frantically trail toward him. Your heart raced as you eventually made it to him, the admiral looking down at you with a single brow lifted and the touch of a smile at the corner of his mouth. Your cheeks burned as you gazed up at him, but you blamed it on the brisk pace you'd opted for to reach Thrawn. Out of breath, your chest heaving slightly from the labored breathing, Thrawn's eyes returned to the door as it opened, "Perhaps you would like to join me in my office?" It was poised as less of an inquiry and more of an assertion as he walked into the dark corridor where you joined him. Surprisingly there were no unwelcomed remarks from the darkness as there usually had been, though your eyes still searched around for any sign of the creature.
"Rhuk is recuperating from our mission, he is not present with us, at this moment." Thrawn's cool voice expressed through the shadows and as you glanced at him to ask how he'd known what you were thinking, you caught a peek of his glowing eye over his shoulder as he observed you. "Your thoughts are easier for me to read than you may think." Though there was typically a chill to his voice, a remote remnant of detachment lingering underneath, it felt strangely… warm with that last sentence.
Once the door finally released the two of you into his office, Thrawn wasted no time in returning to his side of the desk and you approached the chair you sat at during your sessions. The annoyance instantly took over once again, "Where have you been?! It's been weeks!" You spoke without genuinely considering and the smirk that suddenly sat on his face made you mourn opening your mouth, your head sinking to cover your maddening blush.
Thrawn was quiet for a prolonged moment, creating an even more unnerving situation because you knew- you just knew- he was analyzing you as he did when he thought something was intriguing. "As I have heard it," He finally began to talk again but it wasn't making anything any more painless, the blatant smugness in his tone causing the burning in your cheeks to rush up your ears. "You were rather concerned about my unannounced absence."
"I wasn't that concerned!" You bit back quickly, lifting your head to scowl at him for his arrogance but were hushed by the raise of his brow, as if challenging you to prove him inaccurate in his observations.
"Were you not?" Thrawn queried rhetorically as he sat back in his seat, reclining far more casually than you appreciated for the circumstances. "Please, clarify for me then. Why were my troopers in rather steady communication with me, telling me about your continued inquiry of my whereabouts?" His voice was curious but mockingly so, and entirely too soft as his eyes appeared to admire you from across his desk.
You swallowed at the accusation, understanding you had no rebuttal, and instead clutched at your elbows, crossing your arms over your waist awkwardly; evading his burning gaze. "Y-You left before I could give you a piece of m-my mind-"
And his unexpectedly too affectionate voice cut you off mid-sentence, "About what, may I ask?"
You were caught off guard by his simple question, eyes coming back to meet his. The dominance he was maintaining over you at the moment wasn't one he'd used before; he wasn't trying to intimidate you, nor was he trying to exploit you. Thrawn's power came entirely from how much you had thought about him while he was away. You'd first considered how furious you were with him, how he'd treated you as if gifts would make you give up your friends, but then you began thinking about how he'd quit regarding you as a prisoner; opting to give you more freedom, and more respect. Thrawn was curious about you and consistently genuine in his queries as you spent more time with one another. Then you'd found your mind lingering on his eyes, the way his brows were the most expressionate part of him but if you observed closely enough you could see the shift of sentiment in his eyes. Thrawn was small in his mannerisms but he appeared to open himself up more to your company lately and allowed you to see past the stoic behavior.
"Have you perhaps forgotten whatever it was that you were going to chastise me over, hmm?" The soft underlying tease in his voice brought you back to your present reality and you huffed indignantly at his arrogant expression.
"Hardly." You complained as you turned your head away stubbornly. "As if I could forget why you piss me off. You seem to enjoy bugging me." Thrawn seemed to find your retort comical because he chuckled, staggering you slightly. You'd never heard him sound so…pleasant. It was hardly a lively sound, more as if he were taunting you but even still, it was the closest thing you'd heard to spirit from the Chiss man. Your eyes widened at the sound, watching intently as he shook his head and began to stand once more; neatening his admiral coat.
He rounded the desk, his hands ever positioned behind his back as his steps felt calculated, gradually coming toward you. "Then, please, continue. I am rather fascinated to hear what I've done to incur your outrage, my lady." His voice was unfairly warm, matching how his eyes bore into yours, glancing down to appreciate the rest of you only once or twice.
You were losing all of your built-up frustrations as the subject of your anger approached so calmly, tension building with each step he took toward you. The buzzing in your mind only intensified as you caught his eyes favoring you. "I-I…you…" You swallowed cautiously then cleared your throat to regain your composure, closing your eyes and breaking the rapidly building connection that made your stomach ache in an unfamiliar way. After a moment, you trusted yourself to speak finally and you leveled the approaching man with a lethal glare. "You annotated my art as if I asked for your commentaries." With every word, Thrawn took a step closer, the smile leaving his face the nearer he grew. "Then you ran off without allowing me to tell you how stupid your observation of my work even was. I didn't know if you were going to die or-"
"Would that have troubled you so greatly if I had?" Thrawn's voice was hushed and low, but cold as usual. Standing directly before now, his impressive height towered, eyes keenly observing you.
You made a vexed sound and rolled your eyes at the ludicrous question. "Don't flatter yourself, Thrawn. I just didn't want to miss my opportunity to set you straight before you died." But then you look back at him and are frozen by how close he'd gotten, inclining closer to your face.
The air around the two of you was electric as Thrawn admired your face up close; so close that his breath fanned over your lips causing a warm shutter to race up your spine. He was quiet, silently surveying you and you couldn't help catching how his eyes fell to your lips multiple times; the realization making your stomach flip. His proximity was overwhelming, drowning you in him wholly. His broad shoulders obstructed anything else from your sight, the way he leaned over you trapping you in place though nothing behind you was preventing you from running away if you wanted.
But you found that you didn't want to.
His presence was intoxicating this close.
"Allow me to speak now," Thrawn whispered, his voice sounding gentle despite how confidently he said it. His fiery eyes searched your face before he spoke again, possibly waiting to see if you would stop him from voicing his thoughts but when you didn't, he persisted. "Would it surprise you to know as I was on your mind, so were you on mine?"
The admission sends your heart into a frenzy. What does that even mean? What did he mean, you were on his mind? It felt as if he were communicating in riddles that you couldn't fully decipher and the vague meanings would be incredibly humiliating if you were to assume. So you stood there wide-eyed and lips slightly parted to steady your labored breathing, waiting for any explanation but rather you were met with a cool touch as the knuckle of Thrawn's finger brushed against your warm cheek. "This knowledge does surprise you." He stated matter-of-factly at your speechlessness, the delicate caress passing down the soft line of your jaw and allowing him to take hold of your chin, between his finger and thumb delicately. "I cannot help but find my unfamiliarity in these matters rather displeasing, as I assumed my intentions would have been made clear by this point."
"I-Intentions?" You questioned dumbly, brows upturned in surrender, "I thought you wanted to know more about the New Republic an-and Luke…that was all I was here for." The unstable whisper that left your lips signaled your uncertainty at Thrawn's next move.
Sighing narrowly, Thrawn rose to his full height once more and allowed his hand to fall away from your face; to which you let out an audible gasp at the loss of contact. "Indeed I aimed to gather details about Skywalker through you, as you appeared important to him. Though, as your tenacity and overall insolent attitude toward me continued I found myself…" He paused momentarily, contemplating his words, "Curious about you. Your boldness to defy the orders of an Imperial Grand Admiral is as brilliant as it is reckless, though, I can't help but find myself drawn by your full refusal to recognize my endeavors at rapport. I spoke to my troopers on numerous occasions to see if they could understand why it was that you were so uncompromising against my advances though seemed so agreeable with them-"
"Wait-" You interrupted him, jerking your head side to side to get your thoughts back after being so enamored with his attention. "You asked-"
"My troopers, yes." Thrawn concluded your sentence for you with a simple shrug. "Is it so unlikely that I would pursue the guidance of those in better regard with you about your preferences?"
"W-Well no…b-but-" Then it hit you; what Danvers had said before, about you being Thrawn's favorite aboard the Chimera, and your cheeks flushed once again. "So…what you're saying is…" You trailed off, expecting Thrawn to finish the sentence again for you.
Thrawn took to your hint fast and the corner of his lip quirked barely, "Perhaps I persist to fail in making myself clear." He conceded then leaned back into your space as he had earlier, stealing the breath from your lungs at the closeness.
"I-I wouldn't mind you saying it clearly so I don't make a fool of myself for guessing…" You implored quietly, lashes fluttering a few times.
Thrawn smiled now, showing the beautiful white of his teeth, contrasting against his blue skin, his red eyes narrowing delightfully as he stepped the last few inches closer to diminish the space between you. "It would see my words fail me in this moment and rather actions would be far more suitable."
And with the last delicate words of his spoken, Thrawn's chilled lips descend upon your awaiting ones in a soft display of his withheld admiration.
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cosmicmordecai · 3 months
I don’t know what is about witch covens and the inherent idea any complications they have with a well-known religious faction of any sort is an allusion they’re getting persecuted ala the Salem Witch Trials but thinking the Acolyte shows the the Jedi actively engaging it and its inherent to them is not only incorrect in terms of Lucas’s “intended vision” of them but the High Republic quite LITERALLY introduced/re-introduces other force sensitive groups.
The Jedi aren’t alone & those groups made it known
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The High Republic comics explore other force sensitive groups and in one of the very first issues, it is made clear various force sensitive groups don’t hesitate to remind Jedi that they don’t rule. Now you might think the sentiment means at one point, they’re perceived as that and it may come from SOMETHING but the same is later accused of all those within the Covocation of the Force, a group based on Jedha established to promote dialogue & understanding between different cultures.
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The Chairman is a representative of the Church of the Force, notably mentioned in The Force Awakens movie, whom is non-Force sensitive but believes in the Force nevertheless. The Convocation is also joined by other factions including the: Disciples of Whillis, the Lonto, Matukai, Fallanssi, Sorcerers of Tund, Guardians of the Whillis, and of course the Jedi Order. That is nine Force Sensitive groups and a few of them have complex histories.
The Jedi have aren't actually THAT judgmental
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In the same second story in the High Republic comic that introduces the Convocation, we see a Yacombre representative apply to join the Convocation and while two of the representatives of both the Fallansai and the Matukai were quick to regard them as a dangerous threat due to their alignment with the dark side, both a Jedi representative's aide and a Lonto representative physically and verbally vouched for them while the Church of the Force and Disciple of Whillis representatives also vouched for them, revealing that the Yacombre have rejected the dark side generations ago and strive to be both neutral and balance and spoke through proxies because that's how they are. We don't learn a whole lot but we see the (then) Jedi representative's aide be among the voice of reason and at no point, does their dark side affiliations, former or current, has her involved in the "oppress the dark side".
Later in the comic series, after dealing with a openly bigot group aiming to cause trouble for them and accuse them of misusing the Force before unleashing a monster that preyed and feeds off Force sensitives, the new Jedi representative (who had a initial bias against Sorcerrs of Tund for a traumatic event as a child, which he works through in the same comic) also advocates for a a independent member who was a former Guardian disgraced for a crime later proven he didn't commit.
Given people are complex and nuanced, it's hard to say NO JEDI EVER could be a bit more judgmental or hold inherent biases or notions because the character development for the eventual new Jedi representative included him working through trauma and learning to disassociate the evil acolyte he encountered as a child from the rest of the Sorcerers of Tund, as it both made him act strange around a simple member of them and later impeded his full connection to the Force in a situation that was life and death for him and others BUT the order, as a whole, is clearly for supporting the allowing, understanding, and respecting fir other force sensitive groups.
This stayed until the very end
What's more, the Prequels Jedi showcased they kept this idea intact: they were okay with the Nightsisters enough, they respected the Bardottans and the Dagoyan Order, and they held high regard for the Guardians and Disciples of Whillis as well as the Church of the Force. This isn’t even addressing the cultures that held the Force highly like the Chalactans, the Miralians, the Lasats, and more, which has influences on both Jedi culture & some of the characters in LEADERSHIP.
Many forget that despite being accused of kidnapping Bardottan children, they left them alone for a millennia and it was MACE WINDU himself whose selfless actions with Jar Jar Binks at his side led Julia to consider the Jedi Order and the Dagoyan Order to interact once again. People were quick to pick out the accusation but not the fact that Mace Windu’s actions rectified that after a milennia & they found themselves wrong about them.
I’ll see posts every week about how so called pro Jedi blogs can’t accept Jedi being “deeply flawed” but blaming a religious minority for shit perpetrated by elected officials of a government, implicitly thinking they simply enabled the behavior, and accusing them of things like child kidnapping & persecution of other religious groups like that’s a flaw when that’s a actual crime is a bit too crazy.
Then it’s done when discussing events in the literal period they were restraining others from jumping down other people’s throats for having connections to the dark side.
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chronozen · 6 months
Dissecting Tales of the Empire (Barriss stuff)
So let's break down all the Barriss stuff in the trailer:
There's an Inquisitor Shuttle approaching Our - likely after she is freed from prison
When Barriss is freed from her cell
This little bit is actually quite interesting. First of all Barriss is wearing a prison symbol with the emblem of the Jedi Order on the shoulder.
The clone troopers are Republic Shock Troopers, The Coruscant guard.
Fourth Sister is actually wearing Jedi robes not an Inquisitor uniform, she's already fallen to the Dark side as evidenced by the eyes.
This is suggesting that Barriss is freed from somewhat close to the end of Revenge of Sith
Also the framing of Barriss in prison is very similar to Luminara's hologram in Rebels.
Barriss's eyes are really blue in this scene. Like more so than other ones.
Barriss walking down a hallway
Pretty self explanatory. She's walking down a hallway. She's wearing Robes that a likely Inquisitorius initiate robes. (Or maybe it wasn't Laundry day and Barriss's uniform wasn't ready)
The Clones are just Regs in Phase 2 armour. It looks like Fortress Inquisitorius on Nur.
Speculation: Barriss is giving a little side glance, she's either taking her environment or she's plotting something.
The Grand Inquisitor scene
When then see the Grand Inquisitor leading Barriss into a room with several lightsabers
None of the Lightsabers are Luminara's (Trust me i double checked Weapon's Factory.) They are most likely reused models and generic sabres - because animation and props design is hard and short cuts should be taken whenever you can.
.....but two of those lightsabers are very close to Barriss's lightsaber.
The one in the middle doesn't seem to hold a significance (The bottom of the hilt slightly resembles Ahsoka's Padawan lightsaber, and you could go Green symbolic of Luminara.)
....wouldn't it be just awful if its Tutso Mara's lightsaber?
Inquisitor and Barriss have a sparring session, he tries to get her to use Anger and slams her into the roof, she's noticeably angry.
"Mercy only breeds defeat, i will help you overcome this weakness."
This line is interesting because it's not the usual only your Hatred can strike me down line, the Grand Inquisitor is actually being polite and offering a twisted form of assistance.
Which brings me to a thought - The Grand Inquisitor was right beside Barriss during her big confession at Ahsoka's trial, he's probably going to see her as someone that they don't have to break or torture.
Fourth Sister using Spinning Lightsaber
So this is a very short sequence. The Fourth Sister is in an area with a Rock wall, jumps down, glances around nervously, spins her blade and looks up.
Speculation: Something hasn't gone to plan, maybe the Jedi later in trailer is tougher, or maybe someone else has swapped sides...
The Jedi Fight
This shot opens with Barriss in a proper Inquisitor Uniform and her own useless spinning lightsaber running towards Fourth Sister and an unknown Jedi with a blue Saber
During the fight we can see ITS NOT LUMINARA, this Jedi has a different facial structure, skin tone and likely human.
We can also see who i assume is Barriss looking like she is hesitating on what to do.
We then cut to a different seen of a hooded figure using the force to blow away B2 Super Battle Droids. This implies its during the clone wars and the hooded figure is very likely Barriss cause that silhouette is very similar.
The figure is illuminated by a white glow and it's probably a part of sequence meant to show Barriss before she went nuts - cause its been 11 years so new viewers might not know this character who only appeared in technically 7 eps at most is...
Fight to death between Barriss and an unknown initiate.
Grand Inquisitor throws a lightsaber between the two - no its not Barriss's lightsaber
Ray shields go up. Initiate who i'm calling Glup, goes for the Saber. The crystal has been bled so it's red.
Glup and Barriss fight and Barriss goes for the sky high kick or possibly punch to the head.
'it is time to meet your new Master."
This implies the initiates don't meet Vader until they're full members.
We see Barriss lined up with the other Inquisitors - she's in full uniform. Really hard to tell if her eyes are dark side yellow or not. (They still look Blue compared to Fourth's)
Also it's really funny to me that she's lined up with Bird face Inquisitor, Marrok and Fourth Sister, cause everyone said all of those Inquisitors was Barriss Offee.
They all kneel, Barriss goes down first.
Vader walks past and Barriss looks up slightly and watches him...and she immediately frowns and furrows her eyebrows.
She's plotting something....
Interesting note: Since bird face is alive and has his head perfectly attached to his neck still, This places Barriss's eps of Tales of the Empire prior to Ahsoka's last ep of Tales of the Jedi
Look i can hope for Barriss to escape and then we seen the back of Ahsoka walk into frame....
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lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure
I’ve been working for a while on worldbuilding the inner workings of the Jedi Order. Below is a flowchart of the administrative bodies, their duties, and any other admin bodies they oversee. More details on each below the cut.
These are different groups involved in running the Jedi Order. For different roles within the Jedi, see my Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions.
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High Council: (Finance, bylaws, PR, major trials)
Determines the budget(s)
Relations with the Senate
Only body that can expel members
Librarian's Assembly: (Ensures knowledge is available to Jedi)
Fund academic researchers (many Jedi researchers work directly for the assembly)
Archives: (Run the Archives & research)
Host academic conferences
Protect important artifacts
Run basically directly by the Librarian's Assembly
Department of Classes: (Adult education)
Organize all classes that aren't geneds
Set criteria for certifications/ degrees
Help members get degrees from external organizations
Council of Reassignment: (Oversees transfers & is Jedi CPS)
New Initiate paperwork
Transfers between corps and/or branches
Helps members leave the Order
Checks the CoFK when necessary
Padawanship paperwork filed here (crèchemasters sign off, padawan signs off, check master for red flags/ not allowed to take apprentice, sometimes mind healer signs off)
Council of Justice: (Attourneys & internal justice system)
Try & punish cases committed by Jedi & internal to the Jedi Order
Mediate interpersonal disputes
Lawyers for the Order
Cannot expel members
Council of Outreach: (Manages outposts & patrols)
Assigns Jedi to satellite locations or watchfolk posts
Hires other outpost staff
Ships supplies to & from outposts
Tracks the locations of missions & sends Vanguards to areas that haven't been visited recently
Council of Temple Maintenance: (Oversees internal services and temple upkeep)
In charge of the cleaning droids
Coordinates trash & recycling with Coruscant government
Has the occasional member who can do specialized maintenance (ex. plumber, electrician)
Volunteers sign up to fix things
Hires outside contractors when there isn't a Jedi with the necessary skills
Assigns Jedi to living quarters
Interior decor
Delegates chores such as taking out the trash, mopping, dusting, etc.
Padawans and initiates are often assigned these chores as punishments
Kitchenmasters: (Mess halls)
Make & serve food in the mess halls
Label the food with which species can eat it
Order food supplies
Supervise initiate clans helping in the kitchens
Quartermasters: (Distribute supplies & manage finances)
Bulk-order supplies for the Order
Provide mission allotments
Desk operators help members pick up supplies
Transport Office: (Run the hangar bay & speeder pool)
Responsible for the Order's vehicles
Vehicles are checked in & out like a library for cars & ships
Hire external staff when there aren't enough Jedi
Temple Guard: (Security & emergency response)
Guard against exterior threats to the temple
Security during criminal situations
Really good at sensing danger to temple inhabitants
First responders (fire & police-- MedCorp handles EMS)
Change lightbulbs and smoke detector batteries
Odd jobs on behalf of the CoTM
Uses the lore by Adsecula in "Nameless"
Council of Reconciliation: (Central hub of Jedi outreach & diplomacy)
All aid requests go through them
Sets mission objectives
Approve or deny aid/ mission requests
Reviews behavior of Jedi on missions when there are issues
Mission Consignment: (Assign Jedi to approved missions)
Desk jockeys
Not officially divided by type of mission/ Jedi role needed, but missions will be passed to people who are more familiar with the experts required
Organizes specifics for missions such as transportation and housing
Council of First Knowledge: (Runs Initiate & Padawan dorms, clans, & childhood education)
Initiate clans members live together with their crèchemasters rotating out night shifts
Padawans & Senior Initiates live in individual rooms in designated halls with some crèchemasters living in each hall
Department of Seekers: (Regulates conduct of Seekers)
Create regulates for what Seekers can & cannot do & how they should act
Investigate reported misconduct by Seekers
Crèche: (Organizes care for Initiates)
Sort Initiates into clans
Run events/ field trips/ etc.
Set educational standards
see my post about Living Quarters in the Jedi Temple
Department of Primary Classes: (Classroom education for younglings)
Standard elementary school operation stuff
Provides the general education classes all Jedi take as younglings
Circle of Healers: (Sets certification requirements)
Certified to train medical professionals for a variety of degrees
Determines when Jedi have fulfilled requirements for medical certifications
Sets the qualifications for Force-specific medical degrees
Halls of Healing: (Healthcare within the Order & internal outreach)
Like a local hospital but also has general practitioners
IRB: (Reviews research for ethical concerns)
Institutional Review Board
"Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research. This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects."
IRB for the entire Order, not just the MedCorps
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jazaesis · 9 months
Original SW Characters
Below is a little about my main Star Wars OCs and their tags!
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Avani of Cathar
Jedi Temple Guard and founder of the Guild of Force Users. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 37 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Padawan of Master Chyaro Xalendren, Avani is deeply spiritual, compassionate, and perceptive. She possesses a strong connection to the Force, guiding her actions and interactions with others. Avani's compassionate nature is evident in her willingness to aid and support those in need. She demonstrates a sense of wisdom, resilience, and a relentless commitment to the ideals of balance and harmony within the Force.
Avani served in the Clone Wars alongside her sister Jedi General Kalon, as they led the 107th “Storm’s Edge” Battalion. Knighted during the war, Avani was permitted to participate in the Jedi Temple Guard Trials, her life long dream. Her trials lasted a week, and when she emerged, the temple was in flames…
Following the fall of the Republic, and serving the Rebellions for years, Avani found herself questioning the established norms of the Jedi Order, but still finding a need for an alternative approach to understanding and utilizing the Force. She spent many years traveling the galaxy, observing the impact of the Jedi Order on the galaxy, studying ancient force related civilizations, and the wars that left scars on the galaxy and her friends. Avani established the Guild of Force Users on the planet of Avalon, and dedicated herself to teaching the ways of the force to everyone.
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Aro Rua Ris
A chronically ill, Ryloth-born Twi’lek and Jedi Knight. 
Pronouns: he/him Born: 43 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: MLM
Raised for the majority of his life in the Jedi Temple, Aro was a quiet, distant youngling. He frequently found himself in the Halls of Healing for mysterious ailments that hindered his training progress, and he often felt that he fell short of his peers. Despite displaying significant aptitude with his Force abilities, Aro was nearly ejected from the Initiate program due to his health before he was taken on as a Padawan by Jedi Master Ima Gun Di. 
Aro was Knighted in the early months of the Clone Wars when he was 20 years old. He was given command of the 482nd Battalion where he met Clone Commander Nite. Despite Aro’s commitment to the war effort and the Jedi Order, he found himself caught in Nite’s orbit and the two of them began to form a bond that lasted the duration of the Clone Wars and beyond. 
Aro is a fun loving and sarcastic, yet deeply caring person that struggles with both familial and romantic attachment. Although he had been warned against those types of relationships, Aro proved time and time again to be made stronger and more confident by those around him. He is very humble, often attributing his accomplishments to the support of those closest to him.
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Commander Nite, CC-23-6483
An ARC Clone Commander and Rebel Leader. 
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Bi
Honorable, loyal and strong, Nite is an ARC Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, known for his dedicated leadership alongside Jedi General Aro Rua Ris. Nite led the 482nd battalion during the Clone Wars. He can be serious yet maintains a humorous side, possessing a witty sense of humor. Nite is exceptionally skilled in battle and deeply cares for his troopers' well-being. He deeply values Aro's companionship, the two growing closer throughout the war, and eventually falling in love. Nite deeply values family, standing by Aro Rua and Thalia’s side no matter what challenges are thrown their way.
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Thalia Ris & Mei
A Togruta healer. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 16 bby  Era: Original Trilogy/Guild of Force Users
Adopted daughter of Aro Rua and Nite and an orphan of the Clone Wars. Thalia is extremely emphatic and can feel the emotions of those around her, she’s particularly attached to Aro and is easily concerned and upset when he’s ill. Force sensitive, but not trained as a jedi, Thalia could often see force ghosts as a young child. Thalia is the light and joy of Aro’s life, extremely compassionate to all those around her, has a deep love for animals. She’s also super artistic and loves drawing and painting. Thalia grows up to become a doctor, traveling the galaxy and aiding those in need - much like a Star Wars Doctors Without Borders. Thalia is often accompanies by her grumpy tooka Mei.  
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Amarinda “Arri” Amar 
A Jedi learner in the Guild of Force Users.
Pronouns: she/her Born: 11 bby  Era: Guild of Force Users AU Sexuality: Bi
 Amarinda is a spirited and impulsive individual with a penchant for mischief and adventure. Growing up under pirate occupation on her homeworld of Caelisole  instilled in her craftiness, cunning, and resourcefulness, making her adept at sneaking, bluffing, and improvised problem-solving. Despite her impetuous nature, she deeply values her friends and family, displaying loyalty and care towards them. However, she can be stubborn and holds onto grudges. Amarinda's fiery personality often drives her to take risks and act impulsively, but her good-heartedness is evident in her desire to help others, even if it leads to unforeseen consequences.
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Kalon Marean
Former Jedi Shadow and First Sister Sith Inquisitor, “The Scylla.” 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 53 bby  Era: The Clone Wars Sexuality: Pan
Caught between two prodigies, Kalon struggled to live up to legacy left behind by Master Xalendren’s previous padawan and forge her own path through the shadows cast by the light of his new padawan. Trained by Master Chyaro Xalendren, Kalon harbored resentment toward Avani, feeling overshadowed by their shared master. Desperate to forge her own path, Kalon joined the Jedi Shadows. Her path diverged when she became a Sith Inquisitor during the Empire's reign, but eventually found redemption with the aid of Avani, reconciling with her past. 
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Chyaro Xalendren
Anomid Jedi Shadow, former Jedi Temple Guard.
Pronouns: he/him Born: ??? bby - idk he’s very old Era: Clone Wars
Initiated into the order at the end of the High Republic, Xalendren was raised with the oldest of Jedi traditions by his late master. After the death of his first padawan, Thayeon Tehom. Xalendren served in the Jedi Temple Guard, until his removal due to his “aggressive”  approach. Xalendren took on Padawan Kalon, training her to be better and stronger. Years later, Xalendren crashed on the world of Cathar, and discovered young Avani, taking her on as his next padawan. 
Experienced and knowledgeable, Xalendren is a dedicated mentor to Avani, but is quite stuck in the old traditional ways of the Jedi. His holds a high regard for hierarchy, order and tradition, and holds vast knowledge in the force, combat and negotiations.
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Hala Dymostra 
Pronouns: she/her/they/them Born: 15 bby  Era: Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
A Nightsister in the Elomnii Coven born during the reign of the Empire. As “Prya’s Eye,” Hala is dedicated to her coven and well-being of her sisters. Hala can often be found hunting in the Dathomir mountains on her orbak Magick Man or sparring with her wife, Togruta assassin Morticia. 
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Gaia’voshi Laparedo
A film maker from the distant outer rim, studying filmmaking on Alderaan, documenting the Clone Wars and Rebellion. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 15 bby  Era: Clone Wars & Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
Born on a distant agriworld in the outer rim to farmers, Gaia'voshi was raised in the great outdoor with a great appreciation to all creatures and life. At the age of 12, Gaia'voshi's family moved to Alderaan in hopes of better opportunities and land. There, Gaia'voshi fell in love with filmmaking and earned a scholarships to study at one of Alderaan's greatest universities. Gaia’voshi spent the majority of her university years traveling the galaxy documenting cultures and communities. At the start of the Clone Wars, Gaia voshi realized she could use the power of her voice through documentation and journalism to raise awareness and support for civilians & troops. This project would go on to be called "A Galaxy Divided: Beneath the Fire.”
Gaia is joined by her film droid "Beq,” trusted ottabura, Leto (original species by @/sundownsquad), and later her speed-racer girlfriend Lu-Dal Kore. Gaia is an open character! Check more info here.
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Golden Guard Raze, CT-21-0019
A clone trooper serving with the Jedi Temple Guards.
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knights aided in the war efforts through supporting the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) through the Orders partnership with the Senate. Jedi Knights, often acting a Generals or leadership roles, accompanied Troopers into battle and lead operations. However, this meant the Jedi were limited in their abilities to oversee certain operations by the powers of Senate. The Jedi Temple Guards were crucial in the protection of Jedi temples across the galaxy and investigating force-related matters. However, since the Temple Guards solely operated under the jurisdiction of the Jedi Order, not the Senate, they were often unable to complete investigations, especially in matters involving the war or Separatists.
So, the Jedi Head of Security, Din Drallig, made a special request to the Jedi Council and Senate to have a trooper placed with the Temple Guards. This trooper would allow the Temple Guards to operate in war related matters. The trooper, ultimately selected by Commander Fox himself, was Coruscant Guard Special Ops Raze.
Raze, later nicknamed the Golden Guard for his gold detailed armor, accompanied the Temple Guards in investigations, battles, and galactic conflicts. While Raze may don the golden symbols of the Temple Guards, he himself was not a Jedi, nor force sensitive, and such, was not permitted in restricted zones of the Jedi Temple. Raze further is not privy to the secrets of the Temple Guards.
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