#Janvevok she/he pronouns real
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Captain Janevok is ready and willing to die for her crew. It’s the logical thing to do, he insists.
Janevok’s personality is sarcastic and wry and he usually isn’t smiling. When she does smile it’s a smirk. Makes jokes but you can only tell they’re jokes from the sparkle in her eye. Difficult to tell if she’s amused by you in a companiable way or not. Works as many hours as they can before /having/ to eat and drink and rest. Wants to get Tuvok and Janeway separated as soon as possible so the crew has them back. Has no qualms about his own death. Uninterested in exploring ‘self’ as ‘person’. Incredibly incredibly self confident. Has a vaguely parental vibe but like, SO intimidating. Like, you don’t want to ask him about anything but you want her to be proud of you. So intimidating in fact that he only really talks with Chakotay and the Doctor (various other characters try to speak to her and get scared off) Janevok: -walking- You are following me. Chakotay: That’s right. Janevok: Why? Chakotay: We’re having dinner. Or we were. Have plans changed? Janevok: No, but are you certain? People seem to find me...intimidating. Chakotay looks at the person beside him, nearly his height. It’s difficult to tell if she finds the situation upsetting or grimly amusing.  Chakotay: You don’t look so scary to me. Janevok: The worst ones never do. ^ Tuvok’s security brain + Janeway’s theatric speech. Are they flirting?? Janevok is just a very intense, headstrong and lonely person. If you talk to her for long enough you get the feeling there’s so much there, so many depths, but you’ll never get close enough to reach them. Seems sad when he’s not focusing on something.
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