#Jeanette Lancaster
une-sanz-pluis · 10 months
Hey, hope you're having a good day. For a good while now I've been intensely fixated on the House of Lancaster, but I feel as though there's a major gap in my knowledge when it comes to John of Gaunt, Henry IV, and Henry V. Could you possibly suggest some further reading/research on them? I've got Red Prince by Helen Carr and I haven't read all of it but I think it's pretty good so far, same with Chris Given-Wilson's book on Henry IV
Hi! I can definitely do that for you - if there's any specific areas of their personality, relationship, life or reign, please let me know so I can be more targeted in my suggestions. I'm just going to focus on books to keep this manageable. All books are given in order of publication, not in order of preference.
John of Gaunt
There are only four book-length biographies about John of Gaunt that I'm aware of:
Sydney Armitage-Smith, John of Gaunt (1904)
Anthony Goodman, John of Gaunt: The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth-Century Europe (1992)
Helen Carr, The Red Prince (2021)
Kathryn Warner, John of Gaunt: Son of One King, Father of Another (2022)
To be completely honest, I've only read Goodman's in full though I've looked at the others in passing. Goodman's is on the academic, political biography side of things, which is reflected in the price (if you're looking to own a copy, I'd definitely recommend getting it second-hand rather than new) and language (it can be quite dense). If your interest is in Gaunt's personal life, Goodman doesn't spend much time on that (though I felt like I had more of a sense of Gaunt's personality when I finished reading it). It is a bit dated, obviously, so you'll have to keep that in mind. If you're interested in Gaunt's Castilian campaign, this was really impressive on that score - I feel a lot of English-centric histories tend to gloss over it.
Armitage-Smith's is from early 1900s so if you do read it, be aware that there's going to be some information that's out of date and the considerable risk of some Victorian/Edwardian attitudes seeping in. Despite the datedness, this does seem to be the standard biography on Gaunt (Goodman's being a more academic study, focusing heavily on the practice of power). From what I've seen, Armitage-Smith doesn't focus too much on Gaunt's personal life. It is also, helpfully, free to read on the Internet Archive.
You've already got Carr's biography so I won't talk about that except to say that Carr is heavily biased towards Gaunt, always presenting him in the most favourable light (I also heartily disagree with her opinion on Richard II). Kathryn Warner's biography is the most recently published and her intention was to focus more on Gaunt's personal life rather than his politics, military career or religious interests but while it is lacking on those fronts, it's still a straight forward biography. I have several issues with Warner as a historian and find she's much stronger on Edward II's reign than on later figures. I'd say it's probably worth reading if you're still wanting to know more about Gaunt but it wouldn't be my top pick.
If you're looking for work specifically on Katherine Swynford, there are three non-fiction books (or rather one 30 page booklet and two books):
Anthony Goodman, Katherine Swynford (1994)
Jeanette Lucroft, Katherine Swynford: The History of a Medieval Mistress (2006)
Alison Weir, Mistress of the Monarchy: The Life of Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster
If you're really interested in Katherine, I'd say all three are worth looking at. I haven't read Goodman's myself (it's out of print and secondhand copies are expensive) but he's an academic historian whose work I've got a lot of time for. I really loved Lucroft's book but it's more of historiographical approach to Katherine than a biographical, so if that doesn't interest you, it's skippable. Alison Weir is Alison Weir so the scholarship underpinning her biography is seriously lacking and because so little is known about Katherine, there's a lot of filler, so it's more "Katherine and her world", but it does have value in that it centres Katherine and her life and is the only in-print, straight-forward biography.
Henry IV
Ian Mortimer, The Fears of Henry IV (2007)
Chris Given-Wilson, Henry IV (2016)
There are a couple of older biographies of Henry but these two are ones most referred to. If you just want one, you've already got my top recommendation. Given-Wilson's is the most recent and far and away the most scholarly of the two, and he incorporates all of the new research Mortimer did while filtering out the bullshit and over-interpretation Mortimer fills his biography with. I personally find Given-Wilson very readable and even-handed. I am very, very impressed by his coverage of Mary de Bohun, Henry's first wife, too.
I don't like Ian Mortimer as a historian and I've talked about my issues with his work and attitude to history in detail on my personal blog here (it is a very long post). But Mortimer's biography is pretty well regarded and does sometimes include more detail than Given-Wilson, so if you end up wanting another biography of Henry, I'd pick up The Fears of Henry IV. However, while Mortimer's research is generally sound (though there are errors and gaps in his work), his interpretations are often heavily, heavily skewed towards his thesis that Henry IV was The Greatest Man Ever To Exist, Ever.
There are a few other books about Henry that are worth looking at, though some are based on more specific areas of his reign and if their subject doesn't interest you, I'd consider them skippable:
James Hamilton Wylie, The History of England Under Henry the Fourth (four volumes, 1884-1898)
Peter McNiven, Heresy and Politics in the Reign of Henry IV: The Burning of John Badby (1987)
Paul Strohm, England's Empty Throne: Usurpation and the Language of Legitimation, 1399-1422 (1998)
Henry IV: The Establishment of the Regime (essays, 2003)
The Reign of Henry IV: Rebellion and Survival (essays, 2008)
Jenni Nuttall, The Creation of Lancastrian Kingship: Literature, Language and Politics in Late Medieval England (2007)
Wylie is by far and away the most detailed and painstaking exploration of Henry IV's reign, though as the title suggests this is less of a focus on Henry but on the events of his reign. Wylie is not the most careful with his sources and he was writing in the Victorian era so it is very old work but there's still a lot of value there. The two essay collections are well worth looking at, covering a broad array of subjects. McNiven's is a good overview of the response to Lollardy (a heretical movement) in Henry's reign and Strohm and Nuttall focus on the propagandistic efforts of the Lancastrians to legitimise their claim to the throne.
There isn't any book-length biography on Mary de Bohun, Henry's first wife (and I'm not sure one could be written), but for Joan of Navarre, Elena Woodacre's Joan of Navarre: Infanta, Duchess, Queen, Witch? (2022) is highly recommended.
Finally, the Penguin Monarch for Henry IV (Catherine Nall, Henry IV: The Afflicted King) is due out in late 2024 and I've been eagerly looking forward to getting my hands on it... for several years. They keep pushing back the publication.
Henry V
There are a lot of books about Henry V so I'm going to try to be as concise as possible and only list the "must reads".
Christopher Allmand, Henry V (1992)
Anne Curry, Henry V: From Playboy Prince To Warrior King (2015)
Allmand's biography is the standard academic biography. Like Chris Given-Wilson's Henry IV, it's part of the Yale Monarch series but it's from an older run where the book was divided into two sections, the first being a chronological biography and the second being a thematic study on elements of their kingship. It's very much worth the read but it's dense and heavy going and very much skewed towards the political, not personal. Because it's from the nineties, there's some outdated information (the birthday debate is gone into, Henry's wounding at Shrewsbury is very briskly dealt with) too. Anne Curry's biography is probably the best starting place. It's a solid biography with scholarly underpinnings without being too scholarly, and as part of the Penguin Monarchs series, it's short (under 150 pages) and was published very recently. There's some compression, obviously, but Curry also has insights about Henry's life that you won't find elsewhere. So I'd read Curry first, pick up Allmand if you want more later. If you want another biographical treatment, I'd say John Matusiak's Henry V (2012) orTeresa Cole's Henry V: The Life of the Warrior King and the Battle of Agincourt (2015) are worth looking at with caveats (Matusiak's writing is pretty dense and he dabbles in misogyny, ableism and fatphobia; Cole is the first biography I read of Henry and I loved it at the time but looking back, there's some outdated information that's obviously because she hadn't read the more recent research on Henry IV and Henry V).
James Hamilton Wylie, The Reign of Henry the Fifth (three volumes, 1914-1929)
Henry V: The Practice of Kingship (essays, 1984)
Henry V: New Interpretations (essays, 2013)
Katherine J. Lewis, Kingship and Masculinity In Late Medieval England (2013)
Malcolm Vale, Henry V: The Conscience of a King (2016)
Vale has written my absolute favourite book on Henry. It's not a biography so much as a study of Henry and his kingship with the intention of looking beyond the image of the warrior king. It's the perfect riposte to the revisionist studies that vilify Henry and incredibly revealing but not the best introduction to his life and reign.
The Practice of Kingship has the same problem that older works have but it's a very solid, very insightful collection of essays that I keep turning back to; New Interpretations is also very good. Lewis's Kingship and Masculinity is a study of Henry V and Henry VI through a gender-studies lens and is another of my top recs.
Wylie's The Reign of Henry the Fifth is very similar in approach to his work on Henry IV's reign - it's not about Henry V so much as his reign - and the same strengths and weaknesses apply, with one extra caveat. Wylie died in 1914 with the third volume unfinished so it's not as complete as it should be, but still well worth the look.
Anne Curry, Agincourt: A New History (2000)
Juliet Barker, Agincourt: Henry V and the Battle that Made England (2005)
The Battle of Agincourt: Sources & Interpretations (2009)
It's hard to discuss Henry V without talking about Agincourt, of course. Curry is the foremost expert on Agincourt and did a lot of groundbreaking, new research that shifted our perception of the battle and cut through some of the legends; this is published in Agincourt: A New History. This is a dryer, more scholarly read than Barker's but very much worth looking at. Barker's a very readable account in the pop history style that does tend to be recced by scholars as a very readable account. She incorporates Curry's new research but doesn't wholly agree with it so it's very interesting to see the two in conversation with each other. I'd personally start with Barker and then move onto Curry if you want more Agincourt.
Sources and Interpretations is, pretty obviously, a sourcebook for the battle itself from medieval (contemporary and near-contemporary) and early modern accounts. It's concerned with the battle only, not the broader campaign (so there's nothing on the Siege of Harfleur) but it's very valuable for collecting all the various accounts together and also providing an overview about the reliability of each source.
Michael Livingston published Agincourt: The Battle of the Scarred King this year which I haven't gotten around to reading though I'm looking forward to it. He does seem to be interested in cutting through the mythology of the battle, most notably arguing that the traditional location of the battle is not where the battle was actually fought.
T. B. Pugh, Henry V and the Southampton Plot (1988)
This is out of print but the best overview of the Southampton Plot (the plot that was led by Richard, Earl of Cambridge and occurred just before Henry was due to sail to France for the 1415 campaign). It's obviously old so some information is out-of-date and I don't always agree with the conclusions but if you want to know about the plot or the plotters, this is the book to pick up. There is another book, 1415: The Plot by Bryan R. Dunleavy, but that one skews heavily away from Henry and his reign to anticipate the Wars of the Roses.
Paul Strohm, England's Empty Throne: Usurpation and the Language of Legitimation, 1399-1422 (1998)
Strohm is a literary scholar that is looking at the processes of legitimisation the Lancastrians used. Obviously, this focuses a lot on Richard II's deposition and Henry IV's response to it but he also explores Henry V's efforts to legitimise his own rule, including his patronage of Lydgate and Hoccleve, responses to the Oldcastle rebellion and the Southampton Plot, the reburial of Richard II and his patronage. There are things Strohm says that I don't find believable or likely, such as his oft-cited assertion that the Southampton Plot was a "mock-up" invented by Henry V to give the conspirators something to confess to, but that doesn't detract from his wider points.
As Prince of Wales
Because Henry played such a prominent role in his father's reign, pretty much all of the recommendations I gave for Henry IV also have a lot of information about Henry V as Prince of Wales. I'd ignore Ian Mortimer because he treats Henry V very strangely in relation to Henry IV (I have a blog/rant about that) and is very weird about Henry V in general (if I had a hall of shame section on this post, his book on Henry V would be there). I think Peter McNiven's Heresy and Politics is very much worth reading, since he goes into some detail about Henry V's responses to Lollardy as Prince of Wales.
Catherine de Valois
The best biographic treatment of Catherine is Katherine J. Lewis's chapter on her in Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts. The entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography is also quite solid.
The Sister Queens by Mary McGrigor is the only book-length biography written about Catherine is the one she shares with Isabelle de Valois, her eldest sister and fellow Queen of England. I absolutely do not recommend this. It reads like the most trashy and melodramatic novel about Catherine, this time written by an author who seems most invested in the invention of new love interests for Catherine and Isabelle (she claims James I of Scotland was actually in love with Catherine, not Joan Beaufort). It's also chronologically confused, full of typos and unsourced quotes. Isabeau of Bavaria's depiction is a replication of the outdated misogynistic stereotype, as is the depiction of Eleanor Cobham (bizarrely called "Elizabeth" on several occasions).
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professorlink · 9 months
This sale only includes the Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 6th Edition TestBank in PDF. The ebook is available for sale separately. About the eBook Master the essentials of health promotion in community and public health nursing! Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing, 6th Edition provides clear, concise coverage of the nurse’s role in preventing disease, promoting health, and providing health education in community settings. Case studies and critical thinking activities make applying concepts to community nursing practice easier. New to this edition are Healthy People 2030 guidelines and coverage of the latest issues, trends, and approaches. Written by well-known nursing educators Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster, this streamlined textbook covers the fundamentals of designing effective nursing strategies for vulnerable and special populations. Focus on health promotion throughout the textbook emphasizes initiatives, strategies, and interventions that promote community health. QSEN boxes illustrate how quality and safety goals, competencies, objectives, knowledge, skills, and attitudes can be applied in nursing practice in the community. Levels of Prevention boxes identify specific primary, secondary, and tertiary nursing interventions, reinforcing the concept of prevention as it relates to community and public health care. Applying Content to Practice boxes highlight how chapter content is applied to nursing practice in the community. Practice Application scenarios present practice situations with questions and answers to help you apply concepts to community practice. Genomics coverage provides a history of genetics and genomics and how they impact public/community health nursing care. Coverage of ongoing healthcare reform issues includes the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) on public health nursing. Evidence-Based Practice boxes highlight current research findings, their application to practice, and how community/public health nurses can apply the study results. NEW! COVID-19 pandemic information has been added. NEW! Healthy People 2030 objectives are highlighted throughout the book, addressing the health priorities and emerging health issues expected in the next decade. NEW! Updated content and figures reflect current data, issues, trends, and practices. NEW! Expanded Check Your Practice boxes use Clinical Judgment (Next Generation NCLEX®) steps to guide your thinking about practice scenarios. 9780323751544, 9780323776905, 978-0323776882, 978-0323751544, 978-0323776905, 978-0323776899, 978-0323829649, P.S. We also have the Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 6E ebook for sale. See related products below. NOTE: This sale only includes the Test Bank for Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing (Sixth Edition). No ebook or access codes are included.
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newmanspaul · 4 years
Aries: Gregory Peck, Spencer Tracy, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, William Holden, Doris Day, Anthony Perkins, Debbie Reynolds, Ann Miller, Billie Holiday, Karl Malden, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Lon Chaney, Steve McQueen, Ed Begley, Melvyn Douglas, Alec Guinness, Leslie Howard, Jayne Mansfield
Taurus: Jimmy Stewart, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Don Rickles, Orson Welles, Tyrone Power, Rudolph Valentino, Gary Cooper, Henry Fonda, Shirley MacLaine, Shirley Temple, Anthony Quinn, James Mason, Ella Fitzgerald, Lionel Barrymore, Phil Silvers, Jack Klugman, Harold Lloyd, Mary Astor, Simone Simon, Margaret Sullavan, Eve Arden
Gemini: Judy Garland, Bob Hope, Dean Martin, Errol Flynn, Laurence Olivier, Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Tony Curtis, Rosemary Clooney, Douglas Fairbanks, Burl Ives, Al Jolson, Stan Laurel, Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone, Rosalind Russell, Hattie McDaniel, Priscilla Lane, Josephine Baker, Jeanette MacDonald, Peggy Lee
Cancer: Ginger Rogers, Eva Marie Saint, Natalie Wood, Olivia de Havilland, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jimmy Cagney, Milton Berle, Yul Brynner, Peter Lorre, Red Skelton, Jane Russell, Gina Lollobrigida, Leslie Caron, Farley Granger
Leo: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Mae West, Clara Bow, Norma Shearer, Esther Williams, Walter Brennan, Robert Mitchum, Louis Armstrong, Peter O’Toole, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Alfred Hitchcock, Maureen O’Hara, Lucille Ball, Shelley Winters, Dolores del Rio
Virgo: Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Sophia Loren, Claudette Colbert, Greta Garbo, Donald O’Connor, Ingrid Bergman, Peter Lawford, Fredric March, James Coburn, Fred MacMurray, Peter Sellers, Raquel Welch, George Chakiris, Vera Miles
Libra: Jean Arthur, Carole Lombard, Montgomery Clift, Rita Hayworth, Deborah Kerr, Charlton Heston, Mickey Rooney, Lillian Gish, Groucho Marx, Buster Keaton, Bela Lugosi, George C. Scott, Lenny Bruce, Walter Pidgeon, Greer Garson, Joan Fontaine, Brigitte Bardot, June Allyson, Julie London
Scorpio: Richard Burton, Rock Hudson, Vivien Leigh, Burt Lancaster, Gene Tierney, Grace Kelly, Claude Rains, Joel McCrea, Johnny Carson, Burgess Meredith, Hedy Lamarr, Eleanor Powell, Veronica Lake
Sagittarius: Frank Sinatra, Kirk Douglas, Sammy Davis Jr, Edward G. Robinson, Rita Moreno, Lee Remick, Boris Karloff, Lee J. Cobb, Ricardo Montalban, Irene Dunne, Agnes Moorehead, Gloria Grahame, Betty Grable, Julie Harris
Capricorn: Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, Ava Gardner, Marlene Dietrich, Loretta Young, Ethel Merman, Eartha Kitt, Janet Leigh, Lew Ayres, Ray Bolger, Sal Mineo, Danny Kaye, Oliver Hardy, Oscar Levant, Ray Milland, Elvis Presley, Jane Wyman, Kay Francis, Barbara Rush
Aquarius: Kathryn Grayson, James Dean, Paul Newman, Clark Gable, Jimmy Durante, Jack Benny, Lana Turner, Kim Novak, Ronald Colman, Ernest Borgnine, Randolph Scott, Vera-Ellen, Donna Reed, Jack Lemmon, John Barrymore, George Burns, Arthur Kennedy, Cesar Romero, Jean Simmons, Zsa Zsa Gabor
Pisces: Jerry Lewis, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Harlow, Nat King Cole, Sidney Poitier, Cyd Charisse, Lee Marvin, Jackie Gleason, Edward Everett Horton, David Niven
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heartofstanding · 4 years
WIP Wednesdays
@themalhambird tagged me in the Six Sentence Sunday meme - where you’re supposed to post 6 sentences from your WIP(s) on a Sunday - but since it’s Wednesday now, I’m doing short excerpts from some of my WIPs.
the birth (modern AU, Mary gives birth to Hal)
‘But,’ she said, ‘one of the doctors came up to talk about Hal.’
‘Hal?’ Henry said.
‘Our baby,’ Mary said, looking a little hurt.
‘I thought we were going to call him Harry?’ he said.
‘He looked more like a Hal than a Harry to me,’ Mary said as if that solved everything.
Henry didn’t know how that even worked. Their son looked like a gremlin, not like a Harry or a Hal or like anything that should have a name that wasn’t Uglik the Wailing One.
The Eleanor Cobham Novel 
‘I don’t want you to pity me,’ Eleanor said.
‘Pity you? Why would I—?’ He took her hands again, squeezed them. ‘I love you. I love our talks, the way you see things I never think of and you share them. And yes, you’re beautiful and I want to kiss you and take you to bed and show you how precious you are but I don’t want you there if you don’t want to be there. I want you to feel cherished, not scared or unwilling or like you have to be there.’
‘But I’m not and I don’t,’ Eleanor said. ‘I want to – to go to bed with you, and just you.’
blown buds of barren flowers (Isabelle and her imaginary Anne of Bohemia)
She turns the pages more carefully, the gold catching the weak light, opening the book to the image of the king and queen coronated together. Richard recoiled, when she showed it to him, and then touched the image with shaking fingers. Then he admitted it was not a very good likeness. She believes him. The king is far uglier than Richard ever was – the nose, again, is too large and sharp, the brows too arched, the lips too pale and cruel-looking. But the queen – Richard’s first queen, hailing from Bohemia and named Anne.
stars in your mouth (Joan of Kent is grieving the loss of her first husband, Blanche of Lancaster becomes a friend and ships Joan/TBP.)
‘Jeanette,’ Edward says softly and crosses to her, holding her tight.
She presses her face against his shoulder, breathes in the sent of him and feels the wiry strength of his arms, the brush of his beard against the tip of her head. He smells familiar and safe, of rosewood and citrus. His body is warm, like sun through glass, and she feels herself lulled by it.
‘Oh Jeanette,’ he says. ‘I’m sorry.’
She doesn’t cry. She thinks she should but she doesn’t.
hollow bodies (Hal at Shrewsbury)
‘What are you doing?’ Courtenay said.
‘Looking,’ Hal said. ‘I should order a watch be held. If Hotspur thinks to attack tonight, to catch us unawares—’
He cut himself off and swallowed, moving to sit on the edge of the wall. There seemed to be a great abyss of nothing below him and he thought that if he fell, he would never stop. Courtenay grabbed a fistful of Hal’s cloak, tugged him back.
‘Stop it,’ Hal said and shoved at Courtenay.
‘You might fall,’ Courtenay said. “And then what would I say tomorrow? Your father will arrive tomorrow or the next day and say, where is my son and I’ll have to tell him that you fell from the battlements before proper battle could be had?’
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Test Bank for Community Health Nursing in Canada 2nd Edition by Stanhope and Lancaster and falcioni and Dresler
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Product Descriptions:
The second edition of Community Health Nursing in Canada has been extensively revised and is informed by the most current research available. This comprehensive textbook introduces undergraduate nursing students to community health nursing concepts, skills, and practice. This text also addresses the increasing awareness of social justice and the impact of society on individual health, with a shift from individual-centred care to population- and community-centred care. A completely new chapter includes specific, practical information in helpful case studies with questions for students to address and example nursing reflections.
Table of Content:
CHAPTER 1 Community Health Nursing CHAPTER 2 The Evolution of Community Health Nursing in Canada CHAPTER 3 Community Health Nursing in Canada: Settings, Functions, and Roles CHAPTER 4 Health Promotion CHAPTER 5 Evidence-Informed Practice in Community Health Nursing CHAPTER 6 Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice CHAPTER 7 Diversity CHAPTER 8 Epidemiological Applications CHAPTER 9 Working with Community CHAPTER 10 Health Program Planning and Evaluation CHAPTER 11 Working with Vulnerable Populations CHAPTER 12 Working with Family CHAPTER 13 Working with Client as Individual: Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan CHAPTER 14 Working with Groups, Teams, and Partners CHAPTER 15 Environmental Health CHAPTER 16 Disaster Management CHAPTER 17 Communicable and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control CHAPTER 18 Applications in Working with Specific Aggregates APPENDIX 1 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice APPENDIX 2 CNA Position Statement: “Interprofessional Collaboration” APPENDIX 3 CNA Backgrounder: “Social Determinants of Health and Nursing: A Summary of… APPENDIX 4 Ethics in Practice for Registered Nurses: Social Justice in Practice APPENDIX 5 Declaration of Alma-Ata APPENDIX 6 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion APPENDIX 7 Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model APPENDIX 8 Community-as-Partner Model APPENDIX 9 The Calgary Family Assessment Model and the Calgary Family Intervention Mode APPENDIX 10 CNA Position Statement: “Nurses and Environmental Health” APPENDIX 11 What You Should Know About an Influenza Pandemic APPENDIX 12 Non–Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Diseases APPENDIX 13 Viral Hepatitis Profiles*
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Language: English ISBN-10: 1926648099 ISBN-13: 978-1926648095 ISBN-13: 9781926648095
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anananne1997-blog · 7 years
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank Stanhope Lancaster
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community  Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank by Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster
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Product descriptions:
With concise, focused coverage of community health nursing, Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice, 4th Edition provides essential information for community practice ― from nursing roles and care settings to vulnerable population groups. The book uses a practical, community-oriented approach and places an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Practical application of concepts is highlighted throughout the text in case studies, critical thinking activities, QSEN competencies, and Healthy People 2020 objectives.
Table  of contents:
Part I: Perspectives in Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 1. Community-Oriented Nursing and Community-Based Nursing Chapter 2. The History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing Chapter 3. The U.S. Health and Public Health Care Systems
Part II: Influences on Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 4. Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice Chapter 5. Cultural Influences in Nursing in Community Health Chapter 6. Environmental Health Chapter 7. Government, the Law, and Policy Activism Chapter 8. Economic Influences
Part III: Conceptual Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice in the Community Chapter  9. Epidemiological Applications Chapter  10. Evidence-Based Practice Chapter  11. Using Health Education and Groups in the Community
Part IV: Issues and Approaches in Health Care of Populations Chapter  12. Community Assessment and Evaluation Chapter  13. Case Management Chapter  14. Disaster Management Chapter  15. Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation Chapter  16. Program Management Chapter  17. Managing Quality and Safety
Part V: Issues and Approaches in Family and Individual Health Care Chapter  18. Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment Chapter  19. Family Health Risks Chapter  20. Health Risks Across the Life Span
Part VI: Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors Chapter  21. Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview Chapter  22. Rural Health and Migrant Health Chapter  23. Poverty, Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Teen Pregnancy Chapter  24. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Community Chapter  25. Violence and Human Abuse Chapter  26. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Chapter  27. HIV Infection, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Part VII: Nursing Practice in the Community: Roles and Functions Chapter  28. Nursing Practice at the Local, State, and National Levels in Public Health Chapter  29. The Faith Community Nurse Chapter  30. The Nurse in Home Health and Hospice Chapter  31. The Nurse in the Schools Chapter  32. The Nurse in Occupational Health Appendixes APPENDIX A Guidelines for Practice APPENDIX B Assessment Tools APPENDIX C Essential Elements of Public Health Nursing APPENDIX D Hepatitis Information APPENDIX E Resource Tools available on the Evolve website Glossary
Product details:
Language: English ISBN-10: 0323100945 ISBN-13: 978-0323100946            9780323100946
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annetonton97-blog · 7 years
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank Stanhope Lancaster
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community  Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank by Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster
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Product descriptions:
With concise, focused coverage of community health nursing, Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice, 4th Edition provides essential information for community practice ― from nursing roles and care settings to vulnerable population groups. The book uses a practical, community-oriented approach and places an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Practical application of concepts is highlighted throughout the text in case studies, critical thinking activities, QSEN competencies, and Healthy People 2020 objectives.
Table  of contents:
Part I: Perspectives in Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 1. Community-Oriented Nursing and Community-Based Nursing Chapter 2. The History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing Chapter 3. The U.S. Health and Public Health Care Systems
Part II: Influences on Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 4. Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice Chapter 5. Cultural Influences in Nursing in Community Health Chapter 6. Environmental Health Chapter 7. Government, the Law, and Policy Activism Chapter 8. Economic Influences
Part III: Conceptual Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice in the Community Chapter  9. Epidemiological Applications Chapter  10. Evidence-Based Practice Chapter  11. Using Health Education and Groups in the Community
Part IV: Issues and Approaches in Health Care of Populations Chapter  12. Community Assessment and Evaluation Chapter  13. Case Management Chapter  14. Disaster Management Chapter  15. Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation Chapter  16. Program Management Chapter  17. Managing Quality and Safety
Part V: Issues and Approaches in Family and Individual Health Care Chapter  18. Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment Chapter  19. Family Health Risks Chapter  20. Health Risks Across the Life Span
Part VI: Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors Chapter  21. Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview Chapter  22. Rural Health and Migrant Health Chapter  23. Poverty, Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Teen Pregnancy Chapter  24. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Community Chapter  25. Violence and Human Abuse Chapter  26. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Chapter  27. HIV Infection, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Part VII: Nursing Practice in the Community: Roles and Functions Chapter  28. Nursing Practice at the Local, State, and National Levels in Public Health Chapter  29. The Faith Community Nurse Chapter  30. The Nurse in Home Health and Hospice Chapter  31. The Nurse in the Schools Chapter  32. The Nurse in Occupational Health Appendixes APPENDIX A Guidelines for Practice APPENDIX B Assessment Tools APPENDIX C Essential Elements of Public Health Nursing APPENDIX D Hepatitis Information APPENDIX E Resource Tools available on the Evolve website Glossary
Product details:
Language: English ISBN-10: 0323100945 ISBN-13: 978-0323100946            9780323100946
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stressout333-blog · 7 years
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank Stanhope Lancaster
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Product descriptions:
With concise, focused coverage of community health nursing, Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice, 4th Edition provides essential information for community practice ― from nursing roles and care settings to vulnerable population groups. The book uses a practical, community-oriented approach and places an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Practical application of concepts is highlighted throughout the text in case studies, critical thinking activities, QSEN competencies, and Healthy People 2020 objectives.
Table  of contents:
Part I: Perspectives in Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 1. Community-Oriented Nursing and Community-Based Nursing Chapter 2. The History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing Chapter 3. The U.S. Health and Public Health Care Systems
Part II: Influences on Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 4. Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice Chapter 5. Cultural Influences in Nursing in Community Health Chapter 6. Environmental Health Chapter 7. Government, the Law, and Policy Activism Chapter 8. Economic Influences
Part III: Conceptual Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice in the Community Chapter  9. Epidemiological Applications Chapter  10. Evidence-Based Practice Chapter  11. Using Health Education and Groups in the Community
Part IV: Issues and Approaches in Health Care of Populations Chapter  12. Community Assessment and Evaluation Chapter  13. Case Management Chapter  14. Disaster Management Chapter  15. Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation Chapter  16. Program Management Chapter  17. Managing Quality and Safety
Part V: Issues and Approaches in Family and Individual Health Care Chapter  18. Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment Chapter  19. Family Health Risks Chapter  20. Health Risks Across the Life Span
Part VI: Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors Chapter  21. Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview Chapter  22. Rural Health and Migrant Health Chapter  23. Poverty, Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Teen Pregnancy Chapter  24. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Community Chapter  25. Violence and Human Abuse Chapter  26. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Chapter  27. HIV Infection, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Part VII: Nursing Practice in the Community: Roles and Functions Chapter  28. Nursing Practice at the Local, State, and National Levels in Public Health Chapter  29. The Faith Community Nurse Chapter  30. The Nurse in Home Health and Hospice Chapter  31. The Nurse in the Schools Chapter  32. The Nurse in Occupational Health Appendixes APPENDIX A Guidelines for Practice APPENDIX B Assessment Tools APPENDIX C Essential Elements of Public Health Nursing APPENDIX D Hepatitis Information APPENDIX E Resource Tools available on the Evolve website Glossary
Product details:
Language: English ISBN-10: 0323100945 ISBN-13: 978-0323100946            9780323100946
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Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank Stanhope Lancaster
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community  Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition Test Bank by Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster
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Product descriptions:
With concise, focused coverage of community health nursing, Foundations of Nursing in the Community: Community-Oriented Practice, 4th Edition provides essential information for community practice ― from nursing roles and care settings to vulnerable population groups. The book uses a practical, community-oriented approach and places an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Practical application of concepts is highlighted throughout the text in case studies, critical thinking activities, QSEN competencies, and Healthy People 2020 objectives.
Table  of contents:
Part I: Perspectives in Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 1. Community-Oriented Nursing and Community-Based Nursing Chapter 2. The History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing Chapter 3. The U.S. Health and Public Health Care Systems
Part II: Influences on Health Care Delivery and Nursing Chapter 4. Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice Chapter 5. Cultural Influences in Nursing in Community Health Chapter 6. Environmental Health Chapter 7. Government, the Law, and Policy Activism Chapter 8. Economic Influences
Part III: Conceptual Frameworks Applied to Nursing Practice in the Community Chapter  9. Epidemiological Applications Chapter  10. Evidence-Based Practice Chapter  11. Using Health Education and Groups in the Community
Part IV: Issues and Approaches in Health Care of Populations Chapter  12. Community Assessment and Evaluation Chapter  13. Case Management Chapter  14. Disaster Management Chapter  15. Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation Chapter  16. Program Management Chapter  17. Managing Quality and Safety
Part V: Issues and Approaches in Family and Individual Health Care Chapter  18. Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment Chapter  19. Family Health Risks Chapter  20. Health Risks Across the Life Span
Part VI: Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors Chapter  21. Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview Chapter  22. Rural Health and Migrant Health Chapter  23. Poverty, Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Teen Pregnancy Chapter  24. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Problems in the Community Chapter  25. Violence and Human Abuse Chapter  26. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Chapter  27. HIV Infection, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Part VII: Nursing Practice in the Community: Roles and Functions Chapter  28. Nursing Practice at the Local, State, and National Levels in Public Health Chapter  29. The Faith Community Nurse Chapter  30. The Nurse in Home Health and Hospice Chapter  31. The Nurse in the Schools Chapter  32. The Nurse in Occupational Health Appendixes APPENDIX A Guidelines for Practice APPENDIX B Assessment Tools APPENDIX C Essential Elements of Public Health Nursing APPENDIX D Hepatitis Information APPENDIX E Resource Tools available on the Evolve website Glossary
Product details:
Language: English ISBN-10: 0323100945 ISBN-13: 978-0323100946            9780323100946
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professorlink · 1 year
Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing (6th Edition) - eBook Authors: Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster 0323776884, 0323776892 9780323776882, 9780323776899, 9780323829649, 9780323751544, 9780323776905 Download in PDF
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Download Test Bank Public Health Nursing Population Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition by Stanhope
Public Health Nursing Population Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition by Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster Test Bank
Instant download Public Health Nursing Population Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition by Marcia Stanhope and  Jeanette Lancaster Test Bank
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Product Description
Prepare for a successful career as a community/public health nurse! Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community, 9th Edition provides up-to-date information on issues that impact public health nursing, such as infectious diseases, natural and man-made disasters, and health care policies affecting individuals, families, and communities. Real-life scenarios show examples of health promotion and public health interventions. New to this edition is an emphasis on QSEN skills and an explanation of the influence of the Affordable Care Act on public health. Written by well-known nursing educators Marcia Stanhope and Jeanette Lancaster, this comprehensive, bestselling text is ideal for students in both BSN and Advanced Practice Nursing programs.
Table of Contents
PART 1: PERSPECTIVES IN HEALTH CARE AND POPULATION-CENTERED NURSING 1. Population-Focused Practice: The Foundation of Specialization in Public Health Nursing 2. History of Public Health and Public and Community Health Nursing 3. Public Health and Primary Health Care Systems and Healthcare Transformation 4. Perspectives in Global Health Care
PART 2: INFLUENCES ON HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND POPULATION-CENTERED NURSING 5. Economics of Health Care Delivery 6. Application of Ethics in the Community 7. Cultural Diversity in the Community 8. Public Health Policy
PART 3: CONCEPTUAL AND SCIENTIFIC FRAMEWORKS APPLIED TO POPULATION-CENTERED NURSING PRACTICE 9. Population-Based Public Health Nursing Practice: The Intervention Wheel 10. Environmental Health 11. Genomics in Public Health Nursing 12. Epidemiology 13. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control 14. Communicable and Infectious Disease Risks 15. Evidence-Based Practice 16. Using Health Education and Groups to Promote Health 17. Promoting Healthy Communities Using Multilevel Participatory Strategies
PART 4: ISSUES AND APPROACHES IN POPULATION-CENTERED NURSING 18. Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis 19. Population-Centered Nursing in Rural and Urban Environments 20. Promoting Health Through Healthy Communities and Cities 21. The Nursing Center: A Model for Nursing Practice in the Community 22. Case Management 23. Public Health Nursing and the Disaster Management Cycle 24. Public Health Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation 25. Program Management 26. Quality Management
PART 5: HEALTH PROMOTION WITH TARGET POPULATIONS ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN 27. Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment 28. Family Health Risks 29. Child and Adolescent Health 30. Major Health Issues and Chronic Disease Management of Adults Across the Life Span 31. Special Needs Populations
PART 6: VULNERABILITY: ISSUES FOR THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 32. Vulnerability and Vulnerable Populations: An Overview 33. Poverty and Homelessness 34. Migrant Health Issues 35. Teen Pregnancy 36. Mental Health Issues 37. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Problems 38. Violence and Human Abuse
PART 7: NURSE ROLES AND FUNCTIONS IN THE COMMUNITY 39. The Advanced Practice Nurse in the Community 40. The Nurse Leader in the Community 41. The Nurse in Home Health, Palliative Care, and Hospice 42. The Nurse in the Schools 43. The Nurse in Occupational Health 44. Forensic Nursing in the Community 45. The Nurse in the Faith Community 46. Public Health Nursing at Local, State, and National Levels
Product details
Language: English ISBN-10: 0323321534 ISBN-13: 978-0323321532              9780323321532
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solutionsfree-blog1 · 7 years
Download Foundations of Nursing in the Community Community Oriented Practice 4th Edition by Marcia Stanhope Test bank
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Click link bellow to download: https://www.scribd.com/document/356659729/Download-Foundations-of-Nursing-in-the-Community-Community-Oriented-Practice-4th-Edition-by-Marcia-Stanhope-Test-bank
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foulposti-blog · 7 years
Download Test Bank for Community Health Nursing in Canada 2nd Edition answer key
Test Bank for Community Health Nursing in Canada 2nd Edition
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What will you see in a Test Bank Solutions? 1. Multiple choice questions + answers to tests 2. Essay questions + answers 3. True or False questions with answers PAY NOW & DOWNLOAD INSTANT
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Product Description
The second edition of Community Health Nursing in Canada has been extensively revised and is informed by the most current research available. This comprehensive textbook introduces undergraduate nursing students to community health nursing concepts, skills, and practice. This text also addresses the increasing awareness of social justice and the impact of society on individual health, with a shift from individual-centred care to population- and community-centred care. A completely new chapter includes specific, practical information in helpful case studies with questions for students to address and example nursing reflections.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Community Health Nursing CHAPTER 2 The Evolution of Community Health Nursing in Canada CHAPTER 3 Community Health Nursing in Canada: Settings, Functions, and Roles CHAPTER 4 Health Promotion CHAPTER 5 Evidence-Informed Practice in Community Health Nursing CHAPTER 6 Ethics in Community Health Nursing Practice CHAPTER 7 Diversity CHAPTER 8 Epidemiological Applications CHAPTER 9 Working with Community CHAPTER 10 Health Program Planning and Evaluation CHAPTER 11 Working with Vulnerable Populations CHAPTER 12 Working with Family CHAPTER 13 Working with Client as Individual: Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan CHAPTER 14 Working with Groups, Teams, and Partners CHAPTER 15 Environmental Health CHAPTER 16 Disaster Management CHAPTER 17 Communicable and Infectious Disease Prevention and Control CHAPTER 18 Applications in Working with Specific Aggregates APPENDIX 1 Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice APPENDIX 2 CNA Position Statement: “Interprofessional Collaboration” APPENDIX 3 CNA Backgrounder: “Social Determinants of Health and Nursing: A Summary of… APPENDIX 4 Ethics in Practice for Registered Nurses: Social Justice in Practice APPENDIX 5 Declaration of Alma-Ata APPENDIX 6 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion APPENDIX 7 Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model APPENDIX 8 Community-as-Partner Model APPENDIX 9 The Calgary Family Assessment Model and the Calgary Family Intervention Mode APPENDIX 10 CNA Position Statement: “Nurses and Environmental Health” APPENDIX 11 What You Should Know About an Influenza Pandemic APPENDIX 12 Non–Vaccine-Preventable Infectious Diseases APPENDIX 13 Viral Hepatitis Profiles*
Product details
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1926648099
ISBN-13: 9781926648095
Link full download: https://getbooksolutions.com/download/test-bank-for-community-health-nursing-in-canada-2nd-edition
If you have a question or request about Test Bank for Community Health Nursing in Canada 2nd Edition , our client services department will have an answer for you. We certainly try to respond to all emails as fast as possible. You can expect an email as soon as possible.
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zooterchet · 2 years
Batman’s True Identity (01748)
You know why they call me the Jew, in Hopkinton, my hometown?
I collect lighters, by payment primarily, sometimes by accidental theft.
I have over 60 in my apartment, not the ones I threw out, for being out of juice.
I buy them whenever I go to the store for a pack of cigarettes.
Sometimes, people outside of town, are confused as to what The Jew is.
They think I'm Hebrew.
I'm just a cowboy.
I'm American Lodge, too, none of this queer shit, with the Canadian Lodge, the Furs and Lancasters.
American Lodge, famous American war criminal that Britain finds objectionable.
I killed a Redcoat Jewish assassin, War of 1812, targeting the First Lady.
Plus homophobic transphobic anti-Semitic heterosexual ADHD, a US Presidential candidate.
Since Washington.
Every winner, except Trump.
Ignored Prom and saved a man from being gay, spotted a Klanswoman and saved her with Camille the Queen Consort's kinsman, a Tory President.
I'm genetic First Nations, therefore eligible for a Selectman's position or above, in US politics, without an accusation of being a National Socialist, unlike Obama and Trump, both Polyanders, non-Natives.
George Washington was full blood Mohecan.
I have Madison, Fourth President, MI-6 sleeper agent, as a direct ancestor, through Jeanette McCullem, Dolly's savior, and I'm cousins with Polk, father, and Kennedy, mother.
Sworn foes, through Tyrone, with the Fenslings, the Nazis.
I'm a bondage sub, therefore against the pornography trade of sexually trafficked semen and pornography actors and actresses, and art or clown school writers out of France.
Don’t read comics, but I understand them, as petty literature to trap bully victims into a space where they’re bullies, so they don’t offend as sex offenders.  You come up with a complex formula, then simplify it into a script, for your artist’s ease.
Superman, Ivan Tomasic, spotted me, by living with me, after he got sent to prison, and I had a psychotic break.
Batman, is a US President, that never made it.
Superman, meanwhile, is a prison convict, given a second chance at life, as a cop.
Batman, has to be racist, to survive, he’s a gangster.
Superman, has to be unmasked, to survive, he’s a cop.
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ebouks · 2 years
Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition
Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition
Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community 9th Edition by Marcia Stanhope Jeanette Lancaster Main Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the CommunityPublic Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the CommunityMarcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster0 / 0 0 comments Prepare for a successful career as a community/public health nurse!Public…
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litscipod · 5 years
Science Isn't Separate
Produced by: Catherine Charlwood (@DrCharlwood) and Laura Ludtke (@lady_electric).
Music composed and performed by Gareth Jones.
Listen on Anchor
About this episode:
Laura and Catherine are joined by a special guest: Professor Sharon Ruston (@SharonRuston), Chair in Romanticism at Lancaster University’s Department of English and Creative Writing. Sharon is the author of Creating Romanticism (2013) and Shelley and Vitality (2005) and co-editor of the forthcoming Collected Letters of Sir Humphrey Davy. Sharon talks about her LitSci research on Mary Shelley, describes her MOOC on the nineteenth-century chemist Sir Humphrey Davy, and introduces her current project, crowdsourcing transcriptions for Davy’s notebooks.
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Image from letter of Jane Davy to Humphry Davy, 1 March 1829.
At the end of the episode, you can hear Sharon read an extract from Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein (1818).
About Professor Sharon Ruston:
Professor Sharon Ruston is Chair in Romanticism in the Department of English and Creative Writing at Lancaster University. Sharon is the author of three monographs – Creating Romanticism: Case Studies in the Literature, Science, and Medicine of the 1790s (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013); Romanticism: An Introduction (Continuum, 2010); and Shelley and Vitality (Palgrave Macmillan 2005) – and numerous scholarly articles on topics ranging from literature and medicine, literature and chemistry, literature and drugs, literature and science and authors central to the Romantic movement in literature and science including Anna Barbauld, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley, Humphry Davy, and William Godwin. Sharon is the creator and instructor of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on the chemist and poet Sir Humphry Davy. She is co-editor of The Collected Letters of Sir Humphry Davy with Tim Fulford, forthcoming in four volumes from Oxford University Press beginning in 2020 and, following her AHRC Leadership Fellowship focussing on the letters of Humphrey Davy, she has been awarded AHRC Follow-on-Funding for a project to crowdsource transcriptions of Humphrey Davy’s Notebooks, affiliated with the Zooniverse community.
Episode resources (in order of appearance):
Alix Nathan, The Warlow Experiment (2019)
Jeanette Winterson, Frankissstein: A Love Story (2019)
Ian McEwan’s Machines Like Me (2019)
Helen Edmundson, Mary Shelley (2012)
Sally Frampton, Sarah Chaney and Sarah Punshon, Mind-Boggling Medical History: https://mbmh.web.ox.ac.uk/home
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the British Society for Literature and Science Small Grants scheme, to enable us to make Series 2 of the podcast. We hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of LitSciPod - we enjoyed making it!
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