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felipeandletizia · 1 year ago
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: January 16th
2005: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2009: Inaugurated the new University Hospital Río Hortega in Valladolid
2010: Left Madrid for their trip to Abu Dhabi
2012: France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy received the Order of the Golden Fleece at the Royal Palace
2013: Audience at la Zarzuela
2014: “2012 European Carlos V Award”.
2015: Working meeting of the Board of the CODESPA Foundation and delivery of the 18th Edition of the CODESPA Awards
2019: Received the credentials of the new ambassadors accredited to Spain.
2020: Work meeting in the Spanish Red Cross for the conference on “Gender Violence: strategy and challenges” & Received the credentials of new ambassadors
2023: Funeral of King Constantine of Greece in Athens
F&L Through the Years: 1115/??
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famousborntoday · 2 months ago
Brendan Michael Donovan is an American professional baseball utility player for the St. Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball (MLB).
Link: Brendan Donovan
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astrology---realm · 1 year ago
What Zodiac Sign Is January16? #quiz #zodiacsigns
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astrology-realm · 1 year ago
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mediamonarchy · 1 year ago
#MorningMonarchy: January 16, 2024
#MorningMonarchy MP3: #January16, 2024 w/#CyberSpaceWar + #ThisDayInHistory & #TruthMusic by #VinniePaz!
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/20240116_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Package thieves, somebody finally beat Tetris and Saint Carlin’s glad he’s dead + this day in history w/more weapons and our song of the day by Vinnie Paz on your Morning Monarchy for January 16, 2024. Notes/Links: X Temporarily Suspended Several Accounts Critical of…
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itsoctopuses · 1 month ago
Week 3 observations:
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Common Snapdragon
Antirrhinum majus
Observed at home on Galveston Island.
This is not native but also not invasive to Texas. It’s found in gardens and is great for our pollinators, including hummingbirds. They are cool season annuals, come in a variety of colors, the florets are edible and they’re even deer resistant due to the bright colors and distinctive shape! The reason for the name, snapdragon, is because when you pinch the sides of the flower it looking like a dragon’s mouth snapping open.
#commonsnapdragon #Antirrhinummajus #citizenscience #flora #flowers #garden #nature #outdoors #january #january15 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day15
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Channeled Duck Clam
Raeta plicatella
Observed all along Galveston Island beaches. I’ve only ever seen the empty shell halves but apparently the clam lives in the sandy shallows outside the surf zone. They’re native to Texas and I’ve seen them wash ashore year round, especially after drastic tide changes and storms. The shells are very thin and crunch like fall leaves. Crunched up shells add to the composition of the beach and it’s therapeutic!
#channeledduckclam #Raetaplicatella #citizenscience #clamshell #shells #crunchedshells #beach #nature #outdoors #january #january16 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
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Milkweed Assassin Bug
Zelus longipes
Native to this area.
Observed at the beach on Galveston Island though it’s usually found in gardens and landscapes. It looks a little creepy but if you see one leave it be because it preys on pests like beetles, caterpillars and even mosquitoes. Its bite may hurt due to the salivary secretion it uses to dissolve the tissues of its prey but in a human it’s not serious.
#milkweedassassinbug #Zeluslongipes #citizenscience #truebug #nativespecies #insect #beach #january #january17 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day17
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Bur Clover
Medicago polymorpha
Introduced from the Mediterranean Basin and is invasive in Texas.
Observed at Galveston Island State Park at 1.18.25. It’s usually found in moist open habitats. This was taken in the middle of a trail at the park directly behind the dunes.
Is considered a pest due to the burs and can be toxic to livestock.
#burclover #Medicagopolymorpha #citizenscience #invasivespecies #nature #outdoors #january #january18 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day18
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African Cotton Leafworm Moth
Spodoptera littoralis
My app actually identified this as an oriental leafworm moth, but under the description of that particular moth it hasn’t really made its way over to the US whereas the African cotton leafworm moth has, and the only way to tell the difference between the two is looking at its genitalia and I can tell you I did not do that. 🤣
Both species are considered pests and can devastate crops so different methods of control have been created.
Observed at Galveston Island State Park 1.19.25.
#africancottonleafwormmoth #Spodopteralittoralis #citizenscience #moth #insect #invasive #january #january19 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day19
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American Coot
Fulica americana
Observed at home on Galveston Island on 1.20.25. The are common and native to North America. They live in Texas year round.
They are not ducks even though they look like them. Instead of webbed feet they have broad, loved scales on their toes and legs.
A group of coots is called a raft.
Fun fact, they usually build floating nests and lay 8-10 eggs per clutch!
#americancoot #Fulicaamericana #citizenscience #birds #bayou #nativespecies #outdoors #nature #january #january20 #2025 #picoftheday #project365
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Least Sandpiper
Calidris minutilla
We weren’t the only ones out today! Observed at Galveston Island State Park on a snowy 1.21.25! Even saw them catch a couple fish!
These little guys are the smallest of the shore birds. They winter here on the coast and migrate north to breed. The females will leave early so the babies will feed themselves and are ready to fly in 2 weeks from hatching!
They will probe the muddy shores for invertebrates (and sometimes small fish…though I didn’t actually witness them eating the fish).
#leastsandpiper #Calidrisminutilla #citizenscience #snowday #marsh #shorebirds #native #nature #outdoors #january #january21 #2025 #picoftheday #project365 #day21
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iffoundreturntosea · 1 year ago
January 16, Day 16
Day 16
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My mom & I started a "no excuses" creative journal today.
#journaling #getcreative #getinspired #octopus #fun #crayons #picoftheday #project365 #day16
I can't remember how long we kept this up or maybe I should say how long I kept it up because I believe this journal is unfinished still! haha
Day 16 2016
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Leaving Jamaica this morning.
#sadface #jamaica #beautiful #beach #bluesky #water #sand #palm #justme #dontwanttogo #blue #shadesofblue #january #picoftheday #project365 #day16
How do you leave paradise? Not easily that is for sure!
Day 16 2017
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This morning's dew was on point.
#morningdew #dew #sparkle #grass #nature #outdoors #circlesareeverywhere #circles #circleoflife #january #picoftheday #project365 #day16
I love when the sun makes the dew sparkle on the grass like this. Looks like diamonds.
Day 16 2018
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Some of the wintry mix we got last night.
#snow #ice #winter #leaves #clover #yard #nature #outdoors #cold #keyhole #cutout #differentview #january #picoftheday #project365 #day16
Day 16 2019
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It's nothing.
#define #definition #dictionary #words #book #pages #inform #nothing #nationalnothingday #january #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day16
Day 16 2020
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Whirling wishes (still wishing for snow).
#rainyday #stillnosnow #isitevenwinter #macro #dandelion #raindrop #refraction #water #color #sculpture #andrewcarsonsculpture #whirlygig #january #january16 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
I love dandelions so much. And I told you that you'd be seeing the sculpture again!
Day 16 2021
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Found a baby in my bell pepper today. It's an orphan now...
#nature #food #produce #bellpeppers #babybellpepper #color #bright #seeds #yum #lessstressmorefun #whateverthehelliwant #january #january16 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
Day 16 2022
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Emma had a ruff day but is doing good!
#emma #pupper #dog #pitty #sleepypuppy #blackandwhite #january #january16 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
I'm not a dog person but there are individual dogs that make a sweet, lasting impression and Emma was one of them.
Day 16 2023
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61st St Pier with the waves coming in big today.
#61ststreetpier #pier #sky #clouds #gulf #water #outdoors #january #january16 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
Day 16 2024
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Taking it one step at a time.
#stairs #dailytheme #staircase #onestepatatime #blackandwhite #january #january16 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day16
Today's draw was mine and it was fun playing with this one.
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biographiness · 1 year ago
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January 16th is a day of contrasts in history. It marks the coronation of Ivan the Terrible, the start of Prohibition, and the launch of Columbia. Swipe to see how these events shaped the world we live in today.🌎
Follow for more👉 @biographiness
#Biographiness #Biograghines #TodayInHistory #TIH #onthisday #OTD #HistoryEvents #DailyHistory #History #January16 #Facts #historymatters #historylover #ivantheterrible #prohibition #columbia
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nikkiserenity · 2 years ago
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(A little late) Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Book Publishers Day, National Religious Freedom Day, and all the other things that make today a holiday! Did you do/are you doing anything for this holiday? Let me know in the comments below! 👇⬇️ Model: @nikkiserenityartist Photographers: @artisticphotos.stl , @yugenphotog , and @cwarner_fine_arts #january16 #january16th #jan16 #jan16th #christian #bookpublish #mlkjrweekend #mlkweekend #mlkjrday #mlkday #mlkjr #mlk #martinlutherking #martinlutherkingjr #martinlutherkingday #martinlutherkongjrday #bookpublishersday #nationalreligiousfreedomday #religiousfreedom #religiousfreedomday #religious #religion #beautiful #book #books #bookpublisher #bookpublishers #religions @stltvchannel @stlouisfashion @stlmodelingnetwork @stlfashionfund @martin_luther_king @stlouisgram @stlouisonly @stlouisfashionpage @_mlkjr_ @stlouismag @stlouisamerican @reprsntstl @creativestlouis @saintlouisradio @saintlouisevents @saintlouiselite @m_artin_luther_king_jr @martin_luther_kingjr_ @stlcreatives @stlouis.mo @stlouis.missouri @beautifulpeoplestl @stlwonders @explorestlouis @religiousfreedom @book_publishers (at Worldwide) https://www.instagram.com/p/CngWgLTOlS3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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felipeandletizia · 2 months ago
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: January 16th
2005: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2009: Inaugurated the new University Hospital Río Hortega in Valladolid
2010: Left Madrid for their trip to Abu Dhabi
2012: France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy received the Order of the Golden Fleece at the Royal Palace
2013: Audience at la Zarzuela
2014: “2012 European Carlos V Award”.
2015: Working meeting of the Board of the CODESPA Foundation and delivery of the 18th Edition of the CODESPA Awards
2019: Received the credentials of the new ambassadors accredited to Spain.
2020: Work meeting in the Spanish Red Cross for the conference on “Gender Violence: strategy and challenges” & Received the credentials of new ambassadors
2023: Funeral of King Constantine of Greece in Athens
2024: Work meeting of the Spanish Association Against Cancer
F&L Through the Years: 1331/??
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famousborntoday · 2 months ago
Ants Laaneots is an Estonian politician and former military officer. He was previously the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces and a veteran officer in the...
Link: Ants Laaneots
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warwyvern · 5 years ago
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deraywrites · 5 years ago
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Happy 41st birthday Aaliyah. #RIPAaliyah #January16 #Aaliyah #EnergyNeverDies (at Plainfield, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Y2oQznhzr/?igshid=1x1gr12oxw7e2
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mediamonarchy · 1 year ago
#PumpUpThaVolume: January 16, 2024 ♬
#PumpUpThaVolume MP3: #January16, 2024 w/#MakeupAndVanitySet, #SunGlitters, #bdrmm & more! ♬
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/20240116_PumpUpThaVolume.mp3 Download MP3 Media Monarchy plays Makeup and Vanity Set, Sun Glitters, bdrmm and more on #PumpUpThaVolume for January 16, 2024. ♬ Ladies Who Lunch – “Gigantic” (Inst. Pixies Cover // Vinyl) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dQ5M540lvs Makeup and Vanity Set – “PUSH”…
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everydayhoroscope · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday on January 16th
Happy Birthday on January 16th Dear Capricorn, ahead of you is a year of love, regardless of your family status and age.
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therh3show · 2 years ago
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#ScriptureOfTheWeek #January9 and #January16 #Romans827 #Romans826 #SwipeLeft For more information about the Host, the Show, or to listen to #TheRH3Show LIVE on Radio every M-F at 6 PM EST., you can go to our website, http://www.therh3show.com (and click on the LISTEN LIVE BUTTON), or you can listen any time by subscribing to our podcast "The RH3 Show" on one of the major and minor podcast platforms. #EntertainmentTalk Gospel 107 FM #TRH3SSeason #TRH3S #DaytimeTV #BlackAlbinism #BlackAlbino #BlackMan Like, Comment, and Share (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnfiSzeLF4k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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