#Jaylah does it all
s-sputnik-k · 2 months
So I just saw a post saying that Wrecker listens to metal but doesn't know what it is (think Star Trek Jaylah's "I like the beats and shouting!"), meanwhile Hunter listens to metal but DOES know what it is. And I, a heavy music enthusiast, just HAD to expand on this
Wrecker listens to thrash metal, it's big and loud and sounds like explosions. He also likes Viking metal and folk metal (I can imagine him loudly chanting along to "DIGGY DIGGY HOLE! DIGGY DIGGY HOLE! I AM A DWARF AND IM DIGGING A HOLE!" with Omega giggling on his shoulders). But he doesn't only like metal, it's just one of many things he finds fun and exciting
Hunter, on the other hand, is into alt rock and a bit of metalcore and deathcore. He has a deep understanding of harsh vocals and can probably do some of it himself (he would be FASCINATED by the types of screams that impersonate animals, like pigsqueals and growls), he has a lot of strong opinions but prefers to just go to the woods and scream than to participate in fanbase discourse
Tech is a math rock and prog metal nerd. He would listen to jazz, but he got kicked out of all the local jazz bars for commentating the music too loudly ("Interesting polyrhythm, though I don't believe it adds to the composition so much as subtract from the previous syncopation- Ah! Genius use of the chromatic scale! In fact-" *gets decked*)
Crosshair is a post-punk gatekeeper and hates people who wear joy division shirts without knowing the band. He (obviously) had an emo phase in his teens and instead of growing out of it he just moved on to gothic rock. He sticks to his subculture and, like him, feels it is deeply misunderstood
Echo is into 80s pop and rock because its REAL music that makes you MOVE and BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER, he says as he turns everyone else's competing radios down. But secretly, just maybe his preference is partially because it reminds him of belting out classics with domino squad when they had access to radio for the first time on rishi...
Omega, of course, loves all of it. Oh, but she's also a K-pop stan. Also, Hunter managed to get her into Babymetal some time ago and is starting to regret it because she is certified OBSESSED
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bearsinpotatosacks · 8 months
Rewatching star trek beyond so liveblogging it
God this film feels like coming home. Let me be a pharmacy assistant on the Enterprise please my life would be fixed
So does Bones just steal from people's lockers? Also they have lockers?
Oh LoRDy
I wish I could’ve been into star trek when this came out
Someone medicate Bones, man's so stressed out honestly
This film really makes me want star trek 4, make it a motion picture, getting the band back together thing
Love the way we see yorktown as massive and impressive then zoom in on the spaceport to make it seem lived in
Sulu's daughter has a toy enterprise
Fuck, prime Spock’s dead
The parts where they show prime spock really make me want a crossover between tos and aos, and it hurts that I'll never see it, guess i'll have to live in fanfic
Love the practical effects of this film
Also is Jim’s outfit in this scene, grey with yellow shoulders, the formalwear? If so I like it
Lovr Uhura's communications panel
Chris Pine's reactions, the cinematography, the set design, the sounds, fuck I love this film
Gonna start saying "i can't engage the warp drive" when i stall a car
Would love to see the borg in aos
Love the character consistency of Bones not carrying a phaser but spock is
Love Bones' portable scanner, i would watch a fake documentary about star trek tech
Does anyone wonder what happened to all the personal belongings that were destroyed on the Enterprise?
Jaylah’s coming soon 😆
There she is!
How many languages does she speak? English, her own and whatever those people she beat up were speaking?
Notice how Bones is still cut on the forehead while he's helping out Spock
Also why does Jaylah know about Krall’s plan? Is that why he shoots people down, try to find the Abornath then kill them to be immortal?
Just realised that Jaylah’s tech was probably from her ship before she got to Altamid, that's why she knows how to use it, her stick, her traps, the parts she got for the franklin (as well as other ships), makes me want to know what her people were like
How long has Jaylah been there?
Love how Bones is ready to throw hands
Bones dancing to achy breaky heart when?
Also Jaylah isn't introduced to Spock and bones, they just get beamed aboard and then spock collapses
Oo Krall’s looking more human
"You gave your girlfriend a tracking device?" Spock’s face 🤣
I really want to know about Jaylah’s family
This film literally proves that my "Jaylah is actually really fucking traumatised and definitely has (c) ptsd" agenda is canon
Also Scotty has his grandma's china hc
Love how Jim respects his crew
Also jim kirk is so Maverick/tom cruise coded it's insane. Bikes, dead dad, cocky attitude, shipped with someone who’s "ice cold"
Uhura has got to be traumatised after seeing a crewmate literally eaten in front of her
Jim Cruise is here! Tom Kirk!
After getting into top gun, the star trek navy inspired titles are funny to me, at least in aos by how quick they get them and how young they all are
Not sure why Jaylah’s fighting gives me kill bill vibes
Also jaylah has blue blood!
Love how sulu gets the dramatic line "they're going to destroy yorktown"
How long did it take to get the ship ready to fly? I mean, it's been at least a day and a night, the day they arrived, nighttime then they all got rescued and brought back together the next day just wondered how long it all took to happen
Also seatbelts!
Sulu would’ve won top gun
"I acknowledge and respect your concerns" Someone's been to therapy
"How do we get them to stop talking" is spoken so shatner
Just realised why certain jobs are the colours, yellow: anything running the ship (captain, pilot etc), red: anything about how the ship runs (engineering, communications, security), blue: science and medical
I love how the end of this film is similar to battleships where they use an old ship to defeat an alien ship
The picture of the original crew! He took it with him! I need a crossover now! I love how they used a more brassy theme there, makes it sound more original, more nostalgic
They had the chance to do futuristic dress but they just look like dudes from 2016
If they could just do an animated series for the aos crew...
Also the og theme at the end 🥲
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thesconesyard · 3 months
Yeehawgust is coming and my sequel story from last year has been lagging, but here comes motivation (to be done so I can write the third part!) and chapter two!
Where the West Begins
2. Cowboy Casanova
“What are you going to name him?” Christine asked Jaylah.
McCoy rolled his eyes where he was sitting on the porch. Jaylah was petting the little kitten on her knee and teasing him with a piece of string. No one who had gone looking after lunch had found any more sign of the big cat whose footprints Scotty had discovered.
“I’m still thinking,” Jaylah answered Christine. Both laughed as the kitten batted his paws at the string and caught it.
Jim had been fine with the idea of Jaylah keeping the cat when he and Spock had returned.
“Never hurts to have a good barn cat,” he’d said.
“Hmm,” said Jaylah as the kitten turned and meowed at her. “How about Franklin? You look like a little Franklin.”
“Does it need a name?” McCoy asked.
“Of course!” said Jaylah.
“Yes!” Christine agreed.
McCoy couldn’t help but roll his eyes again and look away as Jaylah cooed over her new pet. Keenser came up on the porch then. He took one look at the cat.
“Keep him from the flocks,” was all he said before he entered the house.
McCoy was working in the main yard the next morning when the man appeared. A chill of memory went down his spine as he recalled just a few months before when another man had walked onto their ranch. That man, Khan- who had called himself John Harrison- was waiting for trial in a jail cell.
“Good morning!” The man called as he saw McCoy.
“Hello,” McCoy said back cautiously.
“Is this the Enterprise Ranch?”
McCoy looked at the man. He had to be about Jim’s age, with dark hair combed neatly and a face that had seen much sun. An accent lilted his question to McCoy, and he frowned slightly, trying to place it.
“It is,” he answered slowly. “How can I help you?”
“I’m looking for James T. Kirk; does he live here?”
The man’s face broke into a broad grin and he let out an exclamation McCoy didn’t understand.
“Pardon my manners! My name is Kevin Riley,” the man gave a brief bow.
“Leonard McCoy.”
“I knew Jim long ago,” Riley continued. “I’m traveling west and heard he was here.”
“Well if you walked out from town, come in and have a drink,” McCoy said, his caution dropping. “I can go find Jim for you after.”
“Thank you kindly,” Riley smiled. “I am a wee bit parched.”
“Where are you from, if I may ask? I can’t place your accent.” McCoy gave him an apologetic look as he led him to the front porch.
Riley grinned. “A descendant of the kings of old Éire I be! Ireland is where I was born,” Riley clarified at the slight frown on McCoy’s face.
“Perhaps you’ll get on with Monty then. He’s from Scotland,” said McCoy. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the porch chairs. “I’ll have one of the girls get you something to drink and find Jim.” McCoy nodded at the man, then disappeared into the house.
McCoy found Jim with Spock and Chekov in one of the work sheds.
“Hey Bones!” Jim greeted him. “Come to help finally?”
McCoy frowned down at the project the men were working on.
“No. There’s a man here to see you.”
“He give a name?” Jim asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Kevin Riley.”
“Kevin Riley?! Well hot dang!” Jim hurried from the shed with twinkling eyes.
McCoy shrugged at the questioning look Spock gave him, then left the shed to return to his own work.
Kevin Riley proved to be a lively, kind person when everyone gathered for lunch. Jim introduced him around and he sat near Jim at the top of the table.
After lunch Jim hitched up the wagon and went back into town. He had insisted that before Riley continued west he had to stay on the ranch a few days. Therefore Jim would go with him to collect his things and bring them back out.
“He seems a good fella,” Sulu said as the men and Jaylah got back to work.
“Maybe,” Chekov muttered.
McCoy glanced and Scotty who shrugged.
“What do ye suppose got into the wee lad?” Scotty asked McCoy as they settled down for the evening.
“Chekov? Dunno.” McCoy thought back over the evening. Jim and Riley had returned and after dinner everyone had gathered around the porch to enjoy the cooling air after the heat of the day.
The pair had regaled them all with stories of their younger years and Riley had fit in quite nicely. He was kind and polite and paid the ladies many compliments throughout the evening.
At breakfast, McCoy figured it out. Keenser didn’t often come in for breakfast with everyone; after getting the stoves lit for the ladies, he’d head out with his flocks. Riley chose Keenser’s open seat and talked at length with Jaylah across from him.
McCoy saw then the way the corner of Chekov’s mouth twitched. McCoy smothered a grin and ate quietly.
He caught Scotty after breakfast and bumped his shoulder with his. Scotty looked over questioningly.
“It’s Jaylah,” he said quietly and nodded towards Chekov.
Scotty frowned for a moment, then his puzzlement cleared as he watched Jaylah lead Riley away to show him the ranch.
“Well,” was all he said with a chuckle.
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In Our Favor
Part 327
McCoy crossed campus towards the simulator building. Part of the building was still closed for repairs from the fire, most simulator classes had transitioned to classes on real shuttles, in the hangar bay, continuing to learn the more in depth functions.
But not this day.
The prince only had a few final exams left, but the one he was heading towards had his chest tightening with worry.
The weeks since the fire had been much easier on McCoy’s fear of flying; they hadn’t practiced in the simulators. Today they would be in one of the few still open halls, taking their final exam.
For a moment as he entered the building he could swear he smelled a whiff of smoke. Looking around, McCoy knew it was all in his head and continued down to his exam.
“It’s strange to be in here,” McCoy said quietly to Uhura as they waited for Lt. Flores to send them into the simulators.
“I don’t want to imagine what it must have been like in the rooms where the fire was.” Uhura shuddered.
McCoy nodded in agreement. “There’s Jaylah. Wonder what kept her.”
Jaylah hurried over to the other two just as Flores began to speak.
“This will be just like our other exams,” the instructor said. “Everyone’s flight will be different, so don’t expect what the first person does will be what you will get.”
McCoy balled his hands up to stop the trembling he could feel starting. He could do this. He had passed their other tests well enough. Their time in the real shuttles had helped.
He followed behind Uhura and Jaylah as they entered the simulator.
“Do you want to go first?” Uhura turned back and asked gently.
Did he? Would it be easier to get it over with and be done? Or would it benefit him to watch her test first and have more time to prepare himself mentally?
“Second,” McCoy answered firmly, and sat down behind Jaylah.
Uhura hesitated, looking at him for a moment, then sat down in the pilot’s seat. McCoy took a deep breath as Uhura began.
The prince settled into the pilot’s seat with a shaky breath. Uhura’s test program had not seemed very challenging. McCoy prayed his wouldn’t be either.
As his hands moved across the controls to start the shuttle he pictured Scotty behind him, whispering encouragement. His fingers remembered where to go, even after a couple weeks break. He drew another deep breath as the shuttle lifted off. A few obstacles to avoid, a few landings and take offs and he could be done. McCoy breathed slowly and filled his mind with thoughts of going to the stars with his husband.
Uhura and Jaylah walked with him to lunch. For once he could be certain he had passed, by how much he wasn't sure. But, no one would have exams results until the next day, for any of their classes. And he still had one more exam in the afternoon with Eugene.
“I thought that would be harder,” Jaylah said.
“Maybe he took pity on us because of what happened,” Uhura said thoughtfully.
“You did well,” Uhura looked at McCoy.
“I tried,” he shrugged. “Guess we’ll see tomorrow.”
“I’m more worried about my other classes,” Jaylah said anxiously. “But it will be nice to have a break.”
McCoy and Uhura both agreed quickly about that. The next evening he and Scotty would be heading to Aberdeen. They’d spend the weekend in Scotland, then on Monday would head to Georgiares with Francine and Granddad. A few weeks to relax with their families and their first semester of Starfleet behind them; McCoy couldn’t wait.
Part 328
"We've finally made it!" The friends hugged each other jubilantly. They had all just received their final exam results and were now saying goodbye to each other to head off on vacation. They would all be flying home to their families to spend a few relaxing weeks at home. There was only one person who didn't.
Jim. He would be flying to Vulcan with Spock and his parents to spend the semester break there. At first he had said that he would definitely miss a winter without snow, but the fact that he could spend the weeks together with Spock seemed to make up for it. At least he didn't seem to be moping during the farewell.
"Say hello to Francine and Granddad for me, will ya?" the blond said as he hugged Scotty, who nodded.
"Aye, I will."
The Scotsman knew that his friend would have liked to come with them to Scotland and Georgiares, but getting to know Vulcan properly was very important to Jim. He wanted to make a good impression on Sarek and Amanda.
"And call us at Christmas. I know Vulcans find these holidays illogical, but Spock and I look forward to hear from you."
Even Spock nodded in agreement.
"We will. I promise," Leonard replied with a smile.
Scotty turned to Aporal, who was just saying goodbye to Keenser, Chekov and Sulu.
"Are ye flying home too?"
The Andorian nodded.
"At first I thought about staying here, but the last visit to my parents showed me that we can get along. Maybe now we'll have time to talk properly."
A smile crossed Scotty's lips. A while ago, he would never have dreamed that Aporal would ever be able to maintain good contact with his family again. It was good to hear that he wanted to take this step.
"That sounds good. I hope ye have a good time."
Even Aporal seemed to smile softly as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe. We'll see. Thanks, Scottish boy."
Scotty couldn't help but grin as Aporal walked over to Jaylah after their goodbyes. They exchanged a hug and didn't even seem to be trying to keep it a secret from the rest of the group. Whatever it was between them, it obviously did them both good. And Scotty really hoped that it would help Aporal become a more relaxed and happy person after everything he had been through.
Leonard closed his eyes and sighed as Scotty and he finally leaned back in their seats in the shuttle.
"I can't wait to finally arrive in Scotland and enjoy Francine's great food. Canteen food just isn't the same as a good home-cooked meal."
Scotty smiled as he grabbed Leonard's hand to hold onto as they took off.
"Aye. Mum's food is simply the best. And I'm very sure she's already prepared quite a lot for our arrival."
Leonard grunted with a laugh.
"I'm sure she has."
Scotty was very surprised when the flight took off and Leonard barely flinched or made a face. Even the Scotsman's hand was not crushed.
"Hey, ye're really relaxed, mo ghràdh."
The prince just smiled at his husband.
"When you've flown a shuttle yourself as often as I have in the simulator, it's much easier to stay relaxed when you know a professional is at the controls. If I can even manage it, then surely nothing can go wrong."
Scotty's heart leapt with joy when he heard those words. Never would he have believed for Leonard to be able to be calm during a flight one day.
The Scotsman leaned over and pressed a kiss onto his love's lips.
"Well then... let's get some sleep before we arrive."
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Twenty-Six
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Six: Adapting the Plane
Summary: Enterprise vs Krall continues, and (Y/N) is not to be left out.
            “I’m picking up distress signals from every frequency coming from Yorktown,” said (Y/N) grimly as the Franklin raced towards Yorktown. “Krall’s already started his attack.”
            Krall and his swarm were ahead of them and already attacking Yorktown. He was close to his goal, and they needed to stop him.
            “Scotty, what kind of weapons do we have?” asked Kirk.
            “Uh, we have pulsed phaser cannons and spatial torpedoes,” reported Scotty.
            “Great, lock and load,” said Kirk. They would make do with whatever they had.
            “It does not matter. You cannot defeat the bees,” said Jaylah across the comms.
            “Maybe, uh, maybe we lure them away,” said Kirk. “How do we get Yorktown time to get people to safety?”
            “No, we are a horse and buggy compared to those things,” said Sulu, shaking his head. “We’re barely holding together as it is, Captain.”
            “Captain,” said Spock, rising. “The flight patterns of bees are determined by individual decisions. Krall’s swarm formations are too complex not to rely on some form of cyberpathic coordination. I surmise that if we—”
            “Captain, Spock is saying that we can disorient the swarm to defeat it,” said (Y/N), knowing where Spock was going.
            “Precisely,” said Spock.
            “Scotty, can you beam me into one of those swarm ships?” asked Kirk, seizing on the opportunity.
            “Have you gone completely mad?” was Scotty’s reply.
            “Yes or no?” said Kirk.
            “No!” said Scotty. “Yes! Maybe.”
            “Captain, my familiarity of the interior of those ships, however brief, makes me more qualified for this away mission,” said Spock.
            So that’s how he escaped. He ended up in one of their ships, thought (Y/N). However… “Spock, you’re still hurt.” They hadn’t missed the clear discomfort with his side.
            “They’re right, Spock,” said Kirk.
            “I acknowledge and respect your concerns,” said Spock, gazing intently at (Y/N). “Perhaps you would feel more confident if I were accompanied by someone with familiarity of both the ship and my injury.”
            “He’s gonna love this,” said Kirk, shaking his head.
            “Captain,” said (Y/N). “I should also go.”
            “No,” said Spock instantly.
            “It would be risky,” said Kirk.
            “I know, but we need to disrupt a cyberpathic bond,” said (Y/N). They lifted their chin. “You need a psychic. I am one.”
            Spock hated that their words were so logical. Was it incredibly attractive that (Y/N) faced challenges so logically? Absolutely (though he knew this wasn’t the time to be thinking about how attractive (Y/N) was)). However, Spock didn’t want them in harm’s way, no matter how strong their empathic abilities.
            “…Alright,” said Kirk, nodding. He could see the logic of (Y/N)’s decision. He chuckled. “He is really going to love this now that you’re all involved.”
            “You want me to do what?!” said Bones in the Transporter Room.
            “Come along, Doctor,” said Spock, stepping onto the transporter.
            “We can do this,” said (Y/N), smiling at Bones.
            “You two got me involved, didn’t you?” said Bones. He started at Spock. “Why you green-blooded ingrate!”
            “No need for name-calling,” said (Y/N), still smiling.
            “And you! You cannot be running into danger again!” said Bones, glaring at (Y/N). “Stupid empaths always trying to help everyone and causing themself problems. If you nearly die, I’m not helping this time!”
            They all knew that wasn’t true, so (Y/N) just shook their head in amusement.
            “Sorry, Bones. It’s a good idea,” said Kirk, not at all sorry. “Just make sure you find a way to break those things.”
            “If it gets hairy, I’ll beam you straight back,” assured Scotty.
            “Energize,” said Spock.
            “You’re gonna do great,” said Kirk confidently.
            “Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a—!”
            They dematerialized.
            The trio materialized in the swarm ship, and the pilots stared at them in shock. Bones held onto a bar on the side of the ship, and Spock pulled (Y/N) to his side and held onto another bar. He slammed his hand down on the familiar button, and the airlock shot the pilots out. The ship was theirs.
            “You do realize the last time I flew one of these things, we crashed?” grumbled Bones as he climbed onto the motorcycle-shaped helm. “So don’t blame me if we—”
            They smashed into the side of another ship.
            “—Hit something,” finished Bones.
            “Spock to Franklin,” said Spock. he crouched in front of a computer screen with (Y/N) beside him.
            “Spock, we read you,” said Kirk over the comms.
            “Captain, from what I can ascertain, the ships do indeed share a cyberpathic link which coordinates their actions,” said Spock. “Patching it through now.”
            A familiar signal from before the initial attack from Krall played over the frequency.
            “So it wasn’t a jamming signal, it was them talking to one another,” murmured (Y/N).
            “Well, how do we get them to stop talking?” said Kirk.
            “I can overload the psychic side of the bond with my empathy,” said (Y/N). “But we’ll need something cybernetic, too.”
            Spock nodded. “If we combine a psychic attack with a disruptive communication signal inside the swarm, it might adversely affect their capacity to coordinate.”
            “It would have to be at a frequency they will not anticipate!” said Chekov.
            “We could cause a chain reaction that would wipe out the whole swarm,” said Sulu.
            “Sir, a closed network like that might be susceptible to very high frequency,” said Scotty.
            “VHF,” said Kirk in sudden realization. “Radio. We can broadcast something from the ship to drown out their link while (L/N) uses their psychic abilities on it. In combination, it should be enough.”
            “It needs to be something loud and distracting so that they can’t try to block my attack at all,” said (Y/N).
            “Loud and distracting?” repeated Scotty. “I’ve got just the thing!” He grabbed Jaylah’s speaker and began to plug it into the ship.
            “Do not break my music!” said Jaylah.
            “Break it? You’re getting an upgrade,” said Scotty with a grin.
            “Swarm ships are sixty seconds from breaking through into Yorktown!” warned Sulu.
            “I’ve just got to reconfigure the VHF output into a multiphasic sweep,” said Scotty. “(L/N), stand by! We’re ready to broadcast.”
            Aboard the swarm ship, (Y/N) sat in front of Bones and took ahold of the controls that linked the ships. Instantly, they felt the buzz of telepathy in their head. They couldn’t make out the words or understand them—they weren’t a telepath—but they felt the psychic aspect as clear as day. They winced at the concentrated energy in their head.
            “Are you alright, T’hy’la?” said Spock.
            “I’ve got it,” said (Y/N), nodding shortly.
            Still, Spock hovered beside them in case they collapsed from the energy they were about to exert. Bones also looked at them worriedly. Spock and Bones both knew (Y/N) strong—one of the strongest empaths of their generation, actually—but as their partner and basically brother respectively, they didn’t want (Y/N) to get hurt.
            “Sulu, put us in the middle of the swarm,” said Kirk. They needed to be close to broadcast. “Ready, (L/N)?”
            As the wave ships crashed down around them, Kirk stared at it evenly.
            “Let’s make some noise,” said Kirk.
            “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys blasted through the cybernetic connections of the ships. At the same moment, (Y/N) closed their eyes, gritted their teeth, and pushed as much psychic power through the controls of the ship. They summoned all their strength and sent their pure empathic power through the swarm and all the psychic bonds held within it. They found the threads connecting the ships and snapped them with golden power. At the same time, the music blasted through the cybernetic connections, breaking apart the coordination of the swarm. The combination of psychic and musical power proved deadly.
            The attack caused a chain reaction in the wave as the ships began to explode, unable to combat the pure power being forced through them. As the Enterprise and Bones, Spock, and (Y/N)’s ship rode the wave of the swarm, they left explosions behind them.
            “Faster, Doctor, we risk being consumed by their trajectoral decay,” warned Spock.
            “Damn backseat driver,” grumbled Bones, going faster.
            (Y/N) held onto the cybernetic bonds and continued to push empathy through the bonds of the ships, snapping through them so only the powerful frequency of music was left—destroying them.
            “Evade, Doctor!” said Spock.
            “I see it, I see it!” said Bones.
            They dodged the explosions, and, at the same moment, Yorktown began to broadcast. Uhura had sent them the frequency, and explosions started to appear at the borders of Yorktown. The attacking swarm that had been far enough away from the Enterprise to avoid the musical attack were now affected as well.
            (Y/N) squeezed their eyes shut as golden empathy flowed through them. They were connected to so many minds at once, and as they snapped the bonds, the slight rebound as the ships exploded and killed the people within hit them. It wasn’t much, but since they were connecting to thousands of people at once, it hurt. But (Y/N) wasn’t about to let go until they won.
            “You three alright, Spock?” asked Kirk.
            “We are fine, Captain,” said Spock. “But there are still three ships heading into Yorktown.”
            “That’s got to be Krall. Keep on him, Spock,” said Kirk. “Do whatever it takes to stop him from using that weapon!”
            Bones directed the ship into the hole smashed into Yorktown’s bay doors and followed Krall’s ship in. At the same time, (Y/N) groaned and slumped forward. They had reached their limit after thousands of swarm ships—all but three—had been destroyed.
            They collapsed in exhaustion and fell from the helm. Spock caught them and held them close as their head spun.
            “Captain, (Y/N) is unable to continue with the psychic attack at present,” said Spock.
            “Just keep on Krall,” said Kirk. “We’ve got the music, and we only have three ships left. (L/N), you did good.”
            “Thank you…Captain,” said (Y/N), leaning into Spock in pure exhaustion.
            Bones followed Krall out of the passageways of Yorktown into the air of the colony. Below them, the Franklin was still attempting to come to a stop.
            “Do not lose them, Doctor,” said Spock, simultaneously keeping (Y/N) by his side and tracking Krall and his men.
            “You’re more than welcome to switch places with me, Spock,” grumbled Bones, but he was focused despite his grouchiness.
            “Captain, intercepting all three ships is an impossibility,” said Spock.
            “Get me a schematic of Yorktown!” said Kirk. “There! Yorktown headquarters!”
            “Mr. Chekov, can you do a bioscan of Central Plaza?” asked Sulu.
            “Aye,” said Chekov. “They are clearing civilians.”
            “Bones, there’s a city plaza coming up,” said Kirk. “You gotta make sure Krall heads for it.”
            “Why?” asked Bones.
            “Just do it!” said Kirk.
            Bones obeyed and dove towards the ships. They avoided him and skimmed over the waterways below. They zoomed towards the people running for safety. And then the Franklin emerged from the water like a colossal whale, a barrier of metal. Ships smashed into its hull as it came to a floating rest on the water.
            “Great work, Bones,” said Kirk.
            “Thanks, Jim,” said Bones. “Now I’ve just got to figure out how to land.”
            Below, in the Franklin, Starfleet officers ran towards the ship to help their people out, and Kirk ran towards the hull breaches to check that Krall and his men were dead. That was the most important part of this moment. They needed him and the weapon neutralized, or else Yorktown was still in danger.
            Unluckily for them, Krall turned out to be alive—and a former member of Starfleet, a captain named Edison. It seemed Kirk was facing off against a Federation member that had gone down the wrong path once more.
            (Y/N) lay in Spock’s arms and let out a tired sight. Their eyes fluttered, and Spock looked at them.
            “Stay awake, T’hy’la,” said Spock. He understood psychic attacks, understood what (Y/N) was going through, and understood they were incredibly strong for putting up with it for so long.
            “So…tired…” groaned (Y/N). The pressure in their head was still pounding, and every nerve ending of their empathy felt fragile and sensitive. “But I…got them.”
            “You did, T’hy’la, now just focus on me,” said Spock.
            “Don’t worry…I always do,” said (Y/N), attempting to smile.
            “You’re going to be alright,” said Spock softly. “Just stay with me, T’hy’la.”
            “Don’t think I…can,” murmured (Y/N), their eyes shutting.
            “T’hy’la? T’hy’la?” Spock looked at them, tensing in worry.
            (Y/N)’s consciousness fled them. Their last thoughts were of hoping Krall was stopped and how much they loved being near Spock. If his eyes were the last thing they saw, they’d be content.
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trek-tracks · 1 year
You're I think one of the only person I'm sure would find this funny, so I'm rewatching Star Trek Beyond, and Scotty's telling Jayla he needs to find his crew mates, and she goes I'll help you find your mates, so like does Jayla think Scottys in a like a romantic relationship with the whole bridge crew lol 🤣
Technically "mates" are also what connecting surfaces are called in mechanical engineering, so for all we know, Jaylah, being an engineer, thinks she's helping Scotty find a bunch of phalanges.
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I know Peter does this thing called magnificent mutuals, but like you know who is the real magnificent mutual?
You are! I don't have a lot of way of words like you do in talking about people and things, but like we love to see how much you love every character you talk about, and like I fully like look at your writing and it's so good, and the character voice is heard and felt, and real. Your understanding of Spock and thoughts on Spock are canon to me, you are canon to me.
You are always so polite and good with answering my questions too, like okay, ooc little personal here, I was nervous about getting into Star Trek and just new fandoms, especially one as old and big as star trek can be, and absolutely like info dump about star trek in the nicest way and engage about anything about star trek and just literally tell me all the things about all the series and fun little facts
On an ic side, like Spock and clint are so funny,but like jaylah and Spock are amazing, it's just two autistic non humans who get it (I'm looking at one thread I wanna write/reply to sooner) and they are special to me, and you are special to me and your Spock is special
Okay but also when you wrote Jack. I loved him and I love you and your blogs and just BIG HUG.
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epacer · 1 month
Eye on San Diego Unified
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Hoover High classrooms without AC reached 95-100 degree, say students
It can be tough for students to head back to school, especially with soaring temperatures and classrooms without air conditioning. Students at Hoover High School say that's exactly what they've been going through this week.
They say it gets even hotter when the classroom gets packed with about 40 students.
“Literally yesterday, I had mascara all under here," Hoover High junior Samiyah Lowe said. “It was just melting off.”
“A lot of people invested in portable fans and stuff,” Hoover High senior Jaylah Storey said. “I saw a guy literally pour water all over his face in class. It’s unbearable.”
It’s an issue across the San Diego Unified School District.
Samer Naji, the facilities communication supervisor, sent a statement saying: “Occasional hot and humid weather strains the district’s HVAC units and systems. The district has a team of technicians processing repair requests and conducting repairs not only at Hoover but throughout the district, as quickly as possible.”
“They’ll fix it and then they’ll say it'll be working,” Lowe said. “And then we come to school, and we don't see anything about it working.”
Lowe shared concern for her classmates with heat sensitivities, given that many school buildings are older and have a lot of stairs.
School also started a week earlier than it normally does.
“Some people get nosebleeds from this, so I feel like it is a serious problem,” Lowe said. “And with us starting early, I feel like that was a problem. If we we're going to start early, they needed to make sure everything was good."
All schools in the district now have air conditioning. SDUSD Technicians said it’s all hands on deck to get these issues resolved. *Reposted article from NBC 7 by Shandel Menezes on August 14, 2024
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multimoth · 2 months
since we've all gotten ill over new character since the last time ⭐
send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours!
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Miss Andrea 'fresh out of the Academy and really dead-set on following all the rules if it kills her' Colby and Frizzle what more do I need to say
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I just think he'd be like the worst companion ever but also he's kind of like. New. To this whole 'being reincarnated into a new life but a fundamentally different person' kind of deal. It's not exactly comparable but it's similar so they've got that in common but Pin's like way more stressed about it
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Same taste in music... same knack for engineering (though in Mouse's case she only knows how to take things apart so far but boy does she love that!)... same 'I lost my entire family' thing going for them albeit under different circumstances... college-aged ladies with abandonment and trust issues
other options: mouse & scotty (as discussed), tars & alice (as discussed), alistair & snow (...as discussed), tinkerbell & mouse, any one of your engineers & nick valentine, shepard and any one of the trek guys
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bearsinpotatosacks · 5 months
I've got to share a star trek idea, call it an idea for AOS 4.
We open on the crew nearing the end of the five year mission. Jaylah’s on the crew, having finished the Academy in record time (Chekov’s still here because this is a fanfic idea not an actual movie).
Uhura goes to Bones after getting dizzy after falling off her chair during a bit of turbulence during a mission. She goes over her symptoms, talking about her feeling sick and exhausted, getting dizzy and weird cravings. He asks her when she last had her period, she says she can’t remember but thinks it's due to stress. It only clicks what he’s on about Spock going through Pon Farr, and how the precautions they used weren't made with a Vulcan (who can't return to Vulcan no less) going through his first Pon Farr in mind. They do some tests and oops, she’s pregnant.
They keep it a secret, she’s going to keep it but she’s not sure how Spock'll take it with his strange relationship with his species now they're endangered and all. To hide the check ups, they start a ballroom/latin dancing club, they're both pretty proficient. Bones even gets to jokingly flirt with Uhura to annoy Spock.
Spock starts to suspect something, he's about to make a logical investigation when they beam down to a planet for a Prime Directive mission and forget everything.
Jim wakes up remembering who he is, in a house he doesn't own, late for a job he doesn't have. Technology is ancient, like something from a noir film. And he can't find his friends anywhere.
He goes about his life and finds out he's an English professor, Chekov is one of his students but he doesn't know him as Captain Kirk, just his pushy but nice professor. When he goes to remind him, he doesn’t know what he’s on about and walks away.
Jim’s car breaks down, he calls a number and Scotty arrives, a mechanic in debt to a local gang who helps him out. It's only in talking to him that he mistakenly wakes Scotty up from his dream and realises who he is. They realise that they've got to wake everyone up to help them get out.
We cut to Bones, who's an ER doc helping another person after they've been beaten up. Whenever someone asks questions, one Hikaru Sulu comes in, slips money in their pocket, and the questions go away. But not Bones. He’s the only person in this damn hospital you can't buy off, but knows this is known, as he's never allowed on these cases, where people come in battered and bruised and they're too scared to say who did it. The closest he's come is with some scottish mechanic, but even he hadn’t said much apart from a debt being owed.
He sighs, signing out, and goes home, another day of not helping as much as he would want, another day of fighting off the growing corruption in this city. Little does he know, that Scottish Mechanic is sitting nearby, watching him leave and following him home with James T Kirk by his side. They’ve found Dr McCoy and now need to wake him up.
They follow him home, see him go inside and get changed into a freshly pressed suit and walk into town, entering a dark club. They follow him and see how he’s treated like the owner, they take his coat, give him a cigar and light it, his drink is already poured by, wait is that Chekov at the bar?
And who is the singer in this bar? Uhura. She crunes a smooth song (i imagine smooth operator by sade) as he sits, smoking in the darkness and watching her every move. When the song's over, she invites him to dance before she sneaks him backstage. Jim thinks of Spock’s suspicions before shaking them off and sending Scotty to try and work on Chekov, succeeding.
Backstage, Bones helps Uhura, who'd pregnant with the owner of the club's baby. One Mister Spock, who owns most of the town, and has everyone in his pocket. Well, almost everyone, she thinks, looking at Dr McCoy as he gives her more iron tablets and tells her to rest.
They talk about how she’s going to get out. There's only so long she can hide this, there's only so much she can throw Spock off the scent with how much Bones questions the people sent into his ER after Spock orders his men to beat them up.
She talks about trying to run but there being nowhere she can go that he won't follow. She wants her career to go further but knows if she stays in the country, she'll be found.
He tells her that he'll keep trying and leaves, just in time too, as Spock walks in, confidence and cold, cool logic oozing off him.
The plot is a little thinner from here. I know we cut to Jaylah, in someone's office, she’s their every woman, their gun for hire, she's the person Spock sends when things get too dark or difficult for his usual men. In this case, he needs her to get Dr McCoy on his side, be that through violence or sex or blackmail, he doesn’t care, he's become a nuisance and needs stifling.
Jim tries to wake Sulu up but gets beaten up, ending up in Bones' care, who he also fails to wake up. Bones sees to Uhura again, but gets distracted when Jaylah talks to him, they get along, he buys into it and ends up going home with him. They start something, she gets him in bed before threatening him, blackmailing him and bringing up his dead wife and daughter, before getting him to swear that he'll leave Uhura alone and get his nose out of Spock’s business.
Jim meets Jaylah outside and, with Scotty’s help, manages to wake her up. They get her on side and get her to play her role and get to Uhura.
When Bones doesn’t show up for the next few days, Uhura knows Spock’s got to him too. Jaylah walks in, Uhura threatens her but Jaylah, under pressure, lies and, after trying to wake her up and failing, offers to help her get out for a price, saying she's gotten tired of it all.
They make a plan, Uhura will meet Jaylah at the docks, Bones will meet them and they'll go together, all three.
Jim realises they’re running out of time, Spock finds out about the plan. Jaylah fights Sulu and manages to wake him up, Jim gsts through to Bones by mentioning how Joanna and Jocelyn are live. But Spock gets to Uhura first, it's only when she tells him she's pregnant that they both wake up and it all stops.
I think there's also some other element to it, maybe if they don't get off the planet in a week or something then they all get trapped there with their fictional memories?
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thesconesyard · 2 months
Where the West Begins
25. Sea of Dunes
“This is really where ye live.”
Scotty grinned and looked over at his brother on horseback next to him.
“Aye,” Scotty replied with a happy sigh.
“It’s so… so empty,” Robbie said.
They had ridden beyond the ranch towards the hills to the north.
“Of people I mean,” Robbie said quickly. “So much space compared to Aberdeen.”
“Aye, I had enough of people in London,” Scotty said with a frown. “And when I came to the States, the eastern cities were all the same. I had to go further.” He looked at Robbie and shook his head. “It was too tempting to go back, and I didn’t want ye harmed.”
“I wish ye had,” Robbie said softly. “I didn’t even know where to begin searching for ye after the MacLeods were killed.”
“I missed ye everyday,” Scotty said, blinking back the prick of tears in his eyes.
“Aye, same bhràthair.” Robbie actually wiped across his eyes.
“It’s good here,” Scotty said, swallowing back more emotions. “Jim runs an excellent ranch and he’s a dear friend. Everyone here is. We’re a bit like a family I suppose.” Scotty gave a soft chuckle. He glanced over and saw a frown on his brother’s face.
“Hey- I didn’t mean—”
“I know,” Robbie said. “I know what ye meant.”
“Robbie, if I had known, I’d have been back in an instant,” Scotty said earnestly. “I made that deal to save your life. It was the hardest choice I ever made.”
“I know,” Robbie said with a sigh. “And I appreciate what ye did. But— it’s hard to not think ye moved on, when ye talk about yer friends here as family.”
“Never! I meant what I said; I thought about ye everyday!”
“I know and I missed ye. I’m sorry—”
“No, I'm sorry for saying it that way and making ye think that.” Scotty looked at Robbie, chagrined.
Robbie nodded, then looked across the land in front of them again, grasses gently waving in the breeze.
“It’s beautiful here. Not like Scotland, but a different beauty,” said Robbie.
“Aye,” Scotty agreed, glad to move on from their previous conversation. “We can turn here and go towards the canyon. Ride along it for a bit before we head back.”
“Lead the way,” Robbie smiled.
“We had a shoot out at the canyon last summer. It was after we found Jaylah and went looking for her family…”
“The poor lass,” Robbie said as Scotty finished telling him how Jaylah had ended up on the ranch.
“It’s been quite a year actually,” Scotty said. “We had a man come who robbed us and then tried to take the ranch by force. He’s locked up now and half his gang hanged.”
“I thought maybe ye’d escaped all our youthful misadventures.” Robbie looked at his brother with wide eyes.
“I thought so too.”
“Does everyone who comes here have some terrible secret?” Robbie asked lightly.
“Well,” Scotty said slowly. “Most of us ended up here running from something. Don’t expect everyone to go telling their tales though.”
Robbie nodded.
“This land just goes on and on,” he said. “Those grasses waving remind me of the sea as I crossed it. I just can’t believe how open it is.”
“I miss all of Scotland’s greenery, but I do love it here,” Scotty told him. “Len asked me once why I never referred to it as home, but it was because of ye. Now, it really is home. And I hope ye’ll think so too at some point.”
“Knowing ye’re alive…” Robbie let out a happy sigh. “I could maybe make it here. It’s very different though…” Robbie cleared his throat.
“Here.” Scotty reached back to one of his saddle bags and pulled out a bottle. He grinned as he held it across to his brother. “Help keep the dust down.”
Robbie laughed as he took the bottle of amber liquid. “Ye brought whiskey?”
“Celebrating getting to show ye around,” Scotty blushed.
Robbie took a drink and handed the bottle back. Scotty had his own drink and put it back in the bag.
“So,” Scotty began with a sly look in his eyes, “did ye break any hearts coming here?”
“Nae,” Robbie laughed. “Nobody wants to get close to an old conman.”
“Ye aren’t old lad,” Scotty chuckled. “And ye gave up the unlawful life. There wasn’t anyone?”
Robbie sighed and for a moment Scotty regretted asking.
“There was a lass for a while.” Robbie shook his head. “I thought maybe… It didn’t work out. How did ye and Dr. McCoy end up together?”
Scotty huffed out a laugh. “We were each circling the other. I thought he and Christine were together. It took that bloody thief coming here for us to realize.” Scotty lowered his voice. “I didn’t tell ye this— but I think Len was jealous of him.”
“He doesn’t seem the type,” Robbie said in surprise.
“Aye, and there wasn’t anything to be jealous of. We turn here,” Scotty said. “That’ll take us back to the ranch.”
“This has been such a nice ride,” said Robbie. “I’m so glad Dr. McCoy wrote to me.”
“Aye, I am too.”
The brothers smiled at each other and kept riding.
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hummingbird-of-light · 4 months
In Our Favor
Part 215
Saturday morning dawned with the sound of pouring rain. McCoy rolled over and pulled the covers over his head as he heard a chuckle behind him. Scotty’s hand rubbed gently up and down his back.
“I suppose ye’d like to stay right here all day,” Scotty said softly, with humor in his still sleepy voice.
McCoy grunted out an affirmative noise and Scotty chuckled again.
“Then let’s do that.”
“Can we?” McCoy asked, pulling the covers back off his head.
“Who’s going to stop us?” Scotty asked.
McCoy rolled back over to face Scotty.
“What about meals? This isn’t the palace, I can’t call down and have breakfast brought up.” He smiled.
“Ye’ve got security don’t ye?”
“We have security,” McCoy emphasized, “and I don’t know if anyone would be happy with us using them as food delivery.”
Scotty pulled McCoy closer and kissed him on the forehead.
“Just once shouldn’t be a problem,” Scotty whispered.
McCoy grinned and gave his head a shake. “Why does that sound like what I would say? Ok,” he relented. “But breakfast only. We wouldn’t want to abuse the privilege.”
“Of course not your highness.” Scotty laughed as McCoy pinched at his side.
“Just for that I’m not answering the door when they bring it,” McCoy said and pulling the covers back over his head again, snuggled tight against Scotty’s side.
They made a very lazy morning of it. Sitting up in bed after they finally ate, they called each of their mother’s and had good long chats.
“I suppose it is time we got up,” McCoy said reluctantly as Scotty set the PADD aside from their chat with Francine.
“Probably,” Scotty agreed.
“Should probably start on homework too. I’ve got a paper to finish and a good handful of reading to get done.”
“Aye. I’ve got research to get done,” Scotty said as he stretched his arms over his head. “Come on love, we’ll get cleaned up, get some lunch and get our work done.”
“We won’t get many lazy mornings like this as we keep going along will we?” McCoy asked, getting to his feet.
“We’ll have to make the time for them then,” Scotty told him decidedly. He moved close to McCoy, kissed him, then gave him a gentle shove towards the bathroom.
Cleaned and dressed, McCoy and Scotty hurried through the rain to the dining hall.
“There you guys are,” Sulu said as they sat down. “You two eat early or just skip breakfast?”
“Skipped,” McCoy answered quickly. Sulu grinned, but said nothing more.
“Well you didn’t miss much,” Uhura told them. “Chris is off with Roger and Jim said yesterday they were going to the movies.”
“What do you think they are seeing?” Chekov asked.
“Who knows,” Jaylah said with an eye roll.
“What are ye doing this afternoon?” Scotty asked, looking around at their friends.
Part 216
It turned out that they all still had some homework to do. Only Uhura and Jaylah wanted to go into town later to do a bit of shopping. When Cora asked what they wanted to buy and Uhura replied that they wanted to go to some clothing stores, Jaylah seemed to blush slightly. Apparently they wanted to buy something for the alien girl.
"I know a good boutique nearby. If you want, I can show you," Cora simply said and the other girls immediately agreed.
"So... shopping isn't really our thing now, is it leannan?" Leonard turned to his husband with a grin and the Scotsman laughed.
"Nae, not really."
"Oh, you guys just don't know how to have a good time," Uhura replied, waving her hand.
"To each his own," Keenser grunted before a debate could begin and Scotty nodded in agreement.
"Aye, ye're right about that."
"I've got fencing practice later. So if you want to watch, you're welcome to drop by," Sulu offered and Scotty nodded.
"That sounds good. Maybe you can even teach us something."
As they walked to the gym in the late afternoon, Scotty and Leonard both knew they'd better confess to Sulu that they weren't going to visit the tournament.
Leah had called them shortly after lunch to let them know that they were allowed to accompany Aporal. Andre would arrive on the afternoon of departure and guard them.
"Hey, you guys actually came!" Sulu grinned broadly and waved to the boys as he saw them enter the hall.
"We couldn't turn down an offer like that," said Leonard as he and Scotty took their seats in the nearby stands.
"Well then, I guess I need to show you something, huh? Mark!" Sulu looked at another cadet who was practising a few moves in a corner of the hall. "Do you have time for a duel?"
The young man looked at Sulu and nodded.
"Sure. Why not?"
Scotty watched in fascination as Sulu and the redhead got into position and then began to fence with elegant movements.
It was more than just a sport or a fight. It was almost like a dance. And Sulu was a true master.
Scotty looked briefly at Leonard, whose eyes were fixed on the fencers. He wondered if Leonard knew how to fence as well. It seemed worthy of a prince to perform such sports.
The duel was quickly decided and it was no great surprise that Sulu emerged as the winner.
Scotty and Leonard both applauded and got to their feet to walk over to their friend, who was shaking hands with his opponent.
"You were pretty good, Mark."
"But apparently not good enough, Hikaru. I'll be better prepared for the tournament."
"I'm looking forward to it."
Mark went back to his corner of the hall and Sulu turned to Scotty and Leonard.
"So, what do you guys think? Do I have a chance of winning the tournament?" he asked and Scotty nodded.
"Definitely! You're the best fencer I know."
"Really, Scotty? And how many fencers do you know?"
That made the Scotsman laugh. He scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.
"Well, at least two now."
Sulu just grinned.
"You were really good," Leonard agreed. "And I know a lot of fencers."
"Thanks, guys. I was really pleased that you came."
That was probably the cue to come clean.
"Ye know, Hikaru, we have a confession to make... We cannae be at the tournament to cheer ye on."
Surprise washed over Sulu's face as he heard Scotty's words.
"Oh... you can't?"
"Aporal asked us to accompany him to the family reunion. I... I think he needs us by his side." Even though Scotty didn't say anything specific, the look on his face revealed how important it was.
A moment later, Sulu just smiled and patted his Scottish friend on the shoulder.
"I see. Well then... I hope that when you come back, I'm a real winner."
Scotty grinned.
"There's no doubt about it."
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movedto-fiercengineer · 6 months
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[ continued ] ⸻⸻ She moves, quick with purpose to pick up one of the boxes that @yelhaltor had been moving. It's a small, menial task and she's around, came to check in now if he had finished up with his work yet. The tyrakhean had only just finished up with her own work, a little sweaty but not enough so that, she was going to stop to shower before gathering up for meal time.
She remains mute as Figg speaks, having been use to the barrage of words from classes at the Academy. Figg can take up all the space for speaking, that was fine with her and follows him. ❝ This is no problem, we were fellow cadets. ❞ By that logic alone along with grander lessons of Starfleet, of course she would help out. Jaylah does, somewhat, share in his enthusiasm, not perhaps for the same reasons or shown as outwrdly but she was glad to finally be on a starship again.
❝ Yeah, plenty of work. ❞ It was mostly orientation, then some work, but it had felt good doing that. WORK, ship work to be precise. ❝ You finish here and it's dinner. ❞ A pause before she clarifies why she was here. ❝ For both of us. ❞ Figg's from the same class as she was, and though she never admit nerves; having someone familiar from the last few years would be appreciated.
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hellbornhades · 11 months
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As summer began to make its way, the couple had a lot to prepare for, especially in terms of finances. They were able to remodel the inside of their home and finally make a plan for their wedding, but that involved using a bit of their savings, so they're funds are pretty low.
With their new financial situation, Jaylah thought it was time to publish her books. She wasn't expecting fame to come out of it though… but boy does she make it look good.
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And of course after a few days of being in the limelight, Jaylah had to admit, being famous wasn't as fun as she had hoped… yes she's finally being noticed by her job as a writer.. but now she's got to put more effort into everything she writes.
Just a few more days, and I'll be off of work for my wedding and honeymoon, Jaylah thought to herself.
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During the next day, Travis was finishing some Wedding preparations while Jaylah slept, he just so happened to spot one of Jaylah's stans, waiting for her outside.
He grumbles to himself: "Got damned Sim stans… figuring out where we live… I told Jay not to give out too many autographs."
Travis decided he would handle this himself and let Jaylah rest, she's been working nonstop to produce a new bestseller on top of planning a wedding and just didn't want to add this to her plate.
Travis: "Look, I don't know who you are or how you found our home, but you need to go. Jaylah is just like any other Sim, she works and eats and has hobbies outside of this fame she's started to gain, just like the rest of us. Now, can you respectfully climb back down the hole you came from before I call the cops!"
Random Stan: "Oh, I uh… look at the time? I must be on my way!"
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Despite Jaylah's newly developed fame and how hectic things had started to become for the two, the couple still had their eyes looking forward to making the best of their wedding day.
(The Next Day)
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It was officially Jaylah and Travis' big day. After careful planning and much preparation, the wedded-couple-to-be reserved their wedding at a secluded and quiet spot in Sulani.
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Excited was an understatement, these two have been dying to tie the knot ever since they made their relationship official.
Now standing face to face, Jaylah could swear her heart was beating so loudly that maybe even Travis could hear. Jaylah took Travis' hand and smiled, taking a slow, deep breath and began to recite her vows.
Jaylah: "Low and behold, it's finally the day of our union. The day our lives become one forever. It's one thing to talk about a life together and another thing to truly jump in and get our feet wet; to go forth and set our new lives in motion. Today, this very day, will be the start to our forever life."
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Travis could no longer hide his giddy, nervous excitement, occasionally erupting into giggling fits like that of a teenage girl.
Jaylah smiled, continuing on: "Words are beautiful, but actions are what holds so much more meaning. Memories may fade and be forgotten, but together we can always create new ones. The past will always be important, but the future holds so many unforeseen possibilities. With all meaning and sincerity, I will love you forever and ever, Travis. Even when our vessels are returned to the Earth."
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Travis took Jaylah's hand and started his vows, gently pushing the ring up her finger: "Gosh, I wish my vows were even close to being as beautiful as yours, but you, my dear, have always been poetic with your words. However, my eyes have never seen so clearly as it has since I've met you. The path I walked once complicated and rocky, has now grown smooth and clear of obstacles with you by my side. Often times, I wonder if I am floating. When I close my eyes, I dream of you and only you, just to awaken to see your beautiful face still fast asleep. My ears have never heard anything as sweet as the day I heard your voice say 'I love you.' My soul has found it's other half and I'm so eternally grateful that it's you, Jaylah."
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[Wedding Day – Part 1]
❣ previous post || begining post || next post ❣
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"I'm sorry. You - Um, look a lot like my dead wife. It's distracting"
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The girl does look up, take pause from what she was working on. Nimble hands stilling for only a second as the man tells her that she looks like his DEAD wife. She's been warned that she can come off as rude in her responses, but she doesn't know what to say to that. ❝ Was she Tyrakhean? ❞ Although, she thinks the chance of that are astronomically low. She hasn't seen or heard of others from her kind since her family was all gone.
The mechanic's working on fixing up his gear; insistent that he's not allowed to touch anything in her alcove that she can fix what he had brought in. ❝ Erm, I am sorry? ❞ Jaylah goes back to working, picking tools up and setting them down as she uses them, testing what she was working with. ❝ I know dead people. . . I mean I have lost too. I am sorry my face is familiar? ❞
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scottyland · 2 years
SPOTIFY WRAPPED meme -> @sohelish : 21 Tik Tok (Kesha)
Scott had to admit that Jaylah made him really like classical music, it was always something he wasn't that interested in but he didn't mind when someone was listening, but after Jaylah started showing him a lot of music he just started liking it and sometimes he couldn't get the music out of his head.
Scott was down on the floor fixing some pipes that had somehow broken, since he was alone he was singing and moving his shoulders to the rhythm of the music.
"I'm talkin' pedicure on our toes, toes Tryin' on all our clothes, clothes Boys blowin' up our phones, phones Drop-toppin', playin' our favorite CDs Pullin' up to the parties Tryna get a little bit tipsy"
When he finally finished, he stand up and notices a security officer looking at him.
"Oh---How long have ye bein' here?" How much does she know? How much will she tell the crew? How much has she seen? Maybe she just arrived?
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