#Jason and Connie
itspeachyp0p · 8 months
Just think about it for a sec. Setting Valentin's Day, you not so secretively hinting what day it is, him pretending he can't exactly remember why today is so special. You’re upset no matter how much he thinks it's cute to play dumb, even if he's hiding a little surprise for you. You go out with your girls, have a little fun night out, maybe come home a lil tipsy and come home to him waiting on you in just…a robe, his boxers, or maybe fully nude and standing behind something to tease you with his V-line.
Candles illuminate the room, gifts or sweets await you on the table and he's looking at you like you're a masterpiece even with your jacket hanging off of you and still a little mad. I'm talking about the men who pick you up and put you on that table, pushing your legs as far as they’ll go with a sly grin. “What pretty? Mad at me? Lemme fix that.” is the only thing he says before pulling your panties to the side and eating you like a starved man. Sucking and flicking his tongue at your clit until you’re whining, moaning into you like he's dining on a 5-star meal. He’s not stopping until you’re crying from overstimulation, drawing every orgasm out of your body as he greedily laps at your juices and only raises his head from your thighs to chuckle at your disheveled state. “You got another in you, I know you do. No, no, let me spoil that pussy, cum in my mouth again.”
Or or .ᐟ.ᐟ
Men who are bending you over the counter and pulling whatever clothes you got on out the way once you start whining and bratting he forgot today. “Baby I didn't forget a thing, you were just being impatient.” He’s so nonchalant about it, pissing you off more as you wiggle under him only to be meant with his chest pressed against your back and his weight fully on you. “You can either cut the shit and I'll fuck you until morning or take a few spankings and no dick.” With an ultimatum like that you shape up quickly, pressing that new nail set into the countertop as he backs off you, stripping your lower half to see you're already ready for him. “Wet from just that, I haven't been giving my needy girl the attention she deserves, I'll make up for it.” He definitely makes up for it, stuffing you nice and full with his cock. Giving you long, hard and deep strokes that reach that one spot that makes you cry out, kissing your neck, whispering the nastiest things in your ear until you’re cumming all on him and he's switched paces just to hear that sweet sound of skin slapping. Maybe be fills you with his cum, maybe he pulls out and paints your ass with it. Either way you’ll have forgotten all about him making you mad.
No matter which it is he's going to pull you into his arms, holding you tightly as he whispers “Happy Valentine’s Day, babe”
Jean Kirschtein, Keigo Takami, Connie Springer, Erwin Smith, Tetsurou Kuroo, Atsumu Miya, Tooru Oikawa, Jason Todd, + Any of your favs(or JJK men but I just started it and idk who fits)
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missdrummond · 3 months
Does X Odyssey character own a gun?
With little to no explanation
Connie: Maybe
Eugene: No
Katrina: Yes
Wooton: Not any real ones
Penny: Again not like a rifle or pistol or anything
Jason: Naturally
Bernard: Probably not, but maybe like an heirloom or something
Jack: Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised
Joanne: Not currently but probably at some point in the past
Whit: No.
Jillian: Yes
Tom: Yes
Richard: No, he's not going back to jail
Bart: For all of our sakes let's hope not
Edwin: Ha! No
Shakespeare: Maybe
Blackgaard: I don't know like he might, but feels kinda beneath him
Monica: She's in jail so no
Red: Yes
Dale: Maybe
Harlow: Canonically yes, but it only shoots caps
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davidmann95 · 1 year
Momentarily returning to Tumblr for my SKYROCKET thoughts, in total:
I think the pitch is kinda overstuffed with blorbo-bait for what amounts to a really extended misdirect, but those are MY blorbos so excellent chance I would've enjoyed it on a month-by-month basis. Having on a mad whim recently read about half of the 90s/early 00s Superboy ongoing along with a few subsequent greatest hits, I think the actual core character arc and reconceptualization of Conner is smart and thematically justifies itself. I recognize this is reading stuff into the character that was not previously intended to be there and does not square 1:1 with every prior appearance, to which I say, welcome to figuring out new shit to do with collaborative open-ended characters who have been around for entire human lifetimes.
Skyrocket is a pretty dopey name though.
The look though? The look goes hard.
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Sucks not to get a rare entry into the canon of high-profile queer superhero titles that wouldn't have been about the lead immediately finding a cool-but-not-in-a-threatening-way love interest and fighting a mystery evildoer trying to take over the world by doing A Homophobia.
How was it ever in question that Superboy: Man of Tomorrow was 'in continuity', it establishes that on the first dang page. And then still running the Action 'prelude' to this story that isn't happening? Some real nonsense.
"Conner Connie Kent is the Jason Todd of the Superfamily" is totally understandable, but nah, they're the Damian if Damian wasn't handled by Morrison and therefore a giant mess, as evidenced by 99% of non-Morrison Damian. If we as a society had guts and integrity, Kara would be the Jason, and then she would finally be cool. This has been my fandom hot take for the day.
My brand has been so cultivated that when "Superman Secundus" got a namedrop someone messaged me about it, lol.
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jedidajo · 6 months
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incorrect-aio-quotes · 6 months
Connie: How would you like a girl to let you know she's interested in you?
Jason: I would want her to say she's interested in me.
Connie: Flat out, just like that?
Jason: Well, she could work her way up to it. Start by telling me how intelligent, handsome, funny, and charming I am.
Bernard: So the girl should lie.
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the-doodle-nerd · 4 months
Honestly, I hope Buck and Jules conversion arc isn't "one becomes a Christian and the other doesn't, tension and drama ensue and they probably break up" (because FoTF probably wouldn't want to set a bad example) Like it's ok, and I think it's very plausible, but it just feels like Eugene/Katrina and Jason/Tasha and Connie/Jeff. We've just seen it so many times. (I'm hoping they convert at the same time and then have to navigate new faith with their pre-established relationship)
(If I had to guess who's going first it's Buck.)
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greeniegreengreen · 1 year
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k-is-bored · 1 year
"Nico, what does this guy want from you?"
"Tell him, Nico Di Angelo," Cupid said. "Tell him you are a coward, afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him the real reason you ran from Camp Half-Blood, and why you are always alone."
-The House of Hades, Rick Riordan 2013
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aiorevelations · 9 months
Merry Christmas Everyone! In honor of the holiday we have written a new Christmas fanfic. So enjoy! ❤️
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missdrummond · 1 month
Other AiO headcannons I found tucked away in a Google doc while looking for the Jason one
I made a short list of things. There's some boring ones like
"Whit still has a landline"
Or "Connie’s birthday is on the 14th of whatever month it's in"
Then there's some wholesome ones like
"The reason Eugene loses his keys all the time is because he fidgets with them."
But then there's like the truly unhinged ones...
"Jason, Tasha, Whit, Polhouse, Burke have all killed in self defense, Jason & Tasha while agents, Whit in WII, Polhouse before he move to Odyssey, Burke doesn't like to talk about so noone really knows what happened or when but we're pretty sure it was unrelated to him being a cop."
...uh guess I was feeling edgy that day?!?!?
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Friday Night Lights episode 1.01 "Pilot"
When I first watched this show, I started it completely on a whim. It just happened to come up on Hulu when I was looking for a new show, and I didn’t know anything about it. I full-cried the first time I watched this episode, and I still do every single time. Not only is it a good pilot- it’s a great episode of TV overall. It’s a rock-solid, deeply moving, and involved 44 minutes, and it does it all with people we’ve never met before. Every pilot I watch and write now, I hold up against this one, and it all has to do (as always) with character, theme, and pacing. Let’s talk about it!
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            We can all agree the 90s/2000s were just cozy right? The Friends, Gilmore Girls, The West Wing era is synonymous to me with a warm blanket on a cold day. Friday Night Lights might just be the coziest of them all, but its inviting nostalgia is far from coincidental. Like the other shows I just listed, Friday Night Lights achieves its warm friendliness through what I’m coining right now as ‘atmosphere-building’.
            World-building in its typical sense means defining the logistical ‘rules’ of the story. In this case: high school football is very important in Dillon, Texas; scholarships, careers, and reputations are on the line and winning or losing a game will have meaningful consequences. Our engagement in the story is dependent on understanding and believing these stakes- as soon as you’re saying, “but it’s just football”, it’s lost you.
            However, equally important is establishing the emotional rules. Once we’re invested in a story- we know where we are, how it works, who’s there with us, and how they feel- the last promise a show is making to its audience is how it’s going to make them feel. When the credits roll, are we going to be sitting on the couch feeling touched? Motivated? Dazed? Shocked? And can we count on being served that feeling every week? When characters are feeling one way, resulting in you feeling another, is when a show becomes an entity of its own. It becomes more than a collection of people and events and can itself be called things like cozy.
            Atmosphere-building is especially important in a pilot as this episode sets the precedent for the series. Everything you’re seeing and feeling is what you can expect to see and feel week after week. Friday Night Lights does some serious atmosphere-building by creating a character out of the town itself. Dillon, Texas becomes a major player in the show, imposing stakes and catalyzing events so we’re not just taking the team’s word for it that football is this important. The pressure on our characters isn’t self-imposed, but the way they respond to it as individuals is what really brings out the heart and kindness that’s at this show’s core.
            The episode takes place over the course of the week leading up to the first game of the season, and it fast-tracks us into getting to know the characters by leaning into the stereotypical dynamics they all hold. Through radio station commentary, field interviews, and snatches of characters’ home lives, we meet underdog coach Eric Taylor, beloved, NFL-bound quarterback Jason Street, his cheer captain girlfriend Lyla Garrity, deadbeat fullback Tim Riggins, arrogant and troublemaking running back Smash Williams, and the comparatively under-performing second string quarterback Matt Saracen, who spends more time taking care of his grandmother than the other way around.
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            In a pep rally hosted by the mouthpiece of Dillon, car salesman Buddy Garrity, the turnout reveals the extent to which this town cares about high school football. These players feel pretty good about themselves, but they’re not putting themselves on this pedestal. They introduce themselves to thunderous applause, while Coach Taylor endures whispered tips and ominous comments about the consequences of losing the opening game. While we realize their importance to the town, some of their interpersonal dynamics come to a head as well, like the rivalry between Riggins and Smash.
            Riggins’ girlfriend Tyra flirts with Smash, vying for Riggins’ attention, but only succeeds in further inflaming the conflict between the boys. They exchange some harsh words but allow themselves to be separated before a real fight breaks out- this is the South, after all, and everyone, even Riggins the high school drunk, knows when to mind his manners (Street, meanwhile, is firing off one “yes ma’am” after another as adoring moms line up to give him QB advice).
            The next day the team visits the pee-wee team in a kickoff event, and the little kids clearly worship the older boys. In closing, Street leads the earnest kids in the Lord’s Prayer. Before they begin, a boy raises his hand and poses a genuine question: “Do you think God loves football?” Street doesn’t think very long before he replies, “I think everybody loves football”. The boy nods seriously and bows his head, satisfied with the answer, and they pray. The sincere sweetness of this moment is what the show is all about. The way it feels to watch these boys join hands and pray over their love of football- which becomes synonymous with love itself- is the real point of Friday Night Lights. And this moment is just a precursor to the emotional climax that turns every stereotype on its head and sends the show spinning in a whole new direction.
            It’s game night, and one of this show’s greatest strengths has got to be the football games themselves. As someone who feels pretty neutral about football, Panthers games are my favorite football games to watch. They know exactly where the action is and how to keep you invested and informed in the gameplay. Even without the defining moment that elevates this show to something so much more, I would have been sold on this show and readily started the next episode.
            But then it happens. Street makes a tackle after throwing an interception, and he doesn’t get back up. It never fails to make my breath catch in my throat, just like everyone in the stands, and the other team kneeling hand in hand is when the tears start to flow. It’s serious, and everyone is treating it as such, but once Street is lifted into the back of an ambulance and driven away, the game must go on.
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It’s Saracen’s time to shine. He’s caught completely off-guard and is clearly overstimulated, but he walks hand in hand across the field with the other captains to resume the game, and the love that’s in the air empowers him to land a pass to Smash, who scores the winning touchdown. As soon as the game is over, though, the outcome is out of everyone’s mind as they’re preoccupied with the only thing more important to this town than football: the community’s wellbeing.
On the field, Smash leads both teams in prayer: “Right now, it’s not really about who wins or loses, Father, we just all wanna be with Street right now, God. We know that you work in mysterious ways, and we just wanna send our spirit, our presence, our love, just to heal him in whatever way, Lord, whatever may be broken, Lord, just fix it right now, Father. Jesus, in your name we pray. Amen.”  The team echoes an “amen”, and Coach Taylor takes over with a more somber prayer reflecting on our mortality in this world. We fade out over his rumination that “we are all vulnerable, and we will all, at some point in our lives, fall”.
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            I have yet to have any less of an emotional reaction with every viewing of this pilot, and I’ve realized that it’s the simplicity of the characters in this episode that actually contributes to their complexity later on. The way this one event changes things for every character at their core and puts them in a position they would never have expected to find themselves in, challenges them all in incredibly revealing ways.
            Street and Lyla were easily able to look ten years into the future and see themselves happily married with NFL money coming in. Now not only is this future obviously in jeopardy, but his best friend Riggins has some soul-searching to do too. Earlier in this episode Riggins had made clear that he often rides on Street’s coattails, not having the drive or passion of his friend. He rose a beer before the big game saying, “here’s to ten years from now, Street, good friends livin’ large in Texas. Texas forever, Street”.
            Lyla and Riggins’ futures are far from the only ones impacted by Street. Street was Coach Taylor’s golden ticket, and his relationship to the talented quarterback as his former pee-wee coach was a big factor in his scoring the job. Dillon has already established how important a winning season is for Taylor, and he’s now facing it without his key player. Coach Taylor now suddenly has a lot more riding on QB2 Matt Saracen than he would like, and while Matt really does love football, his home life demands a lot of him, and he doesn’t have the natural born gifts of Jason Street.
            Wondering how all of these seemingly simple characters will handle these unforeseen circumstances is what really brings them all into their own, and the love and passion with which they face these challenges is what we can rely on to fill our hearts week after week. If there is such a thing as a perfect pilot, I think it’s this, but if you think I’m snubbing someone, let me know in the comments!
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Sigh…. why do they torture us with this?
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gameofthunder66 · 11 months
'Zack Snyder's Justice League' (2021) film
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-watched 11/8/2023- 3 [1/2] stars- on Max
Good movie but much too long! For me, I've found that when a movie is over a hour and a half long, it's better to watch half the movie (especially when there are other things I need to be doing), and go back and finish watching it that same night or first thing the next morning.
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incorrect-aio-quotes · 4 months
Jason: Wanna come with? Connie: I'm supposed to meet my dad for lunch. Jason: That's ok. I'll get someone else. Connie: No no, that means I want to go.
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I will never get over the fact that in the year of our lord, 2022, Adventures In Odyssey made the half your age + 7 rule cannon 😂
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greeniegreengreen · 2 years
AIGHT BET,,,Imma start doing requests to get my ass in the flow of posting on here Y’all got anything you wanna ask for??
I will NOT write: 
Rape(CNC/somnophilia is a different case in a sense)
Characters I can and will write for are posted in the tags<3
I wasn’t able to fit them all but you can always just request!!
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