#Jeanne and the Perfect Guy
I already gave out my big thoughts about the Final Performance arc of Suzu’s route in over a dozen different individual posts (sorry for spamming the Jack Jeanne tag 😞) so I won’t repeat myself too much on that.
Basically I am super duper wholeheartedly in love with Suzu’s route. It was incredibly well written, had great characterization of both Kisa and Suzu. I also think Suzu’s route flowed well from the common route, like a natural progression. I loved how the rest of Quartz was like on the route too, how supportive and loving they were. Once again, special shout-out to my boy Sou for being the funniest fucker during this arc. Boy really put the fear of God in poor Otori…Fumi and Kai were able to happily pass along their titles as Quartz’s Al Jeanne and Jack Ace to Kisa and Suzu with no regrets. Neji got to have fun with this last play and with how many references to the plays from over the year this one had, seems like he was feeling pretty sentimental. And Mitsuki really showed off how ready he is to be Quartz’s next leader, he knows his class so well! And yeah like I said before, Otori did end up growing on me, he’s such an entertaining gremlin!
Also all the people who tried saying Jack Jeanne isn’t romantic were definitely exaggerating. If you’re looking for spicy romantic contact or lots of physical affection, you probably won’t get it (at least that’s what I’m understanding after doing Suzu’s route). But to say it isn’t romantic at all??? LIES!!!! At the very least Suzu’s route is so incredibly deeply wonderfully romantic!!!!
I already mentioned this but Sissia of the Central Nation is my favorite of Quartz’s plays. Everything about it was beautiful, I felt like I was watching an anime, and like I said before if the developers wanna make a separate visual novel based on the play 👀👀👀👀👀 Though preferably with an ending that leans more towards the sweet side over the bittersweet (seriously you asshats you couldn’t wait for Sissia and Chance to get down first????)
The music was sheer perfection. Departure was a beautiful solo from Kisa, like no wonder Sissia was immediately picked to join Kielce. Kielce the Nation at the Center was without a doubt my favorite, it was such a catchy hype song for the circus troupe! Quartz Anima was a VERY close second, like it so narrowly missed out on being my favorite, it’s beautiful and has so many callbacks to Quartz’s past plays and I found out it also apparently references all the Quartz members’ names in the lyrics too!!! And Over the Wall was another gorgeous solo from Kisa!
The ending song, I think it’s called Where the Wind Blows, was absolutely beautiful and I loved that for me it was a duet between Kisa and Suzu 🥰🥰🥰
So yeah, Jack Jeanne is such a good game and deserves way more attention. I have only played the one route so far but I can confidently call it my favorite otome game and one of my favorite video games in general!
Before I get to the other routes I wanna take a break to play Radiant Tale! There’s another red haired genki sweetheart voiced by Yuma Uchida in that game but I can’t access his route until I woo all the other boys first 😡 So I need to get to work on that!!! When I come back to Jack Jeanne I likely won’t liveblog as extensively as I did Suzu’s route. I probably will give general thoughts at the end or make note of anything major.
But yeah, thanks everyone for reading my thoughts! And sorry again for spamming the Jack Jeanne tag so much! 😅😅😅
10 notes · View notes
oreosmama · 9 months
What's in a Virtue (Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader)---Part 2
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*GIF not mine*
Gaz wants you, but the hotel bar you work at has rules; when a bartender calls dibs, all others have to back off. It’s how the peace is kept, and as the new girl just trying to rack up some savings, you’re not willing to rock the boat.
But Gaz doesn’t take kindly to you avoiding him, and he’s never been one to beat around the bush. From confessing his love on the first night you met to shouting your name seven times from across the bar, he’s not letting you off the hook that easy. Not when he’s seen the proof that you’ve fallen just as hard for him.
A/N: umm so good news is second part is out as promised. Bad news is....this is not the end. I totally plan on making another part, but I don't know how soon that can be done considering life just began again. Guess we'll see. Enjoy!
Word count: 8193
Part 1
In hindsight, you’re not quite sure when you started falling so hard for the handsome guy from the bar. 
Yes, okay, there was initial attraction. Kyle was one in a million when it came to that. 
Then it was the way he looked at you. Like you saying his name and pouring him more scotch made his world spin. 
Kyle just made it so easy. Too easy. 
So dang easy that you felt guilty Jeanne was attracted to him too. You tried to convince yourself for a long, long time that he looked at her the same way. At every girl the same way. 
But that first night turned into the first week, which then turned into the first month. 
Your poor heart ached each time he slipped through the glass doors, grinned at you in relief. 
“Thank fuck you’re ’ere, love. Nobody in this bar knows how to pour a scotch better than you.”
And after that first touch, his warm fingers grappling after yours around the glass, you couldn’t fight it that easily anymore. Sure, you preferred people sober, but each time Kyle imbibed, he wanted a brush of your fingertips, and you did to. 
Everything about him screamed hard yet warm. He was big—special-forces big, apparently. And he had these little scars on his cheeks that you dreamt of at night. 
Where did they come from? Where else was he scarred? Why did a guy like him ever choose war over modeling?
Even more confounding was that he liked teasing you, and only you. It was a little trampling over your feelings at first, all that fresh hope and nervousness each time he showered you with attention. But then it was steamrolling, too much all at once that you couldn’t think of him without your entire body slipping into a nervous tremble. 
Worst part was that you didn’t even know why he liked you so much. You were just as shitty a bartender as you were a failed medicine-or-anything student. You had nothing too offer him, not your too-big body nor your underwhelming lifestyle. 
But Jeanne… Jeanne was perfect for him. Loved all the stuff he did, hiking and swimming and everything you couldn’t do for five minutes without sweating up a storm. 
And just when it’s been a month and you think you’re so far in the hole for this hot tease of a customer who can’t seem to leave you alone—hot British tease, by the way, because how dare you forget him calling you “darling” with that accent—that you can’t even sleep at night without tossing and turning…
He’s gone. 
Kyle just disappears.
The same Kyle who leaves a perfect, Kyle’s-butt shaped butt-print on the dusty corner seat he loved so much. 
The same Kyle who, on the first night you met, was so damn snockered after seven scotches that he wouldn’t stop professing his love for you. (Not that he seemed to remember that the next day, or any day following, but you still hold the memory near and dear to your heart like the masochist you are.)
The same Kyle who stopped smelling like cigarettes after a while. Who once leaned over the bar just to push a little strand of hair behind your ear, rough fingertips pausing at your temple and brushing the skin in a small circle. “Just makin’ sure you’re safe ’nd sound” was the short mumble from his lips. 
Gave you his phone number before he left, and then hasn’t shown up to the bar for the last two weeks. 
He could’ve—well, he could’ve told you he was leaving. Warned you. Instead of this cold-turkey bullshit, you could have actually prepared. 
God. You wished you’d had time to prepare for this guy you’ve basically just met leaving you?
He’s made a mess of you.
Kyle, though… he’s Kyle. 
And two weeks without him has left you with a Kyle-hangover. You’re all achey and sad and bored—fucking bored. What happened to you being able to occupy yourself with thoughts twenty-four seven and treating men like a distant daydream?
Ironically enough, you miss not missing men just as much as you miss that man. 
Not for the first time in the last two weeks, you clock off after what has become some of the most miserable shifts of your life, and go home, curl up on your couch, and think about Kyle. 
You think about that moment where he’d demanded you for your phone, long fingers curling in a “give it here” gesture, so stern you barely recognized him. You huddle deeper into the leather cushions, feeling in your pocket for your phone. 
Timezones are tricky. Couple that with the fact that you have no idea where he even wound up, and you’re blindly searching through your phone for his contact with both eyes pinched closed, as though you’d be incriminated for the act if you saw yourself do it.
A ringing hums through the air, and you peek just to make sure you’re not being a fool for the second time tonight. Kyle (Hot Guy from the Bar) Garrick slides along your screen, bouncing back and forth so you can catch the entirety of what he’d typed. 
You can hear him saying it, like it’s tainted with his soft, playful tone. 
It’s the same voice telling you to leave a message now, and you’re so stunted by the familiarity of the sound that you don’t speak for another few seconds, having to reassure yourself that, no, that wasn’t actually him. 
A voicemail. You could leave that. 
Like all social interactions, you prefer them with a bit of distance and disconnect anyway, whether that be through phone or several glasses of alcohol. 
“Umm” is all you say for a while, staring down at the ticking seconds in your lap. 
Then “Hey” and “it’s me.”
After another pause, you realize he probably doesn’t know who “me” is, really, so you tag on your name. 
And another “umm.”
“I’m calling because…”
You don’t know. Honest to God. 
You don’t know why you’re sitting here on your couch, back straight as a pin, anxiously tearing your fingers through your hair and watching your phone screen with eyes so wide someone’d think it’s going to eat you. 
“You know, I—I don’t really know why I’m calling. I mean, you asked me to, and now that I’m sitting here, doing it, it kinda feels like a mind game or something. You could still pick up, you know. Put me out of my misery.” 
You pause. 
Wait a few seconds. 
“...But I guess you won’t be doing that. That’s great. Um.” You poke your tongue into your cheek, practically seizing up at this point. “I hope your mission’s going well. You know, stopping the… the bad guys and all that. And I hope that you’re—” safe. You don’t know if anything’s happened to him. It’s been two weeks, maybe that’s why he hasn’t called. 
You think you’re gonna be sick. 
“You know, it’d be really shitty if you gave me your phone number just to up and die on some top secret mission to save the world. I think that’d be pretty rude of you.”
Quiet, again. Still. You’re not even sure why you’d thought maybe you could hear his response. 
But he’s the superhero guy, the special soldier on a secret mission that involves killing bad, bad men and even worse organizations. 
So maybe it’s a little selfish of you to miss him. 
“Be safe. I mean, I’m sure you already know to do that, but, you know. Try harder at it, I guess. For me.”
You end the call and fight the urge to throw your phone as far away as possible, and go about your night like Kyle doesn’t even exist. 
This distance thing’ll be… easy. Maybe. 
You call him the next morning. Can’t help it. 
Hearing his voice, even if it’s from the damn voicemail thingy, is soothing. Like a balm over your twinging chest. 
Leave him a message at the beep. Oh, you plan to. 
“It’s been,” you glance at your phone, “six hours since I last called you. I can’t sleep, so that’s gonna be your problem too. I had this dream where I was riding a unicorn—and I know you think this is gonna be cute or something, but just give me a second—and so we’re just galloping along in the forest, all magical like, and then suddenly I’m surrounded by these guys in SWAT gear and those helmet-binocular deals that you guys wear.”
You’re picking at your blanket, morning gunk still grimey over your teeth, wondering why your first thought of the new day—five a.m., by the way, and you have work until one a.m. tonight—was to call Kyle (Hot Guy from the Bar) Garrick.
“It was a bloodbath. My poor unicorn had to stab military men, so I’m blaming you for giving me a horrific dream like that, Mr. Military Man. Awful rude of you to drag me into the horrors of war like that. And no, you will not be forgiven until you call me back. Goodbye.”
You can’t go back to sleep. Not after that. You’ve scarred yourself sending something so mindlessly ridiculous to a man who has legitimate work to do—might even have one of the most valid jobs on the planet, and you were whining to him about your weeny nightmare. 
So you spend the rest of your day meaninglessly-choring your way to the beginning of your bartending shift. 
Jeanne hasn’t asked where Kyle’s been. She’s got a new target, a rich businessman who mainly operates in the field of pool floaties. Luckily for him, it’s almost July, which means business is lively, and so too is her interest in him. 
It’s around that time that you realize Kyle was valid in denying her at every turn, but your guilt is still slow to fade. 
Then your phone buzzes in your pocket.  
You whip your finger across the screen, almost dropping the phone in your haste, and read the text. 
Reread it a couple more times, because you kind of don’t understand it.
It’s not heartfelt by any means. Not Earth-shattering. And you ponder over it for the rest of your shift, glancing at it every few minutes instead of responding, because it’s so short and succinct that you get the sense it’s all he could manage during his mission. 
All it says is “More.”
Calling Kyle becomes a comfort. During breaks, after bad days, sometimes early in the morning when you were too exhausted the night before. 
You feel like a fool after some time. He never once sends another text or calls back, and this time you really think he’s gone. 
But there’s a hole your apartment’s silence can’t quite fill anymore, a quiet where Kyle’s lively chatter used to be at the bar. 
So you fill it like he’s still there with you. 
The third voicemail that you leave him begins with “You never told me your favorite drink.” You spend a half hour rambling about the different drinks you could have made him, how you’re getting better at it in his absence—you’ll even make him another Mai Tai to prove it, if he promised to come back—and how scotch is horrible. You’ve tried it for the first time, and you don’t believe for a second that it’s his preference, even if he’s a hardened soldier trying to wash the pain away. 
You don’t buy it. He’s an umbrella-drink kind of guy. 
The fourth is about how you’re rethinking things. So many things, while he’s gone. You’re rethinking what you want from life, considering going back and giving school the old college try one more time. You’d had these big dreams before you’d been cowed into submission by doubts and debt. Doctor of… well, something. Anything, really. You’d just always thought doctor looked good in front of your last name. 
It looks good in front of Garrick, too. Doctor Garrick, that actually sounds pretty cool, and—oh shit, you don’t mean it like that. Not like you’d be his… 
The fifth through twenty-seventh voicemails follow the same pattern. Random thoughts you’ve come up with throughout the day combined with ponderings cranky customers have drawn out of you. 
None of it, you’re certain, is interesting to Kyle at all. 
Not when he’s on a mission, taking down the evil guys and saving lives. Risking his own in the process. 
But you can’t bring yourself to stop, too caught up in the text he sent you and how blatant he’d been about his interest before he left. 
No funny business. Just you. 
That’s what he’d wanted. 
And he’d wanted “more,” too. 
Good thing you’re willing to give it to him, highly concentrated and in a large number of doses. 
You’re a giver, after all. Maybe he hasn’t noticed it yet, but if he needs these calls from you, obnoxious little chats about the mundane side of life, you’ll do that for him. Because Kyle is a good guy, and you want that chance, however slim it may be, to prove that he passed on his number for good reason. 
So you keep calling, let the voicemails stack up and up as weeks go on, continue working behind the scenes of his life, hoping it’s not all in vain. 
Gaz lets the phone drop back down to his side on the barracks bunk, smiling like an idiot at the ceiling. 
He’d been a tad nervous that you’d stop after a while, sometimes considered breaking Price’s no phone rule—he never would, of course; AQ can track the IPs of outgoing signals, and the last chance he’d had to send you a message was just before moving hideouts. 
But they’ve been in too deep the past few weeks to let his wants trump the importance of the mission. 
Plus, you’d obviously understood what “More” had meant. You certainly hadn’t given him less, at any point. There was only one three-day hiatus that made him strangle the shoulder straps of his chest gear so hard the fabric cinched and remained wrought. 
And then you’d called, all apologetic and sniffly because you’d gotten some kind of bug despite it being the middle of summer—which was so fucked, in your opinion. 
They’re flying back tomorrow. Through pure luck alone, it was a shorter mission than most, a two-month intel grab that ended with only enemies KIA, but Gaz knew what was coming. 
Short missions like this meant something big was on the horizon. 
Which meant that he had to make a decision soon to lock you down or let you go. 
Not getting to hear your voice during a mission like he did now? It sounds fucking devastating. But asking you to stick around for his flighty lifestyle, spend months mucking about on your own, worrying about him and his lack of contact—it was a lot. Ultimately it’d be your choice, and Gaz is terrified that he can’t predict what you’d choose; it feels like defusing a bomb with sweaty fingers, or running out of mags in the middle of the field. 
Things were out of his hands the second he put his phone number into yours and begged you to stick around. 
He’ll have to get on his knees this time.
He’s already asked a fellow soldier, one of the American Marines who’d been recruited for a building sweep, for a ride to the hotel. By his count, he’ll be there around eight in the morning, just early enough to catch you and only you. 
Gaz isn’t quite sure what he plans on doing. Something horribly twee, if past experience is anything to go by. Can’t quite get a conscious hold of himself when he sees you. 
And it’d be bloody fuckin’ embarrassing, the way his nerves buzz just under his skin, if he was this excited for anyone but you. 
But it’s eleven pm where he’s at and you just left a message bellyaching about his radio silence again. You’ve found a way to make scotch even worse and you’re going to torture him with it next time you see his face—you promise. Unless and only unless he messages you in the next five minutes with his favorite drink so you can practice. 
It’s terrible and a bit rude, the way you can toy with his feelings through kindness. His little puppet master twisting his heartstrings so tight he can never truly unravel, all with the tenderness of a damn saint. 
Gaz stares at your name in his phone. He works out the hours, then the minutes and eventually seconds until he gets to see you, and can finally stop fawning over the photo he’d found from your public high school’s online yearbook. He’s pretty sure you don’t have that zit anymore, at least, but it’s been too damn long and he’s due a verifiable fact-check. 
His return can’t be too big. You’re not a pomp-and-circumstance kind of gal, too uncertain of your own worth to ever happily accept flowers and fanfare, even if it was just the two of you. 
He’ll work you up to things like that. Over months. Years, hopefully. A lifetime, if the universe ever acknowledges the debt it owes him for the shit he puts up with. 
But for now, he plans for small. Modest and tame. 
Something to soothe that little prey heart that itches to run each time he flirts too loud and smiles too widely (because for some reason you can’t believe you draw it out of him, which, admittedly, preserves his pride a bit). 
Suddenly, he’s got just the thing. 
Eight-fucking-thirty a.m. 
Who on God’s green Earth opens a bar at eight-thirty a.m.?
Surely not the hotel director, who you’ve only seen once and with pinot staining his white mustache, of all things. 
Couldn’t be one of the many, many bar managers who, thank God for them, only work at night. They couldn’t imagine working a bar in the morning, only serving those depressing early birds and the real addicts, haha. 
Real. Fucking. Funny. 
You’re not a morning person. Never have been, never will be. 
But when Jeanne says these are the hours that nobody else wants, during which almost no customers show up, and implies that you’ll pretty much be paid to sit on your ass and do nothing, well… by God, you will be there at eight-thirty sharp, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 
Except the only thing that’s bright is the goddamned sun outside the windows—too bright—and your bushy tail is more of a bushy mane, as you woke up about thirty minutes ago, almost late to serve fucking no one, and didn’t bother to tame it with any manner of spray or hairbrush. 
To be frank, you’re a disaster. You look like you were caught in the Tasmanian Devil’s warpath, and you have the attitude to match. 
You thunk your bag down on one of the few empty shelves in the bar’s storage room and groan, wiping a hand over your face. The only thing that could make you feel better right now would be…
God, you just love to torture yourself, don’t you?
It’s been two months. Kyle’s not going to answer. He hasn’t responded to your texts. You don’t even know if he’s alive. 
But you miss him like he is. You miss him like you know he’s on the cusp of returning any second now, and you’re standing at the door, waiting to tear it open and pull him in so close you can smell that cheeky cologne he barely deserves to wear. 
Woodsy musk and cinnamon. Shameful that you remember it so distinctly. That you’d once wandered into the men’s shampoo aisle in a Walmart to try and figure out the word for the dark, elusive scent that clung to him like a second skin. 
It wasn’t there, which means he’s fancier than your budget can comprehend. 
Or that’s just him, and he exuded it so robustly when he’d been here that you can smell it now, drawing you out of the backroom with your phone in hand, thumb hovering over his name. 
Music is playing, which is confusing because you haven’t touched the radio yet. It’s the slow croon of your guilty pleasure song, the one you love ‘ironically.’ The song you’d confided in only one other soul about. 
“Careless Whisper” plays with a slow cadence in the furthest reaches of the bar.
It comes from the same place where two brown eyes are sliding over you at a debilitating pace. 
“Fuck me” falls from those lips, that wicked British accent, as he takes in your hips for a while, then your chest, where your heart pounds so damn hard you think he can see it. Then he watches the little jump in your throat as you swallow, and he wets over his lips before glancing up to yours. Stays there, for a long, long time. 
Then he meets your eyes, and the stutter in his breath is so damn loud.
Your soldier. 
The man you’ve been calling for months, with no response. 
His face is littered with an array of new wounds, like little scrapes on the apples of his cheeks you get the most bizarre urge to run your tongue over. A split in the smooth skin of his forehead, a paling scar seated in his unshaven jaw. 
His hair’s a little more clean-cut. Perks of heading out for a mission, maybe. 
And his long lashes shadow over the yearning look he’s got locked on you, sharpening and honing it like they’re fibrous whetstone. 
You’re a bit breathless as you round the bar, even more so when Kyle jolts toward you. Out of his devilishly tight black tee peeks a strip of white wrapped around his bicep, and one of his thighs is thicker than the other, suffering the same treatment under his jeans. But he makes his way closer—too slowly—and tries to stave off a wince when he gets too excited, takes a step a bit too fast. 
“Been waitin’ out here for hours, love,” he murmurs, voice breathy but rough. He holds out a hand, curls his longer fingers over yours so tight they can barely tremble. “You still got that scotch ready f’me?”
Your mind floats over the joke completely, instead filling you with worries and urges you can’t fulfill all at once. 
Because, God, it’s Kyle. Your Kyle. And he’s looking at you like that’s all he’s wanted to be. 
And he’s injured. 
He tries shrugging off your hand the second you reach for his face, fingertips hovering over the stiffness under his right eye as he mutters a “Love, don’t worry about it. ’S’better than it looks.”
“Kyle,” you whisper. His other hand falls to your hip, constricting iron-stiff around the soft flesh. 
“M’not broken, darling. Promise.”
And, because you’ve always wanted to, you cup his cheek, a puff of air bouncing off your lips when he leans into it. Turns towards the pliable skin of your palm, like he’s going to run his lips over it, but pauses when he feels you tense up. 
Something in his eyes darkens, makes you feel almost ashamed at the nervous reaction, but it’s just so much. You’ve missed him. You’re not accustomed to this, and it’s starting to dawn on you that this moment, however right and perfect and perfect perfect perfect it feels is still so fast. 
Two months. You haven’t seen him for two months. 
And now that he’s back, it feels like the two of you have been greeting each other like this forever. 
How can he make you fall so fast and still have you feeling like you’re pacing yourself?
This can’t be right, it can’t be—
“Dance with me. C’mon, before that horrible brain of yours blows a fuse about all this.”
“Careless Whisper” and that dashing smile of his, and all of his touch and proximity gets your mind all fuzzy. A good fuzzy. A quieting fuzzy. 
He’s getting too good at this is a thought that tries to stick, but recedes back into the murkiness when Kyle starts to sway. 
He urges your hips and feet to follow his lead. It’s far too easy to give in and let him have control, especially as he pulls you in a little closer, rearranges your hands and bodies until the noticeable space becomes the noticeable lack thereof. 
You’re tucked into his broad chest, warm and sturdy against you. 
He’d placed your hand right over his heart with a meaningful look in his eyes, waited until you felt the frantic thumpthumpthumpthump that leaves your face hot. 
Kyle was always confident around you. He always seemed to know what he was doing, because he was always obvious about what he’d wanted. 
But you didn’t know that you, of all people, could have this effect on him. 
That flutter of pulsations under your fingertips.
His head ducking low until his face is nestled into your collarbone.
The arm that swings around behind you until the crook of his elbow is caught in the dip of your waist and his broad palm is flattened against your opposite hip. 
It’s a little hard to face this moment, being how you are. It feels beautiful. Too beautiful for someone like you. You’re chest is so full, heart so quick, head so wondrously empty. 
You can’t think past the back-and-forth scrape of Kyle’s fingers underneath your shirt’s hem. 
But you feel like apologizing for something. Maybe you’d say sorry for how you feel in his arms, too big surely, despite the way he’s wrangled around you and holding so tight it’d take a solid minute for him to let go. Maybe you should apologize for the stupid song that’s playing, the one that everybody hates, you guess, even though you love it. Maybe you’re sorry about—
“You listened to all those messages?”
Kyle doesn’t make a sound. At first, at least. 
“They were the only things that kept me hangin’ on, love.” Where his lips brush these words into your skin, the nerves underneath throb. 
A sorry feels cruel on your tongue after that. 
Kyle hums into the silence, singing along a bit when the song repeats for a third time, then a forth, and your hair sticks to his face as he draws away. 
He looks like a fool, but a lovesick one more than anything. It’s dumb and stupid and ridiculous that he has to brush your hair off his face, and even more dumb that he looks like he’s enjoying it so damn much his face is split in two, top and bottom with only pearly whites in between. 
 A fool for doing all this for you, for wanting you so bad when he could replicate this with anyone, someone much prettier, and have them forever. 
“I don’t even wanna know what that dreadful mind of yours is concocting right now, darling. Don’t wanna hear a lick of it, because I know it’d make me so mad, too mad for a moment like this.”
“I don’t want to hear it either,” you whisper, letting your gaze fall to where your hand lay, to where Kyle’s heart gives off an indignant thud. 
The knuckle of his index finger knocks against your chin. “Let me silence it then, yeah?” His head tilts in an innocent way, almost distracting from how quick his heartbeats are now, agitated into a frenzy.
You nod, only partly because you’re a little worried he’ll go into cardiac arrest if you don’t. Mostly because you’ve heard about half of what he’s said by now, the rest of your brain designated to determining what he’s drawing into the curve of your hip. The hard press of his fingers is ruinous to your mental stability. 
That—right there—has to be a G. That’s the first symbol you’ve managed to decode so far. 
Kyle’s lips are so close when you tilt your head up again, and the intensity of his attention has increased tenfold. You wonder if you’d ever considered this to be the end result of all your phone calls, those nonsensical anecdotes every other twelve hours that you’d felt so guilty about sending. It felt like you’d been wasting his precious time. 
But his fervid grip on your body has you thinking the complete opposite way—that instead, you’ve been feeding this needy man before you far too much, a gratuitous enough amount that you’ve tracked him back to your house like a wild wolf you’re not really sure how to treat in the confines of your own home. 
You meant it when you said the distance made it easy. 
A is the second letter.
You wonder distantly if its shape is now bruised into the fleshy tissue of your side. 
And you wonder if he’s ever going to kiss you, leaning in so close like that.
Gaz has to draw the line soon. He’s gotta find it first, but he’s so damn scared he’s gotten too close without even realizing it. 
The skin at that little sloping line between your neck and collarbone is all hot and smooth. He almost sunk his teeth into it, wanted to bite you a little and hear that little rabbit squeak of yours before you tore away, flustered. 
He can barely fight off the urge of giving the same treatment to that trembling lower lip, the fatty one you’ve ran your tongue over deliciously quick, like you thought he wouldn’t notice. 
Would it be so bad if you let him worry at it with his own teeth? Let your lips get all puffy and red from his touch, and only his?
But he’s pushing the boundaries too much all over again, and you’re back to shaking. It’s a good tremble, one he can feel through the muscles of his forearm, the one that’s flush with your spine. You’re all excited, and it’s because of him. 
All good things. 
But he knows you, knows the martyr that you are. Knows that if he feeds you now, you’ll think that’s the only meal you need and deserve, and you’ll tear away from his hold all over again, because you haven’t been giving enough. You’ve received too much already; he can see it in your eyes. 
Gaz walked in here a little too generous after all those phone calls. He thought you’d expect a reward for your diligence, and instead you’re acting like it was a burden. Undue torture for him to draw away like that, in his humble opinion. 
But fine. He won’t kiss you. Not yet. 
He pulls back a bit, unraveling his arm around your waist and settling for spelling Garrick into your other hip with a bruising pressure. It’s high time the other side of your body received the same treatment, anyway. 
If he’s tasked with quieting your mind, he’ll have to do it the less fun way. 
“So,” he mumbles, a bit ticked at how the words disturb the air, “come here often?”
A surprised laugh tears out of your throat, and you tip your head back until the delectable line of your jaw is all he can see. 
Foul play. 
Patience. Fuckin’—God, patience. He almost forgot.
Almost slipped that fucking leash. 
“You’re horrible,” you admonish with a grin, fingers curling up at his left pectoral. 
“You love it,” he whispers back. If there’s any shred of him that’s lost faith in how you feel for him, it’s the same hand that forces his last name into your hip. It wanders, for a second, up your back, behind your ribs, until he can feel that off-kilter thrumming that matches his own. 
Feels that stutter at his words.
“Love, huh?”
He tries not to freeze up. If you felt that from him, you’d have a little spike of doubt pierce right into that ever-working brain of yours. 
Gaz is so pissed he let that word slip, even casually, and scans over your face, trying to read how it landed. You were casual about it, too, but he knows that’s a touchy subject to push on. He’s toppling into bad territory. If you pulled away from him now…
“Cheesy shit like that is all I hear at my job.” Garrick Garrick Garrick. He’s pressing the letters into your spine now. “Honest. Dad jokes every morning. I’m the last one you have to worry about. It’s like going on a mission with a comedy club, that crew.”
Your smile eases up a bit, and you relax into the moment again. 
“You barely talk about your job.” You look away, seemingly finding the wooden-paneled walls far more interesting. “I didn’t know that topic was on the table.”
“The good parts are. That’s all I’ll ever want you to hear about.”
“I didn’t know you were so protective.”
Gaz is nipping at the bits to respond to that exactly the way he knows how. Of fucking course I am. It’s you. But he can’t rephrase it in any way that would soothe and not scare you off. 
So he lets your comment hang in the silence as you sway.
When Kyle leaves the bar, at first it feels an awful lot like when he left that very first time. A bit disappointing that the hot, crazy drunk guy won’t be entertaining you for the rest of the night. Won’t be screaming I love you sooooo much, miss bartender gal until you clock off. 
The feeling makes you wistful.
Oh fuck—
It starts to feel like when he left for his mission. When you didn’t know if he’d ever come back, and you just missed him so damn much you couldn’t think straight, wanted to hear his voice one more time and not just saying “Leave a message at the beep.”
When you drove yourself crazy thinking about the little touches. When you dreamed about him far too much than was normal. When, more than anything, you wanted him to give in to all those little urges he seemed to hold back from you, that little grimace winding his lips when you swept to close or said something even remotely suggestive. 
And you know you don’t deserve it. You’re not fit to be the girl of his affections, the one he comes home to each time he returns from a mission and greets with a kiss. 
But it doesn’t stop you from imagining that you could be. 
You’d try to repay him for his love each time he comes home by greeting him with his favorite meal and drink. You’d massage the corded muscles of his arms and back, lead him with a shy smile into the bath set for two, and he’d have that same hungry look as you stripped to join him, splashing water everywhere in effort to tug you over to his end of the tub. 
You’d sit on his couch each day, scratching his scalp as you read a book, listening to the soft snores as he napped. You’d dance with him in the kitchen like you did today, slow sways to a song he liked this time, and then you’d play your favorite again, just to listen to those soft hums of his crooning along…
Oh God. 
You want Kyle. So damn bad.
You want his body. You want his hands all over you, eyes raking over your face, legs twisting against yours. 
You want every little thought running through his mind. You want his attention. You want his laughs, his cries, his silence when he’s protecting you from his memories. 
You want him shamelessly. Constantly. Perpetually. 
You want him so bad that you could give two shits whether you deserved him or not. 
You’d do everything in your power to earn it. Pour in your love and heart and soul into building something with him. 
And best of all, you can’t bring yourself to regret it. 
You don’t regret the way you call him that night, pleading for him to come over. It’s three a.m., and his voice is groggy and exhausted over the phone, accent thick as he grumbles, “Love, what’s wrong? What’s happened? Oh, you’re cryin’, darling, tell me where you are. I’ll be there sooner than possible.”
You relapse so hard that night. The second you saw his face all over again, you knew you couldn’t go without him. A Kyle-addict, and you didn’t even notice until it was too late. 
He’s shouting, yelling at your door like a mad drunk, but you didn’t give him any scotch that morning. None of that whiskey sour either, the one he revealed was his favorite, but knew Americans wouldn’t get right. 
You tear open the door. His clothes are in disarray, buttons all wonky. His eyes are wild and wandering over you. His hands are curled tight around your doorway, blood sapping away from his knuckles because he’s holding himself back so hard. 
You don’t care. He shouldn’t bother anymore. 
You make the first jolt toward him, and his face melts into awe.
Kyle’s lips, they taste like….
Fuck, you whine a little into his mouth. 
Like fucking rain. Like a dream. Like clouds and floating untethered.
But also corporeal, grounding. Like plain chapstick and a bit of toothpaste. They taste like fingers winding so deep into your hair and hips pushing at yours until you stumble into your living room. They taste like Kyle blindly kicking the door shut, like him pulling back with a gasp and being aglow with ardent moonlight, like him reading every little emotion on your face and shaking his head, mumbling a “fucking finally.” He tilts your head up a bit higher, swivels your face to the side so your moans bounce off the walls as he drags his tongue along your jawline, down the warm column of your throat. And then you lurch, eyes flying open as he bites into the crux of your neck and shoulder. 
“Kyle!” Your nails dig into his back, drag down and dig in again at the same tempo as his bite-pull-back-bite-again. And he does the same to the rest of your body, every little inch that gradually presents itself when the clothes come off. His lips and teeth wander without bias, but each time you try to speak he drags himself back up to your ear and shushes, soothes your concerns with mindless mutterings along the lines of “Just lemme—gimme a bit to—fuck, love” and “Need a bit of patience, darling. I’m tryin’ to play here.”
He controls every second of it. All of it. 
Like he wouldn’t stand for a single mistake. Like he needs you to know it’s worth it. 
The sun showers over him when he’s trembling, sweating, hovering over you, hands intertwined with yours, peppering your face with kisses despite his rapid chest rising and falling, when he finally collapses against you, around and inside and generally being everything he can to you in this moment. He’s bigger than the bed, bigger than the apartment, bigger than that bar and your world. 
Kyle’s smile, still charming and exhausted, is the last thing you see as he coos you to sleep. 
Gaz has to bat your hand away from your phone for the seventh time. “Jus’ fuckin’ ignore it,” he hisses into your stomach. “Bloody fuckin’ thing ruinin’ this beautiful mornin’ we’re having.”
“It’s two in the afternoon.”
“Yeah, what about it?”
Despite your phone—Jeanne calling, apparently, because you’re three hours late to work, and you could’ve at least warned her you were going to be honeymooning off with the newly returned soldier boy (she’ll give you a sick day)—ruining the moment, it was still the best awakening he’s had in his adult life.
Maybe even better than birthday chocolate chip pancakes when he was a kid. 
No. Wait.
Definitely better.
He woke up to a soft caress against his cheek, found himself buried into your chest. Your breasts, as it turns out, are even more beautiful to begin his day with watching than any sunrise. 
He tore his gaze up higher and found you staring down at him, gentle smile on your lips. Your fingertips were tracing over his scars, thumbing at his lips every now and then. 
It’s not right that he hasn’t woken up like this before. Part of it makes him think he hasn’t really been living until right now, when he can’t think past your hot skin and plush thighs nuzzled close to his stomach. 
“Don’t mind this one bit, darling,” he’d said, dropping his head to feather his mouth over your belly button. “Can we stay like this forever?”
It’s genuine, and he can tell you know he means it because your cheeks turn pink. Surely it’s a lot for you in this moment. Your split-second decision last night was just that, and on his taxi ride over he’d worried himself over how you’d react the next morning. 
Your brows furrow, and your lips purse real tight while you think. 
Gaz’s trained himself to fear your thinking, but he holds off on distracting you from it now. Plays fair, even though he could be kissing his way down further and further until he could force a promise out of you; a gaspy, whiney one. 
But that wouldn’t do. He needs that rabbit brain of yours that likes to kick out and scurry away to agree with him for once, that yes, you want him to stay. You always will. 
And before he knows it, you’re cupping both sides of his face, drawing him up onto his forearms, making him crawl up your body until you press one long, hard kiss to his lips before muttering, “Yes. Let’s do it.”
Your thumbs swipe under his eyes, no doubt bothered by the dark circles, but the rumble of his voice as he praises you for giving in must tell you he’s gotten plenty of sleep. He made sure he did all of the work last night, had you follow each and every one of his commands to sit, stay, and let him take care of you, for fuck’s sake, or it’ll kill him.
All his energy, all that stamina was worked to the bone, and he feels like a puddle of goo against your form. He presses another kiss to your lips before trailing his way back down, nestling into your stomach while informing you that you’d make a damn good pillow every morning. 
You’re certain nothing could ruin this moment. 
Kyle’s already back to snoring softly, little grumbles against the skin between your breasts, hands starfished at your thigh and lower back. He looks ten years younger curled up against you, the wrinkles of his face smoothed out through thorough exhaustion. 
Just seven hours ago he’d smiled at you, somehow more doting than the last, his skin dewed with sweat, and collapsed into your hold. He’d been content to run himself ragged, and now that he’s got you thoroughly trapped underneath his muscled, form, he seems intent on not moving an inch. 
His wounds still unnerve you. The bandages from yesterday could use a change, damp and wrinkled around his bare thigh and biceps. But from your position, your head leveraged on a pillow, you can see pale, ravaged skin from botched stitches and bullet holes. Uneven gouges and linear scrapes, wounds whose origins would surely pain you to listen to—most of all because he’d say it with such nonchalance. 
It’s hard to turn the sweet Kyle from the bar into this war-broken soldier before you, hard to combine them into one person and have it make complete sense. Like water and oil, the pair of them refuse to mix into one. 
You’re running the tip of your middle finger along one particularly horrifying line running diagonally down his nape when he wakes up again. His head lifts, and you let your hand slide with the movement until you’re cupping his cheek and he’s leaning into your hold. A wet kiss cools on the inside of your wrist when Kyle gets close enough. 
His limbs wrangle even tighter with yours. “What time is it now?”
His pretty brown eyes are locked on your face, a gentle roaming back and forth in rhythm with the slow strokes of his index finger against your knee. 
“Good. A few more hours and I’ll have kept you here all day. A personal record, one I’ll flaunt with honor.”
“We’ll have to get up at some point.”
“Maybe I’ll trap you here all week,” he ignores you, all serious consideration now. “I’ll have to check my rope supply.”
“You know, there are easier, less illegal ways to entice me into staying.”
“Don’t like riskin’ it with you.” He draws himself up and leans in, and you tilt closer to accept his peppering of kisses over your forehead, across your cheeks, down your jawline. “Each time I try to do it the nice way, you manage to slip away from me. Have to start playin’ for keeps now.”
You’re not sure if you love Kyle. 
You know you’re not quite in the same place as he is emotionally. But he certainly knows how to put you on the fast track to get there, and it starts with the way he cradles you closer—always a little bit closer—and nudges his nose just underneath your ear, releasing a sigh like touching you can make all the horrors, worries, fears slip away. Like you’re a magical woman. 
You feel like you’re made of magic, anyway. 
And you don’t regret any of the decisions you’ve made since calling him last night. Hell, since calling him that first time, when he was thousands of miles away, and all he wanted was more. 
Gaz has a bad urge. A terrible one. Bloody fuckin’ day ruiner of an urge that has him peeling away and hiding out in your bathroom for too long after relieving himself. 
He’s staring at himself in the mirror while he dries off clean hands, investigating that dark mark you’d sucked into the side of his neck before he could untangle from you. 
Bad, bad, bad Gaz. 
It’s too soon. 
You don’t take “too soons” very well. Can’t handle them. 
But, well, biased as he is, Gaz thinks he looks more alive than he has in months. 
And all it was was you, injected into his veins and flowing back to his heart before being properly dispersed throughout the rest of his body, even distribution of needing you every hour of every day until he can’t even curl his toes without thoughts of you. 
No. He really, really shouldn’t.
He won’t.
Gaz steps out of your bathroom and fumbles his way through your apartment, following the sounds of humming and beeping. 
Almost blacks out at what he finds. 
You, bent over and retrieving a frying pan from your cupboards, rising up until your standing tall, wearing his goddamned shirt. The black cotton hugs your thick figure tight, but it’s too long, caps off somewhere near the tops of your thighs, lace panties barely twinkling at him just underneath
Fuckin’ Christ, bloody Jesus, Hell on a—
“Love,” he chokes on the word. “Darling. You’re killin’ me here, bunny.”
Fuck it. 
Seriously—fuck it. 
He’s gonna ask. It’s not too soon. Not for him. Not when it comes to you. 
You laugh a little. “Sorry. I know, I know, it’s too tight. But I was too lazy to find something else, so if you really want it back—”
You pause, smile locked on your face. “Okay then. Good. Glad that’s settled. I’ll just keep making breakfast then.”
You’re on your tippy toes now, reaching high to the small pantry above your stove, fingertipping at a box of pancake mix. 
“Could you…?”
“Yeah.” He’s behind you in a matter of blinks, broad chest brushing your back before you can dart out of the way, even grasping your hip with one hand and passing you the box with the other. 
You take it from him with a fumbled thank you, the words stuttering their way out of your mouth as he swipes your hair back and behind your ear. “What’s on the menu, then, love?”
He can practically feel the current of chills slinking down your spine. He follows you, chest still against your back, step for step as you putter around, finding a whisk, a carton of milk, and… a bag of chocolate chips. 
Fuckin’ hell, don’t tell me.
“Pancakes. I’m adding chocolate chips because they’re my favorite, so don’t you dare bitch about—what, what is it?”
You palm at his forehead in confusion when he buries his face into your shoulder and groans. 
Fool. Bloody fuckin’ fool, dumbass bastard ruining everything after one goddamn night. It’s too damn soon. It’ll ruin everything.
“Love, I hafta—”
A cacophony of beeps cut through the air, and your attention slips to the microwave, where a cup sits aglow in the yellow light. 
“Sorry, that’s for my tea—”
He’s really doing this. 
Fuck it. 
“Move in with me.”
Part 3
138 notes · View notes
k-tarotz · 11 months
Personal Reading Options
these readings are unrelated to any kind of celebrity or entertainment source. they are made with the purpose of helping people at an affordable price.
Tumblr media
Lady Dior (new)
Your story as a royalty | 18.50£
- what would you be (like)
- what would you be known for
- how would you go down in history
- what would make you unique
- the aura that surrounds your energy
Silver Dragon (new)
You as a mythical being | 15£
- how would your life be like
- the power you hold
- how would people react to you, think of you, view you
- moodboard
Disc; you can either let us find out which mythical creature you'd most likely be or you can tell us your own choice for yourself and we will still do all sections as mentioned!
Jeanne D'arc (new)
What would it be like to live in the past? | 15.50£
- describing your life in the year of your choice
- things you could have achieved
- why you feel called to that time period
- add on question by you
Disc; if you don't have a specific year in mind we will find one that matches you based on tarot and intuition
"Should I" (new)
Should you do/purchase the thing you are thinking of? | 12.50£
- yes or no with explanation
- what happens if you do it / purchase it
- what happens if you don't do it / don't purchase it
Red string of Fate (new)
This is about a person in your future who will serve a romantic purpose in your life | 35£
- a description of this person
- your relationship with them
- what will a connection with them teach you
- how will they treat you
- how are your souls connected
- a channeled message
CHANEL N° 5 (new)
a reading on how you and your celebrity crush would be like in a romantic relationship | 25£
- Their first impression of you
- How would the relationship develop
- Fans thoughts on you as a couple
- Special things they would do just for you
- What makes you loveable to them
- Moodboard
Aurora lights (new)
Overall compatibility between you and your special person | 15£
- your pro's and con's
- in what ways you are compatible
- what makes you perfect for one another
Your abilities (new)
This is about things you could be good at but might not realize | 12£
- your (cap)abilities
- why you are good at them
- how to tap into them
ASTRO : your future spouse (new)
details of your future spouse | 50,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than our tarot readings
- cities/countries that might be interesting
- their personality
- how they might view you
- how will your connection be like with them
- how will you possibly meet
ASTRO : Twin Flame (new)
a reading on your fate with them | 40,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
- is it the person you are thinking of?
- will it end on bad terms?
- what are they here to teach you
- how will you two get along
ASTRO : Compatibility (new)
intended for crush, celebrity crush or current partner | 55,50£
disc.: our astrology readings might take 2-3 weeks longer than tarot readings
disc.: need both of your and their birth place and time of birth
- overall compatibility
- positive aspects
- negative aspects
- things they adore about you
Love ABC (new)
abc describing everything your fs/crush will/would love about you! | 30£
- 26 sections!
- 2-3 sentences for each section
Red vs Green flags (new)
red & green flags of your person/crush/idol crush | 10£
- detailed description of red flags
- detailed description of green flags
Ideal Types (new)
related to your crush/celebrity crush ect | 10,50£
- in guys
- in girls
- friends wise
Dynamic Duo (new)
dynamic between two people you are curious of | 15£
- person a’s view on person b
- person b’s view on person a
- what they both think of the connection
- your question
Go big or Go home (new)
detailed dynamics between the group of your choice | 25,50£
disc.: 7+ member groups cost more due to the time and effort it takes.
- each members view on every other member (so each pairing = one section)
BFF (new)
you and the idol of your choice as best friends | 25£
- How compatible you are as best friends
- Things they adore about you
- Friendship dynamics
- How are you different from other friends
- Question of your choice
Peekaboo (new)
how the idol of your choice is viewed | 27,50£
- by members
- other idols/friends they are close with
- idols from other groups
- staff
- people they work with
- each other’s family members
- people who have a crush on them
Sweet Venom! (new)
Your compatibility with a kpop group | 18£
- each member of this group x you, your compatibility over all - detailed
- we will point out if and who has a romantic compatibility with you
- for an even more in depth reading about this please include your: name/initials, your mbti, your life path number / or your enneagramm and your 3 big zodiac signs
Disc: for groups with more than 7 members we will charge 1£ more for each person
Upper side Dreamin' (new)
Your dream meaning | 10£
- tell us your dream and we will tell you what it could possibly mean
- what could possibly happen (especially if it's a déjà rěvé)
- we will also use our tarot cards and intuition to get a clear picture and possibly guide you
Polaroid Love ♡ (new)
Did you share a past life with your bias?/idol of choice | 22£
- how did you two meet?
- how were you related?
- how was your relationship like?
- your feelings for each other
- how does your past life affect your current life?
- one add on question (by you) is possible
Serendipity (new)
Find out your FS / S/o .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Butterfly (new)
Find out your soulmates .. | 5£
- initials
- zodiac sign or birth month
- platonic or romantic soulmate
Disc.: this will be done with a pendulum. It won't be an indepth reading. Add on questions are theoretically possible though we can refuseif it will be a too complicated question (best would be yes or no questions) but we will charge extra for it
Your spirit animals (new)
Everything about your spirit animals ♡ | 13.50£
- get to know how many spirit animals you have
- get to know more about your spirit animal itself (all!)
- what impact do they have on you / on your life?
- channeled message from at least one of them
Includes pictures of all cards!
Starlight (new)
Your crush’s view on you~ | 16£
- Crush’s assumptions about you
- What do you crush’s friends think of you
- How will/would they react to a confession
- How would/will dates go
The Star (new)
You as a new member in your fave group | 32£
- Who would you get along with the most
- Their reactions
- What’s your position in the group
- How fans would react & how accepting would they be
- Your add on question
disc.: if the group is more than 7 members each additional member is 1£ as we write out everyones reaction. if you wish to ask more than one add on question, every new question is 1£ each, however there are no limits to it. (please keep the questions relevant to the reading.)
Soulmate & You (new)
A reading on your FS/O | 18,50£
- How strong is your connection
- Have you met yet (if no, when will you meet if yes how did you meet)
- Their personality
- Red & Green flags
Career Path (new)
a help from your guides career wise | 14.50£
- what jobs might suit you
- what you need to consider when choosing careers
- things to avoid
- your strengths
Channeled Messages Flower Bouquets! (new)
Channeling everything you need to know | 15£
- messages from your pets
- messages from your past life self
- messages from your ancestors
- messages from your angels
disc.: if you want to purchase any of these individually that is entirely possible for 5£ or 10£ if you wish to add 3-5 sections/questions!
Your Crush (new)
Your crush & you | 15,50£
Disclaimer: your crush must know about you/interacted with you at least once
- how does your crush view you
- is there a possibility they will reciprocate your love?
- how would your romantic relationship look like with them?
- will they give a relationship with you a chance?
Your Aura (new)
How does your aura look like? | 13£
- In this we will describe how your aura looks like especially the colors and the feelings that are associated with the colors in your aura
- we will also tell you how people might view you depending on your aura, especially first impressions
‐ one add on question by you related to your aura
- includes a picture to help you visualize
Your Past life (new)
How was your past life like? | 20£
- How was your appearance
- How was your personality
- did you had a partner? A family? How was it like?
- your career?
- how many past lives you had already
‐ any add on question by you
Parallel universe (new)
Just you but in a different universe | 15.55£
- who are you in the other universe?
- how is it different from the you in this universe?
- what have you accomplished?
- your career in the other universe?
- add on question by you
Love Potion (new)
What makes people fall for you? | 12£
- you can choose between opposite gender, same gender or both - what's their usual first impression of you?
- on what is their attention on?
‐ what keeps them interested in you?
‐ add on question by you
Your life as celebrity (new)
Your life as celebrity / kpop idol | 16.50£
- what kind of fans would you have?
- what would you be famous for?
- would you have any commercials / if yes what kind?
- who would be your closest friends?
- solo or in a group? [In case of kpop idol]
Please specify for this one if international celebrity, international actor/actress or if kpop idol, or kpop actor/actress
Special combination (new)
How does your fs view you | 12.50£
- how does your fs view your dark side?
- how does your fs view you in general?
- words of affirmation from your fs
- a channeled message from them
Your friendship/relationship dynamics (new)
About your friendship/relationship in general | 15.50£
- your friendship/relationship dynamics
- how strong is your friendship/relationship?
- how loyal are they to you?
- what's something you guys have to work on?
- add one question by you
You & Your FS 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What will your intimate life be like? | 20£
- General intimidate life
- Their energy
- Your energy
- Kinks
- What they like about your body
- Fantasies
- Question of your choice
The Devil 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
What make you desirable to others? | 16£
- Your charms
- What others are attracted to the most
- Your specific person’s view of you
- Fantasies other people might have of you
- Question of your choice!
Lover 18+ (new)
disc.; minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
How will your first time be like? | 15.50£
- The atmosphere
- Where will it happen
- Your feelings
- Their feelings
- Question of your choice
Lucky Charm 18+ (new)
disc.: minors are NOT allowed to purchase this.
The kinks of your FS/Crush | 9.50£
your choice which one, the crush must know you.
- How are they like in bed & what they focus on
- Things you haven’t considered
- Things they are curious of
Your Choice Questions
Yes or No questions | 4,44£
You can ask any question as long as it’s not related to health or legal matters. You will get your question answered and we will also try to expand on it.
- an answer to your question
- an expansion on the answer
General Reading | 4£
You can ask any question that is not related to health or legal issues. However please keep in mind that this will be a shorter reading, not an indepth one.
- an answer to your question
Advice Questions
Your Spirit Guides | 8,50£
This is just a general reading on what your spirit guides want you to know, and what they want you to focus on.
- messages from your spirit guides
- things you need to focus on
- good things coming your way
Your Inner Child | 9£
A reading to help you connect more with your inner child, as well as what could possibly help you heal.
- what your inner child wants you to know
- things that could possibly help you heal
- a message from your inner child
Future Spouse
Channeled Messages From Your FS | 5£
this reading contains two channeled messages, in which one can be centered around a topic of your choice.
- a general channeled message
- a message on a topic of your choice
General FS Reading | 12£
an in depth reading on your FS!
- their personality
- appearance
- their view of you
- an add on/question by you
Timely Reading
Weekly Reading | 11,50£
what’s ahead for you for the next 7 days, everything your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead for you in general
- what’s ahead for you in love
- what to mentally prepare for
- a question of your own
Yearly Reading | 15.50£
what’s ahead for you in the next 12 months, every major event your spirit team finds important.
- what’s ahead in general
- what’s ahead in love
- some changes that will happen
- things to mentally prepare for
- a message from your future self
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- Hun & Candy
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devildomwriter · 2 years
The Brothers Get A Puppy For Christmas Headcanons
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• Very surprised by smiles and thank you as he lets the puppy lick his face
• Names it Hunter even though this dog couldn’t defeat a rat
• While he’s more of a big-dog type, he’s very happy about the tiny little thing
• Chihuahuas are known for aggression, so he is careful and thorough with training
• Trains it to nip at Mammon’s heals because Mammon would never endanger a tiny little dog, whether it’s a puppy or not
• It has its own corner in his room, with a light, drinking fountain, mini bed that looks just like Lucifer’s
• Doesn’t care what people might think when they see someone as intimidating as him walking or carrying around a chihuahua because this tiny little thing is above their ranks
• Makes sure Cerberus gets along with them. He will often find them cuddling
• He has a growth photo album, but he’ll wipe the memories of anyone who finds out how spoiled his dog is and how cuddly he is with the puppy
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• His eyes light up, and he cheers very loudly
• Picks up the puppy and runs around with it, jumping up and down and thanking you profusely
• This is literally his new best friend. Names him Great Goldie, a perfect name for the dog breed
• Takes this dog EVERYWHERE. This dog is never not with him. They take baths together, sleep together, and eat together, and when Mammon gets hung from the ceiling, Great Goldie sleeps beneath him as comfort. Sometimes his whining makes Lucifer let Mammon down for the dog’s sake
• Mans best friend could not apply more for this duo.
• Takes the dog to photo shoots. The dog is a little bit of a celebrity and has appeared in professional shots with Mammon
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• “It’s an anime dog!”
• He names him Phantom (after Phantom Thief Jeanne)
• He’s very excited to have a friend he can bring with him when he’s forced outdoors
• Walking the dog helps him get in shape a little more, so Lucifer is glad for the dog’s presence
• He dresses him in anime t-shirts and takes “gamer dog” photos
• Shows off and brags about his dog to everyone.
• The dog loves him to death, so he actually gains a little confidence. “At least you’ll always love me!”
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• He’s very excited to see the present moving and not disappointed at all that it isn’t a cat. He’s very happy to see the tiny creature
• He’s more of a cat person, of course, but Lucifer is okay with dogs because he knows Satan won’t hoard them
• He names the dog, Cat
• This dog breed is known to get along with cats, so he’s happy about that and hopes they’ll make friends with the strays
• He immediately introduces them to the stray cats who act as parental figures, so he ends up having a lot of cat-tendencies
• The dog does not act like a dog by the time it’s grown. It jumps on things, grooms itself, uses a little box, naps on Satan’s chest, and tries to make a purring noise, but it sounds like strained panting, which worries Satan before he realizes what he’s trying to do
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• Is super excited and squeals at such a high pitch only the puppy can hear it
• Names him Pom-Pom, not creative but a name that “matches his cuteness.”
• He loves this little dog so much; he’s always doing its nails, putting bows and accessories in its fur, and taking selfies tougher
• He has merchandise of the dog and claims the dog can charm people, too, because everyone fawns over the little guy
• This dog goes everywhere with Asmodeus, in his purse, of course. It is more spoiled than any purse dog out there. It even has a mini-mansion in Asmodeus’s room and a stepping stool to get to Asmodeus’s bed
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• He is SO excited. He’s SUCH a dog person
• Names her Bell (after barbells)
• Races the dog as part of his morning routine and trains the dog to do lots of tricks
• The dog, despite its naturally skinny physique, becomes a little muscular and acts very similarly to Beelzebub
• Beelzebub will feed her scraps on everything he eats and does a lot of research into what Bell can’t eat, so he’s extra careful
• If Bell can’t eat something he has, he prepares a side dish for her. This dog never actually eats any dog food
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• His eyes light up, and he smiles warmly to see the squirming little puppy
• Names the dog sleepy, which is oddly appropriate
• Basset hounds are the sleepiest dog breeds, so Belphegor knows he’ll have a sleeping buddy
• Despite the dog’s naturally lazy behavior, he does still need some activity, so Belphegor takes him on walks which help Belphie get sleepy and more ready for bed
• He falls asleep to the sound of the dog breathing and doesn’t care when the dog licks his face or drools on the bed
• This dog is literally his best friend and the “third sibling” for him and Beelzebub
• Feeds the dog luxury food and uses the dog as bribery, “I’ll go to school if Sleepy can. He keeps me awake.” Lucifer usually reluctantly agrees as long as the dog is quiet, and he usually is.
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mahs-dumpster · 6 months
a/n: help me this is so cheesy. Uhhhh anyways based on that one Aladdin scene y'all know the one
CW: oc x canon (Kalim x Jeanne), gold digger..........? Is this a content warning. I mean she ain't digging that much gold in this story– [GUNSHOTS]
🏷️: @viilpstick @justm3di0cr3
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Jeanne and Kalim were finally finishing up their… hang out. Kalim’s magic carpet guiding them to Savanaclaw where he would drop Jeanne off for the night, despite her insisting it wasn't necessary and that she could take perfect care of herself.
“I know, but I still want to make sure you get there safely.” Was what he said, a soft smile adorning his face.
And, if we're being completely honest, Jeanne wasn't all that bothered. I mean, this was the first time a guy had been so gentle, so careful with her… people were usually such brutes around her, she guessed it might've been because of her tomboyish personality and appearance, but come on now, she would still like to be treated as a lady… so of course that Kalim's actions towards her made her happy, he treated her like a wonderful jewel, a precious treasure, as if he already didn't have enough.
Jeanne's grip on the jasmine flower he had gifted her tightened, her eyebrows furrowing as she remembered Damali and Jamil's faces when they left. She can't believe she's been so careless to the point that they noticed her schemes… her blue eyes traveled to the back of Kalim’s head, his short hair moving with the wind and Jeanne felt like something was caught in her throat.
It's fine. Who cares if he was gentle, kind and lovable? None of it mattered, he was simply a means to an end, a mere toy she would discard as soon as she was able to get her hands on his gold. She had to keep that in mind.
“Ok, let me help you.” Kalim got up on the carpet, holding out a hand for the girl that just sat there staring. She cleared her throat and hesitantly grabbed his hand, the motion of getting up being so fast she needed Kalim's help standing straight, his arms wrapped around her waist as he laughed sheepishly. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” Jeanne says firmly, hoping her face isn't too red as she finally gets out of his grasp and gets down from the carpet onto her small balcony. Kalim’s hand helped her the entire time. “Thank you for tonight.”
“When are we going on another date?” Kalim asked, his arms on the balcony, his body being supported outside by the flying carpet. “Surely it won't take long, right?"
Jeanne couldn't help but laugh as she fiddled with the flower in her hands. 
“These aren't dates, Kalim. We’re just hanging out.”
“But– what? I gifted you flowers and showed you my favorite place.” The white haired boy said, his voice a bit saddened as his red eyes looked at her with worry. “Do you not like me?”
“I–” Jeanne was going to deny it, to refuse, but instead she held her tongue, deciding it’d be in her best interest to not reject him just yet – or that's what she told herself as her heart raced. “It's complicated.”
Kalim hummed, but soon smiled, smaller than usual, but still a beautiful smile. 
“Well… I can wait until you sort things out.” And Jeanne laughed, though her heart broke a little. Foolish boy… Why did he have to go and fall so easily for someone like her? 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” She walked closer, her hook moving to caress the boy's cheeks. He shivered at the coldness of the metal, and for a moment Jeanne almost retracted her arm, until Kalim held her wrist, making sure she didn't move. “Isn't it cold?”
“A bit. But it's a part of you, so I still want to feel it.”
Why did he have to be so loving? So wonderful and kind? She felt her cheeks going pink, she was slowly going crazy and if this got any more out of hand she would be caught or worse… 
She opened up her mouth to say something and Kalim seemed to move his head upwards to give her his full attention, but before any of them knew it, the carpet decided to give a little help to the complicated couple.
With a push, Kalim crashed onto Jeanne, their lips finally meeting as they both stood still in shock. Kalim was the first to close his eyes, his hands moving to hold her face in place gently. Jeanne stood frozen for a moment, until giving up and following her emotions, her hook and hand going towards his shoulder, resting there as if unsure of what to do or what to hold. Once it was over, they both separated, blue and red met and Jeanne cleared her throat, moving out of Kalim's grasp. 
“It's been a pleasure, Kalim.” She said, cursing herself for how shaky her voice sounded and just how red her face probably was. “Be careful as you go back to Scarabia.”
With that, Jeanne basically ran inside, the door to her room closing loudly, making her roommate groan in annoyance. She quickly apologized and went to sit on her bed, her gaze going to the flower she was still holding.
A jasmine flower. Love, purity and grace.
She dried a tear that dared to fall. She was nothing like that flower. Nothing at all.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Arc-Swapped Au: how is Jaune feeling after getting back and getting hear everyone talk about how amazing Jeanne was?
Well that was fast. The first prompt was barely five minutes old, and here someone is already asking for a sequel.
And, I’m answering it…
The Return
Jaune: Hey guys!
Pyrrha: Jaune! You’re back!
Nora: Jaune-Jaune!
Ren: Its a relief to see you again.
Jaune: Naww… Thanks guys.
Nora: Where were you?
Pyrrha: Yeah, we went to bed, and we wake up, and it’s your highly attractive female version of you!
Ren: Quite attractive.
Nora: She was really hot!
Jaune: Of course you’d say that…
Ren: Were the two of you swapped; She came here to your world, and you went to hers?
Jaune: Yeah pretty much; Everyone on Team RWBY were guys, as well as you, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: R-Really?
Jaune: You were a girl, Ren.
Ren: I was?
Jaune: And, you were still a girl, Nora.
Nora: I am a multiversal constant. There will only be one, Nora. And, I will be a girl!
JPR: …
Jaune: So yeah… W-What was it like to have, Jeanne here?
Pyrrha: Oh she was wonderful to have around! She was always so bright, and cheerful to have around! And, she looked absolutely beautiful!
Ren: I found her presence very relaxing to be around.
Nora: And, her smile was stunning! But, the bright light hurt my eyes.
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Ren: Yeah, he smile was like the perfect summers day~!
Pyrrha: Jeanne was wonderful to be around~!
Jaune: …
Yang: I heard someone say: Jeanne! Is Jeanne back?! Ohh… it’s you…
Jaune: Ow…
Ruby: Is big sis back?! Oh, hi, Jaune.
Jaune: Hi…
Blake: Is the angel back! Oh, it’s just, Jaune…
Jaune: Nice to see you too, Blake…
Weiss: Where is she?! Where is my future wife?!! Oh… It’s just you, Arc…
Jaune: …
Jaune: I see, Jeanne made quite the impression…
Yang: Oh she was a riot to be around!
Blake: She was the most wonderful person I ever met~!
Ruby: She was the big sister I never new I wanted!
Weiss: She will be my future wife.
Jaune: …
Jaune: So anyway, as I said I met the gender swapped version of you guys, as well as team, RWBY.
Ruby: Really? What was I like?
Yang: I best I was really cool!
Blake: Probably wasn’t much of a difference with me was there?
Weiss: No doubt I was perfect as always.
Jaune: Hell if I know. As soon as I got there, her Team RWBY, and Pyrrha tried to kill me.
Pyrrha: They what?!
Jaune: Yep, as soon as I showed up, Pyrros, male you, Pyrrha. Threw me against a wall with his semblance, and threatened to gut me if I didn’t say where, Jeanne was.
Pyrrha: Oh my…
Jaune: Yeah, luckily, Rin, female Ren…
Nora: Bet she’s pretty hot~!
Jaune: And, Nora were there to stop him. I then explained I had no idea what happened, then boy team, RWBY came in, and threatened to kill me. They wanted their, ‘Angel’ back. After I said, I didn’t know, Blake, male, Blake bound me up with his weapon. William, male, Weiss, used his semblance to pin me to the wall. Ruben, male, Ruby pointed his gun at me, and Yin, male, Yang socked me in the stomach when I couldn’t answer his questions…
Yang: Ouch!
Ruby: That’s mean!
Blake: Why would I do that?
Weiss: Seems like something I would do…
Jaune: Yeah, they were going to gut me if I didn’t tell them what happened to, Jeanne. Luckily the teachers saved me from that…
Ren: Did they?
Jaune: No, not really. They interrogated me, and threw me in a cell while they worked all of this out… Jeanne told me you were having a lot of fun though. Seemingly she awoke some stuff in you as well.
Yang: Well… I always had a feeling was into girls…
Blake: Same, but only for the right girl.
Ruby: I loved my Onee-Chan!
Weiss: I was going to marry her!
Jaune: Nice! Well… Now I hate her even more than I did before! Peachy…
Pyrrha: How could you say that?!
Nora: What did she do to deserve that?!
Jaune: Sorry, I just so happen to be, Jaune Arc, the ‘loveable’ goofball stuck in the tree, who barely anyone likes, and is willing to put a spec of trust in! Compare to the, Angel of Beacon, Jeanne Arc! A person with her own fan club, who everyone loved! Who was properly trained to be a Huntress, who everyone put their faith in her! How can I not love the better version of me?!
Weiss: Well what did you expect? She is perfection incarnate, and you’re trash incarnate.
Ruby: Weiss that’s mean!
Blake: But, true.
Ruby: Blake?!
Yang: What, Vomit Boy just isn’t anywhere close as fantastic as, Jeanne is.
Ruby: You too, Yang?!
Yang: You were thinking something similar too, Rubes.
Ruby: But, I wasn’t going to say it!
Jaune: …
Ruby: Oops… He-hehe… S-Sorry…
Jaune: I fucking hate my life, twice over now…
Pyrrha: Uhh… Do you perhaps want a hug, Jaune?
Jaune: I want to kill myself…
Yang: …
Weiss: …
Nora: …
Ruby: …
Ren: …
Blake: …
Pyrrha: Oh… Oh no…
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midnightmah07 · 27 days
💙 ☄️ for all my girlies hehe
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
Daisy -> yes😭 but also no?? Ok so I know I joke around a lot that daiggie has separation anxiety, but that's mostly because Ruggie's busy a lot of the time, and Daisy is usually being tasked by Crowley to do stuff around campus, study and help her friends study too. She's used to it, but it doesn't mean she doesn't miss him dearly; when she misses him she tends to fidget with her little dandelion phone strap Ruggie got her (I'm contemplating changing this to something else, but just know Ruggie gave her a gift lol) and keeps sighing throughout the day,,, everyone can tell she misses him and it's quite irritating (to them)
Perse -> hmmm I say surprisingly yes. She's been stuck to Idia's side ever since she was a kid so she does actually tend to miss him quite often when they're separated, it's just less noticeable, you can't really tell she's in a different mood until she finally see Idia and suddenly she's wayyyyy clingier than usual lol
Jeanne -> I think she misses him a normal amount! Kalim definitely misses Jeanne way easier than she misses him, but it's not like she can't miss him because when she does she gets reallyyyy cranky and easily irritated, it's quite scary lmao
Isabelle -> I think Isabelle and Leona are used to distance. They are from different countries, they go to different schools, Leona didn't use to answer her messages... They kinda got used to being distant from each other, you know? But once they're in a relationship I do think Isabelle suddenly misses him more, and it's kinda obvious by the way she keeps checking her phone to see if Leona already answered her messages (I HC he starts answering her after they get closer)
Damali -> she's. Insufferable. She misses Jamil sm and so easily it's quite irritating tbh😭 she looks like a lost puppy when she's missing him it's so funny like oh my goodness why are u crying at 2 am bc Jamil forgot to see you before going to sleep grow up
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
Daisy -> people assume she's a goody goody and a pushover (mostly people at NRC), and that's like... 10% correct? I mean she does like to follow what's right and has a strong moral compass but it's not to this extent, so no the assumptions aren't correct😭 looking at u Ruggie Bucchi
Perse -> people think she's a either a jerk, emotionless, a self absorbed fashionista or all three at once😭😭 and to say that's wrong would be an understatement
Jeanne -> people often think of Jeanne as intimidating and not to be trusted which... Isn't that far off but she does have a heart of gold and cares deeply for the people around her; oh and yeah there's the whole issue of people thinking she's a guy😭
Isabelle -> people deem Isabelle as a strict dictator or a boring nerd who can't be trusted... The first half couldn't be further from the truth since she's strict to help her dorm members succeed and is willing to help them flourish, she's also kind and always willing to give compliment and provide feedback in a gentle way; the second half,,, well she IS a nerd😭 but not boring,,, and she's a very trustworthy individual
Damali -> people see her as a perfect servant, perfect woman, perfect everything, but she is in fact super weird and a mess inside😭
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klein-sodor-bahn · 11 months
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Henry and Charlie being responsible parents
Henry and Charlie watching a play at Percy’s school. They are proud of Percy because he’s a timid little guy. But the performance of the other kids is questionable at best.
Funfact: Charlie’s red dress is inspired by how the streamlined 03 looked. And also it looks like Jeanne’s outfit from Bayo one so perfect.
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kimtiny · 1 year
Ok so like about the ghosts au, what do the ghost parents think of their clone kids relationships (specifically friendships and romances) with each other, do they approve?
Oh that's a very interesting ask, we didn't talk much about this but based off their personalities (at least the one we gave them) here what they would think: Joan x JFK: John approved 100%, he kinda always approves what JFK does anyway but he wasn't that sad when they broke up! One lost 10 found! Jeanne on the other hand wasn't such a fan, she did not disaprove but she did not complain about the break up! Joan Abe friendship (n romance): Jeanne was honestly very tired of Joan's desperation for Abe's attention and prefer them better as friends, she thinks Abe is a great guy so she wouldn't mind them getting together. Abraham doesn't think they would make a great couple based off his own experience, and he knows his son is a bit too oblivious to be able to answer's Joan's need. Cleo x Frida: Both the women are big fans, go lesbians go!!! JFK and Confucius friendship: Kong Zi beleives that friendship is very important and so he's extremely happy Confucius found such a great friend as JFK, grandpa applause when JFK conforted Confufu. John likes this friendship as well, like Kong Zi, he's happy JFK got a great guy friend! Harriet and Joan friendship: Og Harriet was a bit wary of Joan, and she was very angry at her during the musical episode. But she came around and accepted their friendship, while still having her eyes on Joan. Jeanne is very happy Joan has a group of female friend, but Joan's behavior made her very worried that she would loose them- well.. she wasn't wrong to be worried Topher and Abe friendship: Abraham is always happy when his son meets new friends, and he beleived Topher wasn't that bad. Same for Cristoforo who liked to know Topher had a friend! Let's say episode 8 left them 😨😨, for different but oddly similar reasons. JFK and Abe friendship: John was honestly unexpecting for them to become friends due to their history, but when they did he was super happy! Same for Abraham, but he always wished the two would put their difference aside to let a friendship bloom Harriet x Confucius: Like with Joan, og Harriet was wary of Confucius- especially because he lied to Harriet in order to gain her attention, but after realizing it was just because of his insecurity and he's actually a really nice boy, she approved the relationship. Kong Zi also found it fooling to lie and pretend, and he was glad it turned out okay. Both find the two to be a bit 'too much' and idiots, but it's just what love does sometimes.
Harriet x JFK (briefly): John was ALL IN, get the girl boy! What if it's cheating? Nobody's perfect! Og Harriet was less then happy about it, and releaved there wasn't any bad conscequences- even if it was her, her clone daughter owuld have been grounded for 2 weeks.
Harriet and Frida friendship: The two girls have been friends since forever, of course the mothers are happy with it!
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renxmaiden · 7 months
No guys, hear me out: Imagine if we get a Jeanne spinoff manga where they explore her story after Shaman Fight ended, her running the x-charity and the adventures she goes on, her own pov, getting more of her as a character, RenMei backstory happens in this spinoff, etc
And honestly? I think the perfect name title for a potential Jeanne spinoff manga would be titled:
Shaman King: Maiden Afterstory
I honestly think this title would fit so absolutely perfectly well
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rationalisms · 1 year
hello hello i have a request for recommendations
need to watch more japanese language media (since the way i taught myself english is by watching films in english with subtitles and figured that might also help with learning japanese) so i'm humbly asking for films or tv shows in japanese you guys like?
i've seen most of the more famous animated films (perfect blue, paprika, ghost in the shell, akira, your name, tokyo godfathers, the ghibli catalogue, etc) but in terms of live action films i've only really watched a bunch of kurosawa, a buncha noughties horror, and a lot of godzilla lol. truly open to anything here because films are way less of a time commitment than tv shows
in terms of tv i've seen like no live action stuff so once again i am happy to receive recs with open arms. in terms of anime i'm not really interested in like. the big shounen stuff (like one piece, my hero academia, etc) because it's not really my thing and i also fully cannot cope with things being like 600 episodes long lmao.
uuuh the list of anime i've enjoyed is all over the place tone-wise so idk how helpful it is as a guideline for recs but i like serial experiments lain, ranma 1/2, neon genesis evangelion, death note, kamikaze kaito jeanne, etc? but i like mysteries, and comedies, and horror and i like weird/experimental/abstract stuff and so anything along those lines would be great. if you're thinking "that series is really famous they've probably seen it" i assure you i have not, i haven't watched a new anime since i was a teenager and even then i was awful at watching tv shows so there's a ton of stuff i've never touched.
also here's the list of things i've already been recommended!!!
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sorry for this enormous wall of text i am clinically fucking incapable of being laconic about anything. thank you for any and all recommendations you may think of! have a lovely eve!
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ardynsflower · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having an amazing day today!
I've been absolutely feral over Bayonetta and there isn't enough content of Bayo x fem!readers... anywhere🥲 So you can imagine how stoked I was when I came across your account!
l've got a request if it's alright (I hope this is the proper way to ask)! May I request a Gomez and Morticia type of dynamic with shorter reader (I'm 5'2") that's just completely in love with her wife Bayonetta. You can choose if it will be a scenario or a head cannon l'm fine with either! I can imagine reader being some kind of artist (maybe a fashion designer that loves to make outfits for Bayo!!!). Do you write smut? If not that's totally fine! If you do tho feel free to add if you’re up for it!
Thank you and no rush if you decide to take up the request and Thank you anyway if you choose not to! I know how busy lives can be and as an artist I can understand the pressure of making something for others :) Have fun! Thanks again!
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Awh dear, first, thank you and I hope you’re having an amazing day as well, AND YES FR THERE ISN’T ENOUGH BAYO X FEM!READER EVEN THO SHE GAY AS (the gates of) HELL..Anyways, I’d love to write that, morticia and gomez are one of the best couples fr their dynamic is just so adorable and i can’t get over it. Let’s use bayo’s Google height for this one and the reader your 5’2, but tbh anyone can read this just don’t read the "love for your short wife" part/s lol. (I myself am a 5’7.) Feel more free than ever to send more requests, bayo lovers here. Ps: sorry for that long ass message and I’ll change some things with the fact that she’s a witch from the Umbra. Sorry, tell me if you want it to change.
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-First, let’s talk about some importants things.
-Bayo is 5’8, and you being short as hell for her makes the vibe more clearer, you’re her Gomez and she’s your Morticia, ofc. Also, Bayo showed to be obviously more darker than Jeanne, so I’ll take the liberty to use Gomez and Morticia’s real over all strange but romantic couple type.
-Whenever you both are together in your black, elegant and kind of special house or just in general, the romantic and creepy (as Jeanne describe it sometimes..) couple quotes are a whole thing. You both can’t live a day without giving the other red/black roses and tell them something like, "Amor, I’ll make/get you the most prettiest dark dress just so you can be as dead and pretty as you are to me." (Romantic for you guys hello remember it? You both are kind of trash here.)
-You can’t stop gently kissing her hands or kiss her at all. You can’t let one without the other.
-Going to the point where you’re an artist, well, this is one of the reasons why bayo fell in love. Your (mostly) black and dark red dress or just outfits in general were so pretty, she loved your passion and seeing you being more passionate as well. Now she is kind of premium member one, lol, you always at least make her one dress every two-three weeks. Got more passion for her tho.
-I’m not gonna get too into it, but when it comes to the bed, Bayo’s ofc a top. But sometimes she’ll let you do what you wanna do, but not too much<3 she keeps her role. And by going, romanticism will never stop. Rose’s, wine, cozy and gloomy kind of lighting…It’s just perfect for you. As your couple is perfect.
-She is more of a black cat than you, but you both works as well as black and grey kitty’s. (Didn’t wanted to put white cat. It’s Jeanne, lol.)
-concerning about being out of the house, she always have an arm on your hips and romantic behavior with her. As well as you. Sometimes people like Jeanne, Luka and blah blah blah can thought of something like, "It’s looks fucked up but- It’s cute tho." and everything that goes on. They’re understandably kind of scared whenever you guys are too trash for them, lol. More Luka than Jeanne tbh.
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mitspeiler · 5 months
Elijah after hunting down a hog
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I will be skipping the space lore and making stuff up for filmverse generation 2
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
It's just a nice name with jewish origins
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
elijah will primarily be in his 20s during his tale, a late bloomer compared to his parents
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yes, Golshanak the witch, Golze for short
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
braised beef ribs
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Despite his weenie-lookin' portrait, a mercenary. In real life he would become an accountant and hate it
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
He's tried every hobby under the sun and become discouraged and quit. Mostly he reads
🎯 -What do they do best?
He has mastered a single perfect swordstroke after years of practice.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Feel like he did something important and fail respectively
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
a single time as a child he had to stand in for his brother Olivier at a school play and did okay at it. This was his biggest win for a long time
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
He was offered the lead in the next production and botched the first ever performance and never acted again
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
yesish. this is what he looks like as a teenager. he has a big glowup as an adult
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
middle child syndrome and Battinson
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
soft regency romance. unfortunately he will get isekaied into an endless tower
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
probably cishet
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Six. From oldest to youngest, Marguerite, Olivier, Jeanne, Elijah (that's him!), Otto, Alfred and Judith
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
He loves them and they love him back. However, he feels inadequate, because he wants to perform feats as great as them, and that's a lot to force yourself to live up to.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
A lot like his father, Elijah is a character who I designed to be very plain and boring but somehow caught the attention of my friends and forced me to make him interesting
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Not that often though I talk about him with some frequency because one of my friends is obsessed with him
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
fear of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
He doesn't have one, but he should. Closest he has is sibling rivalry with his two oldest siblings.
🎓 🍥- How long have you had the OC?
Like two or three years my guy
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mrsjadecurtiss · 2 years
Seeing a lot of people complain that bayonetta 3 showed them that these games arent made as womens power fantasies/etc at all and are instead made for men's fantasies, but i wanna present the option that this was already apparent in 2
Like, in the impression of me as someone who really liked Luka in the first game, he's super cute looking and sort of well intentioned with a mildly angsty storyline going on and most importantly while he is a "simp", hes always inferior and never poses a threat; perfect safe handsome guy to ogle at in your woman power fantasy game (saw someone compare him to a bond girl even). If we play this game assuming it's "for women", he'd appear to be the hot character pandering to straight girls (while jeanne is for the wlw)
However in the second game, suddenly in his appearances he has no character intrigue and instead becomes extremely slapstick heavy to the point that he was cringe enough i could not find him appealing anymore, which killed my interest enough that after a break of playing pokemon i never picked it up again
To me this shift recontextualizes his entire character: instead of being a cute guy for girls to enjoy, his character was actually meant to be some sort of weird comedic self insert for straight male players (and what i heard about 3's ending seems to confirm this)
So my thesis statement is that if bayonetta was truly made for the girlies we would have known it because they wouldnt have made luka cringe; making him a proper fantasy for girls is the one thing that truly doesnt do anything for the straight male gaze
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Send in a character trope and I'll draw or write an OC/Character with that prompt
tropes from tvtropes
All-Loving Hero - A heroic character whose love and compassion are unlimited.
The Antagonist - Opposes The Protagonist.
Anthropomorphic Personification - Living, roughly hominoid embodiments of abstract concepts.
Anti-Hero - A morally questionable hero who lacks conventional heroic qualities.
Blind Seer - Physically blind, but "sees" with other means.
Blue-Collar Warlock - Modern, street-smart spellcasters.
Bruiser with a Soft Center - Tough characters are capable of having soft hearts.
The Champion - A character devoted to sticking up for another character.
A Chat with Satan - A character tests whether the hero would enact their darker desires if tempted.
The Chosen One - The ancient prophecy says that only a certain person can save the world.
Classic Villain - A villain who acts as an evil foil to the hero's personality and is a main block to his journey towards his destiny.
The Conscience - A character that acts as another one's moral guide.
The Corrupter - A villain who tempts people into doing evil things.
The Cynic - Someone who always has low expectations for everything.
Demiurge Archetype - Someone evil pretending to be the setting's Top God.
Dumb Muscle - Lots of brawn, short on brains.
Eccentric Mentor - A mentor who is quirky, yet still wise and skilled.
Enigmatic Empowering Entity - A mysterious character who grants great power.
Evil Overlord - An incredibly powerful, highly influential despot who is usually the Big Bad of the story.
The Fair Folk - Fairies have Blue-and-Orange Morality.
False Prophet - A savior or religious figure, or someone posing as such, lying for selfish reasons.
Father Neptune - An old, gritty, experienced sailor.
The Ferryman - A mythical figure whose boat is used as a vehicle to transport people to Other Worlds.
Fool for Love - Tough, and possibly cynical, but still a sucker for love.
Gentle Giant - An imposing and scary but kind-hearted Big Guy.
The Good King - A king who is good at his job and beloved by the people.
Granny Classic - A wise, nurturing, and reliable grandmother.
The Grotesque - A character's ugliness is so extreme that it elicits pity instead of disgust.
Herald - What sends The Hero on their journey.
The Hero's Idol - The character who inspires The Hero to follow their path.
Heroic Wannabe - Wants to be a hero, but lacks the skills and/or mindset for actual heroism.
The High Queen - A woman of wealth, power, near-impossible beauty, and a calm demeanor.
Higher Self - A character's wiser, dettached side.
Hunter of Monsters - Someone who hunts and kills monsters and supernatural creatures.
Ideal Hero - A morally perfect hero.
The Idealist - A character defined by their hopefulness in the present and the future.
Ineffectual Loner - A capable but solitary character whose efficiency is limited by their lack of friends.
Jeanne d'Archétype - A young, soldier woman who is seen as her cause's symbol.
The Kirk - The balancer/combination of logic and emotion.
The Klutz - A character whose defining trait is clumsiness.
Knight in Shining Armor - A hero who champions the weak and innocent, especially women in distress.
Loser Archetype - A character whose disgrace comes from their lack of talent/skill.
Lovable Rogue - A charming, likeable trickster.
Madonna Archetype - Humble mother figure modeled after the Virgin Mary.
The McCoy - The emotional and sentimentalistic character.
Mentor Archetype - Someone whose role is to ensure The Hero's Character Development.
Messianic Archetype - Someone who endures great sacrifices to save others.
Mock Millionaire - A millionaire wannabe.
Modern Major General - Can do anything well except their actual job.
My Girl Back Home -The loved one who The Hero leaves when going on an adventure.
Old Soldier - Military Old Master.
The Paladin - Holy knight with healing and defensive powers and light based magic.
The Paragon - An embodiment of virtue who inspires others to help society.
The Patriarch - A male elder with the highest authority in his family.
Person of Mass Destruction - A person with massively devastating abilities.
The Pollyanna - A character who remains optimistic no matter what may happen to them.
Powers That Be - Almighty, powerful, and invisible forces.
Princess Classic - An innocent, good and kind princess.
The Protagonist - The character whom the story is about.
Rebel Leader - The character who leads La Résistance.
Rebellious Spirit - A character who doesn't abide by the rules.
Reluctant Monster - An Always Chaotic Evil species is oblivious/reluctant to their deeds.
Satanic Archetype - An evil-doer modelled after Satan.
Seeker Archetype - A character whose main motivation is to learn a certain truth.
Shadow Archetype - A character embodies another character's rejected facets.
Sidekick - The ever-reliable Number Two guy to every hero.
The Spock - The logical intellectual.
Star-Crossed Lovers - Lovers doomed to be kept apart.
The Storyteller - A character who tells tales and sometimes is the narrator.
The Trickster - A cunning character who disregards the rules.
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Winter Performance completed!!!!! And....WOW......Oh Rama Havenna might be my favorite play yet! For something that was supposed to be a throwaway play, it really turned out soooo beautiful!
Chicchi is such an interesting character and man when her secret came out and her life fell apart around her it broke my heart! Kisa did such a beautiful job with the emotions of that character, especially in the crying scenes. Rukiora was also incredibly endearing in how sympathetic I was to all she was going through, really Mitsuki's best work in a Jeanne role to date! Miguel was a perfect cool guy, I knew Fumi could pull off a Jack role well, I wanna see him do more!!! Fugio was such a fascinating character in how I swerved back and forth on finding him genuine or sketchy, Sou really and truly has grown as an actor. Neji was exactly as enjoyably detestable as I wanted in his evil role as Domina, like wow Domina is such a piece of shit I wanted to strangle her myself for what she's putting everyone, especially Chicchi and Rukiora, through. The priest may not have many lines but he certainly made an impression, I'm glad Kai didn't give up and made the role his own. And then...Suzu as Jire....Good grief Jire is such a pitiable man. It's so clear he loves Chicchi so much but it doesn't change the fact that he decided what was best for Chicchi FOR her and hurt her so badly. Chicchi is well within her rights not to forgive him, and I'm glad at Jire seems to accept that. But yeah, Suzu did a wonderful job with this role, I am so so SO proud of him for being able to get Jire to work at last. Also, while I didn't fully get the villain Suzu role I wanted, I got some version of that and a hot CG of Jire with a weapon, so I'll take what I can get!!! 😍😍😍 The play itself was so emotional and I was soooo wrapped up in Chicchi and Rukiora's relationship and so utterly happy when they became close again at the end. You know when Neji brought up a scene between the priest and Chicchi at the end I was like "??? what's with everyone's reactions? what kind of scene could it be???" Then I get to the end of Oh Rama Havenna and "....ohhhh...Chicchi and the priest are gonna do the do now...now I get the earlier reactions..."
For the music this time around, it was so damn hard for me to pick which one was my favorite! All three songs were simply spectacular! Oh Rama Havenna, Oh Beloved Havenna was so jazzy and had such a great tune to it, I couldn't help but shimmy while playing the rhythm game. Faded Color was an absolutely beautiful duet between Kisa and Mitsuki and truly wrapped up all the emotions and love of Chicchi and Rukiora's relationship in wonderful fashion. But Intense Confessions at the Confessional...was sheer perfection from start to finish for me...Seeing everyone's outfits was perfect, Kai and Neji's singing was perfect, the freaking choreography was perfect!!! The song just gets wrapped around your brain so tight and refuses to let go, it was so good and catchy and while it was hard to pick between the three at first, I am satisfied naming it my favorite from the Winter Performance!
I came out of the Winter Performance arc feeling so damn proud of Mitsuki. Because when he was suddenly assigned the Al Jeanne role, I understood what Neji was trying to do. Neji, Fumi, and Kai were all gonna graduate. Mitsuki is a second year, the only prominent one of Quartz in the story. So he would naturally become the next leader after the current third years are gone. So Neji basically threw Mitsuki into training for the position by putting him a lead role so suddenly. And of course Mitsuki couldn't take the pressure at first...But he broke through, and acted like such a damn good leader throughout the training. Helping Kisa with her struggle for her role and talking things out with her, helping Suzu realize why Jire is such a tough role for him and what he needs to do to perform, helping Sou get more comfortable with the parts in the play where Kisa and Sou's characters are more physically intimate. And not just the underclassmen, Mitsuki managed to be such a help to the upperclassmen too! Helping Neji realize he could take Domina more seriously as a character and helping Kai realize he still has so much more to give as a Jack Ace and not to give up. And the way he comforted Kisa during the play by telling her that it doesn't matter to him what her secret is, he accepts her and forgives her. And man, the sheer relief in Kisa's voice when that happens....She nearly drove me to tears! I loved Mitsuki's growth from someone who was just going through the motions to someone who is genuinely invested in the class performances! I'm sure he'll be a wonderful leader for Quartz next year!
Suzu's own development regarding acting was wonderful too. Seeing him having to face his frustration at falling behind Kisa and Sou as a result of his injury in the Fall Performance and also acknowledging his trouble with acting in roles so unlike who he is. For Suzu, he has trouble acting as those he can't connect with. And Suzu himself is someone who tends to be straightforward, so more complicated ones like Jire who feels such conflicting thoughts and Jean Jose who is manipulative and cunning are difficult for him. But I liked that Suzu didn't wallow in his frustration and sadness over not performing at the level he wanted. He accepted the fact that who he currently is cannot give such roles the true life they deserve, but he'll use the skills he DOES have to still make such roles shine until he is able to fully develop into the type of actor who can perform outside of the range he is stuck in. And I truly believe he's not so far off from such a dream anyways! I mean the king from The Sleepless King wasn't too much like Suzu as a person and yet my boy KILLED it! I think so long as Suzu can find that one part of the role that he connects with, he'll be able to do anything. He just needs to grow as a performer and reach that point, and sine he's still a first year he has plenty of time to make that growth happen!
So yeah, now I am officially done with the common route of Jack Jeanne! Christmas in the game is the start of the route splits. So I can finally have Kisa go after Suzu!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊 My sweet earnest puppy of a boy, I cannot WAIT to see what your route has in store! I hope I can at least start it today...If not I gotta wait for tomorrow...
....Also, semi aside, how on earth did the costuming department manage to make Neji's chest look like that for Domina? 😂😂😂
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