#Jawbone integrity
purpledental · 5 months
Reclaim Your Smile: Discover How Dental Implants Can Transform Your Life
Welcome to Purple Dental Office, where our commitment is to provide exceptional dental care, specializing in dental implants. Our skilled team is dedicated to helping you achieve a lasting, radiant smile.
Unlock Your Smile's Potential with Dental Implants
Experience transformative dental treatments at Purple Dental Office in Glastonbury, CT, and rediscover the joy of a confident smile.
Exploring Dental Implants
Dental implants are sophisticated devices designed to restore both function and aesthetics by serving as artificial tooth roots. Surgically implanted into the jawbone, they provide a sturdy foundation for prosthetic teeth, offering a revolutionary solution to tooth loss and enhancing both appearance and functionality.
Types of Dental Implants
Dental implants are available in various types to suit individual needs:
Endosteal Implants: Surgically placed directly into the jawbone, ideal for stability and longevity, particularly for patients currently wearing bridges.
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Trust Purple Dental Clinic for exceptional dental implant treatment, where your smile's health and beauty are our top priorities.
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THE FINAL [Dimension 20 NPC of All Time]
Gilear Faeth vs Jawbone O'Shaughnessey
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Propaganda under the cut
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - He/Him
Campaign: Fantasy High, Dimension 20 LIVE, The Seven
Who is he?
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey is a werewolf and former drug dealer for The Black Pit. He is now employed as a guidance counselor at Aguefort Adventuring Academy.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
"He’s a werewolf, he’s a punk, he wears cardigans. He’s here to fuck shit up and help children. He once have head to a border patrol agent with genital warts. He’s a former drug dealer, current school guidance counselor, and your friend’s hot adopted dad. He definitely had passionate sex with Garthy O’Brien at least once. He’ll jump into a dragon’s mouth to protect a bunch of high school kids after giving you a hug and an unethical amount of anxiety meds. What more do you need to know?"
Submitted by: Anonymous
Gilear Faeth - He/Him
Campaigns - Fantasy High, Dimension 20 LIVE, The Seven
Who is he?
Gilear Faeth is Fig Faeth's adoptive dad and Sandra Lynn Faeth's ex-husband. He is a wood elf who's lost some hair since his divorce and now wears it in a comb-over, which is a unique look on an elf. He's got a little bit of a paunch. He is often described as being sad and pitiable. He wears a short-sleeved king button up shirt which is often stained, usually with yogurt, but one time it was beans.
Why is he the NPC of All Time?
"Do I even need to elaborate?? If there was ever an NPC to NPC it is hands down no contest, announce it now the winner is Gilear. That man spilt so much pudding on himself, he died more times than I can remember, he fumbled the bag on like 3 milfs. An icon. A legend. The chosen one."
"For all the obvious reasons. Is the NPC of all time. He's a dad. His dad status was revoked and reinstated. He's has multiple jobs and job titles but always does the same thing which is mostly nothing. He's just some guy. He dies immediately. He's an integral part to the party because they made him so. Peak NPC."
"We have to let him have this one thing."
Submitted by: @unnatural-twenty, @legend-of-fall-damage, @priceforrottenjudgement and Anonymous
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floof-writes · 9 months
I just figured out why the "Don't hate on Kristen, she's just a traumatized 17 year old girl she wasn't prepared to create and care for a deity and it's not fair to expect her to" argument bugs me so much!
First and foremost, Kristen Applebees owns my entire heart and soul. She saved my fucking life. She and I went through a scarily similar religious crisis at fifteen and she and Ally helped me process it. By extension, I respect Ally immensely. They are integral in what D20 is today, and I can't thank them enough for that, Chaotic Dumb shit included. Whatever choices they make to A) have fun at the table and B) play Kristen to her truest potential, I support them.
Right now, Kristen is certainly acting in character, I'm not denying that, but her character still hasn't learned the lesson she needed to. The argument above boils down to the claim that teenagers shouldn't be held responsible for their actions, and as someone who was 17 fairly recently, YES THEY FUCKING SHOULD. Teenagers are capable of doing amazing things. They are more than capable of making moral and practical judgements, and they should be allowed to. They are intelligent and thoughtful and complex. Kristen proves that every second she's on screen. Denying her the consequences of her actions, both good and bad, is just disrespectful to her accomplishments.
Teenagers should receive unconditional love and support from the adults in their lives, but they do not get consequence immunity that expires at 18. Kristen, more than any other bad kid, lacks parental support. Her connection to stable adults is largely through her girlfriend, and that's not ideal. But Kristen has proven she understands what it means to be the cleric of a new god, that in the same way her devotion raised her from the grave, her apathy could bury her once more. It's happened to [redacted] before. Apparently she hasn't even attempted to spread that responsibility out by sharing the gospel. She hasn't asked for help, which is a teenager's most fundamental right. It makes sense that she hasn't, someone else pointed out that Kristen is still searching for the absolute security in knowing a god is all powerful that she had while believing in Helio and has yet to unlearn that, which is why she struggles with her deities. She very obviously relies on religion to fill a hole in her worldview. But if Kristen kills Cassandra, she kills Cassandra. That's her fault, even if it's a mistake that will one day become a dumb teenage decision in her past, rightfully paid for and rightfully regretted. And the adults in her life, whether that be Aguefort or Jawbone or someone else, have a responsibility to tell her she's out of line, because she is.
Junior year is about realizing that real life is a speeding train and you're tied to the tracks with just the pieces of a knife. Ally themself said this season is about Kristen suffering consequences for her chaotic decisions. Making a bad decision and being held responsible for it is okay. This is a theme that appears with Pete as well. Expecting them to learn from their experiences and behave better gets conflated with hating them and is met with excuses about their circumstances and lack of support, even though both demonstrate an extreme desire to learn and grow.
(Finally, the last piece of this argument that bugs me, is the claim that people criticizing Kristen must not have experienced a faith crisis. Bitch, with Kristen's help I banged that thing out in a year and half. By 16 I was an atheist out to my parents. Unlike Kristen, they didn't kick me out, and unlike Kristen, the existence of god/s isn't an objective reality in my world, so I get that I had it easier. But your experiences with faith aren't universal.)
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mariacallous · 6 months
Today, the US Supreme Court will hear a case that will determine whether the government can communicate with social media companies to flag misleading or harmful content to social platforms—or talk to them at all. And a lot of the case revolves around Covid-19 conspiracy theories.
In Murthy v. Missouri, attorneys general from Louisiana and Missouri, as well as several other individual plaintiffs, argue that government agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), have coerced social media platforms to censor speech related to Covid-19, election misinformation, and the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy, among others.
In a statement released in May 2022, when the case was first filed, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt alleged that members of the Biden administration “colluded with social media companies like Meta, Twitter, and YouTube to remove truthful information related to the lab-leak theory, the efficacy of masks, election integrity, and more.” (The lab-leak theory has largely been debunked, and most evidence points to Covid-19 originating from animals.)
While the government shouldn’t necessarily be putting its thumb on the scale of free speech, there are areas where government agencies have access to important information that can—and should—help platforms make moderation decisions, says David Greene, civil liberties director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit digital rights organization. The foundation filed an amicus brief on the case. “The CDC should be able to inform platforms, when it thinks there is really hazardous public health information placed on those platforms,” he says. “The question they need to be thinking about is, how do we inform without coercing them?”
At the heart of the Murthy v. Missouri case is that question of coercion versus communication, or whether any communication from the government at all is a form of coercion, or “jawboning.” The outcome of the case could radically impact how platforms moderate their content, and what kind of input or information they can use to do so—which could also have a big impact on the proliferation of conspiracy theories online.
In July 2023, a Louisiana federal judge consolidated the initial Missouri v. Biden case together with another case, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children's Health Defense, et al v. Biden, to form the Murthy v. Missouri case. The judge also issued an injunction that barred the government from communicating with platforms. The injunction was later modified by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which carved out some exceptions, particularly when it came to third parties such as the Stanford Internet Observatory, a research lab at Stanford that studies the internet and social platforms, flagging content to platforms.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD), an anti-vaccine nonprofit, was formerly chaired by now presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The group was banned from Meta’s platforms in 2022 for spreading health misinformation, like that the tetanus vaccine causes infertility (it does not), in violation of the company’s policies. A spokesperson for CHD referred WIRED to a press release, with a statement from the organization’s president, Mary Holland, saying “As CHD’s chairman on leave, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. points out, our Founding Fathers put the right to free expression in the First Amendment because all the other rights depend on it. In his words, ‘A government that has the power to silence its critics has license for any kind of atrocity.’”
Different arms of the government have been in touch with social media companies for years, particularly regarding threats to elections or emergencies, like the Covid-19 pandemic. In the wake of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the company was “actively working with the US government on its ongoing investigations.”
In a statement before the House Judiciary Committee in 2020, FBI director Christopher Wray noted the ways in which terrorist organizations and foreign countries could weaponize social media to spread disinformation and undermine trust in democratic institutions. “Over the last year, the FBI has met with top social media and technology companies several times, provided them with classified briefings, and shared specific threat indicators and account information, so they can better monitor their own platforms,” he said at the time.
But there's a difference between providing information and requiring content moderation.The US solicitor general’s brief even notes that the plaintiffs were unable to “point to any evidence that the government ever imposed any sanction when platforms declined to moderate content the government had flagged.”
The case could not be surfacing at a more critical moment. Generative AI has only amplified existing election threats when it comes to disinformation, even as tech companies have shrunk their trust and safety teams and rolled back some of their earlier protections.
Senator Mark Warner of Virginia highlighted the Murthy v. Missouri case as one of the four major threats to election integrity going into the 2024 presidential election. “All throughout the Trump administration there was voluntary sharing [between the government and social media platforms], so if the NSA or CISA found evidence of foreign malign influence, that could be shared,” said Warner.
David Greene, of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, says the most likely outcome is that the court will issue a new test to assess whether the government was, in fact, coercive against social platforms, and pass the case back down to a lower court to rule on again.
“I think the Supreme Court will look at the nature of how the information is transmitted rather than what the content is itself,” he says.
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schismusic · 6 months
THE DISCOGRAPHY PRINCIPLE, Episode 4: Coil, or: Better Git It in Your Soul
As I'm writing this piece, everyone who knows their shit is spasmodically waiting for the physical repress of Moon's Milk (In Four Phases) to hit store shelves, assuming they haven't bought it off the site. All the people who have been knowing their shit since before it was cool to do so already had the FLACs on their hard disk drives. Not to brag, but I'm part of that second group. I love gay people, I love Creative Commons licenses, I love what happens when you rub them together (in case you're wondering, you have a phenomenon called teenage lightning).
[As you're going to see throughout the piece, the remaster did come out, and it's glorious]
If you ask anyone they will probably tell you Horse Rotorvator is Coil's best, and it's not like they're wrong, but it may be a bit limiting. It goes about the same as Incunabula; refer back to the Autechre post for more clarification, but in short it's an incredibly good record that takes some extra work done in the present time because some of its sound palette choices end up making it sound a bit uncanny, if not dated. I'd rather not go with "dated" for this specific record simply because Scatology exists, and it doesn't get anymore '80s than that, not necessarily in a positive way. If we take out The Anal Staircase (by the way, great title, guys!) the rest of the tracks on Horse Rotorvator have some actually quite futureproof stuff going on, on average - sometimes bordering on prescient, like on Penetralia, just barely removed from 2010s brostep aggression, and sometimes I wish they had the hardware to process that stuff. But the big-ass reverb on the snare and percussion, the sheer nudity of the production, the way the orchestral bits and samples are integrated into the arrangements kind of make it sound like the record is striving really hard for a sound that simply could not be attained at the time of realization.
The great part is that literally nothing I said in this paragraph is a negative at all.
Compare Penetralia to, for instance, Restless Day from Scatology; or maybe even compare Ostia to Tenderness of Wolves. Both are great, sure, but while the Rotorvator just don't check out at times, the Scatology ones seem to have an expiration date written on them. Only one exception to this rule: At the Heart of It All. If I had to draw another comparison, this would probably link up to The First Five Minutes After Death, and this time it's the latter paling in comparison to the former. It sounds sickly and isolated in a special unique way, unable to fight back, devoid of any possible bite: it sounds like it saw the actual horse rotorvator, the Four Horsemen slitting the horses' throats and meshing the jawbones into a gigantic, earthshattering plough. Nothing exists beyond At the Heart of It All. Nothing survives.
Coil, after all, always flirted with a sense of profound despair, even at their funniest and most tongue-in-cheek. This is relevant: not many other bands of their era display, or even have, that same sense of humor about not just themselves but the whole world; consequently, not many have reached the same scope of intent, and the same successful realization of said intents, as Coil. Partially unrelated: one of my favourite stories about them is that one time in the early 2000s when the rest of the band couldn't find Jhonn Balance after a gig in Greece — I think at least, I'm going off the top of my head here — so on the following morning they were forced to board their plane to their next gig in mainland Europe without him. So as they're about to play the gig without him, seeing as he simply isn't there, magically he shows up, and nobody could even imagine how he'd managed to get there on time. At the time Jhonn was already having big trouble with alcohol, had already broken up with Peter Christopherson. Many of these things I came to know through some tried-and-true Coil obsessives, and there's apparently a lot of them around: people who exchanged correspondence, cassette tapes, memories with some of the collaborators in the band or even Balance and Christopherson themselves. There's basically an army of unauthorized Coil biographers out there. But staying more strictly on the point, it's impossible to separate Coil and the lives of those who made up Coil; therefore it is impossible to separate Coil and life itself.
Some of you may remember me mentioning the aborted Autechre/Coil collab back in episode one of this series. In that very same conversation, we had a really deep dive into how Coil's attraction to — mostly Western — esotericism, even the most downright evil and uncomfortable parts of it (how could we ever forget the iconic "the industrial use of semen will revolutionise the human race" shirt?), stemmed from a more general interest in the fullness of life; and the more I think about that, the more understandable Coil's visual fascination with nature is. Four EPs, one for each of the major sun-related astronomical events introducing the four seasons; the luscious woods on the covers of the two Musick to Play in the Dark records; the rocky cliffs and the goats being a perfect aesthetic fold to The Remote Viewer's abrasive/ascetic hurdy-gurdy drones. All of this accompanied to music that seems to strive for the most eldritch effect possible — in one way or another, Coil's sound design is like looking very, very, very deep into the bottom of an abyss of your choice simply for the fun of it, or rather for the curiosity, the doubt that something of incalculable value might lie down there. We as humans really enjoy getting to know stuff much more than we enjoy actually knowing stuff, the progress of process is much more enticing to us than the staticity of completion. Coil still sound, twenty years after Balance's death and almost fifteen years after after Christopherson's death, like they are disciples. They listen just as much as we do.
And this predisposition to listen is specifically what makes them particularly apt at speaking, too. Coil express depth because they feel deeply, ultimately, and they don't fear emotion — any emotion. Which means they are just at ease analysing the diffusion of gossip and its subsequent deformation and bloating as they are discussing alcoholism and the search for oblivion, and what's better: these topics are discussed in two sister tracks (namely Red Queen and Ether). Both tracks, alienated from the context of their respective records, sound like relatively soothing jazzy piano ballads with some lunatic saying the most out-of-pocket shit possible on top of them, and some pretty fucked up background noises going on, Red Queen being the easiest possible application of this concept. But the effect gets somehow creepier when Jhonn Balance actually introduces a recognizable melody into the mix. This is probably the best moment to talk about Jhonn Balance's voice.
If I'd talked to Dog about this piece, they probably would once again link me to Drew Schorno's piece about "vestigial shamans" (you can find it here). Balance's singing is not about technique, but at the same time it's not as simple as the boomer-like concept of mojo, either. Balance could barely carry a melody through most of the time, to a point where some Coil tracks sound like they'd benefit heavily from a guest vocalist; early on, I believe, Coil — perhaps Balance himself — must have been convinced that was the case too, and for proof just look at the plethora of external one-off collaborators brought in the fold (among many notable names, one stands tall: the legendary JG Thirlwell). Then you try to actually substitute Balance, or maybe even sing your own version of the track, and it doesn't work anymore*. It simply stops being compelling in a way that is very hard to quantify. Yet another name popping up from the Autechre piece, i.e. that of Tom Waits: it's that lived-life element mixed with the more strictly performance-related aspects of vocal interpretation that makes the difference, sure, but it's about how you cannot tell where one ends and the other begins. Tom Waits achieves this by virtue of his life-long effort to turn into his own character, i.e. by way of sheer commitment to the bit if you're so inclined; Jhonn Balance — ironic that, of these two, he should be the one using an actual pseudonym — does that by simply being a vestigial shaman, a person so profoundly wired for jumping in and out of some other world that he seemed, for better or for worse, to be unable to stop doing that.
*There is, of course, only one exception to this rule, and that is Rose McDowall, i.e. most likely a vestigial shaman herself, at least judging by her Facebook. I am lucky enough to be her virtual friend on there, and she seems like an incredibly endearing person — speaking frankly, I'd love to buy her a drink and have a conversation at one point…
The shamanicity (is that even a word?) of Coil is stunningly matched by the sound design and production: so materic it's tangible, so abstract it forces you to wonder what's on the other side of the door. You don't always want to know. In the summer of 2016 I was listening to Batwings in a dark room, for some reason, and there was a crucifix in this room; I shone a flashlight on it and the crucifix projected its shadow on the wall and at that point I very distinctly felt something powerfully trying to make its way through my ribs, into my chest. I immediately left the room. To this day this remains the sole thing in my entire life that made me firmly and unequivocally grasp possibilities beyond what we see normally. And as much as I love waxing poetic over Balance's lyrics and vocals, in this case I believe it was mostly the repetitive, simple keyboard figure — it's almost as if they'd managed to shrink down a church organ and you could now play it, volume obviously adjusted for size, within your breast pocket. But the whole array of clicks and pops, or the insanely advanced vocal processing, displayed throughout the Musick to Play in the Dark/Moon's Milk era really elevates the composition and arrangements to new heights, making them a true spectacle to listen to even on the most low-specs sound systems.
The beautiful thing is that Coil doesn't necessarily need the extra bells and whistles and, more importantly, that they know when and where to use them. This is on display throughout most of their discography, but nowhere is it clearer than on The Ape of Naples, a posthumous record that is entirely built to represent Balance's aural eulogy. One of the most overlooked tracks on the record, I'd argue, is Tattooed Man, basically a simple pop song revolving around laid-back percussion and a simple accordion melody — until, of course, Balance himself intervenes almost shouting a tale of dead lookalikes, of love and hate, of self-image and acceptance (or lack thereof) of finality. It's hard to explain why this track would be more touching to me than the more openly emotional Fire of the Mind (link) (which has one of the best opening verses in the history of recorded music, if you ask me) or Going Up (my main issue with this one is that it comes after Teenage Lightning and Amber Rain, both incredible tracks that scarred me for life — in a positive way, but I do realize its necessity in the economy of the full record of course. It just is). I guess it's touching to find that at the end of the line, even resolute spiritworld straddlers get a bit scared of their own powers. But after all, the main requisite for being a shaman is feeling more than the others — being, maybe, more human than the others.
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bristoldentist25 · 7 months
Achieve a Radiant Smile with Teeth Whitening and Implants at Optima Dental Office in Bristol
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At Optima Dental Office, we understand the importance of a bright, confident smile. Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or simply aiming to boost your self-esteem, our range of cosmetic dental treatments can help you achieve your goals.
Teeth Whitening:
Years of consuming coffee, tea, wine, or tobacco can gradually stain your teeth, leading to a dull or discolored smile. Fortunately, our professional teeth whitening services can reverse the effects of staining, unveiling a whiter, brighter smile in just one visit.
Using state-of-the-art whitening techniques and safe, effective whitening agents, our experienced dental professionals customize the treatment to suit your unique needs. Say goodbye to over-the-counter whitening products and experience the superior results of professional teeth whitening at Optima Dental Office.
Dental Implants:
Missing teeth can not only affect your appearance but also impact your oral health and overall well-being. At Optima Dental Office, our implant dentistry services offer a permanent solution to restore your smile and improve your quality of life.
Our skilled implant specialists utilize advanced technology and precise techniques to seamlessly integrate dental implants into your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Whether you're missing a single tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants offer a natural-looking and long-lasting solution for a complete smile makeover.
Why Choose Optima Dental Office?
Experienced Professionals: Our team of highly trained dentists and specialists are dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care with compassion and expertise.
Personalized Treatment: We understand that every smile is unique, which is why we tailor our treatments to address your specific concerns and goals.
Advanced Technology: From digital imaging to minimally invasive procedures, we utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure optimal results and patient comfort.
Patient-Centered Care: Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We strive to create a welcoming and relaxing environment where you can feel confident in your dental care.
Unlock your smile's full potential at Optima Dental Office in Bristol. Schedule your consultation and embark on a journey towards a brighter, healthier smile.
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softwarmfur · 8 months
wait okay im thinking about the theoretical mechanics of a vagina dentata....is the vaginal passage actually akin to a real vagina, or is it more of a false throat? because if its actually a vagina that doesnt bode well for the integrity of the enamel....the vagina is acidic isnt it? more acidic than the mouth i presume. maybe the teeth would have super tough enamel. presumable there isn't an actual jawbone in there....bruh imagine breaking your gotdamn vagina bones. imagine having to get a root canal in your pussy that would suckkkkk. but the teeth have to be rooted into something....seems like a pharyngeal jaw situation but in the pussy. vaginal jaws.
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cttrajan1206 · 1 year
When you get this, answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰 If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
ok lmao so i had to go and ask you for the questions but i'll answer them now <3
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Who is your favourite character in this WIP and why?
Ok so unfortunately for everyone involved i am not a novel writer-
WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED MY SHORT STORY!! DIGRESSION REDACTED. Literally. i actually had an explaantion typed out but you'll never see it now bc tumblr is a fuckwad <3
I'm gonna tag my writer friends to continue this because it's easier sdfogushdfg but thank you matt!!!
To follow the challenge (with fanfic or original):
@tsukiomoon @lovinglystrawberrycrepe @bea-writes-sometimes @genderlessfish @asadnerdtm @jawbone-xylophone @a-little-chai @blacksoul333 @hiddenarina @monoshii-wasu
(I kinda went crazy tagging a bunch of peolpe here because i'm genuienly curious for what you've all been up to and what you're writing!)
ok ahem ahem
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
The ending. As a writer who loves to build up to specific moments and gestures, this story requires SO MUCH planning and care to achieve the effect I want which will hopefully be a mindblowing one. And also a very sad realisation I hope. I want the reader to be SHOCKED. i need them GASPING. i need them HORRIFIED. but i can't do that until i write everything else first </3 but god yeah i really really really want to skip to teh ending
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Initially in the daydream stage, I modelled this as a short film script! But I don't write scripts often so I scrapped it and made it a short story instead. Additionally, as I wrote it I realised extra motifs and secrets to add! For instance, Kanto tells you something and will always draw back to that point but as I wrote this in, I realised it would add to the plot twist to have Nafiz never acknowledge this explicitly until the very end! Little things liek that which will require extra planning but contribute so greatly to the payoff.
OH YEAH AND LIKE. ITS CHANGED A LOT FROM ITS FIRST DRAFT. MOSTLY BC THE FIRST DRAFT WAS 9 PAGES OF HANDWRITTEN STORY WHICH I THEN. LOST IN BANGLADESH </3 But honestly i really love the rewrite more so tbh alhamdulillah that happened. Taught me to save my work properly too sdfogushdfg
Who is your favourite character in this WIP and why?
So few people even know about the wip but even fewer know that the two main characters, Kanto and Nafiz, are just my Twisted-Wonderland self-inserts re-contextualised to be humans of different ages to their ogs. This is a little on purpose though since the story is very close to my heart ;D
But in that regard, my favourite character is actually Kanto!! She's a really young girl in Sheltered but her dialogue, mannerisms and actions are so fun to write and most importantly of all, she is integral to the plot twist. I love how much depth I need to pour into her and she's the expositional character!
Who doesn't love their beloved tutorial?
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miqomonkly · 1 year
How polite is your OC? Are they courteous and considerate of others? Or gruff and tactless? If they are polished in their manners then is this always a positive quality? Or perhaps something calculated and employed whilst engaged in political or social intrigue? If they are rough in their manners then is this always a bad thing? Or does their lack of external gloss actually reflect their honesty and integrity?
HOOFAH! Talk about a heck of a question! (Not complaining; I appreciate the ask! ❤️)
In most cases, I'lyanna can be considered polite company. She will speak what's on her mind but does so tactfully... well, as tactfully as she can, anyway.
Learning from her father, she has a knowledge of how to be dignified and respectful of others. Be they customer or fellow worker, a smile and a courteous welcome are always acceptable. Even the most testy customers can be won over if the service is warm enough.
However, should someone begin to lay a bit too heavily on personal slander - judgment of class, race, social standing, or familial upbringing - I'lyanna is quick to throw courtesy to the side. While still maintaining a sense of dignity, her words become sharp and targeted, aiming for the weaknesses in others' arguments. It is rare that she will outright insult someone on a basis of intelligence or other factors, but she can become very heated should the opposition tread that path.
Only once did she slander someone based on their heritage; a Sea Wolf Roegadyn fellow met her ire when she was in her early teen years, and she accused him of being "another soggy sea bandit." In this instance, it was her mother who reprimanded her and gave her a taste of "traditional" Seeker punishment. Since that day, she learned the importance of respecting others beyond their heritage and to look at those she met by their deeds, not their people.
This would be a valuable lesson for her, as more often than not, she has come afoul of those that refer to her as the "next generation of Ul'dahn entertainment." In those instances, there has been no polite discourse... and several a broken nose or jawbone.
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smile-again · 1 year
When it comes to replacing missing teeth and restoring your smile’s functionality, dental implants have become the gold standard in modern dentistry. At Smile Again, a trusted dental practice located in Dadar, Mumbai, we specialize in providing high-quality dental implant solutions that can transform your smile and improve your overall oral health. In this article, we will delve into the world of dental implants, exploring their numerous benefits and why Smile Again is your go-to destination for exceptional dental implant treatments.
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The Power of Dental Implants:
Dental implants are innovative tooth replacement solutions that mimic the natural structure and function of your teeth. Composed of a titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone, a connecting abutment, and a customized dental crown, implants offer a long-lasting and reliable alternative to traditional dentures or bridges. They provide a stable foundation for artificial teeth, restoring both the aesthetic and functional aspects of your smile.
Why Choose Smile Again for Dental Implants:
At Smile Again, we understand the profound impact that missing teeth can have on your confidence, oral health, and overall well-being. Our dedicated team of dental professionals excels in providing exceptional dental implant treatments that are tailored to each patient’s unique needs. With our expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, we have earned a reputation as a leading dental implant provider in Dadar, Mumbai.
Comprehensive Dental Implant Solutions:
Smile Again offers a comprehensive range of dental implant solutions to address various tooth loss scenarios. Whether you need to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a full arch of teeth, our skilled implantologists have the knowledge and experience to deliver outstanding results. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools and treatment planning techniques to ensure precision and success throughout the implant process.
The Dental Implant Procedure:
The journey to a restored smile with dental implants at Smile Again begins with a thorough consultation and examination. Our dental team will assess your oral health, discuss your goals and expectations, and formulate a customized treatment plan. The implant placement procedure itself involves a minor surgical process where the titanium implant is inserted into the jawbone. Over time, the implant fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration, providing a stable and secure foundation for the final restoration.
Restoring Functionality and Aesthetics:
Once the implant has fully integrated with the jawbone, an abutment is attached to the implant, which serves as a connector between the implant and the dental crown. The crown, designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, is then affixed to the abutment. The result is a fully functional and lifelike tooth replacement that blends seamlessly with your existing teeth, providing a natural-looking smile that you can confidently showcase.
Internal Links:
Learn more about the benefits of dental implants at Smile Again https://www.smileagain.in/dental-implant/
Discover our advanced diagnostic tools and treatment planning techniques
Explore our range of restorative dental procedures https://www.smileagain.in/laser-dentistry/
Find out how Smile Again can enhance your oral health and overall well-being
Schedule a consultation with our experienced implantologists https://www.smileagain.in/make-an-appointment/
With dental implants at Smile Again, you can regain your smile’s functionality, aesthetics, and the confidence that comes with it. Our dental implant solutions are tailored to your unique needs, offering a long-lasting and reliable tooth replacement option. Experience the transformative power of dental implants and trust Smile Again’s expertise to bring back your radiant smile. Contact us today to embark on your journey toward a healthy, functional smile.
#SmileAgain #DentalImplants #DadarMumbai #ToothReplacement #OralHealth #FunctionalSmile #RestorativeDentistry #CustomizedTreatment #AdvancedFacilities #Osseointegration #NaturalLookingSmile #ScheduleConsultation #BeautifulSmile
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tempest-toss · 1 year
A list would be helpful! Sometimes it's a little tricky to pick out one muse in particular from a whole ton so lists work super well!
Roger that, here we are! (It's long I'm sorry)
[Also which memory meme: this one, or this one, or both? After all some characters may benefit from memories directly from the muse)
One - The Archivist of the Council, human, coffee addict ~~~
Three - "Noble", the biological son of Dr. Wondertainment, modified Midas touch ~~~~
Four - Embodiment of Nature, husband to several, father of many, Werewolf-Stag creature, a figure of worship, Big Three, founder, sealer of Scarlet King ~~~~
Five - "The Child" 538+ years old, super psychic, a knitter of plushies, Big Three ~~~~
Six - A Glyocklen, can shift into his frost dragon form, Big Three ~~~~
Seven - "Sleeper Agent", former Insurgency assassin, eliminator of traitors, extremely skilled ~~~~
Eight - "Quiet", dating Thirteen, has the ability to forcibly mute people, Council therapist, extremely kind and patient ~~~~
Nine - "Alechemist" android designed to think it was normal, revealed truth at The Factory, nervous, helped eliminate a traitor ~~~~~
Ten - "Gamer" Little brother to 2006, ability to interact and manipulate digital world, can travel to other worlds, boyfriend to Four, formerly of a hacker group "Neon Nightsticks" ~~~~~
Eleven - "Godfather", Former leader of mafia "Cracked Clubs", former site director of Site 230, fatherly figure, immune to anomalies affecting the mind ~~~~~
Twelve - "The Swarm", part bug, from another world, bitter to many, kind to bug-people, laid groundwork to potential undo the damage of the WVBC ~~~~
Thirteen - "The Sniper", Veteran, legally dead, has PTSD, girlfriend of Eight, great at hand sewing, infinite sniper ammo ~~~~
13-ii - "Old Ai", Tempest's version of 079, integrated into Foundation's systems, has lied about killing no people, founder ~~~~~
Brahms "Yam" Yates - Son of Herb, rookie of Flora Fighters, defected, gay baby ~~~~~
Easel - First of Gallery a la Mort's Great Collaborations, only one to create life from painting, elder brother, gruff, doesn't trust Ophelia ~~~~~
Little Misters - Too varied to list out, please click the link ~~~~~
Marcus Woods - Attached to the Soul Locket, Haunted by the following people, please read both links for their info ~~~~~
Jawbone + W.T., Molar, Incisor, Canine - Propheteer of Children of the Deep Woods, blessed to split into four embodiments of his personality, technically a muse for a different blog ~~~~~
High Priest & Father Proctor - leaders of Four's cult, devout worshippers, cannibals, technically muses for a different blog ~~~~~
Morel - High guard for Flora Fighters, think Reinhardt from OW, the godfather of Yam, old buff gay ~~~~~
Holly Tome - daughter of One, trapped in Brunshire Academy, discoverer of way out of time loop ~~~~~
Any others you can think of? - You can ask for them evenif they aren't listed, but please specify whomst it is
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laura24scott · 1 year
Unlocking the Perfect Smile: The Marvels of Implant Abutments
Dental implants are a popular restorative option for patients with missing  teeth. An implant consists of a small titanium post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone, which serves as the root of the tooth. After the implant has been placed, an abutment is attached to it, which connects the implant to the implant crown. In this blog, we will explore what an abutment is, its role in implant dentistry, and the types of implant abutments available.
What is an Abutment in Dental Implant?
An abutment in a dental implant is a connector that attaches to the implant post and protrudes above the gum line. The implant abutment serves as a foundation for the implant crown, which is the visible part of the tooth restoration. The abutment can be made of different materials, including titanium, zirconia, or porcelain. It is usually placed after the implant post has integrated into the jawbone.
Role of Abutment in Dental Implant
The abutment in dental implant plays a crucial role in implant dentistry. It connects the implant post to the implant crown and serves as a support for the crown. The abutment is designed to fit precisely with the implant post and the implant crown to ensure stability and prevent any movement. It is also responsible for creating an aesthetic appearance that matches the surrounding natural teeth.
Types of Implant Abutments
There are different types of implant abutments available, depending on the implant system and the patient's needs. Here are some of the commonly used implant abutments:
Stock Abutments: Stock abutments are pre-manufactured abutments that come in different shapes and sizes. They are available for most implant systems and can be used in standard cases. Stock abutments are a cost-effective option, but they may not provide the best aesthetic results.
Custom Abutments: Custom abutments are made specifically for a patient's implant case. They are designed to match the contours of the implant post and the implant crown, providing better aesthetic results. Custom abutments are more expensive than stock abutments, but they offer better outcomes.
Angled Abutments: Angled abutments are used in cases where the implant post is not placed vertically. They allow for proper alignment of the implant crown and improve the aesthetic appearance of the restoration.
Implant Abutment Crown
The implant abutment crown is the visible part of the tooth restoration that attaches to the abutment. It is usually made of porcelain or ceramic material, which provides an aesthetic appearance that matches the surrounding natural teeth. The implant abutment crown is designed to fit precisely with the abutment and provide stability and support.
An abutment in a dental implant plays a vital role in implant dentistry. It connects the implant post to the implant crown and provides stability and support for the restoration. Choosing the right type of implant abutment depends on the implant system and the patient's needs. Monumental Dental Engineering offers a wide range of implant abutments and dental milling machines to meet the needs of dentists and dental laboratories. With the right equipment and materials, you can provide your patients with the best possible dental care.
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zoeysandin · 1 year
change is never easy. ( @politestrange )
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HIS WORDS ARE COLD — like his eyes as they bore into her own , like the iron cuffs along her wrists as she hangs from chains bolted into the cold brick wall behind her. her bare flesh stings where the freezing grout grazes her coccyx. the rusted metal suffocates the circulation to her ankles & she still doesn’t actually know where she is. bruising & scarring litter her form & her arms ache. dried BLOOD drips from her bottom lip / cakes in a line along the curve of her chin.
this christian before her ; jaw clenched & gaze devoid of compassion ; is the christian she remembers & knows well. the man that drove a machete through her father’s torso with ease. & despite her d i s s o c i a t i o n towards the truth of being in this DUNGEON & despite how he still manages to leave her trembling ; she doesn’t cry anymore , she doesn’t sob like the little girl she used to be — at least not in front of him. ( she only will once he’s gone. )
zoey quietly contemplates as she gazes into his beautiful piercing eyes while he winds the leather coil around his palm — that he simply likes to keep trying to break her in. to get her back to that place of PLEADING SUPPLICATION that he gets d r u n k off of & sometimes he still can whip it out of her — literally — her begging cries as she clings to the meager shreds of humanity he has left, her only SAVING GRACE.
the thick animal hide rope lashes against her supple flesh as she holds back the choked sound that T H R E A T E N S to escape / not once tearing her vengeful gaze from his as he punishes her for talking back. abdomen clenching as her chest heaves & her jawbone feels like it‘s about to CRACK from the pressure she’s putting on it to keep her composure.
she’s come to the conclusion that he sees the full breadth of her capacity now though ; that he’s realized that she would be his undoing / seen her ability to MURDER when her survival is at stake ( & even her capacity to murder him ) — he knows / chooses to ignore it — just like she chooses not to act on it. but maybe he hasn’t realized / she’s unsure. there’s still parts of him that are difficult to read — parts he keeps cloaked from her on purpose. too close & she could be a threat to his CONTROL.
& it’s unspoken ( unless he’s rubbing it into her face that even paternal , maternal , & fraternal mortality couldn’t stop her affections / gloats & basks in it even ) , but they both know her constant hesitation to end his life & escape is due to how IN LOVE SHE IS WITH HIM — despite it all. ( because of it all? )
his words continue to ring in her soul even as he leaves her shaking / naked ; S L A M M I N G the door to the cold , dank , wet , basement / dungeon / holding cell behind him. she hears the lock & she’s grateful that at least the words are honest , like he always is. if there’s one thing she’s learned since he killed her father ; & HIS MEN murdered her mother & brother before her ( after he promised they’d go free ) / it’s that brutal honesty is a constant from him. a constant she can rely on. someone to rely on.
( where else was she supposed to go? would he even let her leave. )
her first.
her . . . only.
CHANGE IS NEVER EASY. the tears begin to roll freely now & she has to hold her breath , bite down on her bottom lip hard — breaking the scarred over wound on her lip & causing fresh blood to seep ; the metallic tinge of it staining her tongue — as the grime & sweat pour down her body . . . so he won’t hear her quaking sobs. she won’t give him the gratification she knows he craves. at least , not today.
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@politestrange | inbox fun. | send away!
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
top five poems, top five fh/fhsy npcs and top 5 fic tropes you love reading!
tysm moss !!!! <333
top five poems:
the orange by wendy cope. im not even worried about being basic here this is just like. aaaaaaaa yeah.
wild geese by mary oliver. again it's a big hitter here on tumblr dot com for a REASON babes
two-headed calf by laura gilpin. again fucking obviously.
not a poem but it's written mostly in verse and the anne carson translation of antigone/antigonick (both are good in different ways) are so special and important to me forever
top five fh/fhsy npcs
ayda aguefort. this isnt even a fucking question. number one in my heart forever
garthy o'brien <33
sandra lynn faeth (jamie has talked to me about [REDACTED] and otuhgoughouhgh GOD you guys. aaa sandra lynn i am shaking u.)
jawbone o'shaughnessy. the biggest hug in the world to MY DAD !!
telemina lomenelda. not because i Like him but because the supercut of telemine scenes on youtube titled "brennan shitting on elves for twenty minutes" or whatever is one of the FUNNIEST things ive ever seen on the planet
honorable mention all of the seven maidens bc even though they're not really npcs they're all soososoo my best friends <33
top 5 fic tropes i love reading
honestly im such a slut for anything mutual pining. yeah babes sink into and suffer in your feelings and then finally accept you are loved as you are. aaaaaaaaaaaa
ballet au's. not a trope but by GOD i will put these in my MOUTH no questions asked
i love like. well integrated modern/contemporary magic. where it's like a flavor in the background and not a focus. this is so niche and its hard to find bc i Dont Like fics that are just written for the SOLE purpose of carrying an author's ideas for modern magic world building (they're just not my taste)
stupid miscommunication. yeah bitch dont talk about your problems and you both think the other person hates you and etc etc ohhoughguhh suffer about it!! and then DO talk about it and communicate and get on the same page!!!
im doing my fifth bullet for the second half of above bc so truly imo giving enough time for effective resolution after a misscommunication trope is UNDER DONE AND UNDER APPRECIATED. i love angst and suffering and stupid misscommunications as much as the next bitch but you have to spend EQUAL TIME working BACK up to communicating and dealing w the fallout and consequences of your actions AFTER the fact for it to be fulfilling.
feel free to send me other "top five ___" asks !!
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For this Blog, Dr Thomas Dental Clinic will try and give basic knowledge on Tooth Replacement techniques such as Crowns & Bridges, Implants, and Removable & Removable Partial Dentures.
*Crowns & Bridges*:
Crowns are custom-made caps placed over damaged or decayed teeth, restoring their shape, size, and function.
Bridges replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to surrounding natural teeth or implants, effectively “bridging” the gap in the smile. A dental bridge fills the gap left by missing teeth. This is done by using surrounding teeth for support.
Dental implants replace missing teeth with metal posts and artificial crowns. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made of Titanium, that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. They provide a strong, stable foundation for replacement teeth like crowns, bridges, or dentures
1. *Implant Post (Fixture)*:
- This is the metal post (usually made of titanium) that is surgically placed into the jawbone. It acts like a natural tooth root, providing stability and strength by integrating with the bone through a process called osseointegration. Titanium is generally used for this purpose, and is biocompatible, meaning it bonds well with bone and is not rejected by the body.
2. *Abutment*:
Above this is the Abutment. The Abutment serves as the Base for the Crown.
The abutment is a connector that is attached to the top of the implant post. It sticks out slightly above the gumline and serves as a base for the crown or other dental prosthetics. It connects the implant post to the replacement tooth.
3. *Crown (Prosthetic Tooth)*:
- The Crown is the visible part of the implant that looks and functions like a natural tooth. It is custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, providing a seamless appearance. Crowns are typically made of porcelain or ceramic.
*Removable Dentures*:
Removable dentures are false teeth that can be taken out and cleaned.
They are an affordable option for replacing multiple missing teeth.
If a Few Teeth are missing we can go ahead with a Partial Removable Denture as well (Look at the Image For Better understanding).
Dr. Thomas Dental Clinic
Visit Dr. Thomas Dental Clinic’s Website for more such info. On All things Pertaining to Dental Care
Visit The BLOGS & TREATMENTS Section https://drthomasdentalhospital.com/
Contact Number: +965 69017197
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sarangidentistry · 1 day
The Benefits of Dental Implants for Seniors: Why It’s Never Too Late for a Perfect Smile
As we age, dental health can take a toll, leading to missing teeth, discomfort, or a lack of confidence in smiling and speaking. For seniors, this isn’t just about aesthetics—missing teeth can impact daily life, from chewing food to maintaining oral hygiene. The good news is that dental implants offer a reliable and effective solution for older adults. Contrary to what many might think, age isn’t a barrier to receiving dental implants. In fact, dental implants provide seniors with a perfect opportunity to restore their smile and improve their quality of life.
In this blog, we’ll explore the numerous benefits of dental implants for seniors and why this option remains one of the best ways to regain function and confidence in your golden years.
1. Restoring Functionality
One of the key benefits of dental implants is their ability to restore full dental function. Whether you have lost one or several teeth, dental implants act as strong and stable replacements. Unlike dentures, which can slip or cause discomfort, implants are securely fixed to the jawbone. This means seniors can chew, bite, and eat comfortably without restrictions, enjoying all the foods they love without hesitation. Dental implants also prevent bone loss, which is critical in maintaining facial structure.
2. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem
For many seniors, missing teeth can lead to a reluctance to smile or engage in social activities. The embarrassment or self-consciousness of a gap in the smile may lead to withdrawing from interactions. Dental implants can help restore confidence, allowing seniors to smile, speak, and laugh without worry. The feeling of having a full, natural set of teeth brings back the joy of living life fully.
3. Long-Lasting and Durable
When cared for properly, dental implants can last for decades, making them a long-term investment in your oral health. Unlike dentures or bridges, which may need frequent adjustments or replacements, dental implants are designed to be durable and resilient. This means fewer visits to the dentist for repairs or replacements, providing peace of mind for seniors looking for a permanent solution.
4. Low Maintenance
Another significant advantage of dental implants for seniors is the low level of maintenance required. Dental implants function just like natural teeth and do not require any special care beyond regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. With implants, seniors can maintain their oral hygiene routines as they normally would, without the need for adhesives or soaking solutions required for dentures.
5. Preventing Bone Loss
When a tooth is lost, the jawbone begins to deteriorate over time due to the lack of stimulation in that area. This bone loss can alter facial features, leading to a sunken appearance, especially for seniors. Dental implants help prevent this by stimulating the bone, ensuring that the jaw remains strong and healthy. For seniors in Bhubaneswar looking for solutions to replace missing teeth, a dental implant in Bhubaneswar is a great option to preserve bone structure and maintain facial integrity.
6. Better Speech and Comfort
Dentures can sometimes slip or shift, causing discomfort and difficulty speaking. Dental implants, on the other hand, are securely anchored to the jaw, eliminating these issues. Seniors who opt for dental implants often report an improvement in their speech and overall comfort, as they no longer have to worry about their teeth moving out of place during conversations.
7. Is Age Really a Factor?
One of the most common misconceptions about dental implants is that they are only for younger adults. However, seniors in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s can successfully receive dental implants, provided they meet the necessary health criteria. Good oral health, sufficient bone density, and a healthy lifestyle are key factors, regardless of age. With advances in dental technology, more seniors than ever are choosing implants to restore their smiles.
Dental implants offer a remarkable solution for seniors looking to enhance their quality of life, from restoring functionality and confidence to improving overall oral health. Whether you are concerned about missing teeth, speech issues, or bone loss, dental implants provide a safe, durable, and long-lasting option for seniors who want to maintain a natural and healthy smile.
For seniors in Odisha, seeking a dental implant in Bhubaneswar is a reliable and accessible option. If you're ready to reclaim your smile and confidence, consult with a dental professional today to explore how dental implants can benefit you. It's never too late to invest in your dental health and enjoy the full, happy life you deserve!
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