#Jason won't say it but there's a reason he thinks Dick is the golden boy of the family
farshootergotme · 3 months
Sometimes I think about people underestimating Dick Grayson and my mood declines, but then I remember what other heroes and his family think about him and I'm good.
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batfan-01 · 1 year
Robin of Crime Alley AU headcanons pt.2 (sorta)
My original idea for The Robin of Crime Alley was actually a Titans AU. I don't like what they did to my boy Jason, I couldn't even finish season 3 I hated it so bad. But there was some things they did that had potential so here is some headcanons on a rewrite for Jason's origin in Titans, they are based around my The Robin of Crime Alley AU with a few new changes:
(In the last post Jason wasn't allowed to patrol on school nights in my Titans AU Jason is allowed to patrol on school nights and on his own)
Before Jason meets Dick, he's been with Bruce for a year, the reason Bruce sends Jason to Join the Titans (after Dick and Jay have already met) is because Jason and Bruce are having problems (even before Jason met Dick)
They're arguing a lot and while Bruce has a strict moral code Jason has more moral ambiguity
Jason focuses more on the victims and getting justice for them even if it's outside the law. He gets this from his time on the streets where he often saw authority (cops) abusing their power, taking bribes, arresting people who are innocent, and ignoring people who truly need help. He believes he most operate in gray areas in order to protect everyone
He has also seen how the system doesn't care about the poor, the criminals, the street kids, or any one who has no say or power. This causes him to start to patrol around crime alley and be the hero that he never thought would exist
He wanted to show the gothamites like him that heroes help everyone not just the rich
He grows quite the attachment to crime alley (the place he grew up) and doesn't just protect the people there he grows relationships with them as well
He plays basketball (and other games that are special to park row that he knows from when he lived there) with the street kids, makes small talk with the sex workers (who all think he is a sweet kid), and hangs out in the bodegas
Soon everyone that hangs around, lives, or works in park row (crime alley) know and trust Robin.
So he earns the nickname Robin of Crime Alley
He turns crime alley into a safe haven for street kids and sex workers. While it's still a crime infested area, street kids know they won't be trafficked or arrested in crime alley and sex workers know that when trouble comes the police will ignore most of what they have to say because they consider them to be "untrustworthy low-lifes" but Robin will always listen and protect them
The only people who are not safe there are cops, specifically corrupt ones (which Gotham has a lot of) after enough beatings from Robin, Robin starts to gain a bad reputation around the GCPD mostly from rumors spread by the for-mentioned corrupt cops
While patrolling one night, Robin comes across someone he knew from his past. Molly Jensen a fellow street kid he knew before he became Robin, who is now a college student volunteering at a shelter in park row. She doesn't recognize him (because he's in his Robin costume and only briefly saw him) but the brief interaction pushes Jason to reunite with Molly and get Bruce to donate to the shelter she volunteers at
As Robin, Jason slowing starts to form a partnership with Molly by bringing her street kids to house at the shelter. She's skeptical at first and doesn't know if she should trust him. She's hear a lot of stories from the people at the shelter that makes him seem trustworthy, but she isn't sure about trusting someone who wears a mask. Historically, masked vigilantes have never been friends to the poorer people and "only protect the rich" (her words) but after Jason reveals his identity to her, Molly begins to trust him.
One night, a photographer wanting to take photos depicting poverty in Gotham heads to crime alley to snap some photos but while there he sees Robin, not wanting to lose his golden opportunity, he snaps some candid photos of him
Later, he titles his photo collection "Robin in Crime Alley" it depicts photos of Robin playing basketball with street kids, talking and laughing with them, and even of Robin casually leaning on a counter while making small talk with a cashier at a bodega
He sells his pictures to a newspaper and the pictures appear in the front page of a small and not very well known newspaper
(The article and it's contents are mostly forgotten, until years after Jason's death, when the article resurfaces on social media in a Batfamily subreddit devoted to solve the mystery of how many robins actually are there?!)
But tension between Bruce and Jason come to a head when Bruce catches Jason on a balcony while a man falls to his death, that man being a diplomat's son that got away with r*pe and his victim committed s*icide after she finds out he was let off (read Batman #424 for more context) Jason claims he accidently spooked the guy causing him to fall, but Bruce doesn't believe him. They get into a huge fight and Bruce decides to give him a ultimatum.
Around this time, Dick is forming a new Titans. He only met Jason once (Alfred gives hawk and dove Dick's location in this AU instead of Jason) Jason was very excited to meet him (but thanks to other events in Dick's life and him finding out Bruce got a new Robin) him and Dick didn't hit it off
So when Bruce gives Jason an ultimatum: either Bruce benches him or he joins the new Titans. Jason reluctantly agrees to join the new Titans. He thinks hey maybe I can take this as a chance to make up for freaking out on him last time, but he still is worried about leaving Gotham and leaving crime alley unprotected
And that's all I got for now, think I should do a part three?
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