#Japan’s Big Three Ghost Stories
moonmausoleum · 1 year
Banchō Sarayashiki — the Ghost of Okiku
One of the more well known ghost stories in Japan is of the poor servant Okiku in the ghost story Banchō Sarayashiki has become the very image of a Japanese ghost story. The girl that died in the well and comes back, forever counting the plates.
One of the more well known ghost stories in Japan is of the poor servant Okiku in the ghost story Banchō Sarayashiki has become the very image of a Japanese ghost story. The girl that died in the well and comes back, forever counting the plates of her master, hoping that one time, she won’t be missing any. Okiku Well: by Katsushika Hokusai, most known for making the The Great Wave off Kanagawa,…
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
what is the name of the chinese genre with pentagrams and dragons/serpents and stuff
Okay, other people are welcome to weigh in here, but to the best of my knowledge, the three big fantasy genres from China that we tend to be exposed to are Xianxia, Wuxia, and Xuanhuan.
Here are the definitions from one of my favorite glossaries:
Novel Categories
Wuxia (武俠 wǔxiá) – literally means “Martial Heroes”. Fictional stories about regular humans who can achieve supernatural fighting ability through Chinese martial arts training and internal energy cultivation. Themes of chivalry, tragedy, revenge & romance are common.
Xianxia (仙侠 xiānxiá) – literally means “Immortal Heroes”. Fictional stories featuring magic, demons, ghosts, immortals, and a great deal of Chinese folklore/mythology. Protagonists (usually) attempt to cultivate to Immortality, seeking eternal life and the pinnacle of strength. Heavily inspired by Daoism.Comparison: If Wuxia is “low fantasy”, then Xianxia is “high fantasy”.
Xuanhuan (玄幻 xuánhuàn) – literally means “Mysterious Fantasy”. A broad genre of fictional stories which remixes Chinese folklore/mythology with foreign elements & settings.Xuanhuan and Xianxia novels may sometimes seem similar on the surface. Look for the presence of Daoist elements (the Dao, Yin and Yang, Immortals, etc…) in the novel to easily distinguish the two – if they aren’t present, then it’s probably a Xuanhuan novel.
However, as far as I know, none of these is typified by pentagrams. I guess you might see something like this when people are discussing the five phases/elements, but as far as I know, it isn't specifically a symbol of the genres:
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You know who does have pentagrams? Abe no Seimei.
Anon, have you perchance been watching any of the Yin-Yang Master adaptations lately? Because the latest two adaptations may have been made in China, but the stories are still set in Japan, and the genre is...
... whatever the fuck onmyouji canons are.
Is there even a name for this? They're all things with Abe no Seimei at the bottom of them, largely derived from Yumemakura Baku's novel series.
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konjaku · 11 days
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現の証拠|験の証拠[Gennoshōko] Geranium thunbergii
現[Gen] : Actuality
験[Gen] : Effectiveness
の[No] : Of
証拠[Shōko] : Proof, evidence
The name means "the real proof". It has long been used as a stomachic and is one of the three major folk medicines of Japan. Another name is 神輿草[Mikoshigusa]. 神輿[Mikoshi] means portable shrine.
The following is part of a comical story set in the Edo period written by Yamamoto Shūgorō. And this includes a passage written in the original usage of 現の証拠.
ここに到って、前紙屑買いは叫びだした。 「あっしゃあ云うでやす、人間は生きてるうちのこった、あの世を頼みに歯をくいしばっていたって、あの世にも決していいことはねえ、なにもかにも、生きてるうちのこってやす。悪辣な野郎とわかってる者を旦那とたてちゃあいけねえ、非道な御政治に眼をつぶっちゃあいけねえ、ただ正直なだけではだめだ、弱い者は強くなり、貧乏人でも���房子の仕合せは護らなくちゃあいけねえ、生きてるうちにそうしなくちゃあならねえでやす、生きてるうちにでがす」そして彼は額の瘤を撫でた、「現の証拠はこのとおり、ゆうれいになってもあっしのような男はこのとおりでやす、見ておくんなさい、このでけえ瘤を、もうたくさんでやす、ほほほほ、たくさんでやす」
Listen from 1:01:56 to 1:03:06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxYVzXaH7jg&t=3716s At this point, the paper scrap buying man before his death began to shout. "I'm going to tell you now. Human beings are everything while they are alive. Even if you live with suffering in this world with your hopes pinned on the next life, it will never be good even in the next life, either. Everything is only while you are alive. Don't keep a guy you know to be villainous in countenance as the master of a house. Don't tolerate outrageous politics. You can't just be honest. The weak must be strong and the poor must protect the happiness of their wives and children. You must do so while you are alive, while you are alive." And he patted the bump on his cheek. "The proof is, you see, this. A man like me is like this even as a ghost. Look at this big bump. I've had enough of this. Ha ha ha ha, I've had enough." From ゆうれい貸屋[Yūrei kashi-ya](The ghost rental store) Source: https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/001869/files/57766_72830.html
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dramalets · 4 months
2024 watch list part 4
3 will be free - Like I’ve found with all Jojo’s stuff this is a superb concept that feels somewhat too big for what it had to be constrained too. Which means it gets a little lost in the finer details. The big picture however? Sublime. The performances pulled out of the whole cast are top tier and the commentary on poverty, feminism and trans politics are superbly weaved through. 4/5 (28/5/24)
Living with him - A soft, cosy little delight of a thing. Kazuhito and Ryota’s journey to love is a slow, gentle one with very little dramatics just a lot of not using their words. Very sweet little watch. 3 ½ /5 (30/5/24)
Only Boo! - I didn’t hate this but I also wasn’t raving about it. I thought the young pups did a great job with their first series and I liked this conceptually a lot. It just needed something a little more. 3/5 (23/6/24))
Marahuyo Project - Stunning. Going to be thinking about this one for a long while and it’ll definitely be something I revisit. 5/5 (30/6/24)
We Are - Honestly I was excited for this one right out the gate. I loved all the pairings and I know what great work P'New can do with a solid ensemble cast. This delivered every single week for me and I'll be rewatching it forever. If you enjoy strong slice of life with queer platonic friendships then you'll love this. 5/5 (17/7/24)
I told sunset about you -This just wasn’t for me. If we were going on acting alone then it would be a five but we’re not so it’s a three. I don’t like melodrama for all the reasons that make this some people’s favourite. Silly twists and overlong shots of snotty crying faces are just not my thing. 3/5 (20/7/24)
Wandee Goodday - I loved elements of this and other stuff got a little lost. Its bones were good but it started threads it didn’t tie and some things were frustrating. Overall though I had a great time watching this and I thought the things this show did well, particularly found family and LGBTQIA+ issues, it did very very well. 3 ½/5 (20/7/24)
The man who defies the world of BL (s3) - The main issues I had with this were the same ones I had for first two seasons. Too short and ending on cliff hangers in infuriating. This is still firmly a ‘it’s for you or it’s not’ show and it really is for me. 4/5 (23/7/24)
The Boyfriend - Japan’s first gay dating show. This was incredibly lovely and very cute. The edit was a lot and would have liked to have seen more of their day to day in the house. But I did have fun with this and, as with most reality shows, there was a lot of fun in picking it apart with friends. 3/5 (30/7/24)
The Boy Foretold by The Stars - This is a Filipino movie. Filipino stuff often hits for me and this hit. It’s sweet and romantic and, as I often find with Fillo stuff, it manages to blend religion and being young and gay in an interesting way. Definitely a good pick if you want something sweet. 4/5 (6/9/24)
Knock Knock, Boys! - I think the trailer for this made it seem like it was going to be a sex fest and it’s really not that. It’s just a really nice friends to lovers. This was also really trying new things with the way it talked openly about sex. Super enjoyable and I fell in love with the whole cast. 4/5 (8/9/24)
Love Sea - FortPeat are lovely because they always are. The writing stinks and there’s barely a ghost of a story. You like MAME or you don’t and I’m a hater. The first three episodes are good enough but it loses what little plot it had after that. 2 ½/5 (12/9/24)
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fanfictionstuff · 10 days
Amaimon x reader soulmate AU - part one
I don't know how to format this on tumblr. I just wanted to write a short Amaimon soulmate AU. Obviously, I got a little carried about because it'll be at least two, maybe three chapters.
“Big brother, what’s this?” Amaimon questions, holding up his left hand. Upon his arrival in Assiah, an odd red string has materialized on his little finger, and it doesn’t have a physical presence. Each time Amaimon attempts to touch it, his hand passes through. It hangs around sixteen centimeters from his finger before vanishing in thin air, leaving the demon confused.
Mephisto raises a brow. “I don’t see anything. What is it?”
“You don’t see the red string?”
The King of Time swiftly turns away from the younger demon, suppressing a smile. "A red string? I'm afraid I don't see it. Perhaps it's just an illness until your body adjusts to life in Assiah?" He lies through his teeth. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.
The following day, Amaimon slams a book down on Mephisto's desk. "This book claims that a red string of fate connects soulmates. But mine is severed. Does this mean she's dead?" He asks, gazing at the frayed string in his hand. However, he doesn't seem too concerned about the possibility of her death. Mephisto shrugs nonchalantly, "I can't say for sure. I don't have a string myself, and it's becoming increasingly rare for people in the human world to have one. It's possible that your soulmate could have died hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
“Oh. Okay.”
And with that, Amaimon ignores the odd string on his finger. Instead, his attention turns to exploring Japan.
“Rin, you think the spirit of a little boy is evil?” You give Rin a look of disapproval as he attempts to keep Shiemi and you safe. “____, is right, Rin.” You nod. “I’m always right when it involves him.”
Rin stammers through his response, explaining that he wants to keep both of you safe and advising you to listen to him. "Hey! Are either of you even listening to me?" Rin's expression turns stern as he notices you and Shiemi engrossed in your phone. "He's been like this since we were kids; I've learned just to ignore him." You remark to Shiemi, not bothering to look up at Rin. Watching a video compilation of the ghost's appearances gives you some clues about its possible location in the amusement park. Shiemi timidly suggests, "Perhaps it would be easier if we split up? We can each take a different area to search for him." She looks between you and Rin nervously, hoping it’s a good idea the two of you will approve of. 
You nod. “Great idea, Shiemi. It’ll save us a lot of time; which area do you want to go to?”
You watch her as she makes her way to the funhouse. “Shiemi has never been to an amusement park before. Do you think she’ll be okay in the funhouse?” You grin at Rin. “Remember the first time you went in one? You busted your nose after running into the glass in the maze.”  The memory of five-year-old Rin with a bloody nose flashes through your mind; he was so angry. “I hope she doesn’t rush into a mirror or something while chasing him.”
“Do you think we should warn her?” A panicked look crosses Rin’s face. He remembers how much it hurt and doesn’t want Shiemi to have to go through something similar. “Nah, if she does, it’ll be a funny story for her to share.”
“No buts- just go look by the rollercoaster. I’ll check out the game stalls.” You nudge him in the direction of the rollercoaster before turning to leave.
The first stall that catches your eye has a goldfish scooping game inside. You can't help but frown at the sight of the fish, some floating lifelessly at the top. How long have they been stuck in the park without being cared for? When was the last time someone fed them?Although you should be searching for the ghost, you feel compelled to clean up the little pool. Maybe it will attract the spirit's attention? Fortunately, there is a freshwater hose nearby. You can drain and refill the small pool holding the fish. You spot a large white bucket that could hold all of the fish while you clean up their pool. It couldn't make things any worse, right? Lost in thought about the neglected fish, you begin cleaning when your main focus should be finding the missing boy. There’s enough of you guys in the park. Taking a moment to care for the fish shouldn't be a big deal.
As the pool starts to fill, the lights suddenly flicker on, and the rollercoaster roars to life. Who turned on the electricity? Wait Rin, he’s at the rollercoaster, right? Your thoughts are confirmed when you see a burst of blue flames. What is Rin doing? It’s a tiny ghost child. There’s no way a ghost has caused this much trouble. So, what is Rin attacking?
What do I do? On the one hand, Rin is your best friend. On the other hand, you’ll be completely useless and might even get in the way. Yukio surely has noticed and is probably on his way there. It’s probably best for me to stay out of the way. 
You frown. “What happened?!” Rin is on his knees, looking distressed and battered. “Rin, we’re only supposed to find the ghost! What were you doing? Was there a fight? What happened?” You motion to his beaten body. “And your tail, why is it visible? You need to hide it.”
“Big Brother.” Mephisto frowns at the young demon crawling through his window. “Amaimon, use the door.”
Amaimon ignores the comment. Instead, he lifts his left hand, his eyes following the new length of his string. “It’s longer.” His gaze follows it out the window, though it does seem to disappear at some point. Farther away, much farther. “Oh? Maybe your soulmate has just been born.” Mephisto rubs his chin in thought. He can’t truly say what it means. It’s rare enough for humans to have soulmates. He’s never come across a demon who has a red string. “In that case, you’ll have to wait at least eighteen years.” He shrugs nonchalantly. 
Amaimon squats down, biting on his right thumbnail while lifting his left little finger to his eyes. “I want to find her.”
“I don’t think that’s a wise decision.” He tells Amaimon with a tired glance. Just this morning, Amaimon didn’t care about the idea of his soulmate possibly being deceased. Is it because the red string is now most likely connecting them that Amaimon suddenly feels more attached to her? 
Mephisto’s words fall on deaf ears as Amaimon disappears just as quickly as he appeared.
As you listen to Rin’s story, you settle comfortably on his bed. “A demon king?” You raise a brow. “And your sword was taken by Yamada, who isn’t really a student; they’re that woman with red and yellow hair, whose real name is Shura?” 
“Aw, I should’ve gone to see for myself. I stayed back because I didn’t want to get in the way, but now I’m really curious. Tell me, what did he look like? He’s a king, you said Demon King of Earth? Was he like some kind of massive stone demon?" You imagine a gross-looking demon that might fit. “What? No. He looked more human than that. I don’t know- I wasn’t exactly focused on his appearance. He definitely looked strange; he had green hair and was dressed really weirdly.” Rin leans back in his chair and gazes up at the ceiling. “Why do you care what he looks like anyway?”
You shrug. “Just curious. You said he’s a demon king. So, I couldn’t help but wonder what a demon king looks like. Anyway, from what you said, it’s amazing you’re still alive. Pretty sure the rest of us wouldn’t have survived that.” You quickly bite your tongue, not wanting to inflate his ego too much with compliments. If you do, he’ll probably be insufferably proud for the next week.
You let out a heavy sigh and run your hand down your face. Today has been exhausting. Wait. Suddenly, you sit up straight in the bed, noticing something different about your left hand. “IT’S LONG! RIN IT’S LONG!” Excitement rushes through you as you jump off the bed and shove your little finger in Rin’s face, forgetting for a moment that he can’t see it. “What is- wait, are you talking about your string?” You nod, excitedly. The string had been there your whole life, though cut off and only around fifteen centimeters long. Why has it been extended now? “Yes! It’s long, but I don’t know how long.” You nudge him gently to the side so you can see it leading out the window, “It’s really long. Oh my god, what do I do?”
Rin follows your gaze, even though he can’t see the string. “Does that mean you have a soulmate?” Your excitement starts to twist with nervousness. “I guess? But who could it be? And why did it show up now.” A curious look crosses Rin’s face. “Huh, maybe they were just born?” 
“No! Don’t say that. I’m eighteen.” You slap his shoulder. “Anyway, should I try to follow it? I kind of want to try to follow it.” You grin brightly. 
“Follow it?” 
“Yes? What else am I supposed to do? Just stare at the now extended string?”
“So, it just suddenly became longer, in this moment?” Rin questions.
“Actually, I don’t know.” 
“What? How do you not notice a long red string as soon as it appears?!” 
You shove Rin back. “I don’t know, I never pay attention to it, and it’s really thin so I didn’t notice it on the ground. It’s like a string of thread.” Even now you wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t really focused on it. “Would it be weird if I start to follow it now?” 
“The sun is about to set _____, demon activity will be higher.” Rin reminds. 
“You gonna go with me to protect me?” You joke. However, Rin misses the joke, and his ego inflates. “Yes.” He puffs out his chest. “I’ll even protect you from your soulmate if needed.” 
“Never mind, I’ll look by myself.” 
As you step out into the dimming light of the evening, you follow the red string with growing anticipation. Rin stays close behind, a mix of protectiveness and curiosity evident in his demeanor. The string leads you through the streets, twisting and turning in unexpected directions that make you wonder where it might ultimately lead.
After what feels like hours of following the string, you find yourself standing in front of a streetlight. Your eyes widen as you glance up, then quickly snap back to Rin. “Hey Rin, could you grab something in that shop? I’m kind of hungry.” 
“You can’t go yourself?” 
“You know what I like here, get something for yourself too.” You shove some money in his hands when you’re sure he’s in the shop; you lift your hand, eyes slowly following the string on your finger to the finger of the figure sitting on top of the streetlight. Your soulmate. “Is it safe to assume you’re the demon that fought Rin today?” Even with Rin’s poor description. This demon above you fits what he said. With his choice in style, it’s hard to focus on one part: his long burgundy jacket, odd forest green arm warmers, and shorts with tights? His red striped shirt with a beige vest and tie matched his shirt. It’s a lot to take in. “Yes, I went to play with him, but he was no fun.” His tone is childish and blunt. “So, you’re my soulmate, right?” He questions, waving his hand in the air. The light reflects in his golden eyes, making them almost seem to glow. “You smell odd.” The demon jumps from the light, landing just centimeters from you, nearly nose to nose. Odd? You take a step back, embarrassment washing over you. This demon, your soulmate, thinks you smell odd. “I like it.” At his words, calmness washes away the embarrassment. “What’s your name?” As he speaks, he reaches for your left hand, observing the string that connects you. 
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My year at a glance and the ranking of the cream of the crop
I consumed 206 media this year according to MDL. Of these, 1 TV show, 60 films/short films and 145 dramas. This includes 72 media that were released this year or whose airing ended this year.
I diligently awarded stars from 1 - 10. At a glance, there were 1 one, 2 twos, 2 threes, 6 fours, 7 fives, 6 sixes, 14 sevens, 13 eights, 10 nines and 11 tens (am I too easy to please or just too nice?).
For the following rating, I simply ignored the fives to sevens and concentrated positively on the eights and higher, and took everything below five into account. The results for the individual countries with more than/equal to five contributions this year are as follows:
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Old Fashion Cupcake
Eien No Kinou
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-kun Desires to be Recognized
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
South Korea
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Once Again
Semantic Error
Choco Milk Shake
Happy Ending Romance
Oh! My Assistent
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DNA says love you
About Youth
My Tooth Your Love
Plus & Minus
Papa & Daddy 2
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180 Degree Longitude Passes Trough Us
Bad Buddy
Secret Crush On You
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Before I get to the crème de la crème, here are a few honourable mentions and, of course, the series that one would prefer to forget again.
Honourable Mentions
Apart from the five best, there were of course many other wonderful media that fascinated and captivated me. Others were just a little better.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear
The Eclipse
Not Me
Love Mechanics
Roommates of Poongduck 304
Ocean Likes Me
To My Star 2
Remember Me
Those that one would like to forget
5. Even Sun – just boring
4. Fahlanruk – boring and repetitive forced drama with unlikeable characters
3. Coffee Melody – boring with an unlikeable main and painful acting
2. That’s my candy – stupid, confusing story with no likeable characters
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1. Check Out – this was pure trash, lame story, whiny characters and zero chemistry
But now! The crème de la crème!
Once Again
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No other series this year has taken me away as much as this one. It is everything at the same time, a warm blanket to snuggle up under and the angry person who snatches it away again. It is my comfort show and at the same time the show that has given me the most emotional damage. It's not big and lavishly shot and yet the story is touching and the relationship is so precious. The supporting characters are also well written and serve a purpose. This is like a little treasure and I wish more people would find and cherish it.
2. 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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I have written my fingers to the bone analysing and picking apart every little detail of this fantastic series. More than once, the series has left you desperate along with the characters and pulling your hair out in rage. It is intense, grim and insanely insistent. It doesn't wrap you up like a warm blanket but, on the contrary, it pulls our protective hands off our faces so that we look and realise. Realise that not everyone can be saved, that people are different, that trauma leaves traces, that words can be weapons, that life means taking the leap to the other side of the bridge, even if you might fall. An insanely great series that deserves more attention!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake
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Oh how glad I am that I found this series. A series about pleasure and about allowing yourself to experience indulgence. It is not only a story of two people who become closer over eating desserts together, but also of a man who learns to enjoy life again, even though he thought he was not allowed to do so because of age, being single and being a man. The series works to soften a certain image of men, always aware of the society in which it operates, and manages to do so in an admirable way. Nozue's story gives courage and makes you happy, at least me.
4. Semantic Error
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Okay, who doesn't know the series? The story of the cool design student and the nerdy and cool computer science student became so popular that there were even billboards of it. And rightly so. The story is well thought out, well executed and very well acted. I've seen it several times by now and am happy that I can now watch it without interruptions thanks to the movie. And if you can't get enough of it, the Manhwa is highly recommended!
5. Triage
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A series about time travel, desperate love and character development of the finest kind! The series has made a lasting impression on me. It has drama, but is not overdone. It has a story that is comprehensible and exciting. The characters grow with the story and the chemistry is good too. All in all, a little hidden gem that should have had much more attention than it got when it aired (which was also because it was/is hard to grab for international fans).
I am looking forward to 2023 and what the year
Now I'm excited to see what great and not so great series 2023 has in store for us and most of all I'm looking forward to experiencing them with you!
Thank you all for such a great journey this year!
And that is a wrap!
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heatwa-ves · 1 year
Mmmmmmm tell me about an izuleo au you have (or multiple). I lowkey want to write more for them (ignoring my other large project wips here 🙈🙈) and would love to know what ideas you have :3
answering this month's late oopsies but here's a few concepts I have :]
my knights (mostly izuleo) bad end au. this is the most fleshed out idea on this list it's like a child to me I surprise myself with my own genius tbh. the basic idea of the au is what if leo never came back to yumenosaki after checkmate and it's kind of a future au the main plot happens when leo and izumi are about 24/25? long story short leo never comes back knights decides to disband after izumi graduates he then goes on to leave japan quit his idol career and work solely on modelling I can talk more about this one if you want to hear
ghost leo au. this one is very inspired by one of my favorite fics of all time which I read a few years ago and it changed me as a person forever. basic plot is it's a non idol au so they're just at regular high school there's a rumor of a ghost in one of the music room izumi goes to check it out because his beloved yuukun was scared and he meets leo there and they slowly become friends and meet almost every night to talk, leo died at the school (how? that's for me to know and you to never find out because there's a minute chance I'll ever write this) and was given x amount of days to compose x amount of songs by idk the grim reaper or whatevers there after death because he died so unfairly. it ends on a bittersweet note of leo having to pass on because his times up and they never really had a proper goodbye but he leaves a song he composed for izumi a la lionheart
genei ap: empty heart au. just play the game. please I beg it's so good and the music is incredible and most importantly it's free and takes like an hour tops to completely play and it's soooo izuleo coded I'm sick. I think izumi spica and leo mikage makes the most sense but personally I'm partial to leo spica izumi mikage...
au where they never met in high school and meet for the first time because they take the same train for their commute so they see eachother for like fifteen minutes a day and move from strangers to Train Strangers to acquaintances to friends .. their first meeting would be leo asking izumi what he's listening to because music and all and izumi (who isn't listening to anything but wears headphones so people won't talk to him and it's Not Working) is annoyed but leo keeps talking to him every day and eventually grows fond of him and idk it goes on from here there's drama there's mental illness
finally here's one that actually takes place in the canon universe. I want izumi and leo to have a big fight and instead of taking it out izumi decides the best option is to run off and not say where he's going and so he impulsively takes the first train to paris and shows up on shus doorstep and there's izumi shu bonding and idk I just think about the parallels between them a lot and I really want them to be closer friends. they talk and stuff and izumi stays for like two or three days has some realisations and the conclusion would be him returning to Florence and I guess being honest for once with leo and genuinely apologising and idk. but this is izumi sena so I don't know if he'd fucking do that. whatever it's my au and if I want an emotional scene of genuine honesty I will fucking have one
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suzuran777 · 2 years
New Holicworks game: Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan
Last month Holicworks announced their new 18+ BL visual novel, Tokyo Satsujinki Gakkou no Kaidan! The scenario writer (Nakajo Rosa) and director (Kouji Mio) also worked on the company's previous titles (Tokyo 24ku, Taisho Mebiusline and Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan). This time the artist will be Asahi Miyabi, who I couldn't really find any information about, but the art looks very good so far.
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Synopsis Amaterasu has existed since ancient times, as Japan's supreme deity. Aramatsuri, on the other hand, symbolizes the evil powers that also exists in this world. Good and evil, happiness and misfortune, life and death, all of it was derived from Amaterasu and Aramatsuri. Aramatsuri sometimes materializes and causes disruptions to the world, which can also affect humans.
The main character, Yuzuru Kurotori, is a civil servant working for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. He belongs to the Aramatsuri Countermeasure Division, located on the 7th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. The department gathers individuals who are able to see Aramatsuri. There are various methods to test this ability, but in the end, they have to be able to see a huge flower on top of the clock tower in Yoyogi (which can also be seen in the picture above). It has been three years since Yuzuru joined, but Aramatsuri can still be sensed in Tokyo.
I definitely recommend checking out the official website, the main visual you can see above is actually animated! I hope the game will have animated CGs too, something I really enjoyed while playing some of their older games like Taisho Mebiusline and Tokyo Onmyouji. I’m a big fan of the protagonist’s design, especially the high heels, black nails and black sword! The website also introduces a couple of other new characters, which are probably going to be the love interests. Tendou Taki (the one with the glasses) is Kurotori’s senior who works for the same organization. He’s from a family that specialists in magic and divination (Onmyoudou). If you’ve played Tokyo Onmyouji, you might be familiar with these themes!
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The second new character is Inami You (left), a man who’s originally from Okinawa. Although he’s a temporary employee of the Aramatsuri Countermeasure Division, he has the longest history with the department and knows the most. Due to the complexity of his career, most people don’t know much about him. He’s able to use Amaterasu’s power. Next is Tsubaki Isuzu (middle). He’s an entertainer who works as a stuntman and an idol, and doesn’t seem to be connected to the organization the other characters are part of. The final new main character is Isshiki Seimei (right), a bartender who owns a bar in Shinjuku Sanchome. He’s technically also an Onmyouji, but because Onmyoudou has been on a decline recently he gave up on making this his career. Although it’s not his official job, he can still use some of his spells.
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I really hope they will show some of the CGs soon, but I’m surprised they revealed so much information already! I am curious what kind of form the ‘’Aramatsuri’’ takes, right now I have no idea what the battles will look like or what the flower on top of the building even symbolizes. The second part of the game's title literally translates to ''school ghost stories'' but none of the main characters seem to be in school. I'm guessing the plot also focuses on murders, because that’s also in the game’s title... Either way, I’ll be patient and hope they release more info about the game later this year! 
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canmom · 1 year
L'aventure de Canmom à Annecy: Vendredi 3: Kaina of the Great Snow Sea
For Friday I spent my reservation walking right back into Bonlieu Grand Salle, on the premiere of Kaina of the Great Snow Sea: Star Sage. This film was not even out in Japan - I was one of the first people in the world to see it outside the studio that made it! Even though I knew absolutely nothing about the film, I was like, sounds sick, let's go.
It turns out that it's based on a story for TV by the great Tsutomu Nihei (accompanied by a manga, but it seems first conceived as a TV show). I love Nihei's work, but that comes with a wrinkle: this is another adaptation by Polygon Pictures in CGI, the same studio that adapted Blame! as a film and Knights of Sidonia as a TV show. These adaptations are... controversial I suppose, I know people who enjoy them, but I would say generally they are not loved by fans of Nihei's manga. That said, I haven't seen their take on Blame!, and I watched Sidonia so many years ago that I was basically a different person, so I resolved to give them a fair shot.
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Also the director and producer came on the stage, both of them holding bottles of beer, and were really fun and energetic, getting us to cheer the film with three segments of the audience going か, い, な (I was in the 'い' group), so in general the energy in the theatre was pretty enthusiastic...
...which means it's truly a shame that the film ended up disappointing.
It turns out Star Sage is actually a sequel film to a TV series that aired in 2022. I did not realise this going in, but it explains a lot: we seem to be starting in the middle of the story, with a lot that happened beforehand. It was easy enough to pick up on the character relationships - most are quite archetypal - but I think it would probably work a lot better on the back of the TV show.
What I really liked about it was the imaginative setting. The 'Snow Sea' only loosely resembles snow; it is akin to a slow-moving fluid, transparent if you sink into it. Floatation is possible only with 'snowfoil sticks' harvested from the animals that live in the snow sea, which are used to create special boats that travel across the surface. There are some cool setpieces with this, such as a huge cliff where the surface of the 'snow' becomes vertical. This whole world is covered by an enormous solid canopy supported by 'orbital spire trees', with city-states built at their bases, surviving on the water that rises up through the trees.
The main characters of our story are Kaina, your standard heroic boy with the Nihei-standard long fringe, and Ririha, the princess of a certain nation. At the outset of the film, they have defeated a nation of invaders in a war by supernatural (or rather magitech) intervention, and they are now setting sail along with Amelothee, a defector from the invaders, on an expedition to the 'Great Spire Tree' where abundant water might be found.
Their mission successfully gets them to the tree, but there they find a technologically advanced nation led by a dictatorial young man Byōzan who enslaves the expedition. Amelothee and her people seem to defect and side with him. Kaina and Ririha attempt to infiltrate the project, and discover that Byōzan intends to find something called the 'Authorised User's Suit' with which he can order the big ancient robots to cut down the spire trees, believing this will save the world. They're captured; Ririha is taken to Byōzan, who needs her connection to the tech-spirits, while Kaina is sent underground to the mines where the workers are searching for the Authorised User's Suit.
Ririha is introduced to Byōzan's mother, who drops some of his backstory, and underlines that he has totally the wrong idea and is in part running on resentment at not being able to see the spirit anymore. Meanwhile, Kaina is for whatever reason immune to the ghosts guarding the old ruins, and finds the Suit, along with the big reveal: this whole thing is in fact a massive terraforming system, and it's basically finished, it just needs two people to give the instruction to complete terraforming to the spirit/AI governing the project (for some reason).
Kaina emerges with the suit, and the workers stage a rebellion against Byōzan. Amelothee was actually only pretending to defect, but despite everything, Byōzan gets the suit back and commands his robots to cut down the tree, but Kaina manages to climb up after him, rescue Ririha, and save the world. The humans start farming, and ever after is lived happily.
The influence of Nausicaa is very strong, if more so the movie than the manga. For example, we have a fantastical ecosystem (complete with bugs) that is actually a terraforming system; a vague prophecy; Amelothee is basically Kushana; Kaina carries a rifle not so different from Nausicaa's. I love Nausicaa, and I think there is a ton of potential in this film; sadly I just don't feel like it's realised. If I would compare it with anything it's actually a fairly obscure scifi anime film called Gin'iro no Kami no Agito, which has a cool setting of overgrown post-apocalyptic ruins but ultimately falls down to a massive ancient scifi machine that needs to be turned off by the right kind of boy.
So yeah partly this is because, for all the imaginative setting, this is just a standard 'boy saves the world' type of plot. Certain elements, such as the terraforming system requiring a final voice command, feel needlessly contrived. But that said, there's plenty here that I like. And the Nausicaa film is not so different.
So is it the visuals? Maybe. And that's probably worth examining...
I will preface this to say that I absolutely do not believe that is impossible to make good CG anime with present day tech. In fact earlier in the festival I watched The First Slam Dunk which was genuinely one of the best looking animated films I've ever seen. Even without the unique watercolour-like shader tech they used in that film, Studio Orange have been doing cel-shaded CGI like their Houseki no Kuni and that looks great, and from what I've seen of Trigun Stampede, it works pretty well there too.
CG should also be a pretty natural fit for the sort of grand scifi spectacle this film is going for. But it left me cold here. So why?
Partly we can look at technical stuff. For example, there is a lack of cloth and hair physics. One of the things that really sold Slam Dunk's CGI was that the characters' loose clothes swung and folded and generally moved naturally. In contrast, the characters in Kaina in their bulky snow outfits look decent enough in stills, but when they move, they move mostly as rigid dolls.
But also it's the way characters move in general. It is hard to really nail down where the problems lie without watching the film again, but it felt like there is a lack of weight, a lack of real impact, as well as a lack of emotion conveyed by the animated acting. The face rigs seem to be quite limited in how far they can really push their expressions, the body language just as much. And the camera is constantly in motion, too much so - which means that a lot of the tools of framing become unavailable.
Likewise, the lighting and composite tends not to use the powerful negative space and contrast that Nihei's manga is so good at. In this case since it's anime-first there's not a manga to compare with, but this is a setting that truly depends on selling a feeling of vast scale, and it just never quite sold it.
(Also... it's a small complaint but the particle effect used when the boats move through the snow sea, which consists of small spherical balls thrown up, just plain looks so bad, it bothered me so much. Like I don't know how this ever got to be the final effect used - it looks like a placeholder.)
All in all it felt sadly lacking in ambition. It's just too conventional; the setting ends up feeling less interesting for the big reveals. What I really like about manga like Blame! is how vast and bleak they feel; by contrast this movie felt small, this big strange scifi world just a backdrop for the usual hero story. I would have been much more interested in a smaller-scale narrative about how people survive in this Great Snow Sea than half-baked spiritualism and magic words that fix everything.
So that was a shame! Still, fun to attend a premiere all the same, and most of the audience seemed to enjoy it more than I did. The team from the studio were actually interviewing people at the exit to the theatre, but I missed the chance to tell them (more politely than the above lol) what I thought. Probably for the best though, they don't really need the advice of some British girl with no industry experience lmao.
After that I made my way back to my hotel to try and get an earlier night. Not a lot of food places were open, especially places doing decent vegetarian food, so I ended up getting a pizza, which was a huge mistake because I know too much cheese makes me feel ill. Next year I gotta make sure to eat earlier.
Saturday was a good end to the festival - besides Barry JC Purves, who I posted about already, I got to see Rintaro! But more on that in a bit~
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2n2n · 1 year
This theory popped into my head and even though it's quite unlikely to be true, I wanted to talk about it with someone 😅. There are currently three generations of Hanako-kun in the school (in the pilot chapter) there are theories that Sakura was the second generation, but we don't know anything about the first. What if the first generation was Yashiro's ancestor 🤔. I know this is baseless, but I was just thinking because to me it looks like she made it out of school
I'm not particularly partial to this kind of theory … many things in the pilot are 'to the left', and it feels designed to function as a contained short story. Nene-chan is herself quite different in the pilot, Hanako is sorta more subdued and not quite as narsty … I think Iro-sensei may have structured things different for a shortform VS longform narrative... I don't really know if they'd have put a big spoiler/reveal/major plot point in the pilot? It feels more likely to have been retooled/reworked.
Buuut more importantlyyy…. I am not sure about the 'Hanako' mythos functioning in that way… the actual 'Hanako-san' ghost story, in Japan, began around the 1950s; Sakura has been around much longer that it. It's entirely possible Iro-sensei would decide to just do whatever with the mythos and make it more than that, especially when various other established mythos are being built around and extrapolated on… but I dunno! That date is quite close to Yugi Amane's lifetime…? It feels like, ah it can't be a coincidence this ghost story manifests in JP culture so close to Yugi's existence… ? It simply feels like the most adjacent applicable ghost story by the time Amane is there…
That said, Nene-chan and Sakura sharing some aspect, ancestor, blood, soul quality, or Nene-chan meant to sortof take over a mantle … ? both being enchanted ... ? blessed with powers .... ? is something I think about a lot… Sakura herself seems to believe it would be actually best for Nene-chan to be trapped or suffer some other fate-- who knows, maybe she was/is meant to become the 'next' in the line of overseeing the mysteries, or something? Whatever it is Sakura was meant to do... Always interested in what it means that Sakura is '7' and Nene-chan is '8', in naming conventions. 'Next in line'? Perhaps Sakura does not want to perpetuate it any longer?
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I like to think she's being honest...
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Sakura definitely has something inside her that makes her wish to mitigate suffering … and she has the practical nature, to see it for what it is, regardless of its dark surface impression.
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and deep down, I think maybe that's why she wants to see the world ended. It's as cruel and absolute as it is altruistic, maybe. For humans and kaii, there is just so much to suffer... there is no agency.
Maybe it's best for the system to be dismantled, Nene-chan dead or frozen before meeting her possible other fate, and nobody else to have to do any of this any more?
I like the idea of Sakura's role/fate having more to do with Nene-chan than Hanako ...
We'll just have to wait and see!
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Alt. Title: 牡丹燈籠の幽霊:お露 Hello everyone, Welcome to another Yokai Bijinga artwork. Today we are taking a look at a Yokai name Otsuyu. Otsuyu translated as "dew" as a ghost apparition or Yokai from  Botan dōrō or "Peony Lantern." Otsuyu is known as one of "Nihon san dai kaidan" of Japan's Big Three Ghost Stories along with Oiwa and Okiku. The story of Otsuyu has more to do with romance rather than revenge. In one of the stories of Otsuyu, the Yokai came to visit a widower who has recently lost his wife. Otsuyu were said to travel along side her servant carrying lanterns filled with peony flowers. It's a small summary of Otsuyu I like to encourage my view to do a bit more research in to this Yokai if you're interested to read more about her. In the meantime, here is my rendition of Otsuyu and her servant. Till next time everyone. Otsuyu Axel Doi Website
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
(lmao jk). [ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it? [ olive ]  what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)? [ cerulean ]  what is your favorite ( type of ) character to write? [ lemon ]  do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens? [ bumblebee ]  where have you always wanted to travel to?
[ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it?
I think it was around last August! I can't for the life of me remember whether it was last year or the year before though. Time is fake and I am immune to its passage.
I'd been RPing Inosuke on twitter for a while, out of laziness to make a new blog, but tumblr has always been my favored platform for writing so once I finally got proper vacation, I sat down and made the blog. And I don't regret it at all ;w;
[ olive ]  what gives you the most inspiration for your muse(s)?
I simply feel this irrepressible urge to write every single day and I do not decide how it comes and goes, but if I don't act upon it I will explode :')
I honestly can't really pin actual sources of inspiration. Perhaps I'm always a bit influenced by whatever other show I might be obsessed with at the moment, or what kind of feelings I'm experiencing irl. That's why I write a lot of angst
[ cerulean ]  what is your favorite ( type of ) character to write?
The brash one with no self-preservation, lots of determination, little social skills but a big heart and plenty of ways to improve. It more or less applies to the only three muses I've ever written :')
[ lemon ]  do you believe in ghosts? how about aliens?
I like science to fault, so I lean towards no and yes. It's statistically impossible that there isn't another inhabited planet out there in the infinity of space, but maybe I'm not spiritual enough to want to believe in ghosts. Though I did use to have a roommate who told me some very convincing paranormal stories she allegedly experienced, so perhaps I just need to experience it all by myself before I believe it :')
[ bumblebee ]  where have you always wanted to travel to?
The Japanese countryside. I am a massive weeb but all those pretty anime shows/movies have me yearning for those landscapes so bad. I've been to Tokyo for a few days before, but I would love to go back to Japan and explore it a lot more in depth.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 3/29
Spring has sprung, our spirits (and the pollen count) are high, and our 25% Figurine Sale is still going strong til 4/1! 
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A History Of Modern Manga HC - Insight Editions
The history of manga is inextricably linked to the social, economic, political, and cultural evolution of Japan. Essential to the daily lives of its inhabitants and to its economy, manga is one of the drivers of the international development of one of the world's largest economies. How did the manga market reach one billion copies annually in less than half a century? Who are the major players in this incredible expansion? Discover, over the pages and years, the major events and artists who have marked the history of modern manga in this new, updated and expanded edition.
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The Ambassadors #1 (of 6) -  Mark Millar & Frank Quitely
Imagine you could gift superpowers to six people. In a world of eight billion, who do you choose? Join six of the greatest artists in the industry for an enormous story about ordinary people from around the world explaining why it should be them.
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Big Guy & Rusty The Boy Robot TP -  Frank Miller & Geof Darrow 
Front and center, America! Here comes action! Here comes adventure! Here comes The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot-a roller-coaster ride through the minds of Geof Darrow and Frank Miller, the tag team that set you reeling with their hard-hitting series, Hard Boiled! Everything you remember about being thirty-eight-years-old and watching monster movies is right here, but with all the magnified detail that you always wanted to see.
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Don’t Spit In The Wind #1 (of 4) -  Stefano Cardoselli
One man's trash is another man's living. Since earth became inhospitable, humanity escaped ages ago to live in a space station floating above the atmosphere. Now Travis and his crew of garbage men are tasked with cleaning up mountains of toxic waste, working for a company called Atomic Bros INC., to create a "Clear World." But when one of Travis' crew members goes missing near an old nuclear facility Travis' job becomes a bit more complicated.
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E-ratic 2 TP - Kaare Andrews & Brian Reber
Recharge complete! The teenage hero with superpowers that only work for ten minutes a day is back to save the world again as he navigates even more pressing perils: young love, bullies, a broken family and the gauntlet that is high school. This time, young Oliver Leif is teamed with a barbarian princess who claims to be from another dimension. Spinning from the pages of The Resistance, E-Ratic combines electric action, teen drama, and pure comics fun.
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Everything Sucks: Real Gamer Hours One-Shot -  Michael Sweater
Do video games cause violence? No, but they do cause Noah to smell absolutely horrible from playing an MMO for three days straight. Can Calla break the spell, or will she get trapped by the sweaty paws of King Crushskull too? Includes a foil cardstock cover and a sticker sheet!
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Fart School HC -  Mel Stringer
Mel is excited about moving to Brisbane and starting art school! She imagines collaborating with other creatives, honing her craft, and becoming an accomplished artist. But it turns out that art school isn't quite the same in real life. Can Mel finish college with her love of art still intact?
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Festival Of Shadows: A Japanese Ghost Story GN -  Atelier Sento
Every summer, in an isolated Japanese village, a celebration known as the Festival of Shadows takes place. The villagers are entrusted to assist the troubled souls or "shadows" of those who died tragically, and to help them come to terms with their deaths and find eternal peace. Naoko, a young girl born in the village, is given a year to save the soul of a mysterious young man. She develops strong feelings for her shadow-a handsome young man, an artist-but he seems haunted by a terrible secret. She has a year to find out what happened to him, to help him come to terms with his past, and if she fails, his soul will be lost forever. As the year goes by, Naoko finds herself teetering between the worlds of the living and the dead. What is the terrible secret that seems to be haunting her shadow? And could she be risking her own life to help someone who has already lost his?  
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Superstate TP -  Graham Coxon, Hellen Mullane & Alex Paknadel 
The Superstate is everywhere, and its authority is absolute. Yoga Town is a city divided. While they wait to leave the earth, the 1% can bend reality to their will, they live in a consequence free world where anything goes. Meanwhile, the masses are pacified by a drugged out, government mandated digital dreamscape while they wait to perish on this dying planet. But there is still hope, for angels roam the earth. With their help, maybe some rebellious spirits can start to make a change. Experience 15 surreal and disturbing tales of rebellious fembots, celebrity turkey shoots, violent astral projection and an all-new take on the TV dinner.
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Granite State Punk #1 - Travis Gibb & Patrick Buermeyer
Zeke has just gotten released from prison and is now living in the last place he ever wanted to be... his dead parents' house. For years, he tried to drown every ounce of the memories of this place and his messed-up childhood. Zeke is now forced to confront it and the revelation that his past is filled with the occult, punk rock, dark magic, and its connection to New Hampshire's most historic landmark, The Old Man of the Mountain.
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I Hear A Sunspot: Four Seasons GN -  Yuki Fumino
Kohei Sugihara, college student with hearing loss, and Taichi Sagawa, his ever-optimistic former classmate, met in a chance encounter that ignited an undeniable spark that would eventually blossom into love. Now it's spring and as Kohei nears graduation, his search for a job begins. Meanwhile, Taichi finds himself in charge of someone new at work. Life is busier than ever, but all in all, things seem to be looking up for the pair. That is, until the sudden appearance of Ena, one of Kohei's old flames.
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Indigo Children #1 -  Curt Pires, Rockwell White & Alex Diotto RADIANT BLACK meets THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH in this action-packed sci-fi/mystery epic as journalist Donovan Price hunts down the extraordinarily gifted INDIGO CHILDREN after their mysterious disappearance fifteen years prior.
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A Journal Of My Father GN -  Jiro Taniguchi
Yoichi Yamashita, spurred by a call informing him of his father's death, thinks of childhood. He returns to his hometown after a lengthy absence during which time he has not seen his father. As the relatives gather for the funeral and the stories start to flow, Yoichi's childhood starts to resurface. The Spring afternoons playing on the floor of his father's barber shop, the fire that ravaged the city and his family home, his parents' divorce and a new "mother." Through confidences and memories shared with those who knew him best, Yoichi rediscovers the man he had long considered an absent and rather cold father.
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The Karman Line TP -  Dennis Hopeless & Piotr Kowalski
It's all sex, lies and betrayal on a reality show streaming from the International Space Station until the crew receives a message reading "ABORT MISSION AND GET HOME NOW." Things unravel quickly as they find their shuttle damaged and a crew member dead. They'll have to fight to survive and escape... with cameras recording everything.
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Kaya Book 1 TP -  Wes Craig
After the destruction of their village, a young girl with a magic arm and a fighting spirit is tasked with delivering her little brother to a faraway safe haven. There, he's destined to discover the secret to overthrowing the all-powerful empire that destroyed their home. Starting out on their journey, they'll face lizard-riders, monstrous beasts, and secrets that could tear brother and sister apart.
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Lady Baltimore: Dreams Of Ikelos One-Shot -  Mike Mignola, Christopher Golden, Bridgit Connell & Abigail Larson
Lady Sofia Baltimore, accompanied by an array of formidable companions, continues her war against the Nazis in an occult alternate Outerverse. High in the frozen Italian alps, a mercenary sorcerer has revealed a dangerous magical artifact. German forces will use it to obliterate Allied forces who stand against them . . . unless Sofia and Imogen can take possession of it first.    
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Heartstrings: Melissa Ethridge & Her Guitars GN - Steve Hochman, Frank Mariffinno, Manuela Pertega & Kate Samuels
Melissa Etheridge's Heartstrings takes you on a journey through her growth and life as a musician, as it reveals the untold stories behind some of her favorite guitars, each one of them exciting, significant, and dear to her heart and music.
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Mister Mammoth HC -  Matt Kindt & Denis Pendanx
Mr. Mammoth is the world's greatest detective and the kind of person you don't forget. Being a seven-foot-tall pacifist who's covered head to toe with an impressive collection of horrific scars makes quite the impression. But he might be losing his edge. He can't seem to solve his latest case and he's distracted with a strange obsession with a soap opera actress who doesn't even know he exists. His new case holds clues that might finally unlock the secret of his traumatic childhood. The question is: is he solving a crime-or planning one? Mr. Mammoth is the first-ever original graphic novel from Matt Kindt's all-new imprint, Flux House, which features crime, science fiction, and humor stories, all told in startling and untraditional ways. For Mr. Mammoth, Kindt is joined by internationally acclaimed artist Jean Denis Pendanx, who's making his U.S. debut!
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Monster Tag Team #1 -  Konstantine Paradias, Gerardo Gambone & Neil Vokes
It's a brand-new series in the vein of classic team-ups and two-in-one comics - this is MONSTER TAG TEAM!  Two monsters - one rampaging story - all horror!  In this debut issue called "Wolfe And Bat" - mortal enemies and clashing world powers collide in an over-the-top monster battle royale!  In a Cold War that's gone occult, the international terror organization WARLOCK schemes to destroy human civilization. Faced with this new breed of unstoppable sorcerous criminal, West and Soviet agencies put their two best creatures on the case: Jesse Walker, a CIA-trained werewolf and Vlad Dracul, KGB's top vampire, team up to destroy WARLOCK's chief Magister before he can unleash Fimbulwinter on humanity. This issue comes with four covers - Main by Copper Age legend Neil Vokes, Corpse Crew homage cover by Buz Hasson & Ken Haeser, Painted cover by Mark Sparacio, and a special 100 copy Century limited edition!
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Songs Of The Dead: Afterlife TP -  Michael Christopher Heron, Andrea Fort, MJ Erickson & Nick Robles
Bethany is a necromancer and a hero. Along with her companions, Elissar and Jonas, she has finally found the rumored Covenant. Her perilous journey has brought her to the last bastion of the necromancers, but resurging prejudices have them in shambles. Can Bethany unite them in the face of escalating tensions? Or will the coming war shatter all of her dreams for a peaceful future?
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Vince Staples Presents Limbo Beach GN -  Bryan Edward Hill, Chris Robinson & Buster Moody
“Every kid has the same story. Wash up on shore. Enter the amusement park. Get superpowers. Why are you so different?" Join fan-favorite rapper Vince Staples, Bryan Edward Hill (Batman & the Outsiders; Titans), Chris Robinson (Children of the Atom), and Buster Moody (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) on an adventure into the mysterious Limbo Beach, an island theme park ruled by adolescents with unique abilities! Follow the newest member of the Wunderlosts, a band of misfit teenage raiders, on a journey to discover the truth about the park - and himself - in a tale that is equal parts Lord of the Flies and The Warriors.
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Welcome Back, Aureole GN -  Takatsu
Bright and sociable Kazu and the sober and serious Moto have been best friends since childhood. Even if they drifted apart in junior high, they still understood one another better than anyone else. But in their second year, Kazu began to think of Moto as more than just a friend. And as much as he wanted to think it was just a misunderstanding, it became clear to him that his feelings were all too real...
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WesterNoir GN -  Dave West, Gary Crutchley & Matt Soffe 
Josiah Black thought that he'd done it all - cowhand, gun slinger, drifter and sheriff - but then he kills Jim Wilson and takes on the role of monster hunter. Monsters that only he can see. They Live meets Deadwood in this tale from the old wild west.
Whatcha snagging this week, Fantom Fam?
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.28
Auto Race Day
Bedfordshire Day (UK)
Bukovina Day (Romania)
Constitution Day (Abkhazia)
Decorate Your Dog Day
Feast of the Miraculous Medal
Flag Day (Albania, Kosovo)
Giving News Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Heroes’ Day (Sri Lanka)
Honey Day (French Republic)
Hōonkō (Japan)
Hug a Furry Day
International Day of the Mediterranean
It’s Letter Writing Day
Make Your Own Head Day
Molossaphone Day (Republic of Molossia)
National Alan Day
National Big Time Rush Day
National Cole Day
National Day of the Deaf (Mexico)
National Madison Day
National Patrick Day
Nice Knee-High Socks Day (Japan)
Navy Day (Iran)
Red Planet Day
Republic Day (Burundi; Chad; Congo)
Royal Society Day
Skywriting Day
World Compassion Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cake Remembrance Day (Cakeland)
National French Toast Day
4th & Last Tuesday in November
Crypto Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
National Day of Mourning (United American Indians of New England) [4th Tuesday]
Strange Names Day [Last Tuesday]
Throw Out Your Leftovers Day [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Travel Deal Tuesday [Last Tuesday]
Independence Days
Albania (from the Ottoman Empire, 1912)
East Timor (from Portugal, 1975)
Francisville (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Hawaii (from France & UK; 1843)
Mauritania (from France, 1960)
Panama (from Spain, 1821)
Westland Province Day (New Zealand)
Feast Days
Acacius, Hirenarchus, and companions, of Sebaste (Christian; Saint)
Ascension of `Abdu'l-Bahá (Bahá'í)
Blue Cheese Day (Pastafarian)
Catherine Labouré (Christian; Saint)
Emma (Anglican Church of Hawaii)
Feast of the Holy Sovereigns (Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii)
Herman of Alaska (The anniversary of his actual death; Eastern Orthodox)
James of the Marches (Christian; Saint)
Kamehameha and Emma (Episcopal Church (USA))
Moltar Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Our Lady of Kibeho (Christian; Saint)
Gregory III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Morris Lewis (Artology)
Rufus (No. 8; Christian; Saint)
The Rural Dionysia (Fertility Festival to Dionysus; Ancient Greece)
Sophia’s Day (Pagan)
Space Ghost Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen the Younger (Christian; Saint)
Waldo Woodpecker (Muppetism)
Washington (Positivist; Saint)
William Blake (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 22 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [22 of 24]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [65 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 55 of 60)
The Banker’s Daughter (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Before I Disappear (Film; 2014)
Bob the Builder (Kids TV Series; 1998)
Briefcase Full of Blues, by The Blues Brothers (Album; 1978)
Cats A-Weigh! (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Chip an’ Dale (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
A Christmas Carol (Film; 1951)
Christmas Time Is Here Again, by The Beatles (Fan Club Song; 1967)
Circus, by Britney Spears (Album; 2008)
The Continental Op, by Dashiell Hammett (Short Stories; 1930)
The CooCoo Nut Grove (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Down to Earth or Me and My Shatter (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 130; 1961)
Elvis: the Musical (London Musical; 1977)
Flight 714 to Sydney, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1968) [Tintin #22]
Grand Ole Opry (Radio/TV Music Series; 1925)
The Group, by Mary McCarthy (Novel; 1963)
Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
The Imitation Game (Film; 2014)
I Would Die 4 U, by Prince (Song; 1984)
Many a Thousand Gone or The Haul of Fame (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 129; 1961)
Meet Me in St. Louis (Film; 1944)
Misty of Chincoteague, by Marguerite Henry (Novel; 1947)
Nagina (Film; 1986)
Paddington (Film; 2014)
Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, “The Emperor Concerto,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Concerto; 1811)
Three Little Beers (Three Stooges short film; 1935)
Today’s Name Days
Berta, Gunther, Jakob (Austria)
Držislav, Jakov (Croatia)
René (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Sophie (Denmark)
Laima, Niina, Raima (Estonia)
Heini, Kaisla (Finland)
Jacques (France)
Albrecht, Berta, Jakob (Germany)
Irinarhos (Greece)
Stefánia (Hungary)
Fausta (Italy)
Lukrēcija, Olita, Rīta, Vita (Latvia)
Rimgaudas, Rufas, Vakarė (Lithuania)
Ruben, Rut (Norway)
Gościrad, Grzegorz, Jakub, Lesław, Lesława, Rufin, Zdzisław (Poland)
Irinarh, Stefan (Romania)
Henrieta (Slovakia)
Catalina, Jaime, Santiago, Urbano (Spain)
Malte (Sweden)
Rad, Radomyr (Ukraine)
Nola, Nolan, Nolana, Norton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 332 of 2024; 33 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 16 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 2 Zima; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 15 November 2023
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Frederic (12th Month) [Washington]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 66 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 7 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Ruis (Elder) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 13 of 13]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.28
Auto Race Day
Bedfordshire Day (UK)
Bukovina Day (Romania)
Constitution Day (Abkhazia)
Decorate Your Dog Day
Feast of the Miraculous Medal
Flag Day (Albania, Kosovo)
Giving News Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
Heroes’ Day (Sri Lanka)
Honey Day (French Republic)
Hōonkō (Japan)
Hug a Furry Day
International Day of the Mediterranean
It’s Letter Writing Day
Make Your Own Head Day
Molossaphone Day (Republic of Molossia)
National Alan Day
National Big Time Rush Day
National Cole Day
National Day of the Deaf (Mexico)
National Madison Day
National Patrick Day
Nice Knee-High Socks Day (Japan)
Navy Day (Iran)
Red Planet Day
Republic Day (Burundi; Chad; Congo)
Royal Society Day
Skywriting Day
World Compassion Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cake Remembrance Day (Cakeland)
National French Toast Day
4th & Last Tuesday in November
Crypto Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Giving Tuesday [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
National Day of Mourning (United American Indians of New England) [4th Tuesday]
Strange Names Day [Last Tuesday]
Throw Out Your Leftovers Day [Tuesday after Thanksgiving]
Travel Deal Tuesday [Last Tuesday]
Independence Days
Albania (from the Ottoman Empire, 1912)
East Timor (from Portugal, 1975)
Francisville (Declared; 2008) [unrecognized]
Hawaii (from France & UK; 1843)
Mauritania (from France, 1960)
Panama (from Spain, 1821)
Westland Province Day (New Zealand)
Feast Days
Acacius, Hirenarchus, and companions, of Sebaste (Christian; Saint)
Ascension of `Abdu'l-Bahá (Bahá'í)
Blue Cheese Day (Pastafarian)
Catherine Labouré (Christian; Saint)
Emma (Anglican Church of Hawaii)
Feast of the Holy Sovereigns (Episcopal Diocese of Hawaii)
Herman of Alaska (The anniversary of his actual death; Eastern Orthodox)
James of the Marches (Christian; Saint)
Kamehameha and Emma (Episcopal Church (USA))
Moltar Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Our Lady of Kibeho (Christian; Saint)
Gregory III, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Morris Lewis (Artology)
Rufus (No. 8; Christian; Saint)
The Rural Dionysia (Fertility Festival to Dionysus; Ancient Greece)
Sophia’s Day (Pagan)
Space Ghost Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Stephen the Younger (Christian; Saint)
Waldo Woodpecker (Muppetism)
Washington (Positivist; Saint)
William Blake (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 22 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [22 of 24]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [65 of 71]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 55 of 60)
The Banker’s Daughter (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Before I Disappear (Film; 2014)
Bob the Builder (Kids TV Series; 1998)
Briefcase Full of Blues, by The Blues Brothers (Album; 1978)
Cats A-Weigh! (WB MM Cartoon; 1953)
Chip an’ Dale (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
A Christmas Carol (Film; 1951)
Christmas Time Is Here Again, by The Beatles (Fan Club Song; 1967)
Circus, by Britney Spears (Album; 2008)
The Continental Op, by Dashiell Hammett (Short Stories; 1930)
The CooCoo Nut Grove (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Down to Earth or Me and My Shatter (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 130; 1961)
Elvis: the Musical (London Musical; 1977)
Flight 714 to Sydney, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1968) [Tintin #22]
Grand Ole Opry (Radio/TV Music Series; 1925)
The Group, by Mary McCarthy (Novel; 1963)
Hittin’ the Trail for Hallelujah Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
The Imitation Game (Film; 2014)
I Would Die 4 U, by Prince (Song; 1984)
Many a Thousand Gone or The Haul of Fame (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 129; 1961)
Meet Me in St. Louis (Film; 1944)
Misty of Chincoteague, by Marguerite Henry (Novel; 1947)
Nagina (Film; 1986)
Paddington (Film; 2014)
Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, “The Emperor Concerto,” by Ludwig Van Beethoven (Concerto; 1811)
Three Little Beers (Three Stooges short film; 1935)
Today’s Name Days
Berta, Gunther, Jakob (Austria)
Držislav, Jakov (Croatia)
René (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Sophie (Denmark)
Laima, Niina, Raima (Estonia)
Heini, Kaisla (Finland)
Jacques (France)
Albrecht, Berta, Jakob (Germany)
Irinarhos (Greece)
Stefánia (Hungary)
Fausta (Italy)
Lukrēcija, Olita, Rīta, Vita (Latvia)
Rimgaudas, Rufas, Vakarė (Lithuania)
Ruben, Rut (Norway)
Gościrad, Grzegorz, Jakub, Lesław, Lesława, Rufin, Zdzisław (Poland)
Irinarh, Stefan (Romania)
Henrieta (Slovakia)
Catalina, Jaime, Santiago, Urbano (Spain)
Malte (Sweden)
Rad, Radomyr (Ukraine)
Nola, Nolan, Nolana, Norton (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 332 of 2024; 33 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 48 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 16 (Geng-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 15 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 2 Zima; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 15 November 2023
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Frederic (12th Month) [Washington]
Runic Half Month: Is (Stasis) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 66 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 7 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Ruis (Elder) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 13 of 13]
1 note · View note
if-i-was-a-cucumber · 11 months
my watchlist
some of the watchlist is coded with colors so you kinda know how i feel about it! also: it will be updated as i go along
blue means i’m not sure yet probably because i haven’t finished it. green means it was the best damn show i ever watched/i loved it/would rewatch/omg it’s so good. yellow means i liked it but there were some things that brought it down. purple means it was super weird and/or problematic but i really liked it anyway (there are more of these than there should be). orange means i didn’t like it and either dropped it or i stuck through it for the community™. red means AVOID AT ALL COSTS THIS SHIT IS BAD. or maybe just i really hated it.
some of the watchlist is not coded with colors because i got lazy 🙂
currently watching: →  last twilight (2023) (currently airing) →  cherry magic thailand (2023) (currently airing) →  cooking crush (2023) (currently airing) →  cutie pie (2022) →  a boss and a babe (2022)
next up: →  unidentified mysterious girlfriend (2023) →  55:15 never too late (2021) →  midnight motel (2022)
on hold: →  my gear and your gown (2020) →  secret crush on you (2022) →  midnight museum (2023) →  mama gogo (2022) →  wednesday club (2023) →  ’cause you’re my boy (2018) (maybe hold forever) →  star in my mind (2022) (maybe hold forever) →  the jungle (2023) (maybe hold forever) →  the three gentlebros (2022)
dropped: →  waterboyy: the series (2017) →  paint with love (2021) →  lovely writer (2021) →  ai long nhai (2022) →  we best love: fighting mr. 2nd (2021) →  faceless love (2023)
finished already: →  my school president (2022) →  bad buddy (2021) →  2gether (2020) →  we best love: no. 1 for you (2021) →  why you… y me? (2022) →  the eclipse (2022) →  tonhon chonlatee (2020) →  fish upon the sky (2021) →  the gifted (2018) →  moonlight chicken (2023) →  never let me go (2022) →  kieta hatsukoi (2021) →  vice versa (2022) →  dirty laundry (2023) →  blacklist (2019) →  theory of love (2019) →  the shipper (2020) →  a tale of a thousand stars (2021) →  sotus (2016) →  dark blue kiss (2019) →  he’s coming to me (2018) →  the warp effect (2022) →  the gifted: graduation (2020) →  i’m tee, me too (2020) →  cupid’s last wish (2022) →  not me (2022) →  enigma (2023) →  home school (2023) →  be my favorite (2023) →  f4 thailand: boys over flowers (2021) →  hidden agenda (2023) →  only friends (2023) →  dangerous romance (2023) →  enchanté (2022) →  girl next room: midnight fantasy (2020) →  girl next room: richy rich (2020) →  i became the lead in a bl drama (2023)
to be watched: →  2 moons and 2 moons 2 →  21-days theory →  23.5 →  be mine superstar →  bed friend →  between us →  big dragon →  cherry magic japan →  coffee melody →  destiny seeker →  don’t say no →  double savage →  gen y →  ghost host ghost house →  great men academy →  grey rainbow →  in family we trust →  kinnporsche →  love area →  love by chance →  love in the air →  love stage →  loveless society →  make it right →  my boy →  my mate match →  my precious →  my secret love →  nitiman →  oxygen →  put your head on my shoulder thailand →  rainbow lagoon →  roommate →  something in my room →  step by step →  tharntype →  the best story →  the comments →  the tuxedo →  triage →  turn left, turn right →  until we meet again →  war of high school →  what zabb man! →  you’re my sky →  light on me →  semantic error →  color rush
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