#Jason has a crush on his civilian neighbor who he refuses to date because of said civilianess
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mkarchin713 · 2 years ago
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@wandixx how dare you hide this in the comments.
Jason was so frustrated. Not only did he have to deal with a unknown meta vigilante who could disappear which was causing all the other bats to freak and try to follow the guy through HIS territory but his cute neighbor was acting weird.
Danny Nightengale was a sweetheart and if Jason hadn’t decided he wasn’t going to date a civilian long ago, he would totally try and date Danny. Danny was an engineering/Astro physics student at Gotham University. Now it wasn’t unusual for out of town college students to rent apartments in Crime Alley due to the price but few stayed more than a week before they chickened out.
Not Danny though, frankly if it wasn’t for the mid western accent, Jason would have thought Danny was a Gothamite born and breed. Danny had quickly established himself as the buildings handyman who would work for food, kid couldn’t cook to save his life but damn did he try. That’s actually how the two first met, Danny had tried to cook ramen on the stove because he needed a part of the microwave for one of his engineering projects, and well, fwumf, the ramen was on fire and Danny’s fire extinguisher was empty from the last time his projects caught fire. So Danny ran to his closest neighbor, ie Jason, to barrow a fire extinguisher of all things.
It was the start of a beautiful friendship. Somehow the combination of hyper competent and incompetent of Danny appealed to Jason. Danny could turn an air conditioner into just about anything but routinely walked into walls like he thought he would go through them. Danny was more than willing to let Jason rant about his siblings and, as Danny eloquently put it, fruitloop of a father, and Jason seemed to have the unnatural urge to feed Danny, the kid was way too skinny. If it wasn’t for the fact Danny was just a year younger than him, Jason would have been afraid he was turning into his father. 
Then Danny started acting strange a few days ago. Something had spooked Danny and he hadn’t raised an eyebrow at Waylon so it must have been pretty bad. He was borrowing broken appliances left and right and had been antsy to get a package from his fruitloop uncle. Jason was almost positive Danny wasn’t sleeping if the bags under his eyes where any indication. The whole building was worried about there little handyman and Jason had been elected to check on Danny (the building believed the two were dating and nothing he did would convince them otherwise).
Luckily Jason didn’t have to find a reason to talk to Danny but this was definitely weird. Usually when Danny wanted a favor it involved a fire extinguisher or if you where willing to donate a broken appliance for his projects, this was neither of those, not unless he built those handcuffs out of that blender Jason gave him.
Wait was this a come on, people don’t normally ask someone to handcuff them to a bed for non-sexy reasons. Damn a part of him hoped so but it was being hit with a broom by his “I don’t date civilians” side.
Oh thank god Danny was only sleepwalking, Jason did not know if he had the heart to turn Danny down in the face of sexy time. Apparently he has been sleep walking, a few nights he woke up covered in fake blood, apparently is bestie/ex is a goth, he knows what fake blood looks like. Either way he had no fake blood in his apartment, ergo somehow he was leaving his apartment and getting into shenanigans. Now for some reason Danny insisted on building. Hence why he needed Jason’s help handcuffing him to his bed so he wouldn’t cause trouble for anyone.
Jason was more concerned about the trouble a sleepwalker could get into in Crime Alley than Danny inconveniencing anyone, but he agreed it was a good idea. What Jason couldn’t agree with was Danny deciding he needed to build his own glowing handcuffs and not sleep for three days, the bags under his eyes where darker than Tim’s for Alfred’s sake. It was only after his lecture that Jason agreed to handcuff his crush Danny to his bed and head home to take a cold shower before patrol.
Red Hood couldn’t believe his eyes. The meta vigilante was out again tonight but this time he had a few new accessories, namely the very handcuffs he had used to chain Danny to his bed and what appeared to be the remnants of said bed frame still locked in the cuffs. Jason didn’t know how Danny dyed his hair and changed into that outfit with those cuffs on, or how he was kicking so much ass, but damn did Danny look good in uniform.
Huh, guess this meant he could ask Danny out after all. 
Sleepwalking Hero
Danny couldn't sleep much when he stayed at Amity. This never improved, probably because his senses just became much more sensitive so any noise could wake him up; eventually he managed to fall asleep at normal hours.
His friends discovered that he would sometimes wake up to fight ghosts in the middle of the night, although after some investigation they noticed that he was still asleep, he was sleepwalking! Jazz thought it was disturbing, the halfa thought it was hilarious. He was some kind of superhero with his eyes closed.
This became a problem when Danny moved to Gotham to complete his college studies, they had a very good engineering program and the halfa was excited. The first two nights everything was normal but the third night something weird happened; Danny slept as he normally would and woke up with little blood stains on his pajamas.
He frowned but didn't make a big deal of it, maybe if he ignored it then it would leave. It didn't go away, rather he started waking up with a...mask? on his face, Danny didn't know what to think about that development.
On the other hand, the bats were panicking, a vigilante with super strength had appeared in the middle of their patrols. The lower part of his face was covered with a mask and his eyes were always closed but as soon as he heard a commotion he would run towards it.
The vigilante seemed unable to contain himself and sent the rogues flying. Miraculously that had only resulted in hospital bills and not the morgue but the new "vigilante" wasn't listening to anyone and they were starting to worry.
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