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MEversary: Celebrating the Day I Discovered My True Self
🎉 Happy MEversary to me! 🎉 Celebrating the day I fully realized who and what I am. Check out my latest article about the importance of self-discovery and self-acceptance. #MEversary #selfdiscovery #selfacceptance 💖🙌
03312023.0601 As I looked up at the clock and saw that it was now 6:01am on March 31st, I knew that this was a momentous occasion. This day, which I now proclaim as MEversary, marks the day I truly came to realize who and what I am. And let me tell you, I’m in love with me! I always dreamed of being a really cool, interestingly mysterious, quirky, artistic type of person. Little did I know, I…
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french and tolkienesque forenames + all possible names generated through "put your initials here" elven name generator i found on pinterest
Addandanc Adlasal Admiriel Aerienna Aette Agdund Agoldor Alacherna Aladminsar Aladûna Algran Alion Aloïc Amaedanol Amalas Amand Amanhe Amartz Amauhúr Ambal Ambambar Ambaros Amdírisilm Amirien Amranhíril Amros Annedan Anole Anorn Anoît Ançoinrine Aradnar Aranoros Araphalion Araphar Ararohir Arath Arbel Arceorong Arienel Ariniond Arsarador Arthériend Arwind Aumenie Avianwen Balas Bamin Barmir Belrarlad Beluglórwë Belyë Bennatath Benwë Beredal Beredalas Beregalaen Beregoedh Berenanna Bereng Berené Bereor Bereren Beressë Berestor Bereth Berettel Beriel Berine Berohir Beron Beros Berris Berros Berum Berumbar Bolge Bomaumo Bomborn Bomich Bomir Bomuzand Borbern Boriel Boritë Bormir Borndanna Borohir Boros Borror Bortrieren Borwing Briel Brondine Caliel Carine Celegilri Celen Celenladla Celenna Celfaberen Celfar Celros Cenrosal Chadant Chaldber Chamadgune Chanting Charia Chermahtar Ciend Cilinriel Cilndiel Claan Clane Classar Colasar Colmard Cursardir Célimue Dacir Daladalmar Danang Dedanolwë Dethir Dundelcar Dunduramûl Dunlouis Dunron Dunúvi Durinwë Durolsaur Durégis Dáinnarla Elbelion Eldala Eldane Elebor Elebras Elego Elegolwë Elemena Elendurie Elerin Elinde Ellanna Elming Elring Elroien Elron Elucal Elwinberië Erebdir Eäraine Eäricolas Eärinimir Eärinmir Eärinros Eärmirwë Eärndiel Eäros Eärrien Eärrone Eärsariel Faberettel Fabludence Falaur Falian Falmanne Faradilis Farahir Faramahir Farandan Farar Farcil Fardil Farnan Faroie Faron Farth Farwin Faudrand Fauli Felucar Ferthal Finbereana Findirros Finduf Finie Finmirber Finrothos Florana Flore Floriele Florna Folfing Franto Frawë Frédérad Furorohien Fëana Fëancil Fëand Fëang Fëann Fëannarvé Fëanne Fëanorisar Fëant Fëanuereth Fílisil Gaberettel Gablas Galaen Galaereion Galamran Galas Galast Galcath Galirgung Galmir Gaviryong Gaétat Gerisil Gerront Ghânberene Giladir Gilbelm Gilimlaing Gilippe Gilmil Gilnanlas Gilranlas Gilrion Ginwë Glóind Glóinduis Gowen Granwin Grata Grion Halane Halas Hallestir Halroanhír Hanladsar Hanna Hanne Harand Helexan Helse Heredald Heron Huanros Huglan Hunwindaca Huolóin Huorlindil Huras Hurie Hurisil Huron Hursalas Hyavalaine Ibûna Idette Imron Ingundil Iryond Isephalin Isilin Istin Isting Istiush Jeana Jeanatar Jeancilmor Jeand Jeanisir Jeanna Jeannar Jesar Joëllemmax Karliamane Kevie Kilsaras Kúvan Ladurgue Ladwinsar Lebdir Lebnd Lebwend Ledane Legil Legolfarry Legon Legor Legorn Leieldoros Lemar Leorn Lerdilrion Lethéri Lexanur Lielriel Limont Lindalan Linron Liond Lipperen Lithor Lothel Lottel Ludredant Luglornd Luilm Lumel Léagalanc Lémelen Maelnd Magolen Mahagloé Mairoame Makassë Manieledal Manolie Manros Mansarazo Marana Marich Maronion Mar��g Matar Maugdur Maulfwing Maurinean Maximond Mehtal Mendar Michelen Mickant Micor Mindril Mirmir Mogoth Mohir Morfinzog Morog Moron Mírdunin Míriond Nielegon Nolawen Nolia Nolwine Norine Noror Norothor Norros Nólianna Olfarmir Olgond Orlad Orohir Orowë Patrie Paurdane Peroddal Phalaego Phale Phelen Prieclas Raden Rancal Ranáind Rettonna Ropharah Réaladnd Régilwen Rémilisirn Ríman Sadorna Sambar Saranoros Saraph Sarmicel Shalambar Shambas Sildurohe Siline Silromin Silwensar Silwinros Simroedal Smagoaniel Smanmine Sméline Sylan Thalaum Thanor Thorfinwë Théodil Turada Turan Turaptite Turas Turdilina Turgorob Turleeda Turumavra Ugondancar Ulfin Vaielego Valador Valair Valamrorn Valar Valdal Valiond Vallen Valmor Valndil Valouil Valron Varór Vatar Vatte Walaud Yatrinwë Yavorostia Yvelegimir Yvoron Zilbarath Zimbarómi Zimir Élimë Éling Élion Émenzo Éodil Éodir Éodird Érôme Étarie
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Jeanatar: Becoming Your Own Avatar and Living Life in Full Color
🎉New Blog Post Alert!🎉 Are you tired of living life as someone else's avatar? It's time to become your own! #avatar #Beyourownavatar #Liveyourbestlife #Authenticity #Positivity #JeanatartheArtist 🌈✨💪🏼
Do you ever feel like you’re living life as someone else’s avatar? Society has a way of telling us how to act, how to dress, and how to think. But what if we threw those rules out the window and became our own avatars? That’s exactly what I did, and I’m here to tell you about it. What is Jeanatar? Jeanatar is a term I coined to represent the idea of being the embodiment of my true self, living…
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Spiritual Awakening: Exploring "Stigmata" & Signs on the Journey 🌟
Let's uncover the mysteries, decode the signs, & embark on a journey of discovery. Keep the curiosity alive, & get ready to journey into the unknown! #stigmata #spirituawakening #webology #UnveilingMysteries 🎬🌌✨ #Jeanatar
Hey there, fam & fellow seekers of mystical and curious things alike! Buckle up as we embark on a captivating cinematic journey back to 1999, exploring the thought-provoking movie “Stigmata” and how it resonates with the twists and turns of our spiritual awakening. So, grab your popcorn (or whatever) and get ready for a ride filled with insights and intriguing signs that may just leave you…
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David Piscola, Here's the Scoop on the Hilton Riverside New Orleans
No more Jesus. You just get Jean. I'm indignant and not as nice as my brother. #177 Zephaniah 3 #Z3 #IAM #Jeanatar
https://www.linkedin.com/company/hiltonneworleansriverside/ First, learn how to address customer properly, sir. You pissed me off just with the title. Learn something. Good gosh, I can’t take the ignorance. Even in his email title, he’s using an accusatory tone as though I did something wrong by spending more than $25K at this hotel and its bar. “YOUR Interaction with the Team” Da fuq outta…
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Hilton Riverside Hotel New Orleans
I spent wayyy to much to be treated this way. If I wanted to pay for torture, I'd do that, azzholes. #HiltonRiverside #NOLA Quite the cowards. Still haven't responded to my message, but they're lurking & looking. Grow some! #HiltonHotel #Hilton #Jeanatar
I’ve been ticked about this, but now you’ve really angered my Dad. I’m sorry for what you’re about to experience, but here goes. HILTON RIVERSIDE | RIVERWALK OUTLETS | SPIRITS BAR & GRILL | DRAGO’S Y’all have no clue what hospitality really is and I’ll prove it. Please stay turned, friends. You’re gonna see how deep the rabbit hole goes. I wasn’t even gonna dig into the traffic king issues, but…
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Her Mind's Eye
A few work notes. Enjoy, if you can. LOL! Oh, yeah! There's a sunrise vid in there, too! :-) #Jeanatar
20230831.0538I came to meet a friend, finally. That, in itself, is more than enough. Though, I can’t help but feel something here. Faith is hard. Ion’t know what a lot of things mean, but so far I can tell that God isn’t as uptight as we like to say He is. Ohhh! He means everything He says; however, we sure did muck up a lot of ish with our own rules. That’s why some things just don’t make…
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🎤 Unlocking Your Unique Voice: Lisa Nichols' Guide to Discovering Your Calling 🚀
🔥 Dive into Lisa Nichols' invaluable insights & unlock the magic within you. Your message is your #power, and the world is ready to listen. Get ready to soar! 🚀✨ #calling #purpose #LisaNichols #Jeanatar
Hey there, fellow seekers of truth and purpose! If you’ve ever felt that itch in your soul, the one that whispers there’s more to life, then you’re in for an exhilarating ride. We’re delving into the world of Lisa Nichols, the incredible author and motivational maven who’s here to help us decode the enigma of our calling. So, grab your favorite notepad and join me as we journey through the wisdom…
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🔍 Curiosity Skilled the Cat: Unraveling the Rabbit Hole Series on Twitch 🐱
Get ready to jump down this #rabbithole with me & dive headfirst into a mind-blowing adventure filled with self-discovery, #spirituality, & all the #mysteries the universe has in store. Let's light this rocket! 🔥🌠 #Webiverse #God #Jesus #Jeanatar
Hit me up on TWITCH! Hey there, fellow curious minds! Prepare to journey down the rabbit hole with me as we dive into an awe-inspiring adventure of self-discovery, spirituality, and the boundless mysteries of the universe. 🚀 💭 Following Jesus: Unraveling My Higher Self 🧭 Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? I found myself on a quest to reach new heights, to become the highest version of…
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The Wild Ride of Spiritual Awakening: Embracing the "What the whut?!" & Finding My Way
🎢✨The hilarious, enlightening journey of #spiritualawakening . . . Follow my #TikTok and #Instagram for randomness, bright futures, dark shadows, & endless WHUT?!! Let's celebrate the beautiful chaos together! #WeirdAndWonderful 🌟😂 #JeanatarTheArtist
@jeanatartheartist #you #spiritualawakening #spiritualtok ♬ original sound – Jeanatar the Artist Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of spiritual awakening, where the unexpected becomes the norm and random thoughts take center stage. As I navigate this journey, I’ve found solace in sharing my experiences on TikTok and Instagram, where my seemingly scattered thoughts find a home. Join me on this…
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Bowie Introduces Writer & Entrepreneur, JM Walker
Told ya'll I be workin'. 🙃 Follow, tell a friend, & stay tuned! #jeanatar #innerstatebooks #loveyameanit ♥
Welcome to the world of JM Walker – a writer, entrepreneur, word nerd, tech geek, and all-around knowledge junky. With a kewl (sorry, we had to use it) and funky personality, eclectic tastes, and a desire to heal the world in the most Pinky-and-the-Brain-iest way possible, JM is nothing short of a creative powerhouse. Inner State Books & TRG Books As the creator of Inner State Books and curator…
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